The time setting for the fiction is a month after our Gaki’s graduation where Ai was hitted with that scandal…
PatchThis is one of the rare weekend sleepover Ai s having in her girlfriend’s apartment as the bean’s parent and her little sister went back to Kanagawa to attend some business…
Ai was on the bean’s bed using her girlfriend’s tablet surfing the net while waiting for her girlfriend who is in her bathroom doing her shower. As she randomly surf through the net, she accidentally click on some navigation link and opened her girlfriend’s email box which was quite packed with mails sent by her girlfriend’s No.1 fan, their kouhai – Ikuta Erina.
Upon seeing this, Ai was quite unhappy and got super moody over it tonight as this isn’t the first time she saw this and she has been hearing her girlfriend complaining about it, ever since after the Reborn Inochi no Audition musical.
As always, she would tried to be understanding of kouhai’s love for them, just like the bunny towards her, and cheered her girlfriend up on it and jokingly teased her lover in some occasions whenever she has brought it up but definitely not tonight when recently she was a bit frustrated over the scandal she has with the comedian, Abe Koji-san.
So in order to get herself cool down, she closed the browser and set the tablet aside and get off the bed to search for something else to beat her time while waiting for her girlfriend.
So she saw her girlfriend’s latest photo book “ASCENSION”, the last collection just before her graduation from the group, lying at the corner of the book shelf section for photo book collections. So she picked that out and went back to the bed to start her “reading”.
When Ai was so deeply engrossed with the mature and sexy pictures of her girlfriend in the book, Risa was finally out from her shower and sat besides Ai on her bed, after she was done drying herself, trying to peek from the side to see what Ai is reading. When she saw what her girlfriend was reading, she blushed.
Despite of her blush, she still interrupted her girlfriend’s reading. When Ai looked up and put the book aside, her eyes were filled with lust. However, she knew she has to control herself because her girlfriend has assignment the following day so she tried her best to control her growing desire of her lover and got off the bed to walk to the bathroom to wash her face and get herself calmed down while she was companied by her girlfriend just outside the bathroom complaining on the things bothering her recently.
Of course, that lust appearing on Ai’s eyes, Risa did saw that but she just pretended that she saw nothing so not to further trigger that hunger the older girl has for her and starts her complaints on things bothering her. As she complained, she brought up Eripon and her mail spam acts on her, like usual, in hoping her lover will cheer her up by jokingly tease her on some of the things brought up.
However instead of being so, Ai got moody and unlike her usual self instead of making thing pleasant for the bean by jokingly teased her, Ai confronted Risa about her unhappiness about Eripon’s spam.
Upon hearing Ai’s confrontation, Risa also got quite unhappy as she was also quite bothered over that scandal that happened recently, so she went on and confronted her unhappiness about her lover’s scandal and soon they broke into quarrel so Ai felt so angry and stated that she no longer wish to stay for the night. And quickly, she got herself changed back to her outing wear and went out.
When Ai was outside, she has no intention to get back home so she just casually has a walk along on the street where she was a bit calmed with the cold night air cooling her down. As she calmed down, she gave a thought over the content of the quarrel that just happened not longer ago with her girlfriend. And found that she has been too impulsive and really have her mood got over her. So, she made a turn and headed back to apologize to her girlfriend over her uncontrolled foul mood.
At the meanwhile, after Ai has left, Risa was still quite frustrated over the quarrel so she went to the kitchen to have some ice for herself to get cooled down so that she will not be so angry until become sleepless for the night. When she was a bit calmed, she also gave a thought over the quarrel that just happened and felt that she has really have her unhappiness vented out just like that when knowing that her girlfriend also have been quite fed up over the scandal. So, she decided to make the move to patch up so she went to her room and had a change to her outing wear and went out to find her angry lover.
While she was waiting for the cab that she has booked to get to her girlfriend’s place. She saw Ai appearing not far away and walking towards where she was. So instead of waiting there, she immediately made her move to get near her lover.
When she was near, she went up and hugged Ai upfront when Ai caught her. They both coincidentally apologized to each other sincerely. When they heard each other’s apologies, they gave a laugh over it for the coincidence and they walked back up to the younger’s apartment, when Risa called up the cab company to cancel her booking as they entered into her unit.
When they were in the younger’s room, both Ai and Risa decided to have a bath together to get themselves cleaned and comfortable so they could sleep soon later.
The next day, poor Risa has to drag her exhausted body and wore a full cover wear trying to cover her body parts, as much as possible, over the marks of dominance that her lover have left on her …
Ai’s P/S:
She is my sole property *proud on the fact*~end~
full story (with access) <--
full story (without access) <--
i think i not able to get over with that lover quarrel thingy in my Morning Elite High that I used it again here 
not that i run out of idea but it just turned out so as i wrote the story 
anyway, hope you guys like it.