A/N: I'm back to update again. Wow, I'm kinda glad my schedule isn't that tight. I was still able to write Ch. 2. X3 Anyways, replies replies...~
@sakura_drop_ - Your first comment made me laugh... Also I'm glad you like the first chapter. 
@Nakamii - Thank you. I've studied English since I was a kid, but its not my mother language. ^ ^ You dislike BlackGeki? Wow, I'm intrigued as to why you hate them.
@kahem - That's an interesting idea...oh to do or not to do... 
@oddball - Thank you, I'm glad you liked the first chapter. ^ ^
@SharkAttack - I look forward to writing up to that part. 
@RenaChii - I totally agree with you. Geki is so cute even when she looks insane and bloody.
@Sok - Thank you. I don't really pity the yankees though...its their fault for fighting Geki. 
@ohayou - Ohh... Somehow I'm the opposite though. I kinda prefer RenaYuki. I like WMatsui though, but I just like unusual pairings. I don't know much about Airi so...hmm... <<------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>
Chapter 2: The Insane Queen
She was the embodiment of fear for her schoolmates. She was the pure representation of a monster for the other Rappapa members. She herself was the pure real description of insanity gone wrong on a few occasions by other opposing schools, but it did not matter to her what others say. She did not bother thinking anything wrongly about the meaning of what they say. She just took it as a compliment and nothing more.
Though true that she had almost killed a few students on numerous situations, she was still human. That…at least that was what some people thought, but to everyone else, she was a demon hiding in a costume of a black hazardous sheep that is waiting for a victim to pounce on.
Most people fear her for her monstrous way of fighting, while some approve of her violent streak, but many often if not, see her as a nuisance.
Gekikara did not mind any of what they say. Nothing would change the horrible fact anyway and even if it were possible to change, the young queen would never allow reality to change. She was enjoying so much of this game she was playing.
To her, she saw pure happiness hearing bones crack, agonizing screams filling the air, blood being splattered on concrete wall and flesh breaking apart from numerous wounds. She loved fighting. She loved seeing people in pain. Nothing can compare to that other the numerous occasions she spent time with the Rappapa members.
She liked everyone in Rappapa; she loved spending time with them and going on a group fight. Rappapa was in fact the only thing she loved apart from fighting, although she does love eating super spicy food and melon pan, she could go a day without them if it meant she’d spend more time with the Rappapa members and fight as well.
Anything would do, as long as it is those two options.
Gekikara however did not like it when an unknown student beat up one by one each of the Rappapa members. It infuriated her. Someone had dared hurt her friends. More or less, the biggest impact she felt was when Black was found by Sado and Torigoya out cold in a dark alley, blood streaming down her nose and big bad bruise on her forehead.
The insane queen felt angry, someone had left Black out cold in an alley, at night of all things. What if something bad happened to the dark queen again, something like that…something that she did not even wants to think of.
The thought of people beating Black and making her curl up in pain made Gekikara grit her teeth, the older queen was a precious friend to her. Black sometimes even seemed like a parent to the insane queen. She had every right to get angry, and she had every single reason to punch their faces until they bled. She even asked around whom the culprit could be, some said it was a Yabakune student, while the other’s pointed out that it might have been a Majijo student because of the uniform they saw. Gekikara did not care which it was. If she could not find which party it was then they might as well both suffer her anger.
Gekikara intended to start soon, and when she did, she started with Yabakune when she coincidentally bumped into a group of twelve students from the said opposing school, whom were all just located around the corner near Majijo as if plotting something, as if trying to attempt something.
The insane queen smiled in amusement before giggling in a soft low tone. Slowly, the young queen walked towards the group in hushed silent footsteps before tapping one of the Yabakune students shoulders. The girl let out a startled squeak before turning around, alerting her other group mates. Swiftly, all of twelve students took a few stepped away from Gekikara as fast as they could while the insane queen merely let out a giggle.
The twelve students stared at Gekikara as she laughed eerily, some shivered in fear while others clutched their fists tight while glaring at the lone queen.
“What the fucking shit are you laughing at?!” One of the students shouted as she took a step forward courageously, as if confident with the work force they had. The girl quickly went to her fighting position, trying to glare menacingly at the laughing queen.
“Heh…” Gekikara snickered and looked at the group with taunting and belittling eyes as she brought her left hand up and bit her fingernails.
“You seem like you’re looking for trouble bitch! Well get the fuck here and I’ll give you a good punch!”
The girl aimed a straight solid jab at Gekikara’s face, which the insane queen took without even trying to dodge and received a follow up kick to her side. Gekikara staggered a little over to her left, still laughing creepily. Annoyed, another girl came running to the young queen and let out a battle cry as she jumped up and was about to give Gekikara a hard punch that caused the insane queen to almost lose her balance if not for the wall that supported her.
The group of twelve Yabakune girls giggled at the sight as Gekikara leaned onto the wall, her face having a few bruises here and there with a few open wounds from above her eyebrow and a busted bottom lip. The Yabakune students smirked and snickered as they watched the young queen adjust her weight before she pushed herself off the wall.
“You know… If you say sorry now for offending us, then we might consider on letting you off…”
“Maybe if you kiss each of our shoes that is!” The girls let out a loud boisterous laughter. Gekikara merely looked at them with one eye before letting out a loud howling insane giggling. Immediately, the girls stopped at stared at the insane queen, offended at her actions.
“Like I care about what you feel.” Gekikara smirked and eyed the group with dangerous glinting eyes. Letting out a scoff, one of the girls charged at the queen with a fist at ready before releasing a jab when Gekikara herself took a step forward and released a hook, smashing her fists straight at the girl’s left cheek all the while sending her plopping down the ground at the sudden incredible force.
The girl groaned in agony and coughed up blood as she lay unconscious from the insane queen’s punch. The other girls stood in shock at the scene that swiftly unfolded before they all stared at Gekikara in anger. Unfazed, Gekikara giggled at pointed at the group.
“Hehehe…hehe…Say, are you mad?”
“Tell me…”Gekikara said as she giggled eerily at the group of Yabakune girls. She stared at them with pure amusement before eyeing the unconscious body near her then back at the group.
“Are you mad…?”
She smirked and slowly trudged near the body and stomped on the girl’s head. The Yabakune student’s watched in pure horror as Gekikara did one hard stomp and a swift kick on the girl’s head, giggling as she saw the body of her victim squirming, groaning and trembling in pain. Gekikara laughed even harder when she watched blood slowly flow from the girl’s head before she suddenly turned her attention back at the group when she heard a loud enraged war cry.
“You…You bitch… You’ll pay for this…!” The group howled in rage before charging at the young queen. Gekikara smirked setting her foot down the pavement and walking over the unconscious student’s body as she watched the group running closer and closer towards her.
It was almost lunchtime when Gekikara finished. The insane queen in fact enjoyed the whole time she fought the whole group as each one of the students struggled in vain to put her down. None of them however succeeded and now all of them were lying in a heap of bloody pile, groaning in pain with blood drenching their uniforms.
The young queen grinned as she stared at the pile, looking at the unconscious body of the girls brought happiness to her insane mind. Gekikara smiled and let out a series of eerie and insane giggling before she calmed herself down.
Wordlessly, the queen looked around the place for anything she can use as a weapon to
properly give these students more pain. Gekikara quickly spotted a long brown rope, immediately; the insane queen dragged herself towards the item and picked it up. The Majijo queen examined the length and sturdiness of the rope in her bloody hands before turning to look at the pile of body.
Gekikara giggled softly before kneeling down and tying the rope around both of the ankles of one of the students and until she reached up to five bodies but was dismayed when her rope was already too short for her to add the seven remaining ones.
Pouting, the queen stared begrudgingly at the rope left in her hand before making a large knot, securing each of the ropes she tied onto the pair of five legs. After finishing, Gekikara turned around and dragged them off. It took the insane queen quite some time to get to the entrance of the school building of Majijo due to how heavy the bodies she dragged. Most of them were still unconscious and heavily bleeding but Gekikara could careless and continued on dragging until she arrived at the west wing of Majijo.
The insane queen released a small huff before stopping near the staircase. The young teen then turned around and looked at the bodies of her victim, seeing them twitch and move as they came to consciousness made Gekikara snicker. She looked around and picked the nearest trash bin before throwing it at the group where it made a loud smacking sound and bounced down to the floor with a loud crash before it rolled away.
Gekikara stared at the groaning bodies on the floor before her eyes went over to look at the dirty trail of blood that smeared on the floor, it was still fresh and wet and the stench of copper mixed to the traces of spray paint and dust in the air. Gekikara cackled loudly at the sight, she eyed the Yabakune students with gleeful eyes as she watched them struggle up and failing as their strengths left their body.
“Say… Are you mad now? Are you? Are you?” Gekikara asked happily at her victims before letting out a shrill series of insane laughter, never truly waiting for her brutally beaten up victims to answer as she mocked them.
Gekikara entertained herself more by poking fun of her victims. The insane queen kicked and stomped at every opportunity she got as her victims whimpered and gasped in pain, she did not even notice that Sado had arrive nor heard her panting for breath as she busily stepped on the pile of body she had brought to Majijo. She never did realize that she had company until she felt a familiar presence, a dark cold aura that only one person had.
Cracking up a small smile before pressing it back into a thin line, Gekikara turned around and stared at Sado and Black, taking interest in their shocked expressions before trailing towards Black who gave her a look of disbelief and worry.
The young queen let out a small amused noise before giggling loudly in pure joy as she walked away from the bloody pile of mess behind her and dragged herself towards the direction of the two stunned queens.
“Black…Sado…Hello.” Gekikara giggled out her greeting before she bit onto her bloody nails, letting out small low sounds of clicking.
Sado eyed the insane queen angrily after recovering from the initial shock of seeing Gekikara bring back a mess. With a hard loud stomp, Sado walked forward and grabbed the younger girl’s collar and brought her up close, the action was however too sudden that it made Gekikara stumble a bit as she tried to balance her weight on her beaten body.
Black flinched a little when she saw Sado slowly lift Gekikara’s collar up, putting the girl onto her tiptoes. The dark queen could see the irritation and frustration that was reflecting in the vice president’s eyes. Black looked at Gekikara and merely furrowed her eyebrows as she watched in silence.
“Gekikara… I told you to stop picking up fights didn’t I?”
“Did you…?” Gekikara snickered and stared at Sado, staring at eyes that bore a glare into her own. Nevertheless, the young queen stood unfazed and stared back with an amused smile on her face while Sado scoffed.
“Stop feigning innocence. I am not an idiot not to notice.“ Sado hissed, glaring at the younger girl before she roughly pushed Gekikara down to the ground, making her sit painfully on the floor. Black silently looked at Sado’s back in displeasure but kept herself rooted in her position.
Gekikara let out a hiss due to the pain she felt on her butt when her bum hit the solid concrete floor. The insane queen she looked up at the taller figure and frowned.
What exactly was that supposed to be? Why was Sado mad? She just beat up a few Yabakune students, though she did made a mess on the floor and bought their bodies still, why was she angry? Gekikara knew that Sado was like her, satisfied by seeing people scream in agony and roll in pain. The insane queen did not really understand why Sado was angry, nor did she have a clue as to why.
“I already told you before to stop fighting; Yuko would never like it if she finds out that we let you go around as you please and end up fighting and getting yourself badly beaten up.” Sado whispered darkly as she eyed the bloody heap behind Gekikara before looking at the insane queen pointedly.
“Don’t do anything stupid Gekikara. Right now we need our full strength back, so don’t go looking for war. Go rest.”
Sado gave one last look at the still form of the insane queen before turning around and walking away, passing by Black who did not dare look at the retreating figure of their vice president. Black let out a sigh before looking at the insane queen, unmoving and sitting on the floor with her eyes staring dazed at the floor, an unreadable expression plastered on her face.
Black slowly went over to where the younger queen is and kneeled down, examining Gekikara’s wounded face before pulling out a white handkerchief from her skirt’s pocket and softly reaching up to wipe the blood that dripped down the younger girl’s wounded lips.
Gekikara looked up and watched Black wipe the blood off her face, the haze that clouded her eyes slowly fading and was slightly startled when concerned black eyes stared straight at her brown ones. Black silently stared at Gekikara with worried and concerned eyes before turning her attention back to the younger teen’s wounds.
“You shouldn’t do that again. You’re going to make everyone worry.” Black mumbled as she wiped Gekikara’s cheek, before tracing the younger girl’s jaw, wiping the blood that dripped down her chin.
“Sorry…Black.” Gekikara whispered before bowing her head down, looking guiltily at the floor. The way Black put it really made the insane queen feel a small pang of guilt. A little, only a little, but it was enough to make her sulk especially when she saw the disapproving look hidden in Black’s eyes.
…It was like the same expression from before long.
A/N: Sorry for any grammar error or misuse of words. Will come back later to recheck for any errors. See you guys again in the next update!