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Author Topic: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 1/5/13 OTP trial  (Read 74819 times)

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 9/29
« Reply #220 on: September 30, 2012, 12:52:46 PM »
kuro,  are you intending to make all the qki into normal human beings with special abilities? (if so, i kinda like the idea :) )

sort of but not all do have, just seemingly working through their links
oh i see... makes them feel so mutated but anyway, look forward for your next update sia  :).

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 10/2
« Reply #221 on: October 03, 2012, 09:20:39 AM »
@yellow the general idea :lol: :lol:

I wonder if Niigaki is still here.

That filled her mind, she wanted to seek her again, that was the final act to take down her.  Kanon looked up at the building before entering.  She pressed the up button and waited for the door to open.  Kanon took a step back before the door opened.  She began to fill a slight chill along her arms while the elevator arrived to her floor.

“Zukki, welcome home.”  The voice was warm compared to her last meeting.  She knew who it belong to but to react to that voice was her indication if she was forgiving.

“Niigaki, I have a problem.”  The woman dragged her into the elevator without asking.

Kanon observed the hand moved to each floor before it stopped at the second to last number.  She knew that five was a number that many wouldn’t assume of her lair but it always gave a great view of the street below.  The girl ran to the window, wooing with each step, observing the people walking below.

“Do you want your power back?”  Kanon shook her head immediately.  “Then why do you need my help?”

“Ai is with Riho-chan.  Aren’t you afraid?”  Risa’s smirk caught the girl by surprise.  Kanon expected her to show worry but that smirk gave away her acknowledgment of the situation.

“Take a juice box and leave.”  Risa commanded as she plopped her body onto the couch with the television blinking black and white picture across the screen.

Kanon pouted as she headed towards the refrigerator, a second later, she snapped her wrist toward the woman, catching Risa by surprise.  Risa threw a sphere back at Kanon nailing the sink.  Water shot out of the faucet hitting everywhere but the two competitors.  Kanon ran toward the window, pressing her arms onto the glass, waiting for the next move.  Her weight was pulled towards the outside.

“See ya later.”  Risa cocked her arm back releasing the last orb but it was too late, she was floating to the pavement, before a loud thump traveled through her ears.

She looked down at where she would be, no blood was around her, it seemed like a miracle that there were no wounds but she suddenly remembered about Riho spilling that container, the plasma that crawled away before Niigaki’s eyes, it was the only explanation, and suddenly Kanon flipped herself over.

“No way.”  She commented as Kanon looked straight up.  “It supposed to reject everyone including the previous owner.”

Kanon elevated herself up to Niigaki.  The fear was evident as she took a few steps back but instead of pursuing the target, she flew east.  Risa backpedaled to the couch, feeling her heart pulled out of her chest as she only viewed the broken window with a tingle in her arm.

Riho calmly felt the doorknob in hand as she twisted it to open the room where Ai was crouched over looking at her computer screen.  Her eyes trailing every word like an electrical reader processing hundreds of words per minute.  Ai peeked over to find Riho with her hands behind her back patient as usual for her to fix her eyes on her.

“Mama knows too much.”  She mumbled as she went back to her computer screen.

“I know.”  She admitted as the ends of her lips curled.  “I have an issue though.”

“Mama used to have another student before you and loved her as much but she couldn’t handle her motherly love as well as you do.”  She spoke with her concentration on the screen but Riho managed to move closer.

“That wasn’t the question, I was looking for.”  She flipped the screen around, to notice a plan lay out.

“… Do you think Risa is dangerous?”  Ai’s slight stutter gave away her demeanor.

“Mama wouldn’t hurt me as long as she doesn’t send the other person over.”  The last word that exited her mouth brought in a gust.

“We meet again.”  A smile met with another before Ai escaped the first attack.
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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 10/2
« Reply #222 on: October 03, 2012, 04:18:12 PM »
so risa is the giver of their power?!  :shocked

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 10/2
« Reply #223 on: October 03, 2012, 06:08:00 PM »
so risa is the giver of their power?!  :shocked

possessor of powers but not a good one to keep them safe :lol:
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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 10/2
« Reply #224 on: October 04, 2012, 03:07:02 AM »
so risa is the giver of their power?!  :shocked

possessor of powers but not a good one to keep them safe :lol:
indeed  XD

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 11/22
« Reply #225 on: November 23, 2012, 10:42:41 AM »
Kamei Eri had a weird personality.  Many didn’t understand her, many didn’t try.  She was left alone most of the time as the class would leave.  Being alone was normal, maybe not to everyone else.

She tried not to trouble herself with the issue with people, people had their own issues to solve so reason to avoid Eri.  Kamei’s name had the kanji for turtle but she wasn’t slow in physical events but to understand the world around her.  Perhaps the world seemed to revolve around her or what she had hoped that was the case.

One day as she was left alone in her seat last row a seat away from the window, she looked at the overcast skies above and the playground below.  She crossed her arms and slouched down in her chair as her classmates laughed and had their fun.  However, a girl calmly walked up to the turtle holding a library book in hand and took her attention away from the outside world.

“Hello.”  She whispered.

“Hello.”  Eri greeted as the girl took the seat to the right of her.

“It doesn’t seem fun outside with the gray clouds coming.”

“Do you think it will rain?”  Eri asked as she grasped the bag handle.  “If that’s the case, I’ll head to the library.”

“Eri-chan…”  She spoke to her causing the turtle to swing her head back quickly.


“I want you to know that I want to be your friend.”  She murmured.  “I saw your trick online yesterday.”

Eri smiled at the girl.  It was great to hear that someone saw her tricks online but it didn’t seem convincing to her that she was a fan.  Eri placed her bag on the floor and took out an empty juice bottle.  She tossed it backwards into the recycling bin.  Taking a few steps forward, the clanging broke the silence in the room as the girl grabbed the bottle from the ground and released it with her back towards the bin.  The clanging of the bottom of the bin brought a smile to the girl.


“Incredible shot.”  Eri congratulated.  “Did you know…?”

“It took you 245 shots, correct.”  She interrupted.

“Yeah… That trick was the hardest of them all.”

“You mentioned that on the video.”

Eri was amused that she knew about her antics.  It seemed awkward to talk about it outside of her home but she wanted to find a true believer.  Eri grabbed the girl and dragged her out of the classroom to take her to the next room.

“May I know your name?”

“Takahashi Ai, number one fan of Kamei’s special tricks.”

“You are actually number two.”

“I should be number one.”  She replied.

“Well… my friend is number one but she has been hanging around with another girl she likes.”

“If I ask you out, will I be number one?”

“Maybe…”  Eri showed a smirk as Ai punched the turtle in the arm.

“You have a cute smile, but an aho on camera.”  Ai felt the counter punch and fell to the floor laughing.

Eri wasn’t sure if it was a compliment or a put down but Ai was honest about the turtle and that was the only reason to give her a shot at love.  Hopefully, it wasn’t only her trying to impress.
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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 11/22
« Reply #226 on: November 23, 2012, 11:58:21 AM »
thanks for the AiEri  :grin:

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 11/25
« Reply #227 on: November 25, 2012, 12:14:47 PM »
The sun peered through the window with the breeze brushing her bangs over to her left.  Awakening to the morning sun, Sayu turned her head towards the window, ready to close it with the instant chill coming throughout the room.  She was accustomed with the windows closed with her past history of sickness but her head was sometimes like a brick wall and letting it bounce once wouldn’t crack open her memory bank.  However, the nights did present a great reason to open the window slightly to avoid suffocating from the fumes of her life.

The story of her present life started nine years ago, when a transfer student came to her school.  She was a petite figure with straight, shoulder blade length hair with a cute slim fitting face that had the name Reina.  Sayu was never fully involved with the student body at the time and it was no issue with that among the group until she was assigned to guide her around.  Being furious with the decision, she dragged her to every part of the school with intention of deserting her somewhere between the next class and lunch but she seemed calm rather than the obnoxious people she would find annoying when they are new to the school.

Right at the next corner, Sayu turned into the bad side of school, the people who usually cut out and hang with a cigarette hanging between their lips or show public display of affection regardless of location.  She froze as she looked at the group and calmly turned back but she felt a hand upon her shoulder and turned back to them as a yellow teethed grin welcome her.

“Sayu-chan has come to our side of the school.”  She said as the puff of smoke blew into her face.  “You must be lost.”

Sayu didn’t care to answer her and tried to escape but she got a handful of her silky black hair and dragged her back to their hiding place.  The group disorganized laughing meant trouble for her.  She pressed onto the table with no way out and closed her eyes mumbling out a quick prayer.  The sound of blades causing friction entered her ears and she started to shine with ground clamping her body down to a table until the door collapsing to the ground broke their concentration.  Sayu could only see her face with the light behind her, holding a kendo stick in the air pointing towards the captor.  The first two cronies had no opportunity to protect themselves as two blows knock them out cold.

“Little girl has skills.”  She commented as the scissors turned towards her with the wall of cronies protecting her. 

Sayu watched the kendo stick’s tip hit twice on the ground.  The wall broke as she charged towards her.  She quickly disarmed her with one swipe of the wooden weapon and thrust forward into the midsection.  Sayu turned to view the face and she felt her jaw hit the ground.  She jammed her into the wall until she surrendered.

“Maria!  Never thought you would face me again.”  Reina commented as the stick rose to below her chin, lifting it to gently press onto her windpipe.

“I never thought you would transfer here, Reina.”  She breathed as she held the stick trying to release the grip.

“I guess you thought wrong.”  Reina said with a smile as she removed the tip from her and signaled her to leave the room with her goons.

The group escaped Reina’s persecution without mumbling a word.  Sayu was lifted from the table and dusted herself off.  She glanced over at Reina who threw the weapon to the side and gave a relived look.  Reina walked out of the door with Sayu following her until they got to the next floor.  Sayu paused as they reached the middle of the hallway and Reina took a couple steps forward with her hands rolled up into a fist.  Quickly, the arm extended towards the lapel and pushed Sayu into the lockers with great force.

“You’re an idiotic jerk.”  She remarked.  “Exposing me like that to many people was my reason for transferring here and you think you are miss hot shit here.  Please, don’t think you can control over everyone because you are self-indulged in your own self.”

Sayu felt a rock stuck in her throat as she looked down at Reina.  Her mind started to panic as she saw the scorn written all over her face that she quivered for a bit before releasing her fear.  “I know.”

“You just piss over my new shoes.”  Reina yelled as the puddled grew quickly.

“I’m sorry.”  Sayu ripped the underwear off her and threw it into the trash bin nearby.

“We’ll leave it as this for now.  I think you need to wipe up.”  Reina released her grip as Sayu ran into the bathroom.

She blasted through the door and went into the stall with tears streaming down her face.  No one had pushed her around before.  It was a sudden change from the role she usually portrayed.  Everything seemed to turn against her one way or another but it would turn back before any more trouble would appear.  She felt defeated for once and the heart started to tick away as she wiped herself up.  She finished her business quickly and returned to the hallway where Reina was waiting by the door.

“I think you need to go home, you need underwear or the male teachers will start fantasizing about you.”  Reina presented a pair of shorts to Sayu.

“Thank you.”  She said as she slipped them on and walked towards the exit.

“Reina, can we not discuss this?” 

“Sure, but I want to know where you live.”  Sayu gave her a strange look before grabbing a piece of news paper and pen from the unoccupied room and wrote down the address before running home.

Sayu returned to the empty house as usual and used the spare key to enter.  She looked up at the clock before running upstairs to jump into the shower for a quick rinse.  Her mind started to churn out theories behind Reina asking for her address.  It seemed harmless to give an address to a girl that saved her hair from being chopped off but to her it was a sudden reaction until she exited the shower to see her on the couch.

“What are you doing here?”  Sayu asked prompting Reina to turn towards the staircase.

“I wanted to know if you had a safe return home.”  She replied.

“Oh thank you.”  Sayu walked down the stairs to meet her new classmate.  “Are you going to stay for a bit or leaving?”

Reina nodded her head quickly as she flipped her skirt up.  Sayu turned and blocked her eyes from the sight.  Reina couldn’t resist laughing at Sayu as she shielded her eyes from it.  From her shock, Sayu wasn’t expecting anyone to flash their bottoms to her ever but it etched an image into her mind.

“Why did you do that for?”

“I want to be even before we continue our conversation.”  Reina grabbed her bottoms and slipped them back on.

Sayu grabbed the juice from the refrigerator and poured a glass for the guest.  She rarely had guests for herself and with her current feel of issues; she didn’t expect many would take a chance to be with her.  Reina grabbed her glass and took a sip before sitting back onto the couch cross-legged.

“Are we even?”  She asked with Sayu giving a nod in return.

“Okay, that’s good.”  She said before letting her wandering eyes admire the living room.

Reina let herself wander for a bit as she let her mind become accustomed to a house.  She gathered whatever what was in her mind before turning her attention towards Sayu.  She couldn’t admit to herself that her past was going to be easy to explain.  However, she felt weak around Sayu like she couldn’t hold back what she really was inside.  Leaning towards her drink, she felt her hand quiver and tipped over the juice onto the floor.

“Sorry.”  Reina grabbed the napkins from the table to wipe up the mess.

Sayu glared at her as she started to see her unravel in front of her.  It seemed obvious what was happening but her own experiences brought up issues of their own and she just needed confirmation to avoid the awkwardness.  Grabbing the napkins, she wiped the slick area and collided with Reina causing them to fall to the ground.

“Sorry.”  Sayu turned seeing the girl’s eyes.

“Don’t be sorry.”

Sayu tilted her head down and closed her eyes as she felt the soft lips of Reina.  She counted to ten before opening them, seeing her eyes closed as their lips were pressed together.  In the panic, Sayu pushed herself off the ground and dove into the couch.  Hiding her face from the embarrassment, Sayu started to pray at whatever to escape the problem but she was doomed to think about it and turned to the side.

“It felt weird… I wanted to thank you for taking me around even if you didn’t felt like it.”

“I never wanted to but I couldn’t resist asking if you are not busy tonight so we can do homework.”  Sayu said.

“Anatomy?”  Sayu nodded as she leaned in again and pursued the second of the hundreds kisses they shared together.
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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 11/25
« Reply #228 on: November 25, 2012, 12:45:01 PM »
thanks for the update. I like it  :grin:

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/3
« Reply #229 on: December 04, 2012, 08:47:14 AM »
The white specks fell slowly on a gray December morning.  The little awoke to the first sight of snow and ran to the living room trying to catch her mother's attention.  She was excited that she had no school but her goal was to deliver a letter to a special someone.  Niigaki Risa, age five, knew the imagery of winter was coming closely but she prayed for snow the previous night for her own wish.

Her mother warned her to keep warm but the little one refused to wrap herself up with the maximum protection that she held the little still as she placed layers of clothing over her fragile body.  Risa's anxiousness grew until mother finished up with a scarf covering her tiny nose and mouth.  Hopping onto the fresh, powdery snow, Risa held out the letter in hand with her parents' eyes following her every move down the street.

Risa kept going forward despite the light winds blowing in every direction until she got to the gate and reached up to unlatch it.  Her reach barely got the latch off and hopped to the front door with the letter stiff in her hand.  She used her other hand to knock but with no success.  Luckily, the people inside saw the little one standing in the cold.

"Hello Risa, are you looking for Ai-chan?"  Her mother asked as the little one shook her head.

The elder girl walked up to the wrapped girl and plucked the letter from her hand.  Risa took a step back as she read the few words on the paper.  Ai lowered the letter and flashed a smile to Risa as she walked up to Ai with her arms open.

“I love you too, Risa.”  Ai hugged the little bean.  “Let’s go make a snowman.”

Ai led Risa out to the yard but Risa who was feeling the stiffness of the cold took a step instead of her usual hop and plopped forward into soft snow.  Ai continued with her creations of packed snowballs until she had three and rolled the first one into a ball half her height.  She peeked over to her right to notice her friend face down in the snow.

“Risa-chan, are you okay?”  Ai sat her up sweeping the snow from her face.

“I’m okay Ai-chan.”  She said as she struggled to get to her feet and picked up the smallest of the three.

She held it in her hand until her body leaned too far forward forcing the snowball out of her hand and into Ai’s face.  Risa rolled over onto her back as she saw the white mess on her friend’s face.  The next sight was a handful of snow on top of her as Ai giggled at the hopeless bean.

After removing the snow, Risa placed the last snowball on top to finish the small snowman they made together.  Risa cheered for a little while before the urge of nature called forcing her to run into Ai’s house as fast as she could before the ground turned yellow.
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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/3
« Reply #230 on: December 04, 2012, 11:32:04 AM »
haha... little risa  :rofl:
hope she did make it on time  :rofl:

kuro, can you please give a continuation as it is tempting for reading  :P please  :cathappy:

and what is the content of the letter from little Risa to little Ai? i am curious :P2
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 11:40:19 AM by yellow »

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/3
« Reply #231 on: December 04, 2012, 06:54:24 PM »
^ to answer the final question, you have to find the song :P

I won't really continue it, as it hinges on other people persay, but I will write more bits and pieces of others in chibi stages :nervous
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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/3
« Reply #232 on: December 06, 2012, 04:22:31 AM »
can understood.  :yep:

i think i know what that song  :grin:

please give me more of that in future :kneelbow:

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/3
« Reply #233 on: December 06, 2012, 09:32:44 AM »
Aww, cute TakGaki chibi story  :wub:

And as Yellow said, I too hope that Risa made it in time  XD

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/6
« Reply #234 on: December 07, 2012, 09:20:28 AM »
She prayed for a sunny day since the storm and after three days, the gray clouds exited the sky to open up for the sun to smile onto her house.  Risa showed her ecstatic mood to her mother with an invitation of her best friend, Eri, to come over to her house for hot cocoa.

Eri was shy to everyone except for the people she knew personally.  Risa being one always wanted to bring her friend over for a snacks but school became an issue for both little ones as someone always seemed to be occupied by an activity so on a sunny day during winter vacation, the two six year-olds decided to meet.

Eri arrived in a thick, green coat topped with a blue cap.  Risa helped the visitor to take off her coat before heading to the kotatsu.  Eri ran over to the heated table and slid her legs under the blanket as Risa headed that way before noticing her mother holding two mugs of scalding hot cocoa for both of them.  The little decided to get one before her mother would offer to Eri and did it herself as her mother put one across of the little turtle.

"If you need anything else, I'll be in the kitchen."  She told the little turtle who was staring at the cup.

Risa mirrored the turtle glancing over at her once in a while to see if she would break her concentration.  Eri noticed the marshmallows were slowly disappearing into the thick, brown elixir and smiled at the cup.

"It tastes good."  Risa complimented.

"... You drink this?"  Eri commented as she placed the cup onto her lips and sipped the top.  "It does taste good."

Risa took a few more sips before taking the spot next to the turtle as she watched the white marshmallows disappear in her cup.  Eri looked to her left and sway her head like a metronome to Risa as she quietly drank her cocoa.

"Your drink will get cold."  Risa scolded.

"I want it cooler.  The liquid is too hot for me."  Eri said with a pout.

"Okay..."  She took her last sip and gave the empty cup to her mother.

"Perfect."  Eri breathed and drank half the cup in one gulp.

"Sugoi!"  Eri turned to Risa with a smile.

"I feel sleepy."  Eri commented with the drowsiness written on her face.

Eri turned onto her stomach and rested her head onto the mat leaving Risa to watch over the turtle.  She didn't bother her until Eri blinked a few times to flash a smile and scoot nearer to the heat.

"Mama, Eri is sleeping."

Eri awoke with the ringing of Risa's voice and stood up with a smile on her face.

"I wasn't sleeping..."  She said with a smile.  "The marshmallows were making my head into a pillow and I needed to act like one because they wanted me too."

Risa and her mother looked at each other for a minute before allowing Eri to continue on with the day.  Still, Risa never imagined that Eri was weird and it started her life as Eririn in school.
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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/6
« Reply #235 on: December 08, 2012, 02:50:43 AM »
i like the cuteness of our beloved alien turtle...  :P

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/6
« Reply #236 on: December 10, 2012, 09:09:22 AM »
Eri is so cute lol though you have to love gakisan as well  :P

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/6
« Reply #237 on: December 10, 2012, 09:16:11 AM »
Eri is so cute lol though you have to love gakisan as well  :P

the next one will be less Eri of before but a serious one

which opens up a request box for now, so place in a list just for the sake of writing based on your preference :)
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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/10
« Reply #238 on: December 10, 2012, 11:27:22 AM »
The words in her mind became of a broken record.  She didn’t think to speak her mind per se but something seemed to want her to change for the better.  Kamei Eri, not the silly girl that left the group, but mature woman who could understandingly understood a former leader.  Approaching a white door, she positioned her hand on the wood and knocked twice.  Light taps to avoid a scene; it opened to a plain apartment of Ai-chan, the former leader.

“Hello, come on in.”  She greeted with her hands ready to take off the heavy coat that weighed down the turtle’s body.

Eri glanced at the living room before venturing to the kitchen where the stand mixer was slowly mixing the dough and the smell of baked cookies filled the air.  She was aware that Ai liked baking or at least showed interest.  The owner removed one of her pans from the oven and placed it on top as she grabbed the next one to bake.

“Can I make cookies with you?”  Eri asked with her voice trailing off with her attention.

A nod changed her concentration to the fresh dough in a bowl.  She grabbed the spoon with her right hand and scooped a bit onto the pan.  In her own misguidance, Eri positioned them too close to each other that the pan was three quarters filled.  Despite her mistake, Ai fixed it quickly in front of the turtle providing an awkward moment for her.

“Sorry.”  Her words escaped from her lips as Ai provided a smile.

Ai didn’t want to explain her own reasons but Eri was a pleasant surprise for her visit.  She assisted whenever Ai needed help and became an experienced assistant soon enough.  Every chance it clicked with her on what she had to do.  Then, when it finally ran out, she sat on the couch with her body hanging over one side, panting over the work.

“Thank you so much.”  She said with Eri returning a grin.

“You’re welcome.”

As the words escaped, she heard the words again.  The record that didn’t want to end was filling her mind.  Her heart pumped a tinged quicker than usual.  The body relaxed into the padding around her and glanced at her as she tilted her head back and napped.

“Do you…”  Eri stopped.  “Do you think I’m mature?”  She whispered to herself, waking the former leader from her short nap.

“Eri, did you say anything?”  The turtle shook quickly as she nervously smiled.

“I see.”  She breathed before standing up.

“… Do you think I’m mature?”  She asked slightly louder than before.

“You are quite mature for your age, despite everything, women are different.”  Ai explained.

“I came here actually to ask you that and to do this.”  Eri spread her arms out and latched onto Ai.

“Just a hug.”

Eri faced the former leader and pressed her lips onto hers.  A short moment in her life, she could express something hidden.  The record disappeared from her mind and she looked back at Ai with an awkward expression of nerves and excitement.

“This is crazy you know.”  She spat.  “How much did you hate me?”

“A lot back then but I love you now.”  Eri smiled.

Eri didn’t expect many answers of the past but to get a kiss on Ai’s lips was a goal.  It was a great goal for Christmas.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 12/11
« Reply #239 on: December 12, 2012, 10:14:53 AM »
Kamei Eri always believed in luck.  She feared that if she didn’t believe in it, it would give her grief.  She had strung many accomplishments through her luck.  Despite being seven years old, she felt her life was filled with luck.  School seemed easier if she believed in luck and she managed to motivate her to a B average.  Her friend, Risa told her a few times that it was her not the luck that seemed to make her success.

However, she had faced the toughest challenge when she met a new friend at the park.  Straight, shoulder length black hair, beady eyes, and a knack of wearing purple every day intrigued the little turtle to approach her.  She waved furiously to catch her attention but she received none in return as the girl walked away.  The next day she held her lucky one yen coin in her hand and approached her the same way with her flailing arm flagging for her but same result.

Disappointed, she ran to Risa’s house with tears flowing down her cheeks.  Eyes were red as cherries, as she plowed into the friend’s arms airing her frustrations.  The mumbles seemed to anger the bean to the point of grabbing Eri and dragging her to the park but gave her a day to conjure up a plan for the poor little turtle.

The next day, Risa led her buddy to the park where the luck-believing turtle pointed her small finger toward the girl wearing a purple jacket.  She was squatting over something over the ground as Risa marched up to her and poked her to grab her attention.

“You made my friend cry.”  Risa commanded as the girl stood up and tilted her head to the side.

“Naw ah, I never made anyone cry.”  She responded as Eri stood to the side of Risa.

“You made Eri-chan cry because you didn’t say hi to her.”  Risa yelled as it attracted the kids around them.

She looked at the two with her black, beady eyes and saw the others closely surrounding them.  Instantly, she fell to the ground guarding her face from the group.  Eri walked up to her and squatted next to her as she tried to gain her attention.

“I’m sorry.”  She apologized as Eri tried removing her hands away from her face.

“You’re a bully.”  She roared as she placed her hands towards her face again.

Eri glanced back at Risa with a sigh and attempted to apologize again but it came to the same result.  She felt her heart go down into her stomach.  She stood up and placed the one yen coin next to her.  Rubbing her head, Eri slowly walked away as the crowd dissipated as well.  Risa looked over and led Eri out of the park.

Eri spent the night trying to find a way to reconcile the girl’s hurt feelings and came up with a letter explaining that she wanted greet her and maybe become friends.  She felt happy that she wrote it out but feared she may never come back the next day.

The next day came and went as the storm took the stage forcing her to stay at home.  As she stared outside, a knock came at the door and she answered it to a girl with an older woman.

“Are you the girl that yelled at my poor Reina?”  She commanded as the turtle’s mother came to the door.

Eri scared for her life, kept her distance as the girl looked up at her mother blankly.  She had thought about being truthful and saying yes as she wanted to explain but instead ran up to her room and grabbed the letter.  Eri wanted to explain about the situation at hand but was afraid of the woman yelling at her and offered the letter to the girl.  She opened it and read it aloud to the people.

Dear girl my friend yelled at,

I’m sorry for making you cry.  I wanted to say hi but you kept running away.  I thought you don’t like me so I tried to make it easier by using my friend.  She was wrong and I should have not been a bully to you.


The mother looked at her daughter quietly nodding towards her.  She took a few steps towards the turtle and extended her hand.  “I’m Tanaka Reina, I’m sorry for not saying hi.”

“I’m Kamei Eri, I’m sorry for having my friend yelled at you.”  Reina gleamed at the apology.

“I… just moved here couple days ago but I can’t make friends.  It’s hard.”  Eri wrapped her arms around the girl.

“I’ll be your friend.”  She whispered as Reina slowly released her tears.

Eri knew her luck would pull through again but didn’t expect it to rub on anyone else.  Reina became the sole beneficiary of Eri’s luck found out that it was luck that brought them together.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 07:28:29 AM by kurosawa87 »
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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