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The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Crack-to-Go => Topic started by: Novaforever on August 07, 2008, 05:00:44 PM

Title: Late Night Conversations
Post by: Novaforever on August 07, 2008, 05:00:44 PM
So yeah, my friend MaverickPanda just got into H!P and all the assorted fandoms and just finished his first fanfic.  So I figured I would write a counterfic of sorts in support of his effort.  I've written before (all on renairev not here) but this is the first story i've done in about 2 years now.  Wrote it in about an hour.  Heh don't expect anything amazing here.

Title: Late Night Conversations
Author: Novaforever
rating: PG-13
pairing: Yossi/Rika, Yossi/Miki, Miki/Aya (it's like a love tetrahedron or somesuch!)
summary: Yossi is feeling down after her late night conversation with Rika when she gets an intersting phone call.
notes: Like I said, it's a part two of Maverickpanda's Rainy Day Wo-man. You probably don't HAVE to read his story first. But It might work out better for you if you did.  You can find it here

   Yossi leaned against the window and watched the storm continue to rage outside.  Her hair was still wet and dripping from the shower she had just taken and was dripping slowly against the inside of the window.  She watched as the drops of water seemed to mingle with the rain running down the window on the outside.

She’d taken her gamble with Rika and lost this time.  At least she thought she had lost.  Rika had definitely kissed her back; there was no doubt about that.  But running away after the whole incident?  Rika couldn’t possibly be interested in her now… Even if she were they wouldn’t be able to see each other often.  Rika was moving onto Biyuuden and leaving Yossi and Momusu behind for good.  Their time together would slowly decrease as they spent more and more time with their respective groups.  Eventually they would only communicate by emails and the occasional meet up at a café for tea.  It had happened to Yossi and Kaori once the old leader had left the group.  Surely it could happen to Yossi and Rika too? 

Yossi shook her head slightly.  No, that wouldn’t happen to the two of them.  It couldn’t.  Yossi didn’t know what she would do with herself if Rika and her fell apart like that. 

God, how much more confusing could my life get right now…

As soon as she thought it her cell phone started ringing.  The way her night was going she knew it wasn’t going to be good.  She didn’t really feel like talking to anyone right now anyway.

But it might be Rika…

The thought spurred her into action and she immediately answered the phone.


“Hee~y.  You didn’t call me after the concert.  You usually wanna meet up and work out some of that post-performance stress and energy.  I’m still game if you are.”

Yossi could practically see the caller’s eyebrows wiggling suggestively through the phone.

“Sorry Fujimoto I’m just not really feeling like participating in your late night booty call today.”

Miki pouted.  “That’s something new for you.  Turning down a little late night action with the hottest star in Hello!Project?  What’s eating you?”

Yossi didn’t feel like dealing with Miki’s attitude after her moment with Rika earlier.  She could just hang up on her… but Miki would just find a way to torture her about it later.  There really was no escape from that groping demon.
“Why the long silence Yoshizawa?  Ishikawa finally shut you down?”  Miki chuckled in her especially insensitive way.

Yossi was strongly considering hanging up on Miki at this point.  Consequences be damned.

“Ho shit!?  For serious!?  You spilled the beans to her?”  Yossi could hear Miki’s gloating loud and clear.  “What in the hell induced you to confess to her?  Was it just because she graduated tonight?  You are so sentimental!”

“And you’re a total ass.  Stop acting like you know me so well.”

“Hah.  That’s rich.  Who would you say knows you better than me?  Your precious Ishikawa?  Don’t make me laugh.  She hasn’t seen you with all your defenses down.  Without any pretenses.  Weak like a kitten and begging for more.  Like I’ve seen you.”

Miki’s hand running up her thigh.  Her head thrown back in the extreme pleasure the older girl was giving her.  Miki’s hands working their way across her body leaving hot trails; making her forget all about that girl who usually filled up her mind.  Heavy breathing and sweat glistening as their legs intertwined.

Yossi took a deep breath.  No, she knew what Miki was trying to do here.  And she wasn’t going to play her game.  Not tonight at least.

“I told you I’m not in the mood for this tonight Fujimoto.  Now why don’t you run along to one of the numerous other girls you have on speed dial and mess with their minds instead?  I’d rather be by myself tonight.”

“Oh really?  You’re usually so ready do have a go after a concert…”

“GOODNIGHT Fujimoto”

Yossi hung up before Miki could put in another jab.  Even if Rika had turned her down today she wasn’t going to mess around with Miki immediately afterwards.  That wouldn’t be fair to either party.  She knew that she wouldn’t be able to keep Miki at bay for long though.  The teasing woman was right.  Yossi had certain needs and Miki was able to fulfill them very well.  Yossi walked back over to the window and continued her watch over the thunderstorm.  Tonight it would just be her and her regrets.

   Miki looked down at the cell phone in her hand, the dial tone buzzing loudly through the speaker.

   So Yossi finally got up the guts to say no, huh?  It had to happen eventually. 
   Miki shrugged.   Yossi would be back.  They always came back to her.  And Yossi was right on another count too.  She did have lots of other girls she could call for some fun tonight. 

   She flipped her phone open and dialed the number she knew all too well.  She heard the person on the other side of the phone answer perkily despite it being very late at night.

   “Hey Mikitty what’s up?”

   “Nothing much Aya-chan… just you know, feelin’ a little bored is all.”

   Aya smirked.  She knew what a bored Miki was capable of. 

   “Meet me at my apartment in 10 minutes.   And don’t forget the chocolate syrup this time.”   

   Miki grinned.  Her night wouldn’t be such a waste after all.
Title: Re: Late Night Conversations
Post by: kRisZ on August 07, 2008, 05:22:50 PM
How I wish I was Yossie, be definitely at Miki's place in a flash  :grin:
Title: Re: Late Night Conversations
Post by: Yankii Heart on August 07, 2008, 09:06:36 PM
:mon XD:

If Yossy is the PIMP  :mon cigar:...Miki is the PLAYER  :mon nyah:

A good Ishiyoshi story... :mon pray2: but please stop making Yossy and Rika suffer

 :mon loveflower: Bye-Bye
Title: Re: Late Night Conversations
Post by: hotohori on August 07, 2008, 09:43:05 PM
 Miki the gropemonster : :kekeke: :kekeke: :kekeke:

yossie the pimp : :smoke:
Title: Re: Late Night Conversations
Post by: Novaforever on August 08, 2008, 03:04:55 PM
I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. 

I've never written a Rika/Yossi story before, they aren't really my favorite pairing (as evidenced by my Miki/Yossi twist I guess).  In the past i've done W stories and one sorta Yossi/Kago light one.  I mostly just wrote this one as a bit of a joke response to my friends story.  In an hour.  Meh.

I'm a bigger fan of GAM so if I wrote more it would probably be a story with them.