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Author Topic: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters  (Read 46871 times)

Offline Rachel431

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 8
« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2013, 02:28:34 AM »
wow this story is great :)

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 8
« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2013, 03:03:45 AM »
@AshuraX - nod.nod.. As the story goes further.. Let the questions be answered.. Hehehe..

Uwaaa! Ohmygosh! Yuko and Takamina avoided Acchan! And Mariko help lil' Acchan.. That's right Acchan! Don't ever lie and deny your feelings! Trust and believe in them! Takamina's right! :fap  Kyaaaaa~ I knew it Acchan was not asleep and thank goodness she heard Yuko! Kyaaaa~ Onegai! Mariko-sama~! :fap Ahahaha

What will to help.Acchan? Will Yuko going to continue to.hide her feelings? Will Acchan.going to.make.a move on Yuko? I wonder if Takamina.still have feelings.for.Acchan?

Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup :twothumbs

ALWAYS GREAT~ :twothumbs \m/(^o^)\m/

Offline rochilu

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 8
« Reply #42 on: June 20, 2013, 03:21:46 AM »
aaah, finally Acchan know Yuko's feelings about her!! and now what she will do? :O
Silly Yuko xD she bultred all out  haha

Offline yourockme

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 8
« Reply #43 on: June 20, 2013, 12:59:54 PM »
I read chapter 7 yesterday before logging out
I really wanted to comment in that chapter but i dont have time i said to myself
'I'll just comment tom' but well there's already new chapter *-*
LOL okay just sharing XD

And i cant wait for the next chapter!
Can you message me your facebook? Hehehe
Oh yeah THANK YOU VERY MUCH *kisses and hugs you* bye =))

PS. im serious lets get married LOL! WHAHAHAHA
Atsuyuu ♥ Takayuu ♥ Atsumina ♥ Mayuki

YOSH! I'M BACK! FINALLY!!! (notreally)
Been inactive these past few months. =__=

Offline AshuraX

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 9
« Reply #44 on: June 21, 2013, 05:59:41 PM »
As usual, Thanks for everything~

abcari, bah. I failed to fool the readers *depressed*

rachel, Thanks~

kenjoy, thank god Mariko-sama is so close with Acchan~

rochilu, don't blame Yuko~ It's love!

yourockme, Wow, that came out of nowhere, but thanks~ And no I don't have an FB, sadly. I'll update this every two days, since I'm challenging myself~

   I decided that Chapter 12-15 will be the final chapter, since Acchan already knows Yuko's feelings. As to not agitate the readers to the max (LoL) I decided that Chapter 15 is the longest I could do. And I also found out how the ending is going to be~ More like I thought it'd be cool if it ended like that OwO

   Here's a hint.

   Now that everyone knows the ending, let's just keep at it for this chapter.

   Oh, forgot.
Blue  = Acchan
Brown = Yuko
Red = Takamina
Yellow = Mariko
Usual black is probably time skip

   Chapter starto da!

[Chapter 9]


"I'm bored!!!!!"

   I finally broke the 43 minute silence in the house. The younger girl next to me was fiddling with her phone, probably texting her sweetheart, Takahashi Minami. I, on the other hand, am lying on the floor, doing exactly nothing. The girl, Kojima Haruna finally spoke up.

"Then why don't you just storm in Acchan's filming, Yuu-chan?"

   She was obviously being sarcastic but I really wanted to do what she asked. "There's NOTHING to do today!", I shouted, hoping that my crush would hear it and storm right in our apartment and comfort me, though that's impossible.

   "YUKO!" someone really did stormed in. She shouted my name. At first I was as happy as a dog with two tails, that is until I looked and saw that the person is the Kojima Haruna's lover, Takahashi Minami. My face turned from schoolgirl smile to a dog frown whilst NyanNyan's face turned from a poker face to a... More happier poker face?

   "Ah, Takamina? What are you doing here?" I asked the obvious question. "I should be asking YOU that!" she replied and pointed at me... The answer was obvious, though... "Because this is my apartment?" I said with a straight face. "No, what I meant was, what are you doing here, with Harunyan?!" she looked back and forth between me and NyanNyan. She's probably worried that I'd be all over her. The reason NyanNyan's here was because she wanted to talk to me about something. But, all she did was, came inside, sat on the sofa, and fiddled with her phone. She didn't even talk to me, let alone get on with the topic!

   "There, there. I wouldn't do anything to your Harunyan. That would betray my feelings. And she wouldn't let me either way." I said, proudly. She just sighed as she sat on NyanNyan's lap. Ah, this couple really knows how to barge in someone else's home and disrespect the owner of the house, I thought to myself and went to the fridge to get some orange juice. I poured into three glasses and came back to where the two couples were making out. I offered it to them and they happily took it.

   "Ah yeah, Yuu-chan. Did you have sex with Acchan yet?" I literally spat out my juice when NyanNyan suddenly asks the question out of the blue. Takamina was looking at her lover, baffled. "How could you even ask something like that so suddenly?! And no! Acchan didn't even REALIZE about my feelings yet." I put down my glass, hard, almost spilling the contents. Takamina, who was sitting innocently showed me a look of sympathy. 'I don't need that, thank you very much.' NyanNyan continued, "Oh, I thought that you'd lose it by now. I mean, it's been years already. I think you're the one who should confess, Yuu-chan."

   I know what she's trying to say, but every time I try to confess my feelings to her, I just can't. Fear takes over. I'm scared... Scared that she would end our relationship. I already heard that she turned down Takamina. She's still friends with her, but they rarely see each other. And that's Takamina, who is the closest to Acchan. 'If it's me, she'll surely...'

   As I was in dilemma, I decided to ask the two, "Hey, between you two, who confessed first?". The two looked at each other, trying to recall and smiled as they remembered it. "It just happened. We didn't need any words." Takamina said, happily. I knew what happened, though. They were lost in about me falling in love with Acchan and Acchan rejecting Takamina's confession, thinking that I loved Takamina. I didn't want to pry any further so I decided to just continue drinking my juice.

   "Why did you ask, Yuu-chan?" NyanNyan looked at me worriedly. I knew why I asked them. I was jealous. Not because of NyanNyan, not because of Takamina, but because of their special relationship. There won't be any of that kind of magic between Acchan and I. I just shrugged as I put down my juice and laid down on the floor, not answering her question. Without noticing, I suddenly blurted out... "It'd be a miracle if Acchan would realize my feelings..." And with that, I hoped that I raised another flag.


   "Maeda-san! Thanks for your hard work today!" Some fans came and bowed to me when I finished my shoot for the day. I was kinda happy that they went to such lengths for me, but also embarrassed since well, it's embarrassing. I put on my usual smile and bowed to them as well. "Thank you for supporting me!" I thanked them, for their dedication and their time. They smiled as well, some with tears in their eyes. They were probably happy. I was as well, knowing that my fans could be really nice... But who knows how long this will last...

   When I walked away to the direction of my house, I received a text from someone. I unconsciously smiled as I looked at the sender's name and the what she sent. I quickly changed my course to the restaurant we always go to.


   I had already arrived and seated at an empty table. The one who sent the text didn't arrive yet. She already told me in the text to wait for her, so I wasn't really angry. A waitress came to take my order. I didn't really want to eat anything so I just ordered ice tea. She went away to finish the order and after a few seconds she came back, with an ice tea. 'FAST!' is what I usually said but I've gotten used to it. That's one of the ups of this restaurant. They're fast. I mean, REALLY fast. It's like, fast food even though you didn't order fast food! And not that fast food. Just, FAST.

   While I was busy enjoying my tea, someone hugged me from behind. I could recognize the breast that was enveloping me from behind. It was Shinoda Mariko.

"Hey, Acchan, sorry to make you wait."

   She lets go of me and sits across the table. Ah, I wanted her breasts more... "I know what you're thinking, Acchan, but realize that you're a well-known actress. Fans would blow up if they realize the angel Maeda Atsuko is actually a closet pervert." She says, as if she knew what I was thinking. Well, can't blame her. She was one of the few people that knew that I was a closet pervert. In AKB, I mean, when I was still in AKB, the ones that knew are her and Tomochin. Mii-chan realized it but isn't sure. Mayuyu knew after I graduated.

   Mari-chan took the glass of ice tea and drank it. I unconsciously said, "Ah, indirect kiss" and she looked at me weirdly as if she was trying to tell me to stop thinking about that. I decided to just do as she said. I drank the ice tea again and looked at her. She was waiting for me to crack another perverted joke but I just shrugged it off. "So, the reason you brought me here?" I asked her the question which lingered in my mind. She smirked and asked me...

"Say, want to go back to AKB?"

-To be continued-
   I'm going to make this chapter short and prioritize on checking and improving the next chapter. I'll upload it tomorrow prob

Jaa Thanks for readin~

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 9
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2013, 07:50:24 PM »
@AshuraX - You decided already.. Uwaa! Can't wait..

Nyan-nyan! You and your bluntness! Ahahaha :lol:

Ohmygosh! I can't wait! What are you planning Mariko-sama? Yuko don't you dare raise the white flag! Not yet! Acchan you better hurry!

Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup


Offline rochilu

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 9
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2013, 09:15:19 PM »
Acchan is going back yo akb? :o and yuko left because of her! waa. Yuko is coming back too?
i'm waiting for your next chapter :3

Offline abcari

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 9
« Reply #47 on: June 22, 2013, 05:09:57 AM »
woot!? Acchan in AKB again? this a turn of events very interesting!

and sorry because we all know about when Acchan wasnt sleeping xDDD

Good Job here! :D

Offline AshuraX

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 10
« Reply #48 on: June 24, 2013, 04:29:24 PM »
kenjoy, that wasn't the flag Yuko was raising O.O, and nah, Mariko-sama ain't planning anything too out of the world

rochilu, who knows, let's just see what'll happen~

abcari, thanks~ And don't mention about dat. I WILL FOOL ALL YER READERS SOMEDAY!

I'm surprised nobody protesting about how the ending's going to be too expected or something O.O''
I kinda regret using the AKB route, since it'd take at least 4 chapters for it, 2 chapters for Yuko's actions and 1 chapter for the finale... And there goes my 12 chapter dream *sigh*

Oh well, onto the next chap!

[Chapter 10]

"Say, want to go back to AKB?"

   I asked the girl. She seemed to be taken aback by my sudden question. Well, can't blame her. This was the only answer that I could think of. Her eyes were wide open. She kept being surprised for almost a minute now. So I broke the silence

   "I know you're shocked and all but this could be the only way for you to get away from Yuko." I reassured her. This is the only way. Using AKB's rule. There won't possibly be any moves from Yuko if she entered the group again. If she entered AKB, then Yuko would definitely follow as well. Yuko isn't stupid enough to make a move and break the rule once Acchan is in AKB. "This is the only way you can run away from her." I added. She looked down, pondering of what to do. I won't say any more. It's her decision and her decision alone. If she doesn't take the offer, then Yuko will make a move. She's not the type to give up just like that. Acchan finally looked up and met with my eyes.

   I could tell already... This will lead into a horrifying ending...




   I woke up at the sound of the alarm clock. Today I have a photo shoot and after that, a fan meeting, a date with my cute kouhais, some drama shoot and a gathering. I blame Acchan for making my life more busier than what I bargained for. Well, it wasn't as bad as it was when I was in AKB. I have some time before I leave, so I went to Acchan's room but it seems that she wasn't there. I relieve my stress by smelling Acchan's bed.
   "Ahn~ Acchan's scent~!" I unconsciously let out what I was thinking as I smelled her bed and messed with it as I rolled around. Then I realized something. I just became a one hell of a pervert. I took a picture of me and Acchan's pillow and saved it. I decided to send it to Takamina as well. After a few seconds, she replied so I decided to just call her, since I was feeling lonely and I don't want to disturb Acchan if she's working.

   "Huh? Yuko?" I hear the voice of the midget at the end of the line. "Yo, midget! So, are you jealous of me and Acchan~?" I teased her a bit. Even though she's in love with NyanNyan, she still has a special place for Acchan in her heart, though I have no idea how she does that. "It's just a pillow. Me and Acchan already slept together a couple of times." she brags about her 'special' relationship with Acchan so I became a little angry and jealous, even though I was supposed to tease HER. "Heh, I've already seen her naked." I bragged to her, thinking she couldn't talk back anymore.

   "So? Me and Acchan already kissed~" she sounds a little too proud of it. But it still makes me jealous. "HAH! Me and Acchan already FRENCH KISSED!" "WHAT?!" She shouted at the end of the line. She's probably gone mad wherever she is. I could hear she yelling at me about who knows what, so I decided to just end the call. "HAHA! See you later, Acchan's NUMBER 2!" Thus I ended the call there.

   I put my phone down and laid on the floor, being bored. I heard the ringtone of my phone. Seems that someone messaged me. I thought that it was Takamina lashing out her anger at jealousy at me but as I looked at who sent it, I unconsciously smiled. Until,

From : Sweet sweet angel Acchan
Subject : I got in~

Hey, Yuko~ It's me!
I just finished asking Aki-P about joining the group back and he accepted!
There's only a few people in this generation's group
Hope the fans will accept me again
Wish me luck~

   "What the..." I kept reading the text over and over. My brain STILL couldn't process what I just read. All I knew is that...


   I quickly left the apartment and dashed towards where the most obvious place. I knew that Aki-P is choosing the candidates at the theater.


   "Aki-P! No, wait. Akimoto-san!" I shouted his name as I got in the theater. I saw him and quickly went to him.

   "Hm?" he looked at me with his never-changing expression. I looked back at him and stated my business. "I want to join AKB48." I knew that it was probably already too late, not to mention that I've already graduated before, but I just have to get back to AKB again. He looked at me, not shocked, not angry, nothing.

   "State your name." He told me. He's probably asking this like a real audition. Kind of like the auditions in the old days. "Oshima Yuko."

   "Who's your oshimen?" He asked me a pretty weird question. I didn't know what to say. I knew who my oshimen is but I can't figure out why he would ask me that. Until I looked into his eyes. He was serious. Then I'll be serious as well.

   "Maeda Atsuko."




   I hugged the girl that just passed her audition. I never knew that she was coming back to AKB but I was already happy without knowing her reason. There was also Mariko-sama and Tomochin in the room. I then realized it.

Minami :"EH?! You two are coming back as well?!" I looked at the other two in disbelief
Tomomi :"Mari-chan asked me. Plus, Acchan's coming back as well. There's no way I could refuse, right?"
Mariko :"You just want to be lovey dovey with Acchan."
Tomomi :"Can't deny that." she hugged Acchan as well.
Atsuko :"Haha, but didn't you ask Tomo~mi?" she patted Tomochin and me as she asked
Tomomi :"She's visiting Erena overseas so she couldn't make it."
Mariko :"Those two are so close"
Minami :"So is WTomo."
Tomomi :"You still remember that?"

   At that time, the door flung open.

   I knew who it was. It's just impossible if she wasn't here. Besides, the two are the Ex-Aces of AKB48.

Yuko :"Yo."
Tomomi :"Oh, so Yuu-chan's joining as well?"
Mariko :"Of course she would."
Minami :"Truly."
Atsuko :"..."
Yuko :"I'm joining you guys as well, Acchan."
Mariko :"She only sees Acchan, huh..."
Tomomi :"Yeah, she ignored us."
Atsuko :"I know..." she gave us a relieved smile. As if she wanted it to happen.



   "So why did you suddenly want us to join back, Mari-chan?" Tomomi asked me. The others nod, as if to say that they wanted to know as well. Acchan knew why but she decided to play along. "Well, this will make the others grow more." They looked at me dumbfounded. "You know, if our kouhai suddenly felt the pressure of us pushing them right behind them, then they would eventually grow more." I added "This is so that we could leave AKB in their hands once NyanNyan, Mii-chan and Takamina graduates."

   They seem to have understood my reasoning as they sighed. "But still, do you know how many of us are in this generation's group?" Yuko asked me. I shook my head, not knowing the answer. She pointed at me, Acchan, Tomochin and herself. "Wait, just four of us?!" I was in shock as she nodded.

   "Are we some sub-unit or something?" Tomochin added, she was as shock as me. "I don't know. Aki-P told me he won't combine us with the other Kenkyusei." Yuko told us what she heard.

   ""Who cares about that." Acchan stood up and walked to the door. "This is for our kouhais." She smiled, looking back at us. As we looked at the back of the Ex-Ace, we also smiled, knowing we can rely on that back of hers again. The back that lead us in the past. We all stood up as she looked forward and opened the door.

"Saa, time for some practice"

[To be continued]

Ahh, so many mistakes in here... Yet I don't know what to fix anymore...

Oh well.

Hope this doesn't confuse ya lot~ XD

« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 09:15:56 AM by AshuraX »

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 9
« Reply #49 on: June 24, 2013, 05:10:37 PM »
@AshuraX - *sigh* Ohyeah! :peace: Maa.. Hehehe.. I'll be waiting for the next up! Gambatte~ :fap

Ohmygosh! The update keeps better and better! :fap :thumbsup

I'm seriously gonna camp here till the end! Haha :twothumbs

I can't wait what will happen next.. Now Yuko and the others were back at AKB.. Will Yuko have the courage to break the rule? Acchan what's going on your mind right now?

Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup

CAN'T WAIT~ :twothumbs

Offline tfme3638

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 9
« Reply #50 on: June 24, 2013, 05:11:17 PM »
EHHHHHH!!!!!!! :shock: :shock:

What is acchan thinking????

Offline yourockme

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 10
« Reply #51 on: June 26, 2013, 02:17:29 AM »
Uhmm i don't know how to start this...
Justtt WHY? Argghhh
Oh nevermind!! I'll jut wait, Thank you very muchh woooahh
 :cow: :cow: :cow:

~so sad that the ending will be soon
Please make it more more more longer!! ^____^
uwaaaahh my Atsuyuu! ♥♥♥
Atsuyuu ♥ Takayuu ♥ Atsumina ♥ Mayuki

YOSH! I'M BACK! FINALLY!!! (notreally)
Been inactive these past few months. =__=

Offline abcari

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 10
« Reply #52 on: June 26, 2013, 11:50:33 AM »
gosh, this.. idk what to say xD *without words *

Now I only will wait for your next chapter *seats in the corner with a bag of popcorns *

Offline AshuraX

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 11
« Reply #53 on: June 26, 2013, 06:06:10 PM »
kenjoy, thanks~ And Acchan's probably thinking of avoiding Yuko because of the confession. Thus using AKB's rule.

tfme, easy there. Believe in Acchan and Yuko~!

yourockme, I don't think that's gon be easy. Unless I'm making a whole fic about lovey dovey AtsuYuu couple's lovey dovey every day life doing lovey dovey things in front of the lovey dovey TakaHaru.

abcari, gimme some popcorns OAO

   Whoa, I just thought of a good idea... I should do an alternate ending!!!
Some other time.

Blue  = Acchan
Brown = Yuko
Red = Takamina
Yellow = Mariko
Usual black is probably time skip

   Now new chap go go go~!!!

[Chapter 11]

   It's been a year since they entered AKB. At first it was hard, because the thought-to-be graduates came back to AKB again. Some fans couldn't take it and hated their return. But most of them welcomed them with open arms. The fans hoped and hoped for something interesting to happen. The return of the Fashion Queen and Older Sister were interesting enough, but with the return of the two legendary Aces, it's becoming more and more crazier.

   The new Aces, Matsui Jurina, Watanabe Miyuki and Watanabe Mayu were facing a great threat. They thought the aces came back to claim back their spot. The center, Shimazaki Haruka was glad. She knew that her seniors came not to do harm, but to help them. She knew and believed in her seniors. Because of their return, everyone in AKB tried harder than ever before. All of their stage concerts were so full of life, full of vigor, that they managed to surpass the other 48 families' stage. They managed to do what they couldn't when their seniors were at the top.

   The four lessened their current jobs and focused on AKB's concerts, stages and events. Akimoto Yasushi created a team for them. The new Team 4. This was more different than the last one. The new team exactly has 4 members. It was actually a unit which he thought up but named it Team 4. After a 4 months of hard work, they were promoted. They each held a Concurrent position. This time, Shinoda Mariko entered Team A, Itano Tomomi entered Team K, and Oshima Yuko and Maeda Atsuko entered Team B.

   The reason the two Aces entered Team B is still unknown. Some say that it was to challenge AKB's new center, Shimazaki Haruka and one of the Aces, Watanabe Miyuki, some say that it was to challenge them into a different team than their original but no answers were found til this day. They tried hard but because of the new atmosphere and different auras in the team clashing with each other, the team almost broke down, until one day, Maeda Atsuko was chosen to be the center in a song. Everyone's aura became different, as if to signify that Maeda Atsuko managed to harmonize everyone into the song. At the end of that performance, Shimazaki Haruka bowed her head to Atsuko and cried. After that, she practiced every night with Atsuko and after a few months, managed to bring everyone together. When she leads the group after that, the fans didn't see around 20 girls dancing to the beat, but a group of idols living their dreams.

   Team A became more spirited at the rebirth of Captain Shinoda Mariko and became the monster house it originally was. Watanabe Mayu who only felt the cuteness and sparkle of Team A, finally realized the spirit that was buried within them. The team overpowered their center, which made her feel depressed and entered a slump. This was until she looked forward again, realizing her mistake. She underestimated the house of wolves. After that, started to dance more seriously than she ever did, even if it meant that she might destroy her cute idol image. A couple of months before the elections, she became the center fit to lead the pack. Thus, making her the most suspected to win the elections.

   Team K who had lost their vigor after Akimoto Sayaka and Oshima Yuko's graduation, became worse. Matsui Jurina broke down due to the stress that has built up. Miyazawa Sae returned to AKB one day after years of experience in SNH, JKT and NMB. She entered Team K and replaced Jurina by being the center. Jurina reluctantly accepted. The destroyed Team K was revived. Sae gave everyone in her team strict training. Stricter than it was in the past. The team eventually gained back their fighting spirit and became the crazy team the fans knew and loved. Jurina realized this and decided to give the position to Sae and focus on SKE. Now with the old members returning, there's no reason for her to stick in AKB much. She took in what she learned from Team K and used it in SKE. SKE eventually surpassed Team B in a few weeks after Sae's return.

   Team B faced the pressure from the fans, other teams, and even SKE. Yuko took action and took over everyone's practice. She used the training she had done with Akimoto Sayaka. Even if Team B is supposed to be called the idol-like team, they needed to do more than that. Kashiwagi Yuki unexpectedly brought everyone closer with the harsh training Yuko thought up. Atsuko who didn't like harsh things of course, skipped them, which made all the members laughed, seeing AKB's legendary Ace running away from training. But alas, Yuko forced Atsuko to practice every night, making Atsuko feel less motivated than she already was. Kojima Haruna also skipped practice to meet up with the General Manager. Thus Yuko realized that no one can fix Team B's carefree attitudes. But because of that, Team B became a lot more closer to each other, including Atsuko and Haruna. Shimazaki Haruka strived to become the center that could lead the two Aces. Which she did a few weeks before the elections took place.


   It's finally time for the elections. Even if I'm not going to be in the senbatsu, I'm already proud of what I accomplished. I actually did nothing. But even if I didn't, I'm proud that I'm in Team B. It was a lot more different than what I had in mind before I entered. Team K was the team most suited for me, I think, but Team B is the Team in which I gradually grew up more. The carefree members are also something. I never knew that Team B was so laid-back. I thought with Yukirin's mercilessness, they'd be hell, but I guess I was wrong.

   What really made me glad that I'm in Team B is that I'm with Acchan~

   I thought that I had to work harder so that I could be in the senbatsu to stand on stage with her but the earlier the better! Now Acchan is with me 24/7! She stopped her actress jobs for this year so I also did with mine. Adding the time we spent at home, we're basically with each other all the time~ I'm really thankful for what Aki-P did~ I don't care what his reason is for putting me and Acchan together but I don't care~

   I'll use the time we have with each other to make her love me! This way, I don't have to confess so early. When Acchan is ready, I'll make sure to confess!

   "Number 3, Team B, Oshima Yuko!"

   'EH? SERIOUSLY?!' I thought to myself. I'm not sad that I got third place. In fact, I was really happy. Knowing that my fans still support me is more than enough. 'But still, isn't number 3 a bit too high...?'

   I sat on the number 3 seat. Then I realized, Acchan wasn't called out yet. I was in dilemma with myself. I was thinking that she might get a high number but a part of me was thinking that she will be non-ranked. I don't know. I was scared. I don't want to be separated from Acchan!

   "Number 2, Team A, Watanabe Mayu!"

   Shiriri-chan got second place. Paruru got fifth and Jurina got fourth. Paruru didn't get much exposure since she only managed to lead Team B only a few days ago. 'Wait, who cares about that?! Where's Acchan?!' I scanned the area with my awesome normal human eyes and saw her looking down. I know what she's thinking... That she isn't going to be called out.

   She's always like that. Even though it's obvious that she is the most well-liked member, she's the one who doubts it the most. But even though she doubts it, she'll eventually get what she deserves.

   "Number 1..." the announcer spoke, tension building up. But before he could speak her name, the fans grew wild "Acchan! Acchan! Acchan!" They chanted and shouted, not at the announcer but at Acchan herself. I could see her looking surprised, the announcer was as well. He smirked and shouted in as well.

   "Team B, Maeda Atsuko!"


   "Congrats, Acchan~" I hugged her, standing up from my seat. She was still crying, even after her speech. Then the announcer suddenly spoke. "Err, I think there's something that needs to be done." he looked at the two of us. We were still confused.

   "Ladies and gentlemen, with all the members here, we would like them to sing a song." she clapped at us, and the fans called out as well, asking us to perform a song. I didn't know what the song was until the staff came on stage and set up the mic and mic stands. With the formation, I knew what the song was.

   "Well, Oshima Yuko, if you would please?" he showed me the mic at the front, asking me to go there. Everyone realized what the song was now and get into position. Atsuko grabbed my hand and smiled at me. I smiled back, blushing a bit and we went to our positions as well, with me in front of everyone. Thus I grabbed my mike. The staff gave me the OK sign and

   "One, two, One two three four!"


   When I realized it, I was lying in my bed. I tried to recall what was missing in my memory.


   It was our duo together again. The song is pretty nostalgic. It is pretty popular back then but not these days. We got closer together. Acchan was really close to me. I could feel her hot breath on me. It was erotic and satisfying at the same time.

itsumo kiiteta

   We sang our part, Acchan and I both had this satisfying look on our faces, probably because it's been a long time since we've sang this song.

favorite song

   It really was my favorite song. It just feels so good, singing with Acchan so closely like this. Not to mention what we did in our PV.

ano kyoku no you ni

   I really listen to it all the time when Acchan's out. I even have the song on my ringtone. Call me a narcissist or whatever. Acchan looked at me in the eyes this time. I feel kind of embarrassed doing this. I still can't get used to this feeling. Even if we did have each other by our sides 24/7. When we reached the end of our part, Acchan got close to me, close enough that our lips met. It wasn't intentional but...

   I blanked out due to the embarrassment.


   "What a stupid way to pass out." I criticized myself.

   "Hey, had a good rest?" Acchan peeked at me at the door. She looked so cute doing that. Well, like there's anything she does that isn't cute.

   "Yup~ I'm fine~" I gave her a thumbs up. She giggled a bit and entered the room then sat on my bed.

   "Sorry I accidentally did that, Yuko... I didn't know you hated kisses from me that much..." she looked like she was about to cry.

   "Of course I don't hate it! I love Acchan~" I hugged her playfully. She gave me a wry smile, seeing as she doesn't like skinship much. Though she does that with Takamina ALL THE TIME.

   I'm jealous of that midget. Even when they were in separate teams, Acchan would always find the time to visit her, sometimes even disturbing Takamina and NyanNyan. Thank you NyanNyan!!!

   "What's wrong, Yuko?" she looked at me worriedly as I was raising my fist in the air without realizing it.

   "Err... I'm the statue lady!" I imitated the western statue of with the crown on her head and holding the fire thing.

   "You mean the statue of Liberty? I don''t think so." she giggled and patted my head

   'Ahh I don't mind Acchan being the seme~'

   As I thought that, she suddenly opened up a topic regarding a certain midget.

   "Hey, did you hear? Takamina's going on tour in a couple of days. Ah, she's so lucky~"

   "YEAH, REALLY LUCKY" I replied to her with a pissed off tone. She looked at me worriedly again.

   I don't know why she's so close to that midget. What does she see in someone so small and weird as her?! Does she like the ponytail? I can do that too! I grumbled to myself, knowing she wouldn't hear it. I'm very jealous of Takamina. There's no way you could be calm when you hear the person you love talking about someone so frequently about! I pouted, crossed my arms and looked away. Acchan just sighed, not knowing what to do. I needed to do something. Something she would never do with Takamina...

   "Acchan, how about we break the rules?" I finally made my move.

[To be continued]



Damn, I had to do some research to make this chapter. Hope this pleases ya~
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 06:36:01 AM by AshuraX »

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 11
« Reply #54 on: June 26, 2013, 08:40:27 PM »
Ashura - Nod nod.. Agree on that.. XD

AtsuYuu are in Team B and they helping the kouhai to grow.. Ah Paruru getting close to AtsuYuu.. :D Lol at Yuko when she pumped her fist up and made an excuse to Acchan! :lol: Statue lady?! Yuko fail~! Heehee :twisted:

Kyaaa~ Acchan kissed Yuko.. Then Yuko blacked out while on stage.. :nervous

Whoa! Yuko just proposed to break the rules.. :O Uwaaa~ Acchan what will be your answer? Can't wait! Yeah~! :peace:

Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup

Offline abcari

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 11
« Reply #55 on: June 26, 2013, 10:32:21 PM »
*I give you some popcorn* oh... OH!! third palce? and Acchan first!? woot?

*throw down the bag of popcorn* OH YEAH!!! YUKO! GO FOR YOUR WOMAN!

Offline rochilu

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 11
« Reply #56 on: June 27, 2013, 12:57:20 AM »
" I relieve my stress by smelling Acchan's bed." ahhahahah Yuko perv xDD
"From : Sweet sweet angel Acchan" what? ahhahaha Yuko is totally in love omg jajajaj
is thaaat bad for Acchan that Yuko is in love with her? D:  or maybe she have other reason? ._.

WAA JAJA yeah Yuko!! fight!  that final >///< how can you cut it like that? i wanna read the next chapteeeeer!

Offline tfme3638

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 11
« Reply #57 on: June 27, 2013, 12:49:33 PM »
WOAH!!! Didn't see that coming! :on GJ: Cool idea of the old members helping to raise the competitive ambience in AKB48! :twothumbs
Atsuyuu in the same team...  :ptam-glow: :ptam-shy:  :drool: but maybe too much pressure on the team having 2 aces there? haha :lol:

Way to go Yuko!!! * "Acchan, how about we break the rules?" I finally made my move. *  :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :onioncheer:

Thanks for the update! :kneelbow:

Offline AshuraX

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 12
« Reply #58 on: June 28, 2013, 08:54:48 PM »
kenjoy, Domo domo~ The answer is obvious! Besides, It's ATSUYUU~!!!!

abcari, *eats popcorn* *re-read chapter 11* *throws popcorn in the air* HUZZAH!! GO YUKO!!!

rochilu, err... To add the suspense or something? I dunno. Remember, a chapter per two days U_U

tfme, domo domo~ Thanks to Mariko-sama's idea~ LoL XD and about Team B, yeah, they're feeling the pressure. The one who feels it the most is Paruru. Poor Paruru having to lead the two aces. tch tch tch

   Phew. Good thing I managed to summarize what happened in AKB in the last chap

   Next chapter is the final~ Or unless I'm making an alternative happy ending tomorrow. Or something like that. Okay, Chapter 13 is the final. Unless I'm making a weird epilogue or something.. AHH You get the point!

   This chapter will probably lead to murderous hate from the readers but please bear with me here  :kneelbow:

[Chapter 12]

   "Are you serious...?"

   I asked the girl who was drinking her orange juice so cutely in front of me. The girl nodded lightly without removing her mouth from the straw. I was thinking if she was either weird or just an idiot. At first I thought she was troubled by Yuko's confession then I thought she was actually in love with her but now? I don't know what's she's thinking at all.

   "So, you said no, Acchan?"


   "Acchan, how about we break the rules?" she said to me, looking straight into my eyes.

   "No." I clearly said to her without any hesitation. It's not like I hated her, but...

   She was shocked by my immediate answer. I could tell that she was disappointed. I mean, who wouldn't? She looked like she wanted me to explain why, so I told her. "It's because I have my reasons..."

   She looked down, probably holding in her tears. I wanted to pat her head and say 'It's okay, It's okay' but decided against it. But even though my spirit is high, seeing my best friend crying like that, hurts... She got up and walked to the door.

   "Where are you going?" I asked her, looking at her back. "To get some fresh air..." she says, not turning back. She opened the door and went outside the room. I followed her to the apartment door. "Have a safe trip." I said to her. But, I never heard her reply.

   And that was the last time I saw Oshima Yuko.


   She tells me what happened and made my conclusion.

   "So that's why Yuko's been missing..." She nods her head as I made my statement.

   Yuko has been missing for weeks now. Nobody has seen her at all. She has a lot of friends and connections so she's most likely staying with them, since she's not home. The last time I visited her home, her mother told her that Yuko was staying at a friend's place for a while. I couldn't tell why she would skip her work as an idol until I heard Acchan's explanation.

   "Why are you only telling me this now, Acchan?" I asked her one of the questions that's lingering in my mind. She looked down, not knowing how to answer it. I just sigh, knowing that I won't get my answer from her. But...

   "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I grabbed her by the collar and shouted at her. Luckily we were in her apartment so nobody could listen in. Her eyes didn't indicate any surprise, sadness, or anger. Which made me even more angry inside. "Mari-chan, I know..." with that one sentence from her, all my anger and hate seemed to have left me at that instant. "Sorry about that..." I apologized to her and she just gave me her usual smile. I wished that I wasn't so weak against it.

   "Don't get so full of yourself" I lightly hit her head and she sticks her tongue out with a smile. "Hehe~ You noticed~"

   "What will you do?" I asked her, knowing she would just ignore it but.. "I don't know..." she replied and continued "Thinking of AKB, her disappearance won't matter much. There's the new generations which could make up for her. But, I don't think I can take it any longer..." that was the first time I've ever heard her actually being true about her feelings. She was looking down, and hugged her own body tight, as if cold.

   Before I could ask her any more, she gave me the smile. The smile that says 'Don't dig any deeper', so I'll just shut up for now. Knowing that she's being true to me is already good enough. She'll eventually find out the answer she's been looking for... And she will finish her business with Yuko. Even if it meant breaking the small girl's heart...




   I'm in the car to pick up the two closest to me. I got to my lover's place first and then at my best friend's.

   "Takamina~" she hugged me when she entered the car. The girl on my left is staring needles at me. "A- Acchan, you know that we can't act so close..." she pondered my words and smirked, getting the answer. "Ne, NyanNyan, want to know how to overpower Takamina~?" her eyes sparkled and gets closer to Acchan, beckoning for the answer. "No no no!" I covered Acchan's mouth with my hands, as to not let the secret get out. I don't want Harunyan to get corrupted by Acchan!

   After a few mishaps and teasing from Acchan, we were almost at the destination, the airport in which I'll start my tour. Then, I finally asked her the question which I wanted to know the answer to the most. "Acchan, why are you even with me...?" she looks at me, confused. Harunyan, on the other hand, looks depressed and sad for a bit. I continued to ask her. "Why are you even here...? What will you do with Yuko?" I asked her, knowing what date today is. It's 17th October, in other words, Yuko's birthday.

   Even if they were fighting, there's no way Acchan would ignore Yuko's birthday just like that. Acchan's not like that... Yuko disappeared for months and Acchan didn't even mention her once... I continued to speak my mind. "Acchan... I don't know why you two are fighting..." I cut my sentence half-way, not having the strength left anymore.

   Then Harunyan held my hand and gave me a beautiful smile, assuring me that it will be okay. I smiled back, having more confidence in myself. I turned towards Acchan again. Her eyes captivating me... But...

   "You should go to Yuko..."


   I entered the apartment. As I suspected, there aren't anyone there. I went into her room and sat on her bed, feeling the last bit of presence left from her... I recalled Acchan's look when I asked her to break the rules with me. Her eyes aren't like the eyes as if she misunderstood anything. She knew what I meant but still rejected me anyways.

   "I should've given up sooner..." I lie on the bed, as if to let my consciousness get enveloped by my first serious crush's presence. The presence which shoulders everything, the presence of the one who took the top, and the presence that stole my heart.

   I realized that my cheeks are wet. "Haha... This is really ironic..." I laughed at my own weakness. Why was I so stupid to have believed that she will love me back...? There's no way that would ever happen...

   "Now I can't see her anymore..." I almost let my consciousness get enveloped by the sweet aroma of my crush. My heart was screaming, telling me not to give up. But this time, I won't listen to it anymore.

   "I'll start anew..." I get up from the bed, going to move forward yet again. "I won't be looking back anymore." I looked forward and saw a mirror and a table. On the table is a piece of paper. Probably from her drama.

   I don't know why but I felt drawn to it for some reason. I get closer to it. This might be the chance I'm looking for.

   I picked up the paper and looked at the contents.

   "What... the..." that was when it all made sense yet didn't...

[To be continued]

   Wahhh.. This was short. Oh well, if I showed more, then it'd be against the PLOT. LoL XD
As for the Acchan haters, don't hate Acchan! Hate me instead! QAQ
Anywho, the next will be the final conclusion.
See you next time~ (probably will update it tomorrow)

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 12
« Reply #59 on: June 28, 2013, 10:16:53 PM »
Noooooooo yuko you cant give up on atsuko I know you love her so much  :cry: :cry:

and atsuko what the hell are you doing making my yuko cry and sad I hope you will let her to be with you  8) 8)

author-san I will wait for your last update ^^
Love AKB

Love this Pairing
                                And more ^^

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