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Author Topic: Nanchatte Renai [25/7 - Bonus Ending: Full Circle]  (Read 66851 times)

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2009, 06:42:12 PM »
Hm, I found this pretty cute...but puzzling at the same time. I have no real idea why though. :lol: I think Reina, though she knows Ai-chan had work and is "taken", feels lonely waking up alone like that. Ah, so staying over each other's houses is a semi-regular thing, huh? LMAO at Reina at the electronic store. Sometimes she seems like an old lady, despite her being the one who always calls other ppl old. XD I like this thing that they have going here, it's...interesting? :D

Offline Sukoshi

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2009, 10:51:47 AM »
awww The Melancholy of Tanaka Reina  :k-sad:

Kyohei-kun....why do I think he's the creeper from one of Rokun's stories? XD  Maybe it's just cause she bumped into him after a photo shoot.  But anyways I'm glad she didn't go with him   :scared:

*Shakes fist at Ai chan*   :on yellcard:  Poor Gaki....well unless...they all function the same way.  Can you even imagine Gaki keeping Kamei on the side?!  :scared:  Darn this illusive model world they live in!   :stunned:

It's cute how Ai chan's the only one that can make the kitten content even with the simple things in life...too bad Ai chan probably just adds to Reina's loneliness. 

I wonder if Gaki wasn't in the picture...would they still be just as bored.  hmm...I get the feeling that if they really wanted to be with each other, it would have already happened.  Perhaps they really are too alike...

oh so if this is verse 1...are there more chapters to come?  like on hamburgers and long distance telephone calls? XD

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2009, 09:13:55 AM »
^ There were supposed to be more chapters verses but our fave genius author is too distracted preoccupied to continue. Now, if only Sukoshi-chan has some power to "make" Essy write :roll:

Offline GoodEngrish

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« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2009, 09:08:48 PM »
I like how Reina does a lot of “doing things” to occupy her time but simultaneously is rather thoughtful about her life, it's nice to see a thoughtful Reina.
Also, it's kind of amusingly ironic that the tech savvy Ai gets tripped up by, of all tech problems, a dead battery XD

I’ll be rooting for ReinAi while I pray to the H!P gods that you’ll be inspired to write verse 2 :D

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2009, 08:47:41 PM »
Lazy to reply to all the comments, mostly because a crazy group chat on AIM is sapping my attention. XD

Next chapter of the Nanchatte Renai series~




Glaring after the obviously foreign person that had so rudely barged past me, brows furrowed into a thick line, I pursed my lips in a disapproving frown. No, don't make fun of my eyebrows. I know what you want to say.

Regardless, I dust myself off carefully and pull my bag tighter into myself. It felt strange to be in Tokyo on my own, without an escort. Well, Yokohama wasn't a small city either, so I wasn't exactly a country bumpkin unused to the hustle and bustle of city life, but Tokyo seemed a lot more concentrated somehow. It wasn't too unnerving, but it was different.

Ai-chan must have been so out of her depth when she first came to Tokyo... I smile to myself at the thought, remembering the quietly boisterous soul I had met so many years ago, thanks to my cousin. I might be slightly provincial, that much I would admit, but Ai-chan had always been a country girl. Granted, she had been living on her own in Tokyo for the last 5 years, but to me, she would always be the same girl I met at my cousin's place 7 years ago. A little different, a little unsure, but always stubborn and determined to do whatever she had decided on.

Ah, forgive the digression; I have yet to introduce myself, haven't I?

My name is Niigaki Risa, age 19. What am I doing in Tokyo? Well, let's just say that I wanted to try living a life somewhat independent of my family. My very rich, very influential family.

I suppose if I had really wanted, I could have lived out my life in idle, protected luxury in Yokohama, or anywhere else, for the rest of my life. I would never have to lift a finger to do honest work should I chose not to. That was the extent of my family's wealth, and more.

I was one of several children in the extended Niigaki family, born to the second wife. Yes, second wife. Apparently the first one died of illness. Guess even us rich folks aren't immune to mortal concern. My father remarried shortly after the demise of the first, and I was the result.

I suppose being one of the legitimate children had its perks. For one thing, we could live on the estate, or in any one of the many residences scattered around Japan. We also had the benefit (and curse) of bearing the Niigaki name, which could open many doors in society, but also burden us with the family's image.

Fortunately, I had mostly lived my life out of the public eye, since I was less given to outrageous acts that grabbed the headlines of gossip magazines eager to spill the beans about the lives of wealthy socialites.

Then again, despite my lack of newsworthy shenanigans that would make headlines, I did have a less than publicised secret that would almost instantly catapult me into fame (or infamy) should it ever be discovered.    

For I was dating a girl. And not just any girl. Hers was a face that had graced many a magazine cover, and was the front for many other ads. Not only that, she had a budding acting career as well, so I could still see her on screen even when she was too busy to come visit me due to work.

Yes, her name is Takahashi Ai, and we've been dating for little more than a year. I would never have thought as a child that I would grow up to have same-sex tendencies, but life did have a way of throwing curve balls at people. And Ai-chan was one of those shots I never saw coming until I turned a corner and it hit me in my face.

Like I said, I have already known her for many years, before she had ever decided to head out to Tokyo for a career in showbiz. Technically though, the truth was that I met her after she had decided that her life belonged to the stage, since she was already training rather intensely in dance, and was a member of the choir when I first saw her at my cousin's house.

I'll confess that I wasn't too impressed when I first saw her. She was small, but then again I wasn't very much bigger at the time either. She was older, but acted almost like a child. She also looked and sounded very much like a country bumpkin, and for someone who was raised in an elite family like I was, she seemed like a joke. At that time, I had wondered what a person like that was doing in my cousin's home. I'm ashamed to admit that my first assumption of her was that of a servant.

To later find out that not only was she not a servant, but also a friend and schoolmate of my cousin, came as a shock to me. Give me a break; I was 12 at the time. Besides, who would have thought that a country girl like her would have made it into the Sugiyama escalator school system? A private academy like that was only open to those who were rich or otherwise incredibly accomplished.

As I was to find out, Ai-chan might not have been rich, but she was accomplished. Whatever she had, she earned through her own efforts. She was not particularly talented in her studies, though she did reasonably well in academics through a lot of hard work. Most of her focus though, had always been in the performing arts. It had been on that basis alone that she had been admitted into the school, and she always made sure that she deserved her place there, according to my cousin.

I might not have been impressed with her at first sight, but I eventually grew attracted to her sheer difference, like a breath of fresh air into my stuffy private life. The fact that we had totally different upbringings was a bit awkward right at first, but we worked around it eventually.

Though I'll admit that the way she would budget for things amused me to no end back when we were younger. Now, I view it as no more than just another adorable quirk that she had, part of that precocious bundle that was wholly mine.

Granted, I didn't get to see her very often, it being mostly a long distance relationship at best. I guess if I had really wanted, I could have gone to Tokyo everyday just to see her, but Ai-chan had wanted to avoid scandal. I could see where she was coming from, and I was myself just as eager to avoid being on the front page of a tabloid.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I decided against braving the hassle of public transport and flagged down a taxi. Ai-chan had work at the moment, which was why I was out on my own in the first place.

The first two weeks of being in this new place had been a little unusual, to say the least, and was compounded by the fact that I still rarely got to see Ai-chan at all. She was still as much of a workaholic now as she had been back then, and the fact that she was also busy rehearsing for an upcoming play meant that I ended up spending more time at home than she did in these two weeks. Not that I stayed in there on my own a lot, given that I was mostly out browsing around and taking my time looking for a job. I didn't need a job, but I wanted something to do. That was why I was here in the first place.

There was another reason why I wanted to be here though. I wanted to see her, be with her, instead of feeling like we were simply cell phone girlfriends that exchanged sweet messages without ever meeting face to face.

It had all come from a very innocent question from my cousin, she being the only one who knew about my clandestine relationship with Ai-chan.

Do you know what she does outside of work?

The question had given me pause; what does Ai-chan do outside of work? I was well-informed about her well-informed as any of her fans, that is. That annoyed me to no end, for some reason. I was her girlfriend, for goodness sake. I should know things about her that the public doesn't know about! Just the mere thought of it made me indignant, and now here I was.

The things I do for love...

Concrete scenery flashed past the window, carrying my fleeting thoughts with them. The ride was deceptively quick, but then again Ai lived in a prime district, so I hadn't had to travel far to begin with. She must really be doing well to be able to live in such a place.

Distractedly, I paid the fare and step out. The streets were dyed gold in the setting sun, and I check my phone instinctively again. Ai-chan's last mail had said that she would be back earlier today, so I was looking forward to spending some quality time with her.

The trip up was uneventful, and when I finally found myself outside the door of the apartment, I realized something crucially important.

I forgot to bring the keys!

The inconvenient part about learning to live outside was the fact that I had to remember all sorts of niggling little details. For someone used to being waited on hand and foot, it was certainly a difficult task.

Pacing around outside the door, I wondered if Ai would be long in returning. It would be awful to have to wait outside like a fool. I was just about to shoot off a quick mail to ask her about that, when the sound of a footstep behind me made me turn around.

It was not Ai-chan, but someone about the same size as her. Every inch of her somehow screamed "yankii", and she was looking at me with one raised eyebrow, as if I was some kind of interesting specimen. I was ready to turn back and ignore her, before I realized that this was the end of the corridor and the only apartment was Ai's...

"So, you're that Gaki-san." Yankii Girl said out loud, making me jump and stare at her with even wider eyes. How did she know my name? More importantly, how did she know how Ai-chan called me? A friend of Ai-chan? Or a stalker? How could I have a stalker?

"Ai-chan mentioned you a few times." She replied in answer to my unspoken bafflement. Quirking her lips, she added. "She was right about the eyebrows....and the forehead."

Instinctively, my hand went to cover the aforementioned parts defensively. How rude! I wondered how Ai-chan even got friends like that. This girl was certainly pretty enough, but she had absolutely no breeding.

"Aren't you going in?" She asked me, and I frowned slightly, not wanting to admit that I had forgotten to bring the keys. When I didn't respond, she snorted and shoved past me none too gently, reaching behind a hidden spot to reveal a spare key in her hand.

"How did you..." I blurted out, even as she casually unlocked the door. She ignored me though, and just entered without a backward glance. Grumbling to myself, I followed her in, all while wondering just who this girl was to Ai.

"Just who are you anyway?" I asked her again when we were inside. That insolent yankii put her bag down on the couch, lifting her eyes only briefly to acknowledge my question.

"A friend~" The voice that answered was neither of ours. I turned to see Ai waltzing in as if nothing had happened. Her eyes were bright as she locked gazes with that yankii girl.

"Reina! I haven't seen you in weeks." The girl called Reina huffed quietly and prodded Ai in the shoulder.

"I was busy, and so were you." Her eyes swivelled over quite deliberately to regard me. I suddenly felt quite uncomfortable for some reason. Squishing that feeling, I drew up to them, feeling oddly like a third wheel for some inexplicable reason.

"So who is this exactly?" I ask again, trying to keep my tone polite. Something about this Reina made me uneasy. I wasn't sure why or what though. It was just a feeling.

"Gaki-san, this is my cute kouhai, Reina. We work together sometimes." Ai-chan ruffles Reina's hair playfully, prompting a little growl from the younger girl.

"She's your colleague then..." I say out loud, as if to reassure myself of something, I know not what. They exchange a look, and something unreadable pass between them so fleetingly that I would have missed it, had I not been staring straight at them.

"Ai-chan was my mentor before I debuted officially." Reina added on quietly. There was an undercurrent in her voice that seemed to say volumes, but I was unable to read its content. Ai, on the other hand, had a strange look on her face, an expression I had never seen before.

"Yeah, you were such a wild kid back then..." I seem to be missing half the conversation. Making up my mind to question Ai later, I smile at them. It was a bit forceful, that much I would admit.

Before I could open my mouth, Reina cut in quickly.

"I'm just here to get something, then I'll head out. Wouldn't want to intrude." There seemed to be a hidden barb in her words, and I think I was the only one who saw Ai-chan grimace slightly at it, since Reina had already turned her back on us to saunter into Ai's room.

"You let your kouhai call you Ai-chan?" I broke the moment with a quick question, and Ai-chan turned to look at me.

"Why not?" At my sceptical look, she hastened on to add.

"Reina's a good kid. Don't judge her by her appearance." My forehead crinkled together some more at the protective tone in her voice. This feeling, was it jealousy? Was I jealous of that rude, scrawny yankii?

As if on cue, Reina emerged from the room while putting on a pair of earrings. I blinked. I had seen those on Ai's dresser before. What was she doing with them?

"Couldn't find these so I came over to look." Reina said offhandedly as she fastened them on. Ai looked amused. I...wasn't sure how my face looked. I think I need a mirror...

"Don't stay out so late, we have a joint shoot tomorrow morning." Ai-chan still had that oddly bemused expression on her face, as if she were elsewhere. Reina smirked.

"I know how to work on short sleep, unlike you."

They share a grin, Ai's somehow sheepish and Reina's smug, and a muscle twitched in my jaw. I had to take a few deep breaths to keep from clenching my fists. For some reason, Reina's very presence raised all my hackles. It was all I could do to keep from clinging on to Ai-chan immediately to proclaim my territory.

"I'll be off then. See you tomorrow." Reina waved flippantly as she exited. Ai only shook her head at the departing girl, an indulgent smile playing on her lips.

"You two seem close." I stated flatly, crossing my arms. Ai turned back to look at me.

"We've been working together for a while. She's a good friend." Her answer was diplomatic, and her face carefully blank. Which only made me all the more suspicious, but I suppressed my inner jealousy. I didn't want to play the stereotyped part of a jealous girlfriend. That was just...not me.

"Don't pout, Risa-chan~" She suddenly leans in and plants a soft kiss on my nose. I blush, not used to the intimacy. I might have made the first move in confessing, but I had never initiated much of any intimate contact. I think we've only gone as far as kissing and a bit of groping, but never further than that.

I was still a little shy about going that far, but I had mentally prepared myself for the eventuality that something might happen since I was staying with her. After all, wasn't it normal for couples to be intimate? I certainly didn't want to be some sort of a prude...

"I think I'll go make dinner now." She withdraws, and I can't help but feel mildly disappointed.

"Do you want help?" I ask, trailing behind her. She shoves at me lightly, making me sit down on the couch.

"No way, I want my kitchen intact afterwards!"

"Hey I'm not that bad!"

"Oh really? I still remember what happened the last time when we were over at Sayu's house..."

I flush. "That was Sayu's fault!"

She laughs at me, tapping her finger lightly at the centre of my forehead. The uneasiness I felt from before evaporates, and I look up at her in anticipation.

"Can I have your omu-rice???"

"Sure thing. Just stay put."

Her smile washes away my doubts, and she rewards me with another kiss on the forehead before entering the kitchen. I watch her with adoring eyes. I'm really lucky to have such a wonderful girl by my side.

And I'm never going to let anyone take her away from me.


There. XD A Gaki chapter.



Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2009, 08:56:11 PM »
Nice and very long, my eyes started to burn after that lol (don't worry I like the long ones it just got to have a hook)

I think it is the first time I have read yours and I enjoyed it and don't flee, its not good to write and run
Random Thought:


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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2009, 10:52:47 PM »
nice :mon trudge:

poor Risa , this situation was very inconvinient  :frustrated:

I hope that Ai chose to gaki

though RenAi is really Nice!!! :mon crazyinlove:

nonononono Takagaki Takagaki Takagaki  :prayers:

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2009, 01:44:47 AM »
Wow, I actually don't know who I'm rooting for. On the one hand, my second favorite pairing in all of H!P is Takakgaki and RenAi is one of my least favorites. On the other hand, it's you and I do like how you write RenAi. But Gaki-san will be so devastated if she loses Ai and I don't think Ai and Reina will be able to change their relationship just because Ai is going steady with Risa.

..... :bleed eyes: <--I told you my head would explode...

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« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2009, 04:36:41 AM »
Ahh...Gaki-san irritates me a lot :lol: You kinda captured how I picture her fancy rich-ness to be though, good job. XD

I feel bad for enjoying her get jealous over ReinAi, muahaha. Those two really have a connection. :heart:

And I'm never going to let anyone take her away from me.

Whatever, Reina can kick your ASS. :D
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2009, 07:40:58 AM »

Poor Gaki. Always getting the short end of the stick. XD XD

This isn't going to go well for her at all.

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2009, 01:26:39 PM »

So, Gaki unlike Reina is a rich, cute, innocent, good girl, a bit naive and head over the heels with Ai-chan XD It’s kind of surprising that they never slept with each other, I thought they would be already past that experience XD And though Risa loves Ai, she knows about her incomparably less than Reina, so I wonder how she would react if she knew everything, surely she wouldn't be happy, their views on life and love also seem to be different. They are sweet as a couple but lack that something which is between Reina and Ai and even Risa herself caught a glimpse of that.

I have no idea how will this end but I keep my fingers crossed for Reina, especially now when I know Risa’s opinion about our yankii XD

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« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2009, 06:18:11 PM »
Yarr i feel bad for both, Reina and Risa. XD For Reina not being Ai-chan's 1st choise and for Risa because she really thinks Ai-chan is only her's and wants to believe it. Ai-chan... Just get rid of Risa and tell Reina how your feelings have changed and your in love with Reina now. :D :heart:

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2009, 09:29:56 PM »
I don't feel like talking too much now. Writing this made me all morose because it was so hard...

Don't judge by length. Judge by the story not told. D:

P.S. Still part of the Nanchatte Renai series.


Softly, Distantly

"How can you be so bright this early in the morning??"

Reina turned around to face a grouchy Ai, who had reverted to type the moment the cameras were off them. Ai was not a morning person. Reina, however, was. Hence the above comment.

"I had a good night, is why~" Reina hummed under her breath as they stopped by a vending machine. Ai leaned against the wall next to it, closing her eyes as she massaged her temples.

"Bad night?" Reina took a quick glance at the taut look on Ai's face. One eye opened to regard her, lips drawing into a tight line.

"Don't say it." Ai sighed and folded her arms. Reina chuckled lowly in response, handing Ai a warm can of coffee which the older took gratefully, wrapping her hands around it.

They walked on in companionable silence, taking their time since it was the turn of another batch of models at the moment. They had been there since early in the morning, and while Ai had been nothing but professional during the shoot, Reina could sense the weariness rolling off the older in waves. She had held off saying anything until now of course, not wanting anyone else to barge in on their conversation.

"So you had a good night eh?" Ai asked aloud, looking straight ahead. Reina looked down at her hands, clutching the packet of milk.

"Could always be better. I didn't stay that long." Ai tapped her fingers against the can restlessly, but did not look over. Reina blew out the air from her puffed up cheeks, letting them deflate slowly. Her fingers tightened around her drink, but she didn't say anything.

Abruptly, Ai took a sharp turn at the corner, instead of heading straight ahead to the lobby. Reina paused, then turned to follow her. Neither one said a thing, and Ai led them to a barred emergency stairway...except that it wasn't really barred. The two of them had long since figured out how to work the apparently jammed handle, and had taken advantage of the disused stairwell more than once in the past.

Curious now, Reina did not ask why Ai had led them here. Ai would speak when she wanted to. They padded up a couple of levels, near the locked door to the roof. There they sat on the dusty steps, not caring that it would sully their clothes. It didn't matter, since they would have to change to a new set of clothes for the next shoot anyway.

"Reina." Ai's voice was very quiet, even in the echo-filled stairway. Reina turned her head, but Ai already had her eyes closed, and she felt the soft silkiness of Ai's hair against her cheek as the older girl leaned on her shoulder.

"I'm so tired..." The exhaustion was more than physical, and it conveyed itself within her voice. Instinctively, Reina reached out, placing her hand over Ai's. Her own hands were smaller than Ai's, but both girls felt the warmth in the connection.

"Ai..." Reina whispered, tightening her hold over Ai's somehow chilly hands.

"Rei..." The very personal pet name slipped out without warning, and a familiar knot tightened within Reina's chest. She bit on her lower lip, rubbing the back of Ai's hand with her own thumb.

"I didn't do anything last night." Reina said quietly. She felt Ai tense against her slightly, but it passed so quickly that she wondered if she had only imagined it.

"Oh." The answer was neutral, and it teetered between them precariously, neither willing to tip the balance.

"Neither did I." The confession did not surprise Reina; she had somehow expected it. Still, hearing it from Ai herself somehow undid the strange knotted feeling in her stomach.

"Ah..." Her reply was just as eloquent. They sat there in silence, Ai still leaning against Reina with her eyes closed, and Reina staring off into space, still idly stroking Ai's hand.

How did we end up like this?
Reina thought bitterly to herself, squeezing her eyes shut as well. It would be just so easy to play their usual game; flirting but not really, close but not quite. The distance between them was something too real, too raw to be touched.

The closer we get, the more we hurt each other. Things were simply too complicated between them to be solved with simple words or gestures. Too much history, too many entangled feelings to conveniently sort through.

So we keep on pretending. Reina knew exactly what she was doing, knew how abysmally stupid she was being, but finding it harder and harder not to live the lie she had created. The longer the charade lasted, the more she found herself becoming that which she had pretended to be.

I wanted to make you cry.

"We should get back." No guesses for who said that. Reina followed Ai's lead once more, standing up and dusting herself off as they plodded back down to the exit.

Shoulder to shoulder, they left the stairwell together, hands still unconsciously intertwined. For all the things they said, there was still yet more left unspoken, always left for another day.

A day neither knew when would come.


Much, much shorter than the others. But...a lot more difficult to write. I spent a lot of time agonizing over it. D:

I hate this.


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2009, 10:41:59 PM »
Reina is in love, huh? After so long being friends with benefits, now that Gaki-san's in the picture, Reina is finding herself wanting more.

Right? Am I right?

Is Risa the reason why Ai is so tired? Is her presence pulling Ai down?

Ah, I feel melancholy with this chapter, my heart is starting to say that Reina and Ai have a good thing going and Gaki is the intruder instead of the other way around.

I expect my dark side cookies to be chocolate chip....

Offline Saikami

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2009, 12:53:36 AM »
This has probably got to be my favorite chapter thusfar, so don't worry about the length, ne?

ReinAi's relationship is much more complicated than it seemed at first. Reina obviously cares for Ai, or dare I say, she even loves her? With the line: 'I wanted to make you cry.' Shows that Reina is clearly trying to make Ai jealous. Is that just Reina's way of seeing if Ai cares back? Or did Ai just hurt Reina without realizing it by being with Gaki and this is some sort of 'revenge'? (Revenge isn't the word I'm looking for, but it's the only thing that comes to mind...damn my vocabulary.)

How did we end up like this? Reina thought bitterly to herself, squeezing her eyes shut as well. It would be just so easy to play their usual game; flirting but not really, close but not quite. The distance between them was something too real, too raw to be touched.

The closer we get, the more we hurt each other. Things were simply too complicated between them to be solved with simple words or gestures. Too much history, too many entangled feelings to conveniently sort through.

So we keep on pretending. Reina knew exactly what she was doing, knew how abysmally stupid she was being, but finding it harder and harder not to live the lie she had created. The longer the charade lasted, the more she found herself becoming that which she had pretended to be.

This certainly reveals a lot (but not really...) about the pair. Something obviously had gone down in their past that neither of them will ever forget any time soon. I'm very curious as to it, and whatever happened triggered their personalities now? Reina's living her life in a lie, that much is clear, but what about Ai? Is she in the same boat? Or does she really just want to continue living Nanchatte Renai (without Gaki, that is.) But it is true, what Reina was thinking. The longer she lives as a lie, the more real it becomes.

Great chapter, really. Hoping this updating spree continues. <3
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #35 on: September 26, 2009, 12:58:29 AM »
Hey, I don't think that was bad I think it's amazing and great like always. You're such an amazing writing. If only I had your writing skills, but I'll just be a secret fan and lurker of your work. XD
But damn you! I like ReinAi, but you're making me hate them in this series! >_< Ai has been cheating on Risa with Reina? Not again!  :doh: It makes me root for TakaGaki and if there isn't any in the end I'm going to be both highly angry and sad. *sighs* That's how good your writing is! It makes me go through like a wave of endless emotions that I end up yelling or cheering at my screen. It goes through so much verbal abuse from reading so many fics. lol Well you did a great job because you're making my interest for both pairings go back and forth. How I hate that sometimes. lol

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #36 on: September 26, 2009, 01:26:19 AM »
OMG!! nononononono not RenAi....

poor Risa, she really love Ai-chan :cry:

Good job in this chapter!! :yep:

Really nice but....Takagaki has to win :twothumbs

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #37 on: September 26, 2009, 06:15:09 AM »

What is this we see? Something more than a nanchatte renai?? Will both of them be willing to step beyond it? Perhaps they are too comfortable with where they are at right now despite the pain. Masochists?! :O j/k j/k

Well Estrea, it seems you have pulled your readers and fans into that lovely emotional rollercoaster that you wanted them to ride. :lol:

Reinai vs Takagaki!!  Who's love will reign supreme?! Let's get it on!

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #38 on: September 26, 2009, 10:06:05 AM »
Ah.....  :stuffed:

I don't know what to say.  The loveliness and loneliness of it all has left me blank in the head  :sweat:
but I do feel warm and fuzzy with a tinge of sadness  :mon fu: :mon whimper:

lol everyone's rooting for TakaGaki after this chapter?  What happened here?! XD  oh wait...I missed a chapter!  That must be the key XD

*goes to read*

No, don't make fun of my eyebrows. I know what you want to say.

lol I have the mental image of Risa's character from h!m with the mega brows walking in the streets of Tokyo.

My father remarried shortly after the demise of the first

Illness eh?  Gaki makes it sound like an "accident"   :sweat:

awww...okay..I get it now  :shock:

poor, poor, rich Gaki.  So soft and distant...even more so than RenAi.

Hmm...this leaves me conflicted.  I want to think that Ai chan charishes Risa above all others and that's why they aren't doing anything...but at the same time I think Ai chan's grown up now and thinks of Risa as a mere that she cares for but still..

Ah!  it might be that little sister-complex again! :O  like in...that Hammy story! XD  but then again Ai chan was clueless in that...I don't think Ai chan is as clueless here when it comes to her real feelings about Risa and that's why she treats her the way she does.

okay.  I'm gonna root for RenAi!  Must be that gentle feeling from Softly, Distantly making me bias but then again Risa deserves more and so do Ai chan and Reina  :sweat:

Offline peti-chan

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #39 on: September 26, 2009, 12:39:19 PM »
Poor Rei-chan :cry: The more she is aware of her feelings toward Ai, the more it hurts her :( I think she wants some kind of reassurance from Ai, some sign that she also really cares for her and needs her. However, the lie Reina had created lasted for so long that in the end, it became the only thing she has now and it may be too late to change it into something else, so she doesn’t want to let go of it… :cry:

As for Ai, I don’t think she is herself while being with Gaki and that perhaps is tiring for her. She needs some space and Gaki living with her is too much to handle or simply, she got bored just like she'd predicted. I would like to get to know Ai’s point of view and her feelings toward both girls, maybe things would get clearer then :mon dunno:

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