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Author Topic: Travel To A Distant World: The Recruitment (Mayuki) [side story] (Dec 29 2013)  (Read 116023 times)

Offline Dieyg48

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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02) + replies
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2013, 03:26:29 AM »
Oh my gawd!!!! This is interesting!!! The two is lost in the past and in the...future maybe?~~~mouuuu!!!
 :lol: XD :banghead:

~Ehhhhh~So the 'rebel Takamina' is can explain this..ummm...
 :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :doh:

~Okay that's it, i'm no good in explaining things but i can only describe...This is the fic that i'm searching for!!!!
 :w00t: :D :panic:

~i don't know if there's action or something but....BLOOD!! Yeah i love that kind of things..<----i'm not a killer...
 :bleed eyes: :twothumbs XD

~But anyway!!! Pls update it soon!! I can't wait for what'll happen next!!! Nice one!!!
 :thumbsup :twothumbs :P :bow:
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AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
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Offline Haruko

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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02) + replies
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2013, 07:48:55 AM »
OMG!! its amazing this fic.. I love it!! :B keep going..

Offline chichay12

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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02) + replies
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2013, 08:31:58 AM »
I cant wait to read your new update :on gay:
Xcted much kyaaaaa :cow:

Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: Travle To A Distant World-Chapter 1-the switch (2013/06/02) + replies
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2013, 10:57:14 AM »
Thinking the Military Takamina dancing on the stage... SO COOL~!!!!!!  XD XD XD XD

Thinking the Idol Takamina waging on the war..... SUPER AWESOME~~!!!!!!!!!!!!  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Waiting for your update.....  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
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Replies part 2:
Dieyg48:Lol thank you very much, more things will keep revealing themselves each chapter! Lol & no worries, there will be action. Many genres are mixed into this fic :)
Haruko:Thank you :D
Chichay12: Here is my new update, hope it doesn't dissapoint ^^
X_Last-Cross_X: Lol indeed id be bool :)

Thanks for reading everyone! Here is chapter 2!

Chapter 2 – Attack on the leader!?

(Alternate world)

     “Uwa!” I broke through the surface of the water and breathed in the air, coughing as I dragged myself out of the river. I stumbled on all fours trying to catch my breath. What was that! It felt like I was under forever. I thought I was dead! After getting my breathing under control, I slowly rose on my two feet, slightly stumbling but regaining balance. As soon as I looked up, shock was plastered to my face. The sun seemed to be disappearing and they sky was covered with gray clouds. “What the...It was just morning time. Was I unconscious or something?” I took out my soaking phone from my pocket...or course it wasn’t working so I couldn’t check the time. “Best to make my way to where I was going to meet Miichan” I decided as I wrapped my arms around myself and shivered. “Great, my clothes are soaked and it’s windy” All I was wearing were my kaepa tracks suit, the white one with black and gold outline design and a black shirt underneath.

     I began to walk, but grew confused the further I progressed. The place seemed to be pretty deserted and quiet. All the trees were reduced to their naked branches, no leaves in sight. The ground was covered in cracks, and rubble was lying around in many places. “What in the world happened?” I questioned. No way there was an earthquake and I missed it right? I shook my head to clear my thoughts and progressed forward. I kept advancing forward but stopped when I heard someone talking. I climbed the small hill since no stairs were in sight, and when I reached the top, there I saw someone standing near the corner of what appeared to be an abandoned shop.

     “Yes I’m scouting the area now. Haruna stop worrying, I can take of myself, I’ll report back to you guys soon...Yah, you be careful too.”

    Yuko! What’s she doing here? She better not be skipping out on practice! I smiled. But at least I finally ran into someone. I lifted myself from the small hill and began to approach Yuko. “Hey Yuko, care to tell me what’s going on” I smiled and waved as I called out. Yuko whirled around at lightning speed and grabbed something from her holster. She aimed the gun right at my head and I stopped dead in my track only a meter away from her. W...what?

     “You got some nerve to show your face here Takahashi.” Yuko said with a cold glare as she cocked the gun.

(Original World)

     I turned around to walk out of this so called theatre but the others called out for me to stop.

     “Minami! Where are you going, practice barley began” Shinoda asked.

     I looked back at them all, honestly reluctant to leave...I missed them, but I didn’t belong here, and the other Takahashi Minami didn’t belong there, I had to fix this. “Listen, Shinoda, no disrespect, but I must be leaving now. I have important things that need to be attended to. This is goodbye” I turned to walk out but someone grabbed my hand and spun me around.

     “Takamina this is no time to joke, we seriously need to get practicing”

     “Minegishi. Please let go. I have important matter to attend to. I promise you your leader will return to resume practice with you.”

     “Shinoda, Minegishi, ‘our’ leader? Okay, it’s official, the stress finally got to you and your mind snapped” Oshima said as Kojima lightly smacked her head. “Ow! It was a joke. You have to admit she’s acting weird though. Referring to herself in third person and calling everyone by their last names”

     “Maybe you should go to the hospital Takamina san” Yokoyama suggested worryingly.

     I smiled as the all showed concern. “I’m sorry, but I can’t stay here longer” I informed them as I raised my left wrist and clicked a few buttons on my watch...but nothing happened. ”Huh?” I tried again but nothing occurred. This was how I got here the first time, why isn’t it working!?

     “Um Minami, you might want to take it easy on your watch there, you seem to be taking out your frustration on it” Haruna quipped.

     “I’m stuck” I said out loud as I sank to the floor and leaned my back to the wall. The others approached me and asked if I was alright. ”I need to find a way back. I can’t stay here” Slowly rising, I saw the confusion evident on all the girls faces and sighed.

     “Minami, are you sure you’re okay?” Oshima asked, leaving the joking aside.

    I let out another breath. “It’s only fair I tell you I suppose... I’m not the Takahashi Minami you know” the stares I received clearly told me they thought I was crazy. Earlier than they could speak up; I raised my hand to silence them and continued speaking. “Before you write me off as insane, let me explain. As hard as it may be to believe, I come alternate reality to this, I suppose you’d call it. Over there AKB is a rebel force working against a corrupt government that’s suppressing and controlling the people. To keep the explanation short, it’s not a pretty place, but we do have advanced weaponry and technology. A few things had gone wrong so I had something like a time matching built, it wasn’t easy and I was taking a lot of risks in trying something that may not work, but I had to attempt it. However something did go wrong, and instead of going back in time, I ended up here, and I believe the Takahashi Minami you know is back in my world now. I was just about to leave to fix this mess...but the time machine installed in my watch doesn’t seem to be operational” I finished explaining as I pointed to the watch.

   “ the ambulance” Kashiwagi instructed after a long silence, and Watanabe nodded beside her in agreement.

   “Look, I informed you of the truth because I believe you deserve to know it. Besides, it’d be troublesome if I left in order to find a way back to my world and you all report Takahashi Minami as missing or something"..Even though she is technically. "I can fix this. I’ll bring her back” They still weren’t convinced and I saw Kashiwagi go for her phone. I decided to show them the only proof I could. I swiftly reached behind my jacket and pulled out my pistol and fired it at Kashiwagi’s phone, blowing the top clean off.

     Everyone stared in shocked silence at first, and then they all began to shout at my direction.

      “Are you insane?’
     ‘What are you doing with a gun?”
     “Someone could have gotten hurt”

     I ignored all their protests and lowered the pistol, “Don’t worry, I never miss my target. But here, I’ll put it away if it makes you feel safer.” I raised the pistol in my right hand and placed it on my watch. A holographic 3D field encircled the pistol, and the gun began to digitalize, the pixel like data all began to be absorbed into the watch. I smirked at everyone’s shocked faces. “It’s a useful method of carrying items, but as you saw it takes time to put away, and thus it’d take time to take out, that’s why it’s safer to have at least one weapon on me at all times..." I clicked another button and images of weapons appeared all around me on floating screens. Clicking another bother, information appeared instead. I then turned it off. "Now you believe me?”

     They all nodded without a word. Kashiwagi Yuki held out her broken phone, “I wish you didn’t have to make my phone your victim”

     I smiled. “Sorry about that. Now, about getting back your leader...”

     I quickly explained the situation again, not saying more than I had to. Mainly explaining how I had to find a way back home as soon as possible and get their Minami back soon. Of course I also told them how the less the people knew about this, the better, and they should keep this information only amongst the AKB members.

    “So Takamina in a dangerous place like that! Oh man. This is all too insane, yet it does explain your strange behaviour and I can’t doubt the whole gun disappearing thing” Oshima said.

     “Hold on, I get why you keep saying you have to get Minami back quickly since it’s dangerous there, but if we...I mean AKB is there as well, won’t she be safe with them?”

     My expression turned sombre at the question. There wasn’t a way I could explain this part to them. “...No. She wouldn’t be safe with AKB”

(Alternate world)

       “Yuko, you’re kind of creeping me out. If this is some sort of actress thing, think you could save it for later” I said as I raised my hands after she cocked the gun.
   “Stop being so formal! You lost your privilege to call us in a friendly manner you traitor!” Yuko shouted as she took a step closer and I instinctively backed away feeling a threat.

   “Yuk....Oshima wait. Let’s just calm down and talk things out okay. Can you please put that gun down because it’s really not helping my nerves” I said.

   “Yah right, I’m no idiot. I know you always stash your own gun behind your back...But wow look at you, looking pretty tidy and clean there. Government must be giving you all the luxury you ever wanted, not having to worry about anything. So tell me who else is with you, you must have brought those government scum or lapdogs as backup. Or did the great Takahashi Minami want all the glory for herself” Yuko bitterly spat out, the hate evident in her eyes.

   “Yuko you’re really freaking me ou...” I began to say as I slowly approached, but she aimed the gun down where my foot was about to step and fired. The bullet left a large hole in the floor. I stepped back in shock and horror and stumbled, falling to the ground. It was loaded! She’s serious?” Yuko once again pointed the gun to my head.

   “I should finish you here myself, but you’ll be judged in front of the entire group for your crimes”

   Before anything else could happen, we both heard a growling sound coming from behind Yuko, I looked and saw a big That did not appear to be a regular dog. It kept growling and approaching, seeming as though a predator ready to hunt its prey.

   Yuko swore. “So you did bring the mutts along” Anther dog approached behind the first one. “Well this should be fun, I was having a pretty boring day” Yuko took out another gun and began to fire at the dogs. They somehow dodged the bullets and jumped to attack her but she rolled away and fired again.

   Minami’s instincts were telling her to run away from this crazy situation. As she stood up, she saw a third dog appear from behind the building and start to slowly approach Yuko from behind, who was busy fighting off the other two. I...I can’t leave Yuko alone like that. I began to look around for something to use as a weapon and saw a broken wooden board piece. I ran and lifted it and ran behind the dog who was about to pounce on Yuko. “Oh no you don’t!” I lifted the wooden piece above my head and then struck the dog as hard as I could. It yelped and Yuko quickly glanced back but faced forward again to the two other dogs who continued to attack. The one I hit shook its head then growled at me. Uh oh. It charged, and I had no choice but to run. At least I was leading it away from Yuko.

   I ran as fast as I could, no longer paying attention to where I was going. Everything seemed so unfamiliar in the area. I could still hear the dog’s footsteps behind me and I was beginning to lose speed. I turned at a corner and realized I hit a dead end. Plastering my back to the wall, I faced the dog as it approached and bared its teeth. “Never thought being mulled by a dog would be my end” It jumped, and I closed my eyes.

   Nothing was happening, though I did hear the dog yelp then it sounded like something hit the floor. I opened my eyes slowly and saw the dog had a clean large cut on its throat. It was dead. Looking to the right of the animal, I saw a person’s back, holding a long sharp blade. “Um...” I began to say. The girl turned around.

       “Atsuko!” I shouted in shock and momentary relief. That was all I had time to say, because she swiftly reached for her gun, aimed it at me and fired.

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 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

What's gonna happen to Takamina?!!!! I hope Atsuko missed though.,

and Takahashi was cool, but poor Yukirin.. Her phone.. :rofl:

*squeals over both Oshimas* Yuko-sama, :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: why so AWESOME?!!
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Offline bunny_rabbit

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yay...update :onioncheer: the Chaos World, Takamina was treated as a traitor by other this some kind of misunderstanding :dunno:

well...I bet Takamidget have her own reason to do whatever she had done and to keep it as a secret...

secret always came with a price...and it never good :glasses:

oh yeah,feel sorry for Yukirin's phone :on lol:

Offline kenjoy12

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Ohmygosh! What just happened?! :shocked


Awesome update! :thumbsup

What will happen to Takamina in alternate world? What really happened between alternate-Takamina and the group?

I'm so hyped when I read the story! :twothumbs

Thank you :bow: :thumbsup

Offline den_takacchan

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eh??? :? why a cliffhanger??  :cry:  :cry:i want t knw what happened t the alternate world did takamina betray them???? and wth! atsuko fired at takamina. i hope she's okay.  XD btw thx for new fic :D  :twothumbs .

Offline Minamiyuki

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Wow, It looks like we have the same imagination of technology.. You know, I've been imagine also that watch too (since 10 years old)....  :wub: :wub: :wub:

Bleeding-edge Technological Watch that can able to store weapons and equipments by putting it on the generated Three-Dimensional Holographic Field. When object was put on the watch it started to pixelized into large data just like saving files on a memory card.

Then to select your things that stored on your watch, you need to expand the field into 3D holographic display. After choosing from each of the display (or you can called as floating screen), the object you choose will starting to materialized and you will able to used it. (just like your description to your story)

Aside from that, I can see that the watch has other purpose aside from material storage. It also act as space-time travelling by inputting the coordinates and determine the location (but it seems there are some miscalculations).  XD XD XD

But wow, Takamina was really good at handling weapons, shooting Yukirin's phone without injuring her hand. She's a highly advanced marksman master.

I want my Takamina (General Manager) to master swordsmanship so she can able to match her other parallel and able to disable the war-type AKB members. GO TAKAMINA!!!!!

Thinking about it, THAT'S COOL!!!!!!!!  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Waiting for your update
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

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Offline cisda83

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Getting more and more interesting...

Both Takamina were still unable to get into thier roles at all...

The one in the alternative world Takamina was in danger now...

I can't wait to see what the Takamina in both world going to do next...

Thank you for the update

 :inlove: :wub: :heart: :love:

Offline Dieyg48

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Ouh my gawd..............That was freaking awesome!!!!!!! (A.W=alternate world || O.W=original world...souweee)
 :banghead: :twisted: :twothumbs

~And ughhhh!!! Well, it's a relief to find that Takamina from the alternate world is believed by the O.W AKB member~~
 :yep: :thumbsup :sweatdrop:

~But...What'll happen to the original Takamina!!?? Did the A.W Takamina betrayed AKB from the A.W!!??
 :? :shocked :panic:

~And the hell!!?? Yuko!!?? Acchan is pointing her gun and fire it!!! Hope the bullet don't go through Takamina's head!!!LOL
 :cry: XD :banghead:

~And wow!! You really describe all those action perfectly!!! And i like the action!!! Kakkoiiii!!!
 XD :inlove: :twothumbs

~Ouhh!! Pls update the next one!!! Can't wait for what'll happen to Takamina A.W and Takamina O.W!!!!
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :bow:
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 05:41:55 AM by Dieyg48 »
Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
Love and Peace!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

Offline chichay12

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i know u just updated ur fic...
but but but pls update ur fic soon.. :sweatdrop:
as in soon?maybe tom XD
i really want to know what will happen to minam :sweatdrop:
thank you for the update :on gay:
 i mean it thank you  :lol:

Offline Shinoki

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OMG! that was epic...
yukirin's phone...
well, their reactions were interesting...
the tech is interesting... cool~
gah!! Yuko, misunderstandings!! (TT_TT)
Acchan!! NOOOOOOOO!! Don't shoot...

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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YAY!! you made another one!  :on gay: wooot! making ur debut  :mon thumb: eh?  :on lol: hahahahaha
Just saw this today! oh man! this is sick! (you know in a good way)  :mon yeah: This is something you don't see everyday~ ahahaha nice~  :mon fyeah:
Well at least the others believe what rebel Takamina was saying and lol laughed at that,  “I wish you didn’t have to make my phone your victim”  :mon lmao:
Gahhh...Takamina got shot!?  :mon wtf: well...can't be right!? right? riiiiight??? she can't die...yet (lol no she shouldn't die ever) :mon innocent:
but hmm...I don't think Acchan shot her but maybe there was those dogs that was chasing them and it was behind Takamina...? and she shot that instead  :mon sweat: lol idk...imma only inferring  :mon dunno:
well looking forward to what happens next~  :on GJ:

Offline Rachel431

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ah!! badass yuko with a gun, so hot XD really like the chapter  :D

Offline bunny_rabbit

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~And the hell!!?? Yuko!!?? Acchan is pointing her gun and fire it!!! Hope the bullet don't go through Takamina's head!!!LOL
 :cry: XD :banghead:
so you mean the bullet should stuck inside her her head :dunno:

well,that will become a cool souvenir for her :hehehe: and when she got back from Chaos World she can brag about it like "hey guys, you know what? When I was there, Atsuko shot me on the head and the bullet is still there" *grin while show the x-ray photo* :on lol:

Offline Haruko

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wait what... OMG!!Acchan... what are you thinking!!?!?!

Offline Dieyg48

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~And the hell!!?? Yuko!!?? Acchan is pointing her gun and fire it!!! Hope the bullet don't go through Takamina's head!!!LOL
 :cry: XD :banghead:
so you mean the bullet should stuck inside her her head :dunno:

well,that will become a cool souvenir for her :hehehe: and when she got back from Chaos World she can brag about it like "hey guys, you know what? When I was there, Atsuko shot me on the head and the bullet is still there" *grin while show the x-ray photo* :on lol:

~Bwahahahah!!! That is totally right!!! LOL
 :lol: :P XD

~But i didn't mean that the bullet should stuck on her head!! I wouldn't kill my Takamina!!!
:lol: :yep: :banghead:
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 06:11:45 AM by Dieyg48 »
Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
Love and Peace!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

Offline Tanchan

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Okay how could I miss this? This is seriously one of my favorite genre, two people from different dimensions who look  exactly like each other. I wonder if they would mix up each other lol like the OW minami meets the AW Atsuko and ends up liking her, abandoning the Atsuko in the OW XD

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