@haruhi16: Here's some encounter for you ^^
@Megumi: Thank you ^^ I really am glad that you even bothered to read this. Thank you ^^
@Sydney W: Really? Haha. Thank you ^^ I'm sorry about not updating for a LONG time.
@oist: Thank you for the presents! And I'll try to make some scene for TomoTomo ^^
@kahem: Personally, I love Yuko's job. ^^
@skytsuna: Awesome?

I'm not sure about that.
Sorry guys about not updating this for such a long time.

I was planning on updating it after I posted the stuff I planned to update, but it's taking such a long time. So....
I'm just going to update the very first part. Anyway, here goes.....
OPERATION: Guns and Roses: Phase One (Encounter)Tomochin’s ‘Fateful’ Encounter with Kasai TomomiShe stared right in front of her as she strutted her way towards the mirror. Stopping, she then placing one of her hands on her hip and posed, admiring her black Mina bandeau rapture dress. Oh how she’s starting to love her undercover job. She gets to dress in great designer dresses, own money from her undercover job and get millions of money from the job itself. No job’s gotta be better than hers.
Flipping her hair as she turned around, she told her own reflection, “You look fabulous, Tomomi.” She walked by her desk and took the piece of paper that held some important information.
She bit her lower lip, “How should I meet you?” and tried thinking of any possible ways to meet Kasai Tomomi, “Accident? Purposely?” without making her suspicious about Tomochin’s identity. Well, her job doesn’t start until tomorrow, but she thinks that she should meet with her
job, right before she applies and work with her.
“I guess I can do it
’accidentally’” she smiled and took her car keys before leaving the room. On her way to the Agency’s garage, she saw Mayuyu and Jurina sitting on the porch and as she was about to enter the garage, the two called her.
“Yes?” she asked. The two walked over to her and stared at her from head to toe.
Then looking at each other and sending each other some kind of message using their eyes, they turned to Tomochin and smiled as they asked sweetly, “Where are you going?” making Tomochin arch her eyebrows at them, wondering why the two were suddenly interested in knowing where she was headed.
Jurina asked, “Are you going clubbing?” to which Tomochin with a ‘Yes’, making her grin widely. They then gave their best puppy-face and asked, “Can we go with you?”
Tomochin sighed and shook her head. There’s no way she’ll allow these two kids to follow her. She was going to meet Kasai Tomomi and with these two around, they might, no, WOULD mess up her whole plan. She can’t let that happen.
“You’re still kids.” Mayuyu and Jurina scoffed at her excuse and showed her their fake IDs. Tomochin arched her eyebrow when she saw what was written in it. “It says here that we’re legal. Mayuyu is 21 and so am I.” Jurina told her stubbornly.
Mayuyu nodded her head and pouted when Tomochin shook her head again. The two began whining and asking her why they couldn’t go along, giving Tomochin a headache. Rolling her eyes at the two, she placed her hand on her hip as the two began to moan and stomp their feet. Seriously, how childish can these two get? If they can’t even act their like their real age, which was 19 and 17, how can they even pose as the adults they were supposed to pretend as?
“I’m going to meet Kasai Tomomi.” She told them, hoping that they’d get what she was trying to tell them, and make them stop their whining. It worked, making Tomochin sigh in relief, until the two looked at each other, and then back to Tomochin, only this time with a bigger grin.
“We’ll help you!” Mayuyu and Jurina said in unison, making Tomochin raised her eyebrow. Yeah, these two would only help her in ruining her plan.
“No.” she plainly said. Then all of a sudden, she pointed outside the window with a gasp, intriguing the two. Taking the chance, she entered the garage and quickly locked the door behind her, smiling to herself. As she got into her Bugatti Veyron, she heard the two knocking on the door and whining. She ignored them and drove away, leaving the two girls behind to make the mansion’s quiet atmosphere filled with the two’s whines.
Outside a club somewhere Staring at her phone’s screen, she pressed the green button, calling the person’s number. Several rings came and Tomochin was about to hang up, when her call went through.
“Hey Katherine, are you sure that Kasai Tomomi is here?” she asked as she looked around her, searching for Kasai’s Lamborghini Furia.
“Well?” Tomochin asked when she didn’t see any signs of Kasai’s car. “Of course! I’m sure that she’s there! My resources told me so!” Katherine Williams, a fellow agent of Meshibe, told her.
“Well maybe, your resources were wrong and gave you the information for YOUR mission.” Tomochin sighed with a hint annoyance. Well, why wouldn’t she be annoyed? One of the things she hated was being given the wrong information.
Sighing, she apologized, knowing exactly how Tomochin was like. Realizing that she was being rude, Tomochin apologized for her attitude. After all, she was only asking Katherine for a favor, even though the girl was already troubled with her own undercover job. As she start her engine and got ready to drive off, a familiar Lamborghini Furia stopped in front of the club ‘Infinity’.
“What’s wrong, Tomochin?” Katherine asked, realizing that Tomochin was quiet and she wasn’t hearing any engine sounds.
Sighing in relief, she told Katherine, “She’s here.” Thank god she didn’t go there in vain.
“I’ve gotta go, Kath.” Tomochin said before hanging up. Watching with focused eyes, she stared at the girl she has been waiting for four hours, go inside the club. After waiting for a few seconds to pass, she got out of her car and went into the club.
As soon as she went in and the door closed, Tomochin covered her ears. The music was blaring out loud, and the DJ was playing a song she didn’t really like. The inside wasn’t what Tomochin wanted, and it wasn’t the kind of place she liked. Well, for starters, she never did liked clubbing anyway. She hates the noisy music being played all the time and the jerks found inside, though she always meets her boy toys there.
Looking around, she tried to search for her target. A few men approached her, but she just brushed them all off. She was there for a reason: to meet with Kasai Tomomi. Squinting her eyes from the bright lights in the room, she tried to find her target while cursing to herself for losing sight of the girl.
Her target was walking towards the bar.
That girl just made things easier for her. Now what Tomochin have to do was strike a conversation with Kasai and befriend her and the rest of her mission (protecting), would be a piece of cake. She began walking towards the bar with a smile on her face.
All of a sudden, Tomochin stopped in her tracks. Kasai had entered a door that had a sign ‘VIP only’ behind the barista, making Tomochin’s smile fade. Sighing, she leaned against the wall beside her.
Great. Now how will she meet with Kasai with that barista guarding the door?
Sighing in disappointment, she sat down on one of the chairs closest to her. She began to think of any possible reasons for her to give to the barista, and groaned when nothing seemed to be good enough.
Just to make her problems worse, two loud voices shouted her name behind her, “Tomochin!” making her freeze on her seat.
Oh no. Please. Please don’t let it be those two. Anyone but those two!
Several more shouts came, but Tomochin ignored them and continued staring at the door. Hoping that it was just her hallucination. Yeah, that’s right! She has been hearing the two’s constant calling before, so it may just be an illusion!
“Tomochin~!” The voices got louder and she could hear it coming closer, making it seem less like an illusion.
Tomochin crossed her fingers and started hoping. “Please not those two. Please. Please.” She muttered continuously. She hasn’t even met Kasai yet and if those two comes into the picture, she’ll never meet Kasai just how she planned!
“Mou~ Tomochin! We were calling you, you know!” a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders and Tomochin groaned. Sighing, she turned around and gave a pained smile to Mayuyu and Jurina.
“Didn’t I tell you ‘No’?” she sighed and massaged her temples as the two sat down. They smiled at her and ordered some drinks and snacks while Tomochin sighed, again.
Great. Now she’s stuck with these two while she waits for Kasai to come out. Can’t she just go and enjoy the time in the club without these two around? And why can’t they just stay with Acchan or Sae? They’re much more fun!
“Hey Tomochin, why aren’t you ordering any drinks for yourself?” Jurina asked her. Mayuyu raised her glass to her own lips and drank. The moment she puts it down, she began to start hiccupping.
“Don’t drink. Remember, you’re still under-aged.” She reminded them with a forced smile to make it seem like she was smiling at them, to the others.
“Alright!” the two smiled and toasted their drinks together. Tomochin smacked her forehead and stood up. She had to get away from those two before she loses her temper. Walking to the bar that Kasai went behind at, she sat down and sighed several time while massaging her temples.
“Miss, do you want some private time away from your friends?” the barista asked while wiping a transparent glass. Tomochin looked up at him. He has…watching her? Oh no, does she seem suspicious?
“If that’s possible, then yes. Even if it’s just for a few minutes.” She told him, deciding to go along with the flow until she gets other signs of leaving the club. The barista leaned closer to her, while she leaned away from him as she was feeling uncomfortable with the distance between them.
“Here’s the deal.” He started saying.
Deal? Oh~! The usual line!
Tomochin sighed in relief inside her mind, and groaned. Here it comes. The barista will ask her to spend some time with him and such. The usual pick-up line by the male baristas.
“Spend some time with a friend of this place’s owner and you get some alone time for yourself.” He said.
Tomochin’s eyes widened. A friend of this place’s owner? Who…?Wait. Did he mean Kasai Tomomi?
“You in? Let me tell you, she’s nice.” He assured her. Tomochin looked back at the two pain-in-the-neck girls. They were laughing to each other and drinking.
Looking back at him, she said, “Hold on.” And walked towards the table where her two ‘friends’ were.
“I’m going to take in some air for a while. Stay here and don’t get drunk.” She told the two girls when she reached to their table. They nodded their heads obediently and Tomochin wasted no time to walk back to the barista.
“Alright. Is it just going to be me and the owner’s friend in there?” She asked hopefully. The barista nodded and smiled at her before motioning for her to enter the door behind him, making her smile.
Perfect. This was the opportunity she needs.
The moment she entered through the door and came upon a hallway, the barista closed the entrance, quieting the whole room. Good. It was soundproof.
Looking around her, she realized how different it was from the outside. The hallway was decorated with all kinds of painting, food, drinks, etc. Even the mood seemed different. Outside, you had the noisy and loud background, while in there, you have a comfortable and a sense of tranquility fills the whole room.
She continued walking and made a turn by the sharp turn in the hallway. When she did, she came upon a room filled with expensive-looking furniture and beautiful décor. The room was also painted with light colors, but was mixed with some dark colors, making it seem homely.
“Oh.” A voice made Tomochin stop looking around her surroundings. Turning around, she came face-to-face with
“Hello.” Kasai Tomomi smiled warmly at her, while sitting down. Patting the soft couch beside her, she motioned for Tomochin to sit.
“H-hi.” Tomochin greeted awkwardly as she sat down. She started looking around her, preventing her eyes from meeting with Kasai’s, and tried of thinking any subject they can talk about to make the atmosphere less tensed.
Weird. She never gets uncomfortable with others. This girl must be affecting her. But…how? In what way and why?
“I guess he found you as a nice person to let you come in here.” Kasai told her, as she took out some snacks from a small fridge beside the couch.
“I-I guess so.” She smiled.
Okay. Now that she has met Kasai Tomomi, what should she do? Wait, what was she supposed to say again? What was it again?
Slapping her forehead slightly, she sighed. Oh great. She has forgotten what she planned to do. Now what?
“Are you alright?” Kasai asked, touching the red area where Tomochin slapped her hand against.
“Yeah. S-So…I heard that you’re a friend of the owner.” She said, leaning away from Kasai, and quickly added, “The barista told me.”
“It’s true.” Kasai smiled, “But to be accurate, I’m cousins with the owner.” She began to drink her wine and poured Tomochin some.
“Thanks.” Tomochin sipped her drink and took began glancing at her from her drink.
Kasai held out her hand and introduced, “I’m Kasai Tomomi by the way!” while grinning at her, making some of Tomochin’s nervousness disappear.
“Itano Tomomi.” She smiled as she shook the girl’s held out hand. Kasai’s eyes widened at Tomochin’s name and immediately grabbed both of her hands.
“We have the same name! You have the same name as Chiyuu~!” she cried happily, hugging the older girl.
“C-Chiyuu?” Tomochin looked at her confusingly.
“Sorry!” Kasai apologized when she realized what she was doing and quickly let go.
“It’s fine.” Tomochin assured as she smiled and shook her head.
“Why don’t you call me Chiyuu then?” Kasai asked and poured another glass for Tomochin.
“I think I’ll prefer Tomomi.” Tomochin told her, feeling a bit uncomfortable calling the girl Chiyuu.
“No~” Kasai whined cutely, “Call me Chiyuu~ or Tomo~mi” Tomochin sighed and said, “Fine. Tomo~mi.” emphasizing on the word ‘Tomo~mi’, making her smile.
“Now…What should Chiyuu call—” Tomo~mi started to say, but was interrupted by the bursting of the door.
“Miss! Your two friends are drunk! They’re cursing and disturbing the others!” the barista cried. Tomochin sighed and stood up, following him outside. When she came out of the room, she saw exactly what the barista told her.
“Who’re they?” Tomo~mi asked, pointing to the two, who were now cursing at each other. Tomochin smacked her head.
Great. Those two are gaining too much attention. And just when she needed them to lay low.
“Friends.” Tomochin replied and went to the two. She got in between them and smacked both of their heads, making them stop their childish argument about who’s older.
“I told you two not to get drunk!” she scolded. The two looked at her with innocent stares and smiled. They started hugging her and started saying ‘Sorry~’
“Sheesh, what am I supposed to do with you?” she sighed. She can’t believe she’s weak to the two’s cuteness. Taking each of their arms, she put it around her neck and started apologizing to the other customers.
“Um… Tomomi. I have to go now.” Tomochin said as she began walking nearer to the exit. Mayuyu and Jurina looked at Tomochin and smiled, “New friend, Tomochin?” She nodded and waved goodbye to Tomo~mi.
“Tomochin, wait!” Tomo~mi cried, making Tomochin stop right in front of the car.
“It’s not Tomomi. It’s Tomo~mi! Remember, okay?” she smiled. Tomochin smiled back at her and put the two drunk girls in her car. She then went into the driver’s seat, and smiled at her before driving off.
“Itano Tomomi. Chiyuu likes you!” she beamed and went inside her own car when Tomochin’s car was out of sight.
Meanwhile, in Tomochin’s car, two girls were covering their ears, as the girl driving started scolding them.
“You two! Can’t you act more maturely?!” she cried. The stench of alcohol was making her puke. Seriously! She ust left them for a while and they already got THIS drunk?!
“At least we helped you meet her, right?” Mayuyu slurred, and hiccupped. Tomochin looked at her for a while and then back in front of her. Well, that was kind of true. They DID help. Even though they caused her to leave early.
“Y-yeah. But next time, you two stay at home!” she told them and sighed in frustration. The two girls yawned and leaned against each other, using each other as pillows. Tomochin stopped herself from scolding them any further because she knew that by the next day, those two would have a huge hangover. At least that would give them a lesson.
“Mission Encounter for TomoTomo: Completed.” The two mumbled before falling into a deep slumber.
“Not really.” Tomochin smiled as she watched the two from her rear view mirror. She and Tomo~mi only met as strangers. The real mission was their meeting at work.
Start of Mission (The next day)After getting off her car, she walked towards the building and was about to enter when a familiar voice called her name, stopping her.
Turning, she saw Tomo~mi running towards her with a smile. She tried to look as surprised as she could and smiled back.
“What are you doing here, Tomochin?” Tomo~mi panted.
She answered, “I’m applying here as the company’s fashion designer.” And Tomo~mi grinned like a child.
“What about you, Tomo~mi?” Tomochin asked, even though she perfectly knew the whole reason as to why Tomo~mi was there, of course.
“Oh, I work here as a model!” Tomo~mi beamed and added, “Do you want me to help you get to the CEO’s office?”
Tomochin nodded her head and Tomo~mi started pulling her wrists. The two of them chatted on the way to the CEO’s office, and when they entered the office, they were completely taken aback. They were so caught up in talking that they didn’t even realized that they have finally reached the office.
“What are you guys doing there looking so surprised?” a short brunette asked, when she saw them standing in the middle of the room. Tomo~mi smiled at the brunette sheepishly, and un-linked her arms with Tomochin’s. Seeing this action, the brunette arched her eyebrow and then grinned.
“Oh my god, Tomo~mi!” the girl squealed, “You have a girlfriend!”
Tomo~mi nodded her head and replied, “Yep!” before immediately shook her head, blushing when the words that Yuko probably meant, sank in. Tomochin looked away and shook her head with a tint of pink could be seen. She didn’t know why in the world she was blushing, but by how the short girl said it, it made her blush.
“S-She’s not!” Tomo~mi insisted. The short girl smirked and laughed. It was kind of rare to make Tomo~mi blush, and began teasing her more.
“Mou~! Yuuchan! You’re so mean!” Tomo~mi pouted and crossed her arms as she turned away from Yuko while saying, “I won’t work today!”
“It’s fine. I’m going to have a new model anyway.” The girl told her with a laugh, making Tomo~mi’s mouth pout more.
The girl ignored Tomo~mi’s whining and pouts and turned to Tomochin, “I’m Oshima Yuko, the CEO of this company and the rest of the Akiba Fashion Companies. Nice to meet you.” She introduced politely. Tomochin smiled at her and bowed.
So this was the girl Haruna had to protect. Can this girl actually survive for more than a month? No, make that a week.
Poor girl.
Alright, alright. She was exaggerating. Haruna can do her work well. She’s not that much of an airhead anyway. So probably two weeks would be the longest time Yuko would live.
“Itano Tomomi.” She bowed. Yuko held out her hand and the two shook hands, ignoring Tomo~mi, who has actually stopped whining and pouting.
“I’ll be putting you in charge of the whole Department of Fashion.” Yuko told her. Arching her eyebrow in confusion, she looked at Yuko. She was supposed to work for Yuko and make herself noticed after several weeks. And wait, did Yuko just say that she was ‘in charge’ of a whole department?
“That’s great, Tomochin! You’re hired!” Tomo~mi congratulated and enveloped her into a hug. Tomochin kept on looking at Yuko with a confused look. She was supposed to be having an interview and be tested or something. She’s not supposed to get the job and have a high position RIGHT after applying and meeting Yuko!
“Tomo~mi have told me a lot about you.” Yuko explained, noticing how Tomochin kept staring at her in disbelief.
“And she won’t stop. She just keeps on talking about you, even though I’m in my room, trying to sleep.” Yuko added and laughed.
Tomochin arched her eyebrow at Tomo~mi, and Tomo~mi just looked back at her with a sheepish smile, blushing.
“She kept on telling me how you dressed up fashionably and such, etc.” Yuko added, enjoying how Tomo~mi grew pinker by the passing second.
In other words, Tomo~mi made her job easier. Well, she can’t say anything bad about that. She can protect Tomo~mi and she didn’t have to get promoted anymore, lessening her efforts.
“But,” Tomochin started to say and turned to Yuko. “Aren’t you supposed to be in charge of the whole Fashion department?”
She then asked. “And aren’t I supposed to report to you, work with you or something like that?” She was getting confused. After all, she only applied, and it was written in her resume, that she was only applying for the assistant, NOT the Department Head.
“Yuuchan is in charge of the lingerie department!” Tomo~mi informed her, while Yuko smiled proudly.
Arching her eyebrow, she looked at them. The CEO was in charge of the Lingerie Department? Wasn’t she supposed to be in charge of EVERY department?
Just then, realization hit her. No wonder she got the job easily. This girl only wants to be in charge of the Lingerie Department and leave the rest to her. This girl must really have a huge liking to lingerie.
“Anyway Yuuchan~ Where’s the new model you were telling Chiyuu just now?” Tomo~mi asked, looking around the room. Tomochin frowned, wondering as well.
Where WAS Haruna? She and Tomochin were supposed to meet in the office.
At another place somewhere (An hour ago)She stared at the huge building in front of her and leaned against her seat. Sighing as she took out some papers, she began to go over the information she has to remember. After all, she had to make sure that every single thing she says won’t let anyone realize that she was only pretending. That would put her mission on jeopardy.
After several minutes later of reviewing, Haruna finally gets off her Aston Martin Rapide with a disappointed sigh when she took a look at her car. She was hoping to drive in her new baby, a Lamborghini Murcielago, to make a great impression, but Meetan kept on telling her to have a low profile unless it was time to make the one she was protecting notice her.
As she was about to enter into the lobby, she remembered that she had forgotten her application form in the car. She rushed back to her car and took the folder from the seat, running through the contents and making sure that she won’t forget any other needed document.
When nothing seemed to be missing, she entered into the lobby and headed for the counter, only to be stopped by a mixture of delicious aromas, making her take a quick look around her. Surprisingly, the lobby of a fashion company was surrounded by several stores, pictures and statues of different type of food, making her drool as she stared at them.
Just then, a younger-looking woman tapped on her shoulder, making her snap out of her trance as she asked, “Miss, can I help you?”
Haruna looked at her with dazed eyes before saying after several seconds of silence, “Uh…yes. I’m here to apply for the position as a model.” What? Food was everywhere and it made her lose her focus for a while.
“I heard that this company needs a model, so I decided to apply here.” She added. The woman nodded her head as she said, “Oh, you must the one who called two days ago.” Haruna began nodding her head in a frantic way, making the woman smile at her after sensing that Haruna was nervous.
“Please follow me to the CEO’s office then.” She motioned towards the elevator before adding, “by the way, I’m the secretary, Yokoyama Yui, and you can call me Yui.” She held out her hand, which Haruna shook after taking several seconds to understand why she was holding out her hand.
Yui began to walk towards the elevator with Haruna following her and went inside the elevator. After reaching the highest level, they went towards a door, which was designed with foods that almost seemed real.
Just by looking around her, Haruna couldn’t help but feel amazed and confused by how the place was decorated with pictures and statues about food.
“Isn’t this supposed to be a fashion company?” Haruna thought to herself as Yui knocked on the door made out of probably food. She heard someone shout, “Enter!” and Yui entered, followed by Haruna. As she was about to take a look around her, someone stood right in front of her with their back facing them, blocking her view of the room.
“Sashihara-san! What are you doing?” Yui asked in an irritated voice when she saw what the said girl was holding.
A slime gun.
The ‘Sashihara’ girl turned to her and flashed a cheeky smile, which was soon covered with a green slimy liquid.
“Oh yeah! I got you!” Someone cried as she poked out her tongue at Sashihara and began dancing happily. The slimed girl wiped away the slime from her face and sighed before turning to the girl dancing in front of her.
“I was distracted! That’s not considered!” she cried, while the girl dancing began to sing, ignoring her denies. Sashihara aimed at the head and was about to pull the trigger when Yui smacked Sashihara on the head and took the slime gun out of her hands.
“Sashihara-san!” Yui scolded, to which Sashihara cried, “Hey!” Yui turned to Haruna and gave an apologetic smile as she apologized for the two’s immature actions.
“I-It’s fine!” Haruna told her, unsure what and how to react. After all, it was a rare scene to see. Imagine, walking into the CEO’s office to find two people playing with slimes. Of course you would be confused on how to react to that.
BLOP!Yui pushed Haruna to the side as a green slimy thing was shot from the gun and at Sashihara. “Hey!” the girl, Sashihara, cried when she got hit by the green slime.
“Hehehe.” The one who shot her chuckled as she gave a peace sign.
“Sorry Sasshi, seems like I win. You weren’t distracted then.” She said as she placed the slime gun down onto her desk while smiling.
“Sheesh. You two should stop playing.” Yui sighed as Haruna got up. Dusting off Haruna’s clothes, she gave another apologetic smile.
“Oh? Who’s that?” Sashihara asked, as she tried to get the slime out of her hair. It seems like she finally managed to notice Haruna.
“Minegishi-san’s muse.” Yui replied. Haruna smiled at them and lowered her head as she greeted them as politely as she could.
“My muse? You mean the model who called?” Haruna stared at the girl, who was sitting on top of the huge desk. She then tilted her head to the side as she tried to figure out who that girl looked like.
What was that mascot called? Gauche? Caching? Ah! She got it! It’s Gachapin!
“Isn’t she supposed to be the girl who Mari-chin should be protecting?” Haruna thought to herself, dazing off again. Yui called her name several times, but Haruna stayed in her trance. Sashihara began snapping her fingers in front of Haruna’s face, but failed as well.
“Interesting! She dazed off!” the girl sitting behind the desk cried as she walked over to her and shook her hand as she said, “You’re hired!” making Haruna snap out of her trance and looked at the three of them with a confused look on her face.
Yui smiled at her and told her that she was hired. Haruna just scratched her head and thanked them, wondering what she did to make them hire her so fast. Well, whatever she did, it worked!
“I wonder where that Oshima Yuko is.” She thought to herself as Yui told her to sit down. The girl, who seemed to be Mariko’s Akiba girl, smiled at her as she sat down across the room. Yui and Sashihara handed both of them some snacks.
“Go clean up, Sashi.” The girl ordered to Sashihara, who still had slime dripping from her hair. Sashihara left the room, leaving the three of them.
“I’m the CEO of this food company, Minegishi Minami. But you can call me Miichan.” The girl introduced.
Haruna scrunched her eyebrows as she began to think. Yep, that girl is supposed to be Mari-chin’s girl. And…
“Minegishi Minami? Food company? What’s going on?” she thought to herself.
“I’m Kojima Haruna.” Haruna introduced and the two shook hands again. They smiled at each other and Miichan motioned her to eat the snacks. Haruna gladly took a bite out of her mango cheesecake and sighed happily. It was so delicious!
“So, have you become a muse before?” Miichan asked as she sipped her chocolate drink. Haruna shook her head and drank her own chocolate drink.
“I’m experienced in being a model though.” Haruna told her. Miichan and Yui ‘aahed’.
“I guess a muse and a model doesn’t have much difference, so I think it’ll work out Minegishi-san.” Yui told her.
“You’re right.” Minegishi-san nodded and smiled at Haruna.
“So—” Miichan started to say while Yui started to take out some papers, when the door opened and Shinoda Mariko came in, with Sashihara right behind her.
“Kojiharu!” The two models cried in unison.
“What are you doing here, Kojiharu? Aren’t you supposed to be at the fashion company?” Mariko asked as she arched her eyebrow.
“Eh? But isn’t this the place?” Haruna looked at her confusingly. Miichan suddenly had realization hit her.
“Excuse me,” Miichan stood up and went to the two. “But don’t tell me that you thought this was a fashion company?” Haruna looked at her and nodded her head. Mariko mentally smacked her head and sighed. Leave it to Haruna to get mixed up with the addresses.
“I’m the one applying here, Minegishi-san.” Mariko told her with a sigh. Haruna looked at her apologetically and slapped her own self mentally.
“I see.” Miichan nodded her head, then turning to Haruna, she said, “Kojima-san, I’m sorry to say this, but out company is only searching for one muse. I’m afraid that I cannot take both of you.” And turned to Mariko. “If you both want the job—”
“—It’s fine!” Haruna interrupted. “I don’t really think I can handle the temptation.” She then turned to get out of the room when Mariko stopped her by grabbing her wrist.
“Make sure not to go to the wrong place again.” Mariko told her. Haruna nodded and began to walk towards to the door when Miichan cleared her throat.
“If you want a job as a fashion model, I can recommend you to someone.” Miichan offered. Haruna looked at her and then at Mariko.
“Her name is Oshima Yuko—” Miichan started to say, only to get interrupted by Haruna’s eager response.
“Yes please!”
“O-okay.” Miichan sweat dropped. This girl really is interesting.
She turned to Sashihara and said, “Sashihara, go start my car.” And then to Yui she said, “Can you please call or leave a message to Yuko? Tell her that I’ll be arriving there with a new model.” Yui nodded her head, then left the room with Sashihara.
Miichan turned to Haruna and motioned for her to follow her. When she noticed Mariko not following her, she smiled and said, “You can come along…Uh…What’s your name?”
“Mariko. Shinoda Mariko.” Mariko smiled.
To Be Continued…I’m really sorry for not updating this fic for such a long time. Anyways…