Hitting some of those 2018 Summer dramas.
Must-watch:Zero: Ikkaku Senkin Game ep01-05
Based on the manga by Fukumoto Nobuyuki (Akagi, Kaiji), it has the same theme of 'competitive gambling' and 'solving life-threatening puzzles'.
Zero (a math teacher) and many others get thrown into a "game" by the evil multi-trillionaire Zaizen. Pitting the competitors against each other to win one trillion yen and the title of "king". Exciting maths!
Majimuri Gakuen ep01-05
AKB48 schoolgirls beating people up again. Yay!!!
Good:Dele ep01-02
A foolhardy guy gets recruited to a company run only by a pair of siblings, with the brother being a computer whiz that requires a wheelchair.
Running a 24-hour vitality check service on customers. If found dead, the brother deletes all digital data belonging to the customer.
The new guy starts questioning these cases, teaming up with the non-interested brother to hold off deleting and instead investigate them.
Its a nice crime drama, just with neither of them being cops.
Good Doctor ep01-02
A newly graduated doctor that has photographic memory but also a heavy ASD problem when communicating with people.
Basically everybody treats him like trash. While he has the knowledge and medical theories to save lives, its mostly high-risk and ignored by his co-workers.
Usual hospital drama. But its really solid.
Maji de Koukai Shitemasu: 2nd Season ep01-02
More naval training.
Iitoyo Marie gets a cool-headed superior officer that literally finds faults in everything she does.
Takeda Rena gets transferred to office work, with her wish to get back to being a ship mechanic TBD.
More cute and fun!
Cheer Dan ep01-03A bunch of schoolgirls trying to revive the school's cheerleader club.
Also fun!
OK:Survival Wedding ep01-02
Haru's character quits her magazine job and prepares for marriage. But its cancelled when she finds the guy cheated on her.
She begs for her old job back, but is instead moved into a super-popular fashion magazine. The twist, the chief editor requires her to find a new guy and marry him in 6 months or she'll be fired.
Haru is cute with the "Devil Wears Prada" type comedy done with her boss. But this show is literally the 2 things I'm not into. Fashion and stupid romance.
Tomei na Yurikago ep01
A newcomer nurse facing the harshness working at a local women's clinic. Her first task is assisting an abortion, then a new birth in the same room straight afterwards.
Its way serious and a little heavy.
GIVER Fukushu no Zoyosha ep01-04
Hired killers that specifically handle client's grudges and help them in taking revenge.
A rehash on the "Uramiya Honpo" theme, its also a midnight drama. Its watchable, but don't expect too much.
Sick’s Jonosho ep "I have no f'ing idea!"

Hey. SPEC actually does have a sequel! and it started in April!
Toda Erika and that bald cop guy aren't around anymore though. {cry} Its still totally loopy~ {yay!} but also loopy in a bad way {frown}
Whats worse. The episodes come out super crazy. Each episode is cut into 4-5 parts, then aired weekly in a monthly episode style on paid-tv. And they do not have a planned total episode count [Basically you watch 10min bits each week, or it'll take a year or two for it to complete. it suuuuucks.]
But it is more SPEC.... I'm happy for that at least. And the Mano Erina SP that's coming soon.
Zettai Reido (Season 3) ep01-05
Sequel to the crime drama with Ueto Aya, switching her and putting in Honda Tsubasa as the lead and a new team.
I have no idea why but they turned it into a really boring Person of Interest show... (testing a supercomputer system that marks out potential murder criminals). Its just sooo slow....
I don't remember the old show that much, but it definitely wasn't this mediocre.
Skip:Investor Z ep01-04
A teen forced to join the school's secret Investment Club.
I really tried getting into this. But it just kept getting more and more boring. By ep04 I started falling asleep watching it.