i have always want to write a story for TanaKame after i start to write and share... and now, it is finally done *i'm in tears*
Staying Where She's There..."Eri, I have something to tell you."
"What is it? My Kitty kitty"
"Eri, let's break up."
"But why? I thought we have been along so well all these while."
"Eri, I said let's break up. There is no reason to the why."
"There is no but. Just take it I am sick of you already, can? So, let's break up."
Hearing that, Eri paused and her master hand went up to the younger girl's face.
"Tanaka Reina, I hate you!!" *slap*
And Eri left.
"Eri, I'm sorry." Seeing Eri has gone far, the cat-like petite girl broke down on the ground and wept silently.
Recently, Reina found herself getting sleepier and sleepier so she went up to consult a doctor on her condition and found out that she has only a week of lifespan. So not to let her lover learnt about her condition, she has chosen the mean way that is to set her turtle free.
A year passed...
After the breakup, Eri has continued her life without being affected or be precisely, pretend to be normal. But whenever she is alone, she will just wept in her sleep as she still cannot get over with the romance with her kitty. So, she has never got into any relationships again despite of there are so many suitors going after her.
One night, she dreamt...
She dreamt about her kitty whom she long missed.
Reina smiled and went forward to caress the turtle's face.
"Eri, please forget me"
"Why you always want to ask me why?" Reina smiled.
Eri laughed. "because I want to know why?"
Reina smiled warmly at Eri "because I am no longer there for you, Eri dear" Reina went forward to pressed her lips on her turtle's. "Eri, please forget me"
"But I do not want to" Eri protested and hugged her kitty closer.
"If this is the only way I can meet you, I would rather to stay, Dear"
"But, Eri.." Reina tried to be strong and composed to what she is going to persuade her turtle.
"You know Reina do not like irresponsible turtle. So please don't be so irresponsible."
"But in reality, Reina has left me. Eri don't want." the turtle hugged her kitty more closer.
"Eri only wants to be with Reina" Eri reached to cup the kitty's face and laid her kiss on her lips "Eri mean it. Eri only wants to stay in a place where my Reina is."
"Eri, you can't. You have to forget me and move on." Reina continue to persuade.
"Don't want. Don't want. In that world, my Reina has gone. Eri don't want. Eri wants Reina."
"Eri, don't be a spoilbrat. You know Reina don't like spoilbrat Eri."
"If I am good now. Can I stay?" *puppy-eyed*
"No. You have to go."
Seeing Reina being so determined, Eri gave up her protest.
"But before I go, can you do something with me?"
"What?" Reina looked up at Eri.
Eri hugged her closed and kissed her kitty on her forehead. "Love me one last time"
Seeing Eri have finally set her intention to leave, Reina agreed to Eri's request.
"Reina, I miss you"
"Me too"
Soon, the sun rise and the morning came, but Eri was still in her dreamland and never awoke..
"Sorry Papa Mama. Please forgive such an irresponsible Eri. Eri only wants to stay in the world where Reina is..."~end~
hee... i just "float" up to post this. i know it is quite a tragic one.
anyway, hope you guys like it.