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Author Topic: We Are Close But We Are Far (WMatsui) CHAPTER 3|UPDATE!  (Read 22844 times)

Offline kazutoryu

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far(WMatsui)CHAPTER 2|UPDATE!
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2014, 08:56:47 AM »
eeehhh  :yuki: sae??
I thought it would be Airin
well it got more interesting  :on GJ:

Offline River1721

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far(WMatsui)CHAPTER 2|UPDATE!
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2014, 09:00:47 AM »
WOW!! :scared: :shock: Things just got way more interesting~ :mon star: :OMG:
Sae~ what do you mean?! Is Rena 'the one' :dizzy:
Jurina you better get jealous!! :scolding:
Wah~ Love this! :nya:
I thought it would be Airin
Lol I thought it would be her too! :on lol:
Update soon~ :onioncheer: :on GJ:

Offline Zita

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far(WMatsui)CHAPTER 2|UPDATE!
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2014, 05:53:43 PM »
 :cry: I am so sorry for Rena.
Please make her happy author-sama  :bow:

Offline yuuyu

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far(WMatsui)CHAPTER 2|UPDATE!
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2014, 06:17:33 PM »
An update!  :twothumbs:
Sae?! That was unexpected! O.O
Can't wait to see when Sae and Rena interact more.

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far(WMatsui)CHAPTER 2|UPDATE!
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2014, 08:14:03 PM »
wah~! rena was really hurt :cry: :cry:

ehh :? :? sae :? :? :?

this is rare saerena

can't wait for the next chap :twothumbs
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline Koneki

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far(WMatsui)CHAPTER 2|UPDATE!
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2014, 08:30:41 PM »
nooooooooooooo don't put one of the girls I dislike the most with MY KAMISHOI TOT  :angry: :angry: :angry:

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Offline Haruko

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far(WMatsui)CHAPTER 2|UPDATE!
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2014, 07:10:06 AM »
wooot saeboy!! yeah!

Offline Koyumichan~

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far(WMatsui)CHAPTER 3|UPDATE!
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2014, 06:31:44 AM »
Hello minna-san as I promised here is chapter 3! :hee: I don't use Airin because it's too mainstream if the conflict is RenAirin :hip smile:
Note: I am so sorry about Rena, I keep making her suffer :frustrated: for Rena oshis please forgive me! :kneelbow:

@kazutoryu: yeah it's Sae :lol: I'm glad you think it's getting more interesting XD
@River1721-san: I'm happy you love this XD your question will soon revealed ;)
@Zita-san: It will happen later :) but not now, sorry :(
@yuuyu-san: Thank you for waiting here is the update :lol: but these two don't interact more in this chapter, maybe in the next chapter XD
@MayuxMatsuixMusic-san: Here is the update, yeah I made a rare pairing :lol:
@Koneki-san Gommennasai :cry: please forgive me :kneelbow:
@Haruko-san: Yeaah saeboy XD


Rena POV

   Because Sae’s arrival as a new student everything has changed. First, before she came all girls in school just scream over Jurina. But now their attention splitted into two. One for Sae, and one for Jurina. Sae’s fans made a fansclub for her too. Sometimes the members comparing Sae and Jurina, even criticize Jurina. Some of the members said they turn into Sae because Jurina never notice them and acted like she was the number one. They think Jurina cocky. Second, some girls like to bully me now because I always near the persons they like. At the beginning their bully were not cruel, just put me in the corner and scold me. But in the long run they started slap me, pull out my hair, and tease me. For example they last action was put some spikes on my shoes caused my foots hurt so bad. I tried to avoid Jurina and Sae but they always came to me. Sae was the most often to get close to me.

   Third, Jurina usually told me not to near Sae. I wonder why? Sae was kind and nice to me, why should I keep away from her? Well of course I should so these girls stop bullying me. But Sae’s kindness and care warmed my heart. She could wipe away the pain on my heart caused by jealousy. Things around me getting complicated as the time passed by. What should I do Kami-sama?

   I go back to real world when I felt pushed by someone. They again with grin on faces. The girl who pushed me grips my arm tightly with her sharp long nails. I hissed. “How many times we told you, you shouldn’t near Sae!?” I did not reply.

“HOW MANY TIMES?!” She shouted in front of my face while gripped my arm tighter makes it hurter than before.

“I...I am sorry...” Just that which came out from my mouth. I lowered my head.

   She released her hand from my arm. They started discussing what they gonna do this time to me. I could not hear their plan because they talk it while whisper. As they finished discussing the girl turns her face to me with a grin which seems widened. “This few days my shoes are dirty and I don’t have time to wash it. It will be good if you wash it...with your saliva! Now lick it!” Her friends pushed me to the ground makes me facing the shoes. They kept pushing my head until my face touched the shoes. They shouted and ordered me to lick it quick. I closed my eyes while pray for someone to help me, though it’s useless in this quite place in the back of school. Suddenly they stop pushing me, for my luck it was strange. Unconsciously I saw the girl getting close to my face, with I really sure on her face there is anger. I could see she clenched her fist.

“Well well, I am not in the mood today. Just note, you didn’t do what I’ve oredered. You messing with us, you know something bad will come to you,” For closing her word before she go away she slapped me, very hard. I felt my cheek hot like inside it was fire. They left me after that while laughing.

Why me?
What is my fault so I get these bad treats?
I’m crying there. I don’t know until when I can restrain.
“Rena, where do you got that wound on the corner of your lips?” After finished crying I go back to my class. To my surprise Sae asked like that. The bruise seemed from the hard slap that girl gave to me. I didn’t reply just sit in my desk, moreover I don’t know what excuse I should tell to her. For response I just smiled at her then looking away. I knew I am rude act that way but I don’t want to make Sae worry. Luckily the teacher who must teach now doesn’t come so I can make myself busy writing or reading to avoid her.

“Let’s go to the infirmary,” I lifted my head to see the person who grabbed my arm. The person was Jurina. Because I didn’t react at her deed, shocked, she pulled my arm that makes me stand from my seat. She drags me out of class. I confused because Jurina frowning and avoiding eye contact with me. What’s happening with her? We arrived at the infirmary as my mind thinking so. She sitting me on the bed harshly, furthermore she took the medical box and took out a cotton. Jurina cures my wound unslowly caused me gasp.

“Who did this to you?!” She raised her voice when asked that. I was frightened because it’s rare to see Jurina like that. Once again I didn’t reply instead lowered my head. For the second time Jurina shocked me, she grabbed my chin so I facing her. She looked sharply to my eyes. “Tell me Rena, who did this to you?!”
I hesitate to answer but Jurina’s sharp gaze is like demand me to tell the culprit now. It scared me and I don’t want Jurina mad. ”They...they just a group of girls..” I answered it with small voice.

“I told you, you shouldn’t near Sae. See what they did?”

   I gripped the bed sheet hardly. She didn’t know the reason why I still do it whereas it hurting my physical and she said it so calm?! I wanted to get up but she stopped me by holding my hand. “From now let me guarding you,” I widened my eyes as I felt a soft lips against mine. Jurina’s lips. It was a short kiss yet created many effects in my heart and mind. Jurina smiled to me. “It’s been a long time since the last time I stole kiss from you, nee?” She changed to the old Jurina. That cheerful expression and cat-like smile appeared on her face.

   Time flies so fast, break time finally. Jurina still holding my hand lead me out of the infirmary. “Let’s have lunch together, Rena-chan!” Oh no. I decided to avoiding her and Sae but Jurina’s michievous smile...if she shows that kind of smile I’m sure I couldn’t free from her and I must say yes or else she will whins to me with her defeated puppy eyes that I can’t resist.

“Rena you have lunch me, don’t you? Let’s go!” I turned my head to a voice which came so sudden. I shocked beacuse that voice is Sae’s voice. She held my left hand while smiled. These two made confusion filled my head. I saw Jurina furrowed her eyebrows and frowned to Sae. Is she mad? I turned back to Sae. She did the same to Jurina. Suddenly I felt my arm being pulled by someone and it makes me free from them. Once again I shocked of the person who did it. The person was Airin. Sae and Jurina couldn’t do anything as Airin drags me to the rooftop. She brought my bento too.

“Rena-san, which one do you like? Sae or Jurina?”

“What do you mean?”

She didn’t answer until we reach rooftop. “I mean you have feeling for one of them, don’t you? Let me like Sae?”

“! How could it comes to your mind, Airin?”

“ like Jurina?” That question that I couldn’t answer. Ended up I keep silent for a while. I was an honest person but if I don’t lie she will know my true feeling. “None of them that I like Airin,” I smiled.

“If that worry gone now,” She said what? Her worry?

“Rena-san, to be honest I want our relationship is more than friend. I’ve worried about your feeling to them, I think you like one of them. So, Rena-san do you want to be my girlfriend? I knew you have bullied by some girls because you were close to Sae and Jurina and they jealous. If you be my girlfriend you won’t bullied by them again and I promise I will protect you,”

Offline River1721

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far (WMatsui) CHAPTER 3|UPDATE!
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2014, 12:37:12 PM »
MAJI!!!!! :shocked
The heck Jurina first you hurt Rena by becoming Churi's girlfriend and know you try to win her over! Make up your mind! :angry:
A part of me wants Rena to say Yes to Airin but another part just says " Screw that, choose Jurina! "  :O2
Rena might not get bullied anymore when she will be with Airin :huhuh
But Jurina vowed to protect her also! :doh:
Mou~who will win Rena's heart?! Sae? Airin? or Jurina?!! :?  :w00t:
Update soon~ :twothumbs

Offline NogamiRumi

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far (WMatsui) CHAPTER 3|UPDATE!
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2014, 04:38:30 PM »
because 2 is not sufficient, airin fight xD
Jurina is being selfish with rena already have churi, do not play 
with rena broke up with her ​​first before pursuing another
update soon and thanks for the cap

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far (WMatsui) CHAPTER 3|UPDATE!
« Reply #30 on: May 13, 2014, 05:37:17 PM »
Hey what's happening here?
Rena-chan! Why are you so lucky in this fic? Three girls try to win your heart? Are you crazy! Just date all of them! :lol:

Offline Haruko

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far (WMatsui) CHAPTER 3|UPDATE!
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2014, 06:11:05 AM »
wait wooot no way!! get awa airin!! its a boy business!! .... wooooooooow

Offline Zita

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far (WMatsui) CHAPTER 3|UPDATE!
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2014, 04:48:40 PM »
Rena is like playboy now.
So many girls like her.  :twothumbs

Offline key17

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far (WMatsui) CHAPTER 3|UPDATE!
« Reply #33 on: August 10, 2015, 05:43:29 PM »
i like this fic XD XD

will you continue this fic??

i'm dying here x_x

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far (WMatsui) CHAPTER 3|UPDATE!
« Reply #34 on: August 10, 2015, 07:04:37 PM »
Please continue it :( i'm dying too. Hope to see you come back
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: We Are Close But We Are Far (WMatsui) CHAPTER 3|UPDATE!
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2015, 03:40:29 PM »
Rena harem!!!

Jurina you already have a girlfriend

And is Sae really like Rena or she just play with her?!?

Update ASAP pls

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