rindg = Ahahaha. Calm down! I need you to be alive until I finish both my stories!

arawche079 = Yes it did.

Will try my best to write more Kojiyuu scenes too!!
jhom_09 = Nah, your not demanding. Will do my best to write more lovey-dovey-kojiyuu scenes!

kuro_black29 = Thank you~

allinone = Mmhmm. It's nice to see her motherly side right?

Yurena = *Grabs tissue box and passes it over. Things will get better for her!

ChibiRine = Well, honestly speaking. I didn't expect for Yuki to have such a dramatic background myself.

As I continued on writing, things just turned out that way.

Am glad that I somewhat motivated you, fighting~
Hey, guys! Sorry for not updating last week. Things got a little hectic as I was away for a camp which took up half of my week.

On the bright side, I managed to write a pretty long chapter. *winks.
I'll meet you at the bottom!
RECAP"You never did and you never will. I hate you. I hate the both of you." Yuki stated as she glared at her mother, her eyes full of hatred.
Chapter 9Yuki dashed out from the dojo while Yuko urged her youngest to follow the former out.
Mayu bowed at the elders before running after her.
Over at Mayu's side"Yukirin!" Mayu yelled aloud, unconsciously calling her by her name. Mayu who saw Yuki making an attempt to run across the busy road immediately pulled the elder girl back, away from an oncoming car.
"What were you thinking?! Do you know how dangero-" Mayu stopped her scolding when she felt the elder girl shaking. Mayu sighed at the side before deciding to drop the scolding
"Come on. I'll bring you to my car." Mayu gently urged Yuki to follow her to the car park.
Mayu instantly unlocked the car and opened the door for Yuki to enter before entering herself.
Yuki was shaking as she was trying her best to keep her emotions in check. She refuse to break down for the second time in front of Mayu.
'I shouldn't call her by her nickname. After all, it's been such a long time since we last met one another as a kid. Not to forget about the way she treated me earlier on.'"Kashiwagi-san. You don't have to hold back your tears. I won't judge." Mayu's voice sooth the elder girl and she felt herself let out a loud sob.
Mayu hesitantly reached over and wrapped her arms around the shaking figure, patting her on the back and muttering soothing words.
Back at the dojoEveryone was still silent from Yuki's outburst. Mariko was on her knees as she cried her heart out while Sayaka was trying her best to console her.
Yuko let out a heavy sighed at the scene that had unfolded in front of her.
Haruna was beside her, Haruna had questions as well but that would have to wait. She looked worriedly at Yuko's bruised cheek and lip cut.
"Jurina, I need to talk to you about something." Takamina made eye contact with the younger girl and thankfully, the younger girl understood.
Jurina and Takamina bowed and took their leave, shutting the door behind them. Silence fell in the room, but not for long.
"When.. When did Yuki started to talk to you about her problems?" Mariko controlled her breathing as she pushed herself up and stood on her two feet.
Yuko eyed the woman in front of her before letting out another sigh.
"Ever since she was in elementary school. She would call Sayaka at times too."
"Why didn't she talk to me instead?"
"The two of you were to busy to make time for her."
"Aren't you busy as well?"
"I am, but I would make time to talk to her. She would call me on random days and we would talk for a while before I probed her about her random call."
Yuko stopped as she headed over to the table and sat herself on it.
Sayaka held back her urge on scolding the petite woman for sitting on the table.
"She would hesitantly tell me about the problems she was having. Of course I asked her, 'Why don't you talk to Mariko or Mii-chan about this?'. She usually shrugged it off and told me that the two of you were busy."
"Same case for me. She would always hesitate because she said she didn't want to bother me about her problems." Sayaka added while Mariko looked at her with a blank expression.
Mariko was recalling back on the times where little Yuki would approach them with a sad or hesitant face but the two would just push her away, saying that they were busy.
As Yuki grew over the years, Yuki became more stoic than before. She never voice her problems to her nor Mii-chan.
"Look, I understand that you're feeling upset and disappointed but trust me when I say Yuki didn't mean it when she say she hated you and Mii-chan."
"Why? Because you know her better than any of us?" Mariko scoffed before throwing a glare at the other woman.
"Mariko." Sayaka squeezed Mariko's shoulder causing the latter to sighed in defeat.
"Sorry." Mariko apologized as Yuko waved the matter off.
"No, but you have to understand this. Yuki has been holding back all these feelings for years. The fact that she said she hates both of you is just on a whim"
Yuko stood up from the table and walked over to Mariko and squeezed both her shoulders.
"Mariko, you need to fix both you and Miichan's relationship with Yuki. She may not say or show it but both of you holds an important place in her heart and you're both a big part of her life regardless of what she faced when she was younger." Yuko smiled warmly at Mariko who gave her a small nod.
"I-I'll need both your help on this.." Sayaka and Yuko flash a reassuring smile at Mariko.
"We'll help you as much as we can." Sayaka grinned as Yuko gave a firm nod.
"Now that this is settled.." Yuko winced in pain as she gently touched her lip that was cut by Mariko's ring when she punched her.
Mariko apologized as Yuko waved it off.
"I did punched you and pressed your buttons to piss you off." Yuko shrugged while Mariko gave her a small laugh.
Haruna sighed at the sight of her wife. She quickly took the first aid box and called her wife over.
Yuko made her way over to Haruna who immediately used a cloth and applied pressure on the wound, causing the later to hissed in pain.
"Nyan nyan~ Not so hard." Yuko pouted while Haruna glared at the former who dropped her cute act.
"I'm sorry for hiding this from you." Haruna stared at the woman in front of her who looked apologetically at her.
"Haruna, Yuki didn't want neither of us to tell anyone that she talked to us about her problems. She actually threaten us." Sayaka sweat-dropped as she recalled the little Yuki doing so.
"I didn't know my daughter was capable of doing so.. How did she threaten the two of you?" Mariko looked at the two with amusement plastered on her face.
"Well, she told us that if we told anyone else then she wouldn't talk to us about anything anymore." Sayaka answered while Yuko nodded her head.
"We really didn't have much of a choice but to agree." Yuko pouted while Sayaka nodded her head in agreement.
Haruna sighed before pinching both of Yuko's cheek, causing the latter to whine in pain.
"Ittai!! Nyan nyan!! Mariko slapped me earlier on!!" Haruna gasped and immediately let go.
"I forgot!" Nyan nyan gently caressed Yuko's cheek.
"I'm sorry." Haruna leaned in a peck both side of the cheeks, lingering longer on the cheek that was punched by Mariko earlier on.
"But you still owe me an explanation." Haruna stared sternly at Yuko who gave her a nod before she grinned like an idiot while Mariko and Sayaka pretended to gag on the lovey-dovey scene.
"Get a room you two." Mariko teased.
"Oi! It's not like you aren't like that with Mii-chan." Yuko retorted while Mariko rolled her eyeballs.
"Oh, should we check on Yuki?" Sayaka asked as Yuko shook her head.
"I believe she would want to be alone. Well, she wouldn't really be alone as Mayu is with her.. But Mayu will be with her.." Yuko started rambling nonsense as Haruna sighed and send a text to Mayu, asking her about Yuki.
She got a reply within 30 seconds.
"Mayu is with Yuki. She was crying but now she's alright." Haruna smiled reassuringly at Mariko who let out a relieve sigh.
Haruna was hesitant but she gathered herself before saying, "Mariko, Yuki might want some space and time alone. I'll inform you if she happens to be staying over at our place."
Mariko absorbed the information and gave the two a tired nod.
"I understand. Help me to take care of her and call me if anything happens." Haruna and Yuko gave her a firm nod while Mariko rubbed her throbbing temples.
"I'll have to explain things to Mii-chan too." Mariko flashed a tired smile to the others.
"Just give Yuki some time to cool her head." Sayaka gave Mariko a small smile.
"I know. I'll talk to her in a few days time. Oh, and sorry for bothering the two of you if Yuki happens to stay over at your place." Mariko bowed a little while Haruna reassured her that it was alright.
"Meanwhile, I'll reflect on my actions." Mariko pumped her fist in the air before staggering backwards with a growled.
"Yuko, you punched me pretty hard too." Mariko complained, causing the latter to laugh.
Sayaka helped Mariko and applied medication on the bruise and soon they all went their separate ways.
Back to MayuYuki had been sobbing on Mayu's shoulder for the past 15 minutes and Mayu tried her best to not show her discomfort as she was leaning over the handbrake for quite some time now.
"Are you feeling better?" Mayu asked as she felt the elder girl stopped sobbing.
Yuki didn't answer but she gave Mayu a small nod which was felt by the latter.
Mayu was about to pull back but Yuki held on tight to her shirt, not letting her move.
"C-Can we stay like this for a while?" Yuki's hoarse voice echoed around the car.
"Just a while more okay? My butt is starting to hurt." Mayu joked, trying to cheer the girl up and Mayu beamed widely when she heard the girl giggled a little.
Over to Kojiyuu"Yuuchan." Haruna called out to her lover who was currently concentrating on driving. Yuko gave a quick glance over to Haruna and squeezed their intertwined hands.
"What is it?" Haruna sighed before releasing her hand from Yuko's and turned to face the window.
"Nothing." Yuko mentally sighed before deciding to stop the car by the roadside and turned on the hazard lights.
Haruna continued to look out the window although the car has stopped moving.
"Nyan nyan."
Yuko got no response from her beloved cat. Yuko ran her hands through her hair before letting out a sigh.
"Kojima Haruna. Look at me." Yuko called out sternly while Haruna turned and stared right into her eyes.
"I know you have a lot of questions in your head."
"Then you should know that I want answers."
Yuko sighed again before taking off her seat belt and turning in her seat to face Haruna, Haruna on the other hand did the same and the two face one another, staring deeply into one another's orbs.
"Like I have told Mariko earlier on. Yuki threaten us and made us promise not to tell anyone about this. I didn't want Yuki to bottle up her emotions and so, when Sayaka accidentally spilled the beans to me that Yuki was also confiding her with her problems. we both decided to not tell anyone about this."
Yuko reached over and held Haruna's hand and gently caressed it.
"I'm really sorry for lying to you. I'm sorry for not telling you about this." Yuko apologized with her head hanging down.
Haruna sighed before lifting Yuko's chin with her finger.
"Yuko. I'm disappointed at the fact that you kept this a secret from me." Haruna stated sternly while Yuko hanged her head again.
"But.." Yuko immediately snapped her head up and stared at Haruna's eyes with her puppy face.
Haruna had to hold the urge to burst out laughing at her expression and luckily she managed to do so. Haruna took a deep breath before restarting her statement.
"But I'm glad that you were there for Yuki. I understand how hard it must have been for her." Haruna stated and she saw Yuko's eyes start to shine.
"A-Am I forgiven?" Yuko asked while Haruna pretended to put on a thinking face.
'I've already forgiven you, silly. I just wanted an explanation.' Haruna thought to herself.
'But I suppose I can get something out of this..' Haruna inwardly smirked.
"But why?" Yuko whined as Haruna turned back in her seat and buckled her seat belt.
"Hmm.. I can forgive you on one condit-." Haruna was cut off but she took a quick glance over to Yuko.
"Anything! Just tell me!" Yuko answered immediately.
Haruna leaned over her seat and whispered huskily into Yuko's ear.
"You've been pretty busy these days.." Haruna started as she kissed Yuko's ear, causing the latter to shiver.
"I-I..." Yuko stuttered while Haruna giggled at Yuko's speechlessness.
"Can we.." Haruna left her sentence hanging as she nibbled on Yuko's ear causing the latter to groan.
"Have our smexy time.." Haruna whispered before blowing into her ear causing Yuko to blush, hard.
Haruna adjusted herself in her seat while Yuko immediately turned off the hazard lights and pulled the hand brakes, driving off at the speed of light.
"Yuuchan! You haven't buckle your seat belt!"
Mayuki~Yuki had asked Mayu to not drive her home and so the younger of the two complied.
After much thought, Mayu decided to drive Yuki to a destination that would hopefully help Yuki calm her raging emotions.
Dojo"Jurina. You've helped Mayu before in handling the dojo right?" Sayaka asked as Jurina nodded her head before she sighed.
'What if I'm unable to run the dojo well. What if I ruined everything that Sayaka-sensei has built over the past few years..'Jurina was lost in thoughts and Sayaka knew that the younger one was having doubts in herself.
"Jurina believe in yourself. If you have any problems or stuff you aren't sure of, you can call me or Mayu at any time."
Jurina nodded her head before she rubbed the back of her neck nervously causing Sayaka to smiled a little before ruffling the former's hair.
'I wonder where's the noisy and confident kid..' Sayaka mentally laughed at the thought.
"Don't worry, Jurina. I believe you'll be able to run the dojo without me and Mayu's help. You need to have some confidence in yourself."
Sayaka gave Jurina a squeeze on her shoulder. Jurina felt her nerves calming down as she heard reassuring words from her mentor.
"Alright. I'll do my best to not disappoint you!" Jurina pumped her fist into the air while Sayaka gave her a wide smile.
Oh my Mayuki~"Where are we going?" Yuki asked as she noticed that they were heading out of town.
"To the beach." Mayu answered nonchalantly as she continued to focus on the road in front of her.
"Oka- Wait, what?" Yuki looked at Mayu with a bewildered expression.
"Don't worry. We'll head back before it gets too late." Mayu flashed a reassuring smile to Yuki who sighed before returning her gaze back to the window.
Marimii too~Mariko had just informed everything Miichan has missed out and the two were feeling guilty at the fact that they didn't make enough time for Yuki.
"Where is Yukirin?" Miichan asked while Mariko explained to the her that their daughter is currently with Mayu.
"Mariko. How can we not notice that we were being ignorant of Yukirin?" Miichan asked as tears streamed down her face.
"I don't know Miichan. All I know is that we should have spent more time with her." Mariko wiped Miichan's tears before leaning for a quick peck.
"But we can make it up to her. At least, that's what Sayaka and Yuko said. But for now, we have to give her time to cool down. We'll text her later on, alright?"
Mariko smiled reassuringly at Miichan who nodded and wrapped her arms around Mariko.
"We'll think of a way to mend our relationship. Yuko and the rest will help us along the way."
Mayuki a~The two had just arrived at the beach with the sun setting soon and Mayu parked her car and got down. Mayu started walking but she stopped when she felt that Yuki wasn't following her.
"Hey. Don't just stand there, let's take a walk." Mayu gestured for Yuki to walk with her.
Yuki stared at her before sighing and walking ahead of Mayu.
The two stood near the waves but not near enough to get them wet. (A/N: No, not
that kind of wet)
Yuki felt herself relaxing as she continued to listen to the sound of waves hitting against the shore.
Mayu smiled a little as she saw Yuki's calm state.
The two stayed silent, one was lost in thoughts while the other was just enjoying the scenery.
"Thank you, Mayu." Yuki broke the silence while Mayu smiled warmly at her before she gave Yuki a confused look.
"What exactly are you thanking me for though.." Mayu asked with her eyebrows furrowed, unsure.
"For not asking me questions and giving me the space I need to sort out my thoughts.. Also for bringing me here. It's soothing and calming." Yuki flashed Mayu a small genuine smile which caused the latter to feel her heart skipped a beat.
Yes, it was just a small smile but it was genuine.
'Wow. She's so pretty. No, scratch that. She looked beautiful.'"I-It's nothing." Mayu rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.
'Cute.' Yuki shook her head and cleared that thought before letting out a sigh.
"You alright?"
"Hmm. Considering the fact that I argued with my mom, no." Yuki answered with a sad smile while Mayu sighed.
"Everything will be fine." Mayu reassured while Yuki could only nod.
Mayu felt a sudden need to wipe that sad smile off that face, and that she remembered.
"Hey, you want to see something?" Mayu's eyes were twinkling mischievously while Yuki stared confusedly at her.
"Oh come on.. Follow me~" Mayu cheered before grabbing Yuki's hand, pulling the latter along with her.
"W-Where are we going?" Yuki asked for the second time of the day.
"You'll see." Mayu winked at Yuki causing the latter to blush.
The two walked to the other side of the beach which was quiet and soon, they were at the entrance of a cave.
"Mayu, are you sure it's safe?" Yuki looked around skeptically as Mayu gave her a nod.
"I come here whenever I feel down or when I have nothing to do. Let's go in!"
Mayu gently guided the reluctant Yuki into the cave and after taking a few hops to stand a rock, there were soon staring out to the beautiful sun setting.

The view was indeed breathtaking. Yuki's eyes shine as she saw the scene unfolded before her eyes.
Mayu grinned at Yuki's expression. "it's beautiful, isn't it?"
Yuki nodded her head before looking at the waves hitting the rocks. That's when she noticed that Mayu was was still holding onto her hand.
"E-Erm." Yuki stuttered and caught Mayu's attention.
Yuki pointed to their intertwined hands and Mayu immediately let go of it.
"Sorry about that, Yu-Kashiwagi-san." Mayu apologized as Yuki stared sternly at Mayu.
"Call me like how you did when we were younger." Mayu stared at Yuki dumbfounded.
"Are you sure?" Yuki gave her a firm nod.
"Okay. I'm sorry about earlier on. I just wanted to show you this place.. Yukirin." Yuki smiled widely at Mayu which caused Mayu to feel her knees weak.
'She looks like a goddess when she smiles..' Mayu slapped her cheeks to snap her out of her thoughts which caused Yuki to look weirdly at her but the latter shrugged it off.
"I would like to apologize for my rude behavior too." Yuki bowed a little while Mayu waved it off.
"It's alright.." Mayu flashed a reassuring smile to Yuki who smiled back.
"Shall we head back? We can go for dinner?" Yuki nodded and agreed to Mayu's suggestion.
Well that's it guys. The photo belongs to it's rightful owner! Oh oh, I'll try to update asap~
Sorry for changing scenes over and over again. I hope it didn't confused some of you!

Oh and guys, for the Kojiyuu smexy time... I'm contemplating on should I write it... My beloved readers, if you want to see Kojiyuu's smexy time, leave a comment.

Anyway, thank you for taking your time to comment guys! Many thanks to the silent readers as well! Love ya lots~
Well then, off I go~