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The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Library => Topic started by: resop2 on May 30, 2011, 09:08:53 PM

Title: Musume Princess Angel (Part 4, the conclusion uploaded June 12)
Post by: resop2 on May 30, 2011, 09:08:53 PM
I have some short anime themed stories as well.

This one is based on the anime/dating sim: Sister Princess.

If you haven't seen the anime here is the wiki page: (

Title: Re: Musume Princess Angel
Post by: resop2 on May 30, 2011, 09:29:18 PM
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the images.)

Author's notes:  The following words all mean "big brother" with various levels of formality.  The following is a list of substitute words that were used in the Sister Princess anime American dub.

* onii-chan - big brother
* aniki - bro
* onii-chama - brother
* onii-tama - bro-bro
* anii - big bro

The following word means big sister:

* onee-chan

Ojamaruche means "annoying surprise" and was Konno's h!p news interviewer name.

Musume Princess Angel

Yossie stands in front of building that looks like a dormitory.  "Itai!  Why does my head hurt?"  She looks in her hands and sees a brochure for a cram school.  There are some bags next to her as well.

What?  Okay, I only made the "C" class in the Okajo High School special but have I really been busted from being a national idol down to being a ronin?

Yossie hears some sea gulls.  She turns around and sees a large body of water in the distance.   She sees that the dorm was on a large hill with a village further down from where she is.  Sea gulls?  Is this a island, or the shore?

"It's true.  You came."

Startled, Yossie turns around to see Gaki.  She has her hair up in curled pigtails, an atypical look for her since she usually prefers straight pigtails.  "Gaki?  Why are you here?  And, what's with the strange hair style?"

Karen looks perplexed.  "Gaki?  My name is Karen, onii-chan.  I always wear my hair like this."

Now it is Yossie's turn to look perplexed.  "Wait just a second, I don't recall having any younger sisters, especially not one named Karen.  And, if you were my sister, why are you calling me onii-chan instead of onee-chan?"

"Because, you are our onii-chan.  That's why you came here."

Yossie gets a surly look.  "I thought I was here for cram school.  And, what do you mean, our?"

Karen giggles.  "Let me show you around.  But first ..."  Karen pulls out a camera and runs to Yossie's side to take an arm's length picture of them together.

"This is embarrassing."

Karen leads Yossie around back to a work shed.  Loud construction type noises come from within.  The area reeks of oil.  Karen waits for the noise to subside.  "Rin Rin!"

After a minute a girl with safety goggles and a welder's smock appears at the door.  "It's true, you came, aniki!"

"Wataru, this is Rin Rin."

Yossie's eyes double in size.  She shakes her hand in front of her face.  "Hold on, hold on.  My name isn't Wataru, it's Yossie.  And, her name isn't Rin Rin.  Her name is Konkon."

Rin Rin smiles.  "Aniki, you can call me Rin Rin, Konkon, or Ojamaruche if you like.  But," Rin Rin looks sorrowful,  "I was building you a wonderful present, but I seem to have run out of research and development funds.  Could you loan me a couple bucks until next week?  I promise the present will be worth it."

"Geez."  Yossie looks in her wallet and finds an unexpected amount of money.  "Oh, okay, I guess."

Rin Rin grabs the money and touches a button on her safety goggles.  Fake eyebrows attached to the safety goggles go up and down.  "Thanks!"  Rin Rin races back to her work area which looks like a mad scientist's lair.

Karen lowers her camera, which has an image in its preview window of Rin Rin snatching the money from a dark haired boy.  "Rin Rin is so happy to see you, Big Brother, I have never seen her so excited.  But, you know, she stole the eyebrow gimmick from me."  Karen strikes the "mayuge beam" pose.

Yossie's head feels like it is spinning.  "I see, I guess, but putting that aside, what is this all about?"

"Come this way."

They walk around back to a garden where a tiny girl is planting seeds.

"Kaho, he's here.  I would like you to meet Wataru."

Kaho jumps up and claps here hands rhythmically and starts a cheer.  "Onii-chama, onii-chama, onii-chama, Kaho's here!"  Kaho ends the cheer with a the Mini Moni pose.

"Eeeeeeeh?  Maripi, you too?"  Yossie stares a Kaho.  What is going on in this place?

"Onii-chama?  What type of flowers do you like?  I went out and got a lot of different types of seeds, just to make sure.  But, I didn't get Maripi's"

Yossie ponders for a minute.  "Lilies are nice."

"Yeah!  I had a hunch."  Kaho does an extended victory dance where she waddles like a duck.

Yossie notices something out of the corner of her eye.  She leans over to whisper to Karen.  "Is the next sister hiding behind a tree?"

Karen looks shocked.  "No one I know hides behind trees."

Yossie walks over to a tree and gives it a spinning back kick.

An embarrassed person falls out from behind the tree.  "Sorry, I wanted to see that you got to your dorm safely."

Yossie gives the intruder a fierce look.

"Don't you remember me?  We rode the boat together to get to this island.  It's Taro-kun."

So, this is an island?  "I did?  And, are you sure your name isn't Mako-chan?"

Taro puts his hand under his chin  "Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.  It's Taro-kun, of course."  Taro gets a lecherous look in his eyes.  "So who are all these beautiful girls you are rooming with?"

"Supposedly, they are my younger sisters."

Taro beams.  "Wow!  So lucky to have so many cute sisters!  I'll have all of you know that I am Wataru's best friend in the whole wide world."

Karen beams.  "Is that so?"

Taro acts amorously towards Karen.  "Why yes, it's true."



"What colors does onii-chan like in clothes?"

Taro face plants.

Two more girls approach the group.  One is dressed in a cute sun dress holding a book, the other approaches on skate board.

Yossie's eyebrow twitches.  "More sisters?"

The one in the sun dress jumps up and down.  "Onii-tama!  Hina-chan desu."  Hina does the Mini Moni "chan desu" poses while introducing herself (point right, point left, point center and cross you eyes).  "I brought a picture book for you to read to me."

Karen smiles.  "Wataru, this is Hinako."

The other girl speaks.  "Anii, after that I can show you my," she holds her skateboard back and dips, "uhh, sexy skateboard tricks."

"Wataru, this is Mamoru."

Yossie thinks.  She lines up Kaho, Hinako and Mamoru, hoping that she could force some sort of recognition out of Maripi, Aibon and Nono.

Karen smiles.  "Wataru, don't you think that they look cute together?"

"Yeah, sort of like ..."

"Onii-chama!  Come over with us and pose with us."

Yossie feels helpless as the three shorter sisters instruct her to look down while raising her chin with her hand.

Karen smiles and points the camera.  "Okay, ready?"

Yossie, Kaho, Hinako and Mamoru strike the aiin pose.  Taro sneaks into the pictures as well.  "Aiiiiin!"

Karen grabs Wateru by the arm.  "Now if you three will excuse us, I'll introduce big brother to some more of his sisters."

"I have more?"

Taro beams.  "Wataru, you're my best friend in the whole world!"

Kaho, jumps up and down.  "Wait, Mamoru didn't introduce herself properly."

"Do I have to?"

"Come on, we'll all do it.  Kaho-chan desu!"

"Hina-chan desu!"

"Mamo-chan desu!"

"Taro-chan desu!"

Kaho sneaks over and hip checks Taro so hard that he winds up back behind the trees.

To be continued!
Title: Musume Princess Angel
Post by: kuro808 on May 31, 2011, 10:27:22 AM
I see what you meant during the discussion, it looks like a pretty good story
Title: Re: Musume Princess Angel
Post by: resop2 on June 03, 2011, 07:42:06 PM
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the images.)

Author's notes:  The following words all mean "big brother" with various levels of formality.  The following is a list of substitute words that were used in the Sister Princess American dub.

* anigimi-sama - beloved brother
* ani-chama - brother dearest
* onii-sama - dear brother

Musume Princess Angel Part 2

Karen leads Yossie around the dormitory complex.  The area is surprisingly large with almost a dozen buildings.

They hear a sharp thud.

"What was that?"

"Don't worry, we're almost there."

The walk into the back door of one of the buildings and Yossie sees that it is a gym of some kind.

"She's in the back."  They walk through a door into the archer's area of an archery range.


Yossie sees a girl shoot an arrow, hitting a perfect bulls-eye some fifty yards away.  The girl wears an orange shirt and a long black skirt, like you would see in a portrait of a "yamato nadeshiko" (perfect Japanese girl).

The girl notices Karen and Yossie and blushes.  "Anigimi-sama, I am afraid that I have done something shameful in front of you.  I beg your forgiveness."

Yossie scratches her head.  Since when did Mikitty care about such old fashioned stuff?  "You didn't do anything shameful.  After all, you made a bulls-eye."

"Haruka is so happy!  Ah ha ha ha!"  Haruka laughs in an affected way.  "I have been working hard in anticipation for your arrival, studying my tea ceremonies, flower arrangements and martial arts."

"Well then, I will look forward to you demonstrating your talents."

Haruka starts gushing, veering between crying with happiness and shaking with excitement.

Yossie motions to Karen that they should continue.

"Haruka, I have to introduce Wataru to the other sisters.  Please excuse us."

"Anigimi-sama is looking forward to my demonstrations."

Yossie and Karen walk out of the building.

"Now that gave me the creeps."

Karen overacts in surprise.  "Uso!  Why?"

"Um, I guess I know another girl who looks like Haruka but is exactly the opposite to her in personality."

Karen shrugs her shoulders.  "Coincidences like that make life exciting, right?"  Karen points with both hands.

Yossie notices something out of the corner of her eye.  "I thought none of the sisters hide behind stuff."

"Not behind trees."

"What about around corners of buildings?"

Karen giggles.  "Yotsuba!"

A girl dressed in a Sherlock Holmes styled outfit with a magnifying glass and deer stalker hat jumps out from behind the corner.  "Yompi! ... Checky, checky, check!"  She runs up to Yossie and looks at her through the magnifying glass.  "After so long I can finally check on ani-chama."

Yossie shakes her head.  Well, at least Tanakitty kept her unusual fashion sense.  "You're going to check on me?"

"I want to investigate all there is to know about ani-chama."  Yotsuba winks and pretends her hand is a gun and fires it close to her chin.

Taro sees Wataru talking with two other girls.  He limps towards them as fast as he can.  "Young lady, I am Wataru's best friend in the world.  Please feel free to ask me anything about Wataru and ..."  Taro stops when he realizes that Yossie and Karen have continued their tour of the dormitory, and Yotsuba has faded back into the shadows.  "Wait for me!"

Yossie and Karen make it to the door of the main building and succeed in getting in and shutting the door before Taro can enter.

"Big Brother, I hope that your friend is not a burden to you?"

"He can meet the other sisters later.  He's having too much fun."

"I see."

"So, who is next?"

Before Karen can answer a girl slips out from behind a coat rack.  "Onii-sama, this just won't do!  How could Onii-sama wear something so ordinary?"

"This is Sakuya."

Yossie gets very uncomfortable.  Even though she was acting like a weird younger sister, Shige-Pink was still very attractive.  "And, you plan on fixing this?"

"Oh yes, Sakuya will give onii-sama a make over and make him the most handsome boy in school.  Of course, I'll have to take measurements to make sure the fit is perfect, so I'll have to measure," pregnant pause, "everything."

"Everything??"  Yossie gets even more uncomfortable.

"But, onii-sama better not abuse his new found looks.  If onii-sama neglects Sakuya-chan some other guy will surely steal her away."

Yossie gulps, not knowing what to think of Sakuya's aggressiveness.

Sakuya laughs.  "Onii-sama, why are you so upset?  You know your cute little sister will never leave you."  Sakuya giggles, make the "Usachan-Peace" sign and runs away.

Yossie shakes her head.  What else was going to happen?

To be continued.
Title: Re: Musume Princess Angel (Part 2 uploaded June 3)
Post by: kuro808 on June 04, 2011, 06:16:08 AM
^ Usa-chan peace :lol:
Title: Re: Musume Princess Angel (Part 2 uploaded June 3)
Post by: resop2 on June 08, 2011, 09:27:03 PM
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the images.)

Author's notes:  The following words all mean "big brother" with various levels of formality.  The following is a list of substitute words that were used in the Sister Princess American dub.

* aniue-sama - brother mine
* nii-sama - Elder brother
* nii-ya - Mon frère

Musume Princess Angel - Part 3

Karen smiles.  "Please come upstairs.  There's someone who is really interested in meeting you."

Yossie gulps.  "Haven't they all been really interested?"

"You'll see."

They reach a room that has a name plate that says Marie.

Yossie enters and sees a girl with large glasses staring out of the window with a book in her lap.

The girl doesn't turn around.  "Is it true?  Has he come?"

"He's here, Marie."

"A gentle autumn day, the blue birds are singing, the sun is shining and aniue-sama is finally here?  Marie is so HAP-py!"

"Marie, won't you turn around and look at our brother?"

Marie turns around and clasps her hands to her chest.  "It's true.  For years I have worked to get to this point.  This is my dream come true."

Geez, I'm actually used to Charmy acting like this.  "What's that book about?"

"It's a book about the beach.  For years I had to be in a hospital because I was too frail to fend for myself, so I never got a chance to go to the beach.  But, I know I will be okay if aniue-sama is there with me."

"Well then, look forward to me taking you to the beach."

Marie smiles and sighs.

Yossie smells the scent of a stew.  "I smell something that smells good."

"Lunch?"  Marie jumps up excitedly.  Then she realizes that she has given away that she was much more energetic than she was letting on, and play punches herself in the head.

Yossie raises a scolding eyebrow then smiles.  "Don't worry, I'll still take you to the beach."

Marie makes a victory sign.

Yossie and Karen walk back downstairs to the kitchen.  They see a girl in an apron singing to herself and shaking her butt back and forth.


Shirayuki is startled, then turns around.  "Oh my god!  nii-sama is here!"

"Shirayuki, this is Wataru."

"What you're cooking smells nice."

"I have been studying cooking so nii-sama would have good things to eat."

Karen surveys the carnage on the counter.  "Shirayuki, don't you throw anything out?"

"I was waiting for you."

Shirayuki and Karen start throwing things blindly over their shoulders toward a trash bin some twenty feet away.  Incredibly, everything they throw goes in.


"Are we acting strange?"

"I guess not."

Yossie feels someone caress her backside.  "What the heck?"

"Aria likes the soft things best."  Yossie hears a girl speak in a slow whisper with a French accent.

Yossie turns around to see a girl who looks a lot like Takitty who is dressed in a Gothic Lolita hoop skirt and frilly bonnet.

Karen smiles.  "Aria, this is Wataru."

"Nii-ya, Aria has been practicing for years just for you."

"Practicing butt grabbing?"

Karen tries to calm Yossie down.  "No, no, Aria wants to sing for you.  That's why she whispers, so she can protect her voice."

Aria sings a short choral piece for Yossie.

"Wow, that's great!"

"Aria is so happy."

Hey, with Charmy, Eririn and Takitty down, they're almost out of group members.  I wonder what's coming next?

To be continued.
Title: Re: Musume Princess Angel (Part 3 uploaded June 8)
Post by: kuro808 on June 09, 2011, 06:40:36 AM
sort of impressive Yossie gets to go back into the world of memories :lol:
Title: Re: Musume Princess Angel (Part 3 uploaded June 8)
Post by: resop2 on June 12, 2011, 08:02:57 PM
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the images.)

Author's note:  The following words all mean "big brother" with various levels of formality.  The following is a list of substitute words that were used in the Sister Princess American dub.

* an-chan - bud
* ani-kun - Brother Darling

Musume Princess Angel Part 4

"So, let me guess, I have only one other sister?"

Karen's eye's grow wide with surprise.  "Amazing!  How did you guess that?"

"It's complicated to explain, but let's just say that each one of my sisters so far has looked exactly like one of my friends and my friends and I are in a group of fourteen people."

"What type of group?"

"An idol singer group."

"There's an idol singer that looks like me?  Amazing!  That seems so weird.  I'm just a normal girl.  But, putting that aside, you've only met eleven sisters so far."

"Yeah, but we have to add in myself and Taro."

"But, isn't it strange that there is an idol group with both boys and girls in it?"

Yossie face plants.

"Still, that's an amazing coincidence.  I guess life throws strange things at you sometimes."

"Well, let's not keep our last sister waiting.  Where is she?"

Karen motions Yossie to come with her.  "She's on the top floor.  However, I don't like going in her room.  It's a little bit scary up there and I don't like scary things."

Yossie nods and follows Karen, but walking to the stairs she sees something move in the corner of her eye.  "I thought the last sister was upstairs?"

"She is."

"Then who is this person?"  Yossie points to a girl who is trying to sneak away by doing the lobster walk.  However, whatever dubious stealth value this maneuver might have given her was negated by this person's jutting her chin out while she was lobster walking.

"Who, me?  Hi, an-chan!  It's your lively and cute sister Mami.  I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself on the boat ride over but I guess I am shy, tee hee hee."

The corner of Yossie's lip curls in annoyance.  Well, Mika had been in Mini Moni with three of my "sisters".  "Wow, thirteen sisters."  Yossie scratches her head.  "So, how come I don't remember this boat ride?"

Mami giggles.  "Because you fell and hit your head getting out of the boat."

Yossie cringes.  Maybe asking too many questions is a bad thing?

Karen leads Yossie upstairs to a room on the third floor.  The door has a cute nameplate on it that says "Chikage."

"This doesn't look to scary."

"Well, do you best!"  Karen runs away.

Well, what have I got to lose?

Yossie opens the door.  The room is pitch black.  Suddenly two rows of candles light in sequence, lighting up the room enough for Yossie to see the her final sister, sitting behind a desk dealing tarot cards.

Yep, the last sister is Johnson.  "How is it going?  You must be Chikage."

"Ani-kun, don't you want to know?"

"As a matter of fact, any explanation right now would be appreciated."

Chikage turns over an "Hanged Man" card.  "Finished."

Yossie gulps.

"Don't worry, I was only playing solitaire."

"So, what is this place all about?"

"It is a spell I cast."


"Myself and my sisters have been waiting for ani-kun, but he hasn't come yet.  I have cast a spell to bring someone who would fulfill all of my sister's expectations and you came."

"But, they keep calling me Wataru, and thinking that I'm their brother.  I'm not even a boy!"

Chikage smiles a mysterious smile.  "I know you are not Kinakami Wataru, Yossie.  My spells are still not strong enough to work properly.  I am sorry."

"So, I'm not the brother of these girls?"

"No, but you did make all of them very happy.  And, you did make several promises to them."

"Well, I would fulfill my promises to them if I was their real brother.  But, I have another life and lots of promises to fulfill there as well."

Chikage takes out a crystal ball and gazes into it.  Yossie, I hope you will be more serious in keeping your promises to your sisters than you are in keeping your promises to your group mates."

Yossie gulps.

Chikage offers Yossie an object.  It is a stylized heart with a cross, hanging from a ribbon.


"It's time for you to go back to your world.  Don't forget that your cute sisters will want you to come back here."

"But, how would that even be possible?"

"When we need you, our love will bring you back.  See you then."

The candles extinguish and the room goes black.  Yossie feels herself falling and then suddenly she finds herself back in Tokyo in her room.

Oh my god, it was a dream?

Yossie looks around the room.  Her television set is still on, showing the menu page of a DVD.  Yossie notices that the DVD that is playing is Sister Princess.

So that's what happened, I must have fallen asleep watching the DVD that Makochan lent me.

Yossie looks to her side and is horrified to see the gift that Chikage had given her in the dream was lying next to her on a pillow.

Yossie grabs her phone.  "Hey Makochan!"

"Yossie?  You're dragging me out of bed."

"Remember I promised you I would take you to the beach?  Let's do it today."

"The beach?  It's cold!  We would be the only ones out there."

"I know."

"Pick me up in thirty minutes!"

Yossie smiles.  Maybe being a big brother isn't so bad?

The End
Title: Re: Musume Princess Angel (Part 4, the conclusion uploaded June 12)
Post by: kuro808 on June 12, 2011, 11:36:26 PM
nice conclusion for this story :thumbsup