Dear Friends,
Been a while

Thanks for all the comments. Thanks to all the silent readers as well
@Janix123: Yeah! Hehe... Glad that you seem happy with the ending. This next story is a YuiParu. But, SayaMilky will still pop out in some parts
@Yuki88: You're welcome

I really like Maachun. When the idea for that story popped up in my mind, I knew that it had to have Maachun in it *chuckle*
@Haruko: Gaynin! Oh my! Why did I never thought about that clever pun??? Hehe... I was actually in a meeting room with some very important people when I first read your comment. Good thing the meeting hadn't started yet and I didn't burst out laughing when I read it.
@junchan48: Thank you and you're welcome

It wasn't at first. But, as I wrote it, I kinda didn't know how I should end the story. Then the movie and its sequel crossed my mind. So, yeah, towards the end, it was inspired by Geinin movies
@jurenatsumina: Thank you. Glad you like it. Hope you'll like the next ones as well
As I promised, this next Yonjujo story is a YuiParu. Honestly, I'm not really sure how this will go yet. There's a possibility that I will change the title as well later. But, for now, here's the first part... Hope you like it

#2: YuiParuSTRANGERS (1)
Who would be climbing up hundreds of steep stone steps in the end of a cold autumn afternoon? No one. No one but Shimazaki Haruka would. With her asthma and leg injury still in the process of healing, she should really avoid doing something like that. But, there was a big shrine on the top of the hill and people in that small town said that the shrine deity really granted wishes. Shimazaki Haruka was willing to do anything to make her health problems gone. She couldn’t wait to go back to Tokyo and resume her acting and modeling job. So, if there’s any chance that the problems could just magically disappear, no matter how small that chance was, she would surely take it—even if it means that she would need to climb the never ending steps to get to the shrine.
However, on the 369th step, Shimazaki Haruka couldn’t take it anymore. She held on tight to the steel railing, making sure that she wouldn’t fall, rolling down the hill. She was out of breath. Her chest had started to make some squeaky sounds and her leg hurt badly. She decided to sit on the stone step, still holding onto the railings. She took her inhaler out, trying to take a few puffs while adjusting her coat to brace the cold wind. It really was impossible, she thought. She was still about a hundred steps away from the top of the hill. She would never be able to make it—or so she thought.
Shimazaki Haruka was ready to give up. She was thinking of climbing the stairs down once she could get her breathing under control. But, right when she was ready to do just that, she heard a voice coming from behind.
“Are you okay, Miss?”
Haruka turned her head towards the source of the voice. A girl in a white and red shrine maiden outfit was climbing down the stairs towards her. Her long raven hair was tied in red ribbon. Concerns were evident on her face.
“Aah… I am all right,” Haruka answered.
The girl stopped next to Haruka. She leaned forward a bit, checking on her condition. Concerns were still written all over the girl’s face.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Yes. I am just resting a bit,” Haruka tried to smile.
“Ah, I see,” the raven haired girl sat down on the step, “I was sweeping the yard when I think I heard something so I came to check. I thought it was just my imagination since no one really comes to the shrine around this time of the year.”
Haruka didn’t say anything. She just smiled a little, trying to be polite. The smile seemed a bit forced since her leg was hurting like crazy. She took her spray painkillers out and sprayed some to her hurting leg.
“Are you going to visit the shrine?” the girl asked, noticing the painkiller.
“I do… I mean … I did. I was just thinking of cancelling my visit and going back down the hill…,” Haruka answered, somehow feeling embarrassed of her situation.
The long haired girl turned away, showing her back to Haruka.
“Get on,” she said.
“Ee?” Haruka was puzzled.
“You’ve come a long way just to visit this shrine. There must be something you really want to pray for. Just a few steps more and you’ll be able to do that. So, let me help you,” the girl said.
Haruka was stunned. They were strangers. She couldn’t just get on the girl’s back for a piggy back ride… Right?
“Don’t worry. You don’t seem heavy at all,” the girl chuckled, sensing Haruka’s hesitation, “Besides, it’s closer to the shrine than to the base of the hill. You’ll still need to walk a long way if you’re going to give up now. It’s better if you get to at least reach the shrine first, isn’t it?”
Haruka still hesitated on accepting the girl’s offer. But, the girl was right. Even with her injured leg, it would be easier to climb a hundred steps up than to climb more than three hundreds steps down. She thought about it a little more, but she couldn’t really come up with a better alternative.
“Is it… really okay?” she asked.
“Un,” the girl nodded.
“Then… I’ll be troubling you…”
“It’s okay,” the girl smiled.
Haruka got on the girl’s back then they made their way up in silence. Haruka still felt a bit awkward for receiving a piggy back from a girl she didn’t know at all. But, the shrine maiden’s back felt warm. Shimazaki Haruka had to fight an urge to lean more and hugged the girl tightly.
“Here we are,” said the girl.
She let Haruka down gently right in front of the praying altar. Haruka thanked her. Then, she faced the altar. She took some money out of her purse and put it in the offering box. She then rang the bells a few times before putting her hands together, praying with her eyes closed. When she finished and opened her eyes, she could see the shrine maiden watching her.
“Does the shrine deity really grant wishes?” she asked the girl.
“That’s what people said.”
Haruka thought about it for a minute.
“But, my wish is rather difficult to grant…”
The shrine maiden smiled.
“You’ve come a long way just to visit the shrine. You tried your best to climb the stone steps. I am sure Kami-sama would take all your sacrifices into consideration.”
Haruka thought about it. She really hoped that the girl was right. She knew that she would still need to go through the healing process, take her medication, and everything. But, hopefully, a little blessing from the shrine deity could speed up her recovery.
“There’s a place over there if you would like to sit down,” the shrine maiden’s words brought Haruka back from her thoughts. “I’m almost done sweeping the yard. If you don’t mind waiting, I’ll help you climbing down the steps afterwards.”
“Oh, you don’t have to. I’m feeling better now so I’ll be okay on my own,” Haruka tried to refuse the offer politely, “We just met today and I don’t even know your name. I really shouldn’t give you more trouble than I already have.”
“It’s Yui,” said the girl.
“My name. And yours?”
“Shimazaki Haruka.”
“Since we know each other’s name now, please do let me help you a bit more,” the girl smiled sincerely.
To be continued...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------