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The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Topic started by: resop2 on November 04, 2011, 05:51:59 PM

Title: Petals 7 - cheezy fake manga cover - 10/19/2012
Post by: resop2 on November 04, 2011, 05:51:59 PM
Hey!  I have an idea for a new story, and I thought it would be fun to have the readers help with the "casting"

The story revolves around an after school club for idol singing.  The goal of the club is to debut at the Shibuya Idol Theater (SIT) which is a pay for play venue so they must raise $250 first.

The club is started by a second year Junior High school student (leader).  She recruits three other girls during club day and then tracks down three more girls who initially reject her and convinces them to join.  So the group (as of yet unnamed) will have seven girls.

The story is planned to be heavy on fluff, pairings, and fan service.

Now, here's where you guys can help:  the casting.  Help me pick who plays which part.  They can be anyone past or present from UFA/H!P except for the Up-Up-Girls who will be running SIT.

The cast:

* The leader - sneaky, driven, and well trained.  Really bad at fashion, can be an ogre at times.

* The rebel - does not want to get involved originally because the leader has such a lame style.  Good natural singing talent but easily distracted.

* The tomboy - does not want to get involved originally because she wants to play sports.  Natural aptitude for dancing but untrained in singing.  Somewhat of a dummy.

* The loli - everyone thinks that she's too young to be going to the school.  Joins because the leader tells her that performing will give her confidence.  (The leader lies a lot.)  Somewhat naive.  Okay all around.

* The cutesy girl - tries to hide insecurities through an overuse of cutesy mannerisms and bragging a lot.  Untrained at singing and dancing.

* The Yamoto Nadeshiko - calm and sincere.  Some training in singing and dancing.  Quick learner.  Doesn't join at first because she doesn't see it as a dignified activity.

* The overacter - Some theater training.  Has good ideas but needs a filter.  Good singer and dancer.  Childhood friend of the leader.

Also open for discussion: who should be paired with who?

Also open for discussion: the group name that the club  tries to create.

Note: while some characters might look like they were designed for an obvious person, I am open to casting against type.

So the floor is open!
Title: Re: Untitled so far - readers help pick the cast and pairings!
Post by: Kikk4r on November 04, 2011, 07:52:40 PM
Reina: rebel (ofc) 
Eri: loli
Ai: Tomboy or Yamoto Nadeshiko
Sayumi: the cute one
Risa: overacter
and the rest may the other come up with

hmm i think want ReinAi and GakiKame (can`t find many Reinai or GakiKame fics anymore)
Title: Re: Untitled so far - readers help pick the cast and pairings!
Post by: Sora-chan on November 04, 2011, 09:16:05 PM
Leader : Ai (I can REALLY see Sayu as the sneaky type but the cutesy character got her name writen all over it.)
Rebel : Reina
Tomboy : Eri
Loli : Aika or Koharu
Cutesy : Sayu
Overacter : Risa

I would REALLY enjoy Tanakame! or ReinAi.
The only pairing im actually against is KameShige actually. *runs from Kameshige fans*

OH! almost forgot Yamoto Nadeshiko could be Ai, or maybe Junjun.
Title: Re: Untitled so far - readers help pick the cast and pairings!
Post by: oddball on November 07, 2011, 12:10:24 PM
Well a few 'traditional' MM option here so I thought I'd at least give you an alternative.....

Leader: Riho (well maybe not the fashino and the ogre thing so much but still....)
Rebel: Miya (it does sort od suit Miya this role, plus make her older than Riho for added fun)
Tomboy: Maimi (she is the sports nut of H!P really, well one of them anyway, again older than Riho)
The Loli: Eripon (even though she is older than Riho in real life, this role sort of suits her)
Cutsey girl: Momo (do I need to explain?)
Yamoto Nadeshiko: Fuku-chan (has that calm and sincere personality)
Overactor: Zukki (well you could probably guess that right, also best friend thing works with Riho)


Well Riho and Zukki as the leader and her loyal overacting best friend since childhood, what a romance that woul be especialy as it's like never the best friend who's secretly always liked you who ends up with the leader so I though it would be nice for a change......

and Eripon and Fuku-chan, well it's PonPon isn't it! I also like the idea of the Yamoto Nadeshiko ending up having a soft spot for the naive Loli.....

As for Miya and Maimi, well you could go two ways, with them having relationships out of the group(with Captain and Airi respectivly) where being part of the group could cause friction with the relationships or start because of being in the group, not sure which. Or you could but them in some sort of, what I am calling 'Rimance' coming from the fact they are 'rivals' to begin with....

as for Momo, well I like the idea of her havng a group of her own followers.....  :nervous

Not very good with names.... maybe Level 7 or Stage 7?  :? something like that

Title: Re: Untitled so far - readers help pick the cast and pairings!
Post by: resop2 on November 07, 2011, 02:59:47 PM
Doushiyo, what am I do to?  So many pairings!

Perhaps the only way to go here is to have for each character a "rival" character?  That would be the only way accommodate all the pairings:

leader: friend from a different club who was shocked that she started her own club rather than continuing the club she was in the previous year
rebel: girl who had recommended rebel for admission to her gang
tomboy: girl with a huge crush who wants the tomboy to stay with her in athletics
loli: taller girl with a bad style complex
Cutesy: some girl who used to shop with the cutesy girl
Yamoto Nadeshiko: stylish girl who YN likes
Overacter: best friend
Title: Re: Untitled so far - readers help pick the cast and pairings!
Post by: resop2 on November 15, 2011, 06:43:26 AM
Okay: here is a first draft of the casting.  The (1) and (2) signify what year they are in the school.

Leader - Takahashi Ai (2)
   Rival - Maimi (2)
   Primary Love Intrest - Reina (1)
   Secondary Love Intrest - Risa (1)

Rebel - Tanaka Reina (1)
   Rival - Miyabi (2)
   Primary Love Interest - Ai (2)
   Secondary Love Interest - Eri (1)

Tomboy - Kamei Eri (1)
   Rival - Eripon (2)
   Primary Love Interest - Risa (1)
   Secondary Love Interest - Reina (1)

Loli - Riho (1)
   Rival - Masaki (1)
   Primary Love Intrest - Zukki (2)
   Secondary Love Intrest -

Cutesy - Sayumi (1)
   Rival - Momoko (1)
   Primary Love Intrest -
   Secondary Love Intrest -

YN - Mizupon (1)
   Rival - Yurina (2)
   Primary Love Interest - Eripon (2)
   Secondary Love Interest -

Overacter - Risa (1)
   Rival - Zukki (2)
   Primary Love Intrest - Kamei Eri (1)
   Secondary Love Intrest - Takahasi Ai (2)

Because there were so many pairings to try to cover, it was tough to find roles that everyone could play.

However, this is only the first draft.  The floor is open for swapping in and out people and adding love interests where there are none so far.

I did have an idea for a group name, feel free to cheer or boo: PE7ALS
Title: Re: Untitled so far - casting first draft for review!
Post by: Sora-chan on November 15, 2011, 01:08:05 PM
Sayumi Primary Love Interest .. (Are we going with the people ONLY on the casting?)
Because if not
PLI : Junjun.
SLI : Koharu.
Or switch them...
SLI : Mizupon

SLI : Sayumi (i read somewhere they were pretty close.... lol)

Plus.. What does Primary love interest/ Secondary love interest mean? Like do they go with the people whos Primary or just want to be with them MORE than the secondary (hence them being called secondary.) ???

PE7ALS lol im alittle unsure, does it have a significant meaning?
Title: Re: Untitled so far - casting first draft for review!
Post by: resop2 on November 15, 2011, 04:28:26 PM
Sayumi Primary Love Interest .. (Are we going with the people ONLY on the casting?)
Because if not
PLI : Junjun.
SLI : Koharu.
Or switch them...
SLI : Mizupon

SLI : Sayumi (i read somewhere they were pretty close.... lol)

Plus.. What does Primary love interest/ Secondary love interest mean? Like do they go with the people whos Primary or just want to be with them MORE than the secondary (hence them being called secondary.) ???

PE7ALS lol im alittle unsure, does it have a significant meaning?

I think primary/secondary means that secondary is the one that they start off with and primary is the one the wind up with, unless they are going for the "Harem Ending" and want to be with both.  Primary and secondary interests do not rule out "rimance" (interest in their rivals).

PE7ALS is 1337-speak for petals, trying to give it a flower theme.

Sayumi/Mizupon sounds like a natural fit and should probably start off being mutual.  Since Yurina is not paired with anyone other than being Mizuki's rival, she could be swapped for Jun Jun without any issues.
Title: Re: Untitled so far - casting first draft for review!
Post by: Sora-chan on November 15, 2011, 10:43:24 PM
Well, yeah if you swap them and the name is fine, I say ok to everything..!!!  :thumbsup 8)
Are you sure its good with all the pairings.
Primary that is... (seeing as though Eri may not primarily be with Reina :mon misch:) lol! Sorry im a big Tanakame biased person :nervous but still, I do like the pairings i havent really gave Gakikame a try but i do also love ReinAi so this could be something new...
Title: Re: Pe7als - coming soon!
Post by: resop2 on November 24, 2011, 06:01:55 PM
Just a quick update:

Pen has been put to paper and the first arc - after school club day - has been started.  However, it might take a while to complete because of the sprawling nature of the story, and because I would like to finish the first arc before serializing it.

There are some details that I am unsure of so far:

Takahashi Ai - Glasses or no Glasses?

Niigaki Risa - Bangs or pigtails and wide forehead?

Yajima Maimi - Curly or straight hair?

Suzuki Kanon - Randomly does strange poses or not?

What do you guys think?
Title: Re: Pe7als - coming soon!
Post by: Flean on November 24, 2011, 07:00:58 PM
Takahashi Ai - Glasses or no Glasses?
prefer with glasses...  :glasses:
Title: Re: Pe7als - coming soon!
Post by: Kikk4r on November 24, 2011, 09:01:16 PM
suzuki kanon does strange poses at random times XD
Title: Re: Pe7als - coming soon!
Post by: Sora-chan on November 24, 2011, 09:44:53 PM
Takahashi Ai - Glasses or no Glasses?

Um I like the idea of her with glasses but, i imagine her more without so its hard.. But what the hay WITH them! xD

Niigaki Risa - Bangs or pigtails and wide forehead?

Bangs!! :) or her with her hair pushed back and no pigtails.. i was never really a fan of the pigtails.

Yajima Maimi - Curly or straight hair?

Ahhh~ This is hard.. um. Straight hair!

Suzuki Kanon - Randomly does strange poses or not?

Not >.<

Thats My opinion though xD
Title: Re: Petals 7 - coming soon!
Post by: resop2 on December 07, 2011, 06:02:57 AM
Big news!

Petals 7 (pe7als) will debut on Thursday with a huge first chapter!

But, if you can't wait, there is a preview in the new Hello!Hello!Project Fanfiction podcast where myself, Junky and Kawaii Beam perform the first couple of pages of story.

Click here for the first part of the sixth Podcast (

Click here for the second part of the sixth Podcast (

Click here for the third part of the sixth Podcast (

The fic is around the beginning of part 3.

Also, after the premiere, I have some NEW questions on where to take the story.  Please look forward to it.
Title: Re: Petals 7 - Coming Thursday!
Post by: oddball on December 07, 2011, 01:20:34 PM

cool really looking forward to this first chapter!  :w00t:
Title: Re: Petals 7 - Coming Thursday!
Post by: resop2 on December 08, 2011, 05:52:58 PM
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Petals 7 - Chapter 1 - Club sign up day.

Takahashi Ai neatly rearranges the papers on her rather bare looking table.  All right!  I am now a second year student, this year I'm running the show.  The world is playing by my rules now.  I'm the one in charge.

Ai looks over at some of the other tables in the Junior High School courtyard and nervously adjusts her stylish glasses.  Rats, and also I have to take responsibility for not creating a fancy looking table.  Well, it's the message that counts, not what the table looks like.

"So, you are really doing this.  I thought that you were just joking."

Ai looks up at Yajima Maimi who stands in front of her table.  "No joke.  I got approval from the teachers."

"I don't want to jinx you or anything, but the dance club will be happy to take you back if your new club doesn't take off."

"Maimi, you might be a better dancer than me, but don't underestimate my resolve.  My club will succeed."

"I don't.  I know your determination quite well.  That's why we want you back.  But, if this is your dream, then we'll just have to replace you with some of the bright young first year students."

Ai's eye's narrow.  "If I don't sign them up for my club first."

Maimi leans in to stare in Ai's face.  "Well then, I will consider you my rival now."

Ai blushes.  That's ironic.  For a whole year I worked my ass off trying to keep up with Maimi and she barely acknowledged my presence.  I quit her club and now I am her rival.  But, there is a downside to this.  Maimi is persuasive and charismatic.  I might lose some good prospects to her.  "One doesn't climb to the top of the mountain by just stepping on pebbles.  I am happy to have you as a rival."

Maimi flips her long straight hair out of her face.  "Let the games begin."  Maimi turns around and walks back to her table.

Ai gulps.  If any of the prospects like girls with sexy butts, I might just lose to her.  It's not a wonder that last school year this girl got confession letters nearly every day in her locker.

"Ai-kun!  You're not with the dance club now?"

"Hi Kanon-kun.  I'm not.  I'm starting my own club.  Here check it out."  Ai hands Suzuki Kanon a flyer.

"Amazing!  But, if this doesn't work out, you know that I can always use you.  And, I can guarantee that you would get on stage."

Ai smiles.  "Thanks.  Since I do admire what you accomplished last year your words means a lot.  But, somehow I don't think that I am cut out for stage plays."

Kanon gives Ai a serious look.  "But, what you guys are doing is unprecedented and very difficult.  If you guys need help, don't hesitate to ask."


"Don't you think that there is an acting element to what your club is trying to do?"

Ai's eyes glaze over. Darn it!  I never thought of that.

"Don't be afraid to ask.  I will support you.  After all, we're classmates!"

"Thanks.  I might have to."


Niigaki Risa walks through the falling sakura petals and adjusts her large round glasses.  Yes!  I am finally here at Saint Harmony Junior High School.  Now, it's time for me to find myself.

Risa walks into the school courtyard.  There are dozens of tables set up each advertising a school club.

Oh my god!  "Ai-sempai!  I'm here!"

"Geeze, we live in the same apartment building.  You don't have to call me sempai."

"But, I want to call you sempai, sempai.  But, why are you not with the dance club?"

"I have started my own club.  Here's a flier.  You should consider joining."

Risa looks at the flier.  "What?  No way!  No way!  No way!   How can you even think I can do this?"

Ai smiles a sneaky smile.  "Well, if you think of me as your sempai, then listen to what your sempai has to say.  I don't think you can do it.  I know that you can do it."

"But, me, a singing idol?  Shouldn't I be gorgeous and sexy and stuff like that?"

Ai looks over Risa.  Although she's skinny and somewhat flat chested, her body still is kind of appealing.  Risa really does sell herself sort.  She would be pretty attractive if she let her hair grow out from that bowl cut and wore contacts.  But, still, we can use a meganekko.  "That's not true.  The only real requirement to be able to make people like you and want to root for you."

"But singing and dancing in front of other people?  What if I screw up?"

"If you never screwed up why would anyone root for you to get better?  Besides, I can teach you the singing and dancing stuff."

"Do you really think I can do this?"

Ai nods.  Ai motions for Risa to stay still and Ai walks over the the main stage and grabs an extra chair.  "Sit right here and back me up.  You don't have to say anything that you don't know anything about.  Just tell people that you know me really well and you know that I am reliable."

Risa nods.  "Well, that's certainly true.  But, shouldn't I at least visit the other tables?"

"Sure, but hurry back.  The group needs you right here."

Risa starts exploring.

"Risa-chan!  Over here!"

Risa walks over to a brightly decorated table.  "Kanon-sempai?"

"You remember me!  I am so glad.  I was very moved last year after the school play when you remarked that I was a great director."

"That play was amazing.  I was just stating the obvious."

"And, you came to our workshop during spring break."

"It sounded like fun."

"So, have you found a club yet?"

"I think I may have been drafted into one.  But, I don't think I can do it."

"Ai-kun's club?"

Risa nods.

"You can.  And, if you have any problems, I have already promised Ai-kun to help in any way that I can."

Risa looks dazed.  "Kanon-sempai."

"And, I already taught you how to do a preying mantis imitation."  Kanon makes a random looking face.

A tumbleweed rolls by.

"But, don't forget that you also have a home here."

"No way!"

"Honestly.  After the workshop I was hoping that you would join my club."  Kanon whispers in Risa's ear.  "I need a rival, you know."

Risa's glasses steam up.  Oh my god.  What am I to do?  I would do anything for Ai-sempai but Kanon-sempai is the most amazing looking girl I have ever seen.

"But, don't worry.  I'm sure we'll work together soon.  Please be a good kouhai for my classmate Ai-kun."

"Yes, Kanon-sempai."

Kanon pats Risa on the head.  "Now, there are plenty of other tables you should visit.  They are all your sempai's and I'm sure they all have important advice to give you."



"I don't know why you're dragging me to this crappy event."

Eri adjusts her square rimmed glasses.  "Reina, just humor me on this.  If you don't see anything that you like, you can always do your 'go-home club' thing."

Only I wouldn't be going home.  "Okay, let's get this over with."

"Hey, if you don't like it, don't accept my wagers at basketball."

"Yeah, yeah."

Eri and Reina enter the courtyard and split up.  Eri goes over to Ai's table.  "So, what do we have here?"

Ai looks at Eri in astonishment.  "Excuse me, are you supposed to be here?  This is a girl's school."

Eri looks startled, then takes assessment of her outfit.  Maybe she's right, maybe this wasn't a good way to make a first impression.  "Sorry, my school uniform is in the wash.  But, I am a girl."

Ai checks her out more closely.  So she is.  Not a bad one either.  "I'm the one who should be sorry.  It's obvious that you're a girl.  And, I think your look would work well for this club."

Eri looks at the flier with a blank look.  "An idol?  Seems kind of unlikely.  I play sports after school."

"Any team?"

"No, just basketball games in the park."

"Well, if you change your mind, the offer will still be open."

Eri bows slightly.  "Thank you for your continuing support."

Eri continues looking at the clubs.


"Eripon!"  Eri waves to her former main rival on the basketball courts, Ikuta Erina.  "I'm happy you remember me.  So, has Junior High School ruined your basketball game?"

Eripon shakes her head.  "I wasn't that good to begin with.  Ten minutes playing with varsity players convinced me of that.  But, last year I found a new home."  Eripon waves grandly to her table.

"Majorette?  Someone who dances while the athletes play?"

"Majorettes have their own competitions.  They're really quite exciting."

"I'm not sure it's for me, but thanks nonetheless."

"Disappointing.  I was hoping to be your rival in a new area."  Eripon winks.

Reina moves from table to table trying not to make eye contact.  Okay, I'm almost finished looking at all these stupid clubs.  Then I can honestly say that I fulfilled my bet.

This is interesting, everyone else's school uniform is only one inch above the knee, while this one's skirt just barely covers her butt.  "My, my.  You seem to have a strong style.  Perhaps you would be interested in this club?"

Caught!  Oh well, I'll humor her, just to be polite.  "And, what does your club do?"

Ai-chan hands Reina a flier.  "It's a club that is trying to put together an idol group.  My name is Takahashi Ai, by the way."

Reina bows.  "Tanaka Reina."  You have got to be kidding me.  "But, sempai, I'm not sure that you are serious about your club."


"What sort of idol has a frog doll hanging from her cell phone?  That went out of fashion over a year ago."

Ai-chan involuntarily hides her phone.

"Besides, being an idol doesn't concern me.  Thank you for your time."  Reina walks off.

"Ai-sempai, are you all right?"

Ai-chan notices that Risa has returned to her table.  "I'm okay.  Do you know that girl who was just here, Tanaka Reina?"

"Yes, but I would take anything she says too seriously.  She has a terrible reputation for insulting teachers."

"Is that so?  Are her insults in general truthful?"

"I guess so.  They're usually what everyone else wants to say but are too scared to."

"Are frogs hanging from cell phones out of fashion?"

Risa makes a horrified face.

"Okay, I get it.  You don't have to answer."

Risa looks relieved.

"What about that boy over there?"

Risa giggles.  "Eri-chan?  She seems pretty level-headed.  She plays basketball a lot, but usually stays out of trouble, unlike Reina.  I've heard that Reina hangs out at the mall with some of the older troublemakers.  But, don't tell her that I said that."

"Interesting."  Ai strokes her chin.

"No way!  You're not thinking that they should join our club?"

Ai smiles.  "I am."

"But, but, but, I'm sure they turned you down."

"They did."

"Shouldn't that tell you to stay away from them?"

"It should, but it doesn't."

"Sempai, I don't understand how your mind works at all."

"Don't worry.  Just trust me.  I know what I am doing."


Reina and Eri exit the courtyard area.

"Did you see any clubs that interested you?"

Reina smirks.  "Did you see that girl who thinks she is starting an idol singing club?  What crappy style she had!"

"I didn't notice any fashion mistakes."

"Well, miss pants wearer, You never notice any fashion mistakes.  But, you're not considering that club, are you?"

"Not me."

"Um, excuse me, did you guys say there was an idol singing club?"

Reina tries to ignore the interruption.

"Sayumi-kun.  You look genki as usual."

"But, of course.  I looked in the mirror today and I was still cute."

Reina rolls her eyes.  Is this the same girl I used to play basketball with last year?  Her new "cute" gimmick is so not cool.  "Actually, there is a idol group club.  I'll bet you'll fit right in."

"Oh my god!  I hope they'll want me."  Sayumi races off to the courtyard.

"I couldn't tell if you were being mean or being nice."

Reina looks at Sayumi's enthusiasm with a look of wonder.  "I'm no longer sure."

Michishige Sayumi runs around until she finds the right table.  Oh, no.  It's her!
"Well, of course I would have to be the leader.  After all once people see how cute I am, no other possibility would exist.  Do you think the group could have a cat-girl theme?  I think that's how I look the cutest..."

Oh, great.  Tsugunaga Momoko also wants in on this club.  How disgusting.

"Excuse me miss, are you interested in this club?"  Ai waves Risa over to keep Momoko occupied.

"Well, yes, I am but ..."  Sayumi points out Momoko with her eyes.

Ai whispers in Sayumi's ear.  "Don't worry about her.  We really need people who are cute as opposed to people who merely say that they're cute."

"Sempai ..."

"Takahashi Ai is my name."

"I'm Michishige Sayumi."

"Don't worry.  I'll try to get rid of that other one."

Sayumi looks euphoric.

"So, I think that everyone in the group should do this pose, because I think it's cute.  Don't you think it's cute, Risa-kun?  Of course you do..."

Ai taps Momoko on the shoulder.


"I'm sorry, miss.  It's obvious that your idol power is so great that you would outgrow this group and go solo before we made our debut leaving the rest of the group in disarray.  Perhaps you should try another club that could better use your star potential?"

Momoko looks at Ai with sympathy.  "I guess it can't be helped.  But, when I become a star I will still remember you guys!"  Momoko walks off.

"You are truly wise, Ai-sempai.  I have been trying to tell Momo-kun for months that she wasn't cute in any way shape or form, but for some reason she thinks that I am her rival."

Ai smirks.  "If you want to get rid of someone, then agree with them."

"Amazing!  I never would have thought of that."

"So, Risa-kun, do you approve of our new member?"

"Ai-sempai, do we really want to nauseate our audience?"

"How mean!"

"Risa, Risa.  We want people who have personalities that are larger than life.  We don't have to like their gimmick to appreciate them."

"You're both mean.  I am really cute.  It's not a gimmick.  Can't you guys tell?"

"Sayumi-chan, of course you are.  And, I'm sure that you make other people jealous, that's all."

"No way!"

Ai motions for Risa to calm down.  "But, I'm sure that you'll be able to help the other members of the club find their inner cuteness."


"Yes, I will put you in charge of cuteness.  But, that is, only if you think you can handle the responsibility."

Sayumi nods, beaming.


Fukamura Mizuki walks from table to table.  Oh, what am I to do?  There are so many interesting clubs here.


"Jun Jun Sempai!  How are you today?"

"Tired from all this non-stop promoting, but happy that so many people have signed up for the flower arranging club."

Mizuki admires the flower arrangement on the club's table.  "This is very cute."

"Thanks, I wanted something that would draw people in.  I think that one can really express oneself doing flower arranging."

Mizuki smells the arrangement.  "This is very cool."

"So may I sign you up?"

"But, every other table has asked me to join as well.  Why don't I just take a flier and decide later?"

"Okay, but don't disappoint me.  I'll pout!  I'll stamp my foot in frustration!"

"I'll do my best."

Mizuki walks off lost in thought, holding at least a dozen fliers.  Why does everyone want me to join?


Mizuki turns to see who threw a crumpled up piece of paper at her.  "Yajima-sempai.  Do you want to talk with me?"

Maimi gives Mizuki a seductive look.  "Yajima-sempai?  I'm hurt.  After all the years I helped walk you to school?"

"That's what makes you my sempai."

"But, we're no longer in elementary school.  You may call me Maimi if you like."

Mizuki blushes purple.  Okay, get a hold of yourself.  You know that she's just buttering me up to get me to join her club.  "That's a huge honor, Maimi."

"Have you decided on a club yet?  I think that you would be perfect for the dance club."

Bingo.  "But, I have offers from so many other clubs.  Maybe I could take your flier and decide later?"

"Sure, but," Maimi switches to a sexy voice, "don't make me wait too long."

Mizuki takes the flier.  What am I to do?


"Oh, Sayumi.  You look happy."

"Why yes I am.  I found a club that I am really happy with."

Oh god, what could this be, the "we're cute" club?  "And, which one is this?"

"Oh, well, let Takahashi-sempai give you the pitch."

Ai walks over to Mizuki and bows.  Oh my god!  Look at this girl.  She's so beautiful she looks like she belongs in a period drama.  "My name is Takahashi Ai.  I've started a new club this year, a club that is looking to create an idol group and have it debut."

Mizuki's eyes glaze over.  "Well, I'm sure that must involve a lot of support people, like makeup and promoters.  Right?"

Ai looks at Mizuki in a strange way.  "I'm sure all the members of the group would have to pitch in like that.  You know, like a team."

"You don't think I could be an idol?"  Mizuki now has a deer in the headlights look.

Ai backs off.  "Well, you don't have to decide now.  Why don't you take a flier."

Mizuki nervously nods.

Ai gives her a flier.  "We'll talk again, hopefully when a dozen other upperclassmen aren't also trying to talk to you at the same time."

"Thanks."  Mizuki walks off.

After Mizuki is out of earshot.  "Thank goodness."

Ai gets in Sayumi's face.  "What's your problem?"

"She would take the cuteness thing from me."

Ai giggles.  "Sayumi, don't be afraid to be challenged.  This club is not about playing it safe."

Sayumi pouts.

"Excuse me?"

Ai turns around.  "Hello there.  Are you looking for your big sister?"

The girl gives Ai a dirty look.  "I am not looking for an older sister.  I will have you know that I am now going to this school."

Ai blushes from embarrassment.  "Sorry.  A fine club leader I am turning out to be.  I keep insulting potential members."

"Riho!  Sempai, this is Sayashi Riho.  She is unbeaten in Karaoke challenges."

"Hi, Sayu-chan."

"Sayashi-san, my name is Takahashi Ai.  I'm running a new club."

"You're not in the dance club?"

"Not any more."

"You were really good at the Winter recital."

"Why, thanks.  But, instead of the Dance Club, this year I have started a new club, a club to put together an idol group."

"So, why is Sayumi with you?"

"Riho, you jerk!"

Ai gives Sayumi a dirty look.  "Well, I think that Sayumi has a lot of potential."

"Okay, sign me up."


"Someone is going to have to save Sayumi from her two left feet."

Ai thinks for a minute.  "Risa, what do you think of Riho?"

"I think I might as well go home.  I'll never be able to keep up with her."

"I'll tell you what Riho.  I'll let you join on one condition."

"What's that?"

"That you understand that this is a team.  And, teammates look out for one another.  Our goal is for everyone to stand out, not just one person."

"So, you want me to help coach so that these guys can catch up with my singing and dancing?"

Ai sighs.  "Actually, there's really no need for you to be a superstar singer or dancer nor a need to make everyone else one either.  You won't need to do much to get the fans to root for you because you look young."

"Disgusting.  It sounds like you want me in the group because I look like a loli."

"Isn't it better that I am telling you this now?"

Riho pouts.  "Well, maybe it is."

"Good.  We do need you on board.  A good idol group should have something for everyone."

Riho smiles.  "Well, with four people we should be able to cover that, right?"

"Wrong.  Because there are so many types out there, we'll need at least seven."

Risa mopes.  "Were are we going to get three more members?  Everyone else has turned us down."

"Well, that's going to be the club's first activity: rounding out the team.  Friday night we will have a planning session at the Karaoke club.  It will be lots of goofiness, lots of junk food, and lots of fun.  Can everyone make it?"


To be continued.
Title: Re: Petals 7 - chapter 1 - Club Sign Up Day!
Post by: Sora-chan on December 08, 2011, 11:42:36 PM
"I'm sorry, miss.  It's obvious that your idol power is so great that you would outgrow this group and go solo before we made our debut leaving the rest of the group in disarray.  Perhaps you should try another club that could better use your star potential?"

 :rofl: :lol: there's NO WAY Momo is believing that lmao  XD

Momoko looks at Ai with sympathy.  "I guess it can't be helped.  But, when I become a star I will still remember you guys!"  Momoko walks off.

EHHH  :shocked: :shocked
S-She actually bought it, Amazing lol

Kanon as Risa's sempai lol craaazy!

And Ai is so sneaky lol,
I love the Tanakame duo. they just seem like they have alot of sarcastic moments together? lol idk why i think this but i do. And i was sitting there thinking Join the club you two! (Do they join in the future or no?) :)

I cant wait for the next chapter~ :twothumbs
Title: Re: Petals 7 - chapter 1 - Club Sign Up Day!
Post by: oddball on December 09, 2011, 04:43:35 PM
interesting opening to this fic, seems like t's going to be a good one! Nice to know I may have had a little bit of input into the story too!  :nervous
Title: Petals 7 - New poll! Your input needed!
Post by: resop2 on December 15, 2011, 11:05:53 PM
Time to play the game again!

In the second chapter, during the karaoke party, Ai will give out assignments.  Ai will pick a three girls (could include herself) to go out and recruit the three girls who got away.  Each chaser gets one prey.

Potential Chasers: Ai, Sayumi, Riho, Risa

Prey: Mizuki, Reina, Eri

The question:

Who recruits who?  And, do they succeed?

Note: While pairing-wise it would make sense to go with Risa/Eri and Ai/Reina, it is still early in the story and there is plenty of time for the pairings to grow without shoe horning them into the second chapter.
Title: Re: Petals 7 - New poll! Your input needed!
Post by: Sora-chan on December 15, 2011, 11:19:32 PM
I think Ai should recruit Reina,
Gaki recruits Eri
and Riho try to recruit Mizuki (but fails)
Sayu can try to also get Reina since it seems outta the three of them
Reina would be the toughest target to get. So she may need more than one person trying to persuade her into it.

As for FUTURE comments .. Gakikame and ReinAi huh .... I really like ReinAi and I'll learn to enjoy Gakikame alittle more haha. (Thats IF this are even the final couples in the end.)
Title: Re: Petals 7 - New poll! Your input needed!
Post by: oddball on December 16, 2011, 10:59:23 AM
I think for the recruiting that:

Ai should recruit Reina, well I say recruit.... more like Reina joins the club to 'save' Ai from being uncool etc (i.e. she has a little crush on Ai) (Perhpas Miya saying she could never be an idol may spur her on too?)

Gaki for Eri, pretty much a normal recuritment will work here...

And Riho for Mizuki but fails horribly (and Riho is not used to failure)... later set up Eripon to say she could be an idol or something to start that off?
Title: Re: Petals 7 - New poll! Your input needed!
Post by: resop2 on January 01, 2012, 10:09:42 PM
Okay, chapter 2 is in progress now, but it's still a ways from completion.  (But, there is enough so far for another radio play  :panic:)

However, before this can happen, some more quick questions:

Sayumi buys earrings at the mall before starting karaoke.  What type of earrings does she buy?

What song should the podcast use a the "opening theme" for chapter 2?  Possibilities:

* Angel Addict - (opening theme for Lemon Angel project)
* Treasure - (opening them for Seitokai no Ichizon)
* Koi no Nukegara - Biyuden
* some other song
Title: Re: Petals 7 - New poll! Your input needed!
Post by: Kikk4r on January 08, 2012, 02:28:38 PM
I hope you will update soon  :cow: :mon cute:
Title: Re: Petals 7 - New poll! Your input needed!
Post by: resop2 on January 08, 2012, 06:23:16 PM
Although the full version of chapter two is still a ways off, there should be some HUGE news by the end of the day so stay tuned!
Title: Re: Petals 7 - New poll! Your input needed!
Post by: Kikk4r on January 08, 2012, 08:37:37 PM
oki Thanks  :mon star:
Title: Petals 7 - big announcement 01/08/2012
Post by: resop2 on January 09, 2012, 05:29:21 AM
Big Announcement!

Although the second chapter of Petals 7 is still a ways away, in the new podcast we deliver a teaser preview theater for Chapter 2!

Click here for the first part of the seventh Podcast (

Click here for the second part of the seventh Podcast (

Click here for the third part of the seventh Podcast (

The chapter 2 preview is at the start of part 3.

In other news, the Niigaki Risa character has been slightly retroactively changed.  She now wears big round glasses.  She was being voice acted this way, so why not?
Title: Re: Petals 7 - ch 2 - The First Task - 01/26/2012
Post by: resop2 on January 26, 2012, 07:47:17 PM
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Petals 7 - Chapter 2 - The First Task.

"Mother!  I'm going out!"

"Oh?  What's so important you have to go out?"

"It's a school club activity."

"School club?  You want to waste your time with trivial stuff like that?  Even after I offered to get you special help for your modeling?  That Masaki girl is doing really well now, you know."

Riho cringes at Masaki's name.  "Yes, I do want to waste my time."

"Whatever."  Riho's mother turns and walks away.

Riho clenches her jaw in anger.  When is anything I do going to be enough?


Takahashi Ai waits patiently in the lobby of the Karaoke club of the local mall.  She watches the crowds walk by the door of the club.  Wow, this place is pretty popular with the girls of Saint Harmony.  So many of the girls are hanging out.

Ai's expression turns to embarrassment.  Maimi sure doesn't waste any time.  She already has a new entourage of first year students drooling over her.


"Oh, Risa.  Sorry, I must have spaced out."

"Sayumi is next door.  She wanted to get a new earring just for this occasion.  I haven't seen Riho yet."

"I'm sure she'll come."

"Sempai, have you been to this place before?"

"Myself, Jun Jun, Kanon, and Erina would come here occasionally."

"No way!  That sounds so exciting!  So, who was the best?"

"We would rarely keep score.  However, when we did, Jun Jun was the closest to me.  She would always pout when anyone beat her."

"Jun Jun ..."

"She also had a table.  She does the flower arranging club now."

"She's really pretty."

Ai nods.  "It was quite a crew."

"Ja-jun!"  Sayumi makes her entrance, pointing to her heart shaped ear rings.  "What do you think?"

Ai smiles.  "Very good.  I see that you're very serious about all this."

"Yes, this is my chance to show the world how cute I am."

"Well, before that can happen there will be lots of hard work and practice."

Sayumi pouts.

"But, if you are serious about showing the world your cuteness, then the sacrifice will be worth it in the end, right?"

"I guess."

"Here!"  Riho runs into the lobby, bouncing around like a maniac.

Ai smiles.  "You're all fired up."

"Yes, time to get down to business."

"Good, I have a room for us reserved.  This way."

Ai leads her group to a small room.

"Now, before we get started on the singing or eating, we have an order of business to take care of.  This group is not big enough.  There are three more people who we will bring into the group.  We need to decide who will be recruiting who."

Sayumi, Riho and Risa all look at Ai with blank expressions.

"The three people who will be joining us are Tanaka Reina, Kamei Eri, and Fukawara Mizuki.  Any suggestions on who should recruit who?"

Sayumi, Riho and Risa all look at Ai with even blanker expressions.

"Well then I will decide.  Who knows Eri?"

Sayumi and Risa raise their hands.

"Risa, I would like you to try to recruit Eri.  Do you think you can do it?"

Risa looks down.  "Muri, muri, muri."

"Why is it impossible?"

"Unless we were a basketball playing idol group ..."

"Well, being an idol isn't easy.  Try to figure it out.  Now, who knows Mizuki?"

Sayumi and Riho raise their hands.

"Okay, Riho, I want you to try to recruit Mizuki.  Do you think you can do it?"

"No.  Not unless she grows a backbone.  She's pretty timid."

"Well, do your best.  And, Sayumi, I suppose you know Reina as well?"

"I used to play basketball with Eri and Reina."

"Well then, I will recruit Reina.  This way, if any of us fail, Sayumi, you'll be the backup.  So, if you want to avoid doing any work, you can give the rest of us tips since you already know everyone."

Sayumi nods.  "Anyone who wants help, please don't hesitate to ask."

"Great!  Now, lets order some junk food and sing until we're hoarse!"



Risa greedily chomps down some cake.

"Okay, Riho.  I hear that you're unbeatable in Karaoke.  It's time to test this.  I challenge you."

Riho gives Ai a determined stare.  "I won't go easy on you."

Sayumi nudges Ai.  "I would recommend that you two battle over Halcali's Girigiri Surf Rider."

Riho gasps, then nods knowingly.  "Good choice."

The music starts and they start in unison: "Just relax, take it like a surfer coming off a wave.  Just relax, take it like a surfer, coming coming coming up."

Risa stops munching on cake and pulls Sayumi over.  "Any suggestions for what to do with Eri?"

Sayumi whispers in Risa's ear.  "I can't tell you, but I could show you.  We can meet up tonight and I'll show you a special move that will dazzle Eri-chan."

Risa blushes.  "Special move?  I'm not trying to seduce her."

"Risa-chan, desperate times call for desperate measures.  Don't worry, I will be gentle with you.  At least for a little while."

"No way!  I just want tips on how to recruit Eri."

"You'll just have to trust me, okay?"  Sayumi makes a cat paws gesture.  "Nyah?"

"What am I getting my self into?"

The music finishes up.  Both Riho and Ai look intently at the screen for their scores.

"No! No! No!"  Riho pounds her fist on the table.

"Calm down, I only beat you by one point and we were both over ninety."

"I hate to lose."

"Well, challenge Risa then."

"No way!  Don't count me out before we start, even though I have no chance."

Riho smiles.  "Don't worry Risa, there are plenty of easy songs we can do.  We'll do it to try to build up your confidence."


They pick a song together.

"I'm sorry I'm not candid.  I can say it if in my dreams.  My thoughts are about to short circuit.  I want to see you right now!"

Ai sits next to Sayumi.  "So, where's the best place to run into Reina?"

"Later on tonight she's sure to be at this mall, trying to get into Natsuyaki Miyabi's gang."

"That's tough.  She's not going to want to be interrupted."

"Reina will never turn down a challenge."  Sayumi winks.  "Especially at Karaoke."

Ai smiles.  "So, that's why you recommended that song?"

"That was the song that Reina beat Riho at.  That was the last time Riho lost, until today."

"Will I be able to take her?"

"Leader, ..."  Sayumi whispers something into Ai's ear.

"Oh.  You're pretty smart."

"Well, I am fifth in my class.  And, I have to give those other four girls a handicap.  I have to look cute while taking the tests."

"I believe in this Miracle romance."

Riho and Risa finish their song.

"No way!  This sucks.  You beat me by ten points."

Ai pats Risa on the head.  "Risa-chan, you scored over eighty, and this isn't your specialty, right?"

"Well, I haven't done this a lot."

"Let's do another song together, only instead of singing I will give you pointers.  Your score will go up in no time."


Ai walks the halls of the shopping mall.  Many of the stores have already closed.  However, the restaurants and bars are still open and are very noisy with the sounds of salarymen getting progressively drunker.

Now, if I was a bad girl, where would I hang out?

Ai rides the escalator down a flight to a large open area in the mall.

Well, that was easy.

"Hey mister!  Do you want an enjo kousai?"

Ai sees Natsuyaki Miyabi directing traffic to her stable of three girls, all dressed in their regulation school uniforms.  One of the three girls is Tanaka Reina.

I do have some money left over from the party funds.  Ai gathers her courage.  "Miyabi-kun.  Long time no see."

"Ai-kun, still wasting your time with school?"

"So, running a subsidized dating ring?  Making any money?"

"Beats honest work."

"How much does one girl for thirty minutes cost?"


"Okay, give me Reina-chan."  Ai flashes the cash.

Miyabi looks shocked.  "Woah, I didn't know you were a perv."

"Hey, it's only a Karaoke date."

Miyabi frowns.  "I always escort on Karaoke dates.  One can't be too careful with people wanting to get my girls into non-public places."

This is going perfectly!  "Well, okay.  I can spring for a little extra junk food."

Miyabi glares at her other two girls.  "You two, make yourselves useful."

"Yes, Miyabi-sama."

Miyabi and Reina accompany Ai to the Karaoke club.  Reina looks down the entire way.

"Hey, Miyabi-kun.  Is your girl okay?  She hasn't said much."

"She's new.  You're actually her first date.  I'm sure she'll warm up."  Miyabi pulls Reina's ear.

They get to their booth and order food.

"So, Reina, I hear you're good in Karaoke?"

Reina doesn't look up.  "I'm okay."

Miyabi nudges Reina and starts whispering to her.  "Hey, what sort of service is that?"

"Sorry."  Reina looks up and smiles.  "I'm pretty good."

"Well, I challenge you to a Karaoke battle.  The song, Girigiri Surf Rider."

"I won't lose."

Ai sees Miyabi roll her eyes.

The song starts.  Both Ai and Reina try to copy the choreography of the video which plays behind the words.

I looks at Miyabi.  I think this will work.

"It's new style.  How High?  High pressure, no biggie.  Sparkler's fire, I'd swear it's a diamond, burnin' hot summer Super Saiya.  Time to get a little hard, ride it heartbeat, right on!  Take the first step to lead, ABC to the Z, might just ride it out, summer time."

The music finishes.

"A ha!  Ninety one!  In your face!"  Reina does a victory dance.

Miyabi looks nauseous.  "Reina.  You didn't tell me you were a music geek."

Reina starts groveling.  "Wait, I'm sorry, that won't happen again."

"Sorry, the only girls I want in my gang are girls who can't do anything else.  That way, they won't be distracted and can devote themselves to me."


"Ai-kun.  I'm sorry this had to happen.  You can keep the fee.  Maybe I could interest you in some other girl?"

"That's okay.  Maybe tomorrow."

Miyabi gets up.  "I never would have pegged you as a player, Ai-kun.  But, life is full of surprises."  Miyabi leaves.

Ai stares at Reina who seems paralyzed by shock.  "You're not running after your Sukeban?"

"She's not my girl gang boss anymore, thanks to you.  I should kick your ass."

"My, my.  It must have been tough though."


"To pretend to be a knucklehead, when I know you're quite smart."

"Shut up, frog girl."

"Too bad though."


"You're not even as good a singer as you think you are.  I only got an eight-five because I was trying to sing it badly.  Riho and I both scored over ninety-three on the same song earlier today."

Reina's eyes narrow.  "Wait a second.  You set me up!"


Reina stares at Ai for a long time.

"I guess you could say that I can get pretty evil when there is something that I want."

Reina starts smiling.  "Now that I think about it, Miyabi had no clue about what you where doing."

"So, will you join my gang?  Our goal isn't to get one older guy to give us money, but to get a lot of older guys to give us money at the same time."

"Actually, I am kind of glad that I didn't have to do a enjo kousai.  What if was one of my teachers?  What if was one of my parents' friends?"

"Being an idol singer is a lot easier to explain."

"Still, idol singers are so uncool."

Ai nods.  "That's true.  However, that's all going to change.  A shining star idol will emerge who will single-handedly bring coolness to idol singing."

"And, prevent other idols that she knows from wearing primary color t-shirts, which have been out of fashion since last year."

Ai tries to cover her orange colored t-shirt with her arms.


Niigaki Risa walks into a park.  It is very dark but she is able to spot Michishige Sayumi who stands by a light.  "I'm here, just like you asked."

"Good.  I have a surprise for you!"  Sayumi, who wears a long coat, starts teasing Risa by sticking her bare legs out from the front opening of the coat.

"Hentai!  I came to get tips on how to recruit Eri-kun, not to see you naked."

"Too bad.  You get to see the whole show.  "Ja-jun!"  Sayumi dramatically opens her coat.

Risa hides her eyes.

"Is it cute?"

Risa peaks between two of her fingers.   She's wearing a gym uniform?

Sayumi pulls a basketball from behind the park bench were she had hidden it.  "Eri-chan is a basketball fan, but I am going to teach you how to beat Eri is basketball."

"Uso!  How am I going to do that?"

Sayumi holds up a pair of glasses holders.  "Well, before I teach you that, let's protect those cute glasses of yours so they don't fly off."


Eri dribbles the ball up and down the court.  She passes to a boy who shoots a jump shot from the corner which goes in.  "Yatta!  That's ten points!"

The three students that Eri's pick up team plays against hang their heads.

Eri wipes the perspiration from the midday sun from her brow.  "Make mine Watermelon-Mango."

The losing team goes off to the vending machines to fill the winning team's orders.

Risa observes this all while gathering her courage.  "Eri-kun!"

"Risa-kun.  What brings you here?  Aren't you busy with your new club?  I saw you hanging out at that table like you belonged."

"I am busy.  That's why I have come.  I challenge you."

"In basketball?  Risa, you don't even play.  Are those guys hazing you?"

"No.  I have come to challenge you.  If you lose to me, you must join the Idol Singing club."

Eri looks at Risa carefully.  "I see.  Well, if you lose, you have to quit that club, okay?"


"Tell you what.  Since you're a novice, let's do it like this.  I will give you the ball three times.  If you can score on me once, you'll win."

This is exactly what Sayumi said that she would do.  "You're on."

Risa stands at the top of the semicircle connected to the free throw line.

Eri bounce passes her the ball.

Risa dribbles to the right with ball, but Eri effortlessly strips her of the ball.

"That's one."

Risa returns to the free throw line.  So far so good.

Eri bounce passes her the ball a second time.

Risa again dribbles to the right with the ball and again Eri effortlessly steals the ball.

"That's two.  Last chance."

Here goes nothing!

Eri bounce passes her the ball for the last time.

Risa fakes that she is will drive right, but instead drives left.  Eri side steps to catch up to Risa and Risa bounces the ball in between Eri's legs.

Risa catches up the ball and shoots a lay up.

It does not go in.

What have I done?

Eri smiles.  "Risa, come sit with me."

Eri and Risa sit on a park bench.  Eri puts her glasses back on.

"You sure want me in your club a lot."

Risa looks down.  "Takahashi-sempai wanted me to recruit you."

"But, it was Sayumi who taught you that move, right?"

"How did you know?"

"Sayumi used to play with me and Reina before she got on her cuteness kick.  That move was one of her signature moves."

"But, I couldn't even get the ball to go in."

Eri nods.  "How badly did Sayumi tease you while teaching you that move?"

"It was the worst!  But, how did you know that?"

"I've seen Sayumi tease many girls.  I guess she thinks she's being clever or something."

"But, it doesn't matter now.  I have to quit the club."

Eri starts laughing.  "You know, Risa, you must not have made many schoolyard bets before."

"What do you mean?"

"A schoolyard bet must always be said in a language so precise that a team of lawyers couldn't help the loser.  Whoever, I gave you an easy one to get out of."


"All you have to say is that you've quit the club, but then turn around and say that you decided to rejoin."


"Actually, I knew what you were doing by the second time I passed you the ball.  I was actually hoping that the ball would go in."


"It's true.  Most of the people who I used to play with have moved on.  I know I am not as good as Erina-sempai and she got out when she realized that she was outclassed.  So, the writing is on the wall."

"Are you interested in being an idol singer?"

"It sounds like fun.  And, besides, it will be even more fun preventing Sayumi-kun from bullying the other members."

"You mean I succeeded?"

"Yes.  Tell Takahashi-sempai that I will join her club."

"That's so cool."

"Is she recruiting anyone else?"

"Reina-kun and Mizuki-kun."

"Reina?"  Eri laughs.  "If Takahashi-sempai can pull that off, then there no question I should be in this club!"


Takahashi Ai gets into bed.  That was one wild weekend.  I wonder if this week is going to be as strange?

Ai's phone rings with the ring tone that she assigned for Sayashi Riho.  "Moshi moshi!"

"Hey, boss."

"You don't sound too happy.  I take it that things didn't go too well?"

"This girl is impossible.  I had a thirty minute phone conversation with her and she completely ignored me whenever I talked about bringing her into the club."


"She would change the subject."

"What subject would she change it too?"

"About how cool I was and how great I was and how much she admired me and how much she wished that she could be like me."

Ai chuckles.  "That silver tongued devil.  But, for thirty minutes?  Didn't that get repetitive?"

"Well, here's the scary part.  She's seen me do Karaoke and seen me do dance recitals before and she seems to have a photographic memory for every single move that I do.  I'm starting to think that she might be a stalker or something."

Ai brow furrows in concentration.  "So, have you sang or danced with Mizuki-chan before?"

"Yes, many times."

"Can she do your moves in dancing?"


"So, she is like you, it seems."

"She says she could never come up with my stuff on her own."

"I see.  Well, don't worry about it.  We went two for three this weekend, so that's good, right?"

"But, I let you guys down."

"Not at all.  I now know enough to rope Mizuki-chan in.  You don't have to worry anymore, I'm going to call in a favor and get some outside help."

"Are you sure I did okay?"

"Absolutely.  We're a team now.  If the team wins then we all win, so don't feel bad if you're not the key person every time.  When we start practicing singing and dancing we'll be relying heavily on you, for sure!"

"Thank you sempai!"

"No problem.  No get some sleep for school tomorrow."

"Hai!"  Riho hangs up.

Ai smiles.  Crazy kid.  But, I do know just the person to call...

To Be Continued
Title: Re: Petals 7 - ch 2 - The First Task - 01/26/2012
Post by: Kikk4r on January 26, 2012, 11:25:17 PM
YES~ Finally i have been waiting for this for like forever  :mon yeah:

hmm Reina is a hard isnt she :mon misch:

please update faster for chp 3
Title: Re: Petals 7 - ch 2 - The First Task - 01/26/2012
Post by: xyukie56 on January 27, 2012, 03:12:27 AM
You enjoy typing like this, don't you? :lol:

Lol,  XD
Title: Re: Petals 7 - ch 2 - The First Task - 01/26/2012
Post by: resop2 on January 27, 2012, 03:58:32 AM
YES~ Finally i have been waiting for this for like forever  :mon yeah:

hmm Reina is a hard isnt she :mon misch:

please update faster for chp 3

Believe me, I was just as happy to finish this chapter as you were to read it.  It was a lot of work!

And, yes, I see Reina being a handful for Ai to manage.

You enjoy typing like this, don't you? :lol:

Lol,  XD

Actually, text in italics have pretty specific meanings depending of the context.

"Text in between double quotes that is in all italics in a situation where singing might break out almost always means singing."

"Text in between double quotes that is in all italics otherwise means yelled, or said in a dramatic fashion."

"A single word that is in italics in a sentence that is in between double quotes in an emphasized word."

A sentence that is in all italics but not in quotes in interior dialog.

A sentence that is in all italics except for one word but not in quotes in interior dialog with an emphasized word.
Title: Re: Petals 7 - ch 2 - The First Task - 01/26/2012
Post by: oddball on January 27, 2012, 11:59:54 AM
 :lol: Ahh nothing beats a good recruitment drive in a story, didn't expect it to go that well either, nor that Ai chan would trick Reina rather than outclass her, hmm seems as thour Ai-chan can pull of a few more moves than I thought she was going to be able to...

Poor Riho failed though, I wonder who Ai is going to bring in to recruit her........
Title: Re: Petals 7 - ch 2 - The First Task - 01/26/2012
Post by: Kikk4r on January 27, 2012, 04:07:36 PM
.... i do i like making comments like that, sorry :nervous  XD english is not my native languge

btw u should update fast please :mon cute:
i know i am selfish :mon sweat:

btw again my comments never make sense
Title: Re: Petals 7 - ch 2 - The First Task - 01/26/2012
Post by: resop2 on February 12, 2012, 05:39:14 AM
Chapter 3 is coming soon!

But, before it is released, I need some help with terminology since I feel I am indulging in term abuse:

I am currently using the word "Senpai" in two different ways:  an upperclassman or a mentor.

It might start getting confusing since Risa wants to be Senpai/Kouhai with Ai, even though Ai already is her upperclassman.

Can someone who knows Japanese well tell me if this usage is acceptable or if there is a better way?

Anyway, chapter three will be the start of four new rub-rub relationships.  Can you guess which ones?
Title: Re: Petals 7 - need help with Japanese terms!
Post by: rndmnwierd on February 12, 2012, 09:19:23 AM
I always thought of Senpai as an all encompassing term, referring to someone who is above you, whether in school or work or anything like that. Does that make sense? So using it as upperclassman and mentor is right, I suppose, if a tad confusing out of context.
Title: Re: Petals 7 - chapter 3 teaser! 02/17/2012
Post by: resop2 on February 19, 2012, 09:36:38 AM
New teaser preview of Chapter 3!

Click here for the third part of the eighth Podcast (

The podcast starts with the mixed and edited preview and then has the unedited "Tee Hee Tickle Party" of the recording.

However, this recording only scratches the surface of Chapter three which kicks off four pairings!
Title: Re: Petals 7 - chapter 3 - The First Practice Session- 02/23/2012
Post by: resop2 on February 23, 2012, 07:24:02 PM
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Note: Because Reina wants to sound "yankii", she pronounces the word "kaichou" as "kaicha".

Note: Bodycon is short for "body conscious".

Petals 7 - Chapter 3 - The First Practice Session.

Risa and Ai walk to school together.

"Um, sempai?"

Ai looks lost in thought.

Risa nudges her.  "Sempai?"

"What is it Risa?"

"You never really told me if you consider me your kouhai or not."

Ai stops, looking frustrated.  "Risa, we've known each other a long time, right?"

"Yes, you've walked me to school since first grade."

"I know.  That's the problem.  What more do I have to teach you?  My class is full of really interesting girls who could teach you a lot.  One of them would be a better choice than me for a primary sempai."

Risa pouts.  "But, I don't want one of them.  I want you."

"But, we have a different relationship now.  You're in my club, so we're going to see each other a lot anyway.  However, as club leader, I might not always be able to put your needs ahead of the rest of the club.  That's why you need someone else."

Risa sighs.  "But, sempai..."

"Sorry, but my decision stands."

They arrive at the school gates.

"Now, study hard."

"Hai!"  Risa runs off.

I wonder who would suit her as a sempai?

"Hey kaichou!"

Ai looks around to see Reina, her skirt already hiked up to nearly the level of her glutes, running towards her.  "You don't need to call me your boss."

"Got to stay respectable, I got it."  Reina winks.  "But, I think I am going to have to put a condition on my joining your club."

Cheeky first year student!  "Condition?"

"You said you wanted me to single-handedly make idol singing cool, right?"

Ai nods.

"Well, if I am to fulfill this mission, then I must insist that you go shopping with me after school today."

"Our first practice isn't for a couple days, so I guess it's okay."

"Good!  We'll get something done about that fashion sense of yours.  Toodles!"  Reina runs away.

What have I gotten myself into?


Ai catches up to Maimi in the hall.  "Maimi-kun!"

Maimi smiles warmly.  "Ai, how did recruiting go for your club?"

"Pretty good, for a new club, we are only one person short."

"True, your club is new.  Of course, the dance club is now full."

"As expected, considering the recruiter."

"Of course."

"But, I do have a favor to ask of you."

"You would ask a favor of your rival?  This is good.  I am all ears."

"You know Fukumura Mizuki, right?"

"I know her as well as you know Risa-chan.  I used to walk Mizuki-chan to school."

"Good.  I need help recruiting her into my club.  She seems stuck somehow."

Maimi nods.  "I know what you mean.  She's never been very decisive."

"Would you know what to say to her?"

"Not really.  But, I do know someone that Mizuki talks about a lot.  That would be Eri-pon."

"Thanks.  That sounds like a good idea."

"No problem.  If you're going to be my rival I can't have you floundering.  That would reflect badly on me."



Eri bumps into Reina in the halls during lunch.  "Reina-kun, how goes it?"

"It's going."

"Did that club succeed in recruiting you?"

Reina grabs Eri and pulls her aside.  "Who told you that?"


"Well, yeah, they did.  They were a lot more formidable than I thought."

"They got me, too."

"No way!"

"This might be an interesting situation."

"Hey, I have your back in case there's trouble."

Eri smiles.  "I can see that I might need some back up.  However, are you going to try to change this club into some sort of a bad girl gang?"

"I don't need to, it already is."

"An interesting situation indeed."


"Excuse me?"

Fukumura Mizuki turns around.  "Are you talking to me?"

Ikuta Erina smiles.  "Yes, I was scouting for a kouhai and Maimi said that you might be interested."

"Me?"  Mizuki blushes.  "Aren't you going to be busy as head majorette?"

"I have a good crew.  They shouldn't occupy all of my time.  So, how about it?"

Mizuki puts her hand over her mouth and waves her other hand.  "This is so embarrassing."

Chance!  Let's see if the plan that Takahashi-kun gave me has any merit.  "Hey, that was pretty cool."


"That gesture."  Erina imitates Mizuki's pose.  "Would you mind if I used that?"

Mizuki looks at Erina with a completely blank expression.

"Did I say something weird?  You'll have to forgive me if that is true.  People tell me that I say weird things all the time."

"I'm not sure if it is weird, but it is really unexpected.  For Erina, someone who dreams up such cool and original moves, to ask to borrow a pose from me, I am shocked."

Working like a charm!  "May I call you Mizuki?"


"Well, Mizuki, maybe you're thinking of some other Erina?  I don't think I've ever made up a move by myself."

"No way!"  Mizuki strikes a pose where she points to a distant place and shields her eyes.

"I stole that one last year from a senior.  She did it a lot better than me so no one caught on that it was the same move."

Mizuki strikes another pose.

"Look, look.  If you want to be known as an original person, learn to steal from right people."

"I don't know what to think."

"Well, what's your favorite pose of mine?"

Mizuki leans to the left and waves with her left hand.

"Awesome.  I would like you to also start using that move."

"No way!"

"For real."

"But, you use it."

"If you were my kouhai, we could do it together."

Mizuki blushes.

"So, Maimi was also worried about you.  She said that you didn't have an after school club yet."

Mizuki hangs her head.

"My friend Ai has a club, I think you would fit in there."

"Me, an idol singer?"

"Sure.  I think you have the right look for it."

"Really?"  Mizuki blushes.

"Yeah.  I'll tell Ai-kun to send representatives to get you oriented, okay?"


"Okay, what?"

"Okay, sempai!"

Erina puts her hands on Mizuki's shoulders.  "However, I need you to do your best.  It would be bothersome to me if my kouhai was a lackluster idol."

"I'll do my best!"


Ai waits in front of the Shimamura clothing store in the local mall.

Reina runs up.  "Kaichou!"

"Is that going to be your nickname for me?"

"Well, you are the boss, right?"

"It's a weird nickname."

"Well, putting that aside, I think we should work on an outfit today that will express what you want to show as an idol singer."

Ai rolls her eyes.  "Okay."

After ten minutes of rummaging around the store, Ai brings her basket of clothes to Reina.  "Okay, I will try these on."

Reina looks dubiously at the clothes in the basket.  "Well, let's look at them all together when you have them on."


Reina grabs a pair of polka dotted socks out of the basket before Ai can move.  "But, let's forget these, okay?"


Reina gives Ai a scolding look.

Ai goes into a changing booth.

What is she thinking with that junk?

Ai comes out.  "So, what do you think?"

Must not yell.  Must not yell at my kaichou.  "Well, why don't you explain your outfit to me."

"The theme is flowers, so I have on flowered beach sandals and a flowered top.  This is coordinated with rough style pants with thin lines and a white men's style shirt."

"So, do you see yourself as kind of a boy-styled girl idol?"


"But, shouldn't all the girls have their own look?"

"Sure, but what do you mean?"

"Kaichou, I heard we recruited Eri-kun.  Don't you think that she should handle the boy-styled girl idol look?  I mean, she's practically a reverse trap."

"Oh, I guess you're right."

"Let me whip up a look for you."

"I'm scared."

"Just trust me, okay?"  Reina winks, grabs a shopping basket and runs off.

After about ten minutes, Reina returns.  "Try this."

Ai takes the basket and goes into the changing booth.

Reina smirks to herself and pulls out her cell phone.

"Ehhhhh?  Are you kidding me?  Am I supposed to wear this on the street?"

"Kaichou, those clothes would be your image on stage.  Of course you can tone down that image for the street."

"I look like a prostitute!"

"Calm down.  Just trust me, okay?"

"You're not going to shoot blackmail pictures or something?"

Reina quickly puts her cell phone away.  "No, no.  Not me."

Ai sticks her head out from behind the curtains and looks both ways.

"I promise this isn't a trap."

"Okay."  Ai walks out of the booth.  "This is bad!  I don't usually wear bodycon stuff."

Holy crap!  Look at that butt in that tight dress!  "Kaichou, you should have some self confidence.  I can show you similar outfits to this in a dozen magazines at the news stand.  Are you going to tell me that all of those models are prostitutes?"

"But, why should I have this image, with this leopard print?"

"I think it suits you actually.  We can work on some poses and moves later that will help you grow into that outfit.  I think you'll look really fierce."

"Well, actually, this isn't as bad as I was expecting."

"What where you expecting?"

"That you would style me as some motorcycle gang member."

"Kaichou, please let that be my department!"

"I don't want it!"

"Good.  We'll work on your style one step at a time."


"Here!"  Sayumi enters the third music practice room.

The rest of the members look at her funny.

"I'm just being fashionably late."

Ai looks at Sayumi sternly.  "Be five minutes late again and you'll find yourself being fashionably punished."


"Anyway, now that we are all here for our first practice, I have a new surprise for you all."

The members look at each other with fear.

The piano in the corner starts playing.

"Eh?"  Risa gets up and runs over to the piano.  "Jun Jun-sempai?"

Jun Jun smiles and stops playing.  "Risa-chan.  Good afternoon.  Are you ready for some singing lessons?"

The rest of the group runs over.  "Ehhhh?"

Ai smirks.  "Jun Jun is quite a singing coach.  She would always give me tips when we went out for Karaoke."

"We'll do some warm-up exercises first, then I will give you guys a simple song.  We'll go over it for a bit, then I will take each one of you into a booth and have you sing it for me in private.  Sound like a plan?"

"Hai."  The group does not sound enthusiastic.


"Okay, first into the booth, I want Ai-kun."

Ai nods and goes into the room.

Risa grabs Riho and pulls her aside.  "I'm scared."

Riho nods.  "So am I."


"Yes, if Jun Jun really is a good teacher, I'm sure she will have very harsh words for all of us."


"I know.  That's why I am afraid."

"You're afraid she's going to cut you to shreds?"

"No.  I'm afraid she's going to be indifferent.  That's the worst.  That means that she thinks that your singing is at such a low level that she can't help you."

Sayumi's ears prick up.  "Well, that won't happen to me, I'm too cute."

Riho gets a horrified look on her face but doesn't say anything.

Ai comes out of the room.  "Riho, your next."


Risa rushes over.  "Sempai, how did it go?"

"She was pretty brutal.  She said that I had a problem that she could not help me with."

"What?"  Risa has a look of despair on her face.

Ai waves her hand in front of her face.  "It's okay.  We figured out someone who could help my problem.  It's no big deal, okay?"


Reina turns to Eri.  "This doesn't sound good."

"Suck it up.  She's probably going to be kinder to you than she will be to me."

"That might be true but it still doesn't help."

Riho comes out.  "Mizuki!"

Mizuki goes into the booth.

Sayumi sneaks up behind Risa.  "Jun Jun looks like she likes to eat girls alive, huh, Risa?  I'll bet she has a whip and a mask in there."


Eri sneaks up behind Sayumi.  "Excuse me, why are you whispering to my girlfriend?  You should tell whatever you said to her to me."

Sayumi turns red.  "Ah, never mind."  Sayumi walks off and sulks.

Risa looks at Eri with a strange look.  "Girlfriend?"

"Oh, I'm sorry.  Maybe I spoke out of turn.  I just thought that since we had such a spark together on the basketball court that it was a done deal."

Risa's face turns red, but then she regains her composure.  "No."

"Oh, come on."

"Eri, I said no.  You do know what that word means?"

"With the last dozen girls I was with it meant yes."

"For you information it means no."

Mizuki walks out of the booth.  "Risa!"

Risa goes into the booth, fuming.

"Anything wrong?"

"Nothing wrong, just some people being immature out there."

"Well, please focus.  Now, sing for me."  Jun Jun starts playing the stand up piano in the booth.

"Ojamajos are in here. It's just center of the heart. We are all together anytime. Let's play lively..."

When Risa finishes, Jun Jun sighs.

"It was that bad??"

Jun Jun smiles.  "Risa-chan, singing isn't easy.  Do you have problems?  Yes, you do.  Rhythm, pitch, phrasing, breath control, the list goes on and on.  However, you looked like you enjoyed yourself, right?"

Risa nods.

"Good.  You have a lot of hard work ahead of you, but if you like singing, you will get through it."

"I will?"

"Yes.  However, you won't be able to do it alone.  I would suggest respectfully asking Riho for help.  She seems willing to mentor other members and she has a good grasp of the basics.  She could definitely help you avoid wrong turns and set backs."

Risa nods.

"And, Risa?  Be genki.  Lack of experience is not a crime.  You still have a long time before hitting the stage.  Okay?"


"Send in Sayumi-chan."

Risa walks out.

Okay, this next one Ai told me is going to be a huge problem.  Let's see how bad it is.

Sayumi walks into the booth.  "Michishige Sayumi!"

"Please sing for me, please."

Sayumi finishes.

Jun Jun looks at Sayumi sternly.  "Sayumi-chan, what do you think would happen if you went out on stage and sang like that?"

"The audience would think I was cute."

Jun Jun angrily slams her fingers on the piano keys making an angry sounding chord.  "Are you stupid?  Do you really think that?  Well, you are not correct.  I'll tell you what the audience would think: 'You know, when she first walked out I thought she might be cute, but now that I've heard her sing she is not only not cute she is delusional.  Her friends must really hate her guts to not tell her how terrible she sounds.'"

Sayumi starts crying.

"Let me say this to you plain.  I will recommend that Ai give up on you and replace you.  Her club needs people who are willing to work hard for their dream, not people who think they are already entitled to success."

"But, I am cute!  I am the cutest!"

"Am I supposed to be impressed with your narcissism?  Please call someone else in here.  Someone who deserves to be in this group."

Sayumi runs out of the booth and then out of practice room in tears.

Jun Jun looks out of the booth door and shrugs her shoulders.  "Eri, please."

Riho runs after Sayumi.  She is able to run down Sayumi before Sayumi can leave the building.  "Where are you going?"

"It was horrible!"

Riho nods.  "Were you expecting anything different?"

"Yes, I was expecting that she would say that my singing wasn't good but that it didn't matter because I was cute."

"No way she would say that."

"She said that she would recommend that Ai kick me out of the group."

"And, this surprises you because..."

"Riho, you baka!"

"Sayumi, I have already promised Risa that I would help her.  I could help you at the same time.  That is, if you wanted to be helped."

"But, I don't need to be helped!"

Riho shrugs her shoulders and starts walking back.

"Wait, where are you going?"

Riho ignores her.

"What am I supposed to do?"

Riho keeps walking.

Oh my god, she gave up on me!  "Riho!  Wait!"  Sayumi races after Riho and catches up to her.  "Okay, okay.  Maybe I would be cuter if I improved a little.  Could you please help me?"  Sayumi throws herself prostrate on the ground in front of Riho.

Riho speaks softly.  "No.  I don't accept people with half-hearted commitments."  Riho walks away.

Sayumi slams her fist against a locker.  "Okay Riho, you win!  Please make me a good singer.  Please do whatever you need to do."

Riho turns around and smiles.  "Sayumi, why are you standing there for?  Let's get back to practice.  Okay?"

Sayumi nods.


Reina and Jun Jun walk out of the booth.

Jun Jun smiles.  "Thank you all for your time.  I have given Ai some handouts for some exercises I want all of you to do for next week.  Please forgive my harshness, but Ai wanted me to tell everyone the complete truth."

Jun Jun starts walking out.  Sayumi runs after her.  "Sensei, thank you."

Jun Jun smiles a sinister smile.  "Why thank me, Sayumi?  I'll be here next week and I might be twice as harsh."

"Sensei, next week, make me cry twice as hard!"

Jun Jun whispers in Sayumi's ear in a sexy voice.  "My pleasure."  Jun Jun walks out.

Did I just get sexually harassed?  This day sucks!


Eri lies on her bed, looking at the handouts.  Wow, Jun Jun really laid into me.  But, she seems fair, and she did encourage me at the end.  I guess these exercises don't look that hard.

Eri's cell phone rings with Reina's ring tone.

Eri picks up.  "What's up?"

"Licking my wounds."

"Same here.  She was tough."

"True, that.  However, I have a bigger problem than an oni-sensei telling me that I need to stop singing from my throat."

"What?  Do you have a crush on that devil teacher?"

"She is hot, but not her.  I'm crushing on kaichou."

"Takahashi-sempai?  Aiming big I see."

"Yeah, didn't you see those jeans?  That junk was big for sure."

"I wasn't talking about her butt, nice though it might be.  I was thinking about how she's our boss and she's older than us."

"Hey, you have to go for it."

"Yeah, even if you get shut down in the most humiliating way possible."

"Oh?  Did something happen?"

"I hit on Risa and got totally punked."

"Hey, I'll help you if you help me, okay?"

"That's what buds are for."

To Be Continued
Title: Re: Petals 7 - chapter 3 - The First Practice Session- 02/23/2012
Post by: oddball on February 24, 2012, 11:41:35 AM
Well seems as though Mizuki got there in the end!  :lol: Seems as though Eripon can do in one coversation that no-one else could do at all.....  :wub:

LOL and the Ai, fashion style trip!!! Seems as though Ai is ready fully for Reina's fashion tips, or the fact that Reina calles her boss!  :P

And singing prcatice, yikes seems as though Jun is going to be a harsh task master for all the girls, it's for thier own good though, Yikes seems as though Sayu might be in for the worst of it, but them, maybe Jun, although being harsh to Sayu, in a way likes her......

Hmm, Reina having feelings for Ai, and forming a plan with Eri for a joint strike..... interesting  :panic:
Title: Re: Petals 7 - chapter 3 - The First Practice Session- 02/23/2012
Post by: Kikk4r on February 24, 2012, 05:43:56 PM
I loved this chapter wonder how the next will be  :ding:

sooo keep it up please for mother of god  :luvluv1: lol
Title: Re: Petals 7 - chapter 3 - The First Practice Session- 02/23/2012
Post by: resop2 on February 29, 2012, 01:14:44 AM
I loved this chapter wonder how the next will be  :ding:

sooo keep it up please for mother of god  :luvluv1: lol

I'm trying, but it's a lot to write!

Well seems as though Mizuki got there in the end!  :lol: Seems as though Eripon can do in one coversation that no-one else could do at all.....  :wub:

Eripon did have a little help from her buddy Ai-chan ...

LOL and the Ai, fashion style trip!!! Seems as though Ai is ready fully for Reina's fashion tips, or the fact that Reina calles her boss!  :P

For the live action inspiration check out Hello!Pro Time 13.

And singing prcatice, yikes seems as though Jun is going to be a harsh task master for all the girls, it's for thier own good though, Yikes seems as though Sayu might be in for the worst of it, but them, maybe Jun, although being harsh to Sayu, in a way likes her......

Expect many more tears from Sayu before SayuJun can blossom.

Hmm, Reina having feelings for Ai, and forming a plan with Eri for a joint strike..... interesting  :panic:

Be afraid, be very afraid of what these two will dream up. (w)


Need some help!

Starting next episode, I am introducing a complete nonsense story within a story.  One of the characters will reveal that she used to read the shoujo manga "Scattered Petals".  Another character will try re-reading the manga to get insight into the mind of the first character.  She will not be successful and these scenes will be comic relief, due to the completely absurd nature of "Scattered Petals".

The question is, what should Scattered Petals be about?  The only requirement so far is that it has one character named Natsuki who feels that she needs to win the respect of a second character named Sachiko.

Here are some ideas that I have been kicking around:

1) Natsuki, due to some clerical error has transferred to a new all girls Junior High School where the students train to pilot Gundam's using ballerina style moves.  Sachiko is an upperclassperson who disapproves of Natsuki's lack of coordination.

2) Natsuki, due to her mother being a alumni, transfers to an all girls school that teaches the students to become Ramen chefs.  Although she loves eating Ramen, she is not a good cook.  Sachiko, an upperclassperson, bullies her and tells her that she should try to prove that she belongs in the school.  Distraught, one night she tries to leave the school and is attacked by a monster.  She is saved by six girls, dressed in costumes based on an individual color who announce themselves in their battle boast as the Ramen Rangers.  They dispatch the monster and hypnotize Natsuki to think that she had a bad dream.  However, when they transform back, their leader, Sachiko, is not pleased to learn that Natsuki has the magical mark on her forehead that marks her as a potential Ramen Ranger.

Does anyone have any ideas for a really silly and random shoujo manga?  Remember, nothing in Scattered Petals affects the main story in any way so don't feel restricted to making it relate in any way.
Title: Re: Petals 7 - chapter 4a teaser up - 03/16/2012
Post by: resop2 on March 19, 2012, 02:49:15 PM
The new podcast is up and the is a teaser preview radio play for chapter 4a (so big I had to break it up) in part 2:

Click here for the first part of the ninth Podcast (

Click here for the second part of the ninth Podcast (

The teaser preview deals with the joint strike of Eri & Reina.
Title: Petals 7 - chapter 4 part 1 (A Second Teacher) - 03/22/2012
Post by: resop2 on March 22, 2012, 07:33:22 PM
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Note: Fuji-San is Mount Fuji.

Note: Busu means ugly.

Petals 7 - Chapter 4 - part 1 - A Second Teacher

Niigaki Risa's home phone rings.

I hope this isn't some salesperson.  "Moshi, moshi?"

"Risa, this is Eri."

"What do you want?"

"I want to apologize.  That was pretty immature of me to assume that you would instantly fall in love with me."

"Well, okay.  This shouldn't be something that causes friction in the group.  That would make Takahashi-sempai sad."

"Thanks.  However, since you're a lot more mature than most of the girls who I talk to, I wonder if you could give me some advise?"

No way!  I can't believe she's trying a trick this obvious.  But, might as well play along.  "Um, sure, I guess.  I can't guarantee that I will be of any help."

"There's a friend of mine who has a big crush on another girl.  She wants to know what she needs to do to get closer to this other girl."

"Who are these other two people?"

"It's a secret."

"Well, gee, without knowing who these other two people are all I could do is tell you what would make me happy.  Right?"

"Any advise would be helpful."

"Eri-kun, I have read shoujo manga before.  What you're doing is one of the oldest tricks in the book.  I would have to be really dumb to fall for it."

"What do you mean?"

"Pretending to ask advise for a friend so you can pump me for information, that is so common."

"Well, um, er.  Okay, you got me.  I am trying to get information about you.  But, on the other hand, I do have a friend who is crushing on another girl, so I wasn't really lying.  I am trying to help my friend, but also help myself in the process."

"Seems very suspicious."

"But, putting that aside, which shoujo manga's do you like?"

"Me?  I'm starting to get a little old for shoujo manga's now.  But, last year I was following 'Scattered Petals'."

Eri smiles.  "Okay, I've seen that one.  It wasn't one of my favorites, but I thought the relationship between Sachiko and Natsuki was really compelling."

"No kidding.  Did you see that scene where Sachiko slapped Natsuki and Natsuki refused to back down?"

"Yeah, that was the first time that Sachiko had to regard Natsuki as an equal."

"That was really powerful."

"Well, Risa-kun, I don't know if I learned anything good from this conversation to tell my friend, but thanks for humoring me."

"Oh, I do have one bit of advise for your friend: kaichou is a weird nickname."  Risa pronounces kaichou as kaicha, the same way that Reina does.


"Hontou ni.  Reina spent half the training session staring at Takahashi-sempai's butt.  It was so obvious."

"Thank you, I will pass along that information.  See you Monday."

"Ja ne."


Takahashi Ai's phone rings.  The Girigiri Surf Rider ring tone immediately tells Ai who it is.  "Hello, Reina."


"Why are you calling tonight?"

"I need to ask you a favor."

"Let me guess.  More fashion shopping?"

"We can let that go this week.  I'll just bring in some magazines for you to look at.  But, I do have a favor to ask."

"What's that?"

"There's a friend of mine who has a big crush on another girl.  She wants to know what she needs to do to get closer to this other girl."

"And, you're asking me because?"

"Because you're so smart."

"Well, who are these two people?"

"It's a secret."

"Well, if it's a secret then the only thing I could tell you is stuff I would like."

"Anything would help."

"Well, let's see...  Oh, I don't know.  I'm pretty independent.  I don't get into that mushy stuff a lot."

"Well, kaichou, what if there was a girl that you liked and wanted to be with.  What would you do about it?"

"That's a really good question.  I've never really thought of things like that.  I guess what I would do is ask the girl to come to the next group social thing I was going to.  That's how the Karaoke group from last year came together."

"The one with Jun Jun-Sempai?"

"Yes, and Kanon, and Eripon."

"That's a really good idea, Kaichou."

"It is?  It's not like I am a girlfriend to any of those three.  Maybe it's bad advise?"

"No, I think it's good advise.  I'm sure the problem was that Kanon-Sempai, Jun Jun-Sempai, and Erina-Sempai are all really busy people with their activities.  That's why none of them is your girlfriend."

"Reina, you sure seem to know a lot for someone asking the questions."

"One doesn't learn unless one asks."

"Okay, but I have to finish my homework."

"Okay, bai, bai!"

"See you tomorrow."


After school, Risa arrives at the Karaoke club.  "Wow, lots of people here!"

Riho smiles.  "Risa.  There's been a change of plans.  I talked it over with Mizuki-kun here and she's agreed to help you so that I can help Sayumi."

Well, at least she's not saying that Sayumi is going going to try to teach me.  "But, Riho, won't that be a lot more work for you?"

Sayumi pouts.  "Hey, don't talk about me like I am not here."

Riho giggles.  "Don't worry about me.  I have a plan."

Mizuki leans and waves with her hand, the same way that Eripon does.  "Risa, shall we go?"


Risa and Mizuki retreat to a booth.

"Let's go Sayumi."


Riho and Sayumi go to their booth and make themselves comfortable.

"Okay, let's get this out of the way first.  Sayumi?  Who is the cutest girl is the world?"

"Me, of course."

"Okay, now you have told me.  Do you think I am a baka?"

Sayumi starts looking panicked.  "No."

"Good.  If you don't think that I am stupid, then you'll realize that I don't need to be told about your cuteness more that once."

"But ..."

Riho pulls a plastic mallet out of her school backpack.  "But, if you forget ..."  Riho slams the mallet on the top of the table, "... then I will have to give you a reminder."

What a psycho!  "Okay."

"Now, did you do your vocal exercises this weekend?"


"... and it's just such an honor to be with such amazing people.  Do you think I really belong in the club, Risa?  I don't think I really measure up. ..."

Uso, uso, uso!  Is she going to carry on like this all session?  "Mizuki-kun?"


"I'm really the wrong person to ask.  Takahashi-sempai made all the decisions regarding who to get.  And, honestly, I was disappointed with many of them."

Mizuki looks panicked.  "Really!?"

"Yes, when Takahashi-sempai mentioned your name I felt like quitting ..."

Mizuki looks devastated.

" ... since there's no way that I can compete with you on any level."

"I don't understand."

"What's there not to understand?  You're built like a woman, I'm built like a q-tip.  Everyone fawns on you, everyone picks on me.  I'm a beginner at singing and you're pretty experienced."

Mizuki stares straight ahead like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Mizuki-kun, are you okay?"

Mizuki starts sobbing.  "But, Risa, I look up to you.  I'm chubby.  You're elegant.  People want to be with you.  People just want to use me.  Please don't think that I am better than you."

"I'm sorry."

Mizuki wipes her tears.  "Well, let's not worry about stuff that we can't change?  We can change our singing, and that's why we are here.  We can't really change our bodies or our popularity."

"Okay.  Should we do the exercises first?"

Mizuki nods.


"But, I did practice!"  Sayumi looks close to tears.

Riho shakes her head.  "Sayumi, a major scale is the building block of everything.  You need to be able to hit every note dead on.  You're so far off, if we did a Karaoke song right now the machine would not let you finish."

"You're exaggerating!"

Riho goes to the machine and punches in some special codes.  "Okay, I downloaded a simple exercise.  I won't tell you you're flat, the machine will."

"Okay.  Doe, Ray, Me, Faa, Sou, La, Tea, Doe."

Riho pointed to the arrow next to the words.  "Don't you see that arrow?"

"Yes, it didn't move."

Riho grabs the hammer and thinks about hitting Sayumi with it, but changes her mind and play hits herself.  "The arrow didn't move because you were so consistently far off."

"But, ..."

"Listen."  Riho types in some more special codes.  "Let's do it this way.  Let's do a really long 'Doe', and let's see if you can get the arrow to move from the very bottom."

"Okay.  Doe ...."

"Higher.  Higher.  There you go, see the arrow moved!  Now try to center it."

"Doe ..."

"There we go.  Now hold it."

"Doe ..."  Sayumi starts gasping for breath.

"That was good.  You stayed on pitch for five seconds."

"Is everything about singing going to be this hard?"

"Do you remember last summer?  Our class climbed Fuji-San for the first time.  You made it to the top right?"


"Do you remember that one section where the trail became a bunch of steps that seemed to go on forever?"


"Becoming a singer is like climbing those steps.  We do them one step at a time."

"But, I'm cute.  I should be allowed to go two steps at a time."

Riho play hits Sayumi in the head with the mallet.


"I believe in this Miracle romance."

Risa and Mizuki patiently wait for the results.

"Uso!  You beat me worse than Riho did!"

"What did you score against Riho?"


"And, now you scored eighty-three.  That's shows that you are coming along really fast."

Risa slumps down.  "But, I'm never going to catch up."

"Risa, you shouldn't say things like that.  I talked to Takahashi-sempai and she said that she wasn't expecting everyone to be a great singer in the group.  Just so long as everyone can get by for a line or two, everything will be okay."

"I guess I can do that."

"Risa, let me show you a trick that Erina-sempai showed me."

"Erina?  Do you mean Ikuta Erina?"

"Yes.  Oh, I didn't tell you.  I'm her kouhai now."

"No way!  That's amazing!"

"And, scary.  She doesn't want me to be a troublesome kouhai.  That's why she showed me this trick.  We went to Karaoke and she said that I was thinking too much about what I was doing.  So, she made me do some para para steps while I was singing."

"But, that will make things twice as hard!"

"Yes, however, you'll be thinking of the steps, not the singing.  Let's give it a try."


"I'm sorry I'm not candid.  I can say it if in my dreams."

Risa tries to keep up with the dance step but keeps tripping.  Finally, she quits.  "Muri, muri, muri.  Just look at that arrow.  I'm so off."

"It's not impossible.  You did great for the first time.  At least you didn't fall on your butt like I did.  Let's do it again and face the wall so that you won't be distracted by the arrow."


They do the song again and this time Risa is able to finish.

"Now, let's check out your score."

"I can't look."

Mizuki waves and leans toward the screen.  "Eighty four.  You did better while dancing than you did without dancing."

"I did?"  Risa turns around.  "I guess I did.  Sugoi."

"See, everything is going to be okay."

"Wow, it must be great to have a cool sempai like Ikuta-san."


Eri takes the first volume of "Scattered Petals" off of her wall.  Gee, I wonder if this story says anything important about Risa.  One way to find out though.  Eri opens the book.

Natsuki stands in front of the entrance gate to her new school.  In front of her is a statue, about as tall as she is, of a giant bowl.  She can see over the top of the bowl and inside of the bowl is a metal arrangement of objects designed to look like Ramen ingredients.

"Um, excuse me, are you Natsuki?"


"My name is Miyu.  I will be your roommate.  I was sent to show you around."

"Great!  It's so scary coming to a school this grand."

"Well, everyone here desires to become a great Ramen chef.  So, they all have something in common with you, right?"

Natsuki looks down.

"What?  You came to the school and you don't like Ramen?"

"I love Ramen.  But, my cooking skills are pretty bad.  The only reason I got in was because my Grandmother was a famous chef.  My family has hit some hard times so they couldn't afford to send me to the school I was going to, so they sent me here because I could get a full scholarship."

"You're going to a cooking school and your bad at cooking?"

"Well, I guess I will have to suck it up, huh?"

"Natsuki, this is a pretty competitive school.  Many of the other students will treat beginners very harshly.  I think I should warn you of this."

Natsuki looks afraid.

"Well, can you at least identify that bowl?"

Natsuki looks over the edge of the bowl.  "Shio Ramen.  You can tell because some of the toppings are pickled plums."

"Good!  I will definitely support you Natsuki."

"Thanks, Miyu."

Eri's phone rings.  "Moshi, Moshi."

"You may praise me now."

"What's up, Reina?"

"This Saturday, I have a double date for us with you know who."

"Efficient as always, Reina.  I will try not to waste the opportunity you have given me."

"You better not!"


"Did everyone practice hard?"


Jun Jun smiles.  "We'll have today's practice be similar to last week.  We'll do some exercises, work on a new song, and then one by one you'll show me how much you've grown.  Okay?"



"Okay, Ai-kun, you can be first again."

Ai enters the private booth.

"Risa, what's wrong, you look scared."

"Oh, Riho.  I'm sure I'm just that much farther behind than everyone else."

"But, why worry about something like that?"


"If you're struggling, I'm sure that Jun Jun will give you good advice."

"Easy for you to say."

Ai comes out of the room.  "Risa, you're up."

"Hai!"  Risa enters the room.

"Risa-chan, ready to sing?"


Jun Jun starts playing piano.

"Let's head out on a big journey beyond the sun and the wind.  I'm sure we'll open the door to a paradise that's not on the map."

Jun Jun finishes playing.

"How bad was I?"

Jun Jun mentions for Risa to sit down next to her on the piano bench.  She holds Risa's hands.  "Risa, I'm worried.  You sounded like you were enjoying yourself less than last week."

"But, last week I didn't understand half the things I was doing wrong.  Now that I do understand, it's painful to make those errors."

Jun Jun squeezes Risa's hands.  "The worst mistake you can make is not enjoying yourself.  You need to turn off that critical voice in your head while you are singing."

"Oh, wait.  Mizuki said that it might help if I para para danced while singing."


"Riho said that she was busy with Sayumi."

"Is that so?  Anyway, great idea!  Let's do it again."

Risa sings the song again.

"Excellent, you sounded like you were having fun again."

"What about the other stuff?"

"You have a ways to go, but you were better than last week.  Keep working with Mizuki."


"Please call in Sayumi."

Sayumi enters.

"Well, Sayumi.  Shall we begin?  I made a promise last week to make you cry.  I wonder if I will be able to complete it?"

Sayumi waves her hand in front of her face.  "You don't have to."

"Let's see.  Please sing the song for me."

Jun Jun plays the paino while Sayumi sings.

"So, how was it?"

Jun Jun smiles.  "I can see that you worked really hard this week to get better, Sayumi-chan."

"I did."

"If you continue to work hard, you just might elevate yourself to where you need to be."

Sayumi beams.  "Really?"

"But ..."

Sayumi's face falls.  "What?"

"Please sit on this bench with me.  This is going to be painful."

Sayumi sits with a worried look on her face.

Jun Jun takes out her phone.  "I want you to take a look at some pictures I downloaded."


Jun Jun shows Sayumi five pictures.  "Now, were those five girls cute?"

"Just barely.  I am way cuter than all of them.  Way, way cuter."

"I would agree with that.  You are.  Now, guess where I got those pictures?"

"I don't know."

"Those are the covers of the five best selling photo books for idol singers."

"Well, good.  Then my books should outsell all of them."

Jun Jun pats Sayumi on the head.  "Wow, you're really missing the point."


"The point is, being super cute is not going to help you to become a popular idol.  In fact, it's going to be an hundred pound stone weight around your neck."

"You're talking nonsense."

"Don't you think that cuter girls than these try out to be idols every day?  They do, but they don't succeed, because the target audience for idol singers, the wota, cannot identify with them.  The wota think that the cuter idols look like the girls at school who won't talk to them and put them down.  The wota want girls who look like they can be approached and talked to.  Do you really think you look approachable?"

"I ..."

"Wanting to be an idol singer is fine, but honestly, I think that it's the wrong direction for you to take if you just want people to see you as cute.  Why not become a gravure model and be photographed as much as you want?"


"Why not?  Why work yourself to death for years to become a mediocre singer when all you want is to do photobooks?"

"That's not me!"  Sayumi starts crying.  "I'm cute on the inside as well as the outside.  If I'm not a singer no one will know."

Jun Jun comforts Sayumi.  "Well, if you are cute on the inside, why do I hear you act mean to some of the other girls in the school?  Are you really cute on the inside or are you making some self-serving assumption?  It would be really sad if you worked for years and then found out that no one is connecting with your personality because people thought that on the inside you were busu?"

Sayumi runs out of the room and the practice room in tears.

Ai nods to Riho who gives chase.  Riho catches up to Sayumi quickly, since Sayumi loses her wind easily.  "Are you okay?"

"Riho, am I ugly?"

Riho, annoyed, raises an eyebrow.  "Am I a magic mirror and are you Snow White?"

"No, am I ugly on the inside?"

Riho starts laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"I don't mind that you are."

"Riho, I hate you!  This means I'll never have a top selling photobook."


"Jun Jun said that what sells is girls who are cute on the inside."

"Dummy.  Jun Jun doesn't own a publishing company.  She's not a authority on stuff like that.  Besides, why not have your future photobook show the real you?  People might like to have a photobook of some girl who is vain and looks down on everyone."


"I'm serious.  The worst thing to be is a phony.  If you're for real people will accept you.  After all, I accept you."

"You do?"

"It's hard sometimes, because you put people down a lot, but I do."

"Do you think I should give up and become a gravure idol?"

Riho pokes Sayumi's forehead.  "You're too smart for that.  You would be bored to tears.  I know you.  You need a challenge.  Now, stop whining and get back to practice."



Takahashi Ai signals for attention.  "Okay, eveyone.  As I said in the text message I sent everyone, we have an extra practice on Friday.  In that practice, I will be bringing in another teacher to help us in another aspect of being an idol singer."

The rest of the group groans.

"Sitting in on the practice will be Jun Jun.  However, she will not be there to judge people."

Jun Jun nods.  "Teachers need to learn as well.  I hope that all of you will treat me as another student and give me the full effect of your counsil without worrying about me trying to get you guys back."

Risa raises an eyebrow.  "But, Jun Jun-sempai, what could you possibly need to learn?"

"You would be surprised."

To Be Continued
Title: Re: Petals 7 - chapter 4 part 1 (A Second Teacher) - 03/22/2012
Post by: Kikk4r on March 22, 2012, 09:42:50 PM
UPDATE~ :cow: finally!

aw, am Ai and Reina, Risa and Eri going on a date? CUTE!

please update fast ;)

Title: Re: Petals 7 - chapter 4 part 1 (A Second Teacher) - 03/22/2012
Post by: oddball on March 23, 2012, 11:18:44 AM
Hmm, I too see a Ai,Reina, Eri, Gaki date, which could be interesting to say the least......

and Jun, well at least she praised Sayu's singing, but then went of about her being cute but un-approcable, extra 'help' from Jun here, showing she does care about Sayu really......
Title: Petals 7 - chapter 4 part 2 (A Second Teacher) - 06/06/2012
Post by: resop2 on June 07, 2012, 05:06:39 AM
@Kikk4r - I would have updated faster if I could.   :(  But, hopefully it will be worth the wait...

@oddball - Expect a lot of SayuJun in the future...  :twisted:


(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Petals 7 - Chapter 4 - part 2 - A Second Teacher

Eri starts to read again.

Natsuki and Miyu walk up the stairs of their dorm.

"So, this school has some strange rules, but you'll get used to them.  One rule is that one must never wander about campus after dark.  It's pretty up in the mountains, but there is no real way to prevent wild animals from invading at night."

"What about during the day?"

"There's too much activity, it scares them off."

"Okay."  Natsuki stops at a stair landing and points through a window.  "Oh, what's that building over there?"

"The super ornate one?  That's the dorm of the super elite student council.  All of them are being groomed to be top chefs and they rarely if ever talk to ordinary students."

"Kon nicha wa!"  A strange student passes them going down the stairs.

Miyu seems star struck.  "Aoi-sempai!"

Aoi turns around.  "Oh, hi Miyu.  Sorry I didn't recognize ya."

"Aoi-sempai, let me introduce you to the new girl.  This is Natsuki.  Natsuki, this is Aoi.  She's one of the student council.  She is being groomed to be the next god of Hakata Ramen."

Aoi bows and holds out her hands.  "Pleased to meet ya."

Natsuki shakes her hands and bows.

"Sorry if your hands smell now.  It's kinda the danger with working with garlic so much."

Natsuki smells her hands and is nearly knocked on her butt.  "That's okay, I love Hakata Ramen."

Aoi winks.  "Maybe I can make you a bowl sometime."  Aoi runs off.

Miyu sighs.  "She's so dreamy."

Eri's phone rings.  "What's up, Reina?"

"So, what outfit should I wear on Saturday?"

"You're asking me?  The genius of lack of fashion sense?  Is this some trick question, where you're going to do the opposite of what I suggest?"

"I'm just so nervous!"

"Aren't you worried about tomorrow's practice?"

"Jun Jun said I was doing okay, so hopefully the next teacher will also think I am doing okay.  I just can't worry about stuff like that."

"True.  I am like that also.  But, for a different reason.  I figure that the teacher will be harsh on me, but there's nothing I can really do to prepare."

"Makes sense."

"I've been reading a manga instead, trying to get insight into Risa."

"That's cool.  Which one?"

"Scattered Petals."

"I never got into that one.  The school uniforms were so uncool."


Risa walks into the practice room.


Panicking, Risa looks around.  "Kanon-sempai?"

"Yeah, I'm teaching today.  I hope that you don't mind, but I want you to be my assistant teacher today."


"It will be easy."

The rest of the group, along with Jun Jun, enter the room.

Kanon gets their attention.  "Okay, folks.  Today we are going to be exploring a new avenue of singing.  Ai-kun tells me that most of you guys do most of your singing in Karaoke.  Is that true?"

The group members nod in agreement.

"That's good practice, but, it's not the same as singing in front of an audience.  While being on pitch is important, it is also important to be able to communicate emotion with your voice.  So, I have prepared some exercises for us to do, and we can do them as a group."

The group members look at themselves with worried expressions.

"Now, Ai-kun, I want you to be our first volunteer.  I will give you a card with an emotion on it.  I want you to sing a major scale behind the piano so the group can't see your face.  Okay?"

Ai-kun gulps and nods.

Kanon gives Ai the card.  "Okay, everyone.  Concentrate hard and  think about what Ai is trying to express."

"Doe, Ray, Me, Faa, Sol, La, Tea, Doe."

"Okay, Sayumi, what was Ai trying to express?"

"No clue."


The rest of the group shake their head.

"Ai-kun, I don't think anyone got that you were trying to express sadness.  Let me give the next card to my assistant Risa."

Ai comes out from behind the piano.  "Your assistant?"

"She has done these exercises before during a drama workshop."

Risa goes behind the piano and does the scale.

"Reina, what do you think?"


The rest of the group nods.

"Great, that was correct.  Now, I am going to split people up into pairs and give you guys three cards each.  Practice among yourselves.  There is no right or wrong way to do things, just ways that work for you.  Feel free to experiment, but don't use visual clues to guess the emotion.  Turn you back on your partner if you need to."

The rest of the group nods.

"Now, let's have Sayumi with Jun Jun, Reina with Ai-kun, Eri with Risa, and Riho with Mizuki."

Riho and Mizuki find a corner of the practice room by themselves.

Riho holds the cards out, face down for Mizuki.  "Pick a card, any card."

Mizuki picks one.

Riho turns around so she cannot see Mizuki.  "Okay, let's go."

"Doe, ... R-Ray, ... M-Me, ..."

"Why are you being so apprehensive?  It's just me listening."


"Wow, very cool."


Reina turns around.  "Okay, kaichou, let me have it."

Ai sings the major scale.

"Kaichou.  You just sang a major scale.  What in the world were you trying to express with it?"


Reina cringes, then thinks for a bit.  "Try it again."

"Doe, Ray, Me, ..."

"I heard that Sayumi practiced with Mizuki yesterday and improved an amazing amount."

"... Faa, Sol, La, Tea, Doe.  She did?"

"No, I was lying.  But, you did kind of sound more excited after I said it."


Eri turns around.  Whenever you're ready, Risa-kun.

"Doe, Ray, Me, Faa, Sol, La, Tea, Doe."

Eri frowns.  "That was a tough one.  Slight assertiveness?"

"Kuso.  It was supposed to be conviction."

"Try it again, slowly."

"Doe, Ray, ..."

"So, after practice, do you want to go up to the school roof and make out?"

Risa violently shakes her head even though Eri has her back to Risa.  "... Me, Faa, Sol, La, TEA, DOE!  Why are you continuing with these stupid come on lines?"

"Because you sang the scale with great conviction."

Risa turns red.  "Oh, sorry."

"So, you will go to the roof with me?"

Risa pulls her right eyelid down and sticks out her tongue.  "Beda!"


"What's wrong, Sayumi-chan?"

"It's just so hard to concentrate on showing an emotion when I know that you will be all over my pitch control."

Jun Jun laughs.  "Nonsense.  That's not the point of the exercise.  Sometimes singers will go off pitch slightly if they can use this to convey an emotion.  Don't worry about about pitch at all, just go for it."

Sayumi smiles.  "Okay!  Doe, Ray, Me, Faa, Sol, La, Tea, Doe."

"Okay, I'm getting 'happiness' from that."

"You did?  Oh my god!"

"Am I correct?"


"But, you were happy about not worrying about being on pitch, right?"

Sayumi's smile falls.

"Just teasing.  It's whatever works, right?"



"Doe, Ray, Me, Faa, Sol, La, Tea, Doe."

Mizuki smiles.  "My goodness, Riho, you sure sounded angry there."


"How were you able to do that?  That felt so real."

"I was just thinking of things that made me mad."

"Such as?"

"Um, Mizuki-kun, there are some things I'd rather not talk about."

"Okay.  Besides, what would make you mad might not be the same things that would make me mad."

You can say that again.


"Doe, Ray, Ma, Faa, Sol, La, Ta, Doe."

Ai scratches her head.  "No clue."

Reina rubs her forehead in frustration.  "It's supposed to be curiosity."

Ai smiles a sinister smile, facing away from Reina.  "Try it again."

"Doe, Ray, ..."

"I'm wearing some special panties today."

Reina turns red.  "... Ma, Faa, Sol, La, Ta, Doe."

"That seemed a lot better."

"Why did you bring up panties?"

"Because I know that you would be curious if my idea of special panties would be a crime against fashion."

Reina gulps.  "Yeah, that's it.  I was worried for your style."


"Doe, Ray, Me, Faa, Sol, La, Tea, Doe."


"That is correct."

"That's amazing Eri-kun.  I was able to tell what you were feeling each time."

"Not what I really feeling.  You heard what I was expressing."

"Wouldn't it be easier to just feel what you were trying to express?"

"Easier?"  Eri gets a puzzled look on her face.  "It just comes naturally for me I guess."

"But is that such a good thing, to be able to fake people out so easily?"

Eri blushes.  "Never thought of that before."


"Doe, Ray, Me, Faa, Sol, La, Tea, Doe."

Sayumi stares straight ahead.  What the heck was that?  "Sorry, I couldn't tell what that was."

Jun Jun pouts.  "It's supposed to be anger."

A gleam appears in Sayumi's eyes.  "Try it again."

"Doe, Ray, ..."

"For someone who can dish out criticism on singing, you're really not that good at singing yourself, aren't you?"

"... Me, Faa, Sol, La, Tea, Doe.  I am going to kick your ass so bad."

"But, that was so much better."

"What was?"

"Expressing anger."

Jun Jun turns pale.  "Oh, sorry, Sayumi.  I thought you meant it."

"No problem.  But, I did mean it."


"Well, I figure that if it's the truth, then there's no harm in saying things."

Jun Jun smirks.  "Let me guess, the girls that I heard you bullied, you were just telling them the truth?"

"Of course.  If I was spouting nonsense they would have ignored me."

Jun Jun nods her head.  "Maybe you're not as ugly on the inside as I thought."

"I hope not."


"Okay, I hope everyone here has picked up some new tools to use today.  But, these tools need practice, so I hope every works on them this weekend.  During Karaoke practice, I hope you all will pick a couple of emotions and try them out without worrying about your score.  Okay?"


"Thank you for having me.  I am really interested now in seeing how all of you will develop."

Risa stretches.  Wow, that was a lot of hard work.

"Hey, Risa."

"Yes, Takahashi-sempai?"

"Are you doing anything on Saturday?"

Risa blushes beet red. "What's going on?"

"Well, since I'm really bad at this, maybe you can give me some pointers at the Karaoke club?"



"What the heck is this?"  Sachiko holds up a bunch of soba noodles with a pair of chopsticks.  "These are totally over cooked.  Rookie, have you even cooked before?"

Natsuki looks down at the floor.

"Teacher?  Why did you put this novice in with the elite group?  We have standards to keep up here."

"Sachiko, I think you're overreacting.  If she needs help, I could tutor her."

"Aoi, stop thinking with your hormones.  Cooking is a serious thing."

Natsuki finishes packing.  That entire class was one long session of Sachiko pointing out my flaws.  Of course, the teacher never stopped Sachiko since Sachiko is being groomed to be the next god of Tonkotsu Ramen.

Good thing that Miyo is off at Aoi's tutoring class.  She would try to stop me from leaving.

Natsuki grabs her stuff and heads down the stairs.  I hope I don't meet someone who tries to change my mind.  There's no way that I could endure another class like that.

Natsuki reaches the outside without incident.  Wow, it's really dark and desolate out here.  I hope there aren't any wild animals.

Natsuki makes it halfway to the school gate when she steps on a twig.  She suddenly hears a horrible noise that sounds like howling.

Oh crap!

Natsuki starts to run, but stops dead in her tracks when she sees the first one.  Wait!  These aren't wild animals, they're m-m-monsters!

Natsuki finds herself surrounded by around six creatures that would have looked human if it wasn't for giant holes in their abdomens.


Oh no!  They think I am food!

Eri sighs.  I guess Jun Jun isn't as harsh with me as Sachiko is with Natsuki.


Risa arrives at the Karaoke place.  "Takahashi-senpai, I'm here."

Ai turns around.  "Good.  We're being joined today by Eri and Reina.  Between the four of us we should make great progress."

Risa gets a mortified look on her face. "Takahashi-senpai, who's idea was it for this little group?"

"Reina.  I think it's great that she's getting in the swing of things and helping out."

Must not upset Takahashi-senpai by pointing out the obvious.  "Um, okay.  I guess that's good."

"Kaichou!  We're here."

Risa shoots daggers with her eyes at Eri.

"Risa, I am glad you could make it.  I am very interested in learning how you feel emotions."

I'm sure you are.  Risa glares at Eri.

Ai points to the booth that she has reserved.  "Shall we get started?"

Eri smiles.  "Boss, is it okay if we don't order food during the session?  We are at a mall so we can can grab food afterward."

"Eri, you're very serious today."


Risa rolls her eyes.  Serious, but not about singing.

They enter the booth.

"Kaichou, let's do one together with grading to warm up."

Ai nods.

"Look for your love girl, sending my love with telepathy.  Always a girl, I'm having improbable dreams ..."

Risa whispers to Eri.  "So, this is you two's idea for a double date?"

Eri grins.  "Yes.  However, I guess it's not likely that I will be successful."

"You got that right."

"However, let's at least work together?  You might think I joined the club to chase you, but I am very serious about the idea of being an idol."

"... Anyone under this open sky will want to look for their own path ..."

"Serious?  You?"

"Well, I guess my seriousness is expressed differently than most people."

"... Right now a small piece of romance like this is linking with a wonderful future.  Tomorrow will shine more brightly."

Reina looks at the two scores on the Karaoke machine.  "Wow, spot on as always, Kaichou."

Ai turns to Eri and Risa.  "Why don't you two warm up?"

Eri smiles.  "Sure.  Let me pick the song."

Risa puts on a happy face.  "Okay."  This had better not be some hentai song.

"Before we knew it, we casually bumped into each other.  Gathering kindness together we continued our game of hide-and-seek.  No, wanna sell your soul, a stylish yellow touch.  No, forget smile again, I just want to keep dancing ..."

"So Kaichou, what panties are you wearing today?"

Ai blushes.  "Just normal ones."

"But this will not do.  We must find better underwear for you."


"Because if you perform and you do a high kick to show your fans some service they shouldn't see unstylish panties.  That would ruin all of their dreams."

"Is that so?  Never thought of that."

"... Take the good things and the bad things, add them together and divide by two and live well, wanting to surpass time."

"Sugoi, Risa, you scores are getting better all the time."

Risa smiles at Reina.  "Well, I have been getting a lot of help."

Eri looks dejected.  "I think I might be falling behind."

"Don't worry about it, Eri.  We're all here to work on our singing."

Eri nods and forces a smile for Ai.

"So Risa, why don't you pick me a song and a emotion and check to see how I do with it?"

"Sure."  Risa shoots a triumphant look to Reina who makes a face back at her.

Risa looks through the song list.  "Why don't you try Yuzurenai Negai?"

"How should I sing it?"

"How about with sorrow?"

"I'll do my best."

Risa starts the machine.

"Heading to the dream to the future with no end.  Holding close a wish, a wish you can't yield to anyone..."

Reina and Eri start writing things down on napkins.

Risa looks at Ai in disbelief.  Is she even trying to express sorrow?

"... Take the map to your heart, the one that will not fade, and hold it up to the light.  So, how did I do?"

Reina nervously giggles.  "Well, Kaichou, if we didn't have to work on things, we wouldn't need to practice, right?"

"That bad?"

Eri points to her notes and then to her chin.  "Boss, the first thing I would change was the way you were standing."

"Eeh?"  Risa looks at Eri in surprise.

Eri ignores Risa.  "You were standing in a very carefree way.  For sorrow, I would have slumped my shoulders some."

"Isn't this supposed to be about singing, not about appearance?"

Eri turns to Risa.  "Yes.  But, appearance does affect singing."

Risa has a shocked look on her face.

"Boss, try it again, but this time slump your shoulders."

Ai repeats the song.

"What do you to think?"

Risa and Reina nod to Eri.


"That's amazing Eri.  I never would have thought of that."


Ai stretches.  "I'm so tired!  You guys really wore me out.  How am I ever going to remember all this stuff?"

Eri smiles.  "It will come with time."

"Kaichou, there's no time to be tired now.  We still have to shop for panties."

"What about Risa and Eri?"

Eri smiles.  "I can treat Risa to some food, that is, if she will let me."

"It's okay."

Reina drags Ai off.

"I'm happy you agreed."

"Well, I guess I owe you an apology for thinking you were not serious about being an idol."

"No problem.  I'm sure I give off the wrong impression frequently."

"That was an amazing amount of advise you were giving out."

Eri blushes.  "Well, I was trying to compensate for being the worst in the room for being on pitch."

"So, where should we go?"

"There's a stall in the food court that serves Hakata Ramen."

"But won't Reina be upset that we're leaving her out?  She's originally from that area, right?"

Eri laughs.  "It's okay.  Actually, Reina doesn't like Hakata ramen.  She much prefers Sapporo ramen."

"Eeeh?  From all the way up North?"

"Well, she is a rebel.  Shall we go?"


To be continued!
Title: Petals 7 - Chapter 5 - A Shocking Senpai Declaration - 07/14/2012
Post by: resop2 on July 15, 2012, 05:54:42 AM
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Petals 7 - Chapter 5 - A Shocking Senpai Declaration

Ai approaches Maimi in the hall after school.  "Um, er, Maimi?"

"Rival!  How are you doing?  I hope your club is working hard because you know that the dance club is not planning on losing to you guys."

Ai scratches her head in nervousness.  "Yeah.  We are working hard.  However, I don't feel confident teaching the girls dancing.  So, um, er, I was wondering ..."

"You want me to give you guys lessons?  But, of course!  That's the whole point of having a rival, to make sure that they do well so that you have a target to surpass."

"I haven't heard that before, but putting that aside, that's great!"

"But, there is a catch.  I have a favor to ask of you."  Maimi whispers in Ai ear.

Ai looks shocked and gulps, but then steadies herself.  "Well, that's kind of sudden, but since it's for the good of the club, I'll do it."

"Great, I'll make arrangements."

"So, is tomorrow okay for the first lesson?"

"I'll be there!  Ja ne"  Maimi runs off.

Ai takes out her cell phone and sends a text message to the other girls about the extra meeting.


Reina and Eri walk home from school.

Reina pushes Eri on the shoulder.  "So, how did it go?  Did you get any?"

Eri looks at Reina with annoyance.  "We had a great time eating Hakata Ramen, but I didn't get any."

"Maybe you should have went for Sapporo Ramen?"

"Maybe you should get you mind out of the gutter?"

"Why should I?  I got to got shopping with Takahashi-Senpai for pantsu."  Reina giggles like a maniac.

"Did you take spy shots?"

Reina frowns.  "Takahashi-Senpai is too smart for that."

Reina's cell phone rings.  "That's Takahashi-Senpai now, probably telling me how sexy the new pantsu makes her feel."

Eri's cell phone rings as well.  "I hope she's not also telling me.  That would be too much information."

They both look at the text message.  Their faces fall.

"We're up to three nights a week, now?  Wow, boss is really driving us."

Reina nods.  "It's okay by me.  If we are going to be idols it's not going to happen with a lackluster effort."


"Oh no!  Not another day!"

Riho looks at Sayumi with disapproval.  "Sayumi-kun, it's going to take a lot of hard work for us to perform as idols.  If you're not ready to do the work then you're never going to get to go on stage."

Sayumi pouts.  "Why can't I just go on stage and be myself?  After all, I am cute."

"Because we're a group.  If everyone just got onstage acted like themselves we'd just be seven random girls."

"But, I would stand out then."

"A beetle stands out with a bunch of ants."

"But, what does that mean?"

"Wait a second."  Riho points to a vending machine on the side of the road.  "What do you want?"

"Orange-Kiwi, because the picture on the side of the package looks cute."

Riho selects and Orange-Kiwi for Sayumi and a cider for herself.

"What I mean is that standing out doesn't make you an idol.  You could go to the mall right now and round up six random girls to hang out with and you would probably stand out.  But, that's not really an accomplishment."

"You make everything sound so hard.  You're no fun."

"We're going to have to work on your warrior-spirit."



"Oh dear, another practice day."

Erina pats her kouhai on the head.  "I'm sure it will be great.  It sounds like you guys are making great progress."

Mizuki sighs.  "I wish I was making great progress."

"Oh come on.  I can already see you changing."


"Of course."

"But, I have so far to go."

"Yes, but if it was easy, then there would be no point to it.  Right?"

"Was it hard?"

"What was hard?"

"For you to learn baton twirling?"

"I cried myself to sleep every night for a month.  But, eventually, I got there."

"Really?"  Mizuki smiles.

"They used to call be ten thumbs Erina, it was so bad."

"No way!"

"Well, I had a sympathetic senpai, so that made things easier."


"Good afternoon everyone!  In case I haven't met you yet, my name is Yajima Maimi and I am the leader of the Dance Club.  I have agreed to help bring you guys up to speed in dancing, but don't think I will make you guys better than the dance club girls."

Maimi laughs an imperious laugh and the club members groan.

"So, shall we get started?  Maimi points to some practice mats that she has brought.  "Please grab one.  We will start out with some basic stretches.  Dancing can be very tough on the body so we need to protect our bodies as much as possible.  Now, try to do what I do."

Maimi sits down on her mat and spreads her legs out so the made a 120 degree angle.  She then reaches out and touches her toes.

Risa starts panicking.  No way!  Do people actually do this?  I can't even get halfway!

Risa looks around and see that Ai, Riho, and Mizuki can do the stretch easily.  She also sees that Eri and Reina aren't able to do the stretch completely but are within an inch or two of completing it.

"This is too hard!"

Risa see that Sayumi is struggling worse than she is.

"Sayumi, don't worry about not being able to do things the first time.  Flexibility will come with time."

Risa groans.  Easy for her to say.


"Okay.  Now, balance is also important to dancing.  Let's do some balance drills.  Do what I do."

Maimi lifts her right leg up.  She then points left with both arms at chest level.  "Is everyone with me so far?"


Risa grunts.  This isn't so bad.

"Now, rotate you arms in a big circle."  Maimi moves her arms around in a clock-like motion.


Splat.  No way!  Are people actually doing this?  Risa looks around and sees that only her and Sayumi tipped over.   This is the worst!

"Sayumi, Risa.  Please do not consider not being able to do something a defeat.  Please consider it a challenge."


Risa tries it again and falls down again.

"Well, let's move on.  Let's try this exercise."  Maimi squats down and sticks her right leg out to the side.  She then folds her arms in front of her chest.  "Everyone ready?  Now rise."

Miami pushes herself up to a standing position using just her left leg.




After practice, Risa walks home be herself.  She starts crying.  Wow, I'll never be able to catch up to those other girls.

Risa's cell phone rings.  "Moshi, moshi?"

"Risa, this is Riho.  My mom is going to be away this weekend for work.  I was thinking of having you, Sayumi, Reina and Eri over for some catch up work on the dance basics."

"I think you're wasting your time."

"Well, you might have a point, but I invited Sayumi because she's my friend."

Risa stumbles.  "No, I meant by inviting me."

Riho laughs.  "Now you're talking nonsense.  I'll have you up to speed in no time.  Just stop worrying about it and trust in me."

"I'll try."

"Cool.  I have other people to invite, so ja ne!"

"See you tomorrow in singing practice."


Jun Jun gets up.  "Okay, that was a really good warm up.  I can see all of you are practicing really hard.  Time for individual singing now.  "Eri, you first."

Eri goes into the booth with Jun Jun.

"So, what did you think of Maimi-kun's instruction yesterday?"

Risa jumps a little in surprise.  "Takahashi-sempai, I can tell that she knows her stuff, but I don't think I can really appreciate her with my lack of skills."

Ai laughs.  "I think you'll find that she is pretty sympathetic to beginners.  You should give her a chance."  Ai walks away and starts chatting with Mizuki.

That was strange.  Takahashi-sempai seems a little different today.

"Risa, you're next!"  Jun Jun waves to her from the door of the booth.

Risa runs over.

"Are you genki this afternoon?"


"Good.  Let's get started."

"She's the sort of girl who's always in fashion, and her behind is the cutest one we know.  Please look my way Honey!  On account of, on account of, just because.

"Oh pretty please, oh pretty please, please don't hurt my heart this way.  The fast drumbeat of my heart, tickles, tickles, ticks deep inside!

Risa finishes.

Jun Jun giggles.  "That was pretty good.  You're improving every week."

"I can't really believe that."

"Would you rather I nit-pick?"

Risa thinks about it a second.  "I think you should."

"Okay, let's go over the fundamentals again because you're kind of doing them, but not really doing them correctly."


Risa walks out of the booth.

"Sayumi, you're next."

Risa sits down by a table.

"Risa-kun, can I ask you a question?"

Risa raises an eyebrow.  "I guess so.  What's up?"

Eri also sits down.  "Did Jun Jun seem a little different this week?"

"What do you mean?"

"It seemed to me that she was a little distracted."

"Well, know that I think of it, I did have to remind her to scold me."

Eri laughs.  "And, here I was thinking that I didn't get scolded because I was doing okay.  Rats."


"Oh, don't, No don't give me that look in your eye.  Honey Flash!  I'm going to change."

Sayumi looks at Jun Jun.  "So, how was it?"

"You were better than last week.  However, before I go into detail on what you should try to change, I have a question for you."


"Do you have a senpai yet?"


"You said that you want to be cute on the inside.  I think I could help you with that, but, it's really only the sort of thing that a senpai can teach a kouhai."


"Because some of it involves some personal stuff."

Oh my goodness.  She wants to do this and that with me, and that too!  But, she is kind of hot and I do need to become cute on the inside.  "Okay, I will be your kouhai."

"Good.  Now that's out of the way, let's start at the beginning at where you need to start making changes."


Ai and Jun Jun walk out of the booth.

"Okay, class that's all for today.  You're all doing great.  Soon we'll be up to the point of doing duets."

The girls mummer among themselves.

Ai smiles.  "My plan for our eventual performance will be to mix group songs with duets so that everyone will have a chance to shine."

"Everyone will do fine.  This shouldn't be anything to worry about.  Everyone should just continue practicing normally.  On the other hand, if there is someone you want to do a duet with, you can certainly explore the possibilities in your practices this weekend."


"Oh, and one more thing.  Please do not bully my kouhai, Sayumi."

Risa shakes a little bit in shock.  Kouhai?  Risa looks around and sees that the rest of the group is also surprised.


"Sorry I'm late!"

Risa notices that Sayumi, Reina, and Eri are still taking their shoes off.

Riho laughs.  "They just got here a minute ago.  Take your shoes off and relax."

They enter Riho's apartment.

Reina's eyes double in size.  "This is amazing!  I've never seen an apartment this big before.  Your mother must be really rich."

"She's a talent manager, so she makes a good salary.  She also gets alimony from my father, who is a businessman."

Eri looks at a picture on the wall.  "Hey Riho, are you in this picture?"

Riho laughs.  "That was from a couple of years ago.  My hair was shorter.  Here I am, third from the left."

Risa gasps.  "Very cute!"

"This was a dance group that I used to belong to.  There are a couple of people here that go to our school, but most of them I am not close to."

"Risa points to one girl who has sharply cut bangs.  "Who is this girl?"

Riho makes a face.  "That's Satou Masaki.  She was the center of the group.  Still to this day she considers me her rival, even though I don't think of her that way."

"Does she go to our school?"

"No, but the situation is much worse.  My mother is her manager."

Reina nudges Riho.  "Hey, if you need anyone to kick this girl's ass, just say the word."

Riho laughs and waves her hand in front of her face.  "No, that would be a big set back for my mother's career.  It was just announced that Masaki is going to be in a dorama in a couple of months.  That will open a lot of doors for my mother."

"Still,"  Reina points at the picture, "she looks annoying.  She pisses me off."

"She is annoying.  And, I do want to punch her out.  But, sometimes one has to show restraint."

Riho leads the group into a living room.  "Okay, we'll go over the stuff that we had problems with during dance class."  Riho lays down some futons on the floor.  "Let's start with the leg stretch."

Risa sits down and tries to stretch.  "This sucks."

"You're just not used to it yet."  Riho sits in front of Risa and spreads her legs out to keep Risa's legs open.  "Now, give me your hands."

Risa sticks her hands out.

"Tell me if it starts to hurt."  Riho starts gently pulling Risa forward.


Riho gets up.  "Eri, now you do the same thing.  Be very gentle, though.  She isn't very limber yet."

Eri blushes but sits down.  "Okay, let me know when to stop."

Eri pulls on Risa's arms.

Riho giggles.  "You'll have to pull farther than that.  Don't be afraid.  Trust in Risa."

Eri pulls farther.

"Okay, right there."

"Great.  Now, Risa you pull Eri's arms.  Also, Reina, please do the same thing for Sayumi."


"Okay, now Eri, I want you to spot Risa.  Do as little as possible to steady her, but make sure she doesn't fall over.  Now, Risa, leg up, arms to the left.  Se, no ..."  Riho waves her arms in a circle.

Risa tries but starts tripping over.  Eri catches her and straightens her upright.


Risa again loses her balance.

"Tighten your tummy.  That's where your balance will come from."

Risa tries and again loses her balance.

"Woah, that was much better.  I barely had to do anything to help you."

Risa looks at Eri.  "Really?"

"Yeah, try it again."

Risa tries it again and again.  On the fifth try she does it without help.

Risa looks over and sees that Sayumi also looks like she is improving.

Riho claps.  "You guys are doing great.  Take a break and I will bring some cider."

Riho runs off.

Reina shoves Sayumi.  "So, how is it having a senpai?  Are you guys doing it yet?"

Sayumi blushes.  "You're so kimoi!"

"Okay, but what have you guys done together so far?"

"Not much.  We're going to hang out tomorrow afternoon."


"Do you think I should wear something sexy or cute for Jun Jun."

Risa nearly falls over.  "You call Reina disgusting and then you ask that question?"

Reina laughs.  "There's nothing wrong with Sayumi's question.  After all, I will soon be wondering that same question."


"Because Kaichou will soon ask me to be her kouhai."

Risa makes a face.  "You?  Do you really think that Takahashi-sempai will want a kakkowarui kouhai?"

Reina's smile disappears.  "Oh no, you didn't just say that did you?  I'll have you know that I work hard at having a good style.  And, I'll bet that kaichou hasn't asked you because you're boring."

Risa gets in Reina's face.  "What did you say?"


Risa and Reina stare daggers at each other.


Everyone turns to look at Riho.

Sayumi points her finger at Reina and Risa.  "These two are kimoi.  They were getting into a fight over who Ai was going to pick as her kouhai."

Riho reaches up to smack Reina and Risa on top of their heads.  "Baka!  That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard.  Is Ai going to pick one of you guys because you beat up the other?"

Reina and Risa sulk.

"Maybe you guys should ask Ai about this instead of fighting?"

Reina nods.  "We should ask after Tuesday's dance practice."


"But, we all know who she's going to pick."

Risa and Reina stare daggers at each other again.

"Will you two blockheads please spends some of your energy mastering the side lunge?"


"And, Reina, spot for Risa.  If you let her fall I will make sure that you fall next."

Reina gulps.  Even though Riho is shorter and less scary looking that me, she does have a presence to her.  "Okay."


Eri opens the manga again.

Natsuki finds herself surrounded by around six creatures that would have looked human if it wasn't for giant holes in their abdomens.


Oh no!  They think I am food!

"Hold it right there!"

Natsuki looks on in wonder as six people dressed in unicolored sentai outfits run up and get between her and the monsters.

"Pink, the color of pork, essential for Yokohama Ramen, Ramen Ranger Pink!"

"Yellow, the color of corn, signature ingredient of Sapporo Ramen, Ramen Ranger Yellow!"

"Black, the color of crushed garlic oil, the basis of Hakata Ramen, Ramen Ranger Black!"

"Green, the color of seaweed, which of course makes one think of Shio Ramen, Ramen Ranger Green!"

"Off-white, the color of garlic, decorating all fine bowls of Miso Ramen, Ramen Ranger Off-White."

"Red, the color of pickled ginger, the crown of Tonkontsu Ramen, Ramen Ranger Red!"

"Together, we are the Ramen Rangers!"

What the heck?

"Yokohama Ramen, bowl up!"

"Sapporo Ramen, bowl up!"

"Hakata Ramen, bowl up!"

"Shio Ramen, bowl up!"

"Miso Ramen, bowl up!"

"Tonkontsu Ramen, bowl up!"

Six bowls of Ramen appear before the six monsters.  After sniffing each bowl, each monster picks a bowl and consumes the Ramen, bowl and all, in one gulp.


The monsters smile and turn into light and fade away.

"Um, what were those things?"

Ramen Ranger Black smiles.  "Those monsters are what you might think of as ghosts.  Their souls are still tied to this earth because they still had a hunger in their hearts for great Ramen.  Because of this empty feeling they are called Hollows."

A chibi Natsuki appears in the margin wondering why the mangaka won't get sued for that name.

"But, once they get a bowl of great Ramen, their souls are free to move on to the afterworld."

"Well, I guess I should thank you guys for saving my life."

Ramen Ranger Black raises her hand for Natsuki to high five her.  "It's no problem."

Natsuki slaps Ramen Ranger Black's hand.

As Ramen Ranger Black turns away, Natsuki smells her hand.  "Thanks, Aoi."

All of the Ramen Rangers freeze like deer in the headlights.


"Yes.  You're Aoi, Red is Sachiko, Pink is Nagi, Yellow is Akane, Off-White is Haruka, and Green is Yuuichi."

Ramen Ranger Green's jaw drops.  "She can see through our outfits."

"I don't have to.  Aoi's hand reeks of garlic, just like Ramen Ranger Black.  She's part of the student council.  Each member of the student council has a specialty Ramen and you all named your specialty in your battle boast."

The Rangers untranform.

Aoi turns to Sachiko.  "Boss, she saw through our disguise.  I think this is a sign that she is also a Ramen Ranger."

"Shut up, Aoi!  I will never accept this.  A crappy novice chef will never be a Ramen Ranger."

Akane steps forward, shoving Aoi down.  "Natsuki, if you don't have a senpai yet, I would be honored to be your senpai.  I think I could bring you up to speed in cooking in no time."

"Hey that's my line."  Aoi dusts herself off.

Yuuichi puts her hand on Aoi's shoulder.  "Aoi, it's better this way.  Natsuki needs a senpai who is a strong teacher, not a Casanova."

Aoi sulks.

Eri puts the manga down.  Wow, this senpai thing gets pretty heated.


Risa walks into the practice room and stares daggers at Reina.

Maimi is already giving pointers to Sayumi who is trying to stretch.

Ai clears her throat.  "Hey guys, I would like to make an announcement.  I have decided who I want as my kouhai!"

To Be Continued!
Title: Petals 7 - cheezy fake manga cover - 10/19/2012
Post by: resop2 on October 19, 2012, 07:16:56 AM
( (

I'm not good with art, but here it is.