Good news, everyone~
I just finished writing chapter 1 and I'm happy to be able to make an update already! I hope I can make up for the time I really lacked on updating...
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the first chapter of
Love is blind @JFC: In this chapter you will have some backstory about Reina's ex-girlfriend. But I don't have a name for that girl, since the whole story around it is relevant for the rest of the story. Hope you enjoy it though
NOTE: Sorry for possible grammar/spelling mistakes
Chapter 1 – Shadows of the pastI slumped onto my seat, totally out of breath. I ran all the way to school and luckily made it into the classroom right as the bell announced the beginning of the class. Trying to catch my breath I rested my head on my arms. Damn, I really needed to get up slightly earlier and stop thinking so much in the morning. A giggle caught my attention and I raised my head to look at the girl sitting on the seat next to me.
„Oh, Reina-chan... when will you be able to not enter the classroom in the last second?“
„Hey, I'm here when the bell is ringing.“
„Yeah... but out of breath and tired from all the running.“
„I'll work on it.“
„Yeah, sure...“
„I really will.“
„You said that about your essay too... did you finish it already?“
„See? I told you~“
„Shut it, Aiko-chan~ I'm really working on it but... everytime I'm sitting in front of that essay, I'm just staring at the paper with a blank mind. I can't think of anything.“
„You mean... you're not interested and distract yourself easily with other stuff that's lying around in your room?“
„Mou~ Aiko-chan!“
„I'm right~“
„No, you're not~“
„So why can't you finish it then?“
„I already told you, I can't think of anything to write. Now can we stop this discussion please?“
„Okay, okay... but I won again~“, she said triumphantly and quietly laughed.
„Whatever“, I replied and weakly smiled.
Aiko Minazuki was like the only friend I had in school. She was honest and had no problem with the fact that I liked girls. She wasn't like the other girls who got scared if I touched them, afraid of that I might come too close. Aiko took care of me since the first day I came to that school. She showed me around, told me about the teachers and lessons and also about which guys and girls I should avoid. Many students at school credited us to have a love affair because we were always around each other. I didn't know if Aiko was uncomfortable with that but until now she hadn't said anything. Probably she just ignored those stupid remarks other students made.
I really had to admit that Aiko was a very cute and adorable person, with beautiful long black hair and hazel eyes but she was younger than me and also a little bit too childish from time to time. Spending time with her could be very straining sometimes, so I was just happy about her being my friend.
I remember one of the conversations Aiko and me had. She had been asking me about what kind of girl would be my type. Well, I easily get drawn in by a mesmerizing smile and intense eyes. If that girl also had a mindblowing personality and a great sense of humor, then I would fall for her for sure. I was aware of the fact that I demanded a great deal of my future-girlfriend but to tell the truth, I was very picky in that case. A girl could be the most beautiful I've ever seen but if she was vain or as thick as two short planks – in the worst case even both – I'd rather remain single than having such a girl on my side. I still had my pride after all.
~~~ ~~~
School had been boring as hell. I yawned and stretched my arms over my head as I walked down the street. My thighs were still slightly hurting, since I kept pinching them during classes in order to stay awake. Geez, I really needed to find another way to keep myself awake... one that wouldn't be that painful and that not caused my thighs to get all red.
„Excuse me, young lady.“
A strong male voice tore me out of my thoughts. I looked at him, recognizing that he was a construction worker.
„What is it?“, I asked him politely.
„The street is closed, you can't pass this way.“
„If you want to go to the middle of the town, you can go through the park.“
„Okay, thank you.“
„Have a nice day, young lady“, the construction worker said and winked.
I forced a smile and turned to make my way towards the park. God, his wink nauseated me somehow. I shivered as I thought about it. Somehow I couldn't stand those men who were winking at each woman they see. It looked so... well, I don't know... as if they could get every woman they want with that weak gesture. It's not like a woman's day would turn out better, if a man winks at her. Maybe for some women but definitely not for me. Even if it's meant in a friendly way.
~~~ ~~~
The soft breeze felt just amazing. I took a deep breath and relished the silence. It was like I escaped from all the noisyness around me. No traffic noises, no annoying child's voices, no dog barking... nothing. That was just the way I liked it. Sometimes I wished I had these moments of complete silence more often. It was just perfect to sort out my thoughts. Believe it or not, I was a very thoughtful person. Lately I had been thinking a lot about what time would bring, always asking myself those obligatory questions that started with 'what if'.
What if I'm not able to get used to my new hometown?
What if I'm not able to make friends due to my sexuality?
What if I fall back into my old patterns of behavior?
What if I... can't fall in love anymore?
This question was the only one that I asked myself over and over again. My last relationship ended in– to transcribe it – a disaster. The girl I fell in love with back then had everything I had been dreaming of. When we met each other, she was kind and loyal, her personality was amazing and she made me laugh. The way she had been treating me had always caused my heart to beat faster and my feelings for her grew stronger with each passing day. After a month of a lovey dovey relationship, her behavior changed rapidly and suddenly she was out of all recognition. She neither answered my text messages nor my calls. Soon I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to talk to her about it. I still remembered the painful sting in my heart as I watched her kissing the guy from our school, who had been – what I found out later – also her ex-boyfriend. As I took her to task, she only said that she never really loved me and that she had been only using me to make her ex-boyfriend jealous. With these words, our relationship ended and she left me bleeding after she tore my heart into millions of pieces.
Since that day I stopped believing in love and wasn't able to trust other girls. No matter how much the girls who wanted to be by my side – or at least said that they wanted to be – tried to convince me that they were really meaning it, I always refused. My fear to get hurt again got the best of me and I kinda built up a wall around my heart and also myself. No other girl ever managed to make break down these walls.
„Please... stop it...“
What was that? I could've sworn I've just heard a female voice. I scanned the surroundings with my eyes, but I couldn't see anybody. Hm... maybe I just imagined that I heard something. I shrugged and continued my way back home.
„Leave me alone... please, I just... want to sit here in peace...“
There it was again! So I didn't imagine it. The voice sounded scared and from what I had been hearing, it was trembling slightly. I started to walk faster, determined to find out what happened to that girl who was obviously in trouble. The voice grew louder with each step I was taking. She had to be right behind the bushes next to me. As I reached the end of the plants, I carefully peeked around them and I discovered a girl, standing in the middle of three guys. She looked like she was about my age, dressed in a grey skirt and a light blue t-shirt, sunglasses hid her eyes. But what caught my attention was, that she visibly trembled and tightly pressed her books against her chest. Suddenly one of the guys took a few steps closer to her.
„Come on... you'll have a date with the most wanted guy in Tokyo.“
The most wanted guy in Tokyo? Don't make me laugh, he looked like a complete retard. The fact that he was wearing some good designer clothes didn't make him to the most wanted guy of the town. I was actually wondering why he was that self-confident.
„I... I don't want to...“, the girl said, slightly backing away from him.
„Can you repeat that? I didn't catch that“, the guy remarked, a self-pleased smile on his lips.
„I... said... I don't want to date you“, the girl repeated slightly louder and a look of shock appeared on her face as her back hit the other two guys who were standing right behind her.
„You don't want to date me?“, he stupidly asked, „well, if that's so...“
He snapped his fingers and his minions grabbed her wrists and upper arms, pulling them behind her back causing her books to thud onto the ground. The poor girl tried free herself from their grip but with each try they only held tighter onto her arms. The other guy took another step forward, his face only a few inches away from hers.
„One last time, girl... will you date me?“
„DAMN, HOW DARE YOU?! NO ONE SAYS NO TO ME!“, he yelled, raising his hand.
*SMACK*The girls sunglasses landed on the ground with a clattering sound as he slapped her across the face. Okay, that was enough. I had to do something, I just couldn't stand there watching that idiot slapping an innocent girl just because she rejected him.
„Will you date me now?“
„N-no... I won't...“, the girl replied, her voice trembled as she spoke.
„HEY!“ I yelled, coming out of my hiding.
The three guys jumped slightly, looking into my direction.
„Who the heck are you?“, the guy with the designer clothes asked, giving me a deprecative look.
„My name doesn't matter“, I said as I approached them, „say... don't you think it's amazingly weak to bother a girl in a threesome?“
„That's none of your business.“
„I don't care if it's something of my business or not! How dare you to raise your hand against a woman?“
„So what??“
„The most wanted guy of Tokyo?? You? Oh, please! The most wanted guy of Tokyo wouldn't slap a girl just to force her to date him!“
He made his way over, stopping in front of me, our bodies a few inches away from each other. I suppressed a laugh, the guy wasn't much taller than me. He shot me a glare, obviously trying to intimidate me but I held his gaze. I could see confusion crossing his face as I didn't made any attempts to back away from him. I crossed my arms and sighed loudly, showing him that he didn't scare me at all. He leaned closer to me, so close that I could feel his disgusting breath on my face.
„This is your last chance to get away without any injuries... stop playing the hero and walk away, pretending you haven't seen anything...“
„Tsk...“, I sneered.
„Don't cry afterwards and say I haven't warned you bef---“
Before he could end his sentence, my forehead hit his with a loud thumping sound. He stumbled backwards, holding his forehead as a look of surprise and pain appeared on his face. A mischievous smile formed on my lips while I watched him to collect himself. He seemed to be a man of huge words but in the end there was nothing behind them.
„You filthy, little bitch!“
With these words leaped towards me, ready to punch me into my face with his fist. I've already seen this coming and briskly ducked, ramming my fist into the pit of his stomach. The guy gasped and coughed as I shoved him away from me, watching him fall onto his knees. I glanced over at his minions who just stood there as if they were frozen.
„You... this was just... luck...“, the guy on the ground gasped, clasping his stomach.
„Oh really? How about this?“, I said as I walked over to him, grabbing his wrist and twisted his arm on his back, causing him to fall over.
„YOU...“, I twisted his arm even more and my knee dug into his back, „OW, DAMN! LET GO!! THAT HURTS!!“
„This is only a taste of your own medicine, you moron!“
„And what if? What you've done to that girl is probably even more pain than you feel right now!“
„P-please... let go...“
„If I let go now, you're going to run as fast as you can! Leave this girl alone and if I ever see you around her again... I'll rip you into pieces!“
„You... you wouldn't do that...“
„Oh, trust me... I would!“, I replied, my voice trembled in anger.
„Okay, okay... you've won... just... please... let me go...“
I slowly released my grip on his wrist and carefully watched him as he got up, rubbing his shoulder. Each muscle in my body was tensed, ready to fend off a possible attack. His right leg twitched and our eyes met as if we started an unuttered staring contest. The guy even lost in this one as he looked away.
„Out... of my sight.“, I said, the tone of my voice threatening.
The guy glanced at me once again before... he suddenly started to run. His companions looked at me and as I made a step towards them, they released the girl and ran off like scared little bunnies. After I made sure they were gone, I quickly made my way over to the girl who was sitting on the ground.
„Hey... are you okay?“, I asked, kneeling down next to her.
„Yeah... thank you...“, she replied quietly, staring onto the ground.
„Don't mention it... I'm happy that you're fine“, I said as I got up, offering her my hand.
The girl didn't react to my offer so I cleared my throat to call her attention to my hand, but she remained motionless. Maybe she was still in shock and had to calm down first. I gave her the time she needed while I collected her books and picked up her sunglasses, carefully cleaning them with my shirt.
„Did you see his face as you said no? It was hilarious“, I said, trying to start a conversation to ease the tension.
„No, I didn't...“
„Does your cheek still hurt?“
„A little...“
„I hope this was the first and last time you had to experience something like this.“
„I hope so, too... and I'm really thankful that you helped me, uh...“
„Reina... Tanaka Reina.“
„Well... thank you, Tanaka-san.“
„As I already said, don't mention it... and just call me Reina, okay? No need to be so formal.“
„Okay... Reina... my name is Eri... Kamei Eri.“
„Kamei Eri... a very sonorous name“, I remarked and smiled.
„Thank you.“
„Well, Kamei-san---“
„Eri...“, I repeated and got up, „give me your hand.“
„Eh? Why?“
„Do you want to sit there on the ground forever?“
„No... sorry...“
„It's okay. Here, take my hand.“
„Is... your hand left or right from me?“
Left or right from her? What kind of question was that? My hand was right in front of her face, why didn't she see it? And also... why didn't she look at me for once since we started to talk to each other? Somehow this girl was... strange.
„Where exactly is your hand?“
„It's right in front of you! Geez, are you---“
Suddenly Eri lifted her head and looked at me.
„Blind? Yes...“
I quietly gasped and clapsed my hand over my mouth as I looked into her eyes. Her eyes were hazy and posessed a shade of gray, mixed with a faint white. For a few moments I just stared into her eyes before I realized something... even though her eyes were like this, obviously marked by her blindness... they still had something intense and expressive in it.
To be continued...Well, that's it for chapter 1. I hope you guys enjoyed reading. Chapter 2 is on its way... don't worry, I was so into my writing I didn't even realize that I already started chapter 2