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Author Topic: Stand By Me... (Yui, Rena) - OS COMPLETED  (Read 2765 times)

Offline teru_fi

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Stand By Me... (Yui, Rena) - OS COMPLETED
« on: April 13, 2014, 03:56:57 AM »
This is my first fic here (or anywhere else). I love the fanfics here so, it couldn't be help. I thought that I need to write one. There's no so-called romantic scene in this fic, so forgive me, minna  :bow: I couldn't think of a better title. Sorry.
Leave your comment(s) and feedback. I'm planning to write another if.. just if I'm confident bout' my writing.

The deafening scream reverberated through the wall.  Darkness swamped the area the moment Yui saw this surprising incident. Yui was on her way home after having quite a delicious meal at her favourite restaurant downtown. It was an ironically peaceful night that stirred with happiness, or it was just her expectation. She was confronting a man.


A murder happened right in front of her eyes.

The suspect was clad in a black jacket, a printed t-shirt and short skirt. She tapped her foot on the floor, blood splashed on her face. For the next few moments, Yui closed her eyes and tried to calm down.

“Oh no, I did it.” Rena muttered to herself and tears were forming on her eyes.
“What did you mean? You did kill him? He is… dead?” Yui dared herself to ask that question. Inside of her own thought, she should just run away from this situation.

“Everything happened in a bristling speed. I was walking home. Then, I heard a scream from this alley. I rushed here and saw a man was threatening you… I can’t remember what happened next.” Her olive shaped eyes brimmed with tears.
Rena sank to the ground when the man she killed were lying, remained motionlessly cold.

Blood. Blood was everywhere.

There was blood on her hands. She began scratching at the red stains splotched all over her palms and fingers, hoping to erase the evidence of it. Yui quickly restrained her hands.

“Stop,” she commanded harshly. “You’re making your hands bleed.”Rena looked down only to find that Yui was right, there were a few cuts through her skin, making them weep red.

“I… I shouldn’t kill him. I shouldn’t help-” Rena spoke in a slow voice.

It was an accident. I told you…

“This is an accident. An accident! You didn’t do it on purpose! You were trying to save me from that criminal.” Yui’s voice was filled with indignation.

Suddenly a siren screamed followed by rotating lights. Yui winced as the bright red and blue lights assaulted her eyes.
“Oh my god! The officers were coming this way. What should we do?”

Before Yui could react further, Rena was escaping from the scene.

Police! Put your hands up!

“Hey kid! Don’t run away from us.” A voice bellowed as a policeman started to run after Rena.
One knelt down next to Yui, murmuring words that her mind couldn’t process. She felt that the words sounded gibberish. A policeman returned to the scene with Rena. When the officer realized that he was getting no response from Yui, he simply took over for Rena. He restrained Rena in the same way Yui did.

“Why did you run?” The officer taking notes grunted to Rena, his voice was low. Rena responded in a hitched voice that Yui realize that she had begun to cry. All Yui wanted to do was to call to her, telling her to calm down and memorise the incident but somehow no voice came out from her throat.

Rena heard the words like “defended” and “accident” and “saved” but she wasn’t sure. Was it really an accident? Or she just killed that man because she wanted to see blood? These words simply confused Rena and it was making her brain hurt.

“What… what happened? Did I really kill him?” Rena stared at the body.Yui paused on her conversation the policeman. She turned onto Rena. “Don’t you remember?” Yui asked.

Why I don’t remember a damn thing…?

Rena shook her head.

“You were trying to save me.” Yui confessed. Rena wiped away her tears. “I was followed by a man. That man threated me and you grabbed his hand, the one that held a knife.” Yui felt her hands were shaking. “Both of you fell to the ground and rolled around. Both of you struggled, yelling, then… then…”

“Then you stabbed him. You stabbed him on his chest. Not once but thrice” The policeman interrupted her.
Rena gasped, she couldn’t believe what she just heard. “I did what?!”

“It was an accident,” Yui objected. “An accident. She helped me.”

The officer stood up and closed his notepad. He observed the crime scene. “We need to process the scene,” that’s his response.

 “You can’t do this!” Rena heard Yui yell. Yui’s hands were shaking again but this time in frustration. “She did nothing wrong. She basically saved our lives and you treated her like that sort a person, a dangerous criminal. You treated her like a murderer!”

The key for this mess…

Rena winced at the word but it seemed to be the key for getting her memory back. Her brain still hurt. She started remembering the details of this whole mess; it was like trying to remember a dream after you woke up in the morning. She saw the flashback in her mind. She saw Yui walked down the dark alley and a man that looked suspicious was tailing her back. She recalled the man put out something pointy from his jacket. She thought that she could stop the man by herself so, she just tried it. Then she remembered…

“He was waving the knife, asking for her purse. I grabbed his right hand and he was so surprised.” Rena snapped. “I remember! He shoved his knife onto my jacket, however I managed to dodge the attack. I jumped at him and knocked him down to the ground. He was really strong.”

Yui nodded. She turned back at the policeman. “See? That’s what I told you before. You can’t charge her… you can’t charge her for killing him. It was an accident!”

The officer mumbled into the walkie-talkie strapped on his shirt. Then he noted Yui and Rena, “I need both of you to come down to the police station. We’ll sort this out there.

As Yui and Rena were escorted to the police car, Rena gripped Yui’s hand tightly. “The consequences of what I had done really started to sink in.”

“No, it’s alright. We’ll make it through, together.” Yui answered as she pressed Rena’s hand to her heart and cried. “Thanks for everything. I’ll-“

You’ll stand by me, right?

Rena smiled, she was feeling light and dizzy. The last thing she remembered before darkness stole her vision away was Yui boldly declaring that she would stand by Rena no matter what.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 10:43:54 PM by sophcaro »

Offline kuro808

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Re: [OS] Stand By Me...
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2014, 07:47:49 AM »
It is a good OS.  This is a good starting point and I hope to see the maturation of your writing in the future. :)
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline teru_fi

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Re: [OS] Stand By Me...
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2014, 09:37:49 AM »
@kuro_808, thank you. Thanks for the comment. I don't quite understand bout' maturation but I'm willing to learn more.

Offline kuro808

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Re: [OS] Stand By Me...
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2014, 09:48:21 AM »
@kuro_808, thank you. Thanks for the comment. I don't quite understand bout' maturation but I'm willing to learn more.

best advice is to read and branch out to learn about writing.  The best thing is to improve and know where to improve in.

Also you can always PM me if you do have any questions
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline mashimaro

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Re: [OS] Stand By Me...
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2014, 09:51:33 AM »
I like the one shot! Have confidence! I started to write my first fanfic and I wasn't sure how it would turn but I had people like you who supports my story. We all have to start somewhere! I support you! Keep it up! Hope to see more of your work!!!

Offline teru_fi

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Re: [OS] Stand By Me...
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2014, 07:14:45 PM »
Thanks again! Sure, I'll try to learn more. You guys are my inspiration, LOL. Just love to read your topics (fics).

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