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The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Library => Topic started by: rndmnwierd on May 09, 2007, 06:16:15 AM

Title: I'm sorry, I never stop... (It's June, what else can I do?)
Post by: rndmnwierd on May 09, 2007, 06:16:15 AM
I had to, I'm just so excited.

Cuddly, Happy, Plotless Nonsense.

Nono squirmed, feeling that intrusive finger brush against her ticklish stomach once again. She tried to ignore her friend's fascination with her barely swelling tummy and concentrated harder on her program. She was just becoming engrossed in the predictable story, when that finger pressed into her side, causing her to giggle.

"Aibon," she growled, "If you don't stop poking me, I'm going to shove you off the bed." The younger girl lifted her head up from where it was resting on Nono's ribs and turned to look up into her irate face.

"Sorry, but it's just so cool." Ai grinned widely, eyes seeming to sparkle, "Has it even really sunk into you that there is a little person growing inside of you?"

"Yes, yes it has. It's also sunk into me that this is going to be one of the most miserably happy times of my life. Taka is probably going to kill me when my moodswings kick in and my mother will never forgive me for not waiting until I was married to have shmecks." Nono gave a sigh, absently stroking Aibon's hair, "It's all kind of scary really." she admitted in a quiet voice.

Aibon closed her eyes and relaxed under her friend's touch, "It should only be scary if you're alone, and you're not. If you make a mistake you've got plently of back-up, pretty much all of H!P is behind you, not to mention your actual family and my own mother."

Sinking back farther into the pillows that propped her up, Nono felt tears well up in her eyes and cursed hormones, "What if I'm not ready for this? Not just the baby, but being a wife as well?"

Slightly alarmed, Aibon wrapped her arms around Nozomi's middle, squeezing gently, "I think it's perfectly normal to feel like that, but you'll make a great mom, you're so good with kids,and as long as you love and cherish and all that, you'll be a great wife too."

"Thanks Aibon." Closing her eyes and feeling sleepily warm, Nono snuggled a little closer to her friend.

"No problem." The two were quiet for a long moment, settling into the familiar positions.

"I hope you start your family soon, Ai. I think I'd like our kids to grow up together." Aibon grinned goofily and mumbled something incomprehensible into Nono's shirt and the two were quiet again.

---God I'm mushy tonight.
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop... (A story because Nono is [supposedly] preggers)
Post by: OTN1 on May 09, 2007, 08:54:55 AM
To quote JFC:

AWWWWWWWWW :wriggly:
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop... (A story because Nono is [supposedly] preggers)
Post by: glcorps2002 on May 09, 2007, 01:25:54 PM
Mushy makes me do this:  ;D!!
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop... (A story because Nono is [supposedly] preggers)
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on May 09, 2007, 07:31:11 PM
;_; Thanks for giving the twins some justice. I don't blame them at all, and I'm definitely not mad at their actions. I'm actually proud of them for holding out this long. I really hope they are staying the best of friends after this ;____;
It's nice to read stories like this to keep fans on the positive side.

Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop... (A story because Nono is [supposedly] preggers)
Post by: Blu-Cherri on May 09, 2007, 08:28:41 PM
that would be pretty cool, to see The twins kids growing up together!
aw~ gambare tsuji!
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop... (A story because Nono is [supposedly] preggers)
Post by: JFC on May 09, 2007, 11:46:05 PM
To quote JFC:

AWWWWWWWWW :wriggly:
You know it dude. ;D

Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop... (A story because Nono is [supposedly] preggers)
Post by: rndmnwierd on May 10, 2007, 04:50:50 AM
Am I really writing this? Yes, I think I am.

Thank you all for your responses, but maybe I shouldn't be encouraged to write this stuff... As if my angst isn't bad enough...

A Sorta Prequel

Mari sat across from Nono, staring at her unemotionally over her steaming mocha latte. The younger nervously took a sip of her herbal tea seeming unsure about the reason she had been called here and yet knowing exactly what was going to be said. News of Nono's impending marriage had spread like wildfire across the company and both knew that it was only a matter of time before the press got a hold of the information.

The two sat in a quiet corner booth of a small coffee shop, a typical place to meet your friends but maybe not the ideal place to have a serious conversation. The atmosphere had been tense since they had met up with each other, not even a formal greeting passed between them.

Nono wanted to speak and start the ball rolling, but common sense told her to wait and that any attempt at speech would only make her scolding worse. The anticipation was killing her, though, and Nono wasn't sure how long she could sit still, she'd been feeling sick all morning and it had taken four anti nausea pills and two showers to pull her from Takayasu's comfortable apartment. Now the pills were wearing off and that sickness was back.

Just as Nono was ready to charge to the nearest bathroom and pray to the porcelain gods, Mari spoke, "Is it my fault?"

Choking down a calming sip of tea, Nono raised an eyebrow at her old leader. She wasn't sure if she was allowed to talk yet, so she just waited for an elaboration.

"Mika was into some bad stuff before she left, did you know that?" No, Nono hadn't known that. "I introduced her to some friends of mine that were huge drug dealers and got Mika hooked on lots of things. She decided that the best way to quit was to leave the country. She used to call me sometimes, when the withdrawl got too bad, and cry over the phone." Mari paused to take a drink and let all this sink into Nono.

At a loss, the younger girl could only gape, the thought of the sweet Mini Moni member on hard core drugs was too alien to comprehend. Mari collected herself and started to speak again.

"I gave Ai her first cigarette when she was 15. New Year's of 2004. I gave her her first taste of alcohol too, that night, but I also did the same for you. What you didn't know about was the cigarette I helped her light up later. The two of us also went to Soma a lot and I knew Ishimoto personally. And now, this whole thing with you and Sugiura. I'm a little concerned." Mari narrowed her eyes but Nono couldn't tell whom she was mad at. Maybe she was beating herself up inside?

The two were silent for a long moment, as Nono comtemplated her next words carefully. She knew that she had to explain everything in a way that would get Mari to stop doubting herself and also give her kouhai a little more credit than she usually did.

"Is it your fault?" Nono repeated slowly, rolling the meaning of the question over and over again in her mind. "Yes, and no. You gave us all opportunity but ultimately, we are our own people. I am my own person." She tried not to speak for Aibon and Mika. "Mika is an adult and always very mature in her decisions. She made a bad choice and fell into a world that she shouldn't have, but she managed to pull herself. Maybe she's a better person for her experiences. Maybe not, but you can't say she didn't learn something."

Nono took a long drink of tea, quelling her nausea for the moment, "Aibon is happy, she told me so herself. And if she's not happy, then she thinks she is and that's good enough for me. We've also spoken about her little habit and she understands the effects it could have on her body. She says that it doesn't matter in the long run if she gets lung cancer and dies, and maybe it's a little morbid but I agree that in the grand scheme of things the indivual doesn't really matter. But that's a whole other discussion."

"Ishimoto-san makes her happy, for now, even without the absolute promise of family. She understands that she's second banana and that the relationship might not last forever, but she also wanted a way out of the idol life and he was her ticket. It was just another one of her ingenious pranks and this time, UFA was her target. Maybe not the most mature way to get her point across, but there's no going back now."

Sighing, Nono took a second to calm her mind, "And as for Taka and I, I have never been happier. Like Aibon, I realized that there are more important things than my career and I am going to seize my chances at happiness. We've been together for a year and I'm going to go through with the marriage, whether anyone likes it or not. I regret letting my two remaining fans down, but I can't be the innocent Idol anymore. I need a life and I need a family of my own." Nono stumbled on her next words, the big confession that she wanted to get out into the open.

Luckily, Mari rescued her from having to just announce it, "We're your family, Non. Your thousands of fans are your family and they won't just abandon you. We won't just abandon you." Mari gave her an intense look, "I won't just abandon you."

"Are you so sure? If I don't live up to a standard, my so called fans will turn on me and rip me to shreds. Just like they did on Aibon." Nono sorely hoped that what Mari was saying was true. She wanted to believe that she had someone constantly in her corner, but...

"Yes, I'm sure. Just call off the marriage and come back to the business." Mari pleaded, actually clasping her hands together in front of her.

"I can't do that. I want to go through with this now more than ever. And so does he." Nono fought back the nausea and ignored the churning in her belly. It was almost time to reveal the biggest secret.

"Why!?" Mari burst out, "Why can't you forget about him and come back to us?" Nono took in a deep breath, presented with the opportunity she'd been waiting for and not about to let it go.

"Because I'm having his child."

Mari was completely stunned. She froze mid breath and stared blankly at Nono's lips, hoping that those words didn't just emerge from them. When she finally did get back mobilty, the first thing Mari did was breath, a single word escaping into the air, "What?"

"I'm pregnant, Mari. I'm going to be a mother." Nono felt bile rise in her throat and swallowed hard past the lump that had formed. Unwillingly, tears sprang up in the corners of her eyes and Nono knew that she had lost one of the most important people on her side of the ring. There was no turning back now, was there?

The words still ringing in her ears, Mari slid out of the booth and walked out of the coffee shop, leaving her now cold mocha latte there to keep a weeping Nono company.

---Holy crap. How do I manage to find the time to do this stuff when I can't even sit down and finish my main stories?
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop..(I wasn't supposed to put angst in this, so why did I?)
Post by: Amarghetta on May 10, 2007, 06:36:13 AM
Holy crap. How do I manage to find the time to do this stuff when I can't even sit down and finish my main stories?
Because short stories are easier, maybe? :D
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop..(I wasn't supposed to put angst in this, so why did I?)
Post by: Mikan on May 10, 2007, 10:59:32 AM
Today as I stepped out of the house and into the wet sidewalk a cold wind blew past caressing my face in the most gentle way. An informing way. And as it swirled around me and off onto other places I let it takes my words.

"Its happened"

And so it has, a rndmn fic about nono and her marriage.

Oh, btw can I have another sad, heart breaking oneshot from you? I really feel like a good cry
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop..(I wasn't supposed to put angst in this, so why did I?)
Post by: rndmnwierd on May 10, 2007, 01:24:29 PM
Short stories are easy and I've been writing them straight on the reply page. Instead of writing to word and then copy and pasting.

I'll see what I can do Mikan. It's gonna be difficult since I'm pretty happy this week. Then again, I've been thinking of the Yossui Nono angle. Maybe some alcohol would help me think....
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop..(I wasn't supposed to put angst in this, so why did
Post by: glcorps2002 on May 10, 2007, 02:52:33 PM
That second one was an approach that I didn't think about happening!
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop..(I wasn't supposed to put angst in this, so why did I?)
Post by: JFC on May 10, 2007, 05:37:09 PM
Poor Mari thought she messed things up for the others. (
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop..(I wasn't supposed to put angst in this, so why did I?)
Post by: rndmnwierd on May 29, 2007, 07:13:05 PM
I'm crazy. No really, I'm insane. And I can't spell French words to save my life.

A Household of Three

Puffing away leisurely on her cancer stick, Aibon wondered once again why she was here at this guy's apartment. She could count on one hand the times they had actually sat down and talked to each other and such a step was one she usually wouldn't take with an almost complete stranger. Maybe she really did know more about him than she originally thought, though, hearing their mutual friend talk about him constantly.

What would Yasuyuki think of her if he knew what she was doing, she wondered in an amused sort of way. He would probably laugh and tell her he'd corrupted her, or something else that would make her smile. Unbidden, a love sick grin spread across her face, warming her even as she pulled the thick, pink robe tighter around her to ward off the chill.

Letting her mind wander around into nothingness, Aibon flicked the ashes of her cigarette out the open window she was perched on. Looking down, she felt a flash of fear at the drop that was a few mere centimeters away. She wondered if she'd die on impact, but shook that thought away at the mental image it conjured. Aibon took another drag from the slowly burning death between her fingers.

"Hey." spoke up a soft voice behind her, almost startling her into dropping out the window, "It's cold, what're you doing out here?" Takayasu approached her slowly, finally noticing the cigarette in her hand and giving her a disapproving look.

"What?" Aibon said nonchalantly, "It's only my second today, honest. I've been cutting down." She gave him a winning smile and he returned it, shaking his head.

"Anyway, come back to bed. It's late." He stepped into arms reach of her and plucked the tiny smoke stack from her grasp, ignoring her protests and stubbing it out on the window seal. Aibon pouted at him, but he only patted her head gently, taking her arm and helping her to her feet.

With a sigh of loss, she looked forlornly at her smothered addiction before he flung it out the window. Once it was out of sight, she mourned for only a moment longer and then leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. Smiling, he took her hand and led her back into the bedroom.

Once passed the threshold of the room, Takayasu released her hand and climbed into the right side of the bed, wrapping his arms around the still sleeping occupant and kissing her lightly on the nose. Aibon followed suit, shedding her robe and crawling up to the left side of the bed, spooning against Nono's naked back and resting her hand on her lover's gently swelling belly. The pregnant girl only murmured contentedly.

The two insomniacs shared a look over the oblivious one's shoulder before they settled in to resume their night.

---Yep, I'm weird.
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop... (And yet more frenchy fluff)
Post by: Tanachan on May 29, 2007, 10:26:42 PM
Hehe, cute chapters for 1&3, and 2 is like...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*dramatic fist shaking* I want to see more of this!

 :otomerika: < Obligatory Rika!
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop... (And yet more frenchy fluff)
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on May 30, 2007, 03:43:52 AM
Oh how blind of me! I didn't know you were continuing, I'm glad though.

Quote from: rndm
Once passed the threshold of the room, Takayasu released her hand and climbed into the right side of the bed, wrapping his arms around the still sleeping occupant and kissing her lightly on the nose. Aibon followed suit, shedding her robe and crawling up to the left side of the bed, spooning against Nono's naked back and resting her hand on her lover's gently swelling belly. The pregnant girl only murmured contentedly.
Wait. What? o___O

Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop... (And yet more frenchy fluff)
Post by: rndmnwierd on May 30, 2007, 04:24:28 PM
Oh how blind of me! I didn't know you were continuing, I'm glad though.

Quote from: rndm
Once passed the threshold of the room, Takayasu released her hand and climbed into the right side of the bed, wrapping his arms around the still sleeping occupant and kissing her lightly on the nose. Aibon followed suit, shedding her robe and crawling up to the left side of the bed, spooning against Nono's naked back and resting her hand on her lover's gently swelling belly. The pregnant girl only murmured contentedly.
Wait. What? o___O


Read it slowly. Nono's the 'still sleeping occupant.'
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop... (And yet more frenchy fluff)
Post by: JFC on May 31, 2007, 11:46:24 PM
Puffing away leisurely on her cancer stick
Best...line...ever!  XD

At least Aibon has enough sense to not smoke around Nono so she doesn't make the baby deformed or something.
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop... (And yet more frenchy fluff)
Post by: rndmnwierd on June 05, 2007, 04:16:55 AM
Yeah, it's early, I might end up doing more b-day ones though.

Happy Birthday Nono!

She sang softly, harmonizing beautifully with her younger partner. It
had been a long time since they had sung this particular song but it
held good memories of previous June, 17ths.

aozora no sunda iro wa  hatsukoi no iro

The clear color of the blue sky
is the color of my first love

The clear, blue sky let the sunlight filter through the surrounding
trees, adding to the already peaceful atmosphere of the private
backyard shared by the two women and their families.

yuuyake no akai iro wa  omoide no iro

The red color of the sunset
is the color of my memories

Nono hummed along to the tune as Aibon's solo line floated through the
air, enrapturing their small, young audience. Feeling tears welling up
in her eyes as nostalgia surged through her, Nono almost stuttered on
her next line, hearing Aibon falter slightly as well in response.

namida de yurete ita  omoide
no iro

Wavering in my tears
The color of my memories

But their voices swelled together and the song gently closed, the words drifting over the small crowd gathered at their feet.

furusato no  ano hito no
ano hito no urunde ita  hitomi ni utsuru
yuuyake no akai iro wa  omoide no iro

That person of my hometown
Reflecting in his moist eyes...

The red color of the sunset
is the color of my memories

Sitting together on the cozy swinging seat, the two friends leaned against each other and shared a familiar warmth.

omoide no iro
omoide no iro

The color of my memories
The color of my memories

Everything was quiet as the last notes faded away until five year old Natsumi burst into applause, "Yay mommy! Yay Auntie!" that triggered the same response from the other four children, clapping for their respective mothers.

The three girls started a cheer that left the boys whining for them to stop and Aibon shared a look with Nono, "Yuuki's become a bit more vocal about his sisters lately, huh? I was starting to think he'd never be able to finish a sentence."

"He just doesn't like not being able to pronounce words. He's only two though, so I'm not expecting full conversations out of him. He'll learn in his own time." Nono leaned back, folding her hands over her swollen belly, "Ah, Yuko's kicking again. She sure isn't giving me a rest today."

"Maybe she wants another song." Aibon jokingly suggested, lightly rubbing her friend's belly.

"I wanna feel!" Aibon's two year old daughter climbed up onto the swing with them, placing both hands on the front of Nono's stomach, causing both women to chuckle.

"Now, now Nozomi, take it easy on your Auntie and little Yuko," Aibon admonished gently, "Place your hand here." the little girl's eyes widened as she felt an immediate response underneath her hands. This attracted the attention of the other kids and they gathered around eagerly.

"Mommy," little Ai said pitifully, "I wanna feel too." Nono laughed at her youngest's expression and guided the girl's hand to rest on her belly, watching her eyebrows furrow in concentration.

"So when are you gonna have another one?" Nono asked pointedly, already knowing the answer, even though Aibon hadn't told her yet.

"Oh in about seven or eight months, but you already knew that, didn't you." It wasn't a question.

"Of course I knew, I always know." The two shared another look and scooted over to let the other kids climb up onto the now groaning swing with them. For a few moments they just watched their husbands across the yard cooking something on a grill and laughing about something or other.

"Happy Birthday." Aibon said quietly, taking Nono's hand and feeling her squeeze back gently.

----Okay, in case anyone's confused, it's Nono's 26th birthday and she has three kids while Aibon has two. Busy little bees, they are, heh heh.
Title: Re: I'm sorry, I never stop... (It's June, what else can I do?)
Post by: Mikan on June 05, 2007, 11:45:29 AM
And all the children have Hello Pro names. Goodo :P
Nice to see posts from you