Dear Friends,
Here's the bridging story. Do you know the song I use in this chapter? You can find the complete translation
here. Yes, I just quoted the first few lines. All credits go to the song's rightful owner and the translators
@Miniju: Well, addressing me with DeNight (without any honorifics) will be all right

But, I understand why you're getting excited while reading that I'll post a YuriAnnin story. Hehehe. No worries. It's coming soon. I may even post the first chapter tomorrow (if I have an internet connection).
#2.6: YokoYamamoto
How many times have I walked down this road
In the hopes of meeting you…
How many times have I stopped in one corner of town
Looking out for you?
Time makes us wait as it uneventfully passes us by
I thought I’d talk to you about it
But we simply passed each other by…Yokoyama Yui was just about to reach the light music club room when she heard the song sung with the accompaniment of an acoustic guitar. She now knew where to find the person she was looking for. She walked faster and slid the door open. She approached the short haired girl who was playing the guitar next to the window. Raising her arms, she swung and hit the girl with the posters in her hand.
“Ouch! What the heck!? What was that for!?” Yamamoto Sayaka protested while rubbing the back of her head.
“Who was it that said we should start recruiting more members if we want to revive the club? I was waiting for you this whole time near the first-year classrooms, you know!” Yui glared at her best friend.
Sayaka widened her eyes and exclaimed, “Aah! I forgot!”
“Yeah, I thought so.”
Yokoyama Yui sighed and shook her head. She reached for a chair and sat down in front of the girl who was now apologizing to her over and over again.
“You know, Sayanee. I really like your music,“ she started to say. “But, how many times are you going to sing that one particular song? It’s not like Watanabe-san is going to magically appear before your eyes after you sing it for the one thousandth time.”
“And whose fault was it that she isn’t here now?” Sayaka sulked.
“What? It’s not my fault if I have tons of student council work with the coming third-year graduation and new students welcoming ceremony,” said Yui in her defense. “I also have my hands full at the shrine with so many people praying for their passing high school or university entrance exams. On top of that, you still drop the light music club introduction on me.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. But, you didn’t have to tell Paruru to ask Milky to spend the spring break with her instead.”
“Why? I gave her a chance for a free holiday. She’s been wanting to see Tokyo anyway. You should have thanked me instead!”
“Yeah…,” Sayaka gave in. “But, if she gets roped into a modelling business, decides to stay in Tokyo, and falls in love with some
ikemen model, it’s all your fault!”
Irritated, Yui hit Sayaka’s head one more time.
“What the heck!” the short-haired girl protested.
“It’s too clear your head. You think too much,” she reasoned. “Let’s go. I thought you want these posters posted around the first-year classrooms before Monday. I got the permission already.”
“All right, all right. What’s the hurry.”
Sayaka put her guitar down on its stand. She then grabbed her bag and followed Yui out of the club room. The graduation ceremony for the third year would be held at the auditorium tomorrow. The welcoming ceremony for the new students would be held on Monday of the following week. But, although they were still in their spring break, some people came to school to prepare for the big days.
“Is it just me, or there are a lot more people at school today?” Sayaka wondered as they walked toward the first-year information boards.
“The third years who lived in the dorm need to move out today. The new students who want to live in the dorm can also inspect the building starting today,” Yui explained as she handed the stack of posters to Sayaka and took down some old posts from the boards.
“Aah, it that so.”
Sayaka watched other people coming and going around the school ground as she waited for Yui to finish clearing up some space on the boards. Some people came with their parents. Some hang out with friends. She waved to some students she knew when their eyes met. She noticed some fans clubs were having their meeting in front of the legendary sakura tree. The meeting seemed to be held to send their favorite
sempai off and took one final picture with them.
Among the people, Sayaka could see some new faces. Some of them intrigued her. Soon, these new faces would also have their own fans club, she thought.
But, between the laugh and the tears of the crowd, what caught her eyes the most was the glances some people threw to others when they thought that the other parties were not looking. A girl with long straight hair sat on one of the benches with her headphones on. While looking bored, the girl’s eyes kept on following a certain brown-haired girl in a distance. Five girls were standing near the teacher’s lounge. They seemed like a group of friends… Except that one of the girls kept on glancing at the other one next to her--who kept on touching the girl’s arm whenever she had the chance.
“Ooh… this is interesting…,” Sayaka thought aloud.
“What is?” Yui asked as she stopped moving some posts around.
“Nothing,” Sayaka replied. “It’s just… the spring is really in the air.”
“Huh?” Yui did not understand. “You are weird.”
Sayaka just laughed.
“Just remember your promise,” Yui reminded her as she posted the first poster. “I’m helping you with the light music club in exchange of your running for the student council with me in the next election.”
“Don’t worry. I remember,” Sayaka smiled.
It seems like it will be a very interesting school year after all.End.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------