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Author Topic: [Yuki88's Random OS Idea Center] - (OS038) Implication <ChiiNatsu>  (Read 43814 times)

Offline Yuki88

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Yeah, I don't know what got into me when I wrote the idea drafts lol.

A bit talk on this first OS, I actually have no idea which pair to use. Was going to use AtsuMina after a small discussion with an RL friend (48 fans too) but after more consideration on my side, I decided to make it JuriAnnin lol. There are too much AtsuMina fics after all  :D

Anyway, let's cut the talk short and get into business. My first finished fic ever LOL  :nervous


You set me free

Jurina was sitting by herself at the rooftop, waiting for the sun to set, when someone opened the door. The girl, who looked like a refined young lady, walked to Jurina’s side and sat there.
“Annin,I thought you’ve gone home already,” said Jurina to the girl.
“I had something to do so I stayed.” Annin laid her head on the wall.
“I see.” Jurina casted her eyes back to the scarlet sky.
Silence engulfed the two girl. Both of them just sat and looked at the slowly setting sun.

"You know, I envy people like you." Annin broke the silence while kept on looking at the sun.
Jurina raised her eyebrows. "Hmm? I wonder why..."
Annin sighed. "All this time, I've been living for other people's sake."
"And then?"
"What I have been doing all along... I've never done anything for my own sake." Annin turned to look at Jurina.  "Meeting you made me realized that."
Jurina faced Annin. "How?"
"You live for your dream."
"Just that?"
"Yeah. Seeing your struggle for your dream makes me realized how empty I am inside. Living by doing whatever people tells me to do." Again, the long hair girl looked at the sky. "It came to me that I've never had a dream."
"You see, my life was dull, until I met you. You made me realized that there are more things in the world than just studying."
Jurina laughed sheepishly. "Haha, don't say that. I'm a mere idiot when it comes to that, you know."
All of sudden, Annin hugged Jurina tightly. "Don't belittle yourself. You show me how colorful the world is."
Jurina was taken aback by the sudden intimacy. "Annin..."
"You give me a reason to dream..." Annin gazed at the younger girl’s eyes as she released her from the hug and smiled at her. "...And my dream is to be with you. To accompany you in reaching your dream."
Jurina blushed when she heard the older girl’s confession. “Ironic, isn't it. You finally found what you want to do in life, yet it's for another person's sake again."
Annin shaked her head. "I'm more than willing to, if that person is you."
Jurina felt a bit embarrassed and laughed when she said, "Even though we're both girls?"
"Isn't there a saying that ‘Love knows no boundaries’?" replied Annin with her tongue in her cheek.
Jurina grinned and poked the long hair girl’s forehead. "I thought I gave you more of bad influence than good one."
"Who cares." Annin cheekily replied. She then caressed Jurina’s cheeks gently and said "I love you."
Jurina gazed deeply at Annin’s eyes and whispered back, “I love you, too.”
Then the two girls kissed sweetly under the scarlet sky of sunset.


Comment pls. I'm a total Maso at heart so I accept every single suggestions, or even critics, wholeheartedly  XD
« Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 04:52:15 PM by Yuki88 »
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I like it :thumbsup

Jurina plays very well in the male character despite the older partners XD
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Offline cisda83

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Jurina and Airin... very rare to see...

Good sweet story there...

Thank you for the OS, Yuki88-san

Can't wait to see more of your OS

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Yuki88

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Re: [Yuki88's Random OS Idea Center] - (OS001) You set me free/JuriAnnin
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2013, 06:27:22 PM »
Thanks for the comments  :bow:

@kurosawa87: Jurina here is a girl, though  :lol:

@cisda83: It was Annin and... All thanks to Majisuka Gakuen 3 for this pairing  :grin:

Anyway, here is a monologue-style OS I wrote in inspiration to the unrequited love of IwaTano (Iwata Karen and Tano Yuka) LOL.
I wrote it from Karen's POV and ofc, a bit genderbender here as I made Karen and Tomu a guy  :P

It's Karen -> Tanochan -> Tomu <-> Miyupon story here  :lol:


Unrequited Loves

We were once best friends but
Look at what we've become.
I fell for you. You fell for him. He fell for her.
Our fate is so cruel, isn't it.
We are put inside a cycle of unrequited love.
I love you. You love him. He loves her.
When will this cycle ever end?
We can break it but
Only if one of us gives up.
Will you be mine if
I tell you she loves him?
Will you deny it by saying
I lie to you?
I wish you would ever notice my love for you.
You wish he would ever notice your love for him.
He wish she would ever notice his love for her.
I wonder what we have done
To deserve this kind of fate,
Entangled in the web of unrequited love.
I want to break it but
I am not willing to give up.
It kills me inside seeing you
Being so intimate with him.
It kills you inside seeing him
Being so intimate with her.
I will do everything I can
To win your heart and
Save our friendship before
It is broken into pieces but
Is it possible?
Or is it impossible?
What if it is all just a cruel game of fate?


TanoTomu is popular new-gen pairing, but Tomu seems more interested in Miyupon then Tanochan  :lol:
And I ship IwaTano  :grin:
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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Re: [Yuki88's Random OS Idea Center] - (OS001) You set me free/JuriAnnin
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2013, 06:30:41 PM »
Interesting view of the pairing.  I wish I had more impluse and motivation to write XD
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Offline bunny_rabbit

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yes...another unique and rare pairing... :onioncheer:

me like it :on GJ:

Offline Yuki88

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Thanks for silent readers and commenters :D

@kurosawa87: Haha, this is a product of staying up way too late  :nervous

@bunny_rabbit: Hehe, it's not popular but it does exist!!  :fap Thanks :D

This is an old stuff (not that old, okay) I kept, inspired by these pictures and this blog post.

This is yet to be proofread so I hope it's all fine on its accord  :panic: *is whacked*


Companion to Eternity

"How long has it been since we gathered like this?"
"The theater's 7th anniversary, wasn't it? Ah, right, Nonti, you weren't there!" Said the squirrel-like girl.
"Yeah! We celebrated Meetan's marriage announcement at that time, you know." The girl with long dimple added.
"Well, Yuuko, Nattsumii, you guys didn't tell me that you were having after-party!" Nonti complained.
"We thought you were busy with your job," Nattsumii shrugged.
"Hey hey hey, ya girls so noisy, don't forget that Nacchi and Erena have made their way here, yo!" The girl with Osaka-accent reminded the other girls.
"Nah, it's okay, Yuka. Been a long time since we enjoyed this kind of meetings anyway." Nacchi laughed.
"Yeah, I kinda miss this. Almost 3 years since the last time I joined you girls." Erena added.
"So... Nacchi, how's life? We were really worried when you suddenly announced your graduation after.... you know," Yuuko hesitated for a short while.
"My scandal broke out, wasn't it. And my resignation." Yuka said while looking rather dejected.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you all worried. It's just... I realized that my future probably didn't lie there." Nacchi explained with sad look on her face.
Yuuko patted the younger girl's shoulder. "It was way too sudden, you know. Immediately effective graduation... It doesn't just affect us, but also your fans."
"I remembered some people who came to my line on my final handshake asking about you. They looked really sad, Natsuki." Yuka sighed.
"Anyway, shouldn't we be happier with our mini-gathering? Let's back to the question, how's life?" Nonti cut the gloomy conversation.
"You're right," Yuuko smiled faintly, showing her dimples, "How do you do?"
"Well, aside from working on those hellish uni projects? Yeah, I'm totally fine," Nacchi smirked, trying to lighten up the situation. "How 'bout you, Erena? You seem to be doing well with your solo career."
"Haha, you can say so but it's still just starting," the youngest girl smiled. "At least, compared to this Masuda-san beside me, I'm really nothing." Erena added while poking the girl's arm.
"Ehh, what do you mean, I haven't even had anything to do with music! I've only done variety shows so far..... and well, another musical play in few more months," Yuka sounded quieter than usual.
"That's great, isn't that. You gained enough acknowledgement with the WIZ, now you're getting another musical adaptation of a famous movie! I'm really glad for you huhu," said Yuuko while pretending to erase tears from eyes.
"Ugh, stop it, that's embarrassing, Yuukooo," Yuka pouted as she tried to whack the actress' head while everybody laughed at the squirrel's acting.
"As expected from Yuuko," Nattsumii grinned.

And the talk continued, they shared the time they've gone through together within tears and laughters.

"So... happy 7th anniversary of 2nd gen, eh?" Yuuko raised her glass for cheers.
"Happy anniversary," the others nodded in agreement and followed suits.
"If only others could join, too. I miss them so much," Nacchi sighed.
"Can't be helped. Jobs and.... well, I don't think Meetan's newly weds time should be disturbed," said Nonti with tongue in cheek.
"Haha, certainly." Nacchi laughed. "So... cheers!"


Comments and Critics are welcomed :D

ps. I know I'm an ori team K oshi hahaha  :P
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 10:13:25 AM by Yuki88 »
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

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Nostalgic times for them although only a few are left now
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Offline bunny_rabbit

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missed them so much...I am also an original team k's oshi :glasses:

K for Kakkoi :onioncheer:

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All my ori team K feels :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

K for Kizunaaaaa!!!! :twothumbs

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Omg my original team K!!! ː̗̀(☉,☉)ː̖́
Thankyou so much for made a story about my most favorite team !!! Miss them so much (´̩ε `̩ԅ )

Bacchikoi K!

Still a bit less without twin tower, but goodjob ;)
Glad to see my kami-oshi squirrel there xD

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Yuki saaan, you made me cry you know that?!  :cry:

The original team K feelings..

Man, I remembered once when I watched the early episodes of AKB 1:48 where Nacchi said she wanted to be in the intertainment world. And after reading this, my feelings for her just.. *expressing devastation*

please make more ori team K fics like this..  :bow:

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*Thumbs up*




Nice one, Yuki88-san~


Offline Yuki88

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W-w-w-wow, I'd never expected that I'd get this much of comment with such a short story. Thanks a lot everyone  :bow: :bow:

@kurosawa87: Yeah certainly nostalgic. Soon there will be only 4 left.

@bunny_rabbit: haha I really miss them so much. They've walked their own path.

@stv_wong: yeah! K for Kizuna  :twothumbs

@atsukojiyuu_C: Hahahaha, I'm sorry that I didn't include Twin Towers since.... well, I made it based on the photo haha  :nervous :nervous

@Cometerz48: EHHHH, why did you cry?!  :panic:  I really didn't expect anyone would actually cry from this story  :panic:  Haha yeah, it's pretty sad but I guess Nacchi's doing well with her Nail salon business so she'll be alright  :)  and... EHHHH More Ori K story? I'll try if there's anything that inspires me to write  :nervous

@Ricchan_Sawa: EH EH EH NANI NANI NANI?!  :panic: :panic: :panic:

Anyway, this is a poem-style OS I made just now. Fresh from the oven, yo!
So.... I inspired to write this poem as I browsed through my 48pics folder and saw a lot 2-shot pics Hahaha. The pairing can actually be anyone but I shall choose Mayuyu x Ricchan since the inspiration was flowing the most when I saw their pics  :fap

Okay, here it is. Enjoy!


Forbidden Fruits

It was all started with a small chit-chat
Nothing was unusual
Until we started to talk about the forbidden fruits
The forbidden fruits called LOVE

I looked into your eyes
You gazed into mine deeper
Before we knew it
Our lips met

Just with a kiss
Everything was started
The seed of the forbidden fruits
Nothing can stop us anymore

Your touch lingers in my skin
Your tongue digs deeper into my mouth
Your fingers tickles my center
Nothing can stop us as we dive deeper into our lust

“What is it our fault
That we are not allowed to love?
We are only human
Who wants to love, and to be loved”


A bit anti-climax, huh?  :nervous
Comments and Critics are welcomed.  :twothumbs
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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^ keeping it quite romantic are we? :lol:

Great job!!!
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Thanks for any silent-readers :D

@kurosawa87: More like my mind went blank when it came to lemon  :nervous Thanks! :D

Anyway, here is another poem-style OS. Very short and actually I wrote it not long after I finished with Forbidden Fruits haha.
It's a self-reflection on my love toward Yuka  :doh:
I'm making this Jurina x Yuka a.k.a. Jyurittan  :grin:



"I love you
You love me
Our love will last forever"
Or so I thought.

I heard the news
You betrayed me
I thought it was a lie
But it was truth.

I still love you but
It bores a hole
In my heart
Hole that will never heal.


Comments and Critics are welcomed  :panic:
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

My random OS Idea Center || Hakata Legend (HKT48 drabble fics) || Virgin Love (A TomoYuki Fluff) -hiatus?-

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Re: [Yuki88's Random OS Idea Center] - (OS005) Hole/Jyurittan
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2013, 10:49:54 AM »
It only seems to add to my fuel to do more poetry

Great job!!!
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Re: [Yuki88's Random OS Idea Center] - (OS005) Hole/Jyurittan
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2013, 02:35:08 PM »
never think about this pair before...nice to have an active writer like you who like to experiment with unique pair like this :on GJ:

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Re: [Yuki88's Random OS Idea Center] - (OS005) Hole/Jyurittan
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2013, 03:35:10 PM »
Waa~ A poem style OS...That's really new to me~
-Well, i really hope to see your update soon...
-Always try out a new pair, a unique pair~ Haha.
-Though it's short...It's still an okay for me!~

>I'll be waiting for the next one~ Hope there is!!~
 :roll: XD :inlove: :bow:

Offline Yuki88

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Re: [Yuki88's Random OS Idea Center] - (OS005) Hole/Jyurittan
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2013, 05:25:18 PM »
Thanks a lot for everyone who has been here, just being silent readers or commenting  :bow:

@kurosawa87: THEN DO IT. NOW.  :twisted:

@bunny_rabbit: haha, Jurina and Yuka's relationship is more like sisters, kind of like Jurina and Mariko  XD

@Kochiki: Hehe, I pair everyone based on their (visible) affinity  XD

So here is my new OS. This is not the first time I wrote a depressive fic but this one is the first one that I actually managed to finish haha. I came up with the idea when I was watching a certain TV show and imagined what if this kind of thing happened.

Let's not talk more or I might end up spoiling the plot  :nervous
Warning that I haven't really done any check on the finished story  :panic:


Last Goodbye

I wish it never happened.
The scandal that caused her to leave.
The scandal that made her dreams crumbled like nothing and all her efforts gone waste.
The scandal that ended her career overnight.


"Yuka, let's go home. You've drunk too much tonight." I tried to drag her out from the bar without positive result. She just sat back at the stool, glaring at me with her hazy eyes.
"Yuuko, can't you just leave? I want to drink my heart out."
Same old answer. That's what she always said everytime I tried to take her home and stop her from drinking. She was so down after all the scandal fiasco. Every single time I met her, she was always drunk. I had always known how she drank so often, even before the scandal but I had never thought she would be an alcoholic from that sad case.
I tried to grab her hands once again but she brushed me off and shouted,
I stood at my place in a shock. Tears were threatening to fall.
"Yuka I just..."
"Didn't you hear what I said? FUCK. OFF."
Almost everyone in the bar turned their head to us as Yuka kept on drinking, leaving me standing with tears rolling on my cheeks. I couldn't believe how much she had changed. Without realizing, my palm met her cheek in a slap, causing her to hold on her cheek afterward.
"Yuka, you're idiot!" ....was the only thing I could say before I left her in her last state of holding her reddened cheek, staring at me with those empty looking eyes.
I ran to the car where Sayaka waited for me worriedly. I made sure to wipe all of my tears before getting inside the car so she wouldn't worry even more. But it didn't seem to work as she pulled me into a hug as soon as I sat on the seat beside hers. It didn't take long before she got out of the car and went inside the bar, taking Yuka out of it as she grabbed and pulled the drunk woman's hand forcefully.
"I can't believe how much you have degraded, Yuka!" Sayaka shouted angrily as she shoved Yuka into the back seat of the car.
I looked at her as she turned her head away, not wanting to see me. "You guys should have just left me alone," was the only thing she said before she went quiet. I noticed how she sounded a lot more sober than she was when I talked to her in the bar and I felt that there was a hint of guilty feelings when she uttered those words.
Aftr what it takes like forever, we reached Yuka's apartment. Sayaka and I helped Yuka walk to in front of her room and left her laying on her bed. We were one-step from closing the door as we heard her saying,
"I'm sorry. And thank you for everything."
And that was the last thing I heard from her. The next day, I was watching TV when I saw the breaking news headline and dropped my cup of coffee in disbelief. Tears started rolling on my cheek as I read the headline:

"Masuda Yuka committed suicide!? Found dead in her apartment."


I don't think I'm good at writing this kind of dark fics, to be honest.
Comments and Critics are accepted.  :bow:

side note:
I apologize if I haven't updated Virgin Love as my exam mood has turned me into writing this kind of fic  :nervous
I hope I can finish it within the next week  :panic:
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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