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Author Topic: This Distance Between Us - SayaMilky: Rift 1 [UPDATE!] (12/28/12)  (Read 12117 times)

Offline Sieka

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Hi, Sieka here, and I'm back again and this time, I'll be writing about SayaMilky. Yeah, I know, again, I'm adding a new fic to my list and I don't really mind it though and I hope you guys don't. Anyways, I've been practically been overly tempted to write SayaMilky for so long and the urge is unbearable whenever I see Milky on screen or Sayanee and vice-versa, especially after seeing a few pictures and a few videos with them together and I just seriously cannot wait any further...especially when the urge is extremely high.

You guys might be asking though why I didn't post this in my own collection thread? Why? Because I need to separate this one from my collection board and make a proper fic thread, something that I hope I'll be serious about. And some people have been telling me to make a separate thread...I know I should have done that to Chinmoku, but welp, I didn't expect it to be a full blown fic... *shrug*

Anyways, if anyone's wondering if I have updated, yes I did. I've updated Chinmoku with Part X-II since 11/01/12, so if you guys want to check it out, click this link:

Anyways, before I end this post, let us go with a poll~

I'll post the prologue up once I feel like it...but this post will serve as my index. :3

Ja, until the next time I come by and post here or in my collection thread. :lol:


This Distance Between Us


◘  Prologue
◘  Rift I

« Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 09:14:47 AM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

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[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline Sieka

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Re: This Distance Between Us - SayaMilky: To be or Not to be? [Poll]
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2012, 02:18:35 PM »
I'm really happy that someone voted, actually I was laughing a lot when I saw someone voted "No". It made my day you know, like really badly. Hahaha, I'm a stubborn headed person, so even if someone gave me a no, its definitely a yes for me. Why is the poll there though? I just wanted to play around rofl. I'd still post SayaMilky even if no one wants to read it~

Anyways, here is the prologue since that no vote made my day, I'll post it now. :lol:



???’s POV

I once dreamt of a dream.

It was weird and cryptic. A dream that had been, when it shouldn’t even be.

I dreamt of it on a normal day, a rather uneventful day. I don’t know why, but it happened…and it almost felt real. Even until now, I still remember this dream no matter how many months has passed by since then.

There was some few things that I remembered in that dream and the first thing I had done out of confusion and anxiety in there was that I had tried to reach up as far as both my arms could possibly do and grasped in that empty space for anything to clutch onto.

But, there wasn’t anything there, as if there was never a thing in the first place.

In this dream where I saw nothing but darkness, this darkness of which was the only presence I had, was the only thing existing with me in that space, the only companion I had you could say.

I don’t know why I dreamt of such a thing, but what I knew was what I had felt at that time in a dream that wasn’t supposed to be dreamt.

[It was lonely.]





And oddly enough though, I heard a small voice from that darkness that enveloped me. It was a small weak voice; so small that you wouldn’t hear, so soft, almost like that of a child but powerful enough that emitted something in its soft tone.

I listened to this voice, I heard it crying, begging and wailing heartbreakingly and it hurts me the most when I could not even do such a thing to stop that heart wrenching noises. I couldn’t endure it and so I closed my eyes, even though knowing I wouldn’t see anything even with my eyes closed, I did so anyways and pressed my palm on both of my ears.

I thought pleadingly as I felt my heart clench painfully inside my chest.

Why did it hurt so much though? Just from hearing this voice fills and causes me with so much agony, yet, why did it sounded so familiar, yet at the same time unheard-of?

I tried to jog my memories through with the possibility of finding any resemblance or familiarity, but I couldn’t.

I didn’t find anything.

I furrowed my brows together as I automatically gritted my teeth, I sunk down until I was kneeling and clutching my head, a headache suddenly strikes me out of nowhere, intensifying the second it came until I was squirming as the cries continue in the background.

Louder and louder, as if it was near, almost to the point that I had thought that the source was just near me…crying beside me, into my ears.

I felt dread shook up to my body at the sensation of anxiety, my eyes widened and I stared upward, facing a small pale child in a summer white dress, bawling, and almost too soon at seeing this sight, my heart almost stopped beating when she looked up from her fisted hands and stared at me in an expression I never knew a child could muster.

My body froze, I don’t know why, but I felt an onslaught of emotions running inside me, all too much that I felt confused and in agony.

The child…she parted her lips, and mouthed the words as she gazed at me with her teary beady brown eyes that reflected pain, anger and hatred, and before I could even voice out a response or question, I felt the ground I was standing on crumbling until there wasn’t anything left.

I let out a shriek as I fell down into the cold harsh sea with my eyes staring at the child that was still standing from above. And as continuously I fell deeper down, I felt the coldness of the water embrace me, but it wasn’t of any pleasantry, it felt painful, I wanted to scream again.

And I did, I struggled up as I screamed my heart out, in reaction to my movement, my body jolted upward and I sat on my bed with eyes opened wide in horror with my clothes clinging to my sweaty body as I inhaled furiously. I blink a couple times and stared vacantly at my sheets, trying to calm my nerves as I told myself it was all a dream before looking at my surrounding and saw my room replacing that dark space.

I felt relieved somehow.

It’s all just a dream after all…

I did felt a bit at ease after a few minutes, but there was a part of me that couldn’t shake off my bewilderment and confusion.

The child that showed up in my dream, the child that cried and stared at me with such eyes…it never failed to frighten me as even her words made me feel so much guilt.

Even up until now, I still feel those emotions every time I recall her words.


“…You liar…”

End of Prologue


Well, that's all, I tried to be a bit creepy, but I know I failed epically, so bleh. :d
Mah, see you guys later or something, gonna do some sketches. :3

Also, if anyone's wondering, I was the one who voted "Or". =))) I'll probably back here for error checking again. :3

Can anyone guess who's POV this is though? :3
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 08:34:20 AM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline GinkoX

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Re: This Distance Between Us - SayaMilky: Prologue (11/18/12)
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 03:06:19 PM »
lemme guess... Sayanee?



Offline karomuwi

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Re: This Distance Between Us - SayaMilky: Prologue (11/18/12)
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2012, 05:02:27 PM »
it would be great if it was Milky's POV. *will edit later*
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
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Re: This Distance Between Us - SayaMilky: Prologue (11/18/12)
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2012, 06:26:52 PM »
Sayaka's POV~!

This is great so far Sieka-san.  :grin: As of right now the prologue sounds a bit eerie and all mysterious-I like! ...So something traumatizing must've happened when she was a kid or something...I want to know now~lol.  I don't know it must be SayaMilky season, because from what I have noticed that's what has been raining as of lately and even people have been requesting the ship here and there haha.

Anyways, I'm glad to see you writing another fic so please update soon.  :thumbsup

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Re: This Distance Between Us - SayaMilky: Prologue (11/18/12)
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2012, 09:29:07 AM »
Sayamilky <3. Love this pairing so much..

I guess it's sayaka's pov.

I wonder is it just a dream or maybe there's past experience that make that person had that kind of dream..

She'll meet the girl in real life?

Please continue..

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Re: This Distance Between Us - SayaMilky: Prologue (11/18/12)
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2012, 11:40:45 PM »
OH interesting!
I'm guessing Sayaka because Milky is to soft and fluffy to be thinking like this  :lol:
But I might be wrong after all it's the author that decides.

Thank you can't wait for next update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
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Re: This Distance Between Us - SayaMilky: Prologue (11/18/12)
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2012, 11:53:10 PM »
This was creepy, you succeeded in this, Sieka-sama, like always.. And i also think it's Sayanee, but it would be awesome if it was Milky.. Just because.

 :bow: :bow: :bow:

I'll be waiting for your update~
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Offline Sieka

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Re: This Distance Between Us - SayaMilky: Prologue (11/18/12)
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2012, 09:09:10 AM »
A/N: Sieka here! It has been a long while...finally, I have written an update for this fic...hahaha...Gomen, I was busy finishing the Christmas fic earlier so I didn't have time to do any at all, I kind of have a hangover at writing that 16 pages long Christmas fic...I never got to review it for mistakes either, ahaha, and my brain is still struggling as of lately, I'm blanking out a lot.

Anyways...before we go to the update, I will reply to the comments above! :lol:


@GinkoX - Saa...interesting choice though. \( ' u ' )/

@karomuwi - I'd really like to know why you picked Milky, Rin-chan. You were the only one who picked her after all. XD

@anonymousdowner - It is, SayaMilky is starting to become popular, but still not popular enough that many would write it as the other pairings. XD Thanks for dropping by also. ^ ^

@yukofan - Will she meet the girl? Let's see...  ^ ^

@Megumi - Haha, what a safe answer that is! :lol:

@sakura_drops_ - Thank you. ^ ^

Thanks for the comments! Also, I counted and it went like this: Sayaka - 5 vs Milky - 1. Ohh, interesting, everyone thinks it's Sayanee's POV! I'm actually intrigued why you guys picked her, but then I'm also intrigued why Rin-chan picked Milky...I wonder what's working inside everyone's mind right now, but then...I might find that out later on. Anyhow, lets go now with the update, I hope you guys enjoy!

I'm going to use a new system for this fic though rather than what I do with Chinmoku, let's see how this will fair out! Hopefully it works, you'll notice it as we go deeper in the story. For now, its not obvious. ( ' v ' )/



Rift I

Between today and any other ordinary day, nothing seemed to have any difference. Everything just went on repetitiously like from the previous ones, be it her activities from the people she interact up to what she does never seemed to differ. She did not feel any sense of happiness to even differentiate what she had felt and what made her feel alive on each things she did from the past few weeks.

She did not even keep a memory of all the things she had done before.

She just went on each day, moving and interacting because it was the only option she had and not because she wanted to.

She did not have a choice anyhow.

There was just no option but to live like this.

[Keep on moving.]

The phrase often vibrates inside her empty mind like a constant reminder in each time she would become still and void of vigour. And often she wonders; whose voice was it talking to her, telling her to keep on moving?

It may come out a bit supportive and encouraging, but the phrase itself was like a sharp knife jabbing her on the side as she felt tormented and pained at the constant reminder she would often get from the depths of her mind.

[Don’t stop.]

Those words, those phrases that vibrate in her head, if often not, it would come out harsh and cold rather the warmth she would have desperately wanted to have but never had the chance to get since warmth is just the simple few unattainable luxuries that even with loads of money she had in her account could never buy.

It’s not because she can’t afford it, but because people deny her its existence.

It felt suffocating, like being strangled as your life is nearing the border of death, she felt that kind of suffocation just because she can’t do anything about it. And even if she was courageous and brave, it didn’t mean she could up against her own parents after all.

[The only purpose of your life is to being the model person you have to be.]

Her purpose of living isn’t to feel, but to be someone another person wants not because she wanted it, but because it’s needed. And she strived for that aim even though it meant she won’t look back onto her own freedom of just simple being.

[You have no option left.]

But the thought itself was bitter, nothing more and nothing less.

She unclenched her hands into a fist and tried to dig her nails into the soft flesh of her palm as she let tears build up at the corner of her eyes.

And faintly, as she tried to remember about something from the distant past, she felt frustration and misery run through the core of her heart.

She just couldn’t recall when was the last time she ever truly became happy was.

A tear slowly fell down from eye to her cheek, leaving a lone wet trail and one by one, the droplets followed after the first, leaving more trails in its wake. Biting her bottom lip in a vain attempt to control herself from sobbing as more tears trickled down.


[…Forget it all…]


Morning settled in with the sun’s warm rays coming inside as a start as it passed through the windows and just a bit from the curtains, lighting the darkened chilly room. A soft rustle resounds along with a tired mumble before another rustle follow with the occupant of the bed shielding herself from the sun, hoping to bask more in that precious moments between her and the bed in that lazy morning.

Sad to say the least, her alarm clock grew jealous of her ever so happy relations with the bed that started ringing, breaking into a screeching sound right next to her head. The occupant groaned and sighed in frustration, mumbling a few more incoherent words before finally, she slams her alarm clock with a hard slam of her hand on top of the button. Her head poked out from under the sheets, glaring at the clock like it was the obscenest thing she ever saw in her life.

“Mou…I wanted to sleep more…” She mutters under her breath, disgruntled, running a hand through her dishevelled raven tresses. A pout makes its way on her lips, begrudgingly so as she starts to sit up, the blanket pooling on her lap, leaving her defenceless against the cold.

“Ahh…” She squeaks, shivering a bit as she felt the cold temperature, her pyjamas having nothing against the sudden coldness. She puffs her cheeks and bringing up her blanket up to her shoulders, wrapping it around herself; curling up just a bit as warmth came back, the thought of leaving her bed now becoming more strenuous and inevitable.

‘Why do I have to wake up early anyways…?’

She sighs, lying back down on the bed, her chocolate brown orbs staring at the ceiling in wonderment. She nuzzles further into the warmth of her bed as she continued to stare blankly without any hints of wanting to move from her position. Her time continued elapse with her still lying on the bed until sleepiness drew back again and the need to close her eyes started to nag her senses.

Without even giving it much thought, she succumbs to it, neither resisting nor persisting to stay awake as oblivion drew close and the darkness shadowed over her eyes, leaving her unaware of reality as she closed her eyes and slept once more, falling back to that the world of rest.


Clouds floated lazily in a sea of blue as they continued in drifting apart from one another in different directions; the ethereal persistent sun, shining ever so brightly with its warmth gracing over earth, it was a normal day, it was still and consistent just like all the past days that have come done.

A fresh breeze passes by, sweeping over a small figure, a shiver escalating as a response; the smell of wet grass and dirt evident in the air, the figure looks around, staring at the wet trees and grasses, the little child waited patiently with cautious eyes, a small frown marking her face and pout completing along.

“Where are you?” She asks as loudly as she could, a bit frightened as she stared around, alone in that park but she stood firm in her position, trying to look brave even if only from externally rather than internally.

No one answers though, only silence presented itself upon the child, making the little one anxious.

“Stop playing around, please…just come out.” Eyes shifting in all directions, she raises her hands to her chest, grasping on her other hand, afraid.

Even with though it was afternoon and with the sun at its peak, the child stood there, now trembling, finally shedding off her false bravery. The will to look courageous already left forgotten. The child could no longer hide it anymore. She couldn’t stand it, standing there in the middle of the grassy park without anyone beside her.

She hated this feeling of loneliness.

She hated this coldness inside her, it was unnerving and strangling.

“Mou…please…” The little girl begged, her head bowed down with her bangs covering over her eyes, her long raven hair following suit at the action as it swayed in with her small movement. With her fingers entwined, she held them up to her face, biting her bottom lip as she waited again for a reply or anything, just anything.

As much as she hated being weak and the feeling of being played with, she couldn’t deny that fear creeping in on her; it was like a monster hidden in the dark, waiting to pull her down in her rest.

She just wished this person would stop playing around with her. Stop toying with her emotions like this.


Downstairs, the kitchen was filled with busy clattering of plates and utensils; the smell of freshly baked toast and cooked eggs and beacon filled with air, a sigh of content slips out from the lips of the young girl, smiling happily at her handiwork.

Humming a little happy tune, she took off her apron and hooked it back, eyes staring off to scan the time and was delighted that she had finished making breakfast. But then a frown soon forms on her face due to the lack of presence of the person she was expecting to be awake by now.

“She must have slept in again…” She sighs, pouting.

The young girl walked off, exiting the kitchen to peek through the dining room before walking off again, travelling through the hallway in swift footsteps while she ran a hand through her hair, trying not to pull off her pigtail in the process.

“I’ll just have to wake her up myself.” She grumbles as she let out a huff as she went up the stairs, her destination was up the second floor, to where the other person would be.


Again, with silence answering her plead, the girl couldn’t help but tear up a bit. The sudden thought of her being left behind suddenly invading her mind again that she could not stop herself from letting a tear slide down to her cheeks.

“…” The girl whispers, not enough for anyone to hear.

Looking dejectedly down at her feet, the girl cries softly, letting more tears to flow down her cheeks.

The child held her hands up, wiping off each tear that trickled down, hoping to stop the onslaught, but it wouldn’t. With each tear wiped off, anew comes again, making the little girl’s attempt useless.

And just before the child even sinks down further, small sounds of footsteps resounds from afar, steadily getting closer and closer in each passing second. Looking up from away from her palm, the little girl stares off to the directions of the footstep.

A small figure flashes into her range of sigh in a little hazy effect due to the tears blocking off her vision, but the loneliness slowly lifts off from her chest, replaced with reassurance and joy at seeing the other person.

Fully turning her body, she smiles at the another child approaching her, letting out the last tear to drip down her jaw as she launched herself to the other child’s arms, grasping the newcomer’s clothes as she mumbled in the arms of the other, who could only so much as to smile at her in worry, patting the crying girl’s back in hopes to calm her.

“I’m sorry, don’t cry anymore…” The other child cooed to the other, slightly pushing the other child to look at her face. A frown washes over the facial expression of the child seeing the tears that stained the girl’s beautiful feature.

“I’m sorry I took long.” Straining a smile masked with sadness, the child scratched the back of her head and mumbled a small apologize, ruffling her short hair in the process.

“I-I thought you left me…” The girl whispered in admittance as new tears start anew. Watching the long haired girl mumbling words that fell to the other child’s ears as she patiently listened to her friend’s sudden tears, the other girl could only smile as she pulled her friend for a hug.

“I’m here now…okay? I won’t leave.” The other girl says in an ever so gentle voice with reassurance and sincerity that never failed to comfort the other’s worries.


[ Tick ]
[ Tock ]
[ -CLICK- ]

Out of nowhere, the sounds of a clock’s mechanical work echoes and a sudden click vibrate, breaking the comfortable atmosphere.

Like a trigger, the dream falls short as darkness soon started to melt the background and the warmth of the sun now gone long, replaced by coldness, and the sounds of cicadas crying and the noises of cars blaring from afar, now gone.

Confusion plagues her, and in one last effort, she tries to reach her hands further, trying to grasp any kind of entity from the breaking world.

All too soon, she fell down without restrain, falling faster back as her sight is filled with darkness once again, until a bright light flashes and blinds her.

End of Rift I


Well, that ends chapter 1! Oh and if you notice, chapter is changed into rift, because I want to use it and it works well with the title too. :3 Anyhow, thanks for reading, see you guys next update! :cathappy:
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 08:34:10 AM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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