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Author Topic: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Chapter 2 [08/16/15] UPDATED  (Read 11257 times)

Offline ChibiRine

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Hey, guys! ChibiRine here! This time I'm back, but this is a collab story with Ruka Kikuchi-san. For those who are waiting for my update, don't worry. I've been writing some drafts, and I'm inspired once again~ So please support this fanfic and this OTP. XD might as well create another thread for my RikuYuu story. :>

This time, we're going to write about NMB48's WCenter from Team M! Yagura Fuuko and Shiroma Miru~~~ :on gay:

Want to know FuuMiru? Go check out NMB48's Ibiza Girls, Rashikunai and Dorian Shounen.
Also, don't forget to check out Team M's Natsu no Saiminjitsu, Migi ni Shiteru Ring, Heart Sakebu, and Boku Dake no Secret Time! :D


Spring had come in Japan, which signaled the start of the new school year. The time where the cherry blossoms bloomed and new beginnings, chance encounters, and unexpected love ensues. This is the story of one love story, one very, very unexpected, indeed.

We begin with Yagura Fuuko, a student at one of the most prestige Catholic schools in Japan, as she was headed to her new school; Namba Girls Academy in Osaka. She knew that the school was one of the best in Osaka, and she knew she'd be comfortable at an all-girls school, but she had yet to learn what kind of students she would meet, and what excitement and chaos she would experience.

At said academy, sitting atop a blooming cherry blossom tree in the courtyard was Shiroma Miru, a very eccentric girl, who had many talents. She was watching the petals flutter and fall in the breeze, smiling as she felt pure happiness within her. That's all she wanted, a life of happiness. She watched a petal fall on her head, and she suddenly had a thought.

"That's it!" She then took out a notebook and pen, and wrote down something in pink ink. Song lyrics.

She giggled before singing the lyrics aloud to herself.

"When I find you, what kind of things should I say?
Just seeing you, will surely make me frozen.
In the gaps of the crowd and noise.
Just being able to meet with the one I love is happiness."

"Yosh!" She smiled as she put the pen and notebook away. Her song wasn't complete just yet, but she felt, somewhere deep inside, inspiration was waiting. She just needed to find it.

Back at the front of the school, Fuuko came out of the luxurious, sleek black car and stepped out, carrying a cross necklace and Bible in her hands. She placed them in her bag as she walked to the academy building.

She walked through the entrance and when she saw the courtyard, she was awestruck. The blooming flowers were beautiful, giving off a calm, serene atmosphere and a sweet scent that made her feel at peace. She breathed in the fresh air and sighed, a smile on her face.

That was when she heard someone humming. She looked to find the source of the voice coming from a student sitting in one of the trees. It was Miru. She ran up to the tree and saw her sitting there, a carefree spirit, almost like a fairy, she thought. But, only for a moment, as she shook the thought away and yelled to her.


Miru turned her head to see the girl. When she first saw her, the girl seemed very much like a princess in her eyes. It caught her curiosity.

"Hey, you! What do you think you're doing?! Don't you know it's dangerous up there?!"

Miru smiled and shook her head. "It's not dangerous!"

"Please, just come down from there!"

"Don't worry~" Miru stood up and jumped off the tree, doing a back flip before landing on her feet. "Tada~!"

"Eh?!" Fuuko was shocked as the girl was right in front of her now. "H-how..?!"

"What? Surprised?"


Their conversation was interrupted when a new voice called out.

"Oh, Yagura Fuuko-san?" A short young student walked up to Fuuko. When Miru saw her, when Fuuko turned her head and wasn't looking, she ran off before the short girl could see her.

"Yes, that's me."

"It's nice to see you made it. My name's Nana, I'm the chairman of the student council."

"Nice to meet you," Fuuko bowed. "Oh, you must hear this! This girl--"

Fuuko was shocked when the girl had disappeared.


"Hm? What's wrong?"

Fuuko started to think maybe she was dreaming, or going crazy at the time. She turned back to Nana.


"Oh, okay then. Let me show you to your classroom. The students are waiting."

"Yes, ma'am."

While they were walking, Fuuko stopped and beads of sweat started to show up on her forehead. Her heart was beating so crazily, she doesn't know why. Earlier she was enjoying the wonderful atmosphere of this school, but now she's like regretting it.

Nana realized that the girl behind her wasn't walking with her anymore, the Counselor chuckled as she recalled the time when she also felt what Fuuko is feeling as of now.

"Fuuko-san, are you okay? You seem to be....pale?" Nana asked the young girl as her hands reached for Fuuko's forehead. "You seem to be okay. You must be nervous because this is the first day of school and you're a new student, right?" The Counselor asked while Fuuko was looking down on her feet.

"Yeah...." Fuuko answered as her upper teeth bit her lip.

"Don't worry, it happens." Nana said as she smiled at the young girl. "Let's go, Fuuko-san." Nana asked as she saw Fuuko looking at her.

A smile showed up from her lips, "Please drop the '-san', just call me Fuuchan. Please take care of me." Fuuko said as she bowed, showing respect to Nana.

"What are you doing? Oh come on, we're going to be late!" Nana said as she grabbed Fuuko's hand and they ran as fast ad they could.

While Fuuko and Nana are running on their way to the new student's building, the Chairman explained the rules. Fuuko on the other hand was mesmerized with the structures of the buildings, clean environment, and probably everything about this new school of hers. Realizing that it was just anxiety that attacked her earlier.

"Fuuchan, we're here!" Nana startled Fuuko, the young girl softly smiled and nodded. The short girl opened the door and bowed down to greet the teacher, the new student did the same thing.

They were panting and sweats were dropping on the floor. Both of them straightened up their bodies and wiped their sweats with their handkerchiefs.

"This is all your fault, Fuuchan." Nana whispered which made the young girl lightly giggle. "Shhhh~"

"She must be Yagura Fuuko, eh Nana?" The teacher asked the Counselor. "Well, announce it to the class." The teacher said as she smiled to Fuuko.

Nana got inside Fuuko's classroom and all the students looked at her, except for one student.

"I have an announcement to make!" Nana shouted. "We have a new student, her name is Yagura Fuuko. Please be nice to her, no one will mess with her, okay?" The students nodded. "Fuuchan, please get inside~"

The young girl got inside the classroom while looking down on her feet. She bowed down to her classmate; shaking off the anxiety feelings away from her, she finally had the confidence to face her classmates. "Hi, my name is Yagura Fuuko, you can call me Fuuchan. I'm 18 years old, I studied from a Catholic School at Tokyo. Please take care of me." The transfer student said as she bowed down once again.

All of her classmates clapped their hands, the young girl can feel that the atmosphere of this school will be in total chaos of happiness.

"All right then, I'm going now Fuuchan. Good luck, okay? You already have your student handbook. If you need me, you know where I am." Nana said as she bowed to their teacher and left the room.

"Well then, Fuuko." The teacher said while searching a seat for Fuuko, she saw her student who's wearing an earphone while staring at the window, she had no choice; because that was the only vacant seat. "You can sit beside Shiroma Miru."


"Oh, my bad. You don't know our names. You see that girl who's wearing her earphone while staring at the window?" The teacher asked which made Fuuko nod. "That's Shiroma Miru."

Fuuko walked on her way to her seat-mate, she had no choice but to follow the teacher's commandment. As she sat down on her chair, she saw all of her classmates looking at her while smiling. They were waving at her; Fuuko waved back and chuckled.

"Oh, Yagura-san. Can you please call the attention of that person beside you who is using her earphones?"

The young girl nodded and tapped the shoulders of her seat-mate. The girl being tapped looked at the transfer student, both girls gasped and shouted, "YOU AGAIN?!"

Well, how was it? :on gay: I hope y'all enjoyed it! Don't forget to comment and tell us your feedback! :)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 05:56:46 AM by ChibiRine »


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline sidny48

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Prologue 07/26/15
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2015, 04:16:15 PM »
thanks for making this story xD
please update the story soon author-san :bow:  :bow: :bow:

Offline teru_fi

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Prologue 07/26/15
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2015, 03:24:52 AM »
God bless people who made NMB fanfics, so god bless you

Offline Naoru_chan

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Prologue 07/26/15
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2015, 03:49:36 AM »
Did you guys see the new Song of Team M yet?
僕だけの secret time ,,,, Miru  ガッコイイ ね。 :love: :love: :heart:

Offline teru_fi

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Prologue 07/26/15
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2015, 05:00:16 AM »
Did you guys see the new Song of Team M yet?
僕だけの secret time ,,,, Miru  ガッコイイ ね。 :love: :love: :heart:

I've watch it, as early as they showed it on DMM actually. Love Team M

Offline junchan48

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Prologue 07/26/15
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2015, 05:44:55 AM »
This is my first time read FuuMiru fic and I like-no-I love it!>W<
Well done, Rine-chan!^O^/

Thanks for the fic. I'll wait for the next chapter~
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline ametakarano

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Prologue 07/26/15
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2015, 05:39:46 AM »
At last, Rine-sama makes a FuuMiru fic!  :wigglypanda:

I'm NMB-ish right now, so this is really great~


Ganbaro, Rine-sama~~

 :on drink:

Offline ametakarano

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Prologue 07/26/15
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2015, 05:41:22 AM »

This is a collab between Rine-sama and Ruka-senpai, right?


I'll support FuuMiru~

and this fic, too!  :on GJ:


Offline ChibiRine

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Characters 07/31/15
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2015, 02:02:14 PM »
Hey guys! Here are the characters, don't forget to leave a comment! :on gay:

Main Characters

Yagura Fuuko. Nickname, Fuuchan. "The Transfer Student." "New Meat." "Miss Goody Two Shoes." "Virgin Mary." "Mystery." (Some students call her those nickname) She likes to read shoujo manga. And every after school, she would usually head down to the nearest mall and check out the latest trend, why? 'Cause she loves shopping, that's why! Known as the movie lover, her favorite movie? A Walk to Remember, The Fault in Our Stars, The Notebook, and the Beautiful Creatures. You'll see her walking around the school while reading a book, usually she would finish the book around 1-2 days. But most of the time, she carries a Holy Bible and a Rosary with her. Why again? To drive the bad spirits away from her; kidding aside, she was from a Catholic school, and she got used to it. Carrying Holy things with her. Favorite subject, Physical Education. Special Skills? Having a soft body, short distance running, hurdles, jump rope. Don't you even dare to steal her ice cream and mochi! Or else, you'll face her wrath!

Shiroma Miru. Nickname, Mirurun. Known as the ecstatic girl, all she wants is pure positivity and happiness. No sadness, just pure happiness. But there are times when she wants to be alone. For example, while reading a manga and watching a movie. A movie lover also. She wants to be alone. She loves ice skating, you heard/read that right. She loves to eat caramel popcorn, chocolate, vinegar, curry rice, and ketchup. Rumors said that she was seen by the students eating a chocolate bar that's mixed with a vinegar and she dipped it with ketchup. Jokes about having a "gorilla" type of character. Doesn't wear socks all the time, her classroom would usually get the bad smelly odor because of her feet. Miru loves to go to the amusement park and ride thrill rides; she hates rainy days and rainy seasons. Biggest explosion? After Physical Education class, she would usually walk around the dressing room, naked. Because of this she's called pervert, but she said "she's naked because the ancient humans were also naked" as an excuse. You'll see her hanging, literally hanging around the trees while wearing her earphones/headphones. And oh, she's a song writer.


Yamamoto Sayaka, nickname "Sayanee", the rocker girl. She always carries her guitar with her, she has two actually, an acoustic, and an electric, which she calls "Scarlet Angel" Has a crush on Watanabe Miyuki.

Watanabe Miyuki, nickname "Milky", the school idol. EVERYONE idolizes her. Especially Kinoshita Momoka. She's known for her cutesy, girly-girl manner, but in real life, she doesn't like the image. She wants to be true to herself and not always be a cutesy girl. Has a huge crush on Yamamoto Sayaka.

Kashiwagi Yuki, nickname "Yukirin", the Kagoshima born black-hearted princess. She transferred from AKB High to Namba Girls' Academy, and, while she tends to be timid and quiet, she can actually be quite clever and a bit black-hearted. She has a crush on the rocker girl, Sayaka, and is willing to do anything to get her heart. But that's not the only secret she hides...

Kotani Riho, nickname "Ripopo", the awkward genius. Although she's very smart and is vice charman of the student council, Riho can be a bit socially awkward. There's also rumor that she can see ghosts, but is it true...?

Jonishi Kei, nickname "Keicchi", Miss Perfect. No, I mean, she's LITERALLY perfect in every way! Perfect style, perfect body, perfect face. There's nothing imperfect about her! Or is there...?

Yoshida Akari, nickname "Akarin", the other cutesy girl. Just like Miyuki, Akari is known for her cutesiness and charm. She's the manager of the school's fashion club, who often does fashion shows during school festivals. Her dream is to become a model.

Kinoshita Momoka, no nickname, everyone just calls her "Kinoshita", the lesbian pervert. She loves girls, she loves boobs, and she LOVES Watanabe Miyuki. No, "love her" would be an understatement. She's OBSESSED with her!!! Oh yeah, her hair is blue.

Ishizuka Akari, nickname "Anchu", the split-personality(?) girl. She's known from switching to a violent and sharp-tongue personality to a timid and shy personality, although, this could all be part of a comedy act. She's always seen with Kinoshita Momoka.

Tanigawa Airi, no nickname, the ikemen girl. In an all girls school, there's usually one with a boyish personality, wears a male uniform, and is quite the ladies man. That's Tanigawa Airi. :3

Yamada Nana, nickname "Nana-baba" Just kidding, everyone calls her Nana. Only Yabushita Shu and Jo Eriko call her Nana-baba. She's the chairman of the student council, and is also close friends with Yamamoto Sayaka.

Ichikawa Miori, nickname "Miorin" and "Lemon", the lemon girl. Loves lemons, always seen eating lemons or drinking lemon juice. Her future ambition? You guessed it! "I want to be a Fresh Lemon~"

Umeda Ayaka, nickname "Umechan", the motor girl. It's not that she works on cars. She's very energetic and hyperactive, always like a running motor and never stopping. But that's what makes her one of the most fun and brightest students in the school. She's also known for liking things that are "ROCK" and can tell when something is or is not "ROCK". Loves to dance.

Shibuya Nagisa, nickname "Nagi", the class clown. She's the youngest member of the school's comedy club, and loves comedy. She's always smiling and does her best to brighten someone's day.

Takayanagi Akane, nickname "Churi", the bird girl. She transferred from Sakae Ebi-Girls' Academy to Namba Girls' Academy, a similar situation as Yukirin. She loves birds, and keeps four birds as her pets.

Yabushita Shu, no nickname, the kusogaki (ksgk). She likes to tease around with her fellow student, which is how she attained her ksgk character. She mainly likes to tease Yamada Nana and Jonishi Kei.

Jo Eriko, nickname "Jo-chan", the eternal child. She has a lovable, childish personality, and is usually seen clinging to Sayaka or teasing Nana, calling her "Baba" and "Baachan". She loves cotton candy, and she's a rival of Ota Yuuri when it comes to cotton candies.

Kato Yuuka. Nickname, Uuka. This girl likes to dance and play the piano, though she's a BIG fan of Harry Potter. She's willing to do EVERYTHING, just to eat pudding, grilled meat, and most especially, cheesecake.

Nishimura Aika. No nickname. Though some student calls her Yamamoto Sayaka the 2nd because of her great skill when it comes to playing the electric guitar. She likes dogs. She's good at playing tennis. One of the reasons why they called her as Yamamoto Sayaka the 2nd is also because she's also good when it comes to singing and dance. She only eat strawberries, her mom's hamburger, grilled meat, and Puccho.

Murase Sae. Nickname, Saeppi. She's known as the "Hime-sama" of the school because of her good fashion sense, and her aura is so flawless. Don't mess with her, or her admirers will mess with you. She's also good when it comes to playing guitar and creating a beat.

Kushiro Rina. Nickname, Rinacchi. She's a flexible student. And by flexible, really FLEXIBLE. Some people adore her because of her great singing skill. Sometimes, you'll see her, carrying or playing a hamster with her. Yup, she likes to bring her hamsters even if it's school hours.

Kadowaki Kanako. Nickname, Kanakichi. Known as the fisherwoman, she likes to bring her fishing rod around her. Why? 'Cause she loves fishing.

Ota Yuuri. No nickname. You'll see her around school grounds. She's wearing a Beats pink earphone, she likes to shut people surrounding her. For her the saying "no music, no life" is true. You can also see her around the school eating cotton candy. (She's a rival of Jo when it comes to Cotton candies.)

Fujie Reina. Nickname, Reinyan. A close friend of Yamamoto Sayaka. The two of them are always together, they are always attached to each other. No matter how many times they argue, they are still the best of friends. She likes to eat. Really. She really likes to eat. A lot.


@sidny48: This place needs more FuuMiru! :depressed:
@teru_fi: Thanks! :hehehe:
@junchan48: Gotta love FuuMiru, Juutan. :gmon bang:
@ametakarano: Yup! The great Ruka Kikuchi-san and I think that this place needs more FuuMiru and NMB48. :depressed:

How was the characters? Hope you'll look forward for the first chapter of Unlikely Love! :on gay:

Got some information from Stage48. XD And I adjusted Mirurun and Fuuchan's peronality, because we can. :gmon bang:
« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 12:26:48 AM by ChibiRine »


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline sidny48

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Characters 07/31/15
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2015, 04:27:02 PM »
yass! you're right, we need more fuumiru here  :lol:
so.. will there be another pair other than fuumiru?
thanks for the update~!

Offline junchan48

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Characters 07/31/15
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2015, 05:51:14 PM »
You're right, Rine-chan>w<
I start to love them. Thanks too this fic and Ruka-sama's smutty fic XD
Don't worry. I'll super patiently wait for the first chapter!q^o^p
Hopefully you'll add another pair too. SayaMilky and AkariKei are great couple, right?
I'm being selfish now XD
Just gimme more FuuMiru, alright Rine-chan?

Thanks for character list anyway^^
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline teru_fi

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Characters 07/31/15
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2015, 09:08:50 AM »
Damn! Sorry for my word.

THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST NMB48 FIC EVER! w/ Reinyan, Rinacchi, Saepi and all.. More updates please!

Offline noel nguyen

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Characters 07/31/15
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2015, 10:09:54 AM »
hope your new chap ^_^

ah, I think you forgot Machun. She is Sayaka best friend too :)

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Characters 07/31/15
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2015, 04:21:42 PM »
ah, I think you forgot Machun. She is Sayaka best friend too :)

Ah, yes! I'll add that in!

Ogasawara Mayu, nickname "Maachun", the former class clown. Mayu was known as the ultimate comedian of the school, and would always do gags, impressions, or weird faces to make her friends laugh. She is best friends with Yamamoto Sayaka. Some time before Fuuko arrived, Maachun was transferred to a school in Tokyo, but she still writes and video chats with Sayanee because they're so close.


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Characters 07/31/15
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2015, 04:44:53 PM »
It's all thanks to Boku Dake no Secret Time that got me reading this at last and I really can't wait for the next update!!!  :twothumbs

Definitely wanna see how FuuMiru accommodates each other  :inlove:

Offline ChibiRine

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(NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Chapter 1 [08/04/15]
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2015, 11:52:10 AM »
Here's the update! Please enjoy it! :farofflook:

Don't forget to leave a comment as well~ :glasses:

Chapter 1

Miru blinked as she saw Fuuko, looking at her with that great shocked expression that just came out from her face.

"Oh, you're that girl earlier, right? Hi again~" Miru said as she waved her hands and smiled beautifully to the girl in front of her.

Fuuko just stared at Miru and gave the younger girl a cold look. "H-hi." Fuuko answered shortly and faced the blackboard, leaving Miru looking at her.

"What's with the cold gesture?" Miru asked as she touched the older girl's cheeks.

Fuuko hates it when somebody is touching her cheeks, she finds it very annoying. Miru owns a sadistic hands, her hands pinched Fuuko's cheeks which made the older girl click her tongue.

"Can you please stop touching my cheeks? We barely don't know each other, you know?"

"Alright then, my name's Miru. And you're Fuuko. Now we know each other's names. So, can I touch your cheeks now?"

"N-no!" Fuuko covered her face. In her head, she screamed, "What is with this girl?!?!?!"

After homeroom had ended, Nana came back and approached Fuuko.

"Fuuchan, would you care if I gave you a tour of the school? You can get to know your new surroundings, and it'll be a great chance to meet all the other students."

"Oh, okay." Fuuko got up and started walking with Nana, but then she noticed a certain bright eyed girl was following them. She looked bck to see Miru and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I just wanna get closer to you, Fuuchan. Y'know, to be friends. Who knows, I might get some inspiration~."

"Inspiration? For what?"

Ignoring her question, Miru suddenly shouted down the end of the hall, "Ah, Umechan, ohayou!"

"OHAYOU~~~" The voice responded, belonging to a short young girl with firey, light brown-orange hair. "Ohayou. Ohayou! Ohayou!! Ohayou~"

Fuuko was surprised how energized the girl was at such an early time in the morning, she seemed like she was running on a high gas-powered motor. She ran down the halls, giggling while still in her happy, energetic mood.

"That was Umeda Ayaka. She's a Third year in Class B."


"You see that girl who's boyish? That's Tanigawa Airi, she's a third year of Class C. Be careful every time you will cross with her. 'Cause she's such a playboy- I mean playgirl! You'll see her hanging out with different girls. Every. Day." Nana said as Miru clicked her tongue. "Don't you even dare to share Fuuchan that gory detail, Miru. Don't!" The oldest girl said as she tried to cover Miru's lips.

"One time...." Miru held Nana's head so that the oldest girl will not stop her. "Airi...and Nana-san, I saw the two of them feeding each other a piece of cake. And I tell ya! Nana-san was blushing and giggling like an old lady." Miru said as she embraced her arms and caressed it. "Ohhh~ I can still feel the goosebumps."

Fuuko on the other hand just stared at the two girls in front of her; she doesn't know why these girls are behaving in a weird manner. "Wow." That's all she can say right now; but words inside her head couldn't get out because it may sound weird for them.

"Well, shall we proceed now, Mirurun? Fuuchan?" Nana asked the two young girl, both girls nodded and followed their so called 'Buchou'.

The three of them saw two beautiful girls swinging their long hair, Miru rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Here comes the Queen Bees~" She said in a cold tone.

Fuuko just stared at Miru's eyes, she wasn't expecting an ecstatic girl like Miru can get pissed off. "Don't mind about her, Fuuchan." Nana stated as she tried to get the transferee's attention. "You see, the two of them used to be friends. Then something bad happened."

"Which Fuuchan doesn't need to know the gross details about our shitty best friend story." Miru butted in as she rested her right arm on Fuuko's shoulders. "Right, Fuuchan?" The youngest girl asked as she pouted and gave Fuuko one of those cute puppy eyes expression. Fuuko on the other hand had no choice but to just nod and rested her left arm on Miru's shoulders.

"Mah, it's just the first day of school and the two of you are the best of friends already. I'm a proud Counselor here." The Counselor said as she petted the two young girls. "Well, I guess Miru can give you the tour, Fuuchan. Or, you want me to go with you guys. Just to make sure that this girl won't bite you or something."
Nana added as she gently ruffled the youngest girl's hair.

"Well, I guess I will just skip the tour to know my schoolmates for this day. I want to know the places of this school." Fuuko stated as she gently placed her hands on Miru's cheeks and pinched the young girl's cheeks.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! What was that for?!" Miru asked as she saw Fuuko smiling mischievously.

"That's my revenge. You touched my cheeks and you pinched it."

"Okay then, Fuuchan. Here's your schedule, so that you will know your class schedules and, here's the map of the school! Make sure you'll contact me, in case something bad might happen, okay?" Nana said as she gave Fuuko the map of their school and a piece of paper. Fuuko just nodded and Nana walked away from the two tall girls while waving her hands.

Fuuko on the other hand, she's still not letting go of Miru's cheeks. "Will you please let go of my cheeks?" Miru asked as she showed her beautiful face to Fuuko; the older girl scoffed and let go of the younger girl's cheeks.

"Fine, because you said so."

"I know. C'mon, follow me," Miru took Fuuko's hand and started leading her outside the courtyard, and behind the school grounds. They walked through a path in the forest and Fuuko was afraid they would get lost. Then, they arrived at a small gazebo surrounded by the blooming wild flowers.

"W-what is this..?"

"It's my thoughtful spot," Miru giggled. "It's where I come to just relax and think, all by myself. I've never shown this to anyone else; you're the only one, Fuuchan."


Miru nodded and sat down under the gazebo. "Now, let's eat lunch."

She started opening her bento and eating. Fuuko quietly and sat down and started to eat, as well. Then, Miru took out her notebook and pen.

"Can you help me with this?"

"What is it?"

"I'm writing a song, but... I still need some lyrics. Like, I'm a bit lost on this part; 'For someone like me to be obsessed with you is...' mm, I don't have a good word. What do you think? 'Unbelievable'? 'Impossible'?"

"What is this song about?" Fuuko suddenly asked.

"It's about a guy who suddenly falls in love. I just need a word to describe his sudden love-stricken heart."

"Hmm, alright... how about 'crazy'?"

"Oh, that's good," Miru starts writing down, then she got another idea and she asked, "Can you spell that in English?"

"English? Eto... C-R-A-Z-Y. 'Crazy'."

Miru repeated as she wrote it, "Crazy... yosh! Now, I just need something for the chorus. Ngh, but I have no idea what... Fuuchan~"


"Hey... what does it feel like to suddenly fall in love?"

"Eh? D-don't ask me, I've never been in love before!"

"Ah, sou..."

Fuuko saw the saddened look on the girl and continued to think.

"But... if it were to happen, that I suddenly fell in love with someone.. I think I wouldn't act like myself. I'd suddenly act different, and I wouldn't know why. Like 'Is this love?', or something... I would lose my composure, just by thinking of this person, like I'd wanna scream their name. I'd just act unlike myself... It'd be unexpected. Like, it's something that you can't express nor say a thing about it. I'm being unlike myself because it's unexpected, and it's so unlike of me."

"Unexpected... Unlike me... AAAAAAH!!!" Miru screamed and stood up. "THAT'S IT!!!"

"E-e-e-eh?! What?!" Fuuko backed away, shocked by her sudden reaction.

Miru then started singing...

Not like not like (not like) me (me)
I’m not my usual self
Losing my calm, I can’t control it
Is this (is this) romance? (romance?)
Just thinking of you
Makes these passionate dopamine
Dash through my body
Just let me
Scream your name! Yeah!

Miru smiled widely and jumped for joy. "Yes! I got it! That's my song!"

As Miru was celebrating, she took Fuuko's hands and held them, still jumping and thanking Fuuko. The song was still playing in her head, and she found this happy, giddy Miru to be quite cute. She smiled, seeing her so pleased.

"Fuuchan, thank you so, so much!"

"I-it's okay..."

"Oh yeah, we need to let everyone hear this! I gotta find Sayanee! Let's go, Fuuchan!!!" she then took her hands again and the two started running back to the school.


@sidny48: W-ell, yeah~ :on gay:
@junchan48: Yup! We'll add more pairs! :mon determined:
@teru_fi: I'm glad that you're enjoying it! :ding:
@noel nguyen: Ruka-san already added it! :glasses:
@Ruka Kikuchi: Why am I even mentioning you now? Just kidding! Thanks for adding Maachun! :farofflook:
@MisakiShishido: Haha! I see that you're enjoying FuuMiru eh? :hehehe:
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 04:17:05 PM by ChibiRine »


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Chapter 1 [08/04/15]
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2015, 04:47:25 PM »
Chapter 1 was a blast to read, Rine-chan!

Totally love Miru's characterization here~ and Fuuko too! *w* I wonder what Miru's backstory with her ex-bestie was :O

Thank you for le update and I definitely want more doses of FuuMiru~  :cathappy:

Offline Jekowlate

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Chapter 1 [08/04/15]
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2015, 01:07:26 PM »
I see that you're into NMB48 now  :w00t: PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! :panic:

Offline teru_fi

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Chapter 1 [08/04/15]
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2015, 01:22:35 PM »
We need moar LOL! More updates please

Offline ametakarano

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Re: (NMB48) [FuuMiru] Unlikely Love - Chapter 1 [08/04/15]
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2015, 06:10:16 AM »

this is great!


it was funny because when she appeared first, i remembered Eien Pressure's PV. LOL. "OHAYO OHAYO OHAYO OHAYO~!"

Anyways, it was a great update and expect me to follow this story... because it's fuumiru and now my lovely ume-baba is here!  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

FuuMiru is cute, as usual!

I'll wait for the next update...

So, Ganbatte ne, Rine-sama to Ruka-senpai~~

 :on GJ: :on bleed: :on drink: :luvluv2:


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