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The AKBar48 => AKB48 News & Releases => Topic started by: maliciel on May 12, 2012, 05:38:14 PM

Title: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: maliciel on May 12, 2012, 05:38:14 PM
JKT48 will be having their theater debut (!

They'll be staging a few shows over next weekend. The theater is a temporary arrangement at the moment, but I figure it is to buy time before a more permanent location is picked. You can find the girls participating and all that jazz in the link above. There's no news on what exactly they'll be performing, I'm assuming we will only know when it actually happens. If you're in Indonesia, and want to see a show and for some reason can't speak Bahasa Indonesia, I have a translation up here. (
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: yukofan on May 13, 2012, 02:08:37 PM
i'm so happy for jkt48..i want to see their performance.unfortunately i live in a town that far from jakarta :(
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: s34l on May 14, 2012, 08:35:43 AM
well, I'm not really interested in JKT but I think it won't hurt trying to get their tickets  XD
(although getting to the theater is a pain in the ass, literally  :lol: )

I'm very curious what koen will they perform and in what language...
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: Heika88 on May 16, 2012, 07:59:25 PM
Maybe they will performe the A1 stage^^° Could be interesting!^^
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: s34l on May 17, 2012, 04:28:46 PM
^I heard they perform B3 - Pajama Drive today...
fully translated into indonesian...

well, I guess that's why E finished their pajama drive and started on saka agari.... :lol:
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: Pwoper48 on May 17, 2012, 04:50:59 PM
Well... they've performed Pajama Drive today.. Full translated into Indonesian but still good :twothumbs

Of course they can't perform it like team B, but overall its good

I like to see how my oshi is very shining at the stage :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: Flean on May 17, 2012, 04:55:52 PM
LOL.. I wonder how does fully Indonesian version of B3 sounds like.. XD
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: aruka on May 18, 2012, 01:06:09 AM
One of the audiences posted a live report of the debut theater show on his G+. For the curious people here... douzo~

E**l C*****a*****a
12:12 AM  -  Public
JKT48 1st Stage "PAJAMA DRIVE" shonichi
2012-05-17 Nyi Ageng Serang Hall, Jakarta

After waiting week after weeks, month after months, finally JKT48 debuted their theater show. On May 17th 2012, their first theater show was held on Nyi Ageng Serang hall, on the southern part of Jakarta, and I was one of the 300 persons lucky enough to be able to attend their first show.

When they announced their first show schedule, I was excited, the moment that most of us Indonesian 48 fans have been waiting is finally coming, but my heart was also full of worries: will the show be good ? will the management able to handle the crowd of fans well? will the fans behave well during the show?

Today all of the worries and questions in my head was answered.

I arrived at the site around 17.15, the time to claim our ticket was scheduled from 15.00 to 18.00. When I arrived at the ticket counter, I showed the notification e-mail on my phone and my ID to the ticketing officers, on Akihabara theater or Singapore theater that would suffice, but here, the officers asked me to submit a print out of the e-mail to them. I protested, saying that they shouldn't ask for the print out because it's not enviromentaly friendly, and by showing my ID and my ticket lottery number, they should have been able to check if my claim for the ticket is valid or not, but since they still insisted, I went to a nearby copy/printing service to print the e-mail. I got back to the ticketing counter on 17.55, just minutes before they start to sell the unclaimed tickets to the waiting list number holders.

Around 18.15, we entered the inner building and was given a queue number from 1 to 10, I got number 3. The show goers was told to queue according to the numbered queueing lines, and then the staffs randomly picked numbered cards from a bag to determine which queue line would go first, second, and so on. The queue number 10 was called first, and my queue was called just 2nd to the last, and I got a seat in the center part of the 7th of 8 rows. Over all, I liked this system better than the ones on the Akihabara or the singapore theater. kudos to the JKT48 staffs who were able to handle the queueing crowds excellently. m(_ _)m

Before the show begins, some fans asked me if they would be allowed to stand behind the seat rows so they can do crazy moves without obstructing and disturbing other fans during the show, so I asked one of the japanese staff about the matter. Surprisingly, the answer I got was: everyone is allowed to stand, even on the seating rows. I protested, saying that since the floor was flat and the stage was not high enough, if the people in the seating rows were standing, the ones behind will not be able to see the stage, but the staff insisted that he wanted the show to be lively so he wanted everybody to be standinng during the show. Fortunately, even though the staffs allowed the fans to stand, the fans decided to stay seated so everyone can watch the show. kudos to the fans ^_^


The stage set list was Pajama Drive setlist, translated to bahasa Indonesia.

"Shonichi" kick-started the show. While I'm always reluctant to see the song performed by other than the original Team B, and being translated made the song sounded a little bit weird, the performance was actually enjoyable. But it was Hisatsu Teleport that made the crowd sound excited.

After the 4 openning group songs, the girls started the intro MC. I was not familiar with most of the girls, so I really paid attention the the intro MC. I didn't take note of what the girls said, bit one thing really caught my attention: ghaida has a screechy talking voice XD Over all, it was very nice to hear the girls introduce themselves in a more relaxed way than the scripted catch phrase they usualy said on the TV performances.

Tenshi no shippo
The members: Nabilah (rabutan position), rena, dhike.
Overall the songs was performed cutely, although I feel that dhike is a little bit out of her place in this song, because she's not really cutesy type member. Nabilah being herself sometimes put a little bit too much force on her movements, rena was very cute. One thing I noted, the cat tail on the costume seemed a little bit too small compared to the skirts they wore. They should either make the tails bigger, or the skirts shorter, I prefer the later option :D

Pajama Drive
The members: Shania (Mayuyu position), Sendy, Ayana.
I have too high expectations for this song (it's mayu's, harugon's and nacchan's song after all) so I will say that they didn't meet my expectation for this song. But that's not saying that they performed badly, it's just that I am too biased when it comes to this song :)

Junjou Shugi
The members: Sonya (haachan position), Stella, Ve
Now, although this is not the real Team B junjou shugi, I must say this: SONYA IS HOTTTTTTT !!!!! Stella and Ve also performed well, but SONYA IS JUST TOO DAMN HOT!!! (eventhough according to my friend who is haachan's fan, her pace is too slow :D ) I really really think Sonya should be put on Nacchan's role on the set list, she's hmmm.... I don't know what how to say this in english, but in bahasa indonesia, her body is "padat berisi" just like nacchan, and although she doesn't have nacchan's stamina (yet) she also has the same movement type as nacchan. And that made me wonder how much hotter Junjou Shugi would be if Nacchan performed it.

Temo Demo no Namida
The members: Melody (yukirin position), Jeje
hmmm my mind was still full of sonya's hotness so I can't say much about this song performance other than it's not as cold and precise as it was when it was performed by yukirin and mikachi.

Kagami no naka no Jean D'arc
The members: Kinal (ayarin position), Bebi, Cleo, Ochi, Ghada
Well, it's not as powerful as the original song, but I think it was to be expected, given the nature of the song and this was the first show. Just give the members some more time to practice the song, and they would be able to perform it more powerfully next time.

2 years later, Inochi no tsukaimichi, Kissu shite son sichatta

I was really-really waiting to hear the translation of the Inochi no tsukaimichi, because of the song's risque nature. In the translation, the "ojisan" words were removed but surpirisngly the other risque parts were left intact. When Ghaida was asked to explain what this song was about by the other members during an mc after the song, she could not find words to describe it, and finally she gave up and just said "girls are always too anxious about things" XD

Kissu shite son shicatta, was very very very enjoyable, given the song's beat was very similar to "PopDut" beat, a music genre popular among indonesian grass root.

Boku no sakura is a nice ending song for the pre-encore part of the show. Some of the performing members were touched by the song, and were sobbing by the end of the song.

- encore.. the encore command was: "JKT" and the other fans replied with: "48"

Wasshoi J
Just like Wasshoi B, the song made the room exploded :D Even though the song was titled Wasshoi J, I would like to give a nick name to the song: "Asoy J". "Asoy" is an indonesian slang word that means "exciting, enjoyable"

Over all the show was good, it exceeded my expectation of JKT48, the first AKB48 sister group outside japan. And I was very lucky to be one of the people that was able to watch the first show.

I'm not sure I can sway my friends that hate JKT48 to like them, but today I finally am able to say wholeheartedly, despite their weaknesses, their shortcomings, their sometimes weird decisions, JKT48 IS REALLY WORTH SUPPORTING! AND NOT JUST BECAUSE OF THE NUMBER 48 ON THEIR NAME.

- I presume most of JKT48 fans are not familiar with Pajama Drive Set List, but surprisingly, the timing for the mix was very good
- Rena, who's a japanese JKT48 member, is still learning bahasa indonesia, so she often has clueless expression on her face, and it makes her that much cuter <3


My comment for this live report is... "I am really really grateful I could directly witness the amazement of what was described in the live-report." :twothumbs

Pwoper-san, if only I know you in person, we could directly meet back then. :doh:
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: Pwoper48 on May 18, 2012, 01:39:33 AM
Aruka-san, I dont you were going to the show... Maybe we can meet later if JKT48 have their own permanent theater, the thing that all Indonesian fans are waiting :D

Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: aruka on May 18, 2012, 01:58:56 AM
Some accompanying photos taken by the press.. douzo~

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Source: (

@Pwoper-san: Hehe.. I was coming too by my own, and mostly quiet and alone during pre-show period since I know nobody. Thankfully got into chatting with two fellow audiences until we got separated by the group draw (the 1-10 groups). :lol:

Yeah, also hoping the permanent theater would soon establish... that time let's meet. :D
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: Pwoper48 on May 18, 2012, 05:21:18 AM
Yeay! Arigatou for the photos. Me gusta shania :heart:

@aruka-san haha me too. Luckily i met with my senior in high school
Hmm, where you sat last night? Im on the the 3rd row on the right side :D
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: aruka on May 18, 2012, 07:53:34 AM
@Pwoper-san: Eh~?! We were so close then! :shocked

I was on 3rd row too, among the center batch. My seat wasn't at the very middle though, but second from the most right. :D
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: Pwoper48 on May 18, 2012, 08:19:08 AM
@aruka-san wow! Im the first seat from the left haha
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: aruka on May 18, 2012, 09:02:59 AM
@Pwoper-san: Eh~? :shocked Eh~? :shocked Eh~? :shocked
Speechless already...      (literally shocked) :lol:
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: Pwoper48 on May 18, 2012, 11:13:12 AM
@aruka-san what? What? What? What happened? :lol:
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: aruka on May 18, 2012, 01:57:21 PM
@Pwoper-san: Just purely shocked. We're far closer than I think. Such coincidence.. :lol:
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: Pwoper48 on May 18, 2012, 03:55:44 PM
@aruka-san well, at first i dont really understand. then i re-read your comment.......

OMG!! If i know you before the Theater... haha


Another source if you wanna get the picture (

Credit : jpopasia
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: Pwoper48 on May 18, 2012, 06:38:01 PM
Anybody wants to get another pictures from the theater? (

credit : Makko - Publishing Dreams
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: yukofan on May 19, 2012, 12:40:48 PM
will this performance be released in DVD? or broadcasted in one of indonesia tv?
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: Pwoper48 on May 19, 2012, 02:50:13 PM
@yukofan I hope for the first one :D

I dunno, but of course JKT48 School will gave some information and preview (maybe)
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: aruka on May 19, 2012, 09:30:41 PM
JKT48's official (JKT48 Operation Team) released a digest of the debut theater performance (17/05/12)

JKT48 diary: Journey to The First LIVE Theater! (
Credits to JKT48 (

For those who're probably still new to the songs, this is the list, but only the ones played on the video.
Background music - Shonichi (初日)
0:53 - 1:08 - overture (JKT48 ver.)
1:17 - 1:31 - Shonichi (初日)
1:33 - 1:44 - Gokigen Naname na Mermaid (ご機嫌ななめなマーメイド)
1:45 - 1:50 - Kagami no Naka no Jeanne d'Arc (鏡の中のジャンヌ・ダルク)
1:51 - 1:58 - Kiss Shite Son Shichatta (キスして損しちゃった)
1:59 - 2:20 - Boku no Sakura (僕の桜)
2:29 - 2:47 - Suifu wa Arashi ni Yume wo Miru (水夫は嵐に夢を見る)

Credits to R. Wibbo (
All songs are sung in Indonesian.

Meanwhile, this is what's written on the description below the video in Youtube...
This is JKT48 members struggle in preparing their first live theater show. From the tiring and long recording process, days and days of practicing and detailing every choreography.

Truly a struggle for the members as they balanced school, exams and their JKT48 routines going for practice, interviews and stages.

These effort that really drains energy, sweat and tears that they gone through, pays of from first day full house at nyi ageng serang building.

Thank you for those who always supported JKT48, especially those who have come to the venue also those who have sent flowers at the the gates.
Thank you for being with JKT48 members in their journey to be an idol group.

BIG thank you for everybody for their supports in any kind of ways.

This show has been JKT48's step to grow more and more.
Don't forget to cheer us up so that our energy is filled to take the distance that we need.

Keep on supporting JKT48 for we promise that will grow more
each step we take.
follow our twitter @officialJKT48
or visit our Facebook Fan page ‪‪ (
also our official website ‪‪ ( ‬‬
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: Pwoper48 on July 06, 2012, 03:12:01 PM
Anybody go for this month theater? Seems there is a rumor that it will be the last stage of Pajama Drive. Yep, rumor. But, who knows?
Title: Re: [2012.05.17] JKT48 Debut Stage Performance
Post by: bunny_rabbit on July 06, 2012, 03:36:53 PM
i have checked my schedule for this month...and i think i can watch the performance :onioncheer: