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Author Topic: Sieka's Collections [01/20/13 - ON HIATUS]  (Read 118455 times)

Offline Sieka

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Sieka's Collections [01/20/13 - ON HIATUS]
« on: March 01, 2012, 04:34:41 PM »
Hello, welcome to my shot collections, I'll be posting my random shots here concerning any pair, be it unusual or popular ones. I hope you enjoy reading! The time of update is random, depending whether my imagination acts up. :lol:


Sieka's Collections

Table of Contents


[ Status: On-going ]
[ Dedicated to sakura_drop_ ]

Chinmoku - Part I (BlackGeki)
Chinmoku - Part II (BlackGeki)
Chinmoku - Part III (BlackGeki)
Chinmoku - Part IV (BlackGeki)
Chinmoku - Part V (BlackGeki)
Chinmoku - Part VI (BlackGeki)
Chinmoku - Part VII (BlackGeki)
Chinmoku - Part VIII (BlackGeki)
Chinmoku - Part IX (BlackGeki)
Chinmoku - Part X-I (BlackGeki)
Chinmoku - Part X-II (BlackGeki)

Our Past Together
[ Status: Hiatus ]
[ Related to Chinmoku ]
[ Gekikara/Rena's POV ]

Our Past Together - Prelude (BlackGeki)
Our Past Together - Part I (BlackGeki)
Our Past Together - Part II (BlackGeki)

[ Status: Hiatus ]
[ Mayu's POV ]

Inequality - Prelude (MaYuki)
Inequality - Part I (MaYuki)

Stay By My Side
[ Status: Hiatus ]

Stay By My Side - Part I (TomoTomo)

Sacrificial Ritual
[ Status: Hiatus ]
[ Kiriban Special Shot ]

Sacrificial Ritual - Preview
Sacrificial Ritual - Part I

What Matters the Most is You
[ Status: On-going ]

What Matters the Most is You - Part I (YukiRena)

[ Status: On-going ]

Segenfreude - Part I (Black-YukiRena)


Sweets - (AtsuMina)
I'll Reach You Again - (KojiYuu)
A Break Time - (BlackGeki)
Arigatou - (AtsuMina)
I'll make it up to you - (TomoTomo)
Unspoken - (AnniNaga)

Sieka's Update Progress


What Matters the Most is You - Part II = 15%
Chinmoku - Part X-III = Plotting...Rethinking...Analyzing...


Beautiful Soul (one-shot) = 30%
Konna ni Chikaku de (one-shot) = 20%
Hold Me Close (one-shot) = 35%
Unexpected Love (one-shot) = 20%
Yuki (one-shot) = 47%
The Jealous Queen (one-shot) = 50%
Shattered Mirror = 40%
Chocolate Spice = 44%
Facade = 30%


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(Next Kiriban: Aim for 15000+ page views!)

Poll Results

Poll # 1 - What do you want me to write after Chinmoku?


A/N: I wrote this shot as a prize for guessing the write English translation of Divine Intervention's chapter 3, two people already got it correctly, and I'm doing the first prize for now before I go to the second one, I'll have to contact the second winner later on. Sorry if I didn't do right now. :(

Anyways, I wrote this is under what sakura_drops_ wants. I'm going to post the first part for now, I don't really want to post the whole thing in one go because its rather long, longer than all of the chapter updates I did.

I hope you enjoy reading, please look forward to the next parts of this shot! This is for sakura-san, I hope you enjoy this first part! :)



Part I

Light sounds of pitter-pattering echoed throughout the surrounding, the concrete pavement was drenched in rainwater and the breeze was cold and humid. There were a few passersby every now and then, but more often, no one could be seen walking around. It maybe because people hated to get wet, or because it was a hassle to travel around in this kind of climate, but for whatever reason it maybe, it made the whole surrounding silent.

It was very silent that it was deafening to the ears. The only things that one could probably hear are their sounds of respiration and the endless pitter-pattering of raindrops. That was just how silent it was. It was not like the usual days wherein the whole market is filled with chattering, footsteps and people.

 The rain did not even make the situation better either due to how cold the temperature went down, even inside the small market store, Black could fill the chills that prickled her skin, making her shiver at the untimely visit of the rain. It was already nearing nightfall too, which only decreased the temperature even further, making it hard for the former heavenly queen to concentrate.

“It’s cold…”

Black let out a sigh, impatiently tapping her foot, watching her own breath take a white fog-like form under the cold climate, it was amusing how air could be seen under such circumstances where the temperature drops down, it may as well have been due to the movements of the molecules or anything irrelevant to the former queen. Whatever the reason maybe, it still did not change the fact that it was cold. Although the former queen knew that she was associated to darkness, hostility and coldness, Black was never great with this kind of climate under such apparel.

“If only I brought my jacket along…” Black mumbled, rubbing her hands in order to keep her dainty porcelain hands warm before she used them to rub her arms, feeling the small warmth it had to offer through her thin black tracksuit.

Black turned away from guarding the entrance and glanced at the wall clock, checking whether it was time for her shift to end, only to be disappointed at large sum of minutes she still has to wait. Black only resolved into watching the clock as its thin metallic hands moved ever so slowly, almost as if teasingly and mockingly testing the waiting raven-haired teen’s patience.

“I wish my swift would end soon…”

The raven folded her arms and looked away from the wall clock; she gazed down, finding the tiled floor to be much more amusing to stare at than guarding the entrance for any customers or thieves. Although guarding is not a part of Black’s job, she still kept it to herself that she would stay alert, knowing that robbery was spreading far and wide, especially in markets and establishments with large incomes.

Black did not like her job, nor did she hate it. The only main reasons why she is working are for her baby boy, herself and for their everyday financial needs, but more or less, what the raven wished for was to continue on being a high school student.

Black loved her high school days, those times where she spent endless days with the other heavenly queens and the president, fighting or relaxing in the wind instruments clubroom. She loved how even though she rarely communicates with the other queens or Yuko, they would understand her, no matter how weird her speeches might be at times due to the bible verses she spouts out.

They were also understanding and caring in their own little ways, the most fondest memory the raven could ever remember with them all as a group was when she was to give birth to her first baby. Yuko and all the other queens, except Sado were panicking over the littlest things, even from the slightest jerks or movements, or pains that Black felt; they would all start spouting curses or hysteric hand gestures.

She could still picture out their expressions perfectly well, as if it all happened yesterday. That was how memorable it was on that day when she gave birth to a life that is entwined to hers and a man whom has cruelly taken her virginity away from her.

At first, Black thought that no one would accept the child, giving the situation of how it was created, but surprisingly, the baby was accepted by a group of people she met through fighting. It was ironic how fighting bought her together with the people she cared for, when it was also fighting that broke the bonds she had with her parents due to her pregnancy.

It was ironic in a very cruel way, but nevertheless, Black never regretted what happened to her, because if her pregnancy did not occur then she might as well have not met the three queens, Sado and Yuko, and she did not like the thought of that.

To the raven, they were her light, strengthening what little faith and hope she had left at those darkest hours in her life, and they were her pillar that supported her to keep her life in place. She would have none of those thoughts of “Ifs” if it meant that she would just end up imagining them disappearing from her life.

All those thoughts would have been unbearable.

They are her family.

Losing them all in just one strike would likely be a repetition of how she had lost her parents because of her pregnancy. That was one of Black’s silent and torturous fears.

Their president, Yuko, was already dead, and it was one of the most saddest times she experienced in her life, she did not want a repetition of that. It would just hurt even more.

One of the queens already nearly faced death, and although most of them are prone to take on fights there was one certain queen that always kept Black’s mind restless. That said queen was held up from graduation due to certain misconduct, behavior problems and for near killing attempts, and out of all the four heavenly queens, she is the most feared fighter of all due to her insane and monstrous way of fighting and was seen by most Yankees as a threat. That was the very reason why the younger queen was stabbed and was currently recuperating in the hospital.

Gekikara however, being the crazy person that she is, sneaked out of the hospital to join the final battle between Yabakune and Majisuka Gakuen while Maeda Atsuko was still presently free from jail.

It slightly surprised Black to see the queen there, seeing as how Gekikara was still weak when she had last visited her. It eased the former queen to see the other girl move around even if she still had difficulties in moving and the obviously present IV drop on her arm, but after the fight, Black was unable to speak with the younger queen because Sado dragged Gekikara back to the hospital.

It was also the last the time she had gotten to see the shorter queen.

The days became weeks and Black no longer had time to visit Gekikara in the hospital due to her work and her baby, the only way that the former queen knew of the insane queen’s health was through the two new queens, Gakuran and Shaku whom often visit the market she works in.

Other than that, there was none.

“I wonder if she’s already released…”

“I wouldn’t be surprised though if she’s already out…she heals faster than all of us.”

Black pursued her lips and let out a sigh, her eyes gazing at anything around her without any real particular reason or interest. The market was still empty and silent. Nothing was out of the ordinary and for the time that she had been reminiscing and thinking, no one has yet to come by the market even when the rain turned into a drizzle.

The dark teen wrapped her arms around her frame ever so tightly and added friction and heat to her slightly shivering body.

Her everyday was just a repetition. It was already a routine.

Today was just slightly different. It was also cold today, and it was now already currently around six in the evening, her work was about to end after fifteen more minutes when suddenly and unusually, Black’s phone rang.

Black knitted her brows together into a frown, while she took her time to take out her cellphone from her pocket. Who would dare call her at this kind of time? It was rather out of the ordinary for the former queen to get any calls, normally because her email and cellphone number was only available to the three queens, Sado and Yuko.

Cautiously, the dark teen flipped her phone’s lid and took the phone call without even looking at the name of the caller.

“Hello, this is Kashiwagi Yuki speaking.” The raven answered politely in an almost cold and bored tone. Black had her arms crossed in front of her chest, looking almost impatiently while she kept the phone’s speaker on her ears.




“Is anyone there? I’m going to hang up if you aren’t going to answer.” Black asked in irritation, feeling bothered at the fact that no one was answering her. The raven waited for a few more seconds, but only met silence in her patient wait.

“I’m going to hang up now.” The former queen grumbled, she was really about to drop the call when she heard a small noise before it started to get louder. Black perked an eyebrow up, almost curiously and waited for some more. She was caught by surprise when she heard familiar bone chilling giggling that she had not heard for so long from the other end of the phone.


“Long time no talk…? Hehe…”


“Please answer sooner next time.” Black sighed, dropping her arms to her sides. The raven let her lips curve into a small smile, feeling happy to hear the other queen’s voice after along time of not being able to talk to her.

Black heard the younger queen giggle happily with a few snickering accompanied before Gekikara answered in a singsong manner; her ever so present playfulness was there, much to the raven’s amusement.

“Hehehe… Are. You. Mad~?”

“I’m not mad.”


“Really…” Black answered in a definite tone, earning a small noise of displeasure from the other end of the line. The former queen suppressed a giggle from coming out of her mouth. She could almost imagine the other queen pouting, just like when she would not have her way on those occasions when Yuko or any of the other queens restricted her from doing something.

It made Black’s smile widen just by thinking of Gekikara’s expression.

“Uuu… You’re no fun…”

“I’m sorry? It seems you’re doing well now though.”

“You think so?”

“With you being playful, who wouldn’t think of it that way?”

“You’re always deducing things, Black…~”

“Rarely is now an always huh? I don’t deduce things.” Black said, faking a startled gasp, willingly playing the part of being offended with the younger teen’s playful accusation by defending herself from the other girl’s statement.


“Says me.”

“You aren’t going to convince anyone, Black.” Gekikara giggled from across the line before she softly hummed. The insane queen was somewhat pleased with herself when Black puffed out air in what seemed to be a sign of frustration for the former queen, not really knowing that the raven was playing along with her.

“I’m not trying to convince anyone, but anyways, why exactly did you call me? Is there anything you need from me?”

“Oh, hehe…that…”

“Are you free right now?”
The other girl asked, almost anxiously.

The raven took a quick glance from the wall clock then at her approaching coworker. Black immediately left the counter and politely did a ninety degree bow before she took her apron with one swift movement and she walked her way towards the locker room in a sluggish manner, which was in contrast to her lighting fast movements.

“Well, technically yes. My shifts just ended now, why did you ask?”


“Can you come here and pick me up?”

“Pick you up? Where?”


“Wait, I thought you were already discharged…?” Black blinked countless times in disbelief. Somehow finding it hard to take in that the other queen was still in the hospital when she was aware of the fact that Gekikara’s wounds heal faster than most of the other queens, or Yuko.

“I haven’t.”


“The doctors won’t release me unless a legal guardian comes and picks me up. They said that they won’t let me walk home on my own.”

“So…that means…you can’t go home?”

“Unn…Help me, if it’s not a bother?” Gekikara asked shyly in the most uncharacteristically manner Black had ever heard. Maybe it was due to the embarrassment of making the raven pick her up, making her seem like a child that couldn’t be left alone. Black did not mind this however, seeing as how the other queen did the same for her when she was in the hospital after giving birth.

“Okay… Stay there, don’t do anything unnecessary, I’ll come and pick you up.” Black answered positively, trying to make the younger teen feel that she was not a bother at all. If Gekikara were even currently there, she would have seen the raven’s charming smile.

“Unn… Thanks Black. See you…”

“Same to you too.” Black said, bidding the other girl a short goodbye before she cut the phone call and placed her cellphone inside her pocket. The raven quickly opened her locker and took out her small bag pack before tossing her orange work apron inside. The former queen then headed straight towards exit and started to walk towards the direction of the designated hospital.

End of Part I


A/N: That ends the first part! Gonna update as soon as I get the second part fully written down, I hope you enjoyed the shot so far...
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 01:31:27 AM by sophcaro »
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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/01/12]
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2012, 04:40:24 PM »
OMG!!! I'm busy right now, and it's a pity, coz I soooooooo want to read it. When I'll be back, I'll read it and comment.

THANK YOU, TGoF-san (aka Sieka)
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline kahem

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/01/12]
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2012, 08:21:21 PM »
YAY! More Black and Gekikara!

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/01/12]
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2012, 08:30:55 PM »



 :mon love: :mon love: :mon love: :mon love: :mon love: :mon love: :mon love: :mon love: :mon love: :mon love: :mon love: :mon love: :mon love: :gmon love2: :gmon love2: :gmon love2: :gmon love2: :gmon love2: :gmon love2: :gmon love2: :gmon love2: :gmon love: :gmon love: :gmon love: :gmon love: :gmon love: :gmon love: :gmon love: :gmon love:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline SharkAttack

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/01/12]
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2012, 10:03:47 PM »
I never get tired of these kinds of fics, and your writing style is impeccably clean.  :w00t:
It's amazing!!!
Yay for BlackGeki!!

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/01/12]
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2012, 11:38:21 PM »
cant wait till u update its soo gd will there be other couples??

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/01/12]
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2012, 08:23:09 AM »

Please write more. Omg. I love this.... ; w ;

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/01/12]
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2012, 11:01:37 AM »
Hmm interesting start, seeing as how Black sees the rest of Rappapa as her family is sweet and how they were there for her, most of all perhpas Geki in her own way....

And Geki asking Black to pick her up, stating that she needs a gardian to pick her up, you would of thought it would be Sado but it seems as though Geki has chosen Black to be her gardian, for reasons that perhpas only Geki knows at this point......

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/01/12]
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2012, 11:18:08 AM »
Finally found some time to visit here and get some quality reading time and first story I come across is  :twothumbs :twothumbs

Gekikara is so cute asking Black to pick her up and not anyone else in Rappapa. Your writing is so nice and it flows so well, please write more.  :bow:
Now I have to go and catch up with your other fics too, I miss so much in the past couple week, life is too busy *sigh*

Thanks for the lovely read,  :on woohoo:

Offline Sieka

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/01/12]
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2012, 08:03:28 AM »
A/N: I'm back, and I'm here to post Chinmoku's Part II! I hope I'm not making you wait, although I know I probably am, I'm already starting to write an update for The Beauty of Love's chapter 2 3 (Edit: Dayum...sorry, it's chapter 3 I mean, my memories failing me, it seems...sorry.) I hope by this week I can post it up. Anyways, thank you for the kind comments, thank yous and warm acceptance. Thank you very much! Before we get to the update, here is my replies to your comments!


@sakura_drop_ - I'm glad you like it, even though its just the first part. ;) I hope you enjoy this second part of Chinmoku. :)

@kahem - Yay indeed! :D XD

@SharkAttack - Thank you very much! I hope I can continue to perk up your interest on these kind of fics! :)

@XxRoByNxX78 - I'm afraid that this shot will only be exclusive for BlackGeki. I'll try making other shots featuring other couples too though. ;)

- Thank you so much, Shi-san! :twothumbs

@oddball - Geki's playing a bit vague on that part, as to why she called Black instead of the other queens, Black however doesn't seem to take notice or any suspicions of it because she wants to see Gekikara anyways. :lol:

@immortal_K - Thank you, oh great immortal for the comment. :nya: I hope you would enjoy this second part! :)

@anzai48 - Black/Yuki smiling is win win. :twothumbs

Now with that said, here's Chinmoku Part II! I hope you enjoy reading!



Part II

It was cold outside; maybe less colder than when it was raining, but still cold enough. Since the rain had stopped a few minutes ago, Black would occasionally see people walking around, she often see familiar faces like the ones that often go to the market she works.

She would stop by at times and greet them politely before walking back again.

It somehow became a habit for Black to greet others due to her work. Not that she mind the little exchange of greetings and politeness. It was an exhilarating change for her after all the years she spent being cold and up-guarded on almost everyone except the Rappapa members.

Travelling to the hospital however did not take long for Black though even with the occasional stops; it only took her mere minutes with her insane inhuman speed. It was a mystery how she got her speed and agility, even the Rappapa members knew nothing of how she had technically gotten her ability. All they knew is that it is her specialty.

Black entered the hospital, almost grandly when a few of the patients, staffs and visitors gazed at her in a mixture of awe and fear. Awe because of the raven’s beauty, and fear due to the color of her clothes. It did not take a genius to guess wholly how many are afraid of the color black; it went against the color of the clean pristine haven of the hospital and made the older teen stand out of the whole bunch.

Most of the people inside the receiving area thought of Black as an angel of death, and scooted away to make way for the raven. The former queen however did not mind the way the people acted around her and the stares she was casually receiving as she made her way towards the reception area.

“Hello ma’am, how may I help you?” One of the nurses in the reception area asked.

“Can I have Ms. Matsui Rena discharged?”

“If I may ask, are you…her legal guardian?” The nurse asked, almost doubtfully and anxiously. The nurse was somehow a bit irked to ask about status of guardianship, given how Black was so much younger than the nurse. Black caught on that however, but merely ignored the way the nurse acted and nodded.

“Yes I am.”

“I see. What is your name ma’am?”

“Kashiwagi Yuki.”

“Alright then, please wait for a minute Ms. Kashiwagi, I will call the doctor, but while you’re waiting, please fill up and sign this papers for me.” The nurse smiled at Black and handed her a few papers and a pen before she pointed out the necessary areas that the raven had to fill in. Black however being new to filling up the discharge papers asked a few questions to the nurse who willingly assisted and answered her every questions.

“Okay, I get it. Thank you.” Black gave a small nod before she bowed and left the nurse to call the doctor. The raven walked towards the aisle of chairs before she sat at the far end and fill in the papers before she idly placed them onto an empty near seat beside her and waited patiently.

After what seem to have been eternity, the same nurse who had tended to her, called Black back.

Black got out of her seat and went to the reception area. The raven spotted a female doctor, casually leaning on the counter, eyeing her cautiously before the woman smiled and approached the former queen.

“Ms. Kashiwagi, right?”

“Yes Doctor.”

“Good, I would like to inform you that Ms. Matsui’s stab injury is healing well and she’s in perfect health.”

“I see, that’s great news, but if I may ask, why is it that you did not release her?” Black nervously fumbled with the hem of her track jacket due to what the doctor might say. The doctor chuckled at Black’s little movements before she smiled comfortingly at the other girl.

“Relax. We are just expanding some safe precaution for our patients. It is our policy not to release a patient without any guardian to pick them up. I hope I did not scare you out of your wits.”

“Oh…” Black let out sigh of relief while the doctor merely gazed at her in amusement when Black stopped fiddling with her jacket. It somehow perked the older woman’s interest, but she decided not to comment on it any further, knowing that the younger teen had things to do.

“You can take Ms. Matsui home now, but just make sure she gets enough rest, vitamins and food, and everything will go perfectly well.”

“Thank you, doctor.” Black bowed her head for what seemed to be the nth time in the day before she walked off and flashed away once the doctor was out of eyesight. The former queen went straight towards the younger queen’s room in the blink of an eye and opened the door without even knocking or asking for the insane queen’s permission.

Black entered the room unceremoniously and almost immediately, the faint smell of chemical and dust wafted into her nose, making the raven scrunch her face in distaste. The occupant of the room merely giggled at the sight of the taller girl’s weird expression and gazed at her from her current location.

“It stinks doesn’t it?”

“It does, I still can’t get used to the stench of chemical and medicine even though I’ve been once been admitted to this hospital for who knows how long before.”

“Do you hate the smell though?” Gekikara asked. Her head tilted to the side with a small smile on her face. It made the younger teen’s facial expression cute and childish in a very appealing manner that it made Black smile a little.

“I do, the smell is too strong and I can smell a lot of mixed chemicals in the air. It’s almost painful to breathe.” Black’s lips curved into a small pained smile. The former queen slowly approached the younger queen, whom was currently sitting on the bed, before stopping in front of her, taking a seat on the vacant chair near the white pristine clean bed.

“Sorry, for making you come.” Gekikara murmured, her expression turned into a sad puppy frown, her lips in a pout while she kept her hands busy by idly fiddling with her fingers, staring worriedly at the older teen, but was met with a silent reassuring smile and a small shrug from the other girl.

“I’m fine. It isn’t a big deal.”

“Are you sure?”

The younger queen childishly stared at her, almost expectantly with jewel like brown eyes that sparkled under the light of the fluorescent bulb.

“I’m fine. Really, I have some doubts about you though, are you alright? You’ve been staying here for quite a long time already.”

“Hmm, I don’t really feel anything painful… I think I’m fine. Hehehe…” Gekikara grinned widely. This made Black shake her head and let out an exasperated sigh. The former queen already knew that that would be the insane teen’s answer, seeing as how she could not feel any single pain so she did not bother to press on that little detail, but still kept the concern she felt mirroring on her eyes.

“That’s fine then, but I wouldn’t want to expose you too much in this horrid smell any further. Let’s leave this place, shall we?”

Black stood up from her seat and reached out a hand towards the younger teen, Gekikara stared at the outstretched palm in front of her before she slowly reached up to that free hand and placed her hand on top of Black’s. Gekikara softly grasped on the warm dainty porcelain hand that grasped her own cold hand securely. 

The insane queen looked up to gaze at the older teen’s face, her cheeks puffed up mumbling a question to her dark companion.

“Did they allow you to take me home…?”

Black slowly nodded, her lips forming into a rare genuine smile before it disappeared in an instant. That however did not go unnoticed to the childish younger queen.

“Of course they did. I would have resolved to scare them off if they didn’t.” Black jokingly said.

The younger queen giggled and stood up from the bed, affectionately swinging their hands from side to side in an almost childish way. Black did not bother to stop the gesture and played along with the other girl, finding her actions to be amusing and refreshing for a change.

“Gekikara, do you have anything you need to carry?”


“Eh? Seriously?” The raven asked; her mouth agape and her eyes wide in apparent mixture of shock and disbelief. Gekikara only nodded before pouting when she saw the older teen frown.


“Gakuran and Shaku already took my clothes back home for me. They only left me with clothes to wear for today.”

Gekikara pointed to herself, making Black look at the younger queen’s form from head to toe, the insane queen was wearing a simple white button-up blouse, black shorts, knee socks and a simple pair of flat shoes. Black also noted that Gekikara’s hair was undone from its usual braided hairstyle and her bangs were parted on both sides, covering the two slash scars on her right upper eye. Her earrings were also missing and so were her bracelets and rings.

The insane queen looked so much different. Gekikara almost looked like an ordinary beautiful frail looking girl, and not the usual dangerous insane queen image she knew best.

Black stood there in silence, a bit impressed with the simple wardrobe that the younger girl was wearing. Gekikara looked so much more like her past self. It was almost nostalgic seeing her look that way.

The younger queen frowned and poked the former queen’s shoulder, almost worriedly when she noticed that Black suddenly turned silent.

“Black? Are you alright?”

“Hmm, I’m fine, was just thinking…” The raven reassuringly smiled at the other girl, Gekikara’s frown melted into a small-relieved look, a large grin etched on her lips. Black gave the hand on her own a soft light squeeze before she tugged her companion’s hand.

“Let’s go home now, shall we?”


Gekikara bobbed her head enthusiastically and followed the older girl out of the room, never letting go the former queen’s hand all the way out of the hospital even with the increasingly mixed looks of amusement, curiosity and disapproval of other people they saw and passed by. Black did not seem to care either; whether she was getting a lot of attention from people because to her, they were not of any importance.

She did not need to care what other people perceive of her because she was already used to getting disappointed gazes or sharp menacing glares from her parents. It hurts at first, but she had gotten used to it all too quickly. Black knew that she cannot do anything about it, and if she cannot please everyone then she might as well just please herself and the people who accept her the way she is.

Gekikara did not seem bothered either and was in fact happily swinging their hand as they walked, humming a small unfamiliar tune that felt pleasing to Black’s ear. Black found herself smiling as she continued to listen to the happy tune of the younger girl’s humming.

Black took a quick glance at Gekikara and saw the childish queen had her eyes closed; a large genuine smile free from any malice or mock taunt was on her beautiful face. The raven turned away, she could feel own lips form into a larger smile, but she did not try to hide it anyways.

Gekikara however seem to take an interest on the older girl’s smile when she gazed at the older girl, she instantly found herself drawn at the happy expression etched on Black’s face, which the former queen never truly expresses or let out in the open.

The insane, or rather, sane queen looked up at the skies. The smile on her lips never fading.

It was a cold night, but a very brilliant starry night. The dark clouds were already fading away, showing the millions of dazzling bright stars from up above. The moon was also faintly present from a distance, making the view breathtaking and ethereal.

It was a rare view maybe just as rare as Black’s smile. Gekikara mused before letting out a content sigh.

“You should smile more…Black.”

“Why?” Black whispered; it was soft and low, almost silent. The older teen had an inquiring look on her face, but with a smile present on her lips, not as large as the first, but it was still a smile.

“Why indeed~?” Gekikara asked in a singsong manner and paused, acting like she was thinking hard but was somehow failing miserably; it was rather comical that Black had to stop herself from giggling.

Gekikara turned to the raven and stared at her, her expression almost too serious that Black stopped walking. Black blinked in confusion and was about to ask why when the younger queen’s serious expression turned into a childish happy look.

“Hehehe, I think you look just really beautiful when you do.”

“I like it when you smile.” The sane queen pointed out, without any hint of embarrassment in her tone. In fact, the shorter teen proudly declared her complement, startling and making Black fluster.

The former queen of darkness turned away from Gekikara, her face flushed in a bright color of crimson red, almost too noticeable even under the darkness that covered the streets where they were walking on.

Black wanted to thank the other girl, but somehow, her voice failed to come out of her mouth. She was too dumbfounded to speak, Gekikara caught her off guard and she could not think of anything at all but the younger queen’s sweet simple words.

Gekikara did not mind that the older teen stood there in silence, she found the other girl’s sudden silence to be pleasing. It just meant that Black was hit hard with her words; it only made Gekikara want to smirk triumphantly for whatever unimaginable joy she felt inside her heart.

Feeling an unknown force from heaven knows where pushing her as if encouragingly, Gekikara took the silence between her and Black as an opportunity to continue on talking finding herself having the courage to talk.

“I really like it when you smile. You almost never smile, after you got pregnant. You may do it once, but you often try to suppress it.”

“You often always suppress your emotions, Black. Even after Yuko-san died…you never cried.” Gekikara solemnly added, looking down sadly, remembering the death of their former Rappapa president and how Black kept strong and held back her tears. She kept strong along with Torigoya. They did not shed a tear and stood firmly with their chins up; they stood strong for the other Rappapa members on that sad day.

Gekikara knew the pain although her heart wasn’t screaming from the physical pain; her emotions were hurting at that time, she knew that it was the same for everyone. She cried along with Shibuya and Sado because of the pain of losing their beloved leader.

When the younger queen remembers that day, she felt like wanting to tear up, because she lost a great leader and friend, and because she did not like how Black kept her emotions suppressed.

“I wish you would show yourself more. I wish you would express your emotions more.”

Gekikara grasped the older girl’s hand tightly and sadly gazed at Black, who kept silent, not knowing what to say, not even wanting to speak. She was all too caught up with the sudden unusual confession from Gekikara.

“You don’t have to continue on being like this.”

“You don’t need to lock yourself up in a cage anymore.”

“You don’t need to hold onto the pain, just like what you did with your parents.”

Gekikara bit her bottom lips, asking, begging, trying to convince the older girl to let go. The sane queen was almost trying to tear open the wounds in the past that was still just turning into a scar.

Black did not know why it came to this all of a sudden, why the younger girl was starting to get desperate. They never touched this topic before, before and after her pregnancy. However, with Gekikara resurfacing the issues that Black was desperately trying to keep out of her head, the former queen could not help but purse her lips into a tight sad frown.

The raven wanted to ask why, why Gekikara was doing this, why she’s bringing this up.

Black did her very best to keep this topic from resurfacing, even to the point of beating someone half to death whenever they try to ask her who the father of her child was. She did not want to remember even though her thoughts collided onto this unpleasant memory, just hours ago when she was still working.

Of course, it hurts her feelings when she thought of it, but it only hurts more when Gekikara was trying to talk to her about it.

“Please, Black…Yuki…return back to how you were before…” Gekikara said. Her hands reached up and grasped Black’s shoulders, pulling the older girl closer to her, their faces only inches apart.

“Remember what kind of person you were before… Remember who you are, the kind, cheerful and positive person that I met and helped me up.”

The younger girl stared desperately at the former queen’s shining black orbs with her own brown ones. The shorter queen’s expression was dead serious, almost a bit afraid and uncertain at the same time.

Black did not look away, she could not look away. Even though her mind was telling her to look away, to cut off the other girl’s speech, Black’s body did not move. Her body defied what her mind was screaming her to do. Instead, Black kept her silence and listened.

Gekikara let out a shaky breath and swallowed a visible lump forming on her throat, dreading Black’s reaction. The next words that Black heard coming from Gekikara’s lips caused Black’s eyes to widen in horror.

“I already took care of the person who did this to you.”

“…I already destroyed him…”

End of Part II


A/N: This ends Part II of Chinmoku, there's still a Part III, I don't know whether it will be the last part, but please sit tight and wait for it! It may answer a few questions concerning around Gekikara and Black, or what past they have.

Anyways, thank you for reading, see you in my next update!
« Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 04:51:14 PM by Sieka »
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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part II: BlackGeki) [03/03/12]
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2012, 09:38:44 AM »
Oh good job Gekikara that guy deserved it!

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part II: BlackGeki) [03/03/12]
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2012, 10:36:08 AM »
Geki.... you are good job. You are good job indeed. NOW MAKE BLACK YOURS!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA


ME GUSTA!! Please update soon! I can't wait! > w <

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part II: BlackGeki) [03/03/12]
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2012, 12:01:31 PM »
omg gekikara so sweet an amazing she is only like this with black awww
and black not holding her smile back soo cute
thanks for the update and great ideas!

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part II: BlackGeki) [03/03/12]
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2012, 11:18:51 PM »

Gekikara's sweetness melted my heart and made it fluffy, hehe

And Black's caring for her friend made me smile

AND Geki took care of that bastard!!

Even though I'm happy, I dunno how Black will react...

Update when you can!!!
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part II: BlackGeki) [03/03/12]
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2012, 09:40:03 PM »
Wow Geki too care of the 'bastard' I wonder quite what geki thinks about that...... Seems as though Rena wanted to do it, though for Black, for herself? And is it just a freindship think or, perhpas something else......

Aw Geki being sweet with Black, whilst odd was definatly cute, a side only Black truly see's perhaps?

And Black being caring to Geki, seems aslmost as if it is second nature to her now but at the same time a task she gladly does....

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part II: BlackGeki) [03/03/12]
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2012, 08:36:48 AM »

“I already took care of the person who did this to you.”

“…I already destroyed him…”

Glad to hear that~

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part II: BlackGeki) [03/03/12]
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2012, 03:58:15 PM »
This not an update. Nope it isn't. Just some kind of kiriban thing. I'm just here to post my thanks with a drawing. I drew this today, while I was still sleepy. Drew it at school while I had nothing to do. Forgive the crappy one whole pad paper, the red ballpen ink and my crappy artstyle. XD

Anyways, that said...

Thanks for the 439page views!!

Please continue to stick with this procrastinating writer!

A note though, I'll update the next part of this shot, Part III of Chinmoku by this week. I do think that this shot won't be finished by just part III, I think it'll most likely go up to Part IV, so please be patient with me in this shot, I'm sorry if I'm boring you out...? Um yeah, anyways, see you next update!

I'm gonna aim for 1000+ page views next time and make another kiriban picture or shot...whatever I'm thinking. XD
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

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[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
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Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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THIS...  :on blackhole:

THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!  :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

I envy you your drawing skills...  :on cloudeye:

*sulks in a corner while snuggling with a printed version of the picture above*

Anyway, please draw more!!!
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

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I wanna draw lile this too ^^

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your drawing is so good :on GJ:

you should make BlackGeki comic  XD

visit my tumblr :

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