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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: ChuuuPuffss on August 06, 2012, 05:24:10 PM

Title: More Than This : HIATUS For the time being :((
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 06, 2012, 05:24:10 PM
Hey, there ! I'm uhh... Chuuu ? hahah Yeah, u can call me that  :hee: I'm new here :D Well, I wanted to post my fic here !
To spread the SayaMilky Love  :shifty: I hope you'd enjoy this ~ This just popped out of my mind and I didn't have anything to do recently!
SayaMilky is hardly ever written hahaha ! UNIQUE so I hope somebody will bother to read. lol Wateva, Imma sleep now  :bored:
Efffuu okay.. you can read now  :wigglypanda:

More Than This
Chapter 1

“ Waaaaaahhh !! I’m going to be late ! I’m going to be late !! I’m not going to ruin my first day as a 2nd year student !! “

Watanabe Miyuki is now rushing to school while shouting random things. The neighbourhood is starting to think she is crazy.

“ Aiiissh ! I should’ve listened to Nana ! I bet she’s in school by now—kya!  Without noticing, she bumped into somebody


“ Ittaaai !! “

She shouted in pain as her ‘oshiri’ fell to meet the rough ground. Luckily, she wore shorts beneath…( If you know what I mean )

“ I’m sorry! Are you severely hurt ?? “ The girl she bumped into bowed down then offered her hand.

“ I-I’m fine.. “ Miyuki took the girl’s hand, stood up and shivered to the skin contact. She’s cute…and warm Miyuki thought.

“ Glad to know. “ The girl smiled at her. As Miyuki was about to answer, somebody called out to the girl in front of her

“ Sayanee ! Get changed already ! “

“ Hai ~ “ She replied. Then she looked at Miyuki “ I’m sorry, but I gotta go. I’ll catch you around the neighbourhood, then ? “ She smiled again

“ Y-Yeah.. “ Miyuki replied as if in a trance. But in truth, she’s just wondering why this girl is so beautiful and kind. Is her mother a goddess ? Speaking of her mother, didn’t her mother tell her to not talk to strangers ? These thoughts are killing her. If she thinks more and more about this, her head would explode.

She laughed cutely. “ Ja ne! “ The girl rushed to her home and closed the door. Leaving Miyuki in a real trance, but suddenly, she realized that she was in the middle of panicking if she was gonna be late for school. Well, what’d you know, she’s late.. or so she thinks.

“ Ehhh ! I forgot ! I’m gonna be late ! I’m so stupid getting caught up with that goddess—I mean, girl !... AAARGH ! Now I’m getting caught up with this ! Stop shouting and run ! “

With that, she ran as fast as she could, until she reached school. When she was about to enter the gates, she saw the big clock tower in her school. It was still 7:30 AM. Like, an hour earlier before class starts, since class starts at 8:30 or so. She sighed, and thought of herself as a fool. She entered the gates, then…

“ Milky !! Milky !! You’re here ! “

“ Miyuki-sama !! Welcome back to school !! “

“ Watanabe-sama ! Kyaaaaaa !! “

An imaginary sweat drop that appears in animes formed on the side of her head. She forgot the fact that she was popular. Known as the belle of the school. A crowd formed, surrounding her. Like she’s a celebrity with the paparazzi trying to get pictures and interviews. She struggled to get out of the people flocking her. Few more tries, and she was freed. She ran to the lockers, changed her shoes, checked up on what class she’s in, wasted her time, went to the Auditorium, then the opening ceremony began.

She finds the ceremony ultimately, extremely boring. Speeches and such, club introductions, euuk. So she started playing with her front mate’s hair. The random person looked at her back and saw Miyuki playing with her hair. Instead of being, angry, she just blushed and turned away. As being the belle of the school, Miyuki can do anything she wants. Time passed, then they went back to their respective classrooms.

“ Hai ! Ohayou, minna ! “ The teacher greeted

“ Ohayou, sensei ! “ The class greeted back

“ So lively in the morning ! You girls excited ? “

“ Hai ! “

“ That’s good ! Let’s introduce ourselves first before starting any drama, eh ? “

“ Hai ! “ This time, the girls said in a sing-song voice

“ Okay ! I’m Minegeshi Minami ! Yoroshikuu, ne ~ “ the teacher said then made a funny pose after. The girls giggled and started to tease their sensei.

“ Hai, Hai ~ I’d like to know about you girls next ! Hmm.. Let’s start with you ! “

“ Hai ! “ The girl stood up “ Yamada Nana desu! Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu~ “

“ Okay, sit , Bunny Teeth! Next !“

“ Ogasawara Mayu ! Nice to meet ya ! “

“ Oh, I like your accent, Fish ! Okay next ! “

“ I’m Matsui Jurina. Please take care of me “

“ Hmm.. You’re cute. Sit! Next ! “

“ Kimoto Kanon! Yoroshiku.. “

“ Awwee~ You’re such a cutsy wootsy dutsy  little kiddo ! “

“ E-Eh ? “

“ Next ! “

“ Watanabe Mayu ! Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu ~ “

“ Ohohoho ~ Your Oshiri is definitely Squishabble ! “

“ I get that a lot, Sensei ! “

“ That’s … weirdly undefined. Next ! You, with the big boobs ! “

Oh em gee, this class is boring.. I wonder where that girl earlier went to school… Miyuki thought

“ Yamamoto Sayaka ! Yoroshiku Onegaishimaachun ! “

“ HEY ! “ Ogasawara Mayu said

“ You’ve gotta stop borrowing Maachun’s name, Sayanee ! “ Yamada Nana exclaimed

Sayanee ? Miyuki thought she heard that name. She looked at the far end of beside the second door. She was surprised. She saw the girl she met earlier. And they’re classmates. What a coincidence and lucky day for Miyuki. She somehow thought this girl is interesting, and Miyuki never finds anyone interesting.
“ MILKY-SAMA !! “ Some of the girls shouted and interrupted Miyuki’s thoughts

“ Eh ? Nani ? “ She asked innocently causing fan girls to squeal

“ A’right! So the belle is in my class ? Interesting! Introduce yourself, Kid! “ Miyuki glared at the teacher

“ Woah woah ! Easy there, tiger ! “ The teacher stepped back, and the her students laughed at her

“ First of all, I’m not a kid! “ She exclaimed with a high-pitched voice. The teacher just nodded

“ .. I’m Watanabe Miyuki. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu “ With that, she bowed and fangirls cheered on for her and clasped their hands

“ Okay ! That was the last one, wasn’t it ? “
“ Haii ! “

“ Okay. Onto, some other crappy rules ! “

As the class was busy listening to their pervert of a teacher, Miyuki just stared at Yamamoto Sayaka. She’s really interested … interested to be Yamamoto Sayaka’s lover, maybe ?


A/N : There are 2 Nanas in this fic. One is Yamada Nana, 2nd is Watanabe Nana, Milky's sister~

How was it ? Boring ? Lame ? Awesome ? Good Enough ? OMFG.. hahaha~ Tell me what you think !  :byebye:  :sleep:

Title: Re: More Than This ( SayaMilky )
Post by: masokun on August 06, 2012, 06:11:49 PM
It's so refreshing to have NMB fic here..
let's spread NMB love  :deco:

It's sayamilky... lovely..  :wub:

could you possibly..put more Nana? onegaishimaachun *puppy eyes* onegai...? :cathappy:
Title: Re: More Than This ( SayaMilky )
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 07, 2012, 12:42:47 PM
It's so refreshing to have NMB fic here..
let's spread NMB love  :deco:

It's sayamilky... lovely..  :wub:

could you possibly..put more Nana? onegaishimaachun *puppy eyes* onegai...? :cathappy:

Ooh~ Yeah, sure :twothumbs Practically, Nana here is like a best friend for Saya, so it's cool  :bigdeal:
Title: Re: More Than This ( SayaMilky )
Post by: sakura_drop_ on August 07, 2012, 12:58:33 PM
*saves spot for a comment*
Title: Re: More Than This ( SayaMilky )
Post by: kahem on August 07, 2012, 01:59:07 PM
I like the class ^^
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 2 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 07, 2012, 03:53:22 PM
YAY an update lol  :on lol:
Okay... So I think this chapter is longer than the first  :wahaha:
Hope you enjoy it coz' this took me 2 hours or so to make since my laptop was f#$%^&* me up  :temper:
Chapter 2



“ Woohooo !! “

“ Hai ! Finally ! Dismissed, you bunch of airheads. “ Minegeshi said as she exited the room with a yawn

As class finally ended, girls started to flock the classroom. Seems like they’re willing to take a chance with the belle. But the belle didn’t even care as she just looked out of the window.

“ Ehhh.. The consequences of being a classmate of the belle “ Yamada Nana looked over to the girl at the far corner

“ She doesn’t seem to care for her so called fans.. “ Aina scrunched her nose to the curiosity

“ Yeah. I guess that’s the way she wants it, Aina~ “

“ Ne, Sayanee, are you okay ? “ Maachun eagerly asked

“ I’ve.. I’ve seen that girl earlier near my house. Seems like she’s my neighbour.. “

“ Who ? “ Aina asked as she went closer to Sayanee’s face

“ Watanabe Miyuki. “ Sayanee said as she flashed a grin to Aina as she almost got a heart attack to the sudden action

“ Whaaaaaaaaaaat ?? You dreaming, girl ? “ Maachun said

“ N-No ! I swear— “

Nana sighed as she explained “ You see, Sayanee, “ she patted Sayanee’s shoulder then she formed half of a rainbow with her hands while looking up the ceiling as her company followed where she looked at.

“ Life isn’t as what you may think it be. You just gotta hold on ! Let go of that feeling and— “


Aina and Maachun smacked Nana as hard as they can. Causing Nana to fall down to the floor, as a sweat drop formed on the side of Sayanee’s forehead.

“ Ittaaaaii !! WHAT THE #$%& WAS THAT FOR ?! “ Nana exclaimed at the two

“  Stop explaining non-sense to Sayanee, you baba ! “ Maachun said in a scolding tone

“ Sayanee, whatever you do, do not listen to Nana’s advice. She only says lines from movies ! Only listen to her when she’s serious “ Aina winked at Sayanee

“ HEY ! I heard that ! and Maachun, stop calling me baba or I’ll call you CARP ! “

“ I do not look like a carp ! “

“ Who said you looked like a carp ? “ Nana laughed mockingly at Maachun

“ Pffft ! “

“ HEY ! Aina ! You’re on her side ?! “

“ hahahaha ! I’m sorry, Maachun, b-but it’s just too funny !! “ Aina burst out laughing not being able to hold her face

“ Mouu ! You guys are so mea— “ Somebody interrupted Maachun

“ So, I heard you know where the belle lives “ The person made really near eye contact with Sayanee. LITERALLY. As in, their face are like, only a few inches away.

“ SHIOKICHI !!! “ The three idiots girls who we’re just fighting shouted in unison as they saw Matsuda Shiori, the “ Gossip Girl “

“ H-h-hai !! “ Sayanee stuttered as she was blushing. As Nana saw she couldn’t take it anymore, she pulled Shiokichi away from the over-blushing girl.

“ Shiokichi, you’re so intimidating. “ Nana said

“ Yeah, yeah, right ! Hush, baba-chan ! Okay, so where was I ? “ Shiokichi said as she put on her thinking pose as Aina and Maachun burst into giggles from the word “ BABA “ Nana just sighed and sat down on a table

“ Oh, yeah ! So where does she live ??? “ Shiokichi asked as the other three looked at her with curious faces

“ Oh, she lives near my house.. I guess ? “

“ How do you know ??? “Shiokichi asked again

“ Well, earlier this morning, she was running to school as I was tending the plants. Then, she bumped into me. “

“ Continue “

“ We talked for a while and yeah. That’s all~ “ Sayanee said as she put on a cute face

“ Hmmm… I didn’t get any info at all… and to think I was gonna sell this to her fans “Shiokichi mumbled

“ WAIT, WHAT ?!?! “ The other four asked in surprise

“ Eh ? Ohhh you heard that ? “Shiokichi smiled sheepishly

“ DUH ! “

“ Ehehehe “ Shiokichi scratched her hair “ Don’t worry about that since I didn’t get any info yet, so I won’t be doing that at the moment “ She fiddled with her hands after, getting busy

“ Did she just say at the moment ? “ Maachun said

“ Definite YES “ Aina replied

Maachun gasped and Nana looked over to Sayanee “ Sayanee, if you ever know her address, DO NOT EVER tell Shiokichi! “ Nana warned Sayanee then Sayanee looked over to Aina

“ She’s serious “ Aina gave her a thumbs up then Sayanee gave her a double thumbs up

“ AH ! Well, I got to go~ See ya later, Aina, Maachun, and baba-chan ~ Bye bye ! “ She went struggled her way out through the fangirls

“ Baba-chan… “ Nana sighed

“ I’m hungry.  “ Sayanee said

“ Let’s go grab something to eat – “

“ Yamamoto-san ? “

“ Eh ? “ Sayanee turned to the person who spoke and was surprised to see Miyuki. As the three girls rushed out of the classroom, leaving them to talk alone, Sayanee blushed.

“ Oh, uhh, Miyuki-san was it ? “

“ Hai. Can I ask some of your time ? “ Miyuki asked and looked at the side, avoiding eye contact

“ Yeah, sure ! “ then Miyuki nodded. They rushed to the rooftop and locked the door to avoid screaming fan girls

“ So, what’s up ? “ Sayanee asked with a grin

“ I just wanted to say sorry for bumping into you earlier.. “

“ Oh, no~ I should be the one saying sorry since you we’re the one who fell down! “

“ Iie ! It’s me who needs to do it! I bumped into you. "

“ Ehhh.. Um fine. Since you won’t give up, then be it. “

“ Ehehe “ Miyuki smiled sheepishly as she laughed

Ohhh.. This is the first time I’ve seen her actually smile. Sayanee thought

“ So, do you forgive me ? “ Miyuki asked curiously

“ Yep ! Not a big deal! “

“ T-Thank you ! “ flashed a playful grin and a peace sign

“ Ehehe~ “

…………………………………… Silence filled the rooftop.

“ Ah, “ Sayanee broke the silence “ I’ll properly introduce myself, then ! “

“ Un! “

“ I’m Yamamoto Sayaka ! You can call me Sayanee if you’d like. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu ~ “ She flashed a 100 wat grin and a peace sign

“ For a moment there, I thought you we’re gonna say ‘onegaishimaachun’ “ Miyuki laughed

“ I only do that if I want a flashy intro ! “

“ Well, I’m Watanabe Miyuki. You can call me Milky ! “

“ Alright, Milky ! So uhh does this mean we’re friends ? “ Sayanee asked as she scratched her head

“ Of course, baka ! “

“ I said Sayanee not baka hahaha “ Sayanee laughed

“ It was a joke ! a joke ! “ Miyuki said as Sayanee laughed

“ Oh, are we neighbours or something ? Coz’ you looked like you came from my block “

“ Oh, yeah. I just live a few houses away. “

“ That’s cool.. “

“ You don’t talk much do you ? “ Miyuki asked

“ Eh ? No. I talk. A LOT. “ Miyuki laughed “ I just feel that you might think I’m weird or something “

“ Oh, not at all. I’m a talker myself! “

“ I didn’t know the belle was this playful “ Miyuki didn’t reply to that statement

“ I.. I really don’t like being called the belle.. “

“ Why ?? “

“ It’s too out of character to me. It’s like I’m showing them another side of me which is fake.. “ Miyuki said as she was starting to tear up. Then Sayanee patted her back

“ Eh ? “

“ Don’t worry, Milky ! If you ever need to open up to someone, I’m always here ! And I would see you as Milky and NOT as the belle! “ Sayanee flashed a comforting smile. Miyuki blushed and felt flattered to what she said. It’s been a long time since she had a friend who cares for her

“ Thank you, Sayanee! “ Miyuki hugged Sayanee then Sayanee blushed

“ Uhhh…. Y-yeah.. un.. “

From that day on, Sayanee and Milky we’re friends. But Miyuki, still has this interesting vibe on Sayaka. Very interesting.

A/N :Baba = Grandma . They call Nana as Baba-chan coz' fuu idk..
Yahhoooo ~ Sorry for my 'good' English  :on woohoo: If my grammar was really that bad  :kneelbow:
Time to study YAY   :on study:
Title: Re: More Than This ( SayaMilky )
Post by: sakura_drop_ on August 07, 2012, 07:12:06 PM
Because you already updated, I decided to do a double comment..  :sweatdrop:

As for the first chapter, i loved the accidental meeting of SayaMilky, and I loved the classmates of theirs, especially the teacher  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: and how she interacted with her students  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

As for the second chapter, SayaMilky interaction was very sweet and cute, it made my heart go all fluffy fluffy  ;) ;)

I'll be waiting for your next update  :bow:
Title: Re: More Than This ( SayaMilky )
Post by: Jori on August 07, 2012, 10:31:48 PM
I like this, i really don't follow nmb but this is interesting so please keep updating   :shy2:
Title: Re: More Than This ( SayaMilky )
Post by: yukofan on August 08, 2012, 12:29:28 AM
finally...this is what i've been waiting for..a nmb fic..i've just moved from akb fandom into nmb fandom. and i'm shipping sayamilky so hard right now..

milky as the belle of the school <3 of course because milky is so cute..and i think sayamilky have started to like each other,right?

i think nana is called babaa because she's the oldest member of nmb..correct me if i'm wrong..hehe..

can't wait for your next update..wanting for more sayamilky..and nana too XD
Title: Re: More Than This ( SayaMilky )
Post by: mo-chan on August 08, 2012, 01:48:27 AM
they are friends now  :shy2:
cantinue  :on GJ:
Title: Re: More Than This ( SayaMilky )
Post by: smarty0821 on August 08, 2012, 09:07:27 AM
WOOOHHOOOO!!!  :nya:

SayaMilky!!!!  :onioncheer: :onioncheer:

The story is interesting!!!  :bingo:

:kneelbow:  Please do continue.....!!!  :kneelbow:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 3 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 08, 2012, 04:42:20 PM
Woohoo ~ YAY another updatoooo  :on lol: This chapter is centered on the pairing hahaha
Anyway, just for everybody's who is reading this sake, I update every day. One chapter a day, that is  :kekeke:
BTW, Thanks to everyone who find this fic interesting or wateva. I never thought anyone would like this fic !  :yuki:
I really appreciate the support  :shy1:
Here it goes ~  :wigglypanda:

Chapter 3

A month after their friendship began…

“ SAYANEE !! “

“ Hmm ? “ Sayanee looked behind from her path and nibbled at her melon pan

“ Sayanee ! Wait for me ! “ Watanabe Miyuki shouted as she saw her friend going ahead of her

“ Eh ? Oh, Milky— Oof ! “ Milky jumped in for a hug from Sayanee who almost let go of her melon pan

“ Ohayou, Sayanee~~ “ Milky said cutely and shifted from a hug to clinging to Sayanee

Sayanee chuckled “ Ohayou, Milky. You didn’t have to hug me that tight, you know.. “

“ But, I missed you so much ! “

“ Oh, please, Milky, it’s been only a week end! You even called 10 times a day ! “

“ I can’t help it~~ “

“ My melon pan almost fell, mouu.. “ Sayanee pouted and looked away

“ Well, that’s your fault for being clumsy “ Milky stuck a tongue to Sayanee

“ It’s half of your fault!! “ Sayanee retorted

“ Okay, okay ! I’m sorry ! “ Milky let go of Sayanee’s arm and looked away “ ..Geez, a hug could do no harm.. “ she mumbled

“ Ha! Finally admit it ! Hoho~ I win ! “ Milky looked at Sayanee with a cute pout and puppy eyes on her face. Seriously, nobody could resist it! “ M-Milky ?? “ Sayanee asked with a frustrated face if whether she would give in to this or not. After a few seconds nobody made their move until Milky looked away and walked ahead of Sayanee

“ E-Ehh ?? “ Sayanee still had that frustrated look on her face. Looks like Milky is losing to this game. It was always Milky who won because Sayanee spoils her too much. But, even though she and Milky had been friends for only a month, she knew that Milky has very sensitive feelings. And hurting her is the last thing she’d ever do. So she gave in.

“ Wait up, Milky ! “ Sayanee chased after her then hugged her from behind. Luckily, there wasn’t a single person who saw.

“ I’m sorry, okay ! I’m sorry.. Please don’t be upset.. “

“ … Give me a reason why I shouldn’t be upset about this. “ Milky said with a bitter voice that made Sayanee’s skin feel cold

“ Because being upset affects your lovable personality, and if your personality changes, you wouldn’t be the Milky I love, right ? “ Sayanee grinned as she felt Milky heating up

LOVE ? Milky thought. Did I hear that right ??

“ …Unh.. “

“ Then, turn around and face me. “ Sayanee broke her hug and Milky turned to face Sayanee. Sayanee giggled as she still saw a scowl on Milky’s face

“ Stop frowning! You would look ugly if you frown all the time.. “ Sayanee said

“ So you’re telling me that I look ugly ? Is that it ? “ Milky raised her eyebrow

“ No. It’s just that, you look more beautiful when you smile. “ Sayanee did a reassuring smile that made Milky blush so hard. Sayanee is the only one who makes her heart go DOKIDOKI

What is this feeling ? .. Sayanee, you flirt. You’re making my heart go crazy. You’re making me blush all the time. I.. I think I love you… Milky thought

“ Sayanee.. I have a lot of questions flocking my brain. And they’re waiting to be answered. “

“ That’s not good. You have to discover the answer, before you go kaboom! “ Sayanee laughed

“ All of these questions are involving YOU. “

“ Wait, what ? “

“ Yes. You. I need you to answer them. “

“ Okay ! Yosh ! Fire the questions ! “

“ But.. Sayanee, I don’t have enough courage to ask these yet. “

“ Ehh ?? “

“ I feel it’s not time, yet. “

“ I’m lost. What’re we talking about again ? “

“ Nothing. “ Milky smiled. A Sad smile. Sayanee looked into Milky’s eyes.

I really need to know more about you, Milky. Or I won’t be able to help you. Your eyes hold so much more. Full of mystery, darkness, and sadness. I will make sure to be the one who’ll brighten those eyes. Mark my word. Sayanee thought . This gave her a motivation to make a move

“ What’s wrong ?? Are you okay ? “ Sayanee asked curiously

“ Huh ? What are you talking about ? I’m fine. “ Milky replied

“ Are you sure ? “

“ Yes! Don’t think about it too much, Sayanee. I’m completely okay! “ Milky gave Sayanee two thumbs up and a grin

Sayanee giggled “ Okay. Just remember that if you have something that is bothering you, I’m always here beside you! “ Sayanee grabbed Milky’s hand and intertwined them together causing Milky to blush… again.

“O-okay. “

“ Let’s go! Or we’ll be late “

“ yeah “

Somehow for Milky, this was the best day ever since she met Sayanee.

A/N :

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE lol Whatcha think ? Thumbs Up ? :sashiko:
This chapter was short lololol

Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 3 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: mo-chan on August 08, 2012, 04:53:58 PM
SayaMilky  are more close now  :shy2:
they are feeling in love  :luvluv1: :luvluv2:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 3 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: yukofan on August 08, 2012, 11:23:30 PM
sayamilky cho kawaii~

can't wait for your next update :cow:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 3 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: kahem on August 09, 2012, 02:13:11 AM
Matsuda Shiori, the “ Gossip Girl “
It's funny I'm reading your fic and watching gossip girl at the same lol

Milky please ask your questions ^^
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 3 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: aruka on August 09, 2012, 05:32:07 AM
My overall impression after reading chapters 1, 2, 3: c o m i c a l !! :lol:

But SayaMilky... one month already and they're still being cryptical to each other? :oops: I kinda sense more kawaiiness is about to be erupted in a more dramatic scale. :wub:

i've just moved from akb fandom into nmb fandom.
i think nana is called babaa because she's the oldest member of nmb..correct me if i'm wrong..hehe..
so I can also expect nmb fics from you too, yukofan-san? :roll:
and the reason of Nana's baba is correct.

Anyway, just for everybody's who is reading this sake, I update every day. One chapter a day, that is
This... :w00t: it seems every day will be happier for me. I'll be glad to wait more than this!

And gossip girl Shiokichi.. LOL (is she really a gossip girl in real life?)
Perhaps I can get more knowledge about NMB people from this story, but of course if you include more members. :D
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 3 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: yukofan on August 09, 2012, 01:22:25 PM
@ aruka : yes, i'm preparing a nmb fic. now i'm working on chap 2. so, my answer is right.yokatta! poor nana.she's only 20 years old but already called babaa..LOL..
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 4 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 09, 2012, 01:58:41 PM
Hellooooo ! Updato ~ More Milky Blush xD That's what my friend calls it  :on lol: This one is long lolol
@Kahem : LOLOL ! I was actually watching Gossip Girl when I made that  :hiakhiakhiak:
@Aruka : Shiokichi's character here is fiction xD So no, it's not her true personality.. or so I think. And dun worry, I'm adding NMB members slowly  :hee:

Chapter 4

A Week later…

“ Yo Yo~ Ohayo ! “ Maachun said as she entered the classroom

“  Ah ! Maachun, just in time ! “ Aina said

“ Eh ? What’s happening ? You guys grilling hormones ? “ Maachun said with a joking tone

“ Nope. Apparently, I saw some guys in the school ! “

“ Pfftch, yeah so ? Haven’t see a guy yet ? “ Maachun laughed

“ No no no ! In school ! Boys aren’t allowed in school unless permitted to ! “ Aina told Maachun

“ Maji ?? Maybe a teacher or something.. “

“ Since when did we have a guy teacher since the raping incident with Koisume-sensei ? “
“ Ohhhh, right ! “

“ And how could they hire a lot of boys for a teacher ?! “ Nana yelled

“ Could it be ? “

“ No way. “

“ No, there’s a possibility—

“ YADA. The school’s name is Namba Girl’s High School ! “

“ Got a point there… “

“ Ohayou, minna ~~ “ Milky said as she entered with Sayanee. Went directly to her seat and put her bag there.

“ AH ! Sayanee, Milky ! “

“ Osu~ What’s up ? “ Sayanee said as she sat down on her chair

“ We saw boys in the school ! “

“ Maji maji maji ?? “

“ Yeah ! We’re gonna have boy classmates ?! “

“ Ewwww “

“ Boys are too sloppy.. “

“ Hey, guys, there are some boys who are cool and kind you know. “ Aina said

“ Yeah.. But they’re so rare !!! “ Nana yelled

“ Too hard to find hahaha “ Maachun added

“ Ehh.. Are you sure about this ? “ Milky asked

“ I don’t really know. They we’re wearing uniforms, so it looked obvious ? “

“ If it looked obvious, why we’re you asking ? Baka baba ! “ Maachun teased

“ Hey ! I was making sure, you carp ! “ Nana fought back

“ Ohoho! So lively in the morning eh ? “

“ SHIOKICHI !!! “ The three stooges girls said

“ A wild Shiori appeared. “ Milky said then laughed

“ Ooh, hi belle ! Mind if I ask a few questions ? “ Shiokichi asked as an evil smirk appeared on her face

“ Eh ? Sure, no problem—“

“ NO ! She cannot answer them ! Right, Milky ? “ Sayanee asked

As Milky didn’t get the situation, she just went with Sayanee’s flow “ Umm.. I follow what Sayanee says?” Milky smiled sheepishly

“ Ha ! See ? She doesn’t wanna answer any ! “ Sayanee stuck a tongue to Shiokichi as the three other girls gave her thumbs up

“Ehhhh! Not my day ! “ Shiokichi said

“ So, who’s this ? “ Realizing Maachun’s question, Shiokichi realized she had Yoshida Akari with her today.

“ AHHH ! I forgot ! This is Yoshida Akari ~ She’s in my class ~ “

“ You can call me Akarin. Yoroshiku ~ “ Akarin said

“ Waah waah why so kawaii ? “ Aina and Nana said almost drooling

“ HEY ! She’s mine , you weirdoes ! “ Shiokichi said as she pulled Akarin near her

“ Yeah, we know. Just said she’s cute. “

“ Over possessive. “

“ Shut up. “

“ Hey, what was that about the guys in school ? “ Milky got to the point

“ Oh, that. It seems NMB GHS is becoming a Co-ed school now ~ Woot Woot ! “ Shoikichi said as she shrugged

“ Whaaaaaaaaat ?! So the name is gonna be NMB HS now ?! Noooo ! “ Aina screamed

“ Ewwww ! We’re going to be in a room with perverts ! “


“ Two perverts in this class was enough !! “ Nana said

“ Oh god, why… “

“ Ahaha! Miyuki-san, you’re gonna have a much harder time now ! “ Akarin said

“ Oh, yeah ! Poor belle ! “ Milky looked down as Shiokichi said that

Sayanee patted Milky’s back “ Don’t worry, Milky I’ll be always here to protect you fromt hose wolves ! “ Sayanee said with a thumbs up

“ Thanks, Sayanee “ Milky said as she blushed

“ Well, yeah. That’s pretty much it. We gotta go. Bells gonna ring ! Bye bye ~ “ Shiokichi said

“ Bye, guys ! “ Akarin said and left with Shiokichi

As soon as the two left, the bell rang. Minegeshi-sensei and their other classmates came in. As soon, as class started, Minegishi-sensei introduced some boys to the class. Some we’re decent looking, some looked perverted and dorky. As they sat down, they laid their eyes on some beauty. Watanabe Miyuki.

Krrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrngggggggggg… !

“ Alright, dismissed ! “ Minegeshi sensei said as she exited the room. Then the boys started to flock Milky.

“ Hey ! What’s your name ? “

“ You’re cute ! Wanna hang out later ? “

“ Let’s have lunch together ! My treat, of course ! “ The guy winked. They kept on wooing her, but failed.

“ I’m sorry. But I have to go. “ Milky stood up and went straight to Sayanee’s chair, grabbing her arm, then led her to the rooftop.

“ Hey, are you okay ? You seemed to rush. “ Sayanee asked

“ Boys are annoying. “ Milky said as she sat down and leaned at the wall

“ You know, your skirt could get dirty. “

“ I don’t care. “

“ Milky, are you that mad ? I mean, come on ! They’re just guys who want to take a chance ~ “

“ They’re not my type. “

I only want Sayanee. Milky thought

“ They could change for you if they’re that desperate! “

Is it possible if they change into Sayanee ? Milky thought

“ Nahh. They just want my looks and my figure. They just met me. How stupid. “

“ So it’s not okay to like Milky ? I mean, we’ve been friends for just a month. And I like Milky.. “ Sayanee said as she blushed

“ E-Ehh ? Um.. I guess it’s okay. At least we get to talk all the time and all.. “

“ Yokatta ! I wouldn’t know what to think if you told me it wasn’t okay.. “ Sayanee smiled then Milky did too.  Milky patted the floor inviting Sayanee to sit with her. They just stared at the sky enjoying the silence and the wind

“ …. Ne, Sayanee.. “

“ Hmm ? “

“ C-Can I go to your house this afternoon ? “

“ Eh ? Naze ? “  Sayanee looked at Milky

“ Well, I need help with my studies.. “

“ So you want me to teach you ? “

“ Un. If it’s okay with you.. “

“ Ooh, yeah sure ! It’s okay ~ “

“ Thanks, Sayanee “ Milky said as she hugged Sayanee. Sayanee just smiled and patted Milky’s hair

Meanwhile at Sayanee’s House…

“ Tadaima ~ “

“ Sorry for intruding.. “

“ Ah, Onee-chan ! Okaeri—

“ Ah, Kaoru ! This Watanabe Miyuki ! Milky, this is Kaoru “

“ A-Ahh.. E-ehh.. Err.. Umm… I-I’m K-kaoru ! “ Kaoru said as he blushed

“ Sorry for intruding. Watanabe Milky. Yoroshiku ! “ Milky said as she bowed to show respect

“ H-hai ! “

“ Pfft, you’re too young, Kaoru. Let’s go, Milky. “ Sayanee said as she dragged Milky to her room

“ Nice room ! Looks really normal .. “ Milky said

“ Normal ? “

“ Yeah. Unlike you, I have a huge house. And my parents aren’t home all the time and my sister travels too, so I’m likely to be home alone. “ Milky said as she flashed a sad smile

“ Ohh.. Don’t worry, Just give me a call, and I’ll be knocking on your door before you know it ! “

“ You’re so sweet ! “

“ Yeah, I’m a talker ! “ She winked “ Anyway, let’s get started on homework. “ Sayanee grabbed her books and notebooks and her glasses

“ I didn’t know you wore glasses! “

“ Oh, I wear them when I read. Ehehe “ Sayanee scratched her head as Milky laughed.

They started working on their homework together. Some minutes passed then they finished it. But then comes lecturing. Well, she did ask Sayanee to help her in her studies as she knows Sayanee gets good marks. She was getting bored, so she just stared at Sayanee. Wanting to play with her face. Milky got a wiff of Sayanee’s scent which was heaven to her. Not being able to resist the temptation, she hugged Sayanee and inhaled her scent

“ What’re you doing, Milky ? “

“ You smell so gooooood ~ “
“ Well, you could do the sniffing later. I’m not done tutoring you. “

“ No waaaaay ~ “

“ Milky… “ Milky realized what she was doing, so she let go and looked away all flustered

“ S-Sorry about that… “ She heard Sayanee chuckle

“ You’re such a dork sometimes. “ She pulled Milky in for a tight hug “ Come on, Kiddo ! We have to work on you studies first “ Sayanee said then pulled away

“ Yeah, you’re right. “

A/N : Kaoru Yamamoto - Made up by me xD
Soooooooooo how was it ? Ideas are flocking my mind so I think I'll update faster  :frustrated:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 4 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: mo-chan on August 09, 2012, 03:02:40 PM
mmm boys are for Milky  :hehehe:
Milky is only for Sayanee  :on redcard:
They are alone in Sayanee's room  :shy2: :luvluv1:
something will happen  :ding:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 4 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: masokun on August 09, 2012, 04:09:28 PM
Boys... stay away from Milky will ya  :onionwhip:

Wow.. SayaMilky getting more.. umm... "closer"?  :wub:

“ HEY ! She’s mine , you weirdoes ! “ Shiokichi said as she pulled Akarin near her

Akarin x Shiokichi?

This is interesting..I'm curious for what will going happen next..
Will there be another pairing maybe?

keep it up!!  :twothumbs
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 4 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 09, 2012, 04:40:06 PM
@Mo-chan : SPOILER : There will be a scene when Milky gets jelly belly fufufu
@Masokun : I will put Shiokichi X Akarin ! Coz I ship unique xD Thinking of putting MaYuki, KojiYuu and WMatsui 8D
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 4 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: mo-chan on August 09, 2012, 04:59:33 PM
There will be a scene when Milky gets jelly belly you said  :kekeke:
good idea Mayuki and Wmatsui are my best pairing  :shy2: :nya:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 4 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: yukofan on August 10, 2012, 02:20:47 AM
milky get new male fans..HA! but, her heart is already for sayanee <3

sayamilky need more courage to tell their true feeling to each other..

update soon pliz :bow:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 5 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 10, 2012, 05:06:16 PM
Is this late ? I think it is.. I was busy making another fic since it's Haruna Ono's bday  :bingo:
But I'm super tired  :cool2:
Dozooo ~  :hee:

Chapter 5

After 4 days…

Krrrrrrrrrnggg… Krrrrrrrrrrrrrngg..

Rain was pouring and thunder was roaring. As Milky was watching boring TV shows her phone suddenly rang “ Eh ? Who could be calling at this hour ? “ She picked up her phone and answered without looking who was the one calling “ Milky desu— “

Milky didn’t get to finish what she said as the caller sneezed “ M-Milky.. “

Milky recognized her voice “ S-Sayanee ??? What’s up ? and what’s with the sneeze ?? “

“ Milky, I caught a cold.. “ after that she sneezed again causing Milky to flinch

“ A cold ? That’s not a cold, that’s a fever ! “

“ How do you know, huh ? “

“ With a sneeze as hard as that, huh ! A fever ! Where’s your mom ? “

“ She and my grandmother went a trip to the hot springs.. “

“ Your brother ? “

“ He’s staying at Dad’s for the next for a week—“


“ Milky !!! “ followed by a sneeze

“ G-Gomen.. Are you okay there ?? “

“ Unh.. It’s just that, I’m gonna run out of medicine soon.. So I thought I could at least inform you I’m going out to a pharmacy. “

“ It’s raining, Sayanee, It’s raining. “

“ But, I have to buy medicine, you know. “

“ I’ll buy it. “

“ Aargh ! I knew I shouldn’t have a called you for this ! “

“ Come on, we’re friends. I’ll buy it for you. “

“ Milky ! You are not the one who is sick here. I’ll buy it since I’m the one needing it. “

“ You’ll need more later on because you’ll get more sick when you get wet in the rain and you’ll run out again. So I’ll buy it or you’ll get sick over and over again. “
This girl is effing smart. Sayanee thought and was left speechless

“ Ha ! You lose ! Okay. I’ll be there in 30 minutes with the medicine ! “

“ Wait—


Sayanee hung up and sighed “ This girl is so…. Crazy. “ Sayanee said and laid back on her bed.

As Milky was running through the rain wearing a hoodie, short shorts, and a white polo shirt. Some people we’re looking at her. “ Pfftch. Never seen a girl ? Dumb heads. “ She mumbled to herself.

A few minutes after, she reached Sayanee’s house. She was about to ring the doorbell but she realized it was only Sayanee inside. So she reached a pin from her hoodie’s pocket then she made the pin a representative for the key. Then Click ! Door opened ! She walked slowly and went to the kitchen as where she remembered where it was. She took a glass and poured water in it then she went to Sayanee’s room. She put down the glass slowly and sat down.

“ Mmnn.. M-Milky… Where are you… “ Sayanee suddenly said

“ Eh ? “ Milky stood up and looked over at Sayanee. She was asleep. “ It’s good to hear you say my name when you’re asleep. “ Milky whispered and grinned. She went back to her chair and browsed some mangas on the floor. Some we’re smut and Milky was all poker face when she read it. But as she soon got bored, she fell asleep.

An hour later, Sayanee woke up. She found medicine and a glass of water on her side table. Then she caught something in the corner of her eye. She saw Milky sleeping soundly with a manga in her hand. She carefully got up her bed, swallowed the pills and drank water.

“ Sayanee ? “ Milky yawned cutely making Sayanee blush

“ M-Milky, y-you’re awake. “

“ Unh. I was waiting for you to wake up, but I fell asleep. “ Milky said as she held the manga

“ by the way, you read stuff with mature content ? “ Milky asked curiously

“ Eh ? They’re interesting, that’s why. “ Sayanee said followed by a cute sneeze

“ I forgot you had a fever. “ Milky stood up and touched Sayanee’s forehead

“ Aiish ! You’re so hot !! “ Milky flinched

“ Ehehe~ “

“ You should take care of yourself more ! “

“ I am ! “

“ It’s not enough ! “

“ Mouuu.. “ Sayanee lost again

“ Anyway, “ Milky lightly pushed Sayanee to her bed “ You stay her on your bed “

“ Whaaaaaat ? Why ? “

“ You need more rest ! “

“ But I just woke up ! “

“ Just stay here, will ya ‘ “

“ Hai, ‘Mother’ “

“ Shut up. “

Milky rushed to the kitchen and grabbed an apron. She cooked some kind of soup. It’s clearly undefined. After a few minutes the soup was ready. She grabbed a bowl and put some in it. Looking back at the kitchen, she realized she made a huge mess. So she started cleaning. Then she rushed to Sayanee’s room with the soup. Then suddenly, she heard music. A guitar and a very nice voice. She followed the sound and it lead her to Sayanee’s room. When she came in, she found Sayanee playing the guitar. She never noticed a guitar in Sayanee’s room.

“ Ah! Fooooooooooooood ! “ Sayanee jumped off her bed and left her guitar there then raced for the food. When she grabbed the food, Milky pulled it


“ You’ll get food If you sit down. “

“ Haaaai ~ “ Sayanee sat on her bed and did a face that looked like a puppy’s

“ Alright. Say Ahh “ Milky sat down the chair and made a spoonful

“ Ooh, you’re gonna feed me ? YAY “

“ That’s not something to be proud of. You’ll look like a kid with no hands or something “

“ You’re the one who insisted on feeding me… “ Milky blushed

“ Eh whatever. Food ! “ Sayanee said

“ Geez, you’re still hyper when you’re sick “

“ I have my reasons ! “ Then Milky fed Sayanee and Sayanee ate happily

“ Oishi !“

“ Arigatou.. Give me a reason why you’re hyper. “

“ Well, “ Sayanee said as she munched and swallowed “ Milky is here to accompany me ! “ That statement made Milky blush

“ W-Why do you always say stuff like that ? “

“ Because you like it ? “

“ Like what ? “

“ The compliments. They’re true though “ that made Milky blush even more

“ I like it when you blush ! “

“ Y-You’re acting l-like a child.. ! “

“ Ne, Milky ! “

“ Hmm ? “

“ Can you stay here for the night ? I don’t wanna be alone and… I’m scared of Thunder. “

“ Ehhhhhh ! You’re scared of thunder ?! “

“ hai ! It just roars suddenly its scary ! “

“ Hahaha ! Okay okay. I’ll stay to protect you from you so called “ Scary Thunder “ “

“ YAY ~ I loveeee Milky ! “ Sayanee said as she hugged Milky tight. Milky blushed as she wondered Could you be serious with the words you said ?

A/N :

Waiting for your thoughts.  :cool2: :badluck: :fainted: :err: :frustrated: :stoned: :smoke:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 5 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: yukofan on August 11, 2012, 02:41:28 AM
milky was taking care of sayanee <3 so sweet..
sayaka afraid of thunder? me too..yes, thunder is scary..
in the end, sayanee said she love milky <3
LOL at sayaka like to read smut manga..HA! when i read this part, i thought that maybe sayanee want to do smut with milky. LOL. blame it to my perverted mind..

can't wait for your next update :cow:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 5 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: mo-chan on August 11, 2012, 11:47:18 AM
Sayanee is sick  :stoned:
but it's the good excuse for milky to stay with her  :ding:
something will happen I'm sure now  :kekeke:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 5 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: masokun on August 11, 2012, 01:52:54 PM
“ Hahaha ! Okay okay. I’ll stay to protect you from you so called “ Scary Thunder “ “

“ YAY ~ I loveeee Milky ! “ Sayanee said as she hugged Milky tight. Milky blushed as she wondered Could you be serious with the words you said ?

Congatulation captain...your mission accomplish  :kekeke:

They are cute in this chapter.. I like it  :twothumbs
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 6 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 11, 2012, 05:37:38 PM
Hello ! I guess I wanna focus on Two other pairings on this chapter !  :hee:
Remember when I said I'd add MaYuki and WMatsui ?  :bingo:
YES. That was true. So I'm gonna focus on them on this one. Okay. Maybe MaYuki on this part xD
I read my own fic, and I'm like, " TELL HER YOUR EFFING FEELINGS ALREADY !!! "  :angry1:
So I'm kinda tired of them ryt now, So I'll make MaYuki and WMatsui on this one! I'm still not over the SayaMilky love tho xD
And so I guess, I'm gonna have to work on a confessing scene for them nxt chapter fufufu I think I'll put smut too  :ding:... after awhile  :on lol:

PS : There's gonna be danso here

Chapter 6

It was a very nice day today. The sky was clear, the birds we're chirping, the fresh morning air was blowing, and it was a fine weather. Matsui Jurina and Watanabe Mayu we're on their way to school.

" Ne, Ne, Mayuyu, do you think we could find a boyfriend this year ?? " Jurina asked as her friend, Mayu took off her earphones

" What ? Boyfriend ? Suit yourself. I'm gonna live young, wild and free. " Mayu said as she walked playfully

" Exactly, Mayu ! Young, wild and free right ? Let's get a boyfriend. "

" No way. That'd be like hell on Earth. "

" Awwe, C'mon, Mayu! Don't be such a pussy. Don't you wanna experience love ?? "

" Love is stupid. It's not true. "

" Chicken. "

" What ? "

" CHICKEN. Come onnn ! What could hurt ?! "

" Your heart could hurt if you fall in love. "

" I sometimes want to kick your face for that brain of yours ! "

" Ha ! Like you could do that. I mean, Juri, if you want a boyfriend, then go get one. "

" How about you ? I want you to get one coz' you might be lonely when I'm not around. " Jurina said as she pinched Mayu's cheeks

" Ittaaaii ! " Jurina let go as she let out a soft chuckle " Mouuu, Juri.. I won't be lonely. Instead, I would be here rooting for you ! Okay ? " Mayu offered her pinky to Jurina. Jurina held their pinkies together. " Deal. "

As the two of them arrived at school, Mayu suddenly spoke

" AH ! Juri, you can go on ahead. I forgot that I have to go to the Practice room ! "

" EH ? Sure.. Just don't get late, kay ? "

" Yeah~ "

Mayu went to the practice room located on the 5th floor. The hall was empty to be expected because the 5th floor only contains the Library, computer rooms, Music rooms, and the gym. Other students find it scary to go to the 5th floor because it was always silent. But Mayu wasn't scared. She didn't believe in any of those scary stories. As she entered the practice room, she heard heavy foot steps. She peeked out of the wall that was blocking her. She saw a guy. A beautiful guy. The guy was dancing so well that Mayu's jaw dropped. The beautiful guy stopped and fell down.

" Ittai ! " Without thinking, Mayu rushed to the guy and helped him up

" Are you okay ?? " Mayu asked with worried eyes. The guy was shocked. His eyes looked like it would bug out. but to Mayu, he still looked cute.

" Ehh.. err... I'm fine, thank you.. " Mayu helped the guy up, and unexpectedly, he was quite tall. Well, that's normal for a guy.

" Y-You're welcome.. " Mayu turned away and saw what she came for. A big box containing the files of her teacher. She walked over to the box and tried to pick it up, but she couldn't. It was too heavy. Then suddenly, the guy went in front of her and carried the box.

" Let me help you with this. " the guy smiled

" A-Ahh.. T-Thank you. " Mayu blushed

As they we're walking to Mayu's classroom, they weren't talking at all. Seemed like the guy was shy too. As they reached the halls of the classrooms, girls we're staring at the guy. They we're talking about him. Is this guy bad or something ? Wtf is with those gossips.. Mayu thought. When they reached Mayu's classroom, the guy looked at Mayu with hesitation

" Umm.. You can give me the box now. " Mayu said coldly

" Ahh.. But are you sure you could bring this ? It's actually kind of heavy. " The guy said with a sheepish smile

" ... " Mayu blushed. It was true. She wasn't really the type who likes sports.

" Ah, kawaii. " The guy said

" E-Ehh ? "

The guy laughed " Nothing. Where do I put this ? At the teacher's table ? " The guy asked with a smile

" Yeah. " The guy entered " Sorry for the intrusion " then he put the box down and straightened his uniform and went outside

" Thank you, uhmm...

" No problem. And it's Kashiwagi Yuki. You are ? "

" Watanabe Mayu " Yuki reached out his hand inviting Mayu for a handshake and Mayu accepted his invitation. She blushed to the sudden warmth that spread out her body.

" Pleasure to meet you, Mayuyu. " The guy said with a cute smile

 " Mayuyu ? How'd you know ? " Mayu asked curiously as she let go of Yuki's hand

" Eh ? That's really your nickname ? I just guessed really. " Yuki said as he scratched the back of his unitchy hair

" Ahh.. Okay.. "

" If you're not comfortable with me calling you that, I'd call you Watanabe-san then ? "

" Ahh, no, it's okay. Only if you let me call you something too. "

" You can call me Yukirin! " Yuki said as he smiled again. Mayu was dying inside. His smiles we're killing her.

" Okay, Yukirin ! "

" Un.. So umm.. I'm in Class 2-A. Just call me if you need help, okay ? "

" Okay. Thank you. "

" You say thank you too much. " Yuki ruffled Mayu's hair

" Ehhhh "

" Hahaha you're so cute ! " Yuki said as she pinched Mayu's cheeks like what Jurina did only softer.

" it hurts ! " Mayu squealed

" Ah, gomen ! " Yuki caressed Mayu's cheeks carefully " I'm sorry. "

" It's fine.. " Mayu blushed

" Well, I gotta go. Bye bye, Mayuyu ! " Yuki let go of Mayu's cheeks then smiled and went away

" He said I'm cute... "

" HEY, Mayu ! "

" Eh ? Baa-chan ! "

" Did you know him ? "

" You guys seemed close. Is he your boyfriend ?? " Maachun asked

" What ?! NO ! I just met him ! "

" Ehhh.. You looked like a good couple though.. " Aina said

" You should definitely go for him ! He had the looks ~ " Nana said

" Shut up. I don't have time for relationships. " Mayu said as she rushed to her seat

" Ah, Mayuyu ~ " Jurina peeked out from behind

" Hey, Juri ~ "

" Who was the dude ? Making your move already huh ? " Juri said as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down

" No ! He was just helping me okay ? "

" Tell me his name then ? "

" .... I dont wanna talk about him. "

" Pfft yeah, sure " Juri said as she leaned back her seat

Lunch Time - Court Yard

Jurina yawned " Ahhh ~ It's such a nice day to laze around ! "

" ... His name is Yuki. "

" Ohoho ~ So you finally speak ! So, how'd you meet him ? "

" He was dancing in the practice room. He was dancing some kind of Korean song, but he dances really well. Like he's a professional. "

" WOAH. He dances, he's kind, and he's cute ! You got jackpot, Mayu ! "

" I don't plan to befriend him though. It's better to avoid him. "

" You're mean. i think he's into you ! "

" Shut up ! He's not ! "

" Denial ! "

" We wouldn't know okay ?! "

" Okay, okay " Jurina said as she was laughing. Jurina paused for awhile

" Do you hear that ? "

" What ? "

" THAT ! " Jurina pointed to a room with an open window. They tip toed to eavesdrop. Yeah, they know, it's bad, but the girl was crying ! Then they saw Yuki with a girl " H-hey, why is that girl crying ? " Mayu whispered to Juri " I think she's confessing. Just observe. "

" I'm really sorry.. It's just that you're not my type and I don't feel the same way.. "

" But Yuki-sempai ! I hic I .. I worked hard for you ! Please ! Accept me ! I'll let you do anything to me ! " The girl hugged Yuki

" .... I'm sorry. " Yuki gently pushed the girl away from his body " You know, you are very beautiful.. and I am not deserving to be with you. And your body... I'll hand that over to a guy who loves you, okay ? "

" AT LEAST GIVE ME A REASON, SEMPAI ! " The girl cried even more

" You see, as what you are now, I'm in love with someone else.. To me, she's the one. I'd do anything for her to love me back. But forcing her to love me isn't good. So you should know, forcing someone to love you is very bad. I don't deserve you.. "


Yuki smirked " How matter you try to be just like her, to me, she's the only one. When I see her, it's like, I don't care anymore for the world.. "

" Wh-who is she, sempai ???! "

" Her name is.... Watanabe Mayu. "

Mayu and Jurina we're wide eyed

" You mean that girl you were with this morning ?! She's ugly ! I even heard she's a trouble maker ! and has a bad personality !! " The girl said

" No. None of those are true. I have been observing her almost a year now. She is really kind. but she hardly ever noticed me.. And now, I talked to her. Gave me much more courage ! and a chance.. So please, I have been yearning for this day to come. "

" I understand, sempai.. But I won't lose ! "

" Hai. Gambatte. " Yuki smiled

" Yes ! " the girl ran out of the room as Yuki sighed he looked over the window and saw two heads.

" Who's there ? " Yuki said as he went closer

" Oh, hi ! I'm Jurina ! " Jurina popped out and dragged Mayu " And this is Mayu, and she heard everything ! " Jurina laughed " And yeah, I'll give you guys privacy ! " Jurina ran away " Jurina ! Wait ! "

" Mayu... " Yuki looked down " Y-you heard everything ? "

" H-hai... "

" Umm you might find me weird now. " Yuki squatted and covered his face

" Eh ? " mayu patted yuki's head " Hey, don't cover your face "

" Don't look at me. I.. I look bad right now. "

" Come on, you know you can't change the fact that I know what you feel. " Mayu said which made Yuki stiff and looked at her with a blushing face

" Then, I shall end what I started... "

" Eh ? "

" Mayu.. I've been observing you for almost a year. Ever since I saw you defend my little sister when she got bullied.. I began observing you. And little by little, I fell in love with you. When I heard the school you're in became Co-ed, I forced my parents to let me transfer here. I know you just met me and all but c-can you give me a c-chance ? "

" Hmmm... I'm flattered. " Mayu said as she looked away while blushing " Of all the girls, you chose me ? That girl who confessed to you was a beauty. "

" I only have eyes for you, Mayuyu. " Yuki said as he carefully pulled Mayu's chin to look at him

" I... I suppose I'll give you a chance... " Mayu blushed really hard

" Seriously ???? REALLY ?? "

" H-Hai... "

" YATTA ! Arigato, Mayuyu ! " Yuki smiled looked into Mayu's eyes

" W-What're you doing ? "

" C-can I kiss you.. ?? " Yuki asked

" EEHHH ?! "

" Ah, It's just a chance. So I suppose you really don't like me yet. So I am sorry for that question.. " Yuki stood up and dragged Mayu with him. He turned away " I have to go. I'm all embarrassed.. " then suddenly, Mayu pulled Yuki's hand enough to make him turn around. When he turned around, his lips we're caught by Mayu's in a deep kiss. First, it was forced. Then she pulled away. " T-That was my first, you know " Yuki smiled and pulled Mayu in for a soft one. All the feelings combined in one kiss made the both of them realize they really are meant for each other.

" I love you, Mayuyu... "

" I love you too, Yukirin.. " Yuki smiled upon hearing Mayu mumble those words in their kiss.

A/N :

Tell me whatcha think ~ This is just part 1 ! Nxt part will be about WMatsui nxt tym !  :hee:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 6 Part I : MaYuki Scene ( SayaMilky ) ( MaYuki )
Post by: yuukimoko on August 11, 2012, 06:20:46 PM
ahhh~ you did Mayuki!?  so sweet! and Yuki sure looks cool like a boy!!!!!!  I want more Mayuki.........Im still starving for Mayuki.......

Update soon please~ next Wmatsui?! and a little Mayuki....?
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 6 Part I : MaYuki Scene ( SayaMilky ) ( MaYuki )
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 11, 2012, 06:27:57 PM
@Yuukimoko : Ehhhh I'm glad you like the MaYuki scene~ I wasn't sure about it xD
And don't worry, I'll add more MaYuki in the nxt few chapters coz' MaYuki is my OTP  :hee:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 6 Part I : MaYuki Scene ( SayaMilky ) ( MaYuki )
Post by: chichay12 on August 11, 2012, 07:31:42 PM
to much mayuki
 :luvluv1: :luvluv1:
xcted to the next part
Wmatsui!! Woohoo
 :wriggly: :wriggly:
And now :imdead:
Looking forwrd to the next update..
Thank you for the update
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 6 Part I : MaYuki Scene ( SayaMilky ) ( MaYuki )
Post by: Pwety on August 11, 2012, 09:19:38 PM
Woooh your fanfic is really interesting  :ding: I'm sorry I was a silent reader  :kneelbow:

SayaMilky Too Cute I love their interaction  :shy2:

And you make a Mayuki  :luvluv1: ...YYYAAAAYYYY... Yuki is a boy He is sure looks cool as a boy *fangirling*  :luvluv1:

Next Wmatsui YAAAYYY!!!  :onioncheer:

Update soon please :peace:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 6 Part I : MaYuki Scene ( SayaMilky ) ( MaYuki )
Post by: mo-chan on August 11, 2012, 11:11:27 PM
wow Yuki is a guy !
but I prefer Yuki as a girl  :nervous
yatta next time is about Wmatsui I can't wait to read it  XD
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 6 Part II : MaYuki Scene ( SayaMilky ) ( MaYuki )
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 12, 2012, 09:19:08 AM
YAY I update early  :on lol: I'm gonna make this interesting, long okay I'm not sure with long lol., and fast !
Since I have Homework pilling up my desk  :dozing:
BTW, just for everyone's sake, while I was making MaYuki, I was watching Dream High. Explains the dancing lol  :bingo:

Chapter 6 Part II

A Month later...

The archer was ready for shooting. Fans we're nervous to the fact their star player would lose. The red target was very far away. But the shooter was not scared. He was brave and confident. Standing straight and silently praying to Kami-sama. 3. 2. 1. He shoots. The arrow was fast approaching the target. Looks like it's not going to hit the right spot... But it did. The crowd gone wild. Their star player was once again, undefeated. But that was a year ago. Right now, their undefeated champion, Matsui Ren is focusing more on his studies.

" Matsui Ren ! ... Matsui !

" REN !!! "

" Hai ! "

" Stop daydreaming, Ren. You have to focus or your grades will go kaboom! "

" Hai. Sumimasen, sensei.. "

" Just focus. You can focus on your target, I believe focusing on Biology isn't as hard. Mmh ? "

" Hai, sensei. "

" Good. Now listen. "

The teacher started writing something on the board and discussed. Ren looked out the window and sighed. He was thinking of a certain girl. His childhood friend, best friend, fan, and somehow unrelated family. The person who has been there for him all the time he needed to calm down.  The person whom he missed so much. The person he didn't see for a week. And it's making him feel restless. Somehow, this person is his kryptonite. He truly loved this girl for a long time. But this girl doesn't seem to notice. This girl sees Ren as a big brother instead. So Ren had decided. He couldn't bear any longer. He will confess right away.

Krrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnggg... !

" Ah, Ren. Let's go buy lunch now. I'm starving ! " Ren's friend, Yagami Kuu said

" Yeah. I need to warm up. "

" Warm up for what ? "

" I decided that I would confess to her, Kuu! "

" Eh ? Seriously ?! "

" Yeah. I got to make a move before someone takes her away, right ? "

" You got a point there.. Well, for being your 2nd best friend, I'd like to help you. So just call me if you need help ! "

" Thanks, kuu ! "

" No problem, bro! And goodluck ! " Kuu said as he winked

" Yeah, well we better get lunch. I wanna eat pasta ! "

" Ah, yeah ! Let's go ! " The two of them rushed to the cafeteria as fast as they can. When they reached it, it was already crowded. So they had no choice but to force their way in. Kuu managed to get what he wanted, also Ren.

" Hey, isn't that Jurina-chan ? " Kuu pointed out a girl in the crowd struggling her way out

" Ren, she's gonna slip if the crowd keeps on moving ! " Kuu warned

" Ah, yeah. Here hold this. " Ren handed his pasta to Kuu as he made his way through the crowd to help Jurina

" Juri ! "

" R-Ren ! "

" Here, climb up my back. " Ren turned around and kneeled a little so that his best friend could climb up

" What ? Are you serious ?? "

" Hurry or do you want to get stepped on random people ! "

" Yokai ! " Jurina immediately climbed up Ren's back then Ren struggled his way out.

" Hey, Ren, over here ! " Ren ran to Kuu as Jurina held on tightly

" Yosh~ We're free. " Ren kneeled back again as Jurina set her foot to the ground

" Arigatou, Ren ! " Jurin flashed a grateful smile to Ren

" No probs ! "

" Hi, Juri ~ Where's Non-chan ? "

" Hi, Kuu. She's at the classroom. "

" Right on ! Hey, Ren, I'm going to Non a'right ? "

" Oh, yeah, sure. Take your time. "

" Yup ! Jya ne ! " Kuu ran out of the cafeteria and Ren and Jurina we're left with an awkward silence

" So, how have you been lately ? " Ren asked

" Eh ? Oh, I'm fine. But mom and uncle have been fighting everyday. "

" Uncle ? You mean your Step dad ? "

" Yeah. I can't hardly study in my room ! "

" You can stay in my apartment for the time being ! "

" What ?! Are you kidding me ?! "

" You're thinking of those kind of stuff again. Don't worry, I'm your best friend, right ? "

" Ahh you're right. Sorry. "

" It's okay. Anyway, umm.. aren't you gonna eat lunch ? "

" Lunch ? Ah no. "

" What ? Why ? "

" I'm not hungry... "

" Ehh okay. "

" Ren. "

" Yeah ? " Ren said as he munched on his pasta

" You do know I'm dating Churi, right ? " Ren choked on his pasta when he heard that

" WHAT ?! "

" R-Ren.. "

" Ehemm... When d-did you guys started dating ? "

" Last month "

" Why didn't you tell me earlier ? " Ren asked with an irritated tone as he looked away

" I thought it would distract you since you we're busy with archery and your studies.. I'm sorry. "

" You said you'd wait for me, Jurina... " Ren looked down

" I'm sorry.. "

" You know, I was thinking of confessing to you today. But I'm too late, aren't I ? Churi took you away. And I have to deal with it. "

" I'm sorry, Ren.. " Jurina said as tears fell down her cheeks

" Stop. "

" Eh ? "

" Stop saying that word... It hurts me hearing you say that. "

" Why ? "

" It's like you're pitying me.. "

" I AM ! This is why I couldn't wait for you ! I've thought about all the burden I'd set upon you if we'd be together— "

" You shouldn't worry about me, Juri. You know that I would give up my dream for you. I love you so much and all the things I did for you.. this is what I get ? "

" I know you don't deserve this. You deserve better, Ren. I'm so sorry. "

Tears fell down Ren's eyes. " It's okay. But ... Are you happy with him ? "

" ... " Jurina hesitated for a moment but she had to do this to protect Ren " Yes. I am happy with him. "

Ren smiled and looked at Jurina " That's good. As long as you're happy to be with him, I'm glad. If he ever hurts you, just call me, okay ? "

Ren, why are you still doing this ???

" H-Hai.. "

" Good. " Ren smiled. A sad smile. He ruffle Jurina's hair and walked away then Jurina broke down in tears. She lost the most important person in her life.

As weeks went by, Ren began avoiding Jurina. Everyday at Ren's club, he would see Jurina with the Oh-So-Hot-Churi. When Jurina looks at Ren, Ren just smiles and continue with what he's doing or he would just walk away. It clearly hurts Ren too much that he's pressuring himself to become better for Jurina. Studying everyday he gets home and practicing his archery skills every midnight. His marks are getting higher and higher but he just sleeps in class that he gets detention almost everyday. Jurina started worrying about Ren. She tried to ask him if he was fine but Ren just patted her head and walked away.

One day, Jurina was going to Churi and Ren's clubroom.

" Churi— " Jurina was wide eyed. Churi was kissing another girl. Churi was cheating on her.

" J-Juri ?? I-It's not what you think—"

" H-How could you, Churi !! " Tears fell from Jurina's eyes. She ran away. She couldn't accept what had happened. She ran and ran and ran. Without knowing where she was now at the rooftop at th 9th floor. She couldn't believe she ran this far. She went to rails. She was attempting to suicide. But before she was about to jump, she shouted one last name " MASTUI REN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Then she jumped. But she wasn't falling. Somebody had grabbed her hand. She looked up and saw Ren.

" I won't let you die just yet, Juri.. " Ren said and pulled her up. Causing the two of them to fall down the floor of the rooftop with Jurina on top.

" R-Ren.. " Jurina cried again

" You need me. You called for me. I know you love me.. Juri, Churi doesn't love you. He was using you. But you said you we're happy with him, I told him to take care of you or else. But he didn't. So Juri, I'd gladly beat the crap out of him. " Ren smiled. He tried to get up but he was held back by Jurina

" R-Ren.. I love you so much ! But I tried to hide it. My mom said to not have a relationship with you due to family circumstances or you will be perished. So I cut this connection off. I-I was just trying to protect you.. But being cheated on Churi, really hurt so much, Ren! I fell in love with him as he was so kind to me ! But he cheated on me !!" Jurina broke down into tears again.

" Don't worry, Juri. I'm always here for you and I would never cheat on you. Hurting you is the last thing I'd do. "

" But Ren, my mom ! She could do something bad to you—"

" My love for you is too great that I can't hold back anymore. " Ren pulled Jurina and kissed her passionately. Expecting Jurina to slap him or something, Jurina kissed back. After some time, Ren heard Jurina moaned so he pulled back.

" Juri, once again, with all my heart, my will, my spirit, I love you ! " Ren proclaimed

" I.. I love you too, Ren. With everything I have. " Jurina hugged Ren

" And I will avenge you from Churi. "

Later that day Ren beat the crap out of Churi and Jurina and him became official. They faced all the obstacles in their way. They we're surely a courageous couple.

A/N : Ren and Jurina are unrelated cousins. Jurina's step-father is Ren's Uncle.

Oh, WMatsui ! I was crying while making this  :farofflook:
Now, no one can stop these star crossed lovers ~~  :hehehe:
Hope you enjoyed  :shy2: :shy1: :luvluv2: :shifty: :hee:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 2 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: lollita90 on August 12, 2012, 09:48:02 AM


i'm currently reading this second chapter, but pausing (pausing?) :on lol: for a while at this sentence. this is good! seriously! when i read them, it's like i can make the sounds full with many emotions! hahaha! :hiakhiakhiak: nice, chuuupuffss-san (isn't this kind of long to spell? haha jk :P ) !!

yoshhh~ continue to reading!~
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 6 Part I : MaYuki Scene ( SayaMilky ) ( MaYuki )
Post by: chichay12 on August 12, 2012, 10:11:32 AM
 THAT'S it..
 :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:
 :on bleed: :on bleed:
        :on bleed:
to much mayuki and wmatsui,,SUGOI!!!
AND NOW  :imdead:

Thank you for the update!!!
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 6 Part I : MaYuki Scene ( SayaMilky ) ( MaYuki )
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 12, 2012, 10:39:45 AM
@Lollita90 : LOL I appreciate your presence in telling me your opinion. And thank you for reading~
BTW, You can call me Chuuu or something Lol.  :hee:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 6 Part II ( SayaMilky ) ( MaYuki ) ( WMatsui )
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 14, 2012, 04:17:42 PM
Hello  :hee:
Well, let's see... Where should I start ?  :dunno:
First of all, I'm setting this fic on HIATUS. I repeat, HIATUS.  :dozing:
I'm so so so sorry !  :cool2: :kneelbow:
I have my reasons. One is, I'm trying to get into a good college  :on GJ:
Since, my course is really hard ( Forensics ), My father told me to lessen my writing habit  :on voodoo:
I wanted to effing punch him that time.  :on blackhole:
So I decided to pick a fic to update slowly~Since, The other fic is a hit, I'll be putting this one on HIATUS.  Repeat, HIATUS for the 4th time. :fainted:
There might be a possibility I'd hiatus the other one too  :depressed:
Please forgive me!  :kneelbow: :gyaaah:


Title: Re: More Than This : HIATUS For the time being :((
Post by: yuukimoko on August 14, 2012, 04:33:26 PM
.....n--------n----no!!! No! NO!!noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :shocked

....I killed my oooo ....... :O

hope you get what college you want! my father would tell me the same but I still have .....what is your age? I have 3 years until college..... :? :O

anyway! please still enter and visit us~(the ones on the site..)     and please dont put on Hitatus the other one....PLEASE! Im begging you!  I love that fic!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Title: Re: More Than This : HIATUS For the time being :((
Post by: masokun on August 14, 2012, 04:34:37 PM
Well.. priority do matter..

Ganbatte Chuuu-san..  :cow:

I'll be waiting for your next update  :twothumbs
Title: Re: More Than This : HIATUS For the time being :((
Post by: mo-chan on August 14, 2012, 04:39:10 PM
I donnu what are you talking but don't leave us  :pleeease:
I hope you get into the  college you want  :on GJ:
I'm waiting for you  :on speedy:
Title: Re: More Than This : HIATUS For the time being :((
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 14, 2012, 05:27:01 PM
 -Currently Taking a break from Studying-

@Yuukimoko : I'm 18 yrs old  :dizzy: I'm in the 12th grade  :badluck: And don't worry~ As long as I pass the entrance test, I'll start again on this one lol And the other fic... Yeah, it's okay lol  :hee:
Masokun : Arigatoouuuu!! I'll work hard and update this after the tests !  :shy2:
@Mo-chan : Thank youu ~~ LOL I'll update as soon as I can !  :on GJ:
Title: Re: More Than This Chapter 6 ( SayaMilky )
Post by: lollita90 on August 16, 2012, 11:28:51 AM

PS : There's gonna be danso here

Chapter 6

 She saw a guy. A beautiful guy. The guy was dancing so well that Mayu's jaw dropped.

at first, i really thought that when you said there's gonna be danso, it will be mayuyu's danso. but then, yukirin is the one turning to a guy. haha, i really can't imagine how does yukirin looks like if she's a he. but still, the story plot is nice. ahh~ it's like a dream. meeting a beautiful guy, and then being told that he likes you, for a year!!  :shy2: :shy1:
Title: Re: More Than This : HIATUS For the time being :((
Post by: lollita90 on August 16, 2012, 12:12:48 PM
ahh gomen.. sorry it took so long for me to finish reading this fic.. got some exams to go through.. WMatsui and Mayuki are just sooo effingg adorable!!!!  :luvluv1: :luvluv1: thank you!!! :luvluv2: it must be hard, trying to pass the entrance exam for college/university.. anyway, do your best! ganbatte ne!  :onioncheer: we will be waiting for your updates :D btw Chuuu, if you don't mind me asking, what's your other fic?
Title: Re: More Than This : HIATUS For the time being :((
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on August 16, 2012, 01:23:43 PM
@Lolita90 : Hello again~ Thank you for the support ! :hee:
Here's my other fic~ Too much S & M LOL ( <-- The Stars, The Stains, and The Mind Games. Hope u like it  :hee:
Title: Re: More Than This : HIATUS For the time being :((
Post by: Amakuchi on December 05, 2012, 03:25:16 PM
I want le continuation of this... IS THIS STILL IN HIATUS? T ^ T

More SayaMilky... > w >
Title: Re: More Than This : HIATUS For the time being :((
Post by: ChuuuPuffss on December 05, 2012, 03:43:55 PM
LOL. I totally forgot about this xD Don't worry, I got Chapter 7 of this in my USB :3 I hope it's still alive though~  :deco:

I don't think it's still hiatus lololol.
Title: Re: More Than This : HIATUS For the time being :((
Post by: Amakuchi on December 05, 2012, 06:18:54 PM
LOL. I totally forgot about this xD Don't worry, I got Chapter 7 of this in my USB :3 I hope it's still alive though~  :deco:

I don't think it's still hiatus lololol.

Title: Re: More Than This : HIATUS For the time being :((
Post by: cisda83 on December 17, 2012, 02:52:04 AM
sweet story...

i like mayu and yuki plot.

thank's for the fic. can't wait to see the next.

 :twothumbs :theking
Title: Re: More Than This : HIATUS For the time being :((
Post by: Amakuchi on June 30, 2013, 05:03:26 PM