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The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Topic started by: anonymousdowner on March 13, 2008, 08:04:47 AM

Title: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 4 – Hidden Chambers of a lonely soul]
Post by: anonymousdowner on March 13, 2008, 08:04:47 AM
Moment of truth here  :D This will be my first story ever! I have never written before so if the format and grammar is horrible I am sorry :cry: but anyways! :w00t: here i go... *WARNING* dark themes may come later...


Immoral Vengeance
Chapter 1- Cursed

Deep inside each person…is a buried secret that should remain forever a secret.


Clutching her teddy bear closer to her chest the little girl knelt to her mother’s motionless body. Gently clutching the collar of her mother’s shirt she gave it a soft shook calling for her dear mother with slightly broken voice but still no worlds came from the slightly colder body.

“Mama…wakeup…daddy is waiting for us...please wakeup”

Her small voice echoes through the dark alleyway…‘drop’ a tear falls on the face of the child’s mother... ‘drop’ another slips down the little girl’s cheek and falls into the corner of her mothers closed left eye sliding down the side of her face as if it was her own. Thunder roars in the distance as if god can hear the cries and feel the pain of the now motherless child and soon drops of rain began pouring down on the two figures on this endless tragic night.


The restless teenager awoke breathing heavily with sweat inching down her forehead, eyes wide, watching the dark room intently.

A dull nagging was creeping in the corner of her mind; a sense of irritation that has bothered her for many years now. She shut her eyes, willing herself to think clearly. And quite out of the blue, she remembered.

She remembered the nightmare…she shook her head hoping that it might have the ability to temporally remove the horrible images from her mind.

 This was no ordinary nightmare, it reoccurs and every time it does the horrible pain that she had gone through in the past comes to life all over again, it is haunting her, making her relive through all the heartache, and slowly killing her.

The girl then turned to her side, grabbing a somewhat old-looking teddy bear. She clutched it tightly over her chest burying her face into the back of its head hiding her tear-filled eyes.

“…how are you mama? I really miss you…”


“Good morning, guys!” Maimi said with a grin. “What's going on?”

“Well,” one of the girls said prominently, “We saw something in the school office today.”

“Yeah!” another one of the girls said, nodding vigorously.

“What did you see?” asked Maimi.

“A transfer student with Nakazawa-sensei!” the first girl said, as if that was the most important thing in the world. And all the girls squealed with delight.


Looking over her book to see what her friend was so chatty about, Risako Sugaya rolled her eyes and slightly shook her head when she realized that all her best friend was doing was bragging about how smart she is and how she is going to be ranked number one throughout the whole school again on the exams coming up just like the exams in the past.

When Risako met gaze with her best friend Airi Suzuki, a cheesy smile had formed up on her friend’s lips. She gestured for Risako to come over but since Risako had already heard enough of her best friend’s obsession with being the best modeled student she simply ignored her and went back to reading her book. This simple action certainly led her friend to take action.


“Ouch!” Risako yelled a little “What was that for?” Risako mumbled out before poking out her bottom lip and rubbing the side of her head where her friend had smacked her with the book that was snatched out of her hands.

“I saw you staring at me with jealousy in your eyes, don’t think that just because you’re getting ahead in our reading don’t mean you’re going to beat me and get ranked first place in the exams next week.” Risako just stared at her friend in disbelief.

“Oh I’m sure that’s what I wanted”

Airi burst out laughing wrapping an arm around Risako’s neck in a short hug before apologizing and saying that she had just been joking around with her. Suddenly as if an idea popped up in her head her face expression changed.

“Rii-chan, guess what?”


“I heard that there will be a new transfer student today!”

“Really, that’s nice” To be honest Risako really didn’t care in fact she dreaded having new students for it only means Airi is going to want to challenge that student and prove she is in fact number one to the whole world.

“Yeah but this is different I mean this kid is like filthy rich, grandchild of the CEO of one of japans biggest financial consumers company.”

“Okay…but why would someone that rich transfer here?”

“…I don’t know that’s the weird thing you see? Isn’t it odd? Something is up for sure” Airi’s hand flew up as she clasped it under her chin, a huge grin plastered on her face as her eyes lit up.

“Perhaps! My prince charming has finally found me after hearing about my high score and rank at this school!” Airi sighed dreamily “I wonder if he is handsome, tall, and smart…well of course not smarter than me but still smart!”

“Hehe keep dreaming you’re so funny you know? how do you even know if it’s a boy?” a smile forming on her face.

 “I don’t…but hey I have this great feeling like I’m going to meet my soul mate today-EEHHH!!!” Airi screamed out loud as two unexpected arms squeezed her body into a tight hug from the back. The whole class went quiet, now focusing their attention around the three girls. Kanna let go of Airi awkwardly, looking from side to side at her fellow classmates and back at Airi.

“Geez…I didn’t know you hated my hugs that much” Kanna pouted, turned around and started walking away gloomily. The rest of the class went back to their conversations.

“Wait Kanna” Airi gently tugged the back of Kanna’s uniform stopping her from walking away.   

“Sorry…” Instantly Kanna span around, giving Airi another caught off guard tight embrace. “Airi lets eat lunch together again today I made your favorite monjayaki!”

“Uh….” Still being held by the arms, Airi slightly turned to look at Risako for they always ate lunch together. Risako smiled and gave her a small it’s okay nod.

“Alrighty then” Airi replied sheepishly looking back at Kanna.

“YAY! I promise my food won’t get you sick like the last time I made sure of it!” Kanna gave Airi a big smile. Oh my gosh thought Airi I swear there was soap in her food the last time I ate it, bad idea faking and gulping everything down just so Kanna wouldn’t get upset by it.

“Anyway what were you guys talking about earlier I heard something about soulma—” The sound of the door sliding open and the teacher coming into the classroom cut Kanna off.

“Everyone take a seat please” Ms. Nakazawa gently stacked up the papers she held as the students returned to their desks. As soon as everyone was in their seats Ms. Nakazawa began.

“Class, we have a new student with us today.” As she said this Airi gave Risako a quick wink and smiled. “I'm sure all of you will treat her with proper care and respect.” Ms. Nakazawa said. Then she called out sincerely to the person standing in the hallway. “You can come in”

There was a silence that swept through the room as the new student entered. Risako watched as Nakazawa-sensei wrote something in white chalk on the board. She slightly squinted her eyes as she tried to read what was on the board. “Nat... su... yaki...”

The pale paint plastered on the walls was shaded with the morning sun. The fan in the classroom buzzed. The notices on the bulletin board rustled gently with the quiet wind. Yuko put the piece of chalk down and turned to the class. Everyone in awe was just staring at the new student.

 “Please introduce yourself to the class.” Yuko instructed.

“My name is Natsuyaki Miyabi. Pleased to meet you.”

Sorry for the shortness -___- I'll work on that

Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance
Post by: zay05ohayou on March 13, 2008, 08:24:34 AM
Wow! Pretty good! This sounds like a promising fic. Keep it up!!  :muffin:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance
Post by: JFC on March 13, 2008, 06:49:14 PM
Awwwwww...Miyabi lost her mom? :cry:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance
Post by: redux on March 13, 2008, 07:23:05 PM
I'll make sure to check up on this one. I get the feeling all isn't going to sit too well between the three Berryz...
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance
Post by: Grisours on March 13, 2008, 10:46:43 PM
Many appearances in the first chapter, already! That's good, considering it's Airi, Risako, Miyabi and Maimi. So, keep it up! (But the beggining was kinda sad, with the nightmares and all. Well, you said that there's going to be some dark themes, so...)
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance
Post by: Loser87 on March 14, 2008, 12:13:29 AM
Whoo! Another H!P kids themed story!

Its a very cool theme you put out, super sad with the nightmare and stuff..TT_TT

I wonder if it's Miyabi's mom that died...or someone else -coughrisakocough-

Anyway, you should now lol  :yep:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance
Post by: moo on March 14, 2008, 05:36:08 AM
XD yes another H!P Kids story! wow..the beginning is depressing  :lol:

MiyaXSocko perhaps? :D
I await for the update!  :grin:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance
Post by: Maimi_Yajima on March 15, 2008, 05:06:00 AM
Couples are:
Maimi and Airi?
Miyabi and Risako?
Maimi and Miyabi
Risako and Airi?
Maimi and Risako?
Airi and Miyabi?
His story is too good!
I want to read more of Maimi!
I like couples that make them four.
Because they are the most popular!
AH and Momoko too!
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance Chapter 2- Double-Dealing
Post by: anonymousdowner on March 21, 2008, 07:52:40 AM
Chapter 2- Double-Dealing

...The girl enters Risako’s field of vision. She was a person with impeccable walking posture. But, more than simple posture, the atmosphere around her is entirely different.
Like an actor stepping onto the stage, making you swallow your breath, the air about her is a cut away from the norm.

 “......” Risako soon found herself staring at the new girl, fascinated. It was obvious from her form-fitting uniform that she was stylish, from the school vest to the short length skirt, the school colors, and her legs extending beautifully beyond.
Risako quickly looked away as her cheeks heat up realizing where she had just been looking felt wrong.
 “My name is Natsuyaki Miyabi. Pleased to meet you.”
Even her voice seemed to Risako, nice and friendly... When she fretfully raised her eyes, she froze.

‘Found you’ Miyabi smirked to herself quietly, her eyes stared straight into Risako’s and after a few seconds she gave her a friendly smile.

Even if Risako ignored the impression she received from the girl’s impeccable posture, she has an incredibly beautiful face, but above all, her gaze has an ardent strength...
‘......Uuu, what incredible pressure...’ she was sure she wasn’t the only one getting this feeling because the whole class seems to have gone completely silent.

“…hmm where should I put you” Yuko's eyes quickly scanned the classroom for empty seats. “ahh there next to Shimizu-san”

“Shimizu-san, raise your hand please” asked Yuko

“Hai” Saki did as instructed to help guide Miyabi to her seat.

Everybody’s eyes followed Miyabi as she walked to her assigned seat only to shift back at the teacher when she yelled out “time for the new student quiz!” students snickered after hearing this recalling the events from the last time this had come up with the last transferee, the kid had been made to look like such a fool after he couldn’t answer any of Nakazawa-sensei’s question and had transferred out a couple of days later being unable to carry all the embarrassment and shame that was brought upon him.

“Now Natsuyaki-san in my class we have a custom of testing the knowledge of our newcomers as you already know this is no ordinary school we are one of the finest private school’s in this area and I would like to see where all my students are at to help maintain our rank.” Yuko then points at Miyabi gesturing her to stand up from her seat and then began by clearing her throat.

“Okay listen carefully, question number one; During the Meiji era, changes that were taking place all over the country were seen most prominently in the new capital, what were the changes happening at the time and what caused them?”

After hearing the questions Miyabi’s eyes shifted lower to the side as if she was deep in thought this action led to some of the students to start making comments to their neighboring classmates.

Whispers can be heard from students as they shared with each other negative comments about how they think the outcome of this situation might be. Risako was receiving those comments also by no other but Airi of course. After a moment of silence the voice of Miyabi can be heard breaking the chain of comments.

“Changes were Tokyo’s rapid industrializations, spurred by zaibatsu, the industrial and trading conglomerates that drew streams of migrants from the countryside.”

The whole class stared at Miyabi and then to Nakazawa-sensei.

“Correct answer, I was afraid you were lost for a moment there but really I did not think you would answer that one, kids these days just don’t pay much attention to history anymore.” She smiled at Miyabi.

“Now for the next question, what is the twenty-fifth number that comes after the decimal for pi?”

Miyabi quietly counts the numbers to herself as she did this Airi quickly counts it out to herself also, after a few seconds Miyabi speaks up. “I believe it is three.” Miyabi looks up at Yuko waiting patiently for her results.

“Your answer is correct” Upon hearing this Miyabi taunts the teacher.

“Are these really the toughest questions a teacher of an elite school like this can think of? Try something more challenging” At this comment Yuko’s smile only widens

“Alright if you insist”

“Complete the next phrase if you can … The sound of the bell at the Jetavana Monastary has the sound that all worldly things are transitory. Color of the sal tree, the prosperous must decay and logic will appear. A hau—“

Miyabi rudely interrupts Mrs. Nakazawa “A haughty person doesn't last long, the same as a dream in a spring sky, a fierce person will also die, and before the wind is the same as a speck of dust…Nakazawa-sensei is reciting Heike Monogatari a hobby of yours?” Miyabi shifts her position, crossing her arms as she finished her question. Right after Miyabi the whole class jumps out of their seat staring wide-eyed in disbelief at her.


“…Natsuyaki-san it would be better if next time you don’t interrupt me while I am in the middle of speaking but aside from that I am really impressed” At this comment Miyabi smiles.

“I will be expecting a lot from you, great job you may have a seat now” As she instructed Miyabi sat back down.

“Okay class lets start today’s lesson…”

“…Airi are you okay? look…”

“I don’t like her.”

‘BBBRRRIINNGG’ the bell rings signaling lunch time and Yuko quickly leaves the class. By this time more than half the students in the class are huddled up in a circle around Miyabi’s desk.

As soon as Kanna grabbed her bag she dragged a very unenthusiastic-looking Airi out of the room leaving behind Risako to sit alone at her desk after waving bye to her friends.

“Nasuyaki-san is so cool”

“Yeah…she already has all the popular kids around her”

“I want to be her friend too..come on lets go over there and say hi”

“No way, she’s way out of our league.”


Feeling kind of awkward in the room especially after hearing students talk about the new student Risako felt like vanishing. As she walks out the door she caught the attention of someone from inside the class.

From the cirlcle of male students around Miyabi there was also a group of females in the front corner of the class.

“Wow that’s gorgeous!”

 “It looks so expensive”

Girls around Sengoku Minami constantly flattered her while she held up a small box to them revealing a shiny necklace inside.
“Doesn’t it? Arioka-kun gave it to me isn’t he just the most romantic guy ever?” The girl squealed.

“Try it on”

“Not now I want him to put it on me”

The girls all giggled together. “Hey, hey don’t you guys think Natsuyaki-san is pretty?”

“Are you kidding? The guys are so over doing it, I mean that chick obviously has bitch scribbled all over her face.”

Maimi was rushing to meet up with her friend’s at their usual place when she felt someone push her against the wall of the hallway pining her there.

“What are you doing?! Let go of me!”

“Maimi please I didn’t have a choice my father forced me to!”

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore we’re over already now let me go” She tries to push him away but he doesn’t budge.

“Come on lets go back to where we were everything was so—“

‘BAM’ somebody slams into the two couple causing the guy to turn around with fury plastered on his face.

“HEY! What the hell is yo—“

“Come back here! Yeah that’s what I though you better run!” Miyabi yells this through what seems like a rather empty hallway turning around she finds herself face to face with a pissed off face expression. “ahh…” despite the look the guy was giving her Miyabi kept a cool look “you…” She reads his name tag “..Arioka…Arioka..oh hey your girlfriend is looking for you! In fact she should be walking this way right now!” She points her finger to the hallway she mentioned earlier this caused the guy to let go of Maimi and look the way she pointed.

“WHAT! Where I don’t see her?” As the guy turned to face the strange girl he had never seen before she was gone and so was Maimi.

Miyabi led Maimi into an anonymous classroom, after catching her breath she peaked out of the door ‘no sign of the guy’.

“Whew…I’m out of shape” Saying this Miyabi smiled at the other girl who seemed completely fine after the short escape.
“Are you okay?”

“Yeah thanks for saving me” Maimi blushed when she looked down “…umm”

Miyabi’s eyes followed the girl’s gaze and realized she was still holding on to the girl’s hand, she immediately let go.

“Oh sorry I forgot haha”

This caused a giggle from out of the other girl.

“umm do I know you?..”

Extending out her hand to the girl, Miyabi cheerfully introduces herself “I’m Miyabi Natsuyaki”

“Maimi Yajima” Maimi shakes Miyabi’s hand.

“Maimi Yajima…right you’re the schools track star”

“…track star ahh not real—“

“Oh I have to go somewhere it was nice talking to you bye!” Miyabi runs out the door before Maimi could even say more. ‘She seems nice’

Risako took a deep breath before taking a sip from the straw of the box of orange juice she had just bought. She loved this place it was nice and peaceful, she loved sitting outside under the tree everything seemed so relaxing. Enjoying the game that was being played by the students outside she realized someone was waving at her from there, squinting her eyes to get a better look she realized it was Yamada Ryosuke. She felt a brief moment of joy inside waving back at him and then…something on the ground caught her eye…

‘Black feathers’

Pushing Risako’s back, a strong gust of wind blew. The white flowers that were blown held their flowery shape though and fell from the branches to the ground. The short, one-day lives of the flowers were reaped by the wind...


The white, transitory flowers melted into the sun...

The black feather drifting into the air…

Crimson light...

Thousands of black feathers everywhere…

Dark shadows...

Dazzling, her eyelids closing...

Opening them again, there was...

A sky a crimson sky…and a playground…

‘Crying could be heard from the background’

A little girl in a dirty pink dress crying…her back had a grotesquely-humped over shape…

Black feathers falling…

“You’re Sugaya-san right?”



“I’m Miyabi Natsuyaki from the same class.”

“This is a good place”

“…umm yeah it is”

“It looked like you were spacing out just now”

“Were you entranced by the flowers…or the guys?”

“No, that's not exactly it...”

What stole my heart were not the flowers or the guys here. ‘What was that vision?’


Risako took a deep breath to calm her feelings. Regaining herself a little she felt awkward now that the girl was sitting next to her. Miyabi peaked over to Risako.

“Did you eat already?”

“…I forgot my lunch today…”

“here you can have mine I’m not hungry today” Miyabi grabs her bento and puts it on Risako’s lap”

“Oh no I’m okay really” Risako puts it back into Miyabi’s hands.

Miyabi takes her bento and opens it up; she then takes her chopsticks and some of her food, holding it up to Risako’s face.

 “Open your mouth. Come on try it.” Risako is nervous but does what she is told.

“Taste good!”

“I know. My curry is the best too!”

“You have curry?...”

Miyabi laughs at this and hands Risako her food “Here eat it”

“Thank you…” Risako smiles and looks down.

After a while Risako notices that the girl had been staring at her for quite a while…Risako’s heart skips a beat, that heavy feeling comes back again…her chest, filled, the atmosphere was hot.

What a heavy filling, the density of the air here was surely different. The girl next to her radiated a nice fragrance or aura it was a different feeling than what Risako was used to. Every breath she took felt as though it were pressuring her lungs. In truth, it was a little hard to breathe.

Risako can feel Miyabi’s eyes on her…


Miyabi stares at Risako for a while without saying anything and then turned away. “Nothing…it’s just you looked like someone I used to know just now…” there was something different with this side of Miyabi, instead of being filled with confident like earlier…her eyes seemed…lonely and mysterious…something that pulled at Risako’s heart for some reason she definitely felt some form of connection with this girl even though she barely knew her.

“Hey…can I touch you?”


Miyabi slowly reaches out her arm as it nears Risako’s face, time seemed to have stopped for Risako as she stares into the eyes of Miyabi once again..until…

“Never mind this isn’t right haha” Miyabi’s face expression totally changes; she is smiling and happy again this confuses Risako.

“Hey, Can I call you Risako?”

 Risako had no idea what it was but when she smiled the mysterious pressure on her chest vanished.

“Sure” Risako smiles back at Miyabi.

“We should go back to class don’t you think?”



As Risako and Miyabi Walked into the room everyone was already in class and for some reason there was a crying Sengoku Minami that was causing a huge scene for the whole class, Mrs. Nakazawa rushes into the class.

“What happened to her?”

“Nakazawa-sensei someone stole her necklace…”

Ms. Nakazawa only sighs at this and bends down to comfort her student.

“Are you sure you just didn’t lose it somewhere?”

“I am sure Nakazawa-sensei I had it in my desk” the girl’s eyes are red and her make-up is ruined due to crying.

Standing up Ms. Nakazawa spoke. “Fess up whoever took it, if you hand it over now nicely punishment will be little no one will be able to leave this class room until we find who took Sengoku-sans necklace. There is about a minute of silence…

“No one?...okay then I will just have to go through desks then, the whole class groans in annoyance.

Miyabi leans back on the door, arms crossed, simply watching the events that are happening in her class. Ms. Nakazawa goes through desk by desk until…

“Sugaya-san… come here please”


Ms. Nakazawa holds up a shiny necklace to Risako and then looks at Minami.

“Sengoku-san is this your necklace?...” Minami stares wide-eyed and runs over and grabs the necklace from Ms. Nakazawa.

“Yes! This is my necklace” Ms. Nakazawa looks at Minami and then back at Risako.

“Sugaya-san mind telling me how this necklace got into your desk?”

At this Risako stares wide-eyed at Ms. Nakazawa, everyone starts talking after the last question.

“Nakazawa-sensei, I don’t know how that can be in my desk and I didn’t take her necklace”

“You lie!” Minami rushes angrily at Risako and…

‘SLAP!’ the noise echoes through the room.

“Sengoku-san!” Ms. Nakazawa pulls Minami away; Risako just stands there her hand covering her cheek where she had just been struck.

The whole class is staring dumbfounded by the amazing events that are being displayed upon them but if they had been paying attention to other people in the class they may have witnessed a lone figure leaning against the door with a rather pleased smiling face.

“Let the fun begin…”


WHOO! See I promised you a longer chapter! But really sorry this one is like way crappier… -__- yeah evil Miya-sama!

Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 2- Double-Dealing]
Post by: zay05ohayou on March 21, 2008, 11:26:57 AM
“Complete the next phrase if you can … The sound of the bell at the Jetavana Monastary has the sound that all worldly things are transitory. Color of the sal tree, the prosperous must decay and logic will appear. A hau—“

Miyabi rudely interrupts Mrs. Nakazawa “A haughty person doesn't last long, the same as a dream in a spring sky, a fierce person will also die, and before the wind is the same as a speck of dust…Ms. Nakazawa is reciting Heike Monogatari a hobby of yours?” Miyabi shifts her position, crossing her arms as she finished her question. Right after Miyabi the whole class jumps out of their seat staring wide-eyed in disbelief at her.

Miyabi sure is smart.. Well everyone knows she is..  :w00t:
WHAT! Where I don’t see her?” As the guy turned to face the strange girl he had never seen before she was gone and so was Maimi.

Miyabi led Maimi into an anonymous classroom, after catching her breath she peaked out of the door ‘no sign of the guy’.

“Whew…I’m out of shape” Saying this Miyabi smiled at the other girl who seemed completely fine after the short escape.
“Are you okay?”
She's a heroine too! Saving Maimi and that.
‘Black feathers’

Pushing Risako’s back, a strong gust of wind blew. The white flowers that were blown held their flowery shape though and fell from the branches to the ground. The short, one-day lives of the flowers were reaped by the wind...


The white, transitory flowers melted into the sun...

The black feather drifting into the air…
Black feathers... a~... sounds poetic...
Miyabi stares at Risako for a while without saying anything and then turned away. “Nothing…it’s just you looked like someone I used to know just now…” there was something different with this side of Miyabi, instead of being filled with confident like earlier…her eyes seemed…lonely and mysterious…something that pulled at Risako’s heart for some reason she definitely felt some form of connection with this girl even though she barely knew her.

“Hey…can I touch you?”

Risako x Miyabi ooooooooh..................... mysterious too
The whole class is staring dumbfounded by the amazing events that are being displayed upon them but if they had been paying attention to other people in the class they may have witnessed a lone figure leaning against the door with a rather pleased smiling face.

“Let the fun begin…”

Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 2- Double-Dealing]
Post by: mode107 on March 21, 2008, 04:25:26 PM
The Risako X Miyabi seems obvious.  but it also looks like Miyabi charmed Maimi a bit too. Funny how you included the rumour boys in here. Hopefully there will be some bashing :lol:

what is the twenty-fifth number that comes after the decimal for pi?
Miyabi speaks up. “I believe it is three.”
lol, that really made me laugh :lol:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance Chapter 2- Double-Dealing
Post by: moo on March 23, 2008, 03:28:22 AM

“Now for the next question, what is the twenty-fifth number that comes after the decimal for pi?”

Miyabi quietly counts the numbers to herself as she did this Airi quickly counts it out to herself also, after a few seconds Miyabi speaks up. “I believe it is three.” Miyabi looks up at Ms. Nakazawa waiting patiently for her results.
XD sugoi Miya -Chan! but..Miya whats funnier is tht Miya isnt the smartest out of all the berryz ^^;

Miyabi stares at Risako for a while without saying anything and then turned away. “Nothing…it’s just you looked like someone I used to know just now…” there was something different with this side of Miyabi, instead of being filled with confident like earlier…her eyes seemed…lonely and mysterious…something that pulled at Risako’s heart for some reason she definitely felt some form of connection with this girl even though she barely knew her.

“Hey…can I touch you?”


Miyabi slowly reaches out her arm as it nears Risako’s face, time seemed to have stopped for Risako as she stares into the eyes of Miyabi once again..until…
i soove the "can i touch you part" it makes it sound like Socko is a celeb or something  :lol:

“Nakazawa-sensei, I don’t know how that can be in my desk and I didn’t take her necklace”

“You lie!” Minami rushes angrily at Risako and…

‘SLAP!’ the noise echoes through the room.

“Sengoku-san!” Ms. Nakazawa pulls Minami away; Risako just stands there her hand covering her cheek where she had just been struck.

The whole class is staring dumbfounded by the amazing events that are being displayed upon them but if they had been paying attention to other people in the class they may have witnessed a lone figure leaning against the door with a rather pleased smiling face.

“Let the fun begin…”
hmm..i dont know who to hate..Minami or Miya? ...Minami  :angry:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 2- Double-Dealing]
Post by: Amarghetta on March 23, 2008, 04:15:37 AM
Miyabi takes her bento and opens it up; she then takes her chopsticks and some of her food, holding it up to Risako’s face.

 “Open your mouth. Come on try it.” Risako is nervous but does what she is told.

“Taste good!”

“I know. My curry is the best too!”

“You have curry?...”

Miyabi laughs at this and hands Risako her food “Here eat it”

“Thank you…” Risako smiles and looks down.

After a while Risako notices that the girl had been staring at her for quite a while…Risako’s heart skips a beat, that heavy feeling comes back again…her chest, filled, the atmosphere was hot.

What a heavy filling, the density of the air here was surely different. The girl next to her radiated a nice fragrance or aura it was a different feeling than what Risako was used to. Every breath she took felt as though it were pressuring her lungs. In truth, it was a little hard to breathe.

Risako can feel Miyabi’s eyes on her…


Miyabi stares at Risako for a while without saying anything and then turned away. “Nothing…it’s just you looked like someone I used to know just now…” there was something different with this side of Miyabi, instead of being filled with confident like earlier…her eyes seemed…lonely and mysterious…something that pulled at Risako’s heart for some reason she definitely felt some form of connection with this girl even though she barely knew her.

“Hey…can I touch you?”


Miyabi slowly reaches out her arm as it nears Risako’s face, time seemed to have stopped for Risako as she stares into the eyes of Miyabi once again..until…

This seems a lot like a scene from LIFE...  :yep:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 2- Double-Dealing]
Post by: Isaura.Tsuji on March 23, 2008, 04:37:41 AM
*-*!!! a MiyaxRii fic?
I'll love this more than i do if its a MiyaxRii fic

Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3 – Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: anonymousdowner on April 20, 2008, 11:10:39 AM
Sorry you guys I had some issues come up but here very long chappy! :cow: srry...still crappy

Chapter 3 – Cookie Crumbles

Risako sat at the table with her head down, next to her was her father who had a rather frustrated face expression and across from them sat Yuko Nakazawa. “Arhemm” Mr. Sugaya cleared his throat as he began. Risako sat in complete silence with the slightest of breath so it wouldn’t even disturb the two adults or make any sounds that may be misinterpreted later as the voice of a liar. It was like an iniquitous game.

“I’m sorry for the trouble my daughter has caused” Risako’s father casts her a disappointed glance before continuing on with his sentence. “Please punish her according to the school regulations.”

‘I can’t believe I am actually getting blamed for this…’ The pitiful girl sat silently absorbing all that had just happened to her.

“I really didn’t take it Nakazawa-sensei…” Tears began to well up in her eyes as she clutched the side of her face where she had been struck by the enraged girl.

“Stealing Ryosuke-kun away from me wasn’t enough for you was it!” Minami’s accusations continue to attack Risako and nobody in the classroom attempts to help her but only stare on.

“Why the hell do you try and ruin my life all the time?!”

“What are you going to steal away from me next huh Arioka-kun?!”

“That’s enough, Sengoku-san!” Minami’s endless finally comes to a halt.

“Come with me Sugaya-san.”

The loud sound of the door sliding open abruptly breaks Risako out of her thoughts and catches the attention of everyone in the room. Lifting up her head Risako finds her two best friends rushing into the room.

“Risako didn’t do it!”

A concerned Airi Suzuki yelled through the room as she struggles to recover her breathing from running with a full stomach after hearing the news of her friend from a classmate. A second voice, belonging to Maimi also spoke. “Risako’s not the kind of person who would do such a thing!” The initial feeling of heart-felt joy came pouring into Risako’s heart. ‘They came together…’ It had been ages since Risako had seen Airi and Maimi standing so close beside each other and to think she’d see them together for her, overwhelmed her.

“That’s enough you two, Suzuki-san, Yajima-san please go back to class this instant or it’s punishment for the both of you”

“But!—“Airi tries again but this time a voice interrupts her.

“They are right it couldn’t have been Sugaya-san” Turning their attention to the owner of the voice, the person slowly makes his way through the door allowing himself to be visible for the group.

“And how could you be so sure of this Yamada-kun?”

Sticking his hands in his pocket and walking in a little further he answers her.

“It’s a cruel prank, Sugaya-san left the room when Sengoku-san was still flashing her necklace around someone must have stuffed it in Sugaya-san’s desk to cause a scene I wouldn’t even have been surprised if it was Sengoku-san herself.”

Yuko leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms with a slightly raised eyebrow before proceeding on with her inquiry. “And you noticed all of this, how? If you did then why didn’t you mention it earlier?” Ryosuke’s relaxed demeanor seemed to have completely vanished as he tenses up and begins to stutter out an explanation for the unexpected question.

“…AHhah…yeah...I...I...tend to pay attention… to a lot of things in class when…I feel like it…and...I wasn’t exactly in the room afterwards so that’s why I didn’t get a chance earlier” Trying his best to avoid Risako’s eyes it seemed as though flame would burst out from his face in embarrassment in realizing that he had just given away the fact that he pays quite a lot of attention towards Risako.       

Yuko places a hand on Risako’s shoulder and smiles at the girl. “I want you to tell me honestly again, you are a good student if you said you didn’t take it I trust that you won’t be lying to me.”

Biting her bottom lip she looks up at her teacher and truthfully answers. “It’s true I never took her necklace.”

“Alright I believe you then” She gives Risako a reassuring smile. A sigh of relief escapes Risako and the heavy feeling on her chest has lifted. Jury duty is over and nothing can overstate the elated feeling that Risako is currently feeling.

Arising from her seat Risako bowed to her sensei before completely turning around to face her friends who came running up beside her and then lead her out of the room leaving the adults to discuss a bit further on the whole situation and Ryosuke who’s eyes followed the girls as they made their way out of the room. Before walking completely out of the door Risako glanced back to look at the boy who had just saved her, muttering out a silent thank you and a small nod of gratitude just before her friends lead her out. Ryosuke simply smiled and soon made his way out as well.

As soon as they were out the door Airi yanked away Risako from Maimi’s grasp, moved a couple feet away and completely ignored the death glare Maimi was now giving her. As she held both of Risako’s hands she began her endless number of questions.

"Excuse me," Maimi scoffed. "What the hell?"

“Umm…Risako is fine now you can leave.” Replied a nonchalant Airi.

“What is that suppose to mean” Asked Maimi.

“It means Risako doesn’t need a backstabber like—“Airi began but Risako cut her off. “YOU GUYS!...I’m really grateful you guys came...but please don’t fight...” Although she was happy to see her two friends, being put into that uncomfortable situation didn’t make her feel good she hated it when Airi and Maimi argued, it was always the same exact argument from a few years ago that ended their friendship.

As Risako finished her plea Ryosuke caught her attention as he made his way out of the door greeting them once again with a smile and then turning away to go back to class.

“Well…then” Maimi began as she walked towards Risako. “See you after school just don’t leave without telling me again like last time okay?”

“…Sorry about that…I meant to apologize earlier but I didn’t get a chance to …tried calling you several times but your phone was off.” Risako apologized after casting Airi a downwards glance who in turn rolled her eyes at.

“Yeah that jerk Arioka has been calling me nonstop but it’s okay you don’t have to apologize.”  With that said Maimi waved her goodbye and left.

One seemingly purposeful sigh mixed in. “So you are okay now right?...they told me that overmakeuped beast went berserked and attacked you!”

“Oh?…yeah everything’s okay now.”

 “No it's not!!”


If Risako had been carrying anything she would have dropped them.

“Airiin, don't scream like that, all of a sudden...”

“For cryin' out loud, Rii-chan, you're a little girl without a care in the world, aren't you? You're at that tender age, so you need to develop a sense of danger!”

"Tender age? Airi, we're both the same age.”

“You be quiet!” Airi hushed. “You're in a delicate situation. Even when times're lookin' good, if you aren't too careful, you'll be stripped bare without a penny to your name, you know!”


Sighing with her eyes closed Airi places both of her hands on Risako’s shoulder. “If that happens, Rii-chan, you'll be chased by bullies all over, and you won't even be able to come to school, okay?”

“I'll be careful from now on......”

“That's a good girl. Be wary of the sweet words. There's an underside to any story that sounds too good. From now on stay away from people like Sengoku-san and if you meet a new person, consider them a crook!”

“......I think that suspicion goes a bit too far, but, in the spirit of being careful, can I ask a question?”


“Regarding the new transfer, what was her name......Natsuyaki-san?”


“…Earlier—“ Risako is cut off by Airi.

“Ahaha, well... about that---“

“About that?”

“I completely forgot to warn you. I can tell you she is bad luck, stay away from her. I don’t like her and look she shows up and you get into all this trouble that’s definitely some kind of a sign. Now what was it you were going to say?”

Risako was having second thoughts about telling Airi about her friendly yet odd-feeling encounter with Natsuyaki Miyabi but still she wanted to share with somebody the vision and feelings that were running through her at the time but at the sound of her father clearing his throat Risako turned her attention away from Airi and to her father,

“Risako I need to speak with you before I go.” At his command Risako tells Airi to go back to class and she’ll soon follow once she’s done. Airi nods in agreement and heads off back to class.


Giving herself a tour of the school since her class had no teacher for the time being, Miyabi skipped around the empty corridors and enjoyed herself while she missed class. At some point she just decided to escape the annoying male population that were constantly annoying her when no one was looking. The corridors were empty which meant her steps were quite noticeable but since she didn’t think anyone would be around to hide from at this time so she didn’t really mind them. It was calming in a way.

Miyabi showed no signs of guilt or regret whatsoever as she continued on skipping class after purposely misplacing Minami’s necklace in Risako’s desk, in fact she felt great pleasure after witnessing the girl’s crushed face expression. Her eyes were sad, angry, nervous and ready to leak out tears. Miyabi wanted to burst out in laughter just thinking about it again. ‘The girl got what she rightfully deserved.’

Looking around Miyabi’s smile soon turned into a displeased look when she noticed that her slippers had gotten dirt smeared all over the right side. ‘Geez what a dirty school…’ She thought but then laughed it off when she realized that earlier she had just ran up the hill outside to catch up with that girl or rather thief now… ‘Thief’ she smiled to herself.
Soon enough Miyabi found herself at the lockers by the front entrance of the school. Walking up to her locker and taking out her set of extra slippers, she took off her dirtied pair and threw them across the aisle and in they went into the trash can. Miyabi rose up her arms ‘Score!’ she was in a good mood today and everything was going according to her plans.

Voices can be heard from the end of the main hallway but Miyabi paid no mind to them as she continued on slipping on her slippers. Rising up and heading out of the locker way the voices became more audible and then as realization hit Miyabi froze, her heart sunk and her smile vanished.

“You know that I am very busy, I won’t forgive you the next time something like this happens again.” The man takes off his glasses and a small piece of cloth and begins wiping his lenses.

“Sorry, it won’t happen again father.”

“Alright I will be going now, eat without me today I have a lot of work to finish”

Miyabi knew this voice…She would know this voice anywhere, she heard this voice everyday, She heard this voice in her nightmares!

“Kaa…” Miyabi’s body grows feverish, and yet she is chilled to the marrow, as she starts to sway dizzily.

Warping, bending, the world distorts…

 “No…” She clutches her head in both her arms and tightly shuts her eyes…


She lifts up her face.

‘Drop’ A drop strikes her cheek.

‘Drop’ A drop strikes her chin.

‘Am I crying?’ Thought Miyabi ‘…this is different. These aren't tears.
It's not even thinkable. Since it's falling down, it has to be rain’

The sound of raindrops strikes her ears.

‘Drop’ Miyabi is caught in a spray.

‘Is it rain?’

‘It couldn’t have been…’ Come to think of it, she’s inside of a building and it’s warm. The rain is hot.

The drop slides down her cheek, over the edges of her lips and seems to ooze gradually into her mouth and spread out.

Just a slight, sour taste…

Miyabi begins to choke from the smell that has seemed to fill up the room causing her to tightly shut her eyes and when she opens them again her field of vision is met with a midst of this red, distorted world.

‘This red... these drops of red are...’

Her hands desperately makes an effort to wipe at her lips...Those small fingers, unreliably small, the child's hand of hers that she sees in her dream both of her palms, sticky liquid...

...Shining wetly and red.


Thin, childish, hoarse, and afraid, like a stranger's scream.
A scream Miyabi couldn't think of as being hers.


Images and voices start to invade her mind…

The whole world goes dark…

…A small dark figure of a man with glasses turns into huge monster with a smile filled with sharp teeth… Hands suddenly grip at her shoulders.

Those hands are large, bony…

“You’re such a big girl already, beautiful just like your mommy…”

…A picture with blood and shattered glass all over it…

“Daddy loves his friends the most!”

…A dark alleyway…

“What are you standing there for help me!”

...A man slowly rising up and off a body…

“She… stopped breathing”

“Yajima run… lets go!”

The fingers claw their way into her shoulders…

Miyabi shut her eyes once more trying to escape the images that are constantly raping her mind, trying to negate her hands, stained with blood.

‘Help me, mama...’

‘The one who always, always protected me... mama.’

‘But, mama isn't here anymore.’

‘Help me...’

That person's face... softly floats into her memory…

The grip on her shoulders tightens.

As Miyabi opens her eyes to look at the person who is hurting her, a hole gapes open before her with blood flowing out from it, making a big puddle of blood on the ground.
The renewed spouting spray of blood catches her square on the cheek.

Miyabi shakes her body, squirming, and the hands on her shoulders began to loosen.
Limply, the hands that lost their strength fall away. Limply, the body that lost its life lurches forward.

“Miya!” At the last moment, it calls her name and collapses, the only thing is…

“…Daddy?” The blood dripping from her hands... falls into a puddle and makes the sound of falling rain.

Miyabi’s body doesn't hurt…her heart sinks and she begins to panic. ‘The reason it doesn't hurt... is because this isn't my blood.’


Risako almost tripped on the second step of the stairway as she was going up when she was suddenly frightened by a piercing scream nearby. She quickly recovered herself and curious ran over to the front entrance of the school where she had thought she heard the scream coming from. As she peered over to look at the locker aisles she caught quick glimpse of a girl but had disappeared out of sight way to fast before Risako could clearly see who the person was, she did need to wear glasses for a start. 

She was curious about the person but the events of today were more then enough trouble for her in one day. After glancing at her watch Risako decided to head back to class.


“Hah, hah, hah, hah, ---“

Miyabi’s breathing is wild. Forgetting even to wipe the sweat from her eyes, she gasp in rough breaths. ‘This painful breathing... did I really scream out loud?...If I did, what a pain that would be.’



At last her breath turns to a dry laugh. It is void, slightly scratchy... a terrible sounding, hateful laugh.

” Ahahahahahaha!”

And it raises into the air hysterically…

For removing that hateful something within her, it isn't much different from a scream.
After uncontrollably laughing for a while, she finally came to her senses.

Turning on the water faucet and moving down to splash water on her face made her feel a sense of comfort as the cool water met with her face. Looking in the mirror Miyabi took a deep breath and ran her hands through her hair.

“Holy crap Miya…you look like hell…” she mutters to herself.

Moving to wipe her face with the two pale palms of her hands, she covers it and casts her eyes downward.

”Nothing happened...” She let out a big, deploring sigh. Even knowing that, she was scared. ‘You can’t let this happen again Miya…’ Miyabi shakes her head. ‘No…it’s not my fault…those bastards…I’ll make sure they pay for everything.’

‘That terrible, red dream I saw just now...’

“Are you alright?” The unexpected voice makes Miyabi jump, turning around quickly she finds herself faced with Yajima Maimi. The girl giggles at Miyabi’s face expression.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you” She gives Miyabi a warm smile before taking out a white handkerchief and holding it up to her.

Miyabi slowly grabbed it “…Thanks” Maimi simply nods at this. ‘Shit’ Thought Miyabi as she covers her face from the girl. ‘I wasn’t expecting to meet her here and emotionally I’m not ready to carry out any plans…screw everything if I mess things up here I can fix it later. I just need to relax right now.’

As Miyabi wipes her face dry Maimi stares at her from the mirror and when Miyabi’s eyes lifted up to look in the mirror she quickly looks away and pretends to fix her hair.

“What?” Asked Miyabi.


“I noticed you looking at me.”

Trying her best to avoid Miyabi’s gaze Maimi’s eyes are cast downwards and her head tilt a bit to the side before she said what she wanted to. “Miya…I can call you Miya right?”

“Sure…” Miyabi replied nonchalantly.

As if hearing wonderful news Maimi’s eyes lit up and a huge grin spreads across her pretty features. “Miya-chan lets be friends!”

Miyabi only stared at her with a poker face to hide the intent and mess with her head, though she was not quite sure if she was able to completely hide the hint of annoyance in her eyes. As if she did something wrong Maimi’s smile and confidence starts to fade away.


Miyabi stares at Maimi for a bit before the edges of her lips lift ever so slightly. With a slight impression of a cat's smile, having caught its prey. “Of course, but I thought we were already friends.” replied Miyabi. At this Maimi’s smile returns.

Maimi thought about it for a moment before confirming Miyabi’s words with an “Oh yeah…” which didn’t sound very lively. Miyabi then walked towards Maimi lifted herself up and sat up on the sink counter close enough to say she was beside her but far enough to make a point.

“Why are you here?” Miyabi bluntly asked. Leaking out as much information as possible from her semi-pro researcher and practically stalking these people, Miyabi had to be honest that it was quite bitter sweet. Prying into their personal lives was only the beginning.

She answered quickly saying; “I just got back from trying to help out my friend.”

And for a moment Miyabi lost her poker composure and harshly countered her words; “That doesn’t really answer my question does it?” ‘To be honest Miyabi was angered by her answer she knew who Maimi meant when she said friend, that thief should get punished!’

“No… I suppose it doesn’t…” she replied, obviously nervous.

“Hmmm…” Miyabi wasn’t sure what to say… she was obviously good at teasing people she knew in the past, but this girl was never on her list.

After a short silence Maimi said; “What are you doing here, if I may ask?”

Miyabi wanted to say ‘no you can’t…’ but seeing as she had already, she might as well say something. Miyabi quickly considered what would be a ‘smart ass’ response which was: “Probably the same thing as you are.”

“And that would be?...” She leaned closer, why exactly was a mystery to Miyabi for only a moment… when Miyabi realized what she was doing she copied her and technically returned the question.

“I don’t know. What are you doing here?”

Miyabi knew she won the moment Maimi sighed. Miyabi watched her as she turned her head towards the stalls and said “Thinking. I guess…”

Miyabi continued to watch her as the light from the small window bounced with a soft gleam from her eyes. She wondered why she noticed that and felt angry about it for a moment but decided the less she pondered about things the better… especially if it’s something that’s not cruel that had to do with Yajima or Sugaya. Yes… that would probably be best.

Then it just slipped out. “Nope! That’s not what I’m doing…” Miyabi planned on ending the conversation and just going somewhere else. But instead those words came out and got her attention.

“Oh?” Maimi said as she turned her attention towards Miyabi again. And Miyabi knew from the look on Maimi’s eyes she wanted Miyabi to tell her what she was doing here without her asking. But of course Miyabi didn’t and wouldn’t… not even if she asked.

“So… what are you doing here?”

Miyabi looked up to avoid her gaze. She hated Maimi’s eyes… Those eyes Miyabi hated to admit but it was the eyes of this attractive girl that made Miyabi want to answer her. And as Miyabi was looking up she wished that the ceiling would all just collapse and bury her right then and there with Maimi of course. But what are the chances of that happening…

“I guess I’m running away from something…” Miyabi answered.

“Eh?” was all she let out as a response.

“Surprised?” Miyabi looked at her again and immediately regretted it… the look on Maimi’s eyes screamed “Tell me about it!” only accented more by her face that had curiosity written all over it. She nodded… once, a simple run of a mill, dull and normal nod… but why did it feel like she was begging me to tell her all about it. For some reason she looked really worried. Miyabi’s mind wondered for a moment only for her to mentally kick herself and stopped the wondering process.

“Kind of personal so…long story short.” Miyabi just wanted to be alone, so she thought of looking for some new place to hang around.

 “I see…” Maimi nodded and looked away, seemingly worried or disappointed. Not that Miyabi should care.

“You won’t tell anyone I’m hiding around here would you?” Miyabi asked Maimi, teasingly putting a cute expression on her face.
Maimi simply shook her head no. Staring at the beautiful girl Miyabi almost felt sorry for her... err no, that would be completely false. She felt sorry for her and yet she hated her so much…Miyabi even stopped considering Maimi as a person.

The two girls both looked away from each other and remaind silent. As Miyabi spared a few seconds to take a short look at Maimi, she looked… confused…

Miyabi could understand why. Earlier when Maimi had met her she was a completely different person a trick that Miyabi has skillfully mastered but right now she has a feeling to be bad, Miyabi remembered the pack of cigarettes she had in her pocket and took it out. While Miyabi was rummaging through her pocket for the lighter she noticed that the other party had turned her attention towards Miyabi and her devilishly forbidden item.

 “Aren’t you a little too young to smoke?...and where in school you know.” Maimi’s words sounded worried and concerned… and again like Miyabi cared.

Miyabi lit her cigarette and quickly took a huff only to immediately cough the smoke back out. She wasn’t used to it after all… she thought after one pack it would become like drinking a strong carbonated soda.

“Are you ok?” Maimi asked, sounding a little concerned.

“Yeah… I’m just new at this…” Miyabi pounded at her chest a little, which she soon learned doesn’t really offer any sort of relief unless you’re choking on liquid or food.

“How long have you been smoking?”

Oddly enough Miyabi answered Maimi honestly. “This would be the first stick of the second pack of cigarettes I have.” She said before taking another deep huff of smoke. Miyabi counted to three before blowing it out in a long stream of smoke and as she did this she noticed that Maimi was staring at her… or more specifically, her lips. And of course Miyabi wouldn’t pass the chance to make Maimi squirm some more. “They’re dirty… but would you kiss them?” Miyabi said adding a hint of seduction to her voice.

A simple and dumbfounded “Eh?” was her only response. But when her face turned as red as a tomato… Miyabi had to firmly hold her tongue between her teeth just to keep herself from laughing.

“It’s just a question, I’m not asking you to nor do I want you to…” It was more or less the truth. Miyabi didn’t want Maimi to kiss her… she was merely curious if the girl would even if her breath stank of nicotine laced smoke. But to be honest, she had not meant to ask the stupid question.

“I see…” Miyabi was a little relieved. She might just end the conversation… or at least that odd thread. But Maimi just had to follow it with, “Why do you ask?”

‘Why did I ask?’ Miyabi asked herself. I just felt like it? It just came out that way? I had nothing else to say? I wanted to tease her for looking at my lips?... yeah that would probably be the best answer. Not exactly something you says to someone who isn’t close to you nor does it sound nice and in the end Miyabi didn’t say it. Instead this was the answer that passed her lips, “I’ve taken the first kiss of many people.”

Looking at Maimi’s face expression Miyabi burst out laughing. “You know I’m only joking right?”

“Oh? Haha”

 Miyabi puts out the cigarette in the sink and then throws is in the trash. Patting on the spot next to her Miyabi gestures for Maimi to come sit next to her and at this Maimi’s happy mood from earlier seems to reenergize her once again. Maimi happily sits next to Miyabi.

“Track practice today?”

“Yeah I have practice today but not for very long I still have to go get my little sister after her club meet is done.” Maimi smiles and leans forward looking at Miyabi.

 “Little sister huh…”


‘Right…I still have that to take care of.’ Miyabi smiles to herself before looking at her watch and realizing the next class should be starting soon. “Well I’m going to class now and you should too.” Miyabi hops off the counter and walks right in front of the other girl.

Maimi froze in place as Miyabi came close to her face but then moved to whisper something into her ear.

“Seeya track star…”

As Miyabi pulled away to look at Maimi’s reaction she gave the girl a huge grin before waving bye to her and backing away towards the exit.


Walking out of the school building, Miyabi glances back at it before smiling to herself.

“Well that happened sooner than I expected…” As she said this her chauffeur drove up and opened up the door to her luxury car for her. As soon as both of them were in the car Miyabi spoke up.

“Take me to the school I showed you yesterday.”


Mai waited impatiently outside the school gates for her older sister for what had seemed like centuries. Her Literature club meeting had ended ages ago and still Maimi was no where to be found.

“Arghh…she’s late again” The young girl knowing that she was going to have to wait for awhile longer opened her book and began reading on where she had left earlier. Everything was going great until…


Her eyes stopped scanning the text the instant she heard what she thought she heard…

“Meow” A small kitten had started rubbing itself on Mai’s leg.

“…ahhHHH! KITTY GET AWAY FROM ME!” Mai leaped 10ft away from the creature that gave her the worst sleep-deprived time of her life.

Deciding that she was going to have to find another place where she can read in peace Mai starts heading for the park nearby but first she wanted some cookies!

Coming out of the small store she stuffed the small packet of cookies into her pocket and headed to the nearest bench.

‘Finally I can rest and read in peace!’  On the bench an older girl sat beside her, also reading a book and in between they laid the packet of cookies. When Mai took out the first cookie, the girl took one also. Mai felt irritated but said nothing. She just thought:

‘What a nerve! If I was in the mood I would punch her for daring!”

For each cookie Mai took, the girl took one too. This was infuriating her but she didn’t want to cause a scene. Nothing ticked her off yet until it came to only one cookie remaining. ‘Ah…what is this abusive girl going to do now?’ the older girl taking the last cookie, divided it into half, giving her one half.

‘That did it! That was too much! She was too pissed off right now’ in a huff Mai took her book and her things before yelling out “WHAT THE HECK IS YOUR PROBLEM!” and stormed away.

As Mai walked down the sidewalk a hysterical-looking-Maimi and Risako came running to her.

“Where did you go?!”

“I looked for you everywhere!”

Maimi gave her sister a tight embrace.

“You shouldn’t have just left like that it gave Maimi here a heart attack.”

“Geez calm down you guys I was just taking a break at the park until some weirdo ate all my cookies!”

“Weirdo?! They didn’t do anything to you did they?”

“Yeah she kept on eating my cooki—“Mai’s words seem to die away as she stuck her hand into her pocket and to her surprise her cookies were still there! She took them out and stared at them ‘they’re still here untouched and unopened! This means…’



Sorry you guys crappy and really rushed chapter -__- it’s like 4:00am and I’m dead…
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: zay05ohayou on April 20, 2008, 01:40:21 PM
Wao~ Pretty long chapter!  :O It's not crappy at all. What are you talking about?  :angry:
Tsk.. So it was Miya who placed that jewelry on Rii-chan's desk.
Ehh.. Wait.. So it was Rii-chan and Maimi's dad who did something to Miya parents?
and Miya wants revenge? and the murder left her with a trauma? Hmm...
The last part was funny.. Mai who turns out to be Maimi's sister eats cookies with another girl and she thought she ate from her packet of cookies.. It turns she ate from the girls.. or something like that.  :lol:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: mode107 on April 20, 2008, 05:24:25 PM
Yeah this chapter wasn't crappy at all.  Each chapter seriously gets better.
Miyabi's character creeps me out a bit I must say.  I wasn't feeling the badass personality(like the smoking) at first but now I like it.  It makes me sad a bit that Miya was the one who framed Risako. I thought she was really interested in a friendship with her.  I hope she doesn't do anything like that to Maimi.  It looks like they have a budding realtionship. I see Miya meeting Mai in the next chapter for some reason :P  Idk, I wonder if Mai will be a big role in the story.  Awesome story. Try to update faster if possible :yep:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: Amarghetta on April 20, 2008, 08:25:06 PM
Hehehe, I read that cookie part somewhere else. But it's still funny.
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: anonymousdowner on April 20, 2008, 11:35:59 PM
Wao~ Pretty long chapter!  :O It's not crappy at all. What are you talking about?  :angry:
Tsk.. So it was Miya who placed that jewelry on Rii-chan's desk.
Ehh.. Wait.. So it was Rii-chan and Maimi's dad who did something to Miya parents?
and Miya wants revenge? and the murder left her with a trauma? Hmm...
The last part was funny.. Mai who turns out to be Maimi's sister eats cookies with another girl and she thought she ate from her packet of cookies.. It turns she ate from the girls.. or something like that.  :lol:
Well it's crappy cause T-T it didn't turn out like I wanted. But yes Miya wants revenge and the death of her parents have deeply mentally affected her so she will be taking it out on some people. ohh...Some crazy stuff is gonna happen later
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: anonymousdowner on April 20, 2008, 11:38:12 PM
Yeah this chapter wasn't crappy at all.  Each chapter seriously gets better.
Miyabi's character creeps me out a bit I must say.  I wasn't feeling the badass personality(like the smoking) at first but now I like it.  It makes me sad a bit that Miya was the one who framed Risako. I thought she was really interested in a friendship with her.  I hope she doesn't do anything like that to Maimi.  It looks like they have a budding realtionship. I see Miya meeting Mai in the next chapter for some reason :P  Idk, I wonder if Mai will be a big role in the story.  Awesome story. Try to update faster if possible :yep:
Miya is a badass in this story  :twisted: but I cant guarantee she's not gonna do anything to maimi or mai... but don't worry everything will be good...maybe. Yep I'm workin' on chapter 4 right now
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: anonymousdowner on April 20, 2008, 11:39:28 PM
Hehehe, I read that cookie part somewhere else. But it's still funny.
Really?! haha I loved it so I wanted to have a scene like that in this story lol.
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: Loser87 on April 21, 2008, 12:50:57 AM
lol the cookie scene was cute~

I imagine the other girl being Chisato~ <33

But the Miyabi thing really got me TT_TT...
I wanna know what happens next so update faster! >w<
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: Amarghetta on April 21, 2008, 01:06:28 AM
Hehehe, I read that cookie part somewhere else. But it's still funny.
Really?! haha I loved it so I wanted to have a scene like that in this story lol.
Yeah, it was in a book one of my former coworkers was reading. He liked this story so much, that he decided to tell me about it... I laughed then, and this made me laugh, too.  XD

I can also imagine the other girl being Chisato, just as Loser87 pointed out.  :cow:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: Grisours on April 21, 2008, 06:13:28 AM
Seems like Miya's always planning her revenge or something like that... Maimi must be careful! Mai should too.
The cookie scene was very funny!
Keep it up! :yep:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: Maimi_Yajima on April 21, 2008, 11:52:24 PM
The truth that I hope the next chapter soon.
Since her story has mystery.
I am confused.
Miyabi is interested in Maimi?
Maimi, Airi, and Risako Miyabi.
Of more clues!
And continue with its excellent story!
Not delayed too!
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: Meesa-desu on April 22, 2008, 10:12:18 PM
*Ahem* Ewww H!P XD lol jk? jk?
Anyways anyways
Good story good story :] It's like right out of a drama XD
(been watching a little too much bullying dramas lately? lol.)
Alittle confusing but maybe that's just mee? Intriguing though.
So So Miyabi knows these people?
Since she had a "plan" from the beginning?
or is she just naturally sadistic? XD
I expect  :bleed eyes: later :]] Dont let mee down  :D
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: CrypticShadow8 on April 29, 2008, 02:30:34 AM
Really interesting story. Different from anything else I've read.
Can't wait to see what Miyabi's M.O is and what kinda relationship she's going to have with the other characters.
Also Mai's little temper tantrum was funny. So she was eating the other girls cookies all along? lol Well it was sweet of the girl to share with her.
Can't wait for more!
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 3- Cookie Crumbles]
Post by: Isaura.Tsuji on May 01, 2008, 04:27:57 AM
chapter 3 was completely unexpected to me  :O!
but i liked it  XD

i hope you update soon!
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Omake?NotaChapter]
Post by: anonymousdowner on May 02, 2008, 05:00:08 AM

Hail Mary, Mother of Grace

Forgive me father, for I have sinned. It has been......

Anonymousdowner: ......

Anonymousdowner: ...sixteen years since my last confession.

Le pére pauvre: ...sixteen years?

Anonymousdowner: Yep. You see, lately I've been writing this H!P fanfic about girls…in that kind of relationship...

Le pére pauvre: Le---!? Um, and you wish to repent for your actions?

Anonymousdowner: Yeah. OH, GOD! I'M SO SORRY I CAN'T UPDATE IT ON TIME! *bawls*

Le pére pauvre: ............

I'll do better, I promise! Just give me those Hail Marys or whatever. I'll get right back to it! How many does that make, anyway? TELL ME! I HAVE TO GET BACK TO WORK!

............I'm also sorry for spending time writing apologetic narratives when I should be writing the next chapter instead. Long story short, God gave Persona 3 an e-cookie, for diverting me from my heathen ways. I am also moving to another state, but enough excuses!

If it provides any consolation, know that I am just editing my chapter four and it should be up any day now, but reading other fics is the one thing I most want to do right now. BUT I'M NOT GONNA! I will just think of it as the carrot being dangled in front of my face until at least my update and homework is done -__- but hey my little Omake is up for your enjoyment. I want to say the next chapter is up but it still needs work I want to add some things I really do wish it was but that's rather optimistic, though not impossible.

Now for an Omake!:

Eh?! There were rumors!?

Yeah! A whole lot of them!

Risako: Like what?

Airi: there’s this one where you can get a 2 week suspension for skipping track practice to go on a date with your best friend’s boyfriend. Which a lot of us found probable knowing you…

Shut up… what else?

Airi: there was also one where, you ran away and eloped with someone…

Maimi: Unlikely… anything else?

Airi: well I’ve heard a lot of people say that Miya-sama is scheming a plan on capturing Rii-chan, chaining her up and keeping her as a love slave, which could explain why no one could receive the same looks Miya-sama gives Rii-chan in the middle of classes but this one was fairly new, and sprang up only after they saw Miya-sama following Rii-chan.

Risako: (gasps, eyes wide opened.) …WAAA?! … Girls these days are such perverts…

you just insulted the both of us as well. Risako…

Risako: (sweat drops) …

Miyabi: That last one sounded interesting…

Airi: (gulp)

(gasp blush)


Miyabi: (grin)

Omake End
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Omake?NotaChapter]
Post by: Loser87 on May 03, 2008, 05:02:48 AM
Lol, Well I hope that you update soon! =]

The Omake was unbearably cute lol, I <3 it =]
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Omake?NotaChapter]
Post by: Zephyr9525 on May 08, 2008, 07:23:59 PM
great story i loved ittt :D   O0
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance Chapter 4 – Hidden Chambers of a lonely soul
Post by: anonymousdowner on November 22, 2008, 09:18:07 AM
Chapter 4 – Hidden Chambers of a lonely soul

Clouds began to cover the crescent moon. The sky darkens and people roaming among the streets occupied by their daily lives lessen with each passing minute.

Dirty, cold, and hungry a little girl adorned in pink unknowingly makes her way down a random street. Clutched in her hand was a teddy bear and strapped across tiny shaking shoulders was a bag.

Setting a free hand over her stomach, beautiful, exhausted eyes thoughtfully made their way downwards for a brief moment before moving back up again in search for the source of the pleasant aroma that seem to linger in the air.

Advancing towards an open stall the small girl stared on hopelessly at the freshly made snacks before taking in a big sniff of air with closed eyelids gathering a small hint of delight that built up in her once more.

“Would you like something?” questioned a lady adorned in a green apron from inside the stall. The women looked like she was in her mid twenties. Around her neck was a thick golden necklace with a pretty green pendant and on her finger a shiny gold ring, the kind of jewelry you’d never expect to see on ordinary people.

Encouraged by the woman’s smile the girl gave a shy nod. “What would you…” The woman’s gaze shifts down to the girls necklace and then back up to the girl. “My what a beautiful necklace you have…” She laughs “I’m sorry what would you like?”

Bawling her hand up to her mouth the girl points to a colorful section. “Ah, good choice those are really good.” Picking up the snack the women wraps up half of it in a thin sheet before handing it carefully to the young child.

 Upon receiving the snack the girl’s eyes shimmered in delight. She felt the warmth against her hands and wondered if she were in a dream. Moving the delicious piece of colored bun to her mouth the girl proceeds to sink her teeth into it but just before that could happen the women in the stall reaches over and snatches away the snack from her hands.

“Hey, pay-up first.” She sticks out her hand as if to receive payment from the girl who is now starring at the hand out in front of her. “…I don’t have any money.” Replied the innocent girl. This response only pissed off the women. “What? No money? ...ughh where is your mother?”

“...Mama? mama is gone…” There was sadness in her voice that was all too familiar. The women only gave the girl a disgusted look. “Your mother’s dead!? No wonder, I have a daughter I need to feed too thankfully she’s not a mess like you or I’d kill myself also.”

What the women said struck a cord from inside the little girl and pained her deeply. “…I’m sorry” Although it wasn’t right for the girl to apologize to the women especially after the heartless words that the women had just said to the girl she felt that she needed to before leaving.

“No you can’t leave yet, don’t think that you can just leave after dirtying my food, pay up now.” As she says this she looks around the area before continuing.

“But… I don’t have any money.”

In a quieter yet harsher voice the women goes at her again. “Let me see your necklace.”

“Eh?”  The girl muttered out confused.

“Don't dodge my question by playing dumb.” The woman grabs a hold of the girl’s hand and moves to grasp the girl’s necklace. “No!” The woman snaps the necklace off of the girl and releases her hold.

The ill-fated girl can only stare tear-filled at demon who disguised herself as a rich-looking angel. The women stared intently, obviously awed by the quality of the necklace that once laid safely upon a dirty, scrawny neck.

“Scam! You little brat, if you don’t have any money leave don’t just stand around here you’re stinking up the place and scaring off my customers. You’re lucky I didn’t call the police on you so leave.”

The girl stood there silently scared until an unexpected person shoves the woman causing her to lose balance and crashing against her stand but not hard enough for everything to fall apart. A warm hand intertwines with the hers and she is dragged hurriedly down the street, the evil woman’s voice still screaming behind them as they fled.

At the cool sound of hurried footsteps, the girl corrects her facing to the front. Pulled forward by someone's hand, she increases her pace.

Pulled by the hand, the girl did her best to keep up with the stranger. She did not know this person but had just been through way too and was in no mood to care anymore. Nothing no longer mattered to the girl for she has lost many things dear to her heart.

While not a genuine designated trail they were on, they veer off from the trail that had
any semblance of a trail and proceed by parting the grass that they have encountered.

Faster, faster, faster, faster...

The hand pulling hers strengthens.

‘Is that woman still chasing us?’

‘Why are we hurrying so?’

The girl pound at the grass under her feet, rushing forward.

Zaa!... The sound of the wind brings chills up her spine.

Suddenly, her field of vision opens wide. At this point, they're probably far out at the edge of the city. The area looked ancient and deserted. The buildings seemed like they were going to collapse at any time, colors rusted and faded. What seemed like abandoned railroad tracks filled the place.

After stopping abruptly behind a shabby warehouse the girl quietly eyes the stranger for an action as the person carefully peaks from the corner of the building perhaps to check if there were any followers.

Sliding down the dirty wall the stranger pulls the girl abruptly to sit next to her on the ground.

As the stranger turned to face her she was greeted at the sight of a girl around her age, her short black hair slightly wet of what the girl would guess to be her sweat. She wore the best smile the girl had seen in a long time and her soft brown eyes, gazed at her with a friendly glow.

“Are you alright?” The strange girl asked.

Nodding her head dejectedly the girl brought up her knees, wraps her arms around them and lays her head down. She was tired, and her neck ached from the pull of her necklace. Her moment of silence was unexpectedly broken when ruffles were made from the other girl. Raising her head up the girl was faced with a delicious piece of colored bun.

“Here eat this.” The short haired girl offered to the younger one. Her eyes doubled in size upon receiving the snack, it was the same kind from the evil woman’s place.

 “How did you get this?” asked the curious girl.

“Why’d you think we were running?” laughed out the shorter haired girl. All the younger girl could do was stare at the other one. Her laugh definitely had something angelic about it that warmed up the younger one’s insides and that was enough to bring up her mood.

“That lady was mean, stay away from people like that.” As the girl finished her sentence she takes out another snack bun and starts eating it. “It was inappropriate of her to say such things, not right at all. It’s scary how some people can be so heartless and cruel…those words…they hurt me too.” As much as the girl would like to say those words with a straight face the walls to her heart seem to crumble away.

Though the stranger seem to be deep in depression she quickly recollected herself, took a deep breath, wiped away tears that may have escaped, and turned to face the other girl with a smile softer than the one before but still holding it‘s charm.

“You don’t have a home right?” Asked the older girl as she places her warm hand over the younger one’s. “Why don’t you stay with us? I’m sure boss would gladly accept you.”

“Boss?” asked the younger girl “uhnn” nodded the older one. “With boss and the rest of us.” She really didn’t’know anything about this girl or what she meant by boss and the rest of us but every time the girl smiles everything seemed brighter and she willingly agrees with the idea.

“Let’s be good friends huh? I was always alone until I met boss, I‘ll be there for you when ever you need help I promise.” The girl stuck out her pinky and her ring finger and brought it up to the younger girl who in turn squinted her eyes, confused at the gesture.

 “What are you doing?“  The girl blinked out adorably.

“You don’t know? It’s called pinky swearing.” This only knitted the younger girls eyebrows together before it sank in.

“ Oh, I know that!”  The girl laughed, a wonderful thing that seemed impossible just a  few minutes ago.

“I was confused because you had two fingers sticking out.”

“Oh, I’ll show you!” The older girl chuckled out.

She smiled down at the younger girl and lifted up both of her hands.

“I’ll count them one by one. Watch the last fingers!”

The girl hugging her teddy bear tightened her embrace obviously intrigued and ready to watch whatever might happen.

She began counting down her fingers until…

“…6, 7, 8, 9.5,10”

“Ah, your fingers!”

The older girl flexes down her two last fingers freakishly a couple of more times before giving an explanation. “You see, my pinky and my ring finger move at the same time no matter what I do.”

“That’s so cool!” Astonished by the show the little girl clapped her wildly together.

“So, what do you say? I mean if you don’t mind my weird finger that is.”

She stuck out her odd fingers yet again but now after a brief second is met with another.

Happy that she has made a new friend the younger girl smiled sheepishly to herself before realizing something. “Ah, your name!”

“Oh right, I forgot.” The girl laughed out before continuing.

“My name is Shimizu Saki.”


Miyabi’s eyes fluttered open. Everything looked blurring. She blinked a few more times. Her hands reached up to rub her eyes. It was still early in the morning and there was very little sunlight.

She had been rather impressed in the beginning by the room’s spaciousness, its ridiculously expensive furniture as well as state-of-the-art entertainment facilities, and the impeccable aesthetic sense with which it was designed and decorated but now in her eyes everything did not seem all too extraordinary anymore and yet aside from the luxury her room was grim as always.

Another day, another day of suffering. Suffering, meaningful suffering, not for Miyabi herself, but for someone who made her this way, for someone who didn't care, for someone who wouldn't shed a tear if the mother of a child dies in front of their eyes.

Miyabi could die. Her body could die. Nothing would change if that happened though no justice would be served. There was no substitution or replacement. Miyabi longed for death. She longed for all this suffering to end but her soul couldn’t, it cries in agony, the fire inside her heart reawakens making her blood boil and old scars reopen. A being, cursed to go through a lifetime of suffering.

Rising from her immense bed, the high back of which faced a massive thick glass pane with the view of indescribable beauty from a height of a thousand feet, she quietly crossed the room, slowly to the bathroom and turned on the tap. 

The water felt cold on her hands. It was always so cold, and that was how she wanted it, just like how she always felt inside her heart. She remembered the time when she was little. How the old Miyabi used to be such a cheerful girl.

The regular check ups the doctor performed on her were uncomfortable, but there had been high hopes. But the cruelty Miyabi had endured when she was a child had destroyed her hopes long ago. And it turned her heart cold.

As Miyabi splashed the cold water on her face, her body started shivering, but it was nothing uncommon. It happened every time. When she was done using the sink she took a big huff of air, resting the palm of her hands on the edge of the sink counter, she stared flatly into the mirror.

The girl staring back looked so different...different from whom she was at school, different from which she was when she was around certain people.

‘Am I a monster?’ Miyabi inwardly asked herself with a serious face as if the clouds would open up and give her an answer, she waits patiently in deep thought.

Nothing but total silence goes by…and a crooked smile quivers its way up the girl’s lips followed by an uproar of laughter. Moving her right hand off the edge of the sink and onto the glass mirror Miyabi answers herself. “Nah, just a cursed being…”

A tear rolls down Miyabi‘s cheek, something that still astonishes herself. It has happened more than once, there’s no warning, she doesn’t feel anything and yet this lone tear manages to escape. She no longer had control over her own tears...was it a curse or a blessing?


Under the blue sky, Risako steps one foot in front of the other, another morning, two weeks had past since the new transfer student arrived, the exams are over, and for everybody life goes on but for Risako things haven’t exactly been pleasant.

Risako walks the path she's always taken to school ever since she found out that another also took this same path. She got up early, walked faster, slower, just to catch a glimpse. Every day bag in hand, moving from that empty space into another, walking until the sunlight filled up what was desolate, just a head of her, just walking through crowded concrete buildings.

An old woman's cat flicking its tail as it lays upon the window sill lazily. The pots of messily arranged flowers trying to bud, trying to survive, the clear air as it hits her face with every motion forward just to catch a glimpse, the back, the simple flutter of hair over the shoulder, always holding her arms before her to carry her bag. The girl gets dropped off from a luxurious limo a couple of blocks away from school.

 Risako could only guess that perhaps the girl didn’t want anymore attention then what she was already receiving.

Natsuyaki-san haven’t exactly been as friendly as she was like their first meeting, ever since her incident with Sengoku Minami that is. Although her name had been cleared like it rightfully should she still felt embarrassed around the girl.

Natsuyaki Miyabi is all that the student body talks about these days. She seems to fascinate more people each passing day, captivating them with those beautiful features of hers as if anyone who has had a taste of her scent will be spellbound. The only person who hasn’t been drawn to Natsuyaki Miyabi according to Risako’s knowledge is her best friend Airi but even Airi can’t seem to get Miyabi out of her head.

It wasn’t as though Risako was stalking the girl it was just that there was something about her eyes that drew Risako to her. Ever since the day she had witnessed them under the tree, she couldn’t get the image of the girl’s lonely eyes out her head. Although she had only seen them for a split second they felt familiar as if she had seen them before, as if she could almost recognize them.

Realizing she passed the area she’d usually see Miyabi walking she stopped to look over her shoulder and back to the front again. She wasn’t there. Squinting her eyes a little and looking anxiously ahead, trying hard to make out the figures of students up ahead of her, her eyes searched desperately for the girl.
“Is Natsuyaki-san late today?…” She asked quietly to no one in particular.

“No, she’s on time today.” A familiar voice from behind causes the young girl to turn around abruptly, surprised to find herself facing the girl she had just been looking for.

“Na-Natsuyaki-san!” She stuttered “You scared me.” Putting a hand over her chest she sighed out in relief. But of course slowly turning away obviously embarrassed.

Miyabi catching on and taking advantage of the situation walked slowly towards the girl and leaned in. She stared intently at the girl’s flushed face expression, smiling that mischievous, toothy grin of hers that people rarely see. Risako still red as a tomato tried hard not to look at the other girl whose presence was slowly closing in on her.

“Looking for me?” Miyabi asked slyly.

The girl had her head tilted adorably as she slightly pouched out her feathery lips, finding herself at a loss of words.

“You have something you wish to tell me?” Hearing no response from the girl, Miyabi’s smile only widens.

“Risako, why do you take this path to school when you live in the opposite direction?”

“Ri-Risako?” The bashful girl hesitates at the usage of her first name.

“Oh? Are you uncomfortable with me using your first name?”

“No, I mean…I was just-wait how do you know I don’t live-” She gets cut off.

“Don’t you live near Yajima?”

“Huh?…urm” Risako nodded, finally peering over to look at the other girl’s face who was now closer than ever.

Caught in a awkward staring contest, Risako finds herself staring back deeply into the mysteriously beautiful eyes of Natsuyaki Miyabi. It was different and that alone surprised her. Unlike the day under the tree her eyes were unreadable. The only thing she saw in them were a reflection of none other but herself, as if the girl’s eyes had transformed into an unbreakable mirror that locked away all it’s secrets and treasures in that chamber.


“Eh?” She snaps back to reality. Realizing just how deeply she had just analyzed the other girl an ecstatic vibe ran through her body. She didn’t even realize that to anyone who might have witnessed their little moment, could have mistaken it for a passionate exchange of nonverbal communication between lovers. She couldn’t be risking her life for that kind of misconception, fans are overly obsessed these days.

“I’m sorry I have to-” Risako quickly made an attempt to escape but fails miserably as she finds herself faced to face again with Miyabi who had pulled her back in place. There was an odd silence that came with the dreamy look Miyabi was giving her and as if it had set off a switch from inside of her, her heart beat accelerated into a terrible panic.

‘Oh no…what’s happening?…’ Risako inwardly asked herself confused by the actions of the other girl. But everything only became worst when the girl started leaning in on her. Blinking in thought of what to do next she ran out of ideas and tightly shut her eyes. She waited for what she thought was going to happen but not the lips of the other girl’s did she feel but a finger sliding off her chin as if it were wiping something off.

“What’d you do eat chocolate frosting for breakfast?”

Snapping her eyes open to reality yet another time she looked at Miyabi’s finger in horror and quickly took out her handkerchief from within her pocket and wiped hurriedly at her mouth. God knows she rather choose the beating of jealousy-frenzy-fueled fans than an embarrassment such as what just had happened. She knew she shouldn’t have sneaked that cake in this morning! Look at what it’s done to her, she looks like a freakin’ stalker with chocolate frosting all over her face! She could die from embarrassment any minute now.

“You’re leaving school with Yajima today aren’t you? I owe her some ice-cream after school you want to come along?”


“Yeah well, I have to go see a few teachers before class starts so.. I’ll see you in class later then.” Miyabi waves a small goodbye before turning away leaving Risako to stand there alone. She gave a loud sigh, thankful that the awkward moment have passed. 

But It wasn’t long before that thought backfired on her. Miyabi who had taken at the most six steps ahead of Risako had turned her head to the side, and without a gaze spoke out something that completely caught her off guard.

“Don’t tell me you’re interested in me too?”


Okay...I know it's been three years I did move to another state and blah but whatever you know I am making excuses I'll try to update but that's only happening if people actually read this story please comment tell me if i should stop writting sorry it's kind of boring now and there are alot of grammar issues but im a noobie so have pity! :'(

Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 4 – Hidden Chambers of a lonely soul]
Post by: Loser87 on November 22, 2008, 10:07:50 AM
LOL, you shouldn't stop writing this story.
It's one of the few berryz/c-ute/H!Pkids stories out there in english..
And god knows the Kids needs moar lovin' XD

So you should continue this story and plus your writing is pretty good.
You know just do a few spell check and grammar stuff and stuff..
But even with the spell check and grammar, the way you write makes you less of a noob lol

The story just got interesting, what with more insight on miyabi's past.
The introduction of Saki and the little moment with Miyabi by herself and how she feels I guess dead inside.
plus that risako/miyabi scene was super cute oh em gee.

I mean the 'leaning in but not kissing ya' is a classic stereotypical scen but it worked so well and cutely in this chapter.


Anyway, update, update, update!!
You're like one of the only other H!P kids primary writer I know of besides me, wordy(wordsworth), rokun and fimmy-chan(feverinducedmadness) >_>...(and to some extent, Yuuyami and estrea)
We need to increase the love and knowledge of the kids! D:<

(Nice touch in using actual facts into the story, i.e. captain's weird fingers lol, makes the story a lot more 'real')

UPDATE!  :on shady: :mon zoom: :mon cweepy:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 4 – Hidden Chambers of a lonely soul]
Post by: ayase909 on November 22, 2008, 01:01:03 PM
 :frustrated: holy miya-evil crap!

i just read the whole chappie and i like it....... and post, people are reading your fic, they're just lazy to leave some comments.......believe me, jeje :hehehe: :hehehe: :hehehe:

the whole miya evil thing....yay! im a miya-rii-chan fan.....please,! make it happen!

 :on GJ: :on GJ: :on GJ:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 4 – Hidden Chambers of a lonely soul]
Post by: berryzkouboumm1989 on November 22, 2008, 08:36:31 PM
CONTINUE!CONTINUE!CONTINUE!!!!I'm loving this story so please!!!!Don't STOP!!!!!!! :pleeease: :mon whine: :mon pray2:
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 4 – Hidden Chambers of a lonely soul]
Post by: mode107 on November 22, 2008, 10:40:39 PM
You updated :D I can't wait to see what's gonna happen at the Ice cream parlour (or wherever they are getting their ice cream) XD
I really like the story, it's unique, it's something I can't keep my eyes off.
Title: Re: Immoral Vengeance [Chapter 4 – Hidden Chambers of a lonely soul]
Post by: Maimi_Yajima on November 23, 2008, 04:01:55 AM
Much time has passed !!!!!
 in part I am happy, that you  continue with his story!
but ...
but I am happy to have him back!!
It is too intriguing your fan fic!
Miyabi want to leave a Risako damaged!
NO! Kowai!!
but ...
I sense that airi suspected of Miyabi!
Risako and Maimi are innocent!
Miyabi asked to Risako by Maimi ...
That gives much food for thought ...
Perhaps ... Miyabi, begins to take an interest in Maimi?
or maybe ...
¿Miyabi want to hurt or hit her Maimi and to leave a Risako damaged?
We will see in the next chapter!
And is not delayed too!