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Author Topic: Jube's OS Collection [140218 - Remnants of Summer (NagiUha) ]  (Read 27150 times)

Offline Rena-chan Daisuki

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Re: (OS) Notice Me, Senpai!! (Riri > NagiUha < Rara) [Part Three]
« Reply #40 on: May 31, 2016, 11:15:52 AM »
Yesssss!!! Feel the pain!!!
 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Love it so much~
Wait @jube well she's ur kami-oshi but something feel so wrong with u saying it...

Offline jubethehare

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Re: (OS) Notice Me, Senpai!! (Riri > NagiUha < Rara) [Part Three]
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2016, 01:29:39 PM »
Wait @jube well she's ur kami-oshi but something feel so wrong with u saying it...

Now that you mention it, me calling her 'kami' is...  :catglare:

Offline fath107

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Re: (OS) Notice Me, Senpai!! (Riri > NagiUha < Rara) [Part Three]
« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2016, 06:19:26 AM »
okay jubethehare-san, i think you should continue this  :angry:

you made me more curious  :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes:

please update really soon!!  :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

Offline jubethehare

  • Comedy and Tragedy with a hint of Festive
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  • 「皆さんが笑ったら私が笑って、私が笑ったら皆が笑う。 永遠にそんなループを世界へ誘いたい。」
Re: (OS) Notice Me, Senpai!! (Riri > NagiUha < Rara) [Part Four]
« Reply #43 on: July 18, 2016, 03:45:58 PM »
Hello and nice to meet you again.  Thanks for reading till part three. 8)

Summer holidays~~!!! Yeesssh! After all those hellish exams I can finally update this fic! Still got some jobs left but, oh well.
This chapter is...well, a bit lacking in comedy compared to the previous chapters. That's to be expected, though.
Hmm and I wonder if it's because the blue color? Even the picture feels a bit melancholic thanks to that. Or was it just me? Well, whatever. Not that I hate melancholy anyway... *nods nods*

Anyways, time to put my ramble aside. Let's get on with the fourth part~
This one from that all-smiley senpai, the kuudere idiot charmer.

Notice ME, Senpai !!
~ Senpai Side: Shibuya Nagisa ~


"Wheeew, what a long day..."

I sighed, hitting my shoulder a few times as I walked down the crowded area of the shopping district. Geez, my body's all sore. There's so many clubs needing help lately so I'd been busy. I should've taken a day-off one of these days, ha ha. Oh yeah, I haven't introduced myself.

The name's Nagisa. Shibuya Nagisa.

Oodora Public High School, 2nd year, also a member of [Rainbow Makers].

Oh? What is [Rainbow Makers], you ask? Well, it's a small club me and some friends back in Osaka made when we were still in Junior High. We simply went around helping anyone in trouble, thus the name 'rainbow' maker. In fact it's also the reason why I'd been helping the other clubs with their need, going around without asking anything in return. Sounds silly, huh? Ha ha, yeah. I know. But even knowing that I couldn't stop myself; even after we all went to separate high schools and I moved to Tokyo I still ended up carrying over that habit.

Thanks to that, I am accustomed to treat everyone in an equally good manner.
So I don't know how to, let's say, hate someone for a long time or do something special to a certain person. Not even to myself.

People tended to see me as a friendly and kind person because of that, but it seemed that habit also had its own down-side...

“You're sighing again.”

Hm? I glanced to my right, seeing someone stared back at me with a worried look.

“What's up? It's not like you to look so down.”

“Huh? Oh, it's nothing. ”

I gave her a big smile.

“Sorry 'bout that, Churi-san. Even though you've gone out of yer way to help me.”

“I told you it's fine. No biggie.”

She waved her hand in dismissal, returning my smile. I chuckled and muttered a quick 'alright', continuing our walk. This girl beside me is Takayanagi Akane, though people mostly called her by her nickname Churi. She's a third year student of Ryuugami High and also the president of its famous choir club. How did I know her? Hmm, now that's a story from one year ago. I was helping my own senior with Oodora choir club back then, being a substitute member since they lacked people. It was the first time I knew about Ryuugami, and how the choir clubs of the two schools had been rivals for ages. But don't worry; it's not a bad kind of rivalry. In fact some of the members were quite close. It was then that my senior Miyuki introduced me to some of her friends from Ryuugami, and much to my own surprise, it was also the moment I met my girlfriend.

Hm? Did I forget to mention it? Yeah, I have a girlfriend. And she's a member of Ryuugami's Choir Club.

Her name is Kitagawa Ryouha.

You see, helping people had turned into something so natural for me; it was just like breathing, and I didn't feel anything particular when I do that. But that wasn't the case with Ryouha. Whenever I see her happy I felt like my own chest would burst from happiness. It's strange because, like I said, I never find anyone special before. So when I'm with her sometimes I didn't know what to do. Hmm, if I have to put it into words...

I want to make her happy.
But not in the same way I make everyone happy.

The problem is, I don't know how and sometimes I ended up making things awkward instead.

Uurgh, it's just so confusing. Thinking about that made my head hurts. Is this why my junior kept calling me hopeless in romance? I shook my head and sighed once again.

“Whoa, you're doing it again.”

I heard Churi-san said beside me and she put her hand to her hip, studying my face.

“Did your date with Ryouha three days ago really go that bad?”

Ugh. I groaned and clenched my face, trying to erase the image of that day from my mind.

“Please don't remind me about it...”

That bad, huh.”

Aah, I want to crawl into a hole and disappear somewhere... Ha ha... I laughed to myself and I could feel Churi-san patted my shoulder in condolence.

“Come on, cheer up~ Isn't that why we're here today? Let's find some good present for your anniversary so you guys can forget about that horrible day.”

She tried to encourage me and I lowered my hands. Yeah. This is no time to be so down. I managed to get Churi-san to help me so I mustn't let this opportunity come to waste. You see, Ryouha and I are keeping our relationship a secret. Among the few people who knew about us was Churi-san, and since she met Ryouha almost everyday in club I guess she knew about her better than anyone else. That's why I asked her to help me looking for present. It's almost a year since I started dating with Ryouha and I wanted to make a surprise for her. So yeah, even me going to the shopping district today was a secret. Besides, ain't they say girls like surprises? So I hope this could make up for it.

The thought of her cheered me up a bit and I looked around, staring at nothing in particular. Huh? Will she find out, you ask? Nah, it's not a problem. I'm an expert in pretending and making lies. I hummed to myself and turned to Churi-san, seeing her grinning.

“Seems like you've cheered up a little.”

“Hmm, I guess?”

“Well then, shall we go get something for you lovebirds?”

I scratched my nose in embarrassment, chuckling.

“Aaactually... I already have something in mind.”

“Really? Then let's take a look.”

I nodded and led her through the many shops lining along the street, stopping by a certain jewelries store. My eyes scanned through the numerous rows of ornaments. Now where is it... I hope it's not sold out yet. Ah, there it is. I approached the glass cover on the far end, staring at the little trinket inside.

It was a pair of matching silver rings, with a small heart carved on it. I planted my hand on the glass and smiled.

“I wonder if Ryouha will like it.”

I quietly whispered to myself, hearing Churi-san giggled beside me.

“Aww, Nagisa~ She'll definitely love it!”

“Really? I never saw her wearing jewelries though.”

“Trust me. It's perfect.”

“...then I'll take yer advice.”

I called over the shop attendant to make my purchase, while Churi-san waited for me outside. I felt my smile widened and I put the small box safely into my pocket, walking out of the store and back to the busy street. Churi-san was there with a mischievous look on her face.

“Now now, stop grinning for a while~ Save your happiness until you give that to her.”

“Eeh? But I'm already so happy right now, ha ha~”

We gave each other a good laugh before she suddenly blinked, pulling her phone out of her pocket. I tilted my head curiously.

“Phone call?”

“Yeah. Hold on a sec.”

She put the phone to her ear, her face grew a bit solemn as the person on the other end talked. I furrowed my brow. Did something happened? I tried to catch the conversation, and then, a certain name entered my ears.

“Wait... Did ya just say 'Ryouha'?”

I muttered under my breath and Churi-san stared back at me with wide eyes, lowering her phone.

“N-nagisa. I think we have to go now.”

“What's wrong?” I clenched my fist, starting to feel a bit uneasy from the look she's giving me.

“Did something happen to Ryou—“

I saw a flash of something familiar in the crowds and I swiftly switched my gaze toward that direction, trying to identify the figure.


She was there standing. Staring at me from afar. I approached her in reflexes, but before I could reach her she suddenly turned away and ran. I quickened my own steps as I saw that, running after her.

“Wait, Ryouha!”

I pushed through the crowds, shoving people out of my way without a single care, reaching my arm toward her.

“Ryouha!“ I caught her left hand, stopping her from escaping. “What's wrong? Why are you running away?”

“L-let go...”

Her voice trembled, her face hidden behind her long strands of hair. I clenched her hand tighter.


“I said let go— “I won't.”

She tried to shake out of my grip but I easily overpowered her, pulling her closer.

“I won't let go until you tell me what's wrong—


I stumbled back a little, a sharp painful force hit my left cheek. My mind went completely blank. I slowly turned my eyes to Ryouha, seeing tears falling down her cheek as her face twisted in pain and anger. She swallowed her breath.

“ it truly is?”

She whispered quietly, her voice hoarse and choked by tears.

“The reason why you always came late... why you're cancelling our meeting at times... was it because of this...?”

Her shaky words painfully struck me and I felt my grip on her hand weakened. My own voice wavered.

“W-what do you mean?”

“...stop playing dumb, Nagi... just how many girls have you been playing?”

What!? I stared at her in disbelief.

“N-no! Ya got it all wrong, Ryouha! I've never—

“ doesn't matter if I couldn't satisfy you, right? still have other girls...”

“No... I don't...”

I felt my own voice stuck in my throat as I saw her painful gaze, and I lowered my head, unable to look into those eyes. My other hand unconsciously clenched the rings in my pocket. I could hear some random whispers and murmurs around us as people started gathering.

“...let's just end this, Nagisa...”

My whole body froze as those words echoed inside my head and I felt her hand slipping away from mine. The world seemed to have stopped right then, only the empty feeling in my hand remained. Her last words lingered in the air.



Empty. Everything is just so empty.

That's how my days felt ever since Ryouha broke up with me that day. I still continued my routine as [Rainbow Makers]; I still smiled and laughed as I usually did, but all of that felt so empty right now. As if my whole life had lost its meaning.

“No. That's wrong. I've always been empty. So what's the different?”

I mulled to myself as I walked down the empty road, staring at nothing in particular.

One week had passed since then. One whole week without her. I spent the first three days in daze, my mind still unable to register what happened. When the realization finally hit me I found myself crying in my sleep, but I hid that fact so well, immersing myself in more works. The next three days I started to wait on the train station, sitting on the same bench she usually sat, waiting until the last train arrived. But I never met her even once. In the end I grew tired of waiting, so I came to this place instead, hoping that I could see her again.

“Ryuugami High School for The Gifted.”

I quietly read the name carved on that magnificent gate before me, approaching the heavily guarded entrance. This place is a private school for the elites and it's not accessible to public, so at most I could only wait for her by the main gate. The security eyed me suspiciously for doing that, and just like I could already guess, one of them approached me.

“Excuse me, miss.” He politely asked. “Can I help you?”

I stared at the man for a while, before giving him my usual bright smile.

“Hello, mister. Naw, I'm just waiting for my...friend. Lesson ended a bit early in my place, y'know~ Summer holiday just 'round the corner and school's been all lax~”

“I see. What school are you from, miss?”

Uh-oh. Will he try to contact my school? I skipped the day so telling him wouldn't be a great idea. Good thing I wore a jacket today so he couldn't see my emblem. I tapped my chin, trying to bluff my way out.

“Eeh, what was the name again? I just transferred recently so kinda forgot...”

He raised a brow at me, and I stole a quick glance at the clock behind him. Just a few more minutes until school's end.

“Can I see your student ID?”

“Of course~ Now where is it...”

I pretended to search around my bag, delaying as much time as possible. Come on, come on, come on. I silently prayed, seeing the guy started to grow a bit impatient.

“Eeh? Where did I put it?”

I made another bluff and the man frowned. He crossed his arms.

“Strange... I swear I have 'em with me...”

“Look, miss. You can't—“

He stopped mid-sentence, his voice drowned by the loud sound of the school bell ringing. The security worker sighed and left, opening the huge gate behind him. Wheew, that was close... I secretly let out my breath in relief, my eyes scanned the crowd trying to find a certain timid girl among the sea of students. More and more of them started to disperse but I couldn't find her anywhere. Did she have club activity today? I silently thought as the last of the student walked out of the gate, my eyes still searching throughout the school's premises. The previous security worker approached me.

“So, miss? Is your friend here?”

“Err, just a moment. She's supposed to be...”

I abruptly stopped as I caught sight of her walking through the school's yard and I instinctively ran toward her.


She flinched, staring back at me in horror.


“That's enough, miss. You're not allowed to enter beyond this point.”

The security held my shoulder, stopping me from entering the school's gate.

“But I—I need to talk to her!”

   “Hey! Who are you?”

Huh? I turned my eyes to the source of the voice, finally aware of the shorter girl standing beside her.

“What do you need from Ryouha-senpai!?”

The girl glared at me dangerously, her tone surprisingly hostile. I clenched my hand as I heard that, unsure of what to say.

“I-I need to talk to her."

"And who are you again?"

"I'm... I'm her girlfriend.”

“Oh really now?”

She crossed her arms, giving me a suspicious look, before she glanced at Ryouha.

“Do you know this person, senpai?”


...huh? I stared at her in disbelief, and she turned around, walking further away into the school area.


“I... I don't... know her...”

I complete lost all of my reason back then and I pushed through the security, feeling more of them coming to stop me. The other Ryuugami girl looked at me with disgust.

“Keep that lunatic away from us, please.”

“Yes, ma'am."

The security workers pushed me away roughly, making me fall to the asphalt in a loud 'thud'.

“We advise you to stay away, miss. Or we might refer to violence.”

I glared at them for a while, before looking away and pushed myself back to my feet. Though how stupid I am I knew I couldn't win against three grown men. So I just left, trying to ignore the painful feeling in my chest as I walked toward the usual train station. I sat down on that bench again, raising my face to stare at the darkened sky. My mind went blank.

“I knew I'd find you here.”

I blinked, hearing a familiar voice beside me. I knew this voice, and I glanced toward the source.

“Hiya, Ririka.” I put on a fake smile for her, letting her sat beside me. "What's up?"

“It's not 'what's up'. Where were you, senpai? It's not like you to skip school.”

“Ha ha, sorry. I just... don't feel like it.”


She looked at me in silence, setting her bag on her lap. I took the time to study her, staring at the bandaids around her arm and head.

“What happened to ya?”


She touched the one on her cheek, a hint of annoyance in her face.

“Some hysteric pipsqueak assaulted me with a golf club.”

I blinked as I heard that, before patting her head a few times.

“Ya have it hard too, huh...”

"You bet I am."

I gave her a light chuckle, before switching my eyes back to the sky. We stayed like that for a while, not saying a single word, before she decided to break it first.

“How long are you going to stay gloomy like that?”

She suddenly said, and I let out another fake laugh.

“Eeh? I ain't gloomy or anything~ I'm fine~”

“Then what is it with that lifeless look on your face?”

She suddenly moved her hand and grabbed me by my cheeks, forcing me to look at her. I didn't answer that time, staring at her angered gaze. She huffed and released her grip.

“Just how long do you think I've known you, senpai?”


I put off my smile and switched my eyes to the ground, staring at the cold concrete.

“Does this unhealthy behavior of yours have something to do with your girlfriend?"

I clenched my hands, trying to keep myself together.

“Yeah, we... We just... kinda broke up..."

“So you're heartbroken now because of that.”

“...ha ha. Ya sure don't sugarcoat it.”

“I don't see the need to. In fact I'll say it to you right now;
you'll eventually forget about her and move on. That's what going to happen.”

I chuckled as I heard that, closing my eyes.

“I don't think it'll be that easy, Ririka.”

“It will.”

“No... It's just... I just...” I sucked my breath, trying to stop the tears that threatened to come out.

“I just love her so much...”

I understood now. This is not emptiness. I guess... this is what they call 'pain'?




“Maybe you do have changed a little.”

I heard Ririka sighed and I reopened my eyes, seeing her already standing and walking toward the edge of the platform. A train waiting just beside her.

“Look, Nagisa-senpai. Summer holiday will start tomorrow. How about you take the time to calm yourself?”

I only flashed her a soft smile and she sighed again, walking into the train. Summer holiday, huh? I chuckled to myself, hearing the screeching sound of the rail as the train left the station.

I wonder if you will be able to forget me by then, Ryouha...


“So this is the place.”

I lowered the piece of paper and put it into my pocket, staring at the simple yet fancy two storey house. This is Ryouha's home. And after being with her for almost year it was the first time I ever come to this place. I even got her address from Churi-san; that fact made me felt uneasy, right until the point where I felt disgusted of myself. I chuckled and stepped forward, reaching my hand toward the door bell. I rang it once and waited. But there was no response. I rang it again a few times but still no luck, so I pulled out my phone, dialing her number.


“Hello? Ryouha, I—“

   --”The number you've called is not available.”

I froze as I heard that, my face fell.

   --”Please leave a message after the tone.”

I took a deep breath, holding my phone tighter.

“Ryouha, I'm in front of your house right now. I'm sorry, I know it's so selfish of me but I... I need to talk to you. Please.”

I couldn't stop my voice from wavering in the end, and I sighed, putting my phone back to my pocket. The road was so empty and I could faintly hear the sound of the cicadas in the air. The hot summer sun burning above my head and I gulped, relieving my dry throat. Beads of sweat started spilling down my forehead and I wiped them off, sighing under my breath. I waited there without moving. At some point my legs started to grow numb and I closed my eyes, humming some random song to distract myself from the sizzling heat.


I reopened my eyes as I heard that, turning into the source of the voice.


“What is it with you?”

...huh? I froze, staring at the girl in front of me. It wasn't Ryouha standing by the gate; it was that girl I met back at Ryuugami High, the one who kept looking at me with that hateful glare. Even now she was there giving me the same look, one hand on her hip while the other one resting against a golf club. I tried to straighten myself, giving her my usual big smile.

“Hello, miss~ We meet again I see, ha ha.”

She looked a bit startled from my friendly greeting, before she deepened her glare. I didn't waver even a bit.

"Say, is Ryouha inside? Will ya be so kind to call her?"

"Well, will YOU be so kind to leave?"

"Eeh, but I can't~ I need ta talk with her."

"We're doing our homework so stop bothering us and leave."

"Then I'll wait."

She looked at me with wide eyes.

"I'll just wait here until yer done with yer homework."

"We won't finish until nighttime."

"It's alright, just take yer time. I won't be goin' anywhere."



"'re so distasteful."

She slammed the gate in front of my face and I closed my eyes, before letting out a sigh. I rested my back against the wall, wiping more sweats dripping down my neck. Come to think of it, how many times had I made Ryouha wait before? Even though this is all started from a misunderstanding I guess I deserved this much. I covered my forehead and looked upward, watching the cloudless sky above. It seemed like even the weather were out to punish me. I swallowed my breath and smiled.

   One, two, three...

I mentally counted, trying to forget the heat.

   Twenty one, twenty two, twenty three...

The high temperature started to make me dizzy and I shook my head.

   One hundred, one hundred and one...

Six hundred and thirty two, six hundred... huh? What was it again? Aah, I don't know anymore. I held my head and laughed. My throat felt sore.




"You're a stubborn one, huh?"

Hm? I opened my eyes and glanced to see that girl by the gate again, still holding her golf club as if threatening me.

"Just how many more hours you intend to wait?"

"Hello~ Yer done with homework?”

“Don't just ignore my question...”

“Sorry, sorry~ Anyways, can ya help me call Ryouha now?"

She gave me a growl and I tilted my head.

"I guess you really are her senior after all. I can't stand you; the two of you."

Senior? I stared at her, trying to decipher her words as she tapped her golf club to the floor lightly. Golf club. Golf club... Ah, could it be? I scratched my head, giving her a quick bow.

"Thanks for taking care of Ririka."


I smiled, pointing at the metal stick.

"It's you, isn't it? The one chasing her out with that?"


"I know she can be a handful at times but that's kinda brutal, ha ha~"

"She deserved it..."

"Yeah, maybe she is."

"I'm still not letting you in."

"Then I'll still be waitin 'ere."

She closed the gate again, but not slamming it like before. I chuckled. She's actually a good kid, I see. I took a deep breath, tapping my finger inside my pocket as I hummed some more songs. My head started throbbing painfully and I closed my eyes again. Ha ha, this is bad. I slid down the wall and crouched. My whole body felt sore.

“Pfft, I should've brought myself a hat. Ha ha~”

I flinched as I felt something dripped on my nose, and I looked up to the sky.

“...or perhaps an umbrella. Yeah, that would be better.”


It's cold... It's cold... It's cold... What time is it now?

I faintly thought, raising my shaky hand to look at my watch. Eight...nine...uuh, what's the number again...? Everything's just so blurry and I couldn't see. I coughed, before letting out a sigh. It's already dark as far as I knew, so it's probably night already.

“You... Are you some kind of an idiot?”

Ah, it's that voice again. It had gotten so familiar now.


I greeted her again for the third time in that day, still giving her that same smile.

"Ya finished...with homework yet?”

“Homewo—grrh, are you nuts!? Who cares about that!”

She lashed out at me, but I simply tilted my head, giving her an oblivious look.

“Don't give me that look! Don't tell me you—you keep standing here without moving!?

“I...told ya I'll wait.”

“It's raining for god's sake! And it's been pouring down for hours!!”

“Yes, so?”

She slapped her face and I could hear her sigh.

“Just, what does Ryouha-senpai see in you...”

“Ha ha, I... wonder about that, too...”

I chuckled, resting my head on the wall to lessen my headache.

“You're right; I'm just an idiot. I'm insensitive... blunt... and hopeless with romance...”


“I even go as far as making her cry...”

I hugged my shivering body tighter. My mouth kept talking on its own.

“I'm so horrible, ain't I? I'm horrible, and that's why... I'll selfishly say that I want to see her one last time...”

I bit my lip, swallowing my voice.

“I want to tell her that I'm sorry... And that even though I'm bad at showing it, I—”

...uh-oh. My mind suddenly felt fuzzy and everything turned black.

   “H-hey! What's wrong with you?”

I could hear the girl's voice faintly, something cold and hard hitting my cheek. Did I collapse down the street? Ha ha, this is strange. And I thought they say an idiot can't catch even a cold? I took a deep breath, trying to calm my rapid breathing.

Hey, Ryouha. I'm sorry.

I know this is all started from a misunderstanding, but perhaps I too have hurt you many times before without knowing it.

You don't need to forgive me if you don't want to.

You can just forget all about me if that'll make you feel better.

But at least, just the very least,
will you listen to my selfishness one more time?

Let me tell you a proper goodbye...

And I love you, Ryouha...

Notice Me, Senpai! : Shibuya Nagisa Side // END >> onto the revelations...
« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 04:59:34 PM by jubethehare »

Offline Rena-chan Daisuki

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Re: (OS) Notice Me, Senpai!! (Riri > NagiUha < Rara) [Part Four]
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2016, 02:18:41 AM »
Eventhough i already know the ending before it's being posted, but still... it's to much!!!!
And u know jube, Nagi's art totally making me want to punch something (っ・д・)三⊃)゚゚)(っ・д・)三⊃)゚゚)

Offline SkyFantasy

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Re: (OS) Notice Me, Senpai!! (Riri > NagiUha < Rara) [Part Four]
« Reply #45 on: July 19, 2016, 11:29:15 AM »
This part also make me feel hurt too. :cry: will it become the bad end?
That Girl is should be Rara,right? I don't think Ryouha will really ignore Nagisa,or she just endure herself?

Sorry for my bad english m(。≧エ≦。)m

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Re: (OS) Notice Me, Senpai!! (Riri > NagiUha < Rara) [Part Four]
« Reply #46 on: July 20, 2016, 02:51:44 AM »
Okay... it seems rara enjoyed herself with ryouha  :banghead:

I'm happy when i know nagi love ryouha so much.. (♡´艸`) she can't forgot about ryouha and i think it's impossible for nagi to move on just like riripon said... (/_;) (move on it's so hard for me too~~~ (ó﹏ò。) )

Uurrrggghh! Could you please give me a break, jube-san? -_- my heartache when i read  "let's just end this, nagisa" 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。

NOOOOOOO!! IT JUST A MISUNDERSTANDING RYOUHAA! (ノД`) please don't say that to nagi :( you're happh with her right? (*´`)

Please update soon, i want to know nagi condition, since she had to standing there for a long-long-long time and had to catch a rain... (/_;)

Anyway~ thanks for your update jube-san. It really made me want to cry hahaha ha~ _ノ乙(、ン、)_ don't make me wait to loong like nagi waiting for ryouha :(( (by the way, nagi pict was so cute!! I like her smile!) (o^^o)♪
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

Offline Janix123

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Re: (OS) Notice Me, Senpai!! (Riri > NagiUha < Rara) [Part Four]
« Reply #47 on: July 20, 2016, 12:22:43 PM »
Gahhh Why do they have to break up? But one would get sad if yhey experienced those kind of things. Rara and Riri is so cute though hehehehe. And Nagi... you really are too kind too peoplr. Hehehehe. I think Ryoha was also outside hiding though but thats just a guess. Hehehe NAGIUHA!!!

Offline jubethehare

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Re: (OS) Notice Me, Senpai!! (Riri > NagiUha < Rara) [Last Part]
« Reply #48 on: September 01, 2016, 10:46:11 AM »
Hello and nice to meet you again.  Thanks for reading all the four sides. 8)

We're reaching the end, everyone~ Whoo-hoo~~! This is it, the conclusion of everything.
I was thinking of writing this way earlier but I didn't have the time, but now that I had finally written this... somehow it felt a bit sad. The heck I'm talking about, ha ha...

On to the comments:

Rena-chan Daisuki >> So said the one who enjoy bullying Nagi the most...  :yawn: Go punch your screen, bro. Ha ha~

SkyFantasy >> Yep, it's Rara indeed. And as what Ryouha really feel... we'll see about that in this part~

fath107 >> A break~? Well~~  :shifty: Oh, Nagi will be fine~ Probably.

Janix123 >> Yeah, NAGIUHA! ...oops, enough of that for now. Ahem. Enjoy the show~

Anyways, are you all ready? Let's get on with the last part~
This one from the four girls, and what would happen to them in the end.

Notice ME, Senpai !!
~ Revelations ~


"It's hot...”

Sutou Ririka muttered quietly under her breath as she glanced upward, one hand above her forehead as she tried to look past the blinding sun ray. She sighed, twirling the umbrella on her other hand as she stepped toward the familiar house in front of her. Today was the beginning of summer holiday and she decided to give her senpai Shibuya Nagisa a visit. Why? Well, that girl just broke up with her girlfriend so she got to be very down by now.


Just as she had planned.

Yes. It was her who made the two girls separated, with a little help from a certain pipsqueak. She did feel a bit guilty making her precious senior went through all the bad experiences but it’s for the best. That being said, she’d take the responsibilities to cheer her up. She had brought some snacks and DVDs of those Owarai shows Nagisa loved so much, and also some other things she believed could lighten the girl’s mood. It wouldn’t be enough of course, but at least it’s good for a start.

Don’t worry, senpai. I’ll bring back your smile.

Ririka silently thought before pushing the door bell, switching the grip on her umbrella and holding it in front of her with both hands. She glanced to the sky once again. The weather turned out to be sizzling hot right now with no cloud in sight, even though the weather forecast said that it would rain hard on the evening. Actually it made sense; with the sun out this much it’ll evaporate enough water for a huge downpour. Perhaps it’s better if she stayed for the night. Hmm. The girl put her hand on her chin, thinking to herself.

“I guess I can do that. Senpai might need some company.”

The girl nodded and resumed her wait, hearing the footsteps coming from the other side of the door. After a while, the door swung open.

“Good afternoon, aunt Shibuya.”

Ririka promptly said, putting on her best smile as she saw the woman by the front door; it was Nagisa’s mother, and Ririka had known her very well. In fact she had been close with the Shibuya family for long that sometimes they treated like part of the family. The woman smiled at her and opened the door wider.

“Why hello there, Ririka-chan. Come in, come in~”

She muttered a quick ‘thank you’ and followed the woman inside, taking off her shoes and heading toward the shoe rack. Her eyes absentmindedly counting the number of shoes.

“Oh my god, what happened to your face, dear?”

Hm? Ririka blinked as she heard the woman gasped, turning to see her worried face. Ah yes, the bruises she got from before hadn’t healed yet. She tried to think up a good excuse.

“I tripped down the stairs back at school when I was carrying some books to the library. But don't worry, they’re just scratches.”

“Thank goodness. Be careful from now on, okay?”

The girl nodded, before putting her shoes on her usual spot on the rack. Her mind focused back to the rack, scanning through them silently. One of senpai’s shoes are missing.

“Nee, auntie. Is Nagisa-senpai not home?”

“Oh. That girl said something about going to a friend’s house. Are you looking for her?”

If I’m not looking for her I won’t be here... She silently thought as she walked to the living room, trying to keep her courteous smile. Seriously, sometimes the Shibuya are just way too airheaded. She sighed and sat down the couch, putting her backpack to the floor.

“Did she leave any message?”

“I believe she didn’t. What, is something wrong, Ririka-chan?”

“Nothing at all. I’m just curious.”

“Hmm. Well, would you like something to drink, dear?”

“Just water, thank you.”

Ririka gave her another smile seeing the woman disappeared into the kitchen. Where are you now, senpai? She pulled out her phone and dialed Nagisa’s number, raising the device to her ear.


No answer.

Ririka narrowed her eyes and tried one more time, only to get the same silence. Weird. She could hear the dial tone so it meant that Nagisa hadn’t turned off her phone or have it ran out of battery. Did she silence her phone by any chance? Or she’s in a condition where she couldn’t answer the call? Hmm, there’s also a possibility that the girl is ignoring her call. But no, she had no reason for that. Ririka put her hand to her chin again, thinking. What happened to her senior now?

“Here’s your drink, sweetie.”

Ririka blinked back to reality as she saw the glass of cold water by the coffee table, letting out another ‘thank you’. The woman smiled and sat beside her on the couch.

“Did you manage to contact her?”

“Yes.” Ririka swiftly bluffed.

“She’s hanging out with some friends and just asked me to join her.”   

“I see. Please remind her to return before dark, okay dear? Oh and I think I hear it’s gonna rain tonight so can you bring over an umbrella for her? I’m sure that child forgot hers. It’s on the usual place by the way.”

Ririka nodded and gulped down her drink, before standing up.

“Got it. See you later, aunt Shibuya.”

“Have fun~”
She gave the woman one last smile before taking the umbrellas with her and walked out the house. Ririka sighed, trying to give her senior another call.


Still no response.

The girl grumbled and quickened her steps. Alright, Ririka. Think. Where could she be? She’s probably still caught up with what happened one week ago so what could she be doing now? Waiting on the train station again? No, it’s not possible. It’s summer holiday so there’s no point in waiting there at least she knew that much. So where else? Think. Think about it. Why did Nagisa wait on the train station in the first place? So that she could meet her girlfriend. So where can she meet her in school holiday?

“Her girlfriend’s house.”

Ririka muttered to herself and stopped on her track, ignoring the stares people giving her as she stood there unblinking in the middle of the sidewalk with her hand to her chin. The possibility is very high of course, but there’s no point if she couldn’t find where the place is. How could she get the address? Who could she ask? The girl hummed as the answer flashed in her mind, browsing through her contact directory. She smirked as she found the one she needed.

Goto Rara.

She dialed the number and put the phone to her ear once again.




   --”The number you've called is not available.”

   --”Please leave a message after the tone.”

“So she blocked my number, I see.”

Ririka tapped her chin again, her brain already spinning to find another way. She could try calling the school and asked for her address but Ryuugami is very strict with their regulation, so the answer would be no.

Think harder, Ririka. Do you know someone with a link to that girl? A link to Ryuugami’s Choir Club…

The captain of Oodora’s Female Kendo Club. Yes, I believe her girlfriend is a member of Oodora’s Choir Club and knows a lot of Ryuugami’s Choir members.”

The studious girl swiped the phonescreen, finding ‘Yamamoto Sayaka’ in her entry and dialed the number. Ririka raised her phone to her ear, waiting impatiently for the call to be connected. She looked up to sky once again, seeing dark clouds started gathering and a distant rumble echoing in the air. She sighed.

“Seems like I need to find a shelter first.”


“...alright. Okay, I understand. Thank you very much.”


Ririka cut off the call and put down her phone to the table. She let out a long sigh, reading the words on a paper she just written. It may took a long time and numerous roundabout call but at last she had acquired the girl’s address. And thankfully she could do it inside a nearby cafe and not under the drenching rain. Come to think of it… The girl glanced out of the window, observing the darkened sky and the loud sound of water drops hitting the ground. Well, that was worse than she thought. It wouldn't be a problem since the cafe is right by the train station, but walking from the next station to the house? Not possible. Even using an umbrella wouldn't help much. She sighed.

“Perhaps I'll wait until the rain quiet down a little.”

The girl sipped her tea, typing and saving the address to her phone. Hmm, shall she call the Shibuya household for now? Maybe her senior had returned home or at least left a message. Ririka shrugged and tapped the directory, but before she could hit the call button, her phone suddenly rang. She blinked and put down her tea cup. Incoming call? The girl quietly stared at the name flaring on the screen, and as she finally realized who it was, her eyes widened.

   --Goto Rara



   --“Ririka!? O-oh, thank goodness it got through!”

Something is wrong. Ririka clenched her phone tightly in her hand, noticing the slight panic in her tone. Somehow she didn't like the sound of this.

“What is it?”

   --“I-it’s her! That idiotic senior of yours!!”


   --“She—s-she waited under the rain for hours and she suddenly passed out and—“

    “Calm down.”

Ririka sternly said, trying to keep her cool herself. She left some money on the table and stood, heading out of the cafe in a rush.

“Where are you now?”

   --”O-on Ryouha-senpai’s place.”

“Listen to me. Get Nagisa-senpai inside and carefully check her condition; temperature, heartbeat, breathing, and send me the result. I'll get there soon.”



Ririka put her phone back to her pocket, ignoring the look people giving her as ran up the train platform, almost tripping by the stairs.

That idiot!

She gritted her teeth, pushing through the crowds and jumping into the train. Countless fear started flooded her mind. This is bad. Did that pipsqueak really say hours? Nagisa-senpai wasn’t home when I got there by noon, does it mean she’s been waiting outside since morning? Under that scorching sun and the rain right after!?

The girl clenched her face with one hand. She wouldn’t be this worried normally since Nagisa had a strong physical fitness, but now? Not a chance. The girl hadn’t been taking a good care of herself for the last week and if she pushed her body even further…   

“Idiot! Stupid stupid idiotic senpai!”

She cursed under her breath, trying to calm herself as she stared out the window, seeing the downpour getting stronger.

“You better be safe when I arrive...”


   --”I’ll get there soon.”



Goto Rara froze as she heard the muted sound, and she slowly lowered her phone. Oh god, oh god, oh god. What should she do now!? She stared at the fallen girl before her in panic, crouching down and taking one of her arm. Oomph, why she has to be such a giant... Rara quietly thought as she tried to carry the girl, trying hard to keep her umbrella on her other hand to cover them both. This is bad. This is very very bad. What should she do now? Ryouha didn't know that this girl had been waiting in front of the house under this crazy weather; she knew that Nagisa came, but Rara had told her that the girl had given up and returned home hours ago. If Ryouha saw her in this condition... Rara shook her head, pushing the front door open and dragging the unconscious girl inside.

“O-okay, what did that weirdo say again? Check her c-condition and—“


She flinched as she heard the familiar voice, glancing at the source.


Rara felt her voice stuck in her throat as she saw the horror in Ryouha's face, seeing the girl stumbling back a little.

“...what... Nagisa...why is she...?”

“R-ryouha-senpai, this is—it's not—“

She paused, her eyes darting around in panic.

“I didn't mean to—she just—”


Rara didn't know what to say. She simply stood there, unable to say nor do anything. I-it's not my fault! I have warned her but this idiot is just— She stared back at her senior, trying to convey those words through her eyes, but it didn't seem to reach her. The girl only gave her the same perplexed look, her trembling hands covering her mouth as she tried to hold back her tears. Rara switched her eyes to the floor. She couldn't take it anymore, seeing into that painful expression. She silently walked past her senior, dragging the unconscious body with her and putting her carefully to the couch. Her own tears threatened to spill.

No. It's not her fault.

It's not her fault. It's not her fault. It's not her fault. It's not her fault.

It's not her fault!!

It is my fault.

Rara sucked her breath, clenching her hands tightly. It is her fault. It is her fault. What has she done? She hurt her precious senior. She lied to her and pushed the blame to another person. And for what end? Only to make her even more hurt. Actually, Rara knew already. She knew. That Ryouha was happier with Nagisa. That the girl had been crying every night ever since they broke up. That Nagisa was probably doing the same. But she just couldn't accept it.

She couldn't accept it. That her senior would spend more time with another person. That one day don't need her anymore and leave her behind.

It wasn't for Ryouha. Everything she did, in the end it was all for herself.

And that realization hit her stronger than anything.

It's my fault... Everything is my—


The loud buzzing shook Rara back to reality and she snapped her eyes to the front door, running toward the wooden structure.

RRRING--- “Ririka!!”

She slammed the door open and shouted on top of her lung, making the short-haired girl on the other end jumped a bit from her sudden exclamation.

“Your senior—“

“Where is she?”

Rara clamped her mouth shut instantly, stepping aside to let the girl in. She followed Ririka back to the living room, seeing a hint of fear reflected on the girl's usually blank expression as she examined her senior. The girl was shivering badly. Her skin had turned pale and her body temperature was keep dropping. Ririka narrowed her eyes, putting one hand near the girl's mouth to check her breathing. 

“It's getting shallow.”

“W-what does that mean? Is that good or bad?”

Ririka didn't answer. She turned her head toward the other girl.

“Are you just going to stand and stare? Kitagawa Ryouha.”

She said the words sternly, glaring at the girl.

“I need your help.”

Ryouha flinched as she heard that, staring at the girl silently, not saying a single word as if she was still mortified by the whole situation. Ririka sighed.

“Rara, get me some dry towel. Quick.”


She gave the perplexed girl another cold stare.

“Keep her skin dry and change her into some warmer clothing. Me and Rara will prepare the hot water and emergency solutions. You can at least do that, right?”

She took the towel from Rara and passed it to the girl.

“Check her condition all the time. If her shivering stops, call the ambulance immediately. Come on, Rara.”

Ryouha could only stare as the two girls left, before she turned her gaze to the figure lying on the couch. Her mind still trying to register what happened. ...huh? What... is going on? Who is that girl? And why is Nagisa... Ryouha clenched the towel tighter. She didn't know what she felt back then. She just drew closer to the girl, wiping the cold water off her pale face silently. Ryouha bit her lip, hearing the quiet incoherent mumbles as the girl shivered under her touch.

“Why, Nagisa...? Why...are you doing this?”

She felt her own hand started to tremble.

“Why can't you just leave? After everything that happened... why can't I...”

Ryouha held her breath, trying to stop her tears.

   “Why can't I come to hate you?”

Why? Why? It's enough already. Nagisa had hurt her enough. She didn't want anything else to do with her, so why? Why can't she forget about her? Why can't she start to hate her?

Why did she still have this feeling? The feeling of wanting to be with her once again.

Ryouha closed her eyes tightly, her one hand covering them as she desperately tried to wipe away her tears.


She gasped as she heard the weak trembling voice.

“I'm sorry...”

“You idiot.”

Ryouha muttered the words softly between her sobs, glaring at the unconscious girl.



Why does she have to love this person so much?

She couldn't understand.

She simply held the girl's hand tightly, silently praying that everything will be fine.

There's still a lot of things she wanted to ask her. A lot of things to tell her. And if they really need to walk the different path in the end, at least, at the very least, she want to hear it herself from her lips.

What truly happened, and what would become of the two of them after everything ends...



.'s heavy.

That was the first thing came to her mind as Shibuya Nagisa groggily opened her eyes, staring  at the unfamiliar ceiling before her. Her sight was still blurry.

Huh? Where is she? Why does her body feel so heavy?

She slowly switched her gaze downward, finding a ridiculous amount of blanket draped over her until it almost formed a small mountain. Nagisa blinked. ...what the heck? Am I still dreaming? She shook her head, but the movement only made her dizzy and she groaned, resting her head back to the pillow.

What happened? She was waiting in front of Ryouha's house, the rain was pouring down, and she passed out. She didn't know anything else after that. The only possibilities was that someone helped her, or things turned for the worse and she didn't survive. Well if that's the case then I really have a lame way to die, ha ha... She quietly laughed, feeling her throat hurting a bit as she let out the sound. If something hurts, that means she's still alive right?


Huh? Nagisa paused, trying to find the source of the voice. This soft familiar voice... could it be...


She didn't manage to finish her sentence as someone suddenly hugged her tightly, so tight that it almost suffocated her. Nagisa blinked once again, her mind fuzzy as she still tried to register what happened.

“Senpai. You're awake.”

Ah. Another familiar voice. She glanced to her right to see her junior Ririka, along with the Ryuugami girl she met before. Were they the one who helped her? Wait, do they know each other in the first place? She wasn't sure. The more she think the more questions appeared in her mind, so Nagisa decided to ignore it. She had enough of headache for the moment.

“Hmph, so much for worrying about you.”

She heard the Ryuugami girl said, seeing her glaring and crossing her arms.

“I should've just let you stay a bit longer under the rain.”

The girl spat, but somehow Nagisa knew that she didn't really mean it. She gave the girl a smile.

“Sorry for making y'all worry...”

“Oh, you better be! Or else I'll make YOU feel sorry.”

Nagisa managed to let out a weak laugh. She turned her attention back to Ryouha, seeing the girl burying her face deep to her shoulder. Her two arms locked around her as if not wanting to let go.

“Ryouha... I...”

“Tell me, Nagi.”

The girl mumbled the words quietly.

“Tell me and be honest... what did you actually do back then... with Churi-san?

...ah. Nagisa chuckled a bit. She couldn't see the girl's face but she knew that Ryouha must have trying hard to hold her tears by now. She's such a crybaby.

“I was looking for a present for ya. And since I'm not sure what to get... I asked Churi-san to help me.”


“It was our anniversary, so I was thinking of giving you a surprise.”

She could feel the grip trembled and Nagisa smiled, putting her arms around the girl and pulling her closer.

“Tell me...”


“Did you ever...go out with another girl?”


“Did around and flirt behind me back?”

“Nah... They just flocking around me without a reason, ha ha~”


“But since Ryou-chan get jealous so easily I'll be careful from now on.”


She chuckled and patted her head softly, feeling the front of her shirt starting to get wet. She could hear the girl quietly sobbed.

“...I'm sorry for hitting you.”

“No, it was my fault.”


“Because I'm such a dense idiot, I never realized that I had hurt you so many times. I'm sorry, Ryouha...”


“Will you forgive me?

“...since you're an idiot... you don't need to apologize...for doing stupid things.”

“Uwaah, that's mean~”

The two girls let out a quiet laugh. Ririka sighed as she saw the scene. It wasn't the outcome that she initially wanted, but it seemed like she had no room to argue this time. Those two were better off together; she couldn't deny it anymore nor she was stubborn enough to try and change that fact. The girl shrugged and about to walk away, before she suddenly felt a small pinch on her left arm. She growled and turned to the person responsible.

“What now, pipsqueak?”

“Hmph. As rude as ever aren't you, weirdo.”

Rara gave her a quick glare, before switching her eyes back to the couple.

“...maybe we should just leave them be.”


“I-I want Ryouha-senpai to be happy. And though how much I hate to admit it, I've never seen her happier than being with that stupid senior of yours.”

Ririka closed her eyes and sighed, a small smile on her face.

“I was about to tell you the same.”


“She's late...”

The girl in the simple white summer dress sighed, tugging on her hat as she glanced around the busy road, searching for someone. It was another typical summerly day and Kitagawa Ryouha was standing there by the bus stop, waiting for that certain someone to arrive.

“I guess that one tendency of hers still hasn't changed.”

She let out a small chuckle, before she saw a figure waving and running toward her from the distance. Ah, there she is.


W-whoa, she's still doing that... Ryouha flinched and shyly returned her wave, her face flushed in embarrassment. The girl finally arrived and gave her her huge trademark grin, and Ryouha huffed.

“S-stop yelling my name like that... It's embarrassing...”

“Eeh? But I like yelling yer name, ha ha~”

She pouted and playfully pinched the girl's cheek.


“Sorry, sorry~ I'm just happy we finally had a proper date on our anniversary.”


Ryouha gave her a small smile and the girl laughed, entwining their hands together. A few days had passed since that incident and Nagisa had completely recovered her health, much to her relief. The two girls had finally reconciled, sharing their side of the stories and taking care of all the misunderstandings. They also made sure to give their apologies to everyone who got caught up in their quarrels, especially Churi, but by doing that they have to reveal their relationship to public. Not that everyone not know about it already. Ryouha was a bit shocked when she heard that at first, and the other choir members had to try hard to stop her from sulking. Maybe it was silly of her to hide that fact in the first place.

Doesn't matter now. It's all's well that ends well.

Ryouha silently thought as she held Nagisa's hand tighter, savoring the warm touch that she hadn't feel for a while. Nagisa tilted her head.

“Ya okay, Ryouha?”

“...yeah. I just...kinda miss holding your hand...

The words ended barely above whisper and Ryouha looked away, trying to hide her flushed face. Nagisa let out a chuckle and scratched her cheek, suddenly feeling embarrassed herself.

“Aah, yeah. Me too. Ha ha~”



“...t-the bus is coming.”

Ryouha quickly changed the topic, turning her attention to the arriving vehicle.

“Let's go—”


Nagisa grasped her hand tighter, keeping the girl in place. The two girls stared at each other silently among the dispersing crowd, ignoring the bus that was quickly filled with people and drove away, leaving the two of them alone by the empty bus stop. Ryouha held her breath, gazing at the unknown emotion reflected in Nagisa's eyes.

“W-what is it?”

“Ya see... about that thing I have for our anniversary...”

Ryouha felt her heartbeat quickened as she saw the serious look on her girlfriend's face, the familiar heat started rising to her own face. It was the same look she saw back then at the aquarium, and the memories of that time didn't help at all. Ryouha gulped, seeing Nagisa pulled out a small box from her pocket and held it tightly between the two of them. The girl took a deep breath, before she finally opened the lid.

"Here. I want to give this to you.”

Ryouha gasped as she saw the matching silver rings, before staring at Nagisa with a mix of joy and disbelief.

“Happy anniversary, Ryouha.”

“...Nagisa, this... I..”

She paused, didn't know what else to say. Nagisa gave her a soft smile, tugging their entwined hands slightly and drawing the girl closer.

“Okay. Now kiss.”


Nagisa screamed and jumped a few feet away, almost dropping the rings, while Ryouha froze, feeling her whole body turned rigid from shock. Their face red in embarrassment.

“Dammit, Ririkaaa!!!”

Nagisa shouted in anger, her heart nearly stopped. She snapped her head toward the culprit.

“You—would cha stop stalking me and appearing outta nowhere!?”

“I don't appear out of nowhere. I've been here for a while but you just didn't notice.”

The short-haired girl plainly said, her face as expressionless as ever.

"And I wasn't stalking you. I just coincidentally meet you here because I also want to go to the same amusement park.”


“Yes, coincidentally. We got two tickets from Churi-san and just happen to choose this same day to go there as you. Isn't that right, Rara?”

'We'? Nagisa raised her brow as she heard that, seeing the Ryuugami girl standing there beside her junior, the same hostile look on her face. Huh, so they do know each other.

“Hmph, I see that you still have a bad taste.”

What? Nagisa could only gave her a dumbfounded look as Rara scolded her, while Ririka sighed and shook her head.

“I agree. Your choice of present is okay, senpai, but giving it here? You could at least wait until the end of your date, when you too are alone in the ferris wheel or watching the fireworks from the distance.“

“S-shut up.”

Nagisa gave her junior a pathetic glare.

“The last time I listened to yer advice everything only turned for the worst. Wait, is it just my imagination or the whole misunderstanding started from—“

“It's just your imagination, senpai. Just your imagination.”

Ririka waved her off and Nagisa growled one more time, putting the box back to her pocket. She glanced at Ryouha, seeing her girlfriend trying to collect herself after the embarrassing moment. Nagisa ruffled her hair.

“Okay, enough of that. Let's go to the amusement park. Hurry, hurry~”

“We still have to wait for the next bus, senpai.”

“I-I know that! Ririka just, grrh, shut up for a sec.”

She walked to the nearby bench and sat, watching Rara and Ririka arguing about something from the corner of her eyes.

“Umm, Nagisa...”

She blinked, seeing Ryouha taking a seat beside her. Her face still looked flustered.

“Thank you... for the present...”

“O-oh. Right. Ha ha, ya like them~?”


“I knew it~ I do have a good taste~”

Nagisa laughed and Ryouha giggled as she heard the statement.



“I also... have a present for you.”

“Eh, really? What is it, what is it~?”

Ryouha didn't answer. She simply smiled, drawing closer to her girlfriend and putting one hand on her shoulder. Nagisa flinched as she felt the girl's soft lips brushing against hers, feeling her whole body tensed from the kiss. She started to relax after a while but the warm touch was already gone, leaving her staring at that beautiful brown eyes she loved so much.

“Happy anniversary, Nagisa.” Ryouha whispered the words quietly, a small lovely smile adorning her face.

“I love you.”

Nagisa let out a small laugh, brushing her finger over her girlfriend soft rosy cheek.


“I love you too, Ryouha...”

Notice Me, Senpai! // END
« Last Edit: September 03, 2016, 06:55:11 AM by jubethehare »

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  • 「皆さんが笑ったら私が笑って、私が笑ったら皆が笑う。 永遠にそんなループを世界へ誘いたい。」
Re: (OS) Notice Me, Senpai!! (Riri > NagiUha < Rara) [Afterwords]
« Reply #49 on: September 06, 2016, 02:31:07 AM » finally ends.


Whoa. :shocked
I never thought I'd really written such a romance comedy. If it's not for Rena-chan Daisuki I probably wouldn't, ha ha. Thanks for reading till the end, everyone. I hope you enjoyed the story. But hey anyways, I have something else to tell.

[Niji no Tsukurikata] got first place in the recent NMB48 Request Hour~!!!
Now how great is that~? So to celebrate it...

I will make another fics for these lovely [Rainbow Makers],
about the other members and maybe the story back in their Junior High.

If you're interested, please stay tune as I bake the plot in my head. And see you again later~~
« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 09:40:43 PM by jubethehare »

Offline jubethehare

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[OS] 夜明けと蛍 ~The Dawn and Fireflies [NagiShu]
« Reply #50 on: December 23, 2016, 06:52:09 PM »
Shu is graduating. I was thinking of writing one-shot about them for a long while, but since Shu is graduating I feel like this is the right moment to make one. Especially after I saw the two dunces crying from their letters to each other. It's really bad for my heart...

At first I was thinking of writing something short and light, but then these vocaloid songs from n-buna played in my playlist... so I ended up with a sad-kinda-bizarre story in the end. Ha ha...

The main song is called 'Yoake to Hotaru' (lit. The Dawn and Fireflies). If you're interested you can listen to it here >> link
The name of the paintings also based on other songs made by n-buna.

All in all, enjoy~


~The Dawn and Fireflies~

I was too entranced by the pale moon

that I failed to see my own feet in the darkness

the stars in the faraway sky suddenly turned blurry

and before I knew it, I fell


The moon was so beautiful.

Its pale white color stood in contrast with the dark night sky, and the girl sighed, closing her eyes.

“What are you doing?”

A voice. She opened her eyes to meet a pair of jet black orbs, mirroring hers.

“Watching the sky.” She plainly answered. “It's so pretty tonight.”

“Pfft, the heck with that? You just tripped and fell down, ain't ya?”

The girl smiled as she heard the comment, taking the hand that was extended toward her.

“Aww, Shu... Can't you let me act cool for a chance?”

She whined as pulled the hand and stood back to her feet, patting her school blazer and skirt that was a bit dirty from her fall. The other girl smirked.

“You call that cool, lying down the asphalt like an idiot?”

“At least the reason can be.”

“Meh.” She released her friend's hand and skipped a few steps away, sticking her tongue out.

“Seriously, Nagi? Yer being too cheesy it gave me goosebumps.”

“Okay. That's it.”

Nagisa tapped her right foot to the ground a few times, smirking. Her eyes locked on her friend. Shu stared back at her for a while, before she furrowed her brows.

“Oh no you don't...”

As she finished her words, the two girls suddenly broke into a run, chasing after each other as they shouted loudly in the empty street.

“The last one to arrive paying for dinner!”


unable to find what I truly want

I keep my head down, hurrying to nowhere

so that even if I fall and people laugh at me

I can pretend not to hear them


“Eeh, next. Shibuya Nagisa-kun.”

“Yes, sir.”

The said girl stood and walked toward the front of the class, taking the piece of paper from her teacher. She flipped the white paper and blinked, staring at the big red circle on the top right corner.

“Amazing score as usual... Are you even studying properly?”

“A ha ha~” The girl scratched her head and laughed.

“I did, but everything just slipped out of my head so easily! Maybe I should put a net on 'em.”

The class turned into a mix of snickers and giggles right after. The teacher sighed as he heard that, hitting her forehead with the rest of the papers lightly.

“Just try harder on the next test.”

“Aye aye, sir!”


Nagisa skipped back to her desk, plopping down the chair with a big smile.

“Whoa, that was worse than math. Yer really suck in Japanese study.”

She glanced as she heard Shu whispered quietly to her ear.

“Want me to help you studying for once?”

Nagisa blinked. She stared at her childhood friend, seeing her usually so cocky expression painted with a bit of worry as the girl leaned forward on her desk. And then she laughed.

“Nah, it's fine~ You have yer own baseball club to worry about.”

“We're on our third year, dumbass. Club activities will end shortly.”

“Is that so?”

Shu grumbled, driving her knuckles to the back of her friend's neck as she felt annoyed by the thoughtless reply. But Nagisa didn't budge. The girl only yelped a bit, before elbowing the desk behind her and hitting Shu square on the gut with it.

Two girls kept whispering insults at each other for the whole session, until the bell rang to signal the lunch break and they both stood. A deadly glare mirroring one another.

And then they laughed.


as I paint the morning with a formless song

I turn toward those shallow summer days

and I'll see your hand, not yet cold

among the pale dawn and glowing fireflies


That place was her sanctuary.

A quiet small place by the edge of the town, where everything would finally move the way she wanted. Just a little stroke of her hand and the world changed according to her desire. She could picture it clearly beforehand, the warm orange mixing with the wave of cold blue undertone, just before she dipped her brush to the palette. Then, and only then, would she truly smiled. Her real genuine smile.

“Yo, Nagi~ Yer working on another piece—whoa, the heck!?”

Nagisa blinked and turned her head, seeing Shu standing by the front door of the warehouse. Her mouth agape.

“Shu! Finally, where's my lunch?”

Her smile quickly turned into a huge grin and she put away her work, scrambling away from the wall to snatch the plastic bag from the newly arrived girl. Shu instantly closed her mouth.

“Hey, hey, back off ya big glutton. There's my lunch in there as well.”

The girl pulled away, earning a pout from Nagisa.

“Who cares, I'm starving here~”

I care! Today's a big practice for my last baseball game so ya think I'm not starving?”


Nagisa clicked her tongue, leaving for the sink on the corner of the room and washed her hands. She saw Shu clearing the paint buckets from the table and put down their lunch.

“I got onigiri and yakisoba bread. Which one you want?”

“Yakisoba.” Nagisa answered as she turned off the faucet. “You didn't buy any takoyaki?”

“Shoyu or ketchup?”

Shu pulled out two paper boxes from the bag and Nagisa pumped her fist to the air.

“Shu. Have I told you how much I love ya?”

“As many as you beg me for food. And don't forget we're splitting the bill.”

Nagisa waved her hand in dismissal and pulled a chair over, reaching for her bread.

“So? What's up with the wall?”


Nagisa blinked, her mouth full as she munched on her meal. Shu raised her right shoulder.

“That one. Yer running out of canvas and finally start painting there?”

“Aah, not really.” The girl plainly answered, taking another bite of her bread.

“Just a change of pace. And I'm thinking of leaving some kind of memories here.”

“That's vandalism, y'know. Heck, even us using this abandoned warehouse is illegal in the first place.”

“Like you even care~”

Shu snorted as she heard the comment, giving her friend a shrug.

“Anyways, what's that supposed to be?”

Nagisa paused and stared at the unfinished painting for a while, before answering.



“Yes, fireflies.” The girl nodded, as if confirming herself.

“Fireflies in the breaking dawn.”

“I see...”

The baseball girl hummed, gazing at the soft blend of colors that was tinted slightly by the sunset streaming down the window. The two girls continued their lunch silently.

“Hey, Nagisa. Did you know?”

“ 'bout what?”

“They said fireflies are actually souls of the soldiers who died in battle.”

Nagisa stood up her chair in a flash.

“Okay, Shu. Out. Out you go. Now.”

Shu nearly bursted out laughing from the reaction.

“Pfft, still pissing yer pants from ghost stories even now?”

“I don't wanna be told by a scardy cat who cried begging not to ride a child rollercoaster.”

“Oi!” Shu slammed her hands to the table, her face red.

“Shut up, you frickin' adrenaline junkie! People will die if they fall down that ride!”

Nagisa smirked, crossing her arms.

“They have safety belts for a reason. And you think ghost can't kill ya? You can't punch or hit 'em for god's sake!”

“But they're not real, you dolt!”

“Just because you haven't seen them—


The two suddenly stopped their outburst and sat back down.

“Okay. Let's finish our lunch for a chance.”


They continued eating. Shu popped open her box of takoyaki as she finished her previous meal, her eyes wandered around the pile of canvas on the other end of the room. A painting of some clothes fluttering on the empty air with a bug flying behind them caught her eyes. She remembered asking Nagisa if it's some kind of invisible lady but no, the girl said, it was called 'The First Train and Kafka'. Shu decided to not question about her painting anymore after turning her head 180 degree searching for their meanings. She knew one thing though; that Nagisa really loved painting. So much that she could feel what's inside the wreck of her friend's imaginative mind and the joy she got from waiting her next piece.

Even when she sucks so bad in other subjects. Speaking of which...

Shu gulped down the takoyaki in her mouth and bent down, retrieving her bag.

“Oh yeah, I just remembered something.”

Nagisa paled as she saw a good heap of books tumbling down from it.

“I promised to help you studying, ain't I?”

The girl stood up her chair again, one hand pointing toward the door.



I've come to see myself as nothing but stain

the things I hate just keep piling up

I feel like leaving to the other side of this world

to that empty station, to meet the 'me' of yesterday


The two girls stood in front of the huge board silently as their eyes searched among the row of names, trying to find their own. Shu let out her breath as she found hers.

“Damn, I barely pass the midterm... I never thought much since our school have escalator system, but next up is college. Find yours already, Nagi?”

“Aah, I didn't pass.” Nagisa plainly answered. “I'm in the last rank. As usual.”

Shu turned her head, staring in disbelief as her friend scratched her cheek.

“Wait, what!? After all those exercises and all-nighters we did?”

Nagisa only nodded.




   “Hey, isn't that the school's biggest dunce?”

Shu flinched as she heard the low whispers behind them.

   “My, you're right. Is she seriously searching for her name? She'll always be the last without question.”

   “I wonder if her family still hoping her to take over the company. Man, she's nothing but a stain to their lineage.”

   “Don't say it like that. If it wasn't for that 'Shibuya' on her name, she won't even be able to enter this school.”

The girl couldn't hold herself anymore.

“Those bastards—!

“Stop it, Shu.”

Nagisa said quietly, her hand wrapped around the girl's wrist to stop her.

“I'm fine.”

“Huh!? Don't give me that, they just—

“I said I'm fine.”

The girl repeated a bit louder, a smile on her face as she gaze at her friend.

“I'm fine. Okay?”

Shu unclenched her hand as she saw the expression. She turned her face to the ground, hearing the soft laughter she knew so well ringing in her ears as the grip on her hand disappeared.

“Aah, it's almost time for the next lesson. We better get back to class, hurry hurry~”


Shu breathed out the answer quietly, trying to raise her face to meet the smiling face of her friend. That painful smiling face that almost like a cry, so different from the one she saw back then, on that small room dyed with countless colors.


each time I look away because my heart aches too much

the sight of you just keep drifting farther and farther

I must have dirtied our dreams by saying goodbye

to that flower we saw blooming in yesterday's sky


It was Sunday. The first weekend after the score announcement of the previous midterm exam, and Shu was walking toward the warehouse with another plastic bag. Nagisa had been painting like usual since that incident, though she had paused the fireflies painting to work on another piece. The new painting was just finished yesterday, a maddening red sky with black criss-crossing grid that resembled wire fence, and Shu could still remembered the girl's face when she revealed the title.

'Transparent Elegy', she quietly said, with a soft small smile that sent a chilling pain to the girl's heart.

Shu had known for long. That Nagisa had been burdened by 'reality' forced by people around her. But in this place, at least in this place, Shu found that the girl too could show her true self without shame. Because this place was her sanctuary; their sanctuary. But even that was near a point of shattering. Perhaps it was selfish of her to ask for these days to continue forever, and that incident had reminded her. They would soon walk out of high school, and from there on nothing would protect them from the harsh 'reality' as they chose their own path. So she had decided. She had to speak with Nagisa. About the future from now and the path she had chosen.

The girl took a deep breath and opened the door.

“Nagisa~ It's lunch time, ya big glutton—

“Oh, Shu! Nice timing.”

Shu froze as she saw the canvas piling atop each other in the middle of the room, her eyes wide in horror.

“Could you help me take the rest? There's just so many of 'em, ha ha~”

“Nagisa... What... are you...”

The girl said the words slowly, her lips trembled as she saw her friend threw another painting to the pile, so carelessly as if they were junks.

“What are you doing, you idiot!?”

Shu yelled atop of her lungs, snatching the white canvas from her friend's grip. Nagisa tilted her head.

“What, you ask? I'm burning 'em down.” The girl plainly said as she snatched the canvas back.

“I'm burning them; every last piece of them.”


“Now it's a 'why'?”

“Stop acting dumb and tell me why you're doing this!”

“But I am dumb, Shu~” The girl sang as the canvas left her hand, hitting the pile with a loud thud.

“That's why I have to focus myself on studying. And these things will only hinder me.”

Shu could only stood there as she saw Nagisa added more and more paintings to the growing lump. She clenched her fists.

“Is that really what you think? Or what your parents told you to think?”

The movement stopped. Nagisa lowered her hand and turned her blank gaze to Shu, her smile disappeared.

“Shut up...”

“So it's true, huh?”

“Shut up!!”

Her voice boomed, echoing among the small room.

“You think I don't know? Yer aiming for the professional baseball league, right?
So what's yer doing, studying hard for college and all—Are you taking a pity on me!?

The girl bent down and clutched her head.

“Chasing after your dream so boastfully, gaining something I could never have... No matter what I do... No matter how hard I try... I just end up failing in everything!“

Shu opened her palms slowly, reaching toward the trembling figure. She could hear the girl's slow quiet sobs, and she gritted her teeth, trying to bite back her own tears.

“Nagisa, I... I didn't mean to... I just...”



The hand touched her shoulder and Nagisa growled.

“I said leave!”

She swung her arm swatted the hand away; Shu flinched as the movement sent her right hand crashing to the broken wooden end of the canvas and she pulled it back quickly, clutching at the bloodied mess. Nagisa froze as she stared at the wound.

“Shu... Your hand...”

“D-don't worry, it's just a scratch. I can still pitch with this.”

She stumbled a step back, her tears trailed down her already wet cheek.

“Pheew, at least the painting is still okay.”


“It's a bit embarrassing but I actually love yer paintings so much. So please don't destroy them, 'kay?”

Nagisa sucked her breath.

“I can't, Shu... It's too late... Way too late...”

The girl turned away and ran, leaving the building with her head hang down. She couldn't do it. It's too late. No, there's no choice for her in the first place. The moment she was born under the name 'Shibuya' she had no choice but to follow the path her family had created for her. She had no freedom to choose her future. Not even once. Even when she painted she knew, that the day where she had part with them would come. So at least she wanted to leave a memory, of that dawn of fireflies where everything started. But she didn't even manage to do that. Trickles of water dropped down her shirt and soon turned into rain, but the girl didn't stop. She kept on running, running to nowhere, hoping to that she could undo time until she reach that summerly nights once again. A blaring sound of some car's horn filled the air and the girl stopped, turning her head toward the blinding light.



I can see the flowers, reflected on the water...

I can see the moon, swaying on the water, and yet...

if I were to paint a sky where summer never come

will you laugh at me, I wonder?

because I still see that daybreak in my dream

when the moon still hanging in the sky


“Come on, Nagi. This way.”

“Wait up, Shu~”

Two voices mingled among the quiet night as two small figures ran through the field, parting tall grasses as they walked. They finally reached a small river and stopped, catching their breath and brushing off stray leaves from their hair.

“Uwaah, we're gonna get scolded...”

“It's fine, it's fine~ Anyways, can you stop pulling my sleeves so hard? It'll tear apart.”

“W-what if there's ghosts!? I won't let you run by yerself!”

“Pfft, you still believe in ghost? You can climb the tallest tree already so yer already a grown-up.”

“Ghost can attack grown-ups as well!”

“Ah. A ghost.”


Shu snickered as she heard her friend screamed. She turned off the flashlight on her hand, but stopped when she felt a strong grip around her neck.

“W-what're ya doing, stupid? Don't turn off the light!”

“Akh—stop it, yer the idiot! If you kill me, I'll be the ghost and hunt you till the end of yer life!”

Nagisa finally agreed to release the girl's neck after she turned the light back. Shu sighed loudly.

“Geez... If we keep the light on they won't come out.”

“The ghost!?”

“No, silly. Fireflies.”

Nagisa blinked as she heard that, tilting her small head.


“Uh-huh. Check this out.”

The smaller girl carefully turned the flashlight off and reached for the fallen branch on the ground. She put on a smug smile, before swishing the branch across the grass. Small dim light fluttered up from the swaying scenery, basking the whole plain in a soft yellowish light.

Nagisa felt her eyes widened from the sight, watching the girl standing among the flickering fireflies, one hand extending toward her.

“Come on. You wanna try calling them too?”

“No wait. Stay there.”


Shu blinked as she heard that, watching as her friend grinned and made a rectangle with her thumbs and index fingers, peering through the gap like some professional cameraman. It's her turn to tilt her head.

“Whatcha doing?”

“Don't move, I said~ I'm saving this scene to my memories so I can paint them.”

“You can paint?”

“Nope. But I'll learn.”

“How convincing...”

Shu said in monotone but she didn't move anyway, letting Nagisa continued her work. After a while the girl nodded and pulled back her hands, while Shu fell to her butt on the grass. She scooted closer to Nagisa.

“So, you gonna put me on yer painting?”

“Huh? Nah, only the fireflies.”

She tackled the girl as Nagisa laughed her heart off, fighting and getting their clothes dirty in the mud until the soft light dissolved with the first ray of the sun rising up the horizon.


if tomorrow comes and I can still draw my breath

I'm sure I'll turn toward those distant summer again

so that I can feel your warm hand once more

among the pale dawn rising from the night


Nagisa opened her eyes.

It's been a while since she saw that dream, a dream from when she was still very young. The start of her very own dream. She took the worn our palette and dibbed her paintbrush. The warehouse she left had grown more deserted, and the half-finished painting on that wall had blurred away that she decided to redo it from scratch.

“Aah, I guess you didn't become a ghost in the end.”

She quietly muttered to no one in particular, applying strokes against strokes on the wall as the color start building up. The jagged surface of the old wall was so rough compared to the canvas she grown accustomed to use for the last three years, and the dirty room was way more cramped than the gallery she owned, but here, she felt like she could paint out her feelings a lot better.

The pale yellowish light of the fireflies seemed to lit back within the artificial sky on that wall, and across the dark field stood a little girl. A huge grin on her face as she stretched one hand forward. Nagisa smiled as she saw the finished painting, and she reached back her hand, stopping as her fingers touched the cold wall.

A tear silently fell down her eyes.

“I'll see you again someday, Shu...”


I'm back here again, to this town where summer yet to come

together with the brilliant night sky and dancing fireflies

The Dawn and Fireflies // END
« Last Edit: December 23, 2016, 08:04:08 PM by jubethehare »

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Re: [OS] 夜明けと蛍 ~The Dawn and Fireflies [NagiShu]
« Reply #51 on: December 23, 2016, 07:09:10 PM »
Shu being the one to hold Nagi up all this time even with the failures in life, she held out until the end :nervous
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline jubethehare

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Re: [OS] 夜明けと蛍 ~The Dawn and Fireflies [NagiShu]
« Reply #52 on: December 23, 2016, 09:03:23 PM »
Shu being the one to hold Nagi up all this time even with the failures in life, she held out until the end :nervous

Yeah... And now I'm just gonna leave these video and pics here because I realized I couldn't see this duo anymore...  :gyaaah:

Offline jubethehare

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[OS] A Change of Pace [NagiUha]
« Reply #53 on: March 11, 2017, 09:43:25 AM »
It was one of those days when I was stuck in my room thanks to the harsh weather outside, no internet, nothing to do.
So I just started writing this. Just a light and short one-shot.


~ A Change of Pace ~

Pitter... patter...

Those were the first sounds Ryouha heard as she woke up that morning.

She tossed and turned, hugging her blanket tighter as she tried to hide her bare feet from the coldness that soon washed over her body.

Pitter, patter. Pitter, patter.

It was all nice and quiet safe for those same repeating sounds, which grew louder and louder every second, and Ryouha finally gave up.

She opened her eyes and blinked a few times, trying to chase away the sleepiness that still lingered in the back of her mind, her gaze fell on the window just a few feet away from her bed. She could see silhouettes of water drops through the small crack of the curtain and silently watched them, noting how they slid down the glass so vividly before being replaced by fresh new ones. She smiled and pushed herself up to a sitting position, her left hand wandered to the empty spot beside her. She blinked again and switched her gaze to the clock on the bedside table.


She slowly stood, draping the ocean blue blanket around her shoulders and took it with her as she left the bedroom. The rain seemed to sound even harder from the living room, probably because she could see them pouring down so harshly from the huge window on the balcony, but she couldn't help giggling a bit as she saw the figure sprawling so lifelessly on the sofa. She tiptoed closer and dropped her blanket over their face.

“Buh—! W-what the—?”

Ryouha laughed as she saw Nagisa sat up in panic, clawing the blanket off her face like a deer caught in headlights. The girl stopped struggling as she finally recognized the simple fabric in her hand, and she turned to see a smiling Ryouha peeking from behind the headrest.

“Good morning, Nagi.”

“Yeah. Mornin'.”

The girl simply answered before she dropped the blanket to the carpet and heaved her body back to the sofa, her head dangled on the arm rest as she let out a sigh. Ryouha blinked as she saw that, pushing off the sofa and leaving toward the kitchen.

“You don't sound too well.”

“Nah, I'm fine. Just bored, that's all.”


She absentmindedly said as she opened the cabinet and took two mugs from the shelf, one with smiling brown puppy and one with grinning calico cat.

“There's nothing good on the TV?”

“I've done surfing the channels for two hours while yer still in the dream land, miss sleeping beauty.”

Cheesy. Ryouha softly laughed and put a spoonful of cocoa powder to both mugs, one added with a pinch of milk and sugar while the other mixed with the rich smell of coffee. She poured hot water over them, taking some time to stir them well before taking the finished blends with her to the sofa. She tapped Nagisa's forehead with the mug and the girl pulled her legs in response, giving her just enough space to sit. Ryouha puffed her cheek as she saw that, and Nagisa blinked, staring at the pouting girl for a while. She finally realized what the girl wanted and she sighed, sitting properly on the sofa and patting the spot beside her.

“You look more angry than bored to me.”

Ryouha muttered as she sat there, handing Nagisa her share of the hot drinks and taking the previously discarded blanket to her lap.

“Did something happen?”

“Not really.” Nagisa sighed loudly.

“I've got a nice plan for this weekend since they said it'll be sunny, but the rain just decides to ruin 'em.”

“That's too bad.”

“Not just too bad; it's a disaster~!”

She let out another long sigh, before taking a good sip of her coffee. Ryouha hummed, eyeing her quietly as she drew her knees up to her chin. She knew that Nagisa was such an outdoor person and getting stuck inside for the whole morning must felt so horrible for her. In fact she never saw Nagisa lounging around the house in her free times; the girl always had a plan, whether going on a trip somewhere or just strolling around the town. It's a big contrast to her, who prefer staying home and doing nothing until the sun set. So today, even though she felt a bit guilty about it, just a bit, she's especially happy because she could spend it with Nagisa, though the girl seemed to think otherwise.

“Ya seem oddly happy 'bout it.”

“I am. Too bad for you.”

Ryouha teasingly said as she rested her head on Nagisa's shoulder, watching the rain pouring even harder outside the window.

“You always have something going on. How about you take this time to relax and get a little change of pace?”

She mouthed the words to the hot beverages in her hands, blowing the surface a bit before sipping the delicious blend. She heard Nagisa whined beside her.

“Aww, c'mon Ryouha~ Doing nothing won't help me relax, it'll do the opposite!”

“You can start by fixing that line of thought.”

She poked her nose, earning another whine. Ryouha smiled and switched her attention back to her drink.

“Besides, you always disappear somewhere every weekends. So of course I'm happy now."

Nagisa paused. She turned her eyes to the girl resting on her shoulder, watching her running her finger over the brim of her mug quietly. She sighed and scratched her head.

“Let me guess. I'm making ya lonely for doing that?”

“Oh, you're learning. But you still need to work on your bluntness.”

“Well, ma'am, I don't mean to be rude but it'll help me if you can be more direct~”

Nagisa scoffed, in a playful pompous way, pulling the girl closer and leaving a quick peck on her cheek. Ryouha huffed and pushed her face away.

“I'll tell ya one. We'll do things your way today but if the weather clears out tomorrow, ya hafta join in my way. Fair enough~?”

Ryouha stared at the smiling Nagisa for a while, considering the offer, before she settled with a light kiss on the girl's lip.



Nagisa laughed, chugging down her coffee in one go and putting her mug on the floor. She always did everything so fast, even drinking; Ryouha couldn't help giggling as she thought about that, savoring her drink in her own slow pace.

“Now,” Nagisa said in a tone deeper than her usual voice.

“Please enlight me with yer way of indoor fun, madam.”

Ryouha laughed, opening her blanket and sharing it with Nagisa.

“Then for your first lesson, let's stay like this for a while.”


“Do nothing.”

She simply said, leaning her weight to the girl's chest.

“Just watching the rain and enjoying the moment.”


Nagisa mouthed out rather hesitantly, moving her arm around the girl's shoulder. She blinked, staring at Ryouha's contented face; her long eyelashes, her hazel brown eyes gazing at the dripping rain, her nose and soft cheeks that blush so easily, and her pinkish lips that was pursed into a small smile. The sight drew a smile to her own face, and Nagisa sighed.

“Maybe you're right.”

She whispered, just for the two of them to hear, her head resting above the girl's as she watched small droplets falling and painting their window with curious blurry images of the sky.

“It's great to have a change of pace once in a while.”   

A Change of Pace // END
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 11:47:41 AM by jubethehare »

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Re: [OS] A Change of Pace [NagiUha]
« Reply #54 on: March 12, 2017, 06:55:30 AM »
UHa being the dagger in all hopes of fun for Nagi although perspective changes everything  :lol:
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline jubethehare

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(OS) Remnants of Summer (NagiUha) [Spoken Part]
« Reply #55 on: February 15, 2018, 06:20:14 AM »
Based on the songs from Yorushika first album: Natsukusa ga Jama wo Suru.

Happy valentine's day, everyone.

Remnants of Summer
~ Spoken Part ~


you know, I actually know what you wanted to say back then

I just don’t think too much about it and end up forgetting it

but I guess I can't go on living blindly like this

reckless yet pessimistic, chasing after my delusion


The clock ticked endlessly. Inside this room, I could hear the distant chattering of people. Whining. Grumbling. Wondering about their own problems.

“And don't forget the deadline for your long-term project. It will be three days from now.”

Another loud simultaneous whine. I took the assignment paper with one hand, not even looking at it as I put it inside my notebook. The larger paper stick out a bit among the lined sheets but I closed the book anyway. The professor wouldn't mind a little crumple.

“Geez, that old man. He's such a bully!”

I glanced to my side. A girl sighing under her breath as she slumped down her chair. She stared back at me.

“He keep giving us assignments while we're still doing those other projects. Does he think his class is the only one we take this semester? Think of the well-being of your students for once, seriously!”

“Well... I heard the other class have it worse. And he's not that picky in giving scores.”

“Whoop, there it is. Thinking positively in a roundabout manner. Trademark: the Ryouha's way.”

“Don't start making my trademark on your own. And I think it's a bit wrong calling me a positive person, Chika.”

The girl grinned and took a blue folder from her bag. I could see papers from different subjects in there, neatly arranged in alphabetical way. Unlike mine. She added the previous assignment into the pile as I put my own belongings inside my bag, before we headed out of this nearly empty class.

“But man, three days from now? Is he blind or does he really enjoy tormenting his students?”

My eyes wandered around me as I listened to her complaints. A pair of students. A boy and a girl chatting happily as they walked. Probably a couple.

“It'll be valentine's day by then! Does he want to work us to the bone on the day of love and kindness? Or is that it? Is that his way of expressing his love to his student!?”

“Maybe it is. You have nothing to do in valentine's anyway.”


Chikako grunted and grabbed her chest.

“That hurts... It's like an arrow just run through my heart in a literal way.”

“Good for you, Chika. That's your Happy Valentine's from me.”

“Thanks, Ryouha. Let's spend that day together by hogging all the discount chocolate.”

“No thanks.”

I smiled and let my eyes wandered again. Out of the window snow had started piling. They blanketed the whole campus ground in white. I let out my breath and put my hand on the cold glass. Staring at the scenery.

“It's winter already, huh?”

“Well, duh. How else could it be snowing?”

I ignored her remark. My eyes froze. Staring at the dim sight from a distant summer. I tried to say something. Hesitant. Before I brought my fingers together.

“Say, Chika. Could you do me a favor?”

“What's that so suddenly? But yeah, sure.”

“It's nothing much. I just need you to hand my assignment to the professor on the 14th.”

I turned at her with a small smile.

“Seems like I can't come to class that day.”


surely if I think ahead to the end of my life

I'll regret not saying all those unspoken words

so until that last day of my life where you don't exist

I will say everything clearly, again and again


“I'll turn my whole self into a cattleya... And give that flower to you. But in the end—”

“What are you singing...?”

I poke my head out the window. She was there. Lying on the grass with pieces of crumpled papers around her. Her humming stopped. I plopped down beside her, lifting a single paper that was covering her face.

“Why, hello again~ Miss Kitagawa Ryouha, is it? Your class is done for today?”

The girl cheerfully answered. A huge smile on her face. I looked away and put the paper back over that smile.

“Yeah... What about you?”

I stuttered. I stuttered a lot. But my stuttering grew even worse around her. She sat up and took the paper to her hand. Her smile never left her face.

“I'm helping a friend to write some lyrics.”

“A music major?”


“That's cheating.”

“Say that to 'em. As for me, I got paid dearly.”

She folded the paper and put it inside her jeans pocket. Chuckling. I sighed and took a crumpled one in my hand, unfolding it.

“You're as sketchy as ever... What major are you actually?”

“I told ya, I'm not enrolled~ I'm a freeter, a freeter. A good for nothing who munch on ya students' pocket money in exchange for petty works.”

The paper was filled with scribbles, barely readable. I unfold a different paper. An unfinished picture of a girl holding a single flower. A cattleya. Her face yet drawn.

“How come you're never caught...”

“Cause nobody ever complained.”

She stood, stretching her back.

“Though if miss righteous student over there gonna report me I'll make my run.”


I gathered the remaining papers and dropped them into the nearby trash can. She tilted her head, both hands in her pockets.

“Hmm. It's just me or you've been following me lately? Do ya need something?”

I didn't answer. Not because I didn't want to. I just didn't know what to say. In the first place, do I really have something to say? I didn't know. I only stared back at her. Unknown feelings swimming in my eyes.

And the hot summer wind blew against our skin.


you know, it's hard to put into words

about how deep the blue sky is

or how high the clouds in the night sky

if only I give it a form and tell you…


It's cold.

I put my hands together, blowing some warmth to them. It's already dark. I guess I'll sleep in the bus until I reach my stop. I took out my phone. A single message was there. It was from Chikako. She had received the assignment I emailed. And blabbering about how she'd fill all my fridge with bitter chocolates. I guess she's a bit mad when I said I'm going to meet up with someone. She'd get over it soon.

The night bus drove by and I stood from the bench. The bus was mostly empty on this time of the year, so I took a seat way back beside the window.

Using my backpack as a makeshift pillow, I hugged myself tight and drifted into a dreamless sleep.


hey, I actually understand that you're no longer here

I guess I'm just stubborn by trying to forget that fact


“So I think the meaning of the passage is this. That concludes the author's intention.”

“At last~ It's finally done~~”

The girl threw her pen away. It bounced over the bookshelves and hit something with a small thud. I could hear someone's grunt at the same time. I looked at her in slight panic.

“Wait. I'll get that later. My head's still hurt from thinking too much.”

She raised her index finger, before standing to her feet and walked to the other chamber. After a while she returned with the said pen in hand.

“Welp, thanks a lot Ryou-chan. I didn't know language studies could be that hard. If I know I should've refused, ha ha.”

“...I bet you wouldn't considering the pay.”

“You got me. Anyways, how much do you want for your share? How's 30% sounds?”

“No thanks, I'm good.”


The girl put her chin on the table. Her arms outstretched like a child.

“Then why're ya keep hanging around a shady character like me? Just tell me already, what do you need?”


“I don't sell drugs, y'know~”

“I-I know that.”

“Really? Thanks fer the baseless trust~”

She let out a chuckle from that. And I felt myself getting annoyed. No. Not annoyed. Embarrased.

“Then what? Don't tell me that ya like me? Like love in the first sight or sumthin~”

I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. Because my breath was stuck in my throat. And my face felt like it was burning. She stared back at me in silence.

“No way, seriously?”

She muttered quietly. A slight of disappointment in her voice.

“What year are you now, first? Ya still have a brighter future than being stuck with someone like me.”


“Or maybe I'm just assuming things.”

Shuffling sounds. The papers disappeared from the table. I could feel a light tap on my shoulder.

“Well then, see ya—”

“The cattleya.”

The warmth on my shoulder remained. And I secretly wished it would never go away.

“The girl in the picture. Who...was it?”

The room grew silent afterwards. Like the library it supposed to be. I heard the cry of the cicadas outside the summerly day. And the touch on my shoulder vanished.

“It was you.”


how about this, I’ll I say it clearly this time

take notes so that you won't forget

'let's meet on the usual train station at 10'

it want to try saying something like that too


I walked down the snowy street. A street that was so empty despite valentine's had come. I guess since it's more on the countryside the celebration wasn't as clamorous as on the city.

I kept on walking. A small bouquet in my hands.

The bus station was right under the hill. And adjacent to it was a single vase lying on the ground. I looked up the hill and to the other end of the street before crossing. The vase was filled with some flowers. Some fresh and some had withered from time. I plucked one flower from the bouquet in my hand and put it inside the vase.

And I closed my eyes, bringing my hands together.


a peony that has lost its petals is no less of a flower

even if summer ends I'll still cherish its memories

I wonder if I can convey those feelings to you

if you were to appear before me on the last day of my life


“You were standing by the side of the road, drenched in rain. In your hand was a red cattleya.”

“Another song?”

I put my chin on her shoulder from behind. She looked up from the paper, glancing at my crumpled face. She laughed.

“What with the long face, something happened at class?”

She cleared the papers from the sofa. And I sat there, putting my back on her shoulder.

“Nothing... just the professor giving us ridiculous assignment like usual...”

“University student sure have it hard, ha ha~”

I pushed my back to crush her. And she let out a playful whine.

“I have to give my best. So I won't become a hopeless adult like you...”

“Ooh~? And who is it that fell in love with this hopeless adult?”

“Shut up...”

I crushed her under my weight again. My hand reaching for a random paper on the coffee table. Just to cover my beet red face.

“Rest assure, I'm no longer a mere freeter. I finally found a job, y'know.”


“Yep. A proper job at a proper company. So looks like I won't need to sleep in a certain student's place anymore~”

She proudly exclaimed. And I tightened my grip on the paper. I didn't want to let it go somehow.

“...good for you.”

“Don't be lonely without me, 'kay?”

“I-I won't...”

My voice got stuck again. She let out another laugh and put her arm around me. Snuggling my face with hers.

“I'm just kidding, sheesh. I'm still gonna stay here. But I really did find a job.”


“The pay was not much though so I'll still be hanging around the campus looking for side jobs.”

“That's why you're making another song?”

“That's right. I'll go selling songs about my girlfriend to other people~

'You were standing by the side of the road, drenched in rain. In your hand was a red cattleya~”

“Shut up already...”

I pouted and pushed her laughing face away. Happy yet annoyed at the same time.

“The drops of water that flowed from you trickled like an evening rain shower. As I saw you cry my hand unconsciously moved. Without a single word, I draw your face on the canvas~”

We spent the rest of the evening like that. Writing more rose-tinted words. Messing around. Just spending our days as any other people would. Now that I think about it, that red cattleya. It was a memory from even a more distant summer. Was I in high school back then? Yeah. I was rejected. Rejected before I even confessed. By the boy who gave me that cattleya out of kindness. It happened a few times before. Since I was never good at speaking my intention. I sewed my mouth shut and let other people took chances ahead of me. I wondered what she thought when she saw me back then.

   --an artist of no great talent, sketching the scenery

   I saw you there sitting on the bus stop beside me

   even just holding a can of drink you look so beautiful

   but as the bus drove away the sight of you disappeared

Was she a student? In the same university I was in right now. What happened to her?

“Hm? You're drowning in yer thought again. What is it?”

I glanced at her. As we lied on the floor of this six-tatami wide room. Her smiling face felt like an endless warmth of summer.


I closed my eyes. Clenching her fingers. I didn't know what to say. Afraid that the words inside me would turn into bubbles. And took her floating away. She clenched my hand back.

“Do you remember the bus stop in this song? The one where we first met.”


“There's a different bus that drove pass the hill. It goes all the way to my hometown.”

I opened my eyes to the ceiling. Clenching her hand even tighter.

“I'll tell you everything about me. And I hope you can tell me everything about you as well.”

“...what's with that cheesy remark?”

“I dunno. Something like a proposal?”

She laughed again. Her hand disappeared from mine. I put one arm above my face. The heat around it started to make me dizzy.

“Come to think of it, it's already summer again. Even night feels hot nowadays. Want something cold to drink? And should I cook dinner while I'm at it?”

I sighed. Yet I was smiling inside. I wondered if she knew that.

“ way, you'll burn the whole kitchen. I'll do that instead. From now on.”


surely until the end of my life I'll sing of my love to you

because I know those times we've spent together are not in vain


“Yes, she was a very good kid. But sometimes it feels like her mind was somewhere else, ya see. Oh no, please don't take me wrong. It's not like she's unsociable. She's a very kind girl. You can't see her stop smiling even a second.”

“I see...”

The old lady smiled. As if seeing something nostalgic in me.

“Are you her friend from the city? How was Shibu-chan doing when she's there?”


I hesitated for a second.

“She's the same as you told me. Always smiling. Always kind.”

“I'm glad to hear that.”

The old lady laughed. A nostalgic laugh. I gave her a quick bow in gratitude.

“Are you going to see her after this? It's very cold up there.”

“Yes. I planned to get there before dark.”

“Then come back here after yer done. I'll prepare some warm nabe and we can talk more about her.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, and this. This.”

She walked inside her house. Before coming out with a bag of oranges.

“Take this and share them with her. Shibu-chan really like this when she was little. She'd keep eating until her whole palms turn yellow.”

She laughed, a bit softly this time. I gave her my smile.

I walked around the small town a bit more until I found the stony staircases. Leading up to another hill where she was. I climbed it slowly. Slowly. Remembering the time I spent with her. Even then I reached the top faster than I expected. I turned around. The view from here was high enough to see the whole town. I could almost see the city where we lived together in the distant. But perhaps it was just my imagination.

The sun started to dye the sky red. And I continued my way to her place.

“Hey. It's been a while.”

I spoke under my breath. Letting the wind carried my voice.

“Do you know what day is it today? It's valentine's day.”

I opened the plastic bag in my hand. Arranging the oranges one by one on the concrete surface.

“I'm sorry but I didn't manage to make any chocolates. There's only flowers. The red cattleya you like so much and some others.”

I put the bouquet beside the oranges. Staring at her name carved on the stone.

“You see, I thought of spending the whole day with you. But my bus got delayed and it's almost night.”

I slid down to the ground. Sitting. My back against the stone. It was cold. Very cold.

“I guess there's no point saying those things now...”

I drew up my knees and hugged them tightly. Tears threatening to escape my eyes.

“It hurts. It hurts so much... I wonder if there any place that sells any replacement heart?”

A small laugh escaped my lips. And with that my tears also fell.

“But that'll be selfish of me, erasing every trace of you from my memories... I don't want that.”

I didn't know what I was talking about anymore. I kept talking. Pouring everything I wanted to tell her. Everything I didn't manage to tell her. My tears kept flowing. And I started humming that song.

“When you walk, the flowers bloom... When you run, the sky cries... When you laugh, I drift back to that distant summer... where I draw your smiling face...”

My tears choked me. Barely holding myself together. Hey, can't we go back? Back to that distant summer. There's still so many things I wanted to tell you. So many things. If I close my eyes right now and fell into a deep slumber, will the world grew brighter? Will this pain disappear? Will I be able to see you again?




It's alright.

I opened my eyes. Her voices echoed from somewhere. Distant. Yet close. Among the dark winter night.

It's alright, already.

You will be fine the way you are.

I guess I was dreaming. Because I could almost see her smiling in front of me.

“What... are you a ghost now?”

She scratched her head. Something she always do when she's embarrassed. And took a seat beside me. Her hand covering above mine. But I couldn't feel anything. Nothing but the cold night wind.

“Are telling me to live on? I know you're going to say that, so I'm not planning to go after you just yet...”

I kept my gaze on the sky. On the night sky. Afraid that if I turned my eyes. She's no longer beside me.

“Ten years from now... Twenty years from now... Even after I've become an old lady... You'll probably laugh by then, but still, will you...wait for me?”

I could hear footsteps walking up the staircase. The ghastly presence beside me fading.

“I'll be leaving for now... Eating some hotpot while talking about your embarrassing childhood with your grandma... But I'll come to see you again... Each year... Every year...”

A flashlight. And the sound of a dog barking. I smiled and gave the ghastly hand one last tug. Kissing my frozen fingers that brushed against hers. It's so warm now.

“See you again, Nagisa... I love you, from now and forever...”


it's still hard to make myself to believe

that you won't be there on the last day of my life

so until then I will give it a voice for you

clearly, more clearly, with everything I have in my heart

Remnants of Summer: spoken part // END

Offline jubethehare

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(OS) Remnants of Summer (NagiUha) [Unspoken Part]
« Reply #56 on: February 15, 2018, 06:36:00 AM »
Remnants of Summer
~ Unspoken Part ~


the me that has become a ghost

will come to bridge the gap between us tomorrow

what should I do afterwards?

I'm sure I won't be able to tell you either way


It's winter. The snow falling down the sky. Piling on the earth and blanketing it in white.

It's already winter. Yet I didn't feel any cold.

I didn't feel anything. I guess that's because I was already dead. But the funny thing I found as a ghost was that I wasn't able to float away. Like those I'd seen in movies. Everything felt almost similar like when I was alive. Except that I didn't need to eat or drink.

Oh, but I can still cool things like phasing through walls. See, if I put my head above an empty plate like this... A beheading!


Right. There's nobody to laugh at my joke anymore. And it's a bad joke.

“But man, three days from now? Is he blind or does he really enjoy tormenting his students?”

Hm? A familiar voice. Isn't that the kansai girl Ryouha close with lately? I followed the voice to the corridor. There they were. Chatting as they walked. I followed beside them.

“It'll be valentine's day by then! Does he want to work us to the bone on the day of love and kindness? Or is that it? Is that his way of expressing his love to his student!?”

“Maybe it is. You have nothing to do in valentine's anyway.”


The girl called Chikako grunted and grabbed her chest.

“That hurts... It's like an arrow just run through my heart in a literal way.”

“Good for you, Chika. That's your Happy Valentine's from me.”

“Thanks, Ryouha. Let's spend that day together by hogging all the discount chocolate.”

“No thanks.”

Ouch. Ryou-chan sure had grown a sharp tongue. She'd always been but it's getting better. Or worse. She didn't even feel guilty for speaking up anymore. Her gaze already turned to the snow piling outside. A trace of her timid self surfaced a little. Turning her voice into soft whisper.

“It's winter already, huh?”

“Well, duh. How else could it be snowing?”

A pause.

“Say, Chika. Could you do me a favor?”

“What's that so suddenly? But yeah, sure.”

“It's nothing much. I just need you to hand my assignment to the professor on the 14th.”

She turned. A painful nostalgic smile on her face.

“Seems like I can't come to class that day.”

I drew my hand toward hers. Wanting to erase that pain. But my body phased through her like mere air. I couldn't touch her or give her comfort anymore. Yet the pain in her eyes had already vanished.


I'm a ghost on my way to see the end of summer

in a world six-tatami mats wide, of a bus stop under the shallow shade

the night cool your hand and you fling a pebble at the light trap

the faint lights of the city blurs along with it


“Let's see... Maybe I can make use of that...”

I heaved my body to the grass. Closing my eyes. A piece of paper above my face to block the sun. I brought myself back to that summer day. A single high school girl, a red cattleya in her hands. One time she was smiling. One time she was crying. I didn't have the courage to reach out. I only watched her from the other side of the bus stop. Unable to do anything. My voice raised up my throat.

“I'll turn my whole self into a cattleya... And give that flower to you. But in the end—”

“What are you singing...?”


That voice. It's her, isn't it? I closed my mouth. Collecting myself. The hot ray of summer entered my view.

“Why, hello again~ Miss Kitagawa Ryouha, is it? Your class is done for today?”

She looked away and put the paper back over my face.

“Yeah... What about you?”

Her voice wavered. Almost in the verge of breaking. I sat up and took the paper from my face. Showing her my best smile.

“I'm helping a friend to write some lyrics.”

“A music major?”


“That's cheating.”

“Say that to 'em. As for me, I got paid dearly.”

I didn't plan it to sound that way. Aloof and greedy. But it's fine. I'd show the world all my bad sides first. I didn't want to hurt anyone later. I folded the lyrics and put it inside my jeans pocket. Chuckling. She sighed and took a crumpled one in her hand, reading through it.

“You're as sketchy as ever... What major are you actually?”

“I told ya, I'm not enrolled~ I'm a freeter, a freeter. A good for nothing who munch on ya students' pocket money in exchange for petty works.”

She put the paper away and unfold a different paper. It was a sketch of her I made. I'm glad I haven't draw the face yet.

“How come you're never caught...”

“Cause nobody ever complained.”

I stood, stretching my back. Ready to flee the scene. In style.

“Though if miss righteous student over there gonna report me I'll make my run.”


She gathered the remaining papers and dropped them into the nearby trash can. I tilted my head, both hands in my pockets. Still playing devious.

“Hmm. It's just me or you've been following me lately? Do ya need something?”

She didn't answer. For a long while. She only stared back at me. A feeling I couldn't comprehend swimming in her brown eyes. Making my chest tightened.

And the hot summer wind blew against our skin.


without showing anything, without saying anything,

even if nobody else realize what you mean, I know

about the blueness of the sky above us as we sit together

and the height of clouds on night sky you always wonder

so you see, it's alright


It's neither warm or cold for me.

But I can see her putting her hands together, blowing some warmth to them. It must be really cold then. What is cold anyway? I was starting to forget the sensation. So I just sat beside her on the bus stop. Hoping that could give her at least a little warmth. Is it impossible to ask?

The sky grew dark. The bus had yet to come. She took out her phone, checking a message on it. I pulled myself back. Giving her some privacy. Strange to hear that from a ghost, huh? But that's just the kind of unreasonable person I was. She chuckled a bit from the message before replying it. It's probably from her friend Chikako.

Finally the night bus drove by and she stood from the bench. The bus was mostly empty on this time of the year, and she took a seat way back beside the window. Using her backpack as a makeshift pillow, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I stared at her sleeping face. The sight I never grew tired of. Even after my death. It frustrated me at first when I could do nothing but watch. Unable to talk with her even when I wanted to. Unable to be seen even when I was here beside her. But it's fine now. It's fine.

As long as she could sleep so peacefully like that. Everything would be fine.


I'm a ghost on my way to visit nostalgic sights

the beach in a distant town, the open air market I saw as a child

my legs grown tired of walking and I waited for the bus on a nearby bench

what should I do afterwards? Why was I even start walking...


“So I think the meaning of the passage is this. That concludes the author's intention.”

“At last~ It's finally done~~”

I threw my pen away. Seems like it flew past the bookshelves and hit someone. I could hear their quiet grunt.

“Wait. I'll get that later. My head's still hurt from thinking too much.”

I raised my index finger before she managed to protest. Standing to my feet, I walked to the other chamber. It was one of my previous client. They gave me an awkward smile and gave the pen back. I took it without another word and returned to my desk. My smile returned.

“Welp, thanks a lot Ryou-chan. I didn't know language studies could be that hard. If I know I should've refused, ha ha.”

“...I bet you wouldn't considering the pay.”

“You got me. Anyways, how much do you want for your share? How's 30% sounds?”

“No thanks, I'm good.”


I put my chin on the table. Stretching my arms like a child. Feigning innocence.

“Then why're ya keep hanging around a shady character like me? Just tell me already, what do you need?”


“I don't sell drugs, y'know~”

“I-I know that.”

“Really? Thanks fer the baseless trust~”

I chuckled despite myself. Feeling happy for no reason. She looked slightly annoyed though. So I tried to lighten the mood.

“Then what? Don't tell me that ya like me? Like love in the first sight or sumthin~”

I said that lightly. Very lightly. Just jokingly. She didn't answer. I stared back at her. At her downcast face.

“No way, seriously?”

The voice escaped my lips in a mutter. Almost in disappointment. Not at her, but at myself. For saying something so selfish so easily like that. I swallowed back my feelings. Before it managed to burst out of my chest.

“What year are you now, first? Ya still have a brighter future than being stuck with someone like me.”


“Or maybe I'm just assuming things.”

I cut our conversation short. Taking all the papers into my hands. I tapped her shoulder lightly as I passed her. Just to make things less awkward.

“Well then, see ya—”

“The cattleya.”

My hand froze in an instant. And I was taken back to that summer day.

“The girl in the picture. Who...was it?”

Aah, I felt like going back there and redo everything all over again. Maybe I could hold her as she cried. And stop myself from falling down this spiral of guilt and doubt. Maybe I'd stop feeling so disgusted of myself. The me that could only watch as everything unfold. For me, for her, for everyone. But here I was facing another crossroad. Surely, I...

The cry of the cicadas filled the room on that summerly day. And I took my hand off her shoulders.

“It was you.”


even if you don't know it,

even if you can't hear me,

even if you will someday forget all about me

I will still be here, watching over you


I walked down the snowy street. A street that was as empty as I remembered them. I saw her walking beside me. A small bouquet in her hands.

It was that bus station right under the hill. The place where everything started and ended. The place where I met and left her. The place where I died.

Adjacent to it was a single vase lying on the ground. Right where a car had ran over me. It was the most cliche and stupid way to die. I was waiting for her as her class ran late. Some children were playing on the street. It's a common sight I saw near my hometown. What I didn't see was a car speeding down the hill. Either drunk driving or its brake was broken. I didn't know for sure. My body just moved to shove those children. And the car hit me instead.

I lost sight of everything after that. Aimlessly wandering the city like the ghost I was. Forgetting even my own identity. I just knew I needed to meet someone. Someone. Somewhere. So I started walking. I didn't know how long had passed until I found her again. And once I did everything flood back to me. But I couldn't even shed tears anymore.

We crossed the street in silence. Staring at the vase filled with flowers. I guess someone did come to mourn my death. I thought they had forgotten about me. About this foolish child who ran away by herself from home, only to come back as ashes. I put my sentiment away for a while. Watching her plucked one flower from the bouquet and put it inside the vase.

She closed her eyes, bringing her hands together. I wondered what kind of prayer she's giving. Thinking that it wouldn't reach me either way, my non-existent heart started to throb painfully.


sitting under the summer shade

the sight of the storm above tugs at my chest

the sky is so high up, isn't it? I whisper

if only I can fly up there and go far away

but I can only fall asleep that night


“You were standing by the side of the road, drenched in rain. In your hand was a red cattleya.”

“Another song?”

A felt a weight on my shoulder. Her hair tickling my cheek. I looked up from the paper, glancing at her crumpled face. I couldn't help laughing.

“What with the long face, something happened at class?”

I cleared the sofa from papers, giving her space to sit. She put her back on my shoulder.

“Nothing... just the professor giving us ridiculous assignment like usual...”

“University student sure have it hard, ha ha~”

She pushed her back at me. I playfully whined, pretended to be crushed.

“I have to give my best. So I won't become a hopeless adult like you...”

“Ooh~? And who is it that fell in love with this hopeless adult?”

“Shut up...”

She pushed her back harder. One hand reaching for a paper on the coffee table. She sat back properly with the white sheet covering her face. I smiled.

“Rest assure, I'm no longer a mere freeter. I finally found a job, y'know.”


“Yep. A proper job at a proper company. So looks like I won't need to sleep in a certain student's place anymore~”

I proudly exclaimed. Her grip on the paper tightened. Just to hide her trembling.

“...good for you.”

“Don't be lonely without me, 'kay?”

“I-I won't...”

I teased her one more time. But it seemed like I went overboard. I snuggled my face to hers before she started crying.

“I'm just kidding, sheesh. I'm still gonna stay here. But I really did find a job.”

She looked up at me with a tough front. Reeling in her tears. I hugged her closer.

“The pay was not much though so I'll still be hanging around the campus looking for side jobs.”

“That's why you're making another song?”

“That's right. I'll go selling songs about my girlfriend to other people~

'You were standing by the side of the road, drenched in rain. In your hand was a red cattleya~”

“Shut up already...”

She pouted and pushed my laughing face away. Looks like she's no longer worried. I continued singing.

“The drops of water that flowed from you trickled like an evening rain shower. As I saw you cry my hand unconsciously moved. Without a single word, I draw your face on the canvas~”

We spent the rest of the evening like that. Writing cheesy lines like some stupid lovebirds. Laughing at each other's words as we lazed around the floor. Just spending our days as any other people would. Now that I think about it, it started from that red cattleya. The moment I saw her holding it as she cried in that distant summer. What happened back then? Why did she cry? Why didn't I do anything?

   --you're crying and I want to know why it won't stop

   if only I could reach out my hand to you

   it's selfish of me but I actually want to talk to you

   but I can only sit there embarrassed, by the bus stop

I thought to myself. And I saw her did the same, lost in her own thought.

“Hm? You're drowning in yer thought again. What is it?”

She glanced at me. As if a spell just brought her back to reality. And I smiled at her. As we lied on the floor of this six-tatami wide room.


She stopped. Closing her eyes. Her hand clenched around my fingers. Tightly. Helplessly.

   --drawing your face over and over, what's left inside me was contempt
   why can't I forget that sight of you in the evening rain?

   choking in my own voice, in this futility and pain

   I was such an idiot, wasn't I?

I clenched her hand back. Giving her and myself an assurance.

“Do you remember the bus stop in this song? The one where we first met.”

I whispered quietly. My voice traveled in the small room.

“There's a different bus that drove pass the hill. It goes all the way to my hometown.”

She opened her eyes and clenched my hand even tighter.

“I'll tell you everything about me. And I hope you can tell me everything about you as well.”

“...what's with that cheesy remark?”

“I dunno. Something like a proposal?”

Again, I said all the important thing so lightly. Followed by a laugh to cover my own embarrassment. Her grip on my hand disappeared. And I released her hand, heading for the kitchen. I didn't glance even once. Afraid to show her my own baffled expression. I bluffed another confidence.

“Come to think of it, it's already summer again. Even night feels hot nowadays. Want something cold to drink? And should I cook dinner while I'm at it?”

She sighed. Yet I knew she was smiling inside.

“ way, you'll burn the whole kitchen. I'll do that instead. From now on.”


the sky we look up as we sit together is so blue

the clouds are so far away, huh? it really is a wonder

so I'm telling you, it's alright

you will be fine the way you are


“Please. Come in, come in.”

“No, it's fine, ma'am. I'll soon be on my way.”

I looked around the scenery. The nostalgic scenery I'd seen many times as a child.

“Shibu-chan wasn't that close with her parents. So she stayed with me most of the time.”

Grandma. It's funny, isn't it? I was always afraid of losing her when I was small. But I left this world ahead of her instead. I watched her speaking for a while. Telling stories. A bright smile that resembled mine on her face.

“Are you her friend from the city? How was Shibu-chan doing when she's there?”


Ryouha paused. I wondered if she's caught in her memories again.

“She's the same as you told me. Always smiling. Always kind.”

“I'm glad to hear that.”

My grandma laughed. A nostalgic laugh. And Ryouha gave her a quick bow in gratitude.

“Are you going to see her after this? It's very cold up there.”

“Yes. I planned to get there before dark.”

“Then come back here after yer done. I'll prepare some warm nabe and we can talk more about her.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, and this. This.”

Grandma walked inside her house, taking out a bag of oranges. Those oranges she grew in her garden. The ones I always helped her carried.

“Take this and share them with her. Shibu-chan really like this when she was little. She'd keep eating until her whole palms turn yellow.”

Then she laughed, a bit softly this time. Ryouha smiled and started walking.

I followed her around the town. My own memories of childhood invaded me. I wanted to show her this before, this part of me. I guess it's too late now. We reached the stony staircases by the end of the road. Leading up to another hill where the small remains of myself left. We climbed it slowly. Slowly. The two of us. Remembering the time we spent together. Even then we reached the top in the end. She turned around, looking at the whole town where I grew up. I used to come here a few times as well. Imagining the city where we came to live together in.

The sun started to dye the sky red. And she continued her way.

“Hey. It's been a while.”

She spoke under her breath. The wind carrying her voice.

“Do you know what day is it today? It's valentine's day.”

Yeah, I know.

She opened the plastic bag in her hand. Arranging the oranges one by one on the concrete surface.

“I'm sorry but I didn't manage to make any chocolates. There's only flowers. The red cattleya you like so much and some others.”

Nah, it's fine. You've been busy and all. Seeing you happy and well are enough for me.

She put the bouquet beside the oranges. Staring at my name carved on the stone. My voice didn't reach her.

“You see, I thought of spending the whole day with you. But my bus got delayed and it's almost night.”

That was the worse, wasn't it? And the bus stop didn't have any proper heater too.

She slid down to the ground. Sitting. Her back against the stone.

“I guess there's no point saying those things now...”


She drew up her knees and hugged them tightly. I clenched my fists.

“It hurts. It hurts so much... I wonder if there any place that sells any replacement heart?”

A small laugh escaped her lips. Her voice trembled as she cried. I couldn't do anything. Nothing at all. Just like that time in the distant summer. Where I could only watch her from afar.

“But that'll be selfish of me, erasing every trace of you from my memories... I don't want that.”

I didn't care. I didn't care. If that could make you happy. If that could make you feel better. Please. Just forget everything about me.

She kept talking. Pouring everything she wanted to say. Something that she didn't manage to say in our time together, and started humming that song

“When you walk, the flowers bloom... When you run, the sky cries... When you laugh, I drift back to that distant summer... where I draw your smiling face...”

It was you. All because of you. That my boring daily life had become so meaningful. Even I... I didn't want to lose those times yet. Because I'm not grown up enough to laugh it off for real. And say I was glad about everything.

But if it's you, I'm sure you'd be fine.

If I could just gather my courage right now. And give you those words.




“It's alright.”

She opened her eyes. My voice somehow reaching her. Distant. Yet close. Among the dark winter night.

“It's alright, already. You will be fine the way you are.”

I guess I was dreaming. Because I could see her staring right back at me.

“What... are you a ghost now?”

She softly laughed. And I scratched my head. Taking a seat beside her. I put my hand above hers. But I couldn't feel anything. Just an empty space. That I could easily pass in a simple push.

“Are telling me to live on? I know you're going to say that, so I'm not planning to go after you just yet...”

I did. I did want to say it. Because I still thought there's brighter future ahead of you. And I'll keep watching over you through it all. I raised my gaze to the night sky.

“Ten years from now... Twenty years from now... Even after I've become an old lady... You'll probably laugh by then, but still, will you...wait for me?”

Laugh, huh? I guess I would. It's the only thing I'm good at. It's hard to imagine her growing even older than me. But that's life. And I'm sure I'll still love her even then. I could hear footsteps walking up the staircase. The quiet moment we're having together slowly fading.

“I'll be leaving for now... Eating some hotpot while talking about your embarrassing childhood with your grandma... But I'll come to see you again... Each year... Every year...”

A flashlight. And the sound of a dog barking. She smiled and gave my ghastly hand one last tug. Kissing her frozen fingers that brushed against mine. The place where she touched felt so warm now.

“See you again, Nagisa... I love you, from now and forever...”

Forever is a very selfish word. But I smiled anyway. Reaching my own fingers to my lips. My figure slowly fading.

I love you too, Ryouha...


the me that has become a ghost

has come to bridge the gap between us

what will come afterwards?

I'm sure you won't be able to see either way

Remnants of Summer: unspoken part // END
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 10:43:11 AM by jubethehare »

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Re: Jube's OS Collection [140218 - Remnants of Summer (NagiUha) ]
« Reply #57 on: November 10, 2019, 05:11:16 PM »

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