JPHiP Forum

The PIEHOLE => H!P News and Releases => Topic started by: daigong on May 05, 2010, 11:31:38 AM

Title: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on May 05, 2010, 11:31:38 AM
Thanks to's sh15uya for the heads up!  :jphip:

Morning Musume @ JE 2010 Paris =o
just got the newsletter


Straight off their twitter:
As promised, the Music Guest of honor of Japan Expo! The MORNING MUSUME and their Kawaii pop style are at #JapanExpo! (

and on the Hello! Project official site:

モーニング娘。が7月1日~4日にフランスで開催される、ヨーロッパ最大の日本文化を紹介するイベント「第11回ジャパンエキスポJAPAN EXPO」に参加することが決定いたしました。
( 英語サイト)
また、6/9発売のモーニング娘。の43thシングル曲「青春コレクション」のカップリング曲「友(とも)」が このイベントのテーマソングにもなりました。 (



Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: sh15uya on May 05, 2010, 11:40:34 AM
the newsletter :

Les Morning Musume。
Invitées d’Honneur Musique de Japan Expo 11e Impact

Lettre d'Informations du 5 mai 2010

Soundlicious, en partenariat avec Japan Expo, vous présente les Morning Musume。! Retrouvez les 8 pétillantes jeunes filles durant le festival pour des séances de dédicace et une conférence publique !

En 1997, le producteur Tsunku♂ repère et choisit 5 jeunes filles lors d’un casting télévisé et décide de les produire au sein d’un groupe d’Idols : la première génération des Morning Musume。 est née. Au fil des années et des auditions, plusieurs générations de membres voient le jour. En 2003, elles sont 15 !
Dès ses débuts, le groupe enchaîne les singles avec des morceaux pop entraînants, alliés à des chorégraphies amusantes, faisant chavirer le cœur du public japonais ! En quelques années, elles apparaissent partout dans les media : le phénomène prend une ampleur incroyable.
Les Morning Musume。 sont aujourd’hui 8, comptent 11 millions de singles vendus et font salle comble lors de chacun de leurs concerts. Elles fêtent leurs 13 ans d’existence et connaissent un succès jamais démenti !
Ces stars du phénomène Idols sont absolument incontournables au Japon et font déjà des émules en France où vous êtes de plus en plus nombreux à les suivre.  Cette année et pour la première fois, les Morning Musume。 viennent à la rencontre du public européen… à Japan Expo !
Cerise sur le gâteau : à cette occasion, elles marquent le coup avec un concert événement payant organisé par Soundlicious, dans la soirée du vendredi 2 juillet, sur la scène musicale de Japan Expo, après la fermeture du festival. Vous pouvez vous attendre à un show digne de ce nom !
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: SomethingWild on May 05, 2010, 12:04:11 PM
I just heard!  :cow:

Btw, IIRC the show will be longer than a usual concert at the Expo, but you have to pay a separate ticket to get in? Is that correct?


Yes. I am in! There is no reason for me not to go.

I just hope I can get everything organized. Last year, with AKB48, I had a friend with a credit card who pretty much arranged everything... I don't have one.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: Ayabie on May 05, 2010, 12:13:38 PM
I have no interest in seeing the girls, but this sounds like a good opportunity for Europeans to meet up. :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: ChrNo on May 05, 2010, 12:40:37 PM
translated the newsletter :

Morning Musume
Music guests of honor for the 11th Impact

2010 May 5th Newsletter

Soundlicious, in partnership with Japan Expo, presents you Morning Musume ! Found out these 8 sparkling young girls during the festival for a signing session and a public conference !

In 1997, producer Tsunku spotted and chose 5 young girls during an audition held on a TV show and decided to produce them under an Idol group : the first generation of Morning Musume was born. Through the years and auditions, several generations of members came to the light. In 2003, they were 15 girls !

Since their debut, singles with lively pop songs followed on, combined with entertaining choreographies, melting every hearts from the Japanese public ! In few years, they appeared on every medias : the phenomenon took an incredible range.

Nowadays, Morning Musume are 8 girls, sold 11 millions of singles and each of their concerts draws full house. They celebrate their 13 years of existence and have a success never denied !

These stars of the Idol phenomenon are absolutely incontrovertible in Japan and have already drawn some fans in France where the number of followers is increasing. This year, for the first time, Morning Musume comes to meet their European the Japan Expo !

Icing on the cake : they will mark this occasion with a not free concert organized by Soundlicious, in the Friday 2nd evening, on the Japan Expo musical stage, right after the festival's closing. You can expect a real show worthy of the name !

so yeah, the concert's ticket cost 27€ according to Hello!France (
for the signing and conf gotta get a entrance ticket which is around 12€ (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: SomethingWild on May 05, 2010, 03:29:33 PM
Message from Morning Musume。 (

edit: Sayu's high five failed  :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: nachdenki on May 05, 2010, 03:44:07 PM
Should I go or not  :bleed eyes:
I tend more towards not going because I can barely afford it but I'm also not sure if I want to miss this one so "close".

Why can't the flight or train be cheaper?  :panic:

btw. do you have to get an expo ticket (if there are such) + concert ticket or is a concert ticket enough to attend the concert?
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: SomethingWild on May 05, 2010, 03:50:16 PM
btw. do you have to get an expo ticket (if there are such) + concert ticket or is a concert ticket enough to attend the concert?

From what I've read so far, you can skip the expo and just go see the concert. However, that hasn't been confirmed yet. Secondly, if you want to be at the conference/signing session and stuff you do need the expo ticket.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: ChrNo on May 05, 2010, 03:57:20 PM
quick translation of the video, since i'm at uni i don't have sound so i just put name for the one i think was opening her mouth  XD

Aibutt : Hi we are Morning Musume !
We have the pleasure to announce you that we are going to be in Paris in July !
We are going to be at the Japan Expo, a big convention, to do a concert !

Gaki :Can you believe it ? Paris ! I've always wanted to go there !

Turtle : So we'll be able to meet our French and European fans, I'm so Happy !

Yes !

Wonky : I'd love to do some tourism

Great idea !

Sayu : We often see some beautiful shops on tv, or beautiful buildings, I would love to buy some cute stuffs from that kind of place

Aika : As for me i've always been fascinated by the french way of living

Junjun : I want to eat French cuisine !

Linlin : Japan Expo is a convention with a lot of mangas and animes, I can't wait to be there !

Aibutt : We are looking forward to meet you there !

It was Morning Musume !

See you soon !

nach !  :w00t:
like Bv said, ad i mentioned it in my previous post if you wanna attend the concert gotta pay 27€  :bleed eyes:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: Kio_ on May 05, 2010, 04:14:21 PM
So close yet so far! Argh, why don't I never have money when I most need it?  :cry: Some donations please~
I'm still excited that they are coming to Europe...I wish I had money for the flight tickets, hotel and all....
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: Mugen on May 05, 2010, 05:19:47 PM
i am prolly out of this one lol. im so low on dough im wont  be attending even if they come to vancouver  :nervous
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: Linna2040 on May 05, 2010, 05:36:57 PM
Looking for a person (or two) who can attend all of the MM events and give a formal news report out for new news site, (

Of course, everyone is welcomed to provide their own personal attendee report too.

I will cover/reimburse the cost of the Expo/concerts if you can.

I'll provide guidelines for the kind of information I'd want you to keep an eye out for.  Even if you're not a great writer, as long as you're do a pretty good summary in English, I can polish what you submit. 

PM me if you're interested.  If you have any journalism experience/background, it will be a plus if I get too many interested people.  (I really hope I don't have to point out that this is for serious inquiries only. )

(I'd go personally but I'm committed to the Los Angeles AX this year.)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: adventwriter on May 05, 2010, 07:08:58 PM
I'd love to go, but I can't even afford to go to AX this year.... unless I get a job in California....

Going to Paris is one thing....but going to Paris and seeing Morning Musume is just awesome....

I'm envious of those who get to go.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: orac on May 05, 2010, 07:12:15 PM
I'm hoping to be able to go.  Have to try to get a passport as soon as possible, >.>, and also need to get time off work, hoping no one else has at that time yet.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: Serafis_CZ on May 05, 2010, 07:40:34 PM
Not sure how but I'm definitely going. I just can't afford to miss this!!!
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: Blu-Cherri on May 05, 2010, 11:01:33 PM
well at least the concert being seperate means we won't have a repeat of the failure of the signing session for akb48 last year where you had to QUEUE DURING THE CONCERT aarg
But 27€ is a lot o.o
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: chibilolli on May 06, 2010, 12:28:51 AM
I will hopefully be there. I've just gotta find out who's ass I've got to kiss so I can get the time off of work.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: nimrod on May 06, 2010, 01:06:53 AM
I probably go too  :shocked :w00t:

the next big JPH!P party will be in Paris I guess  :thumbsup

The first Formule 1 Hotel is booked out for that time (

If u want a cheap place go to a Backpacker Hostel ~20 € per night (

I already booked one for 4 nights @ (

edit2: I'll probably will share a F1 room with some other Fans, will be much cheaper  :panic:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: Kea on May 06, 2010, 06:51:21 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm not very active on this forum (gomen, I'm a lurker) but I'M DEFINITELY GOING!!!   :w00t:   (I saw some of you at Chibi Expo, but dunno if anyone remembers).

I'm French so I can help out anyone having problems with the language or getting around. I'll be there the 4 days. PM me if you need assistance  :)

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: 楊枝君 on May 06, 2010, 12:03:37 PM
D: Right when I'm moving further away from Paris. No!
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: arie on May 06, 2010, 01:08:09 PM
I'm Going :twothumbs
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on May 06, 2010, 02:41:00 PM
I'm already going to two concerts this year, so no Paris... But I hope y'all have the best time possible :D

(Note: two concerts is a lot when you live in the middle of nowhere rofl)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: SomethingWild on May 06, 2010, 03:24:15 PM
Hi Arie, I know you from H!   :P

Too bad Shi. Actually, I fear a lot of people already spend their cash on the various H@A events  :nervous


New info!

There are 100 special tickets available @ 130 euro  :panic: For that you will get:

* A poster
* A T-shirt
* 10 badges
* A set of 3 Collector CDs
* A priority ticket for the concert (i.e. you get to enter before the masses!)

I'm actually kinda tempted, because I hate camping outside a venue  :nervous
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: Kio_ on May 06, 2010, 11:41:25 PM
^man, that would be really tempting if I was going.... I wonder what the cd's are
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on May 07, 2010, 12:50:36 AM
less than two months to go :panic: CRAZY!! LMFAO they changed venues. awesome extra goodies!! who bought those tickets? :theking

quick translation of the video, since i'm at uni i don't have sound so i just put name for the one i think was opening her mouth  XD

LMFAO!!! GJ ChrNo!

I have no interest in seeing the girls, but this sounds like a good opportunity for Europeans to meet up. :lol:

Seriously, you should come down to Finland at the end of the month May 22-26 :lol:

i am prolly out of this one lol. im so low on dough im wont  be attending even if they come to vancouver  :nervous

werd Honger, we need to sell more dope.

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris
Post by: Fushigidane on May 07, 2010, 06:21:58 AM
Hi Arie, I know you from H!   :P

Too bad Shi. Actually, I fear a lot of people already spend their cash on the various H@A events  :nervous


New info!

There are 100 special tickets available @ 130 euro  :panic: For that you will get:

* A poster
* A T-shirt
* 10 badges
* A set of 3 Collector CDs
* A priority ticket for the concert (i.e. you get to enter before the masses!)

I'm actually kinda tempted, because I hate camping outside a venue  :nervous
WOW! :shocked: :w00t: I can't open the "premium tickets -- more information on this page" page :wth
I bet they'll be sold out when i get back home today XD  8)2
Thank you for your interest but Premium Tickets are only available in France.
:wth :angry: XD
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: arie on May 07, 2010, 10:32:36 AM

Tickets now on sale    :thumbup (

And it's in my hand :fap

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on May 07, 2010, 11:06:50 AM
They are (were) available everywhere ;) (

Worked for me

If you have troubles with FNAC try it here (

(only the normal tickets)

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Fushigidane on May 07, 2010, 03:42:19 PM
huh? :wth the special tickets? I don't know any french so it's hard for me to buy tickets and wahhh! XD If someone can get an extra special/premium ticket imma buy it XD ;)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Blu-Cherri on May 07, 2010, 05:16:50 PM
bought a regular ticket this morning.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down
Post by: Kea on May 09, 2010, 11:57:48 PM
I'm making a guide for the wota foreigners coming to the concert with info about the expo, getting around Paris, accomodation and stuff. I'll post it here once I'm done ;)

Got a premium ticket  :D
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on May 21, 2010, 06:57:08 PM
Finally some schedule updates, I highlighted the important bits:

Morning Musume。are going to leave their mark on the 2010 edition of Japan Expo thanks to their exceptional presence as Music Guests of Honor.

Soundlicious, in partnership with the festival, proposes a real big live concert, on Friday night after the closing of Japan Expo.

There will be no free showcase apart from this concert but don’t worry, you will have the opportunity to meet your favorite Idols at Japan Expo during a conference and signing sessions.

- Public conference on Thursday, July 1st at 5.30 p.m. on the Main Stage
- Signing sessions… Days and time coming soon!

The signing session schedule has not been validated with the band yet: no need to worry, it will be announced very soon!

Glad I hadn't booked yet, I planned on arriving July 2, which would've been too late for the press conference!

edit: I didn't even see the main stage last year  :lol: AKB's conference was just in a corner of one of the halls.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: kawaii beam on May 22, 2010, 05:22:43 PM
i seriously need help to get these tickets, since my dad lives in the uk it would be ubber easy to go from his prart(since i live in the us xD) but i've never done anything like this before,so can anyone helo me out? i'll be ubber greatful to u guys X3
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on May 24, 2010, 06:27:46 PM
Special website is up: (

French only. It has a bunch of info about the concert, but not much new or exiting info so far...
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: chibilolli on May 24, 2010, 07:10:05 PM
Can you add my name to the list please. I'll be there, in my Stitch kigurumi with a premium ticket :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Wonderboy on May 24, 2010, 10:05:43 PM
Oh lol the "special pack momusu" is already sold out...

And € for the concert + € for the special events @ Japan €xpo...

Btw there seems to be an english website ( "Sorry, there is no English version of this page".  :lol:

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on May 28, 2010, 03:35:45 PM
lol OK nothing's been decided yet but

I was considering selling my Lady Gaga concert ticket and going to see MM in Paris instead :lol:

I'm trying to keep my budget at 500e though, and what's causing trouble is the lodging. So is anyone still looking for someone to share a hotel room with, could offer a corner in a room or anything lol? If I come I might try to stay overnight from 1st - 3rd, then late july 3rd night go to airport since my flight would leave 7:40 on 4th... Just to save money haha. I don't want to go to a hostel because they seem scary to me. lol

Anyway I'm just throwing it out there!! If I can find a way to fit this in my budget then I'll definitely try to come... idk idk
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Fushigidane on May 28, 2010, 05:13:48 PM
lol OK nothing's been decided yet but

I was considering selling my Lady Gaga concert ticket and going to see MM in Paris instead :lol:

I'm trying to keep my budget at 500e though, and what's causing trouble is the lodging. So is anyone still looking for someone to share a hotel room with, could offer a corner in a room or anything lol? If I come I might try to stay overnight from 1st - 3rd, then late july 3rd night go to airport since my flight would leave 7:40 on 4th... Just to save money haha. I don't want to go to a hostel because they seem scary to me. lol

Anyway I'm just throwing it out there!! If I can find a way to fit this in my budget then I'll definitely try to come... idk idk
wow shirenu, your Lady Gaga ticket :D :lol: Hmm. I thought i'd definitely go if i got a premium ticket but now that they're sold out I tought i'd just stay in Finland and save the money to go see MM in Japan o.o But if you'd share a room with me, it wouldn't be so expensive and it's MM in Paris after all :D :P
But I'm a "i get lost easily" and "can't do anything by myself" person so umm! :nervous
It could be possible! :P ?
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on May 28, 2010, 06:08:48 PM
^ I have the same getting lost problem. :lol:  Helsinki was easy because it was like just a couple of streets... But I've been looking at the hotels in Paris and their direction advices are INSANE.. Just one example:
"Take the C6 (yellow) SNCF train and change trains at Antony station to the RER B train and get off at 'Châtelet Les Halles'. From there, take metro line 7 direction 'La Courneuve 8 Mai 1945' and get off at metro stop 'Cadet'. The hotel is only a 1-minute walk away from the metro station."

WHAT!!!!! That's like 57 stops and changes. I've never even used a metro before. WHy is it so complicated? Don't they have buses and... stuff that makes sense? :lol:

But yes seriously sharing a room would bring down the cost so much! Do think about it Fushigi :3

Can anyone recommend a good location for the hotel? Where would u Paris folk be willing to venture to help a couple of tourists? These hotels all brag about being "near the centre" etc. but I HAVE NO IDEA. Where is the Expo area even? How to get there? HELP :lol: I want to plan this as much as possible before I buy any tickets, in case I decide to go :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Fushigidane on May 28, 2010, 06:24:00 PM
Yeah I also wanna have all the things (flights, the hotel etc) decided before I even decide if I'm going XD LOL at the direction advices :lol: Tho we could just ask people where to go when we get there! :P
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nachdenki on May 28, 2010, 06:25:50 PM
Where is the Expo area even? How to get there? HELP :lol: I want to plan this as much as possible before I buy any tickets, in case I decide to go :lol:
As far as I remember the Expo area is right below the main airport (charles de g.. or somethingIcan'trememberthenameproperly), about 2 stations with the train from the airport.
Both are north from Paris so it's probably good to try to get either a hotel/hostel in the north or at least one that is close to the train that takes you there directly.
Sometimes, just for orientation, it can be useful to search for "hotel, paris" or something on google maps and it'll give you a selection of hotels with their position, though it doesn't have all..
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on May 28, 2010, 06:31:30 PM
I've been to the expo last year and I can give you quite a lot of info. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want to know something specific.

Actually, I planned everything already but my friends canceled on me, which made everything too expensive.

I was looking at this hotel: (

It's on a walking distance from the Expo. The best thing is, if the room is shared by 3 people, it's only 40 euro each for two nights!

edit: about the metro, just take the B3 line from Gare du Nord to Charles de Gaulle airport and it should be fine. After about 20 minutes you reach the 'parc d'exposition' stop.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: sh15uya on May 28, 2010, 06:43:29 PM
Paris Charles De Gaulle :)

( (

( (

the easiest way is to get a hotel at Aulnay-sous-bois or anyway near the RER B.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on May 28, 2010, 06:48:29 PM
^ Wow there's only one room left!!! Tempted to just go ahead and book
That's very helpful advice thanks guys!! :D Thanks Barrie!!!

Damn I have to get offline soon because our moving truck is arriving any moment haha
Not the best time to travel plan...

EDIT: THanks sh15uya too, that's very helpful!!
I think that nearer airport is where my plane would land!! :O

This one looks kewl;label=aulnay-sous-bois-nyH7DqeQcIPeU6mbZcuYwwS4161565776;sid=a901be6c84f54988214967c075fcb234 (;label=aulnay-sous-bois-nyH7DqeQcIPeU6mbZcuYwwS4161565776;sid=a901be6c84f54988214967c075fcb234)

Only like 50e a head :O fawk
Fushigi can u try to decide by tomorrow night whether you want to go or not XD I'll be busy moving but I'll try to get online ASAP!
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on May 29, 2010, 02:55:02 AM
I Hope the Q+A will be after the concert day  :)

via H!O

The removed the date for the q&a, The planning is still unknown but there will be a signing session and Q&A

Some FAQ were added today on concert's official website

No pictures allowed during live session, signing and Q&A.
There will be a box for present and messages.
Setlist won't be announced before the show.
Only official goodies will be signed.

We still don't know if we'll need to buy goods to access the sign session.

There will be at leat 3 lines

1 inside the convention center
1 outside
1 for pack momusu (maybe 2 ,inside and outside)

Début du Concert 19h30*
Fin du Concert 21h00*

If you still need Glow Sticks and live in UK you can order some BGS here (

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on May 30, 2010, 07:26:08 PM
Um can someone quickly instruct how to buy tickets for 1) the Momusu concert 2) the Expo itself that u need for the Q&A and whatever
Thanks :lol:

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Wonderboy on May 30, 2010, 08:03:37 PM
1) I guess the easiest way for you would be to buy it online on the Fnac website at this url : (

You'll have to click on the yellow zone where it's written "Réservez vos places". It should bring you to another page where you'll put the number of place you'd like to buy... and then you'll have to choose your payment mode. Then... hell, I'm screen-capping ...  XD

(of course, you'll need to use a credit card)

It will be an E-Ticket at .PDF format. I would advise you to print it (of course) and also put it in an USB flash drive too... or just letting it in your webmail (I do this when I go in Japan with some important stuff).

Well, first number answered... As you need it quick, I'm posting this right now.

And taking care of 2) now...
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Wonderboy on May 30, 2010, 08:21:39 PM
2)  :panic:

So, entering to Japan Expo needs a ticket that you can buy here : (
Yes, it's still monitored by Fnac...

In this page, you have the ticket for :
- 4 days.
- 3 days.
- 1 day.

(we hate number 2 in France)

For 1 day, you'll get this page : (

They say "TOUTE SORTIE EST DEFINITIVE" which means that if you go out from the Expo you won't be allowed to enter once again.

You'll have to choose Friday 02, same day for Momusu concert.

For payment, it's the same method as above...


I can't go further for the procedure as I'm not going to J.E. but feel free to ask more here, me or sh15uya or another french will answer.  :)2
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on May 30, 2010, 08:34:47 PM
Hmmm about the expo ticket, wasn't it for the Q&A and signing session??
How can we buy the ticket already if we don't know what day they are on? D:

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Wonderboy on May 30, 2010, 09:01:31 PM
^ Yes, the expo ticket is for Q&A and signing.

Momusu concert is the 02/07/2010 @ 19h30 but it seems that the day of the special event isn't yet decided, I didn't notice that.

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Fushigidane on May 30, 2010, 09:25:32 PM
So I'm coming to see MM too! :D And.. with shirenu! :D awesome :w00t: :thumbup
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on May 30, 2010, 09:58:31 PM

Fushigi you'll see REINYAN with your very own eyes :D Unless someone blocks your view ufufufu JUST KIDDING

Plane & hotel BOOKED! No way to back up now!!

I guess there is very little info on anything yet? (the signing, the Q&A) So annoying. I like to plan things ahead lol.

Are there places to eat at the Expo area?? From what I gather, our hotel isn't very reliable when it comes to food... (lol....)

Paris people who aren't interested in seeing MM will still show us around Paris when there are no MM events, right? :lol: No reason why we can't do sweet, sweet hanging...
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Fushigidane on May 30, 2010, 11:09:51 PM
our hotel isn't very reliable when it comes to food... (lol....)
LOL XD Sounds fun :D
UWAAAAAAAAHHHG eh Reina mmmmmm  :dizzy: :w00t:.......................

Plane & hotel AWESOME! :thumbup
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on May 31, 2010, 12:56:55 PM

A month to go to plan some awesome jphip swag for em! :fap
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: orac on May 31, 2010, 04:23:27 PM
Meh, a month to go, and still not got any news back about passport, I may not be able to go, /cry.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on May 31, 2010, 04:28:00 PM
Wha, I'm all jealous, but at the same time so excited that you guys are going! Seriously looking forward to reports and pictures and stuff~~~! :D Yes, already XD;;
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Gyan on May 31, 2010, 07:09:11 PM
I sympathized with some hangry & angry fans last weekend and they will be to the concert.
So, I'll be there with my new glow sticks to support momusu  :)
Now I've just need to quickly buy a ticket...
2010 is a great year for french j-rock/pop fans like us  :D
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on May 31, 2010, 08:16:31 PM
You guys think it would just be best to buy a 3 day ticket to make sure I/we can go to all MM related events? :?
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: sh15uya on May 31, 2010, 09:26:25 PM
I don't think so (if I read the FAQ ( correctly),
all goodies will be available at the concert place too
and the only MM event is the perf, nothing else will be planned ...

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Wonderboy on May 31, 2010, 09:35:35 PM
I don't think so, sh15buya : the events are not yet scheduled as seen on this page : (

Retrouvez les Morning Musume pour un concert événement unique le vendredi 2 juillet dans la soirée !
Et rencontrez-les en chair et en os à Japan Expo lors d'une conférence publique et de séances de dédicaces !

Google Translate for shirenu as I'm tired after my day :

Find the Morning Musume. For a single concert event Friday, July 2 in the evening!
And meet them in flesh and bone at Japan Expo at a public lecture and book signings!

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: sh15uya on May 31, 2010, 09:43:05 PM
^ right,
autant pour moi ... c'est même écrit... -_-
Il n’y aura pas d’autres occasions de les voir en concert. Toutefois, elles seront en conférence publique et en séances de dédicaces à Japan Expo durant le festival.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Gyan on May 31, 2010, 09:56:42 PM
This page ( say that if you want to participate to public talk show or the signing session, you have to buy a Japan Expo ticket. It's only the concert that is accessible "outside" the Japan Expo.
Plus, the planning of the four days is not available so we don't know when the momusu will have their public talk show / signing session.
I think they will certainly have their public talk show and signing session in the same day and the concert the next day.... or not :/
If you want to be absolutely sure that you will not miss anything, yes, take 3 tickets, but perhaps only one ticket will be necessary.
Without planning, it's not easy to give you a piece of advice.
For now I use to check the planning page ( daily, hoping that when it will be available I will be able to buy only the right number of tickets...
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Wonderboy on May 31, 2010, 10:01:18 PM
No problem sh15uya, c'est pas facile de s'y retrouver, ils ont optimisé la présence web, j'avoue qu'en termes de com', c'est assez musclé.

So, Shirenu, if you can't wait... or are afraid to... and if you got the money... and considering that you'll quite enjoy being @ Japan Expo, yes, it will be, at this moment, a safe way to buy a 3 days ticket.

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on May 31, 2010, 10:29:57 PM
Haha okay thanks everyone :D One more question: Is there any chance for this event to get 'sold out'? That's really why I'm panicking about buying the tickets in time. If there's no fear of that then I'm cool with waiting until they release more plans, but if yes then OMG WTF I'm not flying over to Paris just to NOT be able to see them (other than the concert) ya know?? lol ... Well I AM flying to Paris because I paid for the flight already but >_>
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Wonderboy on May 31, 2010, 10:55:35 PM
^ I can understand you as I'm doing the same when I'm abroad.  XD

One day is ~12€ and three days ~30€ ...
Honestly, I can't really tell you if the event can be sold out or if it's better to wait... :/

If I were you, as my flight is secured, I would buy a three days... 20€ is not so expensive.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on June 01, 2010, 01:45:58 AM (

Here is the FAQ Translation, credits @ Paladar H!O

Will the goodies in the MoMusu Pack be sold during the concert?

You will find all the goodies in the Soundlicious stand and in the JE shop during the whole festival. They will also be sold during the concert.

Will there be a showcase before the concert on July 2?

The groupe will only sing in Europe during the concert July 2 at night. There won't be another occasion to see them in concert. Therefore, they wille give a public conference and a signing session at Japan Expo during the festival.

Do we need the group's goodies for the signing session?
The signings will be only done on Morning Musume's official products. Beware of the fakes: a check will be done. Moreover, exclusive posters avec CDs will be sold on the three JE Shop and on the Soundlicious shop.

Will there be a photo session?
There won't be any photo session. Morning Musume's management doesn't wish any photos or videos during the concert and the activities at Japan Expo.

Will Pack Momusu owners have a different line from those with standard tickets ?
- Pack Momusu owners will have a separate line.

Have the Momusu Pack goodies been made in Japan or in France?
The goodies are made in France especially for the concert. Every design has been done in Japan.

Will the MoMusu Pack goodies be given out at the beginning of the concert?

MoMusu Pack goodies will be given out just before the concert on presentation of MoMusu ticket. The goodies that the premium ticket ownerds will have are also available in very limited number on the stands. MoMusu Pack owners are sure to have them.

Will there be a box to give our gifts to Morning Musume?
You can put your gifts for the group's members in a box at your disposition.

Do you know the setlist of the concert?
The setlist isn't available for now. This will be a surprise!

Will the concert be filmed or sold in DVD?

No film planned yet.

Inside the parisian metro these days.
( (
Pop Kawai  :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Serafis_CZ on June 02, 2010, 07:01:48 PM
     My friend wanted to attend but something got wrong and she can't go now. The bad side of this overall bad thing is that I already bought the tickets for her. So if anyone of you guys want her two tickets, they are for sale (pdf, print at home from Fnac). In case you are interested, just send me a PM.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: arie on June 03, 2010, 11:18:34 AM
 :twothumbs Morning Musume Signing session on July 1 at the FNAC 11.30 on the Champs Elysees :twothumbs (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 03, 2010, 12:27:47 PM



i ALREADY set a mini pb ready to be signed, marked each member's page, OH WELL I GUESS NO USE FOR THAT NOW
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: arie on June 03, 2010, 12:31:35 PM
This signing session is maybe not related with the expo :)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 03, 2010, 12:38:25 PM
What does it matter?? I'm paying 500 euros to MISS it either way

I'm sorry but u gotta understand why I'm bummed about this!!!!!!
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Mugen on June 03, 2010, 01:04:09 PM
lol why they gotta make things so complicated
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 03, 2010, 01:06:48 PM
THey planned it at first to be after 5pm so I thought it would be ok if our plane landed a bit later in the day instead of morning -____- Why do they have to do this shit, gahhh
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on June 03, 2010, 01:21:47 PM
:O FUCK. can u change your flight? is there a signing session at the expo?
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 03, 2010, 01:33:00 PM
Nope, no changes, no cancellations. :/
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: CDevil on June 03, 2010, 01:39:06 PM
This signing is separate from the expo, so there'll probably be another signing at the expo on a different day...I think >_<
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on June 03, 2010, 01:43:23 PM
The same here, I'll miss it too and I doubt that there will be another signing session
( (,2.304661&sspn=0.00192,0.005681&ie=UTF8&split=1&filter=0&rq=1&ev=zi&radius=0.15&hq=FNAC+Champs-Elys%C3%A9e&hnear=&ll=48.870721,2.30486&spn=0.002008,0.005681&t=h&z=18&iwloc=A (,2.304661&sspn=0.00192,0.005681&ie=UTF8&split=1&filter=0&rq=1&ev=zi&radius=0.15&hq=FNAC+Champs-Elys%C3%A9e&hnear=&ll=48.870721,2.30486&spn=0.002008,0.005681&t=h&z=18&iwloc=A)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: CDevil on June 03, 2010, 02:03:52 PM
I doubt that there will be another signing session
What makes you say that? More than 1 signing seems to be the norm, MM had 3 at AX and H&A had 2 at Chibi Japan Expo last year, not sure how many they had in Seattle though. I think AKB had more than 1 at last years Japan-Expo too. I'd be shocked if the guests of honour didn't have a signing at the actual Expo.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 03, 2010, 02:17:50 PM
I think it's a case of "I'll believe it when I see it" because if we get our hopes up and end up being disappointed, it will be too crushing >o<

...But thanks for giving us a little hope, still :)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: sh15uya on June 03, 2010, 02:29:40 PM

according to the FAQ, there is a signing session at the JE (you'll need a JE ticket).
Actually 'signing event' is in "plural" lol ( séanceS de dédicaces )...

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on June 03, 2010, 02:52:21 PM
@ CDevil:
I'm not sure, its just a feeling  ;)
Anyways: I rebooked my flight  to Wednesday (costs me 65 € more) (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down
Post by: Kea on June 04, 2010, 09:32:09 AM
Hello guys, I come to clarify some points:

- The announced signing session (1st July, 11:30am, @ Fnac Champs Elysees) is not the JE signing session. It's separate from the JE, at a popular multimedia store. It's where H&A did their signing last week.

- JE has announced one signing session (or more, since, like Sh15uya said, JE used the plural) that will take place at the expo center. So if you miss the Fnac signing, you still have a chance to go to the JE signing.

- At JE, only official goods will be allowed for the girls to sign. Only one signature per girl (meaning: either you provide 1 item on which each sign [like a poster] or 1 item per girl [photocards, one for each] ).

- At the Fnac, not only will it be only official goods, but they may make it "album only" like they did with H&A. And in that case, you will have to buy the album there (and show the receipt to be allowed to get in line). If you already have the album 10 My Me, bring it and try to ask if they allow you to go with that instead of buying a new one.
For those who can, you may also want to consider buying the CD the day before (so as to avoid losing time when everyone rushes in to get in line), keep the receipt and all, and present that when you are to line up. If they tell you to buy it again, do so and bring back the one you bought the day before, they'll give you your money back.

Hope this helps some :)

I'll post more info when it's made available.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on June 04, 2010, 12:40:55 PM
One thing about the FNAC signing, expect prices for the album to be high. Last year, you had to buy a copy of an AKB48 single and they were priced at 35 euro, while the normal price is 1500yen/13.50 euro. I'm not sure it will be this way again this year, just giving a head's-up.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: arie on June 04, 2010, 12:50:25 PM
Last weekend at the FNAC The Hangry and Angry album was 17.50 Euro and its 21 Euro at CD japan :twothumbs
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on June 04, 2010, 02:25:34 PM
35 € for a single ?  :shocked this is madness

Was it the same price (17,50 €) at the H+A concert ? It was cheapter at the gig in Berlin MediaMarkt (12€) and 15 € at the concert. Can anyone explain me why there is such a huge difference between the countries?
Well its 21 € at FNAC now  :thumbdown:

I hope that FNAC will sell the Poster

I hope that JE will announce the Signing Session soon  <_<
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down
Post by: Kea on June 04, 2010, 07:30:45 PM
^ The H&A CD was 21 Eur at the FNAC the whole time and then on the day of the signing (or 2 days before) it became 17.50 Eur.
I don't remember the price at the concert, since I didn't even look at the CD and went for the rest of the merch (which was the same price as in Germany, I had written down the prices you provided ;) ) so I think it was 15 Eur.

If MM's CD is 21 Eur now at the FNAC, it will be made 17.50 around the time of the signing, I bet. It most certainly won't be 35 Eur. I think the reason why AKB's CDs were so expensive is that they were the japanese version. FNAC will sell the american or european version of 10 My Me, so the price should be just like any other CD sold there (20 Eur is the price for a CD, 15 or 17 being the "green price" during the period of the launch of the CD. Mind you, some items stay in "green price" for a while).
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Wonderboy on June 04, 2010, 08:10:44 PM
lol, the famous "green price"...

Ahaha, comme si la Fnac était toujours la valeur sûre...
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 04, 2010, 09:02:34 PM
OK Hi it's me again :lol: Tourist needs help
I just realized that our hotel is kinda far away from the train stop. OOPS.
Can you wise Paris people give advice on how to easiest get to and from the train stop to the hotel? I see some kinda railway or tram or whatever line on the map leading right to where our hotel is, what is it?

( (

I tried to google for local transport info but :? no luck

EDIT: Now I got this: "The bus number 350 stops just 50 metres from the hotel, which takes you directly to Paris."
Ah I guess we can get with bus 350 from airport to Rue Anatole Sigonneau LE BLANC-MESNIL whatever the fuck that is and then walk to the hotel...
But I still wonder if we can also get to the expo the same way :lol:

EDIT2: OK apparently our way to expo includes 1. walking 2. bus 3. train, but whatever... :lol: I hope the local transport in France isn't crazy expensive... Maybe I won't be eating for the duration of the trip LOL...

lol this is like becoming my travel plan journal, sorry >o<
And wow this is all so complicated and stressful, especially cuz I can't speak French :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on June 04, 2010, 11:25:56 PM
There will be a H!P stand at the expo   :drool:

HELLO! PROJECT (stand B.H.45) (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: sh15uya on June 04, 2010, 11:32:40 PM
yup the 350 seems ok (
Roissy - Villepinte (parc des expositions) - Aulnay (garonor)
Maybe you'll need 2 tickets ( ~2*1.50€ ), but I'm not sure at all lol (zone thingy).

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on June 05, 2010, 01:05:10 AM
I have no Hotel for the night from wednesday to thursday now. Do you know a cheap hotel/hostel near the Signing Session Place ?
Otherwise I would walk around this night through Paris  :panic:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down
Post by: Kea on June 05, 2010, 02:58:51 AM
^ There can't be any cheap hotel near that place, it's the Champs Elysees, the second most expensive street in Paris ;) The whole area is super pricey.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 05, 2010, 09:54:48 AM
OK I did another route search and it seems that all we'll need is bus number 350 to go anywhere (since it goes to centre too, in case we want touristing). :lol: I dunno why my first search gave me some wacky walk+bus+train thing to expo! (Actually, it still gives me that stuff, I think it's because it takes into account the time but I'm not looking for a specific time) HUHUH... I feel better now.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on June 05, 2010, 10:38:46 PM
# Signing Session Thursday 01 July
# Signing session Friday 02 July
# Signing session Saturday 03 July
First come first served
# Signing session Sunday 04 July
# Conference Sunday 04 July, 12h30-13h30, Main Stage

4 signing sessions!
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 07, 2010, 10:06:18 AM
^ Again, our plane leaves before the goddamn conference haha pwned
We could change the return flight but it's (at least) 50 euros >o< I guess we could discuss that at the Helsinki airport... I'm too much of a nervewreck to call somewhere...
Man, what was I thinking when I booked our flights :P Well I know what, I didn't think that they'd spread out the events so much. AHh I'm so stupid. I gotta remember this if there ever is a next time D:<

Seems like there is use for a 3day ticket afterall?
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down
Post by: twissie on June 07, 2010, 10:10:28 AM
Does the "Draw" under two of the signing sessions mean that they're like lotteries? o_o In which case... ouch! "First come first serve" sounds better, but man... better line up early, I guess :shocked:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down
Post by: Kea on June 07, 2010, 12:26:16 PM
^ It's a "yes/no" draw. You have one chance to draw per expo ticket (it means that they will put a mark on your expo ticket to indicate that you already drew that day. But if you want to try several times, you can buy several expo tickets, I suppose  :P). But either way, even the draw will require that ppl line up early because in the bowl there will be a certain amount of "yes" and once they're gone, they're gone.

About the signing at the FNAC:
Franklin Roosevelt is the metro station (line 1, yellow line) near which the Fnac is located (see map beneath).

I researched the parkings around the area and here they are (in case anyone comes by car):
( (http://"")
As you can see there are several parkings around the area. But they're probably just streets in which you can park. If you want an underground parking, it's this one here (http://"").
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 07, 2010, 02:26:38 PM
Um could someone please translate this? lol


It's from the expo ticket buying page D:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down
Post by: Kea on June 07, 2010, 02:51:55 PM
Last Name
First Name
e-mail address
Choose a password
Confirm password
Date of Birth (day/month/year)
Do you want to receive offers from Fnac? (No)
Do you want to receive offers from Japan Expo? (No)

Private/Corporation (choose Particulier)
Don't worry about this line
Don't worry about this line
Number + name of street
Zip code
Country (scroll tab)
Home phone
Cell phone (just one of these 2 is enough)
Name this address (write "Home" or sthg, it doesn't matter)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 07, 2010, 03:22:43 PM
^ Thanks!! :D

Hmm it didn't let me choose the days, gave me 2nd - 4th and I would've preferred 1st - 3rd jfoiewjofijw whateverrrrrr
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down
Post by: Kea on June 07, 2010, 03:40:26 PM
The passes are as follow:
- 1 day (whichever you want)
- 3 days (it's Fri-Sat-Sun)
- 4 days (it's... the 4 days XD).

For the 3 days pass, you cannot choose your days. It's automatically Fri-Sat-Sun.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 13, 2010, 12:21:08 PM
To keep the convo going and stuff, I have more questions ^__^

1) What is the expo area like, as in, are there restaurants, snack shops? It seems like we'll be spending many an hour there so it would be nice to know in advance if we're gonna starve unless we go get some snacks first...

2) I'd like to know when the first and last bus 350 and 609 of the day run = the schedules of these buses (weekends too). Any idea where I could find them?
Also, does the bus 350 return to the airport the same route as it comes from the airport? Sorry just want to be sure lol

3) Any Parisians who want to hang out (whether at the Expo or otherwise), could you please PM me your phone numbers because I won't be bringing my laptop and it would be nice to be able to contact you somehow? :3 (What's the country code for France?) Would someone at least take Fushi and me to see the Eiffel tower at some point :lol:

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on June 13, 2010, 12:37:52 PM
Y'all have to film some funny French scenes!! :D

Who is bringing a camera at least? And video? Gots to be documented mang!

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: sh15uya on June 13, 2010, 01:02:23 PM
yup yup, there're some restaurants/snacks around, you can get a list here : (
(services tab > restauration).
Try to bring some cash, cash machines are really busy there, and most of stand don't accept credit card ... well ... it was like that when I went there in 2006 xD

schedule for #350 ( | #609 (
(lundi = monday, vendredi = friday, samedi = saturday, dimanche = sunday, vacances = holidays <- begin the 3th july)

french country code : +33

I don't think I'll be there, but I'm sure you'll find some nice h!psters to bring you to the eiffel tower :)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 13, 2010, 02:09:20 PM
^ That is SUPER helpful, thanks!! :D
The takeaway places seem promising for a quick snack >o<

Looking at the 350 schedule, this means the bus won't stop at the expo until 9:38?
Also, do I understand correctly that the Expo area opens only at 10am... Can you even get into the area before then?
This is all important for planning line up XD hahahahahah *zoink*
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: sh15uya on June 13, 2010, 03:52:59 PM
it seems so, but 9:38 is ok
as the JE website says :
"PLEASE mind the opening hour! Do not come at 8:00am and risk a 2-hour waiting time."  :lol: (
"A last piece of advice: don't forget to take a bottle of water! It's very hot in the July sun in the lines but also inside the festival."
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on June 13, 2010, 03:53:51 PM
Yes, there is plenty of food available at the Expo  :thumbup

As for getting in, check out: (
I would recommend getting the tickets in advance. You'll be able to get in much faster and easier.

Prepare for massive crowds though:
( (
But everything is well organized, which helps a lot.

I bought some stuff and was able to use my regular bank card every time, they referred to it as 'carte bleu.' I said "faire du PIN"  :lol:

edit: lol, Sh1 beat me to it  XD
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 13, 2010, 04:09:40 PM
^ Huh I'm not sure I understand that entrance thing >o< You can't just walk in if you have a ticket? Or does it just mean that there's a line where u have to show the ticket and it takes approximately 1h?

That makes me nervous eh, if there's an event at like 11:30 and u can get in at 10 and then only actually get in at 11 D: What if you don't know where to go and spend over 30min getting lost lol

AHh maybe I worry too much :/
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on June 13, 2010, 04:21:09 PM
Yeah, don't worry about it too much. Everything will work out. Everything is pretty clearly marked so you won't get lost  :) edit: at the expo itself are maps with where every stand is and you'll also get a booklet. usually they make a pdf available, so you can study where to go in advance  XD

Or does it just mean that there's a line where u have to show the ticket and it takes approximately 1h?

Yeah, that's pretty much it. There is quite a line if you get there when the expo isn't open yet. I guess the lines will disappear when you arrive later during the day. There are also two separate lines; one for people with a 3 or 4 day pass and a line for people with a single day ticket.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Kio_ on June 13, 2010, 11:09:33 PM
Presentation video: (most of it is in japanese/france...but still :thumbsup)

MORNING MUSUME。's first live in Europe! / Presentation video (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Kea on June 16, 2010, 01:26:20 PM
^ Haha, I'm in that video. How awesome is it to be featured in the same video as Tsunku-god and Morning Musume? :P

INFO ABOUT THE FNAC SIGNING: You can bring any OFFICIAL Morning Musume item to be signed (albums, photobooks, ...)
Occifial FAQ (http://"")
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on June 17, 2010, 04:54:19 PM (

Momusu quiz 13.30- 15.00  :?
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on June 19, 2010, 07:58:51 AM
It probably means Question & Answer. The english translated site is pretty bad lol

Someone get Aibutt to sign Aibutt!!!

last year, dinny got Eri to sign her ass and she went KYAAA and covered her butt shly  :wub:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on June 19, 2010, 05:39:35 PM
Nope, the Q+A is on Sunday, but the quiz was removed from the schedule now  :?

Finally! Signing session info.
    * Signing Session Thursday 01 July, 22h15-22h15, Signing Room #5
    * Signing session Friday 02 July, 14h00-15h00, Signing Room #5
    * Signing session Saturday 03 July, 11h30-13h00, Signing Room #5
      First come first served
    * Conference Sunday 04 July, 12h30-13h30, Main Stage
    * Signing session Sunday 04 July, 14h30-15h30, Signing Room #5
      Draw (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: yossierocks on June 19, 2010, 08:08:36 PM
You are awesome. I'll be with you in spirit at the FNAC..
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 19, 2010, 09:33:53 PM
    * Signing session Saturday 03 July, 11h30-13h00, Signing Room #5
      First come first served
OUCH that early? Then it will be a running game :( I was hoping early liners up would actually get rewarded but no, this will be.. horrible
Also, if me and Fushi don't have luck in the previous day's draw, this is our only chance to get sigs :/ Fuuuucckkkk

I mean I've been able to accept not being able to make this and that event but if I don't even get one set of sigs I'm gonna jump off the Eiffel tower lol.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on June 19, 2010, 10:26:53 PM
I'm gonna jump off the Eiffel tower lol.

Actually, there are nets to prevent people from jumping of it  :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 20, 2010, 10:26:56 AM
I'm gonna jump off the Eiffel tower lol.

Actually, there are nets to prevent people from jumping of it  :lol:

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Kea on June 21, 2010, 04:23:37 AM (

Momusu quiz 13.30- 15.00  :?
^ Yes, it's some sort of game organized by an association of asian entertainment, KajiaN: like they show a PV and you must name the song, or song blind test, or name an idol, stuff like that. There will be prizes to win for anyone who participates (don't ask me what, I have no idea, but I doubt it'll be H!P merch).

@ yossierocks: I'll be thinking of you at the Fnac :)

Here is a compilation of all the info available for now:


Where? -> JE Live House (@ JE, don't need a convention ticket to access, only a concert ticket ( Follow indications on location). Directions (

When? -> Friday July 2nd, 2010
- MoMusu Pack (out of stock): 18h30 (6:30pm)
- Pre-sales tickets (27€): 18h45 (6:45pm)
- On site tickets (30€): 19h00 (7:00pm)

- Concert start: 19h30 (7:30pm)
- Concert end: 21h00 (9:00pm)

Where? -> Main stage (@ JE, need a convention ticket ( to access). Directions (
When? -> Sunday, July 4th from 12h30 to 13h30 (12:30pm - 1:30pm)

# Q&A: If you want your question to MM to be selected, follow this link (

1- Outside JE:
Where? -> FNAC Champs Elysées (@ 74 Avenue des Champs-Elysées, 75008 Paris. Metro station: Franklin D. Roosevelt, line 1. Free to access). Directions (
When? -> Thursday, July 1st at 11:30am

You can bring ANY MM item to the signing sessions as long as they're OFFICIAL goods, including for the Fnac signing. A verification will be made. Only one signature per girl (you can have an item be signed by different girls, or bring one per girl).

2- Inside JE:
Where? -> Signing room #5 (@ JE, need a convention ticket ( to access). Directions (
When? ->
# Friday, July 2nd: 14h00 - 15h00 (2:00pm - 3:00pm) Draw*
# Saturday, July 3rd: 11h30 - 13h00 (11:30am - 1:00pm) First arrived, first served**
# Sunday, July 4th: 14h30 - 15h30 (2:30pm - 3:30pm) Draw*

* You need to go to the JE official booth and there they will mark your entrance ticket and allow you one chance to draw out of a box. The paper drawn will say if you've won a ticket for the signing or not. We don't know yet what time the drawing will be, neither where the JE booth will be located. Once you get to the expo, go to the JE booth and check the times for the draw.
** You need to line up at a certain time at the JE booth. Only a certain number of tickets will be given out but everyone who's among the first to arrive will get one. We don't know yet what time the lining will be.

There "may" be an additional signing on the 1st of July, but it seems more like a mistake on the planning than an actual signing session. For now, I'll assume that the Thursday signing is only the one at the Fnac store.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Linna2040 on June 21, 2010, 08:15:16 AM
I've updated ( with Kea's info.  (Thanks, Kea!)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on June 22, 2010, 04:08:42 AM (

Momusu quiz 13.30- 15.00  :?
^ Yes, it's some sort of game organized by an association of asian entertainment, KajiaN: like they show a PV and you must name the song, or song blind test, or name an idol, stuff like that. There will be prizes to win for anyone who participates (don't ask me what, I have no idea, but I doubt it'll be H!P merch).

Probably, but they removed it from the schedule  :thumbdown:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Kea on June 22, 2010, 05:18:37 AM
^ Haha, oh well, they may put it back or change the date of it. I know that ppl complained about the time that it was supposed to happen, since it was a schedule conflict with the official MM stuff going on or sthg. Or maybe they just took it off. You can never know, with JE, until the last schedule is released.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on June 22, 2010, 09:54:14 AM
OH BABY!! Epic guide Kea  :thumbsup Just a little over a week and half to go!! :D I'm getting fucking excited baby! The concert is gonna be epic. Remember to scream AIBUTT DOT COM!!

Where are y'all gonna meet up? It's team work y'all cuz whoa, looks like these autograph sessions are gonna be complex, so lining up massive early is a must. Help each other out whatever site you are from, cuz we're all fans of Morning Musume! And you'll have these lifebonds omgass, it's gonna be fucking great.

AND Please look after our homegirl shirenu!!! Her first time in France, stuff her with plenty of croissants and cheese :D

I wanna see plenty of pix of y'all!!!!  HAVE FUN! (but I know you will) :jphip:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Kea on June 22, 2010, 08:07:23 PM
^ I'll look after her good. Shirenu! Let's meet!

NEW INFO: Additional signing session on the Thursday, July 1st: 16h15 - 17h15 (4:15pm - 5:15pm), signing room #5 - Draw.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 22, 2010, 11:22:32 PM
YES!! Let's meet!! :D

Tempted to now get a ticket for Thu as well, MIGHT be able to make the 4pm signing o-o (depending on when the draw takes place...)

But ima be hugely offline now for a day or two XD
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME in Paris (MYSTERY GUEST!!??)
Post by: daigong on June 24, 2010, 01:35:23 PM
Hey look at this! Soundlicious (The French label of Morning Musume) has just announced a mysterious guest during the Momusu's live : (

Sources tell me : it will be an ex-Morning Musume...

WHO COULD IT BE!? :panic:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on June 24, 2010, 02:02:01 PM
...if Koharu shows up and I won't be there I'm seriously gonna kill myself  :nervous
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: sh15uya on June 24, 2010, 02:05:22 PM
...if Koharu shows up and I won't be there I'm seriously gonna kill myself  :nervous
same here :banghead:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME in Paris (MYSTERY GUEST!!??)
Post by: nimrod on June 24, 2010, 03:30:45 PM

Sources tell me : it will be an ex-Morning Musume...

WHO COULD IT BE!? :panic:

Right  :twothumbs

Ex-Morning Musume Member Making A Surprise Guest Appearance (

"A surprise guest will be present at the concert of Morning Musume. Prepare for the best!" :eek:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME in Paris (MYSTERY GUEST!!??)
Post by: Fushigidane on June 24, 2010, 06:47:09 PM
"A surprise guest will be present at the concert of Morning Musume. Prepare for the best!" :eek:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on June 24, 2010, 08:50:41 PM
Oh wow. MYSTERY GUEST. How awesome :O I'm trying to think of H!P solo acts that might get sent to Europe for promo work, but I can't think of any, lol XD

Yossi is going to be the MC at the big H!P summer shows... but I think that's too vague a connection 8D Augh, I really wonder who it'll be~ so glad we have people going there so that we can get first hand reports! :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 24, 2010, 09:50:10 PM
Oh waow that's amazing!! :w00t:

Koharu's having that Shanghai unit with JunLin, so she's a decent candidate :D
Rika & Yossi just were here, would they come back so soon??
I really doubt it's any of the older ones like Nacchi or Yuko or Kei, but if it was Nacchi I would DIE. I may not be as big a fan anymore but what I once felt for her can't be erased that easily! :lol:
Nono has a baby, and having another one right? So not gonna be her.
Would Makoto or Konno have any business at an event like this :? I'd love to see Makoto tho lol
What is Mikitty up to these days? Doubt it's her but I'd kinda die a little if it was her, too.
Yaguchi?? LOL that would be weird but awesome

I'm thinking that Koharu is most likely. She's still very topical and it would be quite 'painless' to invite her along, since not that long ago she was still in MM. But who knows!

Whoever it is, it's gonna be AWESOME! :wub:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME @ Japan Expo Paris (MYSTERY GUEST!!??)
Post by: daigong on June 25, 2010, 12:41:43 AM
^ Me too I'm thinking Koharu cuz LOL! They're on the same plane in Shanghai still XD might as well not unpack. or Yossi. To promote Hangry & ANGRY!!

OR TSUNKU!! I hope u get to see THE MAN! THE LEGEND!! but lol he's no Momusu...
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: ChrNo on June 25, 2010, 01:36:16 PM
Please Be Mari cause i was in love with her at first sight and she got me into all the greatness ...
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 25, 2010, 02:33:57 PM
^ Does that mean you're considering arriving at the scene? :3 :3 :3 :3
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 25, 2010, 03:48:55 PM
OK a few more things I'd like to confirm :lol:

The same tickets can be used for buses and metro right? And they all last for 90min?
I've come up with this motherfucking epic touristing plan (that can be split into two shorter trips if needed) that includes Louvre, Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees and Montmartre XD So the 90min thing is important. Do you have to show the ticket to like a bus driver if you've already 'stamped' it and it's still valid? What about metros, whatchu do with them there?
Not really panicking about the travel costs still if it's only like 1.50e each :D

...And it is humanly possible to walk from Louvre area to Notre Dame, right? >-> The distance doesn't look that long on the map but maps can be deceiving...
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on June 25, 2010, 04:05:39 PM

...And it is humanly possible to walk from Louvre area to Notre Dame, right? >->

Yes, piece of cake. One small tip, if you're a student you can get a 'hop on-hop off tourist boat' ticket for like 8 euro. It's valid the entire day, it stops at all the landmarks and it's about a million times nicer than dealing with the metro!
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 25, 2010, 04:39:54 PM
My plans mostly have a lot of buses :D They should be nice for sight-seeing too. The few metro stops in them are in the trips to and from our hotel and are unavoidable. T_T
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: ChrNo on June 25, 2010, 04:54:03 PM
^ Does that mean you're considering arriving at the scene? :3 :3 :3 :3

really if that is Mari , maybe...need to consider this.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 25, 2010, 05:26:26 PM
^Well you know, the only way to find out is to come...... :D

Just sent in a bunch of questions to be asked at the conference even if I can't go D: I hope they can still be answered even if I'm not personally asking T_T I dunno how this event will work

Who here is going to the conference btw?? I'd like to give you the questions so that you can keep an ear open if one of them gets asked XD
Some of them are very obvious questions but some are a little more "wtf" :D
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: ChrNo on June 27, 2010, 03:06:51 AM
The same tickets can be used for buses and metro right? And they all last for 90min?

actually it works like this if you wanna change within the 1hour and a half :


metro/rer (zone 1)
rer(zone 1)/rer(zone 1)

Do you have to show the ticket to like a bus driver if you've already 'stamped' it and it's still valid? What about metros, whatchu do with them there?
you have to stamp everytime you get into one bus or tram. but with your plan there is no tram seems like it lol
about metro there are doors where you have to put your ticket in,and get it back :)
for the metro, just one door and ticket for the entrance, as for the exit you don't have to use your ticket.
it's diff for RER, you need your ticket to get it and get out. so be careful not losing your ticket while you go to the expo, cause you'll probably going to use RER B
also, your ticket+ cost 1.60 each, you can buy them in package of 10: 11,60, but that doesn't allow you to go to the expo. you'll have to buy a special ticket for that.
which cost more. just for your plan in Paris indoor, use ticket+ :)

hope it was clear enough, if you have other question don't hesitate :)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Kea on June 27, 2010, 10:39:31 PM
@ shirenu and all the others coming:

I made a guide and here is the part about TRANSPORTATION and directions. It has all the info about prices, maps, and where what is located in terms of metro/RER stations:

Transportation Guide HTML format (
Transportation Guide PDF format (

This is not the full guide, just the part about transportation cause I know it's the most needed. All the rest should be posted tomorrow :)
It will include:
- Japan Expo, the MM events (but ppl already have the schedule for those events so the guide is only here to provide more info and condense all in one place) and Wota guide
- Some sightseeing
- Japan-town in Paris with restaurants and karaoke
- Language and safety tips
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 28, 2010, 12:23:20 PM
^ That's MAD HELPFUL! But I'm still confused about some things :lol:

How will I know what ticket to buy if I don't know what zone each place is? o-o Is there like a ticket machine that lets you choose a destination?
For example, from our hotel to Louvre area:
1. From near the hotel (in zone 4) bus 350 to Gare de L'est (no idea what zone this is)
2. Then metro from Mairie d'lvry (or sth) to Palais-Royal
--> How much would this trip be? lol
Is at least the 2nd part of the trip "t+" so a mobilis ticket could be used?

Sorry for asking all these questions but I find this public transport very complicated lol XD
I'm used to being able to take just one bus or train wherever I want to go >o<
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: ChrNo on June 28, 2010, 03:30:20 PM
every metro is Zone 1 :)

only RER and bus can be out of zones, but usually one ticket+ is accepted in bus that go into Paris itself.

Gare de L'est=zone 1, i think that your ticket+ should be used for that trip, not too sure, i hate our system too lol

Mairie d'lvry to Palais-Royal = 1 ticket+ is enough, you wouldn't have to use your ticket+ twice don't worry, you'll have to be sure to know where you go tho, lol when are you making this trip ?

ticket+ and mobilis have nothing to do with eachother... you can use mobilis in your zones all you want within one day long.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 28, 2010, 04:51:15 PM
ticket+ and mobilis have nothing to do with eachother... you can use mobilis in your zones all you want within one day long.
It affects the mobilis price though, whether it's the "inside Paris" area or more zones :O 
But I guess the 9,80 one would be best for a touristing day since it covers zones 1-4 which means our hotel and expo too... Then could just use that to travel eh!

I'm not sure what day the touristing will take place yet. It would REALLY HELP if they released info on when the drawing is for each signing session. sigh
I won't have a laptop in Paris so unless all info becomes miraculously available tomorrow, we'll be going there completely blind about all that stuff. >o< Anyone who wants to contact me then will need to do so by phone.

But at least Saturday the signing session ends at 1pm, so even if we managed to get there and were last out, there'd still be the whole day left to do whatever. o/ So I've been thinking that it would be perfect for epic touristing. HOOHHH

EDIT: lol just checked the weather forecast. Promises heavy rain for Saturday. PERFECT :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: ChrNo on June 28, 2010, 05:32:24 PM
yeah mobilis cost too much lol
and in zone 4 there is like nothing to see lol...unless you wanna go to the Versailles Castle ?
seriously unless you don't wanna walk in Paris, i'd rather use ticket+ , and the coming days are going to be so beautiful shirenu !
when are you arriving in Paris exactly ?

give me your phone number then i can be your guide for at least that part lol
edit : unless you come on Wednesday i have exams and have other priorities on Thursday ><
edit2:shit no more phone credit for int. comm until July the 8th T_____T but still can i have your number ? can i have it ? can i have it ? can i please receive the secret code that if entered telephonic-ally it will pass me through to you which means it will be your beautiful ass number ? can i have it ? no, come on can i have it ? can i have it ? can i have it ? can i ? can i ? can i have it ? can i have it?
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 28, 2010, 07:11:17 PM
and in zone 4 there is like nothing to see lol...unless you wanna go to the Versailles Castle ?
My hotel and the expo are in zone 4. :lol: That's why I need to be able to travel there
You mean Chateau de Versailles?? I didn't know what it was until I googled but I'm liking it :drool:

Dah plan:
Our plane lands Thursday 13:45, dunno what after it
Friday is Momusu day
Saturday is signing 1st come 1st serve until 1pm, then nothing
Sunday morning we leave

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on June 28, 2010, 10:15:17 PM
This sounds very complicated, but here is a video guide

Y!ILN #6 How to get to Japan Expo (

Good Morning! Now the time is 10:54am Japan Standard Time.
3 members blogs are now---
☆Niigaki blog: She has not posted yet today.Her last posting was yesterday's 11:32pm.
☆Michishige blog: Her latest posting was 1:34am,wrote"To French fans,we will go,please waiting."
After this posting she went to bed.
☆Tanaka blog: She posted at 9:42am on today 6/29.wrote"I'm going to watch TV drama from now that was taped "------I suppose she is still in her home now.
So, I suppose,at least ,there is no possibility of Momusu's departure in today's morning.
I will continue blog report. ---Time is all Japan Standard time. (
So they will fly tomorrow  :)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: arie on June 29, 2010, 10:24:31 AM
Weather forecast says 33 Celcius. 8)2
So make sure to bring enough water with you.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 29, 2010, 12:47:41 PM
I'm starting to get really excited!! :w00t: Taking a train tomorrow
Momusu photo cards that I'd ordered arrived today, TALK ABOUT LAST MINUTE lol tomorrow would've been too late because mail here arrives around 1PM!
Now if I can make it into a signing session I can choose between the photo cards or Onna ni Sachi Are leaflet getting signed... I still wish there was more info about the draws though, I guess we need to ask about it at the scene which makes me grumpy lol

I hope we can get a water bottle from the plane >_>

LOL every time I travel in summer I pack these light summer clothes and every time I'm disappointed and end up freezing. Well this time it seems like I won't have to worry about that!!! :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on June 29, 2010, 12:49:20 PM
Have a great time everybody! if Koharu shows up, someone get her autograph for me  :nervous :nervous :nervous

Lol, same weather as last year... epic heat  :panic: keep drinking!! You don't wanna pass out during MM's concert!
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: strawb3rrykream on June 29, 2010, 03:27:00 PM
I hope everyone has a great time! Remind Momusu who we are!!! :jphip: And most of all, have fun! :cow:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Kea on June 29, 2010, 04:53:43 PM
Hey hey, little last minute preparation ^^
I have spare t-shirts that I had bought with the idea of customizing them, but I decided to use others in the end. They are unicolor, with no picture or text on them.

1 green (exactly Gaki's green), size L
1 yellow (the right yellow for Ai), size L
1 green a little darker than Gaki green, size S
1 green a little lighter than Gaki green, size S

This is a way to support your idols if you don't have an official t-shirt (or if you want another). The price is only 4€ per t-shirt, so it's a bargain. PM me if you're interested cause I won't bring them all if no one needs them :)

I also have various MM merchandise to sell (mostly photo sets L and 2L, but also the 9 Smile Visual book and Ai and Risa's microfiber towels). They are all new, unwrapped. If anyone who doesn't yet have an item on which the girls could sign is interested, PM me for details, photos and prices ;)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on June 29, 2010, 05:51:25 PM
Whaaa, getting excited for you guys! I'll be there in spirit! Haha xD I seriously hope all of you will be able to attend one of the signing sessions~ but even so I'm sure this'll be an awesome experience! Focus on having fun~!  :jphip:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: BX_LeMans on June 29, 2010, 07:38:44 PM
My girls started this morning. They called an hour ago...

And I'm here in germany working  :banghead:

For exchange we have together with friends shipcards for that one : (
Should be nice, drinking and fireworks  :twothumbs

I just hope to get my car back in one piece, french drivers are so careless for minor damages esp. when it comes to parking.  :roll:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on June 29, 2010, 10:53:03 PM
I'm out like trout! If anyone still needs mah phone number for contacting or whatever, ask Masa or Stryfe or daigong or anyone for it. lol


Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris SHIRENUUUUUU
Post by: daigong on June 30, 2010, 02:43:17 AM
HAVE FUN SHIRENU AND FUSHI!! :jphip: :jphip: and all the Hello! Online peeps.

It's like sending our little :hipheart: shirenu into the great big sea  :D She won't read  this till monday so I'm a rant how proud I am of her. How she sacrificed GAGA to pimp :hipheart: again, OUR CUTE HELLO! PROJECT MODERATOR SINCE THE START!!! Hell yes you deserve a raise but like Masa  said we're the brokest admins in the game so that's why I'm here writing this lol. Give Eri a slap on the bum!!! Get her to throw up the jphip sign, SHE'LL DO IT!! AIBUTT.COM!! RISA!! JUNJUN! LINLIN!! REINA!! AIKA!  They'll remember the pink ass. SCREAM SO LOUD!!! WOOOOOO!

This is what shirenu looks like (right in hoodie, and Fushigidane is on the left with bag) :shilivid: if you see the girls take care of em and stuff her with baguettes and escargots!
( (

Hustlin hustlin Kea!! Everyone's gonna be well clothed for this  :P

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on June 30, 2010, 10:52:34 PM
Crossposting from the Risa thread.

MoMusu have arrived in Paris, and Risa sure seems to love it a lot so far!

I have arrived in France~~~~!!!!!!!!!!
It's 5PM here☆
And the temperature is.... so hot~~~!!!!!
We arrived at the airport

and and



It was so touching~~
I want to meet up with the French fans as soon as possible~~!


Original post (

It's 8PM, but it's still this bright out..
The city is very cute, and I'm excitedly taking pictures( ̄▽ ̄)b
All the buildings here look like taken out of a movie scene

Original post (

I love, love, love that she mentions the fans :heart: So awesome~ I've translated more of her blog posts in her thread, so check it out (! :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on June 30, 2010, 10:55:38 PM

NOICE TWISS! We can count on our lil Momusu blogwhores to keep us up to date while our HiPstaz are sweating in a lineup :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: ChrNo on July 01, 2010, 06:50:01 AM
well Paris is a beautiful city if you have a good guide ^^
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 01, 2010, 08:11:24 AM
well Paris is a beautiful city if you have a good guide ^^

A good guide indeed? where to find it :P

Lez1409  uploaded this airport arrival video!
Morning Musume arrival @ Paris Airport (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on July 01, 2010, 08:54:20 AM
Omg what a great welcoming party! Yaaaaay :D That makes me so happy, and so excited for everyone who were there!

And the fans were videotaped :O Did you notice? Wonder what that footage will be used for~
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: arie on July 01, 2010, 08:58:15 AM
Mystery guest is Yuko Nakazawa :shocked:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 01, 2010, 09:18:27 AM
OH LA LA !!!!!!!! MA CHERIE!!


Most likely a FC DVD or smth, documentary twiss :D SO GO WILD GUYS!!!! can't wait for more reports arie.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: arie on July 01, 2010, 09:39:51 AM
Leaving Friday morning 03.00 and have no mobile internet, so no reports from me till Saterday afternoon.

If anyone spot an old guy Wearing an MM Orange ERI  :wub: t-shirt . Thats me....
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Stryfe on July 01, 2010, 03:31:48 PM
Morning Musume's Arrive @Paris Airport (Very HD) (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: rokun on July 01, 2010, 04:10:51 PM
Ah, so you guys are talking about this here! :lol: I knew I shoulda come here before...

I've been keeping up with Reina's blog, and she has been excited the last couple days about going to Paris and arriving there. I don't have time to do full translations (plus she updates so much!), but I'll give some summaries so far...

Like Risa, she thought it was hot when she arrived, and remarked on all the fans who came to the airport to greet them, including the Japanese ones! She wondered if they lived in France... but guessed not.

On the drive from the airport, she also remarked on there being "no building and no traffic lights!"

She loved how big the beds were! But she doesn't know how to use the shower or how to open the fridge... so she wonders if
she'll be okay... She's a bit scared and nervous of not knowing what to do in a foreign hotel, especially since she's in a room by herself!

She loved the food in her first dinner there and took pictures of all of it, and said that french bread in France... tastes the same as french bread in Japan!

She woke up this morning well-rested, remaking France's beds saikou! And talked about her breakfast being bread, bread, and nothing but bread. :) Then was worried about her face being ugly today... so I hope her hipsters there are paying close attention!

Next she talks about riding in the car a lot from the hotel, and how she's really getting sick and dizzy from it... She wishes she brought more travel sickness medicine with her!

She finally gets to sight-see around the city, but doesn't know what any of the "cute buildings" are! She regretted not doing more research before coming... But she thinks it's like a world from a movie.

Then she mentions how the autograph session was just finished. French fans are genki! And they seem very excited.

But... it's so hot! Reina feels like she will melt!

In her last post she talks about how it's almost laughable how sick/dizzy she feels (the word she uses is what they use for people who are drunk. :lol:). It's been a busy day already. She had a recording with Mezamashi TV, and has had many interviews. They had fun taking pictures outside of the concert hall in their outfits!

More when there's more to say, unless you tell me "no more!" :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on July 01, 2010, 04:18:28 PM
I was wondering what Reina was saying about their trip. I used to read her blog, but she posts so frickin much, it became a bit of a chore, haha XD

They seem to have such a busy schedule .___.; I'm really glad they get to do a bit of sightseeing and such in between all the events. .... even though it makes Reina carsick XD (omg I know that problem, I hate not bringing enough motion sickness pills too! Haha).
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: rokun on July 01, 2010, 04:57:33 PM
Haha, thankfully I can read Japanese just well enough that it normally doesn't take too long to read her posts... and it gives me something to do while bored at work. XD But there are still some I miss, especially when she's updating a lot, because of the time difference (in the morning when I get to work I usually read the last 5 posts, even if she might have had more since the day before... and also I don't read much on the weekends when I'm not at work :lol:). Anyway, it's turned out to be quite good Japanese practice for me really. ^_^

New update: The A/C seems to be broken in the building they're in, and it's so hot! So they all had ice cream! Although... I think they're actually popsicles. Aichan had a really colorful one like they don't have in Japan, but Reina got her lip frozen to the popsicle!
Hmm, the pic is actually appropriate for jphip. XD

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on July 01, 2010, 06:21:52 PM
Yeah, same with me. Reading and translating blogs = my Japanese practice, haha XD Reina's blog isn't hard to read, but it got too much to keep up with @_@; Sometimes as much as 15 posts a day, aaaaaaah. Too much. I've got other blogs to read too! xD

Lol, broken air con must suck so much @_@; Those ice lollies look delicious~
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Blu-Cherri on July 01, 2010, 06:49:00 PM
omg I have autographs @_@

I couldn't believe it when I drew gangé(win) out of the draw box. OMG they're even cuter and sweeter than I thought they'd be. I did my best to explain how long I'd been a fan and sayu did an usa-chan peace with me a few times. otsukareina'd reina and told junjun I also love bananaas(didn4t know how to explain I like them best cooked but oh well)


edit: oh yeah I also got interviewed and photographed by expo staff. >.>
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: BX_LeMans on July 01, 2010, 07:22:51 PM
I think I saw Nimrod in 5:32 reflecting in the silver bus. I really think he is the big guy with the army-jacket, beard, tattoo and cap, waving his camera.

My girls were at the airport too, my sis called me the evening. She dragged my wife always after her, because shes too small and shy to meke herself place :D
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Amplifier on July 01, 2010, 08:56:03 PM

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: sh15uya on July 01, 2010, 09:19:04 PM
saw them on French TV few hours ago

( (

( ( (

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 01, 2010, 09:22:19 PM
YES UPSKIRT!!! GJ FRENCH TV!! XD XD props sh15uya!

Great recaps guys! Props rokun! twissie! Amp! Stryfer! SHIRENUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Hope you were wearing your jphip shirt Blu!! :jphip:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Stryfe on July 01, 2010, 09:27:48 PM
( (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: pikapikapika on July 01, 2010, 09:37:29 PM
I just noticed Gaki has hair extensions.... smart! XD
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on July 01, 2010, 09:48:22 PM
You should visit the Risa thread ( more often ;)    .... :lol:

That french tv clip isn't working for me... or the link leads nowhere, but still. Yay for screencaps! Glad to hear that they're getting good exposure outside of the Expo as well!
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: sh15uya on July 01, 2010, 10:09:09 PM

That french tv clip isn't working for me... or the link leads nowhere, but still. Yay for screencaps! Glad to hear that they're getting good exposure outside of the Expo as well!
lol server down


d/l : [MF] (

edit: holy fuck ... 229 Downloads ...
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Mugen on July 01, 2010, 10:22:49 PM
i hope shirenu got some autos!
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on July 02, 2010, 01:27:44 AM
I hope that I get some too, FNAC was a joke, some ppl waited since 4 AM and didnt get a ticket   :angry:

( ( ( ( ( (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on July 02, 2010, 01:48:11 AM
D: So was this a "first come first serve" kind of event, or did they sell tickets for it in advance? Either way sounds like poor planning/circulation of info if a lot of people were unable to get in, despite having camped outside since frickin 4am @____@. I can't even begin to imagine the disappointment!

Anyway, try to focus on the positive things! You got to see them and welcome them at the airport! Risa's blog is evidence that the girls really, really appreciated that! :heart:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on July 02, 2010, 02:31:28 AM
Yes, you had to buy a CD to get a ticket, and only the first 50?? got one, but there were much more ppl, maybe 200 I guess, and the first ones stayed there all night, but I rebooked my flight from 1. July to 30. June to get Autos there FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, I should had stay there all night too, but now its too late :(

That french tv clip isn't working for me...

モーニング娘。- Japan Expo paris (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: ChrNo on July 02, 2010, 06:22:28 AM
i was with a friend yesturday who comes from south of france just for the Expo, we went to the Louvre and i thought i would be able to see shirenu but they were too tired after they landed  :(

the good thing is that after he went back to the place he spends his night, he sent me this picture : it's an article about MM at the JE in a free daily newspaper. i asked him to keep it so i will be able to take a better pic and translate the article for you guys  :)


edit : ok i forgot they have a site lol

so you can dl the pdf here : (

and here is the translation :

Quote from: DirectSoir July 1st

JapanExpo is also the occasion to see popular groups from Japan. A lot of artists are awaited, like Anipunk, Ai Takekawa - who are playing tomorrow - or the Morning Musume which will do a phenomenal concert tomorrow night after the closing of the Expo.

In the same trend of the Japanese Idols, the eight girls celebrate this year their 13rd anniversary where they could see flowing about 30 artists since the creation of the group.

Symbol of the Idols phenomenon, this group has already a lot of fans in Europe.

Concert July friday 2nd during the evening, signing session everyday and conference on sunday, 12:30pm

the article title is a pun, with "quand la musique est bonne" and nippon, which means "when the music is good" -> when the music is japanese

haha nice...
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 02, 2010, 09:39:53 AM
^ I can't wait for you and shirenu to meet up, she is gonna get the shit surprised outta her!! :D

That's a punny article ChrNo thanks! Finally Japanese idols taking over Europe! :jphip:

NOICE NIMROD!! Eri so sexy, glad they're taking full advantage of the weather!
( (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Blu-Cherri on July 02, 2010, 11:09:23 AM
nah no jph!p tee, sorry.
Yesterday I was wearing a mint green lolita dress(with fringe clipped back and pigtails) today I'm wearing a white dress but with my wonderful hearts tee on top! =D

I haven't really spoken to other fans, got all nervous and unsure ><

Am still in shock after yesterday o.o
Title: !
Post by: rokun on July 02, 2010, 02:17:38 PM
More Reina updates...

She fell asleep before she knew it last night at 10PM, woke up at 5 feeling like she slept so well thanks to the bed in her French hotel. The temperature in her room was perfect too, but she wonders if the concert hall will be hot! This is a perfect time... but is too early for her to be up, so she's going back to sleep!

...But she couldn't fall asleep again. A bit later she talks about putting her makeup on while listening to music - turning from 田中麗奈 to 田中れーな (a little fun expression she uses in her blog). Then she goes back to pics from yesterday, and a post nearly like one she made yesterday that I didn't mention. Apparently the little French bananas fascinate her. "Bananaman! So many!" I can only imagine how JunJun's reacting to it all. ( She might buy some for omiyage before going home...

Next is her breakfast! Bread and pastries again! Actually everyone was going to go to a buffet, but since Reina didn't, her manager gave her the bread. She didn't go to the buffet because she's not very genki in the morning... Poor thing. At the lunch break, she reflected on all the interviews she did in the morning and showed us pictures of curling her hair and turning from 田中麗奈 to 田中れーな.

Oh yeah, from yesterday she was amazed at it still being light out at 8PM (wonder what she'd think of our 9PM light here...), and found Dragonball on French TV! Except... it was in English? No, French... In any case, she couldn't understand it! :lol: Concert coming up soon I'm thinking...

Edit for new post: Just a short post to exclaim about Tom and Jerry. She found cheese with holes in it! That's right, I don't remember ever seeing Swiss cheese in Japan... And she's complaining about it being hot again. She says she must say that 10 times a day there. :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Blu-Cherri on July 03, 2010, 12:03:57 AM good....@_@ so tiiiiired now though.

OMG we mqde yuko cry!! She came on for an MC where they discussed MMs history and they played a bit of summer night, daite and furusato. Everyone singing along loudly, by furusato yuko was crying T_T god she's so cute and sweet!!!
For Sayumi we sang happy birthday after she introduced herself, she was so happy she didn't know how to react!! I want to comment on the setlist but am too tired and feeling like it's all a blur right now.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: ChrNo on July 03, 2010, 12:04:16 AM
So how was the Concert ?

Quote from: shirenude
(...) it was great,
we made yuko cry,
aichan&eri=sex machines,
and momusu rox. lol
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: arie on July 03, 2010, 11:10:52 AM

Wild concert :fap

It was the Pika Pika concert tour setlist.
They changed a few songs[Namida -321 breaking out] for Syshun collection/Tomo .
And in between Yuko with a very..... long talk and pv's [see blu cherri]

Bumped in the expo hall into 4 Japanese Otaku's and they searched for the concert waiting line I asked jp staff where the waiting line was for the concert was.
He told me that we must wait outside [30 degrees]  but thank god we could sit in the shadow.
So we were waiting there from 13.00 till 18.45.
At the concert we were at aprox. row 7  :twothumbs so good decission to be there early.


More later :yawn:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on July 03, 2010, 02:12:49 PM
Crossposting from the Risa thread again;

Concert FU━━━━━!!!!

It was so, so, so━━━━━ much fun♪( ̄▽ ̄)ノ″

I was so moved
I really, really was...

Going back to ourselves after the show, the whole thing just seemed like a dream...

So there are people who like us this much in France...
Tears came to my eyes when I realised that people connect through song even across country borders...

I also feel grateful for the fans who came all the way to France from Japan just to see us.

The energy I felt from everyone today will become my strength to continue to work hard and to my best.

Thank you so much!


Original post (

Last night's concert....

It was so hot, enthusiastic, and filled with love. I think I want to report on different sections of the concertO(≧∇≦)O !!
It was so pretty with lots of glow-sticks~~~☆☆☆
And everyone joined in on the singing...
it made me so happy...
We had to do our best so that people will say that they want us to come back to France again!!

It was such a wonderful time, thank you so much

Original post (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: ChrNo on July 03, 2010, 03:14:31 PM
So where are you girl ^^
have you finished eating some Mm ^^
i mean meeting of course XD

Quote from: shirenude
lol we are trying to get back to hotel to rest xo i'll txt u when we're ready

Alright no problem H'll wait !
I mean i'll wait xD
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Rayle on July 03, 2010, 07:58:17 PM (

Kimagure Princess excerpt:

Morning Musume concert live @ Japan Expo Paris (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on July 04, 2010, 12:35:43 AM
Lolz, we bumped into Morning Musume at the Eiffeltower and they asked if they could make photos of us, later they asked for a groupshot with them (incl. VideoCamera) ♥ They waved all the time to us ♥ And Reina has seen the Tattoo and said "eh sugoi!!" and asked if she can make a photo!

AWESOME DAY!!!!  :yep: :heart:

pics by oroboras   :lol:

( (
( (

But for the first half of the day: We were in front of the JE entrance all night, to be the first one at the Info point, but no the fucking weather destroyed everthing, because everyone ran to the entrance hall after it started to rain, and so were our best seats and a sleepless night for nothing + the Premium Expo Ticket owners could already enter the hall at 9.00 AM, so we had no chance for a first come first serve ticket, thats so retarded  :smhid

PS: The MM concert was fucking awesome (2nd row, middle, with glowstick power), much better then the tokyo gigs  :bow: :thumbsup

NOICE NIMROD!! Eri so sexy, glad they're taking full advantage of the weather!

U meant Reina didnt you ? :p


translation plz

She was so close and 1000x cuter then on the pics  awww  :wub:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on July 04, 2010, 12:49:13 AM
That's so frickin' awesome, oh my god, haha. Absolutely epic! Congrats! :DDDDD
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nachdenki on July 04, 2010, 01:13:13 AM
lol nimrod, GJ

rough translation:
Look at thisss.

Today we went to the Eiffel Tower and met some fans.
I noticed a Reina tattoo on the arm of one person (when shaking hands?).

I'm very happy.
A tattoo lasts the whole life doesn't it?
So I'm very happy someone got one.

That's so cool.

I'm really thankful.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Amplifier on July 04, 2010, 01:16:18 AM
nimrod, you are so awesome, and I am beyond jealous. Congrats brother!
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on July 04, 2010, 01:25:05 AM (

can anyone plz comment that Im not a french(im german) plz

I forgot to tell her that :p

edit: done
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: ChrNo on July 04, 2010, 02:16:44 AM
Report :

So where are you girl ^^
have you finished eating some Mm ^^
i mean meeting of course XD

Quote from: shirenu
Lol we are trying to get back to hotel to rest xo i'll
txt u when we're ready :p

Alright no problem H'll wait !
i mean i'll wait xD

Want me to come to your hotel ? ^^

Today is not the good day to take pic outside ^^

Everything will be closed anyway.
And it might rain again so really not the good day to meet outside your hotel
and i can come so you decide ^^

Just give me the address of your hotel ^^

Quote from: shirenu
Balladins aulnay garonor,
zac garonor, angle rues a.
Sigonneau et bremont,
aulnay sous bois, 93617 lol!

Wow ok xD i'll try to find it xD

Quote from: shirenu
Lol yeah it took us again over 3h to get there xD
WTF . Because usual buses weren't running.

What i have to take the bus ? XD

Quote from: shirenu
Im not sure we can or know how to get there xD
Since 350 doesn't seem
to be running.. Omg we're stuck D:

Ok let's meet up at the station aulnay sous bois otherwise RER B

Quote from: shirenu
Where are you babe? Lol
we'll wait for u, we want to
go downtown heh. Asked
for info on travel XD

Ok i'll try to find your hotel then xD

Where the Fuck is your hotel xD
i'm in drancy i think xD

Quote from: shirenu
I've never heard of that
before xD UMMM Yeah the
hotel is in a bitchy place..
What if we try to get to city
and meet there? Sorry
about all this!!

Wonderful ! I'm in the center of the world xD let me show you xD

i don't know if mms works for you xD
so let me go to the center of the town xD
and then i'll tell you what's the town name lol

Quote from: shirenu
Wait wut we wanna go to paris :o touristing.. We'll
get on a bus and see where it takes us :3

Ok then let's meet in paris xD

Let's meet a night in Paris Hilton. Wait already know her.
Let's just meet in Paris of France xD

Hungry ? Angry ? Wanna get some meat in Paris tonight ? XD
i know a place xD

Poor you shirenude your are nude but eggcellent xD
hello!project xD

Quote from: shirenu
Ill let you know when were
on some spot and we can plan stuff lol

I have a plan. Let's go to CHATELET LES HALLES ^^

Find the blue Rer B and you will find me xD

Find us xD

Find USJ find JEn find the united states of jph!p xD

I'm Fuckin Hangry xD

Wat a bitch xD your hotel xD i méan Paris Hilton xD

Someone committed suicide. So i'm suck at Drancy for the moment
Where are you ?

Quote from: shirenu
Im on bus 350, wont get
to centre super fast but
coming lol. Not sure where
to get off. And that's sad
about suicide D:

Ok coming where. cause i b.ant go to paris before 2 h

Quote from: shirenu
Ohh. Were probably getting off at gare du nord
stop and then decide what
next :3

Shit so i need to find a bus too then xD
but i can wait

Tell me whenever you know where you are so i can find you ok ? ^^
i can!t wait to meet you ! Lol i'll eat you up xD

Quote from: shirenu
Lol i will!

Thanks !

Where is Wally where is Sari xD

I will find you and us can meet after ok ? XD need ?
To eat then xD

? Where are you ?

Quote from: shirenu
At porte de la chapelle ratp
trying to get to notre dame

Gard du nord here i'am

Where are you ?
Quote from: shirenu
C an we wait for you here?

Come back at gare du nord if you wanna meet me
Quote from: shirenu
Ok we wait for another bus


Quote from: shirenu
Im trying to get there omg

Get where xD stop some where xD
so i can come to you lol

Because i know the plan. It's to go to CHATELET but
if YOU can't then let's meet somewhere else. But
please stop moving lol

So where are you xD

Quote from: shirenu
gare du nord!!!

edit : lol...shirenu came from FindLand XD
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 04, 2010, 02:31:02 AM
WHOA!!! XD such a JOURNEY to meet up but the UNITED STATES OF JPHiP in SESSION!! :jphip: The pix are so cute makes me grin like an idiot!

and WAH! SO BALLER Nimrod, you'll be in the DVDs for sure now! FUCKING EPIC! Fucking dreams are made of this! pic from reina's blog:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: differentstory12 on July 04, 2010, 04:19:40 AM
OMG nimrod!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :w00t: So lucky Im jealous XD
Were there alot of fans when they were sightseeing? Anyways I think that its so cool that Reina took a pic of your tattoo and posted it up on her blog!
Thank you for the pictures too! Ai looks cute with her glasses!

Everything from Japan Expo has sounded amazing from all the reports, videos, and pictures Ive seen.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Wonderboy on July 04, 2010, 02:10:18 PM
Fuckin' awesome, Nimrod.

Congrats, man !
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: arie on July 04, 2010, 02:47:42 PM
I was thinking to write a Thank You mail to;

Hello project;
Japanexpo; ?

Maybe a good idea to make 1 mail with our names on it, than that everyone send a mail on their own.
If they must read a bunch of mails thay got probably tired after 11 mails and they didn't read them.

So anyone have a good idea how we can do this?
Maybe mail to HP in Japanese?

You never know maybe they will organise something for next year?

Something for the admins to do this?


Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 05, 2010, 12:20:17 AM
^ sounds good, I'll write using our fancy admin email address :D

A message in French is in order!

Hey look! it's Yuko - so SEXY :fap
Yuko Nakazawa (former morning musume member) @ Japan Expo Paris (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: yossierocks on July 05, 2010, 02:21:41 AM
I know Yaz seemed genuinely touch when I gave her a card saying thanks from all of us for her part in the H&A European tour..
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 05, 2010, 06:30:33 AM
Yaz is a really nice lady if you just talk to her  :thumbsup

From Chinese newspaper (

明報 : 2010-07-05 (星期一) 5:07 AM



says basically MM concert in Paris topped AKB48 in LA 4000 to 3000 fans! Congrats to everyone who attended!
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on July 05, 2010, 09:55:37 AM
^ :lol: like it is some sort of competition

... :ph43r:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Fenrir on July 05, 2010, 08:32:25 PM
Actually I noticed that there were more people at MM's panel than AKB48 for AX.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on July 05, 2010, 09:47:52 PM
Ok might as well try and start typing up my trip report, but I guess most of this stuff won't have anything to do with Morning Musume HAHAHAHAH I don't give a fuck SUFFER!!!

Most physically and mentally draining trip ever, but still for some reason I just feel like  :rofl: <- that

Wednesday 30th
- took a train at about 12:50 to Helsinki, couldn't sleep, arrived in Helsinki at 22:52 or so. Met up with FUSHI!!! We were lucky to get ourselves a little bit to eat before McDonalds closed, then headed to the airport. We tried to sleep a bit but hummm at least I kept waking up. I think I was feeling too cold to sleep, which is like the theme of this trip LOL.

Thursday 1st - Our plane to Amsterdam left after 7am. Lala. Amsterdam airport was kinda fun. MIND YOUR STEP. I discovered that orange juice makes me happy :heart: Ahh... Dutch sounds like a mix of German, French and Swedish, it's fricking insane. :lol:
Um like 13:45 our plane landed in Paris. THIS IS WHEN THINGS STARTED TO GO WRONG. :D We spent ages trying to find the spot where bus 350 would come, asked an info point like 3 times, they couldn't really speak English and were rude and their info wasn't helpful... The maps at the airport? Useless as well... Then we were sure we found the bus stop, but then it wouldn't arrive and there was no schedule etc. WTF! I tried to contact Kea to find out more info about the expo signing session, so that we could decide whether to go to expo (to try to get in the signing thing) or just straight to hotel because we hadn't slept much lol. We just decided to go to expo anyway. Well, our bus wouldn't arrive so we took a metro instead. I have to say that metro is the easiest to figure out when it comes to public transport in France, not that it helped us much because there was no metro station near our hotel LOL. But at least we could get to the expo...

The expo... OK. Imagine pretty much staying up all night, then being thrown into a place with  30+ celsius heat, craptons of people and noise... How is that NOT hell :lol: I felt sorry for the guys selling tickets cuz they were stuck in the sun >o< But still the guy who sold us our tickets was really cute and nice :heart:
Well we got inside the expo and tried to find Kea, walked by the J.E. Shop and didn't see her and then got a bit lost XD Then walked back to the J.E. Shop and saw her briefly. 'Sup XD Hum hum. Signing session was a no-no... We were gonna go stalk the signing session, but we were super tired and hungry and had no idea where to find the signing area (that expo is HUGE!) so we decided to just head to the hotel. EXCEPT we got LOST trying to find our way OUT of the expo ROFL oh my god!!!!

When we finally got out of the expo, it was already past 5pm. Went to the bus stop area, asked a bus driver if our bus was gonna run and she just babbled in French lol The story of our trip. Then we discovered that 350 wouldn't come anymore that day, oh joy. So we went to ask the info point how to get to our hotel, she also didn't speak English. (....) Then she gave us 2 tickets and kind of told us where to go, except I think we got off a stop too early but whatever. :lol: We ended up at Aulnay Sous Bois or something stop, then had no idea what to do next. We figured we were probably supposed to take a bus next, but we couldn't find a bus stop. Then after asking tons of random people and trying to find a map (and didn't get one haha) we finally got directions on where to find a bus stop. We had to go underneath the train tracks to the other side, then asked police men there and they directed us to the bus station. And THERE we had to ask like 3 different bus drivers about what bus would take us to our hotel. When we spotted our bus, the driver bus taking a break or something and we had to wait ages until we could actually get on. :lol: Oh my god. So in the end it ended up taking us THREE HOURS (or more?) to get to our hotel!

At the hotel we needed something to eat, so we went outside trying to find a grocery store. Walked to like 3 different directions and nothing. XD At about 20:45 we returned to the hotel and asked the info person on more info, but she said the store would close at 9pm so we couldn't get there in time. So we had to have dinner at the hotel, fricking 10,50e. *so expensive >o<* But whatever, I think we were just happy to survive that day haha. Went to bed at about 10PM and that was THE ONLY NIGHT THAT WE SLEPT IN A BED during our entire trip haha.

Friday 2nd
- The plan was to get to the expo early for the signing session draw thing, but we needed to get food first. So we finally walked and walked and found the store!! OMG never been so happy to see a grocery store before. Too bad it opened only at 8:30am, so we had to wait a bit. Anyway, got some ORANGE JUICE :heart: and stuff, so we headed to the expo ^_^ This time had no trouble with the bus 350, either.  By the time we got there it was still already like 10am though, and there were huge lines and shit. The sun was shining, SO HOT!!! But we did get in eventually, asked some French Momusu fans where the lining up was, found it and joined it. Lined up for like 2 hours and when it was finally our turn - NO GO. lol Somehow we weren't surprised because most things on our trip had gone wrong so far, and that could only continue :lol: After that we just decided to go line up for the concert to get nice spots. Except we again got lost trying to find the concert place, which turned out to be quite a long walk away from the expo. :lol: But yusssh we got there!!

We got excellent spots at the line ^___^ Not because we were near the beginning of the line, but because we got spots between TheKueken&her friends and Japanese wota behind us. After breaking the ice XD TheKueken was a lot of fun, it was really nice to meet you if you're reading this ^_________^ At first there were 3 Japanese fans behind us: A Junjun fan (who was cute doing the wota moves haha), a hardcore awesome Eri fan, and a female Aichan fan in yellow. But then later they were joined by another Eri fan, who was... ahh.. DREAMY :heart: OMG. Love at first sight. T__T He was so cool. When he arrived he was all sweaty (because it was HOT) and he kept wiping himself with a towel and was so sexy oh my god. I called him many things during the trip (hottis, hunkki, hunkkibebe, ihana, ihkubeibe?, etc) haha every time I talked about him I had to speak in Finnish because it would've been too embarrasing to have anyone but Fushi understand what I'm saying. I'm like telling Fushi "omg that one Japanese fan is so hot omg" XD I think I fangirled him more than I fangirled fucking Momusu during that trip hahaah

The lining up was so much fun!!!! Especially after they started doing a soundcheck inside the concert hall and we could hear the music. So everyone got in the mood, was dancing and doing wota things, yelling names, etc. I was too shy to yell anything though XD But yeah.... GOOD TIMES! Ah. My eyes had leaking problems again now and then but I felt happy with the mood rising and with the Japanese fans being so chillax and with TheKueken and Fushi being fun and the hunky guy being so close :heart: HAPPINESSS

When we got inside the concert hall, I got kind of close to the stage (2nd or 3rd row), but still not a great spot because they later added the hueg fucking camera in the front, and there were lots of heads blocking my view of the centre of the stage. BUT it was still a great spot in a way because there was absolutely nothing blocking my view of the very right side of the stage! So whenever a Momusu member came to the right of the stage to wave to us, I could see them perfectly and I'm sure they could see me too ^_____^ And every time I waved like crazy and smiled to give them!! Fushi, however, had to exit even before the concert started because she started feeling ill and she missed most of the concert. But she got help from a super cute staff member  :drool: and was actually quite upbeat when I got back to her after the concert :lol: "THAT GIRL WAS SO CUTE OMG" ahahah she was talking about the staff girl more than I was talking about Momusu XD (tbh I didn't want to make her feel bad for missing the concert so I kept my stuff to minimum haha)

The concert was great! I had to spend just about all the time on my toes so my legs were shaking and awkwardness, and I had to get support from the people in front of me so that I wouldn't fall down ahahah. But FUCK THAT I was there to have a great concert experience and I fought hard and I got it! lol ALL OF THE MOMUSU GIRLS WERE SO LOVELY!! They smiled so brightly and waved to us and ah. :heart: Thanks to my spot in the right corner, I'm pretty sure I had eyecontact with every single one of them, which is way more than I expected before the concert!! But I think it got confirmed that Aichan is my favourite member... Because I thought I was smiling *all* the time when someone came close to the corner, but when Aichan did it and looked at my direction, I just felt my face changing even to a bigger grin, which I didn't think was possible!! :lol: HER SMILE IS SO BEAUTIFUL! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING IN THE WORLD!!! Best moment of the concert for me was when Aichan and Linlin (my two favs before the concert!) came to the right side and did like a hug thing and looked at my direction!! It was like HOLY HELL THIS IS LIKE THOSE PICS FROM LINLIN'S BLOG!! THAT IS MY TWO FAVOURITES! THEY ARE SMILING AND LOOKING AT ME!!! AND THEY ARE HUGGING!! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!! Hahahahha OMG. :heart:

Aichan was having erotic moments on stage, omg some of the faces that she pulls are just AHHHH waow wtf! She did this groarrr sexy face once and I just about died. And then at one point she was doing some bum moving in front of me :heart: AIBUTT.COM!!!! OMG I love that girl so much!!

Eri is also... fricking EROTIC :D It's like you're watching them and everyone is dancing lala, then you see Eri and it's like WHOAHH what is that girl DOING!!! She was shaking her hair and omg. Her dancing is just insanely hot. If Aichan wasn't so fucking hot I'd vote Eri #1 in the H!P hotness poll next year :lol:

Everyone was lovely but I especially remember finding Mitsui cuuuute ^_^ Which isn't surprising because I remember people in LA being impressed by her as well. But yeah, that girl is so precious!!

And yup Yuuchan was at the concert as well, I enjoyed singing along to the classic Momusu songs XD I wasn't that surprised that she cried since I view her as an emotional person, but it was SWEEEET!! I love all the chants that she got lol.

After the concert, I love all their songs just about a billion times more than I did before :lol: And want to become a more active fan again, since I've been so lazy lol

I guess there's no more important details about the concert, so skipping forward. Kea had told us before that she and her friends were going to line up for the "first come, first serve" signing session overnight in front of the expo. Because we really wanted to make it to the signing session, me and Fushi decided to join them. But we figured that we probably wouldn't be able to get to the hotel and back conveniently, so ... we just went straight from the concert to the expo area to wait for Kea and her buds to find out where to line up. :lol:

So for the record, I spent the entire night outside wearing nothing but a sleeveless top, mini shorts and a summer scarf. Even the socks I wore weren't long ones lol. It also wasn't a very warm night because it was cloudy, windy and it even rained a little for a while. I FROZE TO DEATH. I reached the point of freezing where I would just shiver and shake and nothing could make it stop. I'm pretty sure this has left me long term emotional damage and I will not be able to enjoy a breeze of wind for a long, long time to come, because it will remind me of how cold I was this night. But I'm going to sauna in a bit so hopefully I will feel better then. :heart:

The GOOD thing about this night is, and which makes it worth it (...) was that the Japanese fans appeared again, and tho they were away from us we got to hang out with them for a few minutes, and teh HUNKIE was there and he was wearing glasses and he sat next to me for a little while TT__TT :heart: GLASSES!!! HOTTIE!!! HAPPINESS.... Too bad the J-fans discovered that Fushi speaks Japanese, but I was too shy to say that I do too, so they just kept talking to her and I just sat there awkwardly (staring at the hottie) ..... But yeah they were really nice and chillax again and ah I love hottie's voice (...) That little moment saved my night haha. Whenever I tried to sleep I just kept thinking of the hottie and ignoring whatever was happening around me hahaha

Highlight of the morning was when Fushi needed to go to toilet and we went inside the expo building, where they had already fenced off some areas. Well lo and behold, the HOTTIE :heart: came inside as I was waiting for Fushi before the fence, and I got to say "ohayou" to him :heart: tho I probably looked confused and scared instead of smiling nicely but :heart: He's so cool. I got to say something to him and he replied ah. T_T Things like these keep a girl warm inside. Anyway, I could also show him where he could go around the fence and he went like "ah" and OMG so sexy. HAhahah That is the 2nd reason why lining up outside all night was worth it. :D

Then... When the opening got closer, it suddenly started raining heavily and everyone rushed towards the entrance and me and Fushi totally lost our spots. Inside I was stuck behind another Asian cute dude and felt this need to lean against his warm looking fleece shirt, but I was able to restrain myself. Haha. But when we got pushed forward, I got whammed against his back so that I accidentally got a feel of his bum haahhahah omg. It's the little things that keep a freezing shirenu sane. But yeah then I moved to another spot and was suddenly placed so that I could stare at the hottie again. :heart: I think it was meant to be, it was just ridiculous how I ended up constantly in a spot where I could see him even if I didn't try haha. But I don't even want to guess how many times he caught me staring at him :lol: He probably thinks I'm a creepy stalker :lol: Especially cuz I looked like HELL at that point :lol:

ANYWAY when we finally got in so that we could go get the 'first come first serve' tickets we ran like hell - FOR NOTHING. I'm not sure what happened, but there were already a ton of people inside and all the tickets were GONE. Like wtf. Yes guys, we lined up ALL NIGHT, freezing to death, for what seems like nothing. SHIT! :lol: For Fushi and me it wasn't really nothing though for reasons above ^ Fushi had her own nice moments but meh not my job to type that lol.

It's funny how I wasn't really that angry or sad at that moment though. If I had thought about this happening before, I would've thought I would definitely cry. But nope, nothing. Just felt... nothing. Maybe I was too tired and cold to care D:

Hmmm after that we walked around a bit all confused. I realized I hadn't handed in my fanletters to Aichan and Linlin yet, so we went looking for the signing session where you could leave the gifts. Except I think you needed a ticket to get in to do that as well, but there was a really lovely French girl at the signing entrance who kept apologizing that she couldn't let us in the signing line, but that she could take my letters to Momusu. And that's all I wanted so yay ^_^ She was really nice, awww. On our way to the session we had seen the hottie AGAIN who asked Fushi if we had got tickets and laughed and said he hadn't got one either. (SO CUTE :heart: ) Then after handing in my letters we saw the Japanese Aichan fan standing at the side of the signing session thing preparing to take photos, so we went there to prepare to stare at MM during the signing as well. Of course we hadn't realized before that you could just see them there during every signing >o< But at least we got to see them there once. On Thursday we were tired and hungry, and on Friday we had been lining up for the concert anyway, so I'm not gonna bother thinking about what we missed. Haha

When Momusu appeared at the signing we at first had a great view of Aichan and a poor view of everyone else. Aichan's smile :heart: Then we were told to move because there was another event about to start where we were standing. But on the opposite side there was a nice view as well, especially of Mitsui, Junjun and Linlin who would wave to fans a lot ^_^ Mitsui next to Reina who sometimes took forever to sign, so she would get a lot of 'free' moments to look around and interact with fans. So cute :heart: And Linlin and Junjun were the last in line so whenever someone else was taking a lot of time, they were always free haha. It wasn't really a signing session, but a waving session. :D It took a while, but in the end I was able to wave to everyone, which is lovely ^___^ I tried to show a heart sign with my hands but I was still freezing (where was that fucking wind coming from to inside the expo GRRR) so my hands were clumsy and argh haha. But yooossshaaa I even got to wave to Reina finally, had to wait forever though because she was either busy writing or waving just to people in the front, but in the end she looked to the right as well heehee <3. It was nice!!

After that it was time to try to find our way back to the hotel because we still hadn't showered after the concert, hadn't slept properly, or eaten properly, ...or anything, and I was DYING to brush my teeth. :lol: On our way out though, we spotted a magazine cover of Hangry & Angry on the wall, so we walked to it and just stared at Rika-chan for a minute in respectful awe and silence hahaa so weird. We were just drawn to her and I didn't even want to leave that spot haha omg Rika-chan save us. TT__TT :heart: She's so perfect. She's the best. Uhummm anyway, eventually we realized we had to get moving so we did XD

..And then it took us over 3 hours AGAIN to get to our hotel. :lol: At first we were waiting for bus 350, but it just wouldn't show up (LOL wtf is it with this bus) so we decided to take the same route we took before. So we got on the metro ok, got to the other bus stop ok, ...only to discover that the bus that we took before wasn't running on Saturday. WTF!!!!!!!! We were told to go on another bus that would take us to our hotel's directions, but that "we would have to walk". Understatement of the year. >_> The bus dropped us what feels like in the middle of nowhere. We asked everyone we saw for directions, and everyone told us to go a different way. We walked a lot of zigzag, saw random sites where people had dumped their garbage, saw what looked like a slum, saw some weird site where like a building was falling down etc. ROMANTIC PARIS INDEED! I needed to poop so bad, I was dying. The last 10min of our walk to the hotel I could only concentrate on keeping the poop inside. I'm sorry that's TMI but seriously... Freezing in the cold? shirenu can survive. Getting lost for hours? shirenu can survive. But poop emergency? shirenu will BEGIN TO BREAK THINGS. OMG. WHen we finally spotted an ad for our hotel, omg, I can't even explain the feeling. Then when we finally recognized a place where we had walked before and knew the hotel was only a minute away, OMG. Unexplainable. T_T

Shower. Toothpaste. Toilet. WARM CLOTHES. BED. Oh my god. The simple awesome things of life that I will hopefully never again take for granted >o< Sadly our trip to the hotel had taken so long that we had no time to sleep (we had planned to take a nap) before we had to head downtown again to meet Chrno and hopefully go sightseeing. SOrry to Chrno for all the complications of meeting up :/ I hope after hearing about all our experiences you'll understand why we may have seemed tired and confused and weird ughhhh!

Because we had had so many troubles travelling before, we decided to already check out of the hotel and head straight to the airport from downtown. WHich meant another night at the airport with trying to sleep in awkward positions. XD But we were just so tired of the public transport at the point I think. Anyway, after a lot of hassle we were finally able to meet Chrno and HOLY HELL!!! She's like the female, singing version of daigong OMG!! So hyper so cute. She took us to eat TT__TT :heart: Which was perfect for our needs. Orange juice :heart: But for some reason I couldn't eat all of my meal. I feel so sorry to my body for all this trip haha. It must have been, and still be, so confused. Hmm after the meal I suddenly got REALLY tired. like BAM. It's insane. THe moment I closed my eyes I was somewhere else, just completely knocked out. If felt like I was in a dream world and Chrno and Fushi were just some kind of hallucinations :lol: I wanted to go see the Notre Dame or at least Eiffel Tower, but... it was just impossible. It couldn't be done. But I had promised to take a picture to Stryfe as a hunchback in front of Notre Dame, so here we go:

Stalking pic

I was joking in chat in IRC how hilarious it would be to go to Paris and never even ending up seeing the Eiffel Tower. Well, that's exactly what ended up happening  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
FUCK THAT!!!!!!!!! I saw what I came to see :lol:

What then... Well we somehow got to the airport, I was falling asleep every moment I closed my eyes which was crazy. At the airport we tried to sleep, their chairs were fucking annoying and difficult to sleep in though :/ ...which isn't that surprising considering it was in Paris and everything in Paris is difficult and annoying. HAHAHAHAHHAH ummmm. Fushi was like sleeping on the floor, and at some point in the morning we wake up to some official telling her to move with people lined up behind him. And we realize that people are being shoved out of the place and there are military people and shit. We ask someone what's going on and she says there's a suspicious bag so BOMB ALERT lol. What a PERFECT ENDING to our perfectly FLAWLESS trip hahahahaha

But whatever, we didn't blow up. Everything was ok. Amsterdam still told us to mind our step.

In Helsinki we were finally able to take pics with the Moomin statue that Rika hugged:



In our series of the effects of the trip on shirenu...
Shirenu, tired but still decent in Amsterdam on her way to Paris:

Shirenu after gettting sun burned and lining up all night outside for tickets (but after shower ahh):

So yeah most of this doesn't have FUCK ALL to do with Momusu but I don't give a fuck I'm way too tired to write separate fucking posts now so DEAL WITH IT!!!!!

 :D :D :D :D


Lessons learned:
- Public transport in Paris is hell
- People at infos in Paris don't speak English
- People at infos in Paris are useful about 5% of the time
- Tell people in France that you don't speak French and they'll smile apologetically and leave, even if a moment earlier they were enthusiastically asking or telling you something

But also that:

A lot of bad stuff happened, but I know I will mostly remember and cherish the good. Cuz FUCK if I let some shit get me down when I've seen AICHAN SMILE, to ME! And a hot hot hottie Eri wota :heart: (...)


Oh!! fuck damn!! THANK YO FUSHI I can't imagine a better travelling partner for this trip. Even if things got stressful, we never yelled at each other or blamed each other for anything. That was pretty amazing. XD And when things got real shitty? We just laughed. Laughed and laughed XD OMG. I had a great time with you. Thanks for trying to keep me warm XD I think I was supposed to look after you since I'm older than you, but there were most definitely moments when you ended up looking after me XD If it wasn't for you asking random ppl for advice too, I think I'd still be stuck in the middle of nowhere somewhere. So THANK YOU PARTNER :heart: mind your step~

NOW! I'm done


If anyone knows how I can find more info about the hot Eri wota. Please let me know. >_> Thanks!!!
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: SomethingWild on July 05, 2010, 10:21:34 PM
^Best. Review. Ever.  XD
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on July 05, 2010, 10:22:00 PM
HOLY SHIT WHAT AN ADVENTURE xDDDD OH MY GOD. I feel for you guys so much.

I guess all the people who were able to get in before you guys when you lined up all night had special premium tickets or something? D: THAT SUCKS. WHAT BAD PLANNING. The staff at the expo could have foreseen things like that and told people in the queue outside that it wouldn't be worth it @_@

I lol at the fact that your impression of Paris is kind of the same I was left with when I went there. Your list of lessons learnt, SO TRUE. OH MY GOD.

I'm glad the concert was good, second row, shit! AWESOME. Spotting hunky guy, EVEN MORE AWESOME! :D I hope you'll be able to come in contact with him again somehow~

Fushi does indeed seem like the perfect travel partner for a trip like this~~ I love that you guys just take this whole thing with a smile and laugh it off. That's how it's done! :D

dhjadhgkas I don't know what else to say xD Thanks for the report sirenu, remember all the nice things~ Despite all the bad things I'm still jealous of you guys. I would have loved to have been there xD
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Stryfe on July 05, 2010, 11:06:34 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A TRIP  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Man, you had to go through some crazy shit!

But I had promised to take a picture to Stryfe as a hunchback in front of Notre Dame, so here we go:

Oh man I forgot all about that. The moment I saw the pic, it all came back to me and I lulzed goooood.  xDDDD

I vote this for the trip report of the century. :twothumbs
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 05, 2010, 11:11:21 PM

We welcome one and all, proving yet again who THE TRU BALLERS ARE :pimp:

Fushi you're awesome!! Non stop laughing cheers everyone up! :lol:

Thank you Thekueken for taking care of our homegirls :D

Female version of daigong? :rofl: :rofl: ChrNo is EPIC HiPSTER!!!

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Amplifier on July 06, 2010, 12:01:51 AM
shirenu delivers! Incredible story, both hilarious are messed up to the extreme! :heart: :yep:

I needed to poop so bad, I was dying. The last 10min of our walk to the hotel I could only concentrate on keeping the poop inside. I'm sorry that's TMI but seriously... Freezing in the cold? shirenu can survive. Getting lost for hours? shirenu can survive. But poop emergency? shirenu will BEGIN TO BREAK THINGS. OMG.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Blu-Cherri on July 06, 2010, 12:03:24 AM
wah I'm sad I didn't arrange to meet up with you shi!!! =(
In the concert queue I was dancing to monkey dance and minimoni jankenpyon at one point if you saw that >.>
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on July 06, 2010, 12:55:10 AM
Damn, I didnt get autographs :(

But we have seen then when they checked in at the airport, they waved back to us :D (
@ comment: 280

れいなちゃん可愛い!!! Reina-chan cute!
私服とかもマジおしゃれーーーー!!! Casual or smart guys are too serious!

外国人マジすごいね~ Seriously - wow foreigners
日本でも流行したりしてwww Prevalent in Japan and the www

そういえば yahooニュースにモーニング娘載ってたよ!! It was listed in yahoo Speaking Musume news!
さっき見て1人でテンション上がってたよ♪ ♪ I'll look up tension in just one

Did he mean the tattoo or the expo, cause I've only seen expo pics on this side  :?

Someone showed it to Beckii Cruel and she wrote: OMG Thats soo Awsome!!! :D

Btw: The concert was broadcasted on NicoNico, has anyone recorded it, and when will the broadcast a TV Special about Paris, any Info yet ?

There was also a booth with the C-ute and Berryz 2010 calenders for only 7 €, a real bargain, but the H!P CDs+ DVD costs trice of the normal price o0 and the H!P PBs for 45 €  :shocked

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: twissie on July 06, 2010, 01:00:16 AM
It just says that Morning Musume appeared on yahoo news and the commenter got all excited (even though he was by himself) xD Would have been frickin awesome if your tattoo got showcased on yahoo news, though lol! xDDDD

:O Woah it was broadcast on NicoNico? Maaaan, I need to locate the password for my NicoNico account... or try to make a new one. .... yeah my old e-mail doesn't work anymore anyway so! .... thanks for reminding me! XD
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Tuffty on July 06, 2010, 01:02:18 AM
Aw Shi! :heart: It's great to hear that you, Fushi and ChrNo had a great time. Seeing the Aibutt on display, Eri's hotness and uh....poop clenching?
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Mugen on July 06, 2010, 01:19:05 AM
shibabe, was it the best shit youve ever taken?  :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Fushigidane on July 06, 2010, 01:31:52 AM
LOLOLOLOLOLOLLLLLL MIND YOUR STEP the trip was so ....... hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD :thumbup btw the blue wota guy was not a Reina fan but a Junjun fan! :P Remember the banana :D
I'm still not gonna write my report hahahaha sorry but in a few days I'll do that lol XD I could see only a few songs of the concert :bleed eyes: But I had good time outside chatting with a cute staff girl haha :lol: :heart: And I did get to see Reina irl so umm.. Yeah. :D Is there actually even anything else for me to write? XD Wanna read all the bitchy things about getting lost and all again? XD (trying to skip writing a report hahahaha :lol:)

I had lotsa fun with shirenu, you're good travelling company! XD :thumbup And cute :wub: :D And ChrNo wow she's great XD ! do you see me and u have to wait for the time wth XD Anyway thanks for hanging out! :D :thumbup :jphip: And for the food hehe XD

The other one of the japanese Eri fans was so cool too :DDDDDDDD I liked him better than shirenu's hottie guy XD He was kinda yankee and super wota going all "ERIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! :heart:" and he was cool. XD

Thanks to everyone nice! :lol:  :heart:
LOL u see that I actually did write a report just now WHEW no need to worry about that anymore 8) tho I never actually worried about it coz I don't do much worrying. GOING to offtopic LOL yea um see ya XDDDDDDDDDD
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 06, 2010, 01:39:10 AM
Japanese fans are the best!!! So friendly and hyper, I hope they saw your jphip logos Fushi and shi :D that'll get them here somehow bwahaha


Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on July 06, 2010, 01:44:57 AM
:O Woah it was broadcast on NicoNico? Maaaan, I need to locate the password for my NicoNico account... or try to make a new one. .... yeah my old e-mail doesn't work anymore anyway so! .... thanks for reminding me! XD

2nd row D-) best view  :fap

I think it was a live broadcasting

just hours after MM's concert @ JAPAN EXPO ended, it will be broadcasted on Nico Nico Live 7/3 @ 15:20 JST ( Dont Miss It!

more Photos (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 06, 2010, 02:30:41 AM
Aichan was having erotic moments on stage, omg some of the faces that she pulls are just AHHHH waow wtf! She did this groarrr sexy face once and I just about died. And then at one point she was doing some bum moving in front of me :heart: AIBUTT.COM!!!! OMG I love that girl so much!!

Eri is also... fricking EROTIC :D It's like you're watching them and everyone is dancing lala, then you see Eri and it's like WHOAHH what is that girl DOING!!! She was shaking her hair and omg. Her dancing is just insanely hot. If Aichan wasn't so fucking hot I'd vote Eri #1 in the H!P hotness poll next year :lol:

WOW!! Reading and re-reading your report LMFAO!! I love how you got such eye sexing experiences :D and you being revitalized in your interest in MM, I felt the same way too!


some HQ pix from the signing:
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

pix via ( :heart:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Deft-Monkey on July 06, 2010, 02:45:08 AM

Shi makes such a cute hunchback of Notre Dame - can we please do a remake? :D

Oh yeah I forgot - BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So bloody hilarious! I was in my bed, to comfortable to get out, reading this report on my ipod and I kept letting out weird laughs. The crap about the poop (...) made me laugh so hard, I almost smothered myself with my pillow :sweatdrop: There were parts where I'd start cracking up, so I stopped reading to calm down, then I'd resume, read the next few words and burst out laughing even harder XD

It sounds freaking awesome, I want to travel with Fushi and Shi :w00t: Such excitement, you make me want to get into H!P!!!

You've really made my day right from the start :D

This is a perfect reason for why I love

JP-FUCKING-HIIIIIIIPPPPPPP!!!!! :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :hipheart:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on July 06, 2010, 03:03:17 AM (

Nico Nico LIVE LQ
Morning Musume France Concert

found @ H!O

I made some pics at the Eiffeltower:
( ( ( (
Aika is waving at oroboras  :yep:

From Muten-Roshi H!O:
Please keep in mind that this might only capture the gist of what was said, probable errors include my japanese
skills as well as my sucky memory. Maybe others can try to fill the gaps. Obviously there are many things still missing.
I will not indicate the places where I am unsure instead I will boldly write down what I think was said.



1. What food did you like in France?
-She had a plate with a selection of bakery sweets stuff. Among this stuff there was a gateau feuille like cake that she really liked.
(I really hope we will have a version of this conference in youtube, she was really cute answering that)

2. Something memorable about your visit to France?
- Eri sent a mail with an included photo to Nakazawa-san by accident. It was a photo of her apologizing (with a gesture if I understand correctly). She wanted to send it to her manager, but instead sent it to Yuko. (Sadly I didnt get the aftermath part) She was scared of angering Yuko?

At one point she wasnt paying attention when being asked a question smile.gif Which was apparent because she immediatly started to speak when she heard her name although the translater didnt even give the french translation yet.

Sayu :

1. What was your impression of the Concert?
- She was impressed by the momosu chant before they appeared on the stage. And she also mentioned being moved to tears by the happy birthday song.

2. What did you think about the fans here?
- She thinks they are really nice and cute. But she also vowed to fight not to loose to them in terms of cuteness.

3. What has changed for you after becoming a member of Morning Musume?
-Sayu said that she good the opportunity to wear cute costumes and that she realized her own cuteness.


1.What do you do on a free day.
-Watch anime and eat cookies ??? (and .. some other things)

2. Question about addition of new members.
-LinLin hints that it might be nice to add new members from other herself and JunJun.

At the end every member said some final words. When it was LinLin's turn to speak there were many Ai-chan screams in the audience. LinLin reacted with:"Je suis LinLin" (I am LinLin) which was funny and got her cheers from the audience.


1.What are your goals from now on?
-To visit many different countries with Morning Musume (Sadly this was only translated in French so mostly the French and Japanese Fans were the ones who understood, so this was only met with small applause. Of course who would want to share? ^^)

2.She was asked what she thinks about a revival of shuffle units like SALT5.
-hillarity ensues... I do not really know why I suppose she stumbled with her words or said something strange.

3. What song fires you up the most? (Or which song fired you up during the concert?)
-How do you like Japan, She was very happy that the fans were so much into it.

She also mentioned that they met Fans at the Eifel Tower and took pictures with them. (Someone in this thread also mentioned the Louvre. )


It was her dream since childhood to visit Paris. I think she also mentioned that she wants to improve her French and/or sing a song in French (could also be that Lin said that)


1. What do you do on a free day?
-At a free day she would visit Disneyland.


1. What changed after becoming a member of Morning Musume
- She is more composed. In the beginning she was very outspoken and would show her discomfort with a situation strongly. Now she is more diplomatic. She said her goal is to think calmly and be composed, (i think thats what it was) ( the same words Sayu also often mentioned in her blog as her goal)


1. What was your most difficult song to learn?
- Her debut song Egao yes Nude
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down
Post by: tamatron on July 06, 2010, 04:34:57 AM
Paris has never seemed so crazy. :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 06, 2010, 05:22:46 AM
^ Totally tama :lol: only through shirenu's eyes!! Like Deft, I was ROFFLIng at the need for shitting, TMI? I need more!!! And that's why she rocks :rockon:

Hey nimrod, who was the H!O people you were with? What about Kea? I want some names cuz I'm curious lol. Is this one of you guys? With Yuko! Pimp!
( (

The crowds were pretty intense! Keep the reports coming :D
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: differentstory12 on July 06, 2010, 06:45:00 AM
LOL shirenu, your report was so much fun to read XD Now you got me curious on who this "hot hot hottie Eri wota" is XD.


morning musume a japan expo 2010 HD!!! (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on July 06, 2010, 08:14:56 AM
@Blu: I did see a girl doing those dances but I wasn't sure it was you :lol: I mean, I thought the girl looked like you, but I didn't remember that you were someone who knows the dances, so I thought I was mixing you up with someone else I had seen or youtube or something. Hahahaha
:thumbup btw the blue wota guy was not a Reina fan but a Junjun fan! :P Remember the banana :D
Omg thanks I don't know how I could get that wrong :lol: I even thought about the banana *dork* edited the post :3

GAWD I hope the dreamy guy shows up in some video so I can keep it and rewind rewind rewind
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Blu-Cherri on July 06, 2010, 02:56:23 PM
aah I don't have a youtube recording of me doing either of the dances I did in the queue, MM concert queue exclusive I guess =P

hehe when i first met junjun I told her I also liked bananas and the second time I asked if she'd eaten a lot of bananas in france xD she was too cute.
I'm still so happy about my chat with sayu about cuteness and hairties and pink and ribbons and stuff <333
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on July 06, 2010, 05:33:46 PM
Hey nimrod, who was the H!O people you were with? What about Kea? I want some names cuz I'm curious lol. Is this one of you guys? With Yuko! Pimp!
( (

I dont know who this is, but he was everywhere
I spend most of the time with Oroboras, Dran, Kitsune, mnhuik, Kea, .Brian. markRAWR,GinaRAWR, chibilolli, XS 5000, KissKissKiss, Blu-Cherri and many others

edit: the setlist

1. Moonlight Night ~Tsukiyo no Ban da yo~
2. Kimagure Princess
3. Renai Revolution 21
4. Seishun Collection
5. Nanchatte Renai
6. Resonant Blue
Break (Yuko time)
7. Medley (Love Machine ・ The Peace ・ Kanashimi Twilight ・ Koi no Dance Site ・ Roman ~MY DEAR BOY~ ・ Koko ni Iruzee!)
8. Ame no Furanai Hoshi de wa Aisenai Darou? (Chinese version)
9. Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai
10. Souda ~We’re Alive!~
11. Mikan
12. Genki Pika Pikka
13. Tomo

14. How Do You Like Japan

    * She (Yuko) picked 3 PVs: Summer Night Town, Memory Seishun no Hikari & Furusato. She even cried at the end because everyone was singing Furusato. (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Blu-Cherri on July 06, 2010, 05:44:24 PM
The guy in yellow is 'obnoxious wota'

Everyone I spent time with was awesome, I was also with the H!O crowd a lot.

edit: I'm pretty sure it was daite hold on me not memory seishun. :S
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: BX_LeMans on July 06, 2010, 07:57:54 PM
Someone from here was talking after the concert with my sis? She said, a really nice guy from sweden bumped into them and they talked a bit. He said he is in a forum but she can't remember wich one.
If someone saw the two of them, two girls, a 21yo. japanese and a 14yo. blonde girl, nearly a head taller but they are looking nearly the same age :D
They hardly taled to anyone, my wife is very shy thats why I sent my sister as bodyguard with her :D

At friday the got both a signing ticket, at sunday my sister but gave it to my wife. They skipped the first come first serve, they didn't want to stay out all night.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: orac on July 06, 2010, 10:52:24 PM
Meh, reading all this makes me wish I got a passport alot earlier to go, but, I still yet not heard anything back about it, /cry.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: yossierocks on July 07, 2010, 04:46:21 AM
through superior detection skills and matching up twitters, the yellow pj'd AI fan is catchfivebats a friend of Cdevil.  @catchfivebats for more:)... describe the cute French Wota. ethnicity? color hair?  wish I had been there.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 07, 2010, 10:48:28 AM
^ you stalker yossierocks :P

Oh he's got a name Blu, found through OpsMonkey: (


Chin up orac, let's look forward to future MM appearances! :rockon:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Blu-Cherri on July 07, 2010, 11:58:56 AM
yeah sorry it's his blog that's called obnoxious wota, couldn't remember what is name was.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on July 07, 2010, 12:21:46 PM
:on lol: awesome blog name. That guy is my hero.
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: oroboras on July 07, 2010, 02:38:17 PM

Hey nimrod, who was the H!O people you were with? What about Kea? I want some names cuz I'm curious lol. Is this one of you guys? With Yuko! Pimp!
( (

I'm 99% certain that guy is CatchFiveBats from H!O. I only met him once, briefly, but we do chat on Twitter, and he is a mad Aichan fan (can you tell? :P )
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on July 07, 2010, 10:15:30 PM (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on July 08, 2010, 12:26:48 AM
Hey my spot can be seen in that video even if I can't be seen :lol:

Actually that *might* be my hand in front of the dude's head lol. It look skinny enough?! rofl

The gap is where I had a perfect view of the stage LOL
My hand clashed with the girl in stripes a couple times :3 And there's the tall dude I was at first behind, but then gradually moved next to (thank god LOL)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on July 08, 2010, 02:13:19 AM
Here is the 12 Minute Medley from the official MySpace Page (

( (

I've seen myself a few times in it :D


Morning Musume in Paris "Aika Special" ~Part One~ (

Morning Musume in Paris "Aika Special" ~Part Two~ (

from H!O
One guy said that he's from Nolife (the french web geek tv) and He told, they were the only one French tv who could do captation and pics for that concert.
He said that the captation for that concert was not planned for a DVD (seemed no adequate material), as for Japanese staff or French staff. (so normaly no DVD or a bad quality if they do one, as he said)

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on July 14, 2010, 03:13:55 PM
MM on the Weekly WiSE  (  Frontcover  (

( (

( (
And they only have this small article?

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: arie on July 20, 2010, 11:31:03 AM
Some new' semi official' footage showed up;



38 minute  8)Mix from most songs except the medley;
part 1


Moonlight night;


RR21 comes in a few days.

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on July 25, 2010, 01:57:23 AM
TV Tokyo will be airing MM in Paris footage on 8/25 @ 3am


8/25 3:05~4:00「モーニング娘。inパリ」

still waiting for confirmation on the date

Flash magazine

( ( ( ( ( (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: arie on August 12, 2010, 07:33:45 PM

Somehow i missed this clip

Y!ILN #7 Japan Expo part1 Morning Musume day (

Its the waiting line for the concert............

13 days  8)
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on August 12, 2010, 09:20:59 PM
zomg I can see the hot Eri wota's smile at one bit, oh my god, oh my god, my heart is racing AHAHHAHAAH
I reaaaalllly fancied him
I mean come on that smile
He's in the upper right corner cooling himself down with the uchiwa at 2:42 -->
HE SAYS "KAMISAMA MITAI" at least that's what it sounds like omfg :lol: :lol: I bet he meant the guy selling the Momusu pics hahaha SEE HOW AWESOME HE IS

I'm actually sweating now.

I guess he won't be going to any more MM concerts after Eri graduates so even if I went to concerts in Japan I'd never see him again...... XD DANGIT

Is there any place I can get a copy of this video >_>

Oh yeah you can see me in line as well but I don't care about that hahahaha
Fushi's there too xD
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on August 21, 2010, 04:58:47 PM

Someone in Tokyo told me that the  TV Special preview is running in TV now

Yes, and a guy looks like you who said he thinks the morning girls are perfect
Oh, Yes, other person

Lol, it wasnt me but its true what the guy said :D
Haha, they showed the tower with lots of people, I think you were there

Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: ChrNo on August 21, 2010, 06:38:48 PM
I wonder how it would have been inside the Japan Expo with Shirenu and Fushi with I and my Buono! shirt dancing and singing like we did during my tourism guide time  :doh: :sweatdrop: :cow: :wth :panic: :nervous :jphip: :cow:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on August 25, 2010, 07:36:44 PM
The TV Special will be broadcasted in 30 Minutes on KeyholeTV/TV Tokyo

edit: better quality (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on August 26, 2010, 12:36:52 AM
モーニング娘。フランス初上陸ライブ [PART-1] (
モーニング娘。フランス初上陸ライブ [PART-2] (
モーニング娘。フランス初上陸ライブ part-3 (
モーニング娘。フランス初上陸ライブ part-4 (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on August 26, 2010, 11:29:34 AM
Hahahaha I can see myself going WOW WOW WOW when they show fans singing to Koko ni Iruzee :lol: I'm in front of the tall guy in white t-shirt

 :w00t: U can totally see Aichan's sexy dance in How do you like this Japan? when she was bum dancing where I could see her OMWAHGWAH She's too hot for life DX
(It's at the end of part 3, and after the RIIIPPPIPIPIPPI part) There's also the bit where Aichan and Linlin are together and I went liek :w00t: cuz they're my two faves :lol:
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: Mugen on August 27, 2010, 05:45:06 AM
fangirl shi <33
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: shurastriker on August 29, 2010, 08:24:54 AM
Morning Musume talking about Japan Expo in Paris... no idea what is Aichan talking but probably saying thanks to all the fans
モーニング娘。 24時間テレビ 3 (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: kawaii beam on August 29, 2010, 09:40:17 PM
yeah cus the 24hr tv thing's themewas 'thanks' fso i guess thats what she was talking about bething thankful to the fans and staff X3
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: daigong on August 30, 2010, 04:46:43 AM
WOO HOO SHIRENU!!! I tried to look for you but there were a lot of ugly unenthusiastic people to look at XD
モーニング娘。 J-MELO (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on September 01, 2010, 12:59:24 PM
The YT video was removed :(
[Download : J-MELO file] 736.96 MB (

The FanClub DVD will be released soon

Anyway: some infos I can read with my crappy japanese knowledge:

    * round about 90min.
    * concert
    * signing sessions
    * a little bit from the "talkshow" (I think it's the Q&A)
    * Paris sightseeing
    * Oh, and as far as I can read it: The release date is estimated in november.

商品名:DVD モーニング娘。フランス初ライブ!(仮)

フランスで開催されたイベントJAPAN EXPO2010で行われたライブを中心にサイン会やトークショーの模様、

「ソロDVD モーニング娘。コンサートツアー2010 春~ピカッピカッ!~<ソロDVD BOX>」と「DVD モーニング娘。フランス初ライブ!(仮)」の商品をお買い上げいただいた方の中から抽選で10名様に、モーニング娘。全員のサインが入った色紙をプレゼント致します。


■型 番:HP1009_I
■価 格: 3,675
■個 数:

~ファンクラブ会報より~ (
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: nimrod on November 26, 2010, 02:36:44 PM
FC DVD cover

( ( ( (

モーニング娘。 in Paris Off Shot (

Morning Musume - Resonant Blue - France's First Landing Live 2010 (

Morning Musume - Souda! We're ALIVE - France's First Landing Live 2010 (

Morning Musume - Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai - France's First Landing Live 2010 (

Morning Musume - Mikan - France's First Landing Live 2010 (


Sayu, Eri etc are shooting photos  from us (in the background) ^_^ (Orob, Kitsune, Mnhuik, Dran and me) I still hope that they're showing the Groupshot with us and the girls, or when Reina discovers my Tattoo  ^^;   ^_^
Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down P.1)
Post by: metoice on November 27, 2010, 07:44:06 AM


Title: Re: [07/01-07/04] MORNING MUSUME Guest of honor of Japan Expo Paris (who's down
Post by: nimrod on November 27, 2010, 01:00:41 PM
I haven't seen any fans in this video. maybe there is another special ;)