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Author Topic: Victim....villain? (Jurina, Rena, Yuki, Mayu) - COMPLETED  (Read 3173 times)

Offline Kairi65

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Victim....villain? (Jurina, Rena, Yuki, Mayu) - COMPLETED
« on: May 30, 2016, 11:56:19 AM »
this fic is for a certain person who just finished her exams. Otsukare~ ^^ haven't written in a while so...

Sometimes, have you ever wondered that someone is watching you? I do. Well, I never get to confirm if it was true though. Is it just me being overly self-conscious? I don’t think I’m part of the popular rank. If anything, I think I belong to those normal students who lived their middle school plainly with their own clubs as an after school activity. But, really, I swear that sometimes this is happening to me. I don’t know how this is possible but I started to notice my things disappearing since the end of my 1st year…

“Jurina, still writing in your diary?”
“I’m not writing a diary! I’m finishing up our homework.” Jurina quickly stopped writing and closed her book, putting them inside her bag.
“Yeah, right. Anyway, I was passing through the teacher’s lounge just now and I heard that we’re getting our test paper today, so…”

“NO~!!” Jurina plumped on her seat.

Test paper. It was the thing she hates most after ghosts. She didn’t really mind the low marks(she actually mind but gave up, accepting she’s more of brawl than brain kind of person), it’s the teacher who always announces her marks to the whole class that she minds. Well, not that her classmates minds. As a matter of fact, they find it cute that the ace of sports club (she joins almost every sports club in the school) has such a typical comic-like flaw.

“There’s nothing I can do about it, there was-”
“You have sports club activity to attend since the competition was around the same time as the test.” Her friend replied.
“Ooh…you already found out? I’m touched.” Jurina raises her head with hope, her friend finally understands her but…

“Nope. That’s what you would say everytime we’re getting our test marks.” Her friend replied in a flat voice while playing with her cellphone.

Jurina placed her head back to the table in disappointment, mumbling to herself how nobody understands her sufferings while her friend only pat her in the head.
Before long, the bell rang, signalling first period is starting. The teacher enters not long after and so, began Jurina’s hell known as class.

School was finally over. Jurina stuffed all of her test papers not caring how she placed them or how they end up. They can crumple for all she care. Her school has an elevator system so her highshool destination was pretty much set. All she needs to focus is her sports. Today, she had basketball practice. It was her best sport that she pretty needs no training at all. However, basketball is a team-oriented sport so she can’t really bail the training. Besides, basketball helps calming her mind whenever something bothers her. Changing into her jersey, she closed her locker and walked out of the changing room. She was on her way to the gym when she heard something behind the gym. Knowing exactly what happens at secluded place like that, she immediately went hoping no injuries been done yet. Arriving, she could see 4 to 5 girls cornering another girl. The girls were threatening the other one about being close or stalking someone, Jurina couldn’t hear clearly .The cornered girl seemed exactly the type to be bullied with her frail looking body, the braids hairstyle and full-rimmed spectacle. Her spectacles were taken and smashed to the ground, her hair was being pulled. Whatever the case is, Jurina knew this is without a doubt bullying.

“Oi, what the hell are you doing.” Jurina questioned as she walked nearer.
“Hah?!” the girls glared to see who dared to disturb them but immediately stopped when they saw who it was. “J-Jurina-sama, this is- we can explain- this girl-”
“Piss off.” Jurina whispered but it was clear to the girls. Both her words as well as the danger behind her voice.
The girls quickly ran away, leaving the bullied girl alone. Seeing the problem was solved for the moment, Jurina turned to the girl. “Hey, it’s fine- oi!”

Jurina quickly ran to grab the girl on time before falling face first on the ground. The girl had lost her consciousness. Jurina sighed. “I guess it was too much for her.”

Without much choice, Jurina swooped the girl into her arm and carried her to the infirmary. Laying the girl on the bed, Jurina realized that the  girl’s skin was quite pale for a normal person.

“I wonder if she’s hypothermic..?” Questioning to no one in particular, Jurina placed a blanket on the girl.
“I guess this will do.” Jurina gets up and glanced at the clock. Realizing she was late, she ran out, hoping she won’t get much of a scolding. Arriving to the gym in record time, she only received a scary warning and her practice continues as they usually do. After saying goodbye to their coach, Jurina and her teammates went to the changing room to change back to their uniform.

“Jurina, what’s wrong?” one of her teammate questioned when she saw Jurina was just staring, not moving from her locker.
“My test papers are gone.”
“Really? Are you sure you didn’t misplaced it..?”
“Want us to look for it?” Her teammate offered.
“Nah, its okay. In fact, it’s better this way. I’ve been contemplating on where to hide it.” Jurina replied with the last part only heard by herself.
“Oh, well. Okay. Come one, let’s go home.” Jurina closed her locker and walked out of the room.
“I wonder if that girl already went home. I never got to know her name and her face was covered by her bangs too…”


“I can’t believe it actually happened! To be rescued by Juju~!!  :cathappy:

A pale looking girl is skipping and humming to herself. No longer in braids, her long raven black her flows with the winds with each jump she made.

“Not only that, she also carried me…bridal style! Kyaa~~!!! I’m so glad I decided to give it a try! Not only that, I also managed to get her….kyaa~~!!”

The girl squealed to herself as she continue to skip and hum, passing through the gate that leads to the highschool section.

Unknown to her, a figure was standing by the window, looking at her.

“Mayuyu, get Matsui Jurina’s student ID from Rena before she gets to the college gate.”

“How about the test papers?”

“That’s okay. Matsui-san didn’t seem to bother about it. Rena should at least have something since all the other things are gone.”

“You don’t mean…”

“I can’t have my sister arrested for having belongings and stalking an underage student.” Kashiwagi Yuki replied as she massaged her temples.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 10:14:10 PM by sophcaro »

Offline ttwm123

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Re: Victim....villain?
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2016, 12:15:23 PM »
so jurina is rena sister and mayuyu is the stalker plus thief in this story, and yukirin is mayuyu sister?
jurimayu and renayuki?
continue~~~~~~ XD

can you make nanamaruXtanoyuka fic?
i sort of not like tomu always reject yuka

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: Victim....villain?
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2016, 12:17:06 PM »
so jurina is rena sister and mayuyu is the stalker plus thief in this story, and yukirin is mayuyu sister?
jurimayu and renayuki?
continue~~~~~~ XD

can you make nanamaruXtanoyuka fic?
i sort of not like tomu always reject yuka

I think Rena is Yuki's sister... and Mayuyu is Yukirin's girlfriend....

Stalker Rena :lol:

Can you write WMatsui + Furuyanagi?

Offline Koyumichan~

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Re: Victim....villain?
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2016, 01:31:02 PM »
Quote from: Kairi65 link=topic=40594.msg1374998Xd sg1374998 date=1464602179
this fic is for a certain person who just finished her exams. Otsukare~ ^^ haven't written in a while so...
Aaaaaawwwwww so sweet~ :deco: though I didn't request, you wrote this for me. I'm so touched! :wub: a surprise after exams, huh? XD
On to the story, Rena is the stalker, isn't she? XD she pretends collapse yet she fangirl after Jurina gone haha.
Mayuki couple lol XD
Thank you for the fic~ :wub: :deco:

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