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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: crono1036 on April 09, 2011, 07:50:41 AM

Title: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu] 8/8/2012 [ON HIATUS]
Post by: crono1036 on April 09, 2011, 07:50:41 AM
Reaching Out To You
By: crono1036

This will have chapter segments, each chapter segment with its own parts and each  chapter segment is going to have its own pairing. There's going to be 3 chapter segments, maybe 4 but I still haven't finalized it. So that means 3 pairings, 4 if I do decide to do 4 chapter segments. The first will be SaeYuki, second will be KojiYuu, and third will be TakAcchan. I think if I do a fourth, I want it to be SKE48; that's why SKE is in brackets. I don't know, still deciding. I'll also do request fanfics so if you would like me to do a certain pairing (and possibly a certain theme or setting), say so and I'll try to get it done... WHEEEE!!!

::Table of Contents::

[*__* = Newest addition to the segment]

-Part 1- (This post)
-Part 2- (
-Part 3- (
-Part 4- (
-Part 5- (
*-Part 6-* (

-Part 1- (
*-Part 2-*


-Part 1- (
-Part 2- (
-Part 3- (
*-Part 4-* (

Chapter Segment: Sae X Yuki [Part 1]

It was late in the evening, Team B’s Yuki Kashiwagi AKA Yukirin returned home after a hard day’s work.


Yuki sighed in relief as she belly-flopped onto her bed. She was finally finished with work and errands today. She had a photoshoot, two recordings, and had to do some grocery shopping for her mother.  Finally, some time for her to relax.

She flipped her body over so she was now lying on her back. Yuki thought she should get some rest for tomorrow because she had rehearsals in the morning and other upcoming events. But for some reason, she began to think about some past events, one in particular.

“It’s been a month since that time.” Yuki whispered to herself. Yuki’s fingertips touched her lips. What was a month ago?

A month ago was the Kagekidan INFINITY musical, AKB48’s first musical. It was also a month ago when she had her first kiss with a certain someone, Team K’s Sae Miyazawa AKA Genking. It was only a stage kiss so why is she still thinking about it?

Yuki’s heart tightened as the thought of kissing Sae came to mind. “Why do I still feel like this?” she asked herself.

She rose from her bed and shook her head, in attempts to shake the thought away. Yuki should be thinking of such meaningless things now. “Come on, Sae-chan’s probably forgotten it by now.” Even though she thought this, she still felt a little let down by it.

~BINGO! BINGO! anata ni meguriaeta...~

Yuki’s cell phone rang. “Eh? Who could be calling now at this hour?” She quickly answered the call without checking caller ID, “Hello?”

“Hello, Yukirin?” said a familiar voice through the speaker.

It was Sae on the other line. What an unexpected call, Yuki’s was so surprised that it made her heart skip. She was silent and didn’t reply

“Hello, Yukirin? Hello? Helloooo? Yukirin, are you there? Huh, did the line go dead or something? I’ll just call back later.” Sae was about to hang up but Yuki broke out of her daze finally replied.

“Oh! No, no! Hi, Sae-chan.  Sorry, I was just sort of surprised that you called. Did you need something?” 

“Oh, I’m sorry for calling at this time, you must have been sleeping. I’ll just call you tomorrow morning... or even tell you at rehearsals! Ok, see you tomorrow! Bye!” Sae said with energy, despite it being late in the evening, and was about to hang up again.

“No wait! Sae-chan!” Yuki shouted into her cell phone. She was sort of embarrassed about the tone of her voice as she was calling for Sae. Luckily, Sae hadn’t hung up just yet. “It’s fine now. What did you need to call me for?”

“Well, I tried calling you earlier but you didn’t pick up...” Sae said with a little disappointment.

“Oh, I was working all day so I turned off my phone. Sorry about that.”

“That’s mean! What if you’re mom called and you didn’t pick up? It could have been an emergency!”

“But she’s completely fine.”

“But what if it was?!”

“Sae-chan! Mom is fine so can we just get back to the main point of this phone call?”

It seems like Sae forgot the reason in the midst of arguing with Yuki. “Oh yeah! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the pool on our next day-off. Which is about a week from now, right?”

Yuki was confused, the pool? Going to the pool at this time of the year is a bit... cold. “The pool? It’s a bit late in the year to go to the pool, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but that means less people and less crowds. And, uh... Haha... I had a swimsuit photoshoot yesterday which made me feel like going...” Sae admitted.

Yuki couldn’t see it but she knew that the Genking had an embarrassed smile on. Yuki still face-palmed. Sae wanted to go simply because she felt like it. Well, Yuki wasn’t against it so she agreed to go. But then Yuki realized something. Is it going to be just the two of them? Her heart began to beat faster.


“Yeah, what’s up?”

“J-just the t-two of us?” Yuki stuttered her question.

“Huh, what was that?”

“I-is it just going to the two of us?” she finally asked.

“Of course it’s not just the two of us. There’s going to be Sayaka, Yuko, Takamina, Mayuyu, Acchan, Haruna, and I’m going to ask Miichan and Myao tomorrow.” Sae listed. A nice blend of members from all the teams and with Myao coming along, things might get interesting. “If those two do decide to come along, then that’s ten people including me. Hopefully they do so we can get a discount.”

Yuki felt glad it wasn’t just the two of them, she would have felt uneasy.  But she also couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed that it wasn’t the two of them as well.

“Oh... Ok.” Yuki tried not to sound disappointed.

“Yup!” Sae yawned. Yuki thought it sounded cute through the phone. “I’m going to bed now. We have rehearsals tomorrow, too! Better go to bed! Alright! Good night! Bye! Love you, Yukirin~!” Sae said quickly then hung up.

The end tone beeped as Yuki sat frozen on her bed with her cell phone still up to her ear. Sae’s last words seem to have shocked her the most.

“L-... Love?” Yuki muttered. Yuki was blushing deeply and her heart pounded hard like a drum.

There was a feeling in the air that tomorrow wasn’t going to be like any other rehearsals she’s had before.

How does Yuki feel about Sae?
Does Sae really love Yuki?
How will tomorrow’s rehearsals turn out?
To be continued in Part Two
Title: Re: [AKB48 (+ SKE48?)] Reaching Out To You (1st Chpt. Up SaeYuki)
Post by: RenaChii on April 09, 2011, 10:12:37 AM
AH~! SaeYuki~!!  :farofflook:

PLEASE UPDATE SOON~!!  :mon inluv:

Are you going to write SKE48 fic? If yes, please write about W Matsui~  :mon cute:

THANKS~!!  :mon XD:
Title: Re: [AKB48 (+ SKE48?)] Reaching Out To You (1st Chpt. Up SaeYuki)
Post by: kahem on April 09, 2011, 10:28:27 AM
Yeah!!! Saeyuki thx!!! I always say they really look like a couple ^^
Title: Re: [AKB48 (+ SKE48?)] Reaching Out To You (1st Chpt. Up SaeYuki)
Post by: Mari07 on April 09, 2011, 02:32:01 PM
Hey Crono-chan~
YOU BROKE MY HEART!! :'( LOL i keed xD I had a blackout at my apt!!
But anyways ...
That was very entertaining  :cow: like how she found out that Sayaka, Yuko, Takamina, Mayuyu, Acchan, and Haruna were invited first.
I hope Yuki doesn't embarrass herself next week -__-; thats all i've got to say.
(And if you are making an SKE pair i want someone with Kumi-sama~!!)
Title: Re: [AKB48 (+ SKE48?)] Reaching Out To You (Update! SaeYuki Pt. 2!)
Post by: crono1036 on April 10, 2011, 09:15:03 AM
@RenaChii and Mari07 and everyone else
I've decided that I WILL do an SKE fic as my fourth chapter segment and just to make you two happy, I will make it W Matsui AND Kumi. How am I going to pull that off? I don't know, you don't know, we'll just wait and see~ Remember! I'm taking requests too!

@Mari07 (Again)

Let's hope not. Although I'm kinda hoping she will... in more ways than one.

Chapter Segment: Sae X Yuki [Part 2]

Today is the day of rehearsals. Selected members of Teams A, K, and B came to the dance studio and prepared for a sweaty workout.

Sae, Sayaka, and Yuko were already there surprisingly early. Not many people showed up yet. They were stretching out their bodies before they would start.

“So, did you ask Yuki yet, Sae?” asked the captain of Team K Sayaka Akimoto as she pushed against Sae’s back who was sitting on the floor, her legs straightened out. She was referring to pool day next week.

“Yeah, last night and she said she’s coming. That means Miichan and Myao are the only ones left. I’ll have to call Myao later but Miichan’s going to be here right?” Sae asked, being bent in half by Sayaka’s butt.

“I think so; I can ask Miichan for you or maybe have Haruna ask. Why don’t you have Yuki talk to Myao for you? They are from the same team after all.” Yuko suggested as she was stretching out her legs.

“Yeah, good idea, Yuko.” Sae nodded.

Sayaka stopped putting pressure on Sae’s back and began to stretch out her arms. She looked towards the door, “Ah! Sae, there’s Yuki now.” She pointed to the door as Yuki walked in with Mayu Watanabe.

“Uh... Yukirin? You don’t look so good, did you not get enough sleep last night?” asked Mayu who was concerned. Yuki didn’t respond, unless her yawning was her response.

It was true; Yuki really did not look good. She had slightly dark circles under her eyes and her hair was a bit messy. Apparently, Yuki couldn’t sleep much last night because she couldn’t stop thinking about last night’s phone call, especially the ending. Because of this, she was a little out of it, zoning out even.

Love you... Those words were still playing in her head. Apparently she was too out of it to even notice Sae walking over. Why am I still thinking about it? It’s so obvious she said that in a friendly way. I still remember that time when I sent Sae-chan that voice message and I said ‘I love you’ to her. We’ve always said that to each other, so why? Why do I feel so differently about it now?

“Good morning, Yukirin~!” chimed Sae with a smile. This snapped Yuki out of her thoughts.

“Ah, Sae-chan.” was all Yuki could say.

Mayu looked at Yuki with disappointed eyes. Yuki responds to Sae but not her? She sighed and said, “Good morning, Sae-chan. You’re here early.”

Sae looked Mayu, “Good morning, Mayuyu! Yeah, I thought so, too but I didn’t want to be late.” then brought her attention back to Yuki. She noticed that she wasn’t looking very well. “Yukirin, are you alright?” Sae raised her hand and brought it to Yuki’s forehead, checking her temperature. “You don’t feel hot...” she said. Hm... Has Yuki’s skin always been this soft? She thought, feeling the softness of Yuki’s skin.

Mayu knew that Sae and Yuki were close; they were even talk if they were dating but everyone knows that that’s not true. Still, she didn’t really like how Sae can touch Yuki like that but she tried not to show it. “She’s been like that since I met up with her earlier.”

Yuki blushed at Sae’s touch and quickly backed off. “I’m fine, Sae-chan. Just a bit tired, that’s all.”

“Ah! Was it because I called you last night? I knew I should have just told you today. I’m sorry.” Sae looked genuinely sorry. She lowered her head.

That’s what Yuki really liked that about Sae, when she thinks that she’s done something wrong, she apologizes right away and makes sure you’re really ok. Yuki smiled, “No, it wasn’t because of you. I couldn’t sleep last night so I ended up watching some movies on TV.”

“Really? In that case, Yukirin, I’d like to ask you of something.” Sae took Yuki’s hands in both of hers. Yuki blushed a little. “Can you ask Myao if she wants to come to the pool next week?”

“Oh, that’s it? Ok, sure. I’ll call her later.”

“Great, thanks, Yukirin!” Sae hugged Yuki in gratitude. This made Yuki blush. She lightly pushed Sae away and looked away, trying not to show her face.

“N-no problem. Let’s go, Mayu. Help me stretch for rehearsals.” Yuki took Mayu by the wrist and walked past Sae, dragging Mayu along with her. What’s wrong with me?

Sae was a little shocked; Yuki never rejected a hug from her before. She kind of felt hurt as she watches Yuki walk off to the other side of the studio with Mayu. Did I do something wrong? She goes back to Sayaka  who was alone now, just waiting for everyone to get here.

“Eh? Where did Yuko go?” asked Sae. She noticed that she disappeared.

“She went to the washroom.” She pointed her thumb in a direction. “So what did Yuki say?”

Sae looked at Yuki from across the room. Yuki was tying up her hair while talking to Mayu. “She said she’ll do it but...”

“... but?”

“I think I did something wrong.” Sae began to feel a little guilty but she doesn’t know why.

“Maybe you did.” Sayaka replied bluntly.

“Hey, what kind of reply was that?”

“Well, maybe you did or maybe you didn’t. You’ll find out eventually, just give it time.”

Sae sulked, “I guess.”

About half an hour later, everyone who was supposed to show up for rehearsal finally did. Rehearsal was intense and everyone was breaking a sweat. However, Sae and Yuki had their minds occupied. Sae was thinking about Yuki, Yuki was thinking about Sae, it didn’t really help them focus on the moves and they were off beat a few times. They were sure some people noticed.

Soon, it was time for a lunch break. The girls went off to each lunch in either the break room or the studio itself even though it wasn’t allowed. Some staff members took this opportunity to move around some sound equipment.

At different sides of the studio, Yuki and Sae both sighed almost simultaneously.

Yuki was disappointed in herself so she took this lunch break to keep practising. Mayu also decided to stay with

“Yukirin, shouldn’t you have lunch first? That should help keep focus and give you more energy. Besides, we have 2 hours.” Mayu suggest while eating her lunch.

“No, I wasn’t doing well at all this morning so I want to use this time to make for it.” Yuki argued; she was serious about this.

“You need to at least eat first...” mumbled Mayu taking a bite out of her octopus weenie. Yuki gave her glare and went back to dancing in front of the mirror.

Sae, who was still in the studio as well, saw Yuki still practising. She wanted to talk to Yuki but she thought it wasn’t the right time. Sae also began to practise; she also thought that he didn’t do any better than Yuki.

A staff member was rolling a cart of heavy speakers from Yuki’s side to Sae’s side. That same staff member was called to get another item and left the cart nearby behind Yuki, who didn’t even notice. A different staff member that was carrying a CD player, DVD player, and a stereo in his arms was also bringing those to the other side. But what he didn’t see the cart and bumped into it, losing his balance, dropping everything he had and falling over both himself and the cart. At this point, Yuki was in front of the cart and she was also toppled over, a speaker landing on her left ankle.

Yuki let out a painful shriek. “AHHH!!!”

“YUKIRIN!!” Sae ran to Yuki’s aid, as soon as she saw Yuki on the ground.

“YUKIRIN!!” Mayu dropped her food and went to Yuki’s side.

Everyone who heard Yuki’s scream came rushing to see what happened. Questions were in the air about who screamed, what had happened, was anybody hurt. The two staff members, the one who left the equipment laying around and the one who was carrying too many things, were being yelled at by the choreographer and studio manager; they probably going to get fired or feel the wrath of Aki-P. A small group of girls were around Sae, Yuki and Mayu.

“Yukirin, are you ok?!” Sae asked out of worry even though it was obvious to her and everyone else that she wasn’t. Yuki groaned in pain, clutching her possibly-broken ankle. Sae looked at her ankle and made a serious face; she knew Yuki couldn’t walk like this. Sae decided to lift up Yuki bridal-style in her arms. “Someone call a doctor quick!” Sae shouted to everyone in the room and carried Yuki off to the break room. She really looked like a prince coming to his princess’s rescue.

The rest of rehearsals were cancelled because the turn of events. A doctor was called over by Mayu to check out Yuki’s ankle but he decided to call an ambulance to take her to the hospital to get an x-ray. Sae gathered her’s and Yuki’s bags before the ambulance came. While she was being taken to the hospital, Sae stayed with Yuki the whole time, holding her hand as paramedics iced Yuki’s ankle. At the hospital, Yuki had to take x-rays to see if he had broken anything; luckily, nothing was broken. The doctors had Yuki wear a splint and be on crutches for today and told her to constantly ice the ankle when she gets home. Sae was always at Yuki’s side through it all.

From the hospital, Sae was helping Yuki get home since they were walking. She was carrying Yuki’s bag and her own, she lent her shoulder if Yuki needed to lean on her, she held Yuki’s hand to help guide her, and she even caught Yuki if she would fall over because Yuki wasn’t used to crutches. Sae was at Yuki’s aid throughout this whole ordeal.

Finally, Sae dropped off Yuki in front of her home. “Are you sure you don’t need help to go inside?” she asked Yuki.

“Sae-chan, I’m fine. I’m pretty sure I can make it to my door.” Yuki smiled at Sae, looking into her eyes. Yuki thought that Sae had such strong eyes but they were also warm and soft. She then looked away before she got too sucked into them.

“Ok, but seriously, Yukirin, if you can’t make it to pool day, I’ll just reschedule. I’d understand and I’m sure everyone else would, too. I just don’t want you to hurt yourself again.”

Yuki sighed, “Sae-chan, you heard what the doctor said; I only have a bone bruise. I should be able to walk fine the day after, if not, the day after that if all goes well recover well.”

“Alright, if you say so, Yukirin.” Sae said as she took Yuki’s bag off her shoulder and gave it back to her. “Call me if you need anything, ok? See you, Yukirin.”

Sae stood for a few moments before she turn and began to walk back the way they came. Yuki watched Sae’s back as it got farther away.

Yuki began to think about today. Sae acted like a prince today when I got hurt and she stayed with me the whole time, helping with things. She even carried me to the break room and missed the rest of rehearsals to make sure I was alright. Yuki smiled at this thought.

Then unconsciously, “Sae-chan!” she called out her name.

Sae was already at the end of the block but she heard Yuki loud and clear. She stopped walking and turned around to look at Yuki.

Yuki didn’t even realize it herself until she saw Sae’s face looking back at her. She looked away; she had to think of something to say, “Uh... um... Thank you, Sae-chan, for today.”

Sae smiled and nodded to say ‘You’re welcome’ and waved to Yuki. Yuki waved back and Sae turneded the corner.

Yuki felt a vibration in her coat pocket. It was her phone which she had forgotten she set on silent. (Geez, again? What if her mom called?)

Yuki checked her phone. Surprisingly, there were no missed calls or anything but one thing. It was a text and it read:

“Hey, it’s been a while hasn’t it?
Meet me at that place tomorrow at 6pm, ok?
You know where, by the park.
I want to see you again.”

What a vague message this is. The text didn’t say who it was from nor did it display the address. Yuki couldn't make heads or tails who this text from.

“Who is this?”

Will Yuki meet this mystery person or stand them up?
Could it be a friend or foe?
Will Yuki recover in time for pool day?
To be continued in Part Three

(A/N: I know it's kinda long but it's 3am and I didn't want to go to bed before finishing this. I've decided that this chapter segment will be in 6-7 parts, one for almost every day of that week+2 or 3 days with maybe one or two after stories. So be ready for it!)
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (UPDATE! SaeYuki Pt. 2!)
Post by: Arakawa on April 10, 2011, 09:38:17 AM
Augh, cliffhangerrrr

Great update :'D
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (UPDATE! SaeYuki Pt. 2!)
Post by: RenaChii on April 10, 2011, 12:50:05 PM

Mayu looked at Yuki with disappointed eyes. Yuki responds to Sae but not her? She sighed and said, “Good morning, Sae-chan. You’re here early.”

Mayu knew that Sae and Yuki were close; they were even talk if they were dating but everyone knows that that’s not true. Still, she didn’t really like how Sae can touch Yuki like that but she tried not to show it. “She’s been like that since I met up with her earlier.”

(A/N: I know it's kinda long but it's 3am and I didn't want to go to bed before finishing this. I've decided that this chapter segment will be in 6-7 parts, one for almost every day of that week+2 or 3 days with maybe one or two after stories. So be ready for it!)[/b][/center]

Mayuyu is jealous?!  :shocked  :k-inlove:

There will be many parts?! YAY~!!  :mon XD:

I love this update~  :mon lovelaff: Please update soon~  :mon whimper:

THANKS!  :tama-lotsaluv:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (UPDATE! SaeYuki Pt. 2!)
Post by: Mari07 on April 10, 2011, 03:36:38 PM
I'm so excited!!! Even though I can guess whats going to happen xDD I can't wait til you put it into words!
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (UPDATE! SaeYuki Pt. 2!)
Post by: kahem on April 10, 2011, 04:30:02 PM
Poor Yukirin T_T
Sae was so cool acting like a prince :twothumbs
Who could be the mysterious person? Yukirin's ex? Can't wait for the next chapter!!! Yeah!!!
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (UPDATE! SaeYuki Pt. 3!)
Post by: crono1036 on April 10, 2011, 11:56:21 PM
LOL Thank you and yes. Mayuyu is jealous~ of Sae too~

LOL Sure you do~

I know right? Prince Sae to the rescue! And you'll find out in this part!


Chapter Segment: Sae X Yuki [Part 3]

When Yuki got inside her home, her mom did all she could to help Yuki’s injury. Apparently she had been informed about it while Yuki was in the hospital by Aki-P. Yuki was also informed by Aki-P that he has cancelled her appointments, recordings and photoshoots until her ankle recovers so she has a few days off. She also found out that Aki-P has fired those two staff members for carelessness and injuring one of many idols of his precious AKB48.

Yuki sat in her room, her ankle raised on top of pillows and under an ice pack. She began to think, no, not about Sae this time, about that text message she got. Yuki wasn’t sure if she should meet this mystery person. She had the day-off tomorrow to recover so she could be able to meet them. She took out her phone and began to stare at that text.

“Who can this be from? ‘It’s been a while’? It must be someone from the past, right?” Yuki thought long and hard about who it can be but nobody came to mind. “I don’t know!” She dropped her back on to the bed, feeling frustrated about not being to identify this person. She sighed and decided to do something tomorrow.

And so, the next day, Yuki spent the morning just relaxing and tending to her ankle. It was started to feel better but she was still limping and it hurt a bit when stands on it. She got calls and texts from the girls of AKB48 asking if she was alright, telling her get well soon, that they were jealous of her for what Sae did, that they’re going to throw a party when she comes back; it took much of her time trying to reply to them all. But she was really surprised that there wasn’t a call or message or text from Sae or even Mayu. Maybe Sae thought that she helped enough and knew that Yuki would be ok on her own.

When it getting close to 6pm, Yuki remembered the meeting time that the mystery text said. “6pm by the park...” she said from memory. Yuki suddenly felt determined; she really wanted to find out who this person was. She got dressed and grabbed her crutches. Her mother told her that she shouldn’t be going out but Yuki still left.

Yuki crutched her way to the park. She remembers this park as the place where she’d always play with her friends when she was a kid. She then thought maybe it was one of them that sent her the message but then she shook her head, “I’m still in contact with them so it can’t be.” Yuki sat down on the bench by the sand box and watched some kids play around while she waited.

It was 15 minutes after 6pm now and Yuki began to wonder, has she been tricked? She waited a little while longer and it soon became 30 minutes. Yuki was now pretty much ticked off and was about to get up and leave until...

“Sorry for being so late, Yu-chan.” A voice came from her right.

Yuki stopped moving as the voice spoke. She turned to see who it was, “Who...?’

Yuki saw a ‘boy’ with a feminine face, short but a little taller than Takamina, they wore a black sweater with a light coat over, jeans with a chain and had wore a cap on their head with their hair tied back. Yuki thought that they had a somewhat cool style.

“Sorry I took long, I kind of got lost while trying to find this place. It’s really has been awhile, huh, Yu-chan”

“Who are you?” Yuki tilted her head to the side, still not remembering.

 The mystery person was taken aback (think of those anime moments when a clueless person says something stupid), “Eh! What the hell kind of reaction is that?! You don’t remember?! I came all the way from Canada to visit and to see you and you don’t remember me, your best friend from when we were kids?! I’m hurt...” the ‘boy’ sulked slouching over and hanging their head in defeat. They raised their head slightly to look at Yuki’s reaction.

“Canada...”  Yuki took a few moments then gasped, “You’re...”

The person stood up straight and smiled, nodding, “Yup, it’s me.”

“Ken-chan!” Yuki finally remembers.

The ‘boy’ who sent Yuki that mystery message was from her childhood friend, Kenney AKA Ken-chan, who moved away to Canada 8 years ago. Why is Kenney’s name so un-Japanese-like? Because Kenney was born in Canada before moving to Japan at 4 years-old then moving back to Canada at 8 years-old. Ken-chan is also Vietnamese but she is mistaken for Japanese sometimes. Yuki first met Ken-chan when she was 8 years-old and became fast friends, playing together almost every day and going over to each other’s house when it was cold outside. Yuki thought those were fun times up until Ken-chan had to move.

“Ken-chan, you’re back!” Yuki tried to run to give Ken-chan a welcome-back hug but she forgot about her ankle and was going to fall down. Ken-chan caught before she hit the ground, having Yuki land in Ken-chan’s chest.

“Yu-chan, are you alright?” worried Ken-chan.

“Ow... My ankle... Hm?” Yuki’s hands had grabbed something soft and began squeezing it.

Kenney’s face turned red and jumped, “Uh... Yu-chan... You mind not squeezing those? Please?” She helped Yuki sit back onto the bench.

“Huh?” Yuki looked Ken-chan then back at the chest, “Ken-chan? You’re... a girl?” Ken-chan nodded. “Eeh?! Since when?”

Again, Kenney was taken aback by this question, “Since I was born! What the hell did you think I was?!”

“A boy!” Yuki shouted back quickly. Kenney face-palm and sighed in defeat. Apparently Yuki thought Kenney was a boy since they were kids but Kenney really was and is a girl. “I mean, you’re name is a boy’s name.”

“Mom wanted me to have a unique name so she took the name ‘Kennedy’, took out the letter ‘d’ and named me ‘Kenney’.” Kenney replied back as she took a seat beside Yuki.

“But you acted and dressed boyishly back then.”

“I’ve been a tomboy since I was 6 years-old so you never saw me be all girly before that.”

“But, when we were kids, you hadn’t “grown” anything.” Yuki emphasized.

“Of course, not! I was 6 to 8 years-old at the time, I hadn’t hit puberty yet! Girls begin puberty at 9-12 years-old, you know.” Kenney spat back. Yuki as also older than Ken-chan by 2 years so Yuki she developed faster than her.

“Well, clearly you have now since THOSE are so big.” Yuki shoots back, referring to Kenney’s chest.

“Shut up! Will you stop looking there?!” Kenney covered up and turned, now she’s acting like a girl, “It’s not like I wanted them like this...” Kenney said that last part in English so Yuki didn’t quite understand. “Yu-chan, I’m a girl and I have always been one. So, can we, please, just change the topic and go to being happily reunited?” she pleaded.

Yuki giggled, “Ok, ok. So Ken-chan, when did get back? No wait, before that. How did you get my number? When you sent me that text, it didn’t show any name or address on it. It drove me nuts trying to figure out who you were.”

“Oh yeah, that... Yu-chan, did you know your home number has been the same for the last 8 years? Before coming here, I was going through my home’s storage closet and found an old address book with your home number. And then when I got here, I called it and your mom picked up. At least SHE still remembers me and knows that I am a girl.” Ken-chan glared at Yuki who wore sorry face. “Anyways, I asked for your number and she gave it to me, that was a few days ago. I also had her promise not to tell you I was here so I could surprise you. But judging by earlier, it was clearly not needed.”

Both Yuki and Kenney laughed. They both sat on the bench talking and catching up. Ken-chan told Yuki that she just got into Tokyo just a few days ago because her Mom is on a business trip and didn’t trust her at home alone and that she’s going to be here for two weeks. Ken-chan talked about her life in Canada and how it’s nothing like Japan. She also knew that Yuki was in AKB48 and told her that when she moves to Japan again she wanted to audition for AKB48. She plans to move in with her friend Mari and her relatives when she graduates high school. Yuki talked about her life in AKB48 and about the Kagekidan INFINITY musical and how she had to kiss Sae Miyazawa, and what happened yesterday with her ankle. Now Yuki was going on and on about Sae, her funny moments, her qualities, and what she did yesterday.

“Haha...” Kenney chuckled which made Yuki stop talking. “You know, Yu-chan, it sounds to me that you’re really close to Miyazawa-san. If I didn’t know didn’t know any better, I’d say that you’re in love with her.” she gave her a sly smile.

Yuki’s face turned beet red. She was speechless and looked away, “I-in... in love? W-what are you saying, Ken-chan! Th-that can’t be.” Yuki thought there was no way she was in love with Sae. “I can’t be in love with her.”

Kenney sighed, “Oh, come on, Yu-chan. I can see it. The way you talk about her, your eyes light up whenever you say her name, energy hypes up as you’re talking about her, and you seem to have only good things to say about Miyazawa-san and I’m sure if I said something bad, even accidentally, you’d yell at me. Besides, you’re face wouldn’t be as red as it is now if you weren’t. And honestly, if I were you, I would've have fallen for Miyazawa-san right after what she did for you yesterday.”

Yuki didn’t know what to say or even what to think. So many thoughts of Sae were going through head, she was blushing so hard, and her body felt hot, her heart was pounding like a drum. Was it true?

Now at this point, Sae and Mayu were on their way to Yuki’s house for a surprise visit. This is probably why neither of them texted or called Yuki today. But to get to Yuki’s house, they had to walk by the park where Yuki and Kenney were having their talk. They saw Yuki sitting on the bench with someone who looked like a boy. Neither Sae nor Mayu wanted to interrupt them because they looked like they were having a serious talk. Since AKB48 girls aren’t allowed to date any boys, they were curious as to what they were talking about. Mayu was the more curious of the two; she wanted to listen in as to what was going on. She moved in slowly so that Yuki wouldn’t notice her and hid behind the fence, which half was covered by a bush, which was behind them. She signalled Sae to do the same but it was harder for her since she was tall. They seem to have come in at a critical time, Yuki was about to say something.

Yuki looked at Kenney, “Ken-chan... I think I’m in love with...” the last part of Yuki’s words were hushed as she lowered her head on her shoulder. Kenney put her arms around her shoulder to comfort her. No one noticed that Sae and Mayu were behind them behind the fence, listening to her confess her feelings.

“’K-Ken-chan?’A boy?” Mayu surprised, she felt her heart break in two and jealously washed over her.

“Yukirin’s... in love... with a boy?” Sae muttered; she couldn’t believe what she just heard. “No way...” Sae didn’t know what to do but she simply got up and started running away.

“Eh? Sae-chan? Sae-chan!” Mayu called out for her, but she didn’t want Yuki and Kenney to know that she was eavesdropping so she didn’t shout very loud.

Sae could feel her heart ache as she was running. She didn’t even notice that tears were streaming down her face.

Misunderstanding! Will it be cleared up?
What will Sae do?
How does Sae feel?
To be continued in Part Four

(A/N: An OC! I just really had to add in an OC, well more like I felt like it. And I really had to add that whole situation with them. I really expected this to be a funny part too! Next part will be around Sae because I noticed that these last 3 parts have been centering around Yuki.)
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (NEW UPDATE!! SAEYUKI PT. 3!!)
Post by: Mari07 on April 11, 2011, 01:20:30 AM
AHAHAHAHAH i love misunderstandings xDD  :thumbup Good job Ken-chan (and you too Crono-chan)!!!!
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (NEW UPDATE!! SAEYUKI PT. 3!!)
Post by: RenaChii on April 11, 2011, 05:07:43 AM
SAE WAIT~!! YOU ARE WRONG!  :mon scare: YOU DIDN'T HEAR THE LAST PART~!! WAIT~!!  :mon whine:

Hehe~ they are jealous~ i like it~  :mon inluv:

THANKS & please update soon~!  :mon lovelaff:

 :on GJ:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (NEW UPDATE!! SAEYUKI PT. 3!!)
Post by: sakura_drops on April 11, 2011, 05:34:15 AM
My 1st post is for SaeYuki fanfic ! hehe ~
I REALLY LOVE YOUR FIC crono-san  :shy2:
Prince Sae & Yukirin are so cute!!!
Wait for the next chapter  :cool1:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (NEW UPDATE!! SAEYUKI PT. 3!!)
Post by: ujin1992 on April 11, 2011, 06:01:55 PM
Thanks for this fic, I really love this pairing and it hardly to find their fiction.
So please keep going this :grin:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (NEW UPDATE!! SAEYUKI PT. 4!!)
Post by: crono1036 on April 12, 2011, 03:57:44 AM
@Everyone who replied to my previous part.
Thank you so much for supporting me! You guys are great!

This part is REALLY long but I had to get this part down so I hope I don't bore you so much that you don't read all of it.

Also, I'm sick and there's school, updates won't come as quick as every day. Please understand

Chapter Segment: Sae X Yuki [Part 4]

Sae continued to run. She didn’t care where as long as it was away from there or at least away from Yuki. Sae still doesn’t even realize that tears streamed down her cheeks and her heart was aching. She ran through a busy area where she finally decided to slow down. Although the sounds and noises around her were loud, Sae couldn’t hear them, she had blocked them out but the only thing she can hear were Yuki’s last words before she started running. Every time she heard them, it made Sae’s heart tighten and ache but she couldn’t explain why.

Sae brought her hand to her chest, “Yukirin...” she muttered. She clenched her chest and fell to her knees. “Why does it hurt so much?” The people around her wondered if she was alright or whether they should help but as self-centered as they were, they walked by.

“Hey! Sae!” a familiar voice seemed to have to have broken through Sae’s sound barrier. “Sae! What’s wrong?!”

“Huh?” Sae looked up to see Sayaka, kneeling before her with her hand on her shoulder.

“What’s wrong? You’re crying.” Sayaka reached into her pocket to offer Sae her handkerchief. Sae looked surprised, her hand touching her cheek and seeing wet fingertips. “Don’t tell me you didn’t even know.” Sayaka said. Sae didn’t respond and looked down. Sayaka looked at her with concern and worry, “Come on, let’s go somewhere more private and you can tell me about it there.”

“I... I just want to go home.” Sae said quietly, while wiping her tears away.

Sayaka nodded, “Ok, I’ll take you home.” She helped Sae up to her feet and began walking with Sae to her home. She wondered what on earth happened to make such a happy and energetic girl so sad.

The whole walk there was silent, neither person spoke. Sayaka wanted to ask what happened but she didn’t feel it was the right time so she kept quiet. Sae gave off the feeling of loneliness and distance. Sae was feeling bad yesterday about Yuki; could it have something to do with her? Sayaka thought.

“Thank you... Sayaka. Bye” Sae said finally. She was about to walk into the building complex when Sayaka called out for her.

“Sae! If you need someone to talk to or if something’s troubling you, you can come to me.” said Sayaka in a warm and reassuring tone. “As the team captain, it’s my responsibility to watch out for my teammates. Ok?”

Sae gave Sayaka a sad smile, “Mm.” She nodded and went inside.

Sayaka watched as Sae disappeared behind the door. She let out a breath, “I hope she feels better tomorrow. I wonder if she’ll be able to go through with pool day. I guess I should call everyone and tell them that there might be a change in plans.” Sayaka took out her phone and walked away, calling Yuko first. “Wait... Was Myao even informed?” (At least somebody remembered her)

Sae enter her home and all was silent. Her family is out of town visiting some relatives for two weeks and left Sae behind because she had work. She turned on the lights and went straight to her room. She didn’t bother changing, sat on her bed and listened to the empty nothingness that filled the room.

“Yukirin, are you serious? Don’t you know what you’re putting yourself in?” she said out loud to herself; it’s not like anybody’s going to hear her. Yuki’s confession repeated in her mind again and again. Each time, it made her heart hurt and she was on the verge of tears again. Sae clenched her fists, gripping her bed sheets

Then a rhythmical beeping sound came from her bag. Sae broke out of her trance and went for it. It was a text from none other than Yuki. It read:

“Sae-chan, it’s Yuki.
Can we talk? I really need to explain something.
Mayu told me what happened today.
Please message me back as soon as you can.”

Sae clench her phone as she read the message. She was afraid to reply, afraid of getting a response from Yuki if she replied. Instead of hitting the reply button, she pressed home button which brought her back to her home screen. Sae stared at her phone wallpaper, it was a picture of her and Yuki in their Kagekidan INIFINITY costumes backstage. Yuki was kissing Sae’s cheek while she smiled at the camera.

“Yukirin” She looked at Yuki’s face and touched her cheek where Yukirin had previously kissed. Then they traced don to her lips where they shared a few kisses. She begins to think about the musical, “This is probably how Ruka felt when Maria chose her friends over him.” Sae was silent for a moment but then she remembered something,“’I love you. It’s you I love. I don’t want to lose you.’” Sae still remembers her lines.

Sae laid herself onto her bed as she began to think about the musical. Soon those thoughts turned into memories of the times with Yuki, then into simply thoughts about her. She turned over in her bed and held her chest; her heart had been beating so hard that it was almost painful.

“Yukirin... I... I love you... I don’t want to lose you.” This time, Sae wasn’t repeating a Ruka line. “What should I do?” Right after she said that, she fell asleep; all that running, crying, and thinking made her tired. That night, Sae dreamed of herself with Yuki.

The next morning, now it was 4 days until pool day. Sae woke up with messy bed hair and clothes from yesterday, including her jacket. But, she didn’t care. She got out of bed, took a shower and changed her clothes. She went to her living room and sat on her couch for while, thinking about the recent events. Sae recalled last night and about what she said to herself.

“I love Yukirin.” Sae said to particularly no one. “What should I do...?” She stared blankly at the TV set in front of her.

Then, a surge went through her body as if lightning had struck her. She stood straight up, hands balled into fists.

“I’m going to win Yukirin back!” Sae shouted in her home. Sae’s eyes lit up with flames.

Sae was serious, she was going to win Yuki back if it was the last thing she ever did. She wasn’t going to lose Yuki to some boy. Come on, she has to dress like a boy in some of her photoshoots, she was much more handsome than most. There was a sense of determination and energy coursing through her. She ran up to her room and grabbed her cell phone. She began to dial Sayaka’s number.

With Sayaka, she was still sleeping. Her cell phone was right by her pillow when it began to ring.

LALALA... kimi wa ima boku no taiyou...~

Sayaka ignored it, or rather, she didn’t even hear it. The ringing stopped but then started up again but Sayaka didn’t pick up as she was still sleeping. This occurred about 4 or 5 times before she finally woke up and answers it. However, the moment pressed the answer button, Sayaka began dozing off.

When the ringing stopped, Sae spoke, “Hello, Sayaka? What took you so long to pick up?” but got no response. “Helloooo?” she said a little louder. There was still no significant response; however Sae could hear something on the other end. “Sayaka! I know you’re there, I can hear you snoring!

Sayaka grunted into the receiver, still half asleep. Note that the time Sae woke up and did all she did this morning was around 8:30am and work for Sae and Sayaka today doesn’t start until 11am. That meant Sayaka was still sleeping when Sae called.

“Sayaka, wake up!”

“What?” Sayaka sounded groggy and grumpy.

“Come meet me for breakfast! I also got to talk to you, so you better come.”

“Ok, ok. Just...” Sayaka yawned, “... let me get ready, first.”

“Alright, you do that. See you later!” and Sae hung up.

Sayaka closed her phone and rose from her bed, pyjamas and bed hair and all. She yawned again, “I’m glad she’s feeling better and all but couldn’t she better at a later time to call me?” Sayaka felt a little more energetic after being called from Sae; she seems to have that effect on people, she can even hear it in voice through a phone. Sayaka got out of bed and began to get ready to meet up with Sae.

On Sae’s side, she began to send a reply to Yuki’s text message last night. She wrote:

“Hey, Yukirin~
Sorry I couldn’t get to you right away.
How’s your ankle? Better I hope~
Can we meet today? There’s something I really want to talk to you about.
I only have a recording today which ends at 5pm.
By the time I make it to your area, it’ll probably be around 5:30pm, I think?
Is that good for you?”

Sae pressed Send and smiled. Now she had to get ready to meet Sayaka and wait for a reply from Yuki.

They met up in front of a local family restaurant. They sat at a table for two in the non-smoking area and looked at the menus. The server came along and took their orders, both Sae and Sayaka ordered omelette rice and orange juice. After a while, the orders came and it was presented very elegantly.

“Itadakimasu~” They both said.

“Mmm! This is so good!” Sae said after one bite.

“So what did you want to talk to me about?” Sayaka said before taking a bite herself.

“It’s about yesterday. Thanks for being there.” Sae thanked, she was really appreciative that Sayaka showed up when she did or else Sae would have been in that spot on the sidewalk for who-knows-how long. Sayaka simply just nodded because she was still chewing, although, she thought she didn’t do much at all but escort Sae home.

“I’m guessing there’s more to that story. What happened?”

“Well...” Sae looked at her surroundings making sure no one was listening in. When the coast was clear, she signalled Sayaka to move in closer to the center of the table as she did the same. “Mayu and I overheard Yukirin confess her love to a boy.”

“Eh?! WHAT?!” Sayaka shouted out, attracting some attention. Sae kind of expected that kind of reaction from her.

“SHHH!!” Sae threw her hands to cover up Sayaka’s mouth to shut her up. When they were no longer the center of attention, she retracted her hands and took her a bite of her breakfast.

Sayaka, now with her voice hushed, respond “Are you serious?”

Sae nodded, “Yeah, and I know that there’s the ‘No Dating’ rule.”

“Was that why you were you were crying yesterday?”

“Honestly at that time, I didn’t know why I was crying. Right after I heard what I heard, I got up and just started to run away. I didn’t even know that I was crying while I running. How embarrassing.” Sae sighed. Sayaka listened as she took a sip of her juice and ate her rice. “But then after you took me home, I had some time to think. Her confession repeated over and over in my head and all it did was make my heart ache. Then I began to think about all the time I spent with Yukirin, and even our kiss from the musical. I finally realized that...” Sae took a pause; she hesitated to tell Sayaka her feelings.

“You’re in love with her?” Sayaka finished

“Eh? How did you know?”

“I knew there was something different about you after the musical. I just couldn’t say what until just now” Sayaka admitted. Sae remained silent and took bites of her food. “Well, what are you going to do now?

“Actually I was planning on--” Sae was interrupted by the rhythmical beat of her cell phone receiving a text. She took it out and saw it was a reply from Yuki. “Ah. It’s a reply from Yukirin. It says:

Actually my ankle is a lot better now.
I can walk but I still have a limp...
Yeah, we can meet. Anytime is fine since I still have a few days off.
I really want to talk to you too.
Where do you want to meet up?”

Sae smiled and began writing a reply, “Glad to... hear that... you’re back on... your feet again. I’ll come... pick you... up from... your house. So just... sit tight and... wait for... me, ok? And Send” Sae closed her phone and looked at Sayaka who gave her a devilish smirk. “What? What’s with that look.”

“It really is true. You’re pretty much head over heels for her judging by the way you completely cut yourself, smiled when you saw the text and replied to Yukirin.” Sayaka teased as she sipped her juice.

“Sh-shut up!” Sae blushed. She went back to eating.

The rest of breakfast was uneventful, the girls just talked about this and that and about work. They finished up and paid for their meals, heading off for work. They were almost late for their recording because Sae wanted to get a get well gift for Yuki. Sayaka just thought it was cute how she was acting. Unfortunately, Sae could find anything at that moment. Recording went well, actually better than most thought because Sae’s voice was much stronger and sounded much better than usual. The end of recording rolled by and Sae rushed to get out of the studio to find a gift for Yuki.

Sayaka called out to Sae as she was running out the doors, “You still haven’t told me what you were going to do!!”

“I’m going to win her back!!” Sae shouted back as she ran. Sayaka chuckled and smiled.

Sae searched the stores quickly; she didn’t want to keep Yuki waiting for so long. But then, she saw it. In the window of a flower shop was a blue rose. Apparently this flower shop sold real and fake flowers, so of course it wasn’t a real one but she remembered how much Yuki liked the blue rose from the musical. She rushed the vendor to sell it to her and wrap it in a plastic sheet and tie it with a blue ribbon. Now that she had her present, she ran to Yuki.

By the time Sae made it to Yuki’s home, it was 6pm. Sae was out of breath while leaning on her knees and her rose gift in hand, still, she forced herself to keep moving to at least knock on Yuki’s door. The door opened and Yuki was there. Sae quickly hid the rose behind her back.

“You took a while Sae-cha— Sae-chan?” Yuki noticed that Sae was all sweaty and a little short of breath. “Sae-chan, what happened?”

“Yukirin, Sorry I’m late and that I kept you waiting but I ran here as fast as I could.” Sae said while she was still short of breath.

“You ran? I told you that anytime was fine so you didn’t need to hurry.” Even though Yuki said that, she still was happy that Sae wanted to see her so quickly.

“I told you that I was going to come by at 5:30 but I couldn’t make it so I’m sorry.” She lowered her head.

It’s ok, Sae-chan. Just catch your breath.” Yuki begged of her.

“Here, Yuki, I got you something.” Sae took the rose from behind her back and presented it to Yuki.

Yuki looked at it with surprise as she took it from Sae, “A blue rose?”

“Yeah I wanted to get you a get well gift and I remember that you really liked the blue rose from last month’s musical but they didn’t allow you to keep it. I got you this one but it’s not real... but it’ll last longer!” Sae blushed a bit and gave a nervous chuckle.

Yuki giggled, “Thank you, Sae-chan. I love it.” She was really happy that Sae remembered something like that.

“Haha, I’m glad” Sae was really happy that she likes it. “So shall we go?”

“Oh yeah, just let me get my jacket.” Yuki ran back inside as Sae nodded. Sae noticed that Yuki was really better with walking, except for that limp she had. Yuki returned moments later with her jacket on. “Let’s go!”

They both left Yuki’s complex and began walking around the neighbourhood. Yuki would smell the rose a few times even though it didn’t have a smell but she still thought it had a nice scent. Sae held Yuki’s hand just in case she was having trouble walking. Yuki could feel Sae’s warmth and she didn’t want to let go of that hand. Sae could feel Yuki’s soft skin and she really liked it, she didn’t want to let go either. Both of them spent a few more minutes just walking about and talking about random times until they came to the park. There the girls let go of each others’ hand and sat on the bench. Now it was time for the real reason why they met up.

“Yukirin... I know about yesterday.” Said Sae, her tone was a little more serious.

“I know, Mayu said you two were going to come over but you saw me with Ken-chan.” Yuki nodded.

“Are you serious about it?”

Yuki nodded again, “But I’ve already explained it to Mayu. She understands... I think.”

“Yukirin, don’t you know what risks you’re putting yourself into?” Sae looked at Yuki seriously

Yuki would usually falter by that kind of look Sae gave but, “Sae-chan, you have the wrong idea.” it seems that ever since Yuki came to terms with her feelings for Sae, she can face Sae with more confidence unlike the times she’d look away every time they made eye contact.

But it looked like Sae didn’t hear her, “If anybody found out you were with a boy AND that you’re in AKB, you’d be kicked out if Aki-P hears about it. And if that happens...” Sae took a moment, “I’d be too busy to see you.... Yukirin, I... I don’t want to lose you.” Sae blushed a bit at the last part.

“Sae-chan!” Yuki shouted to finally make Sae listen to her. Sae kept quiet now. “It’s nothing like that."

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“Ken-chan and I aren’t like that. I’m not in love with Ken-chan. Ken-chan is just my childhood friend”

“Then.... who are you in love with?” Sae questioned. She really hoped it was her.

Yuki’s face was now beet red, she just can’t tell Sae she’s in love with her right now; she wasn’t ready. “I... I don’t really want to say. At least, not now.”

Sae nodded, “Ok, I understand. But...” Sae got up from the bench and took a few steps forward.


“Yukirin, there’s something I have to tell you.” Sae turned and looked at Yuki with a serious face. Is she really going to tell her? Is she really going to tell her that she’s in love in Yuki?

Yuki was slightly startled by how serious Sae can look, “Uh... Yes, Sae-chan?”

Now Sae was nervous, she started to blush and shake, “Yukirin, I... I... l-lo--” she couldn’t get it out; she couldn’t get express her feelings out.

“What?” Yuki couldn’t tell what Sae was trying to say.

Sae let out all her stress by exhaling. She took a deep breath; now she was ready. She walked up to Yuki and placed her hands on her shoulders. Yuki looked into Sae’s eyes and her heart began to race; she thought that Sae’s serious eyes were holding her and that they were putting her into a trance.

Sae looked at Yuki with stern eyes. She opened her mouth, “Yukirin, I lo—“

A voice shouted from nowhere, cutting off Sae, “I love you, Yukirin!”

Shocked, both Sae and Yuki turned their heads in the direction voice came.

“EEEHHH?!?” exclaimed both of them at the sight of who it was.

A sudden confession of love!
Who could have interrupted such a critical moment?
To be continued in Part Five
(A/N: SO CLOSE!! SO FLIPPIN' CLOSE!! WHO THE HELL WOULD INTERRUPT SUCH A CRUCIAL MOMENT!! GAH!! I hate myself that I did that to me and to you guys. I'm sorry... Please don't hurt me!)
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (NEW NEW UPDATE!! SAEYUKI PT. 4)
Post by: RenaChii on April 12, 2011, 05:07:16 AM
YEA!! WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!  :mon fire:

I'm so curious now~!  :mon XD:

PLEASE UPDATE SOON~!  :mon innocent:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (NEW NEW UPDATE!! SAEYUKI PT. 4)
Post by: Mari07 on April 12, 2011, 05:23:58 AM
LOL i keed xDD
Ahh~ that was a good chapter  :thumbup
Can't wait till pool day :shakeit:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (NEW NEW UPDATE!! SAEYUKI PT. 4)
Post by: aoi_sora on April 15, 2011, 12:32:11 PM
WHO??? WHO THE HELL IS THAT??????  :angry:

maybe it's MYAO!!!!  :D
i love guessing game..... and i'm always got the wrong answer!!!  :rofl:
are they already inform Myao about that Pool Party thing?  :nervous

great story!!! i'm more MaYuki fan, but i love this story!  :w00t:
update soon!  :D :D :D
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (NEW NEW UPDATE!! SAEYUKI PT. 5)
Post by: crono1036 on April 17, 2011, 08:37:50 PM
You're gonna find out now!
LMAO SAYAKA!! Thanks. Can't wait till pool day either.
LOL Could be. Just read and find out. And don't worry about guessing games, I get them wrong most of the time.  (Except for the time I was playing one with Mari) I like MaYuki too! But thanks for supporting me!

I've finalized on how many parts there will be for SaeYuki. There will be 7 parts so that means 2 more parts to go! Hope you guys can be patient. Also expect Part 7 to be really long, maybe longer than Part 4 or 5. Please look forward to them!

Chapter Segment: Sae X Yuki [Part 5]

It was now 3 days until pool day. That means today is the day after the day Sae was going to tell Yuki how she felt. Today, selected Team K members are having lunch in the break room of the recording studio; that meant that Sae, Sayaka, and Yuko were there too, eating their lunches and talking about interesting topics. Sae on the other hand, kept to herself, yesterday’s events seem to have her annoyed almost to the point blowing up and nobody wanted Sae to snap on them if they spoke to her. Then, suddenly...

“ARGH!!” roared a very frustrated Sae.

“Whoa! What’s up with her?” questioned Yuko.

“I think she’s just mad about yesterday.” Sayaka answered for Sae.

“I was finally going to tell Yukirin that I was in love with her but that... that... ARGH!!” Sae growled.

“Wait... you love Yuki? I knew it! There’s a whole different atmosphere when it came to you two.” Yuko giggled and smiled. Sayaka shot her a glare to tell her to be quiet right now. Yuko stopped and cleared her throat, “S-so, what happened?” she asked. Sayaka was also curious as to what happened.

Sae sighed and calmed down a bit to explain to Yuko what happened, “Well...”


Sae looked at Yuki with stern eyes. She opened her mouth, “Yukirin, I lo—“

A voice shouted from nowhere, cutting off Sae, “I love you, Yukirin!”

Shocked, both Sae and Yuki turned their heads in the direction voice came.

“EEEHHH?!?” exclaimed both of them at the sight of who it was.

The random confession that came from nowhere was from a man! But not just any man, it was a random wota. He ran up to Yuki, pushing Sae off to the side as if she wasn’t there.

“Ow! Hey! We were in the middle of something!” Sae shouted at him but it was all for naught, he completely ignored her and was gazing at Yuki.

“Oh, my god! It’s Yukirin! Yukirin, I love you!” The random wota confessed again, “Well, I really love all of AKB48 but you’re my oshimen, Yukirin.” Anyone could see that there were sparkles in his eyes.

“Eh? Uh... Um... Thank you?” Yuki didn’t really know how to respond, she was really confused by how random this is all turning out.

“Oh, you’re so very welcome!” He took Yuki’s hands and held them in his own sweaty ones. “Wow, I’m meeting THE Yuki Kashiwagi, in the flesh! This is a dream! Please, can I have your autograph?”

“Hey, stop touching her!” Sae demanded, but again, she was ignored.

Yuki was slightly, if not really, creeped out by the sudden contact. She shot Sae a glance, her eyes screaming out to help her, but she answered, “Uh... Sure?” to the wota.

“YES!” Finally the wota let go of Yuki’s hands, reaching into his bag and taking out a custom-made AKB48 autograph book. He opened it to a page that was labelled with Yuki’s name, “This page is just for you. Please sign here!” He gave Yuki a pen which Yuki used to write her signature. “YES!! I finally have Yukirin’s autograph!

Sae finally decided to get in between, “Alright, alright, you got your autograph. Now can you please leave us alone?” Sae thought that this time she would get noticed by the wota since he’s been ignoring for the past 10 minutes. She also hoped that he would also ask for her autograph, too. But yet again, she was ignored as the wota took out his phone. “Eh?! He asks for Yukirin’s but not mine?” Sae moped to herself.

“I got to call my Yukirin Oshi Club and tell them about this.” The wota began dial a number and call someone. This got the attention of both Sae and Yuki now.

“’Yukirin...’” Sae began.

“’Oshi...’” Yuki continued.

“’CLUB’?!” Both exclaimed at the same time. They couldn’t believe there was a whole wota club dedicated to Yuki. Although it was very surprising since Sae had a fan club of her own.

The wota ended his call, “Alright, they are going to be here in 5 minutes and 42 seconds or less.” He smiled.

Sae and Yuki tried to get away, but the wota kept getting in the way, stalling for time. And as scheduled, a giant group of fans arrived in less than 6 minutes. There was about 37 or so wotas with most of them wearing T-shirts with Yuki’s face or name on it on. They barraged Yuki, knocking off Sae to the side into the sand and Yuki’s blue rose out of her hand. Sae picked it up and held on to it. Yuki was completely overwhelmed, she was asked so many questions, signed so many autographs, shook hands with so many people, and took so many pictures. It took 3 hours before the Yukirin Oshi Club was finally satisfied and left her alone. Yuki sat on the bench, catching her breath.

“Yukirin, are you alright? I really tried my best to help you there, but I was powerless... or they were too strong.” Sae moved in closer to Yuki.

Yuki sighed, “Haa... Sae-chan, can we call it a day? That entire ‘event’ kind of wore me out. It must have tired you too.”

“Uh... Y-yeah... ” Sae lied. It would have tired her out too if the Wota club even noticed her but they didn’t, which kind of hurt Sae’s feelings. They completely ignored her and went straight for Yuki. “Yeah, let’s call it a day. I’ll take you home.” Sae gave Yuki back her blue rose, “Here, you dropped this.” She then walked a bit ahead of Yuki.

“Oh thank you, Sae-chan.” Yuki got off the bench and took a step forward, “Oh, didn’t you want to tell me something?” she remembered.

“Hm? Oh, that can wait; I’ll tell you some other time.”

With that, Sae escorted Yuki home. The walk there was pretty much silent the whole way. When she dropped off Yuki and went on her own way home, she could help but feel angry and hurt. Angry because the wotas ruined their time together, hurt because none of the 37 wota even asked for her autograph or even a handshake.


“AHAHAHA!” Yuko bursts into laughter. “You got beat by a wota!” she continues to laugh, trying to stifle it every now and then. “No wait, not just a wota, a whole club of them! Ahaha!”

“It’s not funny!” Sae spat back. Yuko still laughed.

“Well, it may not be funny but it’s kind of sad, Sae.” Sayaka commented, chuckling while patting Sae’s shoulder.

“I know...” Sae agreed, pouting.

“So how’s Yuki now?” asked Yuko, finally getting all the laughter out of her system.

“She’s fine now, her ankle is all better so she working again. But now that she’s working, she has to catch up on all appointments that were cancelled. That means she’ll be busy all day and I’m stuck with you guys until late so I won’t be able to see her at all.”

“You make it sound like being with us is a bad thing.” Yuko retorted.

“Why not just call her? Or even send a text?”

“Since she’s working, her phone will be either off or on silent so there’s really no point. Remember when I tried to call her about pool day? She didn’t answer until late in the evening.”

"Oh yeah, speaking of pool day, Myao says she can't make it because it's too cold." Sayaka said.

"Oh and Miichan said she's not sure but if she does come she'll just show up." Yuko added.

“Anyways. Why not just text her? You’ve been doing that a lot with her lately. Besides, since it’s lunch time right now, she should be free. Why don’t you ask to pick her up from work? You two won’t be getting off until late tonight, anyway.” Sayaka suggested.

“I guess so.” Sae took out her phone.

“Ooh, Sae and Yuki alone at night.” Yuko teased and giggled. Sae nudged Yuko with her elbow, “Ow!”

Sae smirked and then began writing her text:

“Hey, Yukirin~!
I know you still might be working when you get this.
If you are, I’m sorry for disturbing you.
I just wanted to know when you’re getting off tonight,
I was thinking that I can meet up with you and take you home.”

Sae didn’t really expect a reply right away or even at all but a few minutes later, a message was received on her phone. Much to Sae’s surprise, she wasn’t really expecting it to be Yuki, but it was from her. It said:

“Oh! Hi, Sae-chan!
No I’m not working right now,
I’m on my lunch break, actually.
You’ve been taking me home a lot lately, not that it’s a bad thing.
I think I’ll be getting off pretty late since I have a lot to catch up on.
So I don’t think you can do that.”

When Sae saw it, she almost completely forgot her surroundings and replied to the message with a smile on her face.

“She’s hopeless, isn’t she?” Yuko asked.

“Mm-hm.” Sayaka nodded.

In the end, Yuki agreed to have Sae come get her and take her home. Since she had a recording last, she waited outside of the recording building. She was happy that she would be able to see Sae today but she also felt guilty that she’s always taking Sae’s time. She wondered if Sae is still well or hasn’t caught a cold or anything.

While Yuki was lost in her thoughts, someone called out for her but it wasn’t Sae, “Hey, there! What’s a girl like you doing out all alone so late at night?” Yuki turned to find 3 ‘cool’ guys standing behind her, trying to pick her up.

These three guys were pretty average in height and build and their sense of style was ok but they weren’t very attractive. They could be going for the cool kind of look but Yuki thought that Ken-chan’s cool style looked much better than theirs. Each of these guys had something distinguishing about them. The one in the middle wore a bright red cap that was worn backwards, the one on the left wore several rings on his fingers, and the one on the right had a lip piercing.

“Huh? What’s with that look?” said the one with the lip piercing. He wore an intimidating expression.

“Yo, Pierce, don’t scare the girl.” The one with the rings says as he smacked the pierced-lip guy on the back of his head. He turns his head to look at Yuki, “Oh! She’s cute! Cappy, you really know how to scout them out.” He said.

“Hehe... Have you no faith in me, Ring?” The guy in the middle who wore the red cap replied. It seems that their nicknames correspond with their features. He walked up to Yuki and put an arm around her shoulders. “So babe, I couldn’t help but noticed that you looked pretty sad while waiting out here all alone. Boyfriend ditch or dump you?”

Yuki didn’t respond, she just merely moved Cappy’s arm off of her and tried to walk away. However, Ring moved in front of her, block her way.

“Now, now, don’t be like that. We just want to show you a ‘good time’. You know, lift your spirits.” Pierce said as he smirked.

“No thank you.” Yuki said sternly. This time she forced her way past Pierce. Cappy grabbed Yuki by the shoulder to try and stop her but she resists, trying to shake him off, all the while thinking where Sae is and to come quickly.

Sae is currently as fast as she can to reach Yuki. Originally she was walking quickly but then she got the feeling that Yuki is in trouble and it sent a chill down her spine. She ran hoping Yuki is alright and safe.

Cappy still kept his grip on Yuki’s shoulder as he was trying to pull her but she slapped him across his face, causing his cap to fall from his head to the ground.

“Alright, now you made me mad.” Cappy’s attitude completely changed as she picked up his cap and put it back on. He grabbed Yuki by the wrists and pulled Yuki into an alley, Ring and Pierce helping him. “You’re coming with us.”

They brought Yuki into an alley and cornered her against the wall. Yuki tried running away but their hold was too strong. Ring tried pinning her down but Yuki kept moving and resisting. She tried to scream out but Ring put his hand over Yuki’s mouth. She was scared; she didn’t know what they were going to do to her.

“Damn, this one likes to squirm. She won’t be still!” Ring said. Yuki bit down his hand hard, “Gah! Ow!” He let go of her and stepped back, holding his bleeding hand. “Son of a...”

Yuki let out a scream, “HELP!! SAE-CHAN!!”

“Shut the hell up!” Cappy shouted at her as he took hold of Yuki’s wrist with one hand. With the other, he raised it and was about to hit Yuki in the face, “Payback’s a bi—” Yuki was scared out of her mind as she closed her eyes.

Then from behind the thugs, a can hit Cappy at the back of his head. They all turned their heads at whoever it was but again, they got a face full aluminum as two more cans were shot at them.

Yuki looked to her rescuer, “Sae-chan?”

“Yukirin!” Sae ran in between, with her back facing Yuki in a protective manner. She grabbed Cappy’s hand that was holding Yuki in a vice grip. This made Cappy release his hold on Yuki’s arm.

“Ah! Ow, ow!” Cappy cried. “Let go, you bi—” Sae squeezed tighter, “GAH!”

“The hell?” Ring and Pierce said at the same time.

“Don’t you dare touch her,” Sae looked at the guys with threatening eyes, “You touch her again, and I’ll break your hand.” She tightened her grip on Cappy’s hand, causing it to hurt painfully. “Got that?!”

“OW, OW, OW! OK! We’ll leave her alone, just let go!” Cappy cried out. He tried to pull from Sae’s grip but it was clamped in there. “I promise! Ah, you’re breaking the skin!” he yelled out as he started to feel Sae’s nails dig into his skin. He fell to his knees from the pain and he could have sworn he was bleeding. Sae released him, finally.

“Damn, if she can make Cap fall then we can’t take her.” Ring and Pierce ran off while their ‘leader’was incapacitated. Sae kicked the Cappy’s butt as he was getting up causing him to fall over on his face. He manages to get up and get out there before Sae did something else to him.

"Hmph. What a bunch of wusses." Sae said as she watched them stagger off.

“Sae-chan...” Yuki watched in awe and shock. She then embraced Sae from behind, she still felt scared about the whole ordeal. Hugging Sae made Yuki feel safer, she didn’t want to let go. “Sae-chan.” she squeezed tighter.

“Yukirin,” Sae was released was Yuki’s embrace for a moment so she can turn around and face her. Yuki again, threw herself at Sae, hugging her tightly and nuzzling her face into her neck and shoulder. Sae blushed deeply but she wrapped her arms around her, she can feel Yuki trembling as she began to stroke her hair. “I’m so glad you’re not hurt. I’m not sure what would have done if you were.”

“Can I... go to your house?” Yuki asked in a hushed tone.

“My house?”

“Your house is much closer than mine and I’m afraid that those guys might come back.”

Sae nodded, “Ok, I understand. My house it is then.” She took Yuki’s hand and began leading her to her house.

The walk was quiet. As the two walked, Sae would occasionally glance at Yuki to see if she calmed down. She has for the most part which made Sae feel relieved. When they made it to Sae’s house, both girls were glad that those thugs didn’t come back. Sae’s family is still at their relatives so no one was home to greet them. When they got inside, they made their way to Sae’s room.

“I don’t really mind if you want to stay over, but if you are, you should call your mom. I don’t really want her to worry.” Sae suggested as she hung up her and Yuki’s coat.

Yuki nodded, “Alright.” Yuki looked around Sae’s room; it’s been a while since she’s last been here. It was slightly different from when she last remembered it but not much at all changed, it was still very ‘Sae-ish’.

“Bad things keep happening to you one after another, doesn’t it, Yukirin? Maybe you’re just going through a bad luck streak, I’m sure it’ll break soon.” Sae said as she took a seat beside Yuki on the bed, a smile across her mouth.

Yuki nodded, “As long as I’m with you, I know it will.” She whispered to herself.

“Hm? What was that?”

Then suddenly Yuki leaned against Sae’s shoulder. She looked up at Sae with helpless and defenceless eyes. “Sae-chan...” Yuki began moving her face closer to Sae’s.

“Yukirin?” Sae eyes were caught in Yuki’s. It was moments later that Sae’s mind went completely blank. Then unconsciously, she started leaning into Yuki’s face, Yuki’s eyes were drawing her in. Were they going to kiss?

However, Sae returned to her senses when Yuki’s hand touched her own. Sae’s face darkened and she turned away “W-w-well, if you’re going to stay over,” she lightly pushed Yuki off of her and got up to move to her dresser, “you can wear my clothes to sleep in,” she took out some clothes and set it on the bed beside Yuki. “You get changed and I’ll get us something to drink and snack on.” With that, Sae exited out the door of her room. Yuki was left rather clueless as she watched Sae leave.

Sae leaned against her door, exhaling, “That was close, I almost kissed her. Why did she have to look at me with those eyes? I almost took advantage of her.” Sae sighed, “I’m no better than those guys from earlier.” Sae then went to her kitchen.

Yuki was still sitting on Sae’s bed, looking at the door. She then took out her phone and called her mom and tells her that she’s at a friend’s. After, she turned her attention to the clothes Sae set out for her, picking it up and bringing it close to her face and taking in the smell of it.

“Sae-chan’s scent, it smells nice.” Yuki held clothes close to her chest and laid down on Sae’s bed, with her eyes closed.

Sae returned to her room, all calm now while holding a tray of tea and snacks. She finds Yuki ‘sleeping’ on her bed, “Huh? She fell asleep?”

Yuki is not actually asleep; she’s actually faking it. Why? Maybe she can catch Sae saying or doing something strange or weird. But Sae doesn’t know nor can she even tell that she is really awake.

Sae places the tray on the table in the middle of the room and kneels at the bedside, gazing at Yuki’s face. Her closed eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips, they all seem to draw Sae in. She began to think about what happened today with those thugs.

“Yukirin, I’m really glad I came in time to save you. I’ve been doing that a lot haven’t I?” Sae smiled at the ‘sleeping’ Yuki. “I’m also really glad you’re asleep right now. That way, you can’t hear me say this.” Sae whispered. Too bad Yuki is actually awake and can hear everything she’s saying.

“I know this may sound cliché but...” Sae paused, “Yukirin, whenever you need me, whenever you’re in trouble, just call me.” She leaned in closer to Yuki’s lips, “I’ll run to you, I’ll protect you, Yukirin, always and no matter what.” She closed her eyes, now she was just mere centimetres from Yuki’s lips.

Yuki blushes deeply, but Sae doesn’t notice because her eyes were closed. Yuki’s eyes were also closed so she didn’t even notice now close Sae is to herself.

“I love you, Yukirin...” Sae presses her lips against the ‘sleeping’ Yuki’s. Yuki was too stunned to even move or react, she just froze in place.

A kiss?!
What will Yuki do now that she knows Sae’s true feelings?
Will Sae find out Yuki’s not really sleeping?
How will their relationship turn out now?
To be continued in Part Six
(A/N: I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN ALMOST A WHOLE WEEK!! :bow: I've been busy with school plus I was or still am sick. Ok this part took much longer than I originally expected. I was planning for this one to be much shorter but it turned out so much longer. So about the thugs... I got the idea after reading Mari07's MaYuki Part 5 so I gotta give some props to her!)
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (PART 5 OF SAEYUKI NOW UP!!)
Post by: Mari07 on April 17, 2011, 10:13:02 PM
I very much enjoyed that  :twothumbs
I want to see it in vice versa, though.
Because I know that, that's Sae's character, but I want to see Yuki doing the saving and stuff too.
Captain! You've gotta do more!!
But besides that, I have to say it's very entertaining.

Keep up the good work :thumbup take your time continueing.
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (PART 5 OF SAEYUKI NOW UP!!)
Post by: RenaChii on April 17, 2011, 10:48:40 PM
JUST GREAT~!!  :mon XD:

Please update soon~  :mon thumb:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (PART 5 OF SAEYUKI NOW UP!!)
Post by: ujin1992 on April 18, 2011, 10:57:25 AM
Thanks for update and I hope you to get well soon.  XD
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (PART 5 OF SAEYUKI NOW UP!!)
Post by: kahem on April 18, 2011, 04:09:44 PM
It seems Yukirin often is target of assault lol
Sae even cooler than before!!!!!! *stars in the eyes*
Can't wait for update !!!

they are going to be here in 5 minutes and 42 seconds or less

I like your choice for the minutes by the way ^^
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (PART 5 OF SAEYUKI NOW UP!!)
Post by: saeseki on May 03, 2011, 12:59:30 AM
i love this~~

saeyuki :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (PART 5 OF SAEYUKI NOW UP!!)
Post by: khryz0421 on May 04, 2011, 09:12:35 AM
please :kneelbow: update soon.....  :farofflook:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out To You (PART 5 OF SAEYUKI NOW UP!!)
Post by: virgo_shaka on May 18, 2011, 11:10:12 AM
How dare those three touch, dragged, and event almost assaulting Yukirin. The nerve of those three. Death Verdict for them (BLACK Mode ON).  :angry: :angry: :angry:

please :kneelbow: update soon.....  :farofflook:  :thumbsup
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE!! NEW SEG!! WMATSUI PT. 1!!)
Post by: crono1036 on June 14, 2011, 03:44:34 AM
HI PEOPLES!!! ROTY is back and with WMATSUI!!

Firstly, I'd like to apologize with for the 2 month or so long delay. You've probably thought I forgot about this, right? I haven't, it's that I've been really busy. God I hate school.
I now got a Majisuka (A Mistake Turned Right with Gaku-YouranXBlack) fic going on too. I have got Chapter 4 of that started.
If you want to know what going on with SaeYuki part 6, it's still in the works. I'm almost done it, but it's not... done. I was planning on posting a double today with it done but I got no time. Sorry... I'm also currently in the works of KojiYuu but I've hit a snag.

I'd also like to thank everyone who has read my fics so far and I hope you haven't lost faith in me. Personally, I think you have but I can't blame you.

And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY KUMI~!!!! :heart: :twothumbs

Alrighty!! Now to get into some notes about this seg.
1. This is an AU (Alternate Universe).
2. Jurina's 17 and Rena's 23-24 so there's age-gap love~
3. I may or may not incorporate Kumi into this pair (I remember someone telling me I should try to do WMatsuiKumi)
4. Jurina may seem OOC (Out Of Character) but since this is AU, don't think too much of it.

Chapter Segment: Rena x Jurina [Part 1]

Jurina gazed out the passenger seat window of the moving truck, watching the streets, and people go by. She sighed and looked up at the sky.

Jurina’s mother (who we’re going to call Ma-Matsui) glanced at Jurina as. She knew what Jurina was feeling; she knew what was going through her head. Ma-Matsui felt a little guilty having to pull her away from all her friends because of them moving. “Jurina, I know you’re feeling depressed about leaving your friends, but it’s going to be ok.” She said as she drove, keeping her eyes on the road. “You’ll still be in contact with them with your cell phone. And when you go to school, you’ll make some new friends.”

“Mm-hm.” Jurina replied with a dull tone. She’s heard it all already, so she doesn’t really listen to her mother about this. Jurina simply gazed out the window, wallowing in her thoughts. She began to recall the week before their big move.

Jurina sat next to her mother on the floor, helping her put CDs into a box in the living room. She was currently feeling mixed emotions about packing up. She stopped to turn to her mother, “Do we really have to do this? Do we really have to move... again? This is probably the 5th time we had to change our address.” Jurina said as she watched her mother. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say we’re running away.”

“Jurina, we’ve already been through this many times before. No, we’re not running away and yes, we have to; my job has been transferred there.” Ma-Matsui said as she taped up a box of books. “And hopefully we can stay at our new home longer this time.”

“You keep getting job transferred,” Jurina pouted. Ma-Matsui works as an OL, but not just any OL, she was the head of her department. Which department, Jurina doesn’t know or forgot about. She just knew that her mother almost always has to be moved to a sister company or something or another. “Why can’t I stay here and you move? I actually like it here this time.”

Ma-Matsui sighed, “Because I’m not letting my 17-year-old daughter live here all by herself. It’s not safe.”

Jurina groaned, “Mom, I can defend myself, you know.”

“Of course I know, you’re my daughter, but it’s still not safe.”

“Mm...” Jurina felt defeated. She mumbled to herself, “I’m not a little girl, either...”

“Besides, I’ve already filled and sent in your school transfer papers.”

“Ehh? Already? And I was finally getting used to this school. What school have you put me in this time?”

“What school? Hm...” Ma-Matsui stopped what she was doing to think, trying to remember the name. She got up and left the living room to go to her own room. She returned with a couple of papers and a brochure, “Ah, it’s an all-girls academy. It’s called SKE Gakuen.” She handed her daughter the brochure.

Jurina looked at the front of the folded paper, “It’s an all-girls academy?” Jurina raised a brow in inquiry, “Ok. And what does ‘SKE’ stand for?”

“The academy is in Sakae. SKE is the abbreviation of Sakae.” Ma-Matsui said and Jurina nodded, “The principle there is an old colleague of mine so she pulled some strings. It’s a very lovely place, honey. Just give it a try; I’m sure you’ll like it.” Ma-Matsui returned to storing items into more boxes.

Jurina turned away from her mother to the box she was using, “SKE Gakuen, huh?” she thought to herself.


While Jurina was drowning in her mind, Ma-Matsui kept trying to comfort her but nothing was getting through. Eventually, Ma-Matsui gave up as Jurina continued to block her out. Jurina has already heard it before so right now she felt indifferent about moving again but she was getting tired of it.

About 30 minutes later, they reached their new home. A quaint little house in the neighbourhood, it had a front gate and everything. It resembled one of those typical modern Japanese houses. Ma-Matsui gave Jurina the keys to the house to unlock the door as she went to the back of the truck to unload. Eventually, the movers arrived to move the larger things like the beds, dressers, TV, etc. Unloading went by much faster with their help. Soon, all the boxes and other stuff were all in the house and the movers returned to base along with their truck.

The two ladies took their time to relax for a bit before they unpacked, all that moving around made them tired. They had a few snacks and some tea while sitting on the floor and checking their new place that they’ll have to call home. It was only a few minutes later after that they decided to un-tape boxes and start decided what would be where.

“Hey, Mom,” Jurina started. “When do I start school?”

“When? Today is Saturday, right? So your first day will be Monday. We’ll have to go to the academy tomorrow to get you your uniform.”

“This Monday?” Jurina thought it was pretty early seeing as they just moved in. Ma-Matsui nodded.

“Mm-hm. I might as well have you start school as soon as you can so you don’t miss a lot.”

So as the days past, Jurina unpacked most of her things and personalized her room. All was left was her clothes, the things that used to be on her desk and one or two posters. She received her uniform, which fitted perfectly, and her school bag. Black’s not Jurina’s usual colour but it was still nice.

Finally it was her first day of school. First thing Jurina had to do was wake up early and go to the academy to report to the principal’s office to meet the principal and her homeroom teacher. After a long winded welcome from the principle and teacher, she followed her teacher to her class, 3-S. After she went to her class and introduced herself, she took her seat at the back near the window as it was the only free seat left. And so classes began.

Jurina let out a sigh of relief. She was glad that she got through the first half of classes, she was also glad that the teacher didn’t call on her at random times to answer some questions because she was a little lost throughout the lessons. Jurina was even gladder that no one crowded around her with a bombardment of questions, even though she half-expected it. Although she did here comments of her being cute and/or pretty, this made her a bit happy.

Jurina went into her school bag and took out her lunch, a bento box that her mother prepared. Then she was unexpectedly approached by her classmates. They introduced themselves as Mizuki Kuwabara and Kumi Yagami. They made quick friends and invited Jurina to eat lunch out in the courtyard in which Jurina happily accepted.

The courtyard was full of students either eating their own lunch or just playing, this being their only time to act like children on school grounds. There was even a small group of girls playing around with a frisbee and another group with a ball. The space around the groups was large enough since nobody dared to sit near. Jurina and friends sat in the grass, just a little ways away.

However, the unexpected happened. One of the group’s items of entertainment slipped out of control.

“WATCH OUT!!” someone shouted out.

Jurina and the others turned to see what the commotion was. But the moment she turned her head, her forehead had been attacked by a frisbee. The impact was so great that knocked Jurina flat on her back and rendered her unconscious.

“Jurina!” her friends cried out in worry. Jurina was out cold.

When Jurina finally came to, she found herself looking at a ceiling. She sat up on the bed but then felt a jolt of throbbing pain, “Ow... Why does my head hurt?” She places her hand on her head. Looking around a bit, “I guess this is the infirmary.”

The curtains around the bed flew opened, “Ah. You’re awake now,” said a lulling voice. Jurina turned to the source, “I was beginning to think you’d be here all afternoon,” said a beautiful woman in a white coat, the academy nurse. She asked, “How are you feeling?”

Jurina was rendered speechless by the beauty before her, “Uh...” Was there always such a pretty woman working here?

The woman turned away a bit, “If you’re well enough, come over here by my desk,” she instructed. Jurina did what she was told. The nurse sat at her desk, Jurina sat on a stool near it. “Sorry, but the thermometer’s battery died so please excuse me,” The nurse said. She placed her hand at Jurina’s shoulder and leaned in close. Jurina froze and blushed as she placed her forehead against hers. “Hm... You feel pretty normal and it doesn’t seem like you have a fever.”

“Uh...” Jurina still couldn’t say anything but stare at the visage only two inches from her face. Jurina noticed how flawless her skin was. She was very young, not a day over 30 or even 27 for that matter. She even smelled nice, was it strawberries? Maybe peaches... it was something fruity.

“But you’re still going to need this for the bruise.”

“Ow!” Jurina’s forehead was smacked with something. She couldn’t see it, but when she felt it, it felt like a cold compress.

“I’m the school nurse, Rena Matsui.” The nurse introduced herself. “And I understand that this is your first day here at SKE Gakuen.”

“Eh? ‘Matsui’? That’s my name, too.” Jurina said lightly rubbing her forehead. “My name is Jurina Matsui.” Jurina did a head bow.

“I know, your friends told me. Must be the reason why they suddenly started calling me ‘Rena’-sensei. I don’t mind, though.”

“It would be a little confusing if one of us was called with ‘Matsui’ and we both answered.”

Rena nodded, chuckling a bit, “I agree.”

She didn’t know why, but Jurina liked her laugh, there was something about that soothed her. “Well, Rena-sensei, thanks for taking care of me.” Jurina stood up and bowed.

“You’re very welcome, Jurina-chan.” Rena smiled a very lovely smile. “I hope you don’t mind me calling you that,” Jurina shook her head. She looked at that smile and soon her own smile began to form. “If you’re not feeling well or if you need any kind of help, I’ll be here.”

“Mm. Thanks. I got to get to class now; I guess I’ll see you around some time?”

Rena nodded, “Alright,” still smiling. Jurina took her leave, closing the door behind her. “Hehe... How cute. I’m kind of looking forward to seeing her again,” Rena giggled to herself.

And so, Jurina returned to class for the rest of the afternoon. When she reached her class, they were in the middle of a history lesson; something about skirts/uniforms. Was this what they really learned at this academy? Oh well, at least she didn’t miss a lot. The rest of the afternoon was uneventful except for the fact that Mizuki and Kumi tagged along on Jurina’s way home. Apparently, their homes are along the way. They walked while they talked about a lot of this; Jurina participated in some bits. It seems like she’s already becoming good friends with them. But as they walked, Jurina’s mind kept going to her meeting Rena and how nice she was..

When she finally reached home, “I’m home!” Jurina announced herself as she came through the door. She began to take her shoes and placed them properly.

Ma-Matsui revealed herself, coming out of the living room, “Ah. Welcome home Jurina.”

“Hi, Mom.” Jurina greeted.

“So how was your first day?” Ma-Matsui noticed Jurina’s compress on her forehead. “What happen to you face?”

“Nothing, I just got hit with a frisbee.” Jurina said calmly.

“Ouch, I’ll bring up some ointment later, ok?” Jurina nodded. “So how was school?”

“It was...” Jurina paused a moment, “like you said, very lovely.” She answered, unconsciously thinking of Rena’s face and how lovely it was.

“That’s great. Make any friends?

“Mm-hm.” Jurina answered, making her way to the stairs.

“That’s good. Well, dinner will be ready in a bit. I’ll call you down when it is.” Ma-Matsui said. Jurina replied with an extended confirmation sound and went other room.

Jurina dropped her bag on the floor and flopped herself on her bed, “It’s not the worst first day I’ve ever had but...” She said, voice muffled by her pillow. She turned on her back and stared at her ceiling. Then she got out of her bed to change out of her uniform and into her home clothes.

Jurina flopped back onto her bed again. She began to review her day at school. It wasn’t so bad but it wasn’t all that great either if she didn’t get smacked in the face with a disc. It still hurt but not as much as it did when she was in the infirmary. Somehow, her thoughts went to the time she was in the infirmary.

She remembered the school nurse, “Rena-sensei... After she touched me, I just...” Jurina paused as she recalled freezing up at Rena’s touch. Remembering that Rena’s face was really close to hers, she blushed. “I wonder what that was about,” she questioned but she shrugged it off, “Oh well.” She smiled.

She turned on her side, “She’s really beautiful.” Jurina thought out loud as the face of the beautiful school nurse came to mind. “I bet she already has a boyfriend.” Jurina’s didn’t know it but there was a twinge of frustration in her heart. She hugged her body pillow, “Lucky him.”


(A/N: What'dya think? I think it's a little long and a bit draggy. But I just really wanted to get this Part done. BTW, I'm taking summer school in July, so I might not be able to udpate a lot in July. Just telling you guys now. And I'm going to stop doing those annoying questions at the end of each part because I can no longer think of what to ask, too much brain power. I'M STILL OPEN TO REQUESTS!!)
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE!! NEW SEG!! WMATSUI PT. 1!!)
Post by: virgo_shaka on June 14, 2011, 06:32:58 AM
Finally. My long-awaited-for-update is not in vain. :luvluv1: Your fic is great. 

Please do update. Oh, I don't mean soon. Anytime is fine as long as you still updating.   :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

Jurina sat next to her mother on the floor, helping her put CDs into a box in the living room. She was currently feeling mixed emotions about packing up. She stopped to turn to her mother, “Do we really have to do this? Do we really have to move... again? This is probably the 5th time we had to change our address.” Jurina said as she watched her mother. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say we’re running away.”

“Jurina, we’ve already been through this many times before. No, we’re running away and yes, we have to; my job has been transferred there.” Ma-Matsui said as she taped up a box of books. “And hopefully we can stay at our new home longer this time.”

Shouldn't this be we aren't running away?
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE!! NEW SEG!! WMATSUI PT. 1!!)
Post by: crono1036 on June 14, 2011, 07:00:05 AM
^ Ah yes, thank your for point out my mistake. Seems like I skipped over it when I was proof-reading it. I have editted it~
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE!! NEW SEG!! WMATSUI PT. 1!!)
Post by: RenaChii on June 14, 2011, 07:31:25 AM
It's make me want to see Rena with nurse appearance~ :cathappy:

Thanks for the update~  :twothumbs
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE!! NEW SEG!! WMATSUI PT. 1!!)
Post by: eSsIe21 on June 14, 2011, 08:05:24 AM
. nurse rena-sensei is one of the best character ever :bingo:...!!~., she's sexy too!~ :ding: :kekeke:

Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE!! NEW SEG!! WMATSUI PT. 1!!)
Post by: ShibuyaDokiDoki on June 14, 2011, 10:04:20 AM
I LIKEEEE~! WMATSUI~!!♥ please continue!
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE!! NEW SEG!! WMATSUI PT. 1!!)
Post by: kahem on June 14, 2011, 01:22:31 PM
Yeah nurse Rena I want to see it!!! Does she wear glasses? ^^
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE!! NEW SEG!! WMATSUI PT. 1!!)
Post by: BlackRockAnon on June 14, 2011, 01:32:20 PM
I seriously DID NOT expect Rena to be a nurse! I thought she was a college student or a teacher or something. But not a nurse! Great job! XD

This is a great fic! I love it! I hope you update fast cause I can't get enough of it!  :twothumbs
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE! WMATSUI PT.2)
Post by: crono1036 on June 27, 2011, 07:02:56 AM
Again thanks for noticing my mistake and thanks for being patient.
LOL "the best" huh? Then I'm glad I came up with such an awesome character~
I unno do you want her to wear glasses? I can probably add that in somewhere.
Well, you know how I do~ I try to pull some unexpected turns here and there. Thanks for reading my fics
@Everyone else
Thanks for the comments and thanks for reading my fics until now. You guys are awesome~!


Chapter Segment: Rena x Jurina [Part 2]


“Mm... Not again...” Jurina grumbled as she woke up at the annoying noise her alarm clock was making. The beeping persisted, “Alright already, shut up!” she raised her hand from under her sheets and slammed the palm of her hand on the snooze button. The infernal contraption finally stopped its hellish noise.

Poking her head out from under the blanket, she looked at the time, “Eight thirteen...” It took her awhile for her sleepy brain to process the numbers; she simply just stared at the clock and then yawned. Soon, it finally dawned on Jurina, “Eight... THIRTEEN?! AHH!! I’M GOING TO BE LATE!!”

Jurina literally sprang out of her bed and ran out her room and into the washroom. Within 10 minutes or so, she returned to her room and got changed into her uniform all the while muttering, “Late first thing on my second week. That’s great, just great.”

Jurina ran downstairs like lightning, fully knowing that it is not safe. She turned the corner and opened the door to the living/dining room, “Mom! Why didn’t you—” she yelled but Ma-Matsui wasn’t anywhere to be seen. “Mom?” She took a few steps in as she caught sight of food on the dinner table wrapped in plastic. Next to it was a note which Jurina picked up and began to read:

“Gone to work early
Made your breakfast and lunch
Don’t forget to lock the door before you leave for school
Love you ~ Mom”

Crumpling and clenching the note, “Gah!! At least tell me if you’re going to work early!” Jurina exclaimed. Actually, she was reminded that Ma-Matsui had to go to work early but Jurina wasn’t listening because she was napping in her room after she came home the day before.

Breakfast was simple. It was toasted bread with a fried egg on top and some miso soup. Jurina didn’t really have to eat so she glugged down the soup and just took the toasted bread, leaving the fried egg under the plastic wrap. With that, Jurina ran out the door, but without locking the door first.

Toast in her mouth, Jurina grabbed her bag and blazer and ran down the street to the nearest bus stop. She knew if she was able to catch the bus now, she would be able to make it in time for school. However, by the time she got there, the bus had already left. “No!” she cried in distress. If Jurina waited for the next bus to come, she’d be even later. With that, Jurina began run.

On the road, a silver Toyota was driving through the street, the driver, Rena Matsui. She was casually making her way to the academy until she took notice of Jurina on the sidewalk running. “Is that... Jurina-chan?” Rena sped up a bit and honks the horn.

“AHH!!” The honk scared Jurina causing her to jump out to the side, dropping her toast on the ground. Her heart raced like crazy.

Rena pulled over and rolled down the window, “Running late, are we?”

“Rena-sensei?” Jurina tried to compose herself but still, her heart was beating really fast. “Uh... Good morning.”

Rena laughed, “Get in; we’ll go to school together.”


“Just do it. I’m sure you don’t want to be late on your second week.” Rena then rolled up the window and Jurina hesitantly went to the passenger side. Was Rena really keeping track?

Jurina got in the passenger seat. She was a little shy about getting into a teacher’s car, especially one she had just met once last week. Buckling up, she placed her school bag in her lap and looked around a bit. She couldn’t help but noticed that the interior was very clean, too clean, and there was some kind of smell that came that filled the air in there. “Is this a new car?” Jurina asked.

“Actually, yes. How did you know?” Rena pulled in the street again and drove.

“It has that... new car scent.”

Rena laughed, still keeping her eyes on the road, “Haha... I see. I actually got this car about a month ago. I guess it still has that smell, but I never really noticed it. I didn’t really like taking the bus and waking up early to catch the bus is not really one my strengths.”

“I thought waking up early wouldn’t be a problem for you.”

“It’s not but I still don’t like waking up early so I don’t consider that a strength,” Rena glanced over and Jurina made eye contact “I see it’s also not one of your strengths as well, Jurina-chan.” She smiled. Jurina then looked away and blushed, recalling this morning.

The rest of the ride was in silence. It was unusual for Jurina; she felt comfortable in her seat. Usually she would feel a little uneasy being in a stranger’s car but there was something about Rena that made her feel totally relax. Maybe it was the soothing aura that Rena had that calmed her. Probably but maybe there’s something else too but Jurina couldn’t quite put her finger on it. She steals a few glances at Rena to try to figure it out but every now and then Rena would catch her and she’d just looked away.

Rena finally pulled up into the school parking lot with 10 minutes to spare. She and Jurina unbuckled and exited the vehicle. Lightly slamming the doors closed, Rena locked the car.

“Rena-sensei,” Jurina bowed, “thank you for the ride.” Rena nodded and instructed Jurina to hurry to class so she won’t be late.

Most of the students had already arrived by the time Jurina got to her classroom. Jurina sat at her desk and rested her forehead on the surface while releasing a sigh of relief. She felt exhausted all of a sudden. Mizuki approached and stood beside her and Kumi in front.

“Good morning Jurina-chan. Jurina-chan?” Kumi tilted her head to the side.

“Are you alright?” Mizuki asked.

Kumi poked Jurina’s head, “I think she just died.”

“Dying on the already? That’s not very good.”

Jurina turned her head to expose her face and looked at them, “I’m tired, alright? My morning was all rushed because I woke up late. So I had to run to get to the bus station but I missed the bus. So then I had to run to get here because if I waited, I would have been even later. At least that was until...” she trailed off.

“Oh? Until...” Mizuki’s interested was piqued.

Jurina shifted her head again so that her face was flat on the table again, “Until Rena-sensei picked me up and drove me to school,” her words were muffled but the message went across clearly.

“Eh?! You got to ride in Rena-sensei’s car? Lucky!!” Mizuki exclaimed.

“I wish I can get a ride from Rena-sensei, but my dad drives me to the academy. But for some reason, he lets me walk home.” Kumi looked off into the air thinking.

Jurina wondered what was so great about getting a ride from her. Was it because she’s beautiful and kind? It’s most likely so. Somehow Jurina began to wonder if these traits help her land boyfriends. Wait, does Rena have a boyfriend? Jurina wondered.

“You know, honestly, I didn’t even think she had a car. It must be a really nice one.” Mizuki commented in the background.

Jurina wasn’t listening at this point and abruptly changed the subject, “Hey, guys, do you think Rena-sensei has a boyfriend?”

“Huh, a boyfriend? Hm... Well, it wouldn’t be that surprising if she does.”

Kumi nodded, “She is beautiful and really nice. It probably won’t be surprising if she has several.”

Jurina looked at Kumi, “I don’t think Rena-sensei is like that.” Kumi shrugged.

“Hm... I don’t think anyone has even asked her if she does. Rena-sensei doesn’t really show any signs of having one though.”

“Then why not ask her? The best way to get an answer is to ask. We can have lunch in the infirmary; I’m sure she won’t mind.”

Kumi nodded, “Yeah, I’d really like to know.”

Jurina‘s thoughts drifted again when lunch was mentioned, “Ah!” she lightly slapped her forehead, “I forgot my lunch! I was in such a rush that I forgot to pack it. Ugh... and I left my wallet at home too. Great...”

Kumi patted Jurina’s head, “It’s ok, and you can share mine. Mom always gives me a big lunch.”

“Are you sure?” Jurina asked and Kumi nodded, “Thanks, Kuumin”

“Who knows, you’ve been lucky enough to get a ride from Rena-sensei; you might even get food from her too”

“I can’t do that, that’s asking too much.” Jurina said to Mizuki, “I don’t want to be a burden on her. But I think I already am.”

“I really doubt that.”

After that moment, the teacher walked in and everyone returned to their seats. Class went on normal throughout the morning. Well, almost normal. Half way in, faint growling noises filled the room and they came from Jurina. Everyone was polite enough to ignore them and act like nothing was happening, but Jurina knew they can hear. She had to flex and suck in her stomach to prevent it from being so loud. “Come on, stomach, and quiet down. Don’t embarrass me.” She tried to negotiate silently. At last, the lunch bell rang.

Jurina let out a sigh of relief, “It’s finally lunch time. I’m starving,” she said as she placed her notebooks inside her desk.

“Let’s go, hungry-butt!” Mizuki called out. She went for the door with Kumi who giggled.

Jurina got up and followed suit, “Don’t call me that!”

Walking down the hall and a flight of stairs, the girls made their way to the infirmary where Rena-sensei dwelled during school hours. Sliding the door open, the girls announced themselves “Excuse us! Rena-sensei~”

Rena was sitting on her chair at her desk while munching on a rice ball. She swivelled the chair, “Oh. Kuwabara-san, Yagami-san,” she took notice of Jurina behind her friends, “and Jurina-chan.”

“Hey, Rena-sensei.” Jurina greeted.

“’Jurina-chan’?” Mizuki raised a brow at Jurina and gave her a questioning look. Jurina looked back at Mizuki with a clueless expression. “Already on a first-name basis?”

“Sensei, can we have lunch here with you?” Kumi asked.

Rena smiled, “Sure, I don’t mind. Make yourself at home.”

“Yay!” Mizuki and Kumi exclaimed. The girls were about to sit at the table in the middle of the room but another two students show up at the infirmary. Seems that these girls want Mizuki and Kumi to come with them to their clubroom to help out a few things, and they were in a hurry too. Reluctant but agreeing to leave, Mizuki and Kumi went with them, “Have fun with Rena-sensei~”

 “Wait! Weren’t we supposed to ask her?” Jurina asked her friends just before they left.

Rena tilted her to the side, “Hm? Ask what?”

“Fine,” Kumi looked back as she turns to the door, “Rena-sensei, do you have a boyfriend?”

“Huh? Um... No I don’t.”

“There you have it. Got to go, bye!” She leaves with a wave. Jurina was dumbfounded about how easy and quick that was.

“Ah, Kuumin! You’re supposed to share your lunch with me!” Jurina shouted but it was for naught, Kumi was long gone. Her stomach growled and she groaned.

Rena giggled, “Sounds like somebody’s hungry. Forget your lunch?” Jurina nodded. Rena went into her desk drawer and pulled out curry bread, “You can have this bread then.”

“Really?” Jurina was happy, happier than she should be. “Thanks, Rena-sensei!” Jurina opened the wrapper and took a bite.

“But be careful. It’s really...” Rena tried to warned, but then Jurina suddenly coughed up. “... spicy...” Rena sighed, “Oh dear...”

“HOT!! Water! Water!! Water!!!” Jurina cried out as she fanned her mouth with her hand.

“Ok, ok! Have my tea!” Rena offered up her bottle of tea which Jurina quickly grabbed and guzzled down.

“Thank you, Rena-sensei, you saved me” Jurina coughed.

“It seems like I’m always saving you somehow, like this morning for example.” Rena said. Jurina sort of agreed.

“How can you eat something like that? My tongue felt like it was on fire.”

“What can I say? I like spicy foods. There’s a certain shop near my home that sells these and I really like them.”

“Clearly... I can imagine your house filled with spices and hot sauces.” Jurina then smacked her mouth, “Still spicy.”

“Come here,” Rena gestured with her hand to come and so Jurina did so. “Open your mouth,” Ordered Rena as she took hold of Jurina’s jaw, “and stick out your tongue.” The young student began to blushed, but she did what she was told. Rena began to blow Jurina’s tongue; a cool sensation can be felt on her spicy taste buds. Rena was in close proximity again, Jurina’s heart began to race and Jurina wondered why. Rena released, “There. Better?”

“A-a little.” Jurina sighed, “Why does this always happen?” she asked, particularly to no one, “Why do I always end up embarrassing myself in front of someone I like?” she blurted out, without realizing what she had just said.

“Oh, Jurina-chan,” Rena looked at her and smiled, “you like me?” leaning close with her arms on her knees. When the she asked, Jurina began to blush a deep red.

“I-I mean not like that!” Jurina began to feel flustered, stuttering her words. “I don’t like you! W-well, I mean, I do like you but I don’t l-like you in-in that way.” Jurina tried to pick her words carefully, all the while thinking about her feelings, “I like you, but I don’t ‘like you’ like you...” Jurina paused for a moment, “... I think... maybe...” she mumbled her last words to herself. Completely embarrassed of her performance, Jurina just looked away from Rena, probably to try and hide the deep shade of red on her face.

“That’s too bad then.” Rena retracted, she sounded genuinely disappointed. She turned on her chair, “This could have been something that could get Mother off my back.” She said quietly to herself.

“Matsui-sensei. Please come to the faculty room. Repeat. Matsui-sensei, please come to the faculty room.”

The PA system announced. Rena stood up, “That’s me,” she looked at Jurina who still wouldn’t make eye contact. “You can still stay here if you want. But I can’t guarantee that I’ll be back before the end of lunch.” She said as she motioned to the door, “I’ll see you later.” Rena left, leaving Jurina alone.

Once the door closed, Jurina began to talk to herself in a hushed voice, “I can’t believe I just said that. I’m so stupid.” Jurina looks at Rena’s desk, “Why do I feel glad that she doesn’t have a boyfriend?” she sighed. She looked at the bottle in her hands, and she realized something, “An indirect kiss...”


(A/N: Still long and draggy IMO. But I wanted to get this done and now it's done! I was planning on finishing and posting SaeYuki 6 but I went out today and I couldn't get it done. I'm working on AMTR as well and I probably will get SaeYuki 6 and AMTR done this week if not next week. I've already planned out the ending of this segment too so you can look forward to that. Oh yeah! I wanted to ask your guys' opinion. How would feel about me doing a lemon/lime ficlet for any pairing? Which pairing? Knowing me and knowing how descriptive I can get, yeah... Tell me what you think)
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE! WMATSUI PT. 2)
Post by: ShibuyaDokiDoki on June 27, 2011, 09:49:08 AM
LOL damnit! I was about to go to bed but after this, its got me in a frenzy~! So cute! Rena as a nurse... dear god my imagination...  :on bleed:

Jurina~~~~!! JUST CONFESS ALREADYYY~!  :on gay:

LOL LEMON FOR WMATSUI PLEASEEEE~!  :on bleed: :luvluv1: :luvluv2: LOL nurse + student... how descriptive? LOL im pervy... give me your best  :wahaha:

thanks for the update~!!! please do hurry though.... i'm dying!!! :fainted:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE! WMATSUI PT. 2)
Post by: RenaChii on June 27, 2011, 02:05:00 PM
YEAH~!! GO JURINA~!!  :cow:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE! WMATSUI PT.2)
Post by: kahem on June 28, 2011, 10:18:50 PM
I unno do you want her to wear glasses? I can probably add that in somewhere.

Really?  :wub:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE! WMATSUI PT. 2)
Post by: BlackRockAnon on June 29, 2011, 03:19:42 PM
Rena on aggressive? Me likey! Thanks for the update~  :twothumbs
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE! WMATSUI PT. 2)
Post by: missNezumi12 on June 30, 2011, 05:15:27 PM
WMatsui~ :cathappy: Looking forward for the next chap  :)
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE! WMATSUI PT. 2)
Post by: jehovachiabi on June 30, 2011, 08:49:16 PM
OMG I Think I'm becoming a fan~~~~~  :ptam-glow: YOUR STORIES ARE AWESOME! :onioncheer:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (UPDATE! WMATSUI PT. 2)
Post by: RJay on September 07, 2011, 10:43:06 PM
i love ur stories  XD

well i was rlly hoping dat u update about da saeyuki fanfic and wmatsui fanfic
well update soon XD XD XD
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
Post by: crono1036 on October 04, 2011, 06:10:37 AM
I... am... SOOOOO SORRY!!! I haven't updated for like the longest time and I started to feel bad like a long time ago that I broke my promise... :cry:. Please don't hate me! I wouldn't be surprised if you guys did, though, I kept you guys waiting for over 2 months. I will update all my segments soon, probably in the next two weeks if my workload doesn't pile. I've got so much on my plate. I've also been fallen sick every now and then. I'M SORRY AGAIN GUYS!!!

I'll tell you all my plans for writing as I have for now.
1. I have a 2 fic ideas that I plan on writing. One is another Majisuka Gakuen fic and the other is Infinity-based.. I've actually started AND finshed writing the prologue, it was made by inspiration from immortal_k. I thank you for that.
2. WMatsui 3 is almost done. I already know how it's going to pan out and end. It's all in the matter of how long it takes me to get it down.
3. SaeYuki 6 is also almost done. One thing I can tell you it's a POV part.
4. A Mistake Turned Right or AMTR for short is almost done. I have it mostly planned out but I may have to cut it short.
5. I plan to do a MASS update when all my "almosts" are done. As in, I plan on updating ALL my fics in one day when I get them all done.

This is totally unrelated but I HAVE A NEW BABY BRO NOW!!

*cough cough* Now to the topic at hand. Here it is! A new segment that is KojiYuu!! I actually had this done a while aog but for some unknown reason a chunk was missing so I had to rewrite it. And because of certain person (*cough cough* blughise *cough cough*) convinced me, I decided to post this up today.


Chapter Segment: Haruna X Yuko [Part 1]

Sitting in quaint little sweets was a fairly tall high school girl.

Her name is Haruna Kojima.

Haruna let out a resigned sigh, staring into her cup of tea as she sat at a table of a semi-popular cafe.

She was all by herself but that didn't bother her. She was taking this moment to recall the conversation this afternoon during class with her friends.

"Hey Haruna, how are things with you and your boyfriend?" Minami Minegishi asked.

Haruna looked at her classmate, "Huh? Why are you asking me that all of a sudden, Miichan?"

"Hm... Just curious. Well actually you're giving off that lonely vibe lately." How perceptive of her.

"Really? I guess that's because..." Haruna took a moment, "... I broke up with him." She said as if she didn't really care.

"Ehhhh?! Again?!" Minami Takahashi exclaimed. "That's like your fifth one this semester. What is with you going out with guys and then breaking up with them?"

Haruna tilted her head to the side, "I don't know, Takamina. They don't work out or I'm just not interested in them anymore. Boys don't do it for me, at least those boys didn't." She let out a sigh, "Maybe I should just stop getting boyfriends," Haruna said in a rather depressing tone.

"Well it could just be that none of them were 'the one,'" Takamina tried to console.

"Oooor she just doesn't swing that way. Y'know what I mean?" Miichan raised a brow and smirked mischievously. "It's not that uncommon afterall, this is an all-girls school."

Haruna looked at Miichan, she wondered what she meant. Finally, she realized, "Miichan! I'm not like you. I'm not into girls."

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm not every girl, just the cute and defensless ones. I just like playing and flirting with them."

"Sure, that's why some call you 'Pimp-Mii," Takamina cut in. She then turned her eyes to Haruna, "Anyways, Haruna, you'll find someone eventually. Everybody has a special someone; you just got to look for them." She said with a chipper tone and encouraging eyes.

Miichan nodded, "Yeah, even Takamina, the class and student body president, has a special someone," Miichan then turned and glared at Takamina, "someone she refuses to introduce us to even after knowing us for so long."

Miichan stood up and looked down on Takamina, "Five years, Takamina, FIVE YEARS!!" Miichan exclaimed, "How come you don't want us to meet your boyfriend?! Are you embarassed of us?"

Takamina couldn't retort back right away. She did a slight glance to the other side of the room to look catch a glimpse of the cute, short-haired girl that was watching the scene. Once she made eye-contact with Takamina, she turned slightly red and shook her head a bit, sending her a signal.

Takamina looked back at Miichan, "She-- I-I mean, he doesn't want to meet you guys. He doesn't have the time to spare to come out."

"Oh yeah, sure, and he has so much time for you." Miichan spat back, "I just really want to know who the guy you're so attached to is..." She sounded a little dejected.

Now at that point, Haruna was simply watching this arguement, one that has been brought up many times before. She has her suspiscions about Takamina's significant other but she didnt push it since Miichan already does enough for the both of them. So, she began to reflect on her love life as her two best friends bicker amongst themselves. Haruna did so for the rest of the day.

That’s where we come in.

After school ended, Miichan wanted to get something to eat so they went to a semi-popular cafe. The girls ordered their drinks and snacks. Haruna, Takamina, and Miichan had some general discussion about school and clubs, even a little about their love lives as well. But their time was cut short; Takamina received a text which made her take her leave, it was most likely that she was meeting her “boyfriend”. It was unusual that Miichan let Takamina leave so easily despite all the grief she gave her earlier, however, the reason was that Miichan planned to stalk Takamina so she can find out the mystery “man”. She also left about ten minutes later. Of course both girls didn’t leave without paying for their part of the bill.

Haruna was left alone. She began to drift into her imagination as she stared into her glass of juice. She began to imagine how her love life was going to turn out with all her failed relationships. It wasn't a very nice scenario that she pictured. Letting out a sigh, she looked out the window, seeing all the boys with their girlfriends and girls with their boyfriends being all lovey-dovey and whatnot. When will Haruna find someone for herself? She wants someone she can never bored of, someone that can always keep her on her toes, someone that can wisk her away from her troubles. Somone so unique they are alway be able to get her to look at them. But where will she find someone like that?

In the midst of her daydream, another girl, small but had a large presence, sat at her table in front of her. She held her head in her hands, under her chin as she leaned against her elbows on the table. She simply gazed at Haruna with a smile as she was off in her other world.

Finally, Haruna snapped out of it was confused. Who is this girl and why is talking to her? Haruna’s never seen this girl before, “Um… Can I help--”

“Do you believe in love at first sight?” the unknown girl asked. Haruna put on puzzled expression. Before Haruna could have answered, the girl continued with a smile, “Because I do.”

“Ok, but… what does that have to do with me?” Haruna asked. The stranger smiled wider and her question.

“My name is Yuko Oshima,” She introduced herself. Yuko extended her hand out, grabbing a hold Haruna’s. “Will you go out with me?”

“…” It took a few seconds for Haruna to take it in. “Ehhh???”

Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
Post by: Haruko on October 04, 2011, 06:19:40 AM
say yes!! kojiharu yeess :D
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
Post by: haruhi16 on October 04, 2011, 07:10:32 AM

Please update soon!!  :bow: :bow:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
Post by: kahem on October 04, 2011, 08:35:11 AM
Hahahah Takamina you have to introduce Acchan to them ^^
Go Yuko!!!!
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
Post by: yukofan on October 04, 2011, 11:48:58 AM
i love Yuko's fast action..hopefully, she will get good respone from haruna..

btw, i believe in love at the first sight  :P
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
Post by: blughise on October 04, 2011, 02:29:28 PM

you even mention my name :) hehehe

I thought you're going to have a massive update, ohhh well it doesn't really matter right now...just update whenever you can.
Anyways back to this fic...

This sounds interesting.....I love Miichan and takamina's bickering moment :)

and you even added some Atsumina interaction :heart: :heart: :heart:

Takamina don't be scared to tell them that you actually sway 'that' way :grin:

and Yuko sure is fast XD
now nyannyan won't feel bored :)

Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
Post by: RJay on October 04, 2011, 09:40:40 PM
wow Kojiyuu :hehehe:
please update soon on your other fic :kneelbow:
and congrats on your baby brother :hee:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
Post by: luckymmsg on October 05, 2011, 08:00:20 AM
Great , KojiYuu.. :twothumbs :twothumbs
Please update the rest of your fics fast.
Really love your fics very much.
Congrats on your baby bro
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
Post by: immortal_K on October 07, 2011, 06:14:01 AM


Ohhhh This is interesting, KojiYuu  :lol: Yuko is always so straight forward and always know what she wants. HAHA Takamina, keeping your "boyfriend" a secret from Miichan and Haruna, kekeke. You just got lucky those two didn't catch the eye contact you and Acchan had for just that one moment!

Please update soon!  :twothumbs
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
Post by: GreenAnarchist on October 17, 2011, 08:08:52 PM
(A) So far...I've liked what i've read...keep it up ken-eh (A)
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (NEW KOJIYUU SEG!! Oct 3)
Post by: blueangel65 on October 18, 2011, 06:03:27 PM
WeLcome back crono1036-san!  :welcome
and Congrats! on your New Baby Bro.. heHe!  :D
I Love you're New segment, heHe!  :twothumbs theres some AtsuMina too in this segment..
haHa! and Haruna, pLease say Yes! to Yuko.. Yuko is what you're Looking for.  :yep:
I like the eye contact between Takamina and Acchan here, haHa! Genius huh..  :lol:
It's interesting, pLease continue.. Update soon! and Thank You!  :)
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
Post by: crono1036 on October 22, 2011, 07:58:15 AM
Maybe one day~ They're still pretty closed about everything.
Let's hope~ That's our Korisu. Don't worry I won't tell anyone
Don't worry, I will have a mass update sooner or later. Maybe when I don't feel like posting up all my updates the moment I'm done. And of course, AtsuMina is relevant everywhere! But who's to say it really is AtsuMina? Hm... And Yuko is the kind of girl that knows what and who she wants! Kojiharu will definately keep on her toes about her now. But who knows if she'll even agreed.
Thanks, I really appreciate it when you say that. Makes me feel happy inside~
Haha~ I agree. Both about Yuko and Takamina and her "boyfriend".
Again, who's to say it really is AtsuMina? I'll just let you guys think what you want~ And who's to say that that cute short-haired girl is Acchan? Hm... I'll make you think about that. And you're welcome~
@All who congratulated me
Thank you very much~  :lol:

OK! On to the fic! This update it WMatsui this time. I kinda promised someone that I'd post it up as a surprise so... SURPRISE!! I wanted to post SaeYuki too but I had no time to work on it... sadly...



Chapter Segment: Rena x Jurina [Part 3]

The final bell rang. All the students let out an exasperated sigh of relief and pack up their things, preparing for their evening life.

"Jurina-chan, let's go!" Called out Mizuki as she walked over to a sitting.

Kumi followed suit, "Let's stop by that new sweets shop on the way."

Jurina looked up from her seat. She was in the midst of her thoughts; thinking about what happened in the infirmiry today. Rena was only teasing, right?  That was until her friends called on her, "Huh, what? Oh..."

"Weren't you listening?"

"Uhh... Yeah. Why don't you guys go ahead of me? I think I..." Jurina tried to make something up, an excuse to stay back. She wanted to talk to Rena about the events of this afternoon at lunch and she wanted to make something clear. "... left something in the infirmary. I'll catch up with you later."

Kumi blinked, “Eh, that couldn’t be. You didn’t bring anything but your bag and cell—” Kumi was cut off by Mizuki’s hand when Mizuki covered her mouth.

“Ok. Bye Jurina-chan, see you tomorrow!” Mizuki dragged Kumi with her out the classroom into the hallway then to the stairs.

Kumi forced Mizuki’s hand off her mouth, “Mizuki-chan! What’d you do that for?!” she shouted.

“Shh!” Mizuki hushed Kumi, “I have a feeling that Jurina-chan just said that so she can see Rena-sensei alone.

“Why would she want to do that?” Kumi asked, obviously oblivious to the situation. Mizuki stared at her for a few moments, as if sending a message with her eyes. Finally Kumi understood, “Ooooh, I get it. So do we just leave or do we watch or… what?”

“Mm… I kind of want to watch but Jurina'd kill us if she caught us stalking her. Espescially if she's going to do what I think she's going to do."

The two girls, regardless of the consequences, peered out from behind the wall. They saw Jurina slipping out moments after.

Jurina walked through the halls, turning at corners and down some stairs. She made her way to the infirmary where a beautiful school physician was mostly still in.  Jurina was about the knock on the door until she noticed something about it: it’s a slightly cracked open from its frame. Through the slightly opened door, Jurina peaked in. Just as she did so, a sudden confession was made.

"Sensei! I like you! Please go out with me!" exclaimed a female student to the school nurse. Jurina couldn’t see who it was exactly; they had their back towards the door.

“Please Sensei, I’ve liked you for a long time but I just never had the guts to tell you because you’re a teacher. But now I’m welling up all the courage I can to tell you this. So please, go out with me!” The girl went on a tirade, “I don’t care if this isn’t right; I just want to be with Matsui-sensei. I want to be close with Sensei as more than just your student, I--”

“Furukawa-san.” Rena cut in, “Furukawa-san, thank you for sharing your feelings towards me, I really appreciate them,” she smiled.

Jurina felt a pain in her heart; she grabbed and clutched her chest. She felt afraid and she didn’t quite understand why. Jurina was hesitant to hear anymore as well as guilty eavesdropping and took some steps back.

Rena continued, “I really do… but…” and Jurina backed up more. She couldn’t hear the rest of what Rena said and rushed away. Rena on the other hand, she had already noticed that someone was behind her office door, hearing footsteps moving away. Rena mentally sighed.

“But I have my eyes on someone else. I’m sorry Furukawa-san that I couldn’t return your feelings. Now, hurry on home. I have to get going as well.”


Jurina had already retrieved her bag from her class and was already walking outside towards home. She was glad she was out of there, out of the school; she didn’t have to listen to that conversation any longer.

“To think that Rena-sensei was like that,” She thought aloud. “She’ll probably start secretly dating that girl now after that.” Jurina began to have many thoughts, just thinking about things. But what it really came down to was Rena; she couldn’t stop thinking about her. At the pit of her stomach, she felt something, something hot emotion. Was it anger? Jealousy, even?

A honk of the horn broke Jurina of her thoughts; she looked back behind her to see where it came from. Jurina saw a familiar silver car drive up near. It was Rena’s car. Damn, why did it have to be her right now? The student thought about it for a moment, she made it seem like she didn’t know who was driving the car and continued walking. She wasn’t exactly ready to face Rena or else she’ll find out she was there when that event took place. The car finally pulled up beside her.

“Jurina-chan,” Rena called out the window as she drove. Jurina tried to ignore her and kept walking. “Come on Jurina-chan, don’t be like that.” Jurina still ignored, “I know that you were listening in on me and that student. Are you mad? Nothing happened, ok? I didn’t accept her feelings.” Rena tried to explain.

She then took notice of the sky and saw that dark clouds were rolling in. “Jurina-chan, it looks like it’s going to rain and I know you didn’t bring an umbrella.”

Jurina stopped walking and looked at the sky. Damn, Rena was right about Jurina not bringing an umbrella. She turned a bit and looked at Rena. Rena pulled up next to Jurina, she gestured and said "Come on; get in before it starts to pour down."

As reluctant as she was, Jurina hopped into the front passenger seat. She also knew that if she returned home soaking wet, she wouldn't hear the end of it from Ma-Matsui so this is just to be safe.

There was silence as the older woman drove. The occasional bump and stopping happened now and again.

"So, are you going to... take me home?" Jurina asked without making eye contact.

Rena smiled, and it was the kind of smile that someone would make when they were scheming something, “I’m taking you home alright, but not your home.

“Huh?” Jurina’s head whipped at Rena in bafflement.

“You’re not going home until you explain to me why you’re mad at me.”

 “I’m not mad. And that’s kidnapping!”

“You are mad. And it’s not kidnapping since you got into this car out of your own free will. You didn’t say anything to disagree with me. And besides,” Rena turned a corner, “I can tell that you’re not totally against it.” She drove into the basement of a condo complex.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” The student said in a defeated voice.

The car was parked in its assigned parking space; the ladies took the elevator lift. Rena told Jurina to call home so her parents wouldn’t worry as they made their way to the 5th floor.

Rena’s apartment number was 507.  The condo itself wasn’t so large, but it wasn’t small either; just enough space for 1 person, maybe even two, to live in. It was well furnished, not girly or anything but it was stylish. From the looks of it, you can definitely tell that someone like Rena lives here.

“Sorry for disturbing,” Jurina said on reflex as she enters her teacher’s home. She began to question, after looking around a bit

Rena was already halfway inside, “Make yourself at home in the living room. I’m going to change out of my clothes,” she thumbed to the open doorway to the left. She then disappeared behind her bedroom.

Jurina went to where she was directed and entered the living room. The living room was also attached to the kitchen area too. She moved to the white couch that was across the mini flat screen TV and behind the glass coffee table. She set her school bag down beside her as she sat on the far right side couch cushion and looked around, admiring her surroundings.

“Like it?” Rena’s voice came from behind. Jurina turned her head and saw Rena in regular, every day clothes. Well, they were considered everyday clothes to Rena but Jurina thought she shone brighter than she did before; even her cheeks started to change its shade a bit. “Some of the furniture here is just hand-me-down furniture from my parents and some others were bought by them. Luckily they had a sense of style and some taste.”

Rena sat down on her couch and threw one leg over the other, "Now, will you tell me why you're so jealous and angry?"

The sudden question caught Jurina off guard, "Eh? I-I'm not jealous or angry... I'm just..."

"Yes you are, Jurina-chan. I'm all too familiar with the kind eyes you looked at me with; I've had more than enough of my share in high school and in college. Even some of my own 'friends' looked at me like that." Rena tilted her head to the side, looking at Jurina fidget and shift around.

“If you like me, just tell me.”

Jurina kept quiet. She was mentally and emotionally trying to get her thoughts straight, trying to sort out her feelings. "It's impossible. There's no way it can work out. I’ve only known Sensei for two weeks and… You're a teacher and I'm a student. And what’s more, we’re both girls.” She looked at Rena and she saw that her expression remained unchanged. “Because of those two reasons, it forbidden for us to--“

With a sigh, Rena leaned in and captured Jurina’s lips with her own, cutting her off and kissing her affectionately. When Rena parted from Jurina, she smiled and looked down at her, “You talk too much, Jurina-chan.”

Jurina was still, she couldn’t say a word or even move a muscle. All you can see was her wide eyes and beet red face facing Rena’s smiling one.

“Aww, how cute~”

Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
Post by: akinyan on October 22, 2011, 08:10:25 AM
Oh my Gawd what is this, torture?! >A< What's with the last part? ;A;

But still, yay you updated! :D

Now, back to staring at you silently as I wait for the next chapter. :3
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
Post by: ShibuyaDokiDoki on October 22, 2011, 01:02:13 PM
GAHHHHHHH *Dies* please continueeeee~!!!!
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
Post by: haruhi16 on October 22, 2011, 01:27:55 PM
I'm still waiting for the part 2 of KOJIYUU fic. <333
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
Post by: MESS on October 22, 2011, 02:25:56 PM
"Sensei! I like you! Please go out with me!" exclaimed a female student to the school nurse. Jurina couldn’t see who it was exactly; they had their back towards the door.

“Please Sensei, I’ve liked you for a long time but I just never had the guts to tell you because you’re a teacher. But now I’m welling up all the courage I can to tell you this. So please, go out with me!” The girl went on a tirade, “I don’t care if this isn’t right; I just want to be with Matsui-sensei. I want to be close with Sensei as more than just your student, I--”

“Furukawa-san.” Rena cut in, “Furukawa-san, thank you for sharing your feelings towards me, I really appreciate them,” she smiled.

Jurina felt a pain in her heart; she grabbed and clutched her chest. She felt afraid and she didn’t quite understand why. Jurina was hesitant to hear anymore as well as guilty eavesdropping and took some steps back.
airiiiiiiiin...HONEY... :mon uggh: :mon cweepy: :mon evil:
I'LL KILL YOU!!!$%$%$%$!!!! :mon zoom: :mon kungfu: :mon gamer: :mon fire: :mon mad: :mon woo: :mon slapself: :mon headbang:
With a sigh, Rena leaned in and captured Jurina’s lips with her own, cutting her off and kissing her affectionately. When Rena parted from Jurina, she smiled and looked down at her, “You talk too much, Jurina-chan.”

Jurina was still, she couldn’t say a word or even move a muscle. All you can see was her wide eyes and beet red face facing Rena’s smiling one.

“Aww, how cute~”
Rena-sensei.... :mon lovelaff::mon inluv: :mon bleed2: :mon crazyinlove:.....good job.. :mon determined:
update soon! :kneelbow:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
Post by: Vanui on October 22, 2011, 10:15:00 PM
Holy. Cow. That... XDDDD
It's so illegal, but awesome! XDDDD
Rena-sensei is hawt as heck, and I love this kind of Juri-chan.

Keep up da good work~
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
Post by: RJay on October 23, 2011, 01:09:00 AM
sweet an update!
wow an unexpected kiss at the end of this chapter :onioncheer:

please update soon(and the other fanfics can't wait to read them) :hee: :hee:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (WMatsui CH.3 UPDT!! Oct 22)
Post by: BlackRockAnon on October 23, 2011, 07:54:25 AM
I wish I was Jurina now. xDDDDDD

Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
Post by: crono1036 on October 24, 2011, 04:32:57 AM
Haha~ But you still love me anyways, even with the torturous Prt. 3 of WMatsui
LMAO ALRIGHT!!  :twothumbs
Alright, alright, just be patient. It'll be up soon enough~
Thank yous~
Haha~ Well, you know how I do 8)2
Again. You know how I do 8)2
You're welcome!



God I'm finally done that... Took me WAAAAY longer that I had expected too. Well I'm pretty happy I finally finished it. But it might be sloppy because it took me so long and I was pretty lazy to check it over and proofread. If you see any mistakes, please don't mind them... please... Oh! and BTW, this is a POV Part so we get to see things from the girls' POv and see what they're thinking~



Chapter Segment: Sae X Yuki [Part 6]


It was the next morning so that meant there were only two days left until we go to the pool. Why did I agree to go again? Maybe it was because I just couldn’t refuse Sae-chan.

I rose from the bed, Sae-chan’s bed, and I realize that I’m still clinging to her clothes. I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I stayed up all night trying to figure out if what Sae-chan said and did last night was a dream or not. Was it a dream or my imagination? Was it an illusion of the heart that yearns for her? I sighed; when did I poetic? Maybe I should confront her... or maybe not. She did think I was sleeping, it’d make her uncomfortable and she might start avoiding me. I don’t want that, I want to be as close to her as possible.

I look to the side of the bed and Sae-chan isn’t there. Huh? Oh yeah, after she... did what I thought she did, she left. Did she not come back? Then where did she sleep? I fold the clothes and got out of bed, heading for the door. As I exited the room, I yawned and then an aroma fills the air.

“Something smells good.” I walked down the hall and went to the dining room slash kitchen. I turned the corner to look inside the kitchen and find Sae-chan with an apron on cooking, “Sae-chan?”

“Ah!” Sae-chan let out a cute yelp and almost dropped the pan she was holding but she was able to recover. I think I may have startled her; I giggled at her reaction.

“Hehe... Good morning, Sae-chan.”

She looked over at me, “Oh Yukirin, it’s you. You scared me! I almost dropped the pan, too!” So that’s what the good smell was. Sae-chan was cooking.

I giggled again, “I’m sorry, Sae-chan.” I took a look at Sae-chan. She was wearing an apron over her pyjamas over a loose shirt and pyjama pants, how casual-looking but she looked so cute. She’d make a great wife... my wife. Ah! Stop thinking about that!

“Geez...” She sighed, “Now this omelette is out of shape. Oh well, I’ll just have this one, then.” She said as she began to fold it and puts in on a plate.

“An omelette? Did you wake up early to cook breakfast?”

“Yup! I have a day off today, but nobody else does, so I might as well make it to good use.”

Sae-chan has a day off? “Then why didn’t you use it to catch up on some sleep?” I looked at her questioningly.

“Hm... Maybe it’s because you’re here.” Eh? Me? What do I have anything to do with this? “It’d be rude to sleep in while I have a guest over and to not serve them any hospitality.” She smiled at me. I just love that smile of hers. “And besides, it’s Yukirin, she needs some comforting.”

I smiled back at her, “Well then, thank you, Sae-chan.” I can’t argue with her logic.

“Breakfast won’t be done for a while. The rice is still cooking and I still have to make your dish, too.  Why don’t you go take a shower? Considering what happened last night...” Last night... Those guys were trying to do something and Sae-chan kissed me. I blushed a bit, “ might want to clean yourself off. Who knows where those guys have been. And you have work today, don’t you?”

“In the afternoon, yes. Are you sure? I don’t want to be imposing more than I already am.” I say that but I do want that to clean myself off.

“There’s no way you’re imposing on me, you’re a close friend.” She says but I want to be closer though. “Just go, I’ll find some clothes you can wear and a toothbrush you can use too. There should be a towel you can use in the bathroom.”

Sae-chan put down the pan and turned off the stove. I watched her as she began to wash her hands in the kitchen sink, “Alright, if you insist.” I turned and left towards the bathroom.


Yukirin turned around and left to the bathroom to take a shower. I went back to my room to find her some clothes that she can wear to work today. I’m sure she doesn’t want to show up in something she wore the day before.

“Hm...” I thought to myself. Yukirin may want to look nice for work today. Although she looks nice in anything she wears. I’ll just let her have one of my favourite tops and a pair of my jeans since I have a ton of them. I’m just slightly bigger than her so I don’t think it’ll make much a difference, although, my style is significantly different than her’s. I’m sure she won’t mind, will she? Nah. But maybe I should lay out a pair of sweats as well just in case if she has lessons. Yeah, I think I should. I go back to my dresser and pull out the pants drawer and pulled out my grey sweats.

~daisuki da kimi ga daisuki da
boku wa zenryoku de hashiru~

I hear my ringtone go off. I didn’t have cell phone in my pocket or anything but it was near. After setting down my sweats, I began to search around the place. “Hold on! Don’t hang up yet!” I cried out to it, searching. I tried to follow the sound of it.

~daisuki da zutto daisuki da
koe no kagiri sakebou~

“There!” I turned and pointed at my coat, specifically at the pocket. I rush over and pulled it out.

Flipping my phone open, “Hello?” I answered quickly.

“Hello, Sae?”

“Oh, hi Yuko. What’s up?” Once I finally answered, I left my room and went to the closet in the hall. There I found a brand new, unused toothbrush. I took that and returned to my room. 

“Hi! So, how’d it go?” she said with her squirrel-like excitement.


“How was last night? You did walk Yuki home, right” Yuko seemed to be really interested in what happened, I can hear her enthusiasm through the phone.

“Yeah I did. Well actually, I didn’t walk her to HER house.” I retrieved the clothes and went to the bathroom, holding them in one hand and the phone in the other.

“Oooh? So she’s at your house, right now? Oh ho ho~” I get the feeling that Yuko is teasing me or she’s really thinking something inappropriate. “You and Yuki had some fun, didn’t you? Haha!”

“Shut up! We didn’t do anything! There was a situation last night and she didn’t want to go home. She came over and then she fell asleep. That’s all.” I stood outside the bathroom. “Hold on a sec.” I told Yuko then stuck my phone in the apron pocket and entered the bathroom.

“Huh? Uh, sure.”

When I entered the bathroom, I came into the sink area. There was a basket next to the door tub/shower area. The door was frosted glassed but when I see through it, I can only see Yukirin’s foggy silhouette. I tried not to think any more of it as I blushed and placed the items in the basket. “Yukirin! The clothes and toothbrush are in the basket, ok!” I didn’t wait for her to answer as I scurried out the bathroom. Once I left, I took my phone out from the apron pocket, “Ok, I’m back.”

“So she’s showering, and you just walk in? Oh ho ho~” Yuko teased again.

I sighed, “Stop thinking of weird things! I said we didn’t do anything. There were some complications so I couldn’t advance any further. There was a problem when I picked Yukirin up, I solved it, she came over, and then she slept. That’s all.” I made sure to make it very clear this time.

“Eh? That’s it?” She sounded disappointed for some reason. That Yuko, she’s always expecting more. Did she really think that Yuki and I were going to do something?

“I’m not like how you are with Haruna, touching and kissing her all the time.” Returning to the kitchen, I decided to put it on speaker because I returned to the kitchen to resume cooking. I placed my cell on the counter to the side.

“Well... We’re kind of going through a rough patch right now.” She sounded a little depressed when she said that. I kind of felt guilty now that I brought up a personal subject. “But this isn’t about me and Haruna. This is about you and Yuki. Have you made any progress at all?”

When I think about it, “It barely budged.” It’s true, as much as I’m trying; it’s not going anywhere because there are too many interruptions and problems. I just really want to be alone with her in a good setting and tell her how I feel. And hopefully it’ll all work out.

“Seriously? Have you even told Yuki you love her yet?”

I recall last night, “I did... in her sleep.”

“Pfft! In her sleep?! Haha! That’s pathetic!”

I ignored that last part, “And... while she was sleeping, I kissed her.”

“Whoa! You kissed her? What are you, a pervert?” Yuko snickered which kind of irritated me.

“Hey, I’m no pervert! I just... got caught up in the moment. I was telling her I love her while she was sleeping and her sleeping face kind of drew me in.”

“Oh really...?” Yuko sounded like she didn’t believe me. “Hey, I just thought of something. What if she wasn’t really sleeping and she heard everything you said and you kissed her really awake.” The thought made me panic. Oh no, then I might have ruined our friendship and Yukirin might start avoiding me. No! I don’t want that, anything but that!

“Oh my god! Then I’ve just ruined everything! Yuko, what do I do?!” I shouted into the phone. I don’t want to lose Yukirin, that’s the last thing I want.

“Hey, hey, hey! I said ‘if’ so calm down. She couldn’t have been awake anyways; she did have a lot to do yesterday so she must have been really tired out.”

“I really hope you’re right.” And I really hoped. Now I have a bad feeling about last night. When I that I think about it now, I really did take advantage of her even though I was trying not to. I almost kissed her when she was awake but I really kissed her when she was asleep. Aww... I’m the worst. But her lips... they were really soft, I want to ki-- Gah! No, I can’t be thinking about that now.

“Oh, it’s almost time for me to leave for work. You have a day off, don’t you? Then, I’ll call you later, Sae, to check up on you.” What does she mean by check up on me? Does she really want to see how Yuki and I are progressing? Honestly, I think she should be focusing more on her relationship with Haruna than on mine. She did say they’re going through a rough patch. I sighed again. “Ok, talk to you later. Bye, Sae!” With that, Yuko hung up.

I put on a somewhat amused smile and flipped my phone closed. I finished up with the rest of the cooking. I set up the table and food and then went to the couch to find the TV remote. Flipping it on to the weather channel, I sat at my side of the table. I watched the TV as I wait. Shortly after, I wasn’t really paying attention to the TV much anymore; I began to wonder what to do next and what Yukirin is thinking right now.


When I entered the bathroom, I was greeted with a nice scent that I’ve never really noticed until now. It smelled just like the clothes that Sae-chan offered me last night. Her body wash must be a good one since she also has such nice skin.

The whole time I was in the shower, I was thinking about Sae-chan and what happened last night. She said that she’d protect me no matter what, that she loved me, and then she kissed me. I really want to believe it actually happened but a part of me doubts it too. I was too shocked to even react when she did it and I may have relapsed right after. Should I bring it up or not? I raised my fingers to my lips. When I think about it now, Sae-chan’s lips were really soft. I want to feel them again.

“Yukirin! The clothes and toothbrush are in the basket, ok?” Sae shouted from behind the frosted glass shower door. I didn’t even hear her come in but as soon as she announced herself, she left.

I think I spent a good 30 minutes in here. I used Sae-chan’s shampoo and conditioner and body wash. It was refreshing at the most and I was happy that I got any germs and such off of me.

I exited the bathing area of the bathroom with the towel Sae-chan mentioned and moved to the basket with the clothes and toothbrush she left me.

I freshened up and changed into the clothes Sae-chan left me. She was right; I feel especially cleaner and maybe a little bit more closer to her since these are her clothes. I look down at the shirt I was wearing and pull up the collar to my nose. Smells just like her.

“Hey, Yukirin.” Sae-chan called to me. It snapped me out of my mental debate.

“Huh? Yes, Sae-chan?” I looked up at her. Oh? There’s a piece of rice stuck on her left cheek. “Sae-chan, there’s a piece of rice stuck to your face.”

“Eh, where?” She raised her hand to her right cheek.

I smiled, “Right here.” I reached over the table with my hand stretch out to remove the rice. When I removed it, I ate it which made Sae-chan blush.

“Th-thanks, Yukirin.” She stuttered. “Anyways, you said you have work later today so do you want me to walk you there? I literally have all day so I don’t really mind.”

Again? I’m not against it, I’m actually really happy that I get to spend so much time with Sae-chan but I don’t want her to catch a cold because of me. “Really? You’ve been doing that a lot. I think I remember you saying you didn’t like to walk. But I do see you walking with people.”

“Well walking alone is boring, that’s one of the reasons I don’t like walking. But If I’m walking with friends or with other members, it makes it more enjoyable.” Sae-chan answered. I kind of see what she means, so I do agree. I nod. “It’s really no problem for me to walk you to work.” Sae-chan smiled at me. It really reassured me that it wasn’t, but I was still worried. “So how about it?”

“I don’t mind at all, I’m not going to stop you if you really want to.”

“Great! We can leave anytime you want.” Sae-chan smiled and I can only nod and smile back.

The free time I had before work passed by quickly. In that time, Sae-chan and I watched some TV, had some girls’ talk, and me simply enjoying her company. I even caught myself a few times just watching her. I guess it really is true when they say that time passes quickly when you’re having fun; I definitely had fun with her. I wonder if she felt the same way, I hope she did.

It was time for me to go work as I have Sae-chan walk me there. I’m pretty sure today I have a photoshoot, a recording, and an interview.  Of course Sae-chan will only walk me to my shoot; it’ll just be too much trouble for her to have her walk to my other appointments. I don’t want her to think of me as a bother or anything like that.

I reached by destination, and it was rather quicker than I expected. As I walked away and reached the door, I take one look back at Sae-chan. She’s seeing me off with a big smile on her face. Haa… I’m falling for her smile even more. I wave bye to her again and she waves back.


When I see Yukirin, I feel my mood rise up. Maybe even I can say that she’s my sunshine on my rainy day. No wonder she has her own weather forecast, Hiruoubi. I guess she can be classified as the pretty weather girl on the news, the only reason why some guys bother to even watch the weather. I just feel happy when I see her. Oh who am I kidding? I love Yukirin. But I can’t tell her that, at least not yet.

However, today, it wasn’t the same when I saw Yuki enter the door. Because before she walked in, I saw her walking with Sae. Dejected, I made a small pout. Lately those two have been getting real close. As much as I want to interfere, I can’t, that would be very selfish of me.

I can’t really compete anyways. I’ve seen the look in Yukirin’s eyes, and even the gaze in Sae’s. They’re just like the ones characters in romance anime have when they’re in love. And Sae’s really pretty and has her boyish slash handsome charm; of course Yukirin would fall for that. I’m just really cute and loveable, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Besides, she has the upper hand because she and Yukirin shared a kiss, actually a few stage ones, but that doesn’t matter, they still kissed. It makes me depressed just thinking about and also really jealous. Wait... I’m the jealous type?

Yukirin is in love with Sae and vice versa. I am really jealous yes, but things like that can’t be helped. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to give up. They’re not together as a couple.  So I’m still going to fight!

I turned to the door as I heard it open. Yukirin walked in, yay! I ran towards her, going to greet her good morning. But as I approached, I looked outside and saw Sae-chan walking away. She walked her to work? Doesn’t she have work of her own? Ah, there no point in fretting over it, Yukirin’s here! “Good afternoon Yukirin~!” I put on a smile.

“Afternoon, Mayu-chan” Yukirin greeted me with a beam across her lips. Oh how I love it when she smiles. “Sorry, I’m a little late.”

I shook my head and waved my hand, “No it’s alright,” it really was, as long as I get to see Yukirin in her nice clo— Eh? “Is that...Sae-chan’s shirt?” when I look down at Yukirin, I noticed that she wasn’t wearing something that belonged to her.

“Huh?” Yurkirin looked down to her clothes, “Oh yeah, she lent them to me after I spent the night and took a shower at her place.”

“Oh...” I tried not to sound defeated. But... she spent the night?! At Sae-chan’s?! Their relationship has already gotten that close?! And took a shower?! What have they been doing?! Oh my Yukirin has become so adult… even though she’s older than me. I made a light sigh, one that Yukirin didn’t notice.

Man… I’m so far behind Sae that it’s almost as if I can’t catch up. I mentally sigh this time.


Break time came around and getting fixed by the make-up artist, getting ready for the rest of the shoot. As I was having my make-up applied. I had some thought going through my head.

I’m already really close to Sae-chan. But knowing that I love her, it makes me what more than just… closeness. Can I really have more though? She’s also my best friend, but I still want to be more than that. Can we be more than that?

She doesn’t even know how I feel. But I know how she feels and I’m really happy about that.

I’m scared though. Should I tell her?


I reached a children’s park somewhere in my neighbourhood. I sat at a bench and let out a sigh. I’m not the kind of person to keep all my emotions inside. But it’s so hard when it comes to the person you love. I look to the ground underneath my feet, thinking to myself

This is the only time when I want to be like Yuko, to be able to express my feelings so freely.

Yukirin and I… are just friends, best friends.  But I love her not as a friend though. I want to go out with her, be girlfriends… lovers, even.

I have to tell her first of all, that I love her, that she’s the most important person to me right now.

Should I be the one to take that step? Should I be the one to give our relationship that big push?


I have to tell her. I have to tell you.

I have to tell you that I love you...

But how?

Thoughts of love crowd our girls’ minds
Will Yuki overcome her fear and confess?
Will Sae take that big step and confess??
Who will confess first???
To be continued in the Final Part
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
Post by: qyyzz101 on October 24, 2011, 06:41:30 AM
Finally you updated saeyuki part 6  :panic:
Sae, Yuki be strong :mon headbang: :farofflook:
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
Post by: Haruko on October 24, 2011, 07:54:00 AM
i love saeyuki thanx a lot!!
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
Post by: kahem on October 24, 2011, 08:23:58 AM
Go Sae tell her!!!
Somehow, I'm feeling sad for Mayuyu
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
Post by: RenaChii on October 24, 2011, 02:38:30 PM
SaeYuki~  :wub:

Didn't expect you will write Mayu's pov too~  XD
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
Post by: itadakimasu on October 24, 2011, 02:55:14 PM
SaeYuki!! <3

Totally loved Mayu's PoV and her reaction! Lolol
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
Post by: RJay on October 24, 2011, 10:04:08 PM
ALRIGHT an update :on lol:
thank you crono-san
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (SAEYUKI PRT. 6 UPDT!! Oct 23)
Post by: haruhi16 on October 25, 2011, 02:41:45 AM
Awwwwww <33333333 Saeyuki <3

Come on you guys!! just tell what you really feel now!!

update soon!
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (!!NEW KOJIYUU PRT. 2!! Oct 25)
Post by: crono1036 on October 25, 2011, 06:46:14 AM
@Haruko and RJay
You're welcome~
Aww... Well that was the point haha.
Well that's what I do, I'm full of surprises!
REALLY glad you loved it!
YEAH! You tell them!

After much badgering! I have another new update! I guess updating almost everyday will be considered the mass update I promised. Oh well!
I wrote this all in one day and now it's late so I'm lazy to check it over for mistakes. If you see any, ignore please!




Chapter Segment: Haruna X Yuko [Part 2]

It was the next day, mid-day to be precise. Lunch time was beginning to progress, and students were hustling and bustling through the halls to buy lunches or meet up with friends.

In Class K, Yuko, Sae, and Sayaka grouped up together and a conversation ensued.

“Ehh?!” You asked her out already?” Sae exclaimed, standing up from her seat. “You work fast! I thought it would take you like another day or two, not right after school.”

“I did fall in love with her at first sight,” Yuko smirked, “I want to make her mine, and you know when I want something, I go and get it, don’t I?”

“That’s such a Yuko-thing to say,” Sayaka commented as she stood by the both of them. “Her name’s Haruna Kojima, right? Did she even know who you were when you asked her?”

Yuko shook her head, “Nope, I don’t think she even knows we go to the same school. I wore a coat over my uniform so I’m not sure if she recognized it. I gave her my name though.”

“That must have been random and confusing for her, then,” Sae sat back down, “a girl coming up out of nowhere and then just asking her out. It probably even grossed her out.”

“Hm… I doubt it. I can tell that she’s been having boy-trouble since she just broke up with her latest one. She probably knows by now that boys are not satisfying her.”

“Well at least it’s better than Sae’s situation,” Sayaka looked down at Sae with a teasing smile.

“Sa-Sayaka!” Sae whipped her focus at her friend.

“Oh yeah! What about that girl from Class B, Sae? The Class President… what was her name… uhh…?” Yuko put her hand to her head and thought hard, trying to remember the name.

“Kashiwagi-san, Yuki Kashiwagi-san.” Sayaka pointed a finger, knowing who Yuko meant.

“Yeah! Her! Have made any progress yet?” Yuko asked. She got no response from Sae,” Is the most handsome and energetic girl of the school getting cold feet? You’re ikemen for crying out loud, you should be able to get any girl you wanted since most of them fan girl over you so hard!”

Sae began to blush a deep red, “Shut up!” she crossed her arms and looked slightly away with a pout, “… I’m working on it.”

“For how long now?” Yuko asked rhetorically, “Anyways, I was going to go to her class and ask her to eat lunch with me. You guys can come along too.” She stood up, grabbing her bento box lunch from her desk.

“Won’t she be really surprised?” Sayaka questioned.

“Oooh, I want to meet the girl who Yuko’s crushing on! Sayaka let’s go!” Sae grabbed Sayaka by the arm and followed Yuko.

The girls walked up the hall, walking by Classes J to C. When they walked by Class B, Sae took a glance into the class, she even slowed down a bit. She caught sight of a girl with long hair and kind smile, the Class President Yuki. Before she knew it, she was lagging behind.

“Sae-chan!” The two called for her.

“Ah! Coming!” Sae moved quickly.


Back in Class A, our usual girls are all group together again. However this time, Haruna was in her thoughts. Takamina moved over to Haruna’s desk and Miichan arrived shortly after leaving her own class, Class K.

“Haruna, did some happen after we left yesterday?” Miichan asked as she was leaned across Haruna’s desk, her head in her hands. “You seem pretty dazed and spacey.”

Takamina leered at Miichan, “You mean after you left to stalk me?”

“I said I was sorry, geez…”

“Well… something did happen...” Haruna trailed off as she began to recall that confusing situation that occurred yesterday after school.

“My name is Yuko Oshima,” She introduced herself. Yuko extended her hand out, grabbing a hold Haruna’s. “Will you go out with me?”

“I… got asked out.” Haruna said casually.

“Whoa! Really?” Takamina was shocked by how fast events are occurring.

Miichan got up from the desk and sat up right, “It’s probably another guy that heard Haruna was free and took that chance to ask her out. Am I right?”

Haruna thought about for a moment. Miichan wasn’t exactly head on about that, it wasn’t a guy that asked her out, it was a girl, and she wasn’t even sure if she was asked out because she was now available but that could be so. “That’s not exactly so.”

“Did you agree?” Takamina was curious.

“And unlike with Takamina’s boyfriend, do we get to meet him?” Takamina nudged Miichan because of her question.

“I’m still thinking about that, and maybe if I can get a hold of he--“

“Kojima-san!” Another student by the door, Rino Sashihara, broke her attention away from her friends. “You have visit--“

“AHH!!” Haruna let out a surprised cry when she caught sight of one of the visitors, “It’s her!!” She pointed at the shortest girl, “She’s the one!”

Yuko beamed at Haruna, “Ya-ho~! How’s my honey? Miss me?”

“’Honey’?” Miichan raised a brow in confusion; she looked at Yuko then to Haruna.

“That’s the girl! She the one who asked me out!”

A large scene was created because of Haruna’s outburst. The whole of Class A was in awe and silence filled the room; everyone’s attention was on Haruna and the group of Class K girls. Haruna didn’t even realize it until moments later. She looked around and apologized for her disturbing everyone and sat back down. When she looked at Yuko, she was still smiling as if nothing happened, seemingly not even caring that Haruna just outted her. This is definitely going to be the talk of the school for a while.

Once everything had calmed down and everyone was back to their business, introductions were made after they had moved locations to the roof of the school. Sae introduced herself as the Captain of the basketball team and most handsome girl of the school, and Sayaka as the Class President of Class K and Captain of the aikido team. Yuko really had no introduction, just the girl that really likes Haruna.

“Man… Who would have thought it was Yuko that asked you out.” Miichan tilted her head and looked at Yuko, who was attached to Haruna’s arm. “I didn’t even know you liked her. If I did, I might have set you up.”

“Well if you stayed in class during breaks long enough to talk to us, you would have known. I didn’t even know you knew Haruna either.”

“I didn’t even know we went to the same school.” Haruna looked down at Yuko.

Yuko shook her head, “Nah, it’s ok, as long as you know me now and know that I love you~” she went into lovey-dovey mode with Haruna who resisted a bit. “So, so? Will you go out with me? I gave you time like you asked.”

“Aha… Well, you only gave me a day’s worth.” And not even a full day at that, Haruna thought. She was still thinking about it.

Takamina giggled, “Hehe, she seems to really like you. It kind of reminds me of a pet.”

“Hm…” Sayaka was somewhat staring at Haruna.

Sae took notice and asked, “What’s up, Sayaka?”

“I’m just thinking about the description of Kojima-san that Yuko gave us before we met her. How did she describe her again?” Sayaka asked. Haruna’s interest was piqued, since she was the object of this small energetic girl’s affection, she was curious to see how she was described.

Sae began, “From I remember from yesterday’s conversation,” she began to list, using her fingers as counters, “Haruna-san has a really nice face, shiny long hair, a great figure, fairly tall, a bit spacey, lovely lips, sexy legs, and…” she tried to remember the last thing, “ah, and big boobs.”

“Eh?” Haruna wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about this, happy because she has these great qualities, or sad that they’re mostly about just her physical features.

“And don’t forget her cute butt!” Yuko added. Haruna inwardly sighed.

“Is that really now you see me, Yuko?” Haruna asked.

Yuko nodded, “It’s the truth! I know a lot of women would kill to have what you’ve got. You should be proud of what you have and make the best of out it.”

Damn, as much as a pervert she puts out to be, she’s also a sweet-talker. This made Haruna’s decision even harder.

Lunch progressed with laughter and smiles, well, that was until it was over. The bell rang to signal class was about to begin again, so the girls rushed to their respective classrooms.

The end of school came along and students hurried home or to club activities. As Yuko packed up, she bid her goodbyes to Sae who had basketball practise, and Sayaka who has aikido practise. When she finished up, she went straight over to Class A to pick up Haruna. Upon arriving, she noticed that Haruna was the last one left, Takamina having a Student Council meeting and Miichan had disappeared somewhere. Luckily, she hadn’t left yet so Yuko asked her if they can walk home together. Haruna agreed.

As the two girls left the school and walked through the neighbour and down a street, “Hey, Haruna, I’m sorry about today… and yesterday too.” Yuko began conversation, “It must have really caught you off guard, huh?”

“Yeah, it kind of did.”

Yuko chuckled, “And I bet what happened at lunch today kind of creeped you out and make you think I was a pervert. But I’ll be honest, I am a little pervy. Hehe…”

“Mm… Maybe a little.”

“Sorry. It’s just that, ever since I first laid eyes on you, I wanted to… make you mine. And I’ve always been told that if I wanted something, I should work hard and get it. I really did fall in love with you at first sight. And once I realized that, I had to tell you.”


“I’m not going to force you to go out with me, but I’ll fight for you. And if you do go out with me, I’m sure I’ll be able to make you smile every day and make you happy. I’ll make sure every day is fun and full of excitement, and with me around, that goes without a doubt.”

Aw man… How is Haruna supposed to decline her after something like that was said? She even felt her heart strings tug a little

“I’ve dated a lot of guys and they all didn’t work out. But dating a girl is something I don’t have any experience in.”

“I can tell” Yuko commented.

“But… If you be patient with me, I’m…” Haruna’s next few words a little hushed, “… willing to give us a try.” Her face turned red.

Yuko heard Haruna’s words very clearly, “Really?!” Haruna nodded, “YES!!” she began to jump around and let out squeals of happiness. “You won’t regret this! Ah! You’ve made me the happiest person in the world!” she smiled the biggest and brightest smile Haruna has ever seen.

“Haha…” Haruna couldn’t help but smile at the small girl’s expression of happiness. Who knew that such a small girl had so much energy in her?

“Time to celebrate! Celebratory cake! My treat! Hahaha!!” Yuko grabbed Haruna by the hand and began lead her down the street. “Onward to the sweets café!”

“The one where we first met?” Haruna asked.

“Mm-hm. Let’s go!!”

Haruna began to think to herself, ”What did I get myself into?’

Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (!!NEW KOJIYUU PRT. 2!! Oct 25)
Post by: kahem on October 25, 2011, 08:09:34 AM
YAY! Kojiyuu!!! Come one Kojiharu you won't reget it. Wait it's Yuko, Ok maybe a little lol
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (!!NEW KOJIYUU PRT. 2!! Oct 25)
Post by: haruhi16 on October 25, 2011, 08:17:08 AM
OMG You updated the kojiyuu fic!  :heart: :heart: :heart:    I'm waiting for this!  :heart:

Thank god Haruna agreed! I swear Haruna, you won't regret it!!!  you'll be happy with the funny, energetic, joyful and cute perverted squirrel!  :cow:  you don't have to be sad now! she'll make you smile and happy everyday   :heart: :heart:

Please i want more! MORE!   :bow: :bow:

update soon   :thumbsup
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (!!NEW KOJIYUU PRT. 2!! Oct 25)
Post by: akinyan on October 25, 2011, 05:10:09 PM
Oh yes, I love you Kenney. You and your ranting voice, baby voice, normal voice and your singing! I'm your forever stalker, dear. This. I. Swear.  :heart: w :heart:

That aside! SAEYUKIFEDSCSRDCX even though I'm not really into this pairings that much your freaking update is so urghhhh! MAYUYU'S PoV! YES MAYU, YUKI SLEPT ON SAE'S BED TOO, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!


*Pants* Oh God, I guess I'm done spazzing for tonight now...

Time for me to go back to my position behind a post lamp, watching you from afar in a dark, dark night...

Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (!!NEW KOJIYUU PRT. 2!! Oct 25)
Post by: Haruko on October 26, 2011, 06:38:03 AM
aww our yuko.. always the cuttest one :D
Title: Re: [AKB48+SKE48] Reaching Out to You (!!NEW KOJIYUU PRT. 2!! Oct 25)
Post by: crono1036 on November 17, 2011, 05:45:19 AM
LOL Who knows, maybe she will, maybe she won't. With Yuko around, there's no doubt there will be some action.
Haha... Don't worry, I'm getting to it
OMG!! Why you still creeping on my fics?! Why you still creeping on me?!? Yes, my updates are so (insert akinyan's frustrated groan here). It's how I do~
And man, you're really anticipating the KojiYuu.
Yes, she's always the cutest~
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [KojiYuu UPDATE!! Oct 25]
Post by: nana0922 on February 10, 2012, 07:08:41 PM
Really love the Sae Yuki part, when will the final part be coming out???
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [KojiYuu UPDATE!! Oct 25]
Post by: immortal_K on February 14, 2012, 02:42:42 AM
The lurker has surfaced again!

I'm still waiting for more SaeYuki!  :bow: :bow: OKay I'm waiting for the other pairs to be updated too
So to remind you that I'm still waiting, I decided to surface and bring this back to your attention  :panic:

Where is my V-day fic! I'm waiting for that toooooo  :twisted:
Actually looking back I notice I haven't been very active in leaving comments here... oops keke  :nervous

*runs back to hide in the shadows*
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [KojiYuu UPDATE!! Oct 25]
Post by: mayuyuXlyukirinlover13 on April 08, 2012, 01:03:16 PM
DUDE please update SaexYuki!!  :banghead: I've been waitin for 5 months to read that story bu keep up the awesome stories! :thumbup :twothumbs
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [KojiYuu UPDATE!! Oct 25]
Post by: Pandah on April 08, 2012, 03:25:27 PM
ooh yes love your fics!  :twothumbs :twothumbs
definitely hoping you'll be updating soon :) its been quite a while since your last update D:
i wanna know hows sae and yuki is progressing along :P and how kojiyuu is gonna turn out now that they've started going out xD
update soon  :)
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [KojiYuu UPDATE!! Oct 25]
Post by: mayuyuXlyukirinlover13 on May 04, 2012, 06:06:33 AM
Please Update SAEYUKI!!  :bow: :bow: I wan know what happens in the the end!!  :drool: And I totally  :heart: your Fanfics!!  :drool:
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [KojiYuu UPDATE!! Oct 25]
Post by: wsama on May 23, 2012, 04:20:49 AM
I need more saeyuki!!! TT___TT I hope you upload more
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [KojiYuu UPDATE!! Oct 25]
Post by: Megumi on June 01, 2012, 10:58:27 PM

Waaa! Please update!
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [KojiYuu UPDATE!! Oct
Post by: ILOVESAEYUKI-WMATSUI on June 04, 2012, 07:14:36 AM
 Please please please update wmatsui really looking forward to it
 :wub:  :bow:
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [KojiYuu UPDATE!! Oct 25]
Post by: turratar on June 28, 2012, 07:14:44 AM
Rena as a nurse =  :shy1:
This WMatsui fanfic is amazing!  :inlove:
Title: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [UPDATES! NOT DEAD Aug 6]
Post by: crono1036 on August 06, 2012, 02:08:27 PM

But it is really difficult to write something when you have serious writer's block. Or be in that phase where you know what you want to write but just can't get it down on paper/text. Or simply have no motivation. Or just getting fed up with the world and want to disappear. Or simply being lazy. Or having the worst case of procrastination ever. Or just simply being a bad author/writer and disappointing my readers.


Ahem, now that I've got that out of the way... time for some thanks.

I thank everyone who still reads and follows this series so far. I thank everyone who makes a comments with motivational words and gives this series compliments (although I don't deserve them). I thank all the new readers who have decided to take up and give a chance to read this series.

I also thank some certain people (you know who you are) who talk to me late at night and try to get me to pick up my pencil... er... keyboard(?) and push me to write and also pitch me some ideas.

Although I do not deserve praise, I thank all of you. YOU ARE ALL AWESOME AND I LOVE YOU  :heart: :heart: :heart:

Just to update you guys on some plans, here's a list on some possible upcoming fics (marked with [P]), work I'm currently writing (marked with [W]), and work that is on hold/hiatus (marked with [H]):

-[P] KojiYuu Multi-Chap Fic
-[P] Majisuka Gakuen AtsuMina Multi-Chap Fic
-[P] Infinity Mutli-Chap Fic
-[P] AU AKB Multi-Chap Fic
-[P] Songfic Thread
-[P] Infinity Drabbles
-[W] Infinity Oneshot (keep an eye out on my One/Twoshot thread)
-[W] ROtY SaeYuki Final Part
-[W] ROtY AtsuMina Chapter Segment
-[W] ROtY KojiYuu Part 3
-[W] ROtY WMatsui Part 4 (coming really soon)
-[W] SaeMayu Request Oneshot
-[H] A Mistake Turned Right Chapter 4
-[H] Majijo's Lost Tradition Chapter 3 (partner bailed on me)

Yeah, I got a lot of work to do and a lot of stuff that may or may not come through. But this is because I feel that I owe it up to you guys who have been waiting for so long. No I'm not giving you the titles on the possible works <.<

Again, I'm sorry and thank you all who is keep track of this.

I shall be on my way to fic writing as much as I can now.
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [UPDATES! NOT DEAD Aug 6]
Post by: RJay on August 06, 2012, 02:28:33 PM
You know, you really got us worried there.

I thought you would never come back and I would never know the ending of the SaeYuki fic and also the next update of your other fics, glad you came back and would continue your fics.

I'll be waiting for your updates then XD
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [UPDATES! NOT DEAD Aug 6]
Post by: mo-chan on August 06, 2012, 03:19:59 PM
please cantinue  :inlove:
I want to know what is going to happen with Wmatsui  :roll:
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [UPDATES! NOT DEAD Aug 6]
Post by: xxx220 on August 06, 2012, 11:47:01 PM
Please Continued...

I will wait for WMatsui Fics.... :heart: :heart:
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [UPDATES! NOT DEAD Aug 6]
Post by: haruhi16 on August 07, 2012, 03:34:06 AM
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [UPDATES! NOT DEAD Aug 6]
Post by: Haruko on August 07, 2012, 05:57:56 AM
dont worry we are waiting for this
Title: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: crono1036 on August 08, 2012, 10:57:45 AM
And here you have it! My latest update is WMatsui~!

I think it's short. Do you think it's short? I think it's short. It's short, isn't it?

I feel I also sort of rushed the events here but... Mmmmm... When I picked this up again, I found out that I had already written most of it out. But after some re-reading, I had to move, add and remove a lot of parts to make it "interesting". That's why it took me awhile. Still...

Here's a little progress report for ROtY:
-SaeYuki, it is going to be very long but it's only 25% done unfortunately. It's going to take awhile. Sorry...
-KojiYuu, I'm stumped because what I had planned for it, I don't think I can play it out. I think I'm going to either scrap my ideas or do some major modifications. So I ask you my fellow readers, on what do you think I should or what would you like to happen in the next or future parts.
-AtsuMina, it's coming. But I'm working backwards and I don't know how that happened. I honestly don't know when I'm going to have that but I assure you, I will have it done!
-WMatsui, I'm pretty solid on it. Few more parts to go until the end.

Okay, enough reports. I apologize if what you're about to read is not what you expected and is disappointed... although unexpected things are usually good... But if you are pleased then I'm glad.

It's been awhile since I last wrote so I may have lost my touch a little. I let you readers decide how you feel about this. I await comments, if any.

Now of to reading, you! *shooing wave*  :wave:

Chapter Segment: Rena x Jurina [Part 4]

"Jurina-chan!! Wake up!! You're going to be late for school!! Ah! I'm going to be late for work!"

Ma-Matsui yelled from the bottom of the staircase. She groaned and didn’t bother anymore to wake her daughter up; she simply just couldn’t be late for work. Grabbing her bag and car keys, he rushed to work.

"Mm..." Jurina grumbled as she awoke from sleep. She stretched on her bed and kicked off her blanket. Rising from her bed, she took a peek at her alarm clock. 8:25AM it read in fluorescent green light.

“Crap!” Jurina exclaimed in a fit of worry and jumped out of bed and got ready. She went as fast as she could to prepare for the school day and made sure that she remembered to bring her lunch this time. Out the door went the young girl, to the bus stop she dashed to.

“Aww man, why didn’t my alarm go off?” she whines while running to her destination.

Jurina slowed down as she came to view a silver Toyota waiting at the bus stop. Was it? It was! Rena had been waiting for her at the stop. Spotting her, she coolly rolls downs the window and peered through the window.

"Good morning, sleepy head." Rena smiled at her young partner. "Hop in."

Jurina looked her way and gave her questioning expression, “How did you…?”

"Let’s just say that I had a feeling you were running late, again. Hehe… I'm glad my feeling was right." Rena smirked. “Now get in before we’re both late!”

The 17-year-old took a quick look around, just to make sure that no one from school was nearby. Quickly yet cautiously, she enters the vehicle, fastening her seatbelt, and then Rena takes off down the road. At a red light, it was quiet. Jurina sat silently in her seat, staring out the passenger side window, but her view was obscured by a shipping truck that was beside them. She continued watching nonetheless.

Unbeknownst to her, Rena’s gaze shifted from the road ahead of her and brought her attention to the younger girl’s… figure. Her eyes wandered around her, her legs, her arms, hands, waist, the visible part of her ear that could be see through her hair, what she was able to glance at without being noticed. She thought that everything about her was cute, even the back of her head and the split in the middle of her hair. But she’d never let her mind think any further than that. She was pretty much full-on checking her out.

But this silence was starting to annoy her and this red light didn’t help at all. Rena resisted the urge several times to turn on the car radio in the chance that Jurina may want to talk about something. It seems that it wasn’t going to happen. This gives her the chance to attack, tease her a little bit, and entertain herself.

"So,” Rena started, catching Jurina’s attention, “No 'good morning' kiss?" she asked as watched Jurina blushed at her question.

Mission accomplished! Just seeing her all red and flustered made her all the more adorable, Rena thought. She giggled as she pouted her lips with her eyes closed, waiting for Jurina.

"Re-Re-Re-Rena-sensei... We're in public; someone might see." Jurina spoke, feeling uncomfortable.

The nurse opened her eyes, "Don't worry, we're in my car and the windows are tinted dark enough. No one will see or even recognize us." Rena then closed her eyes again, "Come on, it’s just a 'good morning' kiss. Even a light peck will do."

Jurina gulped and nodded, "Ok..." She shifted in the leather seat and slowly inched closer to Rena's face. She gave Rena's lips a soft kiss.

“Hehe… was that so hard?” Rena retracted and began driving again as soon as the light turned green. Jurina simply turned a shade redder swiftly returned to window gazing to calm down.

Rena and Jurina are dating, secretly of course for about 3 weeks now. It happened when certain events occurred (check previous part) and it then became inevitable. Because of their occupational positions, they want, or rather had to, keep things on the down-low or else a lot of commotion will occur if it got out. Rena didn't really mind dating someone younger than her or the fact that her significant other is of the same sex. Jurina didn’t mind, but with an older partner. The thing about Rena is that her job and also her freedom would be on the line if anybody caught wind of this. Jurina is still technically underage at 17.

They neared the academy, just one more right turn after two more lights and they were there. "You know, if you're ever running late or even want a ride to school, you can just call me. I'll come pick you up from home so you don't have to run to the stop every time."

Jurina nodded, "Thanks, but I don't want to impose or anything. It’d also be a waste of gas."

"It's not imposing. What's wrong with wanting to drive my… Heh, I shouldn’t be saying this but, favourite student to school when she needs it?"

"'Favourite,' you say," Jurina lips perked at the sides slightly. Maybe Jurina will take Rena up on that offer. But... "But won't people think somethings going on if I keep showing up with you?"

"Having doubts, are we? If you’re really care about that more than me, we might as well bre--”

“No! Of course not! I really do like you! I do want to be with you. It’s just…” Jurina’s reactions were very interesting to Rena but at least she was honest about her feelings.

“Oh? Then I’m really happy to hear that.” Rena grin grew a little wider, “Now, if there is one thing I know, it’s to swerve around the truth.”

“You’re telling me to lie? Should an adult really be telling student to lie to other people?”

Rena paused for a moment to sigh, “If people ask, just say that we live close by each other. It’s not entirely false since I live down the street in an apartment. Or if you want it to sound more official, say that your mom asked me to do this so that you wouldn’t be late when you sleep in, which I can arrange. Simple."

Simple she says, Jurina thought. She still thought Rena’s “swerving” as lying, which she doesn’t have much of an issue with. She just prefers not to lie if she doesn’t have to. But if it’s to protect herself and Rena in any way, she might need to. The younger girl exhaled through her nose.

The rest of the ride was in silence exempt for the radio forecasting the weather and playing some music, which Rena finally couldn’t resist turning on. The car rides are usually like this, no one would bother to speak a word if there was nothing more to talk about. They would enjoy each others’ company. Occasionally, they would sneak glances of each other; one of them certainly enjoyed doing that whenever they were together. With the surprisingly traffic light, they didn’t have those long awkward silences.

Finally, they pulled into the parking lot of the academy.

“Thanks for the ride… again.”

Rena smiled, closing her car door and looking at her secret girlfriend, “No need to thank me. Now off to class, you.” She said with a shooing-wave.

The high-school girl started in the other direction but turned around one more time to see her secret partner before class. But her eyes met with a still-smiling nurse who winked at her, mouthing the words “I’ll see you later, honey.” Jurina walked away with her heart aflutter.

“Yo, Jurina!” Mizuki greeted her with a smile, running up to her. “I see you got another right from Rena-sensei, eh.” She whispered, nudging her with her elbow.

“Hey, isn’t that her?”

“That’s the girl from the picture, right?”

“Her and a teacher, do you think it’s true?”

“What’s going on? Everyone’s staring at you.” Mizuki pointed out, checking out her surroundings.

Jurina didn’t even notice but now that she mentioned it, it was true. Jurina took a gander around her and met the several pairs of burning eyes. If looks could kill, Jurina would have died several times over by the amount she was getting. It was really starting to worry her so she rushed to her classroom with Mizuki following closely behind, trying to get away from those stinging stares.

When she finally reached her classroom, the door opened before she can grab the handle. Kumi stepped out, almost bumping into Jurina, her with cell phone in one hand and a sheet of paper in the other, “Ah, Jurina-chan…” Kumi wore an expression of surprise and worry as she attempted to hide them behind her back.

“Ah, Kumi-chan. What’s this?” She grabbed Kumi’s cell phone out of her hand and took a good look of it. But what was on the screen put her in a state of shock. It was a snapshot of Rena and Jurina in the infirmary… kissing! In a state of confusion, she peered inside only to be stared at with disgusted eyes; students had their phones out, taking two-takes between Jurina and their device.

Mizuki took the paper from Kumi’s hand. On it was words written in large letters:


“That was on Jurina-chan’s desk.” Kumi explained

“This is bullying, who would do this?!” Mizuki crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the trash bin.

“I don’t know but whoever sent it attached a message saying to forward it to people who go here,” said Kumi, “Everyone in the school could see it by the end of today or even by lunch.”

Mizuki whispered, “You sure you two were careful?”

Mizuki and Kumi already knew about the two Matsuis relationship, but for Jurina they kept it a secret. No one should know about it except for them four; they are very tight lipped and careful about it.

Jurina took a good look at the picture again. She remembered it was about a week ago when she and Rena kissed in the infirmary, which was their first and last time they kissed in such a public place. It was also really late after school that no one should have still been there. How it got out, how anybody was able to snap pictures threw all their heads through loops. The biggest loop of all, who was it.

“Jurina-chan...” The two friends looked at her in concern.

Jurina remained silent for a few moments, trying to keep her cool. It would do her no good if she freaked out now. If she did, it’d only make her look guilty. No matter what, she had to keep face for their sakes, her’s and Rena’s. And no doubt Rena is getting dirty looks too. And if Jurina knew her well enough, she would be very calm right now and not take any mind to any of them.

She took a deep breath, “I-I’m sure this is someone’s idea of a prank.” She spoke as clearly as she could under all the pressure. She had to play it off somehow.

Kumi was still concerned for her friend but Mizuki caught on and quickly played along, “Y-yeah! It’s probably someone just picking on the new kid or something. Look at it, it’s obviously shopped.”

Kumi cleared her throat, “Well, it really had me fooled, it looked professionally done.”

Some minutes later, class began. But paying attention in class was hard. The three girls had other things on their minds than Japanese History. Kumi and Mizuki looked over to Jurina, who was staring intently into the blank page of her notebook.

How was this happening? She’s only been at this school for roughly a month and a half and she’s being bullied, at a scale this high? She didn’t even get a note or a threat or something of the sort to start things off; it already went to full blown blackmail. Although Jurina wasn’t the kind of girl to be brought down by bullying, but the discovery of her secret relationship with Rena was shell-shocking to her, especially at this magnitude. But right now, how was not the issue, it was who and why.

However, what concerned her more was how Rena was taking it or if she even knew.

Two periods went by in what seemed like minutes rather than hours. Not a little word or even letter was written on the blank page of Jurina’s notebook. She was still deep though, not even realizing it was time for lunch.

“Hey, snap out of it, it’ll blow over soon.” Mizuki said, as she pulls a chair over to Jurina’s desk.

Kumi approaches, “Maybe you should talk to Rena-sensei.” She says in a hushed voice.

Jurina shook her head and sighed, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, it might just cause more suspicion. Perhaps another time is better but not now.”

“You should just let it come to pass first and then talk.” Mizuki suggests.

“I just hope it doesn’t get any worse,” it showed on Jurina’s face, the toll that this whole situation was taking on her and it has only been a few hours.

“Jurina-chan, if the teachers see this then do you know what that means? It would mean--” Kumi gets cut off by the chiming of bells on the PA system.

“Will 3rd-year Jurina Matsui and Nurse Rena Matsui-sensei report to the Principal’s Office immediately. Repeat. Will 3rd-year Jurina Matsui and Nurse Rena Matsui-sensei report to the Principal’s Office immediately.”

A broadcast announcement echoed throughout the school grounds and sent shivers down Jurina’s spine.

Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug
Post by: smarty0821 on August 08, 2012, 11:42:24 AM
WHAT?! the secret was discovered!! Who dares to do this?!!!? :angry: :angry: Oh,please wmatsui be strong ....please update :cry: 
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: mo-chan on August 08, 2012, 01:23:02 PM
what  :stoned:
the secret is dispersed  :OMG:
they even will go to the Principal’s Office  :shock:
what is going to happen  :scared:
what is going to happen to them  :fainted:
update soon please I can't wait what is going to do the Wmatsui  :pleeease:
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: Sayuki on August 09, 2012, 03:45:03 PM
The secret was revealed??? :O

What will happen to Jurina and rena? :(( Hope they won't get in to any troubles.

I'm really looking forward to your update :)
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: kahem on August 09, 2012, 05:43:22 PM
OMG things are really bad for WMatsui!!!!! I hope they will find a way to resolve this.
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: Juribait on August 09, 2012, 09:37:57 PM
OMG! this is bad  :shock:
I hope that nothing bad happen to them  :shocked
but the main question is: Who take the picture ?
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: Pandah on August 27, 2012, 05:58:48 AM
*gasp* the long awaited update!

and wmatsuis secret has been exposed! well not yet at least...
i will forever wait for saeyuki and kojiyuu~

and in regards to the kojiyuu part...i dont really have any idea to give you but i guess if you are thinking that some major modifications are needed to be done..then do it i guess? lol im not very helpful

wells will wait for the next update :D whatever it may be!
keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: Tam_atsu on September 30, 2012, 02:54:51 AM
Still waiting for the kojiyuu [Roty Series] please update soon!!!  :)
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: fuu_kun on October 10, 2012, 04:05:54 PM
wow it has been 2 months since the last update :| i wanna know the ending of saeyuki~~ please update soon ^o^)/ thanks!
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: Tam_atsu on October 14, 2012, 09:55:55 AM
please update the kojiyuu pleasee!!!  :bow:
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: Trickster on October 14, 2012, 03:12:14 PM
will be waiting for WMatsui update XD
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: mayuyuXlyukirinlover13 on November 25, 2012, 11:24:35 AM
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: Tam_atsu on January 18, 2013, 12:43:01 PM
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: mayuyuXlyukirinlover13 on March 08, 2013, 02:46:00 PM
It's been Like a Year now and I'm STILL on Cliff hanger mode on SAEYUKI!! Will Mayuyu Sabotage the Confession?? Will they be too embarrassed never confess at all? I wanna know WE WANNA KNOW~!
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug
Post by: fuu_kun on March 09, 2013, 06:53:49 PM
We wanna know >w< me believe in you crono chan.. We do..
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: Tam_atsu on July 16, 2013, 12:08:21 PM
KOJIYUU UPDATE PLEASE  :bow: :bow: :cry:
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: crono1036 on July 16, 2013, 09:15:23 PM
Me <---- Still waiting for AtsuMina~ Your SaeYuki story is The best!  :wriggly:

But why Atsumina still coming soon? <--- sorry for the repeat question.  :P

By the way, I'm still be waiting for it!  :on GJ:

I'm sorry to break this to you, but I've decided to drop AtsuMina for the reason that I cannot come up with something good for it. I made that choice a little more than half a year ago but I forgot to tell you guys. I know it's sad after 2 years but yeah, that's what I've decided to do. Sorry to disappoint you, really. :cry:
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: Koneki on July 16, 2013, 09:44:51 PM
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: crono1036 on July 16, 2013, 09:50:44 PM
Still ongoing. I'm working on it plus 3 other works.
Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [WMatsui UPDATED Aug 8]
Post by: himitsu on July 31, 2013, 11:01:29 AM
im still waiting you to continuing this ff.. especially saeyuki's part
crono-san, please update your ff..

Title: Re: Reaching Out to You [SaeYuki/WMatsui/KojiYuu/AtsuMina] [HIATUS]
Post by: crono1036 on April 06, 2015, 07:24:08 PM

Man, I haven't been on here in so long...

I can't believe people still read my fics today... Wow, you guys are great!  :heart:

I've recently (like a few minutes ago) gotten a message asking me when I'm going to update my WMatsui segment for this series. Well, I think I'm going to tell you, my precious loyal readers, what I told them, what's been going on with me, and what's going to happen. You guys deserve that much for putting up with a schmuck like me.

Actually, I don't know if I'm going to continue with that series. See, I haven't wrote fanfiction in over 3 years and I don't have the motivation to ever get back into it. Like I have some new ideas plots but I don't have the motivation to actually write it out.
As for the WMatsui segment of Reaching Out to You, I still have the idea for that story in my head but will I ever update it? Probably not.
If I'm completely honest, I don't even ship WMatsui anymore so that further lessens my motivation.
I think I'm going to put my whole ROtY series on hold. Probably even put all my ongoing works on hold...

Believe me when I say that for the longest time, I've been wondering what to do about my fics on here and I've made a few decisions.

With this said, I'm putting Reaching Out to You on a hiatus. Also I'm going to completely cancel the WMatsui AND KojiYuu segments. About my other fics, those will go on hiatus as well until further notice. Well my one/twoshot collection had been jumpy from the start so... Anyways, you can note what has been put on hiatus and what has been cancelled in my signature.

However, I will not leave you all without some sort of closure! for any cancelled project, I'll be more than happy to fill you in on. If you wish to know how a story plays out and how it ends, send me a message to my fanfiction tumblr (link is in my signature). But because I like seeing people piece puzzles together, I won't give too many details unless specifically asked.  :lol:
Please, please, please, send me a message because then I'll finally be able to "finish" a story.  :bow:

I'm deeply sorry to those who have been waiting on my lazy butt to update SOMETHING within my absence I wouldn't be surprised for blame you if I'm not your favourite writer anymore because let's be real, I haven't written anything in three years and there are tons more people who are so much better than me.  :sweatdrop:

Thank you for reading my fics, though! It's really nice knowing there are people who are still fans of my works! Maybe one day I'll have something new written.