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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Library => Topic started by: PockyChocolate on April 08, 2011, 06:29:38 AM

Title: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: PockyChocolate on April 08, 2011, 06:29:38 AM
Enjoy reading my fanfic, Here it is:

I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)

All of the girls are now heading home from their long and tiring trip. Finally, they arrived on their home. While all of them are going out of the car, Atsuko noticed Minami rubbing her arms and looked freezing.

"Are You sick?"
"I don't know, It's so cold."

After hearing that, Atsuko rip off her coat and wear it to Minami. Minami is now wearing two coats, her coat and Atsuko's coat, but still...

"It's really cold!"

Atsuko touched Minami's neck and found out that she's sick.

"You're sick, Minami"
"Yeah, I think so.", Minami said in a small voice.
"Come on, Let's hurry up and go to our room."

Atsuko and Minami were bestfriend for almost many years and also roommates for many years until now.
They already arrived on their room, They sat on Minami's bed.

"Minami, do you want me to turn off the aircon?"
"No, if you turn it off, You will feel hot."
"Yeah I know, but..."
"No buts Atsuko, I dont want You to feel bad because of me."
"Okay", Atsuko said  in a small voice.

Atsuko quickly get her night clothes and wear it on. After wearing her clothes, she suddenly went to Minami's cabinet and get her clothes.
Atsuko is really concerned to Minami so she thought that maybe she can replace Minami's clothes by herself so Atsuko went to Minami and now trying to unlock Minami's buttons.

"A-A-Atsuko, What are you doing?"
"I'm just unlocking your buttons so that I can change your clothes."
"But Atsuko, I can do it myself."
"No, Let me do it. You're sick, You must not move."

Atsuko finished changing her clothes.

"It's really cold!"
"I told you, let me turn off the aircon."
"No, no, no, no, no."
"But Minami..."
"I said no!"
"Then what can I do for you?"
"I want you to hug me!"
"Hug me!"
"but why?!"
"Hug me so that I can feel the warmth of your body."

Atsuko had no other choice but to hug Minami plus Atsuko knows that she wanted to hug Minami too.
Atsuko hugged Minami and Minami responded with a tight hug.

"You're so warm."
"Are you feeling better?"
"Thanks for all the things that You've done for me."
"It's okay Minami, you know that I will do anything for you because..."

Atsuko thought that It's the right time to tell her feelings for Minami.

"Because I love you Minami."

Atsuko parted their hug and suddenly kissed Minami.

"I love you Minami, I really really love You!"

Minami hugged Atsuko and whispered her...

"I know Atsuko, I know that You love me... as a friend."

Minami suddenly felt some kind of falling water in her shoulder, when she checked out on what is it, she saw Atsuko crying. Atsuko suddenly talked and said...

"No, I dont love you as a friend, I love you more than a friend."

Minami parted their hug.

"Dont cry!"

Minami wiped the tears of Atsuko.

"Ummm, Atsuko!"

Minami looked down and said...

"I have been keeping a secret to you and I want to tell it to you now."
"Hmmm, what is it Minami?"
"I, I, I..."

Minami kissed Atsuko.

"What will you say to me, Minami", Atsuko said while ignoring the kiss.

Minami kissed Atsuko again.

"Minami, Im curious! What is it?", Atsuko said while ignoring again the kiss.
"You still dont get it? Do you want me to do it again?"
"Ehhh? What are you saying Minami?"

Minami kissed Atsuko again. This time Atsuko thought that what Minami is trying to tell her is she also love Atsuko.

"Your... Your... Your kiss, ummm, Do you also love me? Is... Is that the secret that you want to tell to me?"
"Really?", Atsuko asked with a big smile.

For a few minutes, the room is filled with silence. But then Atsuko broke the silence.

"Ummm, Minami."
"Let's sleep, You have to rest."

Atsuko is now going to her bed when Minami suddenly stopped her.

"Where are you going?"
"Im going to my bed."
"No, You're not sleeping on your bed tonight, You will sleep beside me."
"But why?"
"Because I want to feel the warmth of your body!"
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: pretend_2besome1 on April 08, 2011, 10:07:49 AM
Oh that's a nice AtsuMina fluff, I approve  :thumbsup
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: kahem on April 19, 2011, 01:21:14 PM
So cute x3 !!! I like the kiss part ;)
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: khryz0421 on April 26, 2011, 06:53:06 PM
i like it.... nice fanfic.....

hmm...can i ask pocky chocolate?? could you make a fanfic about mariko-sama??

pls... pls.... pls...
Title: "I'm not a kid" - AtsuMina (Oneshot)
Post by: PockyChocolate on November 26, 2011, 09:23:14 AM
I'm so lazy to type...
It took 6 months before I updated  :banghead: :banghead:

but then,


I'm not a kid // AtsuMina (Oneshot)

The doorbell rang as Maeda Atsuko opened it.

"Oh, Takamina!" Maeda Atsuko said. "Come in!"

Takamina went inside and sat on the nearest couch.

"What brought you here?" Maeda Atsuko asked and sat beside Takamina.
"Nothing." Takamina answered. "I just want to visit my precious girlfriend."

Acchan put her hands on her face to prevent it from blushing so hard.

"By the way, is there anyone here except you?" Takamina asked.
"None, just you and me." Acchan then hugged Takamina. "I missed you"
"It's just three hours ago when we last saw each other at the rehearsal." Takamina said and returned the hug.

Acchan parted the hug and looked at Takamina.

"But three hours is long enough for me to miss you." Acchan pouted.
"Silly little kid." Takamina said and poked Acchan's left cheek.
"I'm not a kid!" Acchan said and pouted again.
"You're still a kid." Takamina teased her.
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are." Takamina still teased Acchan.
"I'll prove you, I'm not!" Acchan said, biting her lower lip.
"Okay, prove it!" Takamina smiled at her.
"Stand up first." Acchan said.

Takamina obediently stood up then Acchan just burst in laughter.

"Why? What's funny?" Takamina asked, confused.
"Who's the kid now?" Acchan laughed harder.
"Eh? I don't get you." Takamina still confused. "Prove it now! Prove it that you're not a kid anymore!"

Acchan stopped laughing and looked at Takamina.

"Do you really want me to prove it?" Acchan said.
"Yes!" Takamina replied.

Maeda Atsuko then stood up and boasted her height.

"See?" Acchan said. "I'm not the kid, you are!"
"Baka! It's not about the height." Takamina half-shouted.
"For me, being a kid is somehow related to height, if you're smaller then you're the kid." Acchan said then again burst in laughter.
"You're mean." Takamina said and sat on the couch, pretending to be angry. "I'm mad at you now."

Acchan stopped laughing as she heard what Takamina said. She kneeled in front of Takamina holding both of Takamina's hand.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Acchan said.
"I won't forgive you." Takamina said, pretending to be mad at her.
"Really?" Acchan asked.
"Yes." Acchan said.
"If I kiss you, will you forgive me?" Acchan asked as she squeezed Takamina's hands and smiled then pouted.
"Well, I guess..." Takamina answered. "But right now, I'm still mad at you."

Acchan stood up and sat beside Takamina, still holding her hands.

"I will kiss you." Acchan said.
"I'm still mad." Takamina replied.

Acchan leaned in and kissed Takamina, Takamina then returned the kiss and placed both her arms around Acchan's neck then pulled it to make the kiss deeper.
Few minutes later, Acchan parted the kiss.

"Still mad?" Acchan asked playfully.
"Yes." Takamina said.
"Eh? Come on Minami, I'm sorry!" Acchan squeezed Takamina's hands.
"Baka!" Takamina half-shouted. "BakaAcchan!"
"Okay, okay, I'm the stupid and the kid now but please..." Acchan said. "Forgive me."

Takamina then burst in laughter then stopped and looked at Acchan.

"I'm just kidding." Takamina smiled and pulled Acchan for a hug.
"Kyaaa, I know it." Acchan said and responded with a tight hug. "You never get mad to any, It's very kind of you, Minami."
"Yeah, I'm very kind to anyone, especially to my Atsuko" Takamina said and parted their hug then kissed Acchan, a very passionate kiss. Acchan then returned the kiss in a passionate way too, both of them don't want to end the kiss but then Takamina can't breath, so she parted the kiss and stared onto Acchan's eyes.

"I love you, Atsuko!"
"I love you too, Minami!"



Yeah, it's short.  :kneelbow: :kneelbow:
So, how was it?  :ptam-ok: :ptam-ok: :ptam-ok:
I hope you all didn't get bored while reading to this.  :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: Yagami.Rai on November 26, 2011, 09:32:49 AM
It's sweet :wub:
Haha.. :lol: Takamina pretending to be mad
Thanks for the OS :thumbsup
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: moekare on November 26, 2011, 09:58:43 AM
wah! that's so nice!!  :) Taka is pretending to be mad, funny  :twisted: Well, I am looking forward to your future update! Please write more, and thanks for updating this..  :) :peace:
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: AKBlover_99 on November 26, 2011, 10:08:27 AM
That's........SWEET AND CUTE!  :thumbup Love it!    :gmon love2:
Your fic enjoyed me! :gmon twirl: Update soon!  :thumbsup And I hope it's about AtsuMina! Haha!  :D
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: Flean on November 26, 2011, 12:45:06 PM
Gah!!! This is so cute!!!!  :ptam-shy:
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: Megumi on November 26, 2011, 08:37:24 PM
Aww cute! :mon inluv:
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: kahem on December 06, 2011, 07:20:15 PM
^^ so cute~
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: cielly on December 10, 2011, 07:29:21 AM
ATSUMINAAAAAAAAAAA. I so love the fic. It's so cuuuute~ OMGGG.  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: Mika ~ on December 16, 2011, 07:26:11 AM
Hello ~
So.. I love this one shot, cutee  :cathappy:
Write more....  :P
Or continue the "I want to feel the warmth of Your Body / / AtsuMina" ...It's so short  :(
I want see the continuation ...  XDD
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: pamela89 on February 11, 2012, 12:53:49 PM
cool atsumina  :heart:
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: Keisthename on June 18, 2012, 06:13:27 AM
ohoho great short fics! :)  :heart:
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: Suicchin on June 18, 2012, 09:28:28 AM
Awww! Very cute oneshots! I love atsumina pairing!

And I really liked the way you write :3 Congrats!
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: Archer1992 on June 02, 2013, 03:38:22 PM
they are so cute together

i love atsumina

Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: diamond kirara on September 08, 2013, 03:04:13 AM
Lol minami u are so kawaii and yep u r still a kid
Title: Re: I want to feel the warmth of Your body // AtsuMina (One Shot)
Post by: noah minami on September 23, 2013, 07:31:08 PM
nice atsumina moment.. i really love both of them...
plz do more one shot of atsumina..  :cow: :thumbsup :bow: