Kie Kitano / 北乃きい
Alternate Spelling of name: Kii Kitano
Profession: Actress and Idol
Birthdate: 1991-Mar-15
Birthplace: Kanagawa, Japan
Measuments: 80, 58, 81
Shoe size: 24.5cm
Star sign: Pieces
Blood type: O
Talent agency: Foster
Hobbies and special abilities: Shopping, playing piano, impersonations, ballet
Favorite subjects: English, Mathematics
Least favorite subjects: Gym, Social Studies
Favorite food: Ribs, melon
Least favorite food: Green peppers If she was an animal... Cat
Type of guy: A kind guy
Official Blog - http://ameblo.jp/kie-kitano/ (http://ameblo.jp/kie-kitano/)
(http://img243.imagevenue.com/loc447/th_75540_KieKitano119_123_447lo.jpg) (http://img243.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=75540_KieKitano119_123_447lo.jpg)(http://img43.imagevenue.com/loc1083/th_75532_KieKitano074_123_1083lo.jpg) (http://img43.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=75532_KieKitano074_123_1083lo.jpg)(http://img232.imagevenue.com/loc52/th_75537_KieKitano091_123_52lo.jpg) (http://img232.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=75537_KieKitano091_123_52lo.jpg)(http://img107.imagevenue.com/loc519/th_75538_KieKitano118_123_519lo.jpg) (http://img107.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=75538_KieKitano118_123_519lo.jpg)
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Up to Boy - June 2008
(http://img147.imagevenue.com/loc761/th_75988_kie_utb001_122_761lo.jpg) (http://img147.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=75988_kie_utb001_122_761lo.jpg)(http://img183.imagevenue.com/loc594/th_75995_kie_utb003_222_122_594lo.jpg) (http://img183.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=75995_kie_utb003_222_122_594lo.jpg)
Up to Boy - August 2008
(http://img256.imagevenue.com/loc241/th_75993_kie_utb002_122_241lo.jpg) (http://img256.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=75993_kie_utb002_122_241lo.jpg)(http://img219.imagevenue.com/loc154/th_76002_kie_utb003_122_154lo.jpg) (http://img219.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=76002_kie_utb003_122_154lo.jpg)(http://img106.imagevenue.com/loc78/th_76005_kie_utb004_122_78lo.jpg) (http://img106.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=76005_kie_utb004_122_78lo.jpg)(http://img269.imagevenue.com/loc473/th_76006_kie_utb005_122_473lo.jpg) (http://img269.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=76006_kie_utb005_122_473lo.jpg)(http://img156.imagevenue.com/loc856/th_76007_kie_utb006_122_856lo.jpg) (http://img156.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=76007_kie_utb006_122_856lo.jpg)
FRIDAY 2009.03.13
(http://img230.imagevenue.com/loc565/th_77529_FRIDAY_001_123_565lo.jpg) (http://img230.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77529_FRIDAY_001_123_565lo.jpg)(http://img266.imagevenue.com/loc427/th_77530_FRIDAY_002_123_427lo.jpg) (http://img266.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77530_FRIDAY_002_123_427lo.jpg)(http://img186.imagevenue.com/loc530/th_77531_FRIDAY_003_123_530lo.jpg) (http://img186.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77531_FRIDAY_003_123_530lo.jpg)
Weekly Young Magazine 2009 No. 15
(http://img46.imagevenue.com/loc106/th_77680_YM_001_123_106lo.jpg) (http://img46.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77680_YM_001_123_106lo.jpg)(http://img184.imagevenue.com/loc963/th_77682_YM_002_123_963lo.jpg) (http://img184.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77682_YM_002_123_963lo.jpg)(http://img212.imagevenue.com/loc68/th_77683_YM_003_123_68lo.jpg) (http://img212.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77683_YM_003_123_68lo.jpg)(http://img267.imagevenue.com/loc553/th_77686_YM_004_123_553lo.jpg) (http://img267.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77686_YM_004_123_553lo.jpg)
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Weekly Playboy Special - May 2009
(http://img264.imagevenue.com/loc181/th_80220_01_122_181lo.jpg) (http://img264.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=loc181&image=80220_01_122_181lo.jpg) (http://img16.imagevenue.com/loc1125/th_80223_07_122_1125lo.jpg) (http://img16.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=loc1125&image=80223_07_122_1125lo.jpg) (http://img257.imagevenue.com/loc400/th_80229_08_122_400lo.jpg) (http://img257.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=loc400&image=80229_08_122_400lo.jpg) (http://img227.imagevenue.com/loc599/th_80231_09_122_599lo.jpg) (http://img227.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=loc599&image=80231_09_122_599lo.jpg)
[bomb.tv] Kie Kitano (2008.03)
(http://img208.imagevenue.com/loc466/th_77161_kk020_122_466lo.jpg) (http://img208.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77161_kk020_122_466lo.jpg) (http://img235.imagevenue.com/loc464/th_77164_kk040_122_464lo.jpg) (http://img235.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77164_kk040_122_464lo.jpg)
http://www.mediafire.com/?nmju1lwyoid (http://www.mediafire.com/?nmju1lwyoid)
Dude, you're on fire today! :thumbsup
BOMB No.12 (December 2008)
(http://img41.imagevenue.com/loc738/th_88881_b0812-r01_122_738lo.jpg) (http://img41.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88881_b0812-r01_122_738lo.jpg)(http://img109.imagevenue.com/loc886/th_88887_b0812-r02_122_886lo.jpg) (http://img109.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88887_b0812-r02_122_886lo.jpg)(http://img246.imagevenue.com/loc41/th_88914_b0812-r04_122_41lo.jpg) (http://img246.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88914_b0812-r04_122_41lo.jpg)(http://img149.imagevenue.com/loc735/th_88915_b0812-r05_122_735lo.jpg) (http://img149.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88915_b0812-r05_122_735lo.jpg)(http://img258.imagevenue.com/loc496/th_88923_b0812-r06_122_496lo.jpg) (http://img258.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88923_b0812-r06_122_496lo.jpg)(http://img251.imagevenue.com/loc46/th_88924_b0812-r07_122_46lo.jpg) (http://img251.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88924_b0812-r07_122_46lo.jpg)(http://img238.imagevenue.com/loc388/th_88925_b0812-r08_122_388lo.jpg) (http://img238.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88925_b0812-r08_122_388lo.jpg)(http://img256.imagevenue.com/loc569/th_88926_b0812-r09_122_569lo.jpg) (http://img256.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88926_b0812-r09_122_569lo.jpg)(http://img25.imagevenue.com/loc1191/th_88927_b0812-r10_122_1191lo.jpg) (http://img25.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88927_b0812-r10_122_1191lo.jpg)(http://img150.imagevenue.com/loc876/th_88935_b0812-r11_122_876lo.jpg) (http://img150.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88935_b0812-r11_122_876lo.jpg)(http://img163.imagevenue.com/loc802/th_89058_b0812-r12_122_802lo.jpg) (http://img163.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=89058_b0812-r12_122_802lo.jpg)(http://img231.imagevenue.com/loc66/th_89064_b0812-r13_122_66lo.jpg) (http://img231.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=89064_b0812-r13_122_66lo.jpg)(http://img45.imagevenue.com/loc993/th_89066_b0812-r14_122_993lo.jpg) (http://img45.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=89066_b0812-r14_122_993lo.jpg)(http://img101.imagevenue.com/loc152/th_89226_b0812-r30_122_152lo.jpg) (http://img101.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=89226_b0812-r30_122_152lo.jpg)(http://img174.imagevenue.com/loc732/th_89228_b0812-r31_122_732lo.jpg) (http://img174.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=89228_b0812-r31_122_732lo.jpg)(http://img166.imagevenue.com/loc947/th_89229_b0812-r32_122_947lo.jpg) (http://img166.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=89229_b0812-r32_122_947lo.jpg)(http://img137.imagevenue.com/loc1006/th_89235_b0812-r33_122_1006lo.jpg) (http://img137.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=89235_b0812-r33_122_1006lo.jpg)(http://img11.imagevenue.com/loc990/th_89238_b0812-r34_122_990lo.jpg) (http://img11.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=89238_b0812-r34_122_990lo.jpg)(http://img24.imagevenue.com/loc1131/th_89244_b0812-r35_122_1131lo.jpg) (http://img24.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=89244_b0812-r35_122_1131lo.jpg)(http://img166.imagevenue.com/loc718/th_89250_b0812-r36_122_718lo.jpg) (http://img166.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=89250_b0812-r36_122_718lo.jpg)(http://img44.imagevenue.com/loc803/th_89256_b0812-r37_122_803lo.jpg) (http://img44.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=89256_b0812-r37_122_803lo.jpg)(http://img161.imagevenue.com/loc833/th_89072_b0812-r03_122_833lo.jpg) (http://img161.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=89072_b0812-r03_122_833lo.jpg)
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motteco vol.13 2009 June issue
(http://img195.imagevenue.com/loc1058/th_60958_kie1335_122_1058lo.jpg) (http://img195.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=60958_kie1335_122_1058lo.jpg)(http://img15.imagevenue.com/loc662/th_60963_kie1337_122_662lo.jpg) (http://img15.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=60963_kie1337_122_662lo.jpg)(http://img181.imagevenue.com/loc202/th_60969_kie1338_122_202lo.jpg) (http://img181.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=60969_kie1338_122_202lo.jpg)(http://img217.imagevenue.com/loc533/th_60971_kie1339_122_533lo.jpg) (http://img217.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=60971_kie1339_122_533lo.jpg)
Smart - April 2009
(http://img212.imagevenue.com/loc474/th_61589_001_122_474lo.jpg) (http://img212.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61589_001_122_474lo.jpg)(http://img138.imagevenue.com/loc979/th_61591_010_122_979lo.jpg) (http://img138.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61591_010_122_979lo.jpg)(http://img160.imagevenue.com/loc669/th_61595_013_122_669lo.jpg) (http://img160.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61595_013_122_669lo.jpg)(http://img196.imagevenue.com/loc953/th_61601_015_122_953lo.jpg) (http://img196.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61601_015_122_953lo.jpg)(http://img252.imagevenue.com/loc531/th_61607_F001_122_531lo.jpg) (http://img252.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61607_F001_122_531lo.jpg)(http://img134.imagevenue.com/loc243/th_61609_F002_122_243lo.jpg) (http://img134.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61609_F002_122_243lo.jpg)(http://img254.imagevenue.com/loc232/th_61614_F003_122_232lo.jpg) (http://img254.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61614_F003_122_232lo.jpg)(http://img190.imagevenue.com/loc678/th_61617_F004_122_678lo.jpg) (http://img190.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61617_F004_122_678lo.jpg)(http://img17.imagevenue.com/loc985/th_61623_F005_122_985lo.jpg) (http://img17.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61623_F005_122_985lo.jpg)(http://img9.imagevenue.com/loc153/th_61628_F006_122_153lo.jpg) (http://img9.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61628_F006_122_153lo.jpg)(http://img170.imagevenue.com/loc732/th_61630_F007_122_732lo.jpg) (http://img170.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61630_F007_122_732lo.jpg)(http://img184.imagevenue.com/loc796/th_61632_F009_122_796lo.jpg) (http://img184.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61632_F009_122_796lo.jpg)(http://img37.imagevenue.com/loc1143/th_61636_F011_122_1143lo.jpg) (http://img37.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61636_F011_122_1143lo.jpg)(http://img186.imagevenue.com/loc541/th_61642_F012_122_541lo.jpg) (http://img186.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61642_F012_122_541lo.jpg)(http://img184.imagevenue.com/loc723/th_61644_F013_122_723lo.jpg) (http://img184.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61644_F013_122_723lo.jpg)(http://img207.imagevenue.com/loc478/th_61646_F014_122_478lo.jpg) (http://img207.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61646_F014_122_478lo.jpg)(http://img237.imagevenue.com/loc427/th_61648_F015_122_427lo.jpg) (http://img237.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61648_F015_122_427lo.jpg)(http://img250.imagevenue.com/loc423/th_61650_F016_122_423lo.jpg) (http://img250.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=61650_F016_122_423lo.jpg)
Kie Kitano - Kitano Moyou Photobook (2008-06)
(http://img149.imagevenue.com/loc1067/th_65832_0000_122_1067lo.jpg) (http://img149.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=65832_0000_122_1067lo.jpg) (http://img172.imagevenue.com/loc600/th_65839_9999_122_600lo.jpg) (http://img172.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=65839_9999_122_600lo.jpg)
http://www.mediafire.com/?3omkled3mkj (http://www.mediafire.com/?3omkled3mkj)
[wanibooks] Kie Kitano [2008.11]
(http://img199.imagevenue.com/loc890/th_92530_000_122_890lo.jpg) (http://img199.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=92530_000_122_890lo.jpg) (http://img211.imagevenue.com/loc216/th_92539_010_122_216lo.jpg) (http://img211.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=92539_010_122_216lo.jpg)
Download from Mediafire (http://www.mediafire.com/?3mjtiz2ywmj)
Download from Sharebee (http://sharebee.com/cd0e1ae6)
[Wanibooks] No.49 Kie Kitano (2008.07)
(http://img125.imagevenue.com/loc1128/th_16901_kie_200807_2_1280_122_1128lo.jpg) (http://img125.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=16901_kie_200807_2_1280_122_1128lo.jpg) (http://img225.imagevenue.com/loc127/th_16898_kie_200807_5_1280_122_127lo.jpg) (http://img225.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=16898_kie_200807_5_1280_122_127lo.jpg)
DOWNLOAD (http://www.twitter.com/?d=ULN3UC8N)
Shonen Magazine No.30 (2009/07/08)
(http://img193.imagevenue.com/loc434/th_13183_01_122_434lo.jpg) (http://img193.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=13183_01_122_434lo.jpg)(http://img194.imagevenue.com/loc507/th_13192_02_122_507lo.jpg) (http://img194.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=13192_02_122_507lo.jpg)(http://img209.imagevenue.com/loc241/th_13196_03_122_241lo.jpg) (http://img209.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=13196_03_122_241lo.jpg)(http://img46.imagevenue.com/loc337/th_13198_04_122_337lo.jpg) (http://img46.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=13198_04_122_337lo.jpg)(http://img257.imagevenue.com/loc543/th_13200_05_122_543lo.jpg) (http://img257.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=13200_05_122_543lo.jpg)(http://img172.imagevenue.com/loc224/th_13206_06_122_224lo.jpg) (http://img172.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=13206_06_122_224lo.jpg)(http://img12.imagevenue.com/loc98/th_13209_07_122_98lo.jpg) (http://img12.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=13209_07_122_98lo.jpg)
B.L.T. (August 2009)
(http://img16.imagevenue.com/loc366/th_32125_k1_122_366lo.jpg) (http://img16.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=32125_k1_122_366lo.jpg)(http://img200.imagevenue.com/loc199/th_32127_k2_122_199lo.jpg) (http://img200.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=32127_k2_122_199lo.jpg)(http://img249.imagevenue.com/loc91/th_32128_k3_122_91lo.jpg) (http://img249.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=32128_k3_122_91lo.jpg)(http://img263.imagevenue.com/loc85/th_32130_k4_122_85lo.jpg) (http://img263.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=32130_k4_122_85lo.jpg)(http://img166.imagevenue.com/loc590/th_32131_k5_122_590lo.jpg) (http://img166.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=32131_k5_122_590lo.jpg)
Kindai - August 2009
(http://img142.imagevenue.com/loc217/th_56743_kindai_kitano01_122_217lo.jpg) (http://img142.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=56743_kindai_kitano01_122_217lo.jpg)(http://img194.imagevenue.com/loc581/th_56745_kindai_kitano02_122_581lo.jpg) (http://img194.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=56745_kindai_kitano02_122_581lo.jpg)(http://img180.imagevenue.com/loc1064/th_56747_kindai_kitano03_122_1064lo.jpg) (http://img180.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=56747_kindai_kitano03_122_1064lo.jpg)
(http://img203.imagevenue.com/loc180/th_73489_1_122_180lo.jpg) (http://img203.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73489_1_122_180lo.jpg)(http://img222.imagevenue.com/loc404/th_73490_2_122_404lo.jpg) (http://img222.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73490_2_122_404lo.jpg)(http://img182.imagevenue.com/loc227/th_73491_3_122_227lo.jpg) (http://img182.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73491_3_122_227lo.jpg)(http://img267.imagevenue.com/loc135/th_73492_4_122_135lo.jpg) (http://img267.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73492_4_122_135lo.jpg)(http://img161.imagevenue.com/loc632/th_73493_5_122_632lo.jpg) (http://img161.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73493_5_122_632lo.jpg)(http://img125.imagevenue.com/loc765/th_73498_6_122_765lo.jpg) (http://img125.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73498_6_122_765lo.jpg)(http://img191.imagevenue.com/loc359/th_73504_7_122_359lo.jpg) (http://img191.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73504_7_122_359lo.jpg)(http://img228.imagevenue.com/loc258/th_73509_8_122_258lo.jpg) (http://img228.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73509_8_122_258lo.jpg)(http://img146.imagevenue.com/loc857/th_73510_9_122_857lo.jpg) (http://img146.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73510_9_122_857lo.jpg)(http://img137.imagevenue.com/loc614/th_73511_10_122_614lo.jpg) (http://img137.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73511_10_122_614lo.jpg)(http://img266.imagevenue.com/loc175/th_73512_11_122_175lo.jpg) (http://img266.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73512_11_122_175lo.jpg)(http://img268.imagevenue.com/loc370/th_73513_12_122_370lo.jpg) (http://img268.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73513_12_122_370lo.jpg)
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SamuraiELO 2009-09-24
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B.L.T. (September 2009)
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2010 Calendar Cover and Preview
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CM Heroines
(http://img132.imagevenue.com/loc637/th_70225_32_122_637lo.jpg) (http://img132.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=70225_32_122_637lo.jpg)
Up to boy Magazine August 2009
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Kie Kitano to release a single
Teen actress Kie Kitano (18) will make her singing debut next year. On February 24, she is scheduled to release the single "Sakura Saku," which has been chosen for a commercial tie-in with the candy bar Kit Kat.
The song is also being used to cheer on students preparing for exams next year, as part of an annual campaign sponsored by Kit Kat. Kitano was appointed as the "captain" of the current campaign.
http://www.tokyograph.com/news/id-5539 (http://www.tokyograph.com/news/id-5539)
The single is called "Sakura Saku" and is being released on 2/24. It is being used for the new KIT-KAT CM.
Will come in 3 editions:
- CD+Photobook
- CD only regular edition
* First press includes postcard set.
1. Sakura Saku (サクラサク)
2. Brand New Way
3. TBD
シングル「サクラサク」 (avex)リリース♪
2.『Brand New Way』
AVCD-31804/B 1,890円(tax in.)
AVCD-31805 1,050円(tax in.)
AVCD-31806/B 1,890円(tax in.)
(http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/7328/t0220039104800854103325.jpg) (http://img198.imageshack.us/i/t0220039104800854103325.jpg/)(http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/4472/t0220039104800854103280.jpg) (http://img198.imageshack.us/i/t0220039104800854103280.jpg/)
Kitano Kie’s first live performance
Next February young actress Kitano Kie (18) is going to make her debut as a singer and release her first single called "Sakura Saku". Today her fans already anticipated her first ever live performance of her debut song at the "Kobe Luminarie’s 15th Anniversary – Kit Kat Christmas Live" event done by FM Osaka in Kobe.
Kitano looked very tense when she went on stage and fumbled some lines when singing, but the audience still gave her a great round of applause for her lovely singing voice. "I didn’t think that I would be that nervous. Thank you for your warm applause, I’m glad that I did my first live performance in Kobe."
http://www.kawaii-joyuu.com/?p=4100 (http://www.kawaii-joyuu.com/?p=4100)
(http://img143.imagevenue.com/loc515/th_96657_kie1_122_515lo.jpg) (http://img143.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=96657_kie1_122_515lo.jpg)
Young Magazine No.02 (2010/01/08)
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Weekly Playboy No.03-04 (2010/01/18-25)
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(http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/1736/sakurasaku005841132709.th.jpg) (http://img215.imageshack.us/i/sakurasaku005841132709.jpg/)
Sakura Saku PV
mp4 - http://jpop.com/dl/24683137/a91951e/SAKURA_SAKU.mp4.html (http://jpop.com/dl/24683137/a91951e/SAKURA_SAKU.mp4.html)
HD mpeg2 - http://www.twitter.com/?d=ULSXFMBF (http://www.twitter.com/?d=ULSXFMBF)
I found Masa already shared half the set in August! just as expected~ :nervous
Most of those pics he posted were better quality too, so take the first part if you want to complete it.
(http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/605/kod001.th.jpg) (http://img715.imageshack.us/i/kod001.jpg/)
Kie Kitano PB - Key of Dreams:
Download (http://forum.jphip.com/index.php?topic=23581.0)
Update: 2nd half of the PB also posted. :twothumbs
Kie & Atsuko Maeda (http://forum.jphip.com/index.php?topic=13794.0)
:heart: kie :heart:
they look like sisters :D
Friday (2010.2.12)
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CM NOW (2010 3-4)
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i've already watch her MV, its kakoii, and she is kawaii in her MV
waiting for her first single this month :twothumbs
Friday [2010.02.12]
Preview :
DOWNLOAD (http://www.mediafire.com/?n27szynysyy)
北乃きい - サクラサク (Kitano Kie - Sakura Saku)
01 - サクラサク
02 - Brand new way
03 - いつかきっとあなたへ
04 - サクラサク (Instrumental)
05 - Brand new way (Instrumental)
06 - いつかきっとあなたへ (Instrumental)
DOWNLOAD (http://www.mediafire.com/?ynozxchittv)
yay, it's release (http://www.laymark.com/i/m/m015.gif)
Thanks hydedy.
Kitano teared up at CD-Debut event
(http://img107.imagevenue.com/loc71/th_98018_kitano01_122_71lo.jpg) (http://img107.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=98018_kitano01_122_71lo.jpg)
Actress Kitano Kie (18) had a CD-Debut event in Kawasaki yesterday and performed 3 songs including her debut single "Sakura Saku."
She was overwhelmed by the large crowd of 7000 fans that showed up to cheer her at the event and eventually started to tear up on stage. The final days of the Olympics are approaching and in only a few hours there will be the big showdown between the 2 young figure skaters Asada Mao (19) and Kim Yu-Na (19). Kitano is at the same age as them. "I shouldn't cry like that. I will try my best to be a teenage representative as a singer (just like they are as figure skaters)."
http://www.kawaii-joyuu.com/?p=5443 (http://www.kawaii-joyuu.com/?p=5443)
CM Now Vol.03-04 Full Set
(http://img167.imagevenue.com/loc239/th_88600_Kitano_cmnow2010vol.03_04_001_122_239lo.jpg) (http://img167.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88600_Kitano_cmnow2010vol.03_04_001_122_239lo.jpg)(http://img12.imagevenue.com/loc87/th_88609_Kitano_cmnow2010vol.03_04_002_122_87lo.jpg) (http://img12.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88609_Kitano_cmnow2010vol.03_04_002_122_87lo.jpg)(http://img111.imagevenue.com/loc512/th_88619_Kitano_cmnow2010vol.03_04_003_122_512lo.jpg) (http://img111.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88619_Kitano_cmnow2010vol.03_04_003_122_512lo.jpg)(http://img16.imagevenue.com/loc81/th_88627_Kitano_cmnow2010vol.03_04_004_122_81lo.jpg) (http://img16.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88627_Kitano_cmnow2010vol.03_04_004_122_81lo.jpg)
FLASH March 02
(http://img262.imagevenue.com/loc245/th_88718_Kitano_FLASH2010.03.02_001_122_245lo.jpg) (http://img262.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88718_Kitano_FLASH2010.03.02_001_122_245lo.jpg)(http://img267.imagevenue.com/loc93/th_88739_Kitano_FLASH2010.03.02_002_122_93lo.jpg) (http://img267.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88739_Kitano_FLASH2010.03.02_002_122_93lo.jpg)(http://img143.imagevenue.com/loc402/th_88757_Kitano_FLASH2010.03.02_003_122_402lo.jpg) (http://img143.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88757_Kitano_FLASH2010.03.02_003_122_402lo.jpg)(http://img234.imagevenue.com/loc473/th_88779_Kitano_FLASH2010.03.02_004_122_473lo.jpg) (http://img234.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88779_Kitano_FLASH2010.03.02_004_122_473lo.jpg)(http://img7.imagevenue.com/loc552/th_88796_Kitano_FLASH2010.03.02_005_122_552lo.jpg) (http://img7.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88796_Kitano_FLASH2010.03.02_005_122_552lo.jpg)
Kitano’s first mobile dorama
Actress and singer Kitano Kie (19) is going to star in her first mobile dorama in April. It's called "still life" and will be accessible with your mobile phones starting on April 05.
The 5-minutes long episode will become available every Monday on au's "Lismo Channel". There will be 12 episodes in total. With this Kitano is going to follow in the footsteps of actresses like Ueno Juri (23) and Minamisawa Nao (19) as well as model Minami Akina (20) who all already starred in a dorama provided by au's Lismo Channel.
The dorama will be a light fantasy work with Kitano playing a college student at a College of Arts with an unrequited love who eventually discovers her witch-like powers. Mori Junichi ("Gravity Clown") is directing the dorama and YUKI (38) from JUDY AND MARY is singing the theme song called "Present".
http://www.kawaii-joyuu.com/?p=5825 (http://www.kawaii-joyuu.com/?p=5825)
(http://img264.imagevenue.com/loc371/th_77223_still01_122_371lo.jpg) (http://img264.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77223_still01_122_371lo.jpg)(http://img210.imagevenue.com/loc97/th_77223_still02_122_97lo.jpg) (http://img210.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77223_still02_122_97lo.jpg)(http://img167.imagevenue.com/loc102/th_77224_still03_122_102lo.jpg) (http://img167.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77224_still03_122_102lo.jpg)(http://img234.imagevenue.com/loc544/th_77225_still04_122_544lo.jpg) (http://img234.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77225_still04_122_544lo.jpg)(http://img194.imagevenue.com/loc80/th_77225_still05_122_80lo.jpg) (http://img194.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77225_still05_122_80lo.jpg)(http://img14.imagevenue.com/loc489/th_77226_still06_122_489lo.jpg) (http://img14.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77226_still06_122_489lo.jpg)(http://img161.imagevenue.com/loc459/th_77226_still07_122_459lo.jpg) (http://img161.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77226_still07_122_459lo.jpg)(http://img230.imagevenue.com/loc384/th_77227_still08_122_384lo.jpg) (http://img230.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=77227_still08_122_384lo.jpg)
Up to Boy Vol.196 (April 2010)
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BOMB Magazine March 2010 No.361
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Up to Boy Vol.197 (June 2010)
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DOWNLOAD (http://ugotfile.com/file/1391469/Tensai%20Shimura%20Doubutsuen%2020100515%20Kitano%20Kie%20(1280x720).mp4)
DOWNLOAD (http://ugotfile.com/file/1447499/Tensai%20Shimura%20Doubutsuen%2020100522%20Kitano%20Kie%20(1280x720).mp4)
【PV】kie kitano 北乃きい 花束 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RCpmgPvcs8#ws)
Kitano Kie's next single "Kizuna" is coming out on 23, Feb 2011.
The covers and song are supposed to show her transformation from a girl into a woman. As she's turning 20 coming March. :)
I say the covers have pretty much fulfilled their mission. :drool:
(http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/6968/kizunacddvd.th.jpg) (http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/6968/kizunacddvd.jpg) (http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/5229/cdphotobook.th.jpg) (http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/5229/cdphotobook.jpg) (http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/2968/cdonlya.th.jpg) (http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/2968/cdonlya.jpg)
The PV is so crazy. Avex sure has cash for this stuff. :P
Starting with a classroom like in 2005's Natsu no Kioku. Then moving drawings. Then a friggin sakura tree IN the classroom. Then time-stamping herself. Finally ending with the start of Sakura Saku~ :w00t:
I'm actually suprised there weren't any white puppies. :lol:
There's probably even more fanservice in there for ppl that regularly follow Kie's stuff.
Download the PV: HERE (http://www.mediafire.com/?73ogbdopi04ctbo)
(Thanks steely@Jpopsuki)
Or check the preview on Avex's YT channel:
北乃きい / 絆 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YECZd6PCUHM#ws)
Nearly forgot. Maple Story CM. :lol:
いいなCM NEXON メイプルストーリー 北乃きい (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRn49MKaoPM#ws)
She's very cute in Love Come. :heart:
she is so beautiful :heart:
UTB アップトゥボーイ 2011 vol.202
(http://img154.imagevenue.com/loc57/th_615181929_4d78fadce2e37cfbcc1166e7_122_57lo.jpg) (http://img154.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=615181929_4d78fadce2e37cfbcc1166e7_122_57lo.jpg) (http://img289.imagevenue.com/loc467/th_615200562_60f2d2a2ed1af7f7caefd0eb_122_467lo.jpg) (http://img289.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=615200562_60f2d2a2ed1af7f7caefd0eb_122_467lo.jpg)
Cool movie she was in was from 2009, Halfway, also starring Masaki Okada and Riisa Naka. Her and Masaki play a high school couple whom live in Hokkaido, she's staying there to go to college and he's planning on going to college in Tokyo, what will become of them? Really enjoyed this film, she was so good, really quirky and funny at times, really recommend it. :)
Just watched another of Kie's films, Gegege no Kitaro: Kitaro and the Millennium Curse. Bit silly at times but a fairly fun film, huge role for her which made it worth a watch, was thinking of watching her latest drama School, anyone else seen it?
Gegege screencaps. :)
Yeah, viewed another Kie movie, now I'm hooked, XD this one was Speed Master. Fairly corny movie, she plays the daughter of an invalid father who can no longer run his auto repair shop, she gets saved one night from a gang of hooligans by a drifter who she recruits to work at the repair shop. Couple good car races to start and end the movie but worth viewing for you know what reason, :thumbsup some shots from it.
From Tokyograph:
On June 1st, actress Kitano Kii showed off herself in a wedding dress for the first time at the awards ceremony, “The 5th Great Nationwide Proposal Contest 2011~Kizuna”.
Kitano, who has had experience in being proposed to in the past, said, “I’m so happy right now,” as she smiled sweetly in her pure white dress. “I feel like I’d like to wear this kind of thing while I’m still in my 20s,” she said, talking about her desire to get married.
She also revealed her assertive side, stating,“I don’t have a partner right now, but someone who understands the wonderfulness of a dress would be good. I’m kind of a ‘take charge’ type, so it might be ok for me to say ‘I’ll make you happy’ and propose myself.”
The event is held every year on the first Sunday in June, known as “Proposal Day”, and is part of the larger “Koibito no Seichi” project aimed at stimulating the region and countering the falling birth rate.
For the 5th event this year, out of the around 1,000 proposals and stories collected, the winner’s theme was, “What I want to say to a guy after he suffered through the water outage from the earthquake”, and the winning words were, “There’s a shortage of water and electricity, but there’s no shortage to my love.”
CM 北乃きい 広瀬アリス 日清焼そばU.F.O.「ハイ、U.F.O.!!」篇 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WadtTvbc4ds#ws)
Today it was announced that young actress Kitano Kie (20) is going to star in a special drama called “Unfair the special ~Double Meaning / Nijuu Teigi~” on Fuji TV this fall.
“Unfair” was a very popular detective drama starring Shinohara Ryoko (37), and it aired back in 2006. The series also spawned a special drama in the same year and a movie in 2007. On September 17th, the series’ second movie, “Unfair the answer“, will see Shinohara will finally reprise her role as detective ‘Yukihira Natsumi‘. Meanwhile, Kitano will have to prove that she’s a worthy successor to the series in her new role.
Kitano will play ‘Mochizuki Akira‘, a new detective who just transferred to the homicide division that Yukihira left after the events in the original drama. Mochizuki is just as hot-blooded as Yukihira and even boldly goes against her superiors in order to hunt down those behind the mass-kidnapping that’s confounding the police, all while carrying the weight of a trauma from her past.
The young actress always wanted to play a detective and didn’t shy away from action scenes. She commented, “It was difficult to coolly knock down taller guys, but it still was a lot of fun and I even was able to practice sword fighting. I want to become an actress who can also do action scenes.”
She also playfully raved about her senior, “Shinohara Ryoko is just so cool. To be honest, I even copied her hair style (laughs). I want to look like a capable woman with straight black hair.”
Appearing alongside Kitano are Terajima Susumu, Abe Sadao, and Kato Masaya, all three reprising their roles from the original drama. Another new addition to the team, a skilled forensic scientist, will be played by Yamamoto Koji.
Excitedly, Shinohara and her co-actor from the movie, Sato Koichi (50) will also make guest appearances in Kitano’s special drama as well.
Some shots of Kie from a drama special she was in last year Sotsu Uta. In it she played a college student living with her boyfriend, they break up when he decides to move to... Africa(!?), Kie may have set a new level of kawaiiness in this. 8)
I look forward to seeing Kie in “Unfair the special ~Double Meaning / Nijuu Teigi~” The young Kitano san will learn much from Shinohara Ryoko (aka "Sexy McHottie")
Here is a very nice AC spot that Kie did, encouraging carrying donor cards (interesting choice of music):
北乃きい CM ACジャパン 臓器提供意思表示カード {With thanks to autoxp012}
No doubt, when Mariachi Vargas were in Japan performing, somebody from the Ad Council thought "we gotta use this song in the spot about donor cards!!!"
Mariachi Vargas - Cielito Lindo Huasteco {With thanks to Spacewalkr} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjJDv1IeF8I)
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip09156.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip09156.jpg)
Little long but a really cool behind the scenes of a CM she made for Jankara North last month. :)
北乃きい ジャンカラCMメイキング (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA14fSisDV8#ws)
Gonna need a lot more practice if she wants to become a 'Swing Girl'! :roll:
三ツ矢 サイダー CM (北乃きい) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bxvIsxV5_8#)
And the CM for the above behind the scenes video, you can see what a difference it is between making it and the actual finished product. :bow:
北乃きい 2011夏 ジャンカラCM 15秒Ver (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyJcQSo7jyw#)
Previous page mentioned that she starred in a 2009 web drama, she also starred in a second one in 2010, Niji No Mukou E aka Seven Colors Of Youth. Just got it, haven't watched it yet, like all of the BeeTV dramas it's unsubbed, she also sang the theme song to it. :)
Here's a short trailer for it.
虹の向こうへ 予告編 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_m8LdTa9bk#ws)
Can't believe another thread which undeservedly petered out. :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:
To liven it back up, here's Kie from April this year on Music Japan singing Sakura Saku..... http://www.mediafire.com/?e6emxqrkg2j5ncx (http://www.mediafire.com/?e6emxqrkg2j5ncx)
This should perk up things in this thread, :huhuh short video Kie did for UTB, about 5 minutes long, she looks :inlove:
Grab it here- http://www.mediafire.com/?ghci1aayd2yiux9 (http://www.mediafire.com/?ghci1aayd2yiux9)
Unknown to many きい has been moonlighting as the Giants closer. :doh:
And another save goes in the books for her. :roll:
Her second Bomb TV spread, this is from Dec. 2008, her first one from March 2008 is on page one.
Grab the Dec. 2008 spread here, over 50 pics: http://www.mediafire.com/?qyx7icig7rsnmgm (http://www.mediafire.com/?qyx7icig7rsnmgm)
Some shots of きい from the School!! drama, this is a really, really good watch. :thumbsup
One must always be protected heading out to the wilds of the jungle. :shocked
Was thinking about another watch of Halfway, only seen it 3 times in the last few months but it really is that special of a movie, :yep: her character is so sweet yet also quite stubborn and airheaded, here's a scene from the film and it's subbed. :)
halfway (best scene of the movie) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42WA_1h_h9g#ws)
きい from WPB #14 3-26 of this year.
(http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/1761/53632615.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/53632615.jpg/)(http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/9633/50449349.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/855/50449349.jpg/)(http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/9940/53881676.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/192/53881676.jpg/)(http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/5665/58638754.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/641/58638754.jpg/)(http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/2623/47285576.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/802/47285576.jpg/)(http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/3451/46154702.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/46154702.jpg/)(http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/9492/44144432.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/268/44144432.jpg/)
Yoshino san, thanks for getting Kii back in the spotlight.....
Kii chan reminds us we can look, but please don't touch!!
北乃きい CM メイプルストーリー NEXON ネクソン 「ぷるぷる」 {With thanks toautoxp013} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RUNQBdKHYk)
Kii and Alice Hirose offer hope to the hopeless, through the miracle of modern noodle technology:
北乃きい 広瀬アリス CM UFO 日清焼きそば 30s {With thanks to autoxp013} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HymHnmQ46Mk)
Yoshino san, thanks for getting Kii back in the spotlight.....
Kii chan reminds us we can look, but please don't touch!!
No touching?! :panic:
Perhaps Muppet's right, last time I got too close she screeched at me..... :sweatdrop:
Wait, I got it wrong......like Yoshino san's earlier post above- we know that Kii is committed to safety out in the jungle.....her rule is No mosquitos are allowed to touch her.
So that means we still got a chance???
Well first watch this important kiidocumentary :cow::
北乃きい もろこし体操 第2 {with thanks to mrktkn} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8jVJZqC0zE)
Wait, I got it wrong......like Yoshino san's earlier post above- we know that Kii is committed to safety out in the jungle.....her rule is No mosquitos are allowed to touch her.
So that means we still got a chance???
I sure hope so, now we've left her so confused though.... :?
...okay, have gathered up my courage and am heading to meet her! :panic:
Few old shots of きい from the Radio de Culture show. :shocked
Yoshino san, thanks for getting Kii back in the spotlight.....
I'll make sure her thread stays up at the top of page 1, always to be in the spotlight! :yep:
Some shots from the set of her drama Life.
Think most get confused whether it should be Kie or Kii, I always use きい to be safe but the problem started with her blog, they named it Kie(?)! :?
Just found this out, she released a live concert DVD on Sept. 28th called Sou First One-Man Live, was from her one person concert held at SHIBUYA BOXX on May 29th of this year. First regular edition sold out already, least on CDjapan it did but they have the special edition still, anyone have it or has seen it?
Track list:
2. キセキ KISEKI
3. サイダー CIDER
7. サクラサク SAKURA SAKU
8. 花束 (EN1) HANATABA
9. ずっと、いっしょだね (EN2) ZUTTO.ISSHO DANE
Yoshino san, I tell you it's confusing- I have always seen it as きい in hiragana, but have seen it written as Kie, many a time. And would you believe it, that leads us
right into the song "Kizuna"?!!
北乃きい / 絆 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YECZd6PCUHM)
Her style is okay, bit fluffy but shows potential and has many years ahead of her too!
Couple of her singles have been posted here but surprised her album from earlier this year wasn't here. It's not a bad effort, I enjoy listening to it, she only played 9 songs in the DVD release of her concert but the album has 14 songs and speaking of that you can grab it....
.... here, her Kokoro album: http://www.mediafire.com/?gr1eoe5mqcamcqs (http://www.mediafire.com/?gr1eoe5mqcamcqs)
One of the covers.
きい from the August 2008 issue of Kindai, have only found these pics, are there more? :sweatdrop:
i've always known her and seen it written as kie, and thought kii was more of a nickname thing :?
Maybe we should call her K-chan then, she has no nickname that I'm aware of, that is if she doesn't mind. :doh:
And here's an intersting fact I found on gererasia, her real name isn't Kitano or Kii or Kie, :? it's actually.....
Matsumura Sayaka (松村沙也加)
Actually found a pair of aces that could top Yui and Kaho, which is not an easy thing to do, but perhaps.... きい and 麗奈 could. :O
Think きい and 麗奈 are much more than just a pair, no worse than a full house or actually 4 Queens would be better. :?
From a Friday event in the summer of 2010, if not mistaken is that 麗奈 also there? :huhuh
Guess it only makes sense that Kii(e) Kitano would promote Kit Kat candy. :doh:
北乃きい:ネスレ キットカット 30秒.flv (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3WHtn7DSj0#ws)
きい is also a host of the Girls Locks! radio show, for those lucky enough to be in listening range she'll next be hosting the show from Nov. 11th to the 14th. :)
School!! is actually the second drama she's been in with Eguchi, she was also in his 2009 drama Kyumei Byoto 24 Ji, which was the 4th season of that, looks quite different as a nurse. :O
A few of the many aliases of きい, she could pass you on the street and you wouldn't know it! :smhid
Some shots of きい promoting the Nagareboshi drama, she sure attracts others, not sure who the rest are, maybe they'll also make it big some day. ;)
Having finished School!!, will post more shots from it, guess this film will be my next watch: Inu to Anata no Monogatari: Inu no Eiga aka Happy Together: All About My Dog. :)
Doing some promo work for the Girls Locks! radio show, what is unknown is how long her guitar solo was. 8)
look at how happy that dog looks :D
^^ While dogs may be man's best friend きい is a dog's best friend. :shocked
From a couple premieres of the Love Com movie which she starred in along with Karina. :)
きい would make a good undercover agent, :smhid couple recent pics from her blog, how she looks when she wants to go out incognito, why Muppet may have passed her and not even known it! :shocked
Doing a watch of Niji No Mukou E, hard to say how good it is, as with almost all Web dramas it's unsubbed but it's been easy enough to follow, :sweatdrop: getting enough practice at these kinds, きい is setting a new standard for kawaiiness in this, whew. :oops:
きい would make a good undercover agent, :smhid couple recent pics from her blog, how she looks when she wants to go out incognito, why Muppet may have passed her and not even known it! :shocked
Or maybe she was the girl I thought was Linlin, no wonder she walked away when I asked her when is she finally going to get a solo??!! :panic:
^^ She didn't really just walk away, she was playing hard to get. :sweatdrop:
Few more shots from Niji No Mukou E, no doubt the Ministry of Vocabulary needs to come up with a new definition for kawaii, she set a new standard for it in the show. :doh:
The kimono きい. 8)
Purepure #35. :)
(http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/9343/kk1j.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/254/kk1j.jpg/)(http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/9579/kk2w.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/kk2w.jpg/)(http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/2702/kk3q.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/72/kk3q.jpg/)(http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/5797/kk4j.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/534/kk4j.jpg/)(http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/7379/kk5ys.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/192/kk5ys.jpg/)(http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/3959/kk6k.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/694/kk6k.jpg/)
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cute and beautifull... thanks !!!
きい's Girls! vol. 27 photoshoot making of: 8) http://www.mediafire.com/?a6e711c806omz3m (http://www.mediafire.com/?a6e711c806omz3m)
Gulp, don't want to get on her wrong side :panic: .... no Etsuko Shihomi though! XD
KITANO KIE : DoCoMo東海 一擊半額空手篇 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKqRPDl1RgU#)
Country music goes so well with....きい?
北乃きい ビキニ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj0AiK_0AaE#ws)
きい on the I Laugh With show promoting Halfway. :)
On the Iitomo show with Tamori again, is he grooming her to replace him? :huhuh
Love the karate themed commercials- :P
I had forgotten how much bathing suit gravure Kii had done at far too young of an age :(
(and the country music song, especially the lyrics, adds to the "just not right" squeamish factor :smhid).
But luckily for all of us, she didn't get stuck in that mode, and has become a fine actress, a good singer, and an interesting television guest. :cow: :deco:
And indeed she is the possesor of copious amounts of kawaii, as shown in this two year old OPV by YouTuber Haruto16JKmusic :twothumbs:
kitano kii (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZoV-eEO3Tw)
Didn't listen to the song as my despisement of country wouldn't let me, gomen, as a penalty will put myself on suspension until
11/14 1:00 am EDT whenever. :sweatdrop: :( :sweatdrop: :(
From the Unfair: Double Meaning TV movie.
Updated her blog yesterday, that's what she's lookin' like ^^, says she has a cold, fever, says she has allergies which always reminds her she has a nose. :sweatdrop:
Also said thanks to all those that like the new design of her blog, it does look better. 8)
きい as a guest on the Warrior Music show March 2010. :?
Let's cheer on きいちゃん to help her to a quick recovery from her cold, as she is usually the one doing the encouraging:
SEA BREEZE CM 北乃きい×林遣都 {With thanks to amazonokaz} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf-P5pjgY2Y)
^^ Her comrades think she's lookin' better. :doh:
It's what a steady diet of KKs will do for you! :smhid
きいちゃん won't be defeated, especially with loyal friends doing the needful
Broken Angel /Shiiba Ayumu Life Dorama {With thanks to LoveeEndless} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNkvIeY0ykE)
Beginning really reminded me of a scene from Boogiepop and Others. :?
Earlier this year at the Inu to Anata no Monogatari: Inu no Eiga premiere.
And if you ask me, think that dog is getting just a bit too frisky! :catglare:
Update from きい today: Still not over what she had yet, wearing black clothes today because Mr. Tokuko is her fave style, letting her hair grow long, wondering if it's a good idea? (Yoshino's reply: Any way looks great!) :thumbsup
きい announced on her blog today she's been working on a new single and it will be coming out on Jan. 18th, it's called Darl: Orz, you can pre-order it now, also comes with a bonus DVD. :)
No cover yet but how about a look at one of the 3 covers of the Shin/Heart album.
きい from the Homeroom on the Beachside drama. :?
Don't forget to turn in to the Girls Locks! show this week, guess who's the host? :? Only one more night to go, make sure to win the present. :oops:
(http://i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq118/z3144228/idol/th_tumblr_lusskb2J5j1qg3b1wo3_500.png) (http://s439.photobucket.com/albums/qq118/z3144228/idol/?action=view¤t=tumblr_lusskb2J5j1qg3b1wo3_500.png)(http://i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq118/z3144228/idol/th_tumblr_lusskb2J5j1qg3b1wo2_500.png) (http://s439.photobucket.com/albums/qq118/z3144228/idol/?action=view¤t=tumblr_lusskb2J5j1qg3b1wo2_500.png)(http://i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq118/z3144228/idol/th_tumblr_lusskb2J5j1qg3b1wo1_500.jpg) (http://s439.photobucket.com/albums/qq118/z3144228/idol/?action=view¤t=tumblr_lusskb2J5j1qg3b1wo1_500.jpg)
On TV 9/23 promoting the Unfair movie which aired that night. :?
Posted the article a few pages back....On June 1st, actress Kitano Kii showed off herself in a wedding dress for the first time at the awards ceremony, “The 5th Great Nationwide Proposal Contest 2011~Kizuna", some more great pics from it. :thumbsup
New page....new pics of きい, shots from this week's Girls Lock! show. :cathappy:
Few more pics from this week's Girls Lock! show, nothing posted for last night's show though. :O
Doing some promos for the Bushido Sixteen film with some unknown actress.
Not wanting to be outdone by Emi, きい also relented and introduced the future Mr. Kitano at an engagement ceremony. :smhid
きい's AVEX home page, now the upcoming singles have covers. :shocked
Updated her blog after a ten day gap but didn't share anything new except for some pics, for that second pic hope she doesn't trip and fall, what's she doing? :O
Kii chan perhaps doing some self administered Endoscopy?
While we investigate, let's enjoy the work of 3120volvo4, who combines a nice slideshow with Kii and a lovely song from Zard - "Goodbye My Loneliness" :deco::
北乃きい de Good-bye My Loneliness (http://youtube.com/watch?v=6bVyka7SOLI)
Kii's idea of getting dressed for work is a bit different, but vive la difference!
北乃きい {With thanks to toypodtouch} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50PaVDSY0CY)
She's been too, too quiet as of late, nothing new on her blog or agency site, does have a new single coming out next month but besides that see nothing else going on. :(
Updated her blog today, said they finished making the PV for her new single today and wanted to practice her guitar but can't because it hurts her fingers too much. :sweatdrop:
This is nearly two years old, but Kii using 中国語 is pretty darn cute........
So that's why I got her confused with Linlin??!!??? :panic:
2010.01.17 {With thanks to SeventeeeenTube } (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj3ARSWhSjc)
きい updated her blog and has some pics from a radio show she did over the weekend with Isuki Komada, not sure who's CD she has there. :huhuh
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture.
We are Kii is controlling transmission. For the next hour we Kii will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to the outer limits. :panic:
北乃きい CM メイプルストーリー NEXON ネクソン 「テレパシー」 {With thanks to autoxp012 }
That wasn't an hour! :(
きい is hosting the Girls Locks! show again this week, some pics from the first show. :?
From きい's blog, the above is a 2012 calendar which is going to be in her new single, some come autographed, also just a pic she put there for no reason, well except for the reason we can't get enough きい pics. :oops:
Kii will be on Himitsu no Arashi-chan Christmas Special dressed as a reindeer! (O.A. 12/22)
She mentioned on her blog today that she went in this morning and finished the recording of that show^^, plus a couple new pics she posted. :shocked
This was a guest who きい had on the Girls Locks! show this week, don't know who it is, マペット? :?
Sounds good. :)
Kitano Kii goes blond for her new single, “Darl : orz”
On December 21st, a preview for Kitano Kii’s 4th single “Darl : orz” was revealed, and it showcased Kitano Kii’s new blonde hairstyle!
Described as a ‘rock love song’, “Darl : orz” aims to support a girl’s feelings towards their loved one (as the “Darl” in the unusual title means “darling”). The song also includes Kitano’s first inclusion of her guitar skills in the both the audio and video.
Kitano actually proposed her blonde look, explaining, “When I listened to this song for the first time, the image of a blonde wig just floated into my mind.” Because of this, she decided to appear as a rock girl with blonde hair in her latest PV.
“Darl : orz” will be released in three editions: a limited edition CD+DVD version, a regular CD+DVD version, and a regular CD-only version. The song is already available on Recochoku, although its official release date is set for January 18th, 2012.
Check out the one-minute preview below!
北乃きい / 「Darl : orz」 SPOT (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1rdDTBGkaQ#ws)
Lookin' a bit like her old self on her blog, mentioned something about being at NTV doing some dubbing for Kattara, probably an anime and to look forward to it's OA.
This was a guest who きい had on the Girls Locks! show this week, don't know who it is, マペット? :?
Consulted CIA* (Checking on Idols Always) and the young lady with Kii appears to be 荒井萌 / Moe Arai (16), who is in the same agency (Foster) as Kii. In fact Moe had a role in the 2010 film "Bushido Sixteen", which starred Kii and Riko Narumi.
When not working as a model, or in films, she appears to be the world's happiest pool maintenance worker:
Moe Arai 荒井萌 4 {with thanks to AaMerio1 }
*CIA is an invented organization purely for the purposes of this dramatic narrative, and is not meant to be confused with any actual organization (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTZt9KZUE9Q)
Lookin' a bit like her old self on her blog, mentioned something about being at NTV doing some dubbing for Kattara, probably an anime and to look forward to it's OA.
imagine walking down the street, minding your own business, and seeing that coming towards you :shocked
imagine walking down the street, minding your own business, and seeing that coming towards you :shocked
I could live with that coming down the street :yep:.... though this version more so. :shocked
New update on her blog, pic above is with someone who I think is Sone-san who she refers to as an elder, gentle sister, she was coming from doing a magazine shoot and 2 video interviews, another pic she posted here where she looks :thumbsup .
Shots of you-know-who from the Arashi X-Mas special. :shocked
きい last night doing a surprise show on the streets of Yoyogi, :? it was unannounced but she set up a place to play and did, was helped out on a couple of songs by someone named Hanks(?) who is a regular street performer. Think about 100 people eventually stopped and listened, she wore a hat to disguise herself but that didn't last too long, some shots of her performing.
More shots from that street performance, bet there were quite a few surprised people to find out it was きい! :shocked
きい finally updated her blog today with a few entries, first one was some pics she posted from the making of the Darl: Orz PV. :shocked:
Another entry from きい's blog, shooting of the cover for the new single. :O
Yuiko Kariya will be representing KitKat and their unique mailable KitKat packaging....in this clip, Kii (KitKat spokesperson emeritus) wishes young KitKat Jedi Yuiko good luck with the promotion............
中3の刈谷友衣子、受験生に「一緒に頑張りましょう!」 {with thanks to JIJIPRESS } (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfMTWTCPLNA)
Supergirl :doh: posted another pic of herself today on her blog.
^ i think you meant to type 'superbeautifulgirl' :D
^^ Actually on her blog she referred to her as Superman. :O
きい on the last Hey!Hey!Hey! show promoting the new single and sitting to the left of one of our faves here. :?
New CM for Daihatsu. :O
いいなCM ダイハツ Exe 「変わらない父」篇 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=840ym0i4WMg#ws)
Plus here's a short clip from the Hey!Hey!Hey! New Years special. :welcome
北乃きい 9nineをベタ褒め (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4lSBAhAOm8#ws)
Perfect time to be hosting the Girls Locks! show as you can see the new single there with her, plus it looks like after all these months finally responding to マペット's letter. :shocked
More good music news from きい, besides the Darl: Orz single, which she played on last night's Girls Locks! show, :lol: she has a mini album coming out on March 14th called Can You Hear Me?, wonder why it wasn't the 17th, :? not much info on it yet, nothing on AVEX but got this from CDJapan:
First mini-album release from Kii Kitano including a leading track "Can you hear me?" written by herself, and more for eight tracks total. This edition includes a bonus DVD and features digipak.
Okay fans, save up your money now and buy it!!!! :O
On the Pikaru show promoting the new single and mini album which the show screwed up the date. :shocked
Is it just me or she looks like a doppelganger of Goo Hye Sun (korean actress)
Darl: Orz single was released yesterday and has started out well, there's a cool PV for it too, 8) not available on YT but it is here!!!!! :thumbsup http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3l6h7qh2hayj02v (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3l6h7qh2hayj02v)
Shot for an upcoming movie, think it's titled Rain in the night sky of Ken and Mary, don't know the release date of it. :(
Pics of きい going around to many places promoting the new single. :shocked:
A picture of Riisa Naka and Kitano in it??? totally bombed!!!! :D
Don't know how we missed this CM Now spread, :sweatdrop: lookin' real good in it. :yep:
(http://img41.imagevenue.com/loc209/th_628459946_kk1_122_209lo.jpg) (http://img41.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=628459946_kk1_122_209lo.jpg)(http://img239.imagevenue.com/loc166/th_628460821_kk2_122_166lo.jpg) (http://img239.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=628460821_kk2_122_166lo.jpg) (http://img241.imagevenue.com/loc338/th_628461145_kk3_122_338lo.jpg) (http://img241.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=628461145_kk3_122_338lo.jpg)(http://img188.imagevenue.com/loc345/th_628462953_kk4_122_345lo.jpg) (http://img188.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=628462953_kk4_122_345lo.jpg)(http://img255.imagevenue.com/loc532/th_628463920_kk5_122_532lo.jpg) (http://img255.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=628463920_kk5_122_532lo.jpg)
This may have already been posted, but here is the CM that was covered in CM Now
北乃きい 広瀬アリス CM UFO 日清焼きそば 30s {with thanks to autoxp013 } (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HymHnmQ46Mk)
Kitano Kii will become an angel for Hotei Tomoyasu’s play, “Psychedelic Pain”
It’s been announced that actress Kitano Kii will star in an upcoming stage play called “Psychedelic Pain“, which marks the directorial debut of famed guitarist, Hotei Tomoyasu.
“Psychedelic Pain” marks Kitano’s first theater project. The multi-talented star has appeared in various dramas and movies, and is even active as a singer.
The play is about youth, and focuses on a five-member rock band called ‘Psychedelic Pain’. Kitano plays a mysterious angel named ‘Sophie’, who suddenly appears in front of the band’s vocalist (Fukushi Seiji).
The cast will perform approximately 20 songs during the production. In total, 40% of the play will be comprised of singing. Of course, there will also be various solo performances from Kitano herself.
She commented, “A live stage performances might still be too early for me, since I’m still at the very beginning of my acting career. I’d like to make the best use of this chance and learn as much as possible.”
The production staff stated, “She does look like an angel and has a great singing talent. Kitano is perfect for this role.”
While Hotei is going to write all of the songs and will work as the musical director, he also managed to convince his sworn friend Mori Yukinojo (who’s penned the lyrics for many of Hotei’s songs) to write the script for the play. They are said to already be completely focused on the composition of the songs.
“I totally can’t wait to meet Hotei,” Kitano said. “I want to hear the story behind the music.”
“Psychedelic Pain” is scheduled to be performed at the Ikebukuro Sunshine Theater in Tokyo in August.
She didn't mention that play on her blog but she did update it with some pics of her going around promoting the Darl: Orz single. :huhuh
Like the first pic. :oops:
No cover yet for the Can you hear me? mini-album but here's the tracklist that was just released today on her AVEX site.
AVCD-38447/B ¥2,800 (tax in)
・Can you hear me?
・Darl : orz
・Just Friends
・Beautiful World
Can you hear me? Music Video
Can you hear me? Mini Document
There's also just an edition without the videos, few pics she's posted the last 2 days on her blog. :O
きい singing Darl: Orz on Music Japan 2 days ago. :?
Didn't have this here, :banghead: October issue of MacPeople. :O
(http://img229.imagevenue.com/loc253/th_579671953_kk9_122_253lo.jpg) (http://img229.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=579671953_kk9_122_253lo.jpg) (http://img132.imagevenue.com/loc107/th_579671680_kk9a_122_107lo.jpg) (http://img132.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=579671680_kk9a_122_107lo.jpg)(http://img177.imagevenue.com/loc73/th_579673488_kk9b_122_73lo.jpg) (http://img177.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=579673488_kk9b_122_73lo.jpg)(http://img107.imagevenue.com/loc366/th_579674836_kk9c_122_366lo.jpg) (http://img107.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=579674836_kk9c_122_366lo.jpg) (http://img208.imagevenue.com/loc36/th_579675576_kk9d_122_36lo.jpg) (http://img208.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=579675576_kk9d_122_36lo.jpg)
Bit long but required viewing for きい fans, :yep: was quite a good interview plus you get to see her in the kitchen(!) on the Sanma show, think it says Manma but that's wrong. :O
北乃きい manma 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOX4tFWrAk0#ws)
北乃きい manma 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22BtdMJYRfw#ws)
北乃きい manma 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO7BmAwbtU0#ws)
北乃きい manma 4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXST-6WzmHw#ws)
Another missed spread, :sweatdrop: keep this up and lose my membership in the neighborhood Kii Klub, :doh: November issue of Hot Pepper.
(http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/4669/kk1m.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/337/kk1m.jpg/)(http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/4724/kk2vi.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/7/kk2vi.jpg/)
Courtesy of avexnetwork
北乃きい / 「Darl : orz」 SPOT (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1rdDTBGkaQ)
Another missed spread, least we're finding them, from Bomb Jan. 2011. :?
(http://img149.imagevenue.com/loc453/th_749041572_kk1_122_453lo.jpg) (http://img149.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=749041572_kk1_122_453lo.jpg)(http://img262.imagevenue.com/loc527/th_749042991_kk2_122_527lo.jpg) (http://img262.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=749042991_kk2_122_527lo.jpg)
^^ New pic on きい's blog today where she reminded everone she's hosting the Girls Locks! show next week, plus the album covers for Can You Hear Me? have been released, last one looks really good. :cathappy:
More new pics on きい's blog today, surprised she got my gift so quickly. :smhid
Girls Locks! site only had a few pics, but here they are of きい hosting last night's show. :panic:
Short interview with きい on Music Room, her segment comes in at the 5:41 mark. :?
MUSIC ROOM N-18#835-02b (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6Jz2ixymnU#ws)
"Can You Hear Me" courtesy of avexnetwork
北乃きい / Can you hear me? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB7pX_dJWJE)
TV Weekly from January last year. :oops:
きい in the May issue of Flash from last year. :sweatdrop:
(http://img148.imagevenue.com/loc111/th_421286781_kk1_122_111lo.jpg) (http://img148.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=421286781_kk1_122_111lo.jpg) (http://img214.imagevenue.com/loc817/th_421287582_kk2_122_817lo.jpg) (http://img214.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=421287582_kk2_122_817lo.jpg)(http://img229.imagevenue.com/loc455/th_421287472_kk3_122_455lo.jpg) (http://img229.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=421287472_kk3_122_455lo.jpg)
きい in her hometown of Yokosuka, says she's not moving until it snows! Gonna be a long wait! :panic:
Actually the good news is that she's going to be in a drama starting up in April on NTV called “Cleopatra na Onnatachi”. It's set in a cosmetic surgery clinic, Ryuta Sato has the lead as a surgeon while きい plays his cheerful young nurse. Not sure of the exact start date but it'll be airing on Wednesday nights at 10:00pm. :)
Can you hear me?, title track from her upcoming mini album will also be the first PV from it, hasn't been released yet but here are some screenshots from it. :shocked
Shots of きい from Music Square. :shocked:
きい in the new issue of CM Now. :huhuh
(http://img217.imagevenue.com/loc1089/th_738903830_kk1_122_1089lo.jpg) (http://img217.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=738903830_kk1_122_1089lo.jpg) (http://img105.imagevenue.com/loc435/th_738907137_kk2_122_435lo.jpg) (http://img105.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=738907137_kk2_122_435lo.jpg)
New issue of Music Planet. :?
(http://img216.imagevenue.com/loc7/th_741313189_kk2_122_7lo.jpg) (http://img216.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=741313189_kk2_122_7lo.jpg) (http://img23.imagevenue.com/loc360/th_741316325_kk3_122_360lo.jpg) (http://img23.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=741316325_kk3_122_360lo.jpg)
きい is also going to start to work with Jankara, shot of her from their site. :O
This CM is over two years old, but Kii looks great in Kimono.
The CM is for a Kyoto Kimono company, and is tied to the fact that on the 20th birthday 二十歳 (hatachi), the girls like to have a beatiful Kimono to wear at their adulthood ceremony. In the CM, Kii gives thanks to her mother......
きい at Saturday's Tokyo Girl's Collection show. :O
Not positive about the translation which I tried to do from her blog :sweatdrop: but she has a movie coming out in May called Inherit(?), has to do with the Nagasaki bombings, some pics with the cast and from the film. :shocked
Short interview with きい and the cast from that movie in the above post. :?
被爆3世を演じる北乃きい、今こんな時だからこそ見ていただきたい (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZt6hEBNc0s#ws)
Here's the actual details of the movie from Mantan, title is actually Bakushin. :O
Kitano Kie (20) has been chosen to star in “Bakushin,” a movie adaptation of a short story anthology by award-winning author Seirai Yuichi, who also serves as curator of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum. The original book tells the stories of the everyday lives of people in present-day Nagasaki and surrounding areas, three generations after the bombing.
Director Hyugaji Taro will weave together various episodes from the book, presenting a uniquely blended story. Kitano will play a college student who enjoys her days with her medical student boyfriend, until a tragic event in her family strikes. Inamori Izumi will play another main character whose husband is a newspaper reporter.
Other cast members include Ikewaki Chizuru, Yagira Yuya, Ishibashi Renji, and Miyashita Junko.
きい is also going to have some CMs for Mobcast coming out, pic from the site and an article about it, all in non-English. :doh:
http://mobcast.co.jp/news/39.html (http://mobcast.co.jp/news/39.html)
きい's first CM for mobcast just came out. :shocked
北乃きい CM mobcast モバプロ 2012開幕 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzvC4iD3UDw#ws)
For those lucky to be in the listening range きい is hosting the Girls Locks! show again this week and good timing as her mini album Can You Hear Me? is coming out this week, wonder if they planned it that way? :roll:
Double checking her new CD.
Ahhhh, so these are the songs I sang!
New pic posted on her blog yesterday.
Oh no(!), Yoshino forgot to close the shower door again!!!! :doh:
After so many B-Days in Feb. don't think there's hardly been any for this month, better recruit someone to help us out to find out if there are any.
Wanna help us out? :shocked
You could help us, rumor has it you have inside info on who will be turning a day older today. :?
Stop complaining, at least bake us a Kit-Kat cake. :roll:
Hey, looks like you found out the answer, what are you going to do to the people that forgot? :panic:
Hmmmm, guess by that reaction look like the answer you found is that one of our all time faves and an uber-kawaii female such as yourself may be the answer. :inlove:
Sigh, no more きい fans anymore. :(
At her B-Day party and also for the release of the Can You Hear Me? album.
At least Yoshino's cake arrived on time. :doh:
More pics of our once popular きい :sweatdrop: at her B-Day and record release party. :O
21 years old .....yesterday.....3 月15日..... and I missed it!! :shocked
:bow: Gomen, Kii san,
Wishing beautiuful and talented Kii Kitano a belated happy birthday, and hoping this coming year is bursting with Love and Peace!!
Forgive me Kii san??
Okay, and now for the song!!
誕生日(作詞・作曲・歌:熊木杏里){With thanks to skysora1201} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BND81Ia8oqQ)
More shots from her B-Day/record release party where she also sang 3 songs in front of 200 invited fans. :O
きい from this week's Girls Locks! show. :huhuh
Don't know if Can You Hear Me? will have a regular PV but if you want to hear the song here it is. :O
北乃きい / Can you hear me? 【FULI】 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Nzy35LXv_8#)
きい displaying her ace pitching form at a promo event for mobcast yesterday. :shocked:
Huge spread of her from the web magazine Tabiiro, can't believe how many pics they have of her in this month's spread but that's okay, looks really good. :yep:
Part 1
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Part 2 of きい's Tabiiro spread. :O
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Even more pics from Tabiiro, unfortunately you can't just save the pics but have to take sceenshots which take a while. :sweatdrop:
(http://img173.imagevenue.com/loc551/th_788202468_kk13_122_551lo.jpg) (http://img173.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=788202468_kk13_122_551lo.jpg) (http://img103.imagevenue.com/loc915/th_788206688_kk14_122_915lo.jpg) (http://img103.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=788206688_kk14_122_915lo.jpg) (http://img269.imagevenue.com/loc593/th_788206769_kk15_122_593lo.jpg) (http://img269.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=788206769_kk15_122_593lo.jpg)
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And the last of the Tabiiro pics. :O
(http://img191.imagevenue.com/loc363/th_788623812_kk19_122_363lo.jpg) (http://img191.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=788623812_kk19_122_363lo.jpg) (http://img40.imagevenue.com/loc493/th_788626634_kk20_122_493lo.jpg) (http://img40.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=788626634_kk20_122_493lo.jpg) (http://img229.imagevenue.com/loc154/th_788627891_kk21_122_154lo.jpg) (http://img229.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=788627891_kk21_122_154lo.jpg)
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It's きい day, 8) good because it's been quiet in this thread for a while, she's now doing promos for Go!Go! fine drink. :O
From their site, as you can see a CM will be coming out soon.
Here's the info on that mobcast event, not being a pro player means we still have a chance with きい? :smhid
Kitano Kii has no interest in dating a baseball player
On March 26th, actress Kitano Kii (21) attended a PR event for the Pro-Baseball Mobile Card Game MobPro, which she is the CM character for.
Kitano was asked which team she thinks is the best in Japan this season. She responded, “The Giants.” Kitano was also asked who her favorite baseball player is, to which she answered former Giants pitcher and baseball commentator Makihara Hiromi (48), whom she played catch with on a TV program.
Lastly, Kitano was questioned if she would ever date a baseball player, but fortunately for all the non-sports types out there, she replied: “I’m not interested in that!”
きい looks so great in that uniform :yep: had to post more pics! :oops:
きい at the Tokyo Girls Collection show a few weeks ago singing Darl: Orz. :shocked
【东京女孩时尚秀】北乃纪伊北乃きい演唱《Darl orz》 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo4yShsFc1Y#)
Lookin' real good :yep: in the April issue of Monthly The Television.
(http://img121.imagevenue.com/loc486/th_300751118_kk1_122_486lo.jpg) (http://img121.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=300751118_kk1_122_486lo.jpg)
きい in a new CM. :huhuh
Shots from the NTV site for Cleopatra na Onnatachi, the drama is starting in less than 2 weeks. :shocked:
Surprised this wasn't here, :shocked: great lookin spread of きい's from CM Now #150 from last year for her 20th B-Day. :cathappy:
(http://img229.imagevenue.com/loc337/th_367049799_kk1_122_337lo.jpg) (http://img229.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=367049799_kk1_122_337lo.jpg) (http://img165.imagevenue.com/loc168/th_670498699_kk2_122_168lo.jpg) (http://img165.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=670498699_kk2_122_168lo.jpg) (http://img262.imagevenue.com/loc399/th_670499486_kk3_122_399lo.jpg) (http://img262.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=670499486_kk3_122_399lo.jpg)(http://img242.imagevenue.com/loc540/th_670500182_kk4_122_540lo.jpg) (http://img242.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=670500182_kk4_122_540lo.jpg)
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Got these pics of きい from the girlswalker site, :O short article about her there: http://girlswalker.com/topics/tgc/2012/04/10/3598/ (http://girlswalker.com/topics/tgc/2012/04/10/3598/)
Like Mirei きい also does promos for Daihatsu, as a matter of fact a new CM just came out today. :shocked:
北乃きい 西田尚美 CM ダイハツ タント エグゼ 娘のおせっかい篇 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8Rk5oD7kco#ws)
Promo event 2 days ago for the Cleopatra na Onnatachi drama. :huhuh
Another new CM for Go!Go! Fine. :?
いいなCM 大正製薬 リポビタンファイン 「お引っ越し」篇 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFzw1g1ajzA#ws)
Wow, Kie, actress Fumino Kimura and TV personality Shelly all sharing a residence......wonder if they will be hitting the Umeshu (0.0%) on the weekends??
北乃きい CM チョーヤ 梅酒 「ダンス登場篇」15sec. {With thanks to potsugoro} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX4ygB77O98)
......wonder if they will be hiting the Umeshu (0.0%) on the weekends??
The answer to that lies in this pic....
.... actually the answer doesn't but きい looks so good in it needed an excuse to post it. :oops:
きい looking :thumbsup at a Tommy Hilfiger event yesterday, others were there but only one mattered. :oops:
New mobcast CM for きい. :shocked
mobcast モバプロ 「好きになっちゃいました」篇 北乃きい 30s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KiViFA9BSU#ws)
Doing some promoting for the new drama Cleopatra na Onnatachi. :huhuh
Episode one shots of きい from the Cleopatra na Onnatachi drama. :cathappy:
Poster that just came out for きい's first stage play “Psychedelic Pain”, which is scheduled to be performed at the Ikebukuro Sunshine Theater in Tokyo in August. :?
Few more episode one shots of きい from the Cleopatra na Onnatachi drama. :panic:
Really great looking promo pic of きい for the Cleopatra drama. :thumbsup
きい on the Gachigase show. :?
New きい CM for Choya. :O
北乃きい CM チョーヤ ウメッシュ 「ビーチダンス」篇 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urogbJhU5E4#ws)
Good news for the きい fan(s) here, she's going to be the next IQueen girl, 8) it's volume 9 and will be coming out May 29th, 96 pages for only 2,100円, cheap enough to order 2(perhaps one for me)! :oops:
New きい header on the Jankara site. :huhuh
http://jankara.ne.jp/food/index.html (http://jankara.ne.jp/food/index.html)
^^ Nice looking pic from the Choya site but an even better pic of きい :thumbsup from the fashion page of the Cleopatra drama.
Guess she may really drink Choya^^, posted this pic on her blog 2 days ago. :?
きい in a new CM for Shelly. :cathappy:
大正製薬 リポビタンファイン CM 北乃きい 木村文乃 SHELLY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00adHpku6QM#ws)
From the Cleopatra site, きい's latest fashion check pic. :thumbsup
きい on the cover of TV Week Lite and a small spread, all the pics look good but especially the second one. :thumbsup
きい's IQueen spread hasn't come out yet but they just loaded a short video of it on their site today. :? http://plup.jp/iqueen/3762/ (http://plup.jp/iqueen/3762/)
Kitano Kii sings new song “Smile Again” with her fans
On May 19th, singer and actress Kitano Kii held a fan meeting and recorded a choral-style number with some lucky fans.
Twenty five fan were chosen to participate in the event out of a raffle of about 500 applicants. Kitano herself announced in front of her fans, “I’d like to record a song called ‘Smile Again’ with all of you as a chorus!”, a happy surprise for them as they knew nothing about it until Kitano told them.
“Smile Again” is a song that was in music text books when she was a student. She commented on the special event,“Last year, so many things happened, and I feel like Japan has lost its brightness and its vigor. I wanted to do something so that we can make each person forget the worries and sadness they feel on a daily basis, even for just today, so I planned for all of us to sing this song together.”
“What’s important is not that we’re singing, but the fun of everyone making one thing together… When we’re all singing together, your smiles come out all on their own, and by vocalizing you let out stress, so that tomorrow you can smile again!”
Kitano let the group into a practice session prior to recording the song. The studio where the event was held is the same studio Kitano normally uses to record her music. Some fans were so moved by being able to meet and record with their favorite artists that they showed tears.
Received these from きい letting us know no thread of hers is complete without her spread from Kindai 11/2008. :O
(http://img245.imagevenue.com/loc171/th_820499590_kk1_122_171lo.jpg) (http://img245.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=820499590_kk1_122_171lo.jpg) (http://img175.imagevenue.com/loc411/th_820501335_kk2_122_411lo.jpg) (http://img175.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=820501335_kk2_122_411lo.jpg)
Pics of きい doing some promo shots and looking quite good too, :thumbsup for her first stage play “Psychedelic Pain”.
きい yesterday visiting Akasaka buying a horde of tomatoes. :?
Lucky page #13 for きい, actually by these pics from last night's Bang+ show we're the lucky ones. :oops: :twothumbs
Few more pics of きい from the above show. :?
New pics from きい's blog, ^^ on the set of Cleopatra which has wrapped up it's shooting.
Rare pic of her as she's studying to be a surgeon. :huhuh
Theatre where the “Psychedelic Pain” play will be held. :?
whts the name of the other actress besides yumi n kitano?
Dunno who the other one is, perhaps someone in the play? :huhuh
Few shots of きい from IQueen, certainly looks different. :O
Here is website for the play "Psychedelic Pain" (cast includes Nana Katase)
http://psychedelic-pain.jp/index.html (http://psychedelic-pain.jp/index.html)
きい at an promo event yesterday for the "Psychedelic Pain" play. :shocked:
きい in a new CM for Choya. :huhuh
チョーヤ ウメッシュ CM 「温泉・ダンス」編 北乃きい (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqJhWTaKOUY#ws)
She had another Choya CM on the previous page but that account was terminated so here's that one again. :cathappy:
チョーヤ梅酒 酔わないウメッシュ「ビーチ・品質」篇 北乃きい (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRPPBgNS3lA#ws)
New promo page for きい at the Choya site, if you click on the 'special' tab it's got the making of her CMs for them. :shocked
http://www.choya.co.jp/campaign/yowanai-umesshu/ (http://www.choya.co.jp/campaign/yowanai-umesshu/)
full cut of Kii's song "Can You Hear Me" and some great pictures- much thanks to YouTuber Rayfon10111
(note the post from Rayfon10111 dissappeared, so here is a shorter version of the song, but since it is downoaded by AVEX, should stay around :)
北乃きい / Can you hear me? {Uploaded by avexnetwork on 10 Feb 2012}
Kitano Kii is one of the few actresses that I'm okay with singing. She's actually quite good.
Kitano Kii is one of the few actresses that I'm okay with singing. She's actually quite good.
Tenkei san,I know, when I was posting that, I was thinking girl actually should have her own thread in Japanese music as well, but
she will always be known as an actress first, I think.
Rei Okamoto is another actress who has some good music as well, plus both of them have somewhat of a gravure background.
Triple threaters- approaching the Amina Sato level of all aroundness.
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip12882.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip12882.jpg)
Kii shows off her English speaking skills in this CM:
乃きい CM 大正製薬 リポビタンファイン 英会話女子篇 {With thanks to aiueotanasinn07} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnV5wJtSDdQ)
きい in a new CM for Daihatsu. :yawn:
北乃きい リリーフランキー ダイハツ タント エグゼ「花嫁編」 CM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Fb4BCjpYnc#ws)
Promo video for きい's IQueen spread, she was in vol. 9. :huhuh
『IQUEEN』 Vol.9 北乃きい PV (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEOj83nKm2I#ws)
Sample page of きい's 2013 calendar. :huhuh
きい in a new CM for Choya. :huhuh
【HD】2012/10/24 ON AIR CM (15s) No.015 チョーヤ梅酒 酔わないウメッシュ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyM_6QrlTKk#ws)
きい will be on the next episode of the Irodorihimura drama, looks like a fairly wacky show. :O
【TBS】日村主演『イロドリヒムラ』5話予告・白石監督×北乃きい (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsCKX5Vma4o#ws)
きい looking good at a promo event today for her new TV movie which is airing next Friday, called something like Special Event Villain Prestige, :? here's the site for it:
http://www.fujitv.co.jp/fujitv/news/pub_2012/i/120926-i121.html (http://www.fujitv.co.jp/fujitv/news/pub_2012/i/120926-i121.html)
Few more good looking きい pics :yep: from that promo event that's explained in the last post. :?
Some new pics of きい from her blog. :?
Some behind the scenes shots of きい at the photoshoot for her 2013 calendar. :O
I think this is a new CM in the Choya series.....
チョーヤ梅酒 酔わないウメッシュ「温泉ダンス」北乃きい {With thanks to umatob004} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilYUhyJ0APc)
Another in the Choya series:
チョーヤ梅酒 酔わないウメッシュ「ビーチ・品質」北乃きい {with thanks to umatob004} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkLH2QYcIoQ)
Because I have never seen Mirai Shida's groundbreaking film where she has a role as a
14 year old girl who becomes a mother,
appropriately entitled 14才の母 / 14 Sai no Haha (14 Year-old Mother) [2006]
I did not realize that Mitsuki Tanimura and Kie Kitano also had parts in this film.
Here is a clip from the film with some pretty high strung dramatics coming at ya.........
in 3...............2.................1....................roll tape!
14才の母~志田未来・谷村美月・北乃きい {With thanks to Lavie055} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reWslmVC4XQ)
Okay, I admit it, I kind of like Kie kicking ass and taking names.....
So here is a brief clip of more of her pugilistic stylings:
北乃きい "ラブファイト" {With thanks to ThePonKids} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1stoLgbTU7k)
Kii starred in one of the best Japanese dramas - 'Life'
The theme song was Mika Nakashima's 'Life', but in this appearance with the Kinki Kids, Kii sang the song. Not nearly as strong as Mika's voice, but give Kii some credit, she was incredible in the drama, which dealt with the issue of bullying in schools, and the character played by Kii found how to fight back, not with hate, but by finding love in the support of her friends and family.
A must watch I would say.
Okay, Kii chan, take it away......................
Kii Kitano - LIFE (Nakashima Mika cover - Domoto Kyodai) {With thanks to qrixtinna24} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wilAqWWkFWk)
きい will be on the next episode of the Irodorihimura drama, looks like a fairly wacky show. :O
Found a copy of that show, naturally it was unsubbed but きい looked quite good in it. :yep:
(http://img150.imagevenue.com/loc47/th_718224269_kk1a_122_47lo.jpg) (http://img150.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=718224269_kk1a_122_47lo.jpg)(http://img45.imagevenue.com/loc360/th_182243837_kk1b_122_360lo.jpg) (http://img45.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=182243837_kk1b_122_360lo.jpg)(http://img136.imagevenue.com/loc361/th_182246604_kk1c_122_361lo.jpg) (http://img136.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=182246604_kk1c_122_361lo.jpg) (http://img201.imagevenue.com/loc255/th_182248660_kk1d_122_255lo.jpg) (http://img201.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=182248660_kk1d_122_255lo.jpg)(http://img206.imagevenue.com/loc137/th_182287284_kk1e_122_137lo.jpg) (http://img206.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=182287284_kk1e_122_137lo.jpg)(http://img165.imagevenue.com/loc113/th_182288213_kk1f_122_113lo.jpg) (http://img165.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=182288213_kk1f_122_113lo.jpg) (http://img213.imagevenue.com/loc676/th_182289724_kk1g_122_676lo.jpg) (http://img213.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=182289724_kk1g_122_676lo.jpg)(http://img220.imagevenue.com/loc820/th_182290426_kk1h_122_820lo.jpg) (http://img220.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=182290426_kk1h_122_820lo.jpg)(http://img256.imagevenue.com/loc98/th_182328761_kk1j_122_98lo.jpg) (http://img256.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=182328761_kk1j_122_98lo.jpg) (http://img107.imagevenue.com/loc54/th_182329347_kk1k_122_54lo.jpg) (http://img107.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=182329347_kk1k_122_54lo.jpg)(http://img173.imagevenue.com/loc504/th_182331629_kk1l_122_504lo.jpg) (http://img173.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=182331629_kk1l_122_504lo.jpg)
きい on the Nep League's holiday special. :?
(http://img229.imagevenue.com/loc22/th_268326757_nl1_122_22lo.jpg) (http://img229.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=268326757_nl1_122_22lo.jpg)(http://img167.imagevenue.com/loc993/th_268327877_nl2_122_993lo.jpg) (http://img167.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=268327877_nl2_122_993lo.jpg)(http://img243.imagevenue.com/loc425/th_268328927_nl3_122_425lo.jpg) (http://img243.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=268328927_nl3_122_425lo.jpg) (http://img220.imagevenue.com/loc1177/th_726832963_nl4_122_1177lo.jpg) (http://img220.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=726832963_nl4_122_1177lo.jpg)(http://img202.imagevenue.com/loc577/th_268355467_nl5_122_577lo.jpg) (http://img202.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=268355467_nl5_122_577lo.jpg)(http://img18.imagevenue.com/loc387/th_268356701_nl6_122_387lo.jpg) (http://img18.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=268356701_nl6_122_387lo.jpg) (http://img175.imagevenue.com/loc33/th_268357758_nl7_122_33lo.jpg) (http://img175.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=268357758_nl7_122_33lo.jpg)(http://img5.imagevenue.com/loc243/th_268359507_nl8_122_243lo.jpg) (http://img5.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=268359507_nl8_122_243lo.jpg)
There's another Unfair TV movie coming out with きい starring in it again, it's called Unfair: Yes or No? and will be airing I think on March 1st:
http://mantan-web.jp/2013/01/18/20130117dog00m200083000c.html (http://mantan-web.jp/2013/01/18/20130117dog00m200083000c.html)
きい looking uber-kawaii :yep: on last week's Nep League special.
(http://img207.imagevenue.com/loc164/th_794495171_nepleague1_122_164lo.jpg) (http://img207.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=794495171_nepleague1_122_164lo.jpg)(http://img262.imagevenue.com/loc185/th_794496789_nepleague2_122_185lo.jpg) (http://img262.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=794496789_nepleague2_122_185lo.jpg)(http://img245.imagevenue.com/loc425/th_879449730_nepleague3_122_425lo.jpg) (http://img245.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=879449730_nepleague3_122_425lo.jpg) (http://img14.imagevenue.com/loc596/th_794497250_nepleague4_122_596lo.jpg) (http://img14.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=794497250_nepleague4_122_596lo.jpg)(http://img101.imagevenue.com/loc546/th_794498749_nepleague5_122_546lo.jpg) (http://img101.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=794498749_nepleague5_122_546lo.jpg)(http://img212.imagevenue.com/loc866/th_794499784_nepleague6_122_866lo.jpg) (http://img212.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=794499784_nepleague6_122_866lo.jpg) (http://img262.imagevenue.com/loc380/th_794500853_nepleague7_122_380lo.jpg) (http://img262.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=794500853_nepleague7_122_380lo.jpg)(http://img21.imagevenue.com/loc521/th_794593536_nepleague8_122_521lo.jpg) (http://img21.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=794593536_nepleague8_122_521lo.jpg)(http://img18.imagevenue.com/loc44/th_879459314_nepleague9_122_44lo.jpg) (http://img18.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=879459314_nepleague9_122_44lo.jpg) (http://img28.imagevenue.com/loc396/th_794594516_nepleague10_122_396lo.jpg) (http://img28.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=794594516_nepleague10_122_396lo.jpg)(http://img228.imagevenue.com/loc594/th_794596270_nepleague11_122_594lo.jpg) (http://img228.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=794596270_nepleague11_122_594lo.jpg)(http://img233.imagevenue.com/loc470/th_794598896_nepleague12_122_470lo.jpg) (http://img233.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=794598896_nepleague12_122_470lo.jpg) (http://img153.imagevenue.com/loc435/th_794600955_nepleague13_122_435lo.jpg) (http://img153.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=794600955_nepleague13_122_435lo.jpg)(http://img155.imagevenue.com/loc462/th_794601781_nepleague14_122_462lo.jpg) (http://img155.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=794601781_nepleague14_122_462lo.jpg)
Trailer for きい's next movie Bakusin but don't think it's coming out for a few months though. :huhuh
『爆心 長崎の空』予告篇 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df6gwD8cozg#ws)
Homepage for きい's Bakusin movie: http://www.bakusin-movie.com/index.html (http://www.bakusin-movie.com/index.html)
きい from CM Now #161. :O
(http://img203.imagevenue.com/loc54/th_742204393_cmnow14_122_54lo.jpg) (http://img203.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=742204393_cmnow14_122_54lo.jpg) (http://img171.imagevenue.com/loc1164/th_742207428_cmnow15_122_1164lo.jpg) (http://img171.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=742207428_cmnow15_122_1164lo.jpg)
きい from a Mantan Web interview she did for the upcoming Unfair movie: http://mantan-web.jp/2013/02/24/20130223dog00m200039000c.html (http://mantan-web.jp/2013/02/24/20130223dog00m200039000c.html)
きい's 5th single is coming out on March 20th, it's a collaboration with Suneohair, single is called Yokogao, here are the two covers for it, first is the regular edition, other is the limited edition which comes with a booklet. :?
きい looking good :yep: on last night's TV movie Unfair- Yes or No.
きい's 5th single is coming out on March 20th, it's a collaboration with Suneohair, single is called Yokogao, here are the two covers for it, first is the regular edition, other is the limited edition which comes with a booklet. :?
The PV for the single just came out today, きい's looks really good in it. :oops:
きたのきい to スネオヘアー / 横顔 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyQ6YQQVz-M#ws)
Kie Kitano / 北乃きい
Profession: Actress and Idol
Birthdate: 1991-Mar-15
Birthplace: Kanagawa, Japan
What's the uproar?! Seems like it's a special day for the most kawaii female here, let's head over to the residence of マペット for a special party! :leek:
Really, then in that case we'll just say:
きい about to enjoy 吉野のケーキ! :?
And as always
きい just looking dazzling. :inlove:
^ Yoshino san, thanks for the tip............
It's a day late but Happy Birthday to Kie san, who turned
22 years old on March 15!!!
May the coming year bring talented & beautiful
Kie much joy and happiness!!!
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip14956.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip14956.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip14957.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip14957.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip14958.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip14958.jpg)
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip14959.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip14959.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip14960.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip14960.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip14961.png) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip14961.png)
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip14963.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip14963.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip14964.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip14964.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip14965.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip14965.jpg)
Her pitching form may be a little out of whack, but get Kie in
a boxing ring, and I don't even think Rocky Balboa could
take the punishment that Kie is capable of dishing out:
Artist: Arabesque
Song: Rock Me After Midnight
北乃きい&大沢たかお ラブファイト
きい in a new interview for Oricon Style, looking really fantastic in the photo gallery. :oops:
http://www.oricon.co.jp/entertainment/interview/page/420/?cat_id=newsTopFla (http://www.oricon.co.jp/entertainment/interview/page/420/?cat_id=newsTopFla)
きい today at a promo event for Kitte. :huhuh
北乃きい登場!「KITTE(キッテ)」開業記念式典 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EUt6tHop90#ws)
Bit of an older video here of きい's but never noticed it until now, behind the scenes of her IQueen #9 spread that came out last April. :huhuh
『IQUEEN』 Vol.9 北乃きい PV (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEOj83nKm2I#ws)
Two new きい CMs for Go Go Fine(Lipovitan). :?
【北乃きい】大正製薬 リポビタンファイン「ピンクいろの元気」 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqrDiEdDiCM#ws)
【北乃きい】大正製薬 リポビタンファイン「ピンクいろの元気」 30s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoZBUXIJY2c#ws)
きい has a mini series airing on NHK starting on May 4th called Angel with a Mop, ^^ from the site and at a promo event for it yesterday. :?
^ Mop????
まじですか :panic:
Really an A++++ spread of きい's :thumbsup from CM Now #162.
(http://img296.imagevenue.com/loc475/th_853173883_kk2_122_475lo.jpg) (http://img296.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=853173883_kk2_122_475lo.jpg)(http://img283.imagevenue.com/loc462/th_853174566_kk3_122_462lo.jpg) (http://img283.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=853174566_kk3_122_462lo.jpg) (http://img264.imagevenue.com/loc202/th_853175655_kk4_122_202lo.jpg) (http://img264.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=853175655_kk4_122_202lo.jpg)(http://img201.imagevenue.com/loc243/th_853177128_kk5_122_243lo.jpg) (http://img201.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=853177128_kk5_122_243lo.jpg)(http://img207.imagevenue.com/loc129/th_853179325_kk6_122_129lo.jpg) (http://img207.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=853179325_kk6_122_129lo.jpg) (http://img25.imagevenue.com/loc230/th_853181321_kk7_122_230lo.jpg) (http://img25.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=853181321_kk7_122_230lo.jpg)(http://img240.imagevenue.com/loc211/th_685318264_kk8_122_211lo.jpg) (http://img240.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=685318264_kk8_122_211lo.jpg)(http://img280.imagevenue.com/loc497/th_853184668_kk11_122_497lo.jpg) (http://img280.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=853184668_kk11_122_497lo.jpg) (http://img187.imagevenue.com/loc10/th_853299985_kk12_122_10lo.jpg) (http://img187.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=853299985_kk12_122_10lo.jpg)(http://img294.imagevenue.com/loc497/th_853299877_kk13_122_497lo.jpg) (http://img294.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=853299877_kk13_122_497lo.jpg)(http://img227.imagevenue.com/loc451/th_853300642_kk14_122_451lo.jpg) (http://img227.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=853300642_kk14_122_451lo.jpg) (http://img238.imagevenue.com/loc6/th_853301218_kk15_122_6lo.jpg) (http://img238.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=853301218_kk15_122_6lo.jpg)
Kitano Kii collaborates with Aqua Timez for new single
(http://i606.photobucket.com/albums/tt143/hitomi7/J%20Females%202B/new2.jpg) (http://s606.photobucket.com/user/hitomi7/media/J%20Females%202B/new2.jpg.html)
It’s been revealed that Kitano Kii’s new single, “Raspberry Jam“, will be released on June 26th.
“Raspberry Jam” is the 2nd part of Kitano’s collaboration trilogy. The title track will be produced by Aqua Timez and written and composed by the band’s vocalist Futoshi.
For its coupling track, the single will include “Shidaluyeshi“, which currently serves as the ending theme for NHK E-Tele’s ‘TV de Chuugokugo‘. It will also contain the instrumental tracks.
The single will be available for purchase in 3 different types: Regular Edition, Limited Edition, and mu-mo Shop Edition. The Limited Edition will come with a booklet titled ‘Nakatta Kara Tsukutte Mita Kaihoushi Vol.2‘, while the mu-mo Shop Edition will come with a photo book.
きい as キリコ from episode one of Tenshi wa Mop wo Motte. :?
(http://img278.imagevenue.com/loc572/th_467525908_Tenshiepisode1a_122_572lo.jpg) (http://img278.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467525908_Tenshiepisode1a_122_572lo.jpg)(http://img157.imagevenue.com/loc228/th_467526956_Tenshiepisode1b_122_228lo.jpg) (http://img157.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467526956_Tenshiepisode1b_122_228lo.jpg)(http://img14.imagevenue.com/loc572/th_467526498_Tenshiepisode1c_122_572lo.jpg) (http://img14.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467526498_Tenshiepisode1c_122_572lo.jpg) (http://img104.imagevenue.com/loc347/th_467527451_Tenshiepisode1d_122_347lo.jpg) (http://img104.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467527451_Tenshiepisode1d_122_347lo.jpg)(http://img294.imagevenue.com/loc251/th_467528171_Tenshiepisode1e_122_251lo.jpg) (http://img294.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467528171_Tenshiepisode1e_122_251lo.jpg)(http://img170.imagevenue.com/loc148/th_467529220_Tenshiepisode1f_122_148lo.jpg) (http://img170.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467529220_Tenshiepisode1f_122_148lo.jpg) (http://img190.imagevenue.com/loc145/th_467529535_Tenshiepisode1g_122_145lo.jpg) (http://img190.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467529535_Tenshiepisode1g_122_145lo.jpg)(http://img285.imagevenue.com/loc25/th_467530726_Tenshiepisode1h_122_25lo.jpg) (http://img285.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467530726_Tenshiepisode1h_122_25lo.jpg)(http://img147.imagevenue.com/loc386/th_467531654_Tenshiepisode1i_122_386lo.jpg) (http://img147.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467531654_Tenshiepisode1i_122_386lo.jpg) (http://img140.imagevenue.com/loc221/th_467532544_Tenshiepisode1j_122_221lo.jpg) (http://img140.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467532544_Tenshiepisode1j_122_221lo.jpg)(http://img5.imagevenue.com/loc590/th_467533263_Tenshiepisode1k_122_590lo.jpg) (http://img5.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467533263_Tenshiepisode1k_122_590lo.jpg)(http://img198.imagevenue.com/loc71/th_467533299_Tenshiepisode1l_122_71lo.jpg) (http://img198.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467533299_Tenshiepisode1l_122_71lo.jpg) (http://img261.imagevenue.com/loc387/th_467534241_Tenshiepisode1m_122_387lo.jpg) (http://img261.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467534241_Tenshiepisode1m_122_387lo.jpg)(http://img191.imagevenue.com/loc215/th_846753592_Tenshiepisode1n_122_215lo.jpg) (http://img191.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=846753592_Tenshiepisode1n_122_215lo.jpg)(http://img180.imagevenue.com/loc942/th_467536872_Tenshiepisode1o_122_942lo.jpg) (http://img180.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467536872_Tenshiepisode1o_122_942lo.jpg) (http://img249.imagevenue.com/loc127/th_467537706_Tenshiepisode1p_122_127lo.jpg) (http://img249.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467537706_Tenshiepisode1p_122_127lo.jpg)(http://img295.imagevenue.com/loc575/th_467538786_Tenshiepisode1q_122_575lo.jpg) (http://img295.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467538786_Tenshiepisode1q_122_575lo.jpg)(http://img165.imagevenue.com/loc248/th_467539183_Tenshiepisode1r_122_248lo.jpg) (http://img165.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467539183_Tenshiepisode1r_122_248lo.jpg) (http://img31.imagevenue.com/loc164/th_467539976_Tenshiepisode1s_122_164lo.jpg) (http://img31.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=467539976_Tenshiepisode1s_122_164lo.jpg)
きい looking fine :yep: yesterday at a special screening for her new movie Bakushin: Nagasaki no Sora, regular release date for it is July 13th.
Ultra かわいい キリコ :oops: from episode 2 of Tenshi wa Mop wo Motte.
(http://img103.imagevenue.com/loc996/th_909406889_Tenshiepisode2a_122_996lo.jpg) (http://img103.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=909406889_Tenshiepisode2a_122_996lo.jpg)(http://img147.imagevenue.com/loc520/th_094069636_Tenshiepisode2b_122_520lo.jpg) (http://img147.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094069636_Tenshiepisode2b_122_520lo.jpg)(http://img146.imagevenue.com/loc238/th_909406958_Tenshiepisode2c_122_238lo.jpg) (http://img146.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=909406958_Tenshiepisode2c_122_238lo.jpg)(http://img17.imagevenue.com/loc490/th_094070437_Tenshiepisode2d_122_490lo.jpg) (http://img17.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094070437_Tenshiepisode2d_122_490lo.jpg) (http://img124.imagevenue.com/loc206/th_094071785_Tenshiepisode2e_122_206lo.jpg) (http://img124.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094071785_Tenshiepisode2e_122_206lo.jpg)(http://img223.imagevenue.com/loc754/th_094072112_Tenshiepisode2f_122_754lo.jpg) (http://img223.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094072112_Tenshiepisode2f_122_754lo.jpg)(http://img187.imagevenue.com/loc508/th_094072923_Tenshiepisode2g_122_508lo.jpg) (http://img187.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094072923_Tenshiepisode2g_122_508lo.jpg) (http://img150.imagevenue.com/loc421/th_094073306_Tenshiepisode2h_122_421lo.jpg) (http://img150.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094073306_Tenshiepisode2h_122_421lo.jpg)(http://img191.imagevenue.com/loc519/th_094075592_Tenshiepisode2i_122_519lo.jpg) (http://img191.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094075592_Tenshiepisode2i_122_519lo.jpg)(http://img242.imagevenue.com/loc520/th_094075118_Tenshiepisode2j_122_520lo.jpg) (http://img242.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094075118_Tenshiepisode2j_122_520lo.jpg) (http://img20.imagevenue.com/loc363/th_094077515_Tenshiepisode2k_122_363lo.jpg) (http://img20.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094077515_Tenshiepisode2k_122_363lo.jpg)(http://img202.imagevenue.com/loc168/th_094078204_Tenshiepisode2l_122_168lo.jpg) (http://img202.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094078204_Tenshiepisode2l_122_168lo.jpg)(http://img147.imagevenue.com/loc412/th_094078826_Tenshiepisode2m_122_412lo.jpg) (http://img147.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094078826_Tenshiepisode2m_122_412lo.jpg) (http://img192.imagevenue.com/loc244/th_094079807_Tenshiepisode2n_122_244lo.jpg) (http://img192.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094079807_Tenshiepisode2n_122_244lo.jpg)(http://img242.imagevenue.com/loc101/th_094081105_Tenshiepisode2o_122_101lo.jpg) (http://img242.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094081105_Tenshiepisode2o_122_101lo.jpg)(http://img106.imagevenue.com/loc97/th_094082228_Tenshiepisode2p_122_97lo.jpg) (http://img106.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094082228_Tenshiepisode2p_122_97lo.jpg) (http://img220.imagevenue.com/loc1093/th_909408670_Tenshiepisode2q_122_1093lo.jpg) (http://img220.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=909408670_Tenshiepisode2q_122_1093lo.jpg)(http://img124.imagevenue.com/loc30/th_094087200_Tenshiepisode2r_122_30lo.jpg) (http://img124.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094087200_Tenshiepisode2r_122_30lo.jpg)(http://img291.imagevenue.com/loc440/th_094087773_Tenshiepisode2s_122_440lo.jpg) (http://img291.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094087773_Tenshiepisode2s_122_440lo.jpg) (http://img212.imagevenue.com/loc633/th_094088279_Tenshiepisode2t_122_633lo.jpg) (http://img212.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094088279_Tenshiepisode2t_122_633lo.jpg)(http://img240.imagevenue.com/loc508/th_094089983_Tenshiepisode2u_122_508lo.jpg) (http://img240.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094089983_Tenshiepisode2u_122_508lo.jpg)(http://img158.imagevenue.com/loc28/th_094090562_Tenshiepisode2v_122_28lo.jpg) (http://img158.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094090562_Tenshiepisode2v_122_28lo.jpg) (http://img215.imagevenue.com/loc368/th_094090978_Tenshiepisode2w_122_368lo.jpg) (http://img215.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094090978_Tenshiepisode2w_122_368lo.jpg)(http://img105.imagevenue.com/loc75/th_094091221_Tenshiepisode2x_122_75lo.jpg) (http://img105.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=094091221_Tenshiepisode2x_122_75lo.jpg)(http://img133.imagevenue.com/loc221/th_909409230_Tenshiepisode2y_122_221lo.jpg) (http://img133.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=909409230_Tenshiepisode2y_122_221lo.jpg)
^^ Pics from きい's new single coming out on June 26th, Raspberry Jam, along with the two covers for it. :shocked:
きい doing the impossible and looking better than ever :inlove: yesterday in Shanghai where they had a special screening for her upcoming film Bakushin: Nagasaki no Sora.
きい's Raspberry Jam single is coming out in two days, here's the PV for it.
北乃きい / ラズベリージャム (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBuoZdCM5mI#ws)
きい at a promo event for another new movie of her's that's coming out on August 24th, Joukyou Monogatari. :?
Video of the above event, きい really looks fantastic in it. :thumbsup
北乃きい、ゆるキャラと中国語で会話 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8RdQ_cTdws#ws)
かわいい きい :oops: from the July 7th Music Dragon show.
きい choking up :sweatdrop: a bit at a special screening today for the Bakushin: Nagasaki no Sora movie.
Few more prime きい pics from yesterday's screening for the Bakushin: Nagasaki no Sora movie. :huhuh
きい hitting zenith levels of kawaiiness again :yep: yesterday at a promo event for her next movie coming out on August 24th, Joukyou Monogatari.
きい in a new short promo for the Joukyou Monogatari movie....
北乃きいさん主演映画 『上京ものがたり』8/24公開(サイン入りグッズプレゼント告知) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6pu_Wu8r8M#ws)
.... plus looking fantastic in this new CM for Choya. :bow:
2篇 北乃きい CM 酔わないウメッシュ チョーヤ梅酒 「宮殿・ダンス」&「宮殿・トーク」 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wcD5LC7fAc#ws)
The premiere of Joukyou Monogatari is this Saturday, きい in a new interview for it at Eiga.com plus a couple better than stellar pics :thumbsup.... http://eiga.com/news/20130819/13/ (http://eiga.com/news/20130819/13/)
Think we should make today きい day(!), 8) another pic from the above interview plus some more terrific ones from an interview two weeks ago for Livedoor.
Another article for the Joukyou Monogatari movie with a few promo pics too from Cinra: http://www.cinra.net/news/2013/07/16/172310.php (http://www.cinra.net/news/2013/07/16/172310.php)
Now for some oldies, :welcome scrolling through noticed きい's thread is severely lacking on so many things. :sweatdrop:
From the Iitomo show back in Feb. 2010 promoting "Sakura Saku".
きい doing more promoting for the "Sakura Saku" single, this time on Music Japan. :cathappy:
きい from the Girls Locks! show back in January 2011. :hee:
A dazzling きい :inlove: back in May 2010 winning an award from Cotton USA for being the top cotton wearer for the year. :huhuh
Posted an article back on page 5 about きい appearing at the “The 5th Great Nationwide Proposal Contest 2011~Kizuna”, only posted two pics though, have many more as it looks as though きい could be untoppable as a bride. :wub:
Continuing on with きい day(need more of them :yep:), was surprised none of these pics were here, from her last PB that came out in March 2011 for her 20th b-day and it was called "K Twenty", these きい pics are simply amazing. :bow:
(http://imageshack.us/a/img600/5639/w7vs.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/600/w7vs.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img545/5094/33gz.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/545/33gz.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img825/2280/zbs4.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/825/zbs4.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img12/9785/4zyz.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/12/4zyz.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img812/3095/ehcu.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/812/ehcu.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img839/5807/oviz.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/839/oviz.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img542/521/pl6p.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/542/pl6p.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img27/6738/o14v.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/27/o14v.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img200/6379/1ebn.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/200/1ebn.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img835/1514/jv4b.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/835/jv4b.jpg/)
きい making our hearts flutter :bow: back in April 2010 on The Red Theater show.
Even more "Sakura Saku" promoting, this time on the Sakigake! Eight show back in Feb. 2010. :dizzy:
One last きい :wub: post for now, :oops: didn't see this here, きい from Weekly Shonen #14 2010.
(http://imageshack.us/a/img27/8453/rlbt.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/27/rlbt.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img18/7342/qhp8.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/18/qhp8.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img818/5575/ofik.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/818/ofik.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img27/6009/t6mv.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/27/t6mv.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img824/4045/nkun.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/824/nkun.jpg/)
Maybe not the last post for now, :oops: really good interview with きい for the Joukyou Monogatari film, was just uploaded to YT but think the interview is from August 7th.
【私、東京が嫌いでした...】Vol.63 『上京ものがたり』北乃きい 編 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LstyFva-LFg#)
きい from the May 2010 issues of Entertainment and Photo Technic Digital.
(http://imageshack.us/a/img854/5467/led9.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/854/led9.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img27/9661/94g9.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/27/94g9.jpg/)
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Few pics from きい's PB "Key of Dreams" which came out in April 2009. :welcome
(http://imageshack.us/a/img837/6938/cu3t.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/837/cu3t.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img825/3374/pqrd.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/825/pqrd.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img4/4255/k0ry.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/4/k0ry.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img534/3163/ai2z.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/534/ai2z.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img843/8391/10rd.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/843/10rd.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img163/9933/yxk2.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/163/yxk2.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img42/2860/iidr.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/42/iidr.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img707/7862/efi0.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/efi0.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img405/1237/0bsb.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/405/0bsb.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img405/3563/1qvv.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/405/1qvv.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img7/3289/csu4.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/7/csu4.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img690/2911/s48p.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/690/s48p.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img18/5374/q576.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/18/q576.jpg/)
Some dazzling きい :inlove: pics for the Kyoto Kimono Yuzen 2010 Summer collection.
New きい interview pic^ from eiga.com plus a few new promo pics for the Joukyou Monogatari movie. :O
きい again looking like a quadrillion yen :inlove: in this new article for the Joukyou Monogatari film from Walker Plus: http://news.walkerplus.com/article/40629/ (http://news.walkerplus.com/article/40629/)
New page means terrific(as always :yep:) きい pics, more from the Kyoto Kimono Yuzen 2010 Summer collection to take your breath away. :welcome
Recent きい pics from her blog, top ones were from her on the set of her new Choya CM. :O
Sigh, even more incomparable きい in a kimono.... :bow:
きい from the March 2010 issue of IPhone. :cathappy:
(http://imageshack.us/a/img22/2456/3sv6.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/22/3sv6.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img818/9346/13d1.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/818/13d1.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img546/636/q1pv.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/546/q1pv.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img534/1735/kks4.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/534/kks4.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img41/2435/zpen.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/41/zpen.jpg/)
きい from the March 2009 issue of Free X フリー. 8)
Just the two きい pics :sweatdrop: but a lengthy new article/interview for MSN-Sankei: http://sankei.jp.msn.com/west/west_life/news/130823/wlf13082315360011-n1.htm (http://sankei.jp.msn.com/west/west_life/news/130823/wlf13082315360011-n1.htm)
きい looking mighty fine :yep: at today's premiere for the Joukyou Monogatari movie.
More stellar きい pics from the Joukyou Monogatari premiere plus a short video from it. :shocked:
北乃きい登場! 『上京ものがたり』 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcg1ZyJ6jdg#)
New info from eiga.com on きい's next movie Yokohama Story:
Actress Kie Kitano will be starring alongside Eiji Okuda in Ichiro Kita’s latest film Yokohama Monogatari (lit. Yokohama Story).
Set in Yokohama, Kanagawa, the film revolves around a young woman facing the harsh realities of life and a man dealing with loneliness and despair after the death of his wife. Filming began on August 8 with the cooperation of Yokohama F. Marinos soccer stadium and full support of local townspeople.
Kitano will play Nanami Matsuura, a 25-year-old who was raised in an orphanage after losing both parents in middle school. She’s the manager of an amateur band, but makes hardly any money and can’t afford to pay her rent.
Meanwhile, Okuda will play a 65-year-old man named Yoshinori Tanabe who spent 40 years working as greens-keeper of a soccer stadium, only to lose his wife to a terminal illness on the day of his retirement.
When these two people meet by chance, Nanami ends up stumbling into an odd living arrangement which has her moving into Tanabe’s home. Without consulting Tanabe, Nanami fills the remaining empty rooms by inviting several more people to move in: a single mother named Aoi and her 5-year old son, a frustrated real estate worker named Asako, and an unemployed woman from Osaka.
Kitano and Okuda’s co-stars include Yoshie Ichige, Megumi Saeki, and Nahana. In addition, pop singer Sayoko Izumi will provide the theme song and make her film acting debut.
“Yokohama Monogatari” will get a sequential nation-wide release beginning in Yokohama on November 16, 2013.
Slowing catching up and hopefully making きい happy, :smhid from the March 2010 issue of Gainer.
(http://imageshack.us/a/img809/9034/uno7.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/809/uno7.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img163/9010/k38m.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/163/k38m.jpg/)
An emotional きい :sweatdrop: on last night's Studio Park show.
From earlier this year, World News Show from March 12th where Haruna's cooking brought きい to tears once again. :panic:
^^ Poster for yet another きい movie, this one is coming out in January and is called Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai.... from Asianwiki:
2nd year high school student Kodaka Hasegawa (Koji Seto) has transferred to his new school about a month ago, but he still hasn't made any friends. Kodaka Hasegawa was born from a Japanese father and a British mother. Because of his appearance, people think Kodaka Hasegawa is a troubled kid.
One day, Kodaka Hasegawa sees classmate Yozora Mikazuki (Kie Kitano) pleasantly talking to herself. Kodaka Hasegawa talks with her about how to make friends. To make friends, Yozora Mikazuki decides to make the Neighbor's Club and Kodaka is forced to enroll in the club. Soon other students begin to enroll in the Neighbor's Club.
Short trailer for it is out and looks to be an okay film, きい looks, well, uh, gulp.... looks as magnificent as she always does and maybe better. :oops: :heart:
映画『僕は友達が少ない』特報映像 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G458jbX2HM#)
きい looking stupendous :inlove: in this interview she did for Movie Collection on August 23rd, more unbelievable pics there too: http://news.myjcom.jp/entertainment/story/interview000227_1.html (http://news.myjcom.jp/entertainment/story/interview000227_1.html)
Still sloooooowly catching and no doubt raising the ire of きい, :sweatdrop: couple spreads from 2010.... CM Now #148....
(http://imageshack.us/a/img401/6052/6bs1.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/401/6bs1.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img850/5250/e4sn.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/e4sn.jpg/)
.... Models volume 24.
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Posted a few pics last page from きい's "Key of Dreams" PB, here's even more from it. :panic:
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きい at a fan signing event for the release of her "Key of Dreams" PB. :huhuh
きい looking terrific as is her norm :yep:, dressed in blue for the Nov. 2009 issue of Kindai, great pics like these make us feel anything but blue. :doh:
Another super-duper きい spread, :thumbsup from TV Navi vol. 19 2010.
(http://imageshack.us/a/img9/1127/0rl7.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/9/0rl7.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img829/8559/up67.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/829/up67.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img822/4337/ruks.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/822/ruks.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img41/4426/c45q.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/41/c45q.jpg/)
きい making the word kawaii obsolete :oops: at this Kit Kat event from April 2008 where she was named their "Female spokesperson of the Year". :huhuh
Now on to きい's 2010 drama Nagareboshi....
.... no doubt that's a mirror.... :yep:
.... the evil Haruna filling her head with these thoughts.... :twisted:
.... but wait, is she in an incurable coma.... :sweatdrop:
.... no coma but the evil one back giving her more ideas.... :panic:
.... which is fine as it was Yoshino she was taking about, きい's response. :thumbsup
Checked through the pages but didn't see these pics here, :banghead: きい in an ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra state of kawainess :inlove: on the Arashi VS show back in Feb. 2011.
Hope きい was referring to you-know-who, :sweatdrop: episode 2 screenshots of Maria. :huhuh
Think we're getting closer to filling in all the missing gaps though I hope not, :oops: きい from CM Now #138 2009.
(http://imageshack.us/a/img845/8281/fgum.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/845/fgum.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img855/2493/8tfo.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/855/8tfo.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img9/363/yqt4.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/9/yqt4.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img443/9555/8r5i.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/443/8r5i.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img19/3205/uuah.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19/uuah.jpg/)
きい outdoing herself :inlove: for the umpteenth time on the November 28th "Have A Nice Day" show....
.... and proving she gets a bit more kawaii each day きい once again outdoing herself :bow: the next day day on the "Have A Nice Day" show.
Day 3 of きい on the "Have A Nice Day" show, she was promoting her TV movie Akutou. :huhuh
きい from the May 2010 issues of Entertainment and Photo Technic Digital.
(http://imageshack.us/a/img835/3647/5zgy.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/835/5zgy.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img703/260/idni.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/703/idni.jpg/)
Actually forgot to post all the pics from that terrific Photo Technic Digital spread. :banghead:
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きい from the Korezo! show's New Years Special from the beginning of the year. :?
Few beyond stunning pics きい :inlove: has uploaded to her blog the last few months.
More adorable きい from Nagareboshi. :cathappy:
きい at the apex of kawaiiness :yep: in this new CM for Choya.
【北乃きい】チョーヤ梅酒 酔わないウメッシュ「宮殿・トーク」 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcgO_yUdlME#)
Another oldie from きい, Feb. 2009 issue of BirthDay. :welcome
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Not sure if the world could take the kawaiiness of 4 きいs(I could) :oops: :inlove:.... from TV Guide Sept. 19th, 2009.
(http://imageshack.us/a/img819/6837/q9g9.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/819/q9g9.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img802/4494/r8aj.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/802/r8aj.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img809/2461/19hp.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/809/19hp.jpg/)
The cutest detective on the force きい :inlove: from an Oricon interview for the first Unfair TV movie, she's threatening to arrest anyone who hasn't become a fan yet. :yep:
きい somehow looking better than ever :thumbsup from the Music Lovers show back in April 2012, also doing a terrific job of making every female in the world jealous of her. :yep:
きい has just been way too quiet lately :sweatdrop:.... making us run for the oxygen machine :panic: with these pics from the HARU-UTA show back in March 2010.
Hope きい has noticed the vault is getting quite empty :smhid and is about to release too many things for us to keep up on.... from the April 2010 issue of BLT.
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Haven't found many pics nor a video but きい today at a press conference for her next movie Yokohama Monogatari which comes out on November 16th....
.... and another found golden nugget, a fantastic looking きい :inlove: from the Feb. 2010 issue of Exile.
(http://imageshack.us/a/img850/2253/ibee.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/ibee.jpg/)(http://imageshack.us/a/img585/906/x2bk.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/585/x2bk.jpg/)
Few more captivating きい :inlove: pics from the Yokohama Monogatari press conference.
きい doing the impossible and looking better than ever :inlove: yesterday in Shanghai where they had a special screening for her upcoming film Bakushin: Nagasaki no Sora.
More pics from that event, think we should lock every thread in this section as it's impossible to top perhaps the most ultimate きい pics ever!!!! :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
More pics from that event, think we should lock every thread in this section as it's impossible to top perhaps the most ultimate きい pics ever!!!! :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
Was debating whether to ever post again, no way those pics of きい can ever be topped :inlove:.... but fabulous new pics here though as she's in NYC, last night at the ballet which she says is one of her most enjoyable activities, said on her blog she started when she was 4.... once again no secret rendezvous. :sweatdrop:
Short clip of きい :inlove: at the ballet, she's only on the video though from the 55 second mark until 1:25. :angry:
ニューヨーク・シティ・バレエ 来日公演初日/レッドカーペットに宮尾俊太郎・北乃きい・音月桂らが登場 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ryGilPihWc#)
Another movie of きい's that's coming out on November 9th is called Ken and Mary, think it was supposed to be released earlier in the year but got held back for some reason.... these magnificent pics of きい at a promo event for it on Monday kind of leaves me speechless once again.... :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Video of the above event....
北乃きい登場! 映画「ケンとメリー 雨あがりの夜空に」完成披露舞台あいさつ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT8Q8fhIgRY#)
.... plus a trailer for the film. :huhuh
『ケンとメリー 雨上がりの夜空に』予告編 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzpNBjlDM2c#)
きい more kawaii than ever :thumbsup in this new CM for Choya.
【HD】 北乃きい 髭男爵 酔わないウメッシュ「宮殿・有機酸」篇 CM(15秒) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7nLDY-bn-M#)
きい's Ken and Mary film comes out tomorrow, some pics from the promo event they had for it last week that she just posted on her blog. :?
Sadly not a lot of pics nor a video for Saturday's "Ken and Mary" premiere, :angry: new CM for Kao though. :sweatdrop:
花王 バスマジックリン CM 北乃きい 「除菌消臭プラス」篇 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuFXTOLq4Ys#ws)
Too short :sweatdrop: of a video but きい hitting majestic levels in kawaiiness :inlove: in this new interview for Onitsuka Tiger.
OnitsukaTiger × 北乃きい (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HY1AwfTkJY#ws)
Started this post quite a while ago, :oops: きい :wub: :wub: has a way of leaving me in total awe :bow: and forgetting where I am, :oops: pics from her Onitsuka Tiger interview and here's the link to the site: http://www.onitsukatigermagazine.com/magazine/index.php?i=39 (http://www.onitsukatigermagazine.com/magazine/index.php?i=39)
Yokohama Monogatari opened up today, not many きい :inlove: pics from the premiere though, just as well because you can only take so much ultra kawaiiness in one day. :oops:
Finally getting around to watching Unfair: Yes or No, :oops: screenshots of Akira who comes close to the kawaiiness level of きい. :huhuh
The world actually wants more pics of Akira, kind of hard to disagree with them. :panic:
No doubt a run on new TVs today after so many had to have melted :doh: after the extreme level of kawaiiness of きい :inlove: doing a guest spot on last night's episode of Umi no Ue no Shinryoujo.
Two more pics from the Yokohama Monogatari premiere, that first one is too perfect too describe, gulp.... :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
Know one person who would never not stop at her room :wub:.... Maria from ep.4 of Nagareboshi.
Finally getting around to watching this film, the tough Aki really makes one's heart :heart: flutter. :panic:
More of the wanna-be sukeban Aki, :smhid she doesn't need a strong upper cut to floor me.... :oops:
Subbed Izumi screenshots from ep. 6 of Umi no Ue no Shinryoujo. :huhuh
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New pics from the Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai movie site, think きい is getting a bit too old for teen roles. :roll:
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/845/chnb.jpg) (http://imageshack.com/i/nhchnbj)
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New trailer that came out for the Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai movie. :O
瀬戸康史×北乃きい『僕は友達が少ない』予告編 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHD4-rP_16I#ws)
Posted a few stupendous きい :wub: pics from the March 2009 issue of Free X フリー a few pages back, here's the rest of the fabulous spread. :welcome
An utterly amazing きい :wub: Saturday at a promo event for Ameba Candy and for her new movie "Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai", wow are these some of the freatest pics since the beginning of time. :bow: :thumbsup :inlove: :cathappy:
Few more ultra dazzling and stunning きい :wub: pics from the Ameba Candy event, check out the video too after the pics.
瀬戸康史「友達が少ない...」 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUk3A5Najjo#ws)
Bought the above 5 years ago and by the cover you can figure out why. :oops: First thing I saw きい in and she was terrific in it, she played a 'ghost' as her character Junko supposedly killed herself jumping from a roof.... a kawaiiness meter can not register high enough to calculate きい's level in the movie. :inlove:
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/22/1xcr.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/0m1xcrj)
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More ultimate kawaii Junko pics from Miracle World, kind of put in a pleasant daze. :bow: :inlove:
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There!! My thread looks great
hanging right at the top of Page One!!
Hard to top きい in a kimono, :bow: actually hard to top きい in any of her pics :yep:.... yesterday at a special screening in Shibuya for her upcoming film "Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai".
If your heart can take more ultra きい kawaiiness :inlove: here's a video of the special screening for the "Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai", wonder if they handed out special glasses to cut down on the off the radar きい kawaiiness, whewwww.... :panic:
【TNS動画ニュース】北乃きい「瀬戸康史さんの人見知りはひどかった」...映画「僕は友達が少ない」完成披露イベント (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZHYDJi9GaY#ws)
Found this via Kasumi's FB page but there's some short movies which air on the HikariTV site, only problem is you can only view it if you live in Japan, :( perhaps someone can watch a few for us....
Link to きい's movie: http://video.hikaritv.net/search/video/request/00/video_detail/crid%3Ddm9kL21zb25seV8wMDAwMDAwMDAwXzAwaG82aWxsczk%3D.html (http://video.hikaritv.net/search/video/request/00/video_detail/crid%3Ddm9kL21zb25seV8wMDAwMDAwMDAwXzAwaG82aWxsczk%3D.html)
Link for all the movies: http://www.hikaritv.net/sp/24jyoyu/ (http://www.hikaritv.net/sp/24jyoyu/)
The incomparable きい :bow: leaves me/us speechless in these simply unbelievable pics from the Feb. 11th issue of Weekly Ascii, wowwww.... :inlove:
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip19085.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip19085.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip19086.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip19086.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip19087.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip19087.jpg)
The amazing きい :bow: dazzling us again with these pics from a new interview for Crank: http://www.crank-in.net/movie/interview/29113 (http://www.crank-in.net/movie/interview/29113)
I liked the press conference above~ Kii and Koji and the other
cast really seemed to have become friends....
And after all the the story is about two unlikable people
Who team up to try and get some friends.
Co-stars Louis Kurihara and Mio Otani are both pretty well known (Otani san, noted gravure idol, has her own thread here).
Kurihara has been a refreshing change of pace with his quirky character, and he certainly will add to this film.
The two younger girls were Sayu Kubota and little Momoko Yamada...we will probably
be seeing more of them in the future.
Here is an article when the film was first cast (credit to crunchyroll)
http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2013/07/25/koji-seto-and-kie-kitano-to-star-in-live-action-haganai-film (http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2013/07/25/koji-seto-and-kie-kitano-to-star-in-live-action-haganai-film)
Yoshino san had a trailer and pics of "Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai"
on the previous page , but here is some more promotion for きい's film,
because , well it's きい!
Koji and きい
The cast with a closeuup of Louis Kurihara,
who plays a baddie!
Mio Otani , who plays a sexy girl who wants to
learn how to make real friends, not just big おっぱい admirers
Sara Takatsuki and Mao Kanjou:
Sayu Kubota (14 years old)
Momoka Yamada ( age 11)
きい :inlove: at today's premiere of the "Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai" film, kind of leaving us all in awe.... :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
Sadly no video of the premiere yet, :angry: guess we'll have to put up with more sizzling きい pics. :inlove:
Sigh, poor きい :inlove: looks so happy....
.... but wait until she reads the review マペット did for the "Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai" film....
何!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
.... better save that kick for you-know-who. :doh:
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
"Hey world, you can finally watch how dazzling :inlove: I was at the premiere"....
...."sigh, but マペット's review for the film is, is.... :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:
瀬戸康史、栗原類に恨み節「股間蹴られた」 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPZq5LTcEsY#ws)
The world's leader in making a :heart: flutter, naturally we mean きい :wub: :inlove:, in the studio with Dohzi-T doing a remake of the 1985 tune "Dancing Hero (Eat You Up)", no comment on the () part. :oops:
Proving she makes every :heart: flutter in every country きい :wub: :inlove: was in Taiwan on Feb.13th for a special showing of the "Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai" film where after she also had answer and question session with her every growing flock of disciples. :bow:
Stunning new blog pics from きい :inlove: as she was in Yamagata last week for a special screening of the Yokohama Monogatari movie.
Sigh, took forever it seems to finally have a new page for きい....
"Don't let it happen again!!!!" :shilivid:
Hah, acting so tough, what are you going to do about it then....
.... ooooops, okay then but it's all your fault, kind of hard to concentrate when there's perfect pics like these around.
:wub: :bow: :wub: :bow: :wub: :bow: :wub: :bow: :wub: :bow: :wub: :bow: :wub: :bow:
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Let the countdown begin, :dunno: a younger きい :inlove: on the Nep League show back in August 2009.
Some of the utmost breathtaking pics in the history of mankind from きい's :wub: "Sou" DVD of her performing live at Shibuya BOXX back in May 2011, whewwww.... :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20413.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20413.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20414.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20414.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20416.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20416.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20417.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20417.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20421.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20421.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20418.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20418.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20419.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20419.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20420.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20420.jpg)
Kaseifu wa Mita came back as a TV movie that aired last Sunday, the kawaiiness level that きい :wub: hit is seriously off the charts. :bow:
More Akemi from Kaseifu wa Mita, she just looks so, so amazing. :inlove: :inlove:
Can't believe I never posted these before, :banghead: took 20 minutes for my hands to stop shaking :oops: but some beyond breathtaking きい :wub: :inlove: pics from a Livedoor interview she did for her "Love Come" film.
The "Yokohama Monogatari" film came out last November but looks like it's still remaining popular, :shocked: the beyond enchanting きい :wub: at a special screening for it last Sunday in Kanagawa.
北乃きい、泉沙世子のライブ聞き「撮影時よりパワーがすごい」と絶賛 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyR9wL0-hL4#ws)
Finally resumed Nagareboshi again, :oops: for health reasons best to take Maria :inlove: :inlove: in small doses, :sweatdrop: from episode 5.
Kie Kitano / 北乃きい
Alternate Spelling of name: Kii Kitano
Birthdate: 1991-Mar-15
Birthplace: Kanagawa, Japan
Measuments: 80, 58, 81
Star sign: Pieces
Talent agency: Foster
Hobbies and special abilities: Shopping, playing piano, impersonations, ballet
Favorite subjects: English, Mathematics
Least favorite subjects: Gym, Social Studies
Favorite food: Ribs, melon
Least favorite food: Green peppers, If she was an animal... Cat
Type of guy: A Yoshino kind of guy
Grrrr, why do we have to go through this every year for this peerless female.... :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
....hmmmm, seems like you're missing a few candles there....
"Shut up or else!!!!" :nervous
.... but wait, why does the 絶好
きい look so down? :sweatdrop:
Now, now don't be so cold about only 2 truckloads, マペットさん hasn't dropped by yet.... er, didn't mean cold literally. :doh:
Hmmmm again, though it's your special day you're really making it special for us! :bow:
WOW!!!! :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: WOW!!!!
Have posted a few of these before but here's an vast amount of fabulous きい :wub: mag covers from over the years.
(http://img279.imagevenue.com/loc107/th_844758233_cov1_122_107lo.jpg) (http://img279.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=844758233_cov1_122_107lo.jpg)(http://img162.imagevenue.com/loc556/th_844767726_cov2_122_556lo.jpg) (http://img162.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=844767726_cov2_122_556lo.jpg) (http://img162.imagevenue.com/loc478/th_844769191_cov3_122_478lo.jpg) (http://img162.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=844769191_cov3_122_478lo.jpg)(http://img257.imagevenue.com/loc1/th_844771107_cov4_122_1lo.jpg) (http://img257.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=844771107_cov4_122_1lo.jpg)(http://img7.imagevenue.com/loc86/th_844773456_cov5_122_86lo.jpg) (http://img7.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=844773456_cov5_122_86lo.jpg) (http://img167.imagevenue.com/loc1088/th_844776241_cov6_122_1088lo.jpg) (http://img167.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=844776241_cov6_122_1088lo.jpg)(http://img182.imagevenue.com/loc539/th_844779774_cov7_122_539lo.jpg) 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Few ultra perfect きい :wub: blog pics from over the years, first pic is a real winner. :thumbsup .... actually they all are! :inlove: :inlove:
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20996.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20996.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20995.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20995.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20997.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20997.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20998.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20998.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip20999.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip20999.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21001.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21001.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21002.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21002.jpg)
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21003.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21003.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21004.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21004.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21005.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21005.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21007.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21007.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21008.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21008.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21009.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21009.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21010.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21010.jpg)
Checked and didn't find this tremendous きい :bow: spread here from the Winter 2008 issue of Memew.
(http://img225.imagevenue.com/loc1020/th_845899679_mm1_122_1020lo.jpg) (http://img225.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845899679_mm1_122_1020lo.jpg) (http://img103.imagevenue.com/loc1164/th_845904613_mm2_122_1164lo.jpg) (http://img103.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845904613_mm2_122_1164lo.jpg)(http://img246.imagevenue.com/loc176/th_845906755_mm3_122_176lo.jpg) (http://img246.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845906755_mm3_122_176lo.jpg)(http://img158.imagevenue.com/loc382/th_845908909_mm4_122_382lo.jpg) (http://img158.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845908909_mm4_122_382lo.jpg) (http://img43.imagevenue.com/loc184/th_845912925_mm5_122_184lo.jpg) (http://img43.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845912925_mm5_122_184lo.jpg)(http://img34.imagevenue.com/loc412/th_845913981_mm6_122_412lo.jpg) (http://img34.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845913981_mm6_122_412lo.jpg)(http://img194.imagevenue.com/loc11/th_484591663_mm7_122_11lo.jpg) (http://img194.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=484591663_mm7_122_11lo.jpg) (http://img208.imagevenue.com/loc487/th_845919202_mm8_122_487lo.jpg) (http://img208.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845919202_mm8_122_487lo.jpg)(http://img244.imagevenue.com/loc548/th_845925354_mm9_122_548lo.jpg) (http://img244.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845925354_mm9_122_548lo.jpg)(http://img141.imagevenue.com/loc18/th_845930118_mm10_122_18lo.jpg) (http://img141.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845930118_mm10_122_18lo.jpg) (http://img220.imagevenue.com/loc806/th_845935715_mm11_122_806lo.jpg) (http://img220.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845935715_mm11_122_806lo.jpg)(http://img193.imagevenue.com/loc36/th_845938258_mm12_122_36lo.jpg) (http://img193.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845938258_mm12_122_36lo.jpg)(http://img34.imagevenue.com/loc121/th_845944710_mm13_122_121lo.jpg) (http://img34.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845944710_mm13_122_121lo.jpg) (http://img245.imagevenue.com/loc408/th_845949671_mm14_122_408lo.jpg) (http://img245.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=845949671_mm14_122_408lo.jpg)
Let the Good Times Roll!
Another scintillating きい :inlove: Memew spread, from September 2007 volume 36.
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きい :wub:.... the 帽子 post! :doh:
From a talented teen model to today's fantastic dramatic actress,
every chapter of Kii san's public life has been a joy to her
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21011.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21011.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21017.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21017.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21018.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21018.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21021.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21021.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21022.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21022.jpg)
And as fans, today is a day to wish Kitano Kii san a very
Happy Birthday, and for an upcoming year full of Joy and Happiness!
....and Good Eats!!
.....and Good Tunes!!
More stupendous きい :inlove: pics from an April 2010 interview for the "Bushido Sixteen" film. :cathappy:
It's been great, but it's
time for ちょうちゃん to
get some sleep!
Wonder if きい had any other visitors besides マペットさん.... :dunno:
.... any other well wishers(?)....
.... wow, but weren't you the two of you just a tad too young at the time? :shocked:
"Whew, did the two of us imbibe too much or what!" :panic:
You need some food after all those drinks, may I suggest a specially prepared dish? :nervous
"Yoshino made this, hope my life insurance is up to date!" :sweatdrop:
The world's leader in making a :heart: flutter, naturally we mean きい :wub: :inlove:, in the studio with Dohzi-T doing a remake of the 1985 tune "Dancing Hero (Eat You Up)", no comment on the () part. :oops:
PV for that song just came out this week. :O
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pc5M98Fqrg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pc5M98Fqrg#ws)
Sigh, took forever it seems to finally have a new page for きい....
"Don't let it happen again!!!!" :shilivid:
きい :inlove: looks happy as it took us no time to get to a new page....
.... er, you're supposed to take the wrapper off first! :doh:
Had only posted two pics back on page 5 :sweatdrop: but the ultra dazzling きい :inlove: promoting the Girls Locks! 2011 Rock Show where she was the headliner.
The 眩しい きい :wub: :wub:, doesn't she look better than ever in these pics(!), :yep: celebrating her b-day on Saturday's Radiolite Gakuen show where she was a guest host. :huhuh
Looks like Kii san had a great day...
"Hey 彩, let me get a word in!!!!" :twisted:
"Oh you're such a brat きい, go ahead then!" :panic:
(Hah hah hah hah hah!)
Promoting the Nagareboshi drama on the Iitomi show back in October 2010.
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?"
Yoshino: Er, uh, gosh きい, :inlove: now if you ask me.... :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Only one pic was on page 1 but here's the entire UTB-H Autumn 2008 spread.
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21152.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21152.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21153.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21153.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21154.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21154.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21155.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21155.jpg)
Have a few more pics that haven't been posted yet.... :panic:
.... what, how you can you say that, the universe can't get enough きい :wub: pics....
.... sigh, perhaps you're right and we should stop posting your pics!
WAIT! What's wrong with me, :banghead: there's no way I could ever stop so how about this amazing spread from the April 29, 1010 issue of Weekly Bunshun. :nervous
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21178.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21178.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21180.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21180.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21181.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21181.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21182.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21182.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21183.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21183.jpg)
Glad to see きい :inlove: has regained her senses(!), :doh: putting the word dazzling to shame on the HEY! HEY! HEY! show back in July 2010 singing her "Hanataba" single.
These kind of take your breath away :bow:.... きい :inlove: at a Sonpo promo event back in August 2009, whewwww.
In case those above pics did leave you breathless....
"Someone need some medical attention"? :nervous
.... others may need medical help after viewing these unbeatable きい :wub: pics from the premiere of the Inu to Anata no Monogatari: Inu no Eiga film.
Rumor is that きい has been down in the dumps since her b-day, :sweatdrop: finally found out why as the gallivanting マペットさん stood her up on her special day and since then she's been, been.... :sweatdrop:
How is she dealing with being stood up....again?! :angry:
Oh no! :(
:sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:
And it looked so promising for those 2 since their first contact on the Girls Locks! show back in December 2010....
"Hmmmm, quiet tonight.... wait a call, how can we help you マペットさん?"
"Yes, yes, don't be shy about her, just...."
"ask her out, if it was me I'd say yes to you".....(like he's talking about me)
"what(!), it is me, :oops: yes I'm free tomorrow and the day after and the...."
And as the adage goes the rest is was history. :doh:
Think the audience is ready for more better than ultra kawaii pics of you....
.... heh heh heh heh, 眩しい きい :wub: from the Tobira show back in October 2010, wowwww! :bow:
In the annuls of history there is one name which towers over all others..... :oops:
An even more stupendous than ever きい :inlove: using her Todai-ish smarts :O on the Rinkan show back in January 2011.
More awe-inspiring :bow: きい blog pics from Jan\Feb. 2011.
No doubt the ratings have nose dived since the astounding きい :inlove: departed the Girls Locks! show, from April 2011.
Some older pics with アリス from the U.F.O. site....
.... アリス posted these pics on her blog Friday, :panic: was マペットさん? knocking at the door? :doh:
The worldly きい :bow: giving her one of a kind of advice on the Girls Locks! show back in January 2012.
Hope that's not Yoshino's rating out of 100. :sweatdrop:
眩しい きい :wub: :inlove: promoting her Darl: Orz single on the Hey!Hey!Hey! New Year's Special show back in 2012, isn't every show she's on special? :yep: :bow:
.... アリス posted these pics on her blog Friday, :panic: was マペットさん? knocking at the door? :doh:
[segway to きい's apartment some time ago]
Alice Hirose:
Ooh きいchan, there is someone kinda weird knocking
at your door!
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21566.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21566.jpg)
北乃きい: let me see
きい: oh, that guy!
きい: He's just a puppetrazi
Alice: Go Away!
きい: Good one, Alice! Watch this!
きい: I hear you knocking!!
Dave Edmunds I hear you Knocking 1970
] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5z5HXX2HS4&app=desktop)
きい :wub: posted many more pics on her blog when she recently brought her perfectness to Taiwan, :bow: she mentioned a special on it will be airing tonight on the NHK-E channel.
Sigh, no きい posts for too many days now....
.... er, that's okay, just smile if you think these are breathtaking pics. :oops:
Radiant きい :wub: pics from her 2011 Kizuna single.
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21676.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21676.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21677.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21677.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21678.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21678.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21679.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21679.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21680.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21680.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21681.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21681.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21682.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21682.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip21683.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip21683.jpg)
きい :inlove: looking beyond ravishing in these 2011 blog pics. :deco:
きい :wub: having too much 楽しい :doh: promoting her Darl:Orz single on the Picaru show back in January 2012.
Though the listeners couldn't see her sure きい :inlove: had a way to transmit her すばらしい beauty over the airwaves, :yep: from the Girls Locks! show October 2011.
No call from マペットさん tonight, how can life get any worse..... :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:
More 信じられない きい blog pics from 2011....
"Gulp, gulp"
"Don't even think about saying it 佳乃...." :doh:
Finally got around to watching the "Toire no Kamisama" movie, :oops: still in a state of shock.... :bow: :inlove: :bow: :inlove:
Some old きい :wub: promo pics from 2011 for Noharu.
きい wanted マペットさん to know :angry: that she'll be appearing Saturday at the Yokohama Lumine center, admission will be free as she'll be handing out the tickets at 10:00 am: http://ameblo.jp/kie-kitano/ (http://ameblo.jp/kie-kitano/)
No comment. :doh:
If your :heart: can take it even more stupendous Kana :bow: pics from the "Toire no Kamisama" movie.
きい reminded everyone on her blog again today about the event in Yokohama tomorrow, think she mentioned there will be a special showing of the "Yokohama Monogatari" film but the way she wrote her message was kind of hard to understand.... :dunno:
.... unsure if マペットさん will make an appearance.
Few breathtaking pics きい :inlove: posted early today on her blog before her Yokohama event, did you-know-who make an appearance? :?
Sigh, am slowly running out of きい pics :(.... wait, what's this.... :O
"When's Easter?" :doh:
.... behind the scenes for her Darl: Orz PV. :)
Getting close to the end of the older pics :( so think it's getting time for きい :wub: to grace us with some dazzling new ones....
.... what!!!! :sweatdrop: Sigh, if these pics weren't so stupendous(as all are) one could get a bit mad at you, :smhid from the Halfway premiere back in February 2009.
Just started viewing きい's :wub: 2013 film "Ken and Mary", sadly unsubbed :sweatdrop: but the way きい makes one heart :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: guess I wouldn't pay attention to the words anyway. :oops:
きい :inlove: has been kind of quiet the last few weeks....
.... sigh, we'll forgive you :thumbsup as the homepage on her blog was just done over and has a terrific new header pic: http://ameblo.jp/kie-kitano/ (http://ameblo.jp/kie-kitano/)
Still nothing new with きい :wub: lately but we'll forgive her as who can get mad at someone who looks as kawaii as she does :inlove: in these pics, from a promo event for the "Love Fight" film back on July 29, 2008.
^^ The ultra adorable きい :wub: at a promo event for the "Love Come" movie along with some pics from the premiere., whewwww. :inlove:
Gulp :bow:.... posted a video of the event many pages back but here's some unbeatable pics of きい :wub:(aren't all きい pics unbeatable! :yep:) at a Kitte opening ceremony back on March 21, 2013.... gulp again. :bow:
"Hah hah きい, Miori got a new page and you didn't, hah hah!" :nervous
Grrrrrrrrr.......... :angry:
Good for Miori then because she's..... wait, what's this? :huhuh
Give me one good reason you deserve a new page.... oh, you think you're #1.... :yep:
.... does anyone else want きい to have a new page?
"I Do, I Do!" (Hmmmm, I also say I do!) :oops:
.... sigh, step right up then. :wub:
Warning, do not try this at home! :panic:
Gulp.... :inlove:
Had never seen these pics before, a breathtaking きい :wub: from an April 2010 interview for Cinema-pia.
Hope we're not #1 on you know what kind of list of きい's :inlove: after this long break :banghead:.... in front of a passed out crowd at a KDDI event back in January 2009.
Blog pics of the incomparable :bow: きい from January 2009.
Even more of the amazing きい :wub: at a fan signing event for her 2009 calendar.
"You can let go now マペットさん...."
(5 hours later) "Er, I said you can let go now マペットさん!" :doh:
きい :inlove: promoting her "Let's go to Shanghai" DVD back in March 2008, kind of a video to learn the language, she did go to Shanghai to film it. :O
The nonpareil きい :bow: from a November 2008 interview for her Love Fight film.
The peerless きい :wub: at a special screening back in December 2008 for her Halfway movie.
"Okay 沙紀ちゃん, Yoshino seems somewhat normal now :smhid so you better apologize for what you've been saying!"
The exquisite きい :inlove: at a Kit Kat promo event back in January 2010, think it was her last event for them. :sweatdrop:
Pics are a bit on the smallish side but the kawaiiness of きい still shines through, :thumbsup from the Girls Locks! show back in December 2009.
Gulp, more than ultra kawaiiness in these きい :inlove: pics, from the premiere of the "Gegege no Kitaro: Kitaro and the Millennium Curse" back in July of 2008, whewwww.... :bow:
The 素晴らしい きい's :wub: Hanataba single was released on August 11, 2010, here she is on that day at a fan event for it at the Kawasaki plaza. :huhuh
More stellar きい :inlove: pics on the Girls Locks! show, from February 2010.
"Sigh, our next caller sounds like マペットさん disguising his voice.....(the next day).... er, マペットさん, this show ended 14 hours ago!!!!" :oops:
"Sigh, I just can't cool down, why do I have to be so hot?" :bow:
Hmmmm, you're hot(?), :yep: don't let us disagree with you :inlove:.... surprised this wasn't here, きい from CM Now #130 January 2008, may need the smelling salts to revive yourself. :oops:
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23255.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23255.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23256.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23256.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23257.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23257.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23258.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23258.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23259.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23259.jpg)
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23260.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23260.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23261.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23261.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23262.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23262.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23263.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23263.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23264.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23264.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23265.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23265.jpg)
More pics of the すばらしい きい :wub: winning the "Best Cotton Dresser Award" for 2010, could win that award for anything she wears. :oops:
Whewwww, there is regular kawaii and then there is kawaii to the Nth level and we know which one describes きい :inlove:.... from the September 2007 issue of Girls Special!, spread for the "Life" drama.
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23281.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23281.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23282.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23282.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23283.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23283.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23284.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23284.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23285.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23285.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23286.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23286.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23287.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23287.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23288.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23288.jpg)
Health warning for these pics as your :heart: may go into maximum overdrive, wowwwwwww.... きい :inlove: winning the award for the "Best new Artist" for 2010 at the 25th Japan Gold Awards show in January 2011. :cathappy:
The lucky lottery winners who were allowed to share the stage with きい. :O
No award for きい :wub: at the 2011 Cotton Awards show :angry: but she did sing her Kizuna single.
Better than fantastic きい :inlove: 2008 promo pics for Seabreeze.
Wow........... :bow:
More charming きい :inlove: blog pics from 2012.
Can't believe it but きい :wub: is ready for a new page but with this recent inactivity not sure if she deserves one....
.... ah, forgot the baseball season just started, must be your second career.....
"Yoshino's up, watch this 110 mph fastball"....
...."head straight for his empty head!(hah hah)!" :panic:
Oh, okay then, step right down as it looks like you'll have your new page after all.
Wait, what's this!? We just meant one of you though a few clones of you might be okay! :bow:
Whewwww. :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
きい in a world of her own from the Music Station show March 2010, wow wow wow wow wow wow wow..... :bow:
More of the jaw-dropping きい :inlove: from the Music Station show where she sang her "Sakura Saku" single.
Not so many TV appearances lately :sweatdrop: but きい :inlove: used to be on so many shows, from the Another Sky program back in January 2010.
At a Science Diet event back in January 2011.... きい in a kimono, :bow: she really knows how to hurt a guy, wowwww.... :inlove:
Animal lover きい :inlove: on the Shimura Zoo show back in January 2011. :cathappy:
Who wants new きい :inlove: pics?
That goes for me and probably the rest of the world too but these are the only new きい pics as of late, :catglare: actually she posted these on her blog on April 22nd and sadly she's done zero entries since then. :cry:
"Sigh, what can I do????" :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:
No wonder we haven't heard from きい lately as she's enjoying the finer things in life.... :doh:
.... from the 2010 Himitsu X-Mas show.
The incomparable きい :inlove: on the Iitomo show back in August 2009 promoting her "Kyumei Byoto 24 Ji 4" drama.... what's this? :?
"Oh, the name tag? That's so I'll stop forgetting my name!" :doh: :panic:
It appears きい is someone who is really into cleaning, :shocked: new entry on her blog said it's the only thing she's been doing for the last month....
" That's because マペットさん won't come over and help these days!!!!" :(
.... hmmmm, seems like she's enjoying cleaning too much though and all this time I had thought she was an actress/singer, sigh. :sweatdrop: Wait, what's this response???? :?
Whatever :roll:....new きい CM is available for viewing at the Bath Magic site with a lot of other pics there too: http://www.kao.co.jp/bathmagiclean/ (http://www.kao.co.jp/bathmagiclean/)
Screenshots of the janitor from the new CM. :oops:
Get ready for the big celebration next year,
as きいさん will celebrate her 10 Year Anniversary
in show business!!!
Too early to pop the champagne corks yet, but enjoy
this 2005 Music Video from the Beat Crusaders, who
cover "I Can See Clearly Now" - with きい in her first big role!!!
http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SQpkGsxO2ck (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SQpkGsxO2ck)
A retrospective:
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23776.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23776.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23777.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23777.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23778.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23778.jpg)
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23779.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23779.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23780.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23780.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23781.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23781.jpg)
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23782.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23782.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23783.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23783.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip23784.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip23784.jpg)
きい: ちょうくん, isn't this exciting?!!
Just got the "Joukyou Monogatari" movie and of course without subs but you can watch a brief bit of it on bilibili, きい just looks so spectacular. :inlove:
http://bilibili.kankanews.com/video/av1114806/ (http://bilibili.kankanews.com/video/av1114806/)
Yajima Maimi in these pics looks a lot like Kitano Kie. :heart:
(http://picroda.jphip.com/hp/jphip15821.jpg) (http://a.imageshack.us/img375/872/maimipb.jpg)
Was starting to forget what きい looked like :oops:.... some new pics she added to her blog this week but didn't say what she's been up to.... happiness is new きい pics. :bow:
Just watched most of the "Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai" film and like all four of her four movies that she's been in the last year it's unsubbed, grrrr :angry:.... somehow きい :inlove: has broken all of her other standards for kawaiiness in this film, :oops: wowwwwwww.... :bow:
Some recent blog pics, how can someone who has broken every standard for kawaiiness be wearing a mask(?!).... :angry:
.... also きい :wub: is filming a new movie called "The Tenor Lirico Spinto", it's a Korean film and she's the only one from Japan in it, :shocked then again きい and only one go together well, :thumbsup heading to the small country of マペットトニア to finish shooting the movie. :huhuh
Looks like the return of きい to the small screen won't be in a drama but instead on the ZIP! entertainment show, :shocked think she'll be starting on it sometime next month.
http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/p-et-tp0-20140812-1349497.html (http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/p-et-tp0-20140812-1349497.html)
Wonder what she was doing during her longish break?
At least one side of the squabbling pair appears to have a nice side.... :shocked
....きい at the 2008 Tokyo International Film Festival where the screened her "Love Fight" movie.
"This could be you next Sakiiiiiiii-chan, hah hah!!!!" :panic:
Er, need to do one more post here. :oops:
A deranged きい from last night's Honkawa Scary Stories #15 TV movie. :panic:
Someone's not going to be too happy as there's a lot of new きい posts coming up.... :panic:
.... didn't know it until I read her blog today :oops: but きい was in another TV movie that aired last Friday on Fuji called "Inochiarukagiri", WWII movie about the fighting in the Philippines and some it was filmed there, link to the site and there's also an interview with her there: http://www.fujitv.co.jp/inochiarukagiri/story.html (http://www.fujitv.co.jp/inochiarukagiri/story.html)
New page and new extraordinary kawaii pics of きい :wub: from her blog that were taken in the Philippines when she was there filming the "Inochiarukagiri" movie.
No, you're not in heaven as it's just pics of きい in a kimono, :inlove: there's nothing in heaven could be as kawaii as these pics. :oops:
Forgot to mention it above but the peerless :inlove: きい :inlove:....
.... hit the elite status here with post #500! 8) Of course on Earth she's been the ultimate in eliteness for 8558 days! :dunno:
Hmmmm, seems the pair is celebrating but that looks a tad stronger than milk. :cheers
Wait, if these two can stop squabbling then anything is possible. :shocked
Yoshino: "Gulp, okay, I'm willing to be shared!" :wub: :bow: :wub: :bow:
"Like I'd ever forget if we did....
.... let's just enjoy ourselves.... and, uh, er, romantic, how many ways can someone say yes!" :nervous :oops:
The Love Come movie from 2010 has finally been subbed, few screenshots of the ultimate in kawaiiness, Ryoko :?.... need to watch the film in small doses, the heart can only take so much, wowwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
Hard to beat days when きい has a lot of posts :yep:.... new promo pics for the Zip! show, her start date for the show is September 29th, be sure to tune in!!!! :huhuh
One more Zip! pic from her blog.... did a post many, many pages back for a short film きい :wub: appeared in last November on the Hikari website, she announced on her blog a DVD of all the movies is coming out on September 17th, I can't view the movies but here's the link to the site again if perhaps you're lucky enough to be able to watch them:
http://www.hikaritv.net/sp/24jyoyu/#sect01 (http://www.hikaritv.net/sp/24jyoyu/#sect01)
There may have been a 'Cat in the Hat' but think we all enjoy a 'きい in the Hat' so much more. :roll:
"You better!" :bow:
Kii: Saki's been talking trash about
Getting more views on her thread than mine?
Kii: Ha!
It's time Saki chan!
You gonna get schooled by
Stone Cold Kii Kitano!!!
Tina Turner - The Bitch is back (1991) HD lyrics
Wow, somehow the amazing きい :wub: keeps surpassing her standards.... :bow:
.... new promo video for the "Yokohama Monogatari" movie which just came out on DVD.
北乃きい CM 映画「」DVD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_m9aki2GY4#ws)
Jaw dropping pics as usual from the blog of きい, :wub: getting ready for some big event tomorrow but really didn't say where it was or really anything about it....
.... upon learning マペットさん wouldn't be attending. :sweatdrop:
Too many days without any posts for きい, :sweatdrop: think we need more....
.... getting harder to find pics not here but did find this fabulous spread that wasn't, きい :inlove: from the June 2009 issue of Motteco.
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26605.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26605.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26606.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26606.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26607.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26607.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26608.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26608.jpg)
There was also an on-line Motteco interview that came out the same time as the mag, one thing that was also the same in the two spreads was the pinnacle of kawaiiness that only きい :wub: can attain! :yep:
http://digitalbook-jp.com/book/entertainment/interview/0000001016.html (http://digitalbook-jp.com/book/entertainment/interview/0000001016.html) and http://digitalbook-jp.com/book/?action=rd&c=01&sc=001&b=0000001016 (http://digitalbook-jp.com/book/?action=rd&c=01&sc=001&b=0000001016)
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26609.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26609.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26610.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26610.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26611.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26611.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26612.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26612.jpg)
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26613.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26613.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26614.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26614.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26615.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26615.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26616.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26616.jpg)
Looking less and less that Saki will ever end up catching きい, sigh.... :nervous
.... small spread for the Life drama from the September 2007 issue of Aspara....
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26617.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26617.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26618.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26618.jpg)
.... and more new pics for here and a real old きい :inlove: spread from the Feb. 2007 issue of CH Files.
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26619.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26619.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26620.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26620.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26621.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26621.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26622.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26622.jpg)
Postman/ポストマン is one film of きい's :inlove: that I've looked for and have never been able to find it, :sweatdrop: even it's site is gone, movie came out in March of 2008 and there's not even a trailer for it on YT.
If you search hard enough there are some things to find of きい's :heart: that aren't here, think she's worth the effort :yep:.... きい :inlove: doing some promoting back in July 2009 for the "Pokemon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life" anime movie as she did the voice of Sheena, she is the Queen of the Jungle World! :doh:
There may have been a 'Cat in the Hat' but think we all enjoy a 'きい in the Hat' so much more. :roll:
'きい :inlove: in boots' is also quite spectacular! :doh:
Did a post many, many pages back for a short film きい :wub: appeared in last November on the Hikari website, she announced on her blog a DVD of all the movies is coming out on September 17th, I can't view the movies but here's the link to the site again if perhaps you're lucky enough to be able to watch them:
http://www.hikaritv.net/sp/24jyoyu/#sect01 (http://www.hikaritv.net/sp/24jyoyu/#sect01)
Found a short promo video for that Hikari movie. :shocked
24時間女優 第3回 北乃きい×山本透 PR映像 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzhyE2nFvS8#ws)
No, it's not an early X-Mas.... :huhuh
Yoshino: "Santa, there's only one thing I want for Christmas!" :bow:
Forgot that きい's :inlove: blog is actually her second one which started two years ago, her first was actually a better one as it got updated more and if you don't mind scrolling through all the posts(I don't :oops:) there's quite a few great pics there, here's some which haven't been posted yet: http://ameblo.jp/projectkie/entry-10248898808.html (http://ameblo.jp/projectkie/entry-10248898808.html)
Haven't heard Zip! :doh: from きい as of late, :sweatdrop: hasn't even updated her blog for 11 days but here was a short interview just added to the ZIP! site: http://www.ntv.co.jp/zip/notice/new_mc.html (http://www.ntv.co.jp/zip/notice/new_mc.html)
Seen this pic for so long but don't know where it's from but holy cow, gulp times a hundred gazillion, wow, wow, wow, wow.......... :bow:
:inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
"Saki, bravo for approaching
40,000 views on your thread!"
"But I have doing this for nearly
10 years...like this shoot from 2008....."
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip27057.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip27057.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip27058.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip27058.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip27059.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip27059.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip27060.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip27060.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip27061.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip27061.jpg)
So again, step away from the computer,
And put your hands together.........
きいさん、8万 views+、
"This isn't over yet!"
Kii moves on to a new page, and
a new career!
Kii tries out for the new
Team I am forming:
"The Muppet Traveling All-Stars and Jitensha Queens"
Kii tried out for pitcher, but the team is pretty strong
in that department, but we noticed her great glove skills
Her quick reactions
And her strength as a hitter
In fact, she is so awesome with
the stick that she will be batting Clean Up!
The team, so far:
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip27164.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip27164.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip27106.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip27106.jpg)
Kii Kitano, Ito Ono
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip27022.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip27022.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip26197.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip26197.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip25552.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip25552.jpg)
Shiori Kutsuna, Haruna Kawaguchi , Mizuki Yamamoto
Kii: "Ha! `She has her own style`"
"did you hear that, Saki chan?"
『ザ・テノール 真実の物語』北乃きい弾き語り
Credit cinemacafenet (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlUDlhDOigk)
Kii responds to the challenge of who has the biggest
celeb friends
I'll see your Aya Ueto with a Masaki Okada
And I've got back up!!!
Tsuyoshi Kusanagi and きいsan team up
To discover "who is the culprit?"
爆笑!ほん怖「犯人は誰だ」草なぎ剛 北乃きい 20140816 (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x23wfr3)爆笑-ほん怖-犯人は誰だ-草なぎ剛-北乃きい-20140816_fun
Thanks for listening today folks!
It was fun celebrating Kii's 23.5 birthday
on the 15th.....
Let's all get ready
for the big 23.75!!
Kii chan charms Masaki Okada......
and her fans! :heart:
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip28188.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip28188.jpg)
Kii: "Stick with me kid, I'll show you what's what!"
With thanks to mikan1212
岡田将生&北乃きい 【ハルフウェイ】 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZt5GdwD-PI)
Kii has a role in this new film, but the trailer indicates
That it is not a large part....but the film looks to be quite good
The Tenor Lirico Spinto - A True Story -
Here is a Japanese trailer for the film, with a bit more of Kii san...
Really looks to be a fine film...
Yusuke Iseya & Kii Kitano
映画『ザ・テノール 真実の物語』予告編 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXzdg271FsQ)
I'm always at Saki's :wub: command :bow:.... absolute evil :twisted: on display Wednesday as 'The Tenor Lirico Spinto" film was screened in Tokyo and for some reason the movie will also be shown at next week's Pusan Film Festival. :sweatdrop:
Unarmed.... into the Evil One's :twisted: lair.... .00000001% chance of returning :sweatdrop:.... if it's for Saki :wub: and my ultimate wish then those odds are in my favor! :thumbsup The worse than malicious Evil One :twisted: at a promo event for the Zip! show on the 27th, disguising myself in the audience of evil followers :twisted: the main thing this Sakippo :inlove: devotee discovered that actually Zip! was referring to the Evil One's IQ. :twisted:
Sigh, :sweatdrop: back to the front lines but the reward will be worth it :heart:.... the Evilest One :twisted: tormenting the viewers on last Friday's Ametalk show. :panic:
The... honeymoon... is... back... on... gulp, :bow: my bravery knows no bounds now :thumbsup as I've found some evil messages the Evilest One :twisted: is sending out for Zip! show, perhaps those not affected by evilism yet shouldn't view them: :panic: http://www.ntv.co.jp/zip/notice/new_mc.html (http://www.ntv.co.jp/zip/notice/new_mc.html)
Reach For The Stars!!!
Kii san is nearing her 10th magnificent year in
Show Business, and her appearance in the milestone
television drama 14-sai no Haha: Aisuru tame ni Umaretekita
(14才の母 ~愛するために生まれてきた) with Mirai Shida and Mitsuki
Tanimura was a solid step in her development as an actress.
The show aired in autumn 2006.
A clip from the series:
Grrrr, if I their prize is what I'm thinking it may(should) be then once again it's time to enter the chamber of evil :panic:.... The Evil One :twisted: has found that Japan isn't large enough for all her evil and is now spreading it at this year's Busan Film Festival.
伊勢谷友介、自虐発言を連発「僕は最低な人間ですから」 日韓合作映画「ザ・テノール 真実の物語」完成披露試写会(1) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOnmDgOy_kQ#ws)
Looking at that old picture
really brought back memories for Kitano
"Saki was so cute, but we really
Polar Opposites*
*(Kitano Kii...Minamino Saki)
Saki chan
Kii san promotin' da Yout
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip28956.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip28956.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip28957.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip28957.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip28958.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip28958.jpg)
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip28959.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip28959.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip28960.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip28960.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip28961.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip28961.jpg)
Learn more about Saki chan
at her Foster agency info site
http://www.web-foster.com/pc/artists/Minamino/Saki (http://www.web-foster.com/pc/artists/Minamino/Saki)
Destined for a thread of her own??
Ouch, gag, oooooh, ah, my body will never recover, for now on no more trips to the EO thread.... :bleed eyes:
sigh, but this is the last time, how long to I have to wait for the honeymoon? :sweatdrop:
The Evilest One :twisted: yesterday at the the premiere of "The Tenor Lirico Spinto" film'
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip29124.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip29124.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip29126.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip29126.jpg)(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip29125.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip29125.jpg)
Kitano san's blog is Kii to enjoying
Japan's #1 actress
http://s.ameblo.jp/epage/ (http://s.ameblo.jp/epage/)
She may not
have the whole
world in her
hands, but
with her ZIP
gig, she has a lot
of Tokyo!
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip29153.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip29153.jpg)
The artist at work
Walking Tall!
More Kii-Notes TM
She's Agricultural!
Find the grapes! find the grapes!
Good doggie!
Hey, these kinda taste like grape juice!
She's educational!!
Was part of a one year show on learning Chinese
And appeared with director
Taro Hyugaji at the 2013 Shanghai
Film Festival to present their
film "Under the Nagasaki Sky"
Credit gettyimagesdotcodotuk
And she's cute!
She Back!!
And just like Santa san,
Kii knows whose been
Naughty or Nice!
One way, or another,
Kii's gonna get you!
Blondie - One Way or Another [Official]
Kii san,
Kii-pon keeping on!
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip32090.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip32090.jpg)
ZIP!deポン!ガーデン 北乃きい2014_12_14
New page for Kii san! :deco:
Although this clip was posted last month ( with thanks to You Tuber Martin Schilling)
this took place about five years ago.
Was a special clip on Ken Shimura's show, and I think
many will have the same reaction that Shimura san had.
Kii chan grew from this kind hearted girl to the
wonderful young woman that she is today.
別れのドラマ 北乃きい (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYErg8XYL2c)
Kii san: " Wait, could you repeat that please?"
'Shrooms' anyone?
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip33408.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip33408.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip33409.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip33409.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip33411.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip33411.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip33413.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip33413.jpg)
Looking forward to lots
more Kii moments in 2015!
Go Go, Fine!
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip33486.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip33486.jpg)
北乃きい 木村文乃 SHELLY CM リポビタンファイン きい、凹む篇 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hw-4ovBXzE)
北乃きいさん、9万 views+
10 years in show business!
Mere Mortals celebrate birthdays....
Celestial Bodies celebrate Birth Months
The Ides of March are nothing to fear!
Kii: Et tu Muppet?
Kii: I see
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip34791.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip34791.jpg)
Kii: "You might be Baka,
but you're my Baka! (sniff)"
Ah gee whiz Kii san, don't get all
Mopey, I haven't even played
the Birth Month song yet
Kii : there's a song?
James Blunt - You're Beautiful Lyrics
Happy Birth Month to a wonderful actress
who has brightened our lives, in fact she taught us
about Life!
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip34782.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip34782.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip34783.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip34783.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip34784.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip34784.jpg)
The Stylistics - You Are Everything (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckWTYFK-66Y)
Kii san taught us about Kalories
And she taught us
the Facts of LIFE
Kie Kitano - LIFE
Kii san's special message from 2014 is still
relevant today
北乃きいさんスペシャルメッセージ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAwKFbZPhc)
Kii san loves the smell
of Victory in the morning!
As usual, Kii san really cleans up in the CM business
花王 バスマジックリン CM 北乃きい 「ピカッと輝くシート」篇
Kii san is tasked with finding a gift for her colleague,
But has a thousand yen limit.
Well Kii san is not only of epic beauty, but she is practical as well...
She heads to Kappabashi-dori
北乃きいから桝アナへ¥1000バイヤーズ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNH-mWE94Jk)
The Kii to Happiness!!
The real Ultra Woman!!
Kii at the promotion:
With thanks to MAiDiGi TV
北乃きい、理想の男性は「ジェントルマン」「A MAN of ULTRA(ア マン オブ ウルトラ)」発表会2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjToEmPHeew)
Kii san heard that she wasn't on
Page One
She had that corrected
Kii san is not only a fine actress, but her skills
and unselfishness help others to rise as well
With Saki
Alice loves Kii!
Of course Suzu listed to her big sister, and jumped
at the chance to work with Kii!
Yua Shinkawa is a fan!
So is Atsuko Maeda!
Kii san FTW!
Kii san gets a bit of a surprise, but uses her ace
baseball skills to protect herself
Kii is a
keeper alright!
(http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/t/jphip38147.jpg) (http://picroda.jphip.com/japanese/jphip38147.jpg)
北乃きいがどっきり!ジャングルポケットのドッキリ ゆるキャラの突然の中国語 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcVGsOpYy4Y)
十万 views+ !
Credit Satomi Takehana
Don't be modest きいさん!
10 years in show biz - you've
accomplished a lot!
Have some vegetables
and Celebrate!
Kii San and the rest of the ZIP crew enjoy some
Kristmas Magic provided by Little Glee Monster
Kii: "I wanna sing too!"
Kii San Keeps on Keeping on!
十一万views plus!
Kii san has been a big supporter of Little Glee Monster, and as someone who
has gone through the pressure of being a teen celebrity, the girls can count on her
for advice!
It was not always smooth sailing for Kii, so she will keep it real...
Little Glee Monster - ZIP! 春フェス2日目 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzxtM9UAHkQ)
[Weekly SPA] 2017.05.30
(http://i.imgur.com/fUfXFWgm.jpg) (http://imgur.com/fUfXFWg) (http://i.imgur.com/2Tcudmem.jpg) (http://imgur.com/2Tcudme) (http://i.imgur.com/pSJHzohm.jpg) (http://imgur.com/pSJHzoh)
【Shukan Bunshun】2018.04.19
(http://thumbs2.imagebam.com/5f/18/ee/4300fb892464184.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/4300fb892464184) (http://thumbs2.imagebam.com/ff/02/8c/a60633892464194.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/a60633892464194) (http://thumbs2.imagebam.com/4d/b2/2f/62994c892464204.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/62994c892464204) (http://thumbs2.imagebam.com/57/d6/7b/27ea63892464214.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/27ea63892464214) (http://thumbs2.imagebam.com/cf/0a/85/8ad7e8892464234.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/8ad7e8892464234)
[FLASH] 2021.12.21
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