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Author Topic: Love is not about age, it's about us - chap4 part 3 + Winter Project [Mayuki OS]  (Read 40287 times)

Offline Terragen

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Chapter 4 Part 3 27/07
« Reply #100 on: August 04, 2013, 06:38:02 AM »
how dare i'm to not knowing you update this~

everyone said mayu is immortal...that was shock one,really??????

thank and update soon

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Chapter 4 Part 3 27/07
« Reply #101 on: August 17, 2013, 04:32:38 AM »

Offline katekyohit

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Chapter 4 Part 3 27/07
« Reply #102 on: August 17, 2013, 05:02:56 PM »
WOW!!!! THIS IS SO MUCH FUN! Another fanfic to keep up to date with~! XD
Mayu immortal!? Is that the reason why she disappeared from Yuki's life?  :panic: I wondered what happened between them that made Mayu left Yukirin...
So many questions! I want to know how both Yukirin and Mayu will come together! ><
Please update soon~!  :cathappy:

Offline FNK23

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Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki]
« Reply #103 on: August 19, 2013, 03:12:32 PM »
Minnaa, thank you for your comment about my previous chap, when i thought that all of you are not paying attention to my fic anymore because of I made all of you waiting too long, and today I look to the forum again, all of you give a huge impact to me, aahh thank youu.  :kneelbow: :kneelbow:
lately I was busy with my internship project and the report, also my exchange program will be start on the next month, soo I will be on netherlands  :on gay::on gay:
I will update my fic as soon as possible, I hope it will done in this month.  :cow: :cow:
please keep looking on my fic  :kneelbow:
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 03:45:47 PM by FNK23 »

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #104 on: August 30, 2013, 01:23:57 PM »
Ah yes i wait then

Offline Jessye

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #105 on: September 21, 2013, 05:44:39 AM »
Please update this fic ASAAAAAAP :((

Offline Terragen

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #106 on: October 29, 2013, 12:54:51 PM »
like an age has gone

i missed you

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

Offline imteedee

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #107 on: October 29, 2013, 05:48:41 PM »
It's OCTOBER almost NOVEMBER o.o  :bow: :bow: :bow:

*DUSTING, SO MUCH *COUGH *  :shocked
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline FNK23

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #108 on: October 29, 2013, 05:52:09 PM »
Hy, I'm sorry to have disappeared from the radar like this.  :kneelbow: :depressed:
Actually, I had written the following chapter, but when I read it again, its look like the idea of that chapter should be post after one or two chapters. Because I think it would give a different view to my plot story. Other reasons, because as an exchange student, I don't have much time for my hobbies.  :sweatdrop:
Don't worry, the progress I have done until now (but still didn't post, yet) I want to edit my story from the very first chapter (do not worries, I just tried to make it more legible) and i'd done with the chapter 1. I don't know whether I have readers who still interested with my fic or not, but I would totally continue this fic. (But perhaps the tempo for posting new chapter would become more slower than ever...)

*edited: imteedee-san, i was about want to say something but then you comee. :shocked  soo sorry for the delay..
oh, and thank you for geki geki who sent me a message back then.
thanks olive-san :cry: it's so heart-warming for me to know.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 06:09:59 PM by FNK23 »

Offline olive29

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #109 on: October 29, 2013, 05:54:23 PM »
You still have reader FNK-san..  :grin:

I'll be waiting for your update.. :grin:

Offline BbSis

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #110 on: October 29, 2013, 06:45:14 PM »
Don't worry~ I love your fic and I'm willing to wait for the update forever :3

Take you then o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
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Offline mayura48

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #111 on: March 02, 2014, 08:19:24 AM »
awesome ! it's a such wonderful story !  :twothumbs

i'll be waiting for you're update  :) *if that means  be forever, its okay ! hha i'll always wait  :) yayy

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #112 on: March 03, 2014, 12:46:11 AM »
What a wonderful story

What happen to Mayu?!?

Wmatsui Mayuki

Please update soon

Offline kona_otaku14

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #113 on: March 30, 2014, 03:53:50 PM »
Waiting~  (^w^)

Offline Archer1992

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #114 on: April 09, 2014, 01:35:12 PM »
Still waiting, please update soon!!

Enviado desde mi HTC One mediante Tapatalk

Offline kazutoryu

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #115 on: April 09, 2014, 03:35:48 PM »
update soon please  :gyaaah:

Offline Archer1992

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #116 on: August 07, 2015, 02:27:02 PM »
Waiting!! Update soon!!

Offline yocelin17

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Re: Love is not about age, it's about us [Mayuki] Announcement
« Reply #117 on: June 21, 2016, 04:07:30 AM »
Update please :cry:

Yuki in this story is very cute, you want to eat 'Mayu' nee?
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

Kami-oshi: Kashiwagi Yuki

Offline FNK23

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Winter Project [Mayuki]
« Reply #118 on: December 25, 2016, 12:25:21 PM »
Hai, I made a Christmas present for secret santa project in tumblr, I just know that the one who should received this present is Natsumikan oshi when I just nearly completed this fic. But still, I hope s/he would enjoy reading this. For all readers, I wish you Merry Christmas! :heart:

Winter Project

Several days before Christmas, young Yuki noticed from her window, there were truck and a car parked in front of the empty house beside her parent house and took a conclusion that the house finally got occupied with one family. She never thought someone would ever move to new place in the cold weather like this but in the end she doesn't want to know the reason at all. She closed her curtain and headed back to her bed. The sun starting to rise slowly from the horizon but she still wearing her pajama and already covered with blanket when she heard soft footstep in front of her door following with a knocked.

“Yuki, there’s new family moving in to the house beside ours, let’s go to our new neighbor’s place and help them.” Her mother tried to wake her up. It’s still 7 in the morning and Yuki didn't have any intention to leave her bed again this soon.

“Eh, yadaa! It's too early and it's too cold outside.” She argued her mother. She could heard her mom sighed outside for her antics.

“Mouu, I heard that they have a cute little daughter, you can play with her if you don't want to help. At least go out from your room once in a while, the weather is nice though.” Her mother insists to take out her daughter out of her bed. Actually Yuki doesn't care at all if the new neighbor have child, but it seems like her mother didn't want to lose and this argument will keep continue for the rest of that day if there’s no one who admit defeated. Therefore she give up and answered her mother.

“Fine, just give me some more time to change clothes.” hearing Yuki’s positive answer she goes back to the kitchen for preparing breakfast.

Started from this week, Yuki always stay quietly in house, it was due to the school’s holiday season and she doesn't feel like to go out in the cold weather at all. But today is slightly different. She has to help this new neighbor of hers even though she doesn't want to. Slowly she crawling from her bed and up with her feet to the cabinet and took new and freshly washed clothes. She lazily changes her clothes and goes to the bathroom to wash her teeth. After several minutes passed, she goes to the kitchen and quietly sat in the dining table, while her mom preparing breakfast for her.

“Mom do you know our new neighbor by chance? I don't know someone will stay at that house.” Said Yuki while munching her sandwich.

“Yes, but not too much.” Yuki learn there is no more information she could obtain from her mother. This simple sentence is enough to shut her curious out from her cells.

Right after she finished her meal, her father informs them that it’s time to go outside. When she stepped out from house, she was greeted by cold air which makes her regret her decision for not stay inside her cozy and warm blanket at her bedroom. From her place, she can spot the new neighbor trying to pick out goods from their car into their new home. While her parent greeted them and had a conversation with other adults, she caught a glimpse on a small yet adorable little girl holding a rabbit plush. She standing behind her parent while avoiding all adults gaze. That time Yuki’s eyes and this girl’s eyes meet with each other.

‘Cute.’ The only word Yuki can come up with to describe the little girl in overall.

After a couple of second their gaze encounter, the girl gradually throws her gaze to other spot and slowly hide behind her parent.

‘Too shy even for a glance huh?’

“Mayu-chan go greeting your new neighbor.” with a smile plastered in her mother face, she lightly push her child a bit to the front.

“Hi, I’m Mayu. Nice to meet you.” after the short introduction she went back to hide behind her mother again.

“Well nice to see you Mayu-chan, we hope you can get along with our Yuki.”

Yuki didn't even try to be friendly; she just nodded at her mom’s statement and remains silent. Her behavior caught Mayu’s attention a bit.

After the small chitchat finished, the adults starts to continue their work. Mayu -together with her bunny doll- tried to help her parent but her mom simply said that she could help her by being friendly to her new friend, Yuki. Right after she received her new task, then she spotted Yuki in the near bench sitting by herself while observed the adults works.  Reached to Yuki’s place, she greeted her with hesitation.

“Uhm, may I sit beside you?” unsure whether she do right thing or not, she asked permission while holding her plush.

“Well, sure yes.” Feeling little bit surprised by the little girl manner then she continued to speak by saying, “for a little girl you do have some manner.”

“I don't know if I have one, but mom keep telling me to ask permission first.” in a timid voice. After that none of them tried to initiate conversation. Mayu thought she need to speak more, this time, she makes sure that her voice sounds like her usual tone.

“I like snow, and snow in here is really nice. I could count how many days I went outside at my previous house due to the weather was not friendly. I cannot play outside and mom always gave order that I shouldn't go outside when the weather is not pleasant.”

“I don't like snow.”


Yuki didn't give any answer to that question. In an instant they went back to the previous situation where none of them tried to speak up. In other hand, Mayu was obviously curious why Yuki didn't like snow. Her own name is obviously containing ‘snow’, though. But Mayu didn't want to ask more questions. Noticed that she was holding her doll, she abruptly change the subject into her bunny.

“Mom said if I become a polite girl then Santa will come and I will get a rabbit for my Christmas present. I’m going to name it Mr. White-thumbs, it will share the same name like my bunny doll.”
“Mr.- what?” Yuki seemed curious.

“Mr. White-thumbs, it’s his name.” she pointed her plush to Yuki. “Just a couple of day until everyone acknowledged me that I’m a nice and polite girl, then I will get a real rabbit and I’ll let him play with me.”

Not sure if the girl just trying to goofy around or not, Yuki gazed into her face. There’s no playful smile or anything but determination eyes. It was quite funny for Yuki though.

“What if he thought that you’re not a nice person?” She blurted out.

“Eeehh?” Mayu looked very troubled by that question, she never asked her mother before. When Yuki still haven’t got her answer from the young Watanabe, she pretend to be serious and said,

“Well I know one story, this was originally from my friend’s experience. She has one plush that she loved so much and wanted to get a bunny like you but she failed.”

“After she failed then what happen?” Mayu was curious to know what had happened.

“Her bunny doll just simply disappear, she never saw her bunny again. May be the bunny didn't like her because she failed.”

“No way! Mr. White-thumbs loves me.”

“That’s what he want you to think.”

Mayu was on the verge of tears right after she learned that the bunny might leave her. The story Yuki just told feels so real. She immediately convinced by that story. Seeing that she had caused a trouble to Mayu, she considers to reveal her lie. But she cannot tell the truth or else Mayu might be pissed.

“Well, all you have to do is giving him a lot of love, therefore Mr. whoever his name is, will love you back like the way you do.”

“But what if he left me behind?”

“I wont let it happen. I think you’re the nicest and the most innocent girl around this place.”

Yuki patted Mayu’s head for a second. After Mayu’s expression seemed more relieved, Yuki gave her a simple smile. Mayu was wondering why this girl beside her could be so different with the girl she know just several minutes ago who previously looked so cold, aloof and distant, which now becomes into girl with heartwarming attitude. This sudden alteration of character makes Mayu questioned her.

“We barely know each other but why you’re so confident with that?”

Yuki eyes now gazed into the adult and said, “Well, it’s simply because you’re so naive.” She turned her face to Mayu and continued, “Too naive that you cannot tell what’s true and not true.”

“What do you mean?”

It was so hard for Yuki for not laughing in front of her new companion who seemed to be puzzled with her statement. She thought it was the time to reveal her prank, she didn't care if Mayu might pissed or not now. Even though in her mind she said that she didn't care with how Mayu feels afterwards, there was subtle feeling that she concerns about the young Watanabe. But she reminds herself that she would never develop any interest in other people feeling.

“I’m telling you a lie, silly.”


No other word came from the petite girl. She was processing new fact that none of Yuki’s statement was true. One moment she thought Yuki is a nice girl, but in a split second she hesitated with the nature of girl beside her. She was struggling to regain her composure at first. But after several second, she had recovered her self-control.

“So no rabbit had disappeared?”

“May be.”

“Why may be?”

“Because I never heard any.”


The only thing Mayu could do was just remaining silent. She wanted to retort but nothing comes in her mind. There are so many questions she wants Yuki to answer like why did she told her a made-up story. But in the end she was wordless.

“Well if there’s nothing we’d discuss then I’m going mini market now. See you when I see you.”

Just like that Yuki left her companion and went to her parent asking whether there’s something they want to buy as well and then go without looking to Mayu. She was leaving the younger confused with what had happened. Meanwhile the petite girl stood up and walked herself back to her new residence. In every step she took, she tried to remember did she make inappropriate thing to the other girl that makes the Yuki girl hate her. Sure she was a little bit shy before because these was her first time moving to a new place, but she didn't do anything wrong at all. Mayu went inside the house and searched her parent. Right after she spotted her mom, she bumped into her.

“What’s wrong honey?”

“Mom I don’t think Yuki-chan likes me.”

“Why not?”


“Well I believe she likes you, you just need to be more friendly. I know you can do it.”

Mayu didn't think she wasn't friendly with Yuki. Her gesture shows that she disagreed with her mom’s opinion. At that time her mom are aware of her gesture. She knelt down and patted Mayu’s head.

“Honey, I wont push you to do something you don't want to. But if you think that she doesn't like you, why don't you try to make her like you? Your dad and I likes you, your friends likes you, so why would Yuki not like you?”

“Because I’m too naive?”

“Hahaa, where did you learn that word?”

Mayu didn't give response to that question, instead she lowering her head and throw her stare to other place. Her mom smiled.

“It’s ok to be naive, no one would ever blame you for who you are. You need to be more confident with yourself. Trust me people will like you like the way I did.”
“Why don't you try to talk with her again next time? I’m sure you two can be friends.”

“I’ll try then.” Her mom pulls her closer and gives her a warm hugs.

“Don't try to be someone you don't want to, just be like yourself. I believe she will notice that you’re special. After all we’re just move in to this place, may be you’re taking a conclusion way to fast. Just give it a time, dear.”

Mayu nodded to her argument. After her mom witnessed that her daughter agreed with her then she brushed a lock of hair from her forehead and gave a peck on it to assure her daughter. After Mayu smiled to her, she continued to unpack the boxes. Right when she was alone, Mayu was deeply consumed with her own thought. May be Yuki didn't meant to be unfriendly, if her first impression wasn't good enough for Yuki’s standard then she can start over again. After she gained her self-assurance back, she recalled her previous chat with Yuki.

‘She said she didn't like snow, I wonder why?’ she looked out of the window and gazed at the bench where they were sitting together.

‘I never met someone who didn't like snow, may be she didn't have companion to enjoy the snow. If it’s the case then may be I could be her friend to accompany her.’


The following day, in Watanabe’s new residence, the one and only little girl in that house wake up a little bit early than her parent. With heavy-eyed she tried to recollect all her spirit. Her eyes were steadily gazed and scrutinized her new bedroom. After she grasped the important point that she already move in to her new house, like an arrow from a bow, she went to the nearest window and look outside just to find out snow were all over the ground. Smiling to herself, she rushed outside and took the snow with hands covered with glove. Several minutes after she had fun and made a number of snowballs, the sound from neighbor’s house diverted her from her fun. Now she remember the Kashiwagi girl. From the place where she stands, she could catch a sight of young Kashiwagi’s raven hair. She recalled what her mother said about being friendly to Yuki. Aside from what her mother had ordered her to do, she was curious about Yuki. After her first meeting with Yuki, she can’t help herself for wondering about what kind of girl the young Kashiwagi is. Glancing to her bunch of snowballs, the young Watanabe proceed to throw a snowball through the window. After 2 balls awfully missed its target, 1 ball trapped at nearby tree, 1 ball ridiculously fall only 10 centimeter from her spot, she finally managed to hit Yuki’s window. After she got Yuki’s attention, Mayu waved her hand and chirped.

“Good morning Yuki-chan! Wanna play together?”

“No.” was the only answer Mayu received from the Young Kashiwagi. Not satisfied with the answer, she swiftly rang the neighbor’s bell. She didn't wait too long for Mrs. Kashiwagi to open up the door.

“Oh good morning Mayu, what are you up to?”

“Good morning Yuki Mama, I was wondering if Yuki-chan has wake up? I want to invite her to play outside with me. The snow is really great at morning.” She smiled. Seeing the beam on Mayu’s face was enough to influence Mrs. Kashiwagi’s thought.

“Wait a minute and I’ll make Yuki get ready for you.”

“Yey, I’ll wait outside then. Need to prepare lots of snowball for Yuki-chan.” Right after the door was closed, she went back to her previous spot where she threw the snowballs. Standing in the same place where Yuki previously saw her, Yuki darted chilling glance to Mayu. Unaffected by Yuki’s unfriendliness, she waved to Yuki and curved her mouth into a sentence ‘I-WILL-WAIT-YOU-OUTSIDE’. In the other side, the act of her new neighbor makes Yuki felt stressed out. Knowing that in a several second she will hear the sound of her mom’s footstep close to her door, she half-heartedly pull out her glove from her cabinet and dressed herself with her winter coat. Right before her mom knocked her door, she opened the door.

“Yuki, do you remember the girl from-”

“Yes, I remember her, and yes I’ll accompany her.” coldly without waiting for her mom’s reply, she went outside. She directly proceeded her way to Mayu. Her hand rested on her pocket.

“What do you want little beast?” Yuki want to make Mayu mad, but to no avail.

“Play with you, of course? Do you really need to ask?” she slightly raised her eyebrow.

“Well it wont hurt anybody if I ask.” She sighed.

“Soo, here you go, you can help me to make snowball.” Mayu pushed some snow to Yuki’s hand. “If you think that make a snowball is easy, YOU ARE WRONG! You need to calculate how much snow do you need to get the shape of perfect ball.”

“It’s only snowball, why you exaggerating this thing?” Yuki groaned.

“Because.. if you didn't pay attention to my advise, you would end up with other shape! We need circle snow, not triangle, not square, or even a spiral snow!”

Deep down in her mind, Yuki thought how can someone make spiral snow and internally she wished to see if someone can make it.

“Fine, we do it in your way.” She muttered.

“Glad to hear that from you.” Mayu said that words joyfully.

Both of them began to form the snow into what Mayu said as ‘perfect snowball’. There were trials and errors for snowballs made by Yuki because in Mayu’s judgment it didn't get the right form.

“No, you squeeze it too hard.”
“No, the form is not solid.”
“No, it’s oval.”
“No, it still lacks something.”
“No, you didn't put much love on it. Try again”

After too many rejections, Yuki had enough. She threw the last snowball to Mayu’s back. The sudden attack from Yuki surprised her, she lost her balance and fell down to the ground. All her face was covered with snow. Yuki smirk to the little Watanabe and she feels like she win.

“I do put a lot of love within those ball, can you feel it?”

“All I can feel was a bitter cold on my face..”

“Let me help you.” Yuki offered her hand to Mayu. Right when Mayu tried to reach out her hand, Yuki once again surprise her with another snowball. The ball landed perfectly in Mayu’s face.


“In the end, the shape of snowball doesn't matter at all. I could win even if I didn't follow your instruction.” Yuki attempted to give more icy comment to Mayu. After she thought Mayu couldn’t come out with any other idea, she was about to go back to her house when she heard Mayu’s voice.


“Wha-” one snowball struck out at Yuki upper part on her face.

“Now we’re even!” But even so, she quickly makes more snowballs and then run to the nearest tree.

“You little beastie.. Fine, the game is on!”


After 3 hours of nonstop war, they were finally lost their stamina. Tired with all the fight she had, Yuki leaned her back on the snow while Mayu approached Yuki and sat next to her and drew random object with her finger on the snow.

“You know, for someone who said she hates snow, it seemed like you were having fun.” There was no answer from Yuki. She remained silent. Because she didn't reply, Mayu just continue blurted out her thought about Yuki.

“I never find anyone who didn't like snow except you and it’s kind of weird for me to dislike snow. More importantly, your name IS snow, I thought you have to like snow in order to appreciate your name like I did to you.” For Mayu’s logic, it doesn't make any sense. Why someone who named after snow didn't like snow?

“I don't like snow.. snow is cold..” ‘And so am I.’ Yuki closed her eyes when she answering Mayu’s question. A lot of people around her age said to her that she’s so cold and unfriendly. Though she tried to be friendly at first, but it seemed that her effort was useless. She is one of a kind, but it seemed like not only her but also those people understand how to interact with each other. Because of that she built a wall and tried not to curious with other mind. When Yuki started to become defensive, Mayu responded to Yuki’s statement with a big smile.

“Well, cold things are nice! One cold iced tea and kakigori can help you when the weather is too hot, like in summer!  Oh, I like ice cube, Yuki (snow), and even Yuki-chan!” The last two words sound exactly the same but the only things that differ them were only the characters. It makes Yuki chuckled to herself a little due to the poor pun and then sat up.

“You are silly little beastie. Fine, This time I’ll forgive you for dragging me into this sort of thing. Don’t do this again to me, will you?”

“Ok, I promise to my bunny collection, I wont do this thing again.” ‘I promise to not hit you with snowball again, this year.’

“Wow, why it’s so easy to tame you? I thought it would be tricky.” Yuki feels a little bit unsure with Mayu’s behavior. She thought she would use a lot of effort just to get the little Watanabe behave.

“Fear not my friend, you could trust this Mayu.” ‘For now.’ She thought. Mayu schemed to involve Yuki in her new project so called ‘let’s makes Yuki in love with snow’. She already had in her mind the rough idea of her new plan. While the little Watanabe established her game plan, Yuki in other side feels so hungry because of this unexpected event with Mayu.

“Well, okay.. It was nice to play with you. I think I would get brunch now, bye.” Without looking to Mayu, she proceeds to go to her house. She thought the play is over and there is no other activity with that little Watanabe. But she was wrong…

“Nice, I’ll get some too.” Mayu happily followed Yuki to her house. She kept humming while walking behind Yuki. At first Yuki thought she was escorting Yuki back to home, but Mayu didn't stop following her until she was close to the front door. When Yuki realized what Mayu meant, she quickly stops walking.

“Why are you following me?”

“To get brunch?”


“In your house, right? Or do you eat your brunch outside? Either way I’ll be happy.”

“Why don't you get it on your own house?”
“My mom is still sleeping, I guess. But your mom is awake.”

“Well, you can make your own.”

“No I can’t, I didn't know how to fry karaage.” Yuki was frowned on by Mayu’s antic. ‘Who on earth would eat karaage in the morning?’ she thought. Moreover it seems that her little “friend” failed to grasp the idea that she was uninvited to come to Yuki’s house.

“Karaage? Why karaage? I don't think my mom will cook that.”

“Whaaat? So what will you eat? Leaves?” Mayu purely shocked.

‘This girl..’ Yuki mentally face palmed herself for every words and things that comes from Mayu. She recalled her memory for how long did she know this girl, but then she remembered that it was only for a day. She started to believe that this was her punishment for being mean to Mayu yesterday.

“Listen kiddo, just because my mom didn't cook karaage, it doesn't mean that we only eat leaves. What do you think I am? A caterpillar?”

“If you’re a caterpillar, then you’re the beautiful one. Beautiful caterpillar!!” She shouted cheerfully.

“Oh God! Just do what ever you want! I give up!” that was the first time Mayu saw Yuki groaned in pain. She was curious to know what had happened to the older girl. But in the end, karaage takes priority over any other matter.

“Yess, karaage!!” Just like that, Yuki, who was defeated by Mayu, goes to her own house followed by Mayu, who now hopped around behind Yuki. When they arrived in the kitchen, they greeted by Yuki’s mom who was enjoying her cup of coffee.

“How was your morning girls? Have fun with the weather already?”

“Yes! Today’s weather is great! You should check it by yourself.” Mayu swiftly answer it while beaming her smile.

“I think I will check it later, so are you hungry Mayu?” the only answer she got was a strong nod from Mayu and a simple sentence from Yuki.

“She wants karaage.”Yuki coldly answered it while pouring herself a nice cup of tea.

“Ah, but I don't have chicken meat right now. Why don't you buy it with Yuki in the market and I’ll prepare the rest.”

“Excuse me? Why me? I’m not the one who want to eat karaage.” Usually, she had always been obedient if her mom ordered her to do things. But she didn't want to interact with snow again after what she did with Mayu in the whole morning.

“But Mayu doesn't familiar with our neighborhood yet, and besides she’s too small to go out alone.”

“I can help you to do the preparation inside of house. It’s too cold outside, I don't want to go outside again..” While Yuki still attempted to negotiate with her mom, in a sudden Mayu grabbed one of Yuki’s hand and lead the way out from kitchen.

“Sure thing ma’am! Let’s go Yuki-chan!”

“Oi! I don't say that I’ll go!” But Mayu was already dragging her off to buy the grocery. Once again, she defeated by the little Watanabe. She was starting to regret her decision she made this morning. ‘Why Would I agree to accompany her in the first place.’

After they received money and put on their coat, both girls walked along the road to the market. In the way to the market, Mayu still never let her hand off from Yuki’s hand and Yuki just noticed that.

“You can let go of my hand, beastie.” Without looking to Mayu.

“Why should I? I don't want you to disappear and get lost without me.”

“I won't disappear and I won't get lost silly, if there is a person between us who will eventually get lost, it would be you.”

“No way! I never get lost.”

“Suit yourself.” Was the only cold remark she can give to Mayu. After a couple minutes of holding hands together, Yuki start to divert herself as she gazed at Mayu’s little frame in front of her. Yuki haven’t let someone touch her hand for as long as she could remember, and this little skin contact with Mayu makes her feel a little bit secure. Unconsciously she tightened up her grip on Mayu’s hand.


Not too long after that, they finally reached the market. Even though the market size was not too big but it has great arrangement, the interior was filled with Christmas ornament. But because tomorrow is a Christmas day, it was a little bit crowded there. As soon as they entered, the two girls took a stroll first because Mayu got totally excited and kept moving around from one store to another store like she was in a tour with Yuki. She often stop for a second just to see what that store sells and often she stop more longer than half minute, it was mainly because the shop sells candies or something that she think look beautiful or tasty.

“What a cute little girl we have here~ here, take some of these candies”

“Thank you Onee-san!”

“You treated your little sister very well.”

“She’s not my little sister.” Yuki casually answer every comment she received from all stranger that mistakenly think Mayu is her little sister. Yuki kept getting similar conversation like that for couple of times. And she was a bit annoyed due to the fact that everyone keeps telling her the same dialogue. Even though she felt annoyed, but not in a second she released her hand from Mayu’s hand and vice versa. Mayu kept dragging Yuki to follow her whenever she was excited towards something. After several minutes they were strolling the area, finally Mayu spotted the store they were looking for.

“Yuki-chan, those store sells meat! I can see big chunk of meat from here!”

“Mayu, don’t drag me..”

“Come on~ for karaage!”

“Still a no, it's your favorite, not mine.”

“Mou, even my granny can walk faster than you.”

She absolutely hates for being compared to a granny and even more, the one who start comparing her was this little Watanabe. In that instance, she was fast walking to that store without giving prior notice to Mayu which caused the little girl being dragged along with her. After they reached the store, Yuki swiftly purchased the meat and ready to leave but then the owner talked to Mayu while handling the groceries and some other stuff.

“Here’s a little extra of chicken meat and jelly beans for your cheerful little sister, Miss.” Said the old shopkeeper to Yuki while pointing his thumb to Mayu.

“Ah, thank you! I’ll enjoy eat it later.” Little Watanabe shows her beaming face to the shopkeeper. It seems like both of them really likes each other. The shopkeeper likes her bubbly and bright personality while Mayu likes his jellybeans gift. People who saw them might think that both side share similar personality and how adorable they are. But there is only one person who looks so grumpy.

“She’s not my little sister!”


As they reached back home to Yuki’s house, her mother quickly cooked the meat and served the hot and crispy karaage for Mayu and Yuki. It won’t take too much time to make the dish because when she waited for those two girls, she prepared the equipment for making karaage and also she managed to bake some cookies for their dessert. Later after that she went out with Yuki’s father to pick up their Christmas tree.

“Yuki, I baked some cookies for you and Mayu. It still in the kitchen, go eat them with Mayu.”

“You don't have to make cookies though.” Ignoring Yuki’s answer she shouted from outside of kitchen.

“Don't forget to eat those cookies Mayu, and share it with Yuki, ok?”

“Yes Yuki Mama~ Thank you~”

“Ok, I’ll see you later girls, bye!” then she went out.

Yuki finished her meal first and later on watched the little Watanabe eating her dish. There are too many expressions on Mayu’s face when she was eating, and it somehow amused Yuki by just seeing her expression. Realized that someone is watching her, she quickly threw her gaze to Yuki.

“What? Don't tell me you wanna steal my karaage?” she over protected her meal like the value of her dish could buy her a thousand mansions. As Yuki saw Mayu’s ridiculous behavior, she cannot help but chuckled.

“Relax girl, I wont steal anything from you.”

“You sure?”

“Not sure yet.” And there she goes with her defensive mode all over again. Knowing that Yuki were successfully activated Mayu’s new function, she went to tease her more further.

“Even if you are able to defend your karaage now, it doesn't mean that you can do the same thing in the future from me.” Now she can see threat of danger in Mayu’s face. She could do all of this stuff for the rest of the day, but she doesn’t want the little girl scared over her joke. She decided to wash her dishes and want to take a bath afterwards as she felt that her body a bit chilly.

“You can finish your meal, and then eat your cookies. I want to take a bath.” Mayu gives her a simple nod and continue eating her brunch in peace now, without having fear of Yuki’s presence and the idea of Yuki might steal her precious karaage. It didn't take a long time because Yuki had quick bath and went back to kitchen eventually. She didn't find the little girl in the kitchen and now she was wondering where is Mayu. She later found her at the living room, sitting in a good form and wait patiently for Yuki.

“Are you done eating your meal?” Without looking to the source of voice, Mayu just nodded. Yuki can sense that Mayu act strange. ‘Something is not right.’

“Say, Mayu, wanna grab some cookies now?”

“Uhm, I’m not hungry anymore, I ate a lot when you were taking a bath.”

“Funny though, I feel like having some cookies now. Want to share it together?”

“Ahh, no thanks, I don't want cookies for now.”

“Are you sure?” Mayu just nodded again, and from Yuki’s point of view, she looks very odd. She can observe that Mayu was sweat dropping whenever she mentioned cookies. Unsure of herself, she went back to the kitchen for having some cookies only to find an empty jar with cookies crumble in it.

“Mayuuu!” She shouted inside the kitchen. Mayu has successfully provoked Yuki’s temper by keeping a secret from her. Yuki walked back to living room and placed the empty jar in front of Mayu.

“There were two dozen cookies on this jar, and now they’re gone!” She was hoping Mayu would tell her the truth. Now both of them gazed in each other eyes and just after that Mayu pointed her index finger to the jar and shout at it.

“Bad jar!”


“Bad jar!! Where did you hide Yuki-chan’s cookies!”


She felt the urge to pinch Mayu cheeks since the morning however she doesn't think that Mayu deserves for a pinch in the cheek. But now she thought that it was the right moment to make the little Watanabe suffer a bit.

“You know, I would rather hang out with a psycho alpaca than a person who tells lies.” Yuki told her as she pinched Mayu’s cheek.
“Am no- lyin’.” She manages to answer even though she struggled a bit

“If you’re not, why I can see cookie crumbles around your mouth huh?” as Yuki wiped some crumbles on the corner of Mayu’s lips with her thumb.

“It just a fairy dust!”

“So now you admit you wasn’t only ate the cookies but you also ate fairy??” ‘What kind of logic does she try to tell me?’

“Noo, I’m not that cruel!” Mayu tried to defend herself.

Because Mayu didn't want to admit that she was lying on Yuki, Yuki licks the leftover crumbles on her thumbs which she got from Mayu’s lips and recognized the familiar taste.

“It’s indeed cookie crumbles you little liar.” Being spotted from lying, Mayu tried to maintain her facial expression. Softly she placed both of her hand on Yuki’s cheeks and later on she squeezes her cheeks to distract Yuki and then she flee off the scene.

“Mayu come back here!”


After sending time together for whole day, Yuki becomes more familiar with Mayu’s presence and so does Mayu. At evening Yuki’s parent reached home with the Christmas tree together with Mayu’s parent who came along to pick up Mayu.

“Eh, don't wanna. I still want to play with Yuki-chan.” She grabs one of Yuki’s hand.

“Funny, but I don't share the same idea though.”

“See, let’s go home now before you troubled Yuki again.” Now Yuki regret her choice of words, when she says something sharp to Mayu, she didn't really meant it that way, of course Mayu didn't get it since she’s just a little girl, but the other Watanabes surely get the idea that she didn't want her to stay too long.

“Ah it’s fine Watanabe-san, I can handle her.” she quickly gives a response.

“See? She loves me.” she said that and later on cling to Yuki’s hand.
“Don't exaggerate it Mayu.” She complained while pushed Mayu a little. Out of nowhere her mom comes and invites Mayu to stay.

“Why don't you sleep over in here with Yuki, I guess there’s no problem?”

“Now don't exaggerate it too mom.”

“Yeay, I’m gladly accept your invitation! We’ll have fun together Yuki-chan!”

“Oh gosh.”


Later on the two families were having dinner together and after they were finished, the girls goes up to Yuki’s room. When Yuki opened her room, the young Watanabe rushed into her bed and drop her body to the bed. All Yuki could do just sighed. It was a long day for both of them, but none of them felt tired with each other presences.

“Nee, did you get a lot of fun today?”

“It depends on what perspective do you want to know.” She just doesn’t want to tell Mayu the truth that she enjoyed being with her. Hearing Yuki’s replies, Mayu changes her position and throws her glances into Yuki while beaming a big smile.

“I had a lot of fun today~ and I hope you feel the same.” Her faces shows sincere expression and Yuki could see it. In response to Mayu honest comment she didn't want to lie but she can’t give a truthful answer either. Blushing a bit, she gives an answer to Mayu.

“… Just a bit.”

“That’s great! Then tomorrow we’ll build a snowman together!”

“Snow again? What’s with this outdoor activity? Cant we just stay inside?”

“Dame! We need to do that tomorrow because I still have strength to play outside tomorrow.”

“What do you mean?” Yuki can't get the idea why they should go outside again, she finally could get along with Mayu but she still don't know the reason why “Yuki likes snow” project is so important to Mayu. The younger one displays sad smile in her face.

“I love snow, but I don't have the average stamina like any other kid have. But it doesn't stop me to play outside house in the winter. Moreover, I have this winter project to make you loves snow too. So I don't want to waste my time.” She smiled at Yuki.

It finally reaches Yuki, and now after she understands the reason, she sits besides Mayu, places one of her hand on top Mayu’s hand and then answered, “Fine, we’ll do whatever you want.” Mayu was so happy with Yuki’s response, she intertwined her fingers to Yuki’s.

“You won’t disappointed, I promise!” Seeing a delightful smile in Mayu’s face makes her heart warms, and she doesn't know why. She was glad that her answer could make the younger happy. Yuki tried to recollect all her memories about this child, she just spent one of her day with Mayu but it feels like she just spent a day that seems worth of years. As she looked into Mayu’s face, she feels grateful to know this girl.

“I guess a little companion from you in a Christmas eve is not that bad. Merry Christmas Mayu, I’m looking forward for your winter project.”


For all readers who spent their time reading this, thanks for reading my fic. Let me know your thoughts about this fic since i was away and havent written a fic for a long time. I would gladly received any comment related to my fic :)

Nb: It seems I cant send you any messages in tumblr and I dont know why. Also I just found out yesterday that you're a Natsumikan oshi, so I tried to make something related to your preferences so here's another present for you  :heart: (sorry for the quality of my drawing skill though, I wanna make another fic but I dont know much about hkt) :(

« Last Edit: December 25, 2016, 08:09:45 PM by FNK23 »

Offline yocelin17

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Re: Winter Project [Mayuki OS]
« Reply #119 on: December 25, 2016, 07:46:11 PM »
Winter Project is cute, Mayu is too naive for her own good, and it's uncommon to see Yuki is a cold person. But i squaled so much when I read it, because they are so kawaii in my imagination

What about your old story, will you continue it or will you discontinue it?
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

Kami-oshi: Kashiwagi Yuki

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