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General => Akihabara => Video Games => Topic started by: Tuffty on September 13, 2010, 12:08:27 PM

Title: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 13, 2010, 12:08:27 PM
Probably the second biggest game event of the year, it's time for some more news and reveals! Already rumours are starting about what will be revealed at TGS including, Valkyria Chronicles 3:

SEGA may plan to unveil Valkyria Chronicles 3 at the Tokyo Games Show 2010 this weekend.

VG247 spotted a listing for the game on the publisher's TGS schedule, which has since been removed.

The document - a JPEG version of the existing GIF file - didn't mention platforms nor what we'd see of the game.

The Tokyo Game Show gets underway on 16th September. Public days are limited to 18th and 19th September, just in case you're thinking of going. We are.

We've asked SEGA for comment.

SEGA registered the Valkyria Chronicles 3 website in August.

But not only will there be new games announced, but you can always expect new trailers or gameplay footage of games you're looking forward to this year and next. So exciting times planned for this weekend. I'm hoping for some reveal of FF Versus XIII and Dissidia 2.
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Ayako-Luna on September 13, 2010, 05:53:18 PM
You can play a Demo of Dissidia 2 at TGS this year!
Dunno if its a rumor or true...
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: rob_ber on September 14, 2010, 10:07:58 AM
Dissidia 2? Will take forever until it will be released overseas, won't it? that's always very annoying, the delay between both releases.
 Does anyone know anything about a new gundam game for psp? or 'the last guardian'? that game seems interesting!
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: winner on September 14, 2010, 10:42:33 AM
^Bandai has a TGS page you can check out: (

No new Gundam PSP game announced yet, just Gundam Musou on PS3/XBOX.
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: zoolander on September 14, 2010, 07:05:17 PM
Ueda-san please bestow upon us a Last Guardian information blowout.

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Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 14, 2010, 07:14:17 PM
Actually you just reminded me, Ueda-san will be there presenting and talking about The Last Guardian on Thursday!

Sony has confirmed that PS3 exclusive The Last Guardian will be shown at this year's Tokyo Game Show, which conveniently gets under way next week.

Creator Fumito Ueda will present the game to media and then field questions. That session takes place on Thursday, 16th September at 3pm Japan time (7am UK time).

The Last Guardian was absent from Sony's E3 conference this summer, despite having been announced at the event a year earlier. Sony's Andrew House told us Ueda's team was "hard at work" but had decided to take a step back from the limelight.

The Last Guardian - the next game from the makers of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus - follows a boy and his relationship with a giant (but baby) cateagle. (

Very interested in that. Also interested in El Shaddai:

Ignition Entertainment's original PS3 and Xbox 360 action title El Shaddai is scheduled to make its playable debut at the Tokyo Game Show later this week. used its connections for an early sampling.

The version of the game the site demoed is the exact same demo that TGS players will be able to sample. It runs about 10 to 15 minutes. (

Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: mode107 on September 14, 2010, 10:18:27 PM
What I'm looking forward to the most is anything Ryu Ga Gotoku (Yakuza) related.  :yep:
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 15, 2010, 12:06:18 PM
Veteran developers Suda51 and Shinji Mikami have unveiled their latest project at EA's press conference in Tokyo.

Titled Shadows of the Damned, it's billed as a "psychological action thriller". It's about a bloke called Garcia Hotspur whose true love is abducted by demons and dragged to the underworld. Naturally, he races off to Hell to get her back.

"This game has a punk rock edge to it," said said Resident Evil 4 director Mikami. "You can see Suda's trademark flair and style everywhere in this game. There are lots of light moments as well."

"But of course, you can see a lot of influence from Mikami-san in the core gameplay mechanics," No More Heroes creator Suda51 chimed in.

"This game is really intense, however you also see some light moments as well. It's a very dark game. And it's one of the greatest games I've ever worked on in my lifetime."

During the speech, still images from the game were shown on the big screen. One depicted some sort of giant horse with a human face being ridden by a demon and giving off loads of sparks. There were also shots of Garcia, who appears to be into studs, leather and big guns with skulls on, and has a big scar down one side of his face.

After this press conference attendees got to watch a trailer in which our hero whacked loads of monsters in the face, declaring, "My name is Garcia Hotspur, hunter of demons."

Other trailer highlights included a hot chick with no top on, another hot chick wielding dual weapons, giant horned demons, spooky lighting and an absinthe vending machine.

Shadows of the Damned, which Suda51 asked gamers to shorten to Damned or abbreviated to DMD, is slated for a summer 2011 release on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The game's reveal trailer is below. (

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Liking the sound of the music already! :)
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on September 15, 2010, 12:29:10 PM
Looking forward to watching a playthrough of that on youtube 8D .....

Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: rob_ber on September 15, 2010, 01:36:45 PM
wow, all those games look very interesting. i hope there is any chance i can check them out when i'm in hongkong this autumn. i don't know how this game expo is called but i hope they'll show the same games as on the TGS!
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 15, 2010, 01:44:19 PM
You'll never guess what's in the next Yakuza game, cause I sure didn't. ZOMBIES!


The first image Sega showed of upcoming Yakuza game, Yakuza: Of The End, depicted the in-game Kamurocho, the in-game version of Shinjuku's Kabukicho, in ruins.

The game's designer said that the theme for Of The End was "destruction". A more apt theme is "bwah?"

The initial image of the destroyed urban landscape seemed to look more like a natural disaster. The destruction, however, appears to have been caused by zombies. The latest issue of Japanese game magazine Famitsu confirms the inclusion of zombies in Yakuza: Of The End.

The game is set in April 2011, when the walking dead appear on the streets of Kamurocho. The Self Defense Force quarantines the area, and it becomes a fight to survive.

The scans show the Japanese Self Defense Force attempting to handle a horde of zombies. There appears to be either a tank or some sort of armored vehicle enveloped by zombies. Other scans show the city landscape in shambles. The outside of a sushi restaurant is destroyed.

The other scans are gunplay heavy, depicting Yakuza series hero Kazuma Kiryu mowing down zombies with machine guns. Another Yakuza character, Ryuushi Gouda, has a mechanical hand that transforms into machine gun.

Another screenshot shows what looks like is a giant rock monster.

The game's designer, Toshihiro Nagoshi, tells Famitsu that this is not the last Yakuza title. He did add that if this game was not a hit, then it might be the end of Yakuza games. So he is trying hard to make the best title he can. Nagoshi would not say whether Of The End is a numbered entry in the Yakuza series or whether it was a spin-off.

Of The End? This is the end of the Yakuza series as we know it. Though, if this game does feature zombie hostesses, perhaps we would be willing to overlook this totally off-the-wall direction the series is taking. (

Little worried about the indication that it could mark the end of the series if it didn't sell well. Why would you make that statement on a game that looks like a radical departure from what you expect from the series?
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 15, 2010, 02:23:50 PM
Oh........huh. So good news first, there's a new Devil May Cry game in the works! But uh, it's a reboot. It's not DMC5, but just 'DmC'. And it's made by Ninja Theory (Enslaved, Heavenly Sword). And Dante's some teenage emo hipster.

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So, as an initial prediction I'll say it will be story driven and with most likely none of the fighting depth or possibilities of past DMC games. Interesting. I'm a massive fan of the series, in particular of just how OTT and crazy of how the story and gameplay can be. Not sure if I would like a more western approach to it. Tellingly, this is not DMC5 but 'DmC'. So it's like a series reboot? One aimed for the western audience most likely. Fuck that.

I dunno. I remain optimistic, it can still be a great game, but I will admit I am disappointed that it's not just a straight up sequel.

And Dante looks so skinny. And ugly! :lol:
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: winner on September 15, 2010, 04:31:12 PM
Kinda funny all the games have the same basic theme of killing evil stuff.

Shadows of the Damned looks the most interesting of the bunch. :thumbsup

I actually expected Yakuza getting zombied someday. But like some alternate nightmare missions, not the whole actual game.

For DmC. The different art style does puts me off a little, with that skinny twine as Dante instead of the the cool dood we know.
But maybe western writers can bring in some depth and emotion to the story. It would be pretty crazy if the action has the same quality while coupled with an interesting story.

DmC TGS trailer (
Asura's Wrath simply looks painful. :lol:

Asura's Wrath announcement trailer (
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 15, 2010, 04:52:54 PM
Asura's Wrath looks a more interesting prospect to me than DmC.

( (
8:58PM Ninja Theory director Tameem Antoniades takes the stage. "We're taking a younger Dante" that incorporates the youth culture of today, from fashion to music to street art, etc.

Fuck that guy, seriously.

Speaking of games with the basic theme of killing evil stuff, Ninja Gaiden 3 was announced!

Not to be outdone by Capcom's announcement of a new Devil May Cry, Tecmo Koei has announced Ninja Gaiden 3 at Tokyo Game Show, the third entry in the popular hack-and-slash action series.

As Videogamer reports, Ninja Gaiden 3 was announced "behind closed doors," with only one image shown (above, again via Videogamer) and only a few details to go on. The game will again feature main character Ryu Hayabusa, and this time Ninja Gaiden 3 will supposedly portray him both in a more human way, and also as an even more violent character (if that's even possible).

This will of course be the first brand-new Ninja Gaiden game developed by Team Ninja since the very public (and contentious) departure of former studio head Tomonobu Itagaki in 2008. No release date or specific platforms were given for Ninja Gaiden 3.

More violent? Where can you go from mutilation and decapitation? :lol:
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: coachie on September 15, 2010, 06:54:24 PM
Yakuza with Zombies??? ZOMBIES??? Are they for real???  :shocked
(I'm looking forward to my best friends reaction when he hears this, he's a big Yakuza fan)

That new Dante is indeed ugly! Though I have to admit the rest of the trailer looks interessting to me.

I keep an eye on Shadows of the DAMNED simply because Yamaoka, Mikami and Suda51 <--- Gaming Dream Team!?! We'll see  XD

Asura's Wrath sounds interessting (sci-fi + asian mythology) but for now it looks just like another GoW-like game and I'm not particularly fond of the art style.
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: mode107 on September 15, 2010, 06:56:24 PM
The Ninja Gaiden news is great, but I'm still dying to hear of a DOA5 :(
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 15, 2010, 07:04:01 PM
Asura's Wrath sounds interessting (sci-fi + asian mythology) but for now it looks just like another GoW-like game and I'm not particularly fond of the art style.

Interestingly it looks like an Eastern GoW in that it's a hack and slash but adapts it in Eastern mythology much like GoW did with Greek.

The Ninja Gaiden news is great, but I'm still dying to hear of a DOA5 :(

Well there's always the DOA game for the 3DS, and supposedly, Tecmo hinted at a home console version as well:

Tecmo Koei's just shown off 3DS title Dead Or Alive: Dimensions at Tokyo Game Show - and told us that there may soon be another home console version.

First revealed earlier this year, the 3DS fighting game has its obvious charms. (If you're asking yourself how 3D could benefit DoA, think harder...)

However, our man at the behind-the-scenes unveiling, GamesMaster's Rory Smith, told CVG:

"Team Ninja acknowledged that a new DOA game on 3DS might disappoint fans hoping for a home console sequel, but confirmed that Dimensions was 'one of many missions' the team were working on."

No release date was given for the game. (
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: zoolander on September 16, 2010, 04:51:50 AM
Wow Dante.. thats just... weird.  :O

At least I can look forward to a good rant from Brad on 4 Player Podcast since he's such a huge DMC fan and was really wary of the Ninja Theory rumors since the beginning. :lol: The new Panzer Dragoon game by the Phantom Dust creators will probably make up for it since those are his other two favorite games.  :lol: :lol: Although it's for Kinect which he loathes. :lol: :lol: :lol: Should be interesting to hear.

I must say Rising looks amazingly glorious. Also probably the best looking game I've ever seen. Amazing physics and animation on the cutting. If it were Gray fox instead of Raiden then it might just be the perfect game for me. : D

TGS 10: Free Cutting Walkthrough - Metal Gear Solid: Rising (

Edit: Oh man watching the Kojima Productions conference Castlevania looked amazing too.
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 16, 2010, 11:00:12 AM
Screenshots and a trailer of The Last Guardian (

Looks gorgeous, but were you expecting anything less? Very interested in this. Coming out Holiday 2011.

Kotaku also posted footage of Ni No Kuni gameplay with hands on impressions (

Also Panzer Dragoon is back! ( For the Kinect. Motion based dragon flying game? That could never go wrong! But I thought Panzer Dragoon Orta was great so here's hoping.

Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: zoolander on September 16, 2010, 12:47:38 PM
Good lord I just saw some of the Ninokuni videos. Gosh it looks so charming, like a living explorable Ghibli movie! How did I not hear of this before? Now I want to live in that world. ;__;

A little dissipated The Last Guardian is so far off and the info was so vague. I figured they were way further along after what 5 freaking years. :lol: Oh well, just have to be patient. I still have more than enough games to last me and there are plenty others coming out I want too. Hopefully they aren't wasting their time or resources doing any of the HD remakes/3D/Move bull crap...

I wonder how the shooters on Kinect work, do you use your hands? How do you tell it to shoot with 100% response? Seems something like REZ/Panzer Dragoon/Zwei/Orta would be a lot better off using a light gun or wiimote or just a controller. I'm quite skeptical. :/
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: winner on September 16, 2010, 01:46:23 PM
I wonder in the end part of Rising's clip, if the robot was supposed to catch the sword with both hands?

Yakuza 5 trailer. Guys with guns. Probably because they have proven to be a good way to fight zombies, unlike.. say a moosehead.  :lol:

Yakuza Of The End PS3 TGS trailer ?? (
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: mode107 on September 16, 2010, 03:28:59 PM
^ Hmm, don't know if I'm feeling this Yakuza game. But I think i''m gonna end up getting it.
but honestly, my first thought was "huh? how are they gonna fit those hostesses in this?" XD
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 17, 2010, 12:23:33 AM
NeverDead looks pretty good! :lol:

TGS Preview (

TGS 10: Funny Story Trailer - NeverDead (
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: winner on September 17, 2010, 11:54:31 AM
War Has Changed... but not Club Candy Girl in Yakuza OTE. Well, just the initial welcome. :P

Lots of new stuff shown in the clip.
I'm glad they added a companion feature. National defence.. army... don'trememberwhatthey'recalled... girl... yay!
The game's loud guns should help some western gamers get interested.
And the pachinko game will probably turn all Japanese to real zombies.

TGS 10: Japanese Gameplay Extravaganza - Yakuza: Of the End (
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 17, 2010, 12:00:33 PM
Hideki Kamiya doesn't think too highly of the DMC reboot lol

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Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: zoolander on September 18, 2010, 03:00:19 AM
By the way here's that awesome Castlevania trailer from TGS.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Hideo Kojima Special Trailer (
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Ayabie on September 18, 2010, 08:06:39 AM

【TGS 2010】PS3 魔界戦記ディスガイア4 (Makai Senki Disgaea 4) Trailer [HD] (
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: EternalSkies on September 18, 2010, 12:02:37 PM
Disgaea 4 looks SO much better than 3.
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 18, 2010, 01:37:13 PM
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was announced (
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Ayako-Luna on September 18, 2010, 05:40:54 PM
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was announced (

FINALLY! :w00t:
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 19, 2010, 01:05:44 PM
There are rumours from the show that Muramasa and Odin Sphere are going to get ported to XBLA/PSN, upgraded with HD graphics

Vanillaware's stylish Wii platformer Muramasa: The Demon Blade could be on the receiving end of an HD makeover, according to multiple sources at the Tokyo Games Show.

1UP has reported that the Japanese developer is planning to port an HD version of the Wii exclusive to XBLA and PSN, along with Odin Sphere, its cult 2007 PS2 RPG.

We asked Muramasa's UK publisher Rising Star to confirm or deny, but it pled ignorance. "Our deal was with Marvelous for the boxed retail version of Muramasa, so I believe that if Vanillaware are planning a digital release then it has nothing to do with RSG," said a spokesperson.

That would be awesome if true, I'd love to play them.
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 19, 2010, 08:26:47 PM
El Shaddai footage:

Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: coachie on September 19, 2010, 09:30:20 PM
There are rumours from the show that Muramasa and Odin Sphere are going to get ported to XBLA/PSN, upgraded with HD graphics
That would be awesome if true, I'd love to play them.

THAT would indeed be awesome.
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: Tuffty on September 19, 2010, 10:40:19 PM
As someone who only owns a 360, I've felt a little disappointed on missing out exclusive games like Uncharted 2 or MGS4. But none moreso than missing out on Demon's Souls. I'm sure you've all heard about it, and there's some masochistic part of me that says I would enjoy playing it too. So it's great news from me to hear that the same development team are working on a game known as Project Dark, essentially labelled as Demon's Souls 2, and it's coming out on both PS3 and 360.

Project Dark demon's souls 2 ? (
Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: winner on September 23, 2010, 04:02:48 PM
Some bits from MGS: Rising's demo at TGS.
Producer Matsuyama showed off Raiden's katana.


And after they did the cutting demo, director/demo-guy Kimura got a piece of watermelon. :P

Title: Re: Tokyo Game Show (16th-19th Sept)
Post by: twissie on September 24, 2010, 08:20:32 AM
So, I just heard about LovePress++, which was presented at Tokyo Game Show's SENSE OF WONDER NIGHT, which is an event to discover new game ideas that will catch people by surprise and give them a "Sense of Wonder". xD;

Anyway, LovePress++ is obviously a parody/nod to LovePlus and uuhm... this is what they presented xD;

Love press++: Massage for your truelove

This project is applied for Sense of Wonder Night in Tokyo Game Show 2010. (

Realization of physical communication of lovers using massage recognition of balance board and implementation of dynamic human model.

Recently, most dating simulation games are just "turning on tasks" of opposite sex characters unilaterally.
It causes decreasing of game market from a long distance view, if players learn "love process" through such a game model because it is far from a real loves.
Our project is focusing to this issue, but without any sexual portrayals.
We are realizing physical communication of lovers in our game, especially, we have implemented "service-minded" concepts.

The system is configured with balance board which decorated with a picture of "back shot of my truelove" made by a silicon rubber and a simple visual screen.

First, the player must choose a "truelove" as your partner who has several shape or age.
(He must choose only one, because it is your truelove.)
There are less visuals through the game experiences. Some silhouette will be shown to motivate your imagination for your truelove.
The player can play with interactive truelove with her voice (voice actor) and your imagination to feel "physical communication" in a literal sense.
Her mind and reaction are implemented by a dynamic mental model.
The player must to tell his sense just interact with the balance board instead of mouse or selections.
Selected your truelove has several character in the beginning.
She may invite you as "Ah hah, come here..."  or she will told you "Non, I believe you are gentle.", "Stop! Where are you touching?"
However, it can be realize on NintendoDS until here. In our project, the player must do massage the balance board as your truelove toughly, rhythmically, sweetly by whole body and soul. Sensorimotor play, feeling sweat and "service-minded" concept are our new propose of dating serious game.
All past dating game might be felt as "surface love" by player who had played our game. (


SOWN2010投稿企画 Love Press++ Beta2 (
