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The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Topic started by: writerjunkie on April 05, 2009, 08:23:54 PM

Title: The Coven [CLOSED]
Post by: writerjunkie on April 05, 2009, 08:23:54 PM
Title: The Coven


“You should be thankful. The Mistress has a liking towards you. She would never be this gentle. Not even to Aya.”

I stand still as I get chained to an all too familiar wall again. I gave up fighting back as I get put back into place. My resistance is worthless. I’ve realized that and I’ve come to terms accepting this as my life- a life where I’m a no one. Where no one cares about me. This is a life where I’m nothing, but a mere slave to a treacherous woman. Everyone here is a slave. This woman has such power that the girls are afraid to rebel. The slaves either with her or they die. I flinch as the last chain is tightly wrapped around my wrist.

“Not too tight this time Koharu. She doesn’t like bruises on her pets.”

The bonds on my wrist and ankles loosen just an inch and I sigh in relief. I smile at Koharu as my thank you. She smiles back faintly. She’s the second youngest around here and is very tall for her age. She’s lean and energetic. Or...she used to be energetic. Being here for so long has made her not so happy or lively than when I first saw her. Her eyes are large and expressive. She leaves this feeling of weakness around her though and because of that I want to help and protect her, but I know that I never fully can. If I stand up for her or any girl in this building, I’ll have one nasty punishment to look forward to. So I can only do so much, but she understands. She knows that there’s only so much you can do. She pushes a piece of black hair from her face. I know she must feel so guilty for having to tie me down, but I forgive her. Everything she does is against her will. So I don’t blame her for anything. I let my body drop and the chains carry my weight as I try to relax. They press into my sore wrists as I slump down. I’m so tired from all this work. This is the only time I get to rest. I’ve been up all night. Sleeping like this is uncomfortable, but it’s better than how I see the others get treated. I’m being treated like a princess believe it or not.

“That’s all Koharu, thank you. Leave.”

“Yes, Michishige-sama.”

I watch Koharu exit out the cell door, but Sayumi still stays. Her angelic eyes stare intensely at me. She’s small and pale, with jet-black hair, and soft plush lips. She’s dressed in a velvet red v-neck collar dress, and black high heel shoes. She’s beautiful, there’s no doubt about that. She has the looks women get jealous over and a body men dream of touching. She’s a girl that can easily turn heads, but don’t let her petite size fool you. Behind those thick lashed eyes lays a demon ready to kill. She uses her beauty to draw her victims in and easily kills them when they’re deep enough into her trance. Her voice is heavenly and just as hypnotic as her sparkling eyes. I don’t dare to look into her eyes as she watches me. Because once you look into those dark pools, you’re caught. She’ll have you right where she wants you. With power like that, it’s clear why she’s chosen as one of the top commanders. Her and Ai are top class in this place. You are to never forget that. Obey them both or you pay. The rules are quiet simple. Sayumi might not be strong physically, but fall for her charm and it’s your last mistake. This is why I’m scared having her in the same room as me, but since I’m bound I can’t get away like I normally do and I’m even more nervous. She can do whatever she wants to me. I wouldn’t be able to fight back. I’m helpless. I gulp. I hear her laced heels click against the concrete floor and stop when she’s an inch away from me. My body shakes in pure fear. I don’t know what she will do to me. Her gentle hand goes to my face and it feels like I’m touching fine silk rather than her deadly fingers. It’s the best thing I’ve ever felt a long time. She picks up my head and I’m quick to react by closing my eyes. My breath is short as I begin to panic. She’s never been this close to me. She’s never touched me either. No one’s ever touched me, except for the person who owns me. It’s because no one is allowed to touch me and she’s going against that rules.

“Aren’t you a special girl?”

I try my best to block her luring voice from my head. It sounds like a harp being played by the Gods. My eyes start to tear. I’m frightened. Anyone can see that. And the longer she stays the worse it gets.

“Our Mistress loves you. She treats you with such care I’m actually jealous.” She gives out an intoxicating, dainty laugh. I gasp and whimper. Keep my eyes closed. I can’t open my eyes.

“Oh I won’t hurt you. That’s forbidden and the last thing I want is to be stripped of my powers. And I’m not quiet sure if you’re aware of this, but you are quite valuable. Killing you would only bring misfortune to us.”

What’s that supposed to mean? What’s going to happen to me? Her tiny hand lets go of my face, but I’m not stupid to open my eyes. I can still tell she’s nearby. She’s not done yet.

“You’re too cute.” She laughs again and it makes my insides melt. “I would love to have you to myself.”

The hairs on my neck are on edge. I think she might do more than just talk to me. Then I feel something soft and moist touch my cheek and I yelp. She kissed me. I’m just thankful her lips didn’t touch mine or I would be in trouble. I would be dead to be precise. My left cheek where her lips once were tingles and so does the rest of the left side of my body. I can’t feel my toes. I’ve lost feeling on my entire left side.

“Um…Michishige-san?” says a small voice


“Takahashi-san needs you. She said it’s important.”

“I’ll be right there. Thank you Airi.”

She leaves and Sayu caresses my cheek briefly.

“I’ll talk to you another time.”

I hear her feet tap and it goes down as she gets farther away. I open my eyes when the tapping stops and I let out a mouthful of air. I was so scared I forgot to breath. I pant heavily to collect the air I missed and my heart slowly starts to calm down. This won’t be the last of her I know it. I close my eyes to try and sleep even if it’s near impossible. I have another long day ahead of me.
Title: Re: The Coven
Post by: kosu on April 05, 2009, 09:06:21 PM
 :scared: :scared: :on blackhole: :on blackhole:

it's like hell+heaven ......
Title: Re: The Coven
Post by: Haruka on April 05, 2009, 09:28:13 PM
A Mix =D

Nice *-*

This story is kinda like Prision Break? o_O
Title: Re: The Coven
Post by: Hotaru on April 05, 2009, 10:29:45 PM
I'm speechless.

I totally love this story.

Keep going WriterJunkie!!! :D
Title: Re: The Coven
Post by: strawb3rrykream on April 06, 2009, 03:05:09 AM
This is kinda creepy. XD But I'm curious so I'll keep reading. And b/c it's you, Junkie~ :heart:
Title: Re: The Coven
Post by: writerjunkie on April 06, 2009, 03:10:09 AM
lmfao sorry I'll try not to make it so creepy. lol but thank you for reading.  :kneelbow: the next chapter will be put up tomorrow. =)
Title: Re: The Coven
Post by: kosu on April 06, 2009, 03:17:23 AM
but (hate to admit) I like the creepyness ......

maybe you should write a regular version and a creepy version so we can choose XD

Title: Re: The Coven
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on April 06, 2009, 04:09:35 AM
Well this is certainly new... And interesting. I look forward to the rest. ^__^
Title: Re: The Coven
Post by: ayase909 on April 06, 2009, 06:26:19 AM
oh! another story again! yay!  :cool1: :cool1:

i like this! i miss this kind of fic.....haha!  :farofflook:

the lead, was it reina? hmm.......... i was thinking that you included most of the hello pro members here! darou? :glasses:

treacherous woman? when you mention aya, miki's name popped up in my mind!  :bigdeal:

well, ganbatte, author-san!   :onioncheer:

:kneelbow: next chappie please!
Title: Re: The Coven
Post by: writerjunkie on April 06, 2009, 01:31:22 PM


“You called me?”

Ai turns around from her desk and smiles at me. I stomp over to her, furious. I hate when she calls me for business when I was doing something quite interesting. She knows it too because she’s grinning. I place my arms around my waist, glaring. She doesn’t hesitate to stare into my gaze. She finds all this amusing. The thing about our kind is that the powers that would easily enchant humans have no effect on us. So we can kiss or look into each other’s eyes with no problem. I can touch her too, but sometimes I wish my powers did work on her because she’s just so annoying at times! She leans against her desk and tilts her head.

“I’m sorry. Did I interrupt you from something?” she laughs

“That is none of your business.” I shoot back, hotly.

She gives out another laugh and a bright smile. She has a perfect smile. It’s cute and cheery, but it doesn’t match her true side- her inner beast. She possess such a dark side that everyone is afraid to see. She’s very strong as well, physically and can wield the heaviest blade a man could not. She is an expert in hand-to-hand combat. She’s quite skillful in many aspects, which is why she’s in charge of the group. She can guarantee our mistress to get the job done.

“You know she’s off limits. If Miki finds out you’ve touched her in some way she’ll…”

“I didn’t do anything to her if you must know.” I correct

“I’m just letting you know. I see the way you look at her, Sayu. Just remember, you can look, but never touch. At least not until she has first.”

“I hate sloppy seconds.” I sneer

It takes the fun and joy out of it when you’re given someone who’s already been touched and tainted. It doesn’t feel the same. I would for once like a person who hasn’t been touched just yet. My face shifts to an even more visible frown. That only causes her to smile to grow bigger. If she weren’t my leader I would have hurt her a long time ago. I’m done being made fun of. I want this to be over with.

“Enough already. You don’t need to tell me something I know. So tell me why you wanted me here.” I demand

Ai’s face goes to a much more serious expression. She’s back into her leader role and sticking to her responsibilities. I’m eager to listen.

“Aya came to me an hour ago. The way she says it, Miki’s in some serous trouble.”

I’m immediately worried. Our coven can’t work without a mistress. Chaos will break out if word gets out we’re no longer in order. We have to fix the problem and keep this down low.

“How? What should we do? We should help her or should we warn Miki?”  I suggest

“Aya said we shouldn’t tell Miki anything. As for ‘how’ I’m not entirely sure. She decided to leave that out. She would tell me more when the times right.”

“Should I tell the others?”

“No, it’ll just be between us. Aya isn’t a hundred percent sure herself, so we can’t do anything yet to fix the problem.”

“I understand.”

“All I can put together is that it has something to do with that new girl. Tell me when you were with her did you pick up something from her? Something dangerous?”

I think back trying to recall any strange emotion I had come through me from being around her. There was nothing odd about her if I remember clearly. I focus back to Ai and shake my head.

“There’s nothing. She reeks of innocence, but that’s what all the new girls smell like when they first come here.”

Ai’s lips turn into a thin line of disappointment. We’re back to a dead end. Until Aya tells us more about what exactly is going on. And none of us are sure when that will happen. Ai sighs and turns back to her desk.

“That’s all. You may leave, thank you.” She instructs

I walk out without any further words. But my head is buzzing with questions and fears. A thousand years this coven has been standing strong. It’s become a home for us all and a place to stay hidden from our enemies and the humans from outside these walls. Miki’s been in charge for much longer. She’s kept us steady. She’s kept our traditions strict and attended to every time. How could she be in trouble? Is anyone out to get her? Is she going to die? Our kind lives on forever. That is…until someone pierces a sword or any weapon into our hearts, mortally wounding us. We may live forever, but we still have the weakness of a human. It’s just harder to try and kill us. What will happen if our secret empire falls? Will we have someone to pick up the pieces or will that be an end to a thousand years of hard work? I will stop at nothing to keep things together again. This place is far too valuable to me to just let it crumble.
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/06)
Post by: ayase909 on April 06, 2009, 03:19:06 PM
so mikitty's the leader.........that's O-some! :on GJ: :on GJ: :on GJ:

er....its eri, isn't it? the unknown fushigi girl?  common, tell me author-san! hehe  :on hypto: :on hypto: :on hypto:, what's their kind called? since they're not humans and all.....hehe :on cigar:

oh, the line up of characters are great, keep them coming!  :on cny1:

update soon, author-san!  :kneelbow:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/06)
Post by: strawb3rrykream on April 06, 2009, 04:18:37 PM
I knew the leader was Miki. XD As soon as Aya and the word "Mistress" were mentioned, I totally knew it. Ai has so much power as well, it's hot. 8) I wonder what kind of trouble Miki's in and how they're all gonna fix it. I think it's cute that Sayu's so loyal.
What does "coven" mean, btw? :lol:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/06)
Post by: kosu on April 06, 2009, 05:44:03 PM
^coven is a group of witches which usually with a number of 13 members. When a coven got too many member, some will split and form new covens. Then the covens will be jointly led by a High Priestess (or Mistress in this case lol) just like the way how H!P works !!!!

lol .... that's why I like the "creepyness" XD

yep, the mistress is an easy guess lol
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/06)
Post by: rokun on April 06, 2009, 05:57:27 PM
A coven can also mean a group of something like vampires - basically anything that involves the dark arts I suppose. XD In fact, in reading the first couple parts of this story, I wasn't completely sure it wasn't about vampires like in the vein of Twilight or something lol.
...It isn't, is it? XD Not sure exactly what they are really yet. They don't fit the traditional model of either witches or vampires, so I'm curious to see where it goes. ^^

Not really read your stories before I don't think, but this one has some interesting facets to it that I look forward to seeing how they continue. :) Oh, and definitely don't make it less creepy!!!  :mon geek: (it's been too long since I've used this smiley) Creepiness is good! ^___^ And don't listen to sbk, she does like creepiness too. :P
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/06)
Post by: strawb3rrykream on April 06, 2009, 06:19:30 PM
*puts hands over rokun's mouth* SHHHHHH!!! XD You're not supposed to tell anyone that!

But thanks for the explanation, you guys~ :heart:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/06)
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on April 06, 2009, 07:59:53 PM
I figured it was Miki what with Aya and all... But now I'm also pretty sure that mystery girl is Eri. I mean, who else (besides Sayu) has some lovin' for that sense? :P Again, we're getting more of an idea about what's up... I'm getting more interested as the plot develops. Creepiness certainly does help. xD
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/06)
Post by: JFC on April 06, 2009, 08:09:09 PM

“You should be thankful. The Mistress has a liking towards you. She would never be this gentle. Not even to Aya.”
Gee, I wonder who the mistress is?  :roll:

This woman has such power that the girls are afraid to rebel. You’re either with her or you’re dead. I flinch as the last chain is tightly wrapped around my wrist.
Hmmmm...I'm thinking some type of fantasy-type of setting.

The bonds on my wrist and ankles loosen just an inch and I sigh in relief. I smile at Koharu as my thank you. She smiles back faintly.


I can only do so much, but she understands. She knows that there’s only so much you can do. She pushes a piece of black hair from her face. I know she must feel so guilty for having to tie me down, but I forgive her. Everything she does is against her will. So I don’t blame her for anything.
Okay, so the person being chained up may not necessarily be an enemy, per se, seeing as how despite being the one chaining her up, Koharu isn't giving off an aura like she dislikes/despises her. Rather, it's just the whole "with me or against me" thing that "the mistress" has.
:mon huh:

/me ponders thoughtfully.

I let my body drop and the chains carry my weight as I try to relax. They press into my sore wrists as I slump down. I’m so tired from all this work. This is the only time I get to rest. I’ve been up all night. Sleeping like this is uncomfortable, but it’s better than how I see the others get treated. I’m being treated like a princess believe it or not.
Eep...if this treatment isn't that bad, I'd hate to see what the others have to go through. :O

I watch Koharu exit out the cell door, but Sayumi still stays. Her angelic eyes stare intensely at me.
The fact that she's referring to them by their first names...she must be around them enough to know them personally, right? She must be a bit of a fixture at...wherever it is that they're at. Could it be that...she was "one of them" at one point, but now may have fallen out of favour with the mistress (possibly over some act of defiance)?

It's like she's one of the Sirens from Greek mythology or something. :yep:

No one’s ever touched me, except for the person who owns me. It’s because no one is allowed to touch me and she’s going against that rules.
Owns? Shit, she's a slavegirl? :o

Oh I won’t hurt you. That’s forbidden and the last thing I want is to be stripped of my powers.
OSHIT! Sayu's got powers!?!? O_O

I’m not quiet sure if you’re aware of this, but you are quite valuable. Killing you would only bring misfortune to us.
Really now? O_o

The hairs on my neck are on edge. I think she might do more than just talk to me. Then I feel something soft and moist touch my cheek and I yelp. She kissed me. I’m just thankful her lips didn’t touch mine or I would be in trouble. I would be dead to be precise. My left cheek where her lips once were tingles and so does the rest of the left side of my body. I can’t feel my toes. I’ve lost feeling on my entire left side.

Well duh, but in this case, THEY'RE REALLY LETHAL!!!  :bleed eyes:

I hear her feet tap and it goes down as she gets farther away. I open my eyes when the tapping stops and I let out a mouthful of air. I was so scared I forgot to breath. I pant heavily to collect the air I missed and my heart slowly starts to calm down. This won’t be the last of her I know it. I close my eyes to try and sleep even if it’s near impossible. I have another long day ahead of me.

I'm thinking Eri, Reina, or maybe even Rika.



“You called me?”

Ai turns around from her desk and smiles at me. I stomp over to her, furious. I hate when she calls me for business when I was doing something quite interesting. She knows it too because she’s grinning.
For a sec I thought you were gonna pull a fast one and make Aichan the mistress. :P  But that's not the case, right? Aichan's more along the lines of Sayu in terms of rank/status in the hierarchy?

The thing about our kind is that the powers that would easily enchant humans have no effect on us.
Okay, so what EXACTLY are their kind? 

So we can kiss or look into each other’s eyes with no problem.
Pervvy thoughts...rising.  :twothumbs

“You know she’s off limits. If Miki finds out you’ve touched her in some way she’ll…”
MIKI-SAMA! :cow:

“I didn’t do anything to her if you must know.” I correct

“I’m just letting you know. I see the way you look at her, Sayu. Just remember, you can look, but never touch. At least not until she has first.” the mystery prisoner has NOT yet been "Miki'd"? Wonder why? Perhaps it has something to do with what Sayu had said earlier about her being special.

“I hate sloppy seconds.” I sneer
Ummm...better than going first and risking Miki-sama's wrath?

“Aya came to me an hour ago. The way she says it, Miki’s in some serous trouble.”

I’m immediately worried. Our coven can’t work without a mistress. Chaos will break out if word gets out we’re no longer in order. We have to fix the problem and keep this down low.
Really now? Now I'm curious. I want details.  :huhuh

Covens (as far as I know) are usually associated with witches/witchcraft. Is that what we have here?  A bunch of practicing witches (each of which has a particular speciality) with Miki-sama as "Hecate"?

“All I can put together is that it has something to do with that new girl. Tell me when you were with her did you pick up something from her? Something dangerous?”

I think back trying to recall any strange emotion I had come through me from being around her. There was nothing odd about her if I remember clearly. I focus back to Ai and shake my head.

“There’s nothing. She reeks of innocence, but that’s what all the new girls smell like when they first come here.”
Wait, the prisoner girl is new?  That's going to make explaining how she knows them (or at least, Koharu and Sayu) already rather interesting.

A thousand years this coven has been standing strong. It’s become a home for us all and a place to stay hidden from our enemies and the humans from outside these walls. Miki’s been in charge for much longer. She’s kept us steady. She’s kept our traditions strict and attended to every time. How could she be in trouble? Is anyone out to get her? Is she going to die? Our kind lives on forever. That is…until someone pierces a sword or any weapon into our hearts, mortally wounding us.
/me mentally hears...Princes of The Universe by Queen. (

Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/06)
Post by: writerjunkie on April 07, 2009, 01:28:09 PM

“You know to gain your power you’ll need to take it from that girl?”

I chuckle and walk away from the window. I don’t like to be told things I already know, but I’m in a good mood today so I’ll let it slide. I already have enough problems. I walk over to my queen sized bed. I try to focus on the matter at hand rather than the naked girl sitting in my bed. Do you have any idea how distracting that is? My jaw clenches tightly as I glare at her.

“I’m well aware.” I snap

She sits up in bed and laughs. And I don’t like it. It sounds like she’s taunting me. Her eyes sparkle in a challenging way.

“Then why don’t you kill her already? Drain her energy like all the others before her.” She growls

She has a lot of courage asking me these questions. No one dares to question my methods, except her.

“I’m waiting for the right moment, Aya.”  I explain

She chuckles and gets out of bed. My eyes cast downward to her soft flesh. Her hips sway side to side, smoothly. They’re teasing me, begging me to touch. I feel my mouth water and I lick my lips slowly, watching her. Her body is to die for as always and she’s great in bed too. She knows just how to satisfy me and that’s one of the reasons why I keep her around. I cross my arms over my chest to seem mad. She smiles not buying my acting. She knows my mood as changed. She puts a hand on my face. She has this type of smile like she knows something about me I don’t. The glow in her eyes change.

“I’m worried about you. You seem to take a liking towards her and the longer you have her, the more attached you’ll become.”

That’s ridiculous! I pull my head back from her touch and stare into her dark eyes. I’m not getting attached to some pathetic mortal. I would never do that. I’m just letting her stick around until I’m done with her. Can’t I have some fun? I pick up a black silk robe from the bed. I don’t need to explain anything to her. I put the robe over Aya’s shoulders. I’m done talking about this.

“You don’t need to worry about me. I know what I’m doing. Get dressed. I have business to attend to.”

She looks at me upset. I always seem to be getting her upset a lot lately. We’ve been clashing more and more ever since…that isn’t why. It isn’t possible. It’s just a coincidence. Besides, this life can get quite stressful. Aya grabs her robe and puts it on, angrily. She sounds jealous when we bring up this conversation. It’s quite amusing.

“As I recall Aya, we aren’t a couple. I have never confirmed or agreed to it.”

She gets angrier and tries the robe around her, securely.

“Whatever Miki. I just hope you have another plan in case this fails.”

She storms out the door and I stand there letting her words sink in. I’m not attached. She’s nothing, but a slave; one that I happen to treat nicely than the others. I don’t see the fuss about that. I’ll get rid of her when I want to. No one can tell me what to do. I’m the one in charge!
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/07)
Post by: ayase909 on April 07, 2009, 02:24:40 PM
oh, GAM alert!  :onionwhip: :onionwhip: :onionwhip:

hehe, im really liking this fic now!!!  :on lol:

naked, aya???  :on bleed: my somewhat virgin eyes tainted a lil  :on chew:

saigou! next please! :kneelbow:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/07)
Post by: strawb3rrykream on April 07, 2009, 04:10:52 PM
GAM DRAMA!!!! XD Niceeee. I do wonder what Miki's intentions are now, b/c even Ayaya seems to be getting worried. Not a couple, pshhh, suuuuure!. :grin:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/07)
Post by: JFC on April 07, 2009, 08:02:10 PM

Miki-sama is second-guessing herself and what she's supposed to do?!?! :o

Yep, I'd say Aichan was probably right.  From their POV, I'd say that this issue could definitely be a problem. Another problem would be what will Aya do if she thinks Miki's not going to be able to do what she's supposed to?

Oh, and nekkid GAM = :jerk:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/07)
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on April 08, 2009, 01:50:39 AM
There's the GAM interaction... <3
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/07)
Post by: writerjunkie on April 08, 2009, 01:25:46 PM

I was released the following morning to do my daily routine. There are many things to be done. I have to clean the rooms, bathrooms, make the beds, iron clothes, wash them, sew any clothes that need to be fitted, and repair anything that had broken down. There are other slaves around here to help, but this place is very large that even with the amount of workers we have here, it could never be done so quickly. I have to do kitchen duty sometimes. Such as washing dishes, tables, and serving food, but I was sent mostly to care to the bedrooms. Sometimes my mistress would call me to see me and talk with me, but most of our conversations were quiet, simply because I’m too afraid to speak to her. She’s unpredictable and sometimes short tempered. I can’t risk my life because I let my tongue slip and ended up saying something offensive or disrespectful. I did everything she asked for of course. She didn’t command me to do anything that much. She just wanted to talk with me, which I find so strange. The other girls, when their owners call them, it’s usually for one thing; sex. But with mine, it’s different. She would only do something if I wanted it. And if I showed any signs of discomfort or fear she would stop. It doesn’t add up. I get a lot of looks from the girls around here. And I’ve only been here for four months. I’m still relatively new just like Koharu. We came here together, but everyone seems to over look her and come back to me. Some of the other slaves are jealous and the other mistresses see me as a tool for sex and nothing more. It scares me. I know that if my owner weren’t the person in charge of this coven I would have gotten taken from the people that want so badly to use me. In a way, I’m glad I have her for a mistress. I’m protected. Until she’s done with me; then I’m left for the taking. I walk my way towards the lunchroom where the others are heading. We don’t get that much of a break from cleaning, but it’s better than having to run on zero all day. The room is small with the tiniest window you can imagine. There are only three tables. All of us can never fit, so half the time we have to stand and eat. Being that I’m slow and often take my time to get somewhere I don’t get a place to sit because all the tables are full. I’ll have to stand again and I could use a seat. I’ve been walking around and running everywhere. There’s nothing that can be done about that though. I grab a plate and fill it up with the limited choices of food we have on display. I fill the plate up all the way to the top and take a cup of water then go towards the back. I’ll just lean against a wall while I eat. As I walk through the rows of people I can feel some of them staring at me. Others whispering about me and laughing. It seems even though we’re all treated like garbage or toys you still can get looked down upon. And I happen to know that for a fact.

“Hey, new girl!”

I stop in my tracks and look towards the person who spoke. No one’s ever spoke to me. Except Koharu, Airi, and Aika, but they’re mostly busy tending to my mistress’ needs. They’re her personal servants. So, they’re lunch break is somewhere much better than this tiny dungeon. They get better choices of food too. I look to the table on my left and see in the middle of the crowd someone I’ve been trying to avoid since I got here. Her wonky off centered eyes pierce me down, making it impossible for me to run. She motions with her thin and small hands to come over. I’m afraid if I don’t listen, she’ll hurt me. I take a deep breath and walk over nervously. I don’t know her name, but I know she’s someone I want to stay clear of. Everyone seems to avoid her too.

“Need a place to sit?” she asks

I nod. She stares at one of the girls across from her and tells them to leave. She quickly obeys and runs off. The reason why everyone’s so afraid of her is because she’s the only girl that talks back to her owner and the other mistresses around here with an attitude. If anyone does that, they would end up dead or severely punished. She hasn’t had both. I think it’s because they find her amusing. That and because her owner always finds a way to bail her out, that’s the only reason why she’s still here.

“Sit.” She commands

I don’t take a second to think. I sit down and let out a tired sigh. My legs finally get to relax. It feels good. I wish I can stay here all day or have a comfortable bed to sleep in for the night. But that would be asking for too much.

“My name’s Reina.” She introduces, and scoops up a spoonful of her soup. I quietly begin to eat my food. “You got a name?”

I nod. Now I know her name. She looks at me annoyed. Oh! She wants to know my name.

“Eri.” I mumble

I put my head down, my eyes transfixed on the meal before me. I don’t like sitting here with her. She makes me uncomfortable and I can feel her seething stare on me every second. She doesn’t like me. I know it.

“So you’re the girl Miki is so fascinated over.” She chuckles

She shouldn’t be calling her by her first name. Slaves are to always address the ones higher than us differently. I wonder if she uses first names with her mistress. I stay quiet, taking another scoop of my cold rice. All the food here is stone cold and poorly cooked. At least the water is fresh. It’s warm, but it’s potent.

“Aren’t you a lucky girl.” She sneers

I pick up my head to the sudden change of her tone. Her behavior has changed too. It’s hostile. She looks angry. Why would she be angry with me? I didn’t do anything to her. I didn’t do anything wrong. The girls around us snicker. They don’t like me either. No one likes me. I’m all alone left to defend for myself.

“Tell me… ‘Eri’, how does it feel to be treated better than us?”

It catches me off guard. I scoot back a little in surprise.


“Don’t play stupid with me! Don’t think just because Miki treats you like some princess that you’ll get the same treatment here. This is my playground and you’ll be smart to listen to what I say. Or we’ll have one serious problem.”

I knew sitting here was a bad idea. I open my mouth to say something on my defense, but I’m too scared. She glares at me, waiting for me to say something. She will probably hit me if I speak. I close my mouth and look away.

“What’s a matter? Too scared to say something now?” she hisses, “You’re pathetic.”

I feel my eyes start to burn and flood with tears. I try to hide that I want to cry, but she doesn’t seem to miss it and starts laughing. It makes me want to cry more. There’s more snickering, it’s louder this time. The whole room is listening.

“Are you going to cry? Awe, did the little princess get her feelings hurt? Well let me tell you something ‘princess’ you…”

“That’s enough Tanaka!”

I look down the table to the right. Reina turns her head, annoyed that someone had the nerve to stick up to her. I know this girl. She’s another person no one messes with, mainly because she’s quite tall and can easily pound the living day lights out of anyone. They don’t like to be around her, but Reina isn’t afraid of her. She isn’t afraid of anything or anyone here.

“You got something to say bigfoot?!”

The black haired girl stands up and walks towards Reina. I’ve never seen her so angry. She’s usually content and harmless. She stays to herself. She’s also passive and does whatever she’s told. Reina stands too and goes up to her. With them close to each other, you can clearly see the high difference between them. Reina’s puny and the other one is very tall, towering over Reina.

“You leave her alone, Reina. She never did anything to you.” She demands

Reina snorts and smirks at her. “Shut up JunJun. Mind your own business if you know what’s good for you.”

She’s pushing JunJun’s buttons. Reina’s hand curls into a fist. Something tells me a fight’s going to break out and it isn’t going to be a pretty one. Before JunJun can say something back, the door to the lunchroom opens.

“Reina, that is enough.” Says a calm and stern voice

She looks towards the door and has on a frown. It’s Maki. Her mistress.


“Come with me, Reina, now.”

Reina frowns, but listens. She rushes to the door. They’re arguing a little, but Maki takes her by the wrist and walks her out of the room before they start yelling at each other. I let out a sigh in relief. JunJun sits down where Reina once sat and looks at me. She has on her content and relaxed expression again.

“Are you ok?” she asks

I nod. I lift up my fork in my hand. I instantly start shaking uncontrollably. JunJun puts a hand over my hand to stop it. I look at her and laugh faintly. I guess I’m not all that fine. I pull my hand free and put it down.

“Don’t listen to Reina. She’s all talk because Goto-san always saves her from trouble. She’s just jealous that you get treated so well by Fujimoto-sama.”

I smile.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t going to let her walk all over you. If she bothers you again just let me know. I’m the only one that will stand up to her.” She advises

I nod at her. We smile at each other and I eat my lunch in peace, finally. I think I’ve made myself a new friend. I’m glad.
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/08)
Post by: kosu on April 08, 2009, 01:48:58 PM
"I’m still relatively new just like Koharu" confused me lol

Reina is hostile .....

With them close to each other, you can clearly see the high difference between them. Reina’s puny and the other one is very tall, towering over Reina.
bite-sized Reina vs 168-Jun2 XD

Maki !?
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/08)
Post by: candy_boy on April 08, 2009, 02:46:42 PM
OOoooh!  :mon huh2: You're good!  :mon star: 

I really like the way you've described things like the venue, the sounds, the suspense, the creepiness of it all... very neat and creative. And I like how you don't put unnecessary information into it. Very direct and simple. Kudos! This is a great read. :mon thumb:

At first I thought that the main character would be Yossie 'coz of the mention of Miki in there. I know how Yomiki is still famous.. And oddly, I found the idea of the Cool Yossie being enslaved kinda hot..  :on bleed: Bu then I read this line:

“My name’s Reina.” She introduces, and scoops up a spoonful of her soup. I quietly begin to eat my food. “You got a name?”

From there it became really obvious that it was Eri. But I'm not that disappointed though...  :on cny1:

But then, this got my heartbeat racing again:

“That’s enough Tanaka!”

I look down the table to the right. Reina turns her head, annoyed that someone had the nerve to stick up to her. I know this girl. She’s another person no one messes with, mainly because she’s quite tall and can easily pound the living day lights out of anyone. They don’t like to be around her, but Reina isn’t afraid of her. She isn’t afraid of anything or anyone here.

At first I was "wooot! Yossie!" XD Then all of a sudden:

Reina snorts and smirks at her. “Shut up JunJun. Mind your own business if you know what’s good for you.”

Lol XD I'm still on a lookout for Yossie though, seeing that Maki's in there. n_n

You know, despite the lack of Ishiyoshi or Takagaki, I still like this fic a lot.. and that's saying something! LOL Hope you keep this going...  :luvluv2:

Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/08)
Post by: kRisZ on April 08, 2009, 03:16:24 PM
 :muffin: awesome  :muffin:

My first guess was Yossie too but after taking a glance at your avatar I said nah it's Eri  XD

And yay Maki's there  :muffin:

I'm excited about Risa's character
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/08)
Post by: lil_hamz on April 08, 2009, 04:51:23 PM
Oh yes!! I got Miki correct. I guessed it was her straightaway. I wonder if the girl both Miki and Sayu wants is Eri. I should write a really GOOD comment for this fic since it's so awesome and I'm so sorry this one ain't that great. But I'll definitely write a better comment soon. I have to say, I love the title you chose. Makes the whole thing feel so cool :muffin:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/08)
Post by: JFC on April 08, 2009, 08:01:59 PM

Sometimes my mistress would call me to see me and talk with me, but most of our conversations were quiet, simply because I’m too afraid to speak to her. She’s unpredictable and sometimes short tempered.
Miki in a nutshell?   :-X

I did everything she asked for of course. She didn’t command me to do anything that much. She just wanted to talk with me, which I find so strange.
Really now? Just talk?  Given the situation, one would expect something..."more".   :sweatdrop:

The other girls, when their owners call them, it’s usually for one thing; sex.
Case in point.

So then, each Coven member has (a) slave(s) of their own? Makes one wonder if there's any rhyme or reason when choosing who gets who. :?

But with mine, it’s different. She would only do something if I wanted it. And if I showed any signs of discomfort or fear she would stop.
So then...wouldn't that mean that our mystery slave likes some of what her owner does?  :twisted:

Some of the other slaves are jealous and the other mistresses see me as a tool for sex and nothing more.
I'd wager it might be more resentment than jealousy. If the other slaves know that our mystery girl isn't being made to go through the same stuff that their owners make them do, she'd become a natural target for their anger/frustration.

As for the other mistresses...well they're just horny, aren't they?

“Hey, new girl!”


I look to the table on my left and see in the middle of the crowd someone I’ve been trying to avoid since I got here. Her wonky off centered eyes pierce me down, making it impossible for me to run. She motions with her thin and small hands to come over. I’m afraid if I don’t listen, she’ll hurt me. I take a deep breath and walk over nervously. I don’t know her name, but I know she’s someone I want to stay clear of.
REINA!!! :wave:

The reason why everyone’s so afraid of her is because she’s the only girl that talks back to her owner and the other mistresses around here with an attitude. If anyone does that, they would end up dead or severely punished. She hasn’t had both. I think it’s because they find her amusing. That and because her owner always finds a way to bail her out, that’s the only reason why she’s still here.
Really now? Her owner must be pretty close to Miki-sama in terms of power/abilities, otherwise the latter would have likely done away with her already.  Then again, it makes one wonder why her owner keeps bailing her out to begin with.

“My name’s Reina.” She introduces, and scoops up a spoonful of her soup. I quietly begin to eat my food. “You got a name?”

I nod. Now I know her name. She looks at me annoyed. Oh! She wants to know my name.

“Eri.” I mumble

/me flashes back to the short-lived HPC skit where Eri would call Miki "Miki-sama".

:mon scare:

Like I said, it's probably more that they resent/are angry at the fact that she's being treated rather well by Miki compared to how their own owners treat them.

“Are you going to cry? Awe, did the little princess get her feelings hurt? Well let me tell you something ‘princess’ you…”

“That’s enough Tanaka!”

I look down the table to the right. Reina turns her head, annoyed that someone had the nerve to stick up to her. I know this girl. She’s another person no one messes with, mainly because she’s quite tall and can easily pound the living day lights out of anyone. They don’t like to be around her, but Reina isn’t afraid of her. She isn’t afraid of anything or anyone here.

“You got something to say bigfoot?!”

The black haired girl stands up and walks towards Reina. I’ve never seen her so angry. She’s usually content and harmless. She stays to herself. She’s also passive and does whatever she’s told. Reina stands too and goes up to her. With them close to each other, you can clearly see the high difference between them. Reina’s puny and the other one is very tall, towering over Reina.
Chick fight?  :shocked:

“You leave her alone, Reina. She never did anything to you.” She demands

Reina snorts and smirks at her. “Shut up JunJun. Mind your own business if you know what’s good for you.”
JUNJUN!  :heart:

“Reina, that is enough.” Says a calm and stern voice

She looks towards the door and has on a frown. It’s Maki. Her mistress.


“Come with me, Reina, now.”
Figures it'd be Maki. Does this mean she's going to "punish" Reina for trying to stir up trouble? ;D

Don’t listen to Reina. She’s all talk because Goto-san always saves her from trouble.
Can't help but there a point where Reina would go too far? Is there a point where Maki won't come and bail her out?

I wasn’t going to let her walk all over you. If she bothers you again just let me know. I’m the only one that will stand up to her.” She advises

I nod at her. We smile at each other and I eat my lunch in peace, finally. I think I’ve made myself a new friend. I’m glad.
ERIJUN!!!  :muffin:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/08)
Post by: writerjunkie on April 09, 2009, 01:15:50 PM

Here we go again. Another lecture. This is starting to get old. Why doesn’t she spare me from the boredom? I walk inside Maki’s room and turn around just as she shuts the door. I look to her highly aggravated. She gives me the same look. She crosses her arms and taps her fingers.

“How many times have I told you to not start trouble and with Eri no less? If Miki saw you, who knows what she would have done to you!”

I roll my eyes.

“She would have done nothing!” I scream

Maki raises a brow at me stunned by my raised tone.

“Who cares about that spoiled little brat anyways?! Just because Miki favors her doesn’t mean anything. And why should she be treated different? She’s nothing, but a roll in the sack like the rest of us!”

Maki puts a hand on my waist and pulls me close. I put my arms around her neck and seal the small gap between us. Her other hand cups my neck and I feel my breath go shallow. Her hand slides up my body and runs a nail softly down my cheek. The whole right side of my body tingles. Maki has on a smirk. Her eyes darken. My body fills with excitement.

“You’re jealous…aren’t you?” she whispers

I break into a fit of laughter.

“I’m not jealous of the spoiled little pest.” I deny

“You don’t have to lie to me, Reina. I know you well enough.”

She dips down and kisses the left side of my neck. I let out a low moan and sigh. I close my eyes and lean into her. She places another kiss and puts her mouth next to my ear.

“You know I love you.” She bites my ear. “Have I been nothing, but faithful to you?”

I let out another moan, but this time it’s louder. She buries her face back into my neck and scraps her teeth along the skin a few times. My hands grip tightly around her neck. My breath is labor and heavy. I feel like I’m about to burst. She has to touch me and I mean more than just kisses.

“What do I have to do to prove that you mean so much to me?”

She kisses my jaw line, then my cheek, and the corner of my mouth. I moan and open my eyes. She grins at me. She’s teasing me. I hate when she does that. Right now I’m not in the mood. I just want her to ravage me already! She places a faint kiss on my lips and it’s enough to leave me yearning for more. I pull her back towards me and kiss her fully on the mouth. She kisses me back, softly. She’s always gentle with me. She was extra gentle when it was my first time. She made sure she never hurt me and did everything with my consent. She might not show it towards the others or me, but she cares for me. And she shows it in her touch or in a simple kiss. It’s forbidden for a mistress to fall for their slaves, simply because we’re only used for several things- cleaning, sex, and food. Succubuses have been known to take the souls of their victims to gain power or strength. I think that’s why she refused to receive her full powers of a succubus from Miki. All succubuses have to work for their power. They’re still sort of human when they are born, but their lust for sex is still evident. Maki refuses to kill me. She wants to keep me around.  She opens her mouth to slide her tongue through my lips and I easily let her explore it. My whole body is burning with thick desire. I forgot what we were even arguing over. Who cares, I want this. She stops kissing me to let me catch my breath. She holds me firmly in place to gaze into my eyes. They shine brightly with love.

“Why must you be such a spunky cat?” she chuckles

I smile at her and walk towards her luxurious oversized bed. The sheets are smooth made of the finest silk. It feels cool and soft against my heated skin. I sit in the middle of the bed and motion with my hand for her to come. She’s going to see how much of a spunky cat I am. She grins and comes over as commanded. She can’t resist my charm just like I can’t resist hers.

It was back to cleaning after the rest of the day. Many of the girls were talking about the scene in the lunchroom and people kept looking at me, but they also looked at JunJun. She received most of the dirty looks. I felt bad to cause her such negative attention. I knew rumors were starting to form, some about me, others about Reina, but that’s nothing new. I try not to listen to rumors around here. Mainly, because most tend to be over exaggerated. It’s bad enough as it is with the looks and whispering. What happens during break will be a hot topic for a week or two there’s no doubt about it. I just hope Miki doesn’t hear about this.

“Are you ok?”

I turn to JunJun as we walk down the hall towards one of the rooms. I smile at her and nod. She puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. She must see how scared I am. Who wouldn’t if you had an owner like Miki?

“You seem worried, terrified even. What’s on your mind?”

I might as well tell her. Maybe she can help me.

“I’m scared Fujimoto-sama might punish me for the fight today.” I admit

“You’ll be ok, Eri. None of it was your fault.”

I smile and walk into a spare bedroom. I place my bucket on the floor and take out the cleaning products to start cleaning. JunJun goes to fix the bed and pillows. Cleaning will keep my mind off this for a few hours at least, until we’re interrupted. There’s a knock on the door and slowly it opens. Koharu peeks inside. I give her a welcoming smile, but she doesn’t smile back. She seems troubled.

“Eri, Fujimoto-sama would like to see you in her room right away.” She says

I stand still in dread. What will happen to me? Will she…disown me? I look at JunJun. She’s just as scared as I am and judging by how Koharu is acting, Miki must not be happy. I nod and exit, leaving my cleaning products behind. Koharu leads me all the way to Miki’s room. I’m worried she might hurt me for the trouble I caused. I should ask Koharu what’s going to happen. She works for Miki. She should know something.

“Koharu, is she mad?”

“Yes, very mad. I don’t think you’ll be the one punished though.” She stops in front of the double door to Miki’s room “But don’t let whatever you hear bother you ok? The girls are just jealous that a Miki-sama’s picked a new girl to be her new pet. I heard that she hasn’t picked one in years.”

I stand there in amazement. Years? Why would she change her mind now? Did something happen with the last one?  Koharu knocks on the lavishly decorated wooden door. There’s a loud echo through the hall.

“What?!” Miki screams, from the other side

“Kamei-san is here Fujimoto-sama.” Koharu stutters

“Come in!”

Koharu pushes the door with all her might and steps in. Miki stands up from the chair at her dresser and looks at me, intensely. Her dark stare makes me shift. The atmosphere around us is thick. I look at my feet.

“Thank you, Koharu.”

She bows and scurries out, leaving me alone with Miki. I reach a new level of fear with Miki around me. She saunters up to me and I stand up stiff, staring to the ground. I don’t know what she’ll do to me. I just hope she won’t get rid of me for causing some uproar. I breath out heavily through my mouth, waiting. Waiting for my punishment.

“Look at me.” I obey. She looks me over briefly. “You’re the one that caused a fight with Reina?”

My hands clench up at my sides. Her eyes flicker, she looks like she’s trying to read through me. She puts a hand on her chin.

“Did you?” she asks again

I shake my head. It wasn’t really me. JunJun was the one who turned it into a fight, sort of. I was just caught in the middle of it.

“If you didn’t start it, then who did?”

I can’t tell her it was JunJun. Then she’ll end up punished, but I can’t lie to Miki either. I look at her, remaining silent. She frowns.

“Answer me.”

I start to shake. “I-I did, Fujimoto-sama.” I cry

“You just told me you didn’t. Did you lie to me?!” I look away. She gets a hold of my face to make me look at her again. “I don’t like being lied to just like I can’t stand people who start fights in my coven either!”

I stare at her, waiting for her to smack me, to do something to me. She lifts up her hand and I flinch ready for the hit, only she doesn’t smack me. She gently strokes my cheek instead, almost in a loving manner. The caring gesture is very unlike her. I don’t know if I should take comfort in it or run. Her index finger trickles down my neck and to the left side of my neck. I feel myself shiver to the delicate touch. She has a strange look in her eyes.

“It would only be right to punish you. I am quite strict with my rules. Liars and disorderly conduct is not tolerated.” She whispers

I should be scared, but for some reason I’m not. I’m very calm about this situation. Her presence no longer frightens me. It must be her eyes. The way they shine it’s like a spell is being put on me and I don’t even know it- or maybe her touch. I can no longer think right in this state. She takes a hold of my wrist and pulls me close. She dips down and kisses my neck, softly. I gasp and close my eyes. My body feels numb. I feel myself starting to sway. Everything about her is exhilarating. It’s like a drug.

“But I won’t punish you. Instead, I’ll let you go. Consider this your warning.” She kisses my neck and a strong chill runs though me. “I would hate to have to punish you. Behave from now on will you?”

I nod. She chuckles and caresses my face.

“Such a good girl.” She strokes my hair. “You may leave.”

“Yes Fujimoto-sama.” I mutter

I walk out the door still in a trance. My head is still spinning from those simple kisses. They spun my head into overdrive. I brush my bangs to the side and try to focus again. I still have a job to do. I doubt I’ll be able to do it right in mindset.
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/09)
Post by: Haruka on April 09, 2009, 07:10:58 PM
Miki's soft side *o*

The Hell!!!

Don't stop xDDDDDDD
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/09)
Post by: kosu on April 09, 2009, 07:24:52 PM
 :mon bleed2: :on bleed:

 :twothumbs :twothumbs  :theking :theking
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/09)
Post by: JFC on April 09, 2009, 08:55:23 PM

Maki has on a smirk. Her eyes darken. My body fills with excitement.

“You’re jealous…aren’t you?” she whispers

I break into a fit of laughter.

“I’m not jealous of the spoiled little pest.” I deny
You know what, now that you mention it, it wouldn't be that much of a stretch for this to be true. Reina sees Eri being treated nicely, and she's all "Ii naaaaaaa~", and wishing she was getting the same.

“You don’t have to lie to me, Reina. I know you well enough.”

She dips down and kisses the left side of my neck. I let out a low moan and sigh. I close my eyes and lean into her. She places another kiss and puts her mouth next to my ear.

“You know I love you.” She bites my ear. “Have I been nothing, but faithful to you?”
Hello wut now? :o

Maki raburabus Reina? Is this just something she's saying to calm Reina down or are we talking seriously here? :?

Whoa, duuuuuuuude. :O
Hopefully Miki-sama doesn't find out about this.

She holds me firmly in place to gaze into my eyes. They shine brightly with love.

“Why must you be such a spunky cat?” she chuckles

“Eri, Fujimoto-sama would like to see you in her room right away.” She says

I stand still in dread. What will happen to me?
Oshit. Please let Miki give Eri a chance to tell her side of the story (assuming, of course, that she even knows about what happened).
:mon scare:

The girls are just jealous that a Miki-sama’s picked a new girl to be her new pet. I heard that she hasn’t picked one in years.”

I stand there in amazement. Years? Why would she change her mind now? Did something happen with the last one?
Really now? Interesting. One would think that given the arrangement that is present, the owners wouldn't hesitate to "change things up" a fair bit to keep from "getting bored" of the "same-old, same-old".  Why has Miki-sama taken so long to pick a new girl? Is it something about Miki, or the girls themselves?

“Look at me.” I obey. She looks me over briefly. “You’re the one that caused a fight with Reina?”

My hands clench up at my sides. Her eyes flicker, she looks like she’s trying to read through me. She puts a hand on her chin.

“Did you?” she asks again

I shake my head. It wasn’t really me. JunJun was the one who turned it into a fight, sort of. I was just caught in the middle of it.

“If you didn’t start it, then who did?”

I can’t tell her it was JunJun. Then she’ll end up punished, but I can’t lie to Miki either. I look at her, remaining silent. She frowns.

“Answer me.”

I start to shake. “I-I did, Fujimoto-sama.” I cry

“You just told me you didn’t. Did you lie to me?!” I look away. She gets a hold of my face to make me look at her again. “I don’t like being lied to just like I can’t stand people who start fights in my coven either!”

She lifts up her hand and I flinch ready for the hit, only she doesn’t smack me. She gently strokes my cheek instead, almost in a loving manner. The caring gesture is very unlike her. I don’t know if I should take comfort in it or run. Her index finger trickles down my neck and to the left side of my neck. I feel myself shiver to the delicate touch. She has a strange look in her eyes.

“It would only be right to punish you. I am quite strict with my rules. Liars and disorderly conduct is not tolerated.” She whispers

I should be scared, but for some reason I’m not. I’m very calm about this situation. Her presence no longer frightens me. It must be her eyes. The way they shine it’s like a spell is being put on me and I don’t even know it- or maybe her touch. I can no longer think right in this state. She takes a hold of my wrist and pulls me close. She dips down and kisses my neck, softly. I gasp and close my eyes. My body feels numb. I feel myself starting to sway. Everything about her is exhilarating. It’s like a drug.

“But I won’t punish you. Instead, I’ll let you go. Consider this your warning.” She kisses my neck and a strong chill runs though me. “I would hate to have to punish you. Behave from now on will you?”
Eh?  :shocked

“But I won’t punish you. Instead, I’ll let you go. Consider this your warning.” She kisses my neck and a strong chill runs though me. “I would hate to have to punish you. Behave from now on will you?”

I nod. She chuckles and caresses my face.

“Such a good girl.” She strokes my hair. “You may leave.”

“Yes Fujimoto-sama.” I mutter.

Eri's not the only one thinking "WTF just happened?" right now.
:mon huh2:

Damn, once word gets out that Eri was spared Miki's punishment, the other slave girls are going to absolutely flip.  :-X
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/09)
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on April 10, 2009, 06:08:58 AM
EGADS I MISSED A CHAPTER?! *mumbles about her computer being taken away*

Chapter 4 - Ho dang, Reina's as spunky as ever... Stirring up a fight so that Eri'd get in trouble. She just wants Eri taken down a notch. If there's anyone who should be treated well, it certainly shouldn't be Eri. Or so Reina thinks. I'm proud that Junjun stood up for Eri, though. :D Help your neighbor of the past life! *reference to a Pocket Morning*

Chapter 5 - Well, well, well. Maki had better hope that Miki doesn't find out about this now. ;) I'm glad that Junjun's still there for Eri, and as for Eri + Miki... Whoa. Miki's feeling...soft? (Not that way, you pervs.) Letting Eri get away with it... Although it wasn't actually Eri who started it... She just didn't wanna spit out Reina's name.  *whistles something about being a martyr* I'm glad that Miki let her off the hook and all, but once the other girls find out... Oh damn. o-o
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/09)
Post by: strawb3rrykream on April 10, 2009, 05:41:53 PM
Shit, I didn't know I missed a chapter either! XD

Ch. 4:
Wow, Eri's pretty special to Miki-sama, isn't she? :P I mean, she still has to all the regular stuff, but she's never forced to do anything she doesn't want to do. Interesting. :grin: Damn, Reina! XD Girl needs to chill. I LOVE JUN here~~~ :inlove: LMAO at the fact that Gocchin is Reina's mistress. For some reason, I predict much kinkiness~ :twisted:

Ch. 5:
What a temper on Reina. :D She is SO jealous though. But hey, Gocchin's hot toooo! :w00t: Succubus, huh? :P Are all the mistresses like that? But I agree with hella other ppl, hope Miki-sama doesn't find out. B/C someone's gonna be in trouble. Aww, poor Eri, all the rumors. :( NOOOOOOO!!! Koharu, go away! :lol: Don't take Eri to Miki-sama b/c she's gonna freakin kill her or something worse....
Holy fuck...she didn't. She really didn't. I feel like I'm in a trance too. :lol: But hey, I guess Eri is a special little good girl~ :wub:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/09)
Post by: writerjunkie on April 10, 2009, 06:08:30 PM

What is Aya hiding from us? Is she telling the truth about Miki? If she’s no longer fit to be leader than who is? What will we do? What will happen to us? Will our kind live no more? Should I be worried? So many questions and yet not even a single answer. How much longer do I have to wait in preparation before taking action? I sit up in bed. I can no longer sleep. No matter how tired I am my mind cannot be at peace. Not until everything is back to its original state. My urge as head commander to fix this so-called ‘problem’ is strong. I can’t risk anything at stake. Carefully, I get out of bed as to not wake my lover. I stroll to the balcony door naked. I have to do something. I have to tell the others something, but what can I say? I also am to follow orders. But when should I know to not follow orders any more and do what is right? Should I risk my life for the safety of others? I lean against the doorframe and close my eyes. I have too many questions, too many worries. I hate how they continue to fester. Nothing is solved.

“You shouldn’t worry so much.”

I smile, faintly. “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”

The bed creaks, I stay still, waiting for her to join me. In seconds, I feel her hands on my waist and her face into the back of my neck. I move my head to the side, allowing her access.

“Ai-chan, we’ll be ok. Whatever is going on I’m sure Aya will tell us soon.” She kisses my neck delicately.

“I want to keep you safe. If your safety is at risk why wait? I should act now, Risa.”

Her arms encircle my waist into a hug.

“Always thinking about me and not the big picture.” She mumbles “We would have to kill Miki if what Aya said is true. We just can’t kill our leader. Everything will fall apart.”

I turn around and face her properly. My hand is on her face. Her soft brown eyes look into my dark ones. I plant a small kiss on her plush lips. She’s still so beautiful despite her disheveled hair and lack of make-up. She’s exposed to her true self and only I can see her this raw, this open. She’ll always remain beautiful to me-beautiful and heavenly, forever. I hug her for dear life.

“I need you to be safe.” I whisper

“Ai-chan, are you forgetting I’m like you? I can protect myself.”

I feel her sink into me. I look back into her deep eyes and smile. “I’m sorry. You know how much I care for you.” I admit

“I’ll be fine.” She kisses me, passionately.

I open my mouth to taste her. She’s sweet and addicting. Her kisses make me melt. They make me feel weak and leave me bare. I brush my tongue against hers and moan. Our kiss ends swiftly and I desperately crave for more. I lean into her for support. I’m overwhelmed. She leaves this effect on me every time we kiss.

“Come back to bed.” Risa beckons

She lets me go and saunters over to our luxurious bed. I gulp and get my body to finally work. I follow her and place a knee on our bed. She holds out her hand for me to take. She has on a big smile. I take her hand and crawl into bed. If people told you succubus can’t love they’re wrong. They can love and I most certainly love Risa, with every part of my soul. She’s the only girl for me. She’s meant for me.


“Are you ok, Eri? You’ve been quiet ever since you came back from Fujimoto-sama’s room.” JunJun questions

I flinch at the mention of Miki’s name. I still can’t stop thinking about her touch and her gentle kiss. I continue to walk down the mansion halls without a word. Cleaning is done, that means we can all go back to our rooms and I look forward to finally sleeping, even if it’s for a short while. JunJun nudges me, seeing that I have suddenly gone mute.

“I’m ok. I’m really tired.” I partly lie

I am tired, but I’m nowhere near ok. I can’t keep my mind of the previous events at Miki’s room. JunJun buys it though.

“I know what you mean. All this stuff is stressful. I’m sure things will be better tomorrow. But I am surprised you were out of Miki’s room so quickly. I expected things to be much longer.”

“I must have caught her in a good mood?”

We drop off our cleaning products in the storage room. Out in the hall guards are ready to take us to our rooms and lock us in. We stop at the storage room door before we step out to meet the guards. I hate stepping in to my dungeon than coming out of it to clean. It seems that’s all we can do- sleep and then straight to cleaning. I barely can sleep in my room and it’s always cold and eerily silent. It gives off the feeling that I’m truly alone. I’m completely secluded from all human contact when I enter my dungeon. I pat JunJun on the back and smile half-heartedly.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight, Eri.”

She goes out the door and to her guard. They walk her down the hall and she disappears when she turns the corner. We’re always escorted to our rooms to make sure no one tires to escape and so someone can chain us too. It’s been like that since I’ve been here. I don’t want to sleep in chains again tonight. My wrists are hurting and I’m starting to get bruises. I rather sleep on the wet stone floor than in those steel bonds. Mainly because I’m scared Sayumi will come back and try to finish her job from earlier. I push the heavy wooden door to my cell and set up into place where I’ll be chained for the night. The shackles are quickly set and both guards leave then lock the door. I don’t know why I agreed to come here. It could be because Sayumi was so convincing when she promised me a home to stay in and warm food to eat. That was before I knew what she really was. She’s quite good at concealing her true self.  And so because of her high skill of persuasion I was tricked just like all the girls here. I was under the impression that the life in the coven had to be better than my previous life style before. I was poor before I came here. I had no family and my parents were gone. I was left on the streets to defend for myself and stayed in my own stench with stained and torn clothing. I was hungry and I was scared. Just as other homeless teenagers would be. I didn’t think much about why she came to me, but thinking about it now I understand why they choose people like me. It’s because kids like me have no one. I’m a nobody and I’ll always be a nobody. People like me will never be missed if something were to happen to us. No one will go looking for us either. I’m disposable. I can easily be replaced.

“Miki, please I’m begging you! Spare her!” Maki cries

I’ve never seen her this scared. She’s even crying. I try my best to not cry either seeing her likes this. I’ll stay strong for Maki. She needs me. She’s done all she could now it’s time to face the facts and what will happen to me. I kind of had an inking that this would catch up to me sooner or later and that picking on Eri would be the final straw. Yet I still took my risk and I’ll have to pay. I’m not scared. I’m quite calm. I glare into Miki’s furious glare. They sparkle with such fire. She’s enraged. I’ve clearly crossed the line. I don’t think Maki will be able to talk me out of this and she knows it. I stand still watching Miki pace back and forth. Maki tries to contain herself. She’s nothing but an emotional mess.

“You were the one who started the fight with Eri.” Miki states

She stops her pacing and faces me. Completely ignoring Maki’s plea. If she’s going to kill me she should do it when Maki isn’t looking. I know how much it will crush her to witness my tragic death. I’m silent. Miki knows what I did or didn’t do. She’s smart and the girls around here can never learn to shut their mouths either!

“There is no point in lying, Reina. Everyone is talking about it. You know what pisses me off the most?”

“Miki please…she didn’t mean it!”

It takes a large amount of effort to not chuckle at that lie. What can I say? Jealous is one of my worse flaws. Miki pays Maki no mind yet again. Her attention is locked on to me. I’m the main target of her wrath. Karma’s a bitch.

“That you THINK you can get away with this! She’s mine. You have no right to try and touch her. Do you know what the punishment for this is?” She leans forward next to my ear. “Death.”

Maki lets out a sharp yelp. I swallow back the tears ready to fall. I’m not crying because of what Miki said, but because of Maki. I never wanted to put her through this. I never wanted her to get hurt. Seeing her in this condition makes my heart ache. She fears for my life. I don’t want to see Maki like this. I’ll do whatever it takes to stop her pain. She doesn’t deserve this.

“I can, however, spare you. If you do me a favor.”

Miki looks into my eyes with a devilish smirk in place. My body boils with rage. I will never obey her! She can’t make me. I don’t care if she’s leader or not!

“Go to hell!” I scream

“Reina no.” Maki begs

Miki laughs. Her hand cups my face and her thumb traces my bottom lip slowly. She licks her lips, as she looks me over like a piece of meat. She won’t get that ‘favor’ from me. Over my dead body! I belong strictly to Maki!

“Such a pretty mouth. It would look much prettier if it were pleasuring me. Than I don’t have to hear your whiny voice.”

She dips down and licks my bottom lip. The guards holding me make it impossible for me to break free. I turn my head away disgusted. I want so bad to lash out. To hit her, scratch her, to do anything. She won’t have me. She may have my body, but never my soul! Miki laughs amused and places her hand inside my skirt. I can feel her fingers rubbing against my underwear threatening to slip pass the thin cotton and to my womanhood. I have this strong urge to gag and vomit as the feeling of her fingers touching me in places it shouldn’t

“For someone who doesn’t want this you’re awfully wet.” She teases

I look over to Maki. She’s devastated, but if this will save my life she will let Miki do whatever she wants with me. This must be so hard on her. I struggle to move. I won’t let Miki have me. I don’t care how upset that will make her. Her hand exits my skirt and I turn back to her with hatred in my eyes. She smiles at me. She’s enjoying this.

“If you don’t want your punishment that way then I have no other choice, but to give you a more painful punishment.”

She nods to her guards and one grabs me, putting my arms behind my back. Another takes several chains and hangs them to the ceiling. I’m pushed forward to the dangling shackles. My wrists are lifted above my head and the locks are clicked shut, locked. I hang a few inches off the ground swaying to and fro. My toes grazed the concrete a few times, if this is what my punishment resorts to then so be it. I don’t regret my choice. Miki’s arm circle around my waist and a kiss is planted on the base of my neck.

“Count for me. If you don’t we’ll have to start all over.”

She lets me go and I stay still staring at the moss-covered walls of my cell. I mentally prepare myself. I know this will hurt. I’ve never had this done to me, but I’ve seen it done to others and their screams are unmistakable. Only I won’t scream like them. I’ll stay silent. Quickly, something hard strikes my back and I try my best to not scream at the pain that goes through out my body. My hands bunch up, tightly.


I exhale and another hit rains down on my back. I feel my clothes rip and my skin burns and stings. I close my eyes tightly to hold back the building tears.


The whip cracks down again harshly. I whimper just a little. I feel the blood from the fresh gash trickle down my skin. I know some of these cuts will turn into scars, haunting me forever. My eyes start to water. I bite my bottom lip to control myself. Slowly withdraw a small gust of air.

“Three.” I choke out, with much difficulty

Miki’s fingers trace the cut and her tongue laps up the blood, smoothly. The feel of her tongue over the wound brings some sort of relief to me for a split second. Her finger presses against my lips, smearing my mouth with my own blood like lipstick. She puts her finger inside my mouth to make me taste my own blood. Its taste is salty and metallic. Her face buries into my neck.

“You’re so tasty, Rei-chan.” She whispers

She removes her finger and steps away. I know she won’t stop until I’m covered in cuts or if I scream, but I will never do that. I will never scream for her enjoyment. She will never break my strong will.
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/10)
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on April 10, 2009, 08:16:42 PM
Ho shit, Miki found out!!! :doh: Poor Reina...And poor Maki. I have a feeling Maki won't be settling for this afterward...  :-\
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/10)
Post by: kosu on April 10, 2009, 09:18:07 PM
AiGaki  :on bleed: :luvluv1: :luvluv2: :omamori: :bath: :ding: :shy1: :shy2:

Eri got "tricked" into the coven by the Dark Sayu ......... honestly, I will also fall into it even if I know it's a trap ........ I have no immunity .....

Miki :scolding:  Maki  :pleeease:  Reina :mon butt:

Miki  :onionwhip: Reina  :stunned:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/10)
Post by: kRisZ on April 11, 2009, 02:56:45 PM
Carefully, I get out of bed as to not wake my lover. I stroll to the balcony door naked.


I flinch at the mention of Miki’s name. I still can’t stop thinking about her touch and her gentle kiss.


I hate stepping in to my dungeon than coming out of it to clean.

wonder when will Miki get her and save her from that misery... or will she   :mon dunno:

“Miki, please I’m begging you! Spare her!” Maki cries

 :gmon tears:

She removes her finger and steps away. I know she won’t stop until I’m covered in cuts or if I scream, but I will never do that. I will never scream for her enjoyment. She will never break my strong will.

that's the spirit
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/10)
Post by: JFC on April 11, 2009, 09:30:33 PM

What is Aya hiding from us? Is she telling the truth about Miki? If she’s no longer fit to be leader than who is?
Aya's saying that?!?? :o  Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh GAM treachery!

“You shouldn’t worry so much.”

I smile, faintly. “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”

The bed creaks, I stay still, waiting for her to join me. In seconds, I feel her hands on my waist and her face into the back of my neck. I move my head to the side, allowing her access.

“Ai-chan, we’ll be ok. Whatever is going on I’m sure Aya will tell us soon.” She kisses my neck delicately.
TAKAGAKI!!!  :heart:

So like, are they both in the Coven, or is Aichan the Coven member and Risa's her (raburabu-)slave?

I follow her and place a knee on our bed. She holds out her hand for me to take. She has on a big smile. I take her hand and crawl into bed. If people told you succubus can’t love they’re wrong. They can love and I most certainly love Risa, with every part of my soul. She’s the only girl for me. She’s meant for me.
Half :wriggly:

and half :mon bleed2:.

I don’t know why I agreed to come here. It could be because Sayumi was so convincing when she promised me a home to stay in and war food to eat. That was before I knew what she really was. She’s quite good at concealing her true self.  And so because of her high skill of persuasion I was tricked just like all the girls here. I was under the impression that the life in the coven had to be better than my previous life style before. it's almost like a cult-type-of-thing. They lure girls there who are somehow down on their luck with false promises of a better life.  Being in that type of situation and being told the Coven could give something better, it's not surprising that they'd be able to get so many "willing" recruits.

I didn’t think much about why she came to me, but thinking about it now I understand why they choose people like me. It’s because kids like me have no one. I’m a nobody and I’ll always be a nobody. People like me will never be missed if something were to happen to us. No one will go looking for us either. I’m disposable. I can easily be replaced.
They're easy targets, unfortunately. And like she said, the sad fact is, they likely wouldn't be missed since most (if not all of them) were already alone/had no familial connections.

:stunned: :stunned: :stunned:

Considering how she initially threatened her with death, I'm rather surprised that Miki-sama suddenly decided to go with a flogging...unless, of course, she's just trying to stretch things out for a while (where's the fun in a fast execution, after all).   :-X

Reina's strong-headedness, on this occasion, is admirable. As she said herself, Miki might be able to "have her body", but that's ALL she'd get.

Now if only she would have tempered that willfulness with a little common sense/discretion she likely would be in this mess to begin with.  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/10)
Post by: Haruka on April 12, 2009, 09:51:02 PM
Damn that gonna leave a mark x_x

Reina doesn't break T_T she can't

Maki must been so hurt.

Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/10)
Post by: writerjunkie on April 14, 2009, 07:33:40 PM


I gasps at the sudden voice being that I grew accustom to the thick stillness around me. I turn around to the bed and bow my head. It’s something I’m used to and can’t seem to break the habit of doing. I didn’t expect her to wake so soon. It looks like my plan to leave is cut off. I can’t leave with her awake. She’ll want me to stay. I see her feet reach the floor and she stands off the bed. She makes her way towards me.

“Good morning, Yajima-sama.”
Her hand strokes my black hair and tucks a piece of it behind my left ear. My muscles go stiff. Her hand slides down to my cheek and under my chin. She picks my head up so that I face her fully. I swallow.

“Were you going to leave?” she asks in a casual tone

I coward in fear at what she might do to me for leaving. Her hand leaves my face.

“I’m not going to be mad at you.”

“I-I’m sorry Yajima-sama! But if I stay any longer I will get in deep trouble with Fujimoto-sama.” I explain, “I…shouldn’t have slept here.”

She chuckles. “You’re telling me you rather sleep in a dungeon than in a warm room with a soft bed?”

“N-no, but the rules are to be followed. What if we get caught?”

Please let me leave soon. Fujimoto-sama needs me. As her personal servant I am to attend all her needs yet Yajima-sama wants me to follow hers. She must understand how serious my job is. It’s a twenty-four hour task that is never undone.

“Look around Airi. The rules between mistresses and slaves are slowly becoming breached. The rules are useless. And I will not restrain my love for you. If we were to get caught I will blame everything on me.”

I shake my head violently. She wouldn’t dare to do such a thing!

“Please, Yajima-sama! Don’t do that. Fujimoto-sama she will…”

“I’m aware of my punishment Airi, but you are worth it.” She smiles softly at my direction.

I run over and encircle her into a bear hug. I shake my head against her stomach.

“No! M-Maimi, don’t! She’ll…Fujimoto-sama will kill you! I…please?!”

I choke on my sobs unable to speak. My tears and unsettling emotions over take me. Surely, Yajima-sama is smarter than that to let herself die for such a silly reason. I feel her pat my head and her arms lace around my back.

“Don’t cry Airi. I hate seeing you like this.” She whispers, sweetly

My hands release Yajima-sama from her hold and I wipe away my tears. I sniffle a few times. I’m so flustered I’m hiccupping from crying so hard.

“I-I’m sorry I shouldn’t h-have called you Maimi.”

Yajima-sama puts a hand on my shoulder.

“I like when you call me Maimi.”

I smile. She goes down and bestows a kiss to my forehead and I blush furiously. Yajima-sama, I love you.

“Um…I have to go!”

I turn around to make a run for it, but her hand catches my wrist and pulls me back. At the force of the pull I spin around and I feel her lips instantly against mine. I’m still in surprise. Her lips are so soft. My eyes flutter closed lost in the moment. My arms bunch up against my chest gently go down to my sides. Yajima-sama’s left hand rests on to the curve of my hip. Our lips press together as one. My face is hot and my heart is thumping rapidly with excitement. She pulls back and I let out a sigh of enjoyment. My eyes are still closed lost in bliss.

“I hope to see you soon. Go to Miki before she looks for you. I have a meeting to attend.” Yajima-sama says

I open my eyes and nod then exit. My mind is foggy with thoughts of Yajima-sama and our kiss. I sigh. She’s so dreamy.


Where am I? I roll on to my stomach and feel what I’m laying on. This isn’t my room. Is this a bed? I groan and push my body up with all the strength in my arms I can muster. I flop back down into the velvet soft sheets. I think I know where I am. I exhale and open my eyes. This is Maki’s room. Where is she? I turn to my left. It’s empty. My back is in so much pain. It’s throbbing uncontrollably, but the bleeding has stopped. How did I get here? I can’t even remember. I was too drunk in my own pain and I’m sure I lost quite a lot of blood. I have to get out of here. I have to find Maki. I set up to try and get up again.

“Don’t move. I’m right here, Reina.”

I look around me to spot her. She sits right next to me on the bed. Her hand runs through my messy hair. I lie back down and exhale. Her touch is comforting.

“How are you feeling?”

“Like shit.”

She laughs half-heartedly. She stops stroking my hair.

“Are you thirsty?”

I nod. She leaves the bed and I instantly miss her presence. Then I feel really cold.



“Why is it so cold here?”

I don’t remember feeling a draft this strong in her bedroom.

“That’s because you’re topless.”


If I could move I would have jumped out of bed to grab my shirt. She laughs and comes back to my side.

“I had to put the wraps on you some how. I’ll give you a shirt if you’d like? Your wounds should be better than last night.”

She puts my cup on the nightstand and retrieves a shirt for me to wear. She helps me sit up and I put on the piece of clothing myself. She hands me my cup and I take several large gulps. I sigh relived and place the mug back down. Maki watches the sheets in guilt. She must feel so helpless. Her usual talk with Miki to bail me out didn’t work and I was left to suffer.

“Reina you…I was so scared. Don’t do things like that again ok? You’re lucky to still be alive!”

I can hear her faint crying. I pick up my head and hug her. She latches on to me and cries hysterically. I’ve never seen her this vulnerable. I don’t know what to do or to say. Her tears seep through my t-shirt. I’ll just hold her for as long as she needs to be held. She’ll calm down eventually.


“Aika, bring me my damn robe! Koharu, my bath better be ready. And Airi when I’m done my breakfast should be ready for me.” I demand, to all three of my servants.

“Right away Fujimoto-sama.” Aika easily replies

All three girls scatter to do their jobs. I’m extra cranky in the morning. Things with Reina still left me furious. I hope my beating has taught her a lesson. No one is to do anything to my property and I mean no one. Aika comes running back with my red silk robe. I stand up and hold my hand out for her to put them through the sleeves. She ties the strap securely around my frame and steps out of my way.

“Fujimoto-sama, your bath is ready.” Koharu announces

I walk towards my bathroom and see that everything is in line. There are candles around my square shaped bath and it gives off a soft smell of lavender. I feel relaxed already. I strip my robe off and throw it. Aika’s quick to catch it and I walk up the marble steps. The whole room is covered in steam. I stick my foot inside the hot water slowly then put my whole leg in. When I adjust to it’s temperature I submerge myself completely inside and sigh. The hot water easily sooths away all the aches and sores in my muscles. I glare at my two annoying servants and they easily get the message to leave. I close my eyes and lean against the tub wall. All my troubles drift away with the silence.

“You went a little too far last night don’t you think?”

Here come my troubles again. I open my eyes and stare hotly across the room at Aya. She holds an amusing smile. She walks her way to the steps of my bath.

“You were quite harsh on Reina if I must say. And yet Eri and JunJun go unpunished.” She shakes her head at me “You really have changed.”

“And did I ask you for your insight?!”

“Miki, you’re doing things that have become unthinkable of you. Everyone is starting to worry.”

“Is this all you came to tell me? Because I’m not in the mood for sex right now.”

She chuckles.

“No of course you aren’t. At least you’re not in the mood for me.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!”

She laughs again and heads to the door.

“You better shape up Miki. I would hate to lose you.”

Then she’s gone. I’m in a bad mood again to the extreme level. I make my way to the stairs. She has a lot of nerve. Coming to my room to tell me what to do. I ought to kill her where she stands.


She rushes inside, wrapping me with a towel. I’ll show Aya. She thinks she knows everything and she certainly seems to think she knows ME-of all people!

“Tell Airi I’m no longer hungry. You three can eat whatever she prepared. I’m going to take a walk.”

“Yes, Fujimoto-sama.” Koharu agrees

I walk out the bathroom and see that my clothes are already set for me to wear. The girls leave and I put on my clothing in a hurry. I’ll show everyone I’m still in control. Just wait and see.
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/14)
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on April 15, 2009, 01:18:39 AM
Miki's getting soft, and everyone's recognizing it. Uh oh... I wonder how she's gonna "re-establish" her power...
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/14)
Post by: Haruka on April 15, 2009, 01:42:53 AM
omg Miki-sama it's gonna kick someone ass xD


There are a lot of succubusses in love o_O this could be troublesome .-.

This chap give some doubts about Aya and her continue with the leadership ._.

I wonder if Yossie is one of the slaves too xD or maybe she didn't even appears xD

I want TakaGaki *-*
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/14)
Post by: strawb3rrykream on April 15, 2009, 06:34:30 AM
TAKAGAKI!!!!! :w00t: Freakin highlight for me. :D Owie, Miki-sama did punish her. :( Hey, but at least she didn't kill her. Then, I'd be upset. I think it's almost as bad for Gocchin, though. Having to watch the one you truly love be abused like that cannot feel good at all. :cry:

Whoa, Airi and Maimi!? And Maimi's a succumbus? :shocked: Oh damn, and Airi's one of Miki-sama's special assistants. :D Maimi better not do anything stupid with Airi, she'll be basically digging her own grave.... :sweatdrop: Aww, Reina and Maki~ :inlove: I'm glad Reina's not dead, b/c they would kill the ReinaxMaki rabu-rabu~~~ :wub: UWAHHH, Miki-sama POV! :w00t: Damn, she IS cranky. XD Ooooh, nakie Miki.... :drool: But wow, she does seem to be changing, everyone's noticing. Wonder what's up...and how she's gonna fix it.
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/14)
Post by: Yuuyami on April 15, 2009, 03:53:22 PM
OMG MAKIREINA#$&*(#&$)@&@#_(@*&#(&@$()#&$

-deep breath-

And I thought I was the only one keeping Reiki love alive '_'...

Anywho xDDD

Interesting to see you write C-ute into this, how's that faring? xDDD

Though I do wonder how it is that Eri's role can cause such a ruckus within the coven :0... But I do agree that Miki's ever growing softness could soon be her downfall if she lets too much of her guard down. Watch out, Miki-sama o_o;

Looking forward to the next chappie, dearie!!  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/14)
Post by: writerjunkie on April 15, 2009, 04:07:39 PM
wow first a comment by rokun and now you?  :bow:
yes i was going to put Reina with Ai because that's another pairing I like besides her with Eri and Maki, but i like TakaGaki a lot so I changed it lol I'm glad you like my fic too. I'll try my best to make it good. =)
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/14)
Post by: kosu on April 15, 2009, 05:42:12 PM
AiriMaimi  :wub: :wub: Airi slept in Maimi's room ? :o :o :o :o   didn't they ...  :on bleed: :on bleed: :mon bleed2: :mon bleed2: LOL 
Maimi is one of the mistress? NICE XD XD (wonder who's her slave ... I wish I am .... LOL)   aw AiriMaimi  :wub: :wub: :wub: :on bleed: :on bleed: :mon bleed2: :mon bleed2: (best wish to Maimi)

Reina  :cry: :cry: ouch ..... topless !?  :drool: *self-slap* .... hope Reina will be better soon  :cry: :cry: ......

Aika + Koha + Airi = Miki's servants

Aya .... why you piss of MIki ?? .... now Miki is gonna kick everyone's ass... (hmm... btw, what is Aya ... one of the Mistress??)
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/14)
Post by: Maimi_Yajima on April 16, 2009, 04:11:37 AM
good chapter of Maimi and Airi.  :twothumbs  :P
Miki kowaii.  XD
poor of Airi...
Miki gives some feeling of cruelty.
and that makes me feel a certain curiosity about the fic.
the part involved Maimi and Airi is great!!! .
Miki, Aya  and Maimi  united in a fan fic is great, they are member favorites for my in the H!P.

Maki  also appears in the story.
Well, what I like  of Maimi character is that she do not mind the rules and not afraid of anything.
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/14)
Post by: JFC on April 17, 2009, 07:55:33 PM

“I-I’m sorry Yajima-sama! But if I stay any longer I will get in deep trouble with Fujimoto-sama.” I explain, “I…shouldn’t have slept here.”

She chuckles. “You’re telling me you rather sleep in a dungeon than in a warm room with a soft bed?”

“N-no, but the rules are to be followed. What if we get caught?”
Oooooooooooooooooooooooh...Maimi's "pinching" on another Coven member's slaves...AND said Coven member is Miki-sama! :O

“Look around Airi. The rules between mistresses and slaves are slowly becoming breached. The rules are useless. And I will not restrain my love for you. If we were to get caught I will blame everything on me.”

“Please, Yajima-sama! Don’t do that. Fujimoto-sama she will…”

“I’m aware of my punishment Airi, but you are worth it.” She smiles softly at my direction.

I run over and encircle her into a bear hug. I shake my head against her stomach.

“No! M-Maimi, don’t! She’ll…Fujimoto-sama will kill you! I…please?!”

I choke on my sobs unable to speak.
And if her behaviour here is any indication, it looks like the same can be said for Airi! :muffin:

This is Maki’s room. Where is she? I turn to my left. It’s empty. My back is in so much pain. It’s throbbing uncontrollably, but the bleeding has stopped. How did I get here? I can’t even remember. I was too drunk in my own pain and I’m sure I lost quite a lot of blood. I have to get out of here. I have to find Maki.
Something tells me that Maki probably snuck Reina away to her room from the dungeon after the flogging was done, seeing as how it would have made more sense (since it was meant as "punishment") to simply have leave her hanging by the chains.



“Why is it so cold here?”

I don’t remember feeling a draft this strong in her bedroom.

“That’s because you’re topless.”


If I could move I would have jumped out of bed to grab my shirt. She laughs and comes back to my side.

“I had to put the wraps on you some how. I’ll give you a shirt if you’d like? Your wounds should be better than last night.”
Makes sense. Her wounds would have needed to be cleaned and dressed to avoid infection, and that isn't really doable when they're covered by clothing (even if it's just partially).


Here come my troubles again. I open my eyes and stare hotly across the room at Aya. She holds an amusing smile. She walks her way to the steps of my bath.

“You were quite harsh on Reina if I must say. And yet Eri and JunJun go unpunished.” She shakes her head at me “You really have changed.”

“And did I ask you for your insight?!”

“Miki, you’re doing things that have become unthinkable of you. Everyone is starting to worry.”
Aya's method of warning Miki? Have her recent actions/decisions affected how others perceive her (specifically, does it make her look weak)?

“Is this all you came to tell me? Because I’m not in the mood for sex right now.”

“No of course you aren’t. At least you’re not in the mood for me.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
It means.....someone else??? :?

“You better shape up Miki. I would hate to lose you.”

Then she’s gone. I’m in a bad mood again to the extreme level. I make my way to the stairs. She has a lot of nerve. Coming to my room to tell me what to do. I ought to kill her where she stands.
Ayaya kowaii.

What exactly is her deal, anyway? If Miki's supposed to be the top dog here, where does that put Aya?

“Tell Airi I’m no longer hungry. You three can eat whatever she prepared. I’m going to take a walk.”
She's letting them eat what she was going to be her breakfast?  :o

That's DEFINITELY not something that you'd expect a master/owner to do for his/her slaves.  And if the other slave girls find out about this, it's just going to cause even more tension between them (as was demonstrated by the ReinaXEri incident).

I walk out the bathroom and see that my clothes are already set for me to wear. The girls leave and I put on my clothing in a hurry. I’ll show everyone I’m still in control. Just wait and see.
Uh-oh...this isn't going to end well.
:mon scare:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/14)
Post by: kRisZ on April 21, 2009, 01:35:41 PM
hohoho, looks like trouble is coming
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/14)
Post by: writerjunkie on April 23, 2009, 11:52:21 PM

The first thing I notice today was the lack of Reina’s presences in the lunchroom. Then came the death glares, but they were more deadly than usual. Why is everyone acting so strange? They all seem to be looking at me like it’s my fault. And I’m not even sure what I’m being blamed for! I have no clue what’s going on. Should I know? I wonder where Reina is today. I’m kind of glad she isn’t here. It means I don’t have to worry about her trying to humiliate me or bully me. I walk through the rows to see if I can get a seat.

“Eri, over here!”

JunJun waves me over to an empty chair next to her and I join her. She smiles warmly at me and I smile back before digging into my plate. JunJun looks from me to the people around us. She feels the strange atmosphere too? I thought I was the only one. I’m surprised I didn’t become paranoid since everyone in this coven seems to be after me or hate me.

“What’s with everyone being jealous more than usual?” she questions

I shrug. We continue to eat together with out a word until we’re done eating and back to cleaning. At least I didn’t have to deal with Reina. It makes my day run just a little smoother. I wish it were like this everyday. Yet, I can’t shake off this feeling that there’s something important going on and I should know what that is.


“You’re sure about this? I mean this IS Miki we’re talking about, Aya.” I remind her

“Sayu, is the whole deal with Reina not enough?” Maki replies

I scan the table to the eyes that stare at me in exasperation. Everyone is against me. They’re waiting impatiently for my choice, but I can’t just do that so easily. And I can’t just take anyone’s word. Maki for all I know could be saying this because she wants revenge on Miki for Reina’s server punishment. I can’t trust Maki’s word when she’s filled with such hatred for our leader. I don’t know why the others are against her though. I guess they all have their own reasons. Am I the only one that feels this is wrong? I have to make a wise choice before siding with them. Things are looking bleak for me I must say.

“There is also her sudden shift of behavior when Eri came.” Maimi adds in “She’s become…gentler. To her at least.”

I sigh and lean against the wall. All eyes are on me, waiting for my answer. I’ve never seen them look this serious or this agitated. They all seem convinced this is the only way. That this is the right way to get things done. When I heard Miki was in trouble I didn’t think it would come to this outcome to her troubles. There has to be another way. Don’t they see that this option can affect us? They don’t see the possible outcome to our choice?! I don’t know how they can make up their minds so quickly. I can’t do that so easily. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

“We can’t do it. She’s taken good care of us and this is how we repay her?”

I keep saying that, but it seems to have no meaning to us anymore. How did this happen? Why did it happen so sudden? Everything we’ve stood for is falling apart. This isn’t right!

“She’s becoming more human. This longer she keeps Eri around the more she will start to feel. This coven cannot tolerate a weak leader.” Aya explains

Everyone is becoming hasty. They’re angry. They were probably expecting this secret meeting to be quick and everyone would agree without any questions. I’m the only one that’s making it hard for them. It’s bad enough as it is, having a meeting like this behind Miki’s back, but to then to put a plan like this into action is even more of a shock. They’re sure about this. They’re willing to do what it takes. Will this benefit us? Will this really help us? How can something tragic become helpful? They seem positive about this. As long as they know what they’re getting into then so be it. I’ve made up my mind.

“Alright, I’ll do it.”

I’ve sealed my fate. There is no turning back now.

“So it’s settled. Miki will be killed and I will take her place after.” Aya announces, “She will not make this easy. She’s quite skilled.”

“We’ll have to talk about our plan another time. We’ve been here long enough. Miki become suspicious.” Maimi suggests

“We will meet tomorrow at midnight.” Aya informs

Everyone exits the room, but I stay behind. I’m still wondering what I did is the right thing. What if we’re the ones who are wrong? What if Miki is doing these things because she loves Eri, but she can’t express it well enough? If they are doing this because Miki’s become too much of a human than they should do the same to Ai, Risa, Maimi, Maki, and I’m sure there are other people who should be following the same fate. This whole coven has become corrupted.


“What do you think happen to Reina?” JunJun asks me, while walking the halls with me

We were going back to our cleaning routine since lunch was over. I look down at my feet. This is a question I’ve been trying to avoid. I don’t like to think about it.

“I don’t know. I hope she’s ok.”

We continue to go down the hall, but in silence this time. JunJun can tell how uncomfortable I am about this subject. I don’t need to talk about this topic. I get enough looks and rumors about me because of Reina’s strange disappearance. I try to ignore them or pretend I don’t hear them, but I do and they bother me a lot. On our walk to one of the rooms, my blood runs cold when I come across someone else I was praying to not meet since yesterday. JunJun is just as speechless as I am. Her death glare pierces me down, locked into place. She seems angry.

“I’ve been meaning to talk with you.” She hisses “Come with me, now.”

She pulls me by my arm before I can reply. I run to keep up with her fast pace and she walks through a door, leading us to a balcony outside. I squint at the change of light. It’s been a while since I’ve been outside into the sun. I spend all my time inside the house and in my dank dungeon I forgot what it feels like to be out into fresh cool air. It feels nice and I would say relaxing, but I’m still terrified by being pulled here with my beyond agitated mistress. She lets go of my arm and walks over to the railing, trying to cool down. While, I’m still stuck in place with fear, I’m torn between wanting to leave and having to stay against my own will. My hands start to shake. They feel clammy. I haven’t done anything wrong! I swear I haven’t! She turns around, her death glare just a little bit softer than before. It’s still there and it still scares me.

“Do you know why you’re here?”

I shake my head. I’m mute. Maybe if I remain quiet it’ll help me get out of here quicker. She walks towards me, never breaking eye contact with me. Her index finger touches my cheek and gently runs down my face. Her hand cups my face tenderly.

“You’ve caused me more trouble than you think.”

I’m not sure what that means, but I don’t dare to question her or correct her. Like I’ve decided before. I will remain silent. Without warning, her soft touch turns into a strong and painful grip around my face. Her eyes fill back with anger. I whimper and flinch at her deathly hold. It hurts.

“I can’t stand how much of a pain you’re becoming! You’re changing everything that had value to me.”

She’s speaking in riddles. I have no clue as to what she’s saying. Has she gotten ill? Someone should help her! Someone should get her away from me! I try to pull away, but she squeezes my jaw tighter. Her other hand wraps around my neck. I can still breath, but the strong hold on me makes my fear reach a whole new level.  She’s going to do something to me this time even if I won’t like it. She’s not going to listen tome.

“F-Fujimoto-sama, I-I’m sorry!” I squeak

It’s hard to speak with her hand around my neck and her other one around my jaw. My eyes feel wet and my knees are weak. She lets go of my face and grabs my hair. I hold back the pain I feel from her grip. She isn’t going to let me go. Something’s going to happen. She lets go of my neck. I can feel it throb and ache. I’ll have a bruise. I’m sure of it.

“You've become such a problem.”

I don’t know what she’s talking about. What could I have possible done wrong?! If she’s angry why is she taking it out on me? Couldn’t she have done it another way?

“Fujimoto-sama, wha…”

She slaps me and I fall down from the strong force put behind it. My eyes flood with tears and I don’t bother to stop them. There’s a copper taste in my mouth. My whole face is burning with pain. I lift up my head and look through my tears to try and see her. All I can make out is a blurry shape. I wipe the blood on my lip. I blink away my falling tears. She’s never laid a finger on me.

“Get up.” She commands, her voice is icy

Quickly as possible, I go back up to my feet. The only thing that comes to my mind to save myself is to beg. So I do just that. I hug her and cry.

“Fujimoto-sama! Please, don’t hurt me!”

My body shakes and I grab on to her waist as tight as I can. I don’t care what I’m blamed for. I just don’t want to end up killed. She stays still, stiff, taken back by my action of affection and to be honest, I am too. I would have expected her to throw me off her the second my arms touched her hips and I would get smacked again, but instead she stays perfectly still almost as if overwhelmed, by such an act of gentleness. Her arm moves and I bunch up ready for the hit, only this ‘hit’ doesn’t hurt. It feels soft and warm. Her hand stroke my hair again and then my face. I pick up my head to meet her gaze. Her eyes aren’t dark. They’re shinning, almost glowing, as if welcoming me. She’s forgiven me? I sniffle and blink back the build up of tears in my eyes. Has she changed her mind? - So quickly? I let her go and step back. She can snap any second. Maybe she just hasn’t progressed this in her head and when she does, she’ll hurt me. She looks to the stone floor of the balcony. Her face fills with shock. She looks back at me. Her eyes darken, but it’s not will rage this time. I can’t tell what it is.

“Get out.” She whispers, hoarse

Her body quakes. Are those tears in her eyes? She bites her lip. I’ve never seen her in such a state before. She looks…defeated. Is it because of me? Did I do this? I-I’m sorry! I should help her. I have to do something!


“I said leave!”

I run towards the door, my only safety from my now mad owner. I don’t look back. What’s going on? I’ve never seen such a mix of emotions displayed in front of me from her so rapidly. It was as if she was…changing. I rush down the hall, not caring if she’s not behind me or if the other girls are staring at me. I can’t go to my room. She might come there and finish off whatever she was going to do. Where else can I go? No one cares about me. I’m not safe, but I think I never was the day I entered this building. Who will want to be near me?

Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/23)
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on April 24, 2009, 01:27:48 AM
:o Eri's turning to Junjun for more help now. But...poor Miki. She must feel pretty torn...
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/23)
Post by: JFC on April 24, 2009, 06:05:34 AM

I didn’t have to deal with Reina. It makes my day run just a little smoother. I wish it were like this everyday. Yet, I can’t shake off this feeling that there’s something important going on and I should know what that is.
Surprised that neither Eri nor Junjun have heard about what happened, considering how all (or at least a lot) of the other slave girls seem to know.  It's likely going to be a pretty big shock when they do find out, (particularly for Eri, who, considering her personality, might agree with the implied sentiments of the others and blame herself). :(

“You’re sure about this? I mean this IS Miki we’re talking about, Aya.” I remind her

“Sayu, is the whole deal with Reina not enough?” Maki replies

I scan the table to the eyes that stare at me in exasperation. Everyone is against me. They’re waiting impatiently for my choice, but I can’t just do that so easily.
Oh shit...are they doing what I THINK they're doing? :O

“So it’s settled. Miki will be killed and I will take her place after.” Aya announces, “She will not make this easy. She’s quite skilled.”

“We’ll have to talk about our plan another time. We’ve been here long enough. Miki become suspicious.” Maimi suggests

“We will meet tomorrow at midnight.” Aya informs
They ARE! They're plotting against Miki-sama!!!
:mon wtf:

Everyone exits the room, but I stay behind. I’m still wondering what I did is the right thing. What if we’re the ones who are wrong? What if Miki is doing these things because she loves Eri, but she can’t express it well enough? If they are doing this because Miki’s become too much of a human than they should do the same to Ai, Risa, Maimi, Maki, and I’m sure there are other people who should be following the same fate. This whole coven has become corrupted.
:mon scare:

On our walk to one of the rooms, my blood runs cold when I come across someone else I was praying to not meet since yesterday. JunJun is just as speechless as I am. Her death glare pierces me down, locked into place. She seems angry.

“I’ve been meaning to talk with you.” She hisses “Come with me, now.”

Her eyes fill back with anger. I whimper and flinch at her deathly hold. It hurts.

“I can’t stand how much of a pain you’re becoming! You’re changing everything that had value to me.”

She’s speaking in riddles. I have no clue as to what she’s saying. Has she gotten ill?
Looks like Miki's realizing what the others were telling her, that she's "different" around Eri...and by the looks of it, it's scaring her. She doesn't know why this happens when she's around Eri, and she can't stand that she doesn't know.

“Fujimoto-sama! Please, don’t hurt me!”


“Get out.” She whispers, hoarse

Her body quakes. Are those tears in her eyes? She bites her lip. I’ve never seen her in such a state before. She looks…defeated. Is it because of me? Did I do this? I-I’m sorry! I should help her. I have to do something!
Looks like Miki might have just figured it out...and it's like the proverbial rug has been pulled from under her.

I run towards the door, my only safety from my now mad owner. I don’t look back. What’s going on? I’ve never seen such a mix of emotions displayed in front of me from her so rapidly. It was as if she was…changing. I rush down the hall, not caring if she’s not behind me or if the other girls are staring at me. I can’t go to my room. She might come there and finish off whatever she was going to do. Where else can I go? No one cares about me. I’m not safe, but I think I never was the day I entered this building. Who will want to be near me?

Eri running to Junjun = :mon runcry:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/23)
Post by: kRisZ on April 24, 2009, 12:31:47 PM
Sayu is right, why can't they understand Miki  :huhuh

Miki, Eri   :cry:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/23)
Post by: Haruka on April 24, 2009, 08:15:28 PM
Damn... hit Eri should really really hurt her o_O

Aya's plotting against Miki .-. jealousy?

This is getting interesting *o*
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/23)
Post by: candy_boy on April 24, 2009, 09:09:05 PM
Aya wants Miki dead, huh? This is new. Aya the Usurper. :shocked:

One always expects GAM together not against each other, huh? but this is really interesting... I guess two really hot stylish girls will turn against each other eventually.  :lol:

Junjun and Eri, huh? Poor Miki. That really is no way to treat a girl. She's making Junjun look too good. Seduce her back, Miki! :drool:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/23)
Post by: strawb3rrykream on April 25, 2009, 12:38:11 AM
I bet Eri wouldn't feel so relieved if she found out what happened to Reina. :( I mean, that was harsh. *is still not over Reina being whipped* :lol: OMFG, they're gonna kill Miki and Aya's gonna take over.....GAM gone oh so wrong. :P But Sayu is totally right, if they want to kill her for loving, then many of the mistresses should be killed too. But I don't want that to happen, nor do I want Miki to be killed. Hopefully, Miki's skilled enough to save herself. Poor Miki, so torn by her feelings. :( But she really does love Eri inside, it's so easy to see. :wub:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/23)
Post by: writerjunkie on April 26, 2009, 04:47:59 PM

I don’t understand. Does Fujimoto-sama hate me? She was never easy to understand, but I’m too afraid of her to try and look pass her tough exterior. Maybe it isn’t a wall. She’s just cold hearted and cannot love anything. Why am I here then? Why hasn’t she killed me or give me to another mistress to use me as a sex tool? I’ve never been so lost.

“Maybe we should put ice on your bruises.”

I stare at the wall remaining silent like I have been since I arrived. I’m glad JunJun found a hidden room for me. I don’t think I would like to lie on the damp cold concrete floor all night. I also can’t be alone right now. I need someone to be with me just for the night. I wipe away my tears and slowly my fingers poke at the mark around my neck. The flesh marked with the bruise is tender, but it doesn’t hurt to speak. I shiver at the memory of those strong hands around my slender neck. It was a lock unable to break out of no matter how hard you try. I pull my hand away. I can still feel that iron grip, those cold fingers wrapped so tightly around me, like a collar bounding me down to stay. I feel another hand on my shoulder and I jump.

“I’m sorry.” JunJun apologizes

I gulp and gain my posture. My body is still on edge. My instincts are still taking over, just a little. I roll to the left to see her. She’s worried about me. I suspect she would be. She’s seen me in a devastating condition and I still haven’t told her what happened. She’s clueless, but if I do tell her anything she will be brought into a problem that’s continuing to grow. It’s best if she doesn’t know anything. I can’t risk her safety. She sits closer to me, looking at me for some sort of explanation. She’s restless from feeling useless. She can’t live with the fact of not being able to help me. She doesn’t know what to do and either do I. So she does one thing she knows what to do in a situation like this. She holds me. Her hands go around me, holding me gently. With my eyes closed, I shift my position so that I’m sitting between her legs. My head presses against her chest. JunJun puts her head on mine. The soft feeling of her breath against my hair is relaxing. I’ve never realized how soft she feels or how warm she is. She exhales; sinking against me, sleep ready to claim her.


I look up. She peers down at me.

“I don’t understand.”

“What do you mean?”

“Isn’t love supposed to be gentle? Aren’t you supposed to be caring? But then again, how do you know you love someone if you’ve never experienced it? Is it supposed to hurt?”

Her face displays a mixture of unsettling emotions. She doesn’t understand, but I can see she wants to. And she wants to give me a decent answer that will help me, but she can’t figure out how to answer me. Now I’m the one speaking in riddles.

“Eri, what are you saying? Did Miki force you to do something against your consent?!”

I have to come up with something to steer her attention away from Fujimoto-sama. I don’t want her to take part in this mess. If something were to happen to her it would be my fault and I cannot live with the guilt.

“Do you love me, JunJun?”

She’s speechless. I put my hand over hers and trace her fingers with my index finger. I don’t know what I’m saying. All I know is that I need someone to show affection towards me. To tell me they love me and won’t hurt me like Fujimoto-sama did. I just…need someone to be gentle with me.


Then she kisses me. It isn’t rough and it’s quick yet soft. It’s over sooner than I thought. The feel of her warm lips to mine is gone and I’m left with the after effect of its touch. Seeing me yearn for more contact, she dips down and kisses me again and I this time I can keep up with what’s happening around me. I kiss her back. It’s a little longer than the previous one and her hand cups my cheek this time to bring me closer. I’ve never had this before. Someone kiss me or touch me with such care. It’s exhilarating. Intoxicating. My whole body tingles. I’ve never felt such a touch that brought my senses to its highest peak. For once I’m not afraid. Someone is finally being caring to me, they’re gentle and it makes me feel special. Her hand slides from my face to my waist. Her finger brushes against my tights. I open my mouth and exhale. The tip of her tongue touches my bottom lip and I shiver again. I’m a little unsure to meet her tongue with mine. I put my hands around her neck and face her properly. I sit on her lap and her hands circle tie around my hips. Her thumb rubs against my stomach ever so slowly bringing chills down my spine, I’ve become touch sensitive. I tangle our tongues together and images fill my head. I can see Fujimoto-sama glaring at me with such intensity in her oil slicked colored eyes as if she’s going to consume me and it scares me but at the same time it…excites me? I can almost hear the things she would say to me. She would tell me how I’m hers and she would claim me as hers in such a rough way brings only more excitement within me. She will be rough yet her touch will be so soft, smooth as silk yet firm to still hold me in place and tell me she’s still in charge. I shift as these thoughts and let out a low moan. I pull away from JunJun and look to my hands in shame. What’s wrong with me? I’m afraid of Fujimoto-sama. She treats me bad and does such bad things but I want to be near her to feel her touch again?

“Eri?” JunJun places a hand on my arm

I flinch. I shake my head rapidly to try and shake such thoughts out of my mind.

“I-it’s nothing.”

“Eri, we have to talk about this. Stop lying to me and saying everything’s fine when it’s not! How am I supposed to help you?”

“I’m fine. Please, I just want to go to bed.” My voice quivers

It seems to do the trick however and she believes me then lies down. I lay back and move closer to the edge to stay away from any close contact with her. She pulls the blanket over us and shuts off the light. I curl up in the blanket, looking at the wall wide-awake. What’s going on with me?


“Welcome back Fujimoto-sama.”

“Shut up Airi! All of you…leave my room, NOW!” I scream

The three girls without question make a hasty exit and I sit in my dresser chair to sulk. That stupid girl! Look what she’s done to me! I’ve never felt so drained from an overflow of emotions at once. I’ve never allowed myself to appear weak in front of anyone either! How can a girl like her do this to me? What should I do? Should I kill her? But how can I do that when I can’t do it myself. I should have someone else do it. My stomach churns at the thought of her gone. What is this?! Why is my body behaving so strange!? My fists curl up tightly and I hit the armrest with frustration. How dare she do this! It’s all her fault! All her fault I... Is it even possible that I can feel such an emotion? I have a heart made of ice. I’m the Ice Queen. I’m supposed to be cruel, careless, and destructive, but if I’m ice, than she must be the fire to melt away the cold. I can’t allow someone to leave me so exposed. I’m an easy target. I can’t let that happen. I should kill her. I should get rid of her. 
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/26)
Post by: strawb3rrykream on April 26, 2009, 06:47:28 PM
I hate seeing Eri so lost and being her, even if it is by Miki. And I feel awful for Jun too, all she wants to do is help but she can't. :( Oh no, if Miki finds out about their little makeout session.... :shocked
...shit. If Miki kills Eri (or gets someone to do it for her), she probably won't be killed by Aya. Unless this all happens in the wrong order. I'm scared. :D
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/26)
Post by: Haruka on April 26, 2009, 11:32:30 PM
OMG *o*
Mmm... Jun Jun give her some close contact xD

Eri have this feelings of excitement :onionwhip: mmmm I think she's a little horny xD

Well well.. I have a very bad day, this make it less bad xD
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/26)
Post by: JFC on April 27, 2009, 01:23:16 AM

I don’t understand. Does Fujimoto-sama hate me? She was never easy to understand, but I’m too afraid of her to try and look pass her tough exterior. Maybe it isn’t a wall. She’s just cold hearted and cannot love anything. Why am I here then? Why hasn’t she killed me or give me to another mistress to use me as a sex tool? I’ve never been so lost.
Poor Eri. She has no clue. :(

Then again, why would she? She has no reason to think that Miki or any of the Coven members would (or even could) feel that way about their slave girls.

“I’m sorry.” JunJun apologizes

I gulp and gain my posture. My body is still on edge. My instincts are still taking over, just a little. I roll to the left to see her. She’s worried about me. I suspect she would be. She’s seen me in a devastating condition and I still haven’t told her what happened. She’s clueless, but if I do tell her anything she will be brought into a problem that’s continuing to grow. It’s best if she doesn’t know anything. I can’t risk her safety.
Oh Eri, she doesn't want to risk anyone else getting hurt, so she's willing to suffer alone. Thing is though, Junjun is willing to risk getting hurt, because she doesn't want Eri to have to go through it alone.
:gmon tears:


“Isn’t love supposed to be gentle? Aren’t you supposed to be caring? But then again, how do you know you love someone if you’ve never experienced it? Is it supposed to hurt?”


“Eri, what are you saying? Did Miki force you to do something against your consent?!”
Maybe Eri does get that Miki's acting different around her, and maybe she's starting to consider possible reasons why. :O

I have to come up with something to steer her attention away from Fujimoto-sama. I don’t want her to take part in this mess. If something were to happen to her it would be my fault and I cannot live with the guilt.

“Do you love me, JunJun?”

She’s speechless. I put my hand over hers and trace her fingers with my index finger. I don’t know what I’m saying. All I know is that I need someone to show affection towards me. To tell me they love me and won’t hurt me like Fujimoto-sama did. I just…need someone to be gentle with me.

While it's understandable that Eri would want to be comforted given what she just went through, the question here is, why did Eri REALLY ask Junjun that in the first place? Does Eri feel that way for Junjun? If she doesn't, but Junjun does, then it's not really fair for Eri to deceive Junjun like that. Likewise, if she did it only to keep Junjun's mind distracted from thinking of Miki-sama, then again, that's not doing it for the right reasons.

Then she kisses me.
Shit. Eri needs to sort her feelings, and FAST! She said she doesn't want Junjun to get hurt by what's going on with Miki-sama, but she doesn't realize that she might end up hurting Junjun herself now that the other girl has confessed to her.  :shocked:

On another note, this sucks because I really want to celebrate and go "OMGASS! ERIJUN!!!"  :heart: :heart: :heart: " but I get the feeling I probably shouldn't.  :-X

I tangle our tongues together and images fill my head. I can see Fujimoto-sama glaring at me with such intensity in her oil slicked colored eyes as if she’s going to consume me and it scares me but at the same time it…excites me? I can almost hear the things she would say to me. She would tell me how I’m hers and she would claim me as hers in such a rough way brings only more excitement within me. She will be rough yet her touch will be so soft, smooth as silk yet firm to still hold me in place and tell me she’s still in charge. I shift as these thoughts and let out a low moan. I pull away from JunJun and look to my hands in shame. What’s wrong with me? I’m afraid of Fujimoto-sama. She treats me bad and does such bad things but I want to be near her to feel her touch again?
Frak, Junjun's going to get her heart broken once she and Eri realize how Eri really feels (if this little passage is any indication).   :cry:

:mon scare:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/26)
Post by: ayase909 on April 29, 2009, 12:57:39 PM
wah!  :scared: i haven't commented for the many days i think....baka me!  :on kimbo:

anyway.....for the last 4 chapters i read......this fic is not about GAMilicious, that i concluded... :bored: well, Aya's planning to kill miki-sama, how dare she.... :on shady:....and well, good thing this is not a TanaKamei, since the neko-chan hates her....Reina's being a badass/yankii again here!  :on cigar:

er.....well, they're planning to kick mikitty's butt out of the coven, not good!  :tantrum:
but hey, i assume this would be a FujiKamei fic?  :shifty: :shifty: :shifty:    ne, ne oishite kudasai, author-san!  :hehehe:

hmm....miki's in love with eri and vice versa....haha, can't wait for the next chapter..... :kneelbow:
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/26)
Post by: ~happyxcharmy~ on June 01, 2009, 11:55:11 AM
daisuki~~ cant wait for another update.
just wonder will miki kill eri(probrably she wont~)
will sayumi has a lover?? just like maki has reina.
Title: Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/26)
Post by: takagakifan on August 10, 2009, 07:26:42 PM
Oh My Gosh! that was soooo effing good! :thumbsup and slighty twisted :twisted: but in a great way! :twothumbs

why haven't i read this before? whats going to happen to Eri? to Miki? will there be more takagaki? and when are going to update? lol

...hopefully soon or else :onionwhip: (hehe considering the fic that seemed most appropriate XD)