JPHiP Forum

The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Crack-to-Go => Topic started by: Saikami on July 13, 2009, 03:58:11 PM

Title: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: Saikami on July 13, 2009, 03:58:11 PM
Alright, just for the records, this one-shot is basically an experiment. XD I wanted to see how you guys would react to a screenplay-styled fic. (Blame the inner director, ha.) I would like to hear your reactions and responses to this, please. If you find it hard to read because of the format, please tell me!

And another note, not everything in here will be in a screenplay format. :)



MORNING MUSUME enters their hotel in Los Angeles, all of them looking rather tired from the flight. After a few minutes of waiting, they are handed key cards.

Alright, Takahashi-san, Tanaka-san, here is your key. You two will be in room 217. Your stuff should be dropped off there already.

Thank you.

AI smiles polietly and takes the key, walking towards the elevator, while REINA gives a confused look to the MANAGER.

Eh? I thought Eri and I were sharing rooms.

Apparently there has been a little switching going on, Niigaki-san and Kamei-san are sharing a room instead

(still slightly confused)
Okay then...

REINA notices that AI has walked off.

OI! Wait up!

REINA dashes towards AI, who is already in the elevator. REINA makes it in before it closes, and AI hits the button for the second floor. The door closes.

An awkward silence fills the air. REINA shifts uncomfortably while AI just leans against the elevator walls.

(trying to break the silence)
I wonder why they switched rooms so suddenly...

Gaki-san was telling me how she was thinking of requesting a room with Eri because of something they had planned.


An awkward silence fills the air again.

(thinking voiceover)
Is it going to be this quiet all night? I've never actually shared a room with Ai-chan before...

Awkward silence continues... REINA clears her throat just to make noise.


After what seems like forever, the elevator door opens. REINA practically runs out of it, while AI just strolls out of it casually.

Now...Room 217 is..

AI glances around.

This way.

AI turns left, and REINA follows quickly.

(thinking voiceover)
It can't really be that bad, I mean...Aichan and I get along fine. Sleeping in the same room wont make a difference. It's not like we're sleeping in the same bed or anything.

AI suddenly stops, and REINA almost runs right into her but stops herself in time. AI pulls out the card key and opens the door, holding it open for REINA.


REINA enters the room, shortly followed by AI.

INT. Room 217 - Day time

As REINA and AI walk into the hotel room, they find that their luggage is already there. REINA looks around and notices there is only one bed.


AI apparently had noticed as well, for she raised her eyebrows at Reina.

What? Weren't you listening earlier? They told us that there was a mix up in the booking process, so we all got rooms with queen beds instead of two twins.

Why would I care enough to listen to something like that?

Because you care enough now? What's wrong, Reina? You don't want to share a bed with me?

AI looks to have a glint of evil in her eyes. REINA blushes and responds quickly in her defense.

It's not like that! I just didn't know!

AI laughs and grabs her luggage bag, pulling out various things and neatly putting them on the side table. REINA sits down on the bed, trying to make herself busy with unpacking.

(thinking voiceover)
Sharing a bed!? What the hell? Am I the only one that finds this a little...weird?!

REINA glances over at AI, who had pulled out a bunch of shower supplies. AI stands up and starts heading for the bathroom.

I'm going to take a quick bath.

Uh, okay.

AI grins at REINA.

Now be a good girl and don't cause any trouble, ne?

AI walks into the bathroom and closes the door.

Eh? Does she mean...? Wait, what?

REINA shakes her head to try and clear her mind.

(thinking voiceover)
Aichan isn't like she? She would never...Is that why Gaki changed rooms?

REINA tries to remain calm, but it is still obvious that she is freaking out. She grabs her phone out of her pocket and dials RISA's number.

The phone rings.

Hello, this is Niigaki Risa speaking.

Why did you switch rooms with me?!


Answer the damn question!

Umm...because Kame and I have some stuff we're planning.

Don't bullshit me, I know you got out of rooming with Aichan for some reason, now what is it?

Really, I didn't switch to get out of rooming with Aichan. Why would I? She's one of my best friends.


Really, now I gotta go. Just try to relax, okay?


Bye bye now~.

RISA hangs up and REINA let's out a sigh, plopping on the bed.


ERI looks at RISA as she hangs up her phone.

Is she really freaking out?

Yeah, she made it sound like Aichan was going to kill her or something...

ERI laughs and dumps the rest of her clothes on the bed.

Think she'll figure it out?

Yeah, she will soon enough.


About four hours have past since REINA had talked to RISA. REINA is watching random American drama's on the television.

I thought this stuff was supposed to be internetesting...

REINA looked at the clock and sighed. She crawled off the bed and walked over to the bathroom door, knocking on it loudly.

Are you done yet!?

(yelling from inside bathroom)
Just one more level!! I'm almost there!

REINA's wonky eye twitches.

You said that an hour ago!

REINA grits her teeth, walks back to the bed, and sits down, crossing her arms in frustration.

(mumbling to herself)
Now I get why Gaki switched rooms...



Yes, I am well aware that this takes up a crapload of space XD; And I'm sorry if that makes things annoying.
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/13 - Last Minute Changes]
Post by: Estrea on July 13, 2009, 04:04:11 PM

Script style isn't my favorite writing style, but hey, it's meant to be a script, I can deal with it. XD

Gamer Ai-chan for the win! :D I told you she spends hours inside the bathroom. Hehe. Poor Reina.

...wait, does she have a spare battery for her PSP or did she plug it into the socket they usually use for the hairdryer? *bets on the hairdryer* XD

Why doesn't Reina just go borrow the bathroom from one of the other girls? XDDD Silly kitten.

Would love to see more from you. :)
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/13 - Last Minute Changes]
Post by: writerjunkie on July 13, 2009, 04:44:34 PM
 XD it was so funny. I like script style for some reason. I've read a few fics that were like that and they were very entertaining and funny. So I don't mind this at all. I hope you write more. lmao the ending I didn't expect and it made me laugh.
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/13 - Last Minute Changes]
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on July 13, 2009, 06:11:06 PM
XD!! I'm okay with script style, I suppose. It's not something I read often, but that's because I'm often intimidated by giant blocks of text, which many script styled fics I have read seem to look like. The spacing was a welcome thing for me, even if it made your post giant.

Oh Ai-chan... I love how much of a gamer she is. She totally flipped when Sephiroth's VA came on @ AX. xD

I look forward to more from you. ;)
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/13 - Last Minute Changes]
Post by: Hotaru on July 13, 2009, 06:36:32 PM
LOL Ai-chan was playing a game the entire time. XD

Haha, that was funny. :D
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/13 - Last Minute Changes]
Post by: adventwriter on July 13, 2009, 08:20:19 PM
Script style is good. I dunno what I expected but it surely wasn't gamer Ai-chan. Hilarious ending + Reina's phone call with Gaki-san was funny.
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/13 - Last Minute Changes]
Post by: JFC on July 14, 2009, 12:34:19 AM
Dayum Risa's a sneaky one. Gaming (and nekkid in the bath) Aichan FTW! :rockon:

Guess it never occured to her that she could probably just go into one of the other members' rooms and use their shower? :P
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/13 - Last Minute Changes]
Post by: strawb3rrykream on July 14, 2009, 03:54:47 AM
Ok, I'll admit it, I was apprehensive about this whole screenplay thingy. :lol: But I'm quite happy I read it, very entertaining! I liked the part when Ai-chan was being all she-devil and Reina's all "...wait a second..." :D And for some reason, Gaki's "Bye bye now~" is still cracking me up. I have no idea why. :rofl:
All in all, it was good~ :grin:
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/13 - Last Minute Changes]
Post by: Fenrir on July 14, 2009, 08:36:01 AM
Bathing, nekkid, gaming Aibutt :heart: lol Poor Reina, she'll never get her shower.
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/13 - Last Minute Changes]
Post by: Kuji on July 14, 2009, 11:18:09 PM
To be honest, I generally don't like reading fanfiction in script form because to me a script is not a final product that can stand on it's own but rather part of a process that will produce a film, play, skit or something along those lines. It's because it serves this purpose that scripts are very much the skeleton of the story. Usually, I'd only read scripts because I want insight on a film/play I especially like.

That being said, I thought this was pretty neat. I liked the dialogue and the premise. I think that witty conversation and a clever twist can make anything enjoyable to read. Now if only I lived in another dimension where impossible things can happen, so I could actually see this filmed and on my television. :D Since the camera stays out the bathroom, it can still be G-rated. XD
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/13 - Last Minute Changes]
Post by: lil_hamz on July 17, 2009, 06:29:12 AM
Am I the only one who likes reading in the script format? This fic was incredibly funny and enjoyable. I hope this means you're gonna start writing more? I wanna read more......... *echoes* :P
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/13 - Last Minute Changes]
Post by: kRisZ on July 17, 2009, 06:34:15 PM
Yay! it's nice  :twothumbs
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/13 - Last Minute Changes]
Post by: Saikami on July 19, 2009, 02:23:16 AM
Thank you everyone who posted their opinions about the style. :) I've decided that I'll just keep mixing things up. :3

Estrea: Haha, yes! Gamer! Ai is pure win. XD And yes, she did plug it into the hairdryer thingy. :D And now that I think about it, she also has a mini extension chord in there because her PSP charger chord isn't long enough. :lol:

Writerjunkie: I'm glad you enjoy the style. :3 This next one isn't script-style, but I hope you'll enjoy it just as much. :D

ShikyoxYaiba: Gamer Aichan is always fun. XD It doesn't shock me that she flipped at AX for Sephiroth's VA. :lol:

Hotaru: What else would she be doing in there for that long? ;)

Adventwriter: I'm glad you enjoyed it. :3 Reina flipping out is always fun to write.

JFC: Risa's dealt with Gamer Ai for a long time, it's about time she got a break. XD (nekkid Ai is always win!) Oh, and as for Reina showering in another room...Why would she think of that? It'd make things too easy for her. XD

Strawb3rrykream: I'm happy to know that you still read it even though it's a script. :3 Here's a normal one!

Fenrir: Aibutt FTW :cow: (nekkid and gaming is just bonus points lol)

Kuji: Oh, how I wish I could've filmed this! XD If it were possible, I totally would. Sucks for both of us that I can't, huh? XD

Lil_hamz: I like it too, don't worry. :D Yes, I am planning to start writing more. ^_^

kRisZ: Thanks :D
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 First Date?]
Post by: Saikami on July 19, 2009, 02:27:47 AM
First Date?

It had been over a year since they had last seen one another, so it was rather awkward for Reina to bump into her on the streets. The wonky eyed girl was shocked, if nothing else, to see the other.

“Reina?” The taller girl flashed a warm smile. She makes it seem like we never broke up. “It's been a while! How've you been?”

“Yeah, a long time...” Reina muttered, shoving her hands into her pockets, “Same old, I guess.” Just after the yankii glanced away, she felt herself pulled into a tight embrace.

“You know that I've missed you, right?”

Reina shrugged grumpily, still locked in the awkward hug, “Ever heard of a phone?” Obviously, the kitten felt awkward running into her ex. It wasn't that Reina wasn't over the other, she just liked to avoid awkward situations like the current one she was in. What do you say to a girl who fucked you a year and a half ago?

“Still keeping the yankii act up, I see.” The taller finally let go and Reina stepped back, “So what brings you here?”

Reina paused for a moment, thinking of how to word her answer. “I'm...on a date.” She said. Was that true? …Not exactly. It's not so much that it couldn't be called a date, but it was more like two girls shopping together then grabbing some food.

Why did I say that? The yankii thought. She didn't exactly come up with a clear answer herself, it was an awkward mix between actually liking the person she shopping was with and trying to prove she was over her ex. Whatever works, right?

“Oh?” A grin. “Who's the--”

“Maki?” Ai stepped out of the nearby bookstore, and walked up next to them. “Imagine running into you here, it's been ages!”

Reina felt herself start to blush. She was hoping to shake Maki off before Ai came out of the store. Great, now I have to act like I'm dating Ai while she doesn't know it...

“It certainly has been!” Maki grinned at Ai, “I should've known you'd be the one with Reina.”

Ai smiled, oblivious, “Yeah, we go out pretty often.”

Maki's grin grew, she seemed amused by the entire situation. Especially because Reina was now completely red. “You two are a cute couple.”

“Umm...Thanks?” Ai gave a bemused look, and Reina was about to go slam her head into a wall.

“Oh, no need to act dumb, Aichan~” Maki patted Ai's back. “I know you two are dating, no need to hide it.”

Before anyone else had a chance to respond, Maki continued after looking at her watch. “Ah! I hate to cut things short, but if I don't get going, I'm going to be late for a meeting.”

“Oh...That's too bad.” Ai said politely.

“Yeah, too bad...” Reina muttered, slight sarcasm hinted in her voice.

“Hopefully I'll see you guys around.” Maki quickly hugged them both goodbye before walking off.

Reina and Ai both started to walk in silence, but it was soon broken after a few moments when Ai decided to speak.

“So...We're dating now?”

Reina, who was already embarrassed, replied immediately, “Yes, now shut up.”

“Oh...okay.” Another pause, “...Does this mean you'll buy me dinner?”


I haven't written Reiki in a while. XD; But clearly, I still love my ReinAi. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: alwaysYou on July 19, 2009, 04:18:09 AM
AiReina :cow: :cow:
love the last line.. :lol:
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: Estrea on July 19, 2009, 04:48:40 AM
I love that last line too. Lmao. So practical of her. XDDDD

Poor Reina, she just gets the short end of the stick all the time. XD
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: adventwriter on July 19, 2009, 05:47:01 AM
I'll agree with the other two comments and say that the last line was total WIN. Ai-chan is awesome - not freaking out but instead going straight to the practical. Haven't been much of a fan of ReinAi before but the couple is starting to grow on me. Last one had Gamer Ai-chan, this one had Practical Ai-chan.
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: .Mikoto on July 19, 2009, 05:51:02 AM
I have to post here your fics are really good, this one really make me laugh, especially last line  XD
Poor Ren-chan but she's dating Ai now  8)  XD
RenAi is  :heart: I want more people to wite about them  :(
hope you will continue   :D
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: JFC on July 19, 2009, 06:14:34 AM
First Date?

Wow...haven't had Maki involved in a fic in a while.  :O

Reina and Ai both started to walk in silence, but it was soon broken after a few moments when Ai decided to speak.

“So...We're dating now?”

Reina, who was already embarrassed, replied immediately, “Yes, now shut up.”

“Oh...okay.” Another pause, “...Does this mean you'll buy me dinner?”
She'd better.
:on lol:
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: peti-chan on July 19, 2009, 12:59:16 PM
Finally some ReinAi! :heart: Thank you soo much for this*hugs* Lately, there isn't much about those two :( I'm feeling like an addict on a rehab or something XD I love Reina's yankiness and the last line was an epic win :twothumbs
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: strawb3rrykream on July 19, 2009, 06:37:07 PM
Hehe, I like this one too~~ :lol: Poor Reina though, she and Gocchin broke up....they're sexy. XD And I can imagine Reina being all pouty, it's too cute. LMAO at the girl Reina's "dating" being Ai-chan!!! The last three lines are so win!
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: Hotaru on July 20, 2009, 03:19:30 AM
All I can say is...


LOL, "Yes, now shut up." XD
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: ringo-hime on July 21, 2009, 01:26:20 PM
LOL REINA. Didn't really think it was Maki.

ohwell, it's RenAi now anyways..hahaha.
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: writerjunkie on July 21, 2009, 06:56:18 PM
aw man how did I miss this update? Sorry! At least I read it now. And it isn't in script style, not bad. I can read either style fine. This update was SO funny! Reina/Maki? I remember reading fics of them and now it's just Reina with Eri. So I like the change.  Oh but bumping into ex's is awkward! Poor Reina had to be in that spot. lol This fic was so funny. Haha the last lines were the best. And what a way to get a girlfriend. Just corner her into being once since you're trying to get your ex off your back. lol Oh and yay! RenAi! There's something about them I like. I hope you write another fic. I can't wait. =)
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: rndmnwierd on July 22, 2009, 03:41:45 AM
Lol Ai. Guess she excepts.
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on July 23, 2009, 07:58:57 PM
Dude. Last three lines. WIN. <3 Oh Aichan... xD Reina, too. Gotta love those two.
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: kRisZ on July 25, 2009, 04:06:08 PM
Reina felt herself start to blush. She was hoping to shake Maki off before Ai came out of the store. Great, now I have to act like I'm dating Ai while she doesn't know it...


“So...We're dating now?”


Reina, who was already embarrassed, replied immediately, “Yes, now shut up.”



Another pause, “...Does this mean you'll buy me dinner?”


totally entertaining  :twothumbs

Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/18 - First Date?]
Post by: Saikami on July 29, 2009, 04:32:18 PM
I'm back~ XD I decided to do a small continuation of First Date? due to a request to add onto it. Thank you all for your comments! :D

alwaysYou: ReinAi for the win. :cow:

Estrea: Of course Reina always gets the short end of the stick :D She's my favorite, being mean to her is just proof that I love her. :heart:

adventwriter: -speaks in weird voice- ReinAi~ ReinAi~ Looooove them~ XD Practical! Aichan is fun. <3

.Mikoto: Well, I'm more than likely to always write ReinAi, so you'll have plenty of it here. :lol: Unless I feel like spicing things up randomly.

JFC: -nods- I haven't seen Maki in a fic in a while, I miss her! D: Thus why I had to have her in it. XD

peti-chan: Don't worry, I know what it's like to not have your fix of's just not good. XD

strawb3rrykream: Reina/Maki IS sexy, too bad they broke up. XD Ah well, ReinAi is sexier in my opinion :heart:

Hotaru: Yay for making you laugh. :D

ringo-hime: I used to love Reina/Maki, so I had to have them in there somehow, thus why it was Maki (that and I miss her in

writerjunkie: Don't be sorry :lol: You commented in the end, that's what matter. :3 Glad you like ReinAi :heart: And yes, running in with your ex is awkward, but funny. XD

rndmnwierd: That's Ai for you :yep:

ShikyoxYaiba: Yupyup, they're always fun to write together. :3

kRisZ: Glad you liked it :lol:
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: Saikami on July 29, 2009, 04:34:02 PM
First Date - Part Two

For once in her life, Reina was happy that Ai was not a person who talked during dinner. Normally, the wonky eyed girl felt awkward whenever there was an extended silence between people, but in this case, she was quite relieved by it. This was simply because the silence promised one thing: The topic of them dating would not be brought up as long as there was food on Ai Takahashi's plate.

I never thought I'd be thankful for the fact that Aichan focuses way too much on her food...

Reina took a large bite from her own plate without much thought, her mind was far too caught up in trying to figure out what to do if the topic was brought up again.

Ai, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to Reina's stress and was clearly enjoying her dish. The yankii couldn't help but to watch Ai with mild interest as she poked at her own food.

How the hell is she so calm? Isn't she wondering about this...situation thing, too?

Deciding it was rude (and weird) to stare, Reina looked back down at her plate and shoved another abnormally large bite of food into her mouth.

Maybe she thinks I wasn't being serious... Was I being serious anyway? I mean, I do like her... Jeez! Why the hell am I freaking out over this!? I blame you, Maki! It's all your fau--


The kitten in question jumped at the sound of Ai's voice. She looked up to see the older girl staring at her in curiosity.


“Are you okay?” Ai looked sincerely worried, “You haven't eaten very much, and your face is all red.”

Reina's blush grew worse as Ai pointed it out, “Yeah, I'm fine...” She mumbled softly.

“Are you sure?” Ai pushed the subject. Reina shoved another large bite into her mouth. Hell, if Ai had the excuse to not talk while eating, why couldn't she?

She nodded to try an insure that she was really alright, but continued to eat constantly so she wouldn't have to reply to any more questions.

Why is she actually talking? Normally she just eats...This isn't like Aichan...

Reina glanced down at Ai's plate. It was empty.

Oh, that's why...

Noticing that Reina was suddenly very hungry, Ai decided to let the yankii eat. It wasn't long before Reina also finished off her plate, and the waiter came by and set the bill in the middle of the table.

Hesitantly, Reina reached for the check, picking it up as she grabbed for her wallet in her bag.

Does this mean it's official?

She pulled out the correct amount of money before setting it down with the bill, along with a tip.

...or am I just over thinking everything?

Ai flashed a warm smile as they stood, “Thanks.”

Reina simply shrugged, unsure what to say. The pair walked out of the restaurant and headed towards the nearest train station. As they walked, Reina glanced over at Ai, who was humming softly to herself and looking up at the sky. The kitten soon found herself doing the same.

Why is she so hard to read...?

They reached the train station without so much as a word between them. Even the train was silent, considering very few people were on it at this time at night. Other than them, there was a teenage boy listening to music and a couple far too occupied with one another to notice anything else.

“Today was really fun.” Ai stated, almost randomly after a few minutes of continued silence.

Reina nodded, “I like hanging out with Aichan, it's always fun.” Ai's smile grew, and Reina felt herself start to blush again.

Of course, Ai had to notice. “Why's your face all red?” She asked, a little grin playing about her lips.

“I'm not blushing!” Reina declared in her own defense, turning her head away to try and hide her face.

“Yes you are~” Ai seemed very amused by this, but dropped the subject quickly after Reina sternly defended herself again.

A voice over the train intercom stated the next stop was coming up. Reina and Ai stood, the two lived somewhat close to one another, so they got off at the same train stop.

“Do you want me to walk you home?” Ai asked as they walked.

Reina raised her eyebrows, but shrugged. “Sure, if you want to.”

It wasn't long before they got to Reina's apartment, and the yankii pulled out her keys, fumbling with them for a moment before finding the correct one. Once getting her door unlocked, she turned to look at Ai...

… Only to feel Ai's lips press against her own.

It was just a brief, light kiss, but it made Reina's heart rate quicken in speed and her face to become completely red.

“Eh?” Reina couldn't help but to question what just happened.

Ai giggled at the baffled girl in front of her. “What?” she asked, almost in a teasing voice, “I'm not allowed to kiss my girlfriend?”

Reina's eye grew slightly, “So...we're dating?”

The older girl couldn't help but to let another giggle escape her, “Hey, I'm just going with what you said. I don't mind though.” With that said, Ai started to turn to walk off, “Night~”

Reina, who was still attempting to recover, just stood there for a moment. “Night.”

Ai smiled and waved before starting to head back to her own apartment.

“Aichan?” Reina called after a moment, the girl in question stopped and looked back at her new girlfriend.


“Do you wanna sleep over?”

Ai couldn't help but to grin. “Sure, why not?”


:D Now off to work so I'm not late....
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: stefy on July 29, 2009, 04:46:49 PM
TOO FAST TOO FAST! They can't sleep over after a first date!!! Tho it was cute .. very cute.. but too fast!!!! xD

Btw... I kept thinking this fic and the first one shot (screen thing format?) are connected... are they?
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: Estrea on July 29, 2009, 04:49:52 PM
Egads! So cute! So Aichan is ok with dating Reina? Lmao. I want more! XDD

Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: stefy on July 29, 2009, 05:42:12 PM
Whats that big deaaalll it's only the first post~ :P HA! I got first post~ I got first post~! *prances about*
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: JFC on July 29, 2009, 09:02:37 PM
First Date - Part Two

For once in her life, Reina was happy that Ai was not a person who talked during dinner. Normally, the wonky eyed girl felt awkward whenever there was an extended silence between people, but in this case, she was quite relieved by it. This was simply because the silence promised one thing: The topic of them dating would not be brought up as long as there was food on Ai Takahashi's plate.


“Are you okay?” Ai looked sincerely worried, “You haven't eaten very much, and your face is all red.”

Reina's blush grew worse as Ai pointed it out, “Yeah, I'm fine...” She mumbled softly.

“Are you sure?” Ai pushed the subject. Reina shoved another large bite into her mouth. Hell, if Ai had the excuse to not talk while eating, why couldn't she?

She nodded to try an insure that she was really alright, but continued to eat constantly so she wouldn't have to reply to any more questions.

Why is she actually talking? Normally she just eats...This isn't like Aichan...

Reina glanced down at Ai's plate. It was empty.

Oh, that's why...
:on lol:

“Today was really fun.” Ai stated, almost randomly after a few minutes of continued silence.

Reina nodded, “I like hanging out with Aichan, it's always fun.” Ai's smile grew, and Reina felt herself start to blush again.

Of course, Ai had to notice. “Why's your face all red?” She asked, a little grin playing about her lips.

“I'm not blushing!” Reina declared in her own defense, turning her head away to try and hide her face.
Ok, how can Aichan NOT be having fun watching Reina squirm like this when it's so cute? :lol:

Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: GoodEngrish on July 29, 2009, 11:20:15 PM
The way this Reinai relationship is playing out is rather amusing :P
Ai is so typical~
I wonder how that sleepover follows through...
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: Hotaru on July 30, 2009, 01:22:42 AM
Oh god. :lol:

Reina freaked out over nothing, turned out Ai-chan was okay with dating her. XD

RenAi <3
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: strawb3rrykream on July 30, 2009, 02:47:59 AM
Oh how I wish I could have seen that dinner!!! XD And the awkwardness....I love it. :wub: So cute at the end~
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: adventwriter on July 30, 2009, 05:36:26 AM
I love the characterizations of Reina and Ai - Reina fretting over it all and Ai-chan so chill and unreadable (at least to Reina). Ai just seems to be amused about the whole thing. I love how she totally surprised Reina with that kiss. This pairing was totally awesome.
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: rndmnwierd on July 30, 2009, 12:34:27 PM
Lol at Ai (once again) for taking everything in stride until the very end.  :cow:
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: Sukoshi on July 31, 2009, 12:30:56 PM
hehe I think I instantly like any fic where Ai chan is messing with Reina's head, intentionally or unintentionally  :lol:

Absolutely love the ending to both chapters! XD  hehe I'm all for the slumber party at the end of the date!!  SOoo cute!  :luvuluvu:

You earned yourself a nifty 5/5 plus some bonus points for sending Stefy's mind in the gutter.   :wahaha:

Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: kRisZ on July 31, 2009, 03:50:47 PM
The topic of them dating would not be brought up as long as there was food on Ai Takahashi's plate.


Why is she actually talking? Normally she just eats...This isn't like Aichan...

Reina glanced down at Ai's plate. It was empty.

Oh, that's why...


Ai giggled at the baffled girl in front of her. “What?” she asked, almost in a teasing voice, “I'm not allowed to kiss my girlfriend?”

Reina's eye grew slightly, “So...we're dating?”


“Aichan?” Reina called after a moment, the girl in question stopped and looked back at her new girlfriend.


“Do you wanna sleep over?”

Ai couldn't help but to grin. “Sure, why not?”


It was  :lol:

Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: ringo-hime on August 01, 2009, 12:33:05 AM
EPIC WIN!!! :love:
Reina is so cute thinking of the girlfriend stuff. XD

eheheh, kissu~ >3<
kyaaaaaa~ sleepover! XD XD
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: .Mikoto on August 03, 2009, 04:31:43 PM
Mou~~it was really cute  :wub:
Love ReinAi  :oops:
I want sleepover ver.!  XD
keep going  :)
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: Fizzle on August 04, 2009, 07:10:26 AM
OMGOSH. ReinAi. One of my favorite pairings. :heart:

Last Minute Changes:
I've always known that Aichan's into video games, but I seriously wouldn't have had come up with such a brilliant idea for a story. Reina's an interesting one, though. Didn't it occur to her that she can just use the other members' bathrooms instead of having to wait for Aichan to finish the game? (Then again, they could've been asleep, lol.)

First Date?
Sucks to be in the kind of situation Reina's in. But it's cool that she found a way out of it. You can always count on Aichan's great timing and obliviousness.

First Date? Part 2
SO CUTE. OMG. What I had previously known as the hot and sexy ReinAi has now turned me into a pile of mush with its cuteness.

Looking forward for more ReinAi! :twothumbs
Title: Re: Saikami's Studio [7/29 - First Date Part 2]
Post by: peti-chan on August 05, 2009, 03:03:49 PM
ME LOVE YOU :heart: XD It was funny, it was cute, it was sexy, it was ReinAi ! :twothumbs  I love how the cool Aichan is messing with poor Yankii's brain and Reina being all nervous and embarrassed is so adorable :lol: The kiss was so sweet :wub: and I believe you know that the sleepover means that there just have to be the third part of this?  :roll: