JPHiP Forum

The AKBar48 => The AKBar48 => Topic started by: SomethingWild on January 12, 2011, 06:13:39 PM

Title: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: SomethingWild on January 12, 2011, 06:13:39 PM
As you all know, Shawako ( is the Official AKBar48 mascot girl.

We tried to give her some extra attention by stickying her thread and by posting some vids and every pic we could find.
Shawako has recently been promoted to team KII! So, it might be time to let her fly on her own and pick a new mascot.

Any girls you think need/deserve some extra attention? Preferably a kenkyuusei, Team E or maybe even an NMB member?
Let me hear some suggestions! Try to make a good case for your suggestion. Convince the staff!  :lol:

It's hard to live up to Shawako's unique type of awesomeness, so in the end, it may be the case that we keep Shawako anyway  :P
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: AKB96 on January 12, 2011, 07:48:02 PM
Assuming that going through this procedure again anytime soon is not something we would want, and kenkyuseis are the ones that are most at risk of being kicked out, I hereby add the following candidates:
- Non.
Although the problem might be that she is the only E member who already has the attention.
- Kaori Matsumura.
The problem is she's a RS. And since she wasn't promoted now.. she either is on her way out, or she's bound to get once the first person leaves.. You decide.

Hm why do I make a suggestion then argue against it...
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: mode107 on January 12, 2011, 07:49:49 PM
She's the AKBar48 mascot?  I've never seen her aroud this forum until now.  :nervous

She's cute. I'm surprised she's 22. She looks younger in that profile pic. Now i can see why she's the mascot. "It's a trap!"  :lol:
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: SomethingWild on January 12, 2011, 08:08:05 PM
- Kaori Matsumura.

Actually, she is one of the two people I had in mind!

1. She has a strange voice, like Shawako, but different.

SKE48 2010年11月14日研究生公演 影アナ 松村香織 公演レビュー (

2. She plays an instrument, like Shawako, but different.


3. She's undervalued.


4. This awesome moment with her and Shawako:


Kanon is definitely cool too, but like you said, she's like Team E's ace and doesn't seem to need any extra attention. Still a potential candidate though. She's like the new Jurina with a bit of Tsukina. lol

Now i can see why she's the mascot. "It's a trap!"

Shawako's main attraction is the way she talk and presents herself. Really soft voice, really polite and almost a bit shy. Later on she showed her crazy side a bit more  :lol: It sucks that our jphipx youtube profile got deleted, so none of the cool vids which show her interesting sides work anymore  :panic:
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: Blu-Cherri on January 12, 2011, 09:20:36 PM
Nakamura Mariko >.>
An rs and is part of the 9th gen which gets so much love...but she never does v.v
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: mixedmedia on January 17, 2011, 02:50:44 PM
Want to nominate Ichikawa Miori (Fresh Lemon) but I doubt she needs it going by how much the members seem to love her. 

I have no problem w/ Shawako remaining mascot for the time being though.

Too bad Shinkai Rina left....
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: maliciel on January 17, 2011, 03:52:19 PM
Mariyannu is the only correct answer to this question, really.
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: atskv9 on January 17, 2011, 04:41:49 PM
Nakamurakun :D
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: Datalanche on January 29, 2011, 10:44:23 PM
No one will ever replace Shawako, but I like the Nakamura Mariko idea. She's cool and info/pics/pimping on her is kinda scarce.
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: hibachifinal on January 29, 2011, 10:53:16 PM
I vote for Yukko (

reasons why:
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: SomethingWild on January 30, 2011, 09:57:44 PM
I will veto everybody and pick Yamada Erika.  :lol:

Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: SomethingWild on February 05, 2011, 12:45:39 PM
After watching this week's Shukan (, there is no way anybody can replace Shawako  :lol:

Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: Masa on February 05, 2011, 01:04:48 PM
/me votes for The American Cowgirl

...although I do agree with Barrie :panic:
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: SomethingWild on August 27, 2012, 05:45:32 PM
Bump! Any new thoughts regarding the Mascot Girl? New era, new girl?

There have been a lot of cool new girls emerging lately, so any thoughts or suggestions?

Shawako still awesome, of course.
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: Amplifier on August 27, 2012, 08:32:26 PM
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: SomethingWild on August 27, 2012, 10:18:29 PM


PowerFUU~, WonderFUU~, Minna Fu~Fu~ dayo!


Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: Melchizadek on August 28, 2012, 12:48:02 AM
It's hard to live up to Shawako's unique type of awesomeness

You want unique. How about the most unique girl in all of the 48 empire:

( ( (

Oh, and she can do cute too:

( (
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: chiimin on August 28, 2012, 01:10:06 AM
Hirata Rina so everyone can love her, cheer for her and vote for her until she's promoted to AKB's Queen.
(and yes i just mentioned hilary, no need to respond to this. why is everyone so pressed today  :cow:)

But the girl above isn't bad either  :bleed eyes:
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: Datalanche on August 28, 2012, 03:16:03 AM
I'm firmly against any change. It's needless and does away with something we've had fun with for so long. Call it biased or whatever, but I see no need to go all change-crazy just because Maeda's gone or whatever else.

But if you must, Momoka is at least worthy of the "legacy" of that title.
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: SomethingWild on August 28, 2012, 02:58:32 PM
Call it biased or whatever, but I see no need to go all change-crazy just because Maeda's gone or whatever else.

It's not just that. I always saw it as a means to put a girl on the map. Shawako's rise is a success story that is only topped by Umeda Ayaka's. She went from a nobody, an old ignored kenkyuusei, to being the 25th most popular girl in the entire empire! It's like, "Hata made it, let's try to do the same for someone else." (note: not implying that we are responsible for Shawako's rise, but at least we saw it coming).

I think both Hilary and Momoka are good suggestions. Keep them coming.
Fuuchan's super cool and awesome, but she's already rising quickly.  :thumbup
Title: Re: [Discuss] New AKBar48 Mascot Girl?
Post by: SomethingWild on November 25, 2012, 07:53:01 PM
OK, after careful consideration I want to try the following:

1. Shawako will remain the AKBar48 Mascot Girl. She was special and she still is.
2. However, Shawako is doing fine and since there are so many new faces I feel someone else deserves some special attention as well.

That is why I want to introduce the AKBar48 Push! Same basic concept as the Mascot Girl, but less set in stone.

The AKBar48 Push will get:
- Stickied thread
- Picture thread (in case of Kenkyuusei)
- Regular video, picture and trivia updates

The goal is to get her name out there and to make people notice her.
Ask yourself, how many 12th-14th generation kenkyuusei can you name? Exactly.  :lol:

However, there is a catch! The push might not last forever. If the girl gets fired, graduates, becomes snooty or boring, she will lose her preferential treatment. Maybe even when someone super awesome comes along out of nowhere. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Basically the AKBar48 push is placed between the Mascot Girl and the Girl of the Week (which we will revive sooner or later).
I'll announce the first AKBar48 Push in the postwhoring thread... right now!