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General => Entertainment => Music => Topic started by: twissie on September 30, 2010, 12:59:05 PM

Title: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on September 30, 2010, 12:59:05 PM
Eccentric gas mask wearing, oil barrel hitting, ompa-rock band from Norway.

Vocals: Janove "The Jackal" Kaizer
Double bass: Øyvind "Thunder" Kaizer
Guitar: Terje "Killmaster" Kaizer
Guitar: Geir "Hellraizer" Kaizer
Harmonium: Helge "Omen" Kaizer
Drums: Rune "Mink" Kaizer

Official site ( | Official fan club (

They had their major debut in 2001 with the album Ompa til du dør (Ompa 'Till You Die). They created a lyrical universe for fans to delve into and get lost in. This is what they sound like:

Ompa Til Du Dør (

Major Kaizer themes include; shady mafia characters, gypsies, war, and russian roulette.

Ompa til du dør (2001)
Evig Pint (2003)
The Gypsy Finale (2004)
Maestro EP (2005)
Maestro (2005)
Live At Vega (2006)
Maskineri (2008)
250 prosent (2008)
Våre demoner (2009)
Violeta Violeta Volume I (2011)

They're well known for their energetic live shows:
Kaizers Orchestra: Hevnervals (Live @ Vega) (

They're also well known for being extremely friendly with their fans, and for being creative with their releases. Stunts include limited edition LPs, singles and albums released as downloads only, giving out albums free to people who've attended concerts, small exclusive club gigs, letting fans take pictures and videos during concert (in fact, encouraging it)+++

And they just released their newest single, which was released in the form of sheet music.

These guys know how to confuse and impress~ Come down into their basement, and stay a while...
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on September 30, 2010, 02:12:45 PM
I first got into Kaizers in 2007, which ironically is the year I mostly spent in Japan. Anyway, I'd heard about them before, but (for whatever reason) thought they were a gimmicky metal band... even though I remembered that I really did like their hit single Kontroll på kontinentet which was released in 2001. Their low budget music video mystified, and fascinated me. Plus the fact that they sung in Norwegian completely blew me away. But yeah, I apparently forgot about this awesomeness until 2007.

Me and my boyfriend started randomly talking about them one night, and that was it. I was hooked. I've got all of their albums, and some of their minor releases. I follow most of the band members' side projects, and I've seen Kaizers Orchestra live six times (I also have tickets for their upcoming show in Oslo, which is set to take place at Oslo Spektrum next year, it'll be their first arena size gig :heart: )

I'm mostly fascinated by their lyrics, I guess... but their sound is really unique too, I think. The fact that they've got tons of foreign fans who haven't got a clue what they're singing about is proof of that.

Here's how they started out. Their very low budget music video for Kontroll på kontinentet. Watch out for a cameo appearance by Kristoffer Joner, probably the most famous actor in Norway xD; (He was in Next Door ( which had a pretty wide international release, as far as I know)
Kaizers Orchestra Kontroll På Kontinentet (
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on October 01, 2010, 05:50:51 PM
Sooo Kaizers went and surprised everyone by releasing their latest single in the form of sheet music, the idea being that fans are to make and submit their own versions of it before the real one is revealed 8D Yes it's a contest, the sheet music can be found here ( Details about the contest can be found here ( (Norwegian).

People have already started sending in their versions, and the first submission is an electronica piece and can be listened to here ( :lol:

Anyway, Kaizers, always expanding their presence on the internet, have opened up a soundcloud. Philemon Arthur & the Dung, their most recent single (not counting the sheet music release) can be listened to there :D

Listen @ soundcloud (

Fffff I'm loving this new sound @_@; And the part at about 2:26 is just hilarious 8D;;; "come on in.. get yourself some COFFEE~~~~~" :rofl:
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: pikapikapika on October 02, 2010, 01:19:57 AM
These guys are cool!! I also can't understand a word they're saying but I still think they're really cool and need MOAR XD
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on October 03, 2010, 09:15:30 PM
Some brand new band pictures. Looking fabulous and ridiculous as always xD; Oh, Kaizers :heart: 8]


(Click for bigger)

Though I think this still remains my all time official shot of them;

And these are my favourite concert pictures *O*


I've made fan-translations of all the songs on their first album if anyone's interested xD;;;
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on October 28, 2010, 08:56:02 AM
The Kaizers cover song contest has ended, and it has a winner! The contest was to make a cover version of the new Kaizers single (that's yet to be released). The band published sheet music and asked people to make their own versions.

Moi won, and you can hear her version here ( (click the play button, or "Lytt").

There were over 100 entries, and tons of good ones. My personal favourite was by a band called Attention!. You can hear their version here ( I love that they sing in an Eastern Norwegian dialect (like how I speak), instead of trying to copy the Kaizers dialect (The Kaizers are from a place called Bryne in the Western part of Norway).

The intro of IDing's version reminded me of a Yann Tiersen piece. I didn't really want the lyrics to start when I listened to it xD (listen to that version here (

All in all a really fun project. Even though I wasn't able to participate myself, it's fun to see that there are so many talented Kaizers fans out there @_@! I can't wait to hear how the song is really supposed to sound! xD;
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on October 28, 2010, 10:29:05 AM
Aaaand the official version is out. xD

Loving the style of these new covers. Uuuugh I can't wait until the next album *____*!!



Du og meg er like som et par dråper vann
i hvert fall hvis du tør og spør han
Eg pleier å sette på ei plate
som du for meg sang
heilt til eg sovna i ditt fang

Før såg eg ingenting og det eg såg forsvant
men nå ser eg alt det som du ser
På min fing har eg ringen din
og på den ringen står det blankt
at du er min hjerteknuser

Lurer på om du fins der ute nå
Send' eg mine tanker kjenner du de då
Send meg et hint så skal du få

Sjøl om han forteller lite, og minnene er få
fins ting han aldri kan ta meg ifrå
Som då me sprang øve plantasjen
eg gjemte meg i strå
du teller til hundre, eg vett at du såg

Lurer på om du fins der ute nå
Send' eg mine tanker, kjenner du de då
Send meg et hint så skal du få

Eg vanner mine planter, og pleier det eg sår
sekundene tikker, minuttene går
Og det går dager og det går år
Og den som lever får sjå

Kanskje du ikkje fins lenger, kanskje det er håp
Kanskje du ikkje tenker på meg heller
Men eg venter på den dagen, at me er ute og går
Du bøyer deg ner, og eg står på tå

Lurer på om du fins der ute nå
Send' eg mine tanker, kjenner du de då
Send meg et hint så skal du få

Eg vanner mine planter og pleier det e sår
Sekundene tikker, minuttene går
Og det går dager og det går år
Og den som lever får sjå

You and I are alike like two drops of water
at least if you dare ask him
I put on a record
that you sang for me
until I fell asleep in your lap

I didn't see anything before, and what I saw disappeared
but now I see all the things you see
I have your ring on my finger
and its engraving says clearly
that you are my heartbreaker

I wonder if you're out there now
If I send you my thoughts, will you feel them then
Send me a hint, and you'll receive

Even if he doesn't say much, and the memories are few
there are things he can never take from me
Like when we ran across the plantation
I hid amongst the weeds
you counted to a hundred, I know you looked

I wonder if you're out there now
If I send you my thoughts, will you feel them then
Send me a hint, and you'll receive

I water my plants, and take care of what I sow
The seconds tick away, minutes pass
And days pass, and years pass
Those who live will see

Maybe you don't exist anymore, maybe there is hope
Maybe you don't think about me either
But I wait for the day, when we're out walking
You bend down, and I'm on my toes

I wonder if you're out there now
If I send you my thoughts, will you feel them then
Send me a hint, and you'll receive

I water my plants, and take care of what I sow
The seconds tick away, minutes pass
And days pass, and years pass
Those who live will see
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on October 30, 2010, 03:49:17 PM
And the music video is out! Wow, that was fast :lol:

Videopremiere: Kaizers Orchestra - Hjerteknuser (

They've also revealed a bit of the story that'll run through the upcoming Violeta Violeta trilogy.

Violeta Violeta tells the story of Violeta and her parents Kenneth and Beatrice. When Violeta was 7 years old, her father took her with him and ran away from her mother. Beatrice fell into deep sorrow and cried a bucket of tears every following year. Seven buckets later, Beatrice is still looking for her daughter and Hjerteknuser expresses the longing and desperation she feels.

Norwegian actress Ane Dahl-Torp plays the vodka-shotting, harmonium-playing Beatrice in the video.
Source (in Norwegian) (

The music video can be viewed in the article linked above in case the embed fails.

Omg finally some info about the new lyrical universe. I can't wait for more *____*!!
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on November 13, 2010, 01:23:46 AM
Violeta Violeta Volume I Promo Tour!

November 16: Germany - Berlin, Grüner Salon

November 17: Denmark - Copenhagen, Ideal Bar

November 18: Austria - Vienna, Area

November 19: Switzerland - Zürich, Plaza  (press only)

I'd recommend going to these shows if you have the chance. Kaizers needs to be experienced live~! *o*

Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on November 14, 2010, 02:21:43 AM
Cover art and tracklist of Violeta Violeta Volume I have been revealed!


Philemon Arthur & The Dung

Diamant til kull (Diamond to Coal)

Femtakt filosofi (Five-four Time Philosophy)

Din kjole lukter bensin, mor (Your Dress Smells of Gasoline, Mother)

En for orgelet, en for meg (One For the Organ, One For Me)

Tumor i ditt hjerte (Tumour In Your Heart)

Hjerteknuser (Heartbreaker)

Psycho under min hatt (Psycho Under My Hat)

Svarte katter & flosshatter (Black Cats & Top Hats)

Sju bøtter tårer er nok, Beatrice (Seven Buckets of Tears Are Enough, Beatrice)

I'm particularly looking forward to finding out what Black Cats & Top Hats will be like xD;;;;

Oh and yes, the video for Hjerteknuser (Heartbreaker) has been put up on youtube. With subtitles~! :D You might have to watch it on youtube to see the subtitles, but yesh...
Kaizers Orchestra - Hjerteknuser (Official HD 1080p) (
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on November 18, 2010, 02:29:07 AM
Three videos from the promo tour (Berlin). For some reason only Janove and Øyvind are performing... not really sure why xD; Anyway awesome 8D This makes it more interesting, actually... because even though we get to hear the songs now they'll be quite different when performed with the whole band and in recorded form and everything ffff :D Omggg I can't wait. Is it January yet? xD;

Psycho Under My Hat
Kaizers Orchestra - Psycho under min hatt (
:lol: love the random piano playing in this one 8D;;;

Your Dress Smells of Gasoline, Mother
Kaizers Orchestra - Din kjole lukter bensin, mor (
I really wonder what this will sound like on the album :o Love the calm section leading up to the end *o*

Five-four Time Philosophy
Kaizers Orchestra - Femtak filosofi (
I've heard this performed live at the last show I attended. I love it, the lyrics are interesting and it's got a fun rhythm to it. Loved this acoustic version. Mmmm piano :heart:
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on November 25, 2010, 12:49:22 PM
Cover art for their next single. Not yet sure when this will be available for sale (download only, it seems), but people who pre-ordered their upcoming album got the single for free when doing that.


Geir says (to that En for orgelet, en for meg is "one of his personal favourites from Volume I". He explains that it has very rhythmic, almost rap-like lyrics and that they've collaborated with rap artists from other countries to make country-specific versions. So this song will be available in Norwegian, Swedish (Timbuktu), German (Prinz Pi), and Dutch (Blaxtar). 8D I can't wait to hear the Dutch version, hahaha.
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on January 29, 2011, 03:31:12 AM
So I received my copy of Violeta Violeta Volume 1 in the mail today~! ^_______^! (everyone who bought tickets for their last tour got exclusive cards you could send back to them to get Volume 1 for free, so I got it by mail 3 days before official release! For free! And an exclusive limited edition to boot. Kaizers :heart: ).

Been listening to it on repeat for a while now, and I really dig their new sound *o* The limited edition digi-pack is absolutely beautiful, and the booklet features full lyrics plus added background info on each song, so that you can really get into the main theme of the album and get to know all the characters... and ultimately get stupidly hyped about the upcoming Volume 2 :lol: I've yet to sit down and properly process lyrics + background info... for now I'm just absorbing the new sound, and falling in love with this band all over again. Aaaah.

Favourite tracks so far are 'Psycho under min hatt', 'En for orgelet, en for meg', and 'Hjerteknuser'.

Picture I took with my phone earlier. Yes, I've got two copies 8D;

The cover art is amazing *o* I should take better pictures of the complete in-lay, because, dude... Prettyyyy~!

Meanwhile, posted this picture, and it completely cracked me up. I noticed the envelope I got the cd in was handwritten, but I didn't think the band members would be doing the stuffing and writing of envelopes themselves. Completely cracked me up XD;
I wonder if Janove was the one who sent me my cd... :inlove: either way, THANK YOU KAIZERS ;___;! We :heart: you~

Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on January 29, 2011, 05:28:58 PM
Geir (guitarist) made a behind the scenes documentary of the making of Violeta Violeta Volume I. All in Norwegian, no subs.. xD;;; but you get to hear lots of samples from the new album~! :D

"Violeta, Violeta". The making of Volume I. (
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on January 29, 2011, 06:05:53 PM
Seriously, so awesome... xD!!!!

Kaizers Orchestra - En for orgelet, en for meg (

En for orgelet, en for meg

Eg setter meg og pumper for å få rett klang
En for orgelet og en for meg

Eg har dratt ut ledningen av min telefon
Ingen ringer lenger inn, ingen ringer lenger ut
Og er eg i tivl, kaster eg mynt eller kron
Eg har aldri fått svar ifrå mitt Jesusikon
Eg sko likt og vært kun han og meg i et rom
Tanken blir dobbelt så stor om me hadde vært to
Og en ting er om han hadde syns synd på meg
Eg sko spurt han tvert om om han syns synd på seg

Eg setter meg og pumper for å få rett klang
Dagen er for kort og nåttå er for lang
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystall
En for orgelet og en for meg
Og eg kan ikkje bretta opp kjolen, det får bli en annen sang
For ein: Eg har ikkje skjorta. Og to: Eg er ikkje mann
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystall
En for orgelet og en for meg

Svart går i dur og kvitt i moll
Og når eg vil opp, tar eg en halv kopp med svart
Eg heller i og cirka sånn er nok
Og så drømmer eg meg vekk som i et ekstatisk sjokk

Me sko pakkt en koffert og reist og sett oss om
Åh, sko ønskt me kunne hatt det sånn
Sluppet alt me har i hendene og reist, liksom
Så kunne me lært å gjort vann om til vin og sånn

Og etter fem glass slepper eg demonane ut
Og etter fem til skyter eg hol i taket og står brud
Vil du ha meg i gode og onde dagar for alltid
In nomine Patris et Fillii et Spiritus Sancti
Så skyter eg gjennom himmelen med deg på slep
En for orgelet og en for meg
One For the Organ, One For Me

I sit down pumping to get the right sound
One for the organ and one for me

I've pulled the cord out of my phone
No one will ever call in, no one will ever call out
And if I'm in doubt, I'll toss a coin - heads or tails
I've never gotten answers from my Jesus icon
I would have liked to be just him and me in a room
The thought grows double its size if we'd been two
It's one thing if he pities me
I would have asked him straight out if he pities himself

I sit down pumping to get the right sound
The day is too short and the night too long
So I pour Absolut in two glasses made of crystal
One for the organ and one for me
And I can't roll up my dress, it'll have to be a different song
Because one: I don't have a shirt. And two: I'm not a man
So I pour Absolut in two glasses made of crystal
One for the organ and one for me

Black goes in major and white in minor
And when I want to go up, I take half a cup of black
I pour it in, about this much is enough
And then I get lost in dreams, like in an ecstatic shock

We should have packed a suitcase and travelled and looked around
Oh, should have wished we could have lived like that
Let go of everything and, like, travelled
Then we could have learnt how to make water into wine and stuff

After five shots, I let the demons out
And after five more I shoot holes in the ceiling and stand a bride
Do you want me in sickness and in health for ever
In nomine Patris et Fillii et Spiritus Sancti
Then I shoot through the sky with you dragging behind
One for the organ and one for me
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: pikapikapika on January 30, 2011, 03:51:58 PM
oooo awesome!!! THREE wow :D

are those CDs or LPs you got twiss?
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on January 30, 2011, 04:51:50 PM
Haha, they are CDs. Though I'd definitely get the LPs if I had a proper record player (Kaizers do actually release their music on LPs too~).

The documentary linked above now has English subs! Enable them by clicking the "cc" button, or watch it on youtube! :D
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on February 03, 2011, 10:49:32 PM
Kaizers appeared on the Norwegian music show Lydverket. I WAS THERE. IT WAS AWESOME. They actually performed an additional four songs, but those songs didn't make it into the show. They were filmed, though so they'll probably be available online later...

For now, watch the show here (

I'm thankfully not as visible as I thought I was going to be. Thank you blonde bimbos! xD;;; Though trust pika to know what to look for :roll:


Complete setlist:
Ompa til du dør (x2, show opener)
Hjerteknuser (x2, show closer)
Philemon Arthur & The Dung
Señor Torpedo
Psycho under min hatt
Din kjole lukter bensin, mor

Lydverket also posted AMAZING pictures :heart: I can't believe how good Janove looked *_____*;;;;
( (
Lydverket 2 februar - Kaizers Orchestra ( by NRK P3 (, on Flickr

( (
Lydverket 2 februar - Kaizers Orchestra ( by NRK P3 (, on Flickr

( (
Lydverket 2 februar - Kaizers Orchestra ( by NRK P3 (, on Flickr

( (
Lydverket 2 februar - Kaizers Orchestra ( by NRK P3 (, on Flickr

( (
Lydverket 2 februar - Kaizers Orchestra ( by NRK P3 (, on Flickr

( (
Lydverket 2 februar - Kaizers Orchestra ( by NRK P3 (, on Flickr

( (
Lydverket 2 februar - Kaizers Orchestra ( by NRK P3 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on February 04, 2011, 11:22:08 PM
Janove was interviewed on the Norwegian talkshow Skavlan. They also performed Hjerteknuser~

You can watch the interview and performance here ( (until 6. march)
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: daigong on February 05, 2011, 10:25:34 PM

CONGRATS ON BEING ON TV twiss!!! i was trying to find ya too XD I was looking in the sea of fans.

Klassy bunch of musicians there!! who knew they actually package their own CDs lol
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on February 05, 2011, 10:40:49 PM
Lawl, I guess I could have mentioned that I was in front row, to the very left, basically 8D But blonde girls at the center block me from view most of the time :heart: Most likely for the best, I tend to look ridiculous when dreamingly staring up at... uhm... artists I like <,<; yeah that's totally how I meant to end that sentence. Shush.

Oh they are something quite special. 8D
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on March 05, 2011, 12:36:39 PM
Had to share this picture, as it just makes me giggle. LOOK HOW FRICKIN HAPPY HE LOOKS, NAAAAAWWWW


The rest of the songs they performed on Lydverket have been posted to. Be sure you listen to Psycho under min hatt, it's amazing. New live favourite for me, that's for sure.

Kaizers Orchestra - Psycho Under Min Hatt (Live Lydverket 2011) (

Uugh a hassle finding these clips on youtube. Lydverkets player isn't embedable 8D; But here are links;

Philemon Arthur & The Dung: (

Senor Torpedo: (

Din kjole lukter bensin mor: (
Title: Re: Kaizers Orchestra
Post by: twissie on April 03, 2011, 02:56:46 PM

Kaizers will be making a new concert DVD~! And I'm going to be there 8D Omg, I can't wait~ They'll film the huge 10 year anniversary gig they're doing in Oslo Spektrum next Saturday. I'm super excited, I'm expecting them to put on one hell of a show. It being filmed makes me even more excited, because that means they'll really push themselves and give everything they've got. Viva La Vega, their previous concert DVD, is the most amazing thing ever...