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Author Topic: anakpanti's OS Collection - Last fic: Regret (SaeYuki - COMPLETED)  (Read 159245 times)

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui - Dear Fans #8 --> [MY LAST FANFIC]
« Reply #140 on: February 18, 2014, 03:02:15 PM »
Why? Why?! WHY?! :tantrum:

I was eagerly waiting for that Mayuki OS smut too and the final omake for Wanted! :gyaaah:

This is such a sad news. :mon cry: I hope you will come back someday as a writer.

Thank you for the hardwork. :kneelbow: I will surely miss you and I.. I.. waaaahhh! :on speedy:

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui - Dear Fans #8
« Reply #141 on: February 20, 2014, 12:16:58 AM »
Hi. Umm.... thank you for all supports that you guys gave to me.  I'm really-really-really appreciate it. :)

But.... there are some of my readers keep 'terrorizing' me to finish all requests and on-going fanfic first before I leave.  XD

That's in my language, so you probably not understand. :P
He/She told me (forced me) to finish SaeYuki - Secret Regret.  :lol:

So, after the second thought........... I'm so sorry for being an irresponsible author.  :bow:

Errmmm.... Let's say like this... I've announced my graduation but I'm not graduated yet. XD

I will finishing this list first before I leave, so I can 'rest in peace'.  :lol:

13. Final Omake for 'Wanted!' Thank you konoe-san for reminding me about it because I always forget it.

Fiuhh... such a long list.  :P
See you.  :heart:

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui - Dear Fans #8
« Reply #142 on: February 20, 2014, 02:02:56 AM »
Anakpanti~san...!! How dare you toLd that "I FORCED" u ???? Huaaaa. . I'm not that bad... And Even u said "I'm TERORIZING" U ??? Hidooiiii...I just want u to finish it first,but if u won't,I can understand. I'm la~hi~ka this my nickname cz My name is Long.

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui - Dear Fans #8
« Reply #143 on: February 20, 2014, 11:23:34 AM »
Sorry for the late reply!

 :stoned:  :OMG:

My reaction was like that when I saw anakpanti your graduation!

But now I am relieved that you will finish you job before you graduate. But I really hope that you could stay around for a bit longer!  :kneelbow:

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [3 Shots] WMatsui - SURVIVE (Part 1) #9
« Reply #144 on: February 23, 2014, 02:20:18 PM »
#9 WMatsui - Survive


= Rena =

“Mom, I have an extra lesson for piano after my class this afternoon.”


“I’ve said it to you last week, mom… I’ll participate in Piano Competition next month.” She rolled her eyes.

“Ah.” The woman laughed. “I’m sorry, honey. I forgot about it. Just call me if you’re done, I’ll pick you up.” She stopped the car in front of the university main gate. “We’re arrived.” After she turned off the car engine, she kissed her daughter who sat next to her. “Have a nice day. I love you. See you later.”

“I love you too, mom.” She stepped out from the car.

The middle-aged woman turned her head to the back seat direction. “Ta-”

“Take care of your sister and help her if she needs something.” A girl cut off the woman words and said it in a cold way. “I know, mom. You’ve said it every day to me.” She said it while putting the books into her bag. “I know it. She’s a perfect girl and I’m a bad sister.” She opened the door and stepped out from the car.

“No, you’re not bad!” The woman raised her voice so her other daughter could hear her. “See you later!” She waited for a respond but as usual… her oldest daughter didn’t give her an answer. She sighed. After she saw that both of her daughters had been entered the gate, she turned on her car again and went away.

Rena turned her head and saw her mother drove the car away, and then she looked to the front again… she saw her younger sister, Sakiko, walked with a bunch of popular students in the campus. She sighed. I hate my life. She walked straight to her class without greet or greeted by anyone.

She entered the class and found an empty chair on the back row, and then she quickly walked there and put her butt on the chair before someone else taking her favorite spot. Not long after that the lecturer came into the class and then he prepared his laptop and also the projector.

The lecturer spent about 10 minutes to set everything. “Okay, let’s start our class.”

All students looked at the lecturer and completely shut their mouth.

“Just like what I’ve told you in the beginning of this semester, we will have a Humanity Project this month. 2 days ago, our campus has been decided which country that we will visit for doing this project….. Philippines.”

In about 3 seconds later, all students in the class cheering out loud. They looked so happy and excited about this humanity project. Most of them did the high-five with their friends and they began to discuss about their individual plans in Philippines.

“Okay-okay, guys… Please be quiet.” The lecturer could understand his students’ excitement. “I know that all of you will start to plan something fun, but remember… first of all, we go there for a Humanity Project. The project will be held in 2 days and we give you another 2 days for enjoying the natural landscape of Philippines.” He smiled.

Rena could hear the others cheered even louder and saw how excited the students. But it was not gave any impact to her. I don’t want to participate in this silly project!

“Sorry, I’m late!!” A student entered the super noisy class. She looked so confused about the situation in that class.

“Matsui Jurina! Why do you always late on my class?!”

Jurina bowed at the lecturer. “Sorry.” After that, her friends gave her a signal to sit beside them. Jurina grinned and then she rushed toward her friends who already talked about the Humanity Project.

Rena took a small glance at Jurina’s direction. Popular kids are always same. She rolled her eyes.

============================= ***** =============================

= Jurina =

“Hi, J.” A girl stopped in front of Jurina. She bent down and then she whispered at Jurina who sat on a chair in the cafeteria. “Don’t forget about tonight. 8 PM.

Jurina smirked. “I won’t forget about it, sweetie.”

The girl planted a small kiss on her cheek before walked away.

“She’s hot. Your new girlfriend?”

“No. She’s only a friend, Churi.” Jurina proceeded to eat the meal that she bought before.

“Friend with benefit?”

Jurina rolled her eyes. “Kanon, please. I’m eating right now. Stop teasing me!”

Churi and Kanon giggled.

“Hi guys.” A gorgeous girl sat beside Jurina.

“Oh, hi. Where have you been, Yuria?” Kanon looked at her friend who had just bought her lunch.

“Sorry, I’m late. I had to go to the bathroom first.” Yuria drank the soft drink.

Churi tilted her head. “Bathroom? Did you’ve just make out with someone or something?”

Yuria almost spit out her drink in mid-sip and Jurina choked as well. “Guys, please!!” Both of them said it in the same time and glared at their silly friends.

“What?!” Churi said it in a innocent way. “Both of you are popular… WE are popular, so… it’s easy to have a sexual relationship with anyone.”

Jurina smacked Churi’s head. “Stop your non-sense talks!”

Kanon had accidentally seen a girl who had just sat on the chair, not too far from them. “Guys, do you know her?” She pointed her finger at the corner table. There was a girl who sat there.

Jurina turned her head and narrowed her eyes. She observed the girl. “I don’t know her name, but… I often see her. Is she from our class?”

Churi and Yuria nodded as they had a same thought with Jurina.

“She used to be a nice girl. She was in my middle school.” Kanon sip her coffee. “And you know what? She’s Sakiko’s older sister.”

“Wait WHAT??!” Three of them looked so surprised.

“Matsui Sakiko??!!” Yuria couldn’t believe her friend words.

Churi was surprised as well. “Their personalities seem too different. Sakiko is a ‘popular junior’, but that girl is the ‘unknown girl’.”

Jurina kept looking at the girl even though Churi, Yuria, and Kanon already turned away from the girl. “Kanon, you said that she used to be nice. What happened to her?”

Kanon shrugged. “I don’t know. Well… maybe it’s hard to have a perfect sister.”

“Especially when the perfect sister is studying in the same college with her.” Yuria added.

“Precisely.” Kanon nodded.

Matsui Jurina, please come to the principal’s office right now.” The big voice came from the cafeteria intercom.

Everyone in the cafeteria looked at Jurina. Jurina facepalmed. SHIT!

Yuria glared at Jurina. “Stop making the trouble! Or you won’t be able to go to Philippines with us, baka!!”

“What have you done this time?!” Churi slapped Jurina’s hand.

“Aw! It’s hurt.” Jurina rubbed her hand. “I skipped some important classes for 2 weeks. And then… yesterday, our principal found me with a girl, I forgot her name, kissed each other inside the library. Well… it’s not my fault! That girl captured my lips first, not me! I went to the library to sleep peacefully, but she came to me.”

“Library?! Stupid.” Kanon sighed.


Jurina put her clothes into her bag. Fiuhh…. I’m very lucky that the principal still give me the permission to do the Humanity Project in Philippines.

In about some minutes later, she was shocked because her mother grabbed the bag from her grip. “H-hey, mom. Let me pack my own stuff.” Jurina tried to grab the suitcase from her mother hand.

But Jurina’s mom slapped her daughter hands, not too hard, it just to shove away the hands from the suitcase. “No! No. You’ll bring some USELESS stuff instead of the USEFUL things.”

“Mom! I only go for a week, not for a month!” Jurina scratched her head.

Jurina’s dad chuckled softly. “Honey, Jurina is right. She doesn’t have to bring too many clothes and medicines. She only goes for a week.”

Jurina smiled at her dad. “Thanks, dad.”

But it seemed Jurina’s mom didn’t care about them, she kept packing her daughter stuff. “A week is a long enough time, Jurina.”

Jurina and her dad rolled their eyes. They couldn’t do anything to against the mother who overly worried. They decided to sit and watched the woman put everything into Jurina’s suitcase.

After half an hour, finally…. “Done!” Jurina’s mother grinned at her husband and her daughter. “Let’s go.” She asked her husband to bring the suitcase to their car.

Jurina stood up and walked behind her parents who walked toward the car. I will miss you, mom… dad.

============================= ***** =============================

= Humanity Project =

Okay, listen!” The lecturer talked through the megaphone. “We will have the dinner at 7 PM so you still have 3 hours to take a rest!

Churi nudged Jurina who stood beside her. “Take a rest? Bullshit! Let’s go swimming after we put our bags in the hotel room.”

Jurina grinned. “We have a same thought.” She did a highfive with Churi. She looked at Kanon and Yuria who smirked as well.

All of them rushed into the hotel room after they got the key. They put their bags on the floor and then they took their swimsuit. After they changed their clothes, they left the bags just like that…. messy.

They wanted to swim on the sea, but it seemed the sea waves were too un-stable because the wind was quite strong in the time like that. They counted together, “1, 2, 3, Go!” All of them jumped into the swimming pool in the same time.

“Wohooo!!” Jurina cheered loudly, she looked so enjoyed it. It was just the swimming pool but she felt it so refreshing, somehow, she felt the water and the air in Japan were so different from Philippines.

Jurina lifted her head while kept swimming; she wanted to enjoy the scenery of the sky and the clouds. But her eyes had accidentally noticed a girl who stood on the terrace of one of the hotel rooms on the third floor. The girl was holding the binoculars. Isn’t she Matsui Sakiko’s older sister? She stared at the girl just for a few seconds because her friends suddenly splashed the water onto her face.

—— On the other hand ——

Rena stood on the terrace while holding her binoculars. I can’t believe that I’m actually come here. She sighed.


“I don’t even want to go on that silly trip!” Rena replied sarcastically. “I don’t want to be forced to go and hang out with people I never talk to.”

Rena’s mother shook her head. “You have to go, Rena. It’s your chance to get more friends.”

“I don’t need any friend!”

“It’s your chance to do something fun with someone else. It’s time for you to help people besides yourself.”

Rena groaned. “Fine! I’ll go, so you and Sakiko don’t have to get stuck with my face for a whole week.” She went upstairs.

“That’s not the reason, Rena. I’ve told you… this is-” Rena’s mom words was been cut off by the sound of the slammed door.


Rena saw the beach and the sea scenery through the binoculars. Well… at least the scenery didn’t disappoint me… so beautiful. She enjoyed the scenery for about 15 minutes and also taking some pictures. She was about to go inside her room, but the cheering from the swimming pool made her mind distracted. She looked down and saw many students fooling around. They didn’t know what the meaning of ‘take a rest’. She went inside her room and planned to spend an hour for sleeping.

==== On the next day ====

The students was visiting a small village, it spent about 2-3 hours from the hotel. They gave away many things to the locals… like rice, sugar, salt, cooking oil, blanket, clothes, and toys for children, etc.

And the day after that, they worked together to built a kind of small outdoor patio so the locals could sat together to watch the TV that the students gave to them.

“Here, let me help you.”

The pair of hands offered some helps when Rena tried to lift a wooden pole, but it hardly moved; she wanted to paint it, “Oh, thanks.” She said it without saw the helper face.

Rena was not good in many physically jobs, so she just did a small job like that, like coloring or paint the wall, or collect the garbage on the ground.

Both of them lifted it together and put it vertically beside the wall, so Rena could paint it easier.

“You’re welcome.” The helper smiled at Rena, but Rena seemed didn’t pay attention to the helper anymore. The helper walked toward Rena and whispered. “You’re so white, don’t forget to use your lotion or your beautiful skin will be burned.” After that, the helper walked away.

Rena was a bit surprised and then she looked at the helper direction. She only could see the helper’s back.

“Jurina! Please help me to give away these medicines to the locals.”

“Okay!” The helper lifted the bag from the ground and followed the one who called her.

Rena raised her eyebrows. Jurina? Matsui Jurina?! Wow. It was the first time for her to talk with Jurina, the popular girl from sport club. She shrugged and then proceeded to paint the wooden pole.

============================= ***** =============================

= Wrong Decision =

“Matsui- Matsui - Matsui! Wake up!!”

Rena opened her eyes slowly as the 2 girls disturbing her peaceful sleep. See?! This is why I didn’t need any friends! They always irritating anyway. She woke up lazily. “What is it?” She forced to talk with those girls since 2 days ago because they were her roommates and her teammates in the humanity project.

“Matsui, this is good news!!” One of the girls looked so excited. “Yuria, one of the richest student in our college rent a boat tonight! She invites some of the students to come and enjoy the party~”

Rena rolled her eyes. “I’m not interest.” She covered herself with a blanket and then she lay on the bed again.

“Oh, come on!” The other girl took the blanket and threw it onto the floor. “Listen, this is the only chance, we have to go! Joining a party on the luxurious boat and enjoying the night sky of Philippines…. OMG! You won’t have a chance like this again!”

Rena groaned. I hate them! This is going to be the first time and also last time I hang out with them. She woke up. “Okay.”

“The boat will be leaving in an hour, you better hurry.”

Rena take a (super quick) shower, she didn’t bring any pretty dress so she just wore the white t-shirt and the pink gingham check pattern pants, she grabbed her bag that she had prepared before, and then she took a bottle of water from the table.

“Let’s go.” A girl pulled Rena’s hand and then three of them rushed outside the hotel. They ride a taxi and went to the harbor.

Just in 10 minutes, they arrived at the harbor. They ran toward the boat that almost left without them. They walked around the boat. Rena felt so thankful because no one there using a dress, well… that was an unexpected party after all.

‘’Do you want to drink a cocktail?”

Rena shook her head. “No. Just…. enjoy yourself, okay? I’ll just walking around and taking some pictures.” She left both of her roommates. She walked away from the crowd. She stood on the left side of the boat to enjoy the night lights and the wind.

Rena took her binoculars from her bag and then put it closer to her eyes.

“You won’t be able to see anything in the midnight like this.”

“Kyaa!” Rena utterly surprised. She looked at the girl who talked to her. “You scared me!!! YOU-” She paused as she realized who it was. Tch! I can’t put myself in trouble just because of a silly popular kid. She walked away from the girl before her anger burst out. This is her friend’s boat. I will be kicked out in the middle of the sea if I yell at her.

But before Rena could take any step, she heard the police siren wailing. WHAT THE FUCK?! She saw the police’s boat came closer.

This is the police.” The police spoke through the speaker. “Prepare to be boarded, you ride an illegal boat and the boat has been operated in the forbidden zone. To all of you, move to the front side of the boat.

Many of people ran to Rena’s direction and went to the front side of the boat. She kept being pushed to the edge of the boat while everyone looked so panicked. Rena lost her balance when she bumped with too many people. “Kyaa!” She fell onto the sea because the side of the ship just as high as her thighs.

Jurina was shocked. “Fuck!” She quickly jumped onto the water to help Rena. She grabbed Rena’s body and then she held Rena’s body tightly before she swam toward a small canoe near the boat. She guessed that the small canoe was used for an emergency case.

“Climb up!” Jurina helped Rena to ride the small canoe, and after that… she climbed up as well. “What the hell are you doing?!”

“What?! I fell!!”

Jurina took a small knife from her pocket and then she was going to cut the rope that connected the canoe and the boat.

“W-wait What?! Why did you cut it??!!” Rena looked so freaking panic.

“I already got too much trouble in college, I can’t get busted tonight.” Jurina succeeded in cutting the rope and then the canoe left behind without being seen by the police.

Rena grabbed Jurina’s collar. “I want to get back on the boat!!” She looked at the boats. “They’re getting too far away!”

Jurina tried to calm Rena. “Relax, girl. We’ll go back to the hotel when everything cool down.”

“I want to go back to the DAMN BOAT!!”

“Okay-okay!” Jurina crawled to another side of the canoe. “We’ll hang back and quietly follow them from behind.”

“Hurry up! The sea waves make us move to the wrong direction!!”

Jurina took a big plastic that covering the back side of the canoe and then she was really-really shocked. “FUCK!!”

“What?!” Rena rubbed her own fingers while trying to calm down.

“No machine.”

*THUMP!* Rena became so afraid when she saw the boat already too far from them. “We won’t be able to see the boat! What do you mean by ‘NO MACHINE’?!”

Jurina grabbed her own hair. “This canoe didn’t have a motor to make this thing move!”

“No motor?! What now, genius?!”

Jurina groaned. “Be quiet. Let me think!” She became panic as she felt that the waves became stronger.

“Do you even know which way to go?!” Rena held the edge of the canoe tightly because she didn’t want to fall again this time.

“I don’t know.”

Rena clenched her teeth. “What do you mean by YOU DON’T KNOW?!”

Jurina rubbed her own lips. “We’re stuck here.” She couldn’t close her mouth when she saw some big sea waves were about to ‘attack’ their canoe. “Hey, watch out!” She quickly grabbed Rena’s body, she forced Rena to lay down, and then Jurina took the big plastic that she saw before… she used it to cover their body. She whispered at Rena. “Hold on to the canoe and onto my shirt tightly, okay? Close your eyes.

Rena nodded while her tears already rolled down on her cheek. She held Jurina’s body tightly and then she closed her eyes. God, please do not drown us.

Jurina saw the huge waves had been appeared right in front of their canoe. She gulped. After the second thought, I think get busted by the police is much better than this. She lay down beside Rena and then she gripped the canoe tightly.


The waves ‘slammed’ the canoe strongly.

======================== TO BE CONTINUED ========================


This is for the request number 12, but yeah… THAT part will be appeared on the next chap.

Okay, this is supposed to be an OS, but as always… I’m too excited and it makes the story become longer than I expected before. :p

I tried to write the SaeYuki and other pairings, but the idea still didn’t come to my head. Sorry, please kindly wait more longer.

Thanks for Sherin-san for trying hard to make my WMatsui feelings come back. :P

Offline FairyNyan

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [2 Shots] WMatsui - SURVIVE (Part 1) #9
« Reply #145 on: February 23, 2014, 04:30:47 PM »
Yeay new fanfic !!  :inlove:

This fic so interesting.. Update it fast okay  :lol: and there is a THATXD
  :peace: Oshimen : Mayuyu Yukirin :peace:
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Freaking back to da earth

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [2 Shots] WMatsui - SURVIVE (Part 1) #9
« Reply #146 on: February 24, 2014, 01:37:55 PM »
Update soon~

I wonder what Jurina mean she got to much trouble in college

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [2 Shots] WMatsui - SURVIVE (Part 1) #9
« Reply #147 on: April 09, 2014, 02:41:34 PM »
This fanfic is interesting >.<
Please update soon,Anakpanti-san m(_ _)m

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [2 Shots] WMatsui - SURVIVE (Part 1) #9
« Reply #148 on: April 11, 2014, 01:59:36 PM »
Jurina is crazy poor Rena...update soon!!

Enviado desde mi HTC One mediante Tapatalk

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui/JuriMayu - Warmth #10
« Reply #149 on: May 04, 2014, 12:25:38 AM »
Hi. :)

Before I continue my ‘on-going’ fics… I kinda make a ‘warm-up’ first with this short OS.
Well…. as you know, it’s been months and I didn’t write anything! I’m afraid that my writing skill is kinda reduced or something. :3

I hope you enjoy it.

Words: +19K

#10 WMatsui/JuriMayu - Warmth

6 months ago… I met her for the first time.
In my whole life, I always think that ‘love at the first sight’ is the most silly thing in the world… but then, I experienced it myself.


“Ouch! It’s hurt!!” Jurina rubbed her left hand after someone bumped into her arm when she was about to enter the convenience store. The plastic bag slipped from her hand and fell onto the floor.

 “I’m sorry.” Another girl bent down her body and then quickly helped Jurina to collect all stuff that scattered on the floor. After that… that girl was just walk away without looked at Jurina’s face.

“……” Jurina didn’t have anything to say. Her heart was beating so fast like a jet plane. The things that happened next are so hard to explain, like… suddenly her mind went blank, her legs became so weak to support her own body, she stunned while she felt her stomach was taken over by thousands butterflies, her voice couldn’t come out, etc.

The girl just went away from the convenience store without knowing that she already left ‘something big, unseen, and memorable’ inside Jurina’s heart.


That’s it!
Yeah… just in 1 minute my heart has been taken away by a stranger. I’m so pathetic!! Right?

After that day, I always came to the same store every day after I came back from school… to wait her, well… in case I was lucky to meet her again. I spent 1 hour every day for 3 weeks to look for her, but… it was useless. I didn’t meet her.

Actually, I don’t remember her face because at that time I was too focusing with my fucking hurt arm. I only remember her scent, her cold and white fingers when our hand had accidentally touched each other when she handed over my plastic bag, and also her back figure when she walked away that time. I even can’t remember her voice because she only said ‘I am sorry’. It’s so depressing! Even if I meet her on the street, I wouldn’t know if I will be able to recognize her or not!

After a month, I stop coming to that store. I believe that one day, love itself that will find a way for us to meet again (and I wish that girl don’t have a girlfriend/boyfriend when I meet her later).

However, it’s been 6 months, but… love hasn’t shown its way for me to meet her again!!

“Oh God!!! Where on the earth is she??!!! Arrgghh…!” Jurina screamed as she tried let out the desperation from inside her heart.

“Jurina!!! You’re so noisy! Go to sleep or you will late for school tomorrow!”

Jurina rubbed her own forehead because she forgot that it was already midnight and she hasn’t finished her homework. Well… she was too busy with her own mind. “O-okay mom!” She turned off the light and climbed up onto her bed. Screw homework! Screw love!

====================== 3 Months Later ======================

“Jurina… daisuki. Please be my girlfriend and please accept this.” Mayu put a small box onto Jurina’s table.

All of a sudden, Jurina forgot how to breathe for a few seconds. She just stood and stunned in front of her senpai who had just confessed her love to Jurina. Sugoi! How can a cute-adorable senpai come to me while holding a delicious cake and confessing her love to me?! I’m totally a lucky kid! But… “Mayu-san, are you sure that you love me? Ah sorry, I didn’t mean to doubt your feelings… but, I mean… in this whole year, everybody in our school know that Kashiwagi-san hook up on you. Well uhh… it makes me think that you just use me to make her jealous or something.”

Mayu walked closer to Jurina and then… She approached Jurina’s lips and planted a kiss. “I love you, Jurina… and I’m so sure about it” She smiled. “I didn’t use you for something like that and I didn’t have any feelings for Yukirin.”

It was just a quick kiss but it already enough to make Jurina’s heartbeat rate increased. I like Mayu-san, of course I like her! Everybody who still has a normal brain and normal eyes will be defeated by Mayu’s charm, totally. She’s amazing and gorgeous. Jurina smiled and then she pulled Mayu into her strong arms. “So, this is why you shoo away my classmates? So you can comfortably talk to me? You’re pretty cunning.” She giggled while hugging Mayu.

Mayu nodded and then she wrapped her arms onto Jurina as well. “Well…. It’s easy to shoo away the kohai from their class.” She grinned.

Jurina let go of her arms and pinched Mayu’s cheek. “Ahh… you use your status as a senpai. Such a bad girl. Well… since you’re a bad girl, can I just drop the honorific? In these past months you always drop the honorific without asking it to me first.”

“Ouch!” Mayu rubbed her own cheek. “It’s hurt!” She pouted. “You will be able to drop the honorific in calling your senpai only if you’re their girlfriend or their best friend!!” She smacked Jurina’s head.

Jurina smirked. ”You’re too lovely to become my best friend, so…”

“Soooo…?!” Mayu’s eyes grew bigger and she showed a big smile.

Jurina grinned. “So…. let’s become a cute couple from now on.” She pulled Mayu into her hug once again and then she stroke Mayu’s silky hair. “Mayu.”

Mayu tightened her grip onto Jurina’s uniform. She was so happy.  “Jurina, I love you.”

“…” Jurina looked at the ceiling.

Why? If you ask me why I accepted her feelings, I can’t say much. Mayu is the only one senpai who became my friend. Last year, when I was still a first year student, she save me from some senpai who want to bully me and she helped me A LOT in my studies as well.

However, in these past months I became quite popular after I joined the archery club. Most of girls are crazy for me after they saw me wearing the outfit with bow and arrow in my hand. Now, no one want to bully me again… it means I don’t need Mayu’s protection anymore. I know that I shouldn’t rely on her too much anymore. I shouldn’t bother her too much like before.

But it seems, she misunderstanding about the reason why I became farther away from her. She thinks that I didn’t want to be her friend anymore after my name ‘written’ as one of many popular students.

She also thinks that Kashiwagi-san is the reason why I don’t feel comfortable around her anymore. Well yeah… Kashiwagi-san is a bit clingy and easily gets jealous when it comes to Mayu, but Kashiwagi-san is a nice girl… I don’t mind if she and Mayu go on date.

But this all is beyond my expectation! Mayu likes me?! Wow, I feel flattered.

How about my so-called ‘first love’? I give up. It’s almost a year yet I can’t find her, so… I just keep it in my head as a sweet memory. I can’t abandon Mayu ‘who bravely stands in front of me and says that she love me’ for someone who I even don’t know her name and her face… right?

====================== A Year Later ======================

To: Mayu

Hey, my lovely senpai! ( ˘ ³˘)❤
Let’s go on date tonight, babe. (ˆˇˆ)-c<˘ˑ˘)
Would you?

Jurina grinned after sent a mail to her lovely girlfriend. She didn’t pay attention to the teacher in the class because she missed Mayu so badly. Yup, she and Mayu didn’t attend the same school anymore…Jurina is still a high school student but Mayu has been graduated last year and attended the college. Thankfully, Mayu chose the university that placed in the same town so they still able to meet even though not as often as before.

Jurina smiled as she felt her phone vibrated.

From: Mayu

Of course! o(^▽^)o
You don’t even need to ask that question.
Pick me up at 7 tonight, okay?


Jurina simply sent ‘okay’ and then she put her phone back into her pocket. Oh God, I can’t wait to meet her and celebrate our first anniversary together.


Jurina entered Mayu’s house. “Wow! You look so stunning!! I can’t believe that you’re my girlfriend.” Jurina couldn’t blink as she saw Mayu in a cute pinkish dress.

Mayu couldn’t hide her red cheeks. “S-stop saying that! You always flatter me every time we meet.” She looked at Jurina’s eyes. “And you look so handsome and cool, as usual.”

Jurina smiled and then she took Mayu’s hands. She looked at Mayu’s eyes while holding Mayu’s hands “Happy anniversary, Mayu.” She came closer to Mayu and then she gave a soft kiss onto Mayu’s forehead.

Mayu let go of her hands from Jurina’s grip, after that she wrapped her arms onto Jurina’s neck. “Happy anniversary, Jurina. I love you so much.” She placed her chin onto Jurina’s shoulder while hugging Jurina.

Jurina stroke Mayu’s hair and patted Mayu’s head gently while her other hand already placed on Mayu’s waist. “Our first anniversary… I’m so happy. Every second that we spent together felt so comfortable, happy, and precious. Thank you for a wonderful year.”

Mayu let go of her arms and then she wiped her tears… the happy tears. “Let’s go on date before my tears fall uncontrollably.”

Jurina nudged Mayu’s hand. “Oh, come on! Why girls are always crying?! If you’re happy, you should smile and laugh a lot, okay?” She helped Mayu to wipe the tears away.

Mayu rolled her eyes. “Quit act like you are not a girl, Jurina.”

Jurina giggled. Sometimes, I always forget that I’m a girl too.

Mayu and Jurina went out from the house, they heading to the garage. Mayu opened the passenger door for Jurina.

“Urgh! Not again. I wanna drive.” Jurina pouted.

Mayu chuckled and then she pulled Jurina’s hand. She forced Jurina to enter the car. “I won’t allow you to drive until you graduate from high school.” She closed the door when Jurina already sat inside the car. After that, she entered the car as well and placed herself on the driver seat.

“For God’s sake, Mayu! I will graduate in a month!” When Mayu was about to turn on the engine, Jurina remembered something. “Mayu… on the day you confessed your love to me, you bought a cake… right?”

Mayu nodded. “Yeah, why?” She started to drive.

“You know… it’s so delicious!! Where did you buy it? I always forget to ask it.”

Mayu shrugged. “I forget the name of the cake shop, but we can go there tomorrow if you want. I think I still remember where it is.”

“Yeay!” Jurina punched the air. “You’re so kind, babe.” She gave Mayu a quick kiss on the cheek.

“H-hey! Don’t kiss me when I’m driving!! I’ll lose my concentration!!”

“Then let me drive now.” Jurina grinned at Mayu.

Mayu laughed because her girlfriend was still persistent. “I will let you drive next month, Jurina. You can drive me wherever you want after your graduation day.”

Jurina crossed her arms and then she looked away. “I hate you.”

Mayu chuckled. “My cool girlfriend is whining on the anniversary day. Adorable.”

Jurina looked out the window. A year has been passed without I realize it… so fast. Mayu… I think I won’t be able to life without her, she take care of me so well. Being around her is always comfortable. I’m so thankful that last year I accepted her feeling.

====================== Next Day ======================

“Here! I’m sure that this is the place.” Mayu parked her car in front of a cake shop.

Jurina looked at the shop. “Great! Let’s buy a cake similar to the one you gave me last year.” She looked very excited as she saw many cakes ‘lined up’ in front of her eyes.

Mayu let out a soft chuckle. “Hold on your drool, kiddo.” She went out from the car and then she entered the shop. She walked toward the cashier. “Chocochezz, please.” It was the name of the cake that she bought last year, a brownies that layered with creamy baked cheese.

Jurina followed her girlfriend entered the cake shop. She couldn’t stop admiring the cakes inside that shop. She walked around to see the cake while Mayu talked to the cashier. In a few minutes later, Mayu patted her shoulder.

“Jurina, this is your cake.” Mayu smiled as she saw Jurina’s huge grin while taking the plastic bag from her hand. “Wait a minute, okay? I want to go to the toilet.” She went after Jurina gave her a slight nod.

Jurina looked around and she realized that no other staff in that place, only a cashier. Yes, it was not a big cake shop… but it was not small either, so Jurina thought that it was almost impossible to maintain the shop alone. “Hey, are you the only one who works here?” She asked it to the cashier to fulfill her curiosity.

The cashier lifted her head as she heard the customer talked to her. “For today, yes… it’s only me. There are 3 others, but they don’t work since today is the public holiday.”

“I see…” Jurina nodded. “So why don’t you enjoy the holiday as well?”

The cashier smiled. “If I take the holiday, you won’t be able to eat that cake today.” She pointed the plastic bag on Jurina’s hand. “When I saw your grin before, I bet that you really want to eat it.”

Jurina laughed. “Yes, you’re right. It’s been a year since the last time I ate this and I hope the taste is still same.”

“Don’t worry, the taste won’t change. I’m sure that you’re still going to love it.”

Jurina raised one of her eyebrows. “What makes you so sure?”

The cashier shrugged. “Well… because I’m the one who make it.”

“What?!” Jurina was taken aback. “You’re a cashier and a… pâtissière?” She looked unsure and confused.

When the cashier wanted to answer the question, Mayu already show up and called Jurina. Mayu took Jurina’s hand and then they went out from the shop while holding hands. Jurina slightly bowed her head at the cashier before she went out.

====================== A Month Later ======================

Jurina had accidentally looked at the calendar. Oh God… next week is Mayu’s birthday and I almost forget it! I almost dig my own grave… again.

2 years ago, when they were still in the friend zone, Jurina forgot about Mayu’s birthday and guess what happened… Mayu refused to talk to her for a whole week.

Jurina scratched her head while thinking about what she should give to Mayu as a gift. Ah! I will order the birthday cake first, I will think about the gift later on. Without too much thinking, she grabbed her jacket and then went out from her house.

Jurina took a bus and thankfully there was an empty seat inside the bus. After ride for about 10 minutes, she stopped at the bus station. She walked to the cake shop near the bus station. She opened the door and went inside. She looked around.

“Can I help you, miss?”

Jurina smiled at the waitress. “Last month, I bought a cake from here and I really love the taste. Can I talk to the pâtissière who make ‘Chocochezz’? I’ve met her before and now I want to order a birthday cake from her.”

The waitress tilted her head. “Do you mean… Matsui Rena-san?”

Jurina shrugged. “Well… I’m not sure, since I didn’t ask her name.”

The waitress smiled. “I think she is the person you’re looking for since she is the only one pâtissière here and also the owner of this place. Okay, I will call her. Please wait a moment.” The waitress walked away.

She’s the owner?! Wow! Jurina couldn’t hide her admiration. She sat at a chair there while waiting the pâtissière came.

“Excuse me?”

Jurina stood up as she heard someone talked to her. “Oh, konbawa.” She bowed her head. “Do you remember me, Matsui-san?”

Rena bowed her head as well. “Yes, I remember. You’re the one who doubted my job as the pâtissière and the cashier.” She chuckled. “Can I help you?”

“I want to order a birthday cake for next week, but I want the special one since this is for my girlfriend’s birthday”


Jurina waved her hand in front of Rena’s face. “Are you there, Matsui-san?”

“O-oh… I’m sorry.” Rena snapped out. “Is she the girl who came with you last time?”

“Yes, she is.” Jurina nodded.

“Okay, please wait there for a second.” Rena pointed at the table on the corner. “I will take my pen and notes first.”

Jurina nodded and then she walked toward the table that pointed by Rena before. In a few minutes later, Rena came and sat in front of her.

“Okay. Now, tell me about her name, her date of birth, the size of the cake, and your girlfriend’s favorite flavors. Oh, if you want to add other details for the design of the cake, please feel free to tell me.” Rena was ready to write.

And then… Jurina and Rena discussed about the cake for about an hour.

“Okay, I think that’s all.” Jurina laid her back on the chair and smiled at Rena. “I’ve been pay it in advance, so you have to finish it on time. Okay?” She grinned.

Rena laughed. “Even though you pay for it later, I will still finish the cake on time.”

Jurina stood up and shook Rena’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you again. Thank you for your hard work, Matsui-san.”

“It’s nice to meet you too. See you later.” Rena had accompanied Jurina headed to the door.

“Ah!” Jurina turned around. “My name is Matsui Jurina, 18 years old. We share the same family name.” She grinned. “Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself at the first place because I’m too excited about the cake.”

“Wow, you’re still young… I’m 24 years old. Well… see you later.” Rena waved her hand.

Jurina bowed her head lower than before since she already knew about the big gap between their age. “See you later too, Matsui-san.” Jurina walked to the bus station.

====================== 3 Days Later ======================

Ah GREAT!!! RAIN!! Urgh! Jurina ran and searched the place for waiting until the rain stopped. She arrived at the bus shelter nearby and then she sat there.

Jurina quickly opened her bag and checked something inside it. Thanks God it’s not wet. She put a CD with its box into the plastic bag, so it wouldn’t get wet in case the rain falls heavier later.

Jurina looked at her watch. 8 PM?! Urgh, I’m sleepy! She grumbled because she had been waiting for 30 minutes but there was still no signs of rain will stop soon.

In about 10 minutes later, a black car stopped in front of Jurina and the driver honked. Jurina narrowed her eyes as she saw the window opened. Who’s that?

“Matsui-san!! Get into my car!! I will take you home… if you don’t mind!” The driver yelled from inside the car so Jurina could hear it. “I think the rain won’t stop tonight!!!”

Ah! Matsui-san! The pâtissière and the owner of the cake shop. Jurina quickly bowed her head first before she ran into the car.

“What are you doing there, Matsui-san?” It’s dangerous to a young girl to walk alone in the night like this. Rena began to drive.

Jurina used her own jacket to wipe her wet hair. “I went to my friend’s house to take a CD, but then when I was about to go home… the rain falls crazily. Sorry for bothering you, Matsui-san.”

“No problem. It’s just a coincidence, I’ve just come back from a restaurant nearby and then I saw you sat alone there. Where’s your house, Matsui-san?”

Jurina told the address to Rena and it seemed Rena knew that area because she saw Rena give her a nod. “By the way… you can call me Jurina. It’s a bit confusing to call each other as ‘Matsui-san’ since we both are Matsui.” She chuckled.

“Okay, Jurina-san.” Rena smiled. “We have the same thoughts about it.”

After sat in silent for about 15 minutes because they still felt awkward toward each other, finally they arrived in front of Jurina’s house.

Jurina opened the door and then she went out from the car. She used the umbrella that Rena gave to her. “Thank you so much, Matsui-san. How much I should pay you?”

Rena rolled her eyes. “I’m not a taxi driver, Jurina-san.”

Jurina laughed. “Just joking. Well… I will return your umbrella tomorrow. Thank you so much and see you later.”

Rena smiled and then she closed the window.

Since she saw Rena was about to leave, Jurina turned around and opened her house gate.

Rena opened the window again. “Hey, Jurina-san! Wait a minute.”

Jurina looked back. “Yes?”

“Maybe… you can pay me with a cup of coffee (?).”

Jurina grinned. “Okay! I will come to your shop tomorrow …to return your umbrella and go for a cup of coffee.”

“Nice.” Rena smiled again and then she drove her car. She glanced at the rearview mirror… she saw Jurina entering the house gate.

====================== Next Day ======================

“Hi.” Jurina bowed her head.

“Konbawa, Jurina-san. I’m glad you’re coming.” Rena smiled.

“I have promised you to come today. I won’t take back my words.” Jurina took something from her bag. “This is your umbrella.”

 “Thank you for bringing it back.” Rena took the umbrella from Jurina’s hand. “Please wait a minute, okay? I have to check something in the kitchen before we go.”

Jurina shrugged. “Okay. Take your time.”

After 5 minutes, Rena patted Jurina’s shoulder. “I’m ready. Sorry to make you wait.”

Jurina turned back. “It’s okay.”

“Okay, let’s go.” Rena led Jurina to her car that parked outside the shop. “I know a coffee shop nearby here. I often went there when I was still a high school student like you, so yeah… I think it’ll be good enough to your wallet, so don’t worry.” She grinned.

“Actually, I’m not a high school student anymore. I’ve been graduated 2 weeks ago.” Jurina smiled and she seemed a bit shy. Yeah… honestly, my wallet is in a weak condition since this week is Mayu’s birthday… I’ve used some of my saving to pay the cake and I still have to save some for a special dinner with Mayu.
I almost stress out last night when Matsui-san asked me to treat her. She looks like a rich girl, so… I have no confident about this.

Rena wanted to talk again but she stopped since she heard Jurina’s phone was ringing.

“Ah, it’s my girlfriend. Please excuse me for a while, Matsui-san.”

Rena chuckled. “You don’t have to ask my permission to pick up your girlfriend’s call.”

Jurina grinned and then she answered the call. “Moshi moshi.”

Where are you, babe?

“I’m on my way to coffee shop with someone. Why? Do you miss me?” Jurina loved to tease Mayu.

I always miss you all the time. But… wait a minute, it’s a girl or a boy?!

Jurina could hear a jealousy tone in Mayu’s voice. “Whatever you’re thinking now, I’m sure that it won’t happen. So don’t worry.” She chuckled.

Ahh… I love you. You always know my feelings well.” Mayu giggled. “Would you come to my house and stay here tonight? My body not feeling well… I think I have a fever.

Jurina became a bit panicked. “Fever?! I will go there now!!”

No… you don’t have to. Enjoy your time with your friend, just come here after that.

That was one of many reasons why Jurina likes Mayu… Mayu had never forced her to do something right away even though she knew that Mayu really needed it. Mayu always respect Jurina’s private time. “Okay if you say so. I will come as soon as possible to take care of you tonight.”

Rena glanced at Jurina. “You’re a nice girl. She’s lucky to have you as her girlfriend.” She said it after she saw Jurina ended the call.

“Not really.” Jurina put her phone into her pocket. “I’m the one who lucky to have her.” She smiled at Rena. “I think you’re an amazing girl. If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend now, she/he is lucky as well.”

“How can you so sure that I’m an amazing girl? We’ve just met some days ago.”

Jurina shrugged. “Just like how you were convinced that I’m a nice girl even when I didn’t do much in front of you.”

Rena chuckled. “Oh, we’re arrived!” She looked excited as she parked her car.

After that, they entered the coffee shop. It was lucky for them because there were not too many people there. As soon as they sat, the waitress came and they order what they wanted to drink.

“You know, Matsui-san… it’s the first time for me to hang out with a girl who much older than me. It’s a bit… awkward. I don’t know how to act.”

“Geez! Like seriously, don’t mention about my age. Just act like usual and talk comfortably in front of me. I’m not THAT old.” Rena pouted.

Jurina laughed. “It’s not easy to act comfortably in front of you, we’ve just knew each other better in less than a week.” Suddenly, Rena approached her face. She choked because the distance between their faces only less than 20cm. “W-what….”

“It’s my first time to hang out with a girl much younger than my age too, but…” Rena frowned. “I don’t know why but I could comfortably talk with you. Usually, I’m a quiet person… a REALLY quiet girl. This is so weird and make me even wonder… did we ever meet before?”

“N-no… w-we’ve never meet before. The day when I came to your shop with my girlfriend last month w-was the first time I met you.” Jurina stuttered while answering Rena’s question. “I-I’m sorry but… y-your face is too close to mine.”

“Ah!” Rena felt awkward as she realized that she was too closer to the younger Matsui’s face. “Sorry.” She rested her back onto the chair and then she calmly drank her coffee.

“No problem.” Jurina drank her coffee as well to neutralize the awkward situation between them. She squeezed her brain to find a topic to talk about; if not… they will surely sit in silence again. “Ahh… I forget to tell you that your Chocochezz is so tasty.”

Rena raised one of her eyebrows as if she said… ‘See? I’ve told you!’

Jurina giggled. “Alright-alright. I’m so sorry for doubting your job. But hey, I ordered my special cake for my girlfriend’s birthday to your shop… it means I don’t doubt you anymore.”

Rena nodded while smiling full of contentment. “Good.” She sipped her coffee again. “Did you have decided about which university that you’ll attend next month?”

Jurina shook her head. “Not yet. I think I’ll just look for a job until I find one that fit enough for me.”

“Can I know about your grades in mathematics?

“It’s always ‘A’. Why?”

“Congratulation!! You’ve just got a job!!” Rena grinned.

Jurina frowned. “Wait what?” She got confused.

“Come to my shop tomorrow for negotiating your salary. You’ll work as a cashier in my cake shop. I’m tired to have 2 jobs at the same time.”

Jurina was really shocked. “I… I thought I have to do a test and an interview to get a job.”

Rena shrugged. “You’ve just did the interview.”

“The only question that you said to me is about my grades in mathematics.”

“Yeah… and it has been counted as your interview and test. You’ve been passed it. So, don’t ask anymore question. If you want that job… come to me tomorrow, after lunch hour. Do you understand?”

Jurina nodded even though she was still felt confused about what had just happened. “I… I think I have to go now. Umm… my girlfriend is sick and I have to accompany her.” She stood up and she bowed her head at Rena.

“I’ll take you there.” Rena stood up as well. “Just tell me where her house is.”

“Wait… you don’t have to-”

“You can’t refuse it!” Rena cut Jurina’s words. “Just pay the bill. I will wait you in the car.” She walked away and left Jurina who still stood there like an idiot.

I think I’ll go crazy. Jurina scratched her own forehead. We’ve just met each other last month… once. We’ve just talked to each other less than a week. She asked me to act comfortably in front of her although she’s much older than me. Now… in a blink of eye she’s already became my boss! 2 minutes ago I’m still her customer! Everything between me and her changed too fast.

====================== Next Day ======================

Mayu opened her eyes and then she saw Jurina fell asleep on the couch. “Jurina… Jurina.” She called her girlfriend softly.

Jurina lifted her head slowly and then she rubbed her eyes. She woke up and walked toward Mayu. “Good morning.” She smiled at Mayu and then she touched Mayu’s forehead and neck. “Do you feel better now?”

“I guess so.” Mayu gave Jurina a weak smile. “Thank you for coming.”

Jurina kissed Mayu’s forehead. “You don’t have to thank me for this. You’re my girlfriend… it’s my job to take care of you.” She cupped Mayu’s cheek. “Wait a minute… I will make your breakfast, okay?”

 “Why do you only act much sweeter when I’m sick?” She teased her ikemen girlfriend. “I’m not hungry. Please sleep beside me.”

“Mou~ I'm always nice to you all the time!” Jurina felt offended. She climbed up onto the bed and then she wrapped her arm on Mayu’s waist.

Mayu let out a soft chuckle. “I know. I know that. I’m just kidding. Don’t get mad at me. You look so cute when you pouting like this.”

“No! I’m a cool kid, not a cute kid!” Jurina gave Mayu a warm smile. “Mayu…”


“Can I kiss you?” Jurina looked straight at Mayu’s eyes.

Mayu was taken aback. She didn’t know her cheeks got redder because of the fever or because she was too shy. “You’ll get sick.”

Jurina shook her head. “I’m strong, besides that… I don’t care if I get sick because I know that you will take care of me really well.” She giggled. “I miss you so bad. You always busy with your study.”

Mayu laughed. She knew that Jurina always love being spoiled by her. “Okay, come here… but just a quick kiss, okay? I don’t want you infected by me.”

Jurina approached Mayu’s lips until their lips touched. She let her girlfriend wrapped her arms on her neck. She kissed Mayu’s lips deeply and slowly. She felt Mayu was about to pull back her lips, but Jurina didn’t give Mayu a permission to do that. Jurina kept kissing Mayu until she needed some air.

“You will get sick for sure.” Mayu played with Jurina’s hair.

“Just like I said before… I don’t care.” Jurina grinned. “Mayu…”


“I have to go after I cook your breakfast, but don’t worry… I will come back as soon as possible.”

“Where are you going?”

“Do you remember the cake shop that we visit last time?” Jurina continued after Mayu nodded. “Yesterday I met the owner and then she asked me to come there for negotiating my salary as a cashier.”

“What?! Are you serious, Jurina?” Mayu looked shocked. “Are you sure that you won’t attend any university this year.”

Jurina sighed. “I want to… but I haven’t found a faculty that makes me interest.  Are you angry at me?”

“No. Why should I mad at you? I respect your decision. I’m just surprised because I don’t know that you’re looking for a job. Why don’t you tell me?”

“Because I didn’t expect it either. She suddenly offered me a job after I said that I won’t attend any university next month.” Jurina laughed.

“So… she was the person who went to the coffee shop with you yesterday? I’ve never know that you know the owner.” Mayu frowned.

“Guess what… the owner is the cashier! She’s also the one who make the brownies that you bought for me! Wow!” Jurina looked so excited.

“Really? Wow. I wish she won’t regret in recruiting you because I’m sure that you’ll eat all of the cakes.”

“Don’t tease me again.” Jurina started to tickle Mayu’s waist. They laughed together.


“Okay. Now, please sign here.” Rena gave Jurina a piece of paper that contained of Jurina’s contract after Jurina agreed about the salary. “You’ll start to work next week.”

Jurina took the pen from Rena’s hand and then she signed the paper. “Done. Thank you so much… boss.” She bowed her head at Rena.

“Boss?” Rena laughed. “We’re friends. You don’t have to call me like that.”

“Excuse me?” Jurina frowned. “Friend?”

“Yeah… I know your house, I know your girlfriend’s house, you’ve treat me a cup of coffee, I find a job for you, we laugh together… that’s what friends do, right?” Rena smiled.

“Yes, but-”

“It’s okay if you don’t feel comfortable with me, but I hope you can act like yourself in front of me. Don’t call me as ‘boss’ because it makes me feels like an old woman. Just call me as ‘Matsui-san’, as usual… it’s even better if you can call me ‘Rena-san’.”

“Matsui-san is better.” Jurina didn’t feel comfortable to call her boss with her front name.

“Tomorrow is your girlfriend’s birthday, right? I’m done with the cake this afternoon. Do you want to take it now or….”

“I will sleep in her house again tonight since she’s still sick, so I can’t bring the cake now. It won’t be a surprise anymore if she sees the cake. I’ll just bring her to come here tomorrow… she said that she want to meet you, if you don’t mind.”

Rena was a bit surprised. “She wants to meet me? Of course I don’t mind. I want to congratulate her as well.” She smiled. ”Well… then… you can go home now. I guess your girlfriend needs you now.”

Jurina stood up. “Thank you for your understanding, Matsui-san. See you tomorrow.” She bowed her head before she went out from the cake shop.

==================== Mayu’s Birthday ====================

Good morning.” Jurina whispered it to Mayu. “Happy birthday, Mayu.” She gave a quick kiss onto Mayu’s lips.

Mayu yawned while opening her eyes slowly. “Thank you. I love you so much.” She said it while smiling. “Just like last year, you’re the first one who congratulates me. It makes me really happy.” She shed her tears.

“Urgh, not again!” Jurina climbed up on Mayu’s top and then she pinned Mayu down on the bed. “Please don’t cry. Why do you always cry when I do something nice to you?” She pouted.

“How many times I have to tell you, Jurina? This is the happy tears.” Mayu wrapped her arms onto Jurina’s neck and then she pulled Jurina down. She smiled while rubbing her nose with Jurina’s nose. “Can I get my present now?”

“Of course!” Jurina grinned as she took something from below the pillow. “This is for you.”

Mayu quickly grabbed it. “Thank you!” She pecked Jurina’s cheek. “Can I open it now?”

“No!!” Jurina looked so panicked. “Y-you can open it when I’m not around.” She looked away as she wanted to hide her blushed face.

Mayu giggled. “Okay-okay. I will open it later.” She caressed Jurina’s face. “You’re so cute when you’re shy like this.”

Jurina ruffled Mayu’s hair. “Should we go now?”


“You said that you want to meet my boss.” Jurina was about to wake up but Mayu pulled her shirt.


Jurina looked at her girlfriend who still lying below her. “Yes?”

“Since I can’t open my birthday present now, Can I unwrapping something else?” Mayu pulled Jurina closer to her body. Their lips almost touched and she could feel Jurina’s warm breath swept her reddish lips.

Jurina showed her mischievous smirk. “Well… since I’m not a jailbait anymore, so…” She approached Mayu’s ear and whispered. “Do whatever you want.

Mayu smiled and then she began to give the passionate kiss to her girlfriend.


“Konichiwa, Matsui-san.” Jurina bowed her head at Rena.

Rena smiled. “Oh, Jurina-san. You came!” She whispered at Jurina. “The cake is in refrigerator, you can take it from there.” After Jurina went to the kitchen to take the birthday cake, she looked at the other girl. “You must be… Watanabe Mayu-san.”

“Yeah. It’s me. Nice to meet you.” Mayu shake Rena’s hand.

“Nice to meet you too and happy birthday.” Rena smiled at Mayu.

“Thank you, Matsui-san. I hope you won’t regret in recruiting Jurina. She loves cake too much, so… if you’re not keeping your eye on her for 5 minutes, maybe you’ll lose a cake from your shop.”

Rena giggled. “Thank you for your warning, Watanabe-san.”

In a few second later, Jurina came while holding a cake. She put it on one of the tables there. “Babe… it’s time to blow the candles and make a wish. I can’t wait to eat the cake!” She grinned.

Mayu was surprised because she didn’t expect that Jurina would buy her a birthday cake. She walked closer toward the cake. Happy birthday to my princess. Please grow old along with me! It was that written on the cake. Without she realized it, the tears rolled down on her cheeks. “Thank you, Jurina.” She hugged her girlfriend tightly.

Jurina hugged Mayu and then she patted Mayu’s head gently. “It’s my pleasure to make you happy.”

Rena smiled while looking at the two young birds that showed their love toward each other.


It’s been 3 months since I work under Matsui Rena-san. She’s a nice girl and a hard worker. I adore her so much.

I don’t know why but… everything that she did, look so flawless in my eyes. The way she greet the customers and the co-workers, the way she talk cutely to the kids who want to buy a cupcake, the way she smile, the way she laugh… all of them just… so lovely.
I even can’t take my eyes from her when she jumping around in the kitchen because there’s a customer comes to praise her cakes.

I love the way she praise my job… she will pat my head or ruffle my hair while saying, “Good job, Jurina.”
I also love the way she smile while saying, “thank you for your hard work, Jurina. See you tomorrow.”

I wonder why I crazily adore her like that.

And today… I’m very excited because yesterday Matsui-san promised me to teach me about how to make a simple cake; she will teach me today after office hours over. I wish next year I can give Mayu a cool birthday cake that made by myself.

“Oi, Jurina! Are you crazy or what? You’re grinning by yourself since 10 minutes ago. What happen?”

Jurina couldn’t hide her embarrassment when she saw Rena giggling because of her stupidity. “A-ah… n-nothing happened, Matsui-san.”

Rena rolled her eyes. “How many times I have to tell you that I allow you to call me ‘Rena-san’. Oh, come on! It’s been some months yet you still can’t comfortably talk in front of me. I won’t bite you or something. You don’t have to act too polite in front of me because it make me feel awkward.”

Jurina sighed. Actually, I always hold myself to not call her by her front name. Why? because I don’t want to feel too comfortable around her. I always keep myself inside the boundary, besides the fact that she’s much older than me… I also feel that she has ‘something’ that can pull me along with her…. However, she always asks me to cross the boundaries between us. Honestly… for some reason, I’m afraid, but… “If you say so, I will do as you said… Rena-san.” This! I’ve crossed the line for the first time and I hope this is not the first step that will bring me to something terrible in the future.

Rena smiled as she heard Jurina called her by her first name. “Good! I hope we will get along from now on.”

Jurina showed an awkward smile.

“Ah! About the cake! You want to learn how to make a simple cake today, right?”

Jurina nodded.

“Nice! I’m sure that I will become a good teacher for you.” Rena said it with full of confidence.


“Wow Jurina!! You’re great!!! Just in a week you’ve succeeded in making a simple chocolate cake!!!” Rena clapped her hands while looking how good Jurina’s cake after she took it out from the oven.

Jurina grinned. “Well… thanks to you, Rena-san.”

“Let’s add ‘Chocolate Buttercream Frosting’ on the top of your cake!” Rena said it with full of enthusiasm.

Jurina chuckled as she saw how her boss took the ingredients to make the butter creams. “Rena-san, this is my cake, not yours… remember? You put too much spirit into it.”

Rena facepalmed. “Ahh… yeah. Sorry. I become too excited.”

Jurina rolled her eyes. She’s adorably cute. She looked at the clock that hanging on the wall. Shit! 9 PM?! She looked around, and yes… only both of them left in the shop. “Rena-san, can we continue it tomorrow? I’m hungry~” She pouted.

Rena looked at her watch. “JESUS! Why the time always goes faster when we do something fun?!” She put Jurina’s cake into the refrigerator. “You must be hungry. Let’s have dinner together and after that I will take you home.”

“No. You don’t have to. I’ll just go home by myself.” Jurina shook her head.

“Why do you always refuse my offers?!” Rena grabbed Jurina’s hand. “Come on!” She pulled Jurina along with her.

In the moment their hand touched, Jurina felt some kind of electricity that flowing from her hand and then it attacked her heart. Jurina quickly released her hand from Rena’s grip.

Rena was taken aback by Jurina’s action. “S-sorry… I just-”

“I’ll just call my girlfriend to pick me up.” Jurina quickly answered it because her heartbeats were very unstable at that time. She dialed Mayu’s number and she was relieved because Mayu agreed to pick her up. She looked at Rena who stunned in front of her. “You can go home first, Rena-san.”

“Am I did a mistake?” Rena couldn’t believe that Jurina’s mood changed so fast like that.

“No, you’re not.” Jurina looked away; she didn’t want to have an eye contact with Rena.

“Okay.” Rena sat on the stair. “I will accompany you here until Watanabe-san come. Can I?”

Jurina didn’t answer it because she was too busy with her mind. I love Mayu, right? She rubbed her hand. Her hand… feels so cold.


Today I even can’t look at Rena-san’s eyes… because last night, after Mayu came to pick me up, I didn’t say ‘goodbye’ or ‘see you tomorrow’. I just…. went away like that! Urgh! She’s my boss! She can fire me anytime.

Jurina smacked her own head. Stupid!

“Are you okay?”

Jurina flinched as she heard the voice that familiar to her ear. “R-rena-san…” She bowed her head.

“Yesterday, you were grinning by yourself… and today, you’re grumbling by yourself.” Rena shook her head while letting out a soft chuckle. She walked to the kitchen.

After Rena completely lost from her sight, Jurina sighed. She was relieved because at least Rena didn’t mad at her. I’ll just apologize to her after I’m done with my job. She continued to serve the customers in paying their cakes.

*Few Hours Later*

“Ano…. Rena-san.” Jurina kept looking at the ground while talking to Rena. “I’m so sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to be rude but…” She was confused what should she say next. But I feel there’s a kind of electric that attacking me when you touch my hand and it make me shock last night… Urgh! What was that?! That’s a stupid excuse! She will laugh at me and then firing me as soon as she hears it.

“It’s okay.”


“You don’t have to apologize to me.” Rena sat on a chair and looked at Jurina who stood in front of her. “I’m the one who cross the line… I shouldn’t grab you hand last night.  I’m the one who make you feel uncomfortable and I’m really sorry for that.”

“No, Rena-san. It’s not like that. I-”

“3 months ago, when you came to me to buy a birthday cake for your girlfriend… I don’t know why but… I feel so comfortable around you. Just like I’ve told you before that I’m usually is a quiet type girl, as you can see… you’ve never seen my friend come to this shop because…. I don’t have one. It’s the first time I ask someone to be my friend.” Rena looked at Jurina’s eyes. “I ask you to be my friend… I ask you to feel comfortable around me… I demand you to act like yourself in front of me. I desperately want you to be my friend because it’s the first time I open myself to someone.”

“Rena-san… I-”

“But it seems…. The more I ask you to feel comfortable around me, the more you feel uncomfortable… right? I guess… I ask you too much in these short time. I even drop the honorific when I call you. I’m sorry, Matsui Jurina-san.” Rena stood up and then she bowed at Jurina. “Well…” She grabbed her handbag. “I’m going home first. Don’t forget to lock the shop. See you tomorrow, Jurina-san.” She walked through the door.

Jurina stunned. She couldn’t say anything. There’s someone who desperately want to me my friend?! This is new.


After that day, Jurina realized that Rena seemed not like the usual Rena anymore… no more smile and no more laugh.

Jurina felt that her waist was being nudged by someone. She looked at her right direction; it was another employee who worked in Rena’s cake shop… a waitress.

Hey-hey! Do you know what happen to Matsui Rena-san?” The waitress whispered it to Jurina.

Jurina shrugged. “I also wonder why she changes drastically like that, right? She’s usually a cheerful girl.” She decided to just play along since she didn’t want other employees knew that she was the culprit. They will throw me from the window if they know that I’m the one who make their boss act like that. Okay… I’ll apologize to Rena-san tonight and then I will resign from here. That’s the best way to end all of this drama.

You’re wrong, Jurina-san. She’s totally NOT a cheerful girl.

Eh?! But… I always see her joking around. This is the first time I see her like this.

You’re lucky for being able to see THAT side of her from the very first day you work in here, seeing her laughing… smiling… and fooling around. I’ve been worked here for 2 years but… the very first time I see her smile was 3-4 months ago, exactly when the first day you entered this shop.

Jurina frowned. “What do you mean?”

Rena found that 2 of her employees were joking around. “WHAT are you guys doing?!” She glared at Jurina and the waitress. “Don’t you guys see that today we have many customers?! Do your job properly.”

“I-I’m s-sorry, Matsui-san.” The waitress bowed at Rena, she looked so scared.

Jurina stunned. That was the first time she saw the scary side of Rena. She couldn’t believe that Rena could act so serious and scary like that.

“Do you have a problem with your neck and your voice, Matsui Jurina-san?” Rena looked at Jurina who was still standing while stared at her.

Instead of only bowed her head, Jurina quickly bowed 90 degrees at Rena. “I’m so sorry, Matsui-san.” Right after she said it, Rena walked away.

“That’s what I mean. Matsui Rena-san didn’t change; she’s just… back to normal… cold, serious, quiet, and strict.” The waitress left Jurina alone as one customer called her.

Jurina found out that… call Rena as ‘Matsui-san’ felt so strange because ‘Rena-san’ had became her habit. She also realized that… she brought a great impact for Rena. She didn’t know before that Rena had considered her as a friend who even could change the personality.

I can’t believe that ‘the old Rena’ is kinda scary… Jurina sighed.


Jurina looked around. There’s no one left, everyone had gone home. And then… she took out everything that she saved earlier from the refrigerator. She put everything on the table one by one carefully. After everything had been setup properly, she took out a paper from her pocket… a recipe to make a Chocolate Caramel Tart.

I’m so sorry Mayu, my first homemade cake is not for you. Jurina rubbed her palms for a moment, and then she began to mix the ingredients.


“Oh God, I feel suffocated here.” A waitress walked toward the dispenser behind Jurina, she drank 3 cups of waters. “It’s been a week since Matsui Rena-san back to her normal form. She has just rage at me because I didn’t see a piece of tissue paper on the floor. I guess… one of our customers threw it.”

Another waitress patted her friend’s back. “The scary thing also happened to me this morning. Matsui Rena-san yelled at me because I’m late for 15 minutes! But I already sent a mail to her early this morning to inform her that I would come late because I had to go to the bank first and she even replied ‘It’s okay. Take your time.’ Ugh, her mood seems so unstable these days.”

“Wait… next week is Matsui-san’s birthday, right? How I hope there’s a miracle will happen next week that can make Matsui-san transform into ‘the nice form’ again.”

Jurina, that had been eavesdropped them since 5 minutes ago, suddenly turned around. “When exactly her birthday date?”

The two waitresses seemed surprised, but one of them answered. “N-next week… July, 27.”

“Thank you.” Jurina turned onto the cashier machine again and showed a slight smile.


Jurina read the recipe one by one and followed the steps carefully. Tomorrow is her birthday… it’s a perfect day to say sorry and fix everything.

In a few hours later, the basic layer of the tart had been finished. She was really proud of the result when she took it out from the oven. Well… I’m not sure about the taste, but at least the appearance is not bad. She smirked. I think I should open my own cake shop in a few years.

Jurina looked at the clock. SweetBabyJesus!!! 1AM?! Oh God. She had to wait for a few minutes until the temperature of the tart cake was decreased and ready to be ‘decorated’. In the meanwhile, she prepared some berries that will be placed on the top of the tart cake.

In a half hour later, everything was done. Jurina put the cake into the box and then she put it inside the refrigerator. Finally…

It was almost 2AM and Jurina knew that it was too dangerous for her to walk home, so she just wears her jacket and then she lay on the chairs. She also didn’t forget to set the alarm at 5AM, the shop usually opened at 9AM so she was sure that she wouldn’t late for work.

Jurina wasn’t sure why she wanted to do it for Rena, she just felt that something was missing when she couldn’t see Rena’s smile for 2 weeks.

*Rena’s Birthday*

Jurina saw the other girls approached Rena to congratulate her before they went home. Jurina just stood behind the cashier machine while counting the money that they get on that day. After she finished counting the money, she went to the kitchen and took the tart cake from the refrigerator.

Jurina walked toward Rena, she was very nervous as she realized that she was the last employee in that shop.  Damn! “Matsui Rena-san, this is the money that we get today… as usual, you can check the detail in our system. And this…” She put the plastic bag that contained of the tart in the pink box onto the table. “Happy birthday.” She kept looking at the floor. “Please don’t rage at me if its taste is awful.”

Right after Jurina said it, she walked really fast toward the door. She kept walking toward the bus shelter and thankfully… the bus came in a few seconds. She quickly got in to the bus and then she rides it. Huft… thanks God; I didn’t have a work shift tomorrow so I don’t have to meet her.

In about 30 minutes, Jurina finally arrived at the bus shelter near her house. She went out from the bus and then she walked toward her house. When she was about arrived at her house, her heart almost jump out from her chest as she saw Rena’s car parked in front of her house. W-wait… what?! She’s so fast! I have to run away… NOW!


Jurina was only able to take the first step because Rena already yelled her name from afar before she could even run. She gulped as she saw Rena slammed the car door. She bowed at Rena. “M-matsui san.” She scratched her own head. This is the worst! I’ll die! No. I’m already dead.

Rena walked toward Jurina. “Why did you run away?!”

“I-I’m afraid…” Jurina kept looking at the ground. It had become Jurina’s habit… when she talked with Rena, her eyes automatically would looking down.

“About what?” Rena frowned and tilted her head.

“T-the…” Jurina coughed. “The cake.”

“Can you even look at my eyes when I talk to you?”

Jurina slowly raised her head. She looked at Rena’s eyes. I don’t remember that she has beautiful eyes…….. Wait! Damn it! What I’m thinking now?! She smacked her head.

“Let’s eat the tart together, Jurina.” Rena smiled. “It’s so pathetic if I have to eat my birthday cake by myself.”

At that time… finally, Jurina could breathe easily. Rena’s smile has just wiped her worries away. “Okay, but I’m not sure about the taste.”

Rena shrugged. “I don’t really care about the taste, but if it’s too awful… I’ll just order you to eat it all.”

Jurina stunned. Oh, God.

Rena giggled when she saw Jurina’s frightened face. “No, I’m just joking.”

Jurina let out a sigh because she felt relieved. “Well, then… let’s go inside. My parents will be glad to help us in eating my awful tart.” She grinned.

Rena nodded. She took the plastic bag from her car and then she followed Jurina went into the house. She greeted Jurina’s parents.

Jurina told her parents… that day was her boss, Rena, birthday. Her parents congratulated Rena. They opened the cake and then Jurina put the candles onto it. Rena blew the candles, make a wish, and then she cutting the cake. The taste wasn’t THAT awful. Rena had to admit that Jurina has a talent to become a pâtissière as well.

They ate the cake together; Jurina’s parents even order some other meals, so they also had the dinner together. 2 hours later, the small birthday party was over.

“Matsui-san, you can sleep here if you want. It’s already dark outside.” Jurina’s mom said it to Rena before she and her husband entered their bedroom.

Rena smiled at them. “Thank you so much for your offer.”

Jurina went to the kitchen to clean up the dishes.

“Let me help you.” Rena stood up.

Jurina was surprised. “No! You don’t have to. I can do it by myself.” Honestly, Jurina couldn’t imagine that her boss washing the dirty dishes in her house. She talked again when she saw Rena was still trying to grab the dishes. “OR! I will prepare your bedroom first before I wash the dishes. We have a guest room here.” She was still trying to prevent Rena.

Rena rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on. I’ll just sleep with you in your room. I won’t give you too much trouble. Now, let me help you to wash the dishes, okay? I’m pretty tired.” She pointed at the clock. 11 PM.

In my room?! My boss will sleep in my messy room??!!! Help me. Jurina forgot how to breathe.

Finally, they washed the dishes together because Rena kept persistent in helping Jurina. They were silent for some minutes until Rena began to talk.

“When did you make the tart cake? You always have the work shift in these past 3 days, right?”

“I made it last night. You won’t believe it, Matsui-san!! I slept in the shop last night.” Jurina laughed. “I finished it at 2AM, so it’s impossible for me to go home at that time.” She grinned at Rena.

“WHAT?! It’s dangerous, you know?!” Rena glared at Jurina. “If there was something happened to you in my shop, I would deal with the police!!”

“I know and I’m sorry, but… I couldn’t find any other way to make you smile again. All of us are so terrified because you always mad at us, Matsui-san. And umm… I had a feeling that I’m the reason why you act like that, so… yeah…”


“And I also missed Matsui-san’s smile and laugh. Tonight, I’m so happy because I can see it again. So, thank you to the tart cake.” Jurina grinned like a cute puppy. “From now on, let’s be friends… I need a friend as well. But I warn you that I won’t hold back anything again. Being my friend will surely make you suffer.” She showed a smirk.

Rena couldn’t believe what had just she heard. Finally, Jurina opened ‘the door’ for her. She let me to become her friend. “Thank you, Jurina.” She smiled at Jurina.

“You’re welcome, Rena-chan.”

“Wait WHAT?! Chan???”

“Yes. You also drop the honorific without asked it to me first. I’m just being kind to you for using ‘chan’ because you’re MUCH OLDER than me.” Jurina laughed. “I’ve told you… I won’t hold back anything. You’re the one who ask me to become your friend.” A mischievous smile appeared on Jurina’s lips.

Rena couldn’t blink. I think… I’m in a pinch now. This kid is totally dangerous. She facepalmed.

“Okay, we already cleaned all dishes.” Jurina yawned. “Let’s go to sleep.”

Rena dried her hands with the tissue paper. “Where’s your room.”

“Upstairs. Just follow me, Rena-chan.” Jurina quickly climbed the stairs.

Rena followed Jurina from behind. When she was about to enter the room, the door was being slammed in front of her nose. WHAT?! “Jurina, open the door! What are you doing?!”

“WAIT A MINUTE, BOSS!” Jurina yelled from inside the room. “I have to clean it first. I don’t want my boss see how messy my room is.”

Rena laughed. “I can help you to clean it.”

“HELL NO!” Jurina yelled again. “If I let my boss entered my messy room, I will be fired tomorrow!!!”

When Rena was about to knock the door again, she heard the sound of the door that being unlocked from inside. She saw Jurina’s grin as soon as the door opened.

“The room is ready, Ojou-sama.” Jurina let Rena entered her room. “Maybe it’s not as comfortable as your room but… yeah… this is my bed.” She pointed at the bed. “You can sleep there, Rena-chan.”

Rena entered the room. The room was smaller than hers, but somehow she felt so comfortable inside it. “Thank you, Jurina. I owe you.” She smiled. After that, she climbed the bed and wrapped her body with the blanket.

Jurina locked the door and then she laid her body on the small bed on the floor.

“What are you doing, Jurina?!”

“What? I’m sleeping. Isn’t it obvious?” Jurina rolled her eyes.

“This is your room and your bed, yet you sleep on the floor?!”

“Well… you’re my boss after all.” Jurina grinned.

Rena woke up and the she grabbed Jurina’s hand. “Sleep on your bed and let me sleep on the floor.” She pulled Jurina’s hand strongly and slowly dragged her onto the bed. They fought for a few minutes.

Jurina tried to release her hand from Rena’s grip. “I can’t believe that we’re fight over who will sleep on the floor! Usually people fight over for bed.” She chuckled. Her hand was being release by Rena after she sat on the bed. When Rena was about to walk toward the small bed, she quickly grabbed Rena’s wrist. “Just… sleep with me, here.”

Rena looked at Jurina. She gulped. “Is it okay for you?”

Jurina shrugged. “My bed is designed for 2 people, so… I guess it’s okay.”

“Well then.. you can release my hand now.”

Jurina quickly let go of Rena’s wrist. “Sorry.” She climbed up the bed first and then Rena lay beside her. “Good night, Rena-chan.” Jurina turned off the light.

“Sweet dreams, Jurina.” Rena wrapped her body with the blanket and then she closed her eyes.


As Jurina expected before, the day after she gave Rena the birthday tart and Rena also stay overnight in her house… she could see Rena’s smile again. The worker seemed very happy because the mood of their boss already changed drastically again.

It was the first step of their friendship


Day after day, week after week, and month after month has been passed. Friend word has been change into best friend. They knew each other better and everyone in the shop also knew that no one could separate them if they were in their little world.

“Oi, Jurina. What are you doing?” Rena smacked Jurina’s back.

“Ouch! It’s hurt, Rena-chan!” Jurina rubbed her back. “I’m texting Mayu.”

Rena sat in front of Jurina. “Wow. Such a lovely couple.” She giggled.

“Don’t be jealous.”

“I’m not jealous!” Rena stuck out her tongue.

“Every girls in your age should be had a lover. Why don’t you looking for one?”

“I do have one.”

“Really?!” Jurina raised her voice as she didn’t expect that answer. “Who is she? But… you always with me all the time, so why I’ve never meet her? Why don’t you tell me about it?”

“Whoa whoa. Easy kid.” Rena chuckled. “She’s not here. She’s struggling with her Master’s program in Netherlands, but she will graduate in August this year. You should meet her; she’s a really nice girl.”

“I see…” Jurina nodded. “She must be a smart girl.”

“Of course she’s smart!” Rena smacked Jurina’s head with her hand. “She’s not a baka girl like you.”

“Ouch. My head!” Jurina glared at Rena. “You’re lucky because you’re older than me and you’re my boss, if not-”

“WHAT?” Rena tried to tease Jurina. “What would you do if I’m not older than you and I’m not your boss?” She raised one of her eyebrows.

Jurina looked at Rena who stood in front of her. What would I do if she’s on my age? I never think about it before. I’m always wondering why she wants to be friend with me, a kid who 6 years younger than her. She narrowed her eyes. She’s nice, she’s rich, she’s beautiful… just like an angel, and she’s cute….. What would I do with a girl like that? Maybe… just maybe, if she’s on my age, I will… have the courage to fall in love with her.

“Jurina?” Rena waved her hand in front of Jurina’s face.

Jurina flinched. “I…. I have to go!” She grabbed her bag quickly and then she walked out from the shop. She didn’t care about Rena who called her name over and over again, she kept walking away. FALL IN LOVE?! That’s so silly. How dare I even think about it when I’m dating with my precious Mayuyu?! That’s so wrong.

Jurina took out her phone and then she called Mayu. “Babe, can I come to your house? Ah no… I mean… can I stay overnight in your house? I didn’t have a work shift tomorrow.”

Of course you can, Jurina. You can come whenever you want.” Mayu sounded very happy.

“Okay then, see you in an hour. I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”

Jurina ended the call. Lately, I rarely spend my time with Mayu. I’m only with Rena-chan all the time and now I know that I have to spare my time with Mayu as well. I wish after I meet Mayu, those weird and scary thought won’t appear in my brain anymore. I already have Mayu and she’s my everything. Rena is only my friend, no more… no less.

===================== 2 Days Later =====================

“Where have you been since 2 days ago?” Rena stood beside Jurina who‘s busy in counting the money. “You even ignored me.”  She pouted.

“I was stay overnight in my girlfriend’s house.”

“Aww! Such a cute lover.” Rena pinched Jurina’s cheek. She let go of the cheek when Jurina tried to grab her hand.

Jurina showed her irritated face as Rena stuck out her tongue at her because she failed in catching Rena’s hand.

Rena laughed. “I can’t wait my girlfriend come back.” She sighed. “Seeing how cute both of you, make me miss her more.”

Jurina stared at Rena’s face. She looks sad… I bet that she love her girlfriend so much.

Rena rested her chin on the table. “2 months left until she come back. Should I fly there to give her a surprise?” She looked at Jurina and waited for Jurina’s answer. “What do you think?”

Jurina looked deep into Rena’s eyes. “You can’t go!” She said it without thinking.

Rena frowned. “Why?”

Why? Wait… why do I prevent her to go to her girlfriend? Jurina was panicked. “B-because… uhhh… ummm…. Who’s going to take care of this shop if you go there? You’re the owner. If you go, it means the shop has to be closed for weeks, after that your customers will go to other shop… you’ll lose your customers too, and then your income will be decreased.” She was facepalming inside her head. What a lame excuse!

“Ahh… you’re right.’ Rena looked down. “Oh wait! I can trust this shop on your hand!!” She looked at Jurina’s face again. “You’re the one who will take care of this shop while I go later.” She grinned. “I can count on you, right?”

Jurina was still panicking. SHIT! “Y-yes… of course you can count on me all the time.” She saw Rena’s smile began to bloom. “BUT! You said that she’s working on her thesis now; if you go there… don’t you think that you’ll distract her? You’ll ruin her concentration.” She saw Rena’s expression started to change again.

Rena pouted. “You’re right. Maybe I’ll just give her a trouble if I go there. Okay… I’ll just patiently wait her until August.” She smiled at Jurina. “You’re a smart kid.” She patted Jurina’s head.

“Of course I am.” Jurina grinned. She felt relieved.

Rena stood up. “You can’t let your brain become useless. You have to go to the university next year! I don’t want to see you skip the college entrance exams like last year and this year, okay?!” She pointed her index finger at Jurina’s face. She walked to the kitchen after she got a slight nod from Jurina.

Tch. Jurina scratched her head. Last night Mayu also said the same thing. She sighed. Yeah… next year, Mayu will graduate. She will ashamed of me… she will ashamed if she tells her friends that her girlfriend didn’t go to the university and just an ordinary employee in a cake shop. She let out a sigh again. I’ve skipped the college entrance exams that held 4 months ago… the only one chance for me to go to the college this year is… study abroad.



Jurina flinched as she heard Mayu yelled at her through the phone. “Calm down. I’m just asking your opinion.”

I will pick you up on the cake shop this evening. See you later.” Mayu hung up the call.

Huuffft. Jurina rubbed her own forehead. Mayu will surely kill me this time.

“Something’s wrong, kid?” Rena back-hugged Jurina.


Rena rubbed Jurina’s back to comfort her. “Tell me what happen. I’ll try to help you.”

“Mayu wants to cut my neck.”

Rena gasped. “I… I guess I can’t help with it.”

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

“Something’s happen between you two?”

Jurina sighed. Should I tell Rena-chan too? Ah no! If I tell her now, she will stab my eye with a knife even before Mayu pick me up to cut my neck. “Just a simple love quarrel. Nothing’s big.”

“Relax. I hope your problem can be solved soon.” Rena massaged Jurina’s shoulder. “Hey, do you have any plan tomorrow night? Let’s go to the movie theater, I want to watch something and I miss popcorn.” She grinned.

Jurina nodded. “If I still have a head tonight, I’ll go with you tomorrow. But if not, I ask your favor to dig my grave.”

Rena chuckled. “Kids nowadays are so scary.”


“Mayu… please. Listen to me.” Jurina reached Mayu’s hand. “I was only ask your opinion. It’s not like I will go for sure.”

“You’re scaring me.” Mayu shed her tears. “I think I have told you the reason why I attend the university in the same town with our ex-high school.” She was sobbing.

Jurina wiped Mayu’s tears. “Yes. It’s because you can’t go too far from me. I know… I’m sorry.” She hugged Mayu.

“I can’t do a ‘long distance relationship’, I really can’t do it.” Mayu gripped Juina’s shirt. “If you still persistent to go, then we-”

“I won’t go!” Jurina cut Mayu’s words. “I can’t imagine my life without you.” She kissed Mayu’s forehead. “Now, please stop crying.”

“Okay. Don’t mad at me… I prevent you to go because I love you so much.”

“I know and I won’t never mad at you. The reason why I want to go is because of you. Next year you will graduate but I’m still like this…working on a cake shop… you’ll be ashamed of me. I want to make you and my parents proud if later I can graduate from overseas university.”

“Silly.” Mayu punched Jurina’s chest gently. “I don’t care what everybody says about you. Besides that, you didn’t attend the university not because you’re lazy, but you just… haven’t found your interest in a particular majoring.”

Jurina tightened her hug. “Thank you for your understanding. I promise that next year I will take the college entrance exams.”

Mayu seemed a bit surprised. “Really?! What’s majoring that you want to take?”

“Computer Science.”


“Wow, you still have a head. I’m so surprised.” Rena teased Jurina when they met on the movie theater. She gave a ticket to Jurina.

Jurina giggled. “Yeah… she didn’t cut my neck.” In a moment later, she couldn’t stop stared at Rena.

Rena frowned. “Is there something wrong with me?”

“Yes. You’re looks too stunning and too gorgeous tonight. That’s so wrong, Rena-chan.” Jurina lifted her eyebrows twice while showing a mischievous smirk.

“Cih. Be careful, kid. We both have girlfriends.”

“I have girlfriend, but I’ve never see your girlfriend. Maybe you just tell me a fake story to make me stop making fun of you.” Jurina laughed.

Rena smacked Jurina’s face with her handbag. “HOLD THIS! I want to buy popcorn for us.” And then she walked away.

Urgh, my nose. Jurina giggled. “She looks so cute if she’s sulking.” She looked at the ticket that Rena gave to her. Her eyes almost fell off. H-horror movie??!!! Damn! I will kill that old girl. It gave her goosebumps.

*2 hours later*

Jurina shed her tears. “I’ll surely tell Mayu about this. She’ll scold you for me~”

Rena’s laugh was full of satisfaction. “I don’t know that you afraid of ghost.”

“I prefer do bungee jumping 5 times in row rather than watch a horror movie.”

“Really? I prefer watch movie rather than do a crazy jump like that.” Rena couldn’t believe that a strong girl like Jurina cried just because of a movie.

“That’s why we do not fit to each other.” Jurina cried became louder.

Rena chuckled. “Oh man… you’re so cute when you act like a weak kid like this.” She pulled Jurina into her hug and then she rubbed Jurina’s back. “Ssshhh… Stop crying. The movie is over. If you stop crying now, I will treat you dinner.”

“Really?” Jurina wiped her tears with-

“Hey! My scarf!! Don’t use it to wipe your tears.” Rena let go of her arms and then she opened her handbag. “This. Wipe your tears and blow your nose.”

Jurina took the tissue papers from Rena’s hand. “Let’s go. I’m hungry.”

Rena nodded. “Let’s go.” She grabbed Jurina’s hand and they walked in the crowd toward the basement to take her car.

“Rena-chan.” Jurina called Rena while they walking toward the elevator.


“Are your hands are always cold like this? It’s like… ice.” Jurina glanced at Rena’s hand that holding her hand tightly.

“Yes. Everyone said it to me.”

“You’re not a vampire, right?”

Rena laughed. “Silly, of course not! If I’m a vampire, I’ll surely eat you up since the first day we met.”

Jurina raised her eyebrows. “Well… if that’s the case. I’m so glad if you a vampire, so you can EAT ME UP.” She giggled.

Rena stopped her step and made Jurina almost bumped at her. Her face became so red because Jurina brought a dirty joke like that. She turned around, and then let go of Jurina’s hand, after that she hit Jurina’s face with her handbag (again). “Pervert.” And then she walked really fast.

Jurina laughed out loud. She ran toward Rena. “Oh come on, Rena-chan… I’m just joking around. We’re friend, right?” She couldn’t stop smiling every time Rena mad at her. Cute.

When they entered the elevator, Jurina took the movie theater ticket from her pocket. I have to throw this or this will be my nightmare. When she was about to throw it to the trash-can near the elevator, she saw the date that printed on the ticket… July, 20. Wow… next week is already Rena-chan’s birthday again! Time flies so fast.

“Oi, kid! Get out from the elevator. We’re arrived.” Rena talked to Jurina from outside the elevator.

“Oh.” Jurina threw the ticket and then she walked toward Rena.

“Jurina, I’ve told your parents that you’ll sleep in my house tonight. I’ve talked to them by phone before we watched the movie.”

Jurina was a bit surprised. “Cool. This is the first time for me to step into your house. It’s a bit unfair since you came to my house almost every 2 weeks.”

“Yeah… I’m thinking about it too. We know each other for almost one and half year… it’s unfair if I don’t invite you to my home.”

They entered Rena’s car and then they went to the restaurant near Rena’s house. They had dinner for about an hour, and then they went to Rena’s house. As Jurina expected before, Rena’s house is much bigger than her house.

Jurina followed Rena. She entered the luxurious house. “Do you live alone?”

“No, I have 2 maids. My parents live in US.”

Jurina patted Rena’s back.

“What?” Rena turned around.

“Open your mouth. I want to see if you have the fangs or not… to make sure that you’re not a vampire. If you kill me here, no one will know.”

“Tch.” Rena rolled her eyes. “Stop watching some fantasy movies from now on, okay? Your brain has been washed by it.”

Jurina climbed the stairs. “Your skin is unusually white and cold. But yeah… I guess you’re not a vampire since you have a small chest and you’re very thin. In the movie, a vampire always looks so sexy and you’re not.” She giggled.

Rena growled. “You make me really want to kill you, Jurina.” She opened the door. “This is your room. Sleep here. You can use any clothes in the cupboard. My room is on downstairs.”

“NO WAY!” Jurina shook her head. “The hell. I don’t want to sleep alone here after we watched a creepy movie! I won’t be able to sleep.”

“Urgh!” Rena facepalmed. “Okay, you can sleep in my room… but don’t hug me too tight like the last time I slept in your room, okay?! I couldn’t breathe and I’m not a vampire.”

Jurina grinned while raising her two thumbs. “Okay!”

*3 hours later*

Jurina looked at the girl who slept beside her. “Tch. I told her to keep awake until I sleep but she fell asleep first.” She sighed. I can’t sleep.

Jurina woke up and then she sat on the bed. She took her phone. Oh, there’s a mail from Mayu. She opened the mail that has been received by her phone in about 2 hours ago.

From: Mayu

Where are you?
I came to your house this evening, but you’re not at home.
Your mom told me that you… stay overnight in your boss’s house tonight.
Your mom also said that… your boss often came to your house and even slept in your room.

Is it true?
Why do you never tell me about her?


Jurina smacked her head. She knew that if there’s no emoticon in Mayu’s mail, it means she made Mayu pissed off. She quickly replied the mail.

To: Mayu

I’ll come to your house in the morning.

Jurina sighed. She’s jealous. What should I do when I meet her later?

Jurina glanced at Rena who still slept peacefully. She stunned for a moment by Rena’s beauty. This is the first time I see her sleeping face. Usually, Jurina always sleep earlier than Rena when they slept together in Jurina’s room. B-beautiful… flawless… gorgeous… stunning… so attractive.

Jurina approached Rena’s sleeping face. Somehow, she wanted to see it closer. Rena’s beauty has distracting her mind. It was not the first time she realized how beautiful her boss is, but… it was the first time she saw Rena’s face so close. Even in the dim room, her beauty can’t be hidden. She felt her heartbeats went crazy… her heart hammering inside her chest. She felt that she wanted to touch that angelic face… she wanted to caressed that milky cheek… she wanted to kiss that reddish lips.

Jurina flinched as she felt her phone vibrated. She quickly woke up from the bed as she realized that there was something wrong with her. T-this can’t be happening. She felt so scared and even made her body shivered.

Jurina opened a new mail that she had just received.

From: Mayu

I’ll wait you.

Jurina was taken aback. She’s still awake?! Am I making her so worried like this?? Am I make her can’t sleep???

Jurina quickly grabbed her bag and then she opened Rena’s room door slowly. She walked in the dim. She went out from the house and then she talked to the security guard. “Sir, can you call a taxi for me?”

The security nodded. “Okay. But… should I tell this to Matsui Rena-san too?”

Jurina quickly shook her head. “No. Just tell her about this if she already awake in the morning. I have an urgent matter now.”

The security quickly called a taxi for Jurina. Just in 5 minutes, the taxi has been arrived. “Thank you.” She smiled at the security guard and then she asked the taxi driver to take her to Mayu’s house.

Actually, Mayu’s house is quite far from Rena’s house, but because it was in the middle of the night… Jurina could arrive just in 10 minutes.

Jurina knocked Mayu’s door. “Babe, it’s me. Can you open the door, please?” Right after that, she heard the sound of the door was being unlocked by Mayu.

“Jurina?! It’s in the midnight. How could you-”

Jurina pulled Mayu into her hug and then she kissed Mayu. Mayu wanted to escape from Jurina’s lips but Jurina wouldn’t allow it happen. Jurina pushed Mayu slowly into the house without let go of Mayu’s lips. Jurina closed the door behind them and she locked it.

Jurina used one of her hand to hold Mayu’s waist and the other hand went to Mayu’s face. She cupped Mayu’s cheek. Her heart felt ached as she touched Mayu’s cheek, it was wet. She’s crying. Jurina couldn’t express how sorry she was. Not only because she didn’t tell Mayu about her friendship with Rena, but also she realized that she started to have feeling for Rena. At that time, she didn’t know what to say… so she just kissed Mayu to make herself calmed down.

They let go of the kiss almost in the same time as them both lack of oxygen.

Jurina looked at Mayu’s red eyes. Mayu was the jealous type girl, Jurina knew it really well. Mayu just tried to hide it all the time even since they were in high school, but Mayu’s eyes couldn’t lie to Jurina. That was why Jurina didn’t tell her about Rena, she was afraid that Mayu would overreact about it. But… that was went wrong… really wrong.

“I’m sorry, Mayu.” Jurina bite her lips. I shouldn’t hide it from Mayu since the beginning… I shouldn’t fall in love with Rena who is 6 years older than me when I’m dating Mayu and Rena is also dating someone else.

“Jurina?” Mayu was a bit confused. Yes, it was true that she was angry at Jurina… but she didn’t expect that Jurina would say sorry so badly like that. “It’s okay… I’m okay. I’m just… sad. That’s all. You know me, right? I always cry easily.” She caressed Jurina’s cheeks. “I’m relieved that you’re here, with me tonight.”

Jurina shed her tears. She couldn’t hold it anymore. She knew that sooner or later, she will hurt Mayu or Rena or even herself. “I… I’m s-so sorry.” She began to sob. The guilt and the fear started to crawl slowly toward her heart. I have betrayed the love that has been built by me and Mayu for over 2 years … and a friendship between us that has been intertwined for more than 4 years.

“Jurina… you don’t have to cry so badly like that. I’m not even mad at you anymore.”

“Mayu… listen to me carefully, okay?” Jurina saw a slight nod from Mayu. “Something has just happened… I have just realized it right before I went to your house. There’s something that make me sure that I will hurt you… sooner or later.”

Mayu took a step back as she felt a bad feeling about it.

“L-let’s just break up before I hurt you more.”

Mayu couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “Y-you want to break up with me?” The tears rolled down on her beautiful cheeks again.

Jurina nodded. She couldn’t say anything again.

Mayu grabbed Jurina’s hands and then she gripped it tightly. “Is this because I prevent you to study abroad? I’m so sorry, Jurina. O-okay… you can go to wherever you want. Just… don’t break up with me.” Yes, it was better for her to have a long distance relationship with Jurina rather than she has to break up with Jurina.

“That’s not the reason, Mayu.” Jurina looked at the floor. “I have a certain feelings for my boss.” She decided to tell Mayu everything… she didn’t want to lie anymore.

Mayu slapped Jurina’s face.

Jurina felt hurt and flinched a bit, but she didn’t move. I deserve it.

Mayu cried even louder. “I know this will happen someday. YOU NEVER LOVED ME!”

“No, that’s not true. I was in love with you…. until an hour ago.”

“Don’t you even realize it, Jurina?! In these 2 years… you’ve never say that you love me!!! The ‘I love you’ word never slipped from your lips… not even once, Jurina.”

Jurina gasped. I-is that true? I even didn’t realize it.

“Go home, Matsui Jurina.” Mayu said it when she saw that Jurina was about to brushed off her statement. “Please don’t show your face in front of me until I’m ready to let you go.” She wiped her tears.

“Please don’t do this to me, Mayu. I can’t imagine my life without you by my side. We’ve been together for 4 years… We’re always together.”

“You’re the one who force me to do this. If you really don’t want to hurt me… just… go.”

Jurina clenched her teeth. “Okay, I’ll go. I’m sorry and I want you to know that I’m hurt as well… not only you.” She opened the door and then she left Mayu’s house.


Jurina didn’t go work for 3 days; she even didn’t go out from her house in those 3 days. She didn’t pick up Rena’s calls… she even didn’t want to meet her when Rena came to her house to visit her.

I don’t know how to face Rena-chan. What if… someday she realizes that I’m in love with her and then she will do like Mayu have done to me… throw me away. They will leave me alone.

On the fourth day, Jurina decided to go for work. She realized that she shouldn’t hide anymore… she had to face everything.

Jurina opened the cake shop door in the early morning. She saw Rena stood behind the cashier machine; Rena replaced Jurina’s place when she didn’t come to work. She took a really deep breath and then she walked toward Rena. She bowed 90 degrees at Rena. “I’m so sorry to make a trouble in here, Matsui Rena-san. I’m ready to receive my punishment.” She didn’t have guts to look at Rena’s eyes.

Rena remained silent.

“As your friend, I also say sorry to you because I’ve been abandoned you for some days. Just… do everything that you want to do to me. I deserve it, Matsui Rena-san.” Jurina was still bowing at Rena.

“I’m glad you’re back.” Rena smiled. She holds Jurina’s body. “Stop bowing at me. I’m your friend… just call me ‘Rena-chan, as usual.”

Jurina stood up slowly until she could see the face of the dearest to her heart. She missed Rena so much. But when she saw that Rena was about to hug her, she took a step back… she was afraid that Rena could hear her heartbeats that hammering so strong inside her chest.

Rena tilted her head as she confused about Jurina’s action. “Just… go back to your work.” She walked to the kitchen. She knew that Jurina had a big problem, so she didn’t want to bother her.

When Rena walked across her, Jurina could smell Rena’s fragrance. Rena’s fragrance was different from the usual, but somehow… she felt that she recognize the smell. Did she change her perfume?

==================== Rena’s Birthday ====================

Jurina woke up as she heard her phone alarm ringing. She read the notes. Rena-chan’s 25th birthday. Jurina facepalmed. God! I forget about it! She woke up slowly from her bed. I have to buy something before I go to the shop this morning.

An hour later, she was ready to go. She went to the garage and then she took her motorcycle. The motorcycle was her 18th birthday gift from her father and she also has her own drive license, but since Mayu was afraid to see her ride a motorcycle… she never used it. But since she has been broke up with Mayu, she could ride it freely.

Jurina parked her motorcycle in front of a convenience store near the cake shop. I’ll just buy a chocolate and a birthday card for her. I’ll tell her the truth that I forget her birthday.

Lately, Jurina was so afraid to get too close to Rena… she didn’t want to do too much for Rena… she was afraid that she would make her love for Rena go deeper.

Jurina entered the store. As soon as she stepped in, the memory came to her mind. My so-called first love. Yes, it was the convenience store where she met the girl who bumped into her about 4 years ago. I wonder when I can meet her again; maybe she can make me forget my problems now.

In 20 minutes later, Jurina was ready to go from the convenience store. She rides her motorcycle to the cake shop. When she parked her motorcycle, because the window was transparent, she could see Rena stood near the cashier machine.

Jurina holds the plastic bag and then she entered the cake shop. “Rena-chan, look. I’m so sorry… I forget your b-”

“Airin! Airin? Is that you?”

Jurina saw Rena’s shocking face as she looked at someone who had just entered the cake shop. Rena ran toward the door while smiling. Jurina never saw Rena’s smile as bright as that before.

Because Rena ran in hurry, she bumped into Jurina. It caused Jurina’s plastic bag fell from Jurina’s hand.  “I’m sorry.” She bent down her body and then she quickly helped Jurina to collect all stuff that scattered on the floor. She handed the plastic back to Jurina’s hand. After that… Rena was just walk away without looked at Jurina’s face. She walked toward the girl who called as ‘Airin’.

Jurina stunned as the memory of her so-called first love vividly came to her mind. What happened next was so familiar… her heart was beating so fast like a jet plane, suddenly her mind went blank, her legs became so weak to support her own body, she stunned while she felt her stomach was taken over by thousands butterflies, her voice couldn’t come out. She turned back… she looked at Rena’s back figure.


Actually, I don’t remember her face because at that time I was too focusing with my fucking hurt arm. I only remember her scent, her cold and white fingers when our hand had accidentally touched each other when she handed over my plastic bag, and also her back figure when she walked away that time. I even can’t remember her voice because she only said ‘I am sorry’. It’s so depressing! Even if I meet her on the street, I wouldn’t know if I will be able to recognize her or not!


Jurina gasped. T-this scent… that back figure… that cold hands… that white skin… that voice when she said ‘I am sorry’… She closed her mouth with her hand. S-she is… R-rena is… my first love?! Oh God! AFTER ALL THIS TIME?!

“Jurina… Oi Jurina!” Rena called Jurina who stunned in front of her. “Why you just stand like a stone there?? Come here!”

Jurina flinched as Rena called her name, but her foot and her lips were still too weak to move.

“Jurina, this is my girlfriend… Furukawa Airi. See? I’m not lying to you! She’s back!” Rena stuck out her tongue at Jurina. “Airin… this is my friend and also my employee, Matsui Jurina.”

Airin pinched Rena’s nose. “Girlfriend? I’m your fiancée.”

“Aww!” Rena rubbed her nose. “It’s same. You’re my girlfriend and my fiancée. Are you satisfied now?”

Airin chuckled and then she looked at Jurina. “Nice to meet you Matsui-san.” She smiled. “Wow! Both of you have a same family name!”

“Yeah… that’s why we’re become friend.” Rena said it jokingly. “I thought you’ll come back in August.”

“Well… it’s a surprise, babe!” Airin kissed Rena’s forehead. “That’s for your birthday.”

Rena pouted. “Only that?”

Airin raised her eyebrows. “Me and my kiss were still not enough for you? Well… then this.” She gave something to Rena. “This is a ticket to Netherlands. You’ll stand with me on my graduation day.” She smiled.

Rena screamed. “Thank you!!!” She hugged her fiancée tightly. When she let go of Airin’s body, she took a little glance at Jurina. She was shocked. “Jurina? Oh God. Why are you crying???” She walked toward Jurina.

Jurina quickly wiped her tears. “I’m just… happy for you.” She looked at Airin. “Welcome back, Furukawa-san. And about your graduation… congratulation.” She looked at Rena again. “Sorry, I have a headache. Can I ask your permission to go home now?” Her tears kept rolling down on her cheeks.

Rena frowned. “Of course. You can go home now.” She wanted to help Jurina, in case she fell because Jurina said that she was dizzy. But she was so shock when Jurina brushed off her hands.

“Sorry. I can walk by myself.” Jurina walked toward the door. She threw the plastic bag to the trash-can outside the shop. After that, she wore her helmet and quickly turned on her motorcycle. She left the cake shop as fast as she could.

Rena watched Jurina from afar. This is the first time I see her ride the motorcycle. She went inside after Jurina lost from her sight.

*At the night*

Jurina took a deep breath. “As I told you some weeks ago that I want to study abroad, I mean it.”

Jurina’s mom and dad looked at each other. They were a bit surprised.

“As I told you before, we won’t prevent you to go and we’re really happy that you finally continue your study.” Jurina’s dad showed his support.

Jurina’s mom hugged her daughter. “When do you plan to go?”

“As soon as possible, mom… I have to take care of my application letter there, I have to complete any other requirements, and also I have to take an extra course before I take the college entrance exams. I think my TOEFL certificate is still valid and my passport is ready to use. So yeah… I’m ready to go.”

Jurina’s father nodded. “Okay, you’ll go in 1-2 weeks.”

Jurina sighed. Nothing left for me here. I’ve broke up with Mayu because I fall in love with my boss. After I found out that my boss is actually my first love who I’ve been searched for years… I also found out that she has a fiancée. Game over.


On the next day, Jurina worked like nothing happened. Her eyes were swollen because she cried too much, but she still tried to smile at the customers. She did her best to her work.

“Jurina, can you tell me what happened to you? Your eyes swollen like the eggs!” Rena approached Jurina.

“Just like I’ve told you before, I have the headache.” Jurina gave Rena a forced-smile. Honestly… every time she looked at Rena, she wanted to cry again. But she tried to hold it as long as she can.

“I’m not THAT stupid, Jurina. I won’t eat it easily.” Rena rolled her eyes. “You have the headache but you can ride your motorcycle?! That’s so silly.” She looked so impatient. “Is something happen between you and Mayu?”

Jurina shrugged.

“Urgh! Don’t make me die in curiosity, Jurina.”

Jurina didn’t have a plan to tell the reason to Rena. But suddenly, she was curious about something. “Umm… Rena-chan. In about 4 years ago, what did you do?”

Rena raised her eyebrows. “Wow, that’s so random. Umm… I think I was in college.”

“Where’s your university?”

“US. Why?”

Jurina frowned. “At that time, have you been here? Maybe for holiday or something.”

Rena tried to remember about what happened to her around 4 years ago. “Oh! I remember! I went to Japan once… to attend my grandmother’s funeral. This is actually my grandmother’s cake shop, she gave it to me.”

Jurina smiled. “I think I met you at that time. You bumped into me in the convenience store, 2 blocks from here.”

“Are you sure?” Rena frowned. “I don’t remember you.”

“I’m really sure. You even helped me to collect my things that scattered on the floor.” Jurina looked at the ceilings. “Your fingers were so cold at that time… and your perfume scent was so similar to the perfume that you use now.” You looked so beautiful at that time and I’ve been fallen in love with you since that time, Rena.

Rena was amazed. “Wow! That memory is still clear in your mind?! Cool.”

Jurina smiled bitterly. How can I forget the moment I met with my first love for the first time?

Rena kept trying to remember that moment.

Jurina laughed. “Stop trying, Rena-chan. It’s impossible to remember something that didn’t have a meaning for you.”

“Shut up! You’re precious for me now. So it means, we’ve been destined to be together since you were born… you’re precious to me since you were born”

Jurina giggled. She looked at the clock. “My work shift is over, Rena-chan…” This is the time. Jurina took something from her bag. “Maybe you can tell me later if you’ve been able to remember me. In the meanwhile… this.”

Rena frowned. “What is this?”

“My resignation letter.”

Rena stunned and she wasn’t be able to talk for a few seconds.

“I decided to study abroad.” Jurina force a fake smile. “Computer Science. I decided to take it as my majoring. I’ll go in 1-2 weeks.”

“You’re lying.” That’s the first sentence that Rena could say.

“No, I’m not lying.”

“THE HECK, JURINA!!!” Rena threw away the resignation letter.

“I’m sorry for the sudden news. I hope you’ll find the new employee that will replaced my place. I’ve been make you in trouble for some times, I’m sorry for that. You’ve been took care of me for almost 2 years… thank you so much, Matsui Rena-san.” Jurina bowed at Rena.

Rena looked at Jurina. Without she realized it, her tears rolled down. “I’m so angry at you, Jurina!” She bites her lips so she wouldn’t burst out in front of Jurina. She kept trying to make her expression looked plain. “You leave me without tell it to me earlier.”

“I know.” Jurina stood up again. Seeing her Rena cried like that, made Jurina’s heart became hurt… but she couldn’t do anything. There is someone who will take care of her better than I’ve ever did to her.

“I WON’T COME TO THE AIRPORT!!!” Rena clenched her fist. “Do you hear that, Matsui Jurina?! I won’t see you go!”

Jurina gulped. “It’s your choice. I hope I can see you before I go, but if you’re still mad at me until that day comes… I can’t do anything.” She showed a fake-calm smile again. “It means we won’t meet again for 4-5 years later… until I graduate.”

Rena looked away.

“I take it as a ‘goodbye’ from you.” Jurina walked out from the cake shop. As soon as she wore her helmet, her tear rolled down… it kept falling like the rain… she couldn’t make it stop even until she arrived at home.

===================== 4 Years Later =====================

I’m back!!! Jurina took a deep breath. Ohh… how I miss Japan! She pushed her trolley toward the exit door.

The past 4 years were so painful to be told. It’s so painful to leave someone that we love. The hardest thing for me is not talking to someone I used to talk to everyday. I never stop studied so I wouldn’t have time to cry because of my parents, Mayu, and… Rena.

I studied every night… until the late of night so I wouldn’t have time to dream about Rena. Because I’ve ever had a dream about her once and then I couldn’t stop cry for some days.
I didn’t let my parents to give my contact number to Rena, because it would make me missed her so badly and made me wanted to rush come back to Japan.

I didn’t make any contact with Mayu because I still have a deep guilt for her. I didn’t have guts to send a PM on her Facebook, so… I just blocked her account. The only friend that sent the mails to me regularly is… Kashiwagi Yuki. Can you even believe it?!


“Why do you call me to come here? Do you want to pick a fight with me?” Yuki sat in front of Jurina.

Jurina answered Yuki calmly. “Please take care of Mayu.”

Yuki rolled her eyes. “You really want to have a fight with me.”

“I trust her in your hand, Kashiwagi-san. I beg you.” Jurina kept talking. “She’s the type of girl that can’t be alone for too long. She’s so easily crying for something, if she has fever… she can’t sleep alone because she always has a bad dream, she love to be spoiled, she’s afraid of insects, she-”

Yuki hit the table. “What’s your point? Do you just want to make me jealous? You’ve stole her from me!” She glared at Jurina.

“I know that you still love her. It’s totally my fault to steal her from you. I’ve broke up with her some weeks ago and it makes me so worried about her. Especially, I will go overseas soon.”

Yuki smirked. “Do you want to say that… after you dumped her, you want me to take care of her?!”

“That’s not the point, Kashiwagi-san!” Jurina looked really angry. “Please be there for her… don’t ever leave her like I did to her.” She stood up and she bowed 90 degrees at Yuki. “Please. I beg you.”


I’m glad that I talked to Yukirin at that time. Just like I expected before, Yukirin is the best girl for Mayu. Now, they’ve been dating for 2 years.
I always get the news about Mayu from her. Even though Mayu is not my girl anymore, but I still consider her as my best friend.


Jurina looked at both of her parents. She thought that they were the one who yelled her name, but… “MAYU?! Oh my God!!” She pushed her trolley quickly and then she ran into Mayu’s hug. “I miss you!”

Mayu shed her tears and then she smacked Jurina’s head. “If you miss me why don’t you call me, baka!”

“I’m sorry, babe.” Jurina giggled.

Yuki made her cough really hard so Jurina could hear it. “I’m here.”

Jurina let go of Mayu and then she hugged Yuki. “Thank you for keeping your promise. You take care of her better than I’ve ever did.”

Yuki hugged Jurina back. “I’m glad to see you again.”


Jurina parked her motorcycle in front of the cake shop. Mayu told her that Rena still working there. The shop was bigger than she remembered; it seemed Rena bought the building beside her shop. This was a flower shop.

Jurina walked toward the door. She took two deep breaths before she opened the door. There were a lot of people there; it seemed Rena made a small café inside the shop.

“Can I help you, miss?”

Jurina smiled at the waitress. “5 years ago, I bought a cake from here and I really love the taste. Can I talk to the pâtissière who make ‘Chocochezz’? I’ve met her before and now I want to order a birthday cake from her.”

The waitress tilted her head. “Do you mean… Matsui Rena-san?”

Jurina gave a slight nod at the waitress. That’s the same dialog that I did with the waitress 5 years ago. She chuckled. She turned back as she felt someone patted her shoulder.

“Can I help y-” Rena stunned as she saw the customer’s face.

“I want to order a birthday cake for next week, but I want the special one since this is for my mother’s birthday.”

Rena glared at Jurina. “Get out of my shop!”

Jurina smiled. “I won’t make you yelled at me in front of your customers. I’ll just wait you outside until the shop closed.”

“It’s not like the old time. This shop will be closed at 11PM.”

“No problem.” Jurina looked at her watch. “I will wait you for… 4 hours.” She turned around and walked out from the shop. She sat on her motorcycle.

Since the weather was so cold, she took the cigarette from her pocket. She began to smoke. She started to smoke since a year ago, when she got stressed out because of her final exams. But after that, it was became her habit.

I don’t care if she has been married to Airin. I just want to talk with her. Jurina kept watching the shop door while smoking, she was afraid that Rena tried to run away from her.

Thankfully, Jurina wore a thick leather jacket and the thick-long leather pants, the gloves, and the boots… so she didn’t have to freeze outside.

Jurina’s phone battery almost running out of power and she only had 2 cigarettes left. She looked at her watch. 10.30PM, but the shop and the café still has a lot of customers. Rena-chan takes care of the shop really well. Her life is better… without me.

Imagining how happy Rena’s life with Airin… without her, made her angry. She took out a cigarette and began to smoke again. Ahh~ I want to drink. I think I’m going crazy here.

Finally, Jurina saw the lights inside the shop being turned off. In a few seconds later she saw Rena went out from the shop and then she locked the door.

Rena looked at Jurina who sat on the motorcycle. She glared at her and then she walked toward Jurina. “I can’t believe that you still here!”

Jurina shrugged. “Just like I told you before that I will wait for you.” She looked around. “Where’s your car?”

“In these past years I always use the driver to take me everywhere.”

“Why? You’ve become lazy lately?”

“No. It’s too dangerous for me to drive alone because I always cry lately.”

Jurina was a bit surprised, but she kept holding her expression as cold as the snow. She heard Rena coughed as the cigarette smoke moved to Rena’s direction. “Wow. I’m sorry.” She quickly stood up and then she took 2 steps further away from Rena. “Then… where’s your driver now?”

“I asked them to not pick me up tonight.”

Jurina threw her cigarette and then she stepped on it. “Let’s go. I will take you home. It’s getting dark and colder here.”

“I didn’t ask you to take me home.”

Jurina rolled her eyes. She took off her gloves and the scarf. She wanted to put it on Rena, but Rena brushed off her hands. She glared at Rena, but Rena just looked away. She sighed as Rena also refused to wear the helmet. “Okay, we don’t need all of these.” She threw it all into the trash-can. “It’s not my fault if you frozen out there.”

Jurina turned on her motorcycle. “Hurry up.” She glared at Rena who still standing there. “I’ll just take you home and then I’ll go as soon as you get into your house.” She grabbed Rena’s hand and pulled her closer to the motorcycle.

Rena didn’t have a choice except did like Jurina said to her.

Jurina smirked. After Rena had completely on the motorcycle, she began to drive. In 5 minutes later, she could feel that Rena’s body shivered.  “JESUS! I’ve told you to take my scarf and my gloves!” She stressed out. She stopped her motorcycle for awhile and the she took off her cold weather hat. “Use this and don’t you even dare to refuse it again.”

Rena grabbed the hat since she was freezing.

“Put both of your hands inside my pocket. It will keep you warm. I will drive as fast as I can.”

Rena put her hands into Jurina’s jacket slowly. It made her almost hug Jurina.

“Hold my waist tightly or you will fall.” Jurina started to drive again. She ride her motorcycle really fast but it still under her control.

Rena closed her eyes as she afraid. “S-slow down…”

Jurina did as Rena as said, she decreased the speed. 10 minutes later, they arrived at Rena’s house.

“You still remember my house.”

“I will never forget it.” Jurina was ready to go home. When she was about to go, she felt her arm was grabbed by Rena.

“Don’t go home tonight. T-the weather will make you frozen out there.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not as weak as you.”

Rena tightened her grip on Jurina’s arm. “Don’t go.” She said it firmly.

Jurina sighed. “Okay.” She turned off her motorcycle and let the security guard to take care of it. She followed Rena entered the house. If Airin is in this house, I will go home in 15 minutes. She looked around but it seemed there was no sign of Airin. “Where’s your fiancée? Oh, maybe she has become your wife/husband… I didn’t know how to call her.”

“…” Rena remained silent.

“Okay. What do you want me to do now?”

“Sleep.” Rena simply answered it. “Your room is on upstairs.”

“Okay.” Jurina quickly climbed the stairs alone because she still remembered the room that Rena ever showed to her at 4 years ago. She opened the door and then she turned on the light. She opened her jacket and then she threw her body onto the bed. This room is so warm. She wrapped her body with the blanket and then she closed her eyes. She wouldn’t allow her mind to think about Rena by hearing the music from her iPod. She did that trick for 4 years.

In a few minutes later, she fell asleep on that comfortable bed.


Jurina opened her eyes slowly. She was really shocked as she saw Rena already sat on a chair near the bed. “OhSweetBabyJesus! Even though this is your house, can you please knock the door first before you enter this room? You make me shock to death.” She quickly woke up and sat on the bed.

“I can’t believe that you sleep in my house.”

“I can’t believe it either.” Jurina looked at her watch. “It’s time for me to go home.”

“You didn’t want to ask me something? You came to my shop only for talking about why my driver didn’t pick me up last night?”

Jurina rubbed her eyes. She looked at Rena… she could see Rena’s figure more clearly. She’s still as thin as I remember, as white as I remember, her hair is longer, and she looks a bit older, but… her beauty is still there. The beauty that always makes my heartbeats rate increased. “Do you already remember about how we met for the very first time?”

“I bumped into you when I rushed out from the convenience store. I was in hurry because I got a call that my grandmother has passed away. I helped you to collect your things that scattered on the floor, but it seemed I had mistakenly put my melonpan into your plastic bag… I’ve searched for it when I arrived at home.”

Jurina nodded. “I see… that was why I got extra bread in my plastic bag back then.”

“Anything else?”

“Did you eat well and sleep well when I wasn’t here?”

“I’m sure that I ate well… but I couldn’t sleep well since my best friend left me all of a sudden. Next?”

Jurina climbed down from the bed. “I have no other question. I don’t care about anything else.” She grabbed her jacket and then she wore it. “I’ll go now.”

Rena grabbed Jurina’s wrist before Jurina could went away. “Listen to me. I know that you’re angry at me because I didn’t come to the airport to see you go… it was because… my ticket to Netherlands was on the same day with the day you went. My plane take-off a bit earlier than yours.”

“I don’t care.”

“About Airin-”

“I said I don’t care!!!”

Rena tightened her grip, she was afraid that Jurina would go away from her again. “I broke up with her… 3 months after you left me here… alone. Since that time, I always do everything alone.”

Jurina was surprised. I… I thought she’s with Airin all this time. I begged at someone to take care of Mayu, my best friend… yet I let the girl… the only one girl that I always love… live alone. “Why? Did Airin do something bad to you?” She clenched her fist.

Rena caressed Jurina’s fist gently, she tried to make Jurina calmed down… she opened Jurina’s fist and then she held Jurina’s hand. “No. I’m the one who did something bad to her. I left her… because I want to wait you.”

Jurina couldn’t control her heartbeats anymore.

Rena stood up and then she looked at Jurina’s eyes. “When I lose you, I realized that there is a certain aloneness that can never be filled by someone else. That was the moment when I realized that I love you… I do love you, Jurina. That’s the reason why I could feel so comfortable around you when we even barely knew each other at that time.”

“This can’t be happening…” Jurina couldn’t believe everything that had just happened.

“I’m so sorry for not realize it earlier.” Rena shed her tears. “I’m so sorry for not realize that I’m the reason why you broke up with Watanabe-san.” She held both of Jurina’s hands. “The moment when you told me the story about how we met for the first time… I should have realized that I have a deep meaning for you. The memory that happened many years ago is impossible to be remembered vividly if it does not have a deep meaning for someone.”


“You loved me since 7 years ago… I can’t believe it.”

Jurina wiped Rena’s tears. “I can’t believe it either.”

“Please say that you still love me. Please that you love me back.”

“I love you, Rena-chan. I always love you since we met for the first time. I’ve been in love with you even before we knew each other’s name.” Jurina caressed Rena’s cheeks. “I really want to kiss you now, but I have to brush my teeth first. Please wait me for 3 minutes later, okay?” She grinned.

Rena let out a soft giggle. “If you didn’t smoke last night, I’ll let you to kiss me now… but since I really hates cigarette… you don’t even have a chance, babe.”

Jurina tightened her hug on Rena’s waist. “I promise that I’ll stop smoking forever.”

“That’s so sweet.” Rena pinched Jurina’s cheeks.

Jurina rubbed Rena’s nose with her nose. “I’ll do anything for you.” In a few seconds later, she felt her lips have been eaten by Rena. “W-wait! I haven’t brush my teeth.”

“For this morning… I don’t care about it since I miss you sooooo much.”

Jurina showed her mischievous smile and then she captured Rena’s lips again. She kissed it with full of passion as if no tomorrow. I’ve been waiting for my first love for about 7 years… and I won’t leave her again.

Their fingers intertwined together.


“What I like more than anything is the touch of a warm hand… and only Jurina’s hand that can give me the warmth.” – Rena.

====================== THE END ======================

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui/JuriMayu - Warmth #10
« Reply #150 on: May 04, 2014, 08:24:40 AM »
Wow, finally you're back, with your oh-so-awesome fiction. Love it. So it's WMatsui in the end. I can't imagine Jurina smoking, that must be cool (´⌣`ʃƪ)

(∩_∩) write more! I miss your fics!

Offline yabamoe

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui/JuriMayu - Warmth #10
« Reply #151 on: May 04, 2014, 10:58:32 AM »
As good as i expected from a good fanfic writer :D
Glad you're back anakpanti-san :D

Offline Zita

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui/JuriMayu - Warmth #10
« Reply #152 on: May 04, 2014, 03:39:25 PM »
I am sorry, but I am afraid that I will not be able to express how much I liked this story.  :bow:
There are no words which I can use to do so.
Today you are better writer than you was yesterday.
Thank you for this story. :bow:

Offline ifzhaa

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui/JuriMayu - Warmth #10
« Reply #153 on: May 05, 2014, 08:38:19 AM »
 :thumbup  :heart: long-awesome wmatsui fic w  :heart:

Offline Zhen

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[anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui/JuriMayu - Warmth #10
« Reply #154 on: May 05, 2014, 03:36:48 PM »
I don knw what to say. it left me speechless again. With all ur fanfic I love! :3 you are sooooooooooo awesome! You made my day~ thank you for writing such super duper awesome story! 

The way you wrote it, I actually can felt the sourness in my heart as I read. :3 not much writer can do that. So you are great!

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [3 Shots] WMatsui - SURVIVE (Part 2) #9
« Reply #155 on: May 07, 2014, 08:47:29 AM »
Hi. :) Thanks for your support for my 'Warmth'... I'm glad!  XD

I know it should be only 2 shots, but well... you can read in my tumblr about the reason why I change it become 3 shots.  :P

Part 1


#9 WMatsui - Survive


= Separate =

“S-sensei!!” Yuria called the lecturer.

“Yes, Kizaki-san? Isn’t it enough for you to make the trouble here?”

Yuria felt so irritated by the lecturer words but she knew that it was not the proper time to debate about it. There was something that more important than that. “Jurina is missing.”

The lecturer seemed utterly shocked. “What?!”

“She never came to the hotel since last night.”

The lecturer stood up. “Why didn’t you tell it to me earlier?!”

Yuria looked at the ground. “I…. I didn’t tell it to you b-because…… I… I thought she was with someone and did ‘something personal’ in another room, but-”

“Where the last time you see her?”

“On the boat….. with me.”

The lecturer rubbed his forehead and after that, he took the papers that contained of the list of his students. “Okay, all of you… please gather around. I will call your name one by one to make sure that only Matsui Jurina who doesn’t with us now.” He called them one by one. In a few minutes later, “Matsui Rena.” No one answered, so he said it one more time. “Matsui Rena!”


The lecturer turned his head and his eyes met the two girls’ eyes. “Hm?”

“Our roommate is missing!! Matsui Rena!” Both of girls said it in the same time. “We went together to Kizaki-san’s party last night, but after we went back to the hotel…. She didn’t there… until now!”

“Ha?!” Yuria frowned. It’s impossible, they can’t be together… right?!

==== On the other hand ====

“How far do you think we’ve drifted?”

“I don’t know. We’ve been here for hours, yet we don’t see anything except this fucking sea and that fucking sun!”

Rena scoffed. “This is YOUR brilliant plan, remember?”

Jurina felt offended. “And how about you, miss grumpy? You’re jump into the water so you won’t get busted. If you were not jump, we wouldn’t be here.”

“Hey! I fell! I wasn’t trying to run away like you did!”

Jurina groaned. “So, what do we gonna do now?”

“Check your phone. Maybe we can get a signal here and call the others to pick us.”

Jurina checked her pocket. “Oh no!” She quickly took her phone. “I can’t believe my phone got soaked!!”

“Yeah.. I can’t believe it either.” Rena teased Jurina. She checked her handbag and thankfully her phone was in there. “It doesn’t have signals.”

“Well… at least your phone is dry.”

“We should’ve followed the police boat to shore.” Rena sighed.

“What, with a single paddle? Sure.” Jurina looked offended. “Please stop blaming me.”

Rena ignored Jurina as she saw something. “Oh, my God. There is an island, there!” She pointed at the island. “Let’s go there.”

Jurina rolled her eyes. “Are you kidding?! We should sit here until someone picks us up.”

Rena glared at Jurina. “Until the sun burns us?!”

Jurina gave up. “Fine. Okay – okay. I’ll paddle. Gezz!” She grabbed the paddle and then she gave out all her strength to paddle so they could arrive at the island as soon as possible.

Even though it was a bit useless, but Rena helped Jurina to paddle by using her hand. After some minutes, they finally arrived at the Island. They dragged the canoe to the beach. They seemed running out of breath; they threw their body onto the sand and rested for a moment.

“Are you okay?” Jurina turned her head to Rena’s direction.

“Yeah… I think so.” Rena tried to control her breath. “We have to find a phone signal.” She woke up and then she walked around, trying to find a signal.

Jurina quickly woke up as well. When she was about to walk toward Rena, she saw something in the canoe. “Wait!” She took the small box from the canoe and then she opened it… she found a gun.

Rena was really shocked. “What’s that for?!”

Jurina shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe to shoot the bad guys?” She put it into her pocket.

Rena was still struggling with her phone. “Damn! I still can’t get any signal!!”

“Let’s just find a hotel in here and then we can borrow their phone. I’ll bet everyone is probably worried about us… it about to dark soon.”

Rena sighed and then she put her phone back into her handbag. “You, maybe. I can promise you that nobody is worried about me.” She kept walking and left Jurina behind.

Jurina stopped for awhile as she was surprised by Rena’s answer. Like seriously?!

They have been walked for an hour but still… nobody was there. They even couldn’t find any single road.

“I’m hungry.” Rena found a plant and then she picked its fruit. When she was about to eat it, Jurina yelled at her.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop!!” Jurina grabbed the fruit from Rena’s hand and then she threw it away.

“What? They’re berries!”

Jurina rolled her eyes. “Don’t eat any unfamiliar fruits or plants here. It could kill us!!” She grabbed Rena’s hand and then she pulled Rena along with her. She can die here in a minute if I don’t keep my eyes on her.

They kept walking for another hour but still… they didn’t find anything.

“We better get back to the beach and take the canoe. We have to go from here. There’s no human in this island.” Jurina began to worry.

Rena stopped. “What if… we spend the night on this island? The dark will come soon and the water on the sea must be unstable like last night.”

Jurina frowned. “Do you think so?”

Rena nodded firmly. “Let’s find a place to hide and sleep.”

They walked back onto the beach direction. After an hour, Rena found a cave. “There! Let’s sleep there.”

“I am not sleeping in a cave.” Jurina glared at Rena. “I’m not a cave person.”

“None of us are cave persons! I don’t think we’re gonna find a five-star hotel around here, Matsui Jurina.” Rena lost her patience. “Besides, it’s the safest place. It’s keep dry if it rains and also there’s only one way in.” She walked toward the cave.

Jurina followed Rena from behind and then she also entered the cave. As soon as she stepped in, Rena yelled at her and grabbed her hand.

“RUUUUUNNNN!!!” Rena dragged Jurina go outside the cave.

Jurina screamed as she saw a hundreds bats flew toward them.

Both of them ran toward the beach direction as fast as they could. They were terrified about what had just happened to them. In some minutes, they arrived at the beach safely.

Jurina looked around. “Where’s the canoe?!”

Rena facepalmed. “We didn’t tie it on something and maybe the waves already carried it to the ocean.”

Jurina felt her legs became so weak, she fell to the ground. “We’re stuck here. Both of us.”

Rena grabbed Jurina’s hand and then she helped Jurina to stand up. “Come on. Let’s find a place to sleep.” She led Jurina toward the big tree near the beach. “Do you know how to make a fire?”

Jurina took a cigarette lighter from her pocket. “I wish it still working.”

Rena was surprised. “What?! Are you a smoker?”

“No. I’m afraid of the dark, so I bring it to everywhere I go… in case the lights turned off, at least I could light a candle.”

Rena nodded and then she took it from Jurina’s hand. She tried to use it. “It works!” She grinned.

Jurina sighed. “I put it inside my jacket… my jacket is waterproof. I should put my phone in my jacket instead of my pants pocket.”

They tried to collect the tree branches and twigs as much as they could to make a fire before the sun gone. Finally, the dark came and they succeeded in making fire. Both of them sat together in silence.

Jurina took the gun from her pocket. “I think I know what this is for. We will fire it to the sky twice when there is a helicopter or plane that comes to search us.”

 “Twice?” Rena frowned.

“Yeah. The first one is to get their attention and the second so they can locate us.”

Rena nodded again. “By the way… I’m tired.” She laid her body on the ground.

Jurina took off her jacket and then she gave it to Rena. “Do you want a pillow?”

Rena shook her head. “No, thanks. You will catch a cold.”

Jurina heard a noise that came from the woods. She quickly turned her head to the woods direction and then the noise was gone. “What do you think is out there? In the woods.”

“We’re gonna be fine, Jurina. I know. Just go to sleep, we need some rest.”

Jurina laid her body beside Rena. “Someone will come for us. I know it.”


Jurina grabbed a twig and then she wrote a huge ‘SOS’ on the sand.

Rena who had just woke up, ran toward Jurina. “You’re a morning person, huh? What are you doing?”

Jurina crossed her arms. “I’m trying to save us. What are you doing?” She mocked Rena.

Rena shrugged. “I don’t know. Might go for a swim.” She grinned.

“Hey, where’s your phone?”

“The battery is already dead.” Rena showed an empty bottle to Jurina. “We need some more water. Let’s go to the woods, maybe we can find fresh water. We can’t drink that salt water.” She pointed at the sea.

==== On the other hand ====

“The police have a boat to search the area where they picked up the kids at that night.”

Rena’s mom looked at the lecturer. “When will they be back?”

“Umm, I’m not sure. They said they’d let us know when…” The lecturer continued his words. “They said that a canoe was missing.”

Jurina’s dad rubbed his own palms, he looked so nervous. “How long they been looking? What about a helicopter?”

The lecturer turned her head onto Jurina’s dad direction. “As soon as the winds die down, they’re gonna send someone up.”

Jurina’s dad seemed unsatisfied to the lecturer’s answer. “Have they been searching land? Have you contacted the embassy? Is there a private team we can hire?”

“The police are doing everything that they can with the limited resources that they have. There is no private rescue team, but they did say they were very confident they’re going to find Jurina and Rena.”

“Are you kidding me?!” Rena’s mom anger has been boiling up. “It’s been two days. What are these people doing?!”

“All right, look, I’m sorry.” The lecturer bowed at Jurina’s dad and Rena’s mom.

“Don’t be sorry. Just help us find our children.” Jurina’s dad glared at the lecturer.

==== Back to Rena and Jurina ====

“Let’s built a small hut, in case there will be rains.” Rena collected some big leaves and any other things that could be used for building the hut.

“Good idea.” Jurina came and helped Rena after she took water from the river.

They worked together for some hours in building the hut. Thankfully, they were finished right before the dark came.

Jurina sat beside Rena while hugging her own legs. “They’re not gonna give up, right? Our parents, the lecturers, and the police.”

Rena showed a bitter smile. “No, they’ll come… for you.”

And again… Jurina was surprised by Rena’s answer. She looked at Rena’s face. They’ll come for you too.


Jurina made a much bigger ‘SOS’ than before, she even added the leaves on it and it makes the ‘SOS’ word looked bolder and seen more clearly from the sky. She looked so worried.

On the other hand, Rena seemed enjoyed her time. She drank the water from the coconut that they got from its tree on the beach. “Hey, Jurina! It’s tasty. Do you wanna some?”

Jurina grinned and then she ran toward Rena. She also drank the water from the coconut and it felt so fresh and tasty like Rena said. “Let’s go to the woods. Maybe we can get some familiar fruits that we can eat.”

They walked inside the woods and they seemed so relax because probably they have been adapted with that place. They found a banana tree. Jurina offered herself to climb it.

“Do as you please.” Rena shrugged and let Jurina climbed up. Honestly, she was a bit surprised as she saw how good Jurina in climbing the tree. Cool.

But when Jurina was about to jump down, Jurina’s slipped a bit and it made Rena was so shocked.

“Watch out!!” Rena seemed so worried.

Jurina succeeded in bringing some bananas, but her finger was bleeding. “It’s okay, Rena. I often get injured since I’m a sport girl, remember?” She grinned.

Rena ignored Jurina’s words and then she grabbed Jurina’s hand. She used her own shirt to clean Jurina’s blood. “We have to keep press it, or else it will keep bleeding.”

Jurina felt her heartbeats rate increase a bit, so she quickly pulled back her hand from Rena’s grip. “Okay, now it’s good. It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Rena shrugged. “Okay then. Let’s go back to the beach and do a kind of celebration swim?”

“Celebration swim?”

“Yeah… because we are still manage to survive. It’s been a week, you know?”

Jurina stunned. Time goes so fast.


Rena took off her long jeans and then she cut it using the knife that Jurina gave to her. She looked satisfied as she looked at her ‘new’ hot pants.

 Actually, Jurina was so shocked when she saw Rena took off her jeans and only leaving the underwear on Rena’s body. She couldn’t stop staring Rena’s bare thighs. When she saw Rena wore back her pants, she talked to Rena. “Why did you cut it?

“It’s too hot and makes me uncomfortable.” Rena zipped her pants. “If we are on the place like this, a short pant is better.”

Jurina bite her below lips. Yeah, you feel comfortable after you cut it… but it makes me feels uncomfortable now. She gulpedwhen she saw Rena’s milky skin. She’s exposing her legs too much.

“Oi, Jurina.”

Jurina flinched. “Y-yes?”

“Let’s try to catch a fish. I cannot eat any more fruit!”

Jurina laughed. “Same goes with me. I’m tired of banana.” She looked at the sky. It’s been 12 days, where are they?! Oh, someone please find us.


Rena was taking a bath under the waterfall. She enjoyed the fresh and cold water. She used the waterfall to wash her hair and her body. She rubbed every curve of her body; she rubbed it harder since there was no soap that she could use.

“Oi, Rena!” Jurina yelled at Rena, she stood not too far from the waterfall.

“Hey, don’t look!” Rena covered her body with her hands.

“I was just gonna ask if you had any more sunscreen left.”

“The bottles are in my handbag… in the hut.”

“I looked for them, didn’t see any. They’re there, but they’re empty.” Jurina kept asking Rena. She even sat on the big stone near the waterfall.

“I’m sure there’s on somewhere. Now turn around and stop looking at me!!” Rena raised her voice.

Jurina giggled. “You know… every time you say that, it reminds me that I should be looking at you?”

Rena glared at Jurina. “I’m serious, Jurina!”

“You’re the one who asked me to stand guard here.” Jurina showed a mischievous smile to Rena.

Rena gave up. She just ignored Jurina and just proceeds what she was doing before.


“I miss my mom and dad….” Jurina put her chin on her knee. “…my friends, my bed, and my dog.”

Rena threw a stone far away… to the sea. “I’ll bet they’re still looking for you.”

“They have to, right?” Jurina sat and looked at the sunset. “Rena, can you stop saying that they’re only looking for ME? Only Me? I’m sure that there’s someone who missed you.”

Rena ignored Jurina’s words. She just grabbed the cigarette lighter and tried to make a fire. “SHIT!! The cigarette lighter is dead.”

Jurina was panicked. “Damn! We’re gonna have to learn to make our own fire now!” She stood up and then she walked back and forth.

“Jurina, relax!”

“I can’t relax, Rena!! I’m stressed out!!” Jurina yelled at Rena. “I’m afraid of the dark!! Do you hear me?!”

Rena remained silent. There’s no way I could make a fire without the cigarette lighter. I wish the moon will shine brightly every night.

“Kyaaaaa!!!!” Jurina screamed.

Rena stood up and then she ran toward Jurina. “What is it?”

Jurina pointed her index finger at something.

Rena followed Jurina’s finger and then she gasped. “Oh my God.” She saw the bones of a dead man. She pulled Jurina into her hug as she saw Jurina was crying so hard. “Shhh…” She rubbed Jurina’s back.

“How long do you think he was there?!” Jurina screamed. “How long do you think he pretended that he was gonna make it home?!”

Rena shook Jurina’s body. “Listen. This guy is not us, Jurina. He could’ve been some local fisherman or drug smuggler or anyone. You’ve got people out there who love you. People who looking for you.” She pulled Jurina into her hug again. “And you know what else? We got each other. We’re gonna be okay. You hear me? Nothing bad is gonna happen to you!”

Rena brought Jurina back into their hut and then she asked Jurina to lie down. Rena laid her body beside Jurina, she tried really hard to make Jurina calmed down. “Try to sleep, okay? I won’t sleep until you fall asleep. I promise.” She didn’t let go of Jurina from her arms.

Somehow, Jurina felt so comfortable in Rena’s arms. She wrapped her arms on Rena’s waist and buried her face on Rena’s chest. “I hate dark.” She whispered it Rena.

Rena could feel Jurina’s body quivered. Oh God, what should I do to make her calm down? I can’t believe that a popular, strong, sport lover girl can cry out loud because of the dark.

In two hours later, Jurina could stop crying… completely stopped. But still… she couldn’t sleep. “I’m sorry, Rena. I make you didn’t sleep.” She sat and looked at the dark sea. Thankfully that the moon shines really bright on that night, so she could calm down because it was not completely dark as she imagined before.

Rena woke up as well and sat beside Jurina. “No problem.” She rested her head on Jurina’s shoulder. “I can understand why you’re afraid of the dark… it’s because you never alone. You’re always being surrounded by people who loved you. But me? I already get used to the dark and loneliness. You are a popular girl after all. I know it’ll be sounded a bit selfish but… I’m glad we both lost in this island. If not, I will never have any single tiny chance to talk with you, Jurina. I’m so happy that you’re with me-”

Rena’s words stopped because Jurina planted a quick kiss on Rena’s lips. “You’ve talked too much, Rena. Your nonsense talks and all that happens to us lately, make me realize that maybe… I like you. No! It’s even bigger than that, maybe… I love you.”

Rena gasped as she felt that Jurina attacked her lips again. I… I… Am I dreaming right now? Matsui Jurina… kiss me… on the lips. She closed her eyes as she realized that their kisses were going to escalate into the wild kisses.

Suddenly, the tears rolled down on Rena’s cheeks.

Jurina let go of her arms from Rena’s body. She lifted her head and looked at Rena. “Why are you crying?” She frowned.

“That was…” Rena wiped her tears with her hands. “That felt so good.”

Jurina rolled her eyes and then she laid her body again. “You make that sound like a bad thing.” She stared at the stars. She slowly reached Rena’s hand and their fingers intertwined together.

Rena looked at the stars as well. “It’s just… for a while, I forgot where we were. I pictured us home… worrying about what everybody was gonna say about us. I don’t have any confidence to stand beside you, Jurina. I’m so worried that everybody will talk behind me and mock me because I steal one of the popular girls in campus.”

Jurina turned her head into Rena’s direction. She saw Rena’s sad face. But then… she looked at the sky again without said anything to Rena.

Rena looked at Jurina and then she cupped Jurina’s face. When Jurina turned her head at her direction, she kissed Jurina once again.


= Love? =

Rena opened her eyes slowly as she felt the sun already went high. She woke up slowly.  “Jurina?” She looked around but no one there. She stood up. “Jurina?” She began to panic. “Jurina? Jurina!!” She raised her voice but she didn’t get an answer.

Rena ran into the woods while yelling Jurina’s name. “Jurina! Jurina!!” She kept running and looked around. When she was about to cry, she saw Jurina stood not too far away from her. She ran toward Jurina and then she grabbed Jurina’s arm strongly. “Why would you do that?!” She glared at Jurina.

“Do what?” Jurina pulled back her arm from Rena’s grip and then she crossed her arms.

“Leave me there without saying where you were going…” Rena shed her tears.

“You were sleeping!” Jurina rolled her eyes and then she proceeded what she was doing before… making a big hole in the middle of the woods.

“Yeah! And I woke up and you were nowhere.” Rena felt irritated because Jurina ignored her. “What the hell are you doing?!” She raised her voice.

“He deserves to be buried.” Jurina pointed something on her left direction. “At least have a funeral.”

Rena gasped as she saw the bones of a dead man that they saw last night. She wanted to yell at Jurina again, but she didn’t do it. Jurina is right… he need to be buried. She waited until Jurina made a big enough grave for the man.

In some minutes later, finally the man was completely buried. Jurina walked toward the beach and left Rena behind.

Rena ran toward Jurina and then she grabbed Jurina’s arm again until Jurina stopped. “Jurina, I don’t understand.”

“What…?” Jurina frowned.

Rena holds both of Jurina’s hands. “Talk to me! I’m here and…”

 “You’re here and what?! We kissed once. We’re stuck on an island… only both of us here! We’re not soul mates.”

Rena gasped. “That’s mean-”

“Yeah, I’m not a nice guy, Rena!” Jurina cut off Rena’s words. “And now you know the real me.”

“I don’t believe that.” Rena shed her tears. “Whatever it is, I’ll listen. Please, just give me-”

Jurina brushed off Rena’s hands strongly even before Rena could finish her words. They didn’t notice that there was a deep hole behind Rena.

“Kyaaaa!!” Rena’s feet slipped because she was mistakenly being pushed by Jurina.

Jurina gasped. She quickly threw her body to Rena’s direction. “Oh my God! Renaaa!!!” She managed to grab Rena’s hand right before she fell too deep into the hole. “Hold me. I will lift you up.” She used all of her strength to lift Rena up to the ground. Thankfully, she succeed in saving Rena and then she looked at Rena’s knee… it was bleeding. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…” She shed her tears.

Rena smiled as she saw how panic Jurina was. She cupped Jurina’s cheek and then she caressed it gently. “It was an accident. I fell.”

“I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.” Jurina offered her back to Rena. “Come here. I will piggyback you and bring you to the river. We have to clean your wound.”

Rena nodded and then she did as Jurina said. Jurina walked quickly because she was afraid that Rena’s knee could be worse if they didn’t clean it quickly. As soon as they arrived at the river, Jurina let Rena sat on the big stone. Jurina quickly helped Rena to wash the wound with fresh water… she did it gently.

“What are we doing?” Rena said it while looking at Jurina who cleaned her wound. “We’re not a happy couple on an island vacation. How are we gonna make it day after day, just the two of us? What if something goes wrong? I mean… what if I broke my leg, or one of us gets sick or something like that?” Somehow, she began to nervous and panic.

“Hey hey!” Jurina hold cupped Rena’s cheeks with both of her hands. “Relax. I’m sorry to make you hurt like this. I promise that nothing bad will be happen to you again… I will protect you here. Okay?” She tried to make Rena calmed down.

Rena gave Jurina a weak smile.

Jurina grinned and then she pointed at the waterfall. “We need ‘hydrotherapy’… and you kind of stink, so… let’s take a bath together.”

Rena’s smile grew bigger and then she slapped Jurina’s arm. “I’m not stink.. you are!”

Jurina giggled. “Come on. Let’s go there.” She holds Rena’s hand tightly because she was afraid that Rena would fall again. “I’ll help you to walk.”

Rena walked slowly. “You know Jurina… We should maybe think about moving here.” She said it jokingly. “Nice neighborhood, beautiful landscape, and I hear the universities here are great.”

Jurina laughed.


*At the campus*

Yuria, Kanon, and Churi sat together in front of the TV in the cafeteria. They watched the news.

A month after two students went missing off the coast of Philippines, the search for Matsui Jurina and Matsui Rena has been called off.
It’s believed that the students have been lost at sea.

Yuria hit the table. “I can’t believe they’re gonna stop looking for Jurina! Even if it’s just for her body or something.”

Kanon glared at Yuria. “Wow, Yuria, that’s kind of morbid!”

Churi sighed. “Well… her dad is still there. Maybe he’ll find her.”

*In Philippines*

Jurina’s dad took out a map and then he put it on the table. “I know we’ve been over this, but if you’d look at the new information regarding weather patterns, you’d see we’ve been looking in the wrong place.”

The police sighed. “Mr. Matsui, I’ve seen this information. Perhaps your embassy can-”

“I’ve been went to the embassy twice!!” Jurina’s dad couldn’t hold his anger.

On the other hand, Rena’s mom was walking around on the street. She was holding some papers and then she showed it to all people that she saw on the street. “Excuse me, have you seen these two?” But… she only got ‘no’ from them. She sat on the street and began to cry.


Jurina’s dad sat beside Rena’s mom. “No planes taking off today… They say the storm could last for days.”

Rena’s mom nodded while staring at the ground. “Yep.” She looked so desperate. “When my husband died… I tried so hard to keep him here, you know. Keep him alive. I almost lost everything I had. Rena and I barely spoke because I was too focusing to her younger sister… I was too busy with my work because I almost lost my partnership at the firm. I was so focused on what I’d lost, I forgot what I had.”

Jurina’s dad sighed. “Maybe it’s time for us to go home. It’s not like we haven’t tried. It’s a tough call.”

======================== TO BE CONTINUED ========================


Offline yabamoe

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [3 Shots] WMatsui - SURVIVE (Part 2) #9
« Reply #156 on: May 07, 2014, 12:29:39 PM »
After a long awaiting,finally you post the next chapter~ im so happy :D

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [3 Shots] WMatsui - SURVIVE (Part 2) #9
« Reply #157 on: May 07, 2014, 02:27:43 PM »
As great as usual! Continue it soon, buddy ! I love it ... (∩_∩)

Offline DC2805

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [3 Shots] WMatsui - SURVIVE (Part 2) #9
« Reply #158 on: May 07, 2014, 02:56:28 PM »
Gosh, Jurina was behaving coldly towards Rena at first after "that night". Luckily she was back to her caring self later. Hope she won't abandoned Rena after they are being rescued one fine day!  ;)
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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [3 Shots] WMatsui - SURVIVE (Part 2) #9
« Reply #159 on: May 07, 2014, 04:58:33 PM »
Just built a boat juju or well made a house there and live happily ever after together everyday with rena :on woohoo:

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