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Author Topic: Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.  (Read 42239 times)

Offline soveryshiny

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #40 on: February 07, 2007, 10:31:23 PM »
Quote from: Sukebei;302780
I was under the impression that share and winny worked like kazaa and stuff where you could only download complete files and things wouldn't show up in searches unless they were complete copies of the file (maybe I'm wrong about kazaa and them too).

That's very incorrect.  Both will start grabbing something as long as a search node tells it that what your grabbing exists.  When you're browsing with share, stuff you can see a complete copy of remotely is colored orange-ish for the filename.  Other stuff is grey/white.  Red means someone has flagged the file as false - whether it actually is or not...  Since with diffuse uploads it's quite possible for people to have a few pieces of random files they've never even downloaded themselves, Share will start grabbing at any time.  You have to keep in mind that Share only tells you about what it sees at that exact moment from its search and transfer nodes.  Its quite possible to start something while its showing as incomplete, then finish it later once your client has talked to a few more nodes and found someone with a complete copy.  It's also possible to start something that shows as complete, then have it turn out that it was a rare file which only the one node that told you about it in the first place had a complete copy of, and you'll never connect to that node again.

For the record, the longest anything ever took for me to complete on Winny was 1.5 years.  With share I think 6 months.  So sometimes if you just leave it in your queue long enough you do eventually find another complete copy.

Offline Sukebei

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #41 on: February 08, 2007, 05:58:19 AM »
Hm okay thanks for the info.  Yeah I think I copied the node list from that site.  But I see dates next to the adressess, so is it necessary to copy new lists or does it matter (for instance I copied the list like a week or so ago...everything still works but am I out-dated node-wise?)
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Offline soveryshiny

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« Reply #42 on: February 08, 2007, 11:49:11 AM »
You only need a node list to get connected to the network initially.  After that it rapidly acquires new node info from the ones it connects to.  Under the info screen it should say how many nodes it knows about, it has a 10000 node max limit.  Occasionally it's a good idea if you're switching clusters to activate your new cluster words, then hit the delete all nodes (after you're already connected to the network) so it can rebuild its list automatically.  Usually takes just a few hours to get back up to that 10000 node limit.

Offline Sukebei

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #43 on: February 21, 2007, 12:33:23 PM »
'nother quick question since it's bugging there a way to identify what files in your cache folder belong to which downloads?  I thought the hash numbers would match but either I'm blind or they don't.  I've got 94 files in my cache but only 30 downloads, seems like I've got a ton of useless cache files using up my hdd space but I can't figure out which ones are okay to delete >_<
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Offline soveryshiny

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #44 on: February 21, 2007, 12:46:21 PM »
There's actually a third party cache manager that shows you everything in your cache and can force decode incomplete files by 0 filling the missing blocks.  I have to run off to work right now though, I'll post a link to a zip of it already setup (it's a pain to do intially) and you can mess around with it, I won't have time for instructions until later ^^;

Offline Sukebei

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #45 on: February 23, 2007, 05:48:03 AM »
Okay thanks soveryshiny, I'll wait for some instructions.  :D
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Offline soveryshiny

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #46 on: February 23, 2007, 11:45:48 AM »
Ooops, sorry, forgot ^^;  Here's an IM conversation of me explaining it to someone else that covers it all, let me know if there are specific questions on how to use it.

[08:06] Meebo: basically, unzip it in your share dir and then edit all the paths under 密告\密告
[08:07] Meebo: CacheDir=C:\download\cache
is where your share cache is
ShareCCPath=C:\download\Share\[tool] ShareCC002\ShareCC.exe
[08:07] tina: What are the IdxPath and ShareCCPath? is that the paths in the program/stuff you're sending me?
[08:07] Meebo: IdxPath=C:\download\Share\cache.idx
is where the cache.idx file in your share folder is

ShareCCPath=C:\download\Share\[tool] ShareCC002\ShareCC.exe
is one of the folders in what I'm sending you

is your download dir
[08:08] tina: Okay, thanks
[08:08] Meebo: winny stores stuff like file name in the files in the cache. Share doesn't, it's all in the cache.idx file
[08:08] tina: Ah, I get it
[08:09] Meebo: also stores what kind of cache file they are
[08:18] Meebo: you have to close share when you go to use it
[08:18] tina: Okay
[08:18] Meebo: and change the stuff in the settings.ini in its folder first, of course
[08:19] Meebo: after that, open it, click file up top, and then load
[08:19] Meebo: and it'll read your cache
[08:21] tina: Ah, Okay
[08:21] tina: file up top?
[08:22] Meebo: top menu
[08:22] Meebo: ファイル
[08:22] Meebo: in 密告.exe
[08:22] Meebo: which now that I look you can going into settings there
[08:23] Meebo: and choose all the directories that way too
[08:23] tina: Okay
[08:24] Meebo: working?
[08:26] tina: Sorry, was doing another thing, lemme change the ini settings and try
[08:31] tina: Yes, it worked
[08:32] tina: So how do I make it copy the file over and insert all the Os
[08:32] tina: 0s
[08:37] Meebo: right click, decode
[08:38] tina: Thanks
[08:38] Meebo: I wouldn't try that with that DVDISO though
[08:40] tina: Okay
[08:40] Meebo: it takes longer than a regular decode to do it that way, so doing 7gbs like that would take forever

Offline Sukebei

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #47 on: February 23, 2007, 01:35:21 PM »
Thanks.  I've everything set up, configured the settings.ini in the wierd exe folder and opened it, but when I hit load it says open err cache.idx, then something else illegible and seems to do nothing.  I have my download, upload, and cache folders on a separate drive than the share folder with the cache.idx, not sure if that matters. *Huzzah* NM got it working, I forgot to add the cache.idx and sharecc.exe onto the end of the paths, and I still had share running. Ok I think I have it figured out, one question there any way to make the font or those boxes bigger? I can barely read what the hell the files are, thing is like size 3 font O.o  Well, anyway super duger gigantic huge thanks soveryshiny, I had 250GB of shit wasting my new hdd away! Damn that was pissing me off, I feel good now with all that space back haha :D  

A question about the "decode" though...basically that will just convert the file, but the data it hasn't finished downloading won't be there still correct?  So say I were to use that on an avi that had 4 blocks missing and wouldn't finish.  After "decoding" i'd have the AVI, but those 4 blocks of data would just be blank resulting in that area of the video being nothing correct?  And if thats the case, couldn't you just force convert an incomplete file in Share itself?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2007, 01:48:15 PM by Sukebei »
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Offline thatguy

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #48 on: February 23, 2007, 01:58:31 PM »
possibly. if the missing blocks are at the beginning of the file (ie: the avi header) then there's a good chance the entire file won't play at all, and you may have to use a program like vdub to manually reconstruct the file. if the missing blocks are in the middle/end, then it should play fine, minus a little skipping. you also may experience some audio-sync problems.

be warned, avi is just a file container, so you may very well get mixed results depending on what the actual codec is.

Offline Sukebei

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« Reply #49 on: February 23, 2007, 02:01:16 PM »
ok thats what I thought.  I was just using a video file as an example.  Hmm maybe I will try it on that ISO that's missing 1 block tho...
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Offline thatguy

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #50 on: February 23, 2007, 02:06:50 PM »
er, yeah i doubt it'll work with the iso. sometimes you can recover partial data from zip files if there are missing blocks, but for the most part, archival formats don't withstand data loss very well.

Offline soveryshiny

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #51 on: February 26, 2007, 03:37:36 AM »
Font and font size are via the ini file in the directory.  It looks normal to me, but it may have been set to use a font you don't have ^^;  Look at the bottom of the settings.ini in the 密告 directory, there should be a section like this:
FontName=MS Pゴシック

Quote from: Sukebei;315233
After "decoding" i'd have the AVI, but those 4 blocks of data would just be blank resulting in that area of the video being nothing correct?  And if thats the case, couldn't you just force convert an incomplete file in Share itself?

Share stops decoding the file at the first missing block.  So if you have a 50 mb file and you're missing just block 26, you'll only get the first 25 megs.  If you use the decode utility I upped, it'll fill block 26 with zeros and decode the other 49megs around it.  Where it's most useful is when you have multiple partial zips of the same thing.  I've had it where I had three different partially completed downloads of the same album, with missing blocks at different points.  I forced converted them all, then did a repair on them in WinRar, then extracted the files that were complete from each archive to end up with one complete copy of the album.

Other than that, if you have an almost complete avi file that you really want to watch, do a forced decode and then rebuild the frame header with vdub or  DivFix.  With mpegs your player should skip the bad part automatically.

With ISOs, you're usually screwed.  Only reason to decode partial ones of those is to make sure they're not fakes.  Even then you're better off using the normal share decode, since it's faster and will stop at missing blocks.Your best bet is with rar files, since often they're upped with 1-3% recovery record.  You can always recover some data from them anyway, but if they have the recovery record you're likely to be able to get a complete, good copy out of the partial file.

Late reply, I never got the new message email notifications...

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #52 on: February 26, 2007, 04:05:11 AM »
Just a quick question, was anyone here able to download the complete BestShot Volume 16 ISO?
[DVDISO]Hello! Project BESTSHOT!! vol16 (070223).ISO 3,567,624,192 ae00e1f5cf2309f959145f8e0dbc762685c75901
Mine's been on 96.8% since the weekend. Which kinda sucks although I was able to use the tool soveryshiny posted to convert the cache and then I mounted the iso in daemon tools and ripped it with dvd decrypted and just it seemed to just skip the missing bits ok.

Offline soveryshiny

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #53 on: February 27, 2007, 12:12:57 AM »
Haven't been on share for a while, but there's a complete one there that you should be able to finish your forced decode with.

Offline Sukebei

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #54 on: March 06, 2007, 10:21:44 AM »
Got another question for the resident share/winny senpai soveryshiny:  I think I've realized that a significant amount of upload and download bandwidth is being used by share because I keep queries open, which are constantly using bandwidth.  I remember reading you saying its best to just add triggers and browse your database instead of using active searches.  So I just added all my triggers, set them to add to DB only but my question is where do I browse through my DB?  I've tried looking all over share but can only think maybe i have to do a search with the DB button only selected >_
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Offline soveryshiny

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #55 on: March 06, 2007, 11:54:24 AM »
Yes.  I usually keep some common ones open with just local or DB set for the view.  Important tip:  You can't have one on dvdiso set to DB and another set to local, but you can have DVDISO on DB, dvdiso on local, and DVDiso on remote if you want.  The searches are case insensitive but it doesn't consider them identical if you vary the case like that.

That said, winny/share just like to use bandwidth.  If you're not using some all of yours for downloading/uploading, they'll find something to do with it, either becoming a search node for someone else, being a pass along download node, or accepting someone elses distro upload.  If you want to control their bandwidth then I highly, highly recommend using something like NetLimiter to control the ul/dl amounts rather than worry what they're being used for.

Offline Sukebei

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #56 on: March 06, 2007, 12:34:12 PM »
Okay thanks.  Yeah I have Netlimiter, although when I first got Share I tried limiting the ul/dl on it using netlimiter, only to find that my PC had crashed and rebooted overnight.  This happened to me twice, and by process of elimination it had to be caused by using netlimiter to limit the program, so I haven't tried that since (really jacks up my encoding =/ )
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Offline soveryshiny

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Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #57 on: March 06, 2007, 12:53:10 PM »
I've had blue screens in tcpip.sys from the combination of the two twice ever.  Seems to be a problem with Share and not NetLimiter itself.  But yeah, annoying to wake up to that.  It's happened so rarely though, like I said two times out of a couple years using share now so I just accept the risk.

Offline maliciel

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Re: Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #58 on: April 26, 2007, 02:21:58 PM »
Holy Necromancy Batman~

I can't download. It's happened to me before, but I forgot how I remedied it. Logs don't say anything of course, and upload is fine. I've tried re-adding folders quite a few times, but it just won't make any connections.

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Re: Teach me to use Japanese P2P "Share" please.
« Reply #59 on: May 01, 2007, 04:55:07 AM »
Any tips on what clusters I shoud use?  I'm currently using モーニング娘 (Morning Musume), ハロー!プロジェクト (Hello Project), 音楽 (Music), PV, and MP3.  But I still get generally poor results.

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