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Author Topic: Love Within The Club - Chapter 9 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 23/3/2016  (Read 40005 times)

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 6 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 3/2/2016
« Reply #40 on: February 03, 2016, 10:15:18 AM »
:on gay: :on gay: :on gay:

:on gay: :on gay: :on gay:

:on gay: :on gay: :on gay: san update
 *jumping around happily
me wanna moreeeeeeeeeee
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 09:51:43 AM by kuro_black29 »
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline rindg

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 6 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 3/2/2016
« Reply #41 on: February 03, 2016, 03:39:13 PM »
Joeyee-san.....  :mon cry:

OKAERI!!!!!  :mon santa2: :mon squee: :mon firecrack:

All I can say to this chapter is that it's PERFECT!  :mon beam:
So Atsumina happened and Mayuki is going to happen.

Uuuu, I mwiss ywou hso mwuch (The Fanfic and the author of course)  :mon inluv:

Thanks for the update~!  :mon bye:
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline vanillux

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 6 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 3/2/2016
« Reply #42 on: February 04, 2016, 03:54:21 PM »
Aah! Thank you for the update! I look forward to more mayuki :D

Offline Yurena

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 6 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 3/2/2016
« Reply #43 on: February 05, 2016, 03:55:45 AM »
 :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :drool: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
MAYUKI are real !!!


Offline sasshirie

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 6 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 3/2/2016
« Reply #44 on: February 05, 2016, 09:42:30 PM »
THIS IS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER  :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

Offline ChibiRine

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 6 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 3/2/2016
« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2016, 03:42:18 AM »

Thank you for the wonderful fict!!! :mon inluv:

KojiYuu is just so sweet, I can't even. :on gay:

Waiting for your next update! :hehehe:


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline fath107

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 6 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 3/2/2016
« Reply #46 on: February 07, 2016, 01:24:38 PM »




Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

Offline sasshirie

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 6 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 3/2/2016
« Reply #47 on: March 08, 2016, 12:08:31 AM »
love the story
hate the waiting
update soon i hope

Offline JoeYee

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Love Within The Club - Chapter 7 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 9/3/2016
« Reply #48 on: March 09, 2016, 02:51:18 PM »
jhom_09 = Ahaha! You managed to snag the first spot eh..  :hehehe:
arawche079 = Sorry for the long wait my friend.  :kneelbow:
kuro_black29 = I'm sorry for being away for a month~ :kneelbow:
rindg = Omo. I'm sorry! You welcomed me back and I disappeared again.  :err:
vanillux = Yes yes, Mayuki..  :luvluv2:
Yurena =  :glasses:
sasshirie = I'm glad you like how it's going but I'm not too sure about you liking it in the next chapter..  :kekeke: And I sincerely apologized for the long wait!
ChibiRine = Eeheh.. Sorry for the long wait. :kneelbow:
fath107 = Here is your update~

Erkhem. Sorry for disappearing again when I just came back. :kneelbow:
Well, as an apology, I will be updating LWTC twice today and maybe HAR by this week?  :hee:
Btw, it might be a little confusing in this chapter. It'll be revealing more of Yukirin's past and a little drama? I myself was wondering if my brain was functioning properly or not.   :bigdeal:
Without further ado!

Chapter 7
"So, care to explain why you're here? Not that I don't want you here." Sayaka raised an eyebrow as she eyed the girl in front of her.

"Mariko-kaasan asked for me to come and meet you." Yukirin made herself comfortable as she leaned back into the seat.

Sayaka's eyes widen for a moment before she focused back on the girl in front of her.

"Is this regarding Konami Hospital?" Sayaka rubbed her throbbing forehead.

"Mmn. She really wants your help over there." Sayaka shook her head.

"I have told her once and I will tell her again. I do not have any interest in getting involve in the medical field anymore. I already have my own dojo to handle." Sayaka closed her eyes, in attempts to ease her aching head.

The door burst open, as a figure walked in and stopped in front of Sayaka.

"Nonsense! You even have time to go for vacations on and off." A voice, that sounded too familiar echoed in the room.

"Mariko, why are you here?" Sayaka sighed before glaring at the woman in front of her.

"To convince you of course." Mariko pulled out a chair and sat right in front of Sayaka, staring straight into her eyes.

"I already told you that I do not want to be involved with your hospital!" Sayaka's tone dropped low, causing Yukirin to shrink back in her seat.

"Sayaka-san, Mariko-san. I believe it's better for you two to discuss matters without her there." Mayu pointed over to the shaking figure.

The two diverted their gaze from one another and was surprised to see Yukirin shaking. They apologized for their behavior, and asked Mayu to bring Yukirin out.

Yukirin raised her hands, stopping Mayu from advancing further. Yukirin took a deep breath before walking out, Mayu followed suit but she bowed politely at the two before shutting the door.

Sayaka and Mariko made eye contact and was about to start bickering when the door burst opened again.

"Oi! How can the two of you have a meeting without me?" Yuko walked in with Haruna in tow as the two sat down in their seats.

"When you told us you'll be back today, Yuuchan had already suspected that Mariko might come over and an argument might happen. Therefore me and Yuu-chan will be your mediator for this matter." Haruna stated firmly as the two nodded.

"You see, this idiot here is still insisting that I help her with her hospital but I have no intention of doing so. I have my own dojo to take care of." Sayaka stated from her side as Mariko rolled her eyeballs at Sayaka's statement.

"You done talking?" Sayaka gave her a nod as she looked over to the Kojiyuu pair, explaining her reasons.

"My hospital needs her. She's a professional in this matter. That's why I keep insisting that she helps out. Mii-chan is stressed out because I'm not able to get her help. Our hospital has been lacking of heart surgeons and there were quite a number of cases that NEEDS immediate attention but our hands are tied! We don't have enough experienced heart surgeons." Mariko sighed as Sayaka's expression soften.

"Why do you need me? I believe that there are many young heart surgeons out there to help you in this matter."

"Because, you used to work with us. We believe in your expertise and we can't afford to hire an inexperience heart surgeon. The cases that we have are pretty complicated and we don't think it's wise to hand these cases to newbies. You, on the other hand. You have plenty of experience! Our hospital is famous and well-known thanks to the success rates in many different areas, namely the department of Cardiac Surgery. Konami Hospital is at where it is now because of you."

"But isn't Yukirin done with college? She should be able to help you out. She's holding a masters as a heart surgeon right?" Sayaka reasoned but Mariko shook her head.

"She has no interest in helping me as a surgeon, nor does she has any interest in taking over the hospital in the future. Trust me, I know her. She is not the least interested in it. On the other hand, she is very interested in helping you with the dojo." Sayaka's eyes widen in surprised at the new information thrown to her.

"Really? Yuki-chan has no interest in taking over your hospital? But she studied so hard to get her masters." Haruna was surprised alright.

Mariko nodded her head with a solemn expression.

'Goodness Mariko.. How can you not know what is going on in your daughter's head..' Yuko mentally sighed.

"But Mariko. Even if I do help you and Mii-chan now, sooner or later you'll have to look for another replacement to replace me in the Cardiac Department." Mariko sighed as she rubbed her temples.

"I know. That's why I'm lost. What should I do?" Haruna walked over and comforted Mariko as the other two was seen lost in thoughts.

'If only Mayu could help..' Sayaka thought to herself.

"Hmm. For now, Sayaka. I believe it'll be best if you help Mariko and Mii-chan. Mayu and Jurina can help with taking care of the dojo. Meanwhile, about looking for someone to replace you and Mii-chan. I think I might be able to help you with this." Yuko sighed before giving a reassuring smile to Mariko who thanked her in return.

'It's time eh..' Yuko thought to herself. Haruna gave her a look, not understanding how could Yuko help her but Yuko smiled reassuringly at her and so, Haruna let the matter slide.

Sayaka sighed as she stood up from her seat with her hand extended out.

"I'll help you for now. So, don't worry alright?" Sayaka smiled reassuringly at Mariko who nodded her head.

Mariko thanked Haruna who waved the matter off and walked back over to Yuko who was also standing.

Mariko extended her hand and shook it with Sayaka.

"Thank you Sayaka. This will help us a lot."


When the talk was on going in Sayaka's room.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mayu asked as Yuki just nodded her head.

Mayu passed her a water bottle and Yuki took it, muttering a thank you under her breath. Mayu found herself smiling when she heard Yuki thanking her.

"If I may ask, what is your relation with Mariko-san?" Jurina appeared out of nowhere and asked.

Yuki was taken aback but she answered it anyway.

"She's my mother. Basically, I'm an adopted child and she's my mother." Yukirin took a gulp from the water bottle.

'Wait, what? Kashiwagi is an orphan and Mariko-san and Mii-chan is Kashiwagi's mother? Kashiwagi? I don't understand..' Mayu was lost in thoughts as she tried to connect all the dots.

"I see. Is this the first time you see the two of them arguing?" Jurina continued to asked as Yuki nodded her head.

"Mayu, Jurina, Yukirin. Come in to my office now." Sayaka commanded as the three nodded.

Jurina went ahead as Mayu was waiting for Yuki who was still a little taken aback at the two arguing.

Yuki had always thought that the two were on very good terms. After all, she did learn Kendo from Sayaka back then when she was a kid. Not to forget that Sayaka once used to work at her mothers hospital.

She was adopted by Mariko at the age of 4. Mariko and Mii-chan was busy with the hospital and rarely spends time with Yuki. They tend to shower the younger girl with expensive gifts instead, leading the latter to become very arrogant because she thinks that money was everything.

In school, she was famous alright. Because of her parent's status, a lot of girls and boys tend to pretend to be nice to her, to get closer to her for connections and all.

But as the time goes by and she grew older, she knew. She knew that the way she was behaving was wrong and she wanted to change but she realized that by changing to become a kind and polite person, she'll end up with people who would stick to her because of her wealth and she didn't want that.

Therefore, it became a facade for her. She behaved arrogantly and rudely as a self defense wall to prevent people from entering her heart. To prevent those people who only want her wealth from coming near her.

Well, there was a person who managed to broke through her walls. When she was a kid, there used to be a girl who was 3 years younger than her, who play with her all the time. The girl was her mothers, friend's daughter. Said girl took good care of her and never treated her differently just because she was rich.

Anyway, yes. People may think badly of her but as a child, she lacked love and care from parents. Mariko and Mii-chan would only spend time with her once in a blue moon when the hospital wasn't busy which rarely happens.

Yuki never had any interest in helping her mother's hospital although it was earning millions. She had no interest despite studying so hard to become a doctor. Well, maybe she does, but she doesn't want to acknowledge it.

Yuki tends to tell Mariko and Mii-chan that she has interest in Sayaka's dojo, well she does but it was just another facade. She wanted her parents to care more and asked her as to why would she prefer to take over the dojo compared to the hospital. But no. They never asked.

There's also another reason as to why she doesn't want to help out in the hospital. It's because she doesn't want to end up like her mothers. She didn't want to neglect her love ones because of work but she had never had the guts to tell this to her mothers.

After all, who was she to complain? She had expensive meals, expensive clothing and many others. She will get whatever she wants without much effort. She was living a life any girl would want, well, not in her case.

"Kashiwagi-san?" Mayu snapped the girl from her thoughts.

Yuki glared at Mayu before standing from her seat and strode over into the office.

'This Mayu is getting on my nerves..' Yuki thought to herself before let on a sigh.

Mayu shook her head with a faint smile present on her face before heading in.


As soon as they entered, they sat themselves down.

"Mayu. First and foremost, I apologized for once again leaving without prior notice." Sayaka smiled sheepishly as Mayu waved her hands.

"Forgiven.. I'm used to it already, Sayaka-san." Yuko shook her head at Mayu's sentence.

"For goodness sake, Akimoto Sayaka. Can you not dump all the responsibilities to my daughter at the last moment?" Yuko growled as Sayaka nodded her head vigorously.

"By the way, do you remember who those two are?" Mariko gestured to the Oshima family.

'Well, I obviously remember Yuko-san and Haruna-san but not the Watanabe.' Yuki thought to herself before nodding at Haruna and Yuko.

"I don't remember her though." Yuki pointed over to Mayu while Mariko gave her a small nod.

"You used to play with Takamina and Mayu when you were young too, but you forgotten eh.." Mariko said nonchalantly as Mayu and Yuki froze.

"Wait a minute. You're saying that, I used to play with this girl?" Yuki pointed at Mayu with fake distaste, while Mariko nodded her head.

The other adults were surprised and amused to see Yuki acting that way. Surprised for Mariko and Jurina while amusement for Yuko, Haruna and Sayaka.

"Really? I don't recall knowing anyone called Kashiwagi Yuki except for.." Mayu had her eyebrows furrowed as she was trying very hard to recall.

"Does, Shinoda Yuki ring a bell?" Mayu's eyes widen as she nodded her head.

"Well, ever since Yuki was of legal age, I asked her if she wanted to follow back her biological parents surname and she agreed." Mariko gave a small smile as she rubbed her neck.

Yuki was still frozen in her spot, lost in thoughts.

'Takamina, Mayu, Takamina, Mayu, Takamina, Mayu, Takamina, Mayu. Taka-' Yuki's eyes shot open in surprised.

"As in Takahashi Minami and Watanabe Mayu?! You're that Watanabe Mayu?!" Yuki shouted, bewildered with the new information given to her.



"Yukirin~" A child called out looking for her friend.

"Mayuyu! I'm here!" Yukirin shouted as she felt her cheeks getting wet from her tears.

Yuki and Mayu were playing around the park as Yuko, Haruna, Mariko and Mii-chan wanted to have small talk. As the park was located just at the opposite of Yuko and Haruna's house, they allowed their children to go and play without adult supervision.

Takamina did not joined them on that day, as she was busy studying with Acchan for their exams.

Yukirin had fell down and scrapped her knees when she tripped over a stone. Mayu who heard Yuki calling for her with a tense voice, immediately followed said voice.

Mayu was shocked to see Yukirin on the ground with her scrapped knee.

Mayu quickly snapped out of it though, seeing her friend in pain. She tore her sleeves and immediately help Yuki to wrapped the scrapped knee.

Both Mayu and Yuki knew that the former would have to tighten the cloth on to the wound to stop it from bleeding.

"Yukirin." Mayu gestured for Yuki to rest her head on her right shoulder.

"Just bite on me if it hurts, okay?" Yuki shook her head, not wanting to hurt the younger girl but Mayu ignored it and tighten the cloth immediately, causing Yuki to bite down on her shoulder. Hard.

Mayu held back a scream and put on her best smile to reassure Yuki. Yuki on the other hand was about to apologize for biting her but Mayu stopped her and wiped her tear streaked face.

"You'll be okay.. I'll bring you back to our parents." Mayu quickly turned around and piggybacked the other girl, taking big strides to carry the girl back to her house.

Yuki was surprised that Mayu was able to carry her without much effort. After all, their age gap was a 3 years difference. Not to mention the difference in height. Her heart was being weird though. It was beating so hard that she was having a little trouble to breath.

'What is this feeling..' Yuki buried her head deeper into the crook of Mayu's neck. Mayu who felt it, thought that the former was in pain. She fasten her steps.

"Yuko-kaasan! Haruna-kaasan! Yukirin fell down and hurt her knee!" Mayu shouted out and both their parents were out with them in an instant.

Mariko took Yuki from Mayu and brought her in while Mii-chan was walking in with Mariko with a first aid-kit in hand.




The two stared at one another, surprised while the adults exchanged glances.

"Well, I guess you managed to recall one another?" Mariko asked as the two nodded their head.

"Wait, I want to see something." Yuki stood up from her seat and walked over to Mayu, pulling her hakama a little on the right. To her surprise, there was a scar there.

The two made eye contact but Yuki broke it with her face burning red. Mayu on the other hand readjusted her hakama with a straight face but internally she was smiling.

Mayu caught Jurina's teasing expression. She glared at the latter causing Jurina to snicker.

As soon as the two have settled down, Sayaka stood up from her seat.

"I have something to announce." Sayaka made eye contact with the others.

"I will be heading back to the Konami Hospital to help out in the Cardiac Department. The dojo will be handled by Ma-" Yuko stood up from her seat, stopping the former from talking.

"The dojo will be handled by Jurina and Yuki-chan." Yuko stated as the others stared at her in surprised.

"Wait, what?" Yuki was startled out from her thoughts when she heard her name. She stared questioningly at Yuko.

"Yea, Yuko. What are you planning?" Mariko stared at her in disbelief.

"Well, I've heard from Mariko that you have interest in handling the dojo. You might as well take the opportunity." Yuko stated nonchalantly as she stared into Yuki's eyes.

Yuki felt herself being exposed in those orbs. After all, Yuko knows her better than her mothers. Yuko knew that Yuki was only pretending to be interested in the dojo.

"I'm sure Mariko and Sayaka would be fine with you handling the dojo." Yuko averted her gaze and stared straight into Mariko's eyes, taunting the latter.

'Is this what you want?' Mariko who caught the gaze, decided to voice out her opinion.

"No. Yuki will not take over the dojo. We'll talk about this later." Mariko returned Yuko's hard gaze but Yuko paid no heed to her and instead focus her attention on her youngest.

"Watanabe Mayu. I'm really disappointed in you." Yuko narrowed her eyes at Mayu.

Mayu's eyes widen in surprised.

'She knows..'

Goodness. I wonder what's wrong with me.  :stuffed:
Oh well. I'll update the next chapter in an hour or two or three? I haven't finish editing it yet but it'll be out!
I hope you enjoy this~
See you in a few!
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 03:13:15 PM by JoeYee »
Mainly Kojiyuu shipper! But I also enjoy Atsumina, Wmatsui, Mayuki, Marimii, Tomotomo, Yuiparu, Sayamilky.
Well basically the mainstream pairings. :33

Humans and Robots (Kojiyuu + Others) [COMPLETED]

Love Within The Club (Kojiyuu)

→ JoeYee's OS Corner ←

Offline rindg

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 7 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 9/3/2016
« Reply #49 on: March 09, 2016, 04:30:42 PM »

I'll edit this later aight? WAIT FOR ME, I GOTTA GO TO SCHOOL FIRST!

Ohoho  :ding:

So they're childhood friends, interesting development.  :onioncheer:

I literally rushed home from school just to read this and edit my comment. Be thankful I'm so loyal to you!  :scolding:

Thanks for the update~~  :hee:
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 11:25:35 PM by rindg »
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 7 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 9/3/2016
« Reply #50 on: March 09, 2016, 05:13:16 PM »

*re edit later
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline JoeYee

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Love Within The Club - Chapter 8 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 10/3/2016
« Reply #51 on: March 09, 2016, 07:26:28 PM »
And I have my first two beloved readers who commented.  :luvluv2:
Shout out to the both of you~ rindg & kuro_black29! Thank you~
I'll be waiting for your review!
As promise, let's start!

Chapter 8

Haruna looked at the two, confused on what's going on.

"Yuu-chan, what do you mean?" Haruna asked but she was ignored.

Mayu felt herself shrinking from her mother's gaze.

'What did she do?' Yuki couldn't help but ask herself. After all, Yuko was not one to raise her voice.

"The fatigue started back when you were in high school. That's when you started doing it right?"

"I-It started when I was in my last year of middle school." Mayu took a step back under her mother's gaze.

"Yuko. This was not her fault. I was the one who told her to go for it." Sayaka stood up and stood in front of Mayu, shielding her from her mother's intense gaze.

Haruna was confused. Heck, she didn't understood a single thing.

Yuko pushed Sayaka aside and stood in front of Mayu.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Yuko's voice was soft.

Mayu hesitated but she gathered her courage and look into her mother's eyes, anticipating disappointment and anger. To her surprise, her mother's eyes were soft and not stern but instead, it was full of love. And she understood, she understood why her mother was disappointed.

"I didn't want to worry you. It was supposed to be a surprise. I was supposed to tell you next year as I will be graduating in a year time. I'm sorry." Mayu hanged her head in defeat as Yuko pulled her daughter into her embrace.

"Oshima Yuko! Watanabe Mayu! Explain!" Haruna was furious.

The two broke apart and exchanged looks with one another.

Haruna walked over and pointed her finger at Mayu.

"You're graduating next year? You've already graduated recently right?"

She then walked over to Yuko.

"What has gotten into you Yuu-chan. You're sprouting nonsense." Haruna pinched Yuko on the cheek causing the latter to pout.

"Okay okay. I'll explain." Yuko sighed before pulling her wife back to the chair, making the latter sit on the chair.

"Remember the conversation we had? The one where I didn't want Mayu and Takamina to take over the club because they feel indebted to us?" Haruna gave Yuko a quick nod as Mayu stared at Yuko in surprised.

"I asked because I found out that, this kid over here-" Yuko poked Mayu on the nose causing the little to pout. "- had been studying medicine behind our back."

Mariko, Yuki, Jurina and Haruna's eyes widen in surprised. "But how is it possible? She just graduated high school and she said she would be graduating next year." Haruna reasoned as Yuko gently shoved Mayu, asking her to explain.

"W-Well, you see. When I was in my last year of middle school, I was given a mock test for the entrance exam for high school. I managed to score very high. That's when the teacher decided to give me other tests, to see what level my knowledge is currently on. To both the teacher's and my surprise, I managed to ace the test for the seniors in high school. So, I basically skipped a lot of grades."

"But why weren't Yuko and Haruna informed?" Mariko questioned as Mayu rubbed her neck sheepishly.

"I-I wanted to give them a surprised. So I went to school as per usual and held positions in the student body. But I was actually receiving private lessons from Sayaka about medicine." Yuko sighed as she gave the younger girl an encouraging pat.

"But how were you still so well-known in school if your classmates barely see you?" Haruna asked as Mayu looked over to Sayaka for help.

Sayaka sighed and stood beside Mayu.

"We told the other students that Mayu were out on many quizzes/competitions, representing the school. And if you're wondering does Takamina know about it, the answer is no. We somehow managed to hide it from her too." Sayaka smiled sheepishly as Yuko went over to her and head locked the former.

Sayaka pat Yuko's hand, urging her to let go as she was starting to get short on breath. Yuko sighed before glaring at said woman who gave her a sheepish smile.

"Wow. How in the world did you managed to skip that much grades." Jurina mumbled under her breath as Mayu just gave her a nervous laugh.

"I'm sorry for hiding this from you. I wanted to give you a surprise but when I found out that after my recent graduation you will be teaching me on how to handle the club, I didn't want to disappoint you." Mayu sighed as Yuko and Haruna stood in front of her.

"Watanabe Mayu." Both Haruna and Yuko said at the same time.

"Why in the world would we be disappointed in you when you're doing something you like. I mean, you do like medicine right?" Haruna asked as Mayu gave her a firm nod.

"I was disappointed because you didn't tell us. Studying medicine is hard and I wanted to be there for you. I believe your Haruna-kaasan would've wanted that too."

"And me too."

Everyone turned their head towards the voice. They were surprised to see Takamina standing there.

"T-Takamina-neesan." Mayu looked nervously at Takamina who made her way to them.

"I'm surprised you managed to hide this from me when we were studying in the same school." Takamina huffed before she ruffled Mayu's hair.

"Takamina. Why are you here?" Yuko eyed her daughter with a small smile as Takamina pointed to Haruna.

"Haruna-kaasan called me and told me to come over to the dojo." Haruna shrugged her shoulders cutely, causing Yuko to smile lovingly at her.

"Y-You heard everything?" Mayu asked timidly as Takamina gave her small smile and a nod.

"I'm sorry for hiding this from all of you."

"Mayu, you didn't want to tell me because you believed that I expected you to take over the club along with Takamina right?" Mayu gave a small nod to Yuko's question.

"Well, trust me when I say this, if either of you don't want to handle the club it's fine with Haruna and me. We both want the two of you to do something you aspire to be. We won't force you." Yuko smiled reassuringly at her youngest.

"After all, becoming a doctor will make us very very proud." Mayu felt her eyes water when she saw her mother's grin. She quickly wiped them off.

"Yes, we'll be very proud of you Mayu. Becoming a doctor at such a young age!" Haruna squealed like a fangirl causing the others to laughed.

"Yuko-kaasan. Don't worry. I really want to learn the ropes to take over the club when I am able to. I'm not doing this to repay you or anything." Takamina smiled reassuringly at Yuko.

"And you. You should've told me." Takamina pinched Mayu's cheeks causing her to whine.

"But you wouldn't be able to keep the secret~" Mayu reasoned causing the latter to pout while the others to laugh.

"Well then, Mayu. What are you specializing in? Wait, if you started in your last year of middle school and you're going to graduate next year.." Mariko felt the gears in her head spinning.

"Mayu skipped a year when she was studying med.. Wait. Was it two years you skipped?" Mayu gave Sayaka a small nod as the others widen their eyes at the revelation.

"She skipped two years, that's why she will be graduating next year. She is specializing as a heart surgeon, like me. She'll end up in the Cardiac Department." Sayaka smiled sheepishly.

'Wait what?! She skipped that much?! What in the world is in her brain?! Even I who was proclaimed a genius to finish my masters at the age of 22 would never be able to graduate at the age of 20.' Yuki shook her head in disbelieve but she was starting to respect this girl even more.

"Her last year needs her to work in a hospital to see if she can apply everything she has learnt. That's why I was wondering if it was possible to get Mayu to work in your hospital as a trainee. She can be under me and when the time comes for me to leave, she'll be there to take over. But it wouldn't be possible because Yuko and Haruna had no idea that Mayu studied med. Then again, we didn't expect Yuko to find out that she was studying med. Do you understand me?" Sayaka asked after she realized she has talked too much in one go.

The others gave her a nod before Mariko cheered.

"It'll be great if Mayu can be under you! Having two heart surgeons in the Cardiac Department will help a lot." Mariko grinned widely causing the others to smile.

"So, Mayu. Would you like to work for Konami Hospital?" Mariko asked with a hand extended.

Mayu look at the hand extended out and back at her mothers and sister.

"Mayu, we will be cheering for you regardless of your choice." Haruna smiled lovingly at her youngest as Yuko nodded with a warm smile on her face.

'It'll be nice if both Mariko and Mii-chan were like them..' Yuki sighed at the thought.

"Don't worry about the club. Your nee-chan will take over it." Takamina winked as Mayu finally found herself smiling. She pulled the three into a tight hug, thanking them before heading over to Mariko and shook her hand.

"I'll do my best to not disappoint you." Mayu gave Mariko a bright smile.

Everyone was letting out a relieve sighed until..

"Hmm, but what about the dojo?" Yuko asked causing the others to freeze.

"Can I talk to Yuki, privately?" Mariko asked as Jurina, Sayaka, Haruna, Takamina and Mayu headed out. Though Mayu was a bit reluctant as she was curious but she complied.

"Yuu-chan, come on." Haruna called as Yuko shook her head.

"I'll stay." Yuko stated firmly and gave a reassuring nod to Haruna who sighed and shut the door behind her.

"You can pretend as though I'm not here." Yuko headed over to the couch and sat down, eyeing the two of them.

Mariko stared at Yuko for a moment before returning her gaze to her one and only daughter.

"You okay with Yuko being here?" Yuki gave her a nod. 'It'll be better if she's here.'

"Okay, Yuki. Do you really want to take over Sayaka's dojo? This is a serious matter." Mariko asked her and Yuki gave her a small nod.

"Alright. I'll talk to Sayaka about this." Mariko was about to open the door and head out but she was stop short by Yuko's voice.

"Are you serious?" Yuko questioned aloud as she walked over and stood beside Yuki.

"What? She want's to take over Sayaka's dojo and I'll make sure she will." Mariko stated firmly as Yuko rolled her eyeballs at her.

"Shinoda Mariko.. You-" Yuki tugged on the hem of her shirt and Yuko immediately took a deep breath, trying to calm down and not burst in front the innocent child.

Mariko on the other hand looked at her curiously. After calming down, Yuko stared straight into Mariko's eyes.

"Aren't you going to ask her why is she preferring to take over the dojo instead of becoming a heart surgeon? I mean she did use your money and studied med for so long." Yuko started as Mariko shook her head.

"She's old enough to know what she wants. Why should I question her?" Mariko retorted back.

Yuko lost it.

"Why you asked?! Are you kidding me?! Wow, Shinoda Mariko." Yuko restrained herself from pulling on her own hair.

Yuki tugged on her shirt again, trying to calm the woman down.

"Yuki, I'm sorry but I have to knock some sense into your mother's head." Yuko apologized while Yuki sighed.

"What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine." Mariko said as Yuko clenched her fist feeling angered.

"You idiot." In an instant, Yuko was standing in front of Mariko. Yuko landed a blow on her stomach causing the later to gasp and fall on to the floor, clutching on to her stomach.

"What the heck was that for?" Mariko growled aloud and soon the door was swung opened.

Haruna, Sayaka, Jurina, Takamina and Mayu was shock to see Mariko on the floor.

Sayaka and Jurina immediately headed over to Mariko while Haruna and Takamina headed over to restrain Yuko. Mayu on the other hand, made her way over to Yuki.

"You okay?" Mayu asked but she got no response.

"Yuko what was that for?" Sayaka asked as she helped Mariko to stand up with Jurina.

"Yuu-chan! What has gotten into you?!" Haruna was upset to see her wife behaving the way she was but she held on tight to her wife.

"For goodness sake, Shinoda Mariko! Do you know why Yuki said she wanted to take over the dojo? She wanted you and Mii-chan to care and ask her. 'Why did you decided to go for the dojo?' or 'You studied med really hard, are you sure that's what you want?' But no. You just have to accept her decision as it is." Yuko stated furiously while Mariko on the other hand glared harshly at her.

"Of course I would. Don't pretend that you know her better than I do!" Mariko retorted causing Takamina and Haruna to struggle from restraining Yuko who was trying to get out from their grasp.

Yuko then let out a laugh causing everyone in the room to freeze.

"Pretend? I don't even have to pretend. I know your daughter better than you'll ever know." Yuko answered sternly, causing the other woman to take a step back.

"I believe even Sayaka knows her better than you do." Yuko scoffed as Mariko felt herself losing her temper.

"The hell.." Mariko who was not held down by Sayaka and Jurina immediately launch herself towards Yuko and managed to land a punch on her cheek.

This caused the three of them to staggered back. This time, Sayaka and Jurina held her in their grasp.

Yuki who was silent, immediately headed over and stood in front of Yuko, with Mayu in tow, surprising Mariko.

Yuko groaned in pain as she shook her head, in attempts to clear her dizzy mind.

"Yuko-san, are you okay?" Yuki asked as she looked worriedly at the bruise cheek. Yuko waved it off and stood up.

Mariko felt her jaw slacked. When she was punched, her daughter didn't even bat an eyelash.

"What do you mean?" Mariko asked as the others looked at her, confused by her question.

"What do you mean you know Yuki better than I?" Mariko asked with a death glare.

Yuko pat both Takamina's and Haruna's hand, urging them to release her.

"I've calmed down. Don't worry." She whispered to the two who reluctantly let her go. She gave Yuki a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder and a smile to Mayu.

"Did you know that Yuki was facing problems." Yuko started as Mariko stared at her.

"Yuki wasn't facing any problems." Mariko stated firmly while Yuko rubbed her throbbing head.

"Yuki was facing problems. Yuki often hears people talking about her. The "friends" that Yuki made with were all being nice to her because of her status. Yuki was struggling when she took med. She may be a genius but she was struggling." Yuki felt her eyes tear as she hear Yuko voice out her problems.

Mariko on the other hand was stunned by the revelation.

"Yuki wanted you and Mii-chan to care more."

"But we" Mariko's tone was unsure as she felt her own eyes watering as well.

Yuko was about to retort but Yuki spoke. It was soft but it could be heard throughout the room.

"No, you didn't." Yuki made eye contact with her mother, surprising Mariko.

"Are you too shock because you've never seen me cry?" Yuki gave her a sad smile.

"You adopted me, making me the happiest kid in the world but what happened after that? The two of you were so busy with the hospital that I barely spent any time with the both of you!" Yuki's damped was broken, after all these years and so she cried.

"B-But we did!" Mariko stated as Yuki scoffed.

"Yes, you did." Mariko felt a small hope light up in her heart. "You did, by buying me expensive gifts when all I wanted was for the two of you to care and spend more time with me!" Mariko felt the small hope die.

"Yuki, try to be more understanding. Mariko and Mii-chan was doing it for you." Sayaka reasoned as Yuki shook her head.

"If Yuko-san and Haruna-san could spent TIME with BOTH their children why can't you? They're equally busy handling the biggest and most well-known club in the city even before the hospital was built! How can they have such a close bond with one another when their equally as busy as you and Mii-chan?!" Yuki was sobbing as she felt on to her knees.

Mayu was a little hesitant but after a little push from Yuko, she pulled the elder girl into her embrace.

Yuki who was enveloped by warm arms felt herself breaking down even further but she had to voice all her problems out.

"Did you know how badly I wanted the two of you to just spend a day with me? Did you know I was struggling with the gossips that were saying that I'm so garbage kid that was picked up by the two of you and became the luckiest and happiest girl in the world? Did you know every time that something happens I would turn to Yuko-san and tell her my problems."

Everyone was silent as they heard the girl vent out her frustration that was build over the years.

Mayu rubbed circles on her back, in attempts to calm the girl down.

Yuki who had enough of crying stood up and gently pushed Mayu away.

"Did you know why I said I want to take over Sayaka's dojo?!" Yuki started as she wiped her tear streamed face.

"It was as Yuko-san stated! When I told her that I wanted to take over the dojo she saw right through me in an instant! But you, you don't even know the real me!" Yuki glared at Mariko whose tears were falling.

"You never did and you never will. I hate you. I hate the both of you." Yuki stated as she glared at her mother, her eyes full of hatred.

Wow! I can't believe I managed to push another chapter out! And now, it's drama~  :kekeke:
Okay, first thing. If you remembered, the person who was handling the adoption home was Mariko so I changed it to Sashihara Rino now.  :depressed:
Mariko will be playing a role in the next few chapters so I can't really afford to change the current characters.
Sorry for that mistake.  :kneelbow:
Anyhow, in all honesty. I think I'll be focusing on LWTC first. I have the inspiration to write and so I'll write on this first. I'll try to push another chapter out tomorrow okay?  :on ksweat:
Thank you to the silent readers and those who took their time to comment!
See you~  :on gay:
Mainly Kojiyuu shipper! But I also enjoy Atsumina, Wmatsui, Mayuki, Marimii, Tomotomo, Yuiparu, Sayamilky.
Well basically the mainstream pairings. :33

Humans and Robots (Kojiyuu + Others) [COMPLETED]

Love Within The Club (Kojiyuu)

→ JoeYee's OS Corner ←

Offline rindg

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 8 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 10/3/2016
« Reply #52 on: March 09, 2016, 11:39:39 PM »
Woah Joeyee-san, you're updating a lot. Of course, it's a good thing!  :mon geek:


Yukirin went through a lot eh? That's so sad (I finally calmed down after being so excited from a simple shout out)  :mon huh2:

I will wait for the next chapter! Heck, I'd wait for years even!  :mon fyeah:
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline arawche079

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 8 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 10/3/2016
« Reply #53 on: March 10, 2016, 04:20:03 AM »
Two chapter in a day....woah this will drain your brain.. :banghead: :banghead:
Thank joeyee san waiting for your next update and hoping there is kojiyuu moments too

Offline jhom_09

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 8 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 10/3/2016
« Reply #54 on: March 10, 2016, 11:00:00 AM »

Wohhh  :glasses: two update in one day, that was awesome....  :smoke:

i love Yuko and Haruna being mother here, i'm waiting Joeyee-san  :shy2: but more Kojiyuu, i know i'm so demanding...  :err:

But Kojiyuu here is super cute i want more  :on ksweat:

thank you for this...  :kneelbow:

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 8 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 10/3/2016
« Reply #55 on: March 10, 2016, 02:52:18 PM »
Wooooooooooooooooowwwww...just woooooooow
2 chapters....woooooooooooooowww
"thumbsups "wipe my happy tears

"re edit later
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline allinone

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 8 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 10/3/2016
« Reply #56 on: March 10, 2016, 04:24:50 PM »
Woah.. Thanks for update..
It a great fic.. Yuko is so good mother and auntie..

Offline Yurena

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 8 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 10/3/2016
« Reply #57 on: March 13, 2016, 04:34:13 AM »
I'm crying poor yukirin T_T thanks for the 2 chapters ;-;
MAYUKI are real !!!


Offline ChibiRine

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 8 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 10/3/2016
« Reply #58 on: March 13, 2016, 03:55:13 PM »

So, they're childhood friends? Interesting. Interesting. Interesting. :hehehe:

Wait, did I just saipy interesting? Coz' it really is interesting. :ding:

Yuki though, wasn't expecting that that'll happen. :frustrated:

I will wait for more KojiYuu moments~ :mon inluv:

*will always refresh the AKB48 Fanfics to see if you updated* :mon zoom:

Thanks for the update and for giving me the motivation to write again!!! :mon bye:



君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline JoeYee

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Love Within The Club - Chapter 9 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 23/3/2016
« Reply #59 on: March 22, 2016, 06:25:42 PM »
rindg = Ahahaha. Calm down! I need you to be alive until I finish both my stories!  :onioncheer:
arawche079 = Yes it did.  :on roll: Will try my best to write more Kojiyuu scenes too!!
jhom_09 = Nah, your not demanding. Will do my best to write more lovey-dovey-kojiyuu scenes!  :glasses:
kuro_black29 = Thank you~  :hee:
allinone = Mmhmm. It's nice to see her motherly side right?  :wriggly:
Yurena = *Grabs tissue box and passes it over. Things will get better for her! :stuffed:
ChibiRine = Well, honestly speaking. I didn't expect for Yuki to have such a dramatic background myself.  :stoned: As I continued on writing, things just turned out that way. :err: Am glad that I somewhat motivated you, fighting~

Hey, guys! Sorry for not updating last week. Things got a little hectic as I was away for a camp which took up half of my week.  :kneelbow:
On the bright side, I managed to write a pretty long chapter. *winks.
I'll meet you at the bottom!

"You never did and you never will. I hate you. I hate the both of you." Yuki stated as she glared at her mother, her eyes full of hatred.

Chapter 9

Yuki dashed out from the dojo while Yuko urged her youngest to follow the former out.

Mayu bowed at the elders before running after her.


Over at Mayu's side

"Yukirin!" Mayu yelled aloud, unconsciously calling her by her name. Mayu who saw Yuki making an attempt to run across the busy road immediately pulled the elder girl back, away from an oncoming car.

"What were you thinking?! Do you know how dangero-" Mayu stopped her scolding when she felt the elder girl shaking. Mayu sighed at the side before deciding to drop the scolding

"Come on. I'll bring you to my car." Mayu gently urged Yuki to follow her to the car park.

Mayu instantly unlocked the car and opened the door for Yuki to enter before entering herself.

Yuki was shaking as she was trying her best to keep her emotions in check. She refuse to break down for the second time in front of Mayu.


'I shouldn't call her by her nickname. After all, it's been such a long time since we last met one another as a kid. Not to forget about the way she treated me earlier on.'

"Kashiwagi-san. You don't have to hold back your tears. I won't judge." Mayu's voice sooth the elder girl and she felt herself let out a loud sob.

Mayu hesitantly reached over and wrapped her arms around the shaking figure, patting her on the back and muttering soothing words.


Back at the dojo

Everyone was still silent from Yuki's outburst. Mariko was on her knees as she cried her heart out while Sayaka was trying her best to console her.

Yuko let out a heavy sighed at the scene that had unfolded in front of her.

Haruna was beside her, Haruna had questions as well but that would have to wait. She looked worriedly at Yuko's bruised cheek and lip cut.

"Jurina, I need to talk to you about something."  Takamina made eye contact with the younger girl and thankfully, the younger girl understood.

Jurina and Takamina bowed and took their leave, shutting the door behind them. Silence fell in the room, but not for long.

"When.. When did Yuki started to talk to you about her problems?" Mariko controlled her breathing as she pushed herself up and stood on her two feet.

Yuko eyed the woman in front of her before letting out another sigh.

"Ever since she was in elementary school. She would call Sayaka at times too."

"Why didn't she talk to me instead?"

"The two of you were to busy to make time for her."

"Aren't you busy as well?"

"I am, but I would make time to talk to her. She would call me on random days and we would talk for a while before I probed her about her random call."

Yuko stopped as she headed over to the table and sat herself on it.

Sayaka held back her urge on scolding the petite woman for sitting on the table.

"She would hesitantly tell me about the problems she was having. Of course I asked her, 'Why don't you talk to Mariko or Mii-chan about this?'. She usually shrugged it off and told me that the two of you were busy."

"Same case for me. She would always hesitate because she said she didn't want to bother me about her problems." Sayaka added while Mariko looked at her with a blank expression.

Mariko was recalling back on the times where little Yuki would approach them with a sad or hesitant face but the two would just push her away, saying that they were busy.

As Yuki grew over the years, Yuki became more stoic than before. She never voice her problems to her nor Mii-chan.

"Look, I understand that you're feeling upset and disappointed but trust me when I say Yuki didn't mean it when she say she hated you and Mii-chan."

"Why? Because you know her better than any of us?" Mariko scoffed before throwing a glare at the other woman.

"Mariko." Sayaka squeezed Mariko's shoulder causing the latter to sighed in defeat.

"Sorry." Mariko apologized as Yuko waved the matter off.

"No, but you have to understand this. Yuki has been holding back all these feelings for years. The fact that she said she hates both of you is just on a whim"

Yuko stood up from the table and walked over to Mariko and squeezed both her shoulders.

"Mariko, you need to fix both you and Miichan's relationship with Yuki. She may not say or show it but both of you holds an important place in her heart and you're both a big part of her life regardless of what she faced when she was younger." Yuko smiled warmly at Mariko who gave her a small nod.

"I-I'll need both your help on this.." Sayaka and Yuko flash a reassuring smile at Mariko.

"We'll help you as much as we can." Sayaka grinned as Yuko gave a firm nod.

"Now that this is settled.." Yuko winced in pain as she gently touched her lip that was cut by Mariko's ring when she punched her.

Mariko apologized as Yuko waved it off.

"I did punched you and pressed your buttons to piss you off." Yuko shrugged while Mariko gave her a small laugh.

Haruna sighed at the sight of her wife. She quickly took the first aid box and called her wife over.

Yuko made her way over to Haruna who immediately used a cloth and applied pressure on the wound, causing the later to hissed in pain.

"Nyan nyan~ Not so hard." Yuko pouted while Haruna glared at the former who dropped her cute act.

"I'm sorry for hiding this from you." Haruna stared at the woman in front of her who looked apologetically at her.

"Haruna, Yuki didn't want neither of us to tell anyone that she talked to us about her problems. She actually threaten us." Sayaka sweat-dropped as she recalled the little Yuki doing so.

"I didn't know my daughter was capable of doing so.. How did she threaten the two of you?" Mariko looked at the two with amusement plastered on her face.

"Well, she told us that if we told anyone else then she wouldn't talk to us about anything anymore." Sayaka answered while Yuko nodded her head.

"We really didn't have much of a choice but to agree." Yuko pouted while Sayaka nodded her head in agreement.

Haruna sighed before pinching both of Yuko's cheek, causing the latter to whine in pain.

"Ittai!! Nyan nyan!! Mariko slapped me earlier on!!" Haruna gasped and immediately let go.

"I forgot!" Nyan nyan gently caressed Yuko's cheek.

"I'm sorry." Haruna leaned in a peck both side of the cheeks, lingering longer on the cheek that was punched by Mariko earlier on.

"But you still owe me an explanation." Haruna stared sternly at Yuko who gave her a nod before she grinned like an idiot while Mariko and Sayaka pretended to gag on the lovey-dovey scene.

"Get a room you two." Mariko teased.

"Oi! It's not like you aren't like that with Mii-chan." Yuko retorted while Mariko rolled her eyeballs.

"Oh, should we check on Yuki?" Sayaka asked as Yuko shook her head.

"I believe she would want to be alone. Well, she wouldn't really be alone as Mayu is with her.. But Mayu will be with her.." Yuko started rambling nonsense as Haruna sighed and send a text to Mayu, asking her about Yuki.

She got a reply within 30 seconds.

"Mayu is with Yuki. She was crying but now she's alright." Haruna smiled reassuringly at Mariko who let out a relieve sigh.

Haruna was hesitant but she gathered herself before saying, "Mariko, Yuki might want some space and time alone. I'll inform you if she happens to be staying over at our place."

Mariko absorbed the information and gave the two a tired nod.

"I understand. Help me to take care of her and call me if anything happens." Haruna and Yuko gave her a firm nod while Mariko rubbed her throbbing temples.

"I'll have to explain things to Mii-chan too." Mariko flashed a tired smile to the others.

"Just give Yuki some time to cool her head." Sayaka gave Mariko a small smile.

"I know. I'll talk to her in a few days time.  Oh, and sorry for bothering the two of you if Yuki happens to stay over at your place." Mariko bowed a little while Haruna reassured her that it was alright.

"Meanwhile, I'll reflect on my actions." Mariko pumped her fist in the air before staggering backwards with a growled.

"Yuko, you punched me pretty hard too." Mariko complained, causing the latter to laugh.

Sayaka helped Mariko and applied medication on the bruise and soon they all went their separate ways.


Back to Mayu

Yuki had been sobbing on Mayu's shoulder for the past 15 minutes and Mayu tried her best to not show her discomfort as she was leaning over the handbrake for quite some time now.

"Are you feeling better?" Mayu asked as she felt the elder girl stopped sobbing.

Yuki didn't answer but she gave Mayu a small nod which was felt by the latter.

Mayu was about to pull back but Yuki held on tight to her shirt, not letting her move.

"C-Can we stay like this for a while?" Yuki's hoarse voice echoed around the car.

"Just a while more okay? My butt is starting to hurt." Mayu joked, trying to cheer the girl up and Mayu beamed widely when she heard the girl giggled a little.


Over to Kojiyuu

"Yuuchan." Haruna called out to her lover who was currently concentrating on driving. Yuko gave a quick glance over to Haruna and squeezed their intertwined hands.

"What is it?" Haruna sighed before releasing her hand from Yuko's and turned to face the window.

"Nothing." Yuko mentally sighed before deciding to stop the car by the roadside and turned on the hazard lights.

Haruna continued to look out the window although the car has stopped moving.

"Nyan nyan."

Yuko got no response from her beloved cat. Yuko ran her hands through her hair before letting out a sigh.

"Kojima Haruna. Look at me." Yuko called out sternly while Haruna turned and stared right into her eyes.

"I know you have a lot of questions in your head."

"Then you should know that I want answers."

Yuko sighed again before taking off her seat belt and turning in her seat to face Haruna, Haruna on the other hand did the same and the two face one another, staring deeply into one another's orbs.

"Like I have told Mariko earlier on. Yuki threaten us and made us promise not to tell anyone about this. I didn't want Yuki to bottle up her emotions and so, when Sayaka accidentally spilled the beans to me that Yuki was also confiding her with her problems. we both decided to not tell anyone about this."

Yuko reached over and held Haruna's hand and gently caressed it.

"I'm really sorry for lying to you. I'm sorry for not telling you about this." Yuko apologized with her head hanging down.

Haruna sighed before lifting Yuko's chin with her finger.

"Yuko. I'm disappointed at the fact that you kept this a secret from me." Haruna stated sternly while Yuko hanged her head again.

"But.." Yuko immediately snapped her head up and stared at Haruna's eyes with her puppy face.

Haruna had to hold the urge to burst out laughing at her expression and luckily she managed to do so. Haruna took a deep breath before restarting her statement.

"But I'm glad that you were there for Yuki. I understand how hard it must have been for her." Haruna stated and she saw Yuko's eyes start to shine.

"A-Am I forgiven?" Yuko asked while Haruna pretended to put on a thinking face.

'I've already forgiven you, silly. I just wanted an explanation.' Haruna thought to herself.

'But I suppose I can get something out of this..' Haruna inwardly smirked.


"But why?" Yuko whined as Haruna turned back in her seat and buckled her seat belt.

"Hmm.. I can forgive you on one condit-." Haruna was cut off but she took a quick glance over to Yuko.

"Anything! Just tell me!" Yuko answered immediately.

Haruna leaned over her seat and whispered huskily into Yuko's ear.

"You've been pretty busy these days.." Haruna started as she kissed Yuko's ear, causing the latter to shiver.

"I-I..." Yuko stuttered while Haruna giggled at Yuko's speechlessness.

"Can we.." Haruna left her sentence hanging as she nibbled on Yuko's ear causing the latter to groan.

"Have our smexy time.." Haruna whispered before blowing into her ear causing Yuko to blush, hard.

Haruna adjusted herself in her seat while Yuko immediately turned off the hazard lights and pulled the hand brakes, driving off at the speed of light.

"Yuuchan! You haven't buckle your seat belt!"



Yuki had asked Mayu to not drive her home and so the younger of the two complied.

After much thought, Mayu decided to drive Yuki to a destination that would hopefully help Yuki calm her raging emotions.



"Jurina. You've helped Mayu before in handling the dojo right?" Sayaka asked as Jurina nodded her head before she sighed.

'What if I'm unable to run the dojo well. What if I ruined everything that Sayaka-sensei has built over the past few years..'

Jurina was lost in thoughts and Sayaka knew that the younger one was having doubts in herself.

"Jurina believe in yourself. If you have any problems or stuff you aren't sure of, you can call me or Mayu at any time."

Jurina nodded her head before she rubbed the back of her neck nervously causing Sayaka to smiled a little before ruffling the former's hair.

'I wonder where's the noisy and confident kid..' Sayaka mentally laughed at the thought.

"Don't worry, Jurina. I believe you'll be able to run the dojo without me and Mayu's help. You need to have some confidence in yourself."

Sayaka gave Jurina a squeeze on her shoulder. Jurina felt her nerves calming down as she heard reassuring words from her mentor.

"Alright. I'll do my best to not disappoint you!" Jurina pumped her fist into the air while Sayaka gave her a wide smile.


Oh my Mayuki~

"Where are we going?" Yuki asked as she noticed that they were heading out of town.

"To the beach." Mayu answered nonchalantly as she continued to focus on the road in front of her.

"Oka- Wait, what?" Yuki looked at Mayu with a bewildered expression.

"Don't worry. We'll head back before it gets too late." Mayu flashed a reassuring smile to Yuki who sighed before returning her gaze back to the window.


Marimii too~

Mariko had just informed everything Miichan has missed out and the two were feeling guilty at the fact that they didn't make enough time for Yuki.

"Where is Yukirin?" Miichan asked while Mariko explained to the her that their daughter is currently with Mayu.

"Mariko. How can we not notice that we were being ignorant of Yukirin?" Miichan asked as tears streamed down her face.

"I don't know Miichan. All I know is that we should have spent more time with her." Mariko wiped Miichan's tears before leaning for a quick peck.

"But we can make it up to her. At least, that's what Sayaka and Yuko said. But for now, we have to give her time to cool down. We'll text her later on, alright?"

Mariko smiled reassuringly at Miichan who nodded and wrapped her arms around Mariko.

"We'll think of a way to mend our relationship. Yuko and the rest will help us along the way."


Mayuki a~

The two had just arrived at the beach with the sun setting soon and Mayu parked her car and got down. Mayu started walking but she stopped when she felt that Yuki wasn't following her.

"Hey. Don't just stand there, let's take a walk." Mayu gestured for Yuki to walk with her.

Yuki stared at her before sighing and walking ahead of Mayu.

The two stood near the waves but not near enough to get them wet. (A/N: No, not that kind of wet)

Yuki felt herself relaxing as she continued to listen to the sound of waves hitting against the shore.

Mayu smiled a little as she saw Yuki's calm state.

The two stayed silent, one was lost in thoughts while the other was just enjoying the scenery.

"Thank you, Mayu." Yuki broke the silence while Mayu smiled warmly at her before she gave Yuki a confused look.

"What exactly are you thanking me for though.." Mayu asked with her eyebrows furrowed, unsure.

"For not asking me questions and giving me the space I need to sort out my thoughts.. Also for bringing me here. It's soothing and calming." Yuki flashed Mayu a small genuine smile which caused the latter to feel her heart skipped a beat.

Yes, it was just a small smile but it was genuine.

'Wow. She's so pretty. No, scratch that. She looked beautiful.'

"I-It's nothing." Mayu rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.


Yuki shook her head and cleared that thought before letting out a sigh.

"You alright?"

"Hmm. Considering the fact that I argued with my mom, no." Yuki answered with a sad smile while Mayu sighed.

"Everything will be fine." Mayu reassured while Yuki could only nod.

Mayu felt a sudden need to wipe that sad smile off that face, and that she remembered.

"Hey, you want to see something?" Mayu's eyes were twinkling mischievously while Yuki stared confusedly at her.

"Oh come on.. Follow me~" Mayu cheered before grabbing Yuki's hand, pulling the latter along with her.

"W-Where are we going?" Yuki asked for the second time of the day.

"You'll see." Mayu winked at Yuki causing the latter to blush.

The two walked to the other side of the beach which was quiet and soon, they were at the entrance of a cave.

"Mayu, are you sure it's safe?" Yuki looked around skeptically as Mayu gave her a nod.

"I come here whenever I feel down or when I have nothing to do. Let's go in!"

Mayu gently guided the reluctant Yuki into the cave and after taking a few hops to stand a rock, there were soon staring out to the beautiful sun setting.

The view was indeed breathtaking. Yuki's eyes shine as she saw the scene unfolded before her eyes.


Mayu grinned at Yuki's expression. "it's beautiful, isn't it?"

Yuki nodded her head before looking at the waves hitting the rocks. That's when she noticed that Mayu was was still holding onto her hand.

"E-Erm." Yuki stuttered and caught Mayu's attention.

Yuki pointed to their intertwined hands and Mayu immediately let go of it.

"Sorry about that, Yu-Kashiwagi-san." Mayu apologized as Yuki stared sternly at Mayu.

"Call me like how you did when we were younger." Mayu stared at Yuki dumbfounded.

"Are you sure?" Yuki gave her a firm nod.

"Okay. I'm sorry about earlier on. I just wanted to show you this place.. Yukirin." Yuki smiled widely at Mayu which caused Mayu to feel her knees weak.

'She looks like a goddess when she smiles..'

Mayu slapped her cheeks to snap her out of her thoughts which caused Yuki to look weirdly at her but the latter shrugged it off.

"I would like to apologize for my rude behavior too." Yuki bowed a little while Mayu waved it off.

"It's alright.." Mayu flashed a reassuring smile to Yuki who smiled back.

"Shall we head back? We can go for dinner?" Yuki nodded and agreed to Mayu's suggestion.


Well that's it guys. The photo belongs to it's rightful owner! Oh oh, I'll try to update asap~
Sorry for changing scenes over and over again. I hope it didn't confused some of you!  :kneelbow:
Oh and guys, for the Kojiyuu smexy time... I'm contemplating on should I write it... My beloved readers, if you want to see Kojiyuu's smexy time, leave a comment.  :hee:
Anyway, thank you for taking your time to comment guys! Many thanks to the silent readers as well! Love ya lots~
Well then, off I go~  :on gay:
Mainly Kojiyuu shipper! But I also enjoy Atsumina, Wmatsui, Mayuki, Marimii, Tomotomo, Yuiparu, Sayamilky.
Well basically the mainstream pairings. :33

Humans and Robots (Kojiyuu + Others) [COMPLETED]

Love Within The Club (Kojiyuu)

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