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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: 0_o on March 14, 2012, 09:13:15 PM

Title: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (192-200 June 19)
Post by: 0_o on March 14, 2012, 09:13:15 PM
UPDATE (that nobody reads, not even me): I'm done 200, calling it quits, authors note is somewhere.

If you're interested in what the author is writing lately that's great because oh god my little fangirl self was so happy when I discovered his new work.
His Weibo is here and his newest project is NII Majisuka, which is fabulous but probably only if you like SNH48. (I've fallen into the pit that is SNH, message me if you'd like to join me in hell I need someone to spazz with)

If that's not your thing then he also did AKB Majisuka also fabulous,
Mousou Majisuka 1: (
Mousou Majisuka 2: (
Mousou Majisuka 3: (

link for the original, you need an account and stuff but the place is fabulous. (

I have permission from the original writer to translate and post up the drabbles~
If you want proof tell me, if not I'm far too lazy to dig it up.

The drabbles are translated whenever I feel like it.

About Akiba Kindergarten:
1. This was written a while back, so member will be from that time. Post shuffle, Pre Erepyon's graduation
2. Two main OCs you need to know San and Sunglasses
San serves as the romantic interest of Mai and the bodyguard for Aki
Sunglasses serves as the romantic interest of Ami and the bodyguard for Yuki
3. I translate 10 at a time, the translation can be slightly off since holy shizz this dude uses words that google translate doesn't know. Don't even get me started on proverbs ;~; That is why I will always recommend reading the original~
4. I keep honorifics because it's a pain to attempt to feebly a. translate them out and b. sounds hella awkward in English
5. \o/ enjoy~ cause soidja;soidjfasofij this chibi akb is so adorbs


Akiba Kindergarten 1-50

1.  Marriage
Today Fujie Reina Sensei asked the Class K children about their dreams
Class K: Mhm ~ ~ ~ (Thinking)
Yuko: Fujie Sensei, Fujie Sensei, I want to be a beautiful bride
Fujie: Yuko’s dream is very nice~   
Yuko: Then I will marry Class A’s Haruna to be my wife, we’ll live happily ever after ~ ~
Class K: Oh ~ ~ ~  (envious)
Fujie: . . . . so which one of you is the bride . . .
Sayaka: Sensei that’s not what you should be asking!

2. Can’t Get Married
Yuko: Fujie sensei … can two girls not get married?
Fujie: Of course, if two girls get married they can’t have babies.
Yuko: Why can’t they?
Fujie (embarrased): Ah … that… erm… Sensei’s not to sure hahahaha~ (trying to fool her)
Yuko (sad and teary): But I really want to be a bride… I want to marry Haruna…
Fujie: That’s why I was asking who the bride is…
Sayaka: That’s why I said Sensei you asked the wrong question!

3. Really Can’t Get Married?
Yuko: Fujie sensei… then you can’t get married to a girl too?
Fujie: Of course, Sensei is a girl, here girls definitely can’t get married to girls!
Yuko: Okay… If we go to Osaka can we get married?
Fujie: No!
Yuko: What about Hokkaido?
Fujie: If it’s in Japan you can’t!
Yuko: So if we go abroad we can?
Fujie (thinking): I think I heard that over in Holland you can…
Sayaka: Sensei you don’t need to be that serious!

4. Holland
Everyone in Class A thinks Haruna is a beauty, but just a little spacey
Yuko: Haruna~~ Sensei said we can get married in Holland (jumps and hugs)
Haruna: That’s great! But where is Holland?
Yuko: There’s a map in the classroom, we’ll go and find out!
Haruna: That’s right~ Yuko you’re so smart.
Yuko: Haruna do you know how “Holland” is spelled?
Haruna: Of course, “Conan”!
Yuko: Haruna you’re so amazing!

5. The Map’s Holland
Class A’s teacher Maeda Ami (Also known as Mayuge Sensei) walked by the classroom only to find Yuko and Haruna climbing on top of the map
Ami (crouching): What are you two doing?
Yuko: We’re trying to find Holland!
Haruna: Yuko, I’m going to find it soon!
Yuko: Hohoho Haruna, I’m going to find it soon too!
Ami (to self): But that’s a map of Japan…

6. Green Peppers
Class A’s lunchtime, a lot of the kids don’t like eating green peppers
Ami: You should all be good and eat the green peppers.
Aika: Mayuge Sensei, the green peppers are bitter and yucky.
Sasshi: Lovetan, how could you call sensei by her nickname, that’s not polite!
Ami (to self): Rino is such an understanding child!
Sasshi: (sneakily puts all of her green peppers into Atsuko’s plate)

7. Still Green Peppers
Atsuko looks to Ami for help
Ami: Rino you can’t give your peppers to the other kids!
Sasshi: I was afraid Acchan wouldn’t be full, she usually eats a lot
Ami: Go get back the green peppers.
Sasshi: Ah… Mayuge Sensei is so stingy
Ami: What about the lecture you just gave Aika? Take it back!

8. Still about Green Peppers
Atsuko can really eat but isn’t interested in the green peppers
Atsuko (finished eating her own lunch and staring at Rino’s hamburger)
Sasshi: (picks up a piece of hamburger): Do you want it?
Atsuko (furiously shaking her head)
Sasshi: (places it in front of Atsuko’s mouth): Ah ~ ~ ~
Atsuko (closes her eyes and opens her mouth with an innocent look)
Sasshi: Hah! (Stuffs a piece of green pepper into Atsuko’s mouth)
Atsuko (Turn to look at sensei for help with tears running down her face)
Ami (to self): I’m already tired from all of this…

9. Continuing with Green Peppers
Ami: Listen well children, green peppers are very nutritious. If you eat them you’ll grow very tall~
Class A: Kay ~ ~ ~ (Even though they want to grow tall they still don’t like green peppers)
Ami (to self): I have to give them an example…
Ami (points): You’ll grow as tall as Mariko
Class A (stares): Oh~ ~ ~
Mariko (surprised): I… I don’t want to grow tall… Waaa…. (Crying)
Ami (to self): Enough…. Can’t you just have a little more pride?

10. Unlimited Green Peppers
Ami: Okay so Green Peppers are very good for you! If children eat more of them they’ll grow faster!
Sasshi: (Frantically stuffing green peppers into her shirt)
Ami (Freaking out): Rino what are you doing!!!
Sasshi: I’m feeding them to my boobies.
--Ami falls over—

11. Class B’s Lunch
Class B’s lunchtime was very peaceful, their teacher Oku Manami was a mixed beauty but her personality was just a little negative
Oku: Children should eat all of the green peppers.
Class B: Okay ~~
Oku: Yuki!
Yuki: Yes, Manami Sensei?
Oku: Please tell the person beside you to go out.
Yuki: Kay, Bulter Koyama go outside.
Butler: Yes Ojou-sama.

12. Kashiwagi’s Bulter
Oku: Yuki.
Yuki: Yes! Manami Sensei.
Oku: Although your family may be rich, here at the kindergarten you’re just like all the other kids, do you understand?
Yuki: Yes!
Oku: That’s why you can’t bring your butler to school anymore, okay?
Yuki: Okay…
Outside where Class K was in the middle of doing excersises Fujie Reina suddenly saw the door open. Yuki walked outside and told the old butler “You don’t have to come anymore.”
The old butler left the kindergarten carrying his luggage and crying.
Fujie: Oh! He got fired! That’s sad!
Sayaka:  Sensei! What you should be commenting about is how Yuki can fire the butler!

13. Not Kashiwagi’s Butler
Oku: Yuki.
Yuki: Yes! Manami Sensei.
Oku: Although your family may be rich, here at kindergarten you’re just like all the other kids, do you understand?
Yuki: Yes! Manami Sensei!
Oku: So why did you bring a butler to school when sensei told you not to?
Yuki (feels wronged): I didn’t bring a butler…
Oku: Then who are those people standing next to you with the black sunglasses and suits reaching into their pockets prepared to take something out?
Yuki: They’re bodyguards…
-1 minute later-
Fujie (Passing by): Oh! They got fired too! That’s so sad!
Sayaka (passing by too): Sensei! That’s why I said you got the main point wrong!

14. Still about Kashiwagi’s Butler
The third day
Oku: Yuki.
Yuki: Yes! Manami Sensei.
Oku: The guy beside you today wearing the tuxedo is definitely a butler!
Butler (handsomely): Sensei, I won’t bother you! (Disappears)
Mayu: Woa! Sebastian!
Oku (turns around): I’ve lost hope! I’ve lost hope in the world of rich people!

15. Kashiwagi’s Butlers
Oku (stretching): So tired today… what shall I grab to eat before I head home
Passing by a street
Oku (interested): Eh? There’s a new shop opening today
Manager handing out phamphlets: Ah! Pretty lady, please come to Koyama’s Curry House! We have butler services and bodyguards! All at a fair price, eh? Aren’t you Ojou-sama’s teacher?
Oku (pretends she doesn’t know and runs away)

16. Excersises I
Class A is doing outdoor excersises
Ami: Children do it with me ~jump to the left~
Class A (cheerfully)
Takamina (stiff)
Atsuko (awkward)
Ami: Now jump to the right~
Class A (still cheerful)
Takamina (awkward)
Atsuko (stiff)
Ami (to self): You two might as well marry each other in the future…

17. Excersises II
Class K is doing outdoor excersises
Fujie: Children do it with me, jump to the left~
Class K (cheerfully)
Yuko (trips! ‘accidently’ falls onto Minegishi who was in front of her) Ah!? …Miichan’s so soft~ wow~ (grabs)
Minegishi: Ya!!! No~~ (struggling)
Fujie (surpised!): I can’t believe Minami’s capable of making such adult like sounds…
Sayaka:  Sensei! This is not the time to be paying attention to that!

18. Excersises III
Class B is doing outdoor excersises
Oku: Children do it with me, jump to the left~
Class B (cheerfully)
Yuki (fixing her bangs) (fixing her bangs)
Oku: Now jump to the right.
Class B (cheerfully)
Yuki (fixing her bangs) (fixing her bangs)
Oku: Yuki!
Yuki: Yes! Manami Sensei! (innocent look)
Oku (black lines): I want to lecture her but she’s so cute, I’ll just pretend I saw nothing…

19. Story time
Oku: For today’s art class let’s have everyone tell a story about their drawing
Yuki: My picture is of me being an idol, singing and dancing on the stage with lots of fans in the crowd. Ah~ so happy.
Miyazaki: My drawing is… I’m eating barbeque meat… lots…lots, so full…full.
Mayu: My drawing is of a rabbit on the moon pounding new year cake, but the hammer got stolen by a big bad wolf, the rabbit got angry so he called for his rabbit army, he went to the big bad wolf’s planet in his warship, bambambam, the big bad wolf also made a robot the size of Mt. Fuji, they started fighting…
Oku (black lines) (clutching her head in a corner): No hope! I’ve lost all hope in the spirit world of Otakus!

20. Stomach ache
Ami: Atsuko what’s wrong?
Atsuko (pitiful): Senseii…My tummy doesn’t feel well
Ami (to self): has she eaten something wrong?
Atsuko (still pitiful): Nnnnnnn
Ami: What did you eat for breakfast?
Atsuko: Ricey
Ami: And?
Atsuko: Cucumbers…
Ami (thinking): There shouldn’t be a problem
Atsuko: and sasuages, salad, fish, pickles, cold tofu, watermelon, orange juice…
Ami (to self) Definitely not worth my pity!

21. Infirmary
Ami: Then there’s no help, you’ll just have to go to the infirmary.
Atsuko (face whitens) Nonononono!
Ami: Don’t be childish, if you’re sick you have to go to the doctor that way the pain will go byebye. Minami, take Atsuko to the infirmary okay?
Takamina (even whiter): Sensei…my tummy suddenly hurts! (rolling on the floor) I can’t go…
Ami: Then there’s no other way (puts down her book)
Takahashi & Atsuko (Sighs in relief)
Ami: I’ll bring you both there (Dragging one in each hand)
Atsuko&Takamina (teary): NO DON’T WANT TO!!!

22. Mysterious Infirmary
A pair of dangerous eyes stared outside of the infrimary door, suspiciously looking at the corridor
Mysterious Voice: Why are there no little kids coming today…
Mysterious voice: aaaaa I want kids to come to the infirmary~~ (rolling) help them treat their injuries, wrapping their soft bodies, and then letting them rest in my arms~
Vice Principal Urano Kazumi (passing by): Doctor Ohori, it’s because you’re like this that the kids fear coming to the infirmary….

23. Depressing Infirmary
Infirmary doctor Ohori Megumi, mature and sexy, loves little kids, but for some reason the kids always call her an old woman.
Kazumi: Dr. Ohori, if you like children that much why don’t you just have one?
Ohori (depressed): Men are the worst…
Kazumi (worried): Dr. Ohori, you wouldn’t be…
Ohori: CinDY do you really believe that?
-5 minutes later-
Yuki and Mayu pass by holding hands, only to see Vice Principal Urano Kazumi’s clothes all messed up and running out the infirmary with a flustered and shy expression.

24. Scary Infirmary
Ami: Dr. Ohori, my class’s Atsuko and Minami’s stomachs don’t feel well, can you please check them out.
Ohori (evil look): honey~ I’ll definitely take good care of the two kids~ (pounces)
Atsuko&Takamina (pained crys filled the air)
-30 minutes later, inside the classroom-
Ami: Atsuko, Minami, are you two okay?
Atsuko & Takamina (face full of tears): We… we… we won’t be able to marry anymore!! (Hugging each other wailing)
Ami (to self): Even though I don’t know what Dr. Ohori did… at least the kids are energetic again…

25. Watarirouka Hashiritai
Oota Aika, Nakagawa Haruka, Watanabe Mayu, Hirajima Natsumi and Kikuchi Ayaka formed Watarirouka Hashiritai [WH], and everyday they run down the hallways.
WH: Wahahahaha (runs down the hallways)
Fujie: Don’t run in the hallways!
WH: Wahahahaha (runs down the hallways)
Ami (to self): That’s dangerous!
WH: Wahahahaha (runs down the hallways)
Oku: You’ll have to go to the infirmary if you trip.
WH (freezes)

26. Fight
Takamina: No3b has formed!
Haruna &Minegishi: Okay!
Takamina: Our main rival is Watarirouka Hashiritai!
Haruna: Why is it Watarirouka Hashiritai?
Takamina (never thought about it): ….eh…eh… (she only wanted to make a group)
Haruna: Miichan~ let’s go play with Tomo (drags Minegishi away)
Takamina (crouching on the floor drawing circles): Haruna and Miichan are big idiots!

27. Name
Haruna: Why is it called No3b
Takamina: That… that… because it means “don’t know what to call trio” (making stuff up)
Minegishi: Why can’t we be called Rapapa
Haruna: Team Hormone!
Minegishi: Team Chicken Wings is good too.
Haruuna: How about SKE48, it sounds pretty cool.
Minegishi: Ai~ why is it 48…
Takamina (crouching on the floor drawing circles): Haruna is the worst! Miichan is the worst!

28. Members
Haruna: Does No3b only have the 3 of us?
Takamina: The three of us is enough! To take over Akiba Kindergarten!
Haruna: Don’t we need to defeat Watarirouka?
Takamina: Eh? (Completely forgot) Then we’ll defeat them first then take over!
Haruna: But they have 5 people…
Takamina: …
Minegishi: I want to be with Acchan…
Haruna: I want to be with Yuko too…
Takamina (flips tables): You’re just as bad as me! Acchan should be with me, Miichan don’t even think about it! (rolling)
Passerby Ami (to self): what a weak grouping…

29. War
Takamina: We’ve finally found you! Watarirouka Hashiritai! Let’s settle this!
Mayu (CG laugh): Hahaha Minami!
Takamina (full of confidence): That type of action has no use on us, No3b! Haruna! Go! Miichan! Go!
Haruna: Today Class A has taro ice cream for snacktime~
Mayu: Ohohoh we have chestnut soup~
Hirajima: Want to go play on the slides?
Aika & Minegishi: Okay okay~~
(Had already befriended each other)
Takamina (spotlight, away from everyone): Men are forever alone on the battlefield…
Passerby Fujie: What are you doing eating that lollipop on the rocking horse? If you’re eating snacks I’m going to tell Mayuge Sensei.

30. Truce
Haruna: Minami, come play with us~
Takamina: Hn! (playing in the sand by herself)
Minegishi: Minami, come play with us~
Takamina: Hn! (playing with the blocks by herself)
Mayu: Minami, come play with us~
Takamina: Hn! (playing on the rocking horse by herself)
Mayu (found a new target): Ah! Acchan (runs to her) let’s play~
Atsuko: Okay~   
And so Takahashi Minami started playing with the others.

31. Ojou-sama
Takajo Aki is a cute and smart child so all the teachers at Akiba Kindergarten love her.
Aki (sparkling) (sparkling)
Takajo Aki’s family is rich so there’s always someone near her when she goes out.
Aki (skipping) (skipping)
So every morning when she goes to kindergarten –
It’s just that Aki’s family is part of the mafia….

32. Ojou-sama Vs. Ojou-sama
One morning Yuki met Aki
Aki: Yukirin good morning~~
Yuki: Akicha good morning~~
Aki’s follower San (veins): Seeing you damn suit wearers in the morning makes me mad!
Yuki’s bodyguard Sunglasses (Disdain): You bugs should have been cleaned up a long time ago.
(Lightning in the background, tense)
Kazumi (crying): I beg of you, don’t do that in front of the kindergarten….

33. Bodyguard vs Mafia
San: Seems like you won’t know what I’m capable of till I teach you a lesson. (takes off his jacket showing his tattoos)
Sunglasses: Although I don’t like brute force, but for your type of people I can only use my fists. (Unbuttons his sleeves, losens his tie)
San’s follower: Big brother! Kill him!
Sunglasses’ follower: Don’t hold back for that scum!
San (attacks): Wake up!
Sunglasses (blocks then attacks): It should be me saying that!
(Flashes of light, bam! Bam!)
Daruma (beat up those two in seconds, dusting her hands): Are you treating this security guard like air? If you cause trouble again I’ll throw the both of your dead bodies into Tokyo Bay!

34. Bodyguard, Mafia Vs Daruma
One morning
Yuki: Good morning Akicha~
Aki: Good morning Yukirin
San(still injured): pft! (Unsatisified)
Sunglasses (injuried too): Hn! (not happy)
Daruma: Cough!
San & Sunglasses (respectful): Aneki good morning! (bows)

35. Sunglasses’ Past
12 year old Sunglasses – orphanage’s black history
16 year old Sunglasses – fighting in Afghan
20 year old Sunglasses – barely made it out of North Caucasus alive
24 year old Sunglasses – well known in the world of assasians
28 year old Sunglasses –
Daruma (arrogantly): Hey, the guy with the sunglasses, go buy me some chicken wings.
Sunglasses (waiting outside of the kindergarten for his Ojou-sama): Yes, Aneki!

36. San’s Past
San (when he was still with the rival mafia): Takajo Hideo! My boss has your daughter, if you want her alive come to the harbour by yourself!
Boss: Good job, today we will destroy the Akiba Society, muhahahah~
San: Boss, the girl keeps so crying loudly.
Boss: San you think of a way to get her to shut up.
San: Little girl I’m just working for someone else, here have some chips, don’t cry anymore.
(30 minutes later, a string of explosions)
Minion: Boss, the people from the Akiba Society are here, we can hold them back! Ah! (shot dead)
Boss: How can this be! Don’t kill me! Ah!!! (stabbed with a knife)
Akiba Society (chains down San): Little boy, kidnapping our Ojou-sama huh, you sure are courageous. Soon we’ll let you know what hell is (Cruel)
Aki (4 at the time): Don’t hit him, don’t hit him (pushes past the people and stands in front of San) (her little hands pushing down on his injury) Don’t cry don’t cry, the pain will fly away~~
San (shocked speechless)
Aki: Chips…tasty…you…good person.
San: Ojou-sama!!! (Weeping)
(And so Takajo Aki unconditionally gained a bodyguard)
Daruma: Ah~~ So you two have that type of past (eating chicken wings)
San (waiting for his Ojou-sama): Yes, that’s why I swore I would follow Ojou-sama for life! (smoking)
Sunglasses (to self): So you’re only alive because of a bag of chips…

37. Daruma’s Past
When Akiba Kindergarten first opened-
Everyday there would be a strange woman loitering at the gate
Kazumi: Principal, that person came again today…
Akimoto Yasushi: I guess it can’t be helped, I’ll go talk to her.
(walks closer)
Akimoto: I say…
Daruma: What!
Akimoto: You’re making the parents worry… If you’re trying to enroll in the school, your age is a bit…
Kazumi: Principal that’s completely wrong!

38. Daruma’s Plea
Daruma (kneeling): I beg of you! No matter what, please let me work here! Because I really love children!
Kazumi: Even if you say that, it’s hard for us… considering how you are…
Akimoto: Our pay won’t be very high.
Kazumi: Yeah, our finances are limited… (Face changes) HA?! Principal are you actually considering?!
Akimoto (face reddens): I kinda like her.
Kazumi: Is your tastes really that strange!

39. Daruma’s Effort
Akimoto: How is your education?
Daruma: High school graduate!
Akimoto: What type of talents do you have?
Daruma: Dance and singing!
Akimoto: Then perform for me.
(Daruma performs with effort)
Kazumi: Ah, she’s pretty good…
Akimoto (thinks for a whlie): We’re missing a security guard, you want it?
Kazumi: Then what’s the point of asking all those questions!

40. Daruma’s Present
Daruma: So yeah, it’s like that. (eating chicken wings)
San: So Aneki’s past was bad too. (smoking)
Sunglasses: It’s hard living life. (serious)
Passerby Fujie: Ah, they’ve already become good friends!
Sayaka (Passing by too): That’s not the main point Sensei!

41. Stuffed Bear
A Stuffed bear was lying in the hallway
Tomomi (suspicious): chiyuu?
The bear starts moving
Tomomi (surprised): chiyuu?!
The bear goes around the corner
Tomomi (chases): chiyuu!
The bear stops moving
Tomomi (grabs): chiyuu~~ (happy)
Ohori (appears from the shadows): Finally took the bait~ my little lamb~~

42. Revenge
Tomomi: Tomochi~~ chiyuu~~ (jumps into her arms, weeping)
Tomochin (rage): Hn! You were being bullied by that old woman? I'll help you get revenge! (Brings Tomomi to the infirmary to get revenge)
Tomochin: You damn old woman! How dare you bully my Tomomi, I'm going to teach you a lesson!
Ohori (appears from behind them): Oh~ Let's see how you're going to teach me a lesson~~ (locks the door)
Tomochin: Eh!!!!

43. Revenge II
Tomochin: CinDy Sensei~ (jumps into her arms weeping)
Tomomi: Chiyuu~ Chiyuu~ (jumps into her arms weeping too)
Kazumi: Dr. Ohori, please behave properly.
Ohori: Eh? What’s wrong? I’m just doing my job~
Kazumi: The children aren’t your toys! How can you bully them like that!
Ohori (shakes her head): no no no~ Not just the children, even you are my toy (locks the door)

44. Teacher Meeting
Akimoto: Now we’ll talk about how to deal with Daruma’s actions.
Fujie: Principal, even though she seems close with those unknown people (San & Sunglasses get shot), but she did stop all the violence, so it’s not like we should fire her… I think we just need to talk to her.
Ami (to self): Uhm…uhm… even though she’s a little scary, but she’s a good person.
Oku: Don’t want to say anything.
Daruma: Pft… whatever…
Akimoto: Then we’ll have to get your little buddies to fix the gates!
Kazumi: Principal! “Assign” and “deal” have different meanings!
Fujie&Ami&Oku (to self): The two outside are being treated like free labourers… Principal is so black hearted…

45. Continuing With the Meeting
Akimoto: Now we’ll talk about how we’re going to deal with Dr.Ohori’s actions.
Fujie (nods): Been through it myself
Ami (to self): Dr. Ohori is scary!
Oku: Completely agree.
Ohori (quietly): CinDy ah~ I took a photo of your “cute” self that day~
Kazumi: Principal! I think that although Dr.Ohori’s behavior is a bit unappropriate but her work is excellent! So we should just forgive her this time!
Fujie&Ami&Oku (to self): She has blackmail for the Vice Principal… blackmail…

46. Still in the Meeting
Akimoto: The next thing on the list, CinDy you say it.
Kazumi: Okay, Akiba Kindergarten is getting better and the teachers are all very exhausted so we want to hire another teacher, does anybody have anything to say?
Fujie: That’s great, I hope they’re smart.
Ami (to self): I hope they’re a bit more courageous.
Oku: Anything is good.
Kazumi: Okay since everyone has nothing much to say, principal is there anything else you want to add?
Akimoto: Has to be young.

47. Still in the Meeting
Akimoto: Okay so we’ll have a totally fair way of hiring a new teacher.
Teachers (agrees): Okay~
Akimoto: Since we’re getting the kids a new teacher, why don’t we ask their opinion?
Teachers (respect): Okay~
Akimoto: Class Representatives what do you think about getting a new  teacher?
Takamina (totally not there)
Sayaka (focused but doesn’t know what’s going on)
Yuki (fixing her bangs)
Akimoto: Okay, they all agree. We’ll hire a new teacher.

48. The Last Meeting
Akimoto: Lastly, are there any other questions?
Fujie: I do!
Akimoto: Then please speak Fujie Sensei.
Fujie: Principal why did you decide to open a kindergarten?
Akimoto: Because I like kids.
Fujie: Then why do we only accept girls?
Akimoto (turns and looks out the window): Okay, meeting end!
Kazumi: You should give us an answer!

49. Problem Child I
Yuko: Fujie Sensei, why can’t Haruna and I get married?
Fujie: I already said that two girls can’t get married.
Yuko: Fujie Sensei, why does Haruna’s class having pudding while we only get cream puffs?
Fujie: Haruna is your name for Class A isn’t it!
Yuko: Fujie Sensei, why am I in Class K and not with Haruna instead?
Fujie: Do you really hate my class that much….
Sayaka: Why is that the only question that made you OTL…

50. Guilty Child
Fujie: I have to make a comment about the picky eaters, picking your food isn’t right! Do you understand?
Class K: Okay~~
Fujie: Each rice has seven gods, so if you don’t eat it all you’ll get punished by the gods!
Class K: Oh~~
Fujie: Hm, even though picky eaters are bad, but children shouldn’t bring the uneaten lunches back home! Although I don’t know who it is, but Sensei hopes that they won’t do it again.
Fujie: Sayaka~~ Why are you staring out the window?

Extra:  Sayaka’s Problem
Sayaka is poor and lives with her mother, so the understanding Sayaka always brings bentos back from the kindergarten.
Mother: Sayaka! The teachers told me that you’ve been taking the bentos home.
Sayaka: mhm…
Mother: Sayaka! Even though we are poor we still have pride, we cannot take advantage of things like this, do you understand!
Sayaka: Mhm…
Mother: Sayaka, it’s not like we don’t get to eat, why do you still bring home bentos?
Sayka: Because your cooking is terrible.


;~; There were so many mistakes that it made me crey. Gonna post the other 50 up when i finish 91-100 ;~;
\o/ feel free to comment
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: sakura_drop_ on March 14, 2012, 09:39:27 PM
I would comment on all of them , but there are just too much to separate them..

But..  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This is just too hilarious..  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I like all the characters, how they each have their respective traits and positions in society.

I'll be waiting for your next update!  :thumbup :thumbup
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: LeNosferatu on March 14, 2012, 11:00:49 PM
ive read this on TheCreepyOne's tumblr lolol thanks to her for translating this so its inspiring my fic Burageki no Ichinichi  XD thanks for you uploading it here cause everyone needs to read this hilarious drabbles!!
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: XxRoByNxX78 on March 14, 2012, 11:29:06 PM
lol i proper laughed at this thanks for posting
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: 0_o on March 15, 2012, 01:34:05 AM
/o/ i feel so accomplished~ time to go hide in my corner for a couple of months

same person~ /o/ i am thecreepyone~

Akiba Kindergarten 51-100

51. Melon
Class A’s snacktime
Ami: Today’s snack is melon~
Class A: Oh~
Ami: Rino do you like melons?
Sasshi: I like them!
Ami: How much?
Sasshi: Very very very very much!
Ami (to self): Even so, you can’t go and take a bite of everyone’s melons…

52. Papaya
Ami: Rino should be good and eat her own share.
Sasshi: Okay…
Ami: Rino why do you like melon that much?
Sasshi: Haruna said that if I eat melon then my bewbies would grow
Ami: That’s papaya!

53. Honey
Sasshi: Today’s melon isn’t sweet.
Ami (to self): You even ate the skin…
Sasshi: Lovetan!
Aika: Hm?
Sasshi: Did you know? If you dip cucumber in honey it’ll taste like melon~ (bs-ing)
Ami (to self): Don’t misguide the children Rino!
-Breaktime in the office –
(cucumbers cut up) (honey bottle opened)
Ami: Should I try it…

54. Moeno
Ami Sensei usually doesn’t talk much; she only raises her voice with Rino
Ami: Rino stop trying to kiss Aika!
Ami: Rino stop trying to take Minami’s ribbon!
Ami: Rino you can’t eat Atsuko’s snack!
Ami (crying): Rino!...
Moeno: Rino if you don’t apologize to Ami Sensei I will burn all of your photobooks.
Sasshi (immediately turns good): Sorry! I won’t do it again Ami Sensei!
Ami (to self): So this is one thing controlling another…

55. Moeno II
Rino really loves sticking to the cute Aika
Sasshi: Lovetan let’s kiss~~
Aika: Iya!! No!
Sasshi: Lovetan let’s hug~~
Aika: Iya! Don’t want!
Sasshi: Lovetan let’s play family~~
Aika: Iya! No, everytime it’s you on top!
Sasshi: Lovetan~~
Moeno rage burning photobooks
Sasshi: AAAAAA!! I won’t do it again Moeno!! (crying)
Ami (to self): It really is one thing controlling another…

56. New Sensei
Akimoto: This is our new teacher in training, let’s get to know her.
Teachers: Welcome~
Jurina: Hello everyone, my name is Matsui Jurina.
Teachers (whispering): She looks very young, are you sure she’s not a high school student. (Whispering)
Akimoto: Jurina Sensei, introduce yourself a bit more.
Jurina: Oh, I’m 20 this year.
Teachers (whispering) Only 20 eh, so it really is because of that (whispering)
Akimoto: Can’t you just say interests or something?
[the actual text had jurina written in several ways with the same pronouciation]

57. Name
Ami: This is Jurina Sensei, our new teacher. She’ll be incharge of the outdoor activites~
Class A: Hello Jurina Sensei~
Sasshi: Ah? “Jurina”? Sensei’s name is strange.
Haruna: That’s not right, you read it like “Jurina”
Jurina: ….
Ami: I’ll write you name on the board, that way the kids won’t be mistaken (writes)
Jurina (black lines): Maeda Sensei, you wrote “Jurina” …

58. Misunderstanding
Fujie: this is Jurina Sensei, our new teacher. She’ll be incharge of the outdoor activites~
Class K: Hello Jurina Sensei~
Jurina (looking at the class)
Sae: Sensei’s looking at me (excited)
Jurina: I was wondering why there were only girls, but I guess there are boys too.
Sae: Wahhh!! (bawling)
Jurina: Aaa Fujie Sensei did I say something wrong?
Fujie: It’s nothing… I did that on my first day too…

59. Seeing things
Oku: this is Jurina Sensei, our new teacher. She’ll be incharge of the outdoor activites~
Class B: Hello Jurina Sensei~
Jurina (looking at the class)
Yuki: Sensei’s looking at me (excited)
Jurina: Oku Sensei, am I seeing things? Why do I keep thinking that there’s some butler like person standing behind that child?
Oku: Jurina Sensei, there’s nothing there, you’re just seeing things.
Jurina: Oku Sensei, really, that person is wearing a tuxedo, there’s even kids waving to him!
Oku (Avoiding Jurina’s eyes): There really is nothing there, nothing at all.

60. Same Age
Jurina: The introductions are finally over~ I can’t really talk with the older teachers, but I feel pretty natural with Oku Sensei. I guess it’s because our ages are close. Is it alright if I call you Manami?
Oku (stops): Hehehehe….
Jurina: Woah! Your laugh suddenly got creepy.
Oku: It’s nothing, hehehe…
Oku Manami – true age 34, but only very few people know that truth.

61. Witness
Akimoto: CinDy, take this to the infirmary.
Kazumi: Ah! Principal, I-I…
Akimoto: Is there a problem?
Kazumi: No…
Kazumi (opens door): Dr.Ohori…
(Meetan is taking off the clean lady, Noro’s clothes)
Kazumi (slowly closes the door) (runs off crying)
Noro: Megumi, I think CinDy’s misunderstanding something…
Ohori: Whatever, I’m just helping you apply this cream.

62. Rules of the Infirmary
Oku: Dr.Ohori I haven’t felt well recently
Ohori (checks): Nothing much, just eat this medicine on time.
Oku: Thank you.
Ohori: Is there anything else?
Oku: They say that Dr. Ohori is very perverted, but it doesn’t seem like it, Dr. Ohori never does anything to me.
Ohori: Oh, it’s because I have no interest in older women.
Oku (crying in a corner)

63. Sigh of the infirmary
Mariko: Dr. Ohori… I don’t feel good…
Ohori (checks): Nothing much, just go rest on the bed for a while.
-Half an hour later-
Mariko: Thank you Dr.Ohori, I’m okay now.
Ohori: Becareful on the way back.
Mariko (quietly exits) (quitely crying): 555555555 Dr.Ohori bullies the other kids~ Why doesn’t she bully me too ~
Ohori: Mariko’s aura, I just can’t do it…

 Jurina: Dr.Ohori, the teachers ask me to get some papers
Ohori: It’s on the table, get it yourself
(Jurina turns around)
Ohori (shows her true self): Hehehehe, a new little lamb~ You came to me all by yourself~
-Ten minutes later-
Fujie&Ami&Oku: How was it? Dr.Ohori… didn’t do anything to you right?
Jurina: No, she’s actually quite nice.
Inside the infirmary Ohori Megumi is tied onto the bed.
[Title omitted cause I didn't understand, nor did google translate or my ancient dictionary. I really don't like proverbs]

65. Concern
Jurina’s first mission- Play family with TomoTomo
Tomomi (the wife): Tomochi~ Chiyuu~~ (feeds)
Tomochin (the husband): Ah~ (eats it all in one bite) (noms)
Jurina (the child): Eh…
Tomomi: ~Chiyuu?
Tomochin: En! Tasty!
Jurina: Hey! That’s clay and leaves (=口=)!!

66. Very Concerned
Tomochin is drawing
Jurina (peeking)
Tomochin is playing ball
Jurina (looking)
Tomochin is eating snacks
Jurina (watching)
Tomochin is very lively
Jurina: Why is there nothing wrong with her after eating that (=口=)!!

67. Extremely Concerned
Jurina Sensei is curious of everything
Jurina: Takahashi Minami wears a different bow to kindergarten everyday; does she like them that much?
Takahashi: Good morning Jurina Sensei~
Jurina (stares)
Takahashi: Eh?
Jurina (takes away the bow)
Takahashi (freezes)
Jurina: Ehehehehe??? So the bow is her actual body???

68. Beyond Concerned
Outdoor activities
Ono (trips): 55555
Miyazaki (helps her get up): Erepyon don’t cry, the pain will fly away~~
Jurina: Very lovey dovey…
Atsuko (trips): 55555
Sasshi (climbs ontop): Ahahahaha
(Moeno punches) (Takahashi kicks)
Sasshi flys away
Jurina: Hitting is caring… Scolding is love…

69. Atmosphere
Jurina: Although the kids are good and energetic, but –
Sasshi: Lovetan let me kiss you~~
Moeno: Rino behave youself!
Yuko: Haruna, let’s get married~~
Haruna: No, everyone’s watching…
Tomomi: Tomochi~~ Chiyuyu~~ (hugs)
Tomochin: Araara, good~ (pats)
Yuki: Mayuyu let’s rub our noses~
Mayu (hands up high, rubs)
Minegishi: Acchan lets go play
Takahashi (biting her handkerchief): 555555 Acchan and Miichan are playing on the seesaw without me!
Jurina: Why do I always feel like the atmosphere is kind of weird…

70. Examples
Jurina: The kids sure have a good relationship.
Fujie&Ami&Oku: Yesyesyes.
Jurina: But it seems a little too much.
Fujie&Ami&Oku: Nononono, you’re just thinking too much (guilt)
Jurina: I wonder what it is… (Turns around) Ha!? Vice principal what’s wrong?!
Kazumi (messy clothes and panting): Nothing… I just went to the infirmary…

71. Jurina’s Plan
Jurina: The first lesson will be relay.
Class K: Eh~Running is a pain~
Jurina: Running is good for the body, today’s winner will get an extra snack~
Fujie: You’re pretty good Jurina sensei, but when did you prepare an extra snack?
Jurina: Fujie Sensei, please help me with the snack!
Fujie: Eh! You just suddenly decided?!

72. Jurina’s True Strength
Jurina: Okay, I’ll demonstrate proper running posture.
Fujie: You should all pay attention to Jurina Sensei~
Jurina (squats) (runs) (instantaneously disappears from sight)
Fujie: Jurina Sensei is pretty good...
Sayaka: Sensei! That type of strength is too abnormal!

73. Jurina’s Correction
Jurina: Ah haha, accidently got serious. Okay, I’ll start over.
Fujie: You can just show the posture.
Jurina (squats) (runs) (perfect posture)
Class K: Ohohohoh!
Jurina:  Can you see? My beautiful and wonderful running posture! (Narcisstic)
Class K & Fujie: Oh a butterfly~ Ehehehehe~ (completely ignored Jurina)
Jurina: This is the first time in my 20 years that I’ve felt at a loss…

74. Jurina’s Pride
In the end the lesson changed to dodgeball
Jurina: Okay catch! (throws)
Sae (catches)
Jurina: Eh~ You have some skills!
Sae (confident): I won’t lose! (throws)
Jurina (catches): Eh pretty strong. Okay, take this! (throws)
(throws at some inhumane speed causing a dent in the wall)
Jurina: Whoops accidently used too much strength~ (tongue sticking out)
Fujie (strict): Jurina Sensei, please control yourself, the kids can easily get hurt!
Sayaka: Sensei! They wouldn’t simply get hurt!

75. Preparation
One weekend
Yuki: Maids! Clean!
Yuki: Bulters! Organize!
Yuki: Chefs! Snacks!
Yuki: Bodyguards! Alert!
Sunglasses’s follower: Aneki! What world leader is coming today?
Sunglasses: Ojou-sama’s friend from kindergarten is staying over.

76. Entry
Mayu: Yukirin~ I’ve come to play~
Yuki: Mayuyu~ You’ve come~
Mayu: Yukirin~ (runs)
Yuki: Mayuyu~ (opens her arms for a hug)
Mayu: Snacks snacks~ (runs for the snack table)
Yuki (hugging air)

77. Evening
Yuki & Mayu eating snacks together
Yuki & Mayu watching anime together
Yuki & Mayu taking a bath together
Yuki & Mayu sleeping together
Yuki: Eh, Mayuyu, C-can I k-k-kiss you? (Nervous)
Mayu: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz… (fell asleep)
Yuki: EH!!!

78. Shining
Yuko went to Haruna’s house for the night
Yuko & Haruna eating snacks together
Yuko & Haruna watching anime together
Yuko & Haruna taking a bath together
Yuko & Haruna sleeping together
Yuko & Haruna wetting the bed together

79. Surprise
Atsuko went to Takamina’s for the night
Atsuko: Minami~ I’ve come~ (hugs)
Takamina: Acchan~ You’ve come~ (hugs back)|
Minegishi: Minami~ I’ve come too~ (hugs)
Takamina: EH!!!

80. Reversal
Ohori: A beer after a shower on the weekend is the best!
(pounding at the door)
Ohori: Hai~ Who could it be this late?
Kazumi (drunk): Dr. Ohori! I broke up with my boyfriend!
Ohori: Huh… CinDy you’re looking for me this late because of that?
Kazumi (drunk): Tonight, I want to stay here!
Ohori (shivering): This… doesn’t seem good…
That night Ohori repented for all the things she had done before

81. Safety Seminar
Akiba Kindergarten welcomed the day of the safety seminar
Mai: Hello little kids, I’m Oshima Mai from the Akiba Police Department~ You can all call me MaiMai Neechan
Everyone: Hello MaiMai Neechan~
Mai: For today’s semiar, MaiMai Neechan is going to teach you how to deal with bad people.
Everyone: Oh~
Mai: Now to welcome the people acting as bad people. Everyone should thank Security Neechan for her recomendation~
(San, Sunglasses step on the stage)
Everyone: Ahahaha they really do look like bad people.
San (rage): Little punks! How do I look like a bad person!
Sunglasses: You’re part of the mafia…

82. How to Deal with Bad People I
Mai: What should we do if we meet a bad person?
Everyone: Eh~ What should we do?
Mai:Let’s have someone come up and demonstrate. (Looks) Okay, you!
Komori (shyly walks onto the stage)
Mai: What is your name?
Komori: Ko-Komori…Mika…
Mai: Now Komori what should you do if you meet a bad person?
Komori: I-I… 555555555 (so nervous that she started crying)
Mai (turns to the audience): Yes, crying to get the attention of the surrounding people is a good way to scare away bad people.
Sayaka: She’s actually crying!

83. How to Deal with Bad People II
Mai: If you meet a bad person you should scream for help, then the person will be scared away~
Everyone: Oh~
Mai: Now let’s get another child to demonstrate. (looks) Okay, you!
(Minegishi goes on stage)
Mai: What’s your name?
Minegishi: Minegishi Minami!
Mai: Ohohoho so loud. Now pretend that’s the bad person (points at Sunglasses) trying to abduct you.
(Sunglasses grabs Minegishi)
Minegishi (pulling on clothes): Ya!!! No~~~
Mai (black lines): ….kid… that’s how you would scream if you meet a pervert…

84. How to Deal with Bad People III
Mai:  Now let’s get another child to demonstrate. (looks) Okay, you!
(Aki goes on stage)
Mai: What is your name?
Aki: Takajo Aki.
Mai: Aki, imagine that he’s the bad person (points at San) trying to abduct you.
(San comes up)
Aki: (*^__^*)hehe…
Mai: Bad person, please grab onto Aki.
San (lightly grabs onto Aki’s clothes)
Aki: (*^__^*)hehe…
San (freaking out): Aaaaaaaaaaa I’m sorry ojou-sama!!! Let me seppuku in apology!!! (pulls out a knife)
[Seppuku: ritualistic suicide for honor, cutting self across the stomach, used to be done by samurais]

85. How to Deal with Bad People IV
Mai: Now let’s get another child to demonstrate. (looks) Okay, you!
(Haruna goes on stage)
Mai: What’s your name?
Haruna: Kojima Haruna
Mai: Now Haruna, imagine that he’s the bad person (points at Sunglasses) trying to abduct you.
(Sunglasses goes and grabs Haruna)
Haruna (Spacing out)
Mai: Haruna, are you not scared?
Haruna (Spacing out)
Kazumi (yelling): Imagine it’s Dr. Megumi trying to catch you!

85. How to Deal with Bad People V
Mai: The bad people are very strong, so if you get caught don’t struggle, you might get hurt.
Everyone: Oh~
Mai: Now for the final demonstration. (looks) Okay, you!
(Sasshi goes on stage)
Mai: What’s your name?
Sasshi: Sashihara Rino!
Mai: You seem like a brave child, now you’ve been captured by a bad person, don’t move just scream. Do you understand?
Sasshi: Yup!
(San goes and grabs Sasshi)
Sasshi: Do. Not. Touch. Me! (Kicks his crotch)
(San falls over)
Mai: Eh… If you do that then the bad person might get hurt, so kids shouldn’t do that~ (pretending to be cute)
Sayaka: I think it’s a little too late for that!

86. Acquaintance
Mai: The seminar ends here, so little kids remember what I taught you today.
Everyone: Thank you MaiMai Neechan~
Kazumi: Thank you for your work Oshima San.
Mai: It’s all part of the job~ Ah, Akimoto sensei, it’s been a while~
Aki-P: Hohoho, MaiMai you’ve become prettier.
Mai: Ah~ Akibara Sensei you’re too kind~ hohoho~
Kazumi&Fujie&Ami&Jurina (to self): …this damn fatass wouldn’t even spare the policewoman… this damn fatass wouldn’t even spare the policewoman…

87. Truth
Kazumi: Oshima Aan… do you know Principal Akimoto?
Mai: Ah, yes. Akimoto Sensei used to be my teacher.
Kazumi&Fujie&Ami&Jurina: I see…
Mai: He took care of me when I was still in kindergarten.
Kazumi&Fujie&Ami&Jurina: Eh!? Your kindergarten teacher!?
Akimoto Yasushi – A man of mysteries.

88. The Truth Behind the Truth
Mai: I know Akimoto Sensei’s wife too~
Kazumi: I hear that Mrs. Akimoto is pretty young too… could it be that she was your teacher too?! (shocked)
Mai: No, how could that be!
Kazumi&Fujie&Ami&Jurina (relaxes)
Mai: She’s my classmate from kindergarten.
Kazumi&Fujie&Ami&Jurina:(=口=)!!! (thunder)

89. The Fate of the Bad People
Mai: Thank you for your help today, because of you it went smoothly. Are you okay?
San: Hn… (doesn’t want to talk to police)
Mai: If you don’t mind, please accept this little gift.
San: Oh… (takes) (opens)
“[Certificate of Appreciation from the Akiba Police Department]—honor of good citizenship.”
San (black lines): I’m… part of the mafia…

90. Retribution of the Bad Person
Sunglasses: Since its Sunday, might as well go and buy some stuff.
Sunglasses (sees from afar): Eh? Isn’t that the policewoman from the seminar… wearing such cute clothes, must be on a date…
Mai: Ah! Here, here. (Happily waving somewhere)
San: Oh… (walking over uncomfortably)
Sunglasses (drops the things he was holding)

91. Battle Between Men
Monday morning in front of the kindergarten, there is a heavy atsmosphere between the two
Sunglasses: Going on a date with a policewoman on your day off, I’m starting to be worried about the future of Japan’s mafia…
San: It was only because I was hurt (culprit: Sasshi) and wanted to apologize so she invited me to a movie. To be misunderstood by your type of people is more embarrassing…
Sunglasses: You say you don’t like it but you’re secretly thinking of perverted things… ugh the uniform fetishes now are disgusting! (pushing up his glasses)
San: To be watched over by by a stalker, Kashiwagi’s daughter is the one in danger! (smoking)
Sunglasses: … (still pushing up glasses)
San: … (still smoking)
Cloudy, thunder, smoke
Daruma: Cough!
Clouds disperse, sunny skies

92. Fight Between Men
Sunglasses: This type of person with no manners you just have to teach them a lesson…
San: My idea exactly, we still have to determine a winner…
Suddenly leaves falling
Sunglasses (lightning punch)
San (catches)
Daruma (rage): What are you two doing?
Sunglasses&San (sudden change of tactics): Jankenpon!

93. Promise Between Men
Sunglasses: I’m only letting you go because of Daruma Aneki.
San: You should be thanking the gods that you are alive.
Sunglasses (can’t stand it): Battle tonight underneath the Akiba Bridge!
San: Good, my fists were waiting for this!
Daruma: I can guarentee that you two won’t live past sunset…

94.  Compromise Between Men
After being ‘fixed’ by Daruma
Sunglasses: Eh, you have to watch carefully, we can’t let anyone suspicious enter. (Bruised and battered)
San: You’re the one that should be worried, your side’s protection is worse. (Bruised and battered)
Girl (jumps over the wall): He~
Sunglasses&San (Cold sweat): …
Girl: Ah… I’m sorry, I’m not a suspicious person. I’m just passing by for a walk, you two can continue.
Sunglasses&San: Wearing all black in the morning, even if you say you’re not suspicious we’re not blind…

95. Working Together
Sunglasses: Hey! You! Stop (attacks)
Girl (evades)
Sunglasses: Eh!?
San (attacks)
Girl (Blocks)
San: EH!?
Sunglasses&San (Attacks together)
Girl: Too slow (Goes for the kill)
Jurina: Mr.Sunglasses, San Onisan, Daruma Neesan is looki- Eh? Rena Oneechan!? What are you doing here?
Rena (stops, turns around): Aiyo~Meanie~I’ve been found~Of course I’ve come to visit Jurina~I’ve been worried since you’ve started working~ (hugs)
Sunglasses&San (to self): This kindergarten… definitely not simple!

96. Rena
After work
Jurina: Rena Oneechan, there’s nobody around, you can come out now.
Rena: Aiyo~ I can’t hide from my cute little sister~ (appears)
Jurina (sigh): Rena Oneechan, if you want to fight I can do that anytime, but please do not drag other people into this.
Rena (black): Those people weren’t even worth me fighting! My only rival is you! (points) I won’t all the Matsui family to be inherited by you little branch family punk! Wait and see! (flies away)
Jurina (sigh): Rena Oneechan… the home is that way… you went the wrong way again…

97. Direction Challenged
Rena: Matsui Jurina, I will admit that you the Matsui family’s rare swordsmanship prodigy. But I definitely won’t lose to you!
Rena: I’ve been trainning so hard in the mountains for years, just so I can one day defeat you!
Rena: I shall allow the main family to return to its former glory! (passionate)
Rena: … (still passionate)
Police: Miss, we received a call about a weird person walking around here for the last few hours, please follow us to the police station.
Rena: I got lost again… (crying)

98. Distracted
Jurina: Rena Oneechan’s found me… it won’t be peaceful from now on…
Fujie: Jurina Sensei… Can go to the infirmary and get some files for me…
Jurina: Kay… (distracted)
Ohori: What is it Jurina Sensei?
Jurina: I’m here to get some files. (distracted)
Ohori (to self): Jurina Sensei’s out of it today (lights flashing) A chance! (Walks behind her) Little lamb!! (jumps)
-5 Minutes later-
Jurina: Fujie Sensei… here’s the files. (distracted)
Fujie: Dr. Ohori… didn’t do anything?
Jurina: No… (distracted)
Noro: Megumi what are you trying today? It seems pretty hard, dangling upside down…

99. Concern
Outdoor activity time
Atsuko: Jurina Sensei hasn’t been very happy recently…
Takamina: Ohohoh, my Acchan sure is caring.
Minegishi: Acchan, lets make some origami for Jurina Sensei, then she can be happy again~
Yuko: Ah~ Seems like fun~ Let me join, let me join~ Haruna lets both do it~
Haruna: Yuko, I don’t know how to do origami~
Mayu:Oh~ I’ll teach you~
Yuki: Mayuyu why you teach her and not me… 55555…
Mayu: Yukirin, I’ll teach you both!
Yuki (sparkling): Mayuyu~~
Sae: I can teach too~~ (ignored by Yuki)
Tomomi: Chiyuyu~~Chiyuyu~
Tomochin: Tomomi says she wants to join, then I’ll join too.
Sasshi: Moeno made me come, I guess there’s no choice.
Aika&Komori&Ono&Miyazaki&Aki&Kitahara&Mariko&Amina&Moeno: … (all dragged by Sasshi)
Sayaka: Rino you’re the one who wants to join the most!

100. Present
Under the guidance of the class reps the kids from Class A/K/B each folded one crane
Sayaka&Takamina&Yuki: Jurina Sensei~ A present~ (gives)
Jurina: You…
Everyone: Jurina Sensei~ Cheer up~
Jurina (teary eyed): Thank you everyone… Sensei is okay now! Sensei likes you all the most~ (happy)
Sasshi: Jurina Sensei, please accept my huge crane! (gives)
Jurina: Eheheh??? What a futuristic styel!
Sayaka: That’s just a huge blob of tissue paper!

\o/ -crawls back to my corner-
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: sakura_drop_ on March 15, 2012, 01:44:19 AM
57th and, 63rd, 72nd, 76th and 98th are missing...
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: 0_o on March 15, 2012, 02:39:58 AM
whoops, fixed  :banghead:
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: sakura_drop_ on March 15, 2012, 03:12:19 AM
GOD, THIS IS SOOOOO HILARIOUS!!!  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'll be patiently waiting for your future updates!  :) :thumbup :thumbup
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: LeNosferatu on March 15, 2012, 04:05:11 AM
lolol i see  XD XD your translation is inspiring me...thanks!  :D
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: Haruko on March 15, 2012, 05:55:28 AM
thanx for collect them for us :D
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: kahem on March 15, 2012, 04:26:46 PM
Thx for translating it ^^
Ah~ it's so cute~
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: xxx220 on March 16, 2012, 02:11:26 AM
It kind of Funny  :nya:

The Teacher always Get Voice Up on Sasshi  :hiakhiakhiak:

Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: yukofan on March 25, 2012, 07:31:16 AM
so funny  :rofl:

this fic is MASTERPIECE  :thumbup

those kids are so cute..i want to kidnap all of them!!
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: 0_o on March 26, 2012, 01:37:54 AM
/o/ kidnap all the chibis!

Akiba Kindergarten 101-110

101.  Danger – Jurina
Jurina (teaching math)
Sayaka (paying attention)
Jurina (eating lunch)
Sayaka (sneaking looks)
Jurina (going to the washroom)
Sayaka (staring)
Jurina (black lines): So Sayaka has this type of interest…
The athletic and proud Sayaka sees Jurina as her rival.

102. Danger – Averted
Jurina: Fujie Sensei, it seems like Sayaka doesn’t really like me (dispair)
Fujie (smiles): Maybe she seees you as a rival~
Jurina (embarrased): eheh what should I do
Fujie: I’ll teach you a way to make her like you~
-Lunch Time-
Jurina: Sayaka~
Sayaka (cautious): W-what!?
Jurina: This is for you (pulls out a bento)
Sayaka: Oh~~~ (Flowers blooming in the background)
Sayaka has been bribed with the bento.

103. Sayaka’s Present
Sayaka’s Mama (hugging and kissing): It’s almost Sayaka’s birthday. Mama’s saved enough money, what present do you want?
Sayaka (sparkling): Anything I want?
Sayaka’s Mama: Anything you want.
Sayaka (sparkling): Can I really get anything I want?
Sayaka’s Mama: As long as it’s not too expensive.
Sayaka (sparkling some more): Weights!
Akimoto Sayaka, 5 years old, hobby, trainning her muscles.

104. Danger – Love Triangle
Takamina: Acchan lets eat our snacks together (specially left it to share with Atsuko)
Atsuko is eating the snack Minegishi gave her-
Takamina (thunder striking)
Takamina: Acchan is an idiot! (rage eating her snack)
Takamina: Acchan idiot idiot! (chugging down milk)
Takamina (crying): So…So this is what it feels like to be heart broken… It’s so painful…painful… (clutching)
Ami: Dr.Ohori! My class’s Minami seems to be sick!

105. Danger – Atsuko’s choice
Atsuko: Takarina*
Takahashi: You already chose Miichan… Why are you bugging me now… (dejected)
Atsuko: Have snack (pulls out a snack)
Takamina (flowers blooming) You still have me in your heart (tearing)
-Place that Takamina can’t see-
Atusko: Fujie Sensei~ Have snack~
Fujie: Eh? You’re helping Miichan give away snacks from her hometown? Good Atsuko~
[Acchan has a problem pronouncing stuff, esp Taka's name]
106. Recognition
Ami (to self): I got a haircut, and I put my bangs down, I wonder if they’ll be shocked tomorrow?
Ami (to self): My bands are covering my eyebrows, I wonder if it’s too long?
Sasshi passing by holding her mother’s hand
Ami (to self): It’s my class’s Rino! Are you out with your mother to buy some things?
Sasshi and mother walks right by Ami
Ami (to self): Eh!!! She didn’t recognize me!?

107. Don’t Recognize Either
Same Sunday
Sunglasses: Accidently broke my sunglasses; I need to go buy a new pair.
Sunglasses: I’m not used to not wear sunglasses.
San&Mai (walking by laughing)
Sunglasses: Hn! And you said you weren’t dating that policewoman, I got you now.
San&Mai (walks right by him)

108. Definitely Don’t Recognize
Ami (to self): It can’t be that my eyebrows are my only special characteristic… (depressed)
Sunglasses: It can’t be that my sunglasses are my only special characteristic… (depressed)
Ami&Sunglasses walk by each other
Ami&Sunglasses (turns around and stares): This person! They look familiar!

-Coffee Shop-
Ami: So Mr.Sunglasses is just like me, not recognized by people…
Sunglasses (Oddly went for coffee with Ami): Ah, Maeda Sensei has it hard too…
Ami&Sunglasses (to selves): Shit! If we bump into people we know they’ll think that we’re on a date!
Passerby Fujie: Eh? Why are you two together?
Ami&Sunglasses (spraying water): No! Nonononono Fujie Sensei you have it wrong hahahaha (trying their best to explain)
Passerby Oku: Mariko lives next to me, I’m taking care of her today. (Mariko: Hello Fujie Sensei~)
Ignored from the start Ami&Sunglasses: … (frozen)
Fujie: Oku Sensei, are these two… your friends?
Oku: I don’t know them
[As per usual, i hate idioms]

110. Discovered
Ami: That sure was a surprise…
Sunglasses: This time I think not being recognized was a good thing.
Ami: Mr.Sunglasses sure likes joking, hohoho…
Sunglasses: haha, not really…
Ami: … (blushing)
Sunglasses: … (blushing)
The atmosphere suddenly became harmonious.
Passerby Yuko: ohohoh Haruna come here, Mayuge Sensei and Mr.Sunglasses are on a date!
Passerby Haruna: Ah~ It’s true~How romantic~
Ami&Sunglasses: Eh!!!!
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: sakura_drop_ on March 26, 2012, 01:55:56 AM
I couldn't bring myself to laugh, but i smiled a lot, especially at the end (you know I'm biased towards Yuko-sama  :wub:)

Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: yukofan on March 26, 2012, 11:12:28 AM
LOL   :rofl:

sayaka and jurina  :rofl:

please continue  :twothumbs
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: kahem on March 26, 2012, 11:47:39 AM
Thx it's warming my heart.
I can't resist at their cuteness
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: okiedokie on March 28, 2012, 05:35:34 PM
Shihiihi >v< ,how cute atsumina !
Tnk for up ,au-san !
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten
Post by: 0_o on April 08, 2012, 12:31:46 AM
Akiba Kindergarten 111-120

111. Boy
-Miyazawa House-
Oldest Brother (25years old): Sae’s birthday is coming up, let’s discuss what to get her.
Second Brother (17 years old): I should be this.
Third Brother (13 years old): Ai~ I wanted this too.
Sae’s birthday
Sae: Wah~Brother’s present (opens)
Brothers: Happy birthday! We lined up for a long time to get you this transformer.
Sae (rage throw)

112. Girl
Sae: I wanted a Panda doll!
Oldest Brother: Sae! Miyazawa family’s men must be able to accept what they are given, you can’t choose your presents, do you understand!
Second Brother: That’s right!
Third Brother: Mighty big brother!
Sae: But I’m a girl (rolling)

113. Boy!
Oldest Brother: Sae! If you have something to say then tell us, Miyazawa men are diginified.
Second Brother: Eh? The allowance you give us is too little Big Brother, can I say that?
Third Brother:  Forbidding us from dating, what century is this!
Oldest Brother: …
Oldest Brother: Sae! Miyazawa men must have their own opinion! Cannot be strayed by others.
Second Brother: Eh? Sneaky!
Third Brother: You’re actually the most selfish! Old man!
Sae: I already said I was a girl! (rolling)

114. Boy?
Sae (crying): All my brothers are idiots! 55555
Yuki: Sae what’s wrong?
Sae: Yukirin?! No, Yukirin hates wimpy boys! Sae! You have to be strong!
Sae: Nothing, just sand in my eyes… (posing)
Yukirin: Sae’s being weird…
Miyazawa Sae, surprisingly boyish in front of the person she likes.

115. Girl?
Yuki: Mayuyu~
Mayu: Yukirin~
Yukirin: Let’s eat our snacks together~
Mayu: Okay!
Sae (biting her handkerchief): 5555555555… Mayuyu how date you steal my Yukirin!
Miyazawa Sae, surprisingly girlish in front of her rival

116. Half the Sentence
Yuki: Mayuyu~ is the snack yummy?
Mayu: Yummy~
Yuki: Well… Uhm… I… with Mayuyu…eat snacks…for life…. (embarrassed)
Mayu: Eat snacks for life? (sparkling) (drooling)
Yuki: Eh? Nononono (desperately waving)
Mayu:Eat snacks for life... (lost in her delusions)
Yuki: Mayuyu you heard me wrong… (weeping)
117. Battle
Sae: Mayuyu let’s have a battle!
Mayu: Eh?
Sae: The person who wins can be with Yukirin!
Mayu (walks away)
Sae: Hn! Scared?
Mayu hugging Yuki happily
Sae (completely ignored)

118. Another Challenge
Sae: Mayuyu let’s battle! Using video games!
Mayu (only using one hand)
Sae lost badly
Sae: Mayuyu let’s battle! Drawing!
Mayu (finished in 8 seconds)
Sae lost badly
Sae: Why! This is unfair! (OTL)
Mayu (hands on Sae’s shoulder)
Sae (head up): Are you here to laugh at me? Laugh then!
Mayu: Hn~ (evil smile)
Sae (Finally realized how scary her opponent is)

119. Comforting
Yuki: Sae…
Sae: Are you going to laugh at me too? (crying)
Yuki: I understand how you are feeling, but there is only Mayuyu in my heart…
Sae: This is unfair!
Yuki: Sorry… Perhaps this is the only thing I can do (kisses on cheek) Please cheer up.
Sae: Ohohoho Yuki I’ll protect you forever!
Fujie: What in the world is Sae dreaming of… crying and laughing…

120. Equality
Yuki: Mayuyu~ We can finally be together~ (hugs)
Mayu (shy): Yukirin~
Yuki: Mayuyu~
Mayu: Yukirin~
Yuki&Mayu (hand in hand going happily in circles) Hahaha~Hahaha~
Oku: What in the world is Yuki dreaming of… laughing and drooling… Mayu keeps on calling for Francis Oniichan who is that…
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (111-120 April 7)
Post by: yukofan on April 08, 2012, 01:43:48 AM
oh mai gad..chibi love triangle saemayuki is soooo cute  :heart:
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (111-120 April 7)
Post by: ILOVESAEYUKI-WMATSUI on April 08, 2012, 02:19:59 AM
i love this fic so cute  :wub: aww saeyukimayu so cutee  :shy2:  :luvluv2:  please update soon  :bow:  :peace: out!
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (111-120 April 7)
Post by: saeyukilover on April 08, 2012, 03:00:10 AM
Kids!!!!tsk tsk tsk.......  :smhid

Hahahaha..... What will happen to them if they reach high school and college... :)
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (111-120 April 7)
Post by: Pandah on April 08, 2012, 07:16:02 AM
hah! i love these translations LOL amusing to the max...makes me lol everytime  :thumbup
that saeyukimayuyu triangle is just devastating LOLOL i feel so sorry for sae  :P
hoping theres gonna be more translations with yuko and haruna in them xD gotta love how yuko loves haruna  :D

thanks for the update  :thumbup keep up the good work  :)
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (111-120 April 7)
Post by: kahem on April 08, 2012, 01:50:28 PM
Poor Sae hahaha!
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (111-120 April 7)
Post by: Prataz on April 08, 2012, 02:32:59 PM
Thank you for translating and posting!

It's damn awesome =)
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (111-120 April 7)
Post by: 0_o on June 13, 2012, 01:07:45 AM
Two months later and in the middle of my finals i have finally decided to work on this. /o/

Akiba Kindergarten 121-130

121. Talent Competition I
Akimoto: Today we are going to have Akiba Kindergarten Talent Contest.
Akimoto: Every child can show off their talent. At the end we will all vote. The one who wins will get a crown.
(Showing off the sparkling crown)
All the children: Oh!!! (high expectations)
Jurina (eyes sparkling): Can I join too?
Fujie&Oku&Ami: Didn’t think Jurina-sensei had such a childish side too!

122) Talent Contest II
Rie: I’m Class B’s Kitahara Rie, I will be performing the flute.
Clapping and cheering from the crowd
Rie: Fu~~
Rie: Fu~~~ Fu~~~
People in the crowd sweat dropping
Moeno: Che, I guess only teaching for 90 minutes just wasn’t enough.
Fujie: Eh?? Moeno taught her?? Amazing!
Sayaka: Sensei! This isn’t a time to be complimenting her!

123) Talent Contest III
Yuki: I’m Class B’s Kashiwagi Yuki, I will be singing.
Yuki: Ready~~
Helicopters fly in, staff members drop down, the stage is instantaneously set up, different types of lighting, amazing sound system set up, stage effects like dry ice and fireworks activated.
Yuki: Please listen to me, Kashiwagi Yuki sing “Counting Ducks*”~
* Chinese children’s song

124) Talent Contest IV
Nacchi: I’m Class B’s Sato Natsuki, I will be reciting the numbers in pi…
Crowd: eh? What is pi…
Nacchi: 3.1415926…
-10 minutes later-
Nacchi: …2723279178 6085784383……
Crowd fainting
Sato Natsuki, smarter than even adults, a child genius.

125) Talent Contest V
Kasai: Chiyuu~ Chiyuu~
Tomochin: Class B’s Kasai Tomomi, will be telling jokes.
Kasai: Chiyuu chiyuu~ Chiyuu~
Tomochin: There was a white rabbit traveling in the dark.
Kasai: Chiyuu~ chiyuu~ Chiyuu chiyuu!
Tomochin: By the time it got home it became a black rabbit!
Sayaka: This is actually Tomochin’s talent performance isn’t it!

126) Talent Contest VI
Haruna: Class A’s Kojima Haruna, I will be performing tablecloth pulling
Walks over to the table
Haruna: Un~~ (reaching)
Haruna: Uh~~ (Tippy toes)
Yuko: Go Haruna!! Only a little bit more!!
Ami (to self): Why didn’t you just prepare a smaller table…
Haruna is too small and can’t reach for the tablecloth on the table.

127)  Talent Contest VII
Takamina: Class A’s Takahashi Minami, I will be stepping on balloons
Crowd (surprise)
Myao: Class B’s Miyazaki Miho, I will be performing Mad Dog
Crowd (black lines)
Mariko: Class A’s Shinoda Mariko, I will be performing Air Ocarina
Crowd (cold sweat)
Komori: Class B’s Komori Mika, I will be performing dart shooting
Sayaka: Komorin that isn’t even a talent performance!

128) Talent Contest VIII
Minegishi: Class K’s Minegishi Minami, I will be doing a backflip.
Crowd: Oh~
Yuko of the same class is assisting her
Minegishi: I’m going to flip now, Yuko hold me carefully.
Yuko: Oh… Miichan is so soft hehehe~ (coping a feel)
Minegishi: Eh~ YADA!!
Fujie: The actual performance is this isn’t it…
Sayaka: Sensei you finally have a comment that I can agree with…

129) Talent Contest IX
Atsuko: Class A’s Maeda Atsuko
Yuko: Class K’s Oshima Yuko
Atsuko&Yuko: We will be doing a duet!
Crowd (cheering)
Haruna: Go Yuko~
Takamina: Go Acchan~
Atsuko&Yuko: The song we will be performing is “Amai Kokansetsu” ~~~
Crowd falls over
Ohori: I can’t believe they managed to learn the song that I hum, that’s amazing.
Kazumi: Megumi go and apologize to those children’s parents!

130) Talent Contest X
In the end Yuko and Atsuko won the talent contest
Aki-P: This is bad, we only have one crown.
Aki-P looks at Atsuko
Atsuko (eyes sparkling) (expectant)
Aki-P looks at Yuko
Yukp (eyes sparkling) (expectant)
Aki-P: Okay then (Puts the crown on Ohori Megumi’s head) Whoever can get the crown off of Dr.Ohori’s head can wear the crown.
Atsuko&Yuko: EH!!
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (121-130 June 12)
Post by: yukofan on June 13, 2012, 01:36:09 AM
finally an update *eyes sparkling*

hahahaha..the talent contest is so funny and cute..

Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (121-130 June 12)
Post by: Haruko on June 13, 2012, 06:11:26 AM
jajja so funny this contest was hilarious
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (121-130 June 12)
Post by: miayaka on June 13, 2012, 08:58:44 PM
 :lol:the contest was cute... more!
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (121-130 June 12)
Post by: XxRoByNxX78 on June 13, 2012, 11:05:12 PM
seriously funny omg

mayuki tomotomo and kojiyuu are my favs so cute

Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (121-130 June 12)
Post by: Megumi on June 14, 2012, 12:02:25 AM
Yei update!

I LoLed so hard ah my stomach..
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (121-130 June 12)
Post by: Playgirlz on June 17, 2012, 03:50:10 PM
I really enjoy this, hope you translate soon (and yes not all :] ) this fic has too much story xDDDDD
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (121-130 June 12)
Post by: Sara-chan on June 20, 2012, 06:59:40 AM
these stories are hilarious,something is wrong with these students and teachers  :mon lmao:
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (121-130 June 12)
Post by: kahem on June 20, 2012, 05:45:27 PM
Tomotomo is so cute~
LOL aki-p !
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (121-130 June 12)
Post by: sakura_drop_ on June 21, 2012, 05:57:19 PM
That was HILARIOUS!!!!  :on lol:

PLZ, continue translating!!  :bow: :bow: :bow:
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (121-130 June 12)
Post by: 0_o on June 25, 2012, 06:21:05 AM
A translation that came four months late /o/

Akiba Kindergarten 131-140

131. Preparation
Yuki: The ingredients?
Kashiwagi Family Butler: They have arrived from South America.
Yuki: The teacher?
Kashiwagi Family Chef: Rushing here from the airport, the flight from France to Japan was delayed.
Yuki: The utensils?
Kashiwagi Family Maid: A specially made set by a company in Germany, they’re ready in the kitchen.
Sunglasses’ Follower: Aneki, what is ojou-sama doing today?
Sunglasses: Tomorrow is Valentines… Ojou-sama is making chocolate…

132. Must First Prepare the Weapons
Rena: Is everything ready?
Nakanishi: Rena-senpai… Are you sure this is okay….
Ririna: What if…
Rena: I’ll face the consequences. Let’s start!
Rena: Nakanishi! Stir with more strength, Ririna! Don’t let the temperature get too high!
Rena: Okay, now we just have to pour it into the mould… finished!
Nakanishi (surprised): Lies!
Ririna (bewildered): We did it!
Rena (tearing): It’s all thanks to you two! I could finish it so well! Something that nobody in the Matsui Family has accomplished in 10 years – Valentine’s Day chocolates!

133. Poison
Rena: Nakanishi! Prepare the toad blood.
Rena: Ririna! Go grab the butterfly powder.
Rena: Hu~ the special poison is finished~ Now to add it to the chocolate.
Rena: Complete! Now to add some decorations to the chocolate.
Rena: Perfect! Jurina will definitely unsuspectingly eat this.
Nakanishi&Ririna (staring at the chocolate with ‘Go die Jurina’ written on it in cream): I would definitely not eat that…

134. Plot
Rena: Jurina you definitely won’t expect me to poison the chocolate!
Rena: I just need to place this on your table… you who like sweets will definitely eat it… then… muahahhaha!
Rena: Hmm…. Just you wait Jurina…
Rena: …Hmm…..
Rena: ….555555555 Where am I…..
Matsui Rena has once again gotten lost

135. Miscalculation
Rena: Fufufu, man I have bad luck this time (Accidently walked into the pond)
Rena: Now I just need to get sneak into the kindergarten (Successfully sneaks in)
Rena: I just need to find her office now (Successfully located)
Rena: Lastly to place the chocolates on her desk… (Opens the door, sees a messily clothed Dr.Ohori pressed on Urano Kazumi on top of the desk)
Ohori: OUT!
Rena (Shuts the door and bolts)

136) Over thinking
Rena: 555555 that scared me to death! Come to think of it that’s the first time I’ve seen old women do something like that.
Rena (a little concerned): Does doing something like that really make you feel good?
Rena (over thinking): The sight of Jurina on the bed with messy clothes, panting and looking welcoming…
Rena (clutches her head) Iyaaa!! Matsui Rena what are you thinking!! (freaking out)
Daruma: Police! There’s a suspicious woman acting crazy in front of our kindergarten early in the morning!

137: Coincidence
San: Aki Ojou-sama, you’re brining chocolates to the kindergarten… are you giving it to someone?
Aki: Un!
San: So Ojou-sama has someone she likes too… Huh? (picks something up)
San: Who left these chocolates in front of the Kindergarten? (Rena dropped them when she ran off)
Daruma: Ah? You received chocolates? You’re pretty popular then.
San: Oh…yeah… ahhahahaha there are tons of girls that like me, I’m pretty troubled by it (bs-ing)
Mai suddenly appears
Mai: That… chocolates… So Mr.San already received chocolates, that’s good… I’ll just leave these chocolates for myself then… Mr.San I wish you happiness… (Covers her face running)
San: Ah…. (Stoned)

138) Exchange
Yuko: Fujie-sensei, when is class ending?
Fujie: Yuko, we just started class.
Yuko: Fujie-sensei, then is Class A ending?
Fujie: Yuko, Class A just started.
Yuko: But Haruna said she was giving me chocolates, I can’t wait~~
Fujie: Yuko, Valentines chocolates are for a girl to give to the boy that they like. You’re both girls, it doesn’t work…
Yuko: Is that so… (wiping tears)
Fujie: Was I too serious with Yuko…
Yuko: Then I’ll just have to give Haruna my chocolates…
Fujie: You might as well go outside and feed each other!
Sayaka: Sensei weren’t you just reflecting!

139: Friendship
Sae: Will Yukirin give me chocolates today… (hiding outside Class B’s door)
Yuki: Sae…
Sae: Ah, Yukirin! I-I… Do you have something to give me?
Yuki: Un! I do!
Sae: Ohohohohoh! Is it chocolate?
Yuki: Here (let’s go)
Sae: … It’s the airplane they made in arts and craft…

140) Battle
Yuki: Finally the decisive moment, must let Mayuyu eat my love filled chocolates!
Mayu: Yo! Yukirin!
Yuki: Ma-Mayuyu! Please accept my chocolates!
Mayu: Okay!
Yuki: Mayuyu accepted them! (Happy)
Mayu: Hehehe…
Yuki: …Mayuyu do you not want to eat them?
Mayu: Lovetan gave me a lot, I can’t eat anymore!
Yuki: Eh!!!
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (131-140 June 24)
Post by: bunny_rabbit on June 25, 2012, 06:48:40 AM
ahiak...update :onioncheer:
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (131-140 June 24)
Post by: Sara-chan on June 25, 2012, 06:59:04 AM
poor Sae-chan she was expecting the chocolates of yuki  :rofl:
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (131-140 June 24)
Post by: yukofan on June 25, 2012, 11:34:48 AM
i love this fic very muuchh..
rena wrote "go die,jurina" LOL
yuko,why u r so cute <3
i always love fujie-sensei & sayaka..
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (131-140 June 24)
Post by: sakura_drop_ on June 27, 2012, 02:11:22 PM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: SO FUNNY
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (131-140 June 24)
Post by: 0_o on July 13, 2012, 01:22:06 AM
So yuh, I left out some of the titles cause they were proverbs /o/ i hate proverbs /o/
Translating them are a painnnnnnnnnnnnn :angry:
Valentines continues /o/

Akiba Kindergarten 141-150

Takahashi: A-Acchan… your chocolates… are they for me?
Acchan: Ah~ (Gives)
Takahashi: So happy! (happy)
Acchan: Are they good?
Takahashi: Good good very good! (so happy that her face is covered with tears)
Acchan: Oh… too bad I have a cavity… I wanted to eat Miichan’s chocolates too…
Takahashi (chokes)

142) Rejection
Komori: R-Rino… this is my chocolates! …I’ve… I’ve always liked Rino’s mischievous side…
Sasshi: Oh! (Takes)
Komori: Ah~ So happy~ (ecstatic)
Moeno: I really do want to try burning Kumai Yurina’s photobook… (lights fire)
Sasshi: Eh!!! I don’t want chocolates!! I don’t want chocolates!!! (returns)

143) Tasty
Tomomi: Tomochin~ Chiyuu~~
Tomochin: Wow, chocolates~
Tomomi: Chiyuu~~
Tomochin: Tomomi, you made it? En! Tasty!
Sayaka: Hey! Don’t you even see the sauce cap in the chocolates?

144) Courage
Ami (to self): No problem! Ami! It’s just friendship chocolates, no other meaning!
Sunglasses: Ami-sensei, is there something wrong?
Ami: Uh… umm… last time at the coffee shop thank you for helping me…
Sunglasses: Oh, don’t worry about it.
Ami: I-If you don’t mind…c-cho-
Daruma: Oh, Sunglasses here you are! Chocolates! (shoves)
Sunglasses&Ami: Eh!!!

145) Result
Daruma: Don’t misunderstand, it’s just friendship chocolates! (Actually it’s the one that San picked up and shoved to her) Don’t develop feelings for me!
Sunglasses: I wouldn’t dare if it’s Aneki (truthful)
Daruma leaves
Ami: That almost scared me to death… I almost thought that Daruma…
Sunglasses: Please don’t talk about such a scary thing.
Ami: Ah I-I don’t mean it like that…
Suddenly an ambiguous atmosphere
Sunglasses: Maeda-sensei
Ami: Yes… (blushing)
Sunglasses: Chocolates…
Ami: Yes... (blushing some more) Please don’t misunderstand… This…. Is only friendship…
Sunglasses: Maeda-sensei you can have this! I don’t eat sweets! (shoves)
Ami: Eh!!!

146) Pity
Oku: Mariko!
Mariko: Yes…
Oku: You keep on walking around in front of the office, is there something wrong?
Mariko: Oku-sensei! Thank you for taking care of me, chocolates!
Oku: Thank you (accepts)
Mariko (expectant)
Oku (pats Mariko on the head)
Mariko (ecstatic)
Oku: You look like an S but why…

Jurina: Ami-sensei, the chocolates you’re holding?
Ami: Ah… the children gave it to me (covering)
Jurina: Eh~~ Ami-sensei sure is popular… but for valentines don’t girls usually give it to the guy they like?
Ami: This… is just a way for the children to express their like…
Jurina: That’s true… (looks out the window)
Yuko: Haruna has eaten my chocolates, now she’s my wife~
Yuki: I worked so hard on those chocolates Mayuyu you won’t eat it 5555555555…..
Takamina: Acchan why did you accept Miichan’s chocolates! This isn’t fair!
Jurina: I just feel… that this ‘like’ has a lot of other meanings…

Ami: Jurina-sensei do you want chocolates? (The one that Sunglasses gave)
Jurina: Ami-sensei it was for you though~
Ami: Ah, I still have another one (The one that she made herself)… hahaha (guilty)
Jurina: Then itadakimasu… (opens)
Jurina: Eh… What is this chocolate that’s practically emitting hatred about?
(On the chocolate it says “Go die Jurina!”)

149) Tsundere
Jurina: Ah, Principal Akimoto, please accept this chocolate! Thank you for thank care of me!
Aki-P: Ahaha, how could I, even though this is just a thank you chocolate, I still really can’t accept it.
Jurina: If Principal Akimoto can’t accept it then it’s okay… (takes back)
Aki-P: Ahahah, I really couldn’t (won’t let go)
Kazumi&Fujie&Ami&Oku: He obviously wants it a lot…
(That night Akimoto Yasushi got food poisoning and was sent to the hospital)

150) Surprise
After kindergarten –
San: Today was a mess, Aki ojou-sama let’s go home.
Aki: En!
San: Aki ojou-sama you still haven’t given away your chocolate?
Aki: For you… (gives)
San: Eh?
Aki: Accompanying Akicha every day, good person!
San (kneeling): Ojou-sama! (bawling)
And so San decided to serve Aki for the rest of his life.
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (131-140 June 24)
Post by: Sara-chan on July 13, 2012, 03:06:16 AM
valentine day was very cute!
Moeno is a litlle scary  :stoned:
I laughed a lot with chocolate with soy who tomomi gave to tomochin  :mon lmao:
"And so San decided to serve Aki for the rest of his life" that was soooo cute  :luvluv1:
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (141-150 July 12)
Post by: yukofan on July 21, 2012, 03:00:08 PM
HAHA..akimoto yasushi poisoned by jurina's chocolate..

waiting for more updates from you..
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (141-150 July 12)
Post by: kahem on July 21, 2012, 04:54:25 PM
Hahaha!!! Poison chocolate!!!
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (131-140 June 24)
Post by: sakura_drop_ on August 01, 2012, 08:51:34 PM
Acchan: Oh… too bad I have a cavity… I wanted to eat Miichan’s chocolates too…
Takahashi (chokes)

Poor Takamina... *gives a glass of water*

Moeno: I really do want to try burning Kumai Yurina’s photobook… (lights fire)
Sasshi: Eh!!! I don’t want chocolates!! I don’t want chocolates!!! (returns)

Oh my god, scary Moeno is scary Moeno...  :mon curtain:

Tomochin: Tomomi, you made it? En! Tasty!
Sayaka: Hey! Don’t you even see the sauce cap in the chocolates?

Oh yes, we all know Tomochin has problems with tasting food, as everything to her is UMAI~!  :mon evillaff:

Daruma: Oh, Sunglasses here you are! Chocolates! (shoves)
Sunglasses&Ami: Eh!!!

Ami: Yes... (blushing some more) Please don’t misunderstand… This…. Is only friendship…
Sunglasses: Maeda-sensei you can have this! I don’t eat sweets! (shoves)
Ami: Eh!!!

All I can express is  :mon lmao:

Mariko: Oku-sensei! Thank you for taking care of me, chocolates!
Oku: Thank you (accepts)
Mariko (expectant)
Oku (pats Mariko on the head)
Mariko (ecstatic)
Oku: You look like an S but why…

Because she is a HUGE S  :mon lol:

Ami: This… is just a way for the children to express their like…
Jurina: That’s true… (looks out the window)
Yuko: Haruna has eaten my chocolates, now she’s my wife~
Yuki: I worked so hard on those chocolates Mayuyu you won’t eat it 5555555555…..
Takamina: Acchan why did you accept Miichan’s chocolates! This isn’t fair!
Jurina: I just feel… that this ‘like’ has a lot of other meanings…

(On the chocolate it says “Go die Jurina!”)

(That night Akimoto Yasushi got food poisoning and was sent to the hospital)

Yes, 'like' has lots of meanings, AND it appears chocolates are not necessarily about 'like', BUT ALSO 'hate' OR 'dislike'  :mon wtfmm:

Aki: Accompanying Akicha every day, good person!
San (kneeling): Ojou-sama! (bawling)
And so San decided to serve Aki for the rest of his life.

so sweet  :mon inluv:
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (141-150 July 12)
Post by: 0_o on March 08, 2013, 02:54:31 AM
151. Ambush
Rena: Last time the chocolates failed, this time I definitely won’t fail again!
Jurina: Deadly aura!
Jurina (backing up): There are iron needles!
Jurina (dodging): This time it’s shurikens!
Jurina (catches): Even flying arrows!
Rena: Hahaha, go to hell! Jurina! (Lifting a grenade)
Jurina: Are you from Iraq!!

152. Ambush Again
Jurina: Seems like Rena-nee isn’t doing anything…
Flying arrow
Jurina (black lines): Can’t believe she tied a letter to the arrow… ancient drama much…
(unties and opens)
“Call me a bowl of ramen, sent to the tree behind Akiba Kindergarten—Rena?”
Jurina: Hn!!!

153. Ambush Again Again
Jurina: Seems calmer after eating… (Ended up calling for ramen)
Flying arrow
Jurina: What now!
(unties and opens)
“5555555cramps….. – Rena T_T”
Jurina: Go back home!

154. Counterattack
Jurina: Dr.Ohori, my sister came to visit me but she doesn’t seem too well can you check on her?
Ohori (shining): What a nice bishoujo! Oh, no, what a pitiful girl! No problem, just leave it to me. (wiping off drool)
Jurina: Then I’ll leave her in your care Dr.Ohori
(turns and leaves)
Jurina: Rena-nee you can’t blame me for this, you started it (black-hearted smile)
(Rena didn’t dare come back to the Kindergarten for a long time)

155. Spring
Spring has come—
Yuko: Haruna’s thighs feel nice~
Haruna: Yuko don’t move~
Yuko: I want to sleep on Haruna’s thighs~
Haruna: Yada~
Ami (to self): Little Yuko, A Class is still in session… (black lines)

156. Moe
Sasshi: Moeno Moeno~ come over here
Moeno: What? (walks over)
Sasshi: Moeno~ Hug (hugs)
Moeno: Sasshi today… (blushes)…. Has spring come…
Sasshi (wiping her nose on Moeno’s clothes)

157. Choice
Taka: Acchan, no matter what you have to chose between me and Miichan!
Atsuko looks at Minegishi
Minegishi (confused)
Atsuko looks at Takahashi
Taka (firm)
Atsuko: Tomochi~ (runs and hugs)
Taka (crying): Acchan… has another love…

158. Affection
Yuki: Spring flowers have blossomed, like the blossoming of a girl’s heart.
Yuki: This type of feeling, I only want to share with the one I love (praying)
Yuki: Mayuyu looks so cute sleeping on my legs (Happy)
Mayu: Fufu~~ Francis Nii Chan… fufu~~
Yuki: 2D is the worst…. (depressed)

159. Persistence
Fujie: That man came again…
Ami: That one that keeps on standing at the gates? So stubborn…
Jurina: Who is that man?
Oku: CinDY sensei’s ex boyfriend
Jurina: Eh? Vice Principal likes men too?
Fujie&Ami&Oku: Just what type of image does she have to you?!

160. Counselling
Kazumi: What to do… I already rejected him so many times but he’s still stubborn… (worrying)
Fujie: Few of those types of men now. CinDY sensei why don’t you reconsider…
Kazumi (reluctant to say): No… I don’t have feelings for him anymore…
Oku: That is pretty troubling.
Ohori: Fine, I’ll help you tell him. (taking responsibility)
15 minutes later, everyone sees the guy leaving depressed
Fujie: Amazing! Dr.Ohori!
Ami: What did you do….
Jurina: What did you say to him?
Ohori: Not much, I just asked him “can you make CinDY come 7 times in one night….”
Kazumi (raging): Shut Up!!!!!
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (141-150 July 12)
Post by: leEwẬy on March 08, 2013, 05:01:12 PM
Hi, I'm new in here :grin:
Your trans fic is hilarious :lol:
When I read it I couldn't stop lauging :mon scare:
WMatsui and Mayuki are great :mon lovelaff: (maybe :D)
Poor Yuki and Jurina in this chap :mon hanky:
Anyway, thank you for translating this awesome fic  :mon loveflower:
Update soon, please :mon pray2:
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (141-150 July 12)
Post by: K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS on March 08, 2013, 07:10:22 PM
Looooooool! Your trans for the drabble is awesome!

Can't stop laughing xD

Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (141-150 July 12)
Post by: m00nchild on March 11, 2013, 05:21:53 AM
nice fic,
all of this was so funny,
It also happy when reading,
nice trans also, thx for the hard work,
please update soon
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (141-150 July 12)
Post by: Yu_oshi on March 11, 2013, 07:17:36 PM
Hope you can update more often :D this fic is hilarious
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (141-150 July 12)
Post by: 0_o on April 26, 2014, 05:56:44 AM
Lol almost a year since the last time i updated.

161) Ten plus ten Sakura
20 years later
Baby cries emitting from the operation room
A weak Haruna: Darling! Let me see our child! (touched)
A excited Yuko: Yes! That's our child! Look, they look like you!
Haruna: That's not true! They look more like you~
Fujie: Ahhhhhhhhhh-- (wakes up) That was a dream... so scary!

162) Lingering Fear
Ami: Fujie sensei... you don't look too well
Fujie: Nothing... I just had a nightmare last night...
Yuko: Fujie sensei~ Come play with us~
Fujie(surprised): Oh... okay...
Yuko: We're playing family, I'm the papa, Haruna is mama and Fujie sensei is the child.
Fujie: No!!! (grabs her head and runs away)

163) Flaunting
After school
Aki (stare~~)
San: Oh? Does ojou-sama like that toy?
Aki (nods)
San: Alright, I'll show off my skills to ojousama! I may look like this but I just to have the title of Akiba's 6th Demon King (That has nothing to do with claw machines)
Successfully gets the toy--
San(pleased): As long as ojou-sama likes it
Aki(beckons): Rie Rie~
San: Oh? Ojou-sama's friends. Alright, it'll be a special today~
Kitahara(beckons): Sasshi Sasshi~
Sasshi(beckons): Lovetan Lovetan~
Aika(beckons): Mayuyu Mayuyu~
Mayu(beckons): Yukirin Yukirin~
(more people crowd over)
San: Ah...
Sunglasses(pleased): It's your own fault. Ha!

164) Fight
San: Don't laugh! Lend me money! I didn't bring enough money!
Sunglasses: Why would I lend to the yakuza? If you don't have money just extort it from some citizens.
San: Have you watched too much TV? What era of yakuza is that?
Sunglasses: Oh? So modern yakuza is only good at claw machines?
San: Yah! Don't look down at claw machines! The skill behind it is something that you who needs to have a date with a kindergarten teacher at a cafe in order to pretend to be serious will understand !
Sunglasses: The one who got chocolates on Valentines from a cop has no right to speak!
San: ... (angry)
Sunglasses: ... (furious)
San: Lets battle then!
Sunglasses: Exactly what I was thinking!
Sayaka: Are you two still children!?

165) Fight 2
Aki: San go~~~
Yukirin: Sunglasses don't lose~~
Sae: Ohhhh a battle between men!
Passerby Mai: What are you doing crowding around here! Why aren't you going home?
Sasshi(points): We're watching the men fight!
San(teeth clenched): So you do have some skill, but I won't lose!
Sunglasses(fist clenched): I underestimate you, I'll get serious now!
Mai(blacklines): These two men... are competing for who gets more toys...

166) Breaking Off (their friendship)
Moeno: Sasshi I can't stand you any longer! You never consider my feelings!
Sasshi: Moeno you aren't any better than me! You keep on being childish!
Moeno: huhuhu (shaking from anger) We won't be friends anymore!
Sasshi(stubborn) Fine!
Moeno&Sasshi: Hn!
Jurina: Maeda sense what's wrong with them?
Ami(crying): They're arguing over whether milk pudding or strawberry pudding tastes better...

167) Cold War
Sasshi (sees Moeno): Hn! (shakes her head)
Sasshi(sees Moeno again): Hn! (shakes her head again)
Sasshi (keeps on looking at Moeno): Hn! (shakes her head multiple times)
Meono: You keep on running in front of me and "Hn"-ing are you trying to die!?

168) Punishment
Sasshi: Moeno Moeno~ Blah! (tongue out)
Moeno: ...
Sasshi: If you want to make up you have to apologize~ (makes a face)
Moeno: ...
Sasshi: Only if you apologize will I consider being your friend again~
Moeno: Someone who I've already pinned onto the floor has no right to say that! (twists her arm)
Sasshi: Ahhhh Pain!! I'm sorry I'm sorry!

169) Make up
Moeno returns to her class room and finds that there is a milk and strawberry pudding on her desk. Also a note with crooked writing: both are good
Moeno: What, Rino you idiot, how unhonest (laughs)
Sasshi: =3= I never said that Strawberry pudding was bad ... I just like milk pudding a bit more
Moeno: It's fine, whatever Rino likes (kisses)
Sasshi: =//3//= I'm going back to class
The next day
Sasshi: Lovetan let me kiss you~~
Aika: Eh!! No!!
Moeno: Rino! You're just itching for a fight aren't you!! (runs, jumps, kicks)
Ami (crying): When will you two actually make up

170) Ten year Sakura
10 years later
A pretty Moeno: We're going to graduate soon... We'll need to separate...
A slim Sasshi: oh...
Moeno: Rino... We've been together since kindergarten... I've always liked you...
Sasshi: Moeno... I...
Moeno: ... Don;t speak... I'm scared I won't be able to handle it (cries) thank you for being by my side... Can I ask you a question though?
Sasshi: Go ahead...
Moeno: Milk or Strawberry pudding, which one is better!?
Ami: ahhhhhhhhhhh~~ (wakes up) That dream... so scary!

Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (161-170 April 25)
Post by: teru_fi on April 26, 2014, 07:32:48 AM
Yosh ! An update. It's bout' time eh. It's good to read this fic again but the problem is... I can't get enough. Need more updates author-san.
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (161-170 April 25)
Post by: Yu_oshi on April 26, 2014, 09:44:27 PM
May I ask you for raw of this story again? the Link you gave in the first post was dead since they move to a new host, thank you.
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (161-170 April 25)
Post by: 0_o on April 27, 2014, 03:03:50 AM
May I ask you for raw of this story again? the Link you gave in the first post was dead since they move to a new host, thank you. (

here you go
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (161-170 April 25)
Post by: 0_o on July 25, 2014, 01:32:13 AM
Wow surprise surprise a second update in the same year!  :shocked

Akiba Kindergarten 171-180

171) School Open House 1
Akiba kindergarten is welcoming the day of it's open house
AkiP: Teachers, today is a very important day!
Teachers: Oh!
AkiP: To show the parents how wonderful our school is and how the kids are to doing, an open house is crucial.
Teachers: Oh!
AKiP: I knew everyone is stress, but don't worry just act as you usually do, there definitely won't be any problems!
Jurina: Usually? (flashback)
Reina - Yuko, Haruna just decide which one of you will be the bride already!
Ami - Rino stop bullying Atsuko!
Oku - Bleak, everything is so bleak!
Ohori - Oh hohoho come on my little lambs~
(flashback ends)
Jurina: No matter what angle I look from it's very worrisome.

172) School Open House 2
East side of Akiba Kindergarten - a black Bentley slows down
West side of Akiba Kindergarten - a limo slows down
The owner of the black Bentley looks aggressive and is wearing a kimono while followed by a fierce group of about 10 people.
The owner of the limo looks on with sharp eyes and is wearing a fancy suit with an air of aristocracy followed by 10 bodyguards.
Owner of the Bentley: It's been a while Kashiwagi Masaki! You new money people's dead fish eyed look is as irritating as ever!
Owner of the limo: Same same Takajo Hideo! The faces of you yankees makes me want to puke!
(insert glaring scene of some sort) // what im lazy yo
Yuki&Aki: Papa~~ (Hugs)
Masaki&Hideo: =///0///= good girl~~~
In front of their daughters, no matter how strong the man they become soft

173) Open House 3
Daruma: Hey! Today is the open house, other than parents, outsiders can't come in!
Takajo's henchmen: Ha? Are you talking to me? If you know better get out of my way! I can't guarantee your life if you go against the Takajo family.
Kashiwagi's bodyguards: Please think about your position, it's not good to anger the Kashiwagi family.
Daruma: What? You wanna fight? Are you going to fight me or will I beat you all up
Crowd: Who do you think you are? A gold lion? Hahahah --
One minute later, bodies all over the place.
Sunglasses: This scene seems familiar... (adjusting glasses)
San: Ah... yeah... (smoking)

174) Open House 4
Yuko's Mom: Ah isn't it Mrs.Kojima~ Thank you for taking such good care of our Yuko~
Haruna's Mom: Ahh Mrs.Oshima you must be joking, our Haruna comes over to your house a lot too~
Yuko's Mom: Our Yuko really likes Haruna~
Haruna's Mom: The kid's relationship being so good is a wonderful thing~
Jurina(blacklines): ... Do you two parents really not think there isn't anything strange about your daughter's relationship?

175) Open House 5
Big Bro: Pleased to meet you, I'm Sae's oldest brother:
Reina: Same here.
Big Bro: Sae's second and third brother have to go to school, so I'll be assuming the responsibility as guardian for this open house.
Reina: It must have been troublesome for you to have to come (To self: This person is way too serious!)
Big Bro: We've always been teaching Sae about how to be a man, may I ask how Sae has been doing in kindergarten?
Fujie: Ah... (flashback)
Sae: Yukirin! I will definitely win your heart! I definitely won't bring shame to the Miyazawa family name!
(flashback ends)
Fujie: ... ah yes... definitely very manly...

176) Open House 6
Oku: Mrs. Kasai, before class starts I want to talk about your daughter Tomomi's problem.
Tomomi's mom: Ah... go ahead sensei.
Oku: Maybe I'm stepping over bounds, but I think if we don't fix Tomomi's catch phrase problem it might affect her future interactions with other people.
Tomomi's mom (turns around): Tomomi! chiyuu??
Tomomi (explaining): Chiyuu~~ chiyuu! chiyuuu!! Chiyuu chiyuu~
Tomomi's mom: Sensei, I don't think there's anything wrong with Tomomi's speech.
Oku: The culprit was you!

177) Open house 7
A class in session
Ami: No-Now sensei will tell the class a story (nervous)
Parents: Why is the teacher's voice so quiet, how can the kids hear... (discussing)
Ami (to self): No... so scary...
Atsuko: Rino, let's go help Sensei....
Sasshi: Okay I'll take care of it!
(Sasshi starts hugging Aika who sits in front of her)
Sasshi: Lovetan let's kiss~~
Ami (8 octaves higher): Rino let go of Aika!!!!

178) Open house 8
Ohori: Hello kids (pretending to be soft) Today is a special health lesson that the principle arranged specifically for the open house (trying her best to be soft)~ So I, Dr. Ohori Megumi will be teaching the class~ Will you welcome me?~
All the kids (scared to speak)
Parents chattering
Ohori (pissed): Kids listen up, health class is important~ If you don't like Dr. Ohori's class, then we will arrange a school wide health check next week~ (threatening tone)
Kids(frightened): Like like like!!! We love it!!!

179) Open house 9
Outside activity time
Jurina: Today Jurina sensei will be teaching everyone a new set of exercises, I'll demonstrate once~
Rena who snuck in: hehehe~ This open house is the best chance. Die! Jurina!
Jurina(shocked): Shoot, Rena-neechan snuck in with the parents. If I fight back my identity will be exposed! Damnit!
Rena: If I shoot darts nobody will know~ (shoots)
Jurina (still demonstrating): Danger! (reflexively dodges)
Rena: you can dodge once but can you dodge ten times? (continuously shoots)
Jurina (dodges frantically)
Parents: This sensei's moves are so weird (chattering) ... Is this really fine?... (chattering)
Jurina (furious): Matsui Rena don't let me see you!

180) Open house 10
Parent A: I didn't think that Oku Sensei would be so young, my naughty child must have troubled you!
Oku: No no (happy)
Parent B: Oku Sensei, your skin is so nice, someone like me who's given birth can't compare.
Oku: No no (happy)
Parent C: Oku Sensei this is my number, when my wife isn't home you can find me.
Oku: No no.... (blacklines)
Parent C: If it's troublesome to visit my house, we can go out.
Oku: ....


well next up is continuation of the open house and eremyao, what a dead ship maybe i should skip it
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (171-180 July 24)
Post by: Senelcar on July 25, 2014, 08:56:10 AM
that was great :)
Now you can surprise us readers even more, and update a 3rd time in the same year !!
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (161-170 April 25)
Post by: sastio13 on August 15, 2014, 07:51:30 PM
it's really funny, entertaining! i laughed a lot while reading all of these...
wow you surprise the readers with your update in same year
great job!  :twothumbs
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (171-180 July 24)
Post by: 0_o on December 23, 2014, 10:22:32 AM
Alright children consider yourselves lucky that I'm updating for the third time this year...
I had 9 of them done when I posted the last one I was just too lazy to translate the last one so a bonus two!
\o/ how lucky.

Akiba Kindergarten 181-192

181) Open house - lunch
The kindergarten prepared the same lunch for the parents as the kids so that they can understand how healthy the kid's lunches are.
Sayaka (carrying her lunch over to her mom)
Sayaka's mom: Sayaka? What's wrong?
Sayaka (splits half of her lunch with her mom): Mom, eat more.
Sayaka's mom (touched): Sayaka~
Parents: What a good kid (chattering)
Sayaka: The lunch at the kindergarten is really good.
Sayaka's mom: Yeah! Mom is happy~
Sayaka: Then you should know how bad the food you cook  is right?
Sayaka's mom (chokes)

182) Open house - Meet the parents
Atsuko's mom: You are Minami? (smiles)
Takahashi: Ah! Hello Auntie! (nervous)
Atsuko's mom: Our Atsuko mentions you a lot, it seems that she's found a good friend~
Takahashi: Acchan... (blushing) mentions me in front of her mom... (touched)
Atsuko's mom: You're last name is Minegishi right?
Takahashi Ehhhh!!!!

183) Open house - lovey dovey
Yuki and Mayu fooling around
Yuko and Haruna flirting
Tomomi and Tomomi hugging
Parents: Ah the children are so lovey dovey~ (chattering)
Teachers: Why don't we see the same thing!

184) Open house - already old
Masaki(looking at the sky): Old yankee, your punches are slow...
Hideo(looking at the sky): New money, your bones are getting weak...
Masaki: We're both old...
Hideo: Yeah, back in high school the two of us could have beat up over 100 people from "Paradise Red Lotus"
Masaki(looking at the sky crying): What are you talking about... it seems like it was a long time ago...
Hideo(looking at the sky crying): Youth... hn... always seem so unwilling to accept that it's gone...
Daruma: Aren't you two grown men embarrassed by losing and then crying!?
(The two who wanted revenge for their minion got to experience how good the kindergarten's security is)

185) Open house - results
Fujie (tired): Ah~ finally done, today's open house was so tiring...
Ami (hugging her knees in a corner): I don't want to live! I was embarrassed in front of the parents!
Jurina(crushes her cup): Rena you are dead! Rena you are dead!
Oku: hehehe... (was complimented on her youth)

186) Eyesight
Ami: Let's have roll call
Ami: Atsuko!
Atsuko: Hai~
Ami: Mariko
Mariko: Here~
Ami: Minami!
Takahashi: Here!
Ami: Minami!
Takahashi: I'm here! (raising her hand)
Ami: Where?
Takahashi: I'm here (standing on her toes)
Ami (to self): I can't see you if you stand behind Mariko...

187) Hugging the wrong person
Fujie: Dr. Ohori, Ono from our class tripped~
Ohori: OKay, I'll go check~ (scary expression)
Ono: Iyaa~~ (runs away)
Jurina: Fujie sensei, what happened?
Fujie: Ah! Jurina sensei, Ono ran away from the infirmary. Can you help me?
Jurina: Okay!
(10 mins later)
Jurina: Fujie sensei, I've caught her. Who would have thought she'd hide in the B classroom, made me search for so long.
Fujie&Ohori(black lines): Jurina sensei... that's Ishida Haruka...

188) Rescue
Ono(hiding behind a tree): 55555 Dr.Ohori is so scary 55555
Miyazaki: It's Erepyon... (runs) Erepyon are you hurt?
Ono: Yes... (covering her injury and crying)
Miyazaki(thinking): Rescuing the damsel = healing Ono = increased feelings == LOVELOVE (mousou out of control)
Miyazaki: I can help you! (full of confidence)
Ono: Ah~ really? Myao you treat me so well~
Miyazaki (blushing): As long as Erepyon is okay!
a minute later
Miyazaki (opens the door): Dr.Ohori! Erepyon's hurt! Hurry and help her!
Ono: Iyaa!! (dragged into the infirmary)

189) Requited love
Miyazaki: I wonder if Erepyon's okay now (peeking behind a tree)
Ono: Ah... Myao's watching me from behind that tree (embarassed)
Miyazaki: Erepyon's not moving... is she still injuried? (worried)
Ono: Myao keeps watching me... so embarrassed... I can't move (uneasy)
Miyazaki (keeps peeking)
Ono (still frozen)
Fujie: Oku-sensei, is that a new game for the children?
Oku: I don't know.

190) Invitation
Miyazaki: Erepyon... do you want to play on the seesaw with me (blushing)
Ono: Okay... (shy)
Miyazaki: I'm so happy that I can play on the seesaw with Erepyon... (blushing)
Ono: Me too... (shy)
Miyazaki: Erepyon, you sit first! (polite)
Ono: No no you sit first! (modest)
Miyazaki: If Erepyon doesn't sit then I won't sit! (persistent)
Ono: If Myao doesn't sit then I won't sit either! (stubborn)
Sayaka: You two should consider the feelings of those waiting in line!

191) Synchronization
Miyazaki: How about we both then (blushing)
Ono: Okay.. (blushing)
The two of them sit on the seesaw
Sayaka: What the hell are you going to do with the both of you sitting on the same side!

192) Trends
Mayu: Ne ne ne Yukirin look!
Yuki: On Erepyon and Myao are playing on the seesaw, but why are they both sitting on the same side?
Mayu (sparking): Yukirin, let's play too!
Yuki: If you say so Mayuyu.
Mayu and Yuki sit on the seesaw too
Sayaka: Shouldn't you consider the seesaw's feelings with all four of you sitting on the same side!
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (181-192 Dec 23)
Post by: hidden_player on December 23, 2014, 02:09:38 PM
Poor Takamina, mistaken with Miichan and be made fun of her height :lol:

When will her Atsuko know about her feeling? Or maybe never, LOL.

Keep waiting for new update :twothumbs
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (181-192 Dec 23)
Post by: Kairi65 on December 23, 2014, 02:28:37 PM
this is just... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you're making my jaw hurts but who cares?!! HAHAHAHAHA~!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (181-192 Dec 23)
Post by: 0_o on June 20, 2016, 06:07:47 AM
Akiba Kindergarten 193-200

193) Practice
Rena: Damn, in order to beat Jurina I must get stronger!
(under a waterfall)
Rena: I need to become stronger!
(climbing up a cliff)
Rena: This isn't enough! Stronger!
(fighting a black bear)
Staff: This customer, you're inconveniencing us by climbing into the black bear's habitat and beating them up.
Rena: Eh? Isn't this Mount Fuji?
Staff: This is Akiba Zoo! There should be a limit to you getting lost!

194) Meditation
Rena: It's probably safer to train at home.
Rena: First meditation to remove all distractions... (Closes eyes)
(defeat Jurina... Defeat Jurina... defeat Jurina...)
Kumi (enters the room pushing the door loudly): Eh? Rena Senpai is training?
Yui (quietly): Sh! Kumi you should push the door gentler! Rena Senpai is meditating!
Rena (Meditating): push over Jurina... push over Jurina... push over Jurina... (Meditation failed)

195) View
There is one thing that Jurina cares about a lot
Kazumi - mesmerizingly well endowed
Fujie - healthily
Ami -  plump
Oku - unexpectedly large
Self - completely flat
Sasshi - Teacher, i understand how you feel. (pats her shoulder)
Jurina: I don't need pity from a kid! And how could you possibly understand me!

196) Measures
Jurina: How can I become larger... (frustrated)
(papaya) (plastic surgery ad) (green peppers)
Jurina: ...
Sasshi: I can only help you so much.
Jurina: I don't need your pity! And what is that green pepper for!

197) Habit
Oku: Dr.Ohori, I don't feel well...
Ohori (checking): It's really nothing, female sickness, just get some more rest.
Ami: Dr.Ohori, my throat hurts...
Ohori (diagnosing): You screamed too much, bring this medicine home and drink it.
Fujie: Dr.Ohori, I accidentally cut myself with a knife...
Ohori (wrapping): Remember not to get your hand wet.
Jurina: Dr.Ohori, I'm here to collect the report
Ohori (doesn't even turn her head): It's on the table, get it yourself.
Fujie&Ami&Jurina: A serious Dr.Ohori... it feels so weird! =口=

198) Visit
Fujie: Dr.Ohori what's wrong with you lately? You look so tired.
Ohori: Oh... My aunt came.
Fujie&Ami&Oku&Jurina (Each passes over a package of pads)
Ohori: I mean my mother's sister! (slams desk)
Fujie: Is your aunt very scary?
Ami (thinking): Already an elder but has the hear of a perverted man
Oku (None of my business I won't participate)
Jurina: She's hiding in your home because the police are after her for perving on lolis?
Ohori: All of your ideas are rude!

199) Danger
Ohori: Actually she's working with my mother to try and get me to go on a blind date...
Fujie: What! I thought it was something serious
Ami (to self): Well Dr.Ohori is at that age....
Oku (so much pressure for those that are forever single)

200) Prevention
Ohori (watching tv)L I need to go see that man tomorrow... what a pain...
Ohori: Hai~~ (Open door)
Kazumi (drunk): Megumi are you really going to the blind date tomorrow??? (pounces)
Ohori: CinDy, you got this drunk just to ask me about this? (Hugs)
Kazumi (Vicious): Tonight! I'm not going home!
Ohori: Again... this is a pain too...
The next day Ohori Megumi slept in due to overexertion and missed her blind date


Alright and that's 200, it only took me 4 years...
Yeah I'm horrible at this, but on the bright side my Chinese has definitely improved over the years /o/.
Honestly if you people ever get a chance or ever are able to kidnap someone to translate for you, then you should totally do it. Especially since there is another 800 drabbles...
I always thought I wasn't doing the author justice with the way I was translating it or the pace that I was going, especially since during this time he's already released so much more stuff. [There are also three sets of akb majisuka drabbles that he did and he's doing a NII majisuka that's already 500 drabbles. How does he even do it...]

I sort of just lost interest in akb over the years and never really found myself getting back into. Although somehow I got dragged into SNH but that's a whole other issue (hit me up if you want recommendations for chinese snh fics, they're great and I could never dream of writing that well)
Title: Re: [Translation] Akiba Kindergarten (192-200 June 19)
Post by: akbdaisuki48 on June 20, 2016, 08:08:39 AM
old ... but gold .. old but gold
all the old members and their ridiculousness
I'm having a time slip

how can i just read this now??

theres still fewer fic were made with the new pairing on the table
but i hope i could find more amazing fic like this with newer members

thank you very much for translating this ... its ... reminds me of my first oshi ... and all those old good times in a such fun way