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Author Topic: JKT48 fanfic-Diamond Exchange  (Read 3337 times)

Offline gk59

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JKT48 fanfic-Diamond Exchange
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:03:24 PM »
At the Hotel
“Mother, why do we have to take these jobs in this hotel? You told me that Uncle  would make us very rich soon.”
“Yes, daughter your uncle will soon leave prison, but he sent me a plan to make  us all very wealthy.”
“You said we would become master criminals mother. How do we do that by working as maids in this hotel?”
“Patience, patience, my dear daughter,  our jobs here are part of the plan. Have you seen the newspapers about the diamonds in the museum?”
“You mean the famous diamonds from Indonesia, mother?”
“Yes, exactly ! We will soon have them in our hands.”
“How can we steal diamonds from here mother?”
“We don’t have to steal diamonds, my dear daughter. Look at this poster.” She holds up an  advertisement for the JKT 48 concert.
“JKT 48 ? Oh yes mother, they are wonderful. I love their music and their style. But what do they have to do with the diamonds?”
“JKT 48 will be staying here at this hotel daughter. They are also  from Indonesia.  Maybe we can’t steal the diamonds, but we might be able to take something else and it will be very easy.”
“Take what mother? I don’t understand”
“You will soon find out daughter. JKT 48 will be here this afternoon. I will need your help.”

At the Airport…..(Nabila, Sendy)
“What is it Nabila? “
“It’s a surprise, Sendy.”
“You mean for Shania?”
“Yes, what do you think?”
“It’s kind of cute, Nabila, but I don’t really like it . The necklace is o.k. but what’s that thing on the end?”
“Well, I know it looks strange, but I’m playing a joke on her.”
“What do you mean, Nabila?”
“I’m telling her if you press this button it sings Happy Birthday.”
“Well…..does it?”
“You’ll see, Sendy. Wait till we get to the hotel.”
« Last Edit: December 26, 2012, 09:50:26 PM by gk59 »

Offline gk59

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Re: JKT48 fanfic-Diamond Exchange Chapter2
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2012, 08:54:39 PM »
At the Hotel
“Mother, can you explain something to me ?.”
“Yes, daughter.”
“Well….. why are we here in this big closet, instead of the eating lunch upstairs? And……why do you keep ripping those sheets into strips?”
“Well dear daughter this closet will be our headquarters. And these sheets are part of the plan.”
“And these bandanas, mother, why did you buy so many of them?”
“Those bandanas will be very useful my dear. You will see. Our plan gets underway today”

In the Hotel Room (Nabila, Sendy,Shania)
“Happy Birthday, Shania!”
“Oh, well….thank you Nabila. What an……….. unusual necklace.”
“Wait till you hear the best part, Shania.”
“What’s that Sendy?”
“Should I tell her, Nabila?”
“I’ll tell her, Sendy. Press that little button Shania. It sings Happy Birthday !”
She Presses the Button and a loud siren goes off.
“Oh my!, Nabila you are so mean! But I’m keeping this. I’m going to use it on someone else.”
They all laugh together.

Offline gk59

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Re: JKT48 fanfic-Diamond Exchange Chapter3
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2012, 09:16:54 PM »
In the hallway at the hotel (Nabila and the two maids)
“All right mother, I think I understand. But you do promise don’t you.”
“Of course daughter, I promise. No one will be hurt. That is not part of the plan.”
“O.K. mother, I know what to do.”
Nabila walks out of her hotel room. The daughter follows her.
“Nabila!, Oh Nabila! Can I please ask you something?”
“Yes, what is it?”
“ I am such a big fan! Can I give you something?”
“Well, OK , but I don’t have much time. I want to visit the hotel gift shop before I have to go to rehearsal.”
“It will just take a moment Nabila, Can you  just close your eyes, please.”
“OK, I’m ready. Tell me when I can open my eyes.”
“Oh one more thing, Nabila. Can you put your hands behind your back? I’ll hold your purse.”
“Ummmm, allright, but please hurry.”
“Now just hold still Nabila!”
“Hey, What’s going on ? What are these things on my fingers ? I can’t move them !”
“ It’s Chinese handcuffs Nabila. I caught you!”
“OK , that’s funny, now please get me out of these !”
“Just a moment Nabila, I have to wait for my mother.”
“Get these off me or I’m telling your mother!”
“Do you like this white bandana, Nabila?”
“I’m losing my patience now young lady. Where is your mother? ….Hey what are you doing now?
“I’m gagging you Nabila. With this pretty white bandana.”
 Hey stop it!  MMMMMMMMMPH!
She pushes Nabila down the hallway. Her mother arrives pushing a big laundry cart .

“Quick daughter, push her in the cart! Before someone sees us!”
“It’s Nabila mother, she’s my favorite. I captured her all by myself!”
“Very good daughter, I’m proud of you, now let’s take her downstairs to the closet. Call the elevator.”
They push the cart with Nabila into the elevator. They arrive in the empty basement and push the cart into the closet. Together they pull Nabila out of the laundry cart and tie her up to a chair using the strips they ripped from the bedsheets.
“Yes, mother. Are we done now?”
“No my dear daughter we’ll need more than just one of them. Did you get her purse?”
“Yes mother here it is. “
“Good, ah yes and here’s her cell phone. This will help us get another one.”
“Oh mother can I please talk to Nabila just a bit. I always wanted to meet her.”
“Absolutely not, dear daughter!   Remember she’s a singer. One scream from her and our plan is over.  She must be gagged at all times. In fact I want you to take another bandana fold it into a triangle and tie it over the one  you tied between her teeth. This will silence her completely.”
The mother walks over to Nabila who is tied in the chair and puts a hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry pretty girl.  Just relax and stay calm. No one will hurt you and this will be all over soon. But remember… it isn’t over yet! You will soon have some company.”
Feeling helpless and frustrated, Nabila rolls her eyes  and mumbles underneath her gag.

Offline gk59

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Re: JKT48 fanfic-Diamond Exchange chapter 4
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2012, 09:53:39 PM »
At the hotel gift shop
“Shania, I thought you said Nabila was going to meet us here.”
“She told me she’d be here. Wait let me text her.”
TEXT MESSAGE: Nabila, Sendy and I  are at the gift shop. Where are you?, Shania.

In the hotel basement closet
Nabila’s cell phone rings in the mother’s hands. She reads the text.
“What is it mother?”
She walks over to Nabila again and pats her on the head.
“Well pretty Nabila your friends are about to visit you. Wouldn’t you like that?”
Nabila shakes her head no, struggles against the chair she is tied to and makes more inaudible noises. "MMMMP! MMMMPH!
The mother takes Nabila gently by the shoulders and laughs mischievously.
"Mmmmmph, indeed pretty girl wait till you see what I've got planned!"
“Now listen daughter. Here’s the phone. I want you to text back.
“This is what you say:”
TEXT MESSAGE: Take the elevator to the basement and meet me in room, B100 at the end of the hall.  Please hurry.

In the hotel gift shop
“ Sendy, I don’t believe this. She wants to meet us in the hotel basement!”
“Do you think it’s another practical joke, Shania?”
“ I don’t know Sendy, but if it is I’m going to slap her. I have had enough of her games!”
“Let’s go and get this over with!”
« Last Edit: December 26, 2012, 09:59:24 PM by gk59 »

Offline yukofan

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Re: JKT48 fanfic-Diamond Exchange
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2012, 10:33:19 PM »
Yeahh..JKT fanfic :cow:

Woah,nabillah was kidnapped :panic:

I want to know what will happen next..maybe the other jkt girls can help nabillah (or maybe they will fall into the criminal's trap?)

Ah, thankyou for making jkt fic :)

visit my tumblr :

Offline gk59

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Re: JKT48 fanfic-Diamond Exchange? Chapter 5
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2012, 01:30:36 AM »
In the basement hallway
“So where is room B100, Shania?”
“I don’t know Sendy . I only see a closet. Oh, wait it says B100.”
“Nabila! What are you up to? Oh, Sendy you go in first!”
“I say we go in together Shania.”
“OK, but Nabila better be in there…….. or else!”
“Or else what Shania?”
“Or else I ‘m going to hurt her, Sendy!”
“Hey Shania, it’s dark in here.!”
“It’s a closet all right. But I don’t see her……. Hey wait! It’s Nabila! Oh my goodness! Nabila are you OK?”
They see Nabila struggling in her chair. She tries to warn them, shaking her head and trying to scream through her gags MMMMMMMM! MMMMMMMPH!
They both run to Nabila and begin untying her in the chair. But a serious, thretening  voice behind them  makes them stop.
“Don’t touch her girls. Or you’ll be sorry!”
“Who are you?” Shania shouts
“.........And where are you?” Sendy adds, but they see no one.
Their questions are soon answered as each girl is grabbed from behind in the dark and quickly gagged by the two maids with bandanas. They try to move but are unable to see in the dark. In a matter of seconds their hands are tied behind their backs and their knees and ankles are tied together. Soon all the  girls are bound, gagged and tied into chairs facing each other. Just then the lights in the big closet come on.
“Well, well now. We have three very pretty prisoners from JKT 48! This should be very valuable indeed”the mother says emphatically.
Nabila, Sendy and Shania all struggle in their chairs and try to shout but their gags prevent them.
All have been tied securely to the chairs with tight heavy ropes. They have each been gagged with two bandanas. One between their teeth and another folded one tied snugly over it.
The mother walks over to Shania and begins to stroke her hair while checking her bindings and gags.
"My dear, sweet, lovely Shania. I'm afraid that cute, little voice of yours isn't much good right now is it?"
She then approaches Sendy tugging on the ropes that bind her and pulling at her gag.
"I'd say you were quite secure sweet Sendy. You know you girls are going to make us both very rich soon."
The daughter walks up in front of the girls trying to calm them.
“Don’t worry JKT girls , my mother isn’t going to hurt any of you. We just want the diamonds from Indonesia at the museum.”
The three girls turn to look at each other.  They are confused  and angry. They don’t understand and they want to be free.
The mother starts to take pictures of each of the JKT girls with their cell phones.
“Smile girls! she says laughing. These pictures are going to the Indonesian embassy.”
Nabila, Sendy and Shania continue to protest , but  their struggles and gagged pleas are ignored.
After a while, the two maids, mother and daughter, gather up their things and leave. The three JKT girls just sit still and silent in their chairs. As the door shuts, they hear the key turn the lock. The three girls look at each other with hopeless expressions.

Offline gk59

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Re: JKT48 fanfic-Diamond Exchange Chapter 6-Conclusion
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2012, 03:21:30 PM »

In the Hotel Basemwnt Closet :banghead:
Suddenly Nabila starts to look at Shania and  shake her head. “MMMMMMMPH!”
She gets Shania’s attention.
 “MMMMMMMPH?” Shania is confused.
“MM MM MM MM MM MM-MM!” Nabila mumbles through her gag.
Immediately Shania understands. Nabila is sounding out the tune of  “Happy Birthday!”
Shania realizes that she is still wearing the necklace Nabila gave her. If she can touch the button on it, the alarm will sound and they can be rescued. Shania bounces her head up and down but cannot reach the button. Then Sendy pushes her chair closer to Shania. She bounces her head on Shania’s necklace …..once , twice finally the alarm sounds!
The three girls are joyful. They look at each other unable to speak but happy.
“MMMMMMPH! MMMMMPH!” Shania says in triumph,
Soon someone comes. A knock on the door.
“This is hotel security! What’s going on in there?”
The girls all plead as loud as they can through their gags.
The key soon turns and two handsome, uniformed guards come in and recue the girls.
Later the girls are brought upstairs to meet the police.
“Who did this to you and why?”
“It was the hotel maid and her daughter.” Said Sendy. “Shania and I were tricked into coming here. First they kidnapped Nabilah and used her cell phone to make us come into this closet.”
“Yes, I was tricked by that annoying little girl. Before I could figure out what was happenind she had me tied up and gagged.”
“Yes we were all gagged.” Shania added. The only way we were able to call for help was this crazy necklace Nabilah gave me as a joke.”
A police commander comes into the room speaking into a cellphone. “It’s all over. The three suspects were caught. A mother, a daughter and her uncle. They wanted to exchange the three JKT girls for some Indonesian diamonds on display at the museum.”
“My goodness! We were kidnapped for those diamonds! I can’t believe it!” Nabilah exclaimed.
“Does this mean we still have to go to rehearsal?” said Shania
“If going to rehearsal means back to normal, I’m going !” Sendy chimed in. “I’ve had enough excitement for the day."

Offline aruka

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Re: JKT48 fanfic-Diamond Exchange
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2012, 09:48:40 PM »
Conclusion? That means... this fic has reached the end already?

Overall, all the chapters were so direct. No narrations used?
Because the background for the mother-daughter still felt vague, although I got the basic idea. :D And I'm sure many other details in the fic could be written much better.

Still, I would want to wait for your next JKT-based fic...

And I like the AyuNju (Nabilah-Shanju) tendencies in this fic. Currently my liking for this pairing is growing quite intense. XD
My fanfic thread      : The Book of My Single Shots | Current update: IKEMEN GAKUEN Troubles [MINOR UPDATE 03/12]
Contributing a bit in : [script?] saku-chan's Drabbles | Completed: #33 - #40 - #89 - #213 - #214

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