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Author Topic: Sieka's Collections [01/20/13 - ON HIATUS]  (Read 118452 times)

Offline Sieka

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Re: Sieka's Collections (POLL: Try writting smut fics - Yes or No?) [08/11/12]
« Reply #200 on: August 19, 2012, 05:44:53 PM »
A/N: Sieka here, no update yet, just another preview for Chinmoku Part X-II! I'm still...far from 50% right now, but I'm doing my best little by little to write the whole chapter, hopefully by the end of my 4-day vacation, I'll be able to finish and update this part for Chinmoku before I go back to my school life...hahaha, and also, I hope to finish my art plates and carving project. Anyways, before the preview, gonna reply to anzai-san and oddball-san. :)


@anzai48 - Hahaha, please anzai-san, don't act innocently, it doesn't suit your image. :P 8) :lol: And I know you know what I'm talking about you teaser! :lol:

Bloody and painful? Let's see what I can do about that anzai-san. I still have a few things in mind I'd like to add~ :cathappy:

You do? Wow, should I be flattered that you miss it? Mah, I'll try drawing a BlackGeki scene from Chinmoku when I have the time tomorrow since its been a while since I drew something that was related to Chinmoku. :lol: For now just make do with this picture okay? It still counts as BlackGeki with a bit of blood. XD

@oddball - Segenfreude: True, Yuki somehow did took Rena's Gekikara role, but she's much more tamed and controlled than Gekikara, that's for sure, I still don't want to classify Yuki here in this fic, I'd just like her to remain an oddity for now. Ohh, you might be right about that, but then, you might be wrong about Black-Yuki showing a side of herself, Yuki is still somehow playing vague here, even in my own mind. :lol:

Our Past Together: Partly, you are right, Rena wants to be alone and left isolated away from people, but mainly because of her anger over her own situation, but you are wrong on one thing. Yuki is the epitome of what Rena wants in her life, a carefree, perfect and happy life that she thinks Yuki is leading, but Rena knows that it's something that she can't have. She's jealous of Yuki here, just that, she doesn't want to show it. Yuki's side though, love? Maybe? Or maybe Rena is right about her giving her false comfort and care...who knows what exactly is Yuki's ulterior motive in this, since I already gave away two reasons in Chinmoku Part VI and IX, to pull Rena from her miserable state, and make her smile, but I'm planning for another motive, maybe a deeper reason, and whatever it is, it'll be the one main thing that will push Yuki to follow Rena... :lol: You sure do have some interesting deductions as to why though. You really impress me so much oddball-san! As expected from my favorite reader. :lol:

Ah, yes, I forgot. Yuki and Rena's relationship is interesting indeed.Their relationship is just starting to form here, likely I like how two people clash together with one persevering and one rejecting, it makes it feel like their both playing a game of cat and mouse, no? 8)

Anyways, thanks for the comments from you two!
Here's the preview for Chinmoku Part X-II!



Part X-II: Preview

This was like a dream of what once started normally, turned bitterly into a nightmare that never seemed to have a fitting end, in fact, it never seemed to have an end at all, well, for the suffering from torment and desperation became partly the reason, but most likely it was because of guilt and fear that kept everything from reaching any conclusion. Yet, for this to happen, it was somehow too good to be true; it was like a miracle, which she could hardly grasp, but she wanted to believe, she wanted to grasp on that fact that Gekikara had called her.

End of Preview

Well, that's all, see you guys around, gotta go back and write Chinmoku and some of my shots. :lol:
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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
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~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

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Offline turratar

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: Preview) [08/19/12]
« Reply #201 on: August 20, 2012, 05:52:44 AM »
I  WANT Chinmoku  :pleeease:
It's an amazing fanfiction!

Offline Megumi

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: Preview) [08/19/12]
« Reply #202 on: August 20, 2012, 02:43:07 PM »
 :shocked :drool: 3 updates?

TomoTomo fic...Chiyuu just missed her A LOT!
But Tomochin will make it up so it's fine  XD

:shocked At first I tough no no no please don't let it happen to Rena  :cry: but then came the mysterious woman  (with super human strength? not human anyway) and kicked their ass. The beautiful scenery with the "mysterious" woman with Rena in her arms on top of the skyscape  :w00t: WOOW I mean really WOOOOOOOOW!

Out Past Together

 :yep:  :thumbsup The class president must have seen herself in Rena that's why she wanted to help.

And the Chinmoku teaser...(such a tease there Sieka-san) I finally have a little hope that this fic will not break my heart  XD



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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: Preview) [08/19/12]
« Reply #203 on: August 22, 2012, 02:39:16 AM »
Hello, I love your Fics...I'm a Total Fan of Chinmoku hehehe
I hope to read the new chapter soon...soooo Bye, Take care and keep the hard work (^o^)/

Offline Sieka

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: Preview) [08/19/12]
« Reply #204 on: August 25, 2012, 07:40:35 AM »
Hi guys, as of this moment...Chinmoku is half done, yes, half done, just another half left and its done, but the problem is, my mood was a bit spoiled because of the recent news about the team shuffle. Don't worry, I'll finish Chinmoku no matter what happens, just give me a few hours off to relax and reorganize my thoughts and I'll be back up and write the update. :'<

I'll also post some of the one-shots I have once I finish them, so don't worry, and I'm not gonna quit writing just because of this team shuffle, even though its a big bummer...

So let's see...the progress right now is this:

Chinmoku - Part X-II = 50%
One-shots = Between 30% to 50% (Most of them)

Ah anyways, the team shuffle, right, it was a total shock, man, I can't shallow and process it down, the old team was okay, but I don't know about this now...frankly a lot of members are switched and some are going to another sister group. Seeing Sae, Harugon, and Akicha are to be placed in another sister group outside of Japan kinda makes me feel sad. Mayu being on Team A made me cry for Yuki, I mean, sure its alright for the switch, but I can't stomach it that Mayu is on Team A, leaving Yuki in Team B and what with her getting demoted from her captain position, it's true that she doesn't act like a captain, but....still...I really cried when I saw Yuki crying because of the announcement. I like MaYuki but I don't ship them as intensely, still, to break them up? That's too much, so evil...breaking up the mother-daughter tandem is I'm clearly shocked but I also saw it coming, since Mayu got the Top #2 position...still, I can't help but feel bad for this...even though Mayu will benefit from being in Team A, I think...I don't really emotions are mixed up!! TT__TT I also feel bad for Sayaka getting demoted, she has the leader quality in her, though it was good that Yuko is appointed as captain, still, Team K's captain will always be Sayaka for me. I kind of feel bad for the SaeYaka pair though, they are such great friends...uuu.... TTnTT

It's just so evil, dang.....Yuki and Sayaka got demoted, Mayu being placed in Team A, Sae, Harugon, Rabutan and Akicha in another sister group...some good notes though on the shuffle with Takamina as the GM, Mariko as Team A's captain...and yeah...I don't know what to say about Anna being in Team B though....I'm neutral on her, though they could have chosen a better SKE member to be placed in Team B since right now...Team B is very unstable for me. Team A and K will somehow pull through, just that...Team B...I don't know, even with Kojiharu and Miichan there...there's still something lacking in Team B, I don't think its a good option for them to be there either, and frankly, the lacking is bigger now since Mayu isn't there anymore. u__u

Also! Acchan's graduation is really near and so many surprises have happened, I can't stomach another surprise, I hope no more surprises happen, though I think SKE might also have a shuffle...I hope it isn't that major because that will break my heart again. I also don't want more members to graduate since some are already going to...on October...aww, my heart, I can't take it, Acchan's graduation is already too painful, anymore of this and my positive outlook will be sucked more please, school is already stressing and finals are near for me, no more...

I wanna hug Yuki, seeing her cry because of that announcement really broke my heart...I really cried because of it, had to go to the kitchen and cry a bit, or else I'd embarrass myself in front of my mom and that is totally uncool because she'd ask me why I cried.... lllorz

I know that the girls will recover quickly from the major shuffle, well that's great...just hope it won't have any bad effects..

Anyways, I won't leave any replies, I can't.....reply back since I'm not enthusiasm at this moment, I'm still having a hard time with the team shuffle...guess you can say stress from school and finals plus this made it much more hard for me to stomach?

Sorry, but thank you for the comments and thank yous, I'll give you guys some proper replies to those who left some, some other time of course when I have my optimism back. :')

(Edit: Ah, sorry sorry, I saw some mistake...corrected something from it, sorry...)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 08:03:17 AM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
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~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

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Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline bochang

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I haven't been dropped by for a long long time. XD

day 1: grand shuffle
day 2: takamina solo
day 3: ???

more to come, more to expect. :3

don't cry sieka. :3
maybe AKi-P will move Rena to team B. #notgonnahappen

himnae. :3

even me, who lives in Jakarta and support JKT48, shocked about that news.. Akicha and Harusan?!
UG center, and member of W7? This is madness..

but oh well, that's their decision, and i'm gonna support them. :3

for MaYuki.. I think Aki-P want to push Mayuyu to take Acchan's vacant position..

and for the captain..

I wonder why..

Akigori really did a great job in K i wonder why he choose Yuko..

and idk about Yuki leadership, but i think it's okay, Aki-P didn't have to change the captain, well except for Team A, since Minami become a GM (a staff position? LOL)

well, that's my opinion, and cheer up Sieka, you haven't watch Gingham Check right? Yukirin's scene.. XD
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

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thanx for be so brave... and finished :D we need to support akb for now more that ever..

Offline Pandah

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thanks for all the updates sieka-san!
ive been gone for a while....too busy D:
waiting for your next update :D

in regards to the shuffle...somehow it didnt hit me as hard as everybody else
i was a bit shocked at the captain changes though but i guess its inevitable that akb will be changing quite a bit from now on..

wells times running out and i gotta run ...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK SIEKA-SAN! AND HOPE YOUR MOOD ON THIS WILL BE BETTER :)

Offline Sieka

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Update progress & Reaction to Team Shuffle) [08/25/12]
« Reply #208 on: September 12, 2012, 05:05:13 PM »
A/N: A month and a few weeks has passed and I have yet to make an update. I'm very sorry, I was caught up with the second term of my first year in my college life, that and I was trying to cop up with the animes, mangas and games that have been piling in my computer. I'll try to write a bit as much as possible, and the progress for Chinmoku is still at 50% and so is with the shots. I have not made any progress and its really saddening. Hahaha....I'm kind of exhausted right now since I have yet to get used to the sudden change of schedule for this term. Ahh....I'll really get back to you guys after I have adjusted, for now, I leave you my utmost regrets...if ever someone is still there and waiting for Chinmoku and the other stories that is. :lol:

Anyways, I'm gonna drop a prologue for another story to add to the pile of many stories I have. Sorry, my mind just needed some kind of way to dump some negative thoughts, so yeah, this was my outlet. Don't mind me, I just write what I please at times of need. :lol:

Ah right, before the prologue, comments first.


@turratar - Thank you. :)

@Megumi - Three updates, equaling to a month break, a big backfire to me...aahaha. XD Ahh, you know what, I actually wanted it to happen to Rena in Segefreude, but then, the thought of being killed and hunted by the Rena fans is scaring me, and Rena is too pure for it. :lol: My conscience cannot handle it. :sweatdrop:

Iinchou seeing something in Rena about herself? Hmm...maybe maybe.

I'm sorry for being a tease? And, keep the faith alive and keeping hoping that Chinmoku would have a happy end? :lol:

@Nyx - Thank you. :)

@bochang - And I as well haven't dropped in a long time here in the forums. :sweatdrop:

You can't expect me not to cry oppa. It really was heartbreaking. : \
And that really isn't gonna happen, not in the future. Not ever. XD

Mhmm, hopefully Akicha and Harugon would do fine in JKT. I mean, JKT itself is still underdevelopment, so hopefully, they would get something good out of that transfer and not fade away because of it.

I think so too....I mean, Mayu is in Team A, most likely, taking Acchan's vacant position, she may as well be the new Ace, depending on Aki-P's taste, but mah...

True, Sayaka was a good leader, not so much from Yuki, but she's an okay leader. Though it makes me wonder why he suddenly did a leader change, why and what could be the reasons behind that....?

Ugh...I watched it, and I...was really disheartened, kind of, I guess....I mean, yeah, LeNosferatu-san showed me a gif of Yuki's scene, so...huh...I cried because, it made me question what Aki-P what's to do out of all these, geez, and that grand shuffle was still in my mind when I saw that Yuki scene....ugh. llllorz

@Haruko - Thanks. :)

@Pandah - I know what you mean, I'm also busy to be around...ugh...I'm missing a lot on all the good fics and stuff. : \

I see, I guess you are used to the shuffle change, that captain/leader change was somehow bad for me though, I mean, its hard not to see Sayaka and Yuki as the captains, and now that they got demoted.... *sigh* I dunno really...I just can't think of any other captain other than them.

And that ends my replies, thank you to everyone who commented, gave me their thanks and viewed this thread while I was away for like a month and a few weeks. I'm not gonna update any soon since I'm a bit busy this week, so I'll just make do with a new prologue for a new story...again, why do I keep making new stories when I haven't finished one story? Ugh....this really will be the death of me.




A/N: That's....the prologue. I'm probably reveal the characters later on...and I think everyone can guess just what exactly am I trying to pull on here. Anyways, see you guys around.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 06:05:36 AM by Sieka »
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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
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Re: Sieka's Collections (Memories of the Heart - Prologue) [09/12/12]
« Reply #209 on: September 14, 2012, 12:52:10 PM »
Uwaaa another new fic?  :panic:

I'm sorry for being a tease? And, keep the faith alive and keeping hoping that Chinmoku would have a happy end?

I'm praying  XD

So it's 50% finished? I wonder so it will take another months or so to finish it?  :rofl:
No just kidding but I will be here waiting patiently on your update "Sieka-san"

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Memories of the Heart - Prologue) [09/12/12]
« Reply #210 on: September 14, 2012, 06:37:56 PM »
Wooow.... amazing prologue... But, somehow I feel sad when I read it... :cry:

Offline Sieka

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Memories of the Heart - Prologue) [09/12/12]
« Reply #211 on: October 11, 2012, 11:10:40 AM »
So, hi, hello, it's been too long since I've been around the forums.  :sweatdrop: I've been absent for so long that I've missed so much updates. I guess being away from the forums for too long also made me momentarily forget I even wrote fictions...I'm not gonna lie of course, I was busy with college and projects, but I'm also guilty for also being busy with playing with my PSP, so now I'm gonna balance my time and write again, hopefully, I can juggle it. :sweatdrop:

Anyways, no updates, just a preview for Chinmoku X-II, but before that, gonna reply.


@Megumi - Yeah...again. It's just my brain working weirdly.

Heh, you know me so well, it takes a month or two to finish a chapter for Chinmoku. It's really mind taxing to write, with all that damned vocabulary I need to place and all the descriptions I have to write, it kind of kills that it takes out 90% of my energy afterwards if I were to write it for a whole day. XD

- Thanks. Hahaha...It's supposed to make you feel sad. :)



Part X-II: 2nd Preview

“Yuki…” Gekikara called Black, her voice small and weak, but filled with worry and sadness; her voice lost its luster and confidence that was once presently there, mocking the former queen moments ago mockingly and maliciously. That, and the feeling of exhaustion made Gekikara feel weak and small, a feeling that only comes in rare occasions, and just looking at the older raven lying there on the small puddle of blood that came from the wound on her shoulder, added more weight on the exhaustion she felt that was already hugely present, but nothing could ever compare to the weight of guilt she is carrying in her heart.

End of Preview

Anyways, that's about it, I'm not giving that much away anyways, so adios. I'll post the chapter once I finish it. I just need to write half of the update, like really, just half of it and its done. -__-llll
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
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~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
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Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: 2nd Preview) [10/11/12]
« Reply #212 on: October 11, 2012, 02:22:22 PM »
Ahhhh! Please update soon!!!!

Please don't kill black! Geki needs her! :cry:

And Anzai please dont kill geki!  :cry:

I love them both sooooo much so please don't kill them!  :panic:

I don't want to see my two favorite rappapa members die!

Please don't kill them!!!

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: 2nd Preview) [10/11/12]
« Reply #213 on: October 11, 2012, 03:14:30 PM »
Sieka-sama!!! How could I do this to you...  :gyaaah: :gyaaah: :gyaaah:

And I call myself your No.1 fan!!!  :on cloudeye: :on cloudeye: :on cloudeye:

Not commenting on your fic for such a long time... Shame on you, sakura_drop_!!!  :on beatup :on beatup :on beatup

But really.... I'm really sorry!!!  :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

I'll be sure to post a proper comment, after I update my other stories, which I plan to update this week...  :temper: :temper: :temper:

I'm sorry again for being No.1 fan, and still not spreading my love here!!!  :err: :err: :err:

*rushes to write a love letter*  :on speedy: :on speedy: :on speedy:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline Megumi

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: 2nd Preview) [10/11/12]
« Reply #214 on: October 11, 2012, 03:41:34 PM »
 :smhid why you torturing me like this  :bleed eyes:

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Offline Sieka

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: 2nd Preview) [10/11/12]
« Reply #215 on: October 22, 2012, 11:48:20 AM »
A/N: Long time no post, hahaha, I just finished a few of my midterm tests and I still have two more this week, hopefully I will pass with flying colors because I'm really worried about my midterms, seems like some of them are hard and I have two majors, it really makes me nervous. I'm still writing my updates for Chinmoku and reorganizing them because the last time I left it, it was awfully messy and I am not satisfied with it so bear with me. :sweatdrop:

Anyways, I just finished watching MG3 yesterday and I must say, I've become really interested in the AnniNaga paring more than MessiYagi, ParuPeace or NanteNashi. Frankly, MessiYagi is good, but I feel that they lack that tension you know, AnniNaga just has all that tension and I liked the way they gaze at each other, especially how Annin gazes at Nobunaga and how hung over she is over that unfinished fight they had before. It's like she's so stuck in love with Nobunaga that she makes fighting as an excuse to be near her. Hahaha, me and my insatiable mind. :lol: And you might think I'm trailing off, but I'm not, I fear that AnniNaga is on my second fav next to BlackGeki, hahaha, I just hope it doesn't overthrow BlackGeki.......kidding, of course it won't. BlackGeki has a big hold on me no matter what, and I guess its pretty obvious whenever I watch a scene with Black and Gekikara together, I still end up squealing like a high school lovestruck kid. :lol: I'm trying to be conscious of AnniNaga though because it easily became my favorite and I really like them together. :lol:

And I'm babbling, anyways, before the shot, let's go with a few replies and we're settled. :)


@anzai48 - Even if I kill Yuki, it won't do anything to me. Even if you kill Geki in your fic, it still won't do anything to me. 8) Go ahead and try anyways anzai-san. Threatening me won't work. XD

@miyumi - Hahaha! Kill kill kill! :lol: Kill Geki, kill Black, lolmao. :lol: Sorry, sorry, that's just me, the plot however....let's see how it goes. :lol:

@sakura_drop_ - don't really need to write a love letter sakura-san.... :sweatdrop:

@Megumi - I'm sorry? XD

And that's it, so here's the shot, hope you guys enjoy reading! :)




Warm and bright, that was how the sun shined brightly that day. It was rather pleasant even as the light breeze blew softly, countering the warmth of the sun’s rays whenever it went too much to handle, but so could be said to the sun’s warmth. The two of them balanced each other.

 It was an unspoken combination. Hot and cold, when combined evenly, they present a balanced temperature, neither too hot nor too cold, just the right amount.

They were like that; some of the other prisons also have the same opinion.

They were categorized in a way that made them opposite to one another; she is cold, stern and harsh while the other girl is mysterious yet playful in her ways, but they were both the similar too, they would do anything to protect their teams. No matter the cost, even if it meant for them to shoulder the pain and burden all the same.

They never spoke of that, rather, they never concerned themselves with wanting to know each other.

It did not matter anyways.

Enemies are enemies.

Trying to befriend your enemy would be the most outrageous thing out of all the outrageousness listed in the present, apart from that; they never concerned themselves with each other. They simply ignore each other’s presence unless they had to fight, but other than that, there wasn’t anything else left.

Other prisoners might find it as a silent truce from both of them due to their lack of acknowledgement in each other’s presence, but to them it was just a simple moment, or moments, where they were lost for words, unable to speak to each other.

The Mongoose leader seem to have already known of it and acknowledged that she lacks in the social department as it has always been from the start. So instead, she would just look at the Habu leader for a few seconds and walk back forward whenever she crosses paths with the aforementioned short haired raven; most of the time, the Mongoose leader would shrug her shoulders casually as she passed the taller girl without making so much as a whisper.

It did somehow feel frustrating though, especially when Nobunaga found the other leader’s silence to be unbearable.

She would have guessed that the Mongoose leader had some kind of secret hatred for her due to her lack of response and recognition, especially when she tries to settle for a short chat with Annin, only to have the other girl leave her without as much a response to her question or even her attention.

Nobunaga hated it, her lack of response, but she can’t complain either. At least her members weren’t fighting with the Mongoose leader’s own ones. But it didn’t feel reassuring of a reason, really; it just made her groan in frustration, because Annin’s silence irritates her.

It always has, but she tried not to display it by being playful, but always pretending and acting was just making her feel sick already.

It was too tiring to act when all she wanted was to let her frustration run rampant.

Running a hand on her short hair, she sighed, staring up to look at the clouds lazily floating in a sea of blue horizon.

No matter how good the weather is today, it certainly did nothing to dispense the increasing feeling of frustration in her head, but begrudgingly enough, she’d rather not act than to start a fuss with the Mongoose leader. It would be bad for her reputation too if she went loose, she still had to rest and let her wounds heal after all.

It was not that worse, but certainly she wouldn’t as foolishly as to go and pick up a fight with the Mongoose leader without knowing the consequence of going there hurt and still wounded. It sucks though that she had to do nothing but lie down, she was not even permitted by her fellow members to work out, telling her that she needed her rest after their previous battle with another prison group.

Nobunaga would have scoffed and argued back at them, but seeing all of them work together to keep her down, she had no choice but to do as they wished and rest. And now here she was, outside the prison building in an unfamiliar terrain, getting fresh air and light, hoping that it would ease her boredom and apparent frustration.

Sadly however, it didn’t.

It just made her feel even more irritated.

“…Is there anything out there that can quench my boredom?” Nobunaga sighed, staring blankly at a tree bark, eyeing the lines on its rough and hard exterior.

She waited, hoping something would come out of nowhere and surprise her. Nothing came however but silence, silence that she would often associate to the Mongoose leader and the simple thought of her throws her back to her past spiral of irritation.

The Habu leader placed her hands down on both of her sides, clenching the dried leaves on the ground, crushing them as hard and fine as she could, feeling the bits of the leaves stick to her palm, the feeling itself entirely unpleasant.

Grumbling in displeasure, Nobunaga pushed herself off the ground and patted her pants then afterwards her hands before she placed them both on her waist, frowning.


“This prison is really boring…” The Habu leader whined to her own, closing her eyes tightly together as she scratched her head in frustration, talking idle steps as she made her way to leave this silent haven, hoping to get back to the right path following back to the prison building. Half-hoping that on her way and possibly at their headquarters, something fun would appear for her to enjoy.

But luck didn’t appear to be on Nobunaga’s side, because after a few minutes of walking, she still found herself in the same place, or what looked to be like it.

She tried to go to different directions, hoping that she would get out, but she didn’t. It was like she was walking in just one place, in once space without an exit; it was just like this prison itself, doesn’t have one, nor does it even have the option to even hold one.

This prison was like a cage and that of to a maze to keep them all locked in one place, forever to keep on walking, lying to themselves of hopes and wishes of being free; a wish that would never be fulfilled. Nobunaga knew just that much, because she knew why this prison existed, but she never had the heart to tell the others, knowing the dangers that it would put them and how they would lose hope instantly.

“I wouldn’t want them to lose hope…” She whispered melancholy, hands clenched into fists as she gave out a faraway look at the sky, envious of how vast it was and how free the clouds were. Unlike her, like everyone else, they were bound into this soiled place without any means to get out without having to pick a choice of living a pathetic life as a cleaner or as a part of the living dead.

The Habu leader raised her arm at an eye level as she inspected the red gleaming bracelet on her wrist with a displeased look before she let her arm drop back to her side, whispering ever so gently and sadly as she contemplated this fact, “We’re all locked up and chained here no matter how freely we can walk about…it doesn’t change anything at all…”

“We’re still prisoners…being held up by invisible chains no matter what…”

“–––––So, are you saying you’re going to give up then?” An unfamiliar voice whispered, asking in a stern tone that made Nobunaga stiffen, not knowing how to react to the unexpected company she had as it surprised the short haired raven from her own reverie.

Swiftly, Nobunaga turned her head slightly, peering over her shoulder to look at the intruder, her guard upfront defensively, only for her to once again stiffen in yet another surprise when her eyes met resolute amber orbs that stared back into her own puzzled mismatched ones.

When exactly did she come? Why was she here even? And how come Nobunaga never heard her steps? Nobunaga would have known right away and sense anyone’s presence, yet here, in the flesh, the Mongoose leader proved her how much her own senses has its own flaws.

And this was considered a first.

Unable to hide her shock, Nobunaga’s mouth gapped, opening and closing as if she had seen a ghost, and much to the other girl’s amusement, she merely responded by raising a brow, talking again without bothering to wait for the short haired raven to talk.

“What are you doing here anyways?” Annin asked, looking away to scan her surrounding with no such interest. Her hand idly swinging back and forth at her side as she walked towards the stunned Habu leader, making small crunching sounds that came from the leaves under her feet. A few meters near the stunned Habu leader, she stops and bends down to pick up a short twig, twirling it as if it was the most interesting thing around.

“Aren’t you going to say something?” Annin sighed, casting a stern gaze at the short haired leader, and immediately, as if casted off, Nobunaga snapped out from her stupid stupor at the sound crunching leaves.

The Habu leader turned her head, looking away as tried to hide her awe and the fact that she was marvelling at how nice and pleasant the other girl’s voice sounded to her ears. Nobunaga internally scoffed at herself for simply thinking of something like that about her.

Uneasy of where her thought might lead her, the short haired raven reorganized herself with a small polite cough, hoping to distract herself away from delving too much into her thoughts.

“I did not intend to come here. I just got lost track.”

“And also, I’m not giving up…I can’t give up because it’s not an option.” Nobunaga said in a low hushed tone which came out rather solemnly than what she had wanted or intended.

Annin raised a brow at hearing her response, but instead of asking further and pry for more out of the Habu leader, she just kept her mouth shut and eyed the dead twig in her palm, as if calculating and weighing something in her mind like she had always done.

The short haired raven glanced back at her suddenly silent companion, watching her, giving her an inquiring gaze that Annin’s eyes gazed back, looking quite curiously at the sudden smile that formed on the Habu leader’s face and it somehow struck something inside her when Nobunaga’s smile turned into a grin.

Annin let a frown form on her face willingly, slightly feeling disarmed at the smile Nobunaga was giving her. It ticks her off, seeing the short haired girl’s expression; it was like it was coursing her to voice out her thoughts.

And without fail, she did; all too willingly.

“What is it?” She asked; her voice strict as what her expression lets out, but no matter how harsh the Mongoose leader’s tone was or how menacing a face she puts up, Nobunaga kept her smile intact, as if finding amusement in it.

“Nothing serious…though I didn’t think you could speak. I thought you couldn’t.” Nobunaga chuckled, her words meant to be a joke as it was emitting an air of playfulness just when she pointed an accusing finger at the long haired raven. Annin did not take her gesture kindly however; instead, it somehow offended Annin, having a finger pointed at her.

“You…” Annin sighed, closing her eyes tightly in disbelief; the urge to hit Nobunaga seemed to be weighing a lot now and she was just as tempted as to give Nobunaga a good clean hit in the face.

It was a good thing though that the Habu leader immediately felt the other girl’s irritation and simply excused herself the best that she could, knowing that the least she wanted right now was to offend the girl, especially since she had finally had the Mongoose leader talking like she wanted the most to happen.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to pick a fight. I just thought of that because you never once spoke back to me.” Nobunaga chuckled nervously, while she quickly placed her hands in front of her chest and waved it frantically, almost defensively, hoping that her little speech would cool off the long haired raven.

Yet she was wrong.

“Are you joking me?”

Her statement was met with a cold harsh glare, along with a bark and a scowl on the Mongoose leader’s face that made Nobunaga let out a sigh of her own.

“Okay, I’m serious, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything bad. It just took me by surprise to hear you speak… You never did seem to talk back to me whenever I try to talk to you.”

“It was kind of frustrating you know…those times when you wouldn’t talk back.” Nobunaga admitted truthfully while she scratched the back of her head, ruffling her short raven tresses as she looked at anything and everything but Annin, knowing that if she gazed at the Mongoose leader, she would not probably be able to look away from the other girl’s penetrating gaze that seemed to have intensified.

“Would you rather that I spoke with you even though we’re both enemies?” Annin whispered, more like of a statement than that of a question that Nobunaga misinterpreted as a simple question.

“Of course I would. Even though we’re from different groups, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk to each other.” Nobunaga chimed energetically, wanting to course the other girl into agreeing with her sentiments.

 It did not really bother her one bit if they were enemies because it does not bring any harm to talk to your enemy and have a friendly chat. In the first place, she never did thought of anyone as an enemy, she simply just liked to fight and she would fight anyone who wanted to fight her. That also meant that she also wanted peace too and friendship to blossom in the prison.

It was the only thing in the prison that would keep the hope to shine brightly.

Sadly though, Annin did not have the same sentiment as her.

“That doesn’t make any sense…” Annin hissed, scoffing at Nobunaga in displeasure, much to the short haired girls own chagrin. Unperturbed at the gaze that Nobunaga was sending her, she threw the twig past her shoulder and eyed Nobunaga back dangerously, a bit too threateningly; “What you want doesn’t make sense even.”

“Why do you say so?” The Habu leader asked, challenging the other girl yet saddened by the other girl’s refusal. It would have been good if she had agreed, but then who was she to know, she never did come so close to Annin without fighting as their purpose.

She should have expected her refusal. But that doesn’t mean she couldn’t be disappointed either.

“Because that isn’t an option for us to have on just as giving up.” The other girl responded coolly as if it was the most obvious thing ever while rolling her eyes in the process, her voice coming out sweet and short but sensible and knowing, and Nobunaga was too aware that the Mongoose leader was right because it was irritating.

It made her frustrated because she was just too damn right.

“I see, then, I guess you’re also going to tell me that being seen together is bad?”

“It is.” Annin mumbled, almost too softly, but she heard it, Nobunaga heard her and felt even more disappointed, but she kept it in, simply hiding her displeasure by giving a small smile and shrugging her shoulders as she tried to cover up the possible hurt in her own features.

“It can’t be helped I guess if you see it bothersome––––“

“–––I don’t hate it though.” Annin said, cutting off Nobunaga rudely. Yet Nobunaga made no retort to scold the other girl, not when she had heard something outrageous.

“…Serious…ly?” Nobunaga gapped in surprise, her eyes blinking a couple of times.

“Do you think I can afford to lie?” The Mongoose leader shook her head while giving Nobunaga her usual stern gaze, crossing her arms over her chest as she proved her point by looking seriously at the dumbfounded Habu leader.

“No…” Nobunaga mumbled, “But it doesn’t mean you’ll be talking to me that much either huh?”


The Mongoose leader look away, her eyes gazing off into a distance, watching dried leaves fly down softly and gently to the ground. Breathing in a soft sigh as the spring breeze blew past the two leaders, fluttering their hair as it waved and flew under the cool breeze.

“It’s better to leave some things unspoken after all…” Annin trailed off, before she bowed her head, as if lost in thoughts for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of what she had uttered, but then she looked back up, eyes unreadable to Nobunaga as she watched the Mongoose leader look at her and express something different for the first time, a smile, small yet tender on her peaceful features before she looked back and simply stared, enjoying the view.

“I guess you’re right.”  Nobunaga murmured, feeling a grin slowly coming its way back to her lips.

Slowly, the Habu leader turned away from her companion and stared off to the same direction as Annin gazed at, and finding comfort in the other girl’s words, she resolved not to talk back any further and just simply enjoy a bit of this time with the Mongoose leader.

Maybe someday when the time comes, she’ll have a chat with her again, but without the restrains of the prison rules and their leadership position chaining them apart.


A/N: And that's about it...I wonder how you guys think...forgive me for any mistakes or the characterization, I still lack that grasp on both Nobunaga and Annin, but anyways, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed, see you guys next time! Ciao! :cathappy:

[EDIT: Added and corrected a few errors I saw.]
« Last Edit: October 22, 2012, 03:31:37 PM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline Megumi

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Unspoken - One-shot: AnniNaga) [10/22/12]
« Reply #216 on: October 27, 2012, 02:19:49 PM »
 :panic: Sieka-san!NobuAnnin! When did you update? Why didn't I saw it earlier? and where was I?
Oh right I was busy working...  :sweatdrop:

But this!  :thumbsup NobuAnnin has been growing on me since Majusuka and eye seks on tumblr.

THank you for your update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Unspoken - One-shot: AnniNaga) [10/22/12]
« Reply #217 on: October 28, 2012, 01:33:48 AM »

I have so many 'feels' for your incredible work, that I don't even know how to explain...

But if I can try...I think you've just climbed up my favorite Authors list.  XD

Seriously, I just happened to see you on tumblr and decided to check out your fics. I literally flipped out when my eyes scanned over AnninNaga  :panic: That pairing has so much awesome tension lol. I really enjoyed the one shot and you're doing good with Nobunaga's character so it shouldn't be a problem, she is how you interpret her and we readers appreciate it! You missed it though when the AKB48 fandom went crazy over AnninNaga on tumblr last month ahah, it was really fun!

I also went crazy when I saw that you adore BuraGeki!!! That's my Majisuka OTP next to AnninNaga too. I do not know how to comment or spazz properly, but your Chinmoku fanfic was so epically amazing!!! Just let me kowtow to you first  :bow: :bow: :bow:

I supposedly went to bed at 12am and by the time I finished reading Chinmoku it was 4:08am &&& I USUALLY WAKE UP FOR WORK AT 4!!! LOL, did not get any sleep at regrets though :cow: I'm a pretty slow reader, but that is only because I have to slow down and take in every little detail you're offering through this masterpiece. In the beginning BuraGeki's makeout scene was sooooo *Nosebleeds** Fuuuuu~~~ my heart was like beating wildly with them. It's the way you describe their emotions the angst is killing me, but it's so beautiful. I don't even know if I make sense lol. Then the action and gore....I love it :pimp: Your Gekikara is so cool, it's such a satisfying read.

I am looking forward to an update and perhaps more AnninNaga goodies.  :thumbup

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Unspoken - One-shot: AnniNaga) [10/22/12]
« Reply #218 on: November 01, 2012, 05:00:14 PM »
A/N: Update time. Gonna drop this off and leave...I'm not really in the mood to reply back to the comments...some other time...I just want to finish crying and clear my mind off. I don't know if I did well in this update and I'm sorry if its of poor quality and made you guys wait for something crappy.




Part X-II

It was like a dream of what once started normally, turned bitterly into a nightmare that never seemed to have a fitting end. In fact, it never seemed to have an end at all; well mostly, for the suffering part due from torment and desperation which became partly the reason, but most likely, it was because of guilt and fear that kept everything from reaching any conclusion. Yet, for this to happen, in a cruel wrenching nightmare-like scenario, it was somehow too good to be true.

It was just too good to happen.

But, Black wanted to believe that this is really happening, that this is in fact reality, not a sick wanton wish or hallucination caused by her own mind.

‘Please…let this all be real…’ Black thought, wanting to firmly grasp on that fact that she had finally reached her, that Gekikara had called her, not purely out of malice and bloodlust, but how the younger queen usually called her name softly with a hint of need and tenderness attached, the norm of how Gekikara would address her when they were alone, when the world would only revolve around the two of them in their own small silent space where nothing mattered but each other’s company.

It was only natural that Black did not want to think of it all as an illusion that was made from all the pain and exhaustion that continuously tormented her in more than one way, but, if ever that this was a dream, then, it was too good; too good that it had already brought more tears to trickle down her cheeks.

This was like a miracle, something of which she could hardly grasp with her hands due to how hard it was for her to hope for everything to be real, fearing that if she were to cling on that small shining light, it might suddenly disappear in front of her, leaving her empty and distraught once more; but, even if Black knew that she shouldn’t fall for it, she was attracted to that little hope just like how Eve was tempted by the snake to taste the forbidden fruit.

The urge itself was as strong as that.

It was inevitable, but Black felt that temptation rising to take what’s in front of her and to just cling on that little hope that this is reality and not some sick fantasy.

‘Don’t make me hope…I don’t want this to be just a dream…’

Black pleaded in her mind as her dark obsidian eyes stared straight up to look at the younger queen, her eyes trembling with uncertainty as she gazed at Gekikara who also had kept her full attention on Black, worry and fear marring her face along with the droplets of blood and tears that tainted her cheeks. Black felt guilty for the dirt that tainted the younger girl’s pretty face, but she could not help but feel a bit happy for the undivided attention that Gekikara was finally gracing her.

“Yuki…” Gekikara called, her voice small and weak, but filled with worry and sadness; her voice lost its luster and confidence that was once presently there, snaring at the former queen moments ago mockingly and maliciously.

The feeling of exhaustion made Gekikara feel weak and small, a feeling that only comes in rare occasions, and just looking at the older raven lying there on the small puddle of blood that came from the wound of her shoulder.

Gekikara took in a shaky breath in, looking away as she felt more pain. The sight added more weight on the exhaustion Gekikara felt that was already hugely present, but nothing could ever compare to the weight of guilt she is carrying in her heart.

‘It hurts…’

Sucking a shaky breath, Gekikara tried to stabilize her body from shaking too much; she placed a hand over to where her heart would be as she grasped it painfully. Gekikara shook; she hated this feeling because it made her heart hurts so much, it felt too heavy. It was too tight, like her heart was being constricted by something, not from her hand, but from something invisible, something unseen, something that Gekikara didn’t know, but felt anyhow.


The former queen weakly placed a hand to her chest, just as what Gekikara had done and grasped her black T-shirt, closing her eyes as small beads of tears dripped down and caressed her warm cheeks.

‘It feels like…it’s been so long…since she called me that…’ Black told to herself whilst letting out small puffs of breath as she eased the painful throb in her lungs and heart, yet nothing seemed to ease the fast painful throbbing of her heart as it kept palpitating in her chest.

‘It’s almost like eternity…’ She mused sadly, slowly trying to move her body as she took in a shaky breath, only to choke down on her saliva when she felt a pain shock course from her shoulder to her chest when she made a bad move, making Black let out a sharp cry and writhed again.

“No…!” Gekikara gritted her teeth together as she let out a strangled cry; she tried to hold back a scream from tearing out of her mouth as she held onto Black.

Gekikara wanted to scream.

She wanted to cry out in anger and pure hatred, but she held back, biting down her bottom lip, resolving to vent out her frustrated emotions by crying. Yet, Gekikara held it back, she kept her voice from spilling out when she felt a hand graze into her own, enveloping it with warmth as it held her own cold owns gently. Instinctively, the young queen looked down, and she felt herself gasp as her breath was taken away.

Black stared back with tired eyes, gazing gently at Gekikara, as if reassuringly whilst giving her a faint smile that ghosted on her lips.

Just hearing the young queen call her again had struck her deep to her heart, it was more than enough to make her feel alive again. Her heart, which had long somehow stopped hoping and stopped believing, only awaiting for death itself, was now thumping madly inside her chest, faster than she could ever believe it had especially with the state of her body at this current moment.

The feeling of her heart thumping madly left a numbing sensation to her chest, but it was not unpleasant, in fact, it was a good feeling that swelled inside her. A warm, fuzzy and light feeling had enveloped her heart, making her body feel light and at ease, as if all the pain on her wounds had evaporated in an instance with just hearing the young queen call her by her real name again. Although she had heard the anguish in the younger raven’s voice that made her felt a slight pain to twinge inside her heart, nevertheless, she felt a little bit of joy, even if for a little moment.

Was it kind of cruel to think that she had enjoyed hearing her name with the younger girl’s voice twinge with pain and sadness? Maybe; maybe it was cruel, but she needed it so much. Black never knew she longed so much for this moment, when finally the younger girl had taken notice of her.

Black knew she was being too childish at that moment, but she missed hearing the younger girl calling her name. She missed it so much, and she wanted to believe that there was still some hope left to get fully through the young queen’s heart as the want to get Gekikara back to her normal self grew immensely.

It was not for the simple purpose of the need to repent for her sins nor for her own wellbeing’s sake, but for the sake of her baby boy and for the younger queen’s. She needed to do that as well as to live, and that was all that mattered most to her at this moment because they needed it; they needed her as she much as she needed them too. Black loves them more than anything, even more than herself, that’s why she could not bear to leave them alone even though she was lying down waiting for death while writhing in deep torment.

What would happen if she were to die and disappear?

The thought of that left a tinge of small pain in her heart that was enough to make her let out a pained gasp. She did not want to think of it because the thought itself was painful enough to hurt her in her own weak and vulnerable state. But this was not the perfect time for her to contemplating about these kinds of negative thoughts, there were still some things she has left to do, some things that she has to face now, and she knew more than anyone else that she needed to do it now and not some other time because there was no other better time because there might be a time in the future…where she won’t be able to do so.

‘I can’t…let that happen…’

Black wheezed, her breath coming out as short ragged puffs. She tried to push herself up, hoping that her body would collaborate with her. However, before she could even do so, the older raven suddenly gritted her teeth in pain, her body going tense and rigid as she felt the powerful sting on the wound of her shoulder.

The feeling itself was far from pleasant as she felt needles prickling her skin with fire grazing over her wound. It made Black struggle underneath Gekikara, her hands held onto Gekikara’s tightly as she coughed up a bit, feeling dizzy and nauseous from the scent of blood and the overpowering exhaustion.

“Y…Yuki!!” Gekikara shouted in panic; tearing up more while she witnessed the discomfort and pain that Black is feeling.

It was too heartbreaking to look at the older raven struggling and in pain, it made Gekikara feel crushed and repulsed at herself as she helplessly watch Black gasping in short puffs as her body twisted and turned at the burning sensation that stung so badly from her wound.

Gekikara again fought the desperation inside her heart to cry in agony and gravel down the ground, hoping that it would open up and eat her alive. It would not do her any good if she would surrender now, out of all the times. What type of person, creature that she is if she would abandon the one sole person that never let her go?

She gritted her teeth, grinding them as she channeled all of her inner frustration, hoping that it would ease her mind and soul. Just the simply thought of ever wanting to let go of Black made her stomach revolt in disgust. It was wrong; oh so plainly and utterly wrong and Gekikara did not have the heart, courage or the face to even leave Black aside.

Her heart would never approve of it. If she did, the cost of it would be her own life. She wouldn’t have the heart to live on if Black were to die and disappear; she never had the heart in the very first attempt to ever leave her side from the beginning, even just simply leaving the former queen’s side hours ago had already made her want to come back, running. And she wants to laugh at herself in spite, just seeing and realizing how much weaker she had gotten and how much soft and submissive she had become in the presence of the older raven.

Gekikara knew, for so long that loving and feeling so much more for Black would eventually weaken her and crush her into nothing but a speck of what she was in the past. But that doesn’t mean that she could easily as accept it.

It just sickens her how much soft she had gotten because it just meant that she would never have any capability to protect and fight for people she cared for if she were this weak, but that doesn’t also mean that she has the heart to hate the one true person that first showed so much affection and care to her.

Painful, but endearingly truthful, she could never hate Black. No matter how much emotional pain she felt just by being near her, she could never hate her.

Because she loves her too much to even hate her. And that’s what hurts the most and Gekikara could so much as to want to scowl at herself for feeling and thinking of hating Black. It was her own weakness itself that lead to this and the one solely at fault would be her.

It should be she herself that she should hate and no one else.

“My head…hurts…” Black complained weakly; and evidently enough, her hand was on her temple, massaging it in hopes of easing the dizziness and mad pounding inside her head, but to no avail, it only served to aggravate her already miserable weakened and battered state. The location also wasn’t helping her ease up either, especially with the estranged sent that was becoming of the corpse that lied a few meters away from it. It smelled awful and rotten that it made her nauseous.

Unable to bear it the nausea, Black rolls over to the side, scooting farther away from Gekikara as possible, lifting herself in all four with as much strength she could possibly muster and doubled over; spilling all of the contents in her stomach to the pavement floor.

‘This is all my fault…’

Gekikara gazed guiltily at the older raven at hearing her continuous pained coughing; Black was almost close to even gagging again. Dreading for Black’s condition, Gekikara wanted to shift her position without wanting to aggravate the wounded raven’s shoulder. Gekikara slowly scooted to Black’s kneeling figure, and helplessly bowed her head in her own shame at the sight of the older girl’s miserable figure hunched over in a kneeling position.

‘…Why did it have to come to…this?’ Gekikara glumly asked herself mournfully.

Hurting Black was the last thing she ever wanted, because that was the one thing she would never want to commit. Leaving her was already painful enough because no matter how much she willed herself; she would still turn around, looking longingly at the direction where she had left the taller girl.

It pains her so much.

What more was it…to just hurt, no, to kill the person who was her savior in the past and the one she holds important to her heart?

It would make her a hypocrite if she did not even as much as admit she loved Black. She always had, especially after being so close to her, and especially when Black had been with her all throughout, supporting her and giving her comfort and a reassuring promise of something good to come despite all of the struggles she had went through.

When Black came into her life, she never left, not one single time and ever since the day she came, she had struck an impression, a very impeccable expression of a young girl full of hopes, aspirations and dreams, it was stereotypical, yes, and the fact that Black was too popular for her own inclining, it made Black, or Yuki as she goes on before as more endearing for Gekikara when the raven was a lot more than just a face and a name that she could just ignore and pass by.

Black was more than that, she wasn’t just a beautiful face, a decoration of a sort that beautified and overthrow rotten people such as herself. Black in fact was a kind spirited person, too kind for her own good and too caring. Gekikara had to admit it that at first, she never liked how the older raven pressed into her matters, but as time went by, she had learned to appreciate the small caring gestures that Black would show her in the past as Yuki. And fairly enough, even if Black denied that she could never return to her former self now, she was still the old Kashiwagi Yuki beneath the cold, hard and mysterious façade that she placed used to mask herself, nothing ever changed at all since then. Not once, not ever.

Gekikara would have told Black, but she knew that the former queen would be persistent and adamant in denying such a thing from her, but whenever Gekikara finds Black alone with her head bowed down and silently praying, she can’t help but see the sliver of a crack in the mask that Black wore, letting her see just how vulnerable and weak she was just as she had been before being Rappapa’s queen.

A tear softly slid down Gekikara’s cheek as she remembered a small part in the past, and an image of Yuki appears in her mind. The raven’s back was facing her, and was kneeling and crying in grief, the obvious marks of bruises and reddish cuts evident on her awfully pale skin with only a thin white blouse to cover her body. She sat there at the center of the park in the dark, gripping her blouse as tightly with what small strength she had left in her body. Gekikara could vividly remember that with each pained breaths and each sob that wracked Yuki’s fragile frame and the tiny bit of blood sipped out from her open cuts, the anger inside her heart grew, the more she hungered for revenge. It became an insatiable desire to kill those who had harmed Yuki and she had longed for that day to avenge her.

She hated them, more than anything else in the world and until now, even as the event became a passing memory, all the feelings she had felt in her heart were still up till now, caged up, but before her rage overrides her consciousness and make her do something again, Gekikara pushed away the memory, farther in the back of her mind. It didn’t stop Gekikara from crying continuously in frustration and anger.

It was a simple memory now, but never the less, it was powerful enough to bring her up and at the same time, spiral her down till she crashes back because, not only did it served as a memory for her own weakness, but also for her inability to protect her the very first friend she had and that itself left a sore aftertaste.

“You don’t…need to blame yourself…”

“I’d rather…that you don’t.” Black softly pleaded, startling Gekikara when she heard her voice, and in a swift motion, she looked up and saw a comforting smile on Black’s face, and oddly enough, the wounded raven looked serene with her back leaning on the bricked wall, her eyes closed. The scene made Gekikara feel somehow at ease all of a sudden, as if a part of her burden was momentarily lifted off from just seeing Black like that, and smile, it made the young queen feel nostalgic.

“Yuki…” Gekikara whispered; her voice cracking as more unshed tears formed in her eyes, threatening to fall soon and when Black opened her eyes, she stared straight into Gekikara’s teary eyes. The chocolate brown eyes that Black had once gazed upon that were once hazy and fogged in those torturous in their heated clash, were now crystal clear, just like how she remembered them to be in her mind; only that at this moment, they were brimming and shining with unshed tears that threatened to fall down from the younger raven’s eyes.

Seeing Gekikara’s unshed tears, brought more sharp pang of guilty pain in the former queen’s heart, yet she found an odd sense of comfort in it, though small, was enough to give a bit of comfort to Black’s own distressed and conflicting emotions and pain.

A small spark of light lit up in the back of her mind, urging her, asking her to try and reach up, and she did, not because her mind told her to do so, but because she wanted to feel the younger girl again.

The raven scooted closer to Gekikara and tried to raise both of her hands. Slowly but surely, ignoring the current of pain running through her shoulders and arms. Black took her time, and it felt like eternity, it felt so long and the distance felt so wide and far, yet the moment when her fingers caressed Gekikara’s face, a wave of happiness and relief rushed through Black’s heart that it made her momentarily forget the pain she was sustaining from her wound.

This one little chance of being able to touch the younger girl’s soft skin again left a temporary feeling of comfort to the older raven; light slowly came back into Black’s teary obsidian orbs, a small sad smile forming on her lips. She caressed the younger girl’s cheeks, wiping off the small droplet of blood and tears that were threatening to drip off from Gekikara’s jaws.

It did not go unnoticed to Black when she felt Gekikara’s jaw muscle clench and her body tense up above her just from the slightest touch that the former queen inflicted, and that reaction served to encourage Black further, knowing that she was emitting some response, no matter how little it was, it was precious enough.

“It isn’t your fault…so don’t blame yourself.” Black whispered, repeating her words again while pleading in an attempt to comfort and convince the younger raven.

“But…this wouldn’t have happened if…I hadn’t–,“ Gekikara blabbered, only to be stopped by a gentle press of Black’s finger on her lips followed suit by a shook from Black, before she gazed at Gekikara seriously in an attempt to convey her emotions to the younger girl.

Gekikara frowned and shook her head. It didn’t seem right not to blame herself; she knew what deed she had done, and what she did was wrong. Gekikara knows that Black also knows that fact. So how can the older raven say something like that without even as much a trace of anger and hatred for her own wrong doings?

“But still…” Gekikara protested, gently pushing away Black’s hand. She stared at the ground with downcast eyes, not wanting to look at Black in shame as she twiddled with her fingers, still continuing to blame herself, “I hurt you. I almost killed you even…”

“You have every right to blame me…you should even despise me…”

The younger raven laughed bitterly as she pointed out the worse fact that led to Black’s wound. Gekikara was not proud of what she had done; she never did mean to do it. She had never wanted to hurt Black but seeing how weak she had been that she had let her emotions past her own judgment made her feel disgusted of herself. It was miserable, but she hated herself, and there was no way that she could forgive herself.

“So please…”

“Push me away, far from you even…” Gekikara mumbled, her voice cracking ever so slightly as tears softly cascaded down from her eyes, making a streak down her cheeks. The young queen had her head down, her eyes sought nothing but the dirty pavement; she wouldn’t dare look up because she couldn’t as much have the guts as to meet Black’s silent gaze, knowing that if she did, her resolve would weaken.

“I’m begging you…please.” Gekikara admitted miserably in a small weak voice. It was like a frightened child’s voice, it sounded vulnerable and small, very unlike to Gekikara’s loud and frightening voice because it did not hide anything at all. All of her emotions were bare for Black to see, and all for Black to crush, Gekikara would give everything up in a heartbeat for her, and she’d give up being Black’s friend if the older raven ever said it.

She wouldn’t argue back, she wouldn’t even fight back if ever Black were to cast her away again. It may seem that she was running away again though, maybe, maybe she really is, but then again this is the only best thing she could do…this was the only option left so she wouldn’t make Black bare anymore pain.

The raven in questions however, did not as much as spoke nor made a sound at hearing her plea; instead she only looked at Gekikara with her jaws clenched tight and her face void of any facial expression, but, it couldn’t be said the same with the emotion that welled up in her eyes.

“Are you really…alright with that?” Black asked, struggling to keep her voice monotonous, but she gazed at Gekikara with unwavering eyes that sought out the younger raven’s own, hoping that she would look up and make eye contacts. It was only that, Gekikara never did, she only looked even away farther from Black and shrank from Black’s piercing dark orbs. Saddened by the younger girl’s refusal to make eye contact, Black merely murmured something under her breath and tilted her head, her gaze averted.

“You’re really cruel…Rena.”

Gekikara jolted, hearing the Black’s words, it hurts as if it were a knife cutting over her skin, she gritted her teeth together at the pain that struck her because the former queen never sounded so sad like that, she was often if not, monotonous and sarcastic but never…she never sounded that sad, not once since after being disowned by her parents or when Yuko had died.

Gekikara continued to kneel, stunned and guilty, but she held everything, knowing that she needs to be firm, that she wouldn’t waver, but all of those…all of those thoughts were now lost and abandoned when she felt Black shift and move close, and she held her breath as for the first time in a while…she felt Black’s arms wrap around her slim frame, never realizing that she had been trembling until she felt Black pressed her body firmly to hers.

“Really, really cruel…” Black chuckled weakly; with eyes closed, she let a sad tiny smile form on her lips, a tired sigh escaping from her parted trembling lips. Her breath hitting Gekikara’s cold cheeks, sending a shiver down the younger raven’s spine, and then, Black felt the other girl’s hands on her sides, squeezing her clothes and struggling in her embrace.

“Yuki…please…let go…”

“I don’t want to be tied down anymore…” Gekikara shut her eyes and pleaded, wanting to keep the older girl an arms distance away from her, knowing just how much effect Black had over her and it scared her how her desire to kill might come back and once again hurt the weakened raven. So even if Gekikara wanted to yield, even if all she wanted now was to feel Black’s warmth and lean in her embrace, she wouldn’t, because she couldn’t let anything bad happen again.

Black stayed adamant even when she felt the recurring sting in her shoulder due to the discomfort of having to force her arms to tighten around Gekikara’s waist, she still held on and Gekikara found it harder to keep herself from not yielding in. Seeing her persistence, Gekikara only cried more, already knowing that she would reach her limitations.

Unable to take it any longer, with both of her hands pressed onto Black’s side, Gekikara tried to gently push the raven, hoping that she would break the hug, but Black only held tighter whilst burying her face into the crook of the short queen’s neck and pressed her weakened body close, even almost to the point of leaning on Gekikara for support.


“Let me be selfish for once…” Black said while she struggled to keep herself up, the recurring sting on her shoulder increasing as she held tighter, and faintly, her vision misted, she tried to take a take a deep breathe in, only to wheeze.

“Let me stay like this for a moment…”

Black felt her heart tightened inside her chest and she winced at the internal pain along with the stinging of her shoulders, but she ignored them, even when she felt her eyes slowly close themselves, even as her body slowly succumbed to oblivion, she ignored the pain and continued to hold onto Gekikara for how long she could possibly do and for how long her body could feel before it turns colder.

“I just…want to hold you right now.”

“Just this once…” Black weakly said, letting herself shed tears as she clung to Gekikara, who stayed still and did not so any much as struggle, instead, she listened, heartbreaking as she felt Black’s body quaking and her breath hitching as she struggled to keep her voice from shaking and breaking.

“After this…it won’t happen again…”

“For now…just let me.”

Black smiled weakly, not out of joy, but of sadness, because she knew without doubt, she been too late, but she didn’t want to force Gekikara to falter, knowing she had already made her decision and she’ll respect it, no matter how much she didn’t like it and no matter how much it would kill her, no matter how much she wanted Gekikara back with her again.

“After this…”

She fully closed her tired eyes, letting darkness take her vision. She stayed still, in Gekikara’s embrace and let out a broken chuckle, and before she totally surrendered herself to oblivion, she gave Gekikara the consent she wanted, not wholeheartedly but out of respect for her wishes.

“I’ll let you go…”

Black took a deep shaky breath, readying herself as she spoke the next words, the sad smile on her face never faltering as she spoke weakly that only Gekikara could hear.

And almost too soon as the words came out, Gekikara let herself sob in Black’s embrace.

“…I’m sorry for everything…”

“And…I love you.”

End of Part X-II

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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: BlackGeki) [11/01/12]
« Reply #219 on: November 01, 2012, 09:50:18 PM »
Sieka-sama!!! you made me cry with this update...  :cry: :cry:

Ah... I hope Black stays alive, and Geki and her makes up... That last sentence...  :wub:

Ah, I'm so worried for Black now..  :panic: :panic:

I'll be waiting for your next update!!  :bow: :bow:

And sorry that this is so short...  :bow: :bow:
« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 10:39:13 AM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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