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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: umichan on September 06, 2012, 03:44:52 AM

Title: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 2 Update!!!!!(Saeyaka Date)
Post by: umichan on September 06, 2012, 03:44:52 AM
my first shot.
i wrote it will i was in school and my friend and teacher help me.
they help me in my grammer.
 please don't judge me........enjoy

The day has come

The day has come to see you walking.
The day has come to see you with your father.

I though this day would never come, but it did.
Love caught me in its Trap
I still remember that day when I met you; you were beautiful just like now.
Was I destined to be with you? I guess I was.
Thru those days of happiness and sorrow I always love you.

The day has come to see you like this.
The day has come to hear the bells.

I’m overloaded with joy. I can feel my hands sweating.
As I see you walking, I remember how happy you were when I propose to you, after 5 years of just been girlfriends.
A beautiful day that was when I told you, “Will you marry me”. And what a beautiful night we had. Joking about how will the called you after we get married, “Mrs. Takahashi….Haruna Takahashi” “it sounds lame”

The day has come to see you walking down the aisle.
The day has come were I can see you in your white wedding dress.

My friends told me or should I say force me to put on a suit even though I wanted to wear a dress.  But seeing you like this, it’s all worth it.
You smile now that we are in front of each other.
“I love you” I whispered
“I love you” you whispered”
I remember that day when we told your parents and my parent, we had to knee to them, just like now.

That day was magical, just like now.

That day was enjoyable, just like now

I love you, just like now.

The day has come when I can introduce you as my wife.
The day has come were I can you Haruna Kojima, my wife.

“I do”
And with that we made a bow that will never be broken.
“I love you Haruna”
“I love you Minami”

my next shot will be a saeyuki.
...until the day comes...
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [The day has come] (takaharu)
Post by: BbSis on September 06, 2012, 05:41:44 AM
Poetic, should I say! Nice piece of work, despite the diferent coupleing here^^ (at least for me xD)

You have a nice teacher o/ Mine would never help me with fics. When I was in school, she said my stories were stranges xD

Can't wait for the next o/ bring it on \o/
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [The day has come] (takaharu)
Post by: umichan on September 07, 2012, 02:42:53 AM teacher also help me and my friend. actually my friend came with the idea of the "rumor"

the words that are in italic are what they are saying/flashbacks and the bold one is yuki.


With just one question

“Can I help you?”

Just with that question, I knew you were going to be the person that I will love for the rest of my live.
It’s weird, right? I was a playboy even though I’m a girl.
I still remember when we meet, you were the new student and you were lost.

“Can I help you?” I stare at you with questioning eyes

“Yes, can you tell me where is room 317?”

“That’s my classroom” I answer with a smile.

“Can you take me there?”

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Yuki”

“I’m Sae”

At that time I had a girlfriend, Sayaka. Do you remember?
You slowly got into my mind and heart. I couldn’t stop thinking about you, I couldn’t stop looking at you, but your supercilious friend and my girlfriend stop me.
Soon I realize that I didn’t wanted Sayaka anymore, that my heart belong to you. And that’s how our story began.
We got along so well, that we spend time too much.

Remember when sayaka spread a rumor about me being a man and that I got her pregnant. Ridicules, right?
Well I do understand her, if the great sae breaks up with me…I would be upset…….actually I would never break up with myself.
You were laughing at me when I told you about the rumor.

“…you…did…what….hahahaha….you..hahahahaha… her…hahahahahah…pregnant…hahahahahahaha”

“It’s not funny, I have a reputation. My fangirls will get mad at me”


“Because they will assume that I had sex with her”

“Is that true”

“Of course not”

After showing my birth certificate and letting one of my fangirls touch my chest, they forgot about it. There is never peace in school.
Your friend started a rumor that I “stole girl’s bras”. I still remember when everyone stared at me.
You were the only one that came to me and said, “Is it true that you steal girl’s bras?” Oh what a month I had, but thankfully you discover it was you friend.

After 2 months I couldn’t hold my feelings

“I love you”

“I love you too”

Those words that you said made me fly with happiness.
Now, after 3 years of being together, I want to ask you something.

“Will you marry me?”

my next shot will be a kai/nami and ray
thank you to all of you who read this.

....until the day comes...
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [With just one question] (saeyuki)
Post by: BbSis on September 07, 2012, 06:38:13 AM
Nhoowunnnn *.* what a cute one!

Who is Yuki's friend? Mayu? Xp and Sayaka was that desperate aahuhau pragnant xD

Hueheu you have good friends o/

Yeeey! Next is Kai/Nami x Ray *.*

'Till next oneshot o/
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [With just one question] (saeyuki)
Post by: umichan on September 08, 2012, 03:29:44 AM
hello...i'm just dropping off my shot.

its actually a kai and ray shot, but i do promise that some time later i will do a kai/nami and ray fic.
and again my teacher help me and two of my friends help me.....thank you

well will explain somethings in the end
 if you want to you can listen to fallen leaves from JYJ or niji no yuki from alice nine


Is it too late?

We will see the same moon, but a part from each other.

Is it true that real love exist forever?
I always love you, but is it too late?
I guess it is.
From far away I can see the autumn leaves fall.

Why didn’t I realize it earlier?
I didn’t wanted to acknowledge that you love me, I kept pushing you away.
Now that I realize that I love you, you are going to marry someone else.
The pain grows as the days come closer. I just want to escape from this reality.
I’m stupid for pushing you away.
I love you so much that it hurts.
The sky keeps on crying with my sorrow.

I was there in that tree I’m seeing right now. I was there begging you not to get married, but all I got was, “I’m going to marry in one week”.
 Tears fell like it never did before. You gave me a kiss and left me there.

Now all I can do is let you go and remember those moment we had.
Today is your wedding day, you must be happy right?
Wait you are not, I know this marriage is arrange, that your parents made you marry.
But why is it that you did fight?...right I push you away.

I’m in the park where you first said, “I love you”. I will never forget that day.
Near this park is where you are getting married. As I see the leaves fall, I began to cry.
I let you go away and I could never forgive myself for doing so.
I don’t care if people are seeing me crying, all I care about is you.
I’m late aren’t I?

This is my all fault.
Even if you aren’t going to be with me, I must keep on walking ahead.
I will never forget you
I love you

By now your wedding must have end it. Now you are married to that bastard.
I am late
All I can do is go back to my sadness and love you for the rest of my life.

“Kai” a beautiful tall woman in a white wedding dress yells while she runs.

A blonde short guy, by hearing his name turns around to see who it was.


yea that was my shot.
ok let me explain that this is not a mendol setting, this is AU setting.
 where ray's parents are rich and for the sake of the company they make her marry a rich guy. and kai is a middle class resident.

 :? does it make sence.
if you have questions just ak me...

well my next is a marimii......

...until the day comes.....
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Is it too late?] (Kai x Ray)
Post by: yourockme on September 08, 2012, 04:32:21 AM
YEY!!! I love it
its so calming (what am i saying LOL)
waiting for Marimii
just wondering if there is KaiAcchan Atsumina AtsuYuu kojiyuu
tahaha *demanding   :cow:
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Is it too late?] (Kai x Ray)
Post by: umichan on September 09, 2012, 03:18:45 AM
hello....i here to drop my shot.
 have you why seen my pattern???

this shot was rushed, so  if there is any mistake i will edit it later.
my help me in this one


captivated by your silliness

You were that stupid innocent girl that I fell for.

Your silliness captivated me, even thought I was more mature.

Its funny how we meet, you bump into me because my friend, Haruna, was chasing you.

“Watch were you are going” I yell

“You watch were you are going old lady”

“Hey I’m not an old lady” I yell

“You are taking too long, move” you push me to the side

You were so annoying back then, well you still are. My friend, Haruna, officially introduced us and made you apologize. Ever since that day I was your friend.
Without realizing, I smile and laugh at every time you did something stupid. Without realizing I was falling for you.

Remember when I save you in the library. Just because you wanted to read Alice in Wonderland, you decided to go up there and grab it.
When you were going to grab the book you stand was moving.

“Miichan be careful” I said in a worried voice.

“Don’t worry” you said

“Okay” I said still in a worried voice.  I see how you were trying to grab the book when I see you falling. I grab your arm and pull you toward me.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t strong enough to stay still. When I open my eyes you were the first thing that I saw, you were in top of me.
At seeing in what position I blush and you did the same, but something made me go back to reality.

“Miichan you are heavy” I said with problems in my breathing

“I’m sorry” you stood up and ran away.   

I thought it was because you were embarrassed, but the way you look at at me was like if you were in love with me. Back then I knew I love you, but did you love me back then too?

Sometime later I notice you were avoiding me. I decided to “stalk” you; well I only follow you to your house. I notice that one day you were crying to your way to your house. I really worried me, but what you said me happy.

“Why can I get you out of my head Mariko?”

Now I’m standing in front of you, I want to tell you that you are still that stupid, annoying, innocent girl that I fell for.

“I love you, so much. You are the first person that I have ever loved.  Can you be my girlfriend?”


there it is.
i hope you enjoyed it..
the next one is a atsuyuu.....

....until the day comes....
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [captivated by your silliness] (MariMii)
Post by: Wmatsui22 on September 09, 2012, 03:54:24 AM

..I like your One-Shots Fic!!

..Please make more!!



..A request

..Thank You :D
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [captivated by your silliness] (MariMii)
Post by: Megumi on September 09, 2012, 10:25:00 AM
 :bow: Thank you for your update!
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [captivated by your silliness] (MariMii)
Post by: BbSis on September 09, 2012, 05:17:12 PM
Oh man! I stay away a couple of days and you update twice! With two of my favorite couples *.*

thaaaanks! *.* I'm loving your oneshots!

The Kai x Ray one was almost sad, but give me a bright smile with that end. Are you planning to write about it with more details?

The MariMii one was supercute and funny! I love that twisted aurea around these two huahauhauhauha

Thanks again and till next one o/
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [captivated by your silliness] (MariMii)
Post by: kahem on September 10, 2012, 01:39:42 AM
Your fic are so cute~ especially the Marimii^^
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [captivated by your silliness] (MariMii)
Post by: umichan on September 10, 2012, 03:23:09 AM
i'm here to drop-off the last shot.............just joking......this is the last shot that i will do this week.
my next update is unknow to me because right now i have schools projects....

well enjoy

thank you

Why didn't i notice early?

Why doesn’t hurt not having you with me.

Why didn’t I realize what I felt for you was is love?
I’m a coward for not saying, “Yes”

At first we were just friends, but then you began to stay in my mind. Not long after that, you began to be more open with me.

Why didn’t I notice early?

You were always by my side no matter what.

Why didn’t I notice early?

In a rainy day you told me how you felt about me. “I love you”. And like a death body I stood frozen.
 Before I could come back to life you were running, trying to hide your crystal tears. Too late I realize what I felt for you is love.

Now I am here trying to find you in this world. It has pass two days since you told me, “I love you”.
I want to tell you how much I love you and that I’m sorry for not saying anything to you on that day.

Some of your friends told me you were leaving in a train at 12 o’clock. I was there like a bullet. I found you.

“Please don’t leave me”

In the rain I hold you. Not wanting to let you go, I hug you as tight as I can. I began to cry. Is it too late to tell you I love you?

Why didn’t I realize it early?

“I love you Atsuko”

“I love you Yuko”

i hope you enjoy it
i know its soooo short but i'm sick and can't think that much. too bad i have to go to school tomorrow.......

......until the day comes......
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Why didn't i notice early?] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: BbSis on September 10, 2012, 06:19:43 AM
Hey nice one! Never read fics with this couple.

Thaanks and see ya hext os o/
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Why didn't i notice early?] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: yourockme on September 10, 2012, 12:13:38 PM
Thank you
I want more HEHE
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Why didn't i notice early?] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: miayaka on September 11, 2012, 08:49:17 PM
Gosh one of my fave pairings atsuyuu!!!!
its been a long time since I read atsuyuu here!
This is so cute~~~
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Why didn't i notice early?] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: yukofan on September 14, 2012, 07:20:18 AM
thanks for the atsuyuu fic..
i'm shipping atsuyuu so hard right now..
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Why didn't i notice early?] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: Tam_atsu on September 14, 2012, 12:39:04 PM
Yay!! I REALLY LOVE ATSUYUU! Please continue to make more atsuyuu fics!  :) :heart: that was a great one! Keep it up  :O   :thumbup :peace:
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [more co
Post by: umichan on September 15, 2012, 04:59:02 PM
hello.....i'm just here to tell you guys that i will countinue doing shots, but school is keeping me from doing them.

to all those atsuyuu fans.....i'm planing to do more 3 shots in this month.

to all of those who like ray and kai....i'm planing to do 5 more shots this month.

to all those who like marimii.....i will do 3 more shots in this month.

i will so a shot of jurina and rena......

the next shot is going to be a will be schock or  :O withthat shot........its a secret on who the villan will be......or should i say its impossible that the person who is the "villan" is...........


....until the day come.....
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [More comming]
Post by: umichan on September 16, 2012, 01:36:29 AM
hello...i'm just here to drop off this shot...well part one of the shot.
i'm to lazy to write the rest of the shot that i have in my notebook.
i hope you guys enjoy it........i want to read a saeyuki fading away.......saeyuki i need you....

okaaaayyyy, any ways enjoy


“Do you have the cloth I told you to bring?” a girl whispered.

“Yeah….are you really going to this?” another girl answer.

“Where are the cloths” a girl asked.

“In my locker….good luck”

1 hour later: 7:28

A girl was walking in the streets. She seemed calm; she was tall, beautiful, but tiered. Suddenly, she heard some noises coming from behind.
She looked back but it was only a cat. She kept on walking. While she was walking, she remembered she was supposed to call her will girlfriend.


“Haruna” Haruna had a smile across her face when she heard Minami’s voice.

“Can you come to my house…I have a surprised” Minami asked.

“Sure, what time?”

“At 8:30…are you walking to your house?” Minami asked.

“Yeah, I have to get ready” Haruna laugh a little.

“Why are you laughing at?” Minami asked.

“Because this is the 5th time I go to your house” Haruna remember those other were really awkward.

“Anyways…are you wearing the necklace I gave you?”

“Of course, I will never lose it” haruna held her necklace in her hand.

“Well, I got to go…bye, love you” and with that Minami ended the phone call. Haruna saw her phone and saw it was 7:30; enough time to get her ready.
 She was walking in a street where there was few people, but somehow all the people disappeared….except for one.

She heard something and looked back, she saw a man walking like 3 meters away from her. ‘Is he following me’ Haruna thought. She speeded up her pace; the man also speeded up.
 Haruna got scared and started running and started to run, also the man.
 The man got to Haruna and covered her mouth with his hand. As for Haruna everything went black.

this will have 3 my notebook is too llong.
i hope you guys enjoyed it......
and thank ou guys for reading my fics

....until the day comes...
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [more co
Post by: Tam_atsu on September 16, 2012, 03:43:15 AM
hello.....i'm just here to tell you guys that i will countinue doing shots, but school is keeping me from doing them.

to all those atsuyuu fans.....i'm planing to do more 3 shots in this month.

to all of those who like ray and kai....i'm planing to do 5 more shots this month.

to all those who like marimii.....i will do 3 more shots in this month.

i will so a shot of jurina and rena......

the next shot is going to be a will be schock or  :O withthat shot........its a secret on who the villan will be......or should i say its impossible that the person who is the "villan" is...........


....until the day come.....

Oh my!!!! 3 more atsuyuu!!  :wriggly: im really excited for that!!  :on gay: please update soon!!  :mon crazyinlove:
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible]
Post by: Wmatsui22 on September 16, 2012, 04:50:58 AM


please make a ATSUMINA or KAIATSUKO..

Thank You..

I will wait for that..
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible]
Post by: irgheto on September 16, 2012, 02:34:16 PM
yey! more atsuyuu!

do your best author! :D
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible]
Post by: Wmatsui22 on September 17, 2012, 01:03:49 PM

i have a question,

is this (Impossible) is a complete one-shot?

please answer me.

Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible]
Post by: umichan on September 18, 2012, 03:05:15 AM
hello...i'm here to drop-off my shot..

sorry if i didn't put part 1 on it.....i was too lazy...

well here it is part 2.



“Wake up” the man yell at haruna. Haruna woke up, she felt sick and wasn’t conscious enough. Then-

“Ahhhh”Haruna was shocked at what she saw.
 There were pictures of her everywhere. Her eyes move slowly as she seeing her pictures until she saw a picture of her and Minami kissing in the streets at night. That was not a magazine photo; it was a normal one like from a digital camera.

“Mi…na…mi” Haruna  whispered.

“Oh yeah…Minami….I thought you and Yuko were girlfriends” the man’s voice sounded a little feminine.

“I never expected you and Minami were girlfriends” the man’s face looked sad. The man turn around and look at Haruna, she looked very frighten.

“I’m sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Riku”. Riku had one of the biggest grins Haruna has ever seen.
 That grin seemed familiar but that didn’t matter at the moment she couldn’t remember.
Haruna remember she had a date with Minami; it was supposed to be at 8:30.

“Please let me go…what did I do to you?” Haruna struggle to say those words. Riku just stare at her. “No” he said flatly.

“Please let me go…..I don’t like this” Haruna started to cry.

“What did I do to you?”

“One thing” Riku held one finger up.

“You don’t love Oshima Yuko” Haruna was shocked and confused by what Riku said.

“What do you mean?” Haruna asked. Haruna knew she loved Yuko once but then Haruna started no3b and started to hang out with Minami.
 And she found the person she really loves was Minami.

“I mean.. you and Yuko used to go out, nut then no3b was form….
you and Minami stated hanging out more and when you realize you were truly in love with Minami…you left Yuko….you ruined Yuko’s life.’

Haruna was shocked at the statement he just made. ‘How does he know all that’? Riku started to walk where Haruna was.

“Don’t come any closer…I will yell”

“Do it nobody will hear you”-ring..ring..ring..

Riku walked to his desk where he had Haruna’s cell phone.

“My cell phone…give it back!” Haruna yell.

Riku looked at ID; it was from Minaimi.

“It’s Minami….i want you to answer calmly…if you tell her what happen, I will kill you”

i know its short but like last time....i'm lazy to wirte and i have homework..

for the atsuyuu fans.. i'm already writting the 1 shot and its call flower shop....thats all i'm going to say...

...until the day come....
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible part 2] (TakaHaru)
Post by: BbSis on September 18, 2012, 04:05:43 AM
O.O It ended like this?! Noooo >< I want more :cry:

Very intersting... Haruna got kidnaped by Riku XD

Again, without I notice it, you updated twice xD

Please tell me it's going to be a part 3 ><

see ya o/
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible part 2] (TakaHaru)
Post by: umichan on September 19, 2012, 01:56:09 AM
i'm here to drop-off my shot

and i'm sorry if i didn't said how may parts are they going to have.....actaully i'm a lazy writter over the wekk but in weekend i'm faster.

thank you for reading my shot... :bow:




“Hello…Haruna” Minami said a little worried.

“Yes” Haruna answer calmly, just like Riku told her to do.

“Its 8:40 are you to be here soon…are you okay?” the worried Capitan said.

“I think it’s impossible to come right now because my hair drier is broken” Haruna hope Minami knew what she meant.


The Takaharu couple was in Minami’s house. Both of them had the day off, so they stayed in Minami’s house instead of going shopping. Ring….ring,,,ring….

“Aren’t you going to answer that” Minami asked Haruna.

“No” Haruna said as she didn’t care.


“Because…it’s an absent number and every time i answer no body answers back” she said a little angry.

“Be careful… might…a…stalker” Minami chuckle at the last part.

“Don’t make me scare” Haruna playfully hit her girlfriend.

“ok, I have an idea, if you are in trouble call me and say; “I think its impossible to come right now because my hair drier is broken” and that’s how I will know you are in trouble” Minami said seriously.


“Promise” the promise was sealed off by a kiss.

End of flashback

“I understand….I’ll wait then” Minami said seriously

‘I hope she understood’


Minami’s POV

“She is in trouble, what should I do?”

I’m worried. I try not to panic. “bingo, I should check my computer “ she still had the necklace I gave her right….why I’m not getting my laptop.

Normal POV

“Good job, you didn’t panic at all and that was a good excuse” Riku patted Haruna’s head.

“Leave me alone” Haruna yell. This made Riku upset. Riku was mad; he couldn’t contain it any longer. He was about to hit her, but he saw Haruna covering her face.

“Haru-chan, don’t be afraid I’m not going to hurt you” Riku walked to where his desk was. Leaving a unnoticeable Haruna crying.

don't hate me if i'm lazy i still go to school.....worst thing ever...
well... to the atsuyuu and saeyuki fans, i already finish writting (in class) the shots.

i'll put them next or next two weeks..

....until the day comes....
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible part 3] (TakaHaru)
Post by: BbSis on September 20, 2012, 12:33:53 AM
Oh my! At least they have a code =p

Yes, hadn't said the number of parts this one will have ><

Riku is kinda creepy ><

moooore o/
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible part 3] (TakaHaru)
Post by: umichan on September 20, 2012, 03:09:58 AM
i actually don't know how many parts will i takes tell you the truth my school is taking my live.......i don't see my friends that often,
another girl is.....the person that i like; i can't see her.......i miss her....i still can't believe she told me "i love you"......okay back to this.....

in my notebook is four pages but that was part 1 in my theory.....and in another notebook i have the second part which is four i don't know how many parts will have and i might update tomorrow.....

my Atsuyuu fans i finish flower shop and i'm writting another shot

the SAEYUKI fans i'm finish writting Blue please wait.....
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible part 3] (TakaHaru)
Post by: BbSis on September 20, 2012, 04:33:19 AM
i actually don't know how many parts will i takes tell you the truth my school is taking my live.......i don't see my friends that often,
another girl is.....the person that i like; i can't see her.......i miss her....i still can't believe she told me "i love you"......okay back to this.....

I understand you in all this ways^^ Please take your time and don't give up o/

Good luck :cow:
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible part 3] (TakaHaru) reply to someone
Post by: Wmatsui22 on September 20, 2012, 12:44:19 PM



Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible part 3] (TakaHaru) reply to someone
Post by: umichan on September 21, 2012, 01:27:47 AM
hello....i'm just dropping off my shot......i'm to lazy to write the whole i'm sorry..



Back to Minami’s house
“Thank you for coming” Minami vowed .

In her house there was all of her close friends; Atsuko, Sae, Yukirin, Itano and Kasai tomomi, Miichan, and Mariko.

“Were you able to call Yuko, you know she will get worried about Haruna since they used to be girlfriends” Miichan asked.

“Actually, I haven’t been able to call her…let me try again”

Back to Haruna


‘Who might that be’ Riku thought.

“You better not make any noise, you understand” Riku yell with almost a feminine voice.

“Hello” Riku whispered.

“Hello, something horrible happen, will come to my house” the person at the other end said.

“I’m sorry, I can’t I’m too busy and plus I’m not near where you are, sorry”

Back to Minami

“She is not answering” Minami said in frustruation.

“Where’s Atsuko” Yukirin asked.

“She went to the bathroom” Miichan answer.

Minami went to her bedroom and bought her laptop. Atsuko return from the bathroom.

“I talked to Yuko, she said she is busy and she was sorry she is not able to make it” Atsuko announced.

“Oh well…..everyone gather up” Minami commanded.

“Yes, capitan” everyone said at the same time.

“Okay” Minami open her laptop. Everyone was surprised at the image of her laptop….the image of her screen was a picture of her and Haruna kissing. “Ahhh that so
cute” sae said.

“Ok you guys don’t need to see that, anyways this is where Haruna is” Minami showed everyone a map.

“You chip her?” Itano asked

“Yeah so…well it’s in a necklace that I gave her”

“Good idea”

“Thank you” both Itano and Minami high fived.

“Okay let’s get to the point, her location is 2 miles from here so we need a van” Minami turned where Mariko was.

“Did you bring the van?” Minami asked

“Yes Capitan”

“Ok, Itano did you and Kasai bought our communication” Minami asked

“We bought something awesome, we bought those thing that you put in your ear and communicate hands free”

“Bluetooth?” Miichan asked

“Yeah I guess”

“Great, Mariko did you and Atsuko chose our cloth….”Minami asked confoused

“Yes, even though you didn’t want it, they are in those suit cases and they are leather”
“Really. Leather” Minami look at them like are you serious.

“Oh well…everyone change cloths”

15 minutes later

In front of the van

The doors of the van were open. Inside the van were some of the highest technological computer systems, it look like one of those van in FBI movies.

“Wow, great job Mariko….Sae and Yukirin will drive. The rest of us will be inside” Minami stated.

“What’s our mission name” Miichan asked.

“uh..uh…let’s call it “impossible”

Back to Haruna

“Stop touching me” haruna yell

“Why, I like touching you…I miss it” Riku said in a feminine voice

“Miss it…wait who are you” Haruna asked frightened, suddenly she felt someone’s lips on her’s. It was Riku. Haruna try to stop him but she was too weak, then she
summon enough strength to push hi-


i'm lazyy.....i have to do my homework now....

.....until the day comes.....
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible part 4] (TakaHaru)
Post by: BbSis on September 21, 2012, 02:29:46 AM
Oh! No wonder Yuko was busy.... XD

Wow, they are almost secret agents =p they must be rich...

See ya next update o/
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible part 4] (TakaHaru)
Post by: umichan on September 22, 2012, 03:19:52 AM
hi.....i'm going to tell you that tomorrow i'm going to put chapter 5 of my fanfic....the tale of a spider and a butterfly...

i'm sorry if i'm not going to update this shot for two days; today and tomorrow.

on sunday i'm going to update the shot and that would be it.......well....actually its going to be on a pause....for 2 days

on monday i'm going to put Flower shop(atsuyuu) its going to be 2 parts because i'm too lazy to write it......i hate school....

i'm a restive teenager.......and for my 2nd OTP, SAEYUKI

Blue rose its going to be uodate on wednesday......(i don't know how to spell the day)


Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible on pause] read this please
Post by: umichan on September 23, 2012, 08:15:45 PM
okay i came back.....and there is a change of plans.
if i don't update tomorrow flower shop i might update it on tuesday......
well....i hope you guys like this really long my mind it was a shot but to my hands it was so long to write.



Back to Minami

“Okay girls, it’s time to star Sae, Itano, Mariko, and Miichan will come with me the rest of you will stay and watch over us.” Minami commanded

“Yes Capitan”

Sae, Itano, Mariko, Miichan, and Minami headed out to the storage house were Haruna was.

“sae and Itano go to the left, Mariko and Miichan go to the right. I will to the door”

Back to Haruna

When Haruna pushed “Riku” something was revealed, “Riku” was Yuko.

The person that was pushed hit its head on the desk. When that person looked down something fell, it was a wig. Whit that the act was over.

“Yu…ko” Haruna was shock

“Yeah it’s me” Yuko got up and grin at her. Yuko started to walked where Haruna was.

“Why….yuko..The person I used to love” Haruna was crying.

“Like you said, used to, now you don’t, that’s why I did it” Yuko grabbed Haruna’s chin

“You were everything to me, but you were stupid enough to leave me for that midget” Yuko sounded very angry. Haruna started to cry even harder.

Back to Minami

“Capitan do you hear me” Kasai was trying to communicate. “Yes Kasai. Okay tell me what’s the deal”.

“The area its really small, it’s 200 by 200; it will be a piece of cake”

“Okay I got it” the Capitan try to communicate with Sae and Itano.

“You guys go to the top of the roof” Sae and Itano did as they were told.

“Mariko and Miichan is there a window in there” Minami asked.

“Yes but we are not near that window” Miichan whispered

“Get to the window slowly, I will go the door”

“Wait are you stupid” all who were listening to yell.

well....THANK YOU and i need some ones help for my Saeyuki Fanfiction not the shot.......i need help with my ideas and the order of my ideas because for my Fanfiction sae is going to be a vampire and mayu is going to her sister.......but i have many ideas that now they don't make sence.......

help me onegai

.......until the day comes......
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible part 5] (TakaHaru)
Post by: BbSis on September 24, 2012, 02:39:24 AM
Yeey! And now everyone  is going to discover that Yuko is behind all this =o

Yeey o/ I liked it o/

See ya next part o/
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible part 5] (TakaHaru)
Post by: umichan on September 27, 2012, 01:22:46 AM
hello....i'm just here to update my shot.....

today is ATSUYUU day well to meit is.....well its because i'm putting my atsuyuu shot.

i didn't update yesturday....beacause my grilfriend had my notebook where i wrote those stories........

welll enjoy.....

Flower Shop

A sunny morning, beautiful scenery of spring, and a clear sky. But to a girl it wasn’t a beautiful morning, it was a bad morning. Today she starts a new job in a flower shop. She liked flowers but not that much.

“Good morning, Oshima Yuko desu” Yuko greeted her new manager.

“Good morning, Yuko-san, I’m Mariko as you know….today you will take care of the flowers” Mariko pointed to the flowers.

“Put this on and follow me” Mariko gave an apron to Yuko and Yuko did as she was told.

Mariko and Yuko went to the back of the shop. A room where it had lockers, and suddenly a girl jump in front of Mariko. Yuko scream at the sudden “attack”.

“Miichan stop doing that, you would have given your new mate a heart attack” Mariko gave a death glare to Miichan.

“I’m sorry” Miichan vowed. “My name is Minami”

“My name is Oshima Yuko, nice to meet you”

2 hours

“yuko-san, pour water to those spider lilies” Minami said

“Okay, but don’t call me yuko-san just call yuko” smile and turn around to pour water on the spider lilies.

“Okay yuko in exchange you can call me Miichan” it was about 10:00 am, it was sunny, yet windy. Then a customer came into the flower shop. A short-hair girl step
into the shop. Miichan stop what was she doing and stare at the girl.

“Atsuko” Miichan whispered

“Hi Miichan I miss you” Atsuko and hugged her. Yuko was clueless. The door to Mariko’s office flew open and Mariko look at Atsuko and walk to hug her.

“I miss you Atsuko” Yuko was still confess. Atsuko look at her direction where Yuko was.

“I see you found a replacement for Minami”

“Well Minami left with Haruna….and well we haven’t seen her since” Mariko looked at Atsuko

“Okay Atsuko look sad

“Yuko come here” Yuko walked where the trio was.

“Atsuko this is Yuko; Yuko this is Atsuko”

“Hello, Atsuko-san” Yuko vowed.

“Just call me Atsuko” she smiled

Hours passed and the day went on with a warm smile on everyone’s face. Some customers came in and out with flowers in their hands. But the next customer will be only notice by Yuko.

“Hello, how can I help you?” Yuko greeted a short girl with a pony tail.

“Yes can I have a dozen of red roses” the short girl said. Yuko didn’t knew where the rose were, so she went to Mariko’s office where Mariko, Miichan, and Atsuko were
talking. Yuko left the door kind of open; the view of the space was only that people inside weren’t able to look outside but the people outside could look inside.

“Atsuko” the short girl whispered.

Yuko came out and went where Mariko told her.

“Can I have a dedicatory?” the short girl asked

“Uhm…yeah sure” Yuko was new so she didn’t knew where the dedicatory cards where.

“They are in that box” the short girl pointed it out

“How do you know?” Yuko asked while she walked to the box

“I used to work here” the short girl smile

“Oh…ok…what do you want the dedicatory card to say?” Yuko asked

“I will always love you Haruna” the short girl smile.

“Okay, here you will be 10 dollars” the short girl pay and left.

“Hey Yuko we are going to close early today; do you want to come with us for dinner, its almost 7:00 pm” Miichan asked

“Yeah sure”

15 minutes later

“How was your trip Atsuko” Mariko asked. The four of them were in a danso café.

“It was okay, I went to America, South Korea, and England” Atsuko said happily

“Can I take your order and by the way my name is Sae” and ikemen girl in boy’s cloths asked them

“The usual for the four of us” Mariko told Sae

“I’ll be right back”

“Well let’s stop talking about me, Yuko tell us something about you” Atsuko said while looking at yuko

“I live alone, I have a cat, and…..I really like your smile” Yuko smile

“Thank you”

Thank you to those who read this.......well this is the first part of the shot
the next update is unknow to me bacause i have big test comming up, so i have to study

.....until the day comes.....
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Flower Shop part 1] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: BbSis on September 27, 2012, 07:32:47 PM
Yeey! New OS o/

Liked this one^^

just one question... the takaharu one ends like that? ><'

see ya next update o/
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Flower Shop part 1] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: kahem on September 28, 2012, 01:22:50 AM
OMG!!!! Yuko is the bad guy in Impossible?!!!!
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Flower Shop part 1] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: Tam_atsu on September 28, 2012, 01:20:01 PM
OH MY GOSH ATSUYUU!!!! :mon freeze: :mon angel: :mon crazyinlove: please continue to update! But studyy first  :mon geek: :mon yeah: :mon fan: goodluch on your exam. And congrats on such a wonderful atsuyuu fic even though it is only the starting  XD i think it will be more and more exciting and sweet story!! Thank you so much formmaking atsuyuu fic!!  :ptam-kiss: :wriggly: :on grad: :on GJ: :on gay:
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Flower Shop part 1] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: umichan on October 01, 2012, 02:26:03 AM this is not an update....i'm just gouing totalk about the shots....

impossible is on haitous and flower shop is going to be update on tuesday....and this is why?????

well......i have an big test and i really need to study and do my best because i had a bad grade on the last one, so....yeah...uhmm

wait for me i promise that i will finish each and evry shot and fic i do.....

Title: Re: umichan's one shots ....READ...
Post by: BbSis on October 01, 2012, 02:57:15 AM
Hey umichan o/

take your time, study to your test^^ there's nothing worse than fail in a test ;.;

so ganbatte o/
Title: Re: umichan's one shots .......
Post by: umichan on October 17, 2012, 12:49:30 AM
hello.....i miss you guys

i had a 96 on my exam that i had.....that was the reason i didn't update
 i will update Flower Shop first and then Impossible so wait for me...

i will update next week on saturday or sunday ...

ok see you....
.....until the day comes.....
Title: Re: umichan's one shots ....i will update...
Post by: fuu_kun on October 17, 2012, 05:42:47 AM
hello umichan ^^ i miss you too~~ ganbatte for your exam.. can i have some saeyuki? :| well, yeah.. don't push yourself :) can't wait for the next update, see you soon ^o^)/
Title: Re: umichan's one shots ....i will update...
Post by: umichan on November 06, 2012, 02:14:00 AM
hi....after all this time i all ways remember that i had to update this shot.

thank you for waiting for me all this time and i will find time to update impossible and put my new shot for fuu_kun.....yes fuu_kun it will be a saeyuki.....

well this is the last part of flower shop i hope you guys like it... :)

Flower Shop part 2

Minutes pass and the waitress came with their order. They talk and talk; it was already 10:00pm.

“Miichan are you sleepy” Mariko patted Miichan’s head. Mariko looked at Miichan with loving eyes.

“Yes I am” Miichan said in a sleepy way. Mariko was still looking at Miichan with loving eyes, but…

“Wake up” Mariko yell, her eyes turn into some evil ones. The waitresses stop cleaning to the sound of Mariko’s voice. Sae and a girl came out.

“Can you guys don’t scream” Sae said upset

“I’m sorry…my fried over here was sleepy”

“Okay but don’t do it anymore” Sae glare at Mariko

“Come on Sae, lets go the kitchen” the girl said

“Okay Yuki”

“Well, I’m going to drive Miichan home to her parents” Mariko paid and took Miichan’s hand so she would stand.

“Yuko can you drive Atsuko to her house?” Mariko ask

“Yeah sure” Yuko answer

"Okay bye, see you tomorrow” with that Mariko and Miichan left.

“Okay lets go”

Yuko and Atsuko left the café, so they could go to Yuko’s car.

“So where do you live” Yuko asked while she started the car

“I live 3 block from here” Atsuko said. The ride was directed by Atsuko. It was very quiet until….

“So why did you decided to work at the flower shop?” Atsuko ask

“I just need money to survive” Yuko said without taking her eyes of the road. A red light stop Yuko’s car. The atmosphere was awkward because Yuko and Atsuko just met.

“So I heard that you were in other countries” Yuko ask

“Yeah…I was”

“Did you enjoy it” Yuko look at Atsuko

“Yes I did” Atsuko smile. Just then the red light turned into a green light. Yuko drove where Atsuko had told her to go. It was dark and scary where Atsuko told Yuko to drive.

“Are you sure you live here?” Yuko ask


“Ok…..can I go with you so I can assure you will be okay?” Yuko said as she looked at Atsuko

“yeah sure”

In the entrance of the apartment there was an old man standing near the maintenance room.

“The owner is not here, she can’t give you the keys to your apartment” the old man told Atsuko

“She is not here…..when will she be back” Atsuko ask

“Tomorrow morning” said as he entered the maintenance room. Yuko look at a worried Atsuko.  She wanted to ask her if she got any other place but she remember
that Atsuko had been travelling.

“What now” Atsuko said kind upset. She had no place to go to and she had to find one right now.
Without any hesitation Yuko ask If she want, she could stay at her place just for the day. Atsuko accepted the offer because she knew that she had no money for a hotel.

-At Miichan’s house-

“Do you have your key” Mariko whisper

“Yes it is in my bag” Miichan replied. Mariko search in Miichan’s bag only to find candy.

“Miichan you only have candy in your bag” Mariko sounded upset

“In the smaller bag….will you hurry I want to sleep”

“Shut up….if you didn’t had a lot of stuff in your bag” Mariko search through the things that were in the smaller bag; candy, and other stuff she couldn’t recognize

“I got it”. Mariko opened the door to the house where Miichan live. “Are your parents here?” Mariko ask. “No they are out of town…I’m all alone” Miichan puted
Mariko stepped inside while she was holding Miichan’s hand. Mariko had already came here a few times because Miichan’s parents wanted to meet the boss of her daughter.  Mariko saw Miichan almost fall, but luckily she catched her. “Look where you are going”
Mariko held Miichan’s hand and guided her to Miichan’s room. When they got to the door Mariko let go Miichan’s hand.

“Ok go to sleep” Mariko turned around so she could leave, but Miichan grab her wrist.

“Thank you for taking me here…….you are a really good friend” Miichan smile as she looking at Mariko with sleepy eyes

“Yeah its okay” Mariko smile back. Miichan seen that decide it was time to go to her room. She open her door and wave at Mariko.

“Miichan becarefu-“Mariko was stop when she heard a loud scream.  Mariko went to Miichan’s room only to find Miichan on the ground. “Miichan get up” Mariko try to get her up but according to her she was too heavy. “baka”. Mariko then heard someone snore. Without any care she just left Miichan in the floor.

-At Yuko’s apartment-

“You can sleep in the couch if you want to or you can sleep in my bed” Yuko said as she turn on the lights and let Atsuko come in.

“It is okay I’ll sleep on your couch” Atsuko said as she looked around the apartment. It was okay, it was big enough for two people.

“Let me bring you some sheets” Yuko went to her room.

Atsuko look around and then she saw Yuko coming out with some sheets.

“Yeah….make yourself comfortable”

“Thank you”

Yuko went to her room but she stopped and went back to Atsuko. “If you need something I’ll be in my room”

“Yes and thank you again”

-Later that night-

Yuko got up and went to the kitchen. . She took an out the gallon of milk and serve herself a cup of milk. She looked around and she saw Atsuko sleeping. She walked to Atsuko still with the glass of milk. She looked at Atsuko as she drank her milk. ‘You look so pretty; to bad I won’t see you anymore’ Yuko thought as she drank her milk. Yuko when to the kitchen and put her glass in the sink. ‘Wait I can see her; she is friends with my boss’ Yuko smiled.

- The next morning-

Yuko got ready to go to work. She went outside to her living room to find a still sleeping Atsuko. She decided to wake her up because soon she would be leaving to go to work.

“Atsuko, wake up” Yuko said. She looked at Atsuko as she woke up.

“I’m sorry, what time is it?” a sleepy Atsuko said

“Its 7:30 a.m.” Yuko responded

“Can you drive me home if isn’t too much for asking” Atsuko got up and started to fold the sheets that Yuko gave her.


-Later that day-

“Hi, Miichan” Yuko greeted Miichan. After getting Atsuko to her apartment she went straight to work

“Yuko, did you give Atsuko a ride?” Miichan ask

“Yes, but the owner of those apartment where she lives wasn’t there, so I told her she could stay for the nigh in my place” Yuko answer

“What….she spent the night with you?”

“Baka…..of course not she slept in the couch” Yuko look at Miichan

“Girls stop talking, and water the flowers” Mariko walked in

“Hey Mariko, Atsuko spent the night with Yuko”

“What….wow...that fast….Yuko did you sleep with her?” Mariko sounded confused

“What….no I didn’t, I’m not a like that” Yuko try to protect her reputation. She wasn’t a pervert, well sometimes yes.

"well...she is kind of preety" Yuko admitted

“Good to hear” Mariko look at Yuko

“Okay move, do something or I’ll get you both fire”

Sometime later

Atsuko came every now and then and every time she came to the flower shop she would talk to Yuko or Miichan or Mariko, but mostly Yuko. Little by little Yuko fell for that girl that came unexpectedly on her first day of work.  Every time Atsuko came, Yuko would give her a rose as a present. Atsuko fell for the girl who bought her to her apartment, but later to the girl’s house.
After a long time of seen each other in the flower shop, Yuko decided to tell her the feeling she had for Atsuko. But she was worried that Atsuko might not return the feelings, but…..

“Atsuko what are you doing here” Yuko said. Yuko was at the back of the store with some roses.

“I just wanted to see you” Atsuko blush

“But you could have waited in the shop”

“But I wanted to see you how you handle the roses”

“I treat them well….i guess” Yuko blush. Yuko turned around to water the rose, but then she felt Atuko’s arms around her waist back hugging her.

“What are you doing?” Yuko asked

“Can we stay like this for a moment” Atsuko ask

“Yes I guess”

Yuko didn’t seem to be bother by that. She kept on watering the roses.

“You know….in this flower shop I met the first person that I have ever love”

“I didn’t know that…is it Mariko?

“No…she is right now with me and I’m hugging her” Yuko stopped what she was doing and turn around to see Atsuko.

“I’m that person?” Yuko sounded confused; she blush

“yes…who else” Atsuko hug Yuko

“I love you Atsuko”

“I love Yuko”

“Hey that was a stupid confession” Miichan said aloud

“Miichan shut up and let them be” Mariko hit Miichan in the forhead. The two girls that now where holding in a hug were laughing at what Miichan had said. Their confession was pretty stupid.

In the most remote place did I thought to find you, now I’m here with you in the place I met you, in the palce I knew I was in love with you, and where you confess to me. I love you and as in the flower shop’s name said “Flowers will bring you love”…….

well.....guys i'm just going to say this....this is not my best work

i was in a hurry, so i could reallly though of a good ending, sorry.....i know it suck  :sweatdrop:

well tomorrow i'm going to update the tale of a spider and a butterfly becasue my brithday its on wednesday and i was planning to update it then but my family is taking me some where, so yeah tomorrow.....

i hope you guys like it....THANK YOU

......until the day comes.......
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [flower shop part 2] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: Tam_atsu on November 06, 2012, 10:04:33 AM
Awww  :inlove: its so sweet!!!!!! Thank you so much for updating these and for the very romantic ending xD hehe, goodluck on ur others fics!!!  :lol:
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [flower shop part 2] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: sakura_drop_ on November 06, 2012, 10:36:03 AM
Thank you for this wonderful AtsuYuu!!  :bow: :bow:
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [flower shop part 2] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: yourockme on November 06, 2012, 10:45:09 AM
 :nya: :nya: :nya:
aww so CUTE!
thank you Umichan
AtsuYuu fiction here is really RARE!  :gyaaah:
sooo ARIGATOU  :mon love:
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [flower shop part 2] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: miayaka on November 06, 2012, 07:06:17 PM
I really love atsuyuu!!!
So adorable!
This is so sweet!!
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [flower shop part 2] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: BbSis on November 07, 2012, 09:23:52 AM
Yeeeey! You're back!! I hope everything is well^^

Happy birthday o/

This final part of flower shop was indeed a cute one. I really liked it :heart:

Patiently waiting for your other os updates o/

And enjoy your b-day with your family \o/
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [flower shop part 2] (AtsuYuu)
Post by: umichan on December 01, 2012, 04:00:18 AM

it has been a long time since i updated. And i'm sorry
lately i been felling drepress, and well i had no energy to write my story. I also had a exam , and its vey tiering.

but i will update, i will not give up on my dream on becoming one of the best authors, to becaome an author, and to demonstrate to my friend that i can write
stuff that people actually read. i'm musian, but also a writer.

i have decied to update impossible first, then the one that will come like blue garden(somebody stole my title), and a shot that will have something from me. then i will update the long fanfcition. then i will have a break where i will not write and get to this that really matter like finding more people who like takaharu, saeyuki, and Kai/nami xRay. and also i will not update until next year of january. But i will finish the long fanfiction before i take my break. my next fanfiction is goin to be called, "you, me, and my son".......i will that to your imagination.

thank you..........

Title: Re: umichan's one shots ANNUNCEMENT????
Post by: fuu_kun on December 01, 2012, 04:30:34 AM
hello umichan >o<)/
wuhuhuuu please come back soon~~
meh love saeyuki so muchhhhh ! much much much >//<
please update sooon ! :bow :
Title: Re: umichan's one shots ANNUNCEMENT????
Post by: cisda83 on December 16, 2012, 10:15:11 PM
yeah... great short fic.

My fav is Is it too late? (Kai and Ray) it's short but good plot (bittersweet love)

However, Impossible (Minami and Haruna) is very long story and full of plots.... great one too. Is it finish? Doesn't seem to be finished yet.

And also Flower Shop (Atsuko and Yuuko) great one too.

Well thank's for the fic... looking forward to the next one.
Title: Re: umichan's one shots ANNUNCEMENT????
Post by: umichan on December 19, 2012, 01:46:09 AM
the continuation of been a long time, but my Honors class drain my energy.
ok enjoy


“What?” Minami stop walking

“Are you crazy” Mariko screamed

“No…..I just want my girlfriend back” Manami said looking at the door. Even if it doesn’t seem like it really worried…well she actually was VERY worried.

“Don’t you think we want our friend back?” Mariko ask seriously



“I’m sorry”

“Takamina, we are here for you and Haruna” Miichan said as she turned to look at Mariko

“Yeah that’s right” Itano said

“We got your back” Sae put her fits up

“Well…lets go get Haruna” Minami stare at the door in front of her

-Back to Haruna-

“I love you Haruna” Yuko said as she look at a crying Haruna.

“But I don’t” Haruna cried

Yuko squad to look at Haruna, she move her hand to wipe Haruna’s tears. But Haruna back away with the strength that she had left. 

“Please let me your lover” Yuko said as she look at Haruna

“No…I don’t love you” Haruna said as she looked away to the left

“Don’t say that” tears began to form in Yuko’s eyes

“I don’t love you” Haruna turn to Yuko’s way, and saw that Yuko had lifted her right. Then a sting was left on her left cheek.

“I said not to say it” Yuko yell

-Back to Minami-

“Minami did you heard that, it sounded like someone slap someone” Sae told Minami

“What….we better hurry up, I don’t want Haruna to get hurt” Minami communicate

“Yukirin. Can you hear me” Sae ask

“Yes” Yukirin answer

“If I don’t come out of this….tell our children that I love them”

“But we don’t have children”

“That goes for you too, Kasai”

“But we don’t have kids”

At some other point

“Aren’t you going to tell me something” Miichan look at Mariko

“Girl……you know I don’t like you” Mariko looked at the window, but if she was in a real situation like this she would have told Miichan that she……

“Cut it out, nobody is going to die” Minami cut everyone’s conversation off.

“Sorry” everyone said. It was time to go inside, yet Minami was feeling nervous as what to do when she will see Haruna and her kidnaper

“You guys up in the roof, is there a fan or a window that you can see thru”


“Ok move closer”

“”Mariko and Miichan move to the window…I’ll stand back in the door”

Everyone was silent, but for Sae and Itano they had to hear a fan that was turn on, they could look away from it because that was where they could see a figure
standing up and another one in the floor. Mariko and Miichan look at the window, but the curtains were kind of torn that only let them see the face of Haruna. 
Minami was in there in a squad position truing to listen to the conversation that Haruana and the kidnaper were having.
She heard something slam a window and with that she decided that it was time to go in,
but where Mariko and Miichan were they saw Haruna’s phone and some glass pass by them.
Were Sae and Itano were the saw the face of the kidnaper. They were shock.
Minami push the door only to look at Yuko’s fight in the air froze.

“Yuko” Sae, Mariko, Itano, Miichan said in the same time.

“Impossible….” Was the only word that scape from Minami’s lips.

i know it short but........


....until the day cames.... :( :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible] part 7
Post by: fuu_kun on December 19, 2012, 01:18:54 PM
thats short :/ but AWESOME XDb thanks! :bow: please update sooooon~~~~
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible] part 7
Post by: umichan on January 02, 2013, 11:18:45 PM
i'm just here to tell you guys that I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!

i was reading the last part of impossible and it didn't made any scence, so i have to write it again. I'm very so sorry

After Impossible is finish i want to do a one last shot. And fuu_kun, that shot will be dedicate to you. I know you are a huge fan of Saeyuki, and well i did say i was going to put Blue rose, but i decided to make it into a really long fanfiction. so instead, you guys will be reading something called "Sae's Keys". yeah. i haven't write it but i have an idea. that would be the first shot that i write first in a word document. Please don't steal the title. so yeah wait for that one, i think it would be cool, but its going to have drama, a little action, confusion, ect.

.......until the day comes....
Title: Re: umichan's one shots Announcement!!!! you naughty boy!!!
Post by: fuu_kun on January 05, 2013, 12:39:04 PM
thankyuuu umichan  :bow: i'm so happy when read your post  :cow: :cow: pleaseeee don't give up~!! i'm here!!! ganbatte nee~!  :fap :fap
Title: Re: umichan's one shots Announcement!!!! you naughty boy!!!
Post by: umichan on January 06, 2013, 04:04:10 AM
well the wait is over........this is the last part of Impossible.
i hope you guys like it. i enjoy writting it.



-In the van-

Atsuko look at the two people in front of her, Yuki and Kasai. Atsuko got something out of her bag without been seen.  She had a baseball bat, and without them notice she swing the bat and hit of them.

“At…suko” Yuki whispered

“Now that is done, it’s their turn”. Atsuko got out of the van and headed where Mariko and Miichan were. She was cautious not to let Sae and Itano notice she was
walking toward their direction. She noticed that Mariko and Miichan were too busy staring at the window, So she thought of using the darkness that was surrounding them to blend into it. She had brought the bat with her, so when the time came she would hit them both. Atsuko saw that Mariko was about to turn, but Atsuko was faster and hit her. “Atsuko” Miichan shockingly said. Without hesitation she hit Miichan too.

“Did you hear that” Sae look to Itano. She had heard what Miichan had said.

“No what was it”

“Miichan said, “Atsuko”

“That’s ridiculous, she is in the van”. With them talking they didn’t notice that Atsuko was climbing to the roof of the warehouse.

“Yuko, I can’t believe its her” Sae said as she went back to see the confrontation between Minami and Yuko. Atsuko walk like a cat and she saw them that they were sitting near a fan, so she went up to them and hit them with the bloody bat.

“Now there won’t be any interruption” she evilly smiled.

-In the warehouse-

“Yuko, how could you?” Minami asked. She could not believe that her friend almost like sister had done this. Minami though it would be somebody else but Yuko, she
never expected her to be the kidnapper of her girlfriend.

“How could I…don’t you mean how YOU” Yuko look intensely into Minami’s eyes. Minami in the other hand didn’t understand what she had meant by that. Then she looked at Haruna, all her hair mess up, some bruises on her face. She felt horrible, she wanted to ran to her but yuko stop her earlier.

“I don’t know what you mean by that” she looked at yuko. Yuko walk toward her and without hesitation she punch Minami in the stomach.” Aahhhh…..what was that for” she had fell to her knees and cough. Then Yuko kick her in the back, making Minami hit the ground. “Yuko stop” Haruna cried. “Stop”

Minami tried to get up but again she was kick by Yuko.

“You took the person that I love the most from me” Yuko yell. Minami got up and was now facing Yuko.

“I didn’t do such thing” Minami protested. She coughed.

“You took her from me!” Yuko looked at Haruna, and back at Minami.

“She didn’t love so much”

Yuko punch Minami in the face. “Shut up…she still in love with me, but you took her from me… if you trap her”

“I didn’t do such thing…..i couldn’t control who I fell in love with neither can she” Minami try to run to Haruna but Yuko punch her again in the stomach. She fell.

“Minamiiii” Haruna yell. She saw how Minami spit some blood. Yuko was about to kick her, but Minami grab one of her legs and tackle her to the floor. Minami got on
top of Yuko and started to punch her in the face. It took only 3 seconds for Yuko to flip positions and started hitting Minami.

 “Sae, Mariko where are you guys” Minami yell while she was getting hit. She could hear Haruan crying and she wanted to get up and push away Yuko, but with the
previous hit she loss some of her energy.

“I don’t think the will be coming” Atsuko enter the warehouse and look at Minami. The punches that Yuko was giving her stop and Yuko turn to look at Atsuko.

“I told you not to hurt her” Atsuko walk toward Yuko.

“Atsuko?” Minami was confused, wasn’t she part of her team.

“What….you thought I was part of your “team” Minami” Atsuko walk toward Haruna and slap her.

“Atsuko” Minami yell

“Don’t hurt her” Minami said

Atusko walk to Minami and look at her.

“if you could have love me, this won’t be happening” Atsuko cress on of Minami’s cheeks

“You are my best friend……how could you give in to the idea of Yuko” Minami move away. She looked at Haruna.

“Haruna I promise you will be safe” Haruna nodded

“You can’t keep her safe you are only a midget” Yuko slap Minami. She coughed blood again.

“Hey I told you not to punch her” Atusko walk toward Yuko. Minami got up and move toward her girlfriend.  Atsuko and Yuko were distracted by them arguing, Minami
saw this as a change to try to help Haruna to get up.

“Where do you guys think you are going” Yuko yell

“We haven’t finished what we started” Atsuko Yell

Atsuko ran up to Minami and hug her, but Minami push her and she fell.

“Don’t touch me; I won’t forgive you for this” Minami yell

“I love you Minami”

“I don’t love you, I love Haruna”

“You don’t love her like I do” Yuko came and slap Minami. She try to apart Minami and Haruna, but Haruna punch her with the energy she had left.

“Sae, Mariko, Miichan….answer”

“They won’t be able to help you, sorry” Atsuko look at the bat that she put near the door.

“You monster…how could you”

“Because I want you all by myself”

“That will never happen” Haruna walk to her and punch her. Atsuko got to her knees

“Shut up you b@#$%” Atsuko got up and punch Haruna, but before she could reach Haruna, Minami was in a second in front of Haruna.

“aahh” Minami yell in pain

“See what I have done” Atsuko yell to Haruna. She tackled Haruna and started to punch her. Minami try to get Atsuko off Haruna but at his point she didn’t had that much of energy left.  Yuko kicked Minami down and started to attack her.

“You were like a sister to me, you betray me”

“She found out that she loves me more than anyone else and that I would never leave her in a bad situation” Minami flip the position and she grabbed both of Yuko’s
hand and pin them down.

“She loves me now, you are her past. Don’t you think that I felt bad when I find out that I was in love with her” Minami yell. Atsuko stop hitting Haruna

“I felt bad that I was in love with my friend’s girlfriend, but I couldn’t control…we spent too much time together”

“I love Minami” Haruna yell

“I love you Haruna”

“I never thought that you would go up to this level” Minami got up and walk toward Haruna and Atsuko

“And you, you are my bestfriend……even if  you had told me that you love me, I wouldn’t have accepted” Minami punch Atsuko

“That’s for hurting my girlfriend” Minami took one of Haruna arm and held her up but Yuko ran to Minami and tackle her again,

“Get off me”

She saw a bat come across Yuko’s head making her unconscious.


“So I took so long” Mariko gave hand, so Minami could get up.

“And you, Atsuko how could you betray me… have to pay for this” Mariko ran toward her and she hit her. Her body fell.

“Are you guys okay?”

“Yeah….but what about them?.....I know they hurt my Haruna, but are they alive?”

“I think so, if not….well we’ll just have to say goodbye to the face of AKB48”

“I totally forgot about that”

“well will just have to go and forget about this” Minami, Haruna and Mariko started to walk, but Minami having a little energy left told Mariko to take Haruna and the
rest to the van.

Minami came back where Atsuko and Yuko where. She grabbed Haruna’s phone and she took all those pictures down and then she look at the two friend’s bodies in
the floor.

“Why did you go with Yuko’s plan” she asked a like-lifeless Atsuko.

She turned around and started to walk, but something stopped her.

“It was my plan all along…..i was the one who use Yuko”

Minami was shocked by what she just heard. She decided to keep on walking toward the band and be with her girlfriend.  Now that she has a little more scene, she asked her self how is this going to affect their relationship and careers. But what matters right now is the love that she has for Haruna and her bruises.

well this is it.... now for that Sae's keys shot, i'm loving it writting it.
thank you
 its too bloody...isn't???

.....until the day comes.....
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Impossible] part 8 last part
Post by: umichan on January 17, 2013, 02:07:34 AM
hello......i just came back from doing my 3th final to go.....well i just decides to put part one of this shot and well apperently its long, so i'm going to put it into two parts

first part is called Sae's keys: The dream and confusion

hope you guys like it.......this shot is dedicate to fuu_kun....


Sae's keys: The dream and confusion


‘Where am I?’

I can only see white; I turn around and around looking for answers. I’m more confused that before. A loud smack. I check if I’m hurt, but I’m perfectly fine. I turn around to see 4 doors; the weirdest thing is that they have my mane. My name, but then I read it correctly, it has some other names. Saeyaka, kasaisae, saemayu, and saeyuki.


I walk to one of the doors, saeyaka, I try to open the door, but it seems lock.

‘Think it needs a key’

I look around to see if there was a key or something. Next to the door there was a key hanging. The curiosity won over me and I took the key and open it. ‘That’s my friend Sayaka’ I wanted to get in but I couldn’t; I was frozen.

‘Is that me?’

I saw another me walking towards my friend. I saw them kiss; it made me blush. ‘Is she my girlfriend?’. I once again try to walk inside in there but I couldn’t. I saw the scenery change and now they were eating together in some place. ‘Is this my future?’ Again the scenery change, ‘it seems that I just got out of work’. I see Sayaka yelling at the other me, and now she slaps the other me. ‘What?’ I’m seeing my other self-cry and Sayaka leaving with luggage.

‘Is that my future with her?’ I close the door and I turn to see the others. I look to the next door and t see kasaisae, and key hanging near it. I open the door and I see my other me standing near a park while she was checking her watch. By now I really wanted to go inside, but once again I was frozen, then I saw Kasai running towards the other me. ‘She is my girlfriend?’ I saw them kissing and holding hands. Like the other door, I saw the scenery change. They are in a restaurant.
‘Sae2, why are you looking at another girl?’ I’m seeing how Kasai is getting angry at Sae 2, and now she left. The scenery changes; they are hugging. ‘I guess she forgave her’. Then the scenery changes again, but this time I see Kasai talking to another girl. Then again the scenery change, the other me was talking to another girl. Then again and again the scenery change with different girls and cloth. I’m seeing how Kasai got tired of everything and she grin. The next scene was of Sae 2 opening her room, but something got my attention.

‘She cheated on me?’

Sae 2 saw a naked girl on top of her naked girlfriend. They were cover by some sheets, but I could see that they were naked. I saw how Sae 2 was crying and now she is running away. I decided to close the door.

A thought came in to mind. ‘is this my future?’. I move to the door that says saemayu, and I open it. I’m seeing two people in bed naked, but the sheet covers half of their bodies. I see my bare back and Mayuyu’s ……The girl on top moves away from the other girl’s face, its Mayuyu who is in the bottom.

‘We are having…’

I blush slightly. The scenery change many times, and apparently they seem very happy, but then it stop. I saw them a little older, and they are in a car. I’m seeing them sharing a kiss. ‘Isn’t that dangerous?’. Out nowhere there is a truck coming towards their direction. I try to yell, “Look where you are going, there is a truck moving towards you”, but I can’t. The scenery change, I began to cry.  I’m seeing as two bodies are brought to the hospital and they send them to the emergency room.

‘What happen?’

The scenery change again, Sae 2 was in a hospital room. Apparently she had a lot of bruises. ‘Where is Mayuyu?’ The doctor came in and told something to her. She began to cry like a baby when it’s not given it’s toy. I cry like she did, I couldn’t believe it….she died. The scenery change. Sae 2 is in a funeral. She seems very sad and affected by Mayuyu’s death.

I decide to close the door and move on. Saeyuki, ‘I think I know the other name’.  I get the key and I open the door. 
Sae 2 was in a bench watching her watch, then Yuki came and they hug and kiss. I smile, ‘she is my girlfriend?’ The scenery change and they were in front of Tokyo tower. I’m seeing Sae 2 getting in one knee.

‘Is she proposing to her?’

From the way they are hugging and kissing each other, I thin she said yes. The scene change. They are in a church, Sae 2 is wearing a suit and Yuki is wearing a white
wedding dress. I see my friends in there; Minami, Haruna, Yuko, Atsuko, Mariko, Miichan, Kasai, Mayuyu, and Sayaka. They all look very happy. The image change and how did it change. I see them half naked in bed. I blush. Sae 2 is kissing Yuki’s neck and moves lower and lower. I turn red as a tomato. ‘Change the scene’. And like if someone had hear me, it did. Now they are somewhere, in a living room to be more exact. But they look a little older and there is id with them. It’s a little girl. And for some reason I can read her lips.

 ‘Papa….I have a daughter?’

I seeing how the little girl runs to Sae 2 and she pick her up. Then Yuki walk in and was about to kiss Sae 2, but…..

“Sae-chan!” I’m hearing someone calling me, so I turn around, but there is nobody. “Sae-chan!” I hear the door close and the doors star to disappear one by
one. “Sae-chan”.

I turn around, but I don’t see anything…….then……

-End of dream-

“Sae, you are going to be late for class”

Sae rapidly opens her eyes, and looks at the person above her. “What time is it?”

“Its 7:50 and you haven’t even shower” the girl above wave off and leave the room.

“Minami, why didn’t you wake me up” Sae run to her bathroom, and goes in to get a shower. This is Miyazawa Sae and she goes to Akihabara High school. The girl
who came in woke her up is her roommate Minami Takahashi, and she also attends Akihabara High school , but the difference between this two is that Minami is always on time.

“I’m leaving, get to class this time” Minami shouted. After some minutes Sae came running to kitchen and saw an omelet in the counter, and it said “better hurry up!”
She ate a piece of it and finish putting her shoe on.

“We are the keys?” she said to herself out loud. She found the keys and she was on her way to school. After a few minutes she got to school and now was running through the hallway. Ring…..ring…ring. The bell had ring and it seems that Sae was late and was going to get yell at, but when she got to her classroom she saw her class mates still talking and messing with the boar.

“Where is the teacher?” she went to some of her friends

“You late again, Sae?” Sayaka looked at Sae.

“Yeah but luckily the teacher is not here”

“The teacher got sire yesterday…..and now we are getting a new teacher” Miichan said as she was reading a book.

“Why are you reading a book, you never even picked up one” Haruna said taking the book from Miichan. Miichan wasn’t that type of girl that reads or do her

“Well I did hear that our teacher is a woman, and well I like older woman….she’ll be a good sport” Miichan grinned

“Stop dreaming Miichan, you won’t get that teacher I will” Yuko pinch Miichan’s cheek.

“What if she is old?” Haruna question.

“What?”  Miichan and Yuko said in the same time.

“Well actually I haven’t looked at that option” Miichan said disappointed.

The students keep on talking about how was yesterday and how Miichan and Yuko didn’t thought of having an older teacher.

“Actually, our teacher just graduate from Akihabara University and she is pretty young” A familiar voice said.

“And how do you know Minami” question Sae

“Oh you are finally here Sae; I thought you will be so late” Minami chuckle

“Hey it’s not funny I was having a nightmare” Sae defended her self

“Right…well any ways, I know because just meet her”

“How come you know her before us?”

“Because I the senior president….oh and also there is this new student als-“

“Is she cute” Yuko interrupted Minami

“Yeah, I guess” Minami shrugged.

“So, what are you guys talking about?”

“About how I am going to get the teacher to go out with me” Yuko Smile in a perverted way.

“No she is mine” Miichan turn around to see Yuko, and punch her.

“Will you guess quit it…….I’m going to get some water” Sae got up from her seat and got out of the classroom.  As she was getting out of class she received a text
message. She stares at it with wide eyes.

[Mayuyu: Hey there is going to be a live-action film of Black Butler]

[Sae: What? After many years of waiting……]

[Mayuyu: I know right]

[Sae: Mayuyu could have told me when we were in class]

[Mayuyu: I just got notified]

Sae was about to respond when she bumped into some one. The other person drop her books, Sae turn around and started to pick the other person’s books. “I’m sorry I wasn’t paying any attention”. She picked the books up and gave them to that person.

“Ano…..will you tell me in what hallway am I?” the girl ask

“Are you lost?” Sae look at the girl.

“Yeah, this is my first day at school” the girl smile at Sae. Sae could only smile to that girl.

“Oh, by the way I’m Miyazawa Sae” Sae vowed

“Nice to meet you, I’m Kashiwagi Yuki” she did the same as Sae.

“What classes do you have” Sae ask as she gave walk to the water fountain nearby.

“I have chemistry, calculus, scientific visualization, and English” yuki looked at her schedule.

“Oh, really…..I have the 1, 2 and 4th class with you” Sae pass her hand over her mouth to clean her mouth.

“I can take you to class”. Both decided to walk to their classroom and when they came, Sae’s friends stop what they were dong like Miichan trying to strangle Yuko,
Mayuyu reading a manga, or Minami staring at Haruna, without Haruna noticing.

“Is that the new student?” Miichan asked

“Yeah. Hi Yuki-san, do you remember me from early?” Minami asked

“Yes Minami-san” Yuki said shyly.

“Hey….Minami you need to come back to class, the teacher is asking for you” Atsuko came in to see Minami and take her back. She walked to Minami and grabbed her hand.

“Ooohhhh……” Minami’s friend said

“Why ever time Atsuko does that, you guys do that?” Minami said to her friends.


“Well, we just pair you guys up” and everyone nodded

“Oh, we are just friends” and with that Minami and Atsuko walk out. After some minutes later the new teacher came in. the new teacher seem like a model with that
red dress that ended exactly to her knee. Miichan and Yuko’s jaw drop hanging.

‘She is definitely mine’ Miichan thought

“Hello, class my name is Shinoda Mariko and I’ll be your new teacher and this student her is your new classmate”. Miss. Shinoda walked besides Yuki and push her a little.

“Hi… I’m kashiwagi Yuki and I was in the 11 grade just a month ago, but the principal made arrangements for me  to be in the 12 grade” Everyone in  the class  was kind of surprise that a 11th grader was now a 12th grader, but Sae wasn’t surprise at all. As her memory travel back in time, Sae remember yuki, but it was in 10th grade and Yuki was just in the 9th grade.


Sae was running from her house to her High school. She didn’t stop even if they were people moving slowly. She ran and she ran, but then another girl didn’t notice when Sae was coming her way.

“Move aw-“Sae scream

Both girls fell into the ground. 

“I told you to move away, don’t you see I have to get to class” Sae said as she was getting up. She looked at the girl who she just had hit. Sae was surprise when she saw that the other girl was wearing the same uniform. The other girl try to get up but she couldn’t.

“Are you hurt?” Sae asked. The other girl just nodded. She looked away.

‘The girl is so ikemen’ yuki thought. She looked at Sae

“I think I got my ankle got twisted” Yuki said with a groan of pain when she touch her ankle.

Sae looking at the girl that was hurt she grab her hand and told her she would give her a piggy back ride to the infirmary, and the other girl accepted.

“You know I’m going to be late for my class” Sae was walking up hill to the infirmary.

“Well I’m going to be late too”

“Well I’m sorry if you didn’t move away, this wouldn’t be happening. By the way what is you name” Sae asked.

“My name is Kashiwagi Yuki and I’m in the 9th grade” Sae turn her head and look at her like if she was serious.

“Really. You are telling me you are a freshman?” Sae turn around again and kept on walking

“You haven’t told me what is your name” yuki poked Sae’s head.

“My name is Miyazawa Sae and I’m your senpai, I’m in the 10th grade” Sae said proudly.

“Hey you are that girl my friends begin talking about” Yuki said. She remembered how her friends would go crazy every time they saw Sae.

“Really, I didn’t knew I was known by the freshmen” Sae said looking down. ‘Wow, my popularity must be really high if freshmen know me’.

“Hey we are almost in the infirmary” Sae said as she looked at the infirmary. They got in and walked to the infirmary.

“Ma’am can a doctor see this girl because her ankle got twisted or something like that”

“Is she your sister?”

“No, ma’am”

“Your friend”


“Ok she needs to wait 5 minutes”

After 5 minutes Sae help Yuki getting up and to her to the doctor’s room, so she got examine. The rest of the day Sae was with Yuki and help her get home.  Sae notice that the 9th grader live not far from her, and probably she would walk with Yuki, but later on she forgot all about it. And then Sae moved out from her parents to an apartment that she rents now with her friend Minami.

-End of flashback-

“Hey I remember you” Sae shouted. Everyone turned to see her and said really and some other girls saying she is already taken.

“What is your name “the teacher asked

“Miyazawa Sae” Sae said

“Okay Sae, please don’t shout in my class”

Miss. Shinoda told Yuki to seat behind Sae. The day went by as the new teacher told them what she expected of the class. Then lunch came and by this point all the students were bored.

“Hey yuki, I remember you…you were that freshman I bump into and I took to the infirmary” Sae said as she turn around and look at Yuki. Yuki was look at Sae like ‘what’.

“I don’t remember what you are talking about” Yuki look at her until, she remember what Sae was talking about.

“Hey I see you welcoming the new student” Sayaka waling to them, and so did Miichan, Mayuyu, and Kasai.

“Hey guys, remember when I told you guys about that freshman…’s her” Sae pointed to Yuki.

“That’s her…..well you were right she is cute, but she seems young to be in the 12th grade” Miichan said as she got close to Yuki’s face.

“You look young too” Kasai pull Miichan away from Yuki’s face and then face Sae.

“Sae will you come with me”


“To the bending machine”

“I don’t want to”

“Stop whining and come”.

Kasai grabbed Sae’s hand and walked her to the door.

“Can I get my hand back” Sae stop and look at Kasai.

“What” Kasai looked at her hand that was holding Sae’s hand

“Oh…I’m sorry” Kasai blush.

“Don’t blush….we are friends and if you want me told hold your hand tell, besides I’m not in love with you” Sae look at Kasai and took her hand and they walk to the
bending machine.

‘Stupid….I like you more than you think’ Kasai got she wanted and they went to their classroom, still holding hands.

“Hey why you guys holding hands” Sayaka and Mayuyu said at the same time. Both turn to see each other and they had the face like ‘why did you say that’.

“It’s nothing we are just friends” Sae reply letting her hand slipped from Kasai’s hand. She went to sit down in her sit, but something bothers her.

“Why are you staring at me like that” Sae turn around and look at her friend

“Because I need to tell you something I have realized” Minami grabbed Sae’s hand and dragged her outside the classroom.

“Why is it that you have realized?” Sae sounded annoyed

“Atsuko likes me… for real” Minami looked to her side.

“I just don’t know what to do?” Minami look back at Sae.


Starting of lunch

Minami was sitting in her sit that was near a window.

“Hey can we walk, I’m bored” Atsuko said as she sat near Minami

“But you just sat down” Minami look at her. There was something strage in Atsuko; Minami had notice this in Atsuko a couple weeks ago. She wasn’t sure what it was, but it worried her.

“Oh….bakamina, let’s just walk” Atsuko grabbed Minami’s hand and dragged her. Then they were there, walking between people that both of them didn’t knew. There
was an awkward aura between those two. They were never like that.

“Hey why are we walking like there is no end” Minami broke the ice. Atsuko stop walking and moved in front of Minami

“Minami, I haven’t been feeling so well lately” Atsuko look down.

“You can tell me what is it that is bothering you?” Minami took Atsuko’s hand. “That’s why we are friends, to have trust in each other” she added.

“Minami…..i….whatever I do or say, can we please stay friends” Atsuko look at Minami. Now Minami was staring to get worried. This unusual for Atsuko; she was acting like if it wasn’t her.

“yeah, whatever you do or say; we will be  still be friends…….you are worryin-“ Minami was interrupted when she felt someone’s ….well to be exact they were Atsuko’s
lips that were touching Minami’s.  Minami’s eyes widen with realization that it was her best friend’s lips who were touching hers, but the weirdest thing is that she actual like that taste of her friend’s lip.

‘What I am thinking?’ Minami close her eyes and then slightly push Atsuko away. The sensation of Atsuko’s lips left behind.

“Why you did that for?” Minami ask as she looked to her side. She was pretty much confused about what just had happen.

“Minami, I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I love you and…I can’t understand why. You are my best friend and well, I never thought that I would fall in love
with you I’m sorry. I love you Minami”

Minami just stood there unable to move or do anything, until she saw that Atsuko was running from her.

From another point of the school someone was watching them. It was Haruna and Yuko.

“Aren’t you going to tell her that you love her…..we don’t have to pretend anymore and you will be free from me”

-End of flashback-

“Sae, I don’t know what to do….Atsuko said that she loves me. I don’t know how to react to this” Minami looked worried.

“She already told you that, it was about time”

“How do you know”

“Once I try to kiss her, but she stop me by saying that she was in love with you” Sae just shrugged

“And you can say that so calmly…..why did you tell me?” Minami was know upset. She felt like Sae didn’t trust her; the person she lives with since the beginning of
their senior year.

“Because she told me not to tell you…..i used to like her, so I did what she told me” Sae turn around and look at Yuko walking towards her.

“Hey Yuko is coming” Sae turn around and told Minami.

“Hey Yuko. What’s cracking” Minami said.

“Nobody says that now……something happen to you, didn’t it” Yuko look deeply into Minami’s eyes.

“What do you want” Minami said.

“To come with me”


They left a confused Sae outside the classroom. She decided to go inside the classroom and was surprise when she found her friends and even Yuki to stare at her like she was some precious item or something.


“What did Minami told you” Miichan asked as she walked towards

“Nothing that you care” Sae told her.

“Wow….now everything is confidential…..she likes you doesn’t she?”

“No, Miichan. You are crazy”

“Hey don’t fight……girls we should go outside and get something to eat” Yuki said. Then Miichan turn around and said, “Yeah, I’m starting to get hungry. Are you coming Sae?” Mayuyu ask with a bright smile.

‘Maybe I can hold hands with her’ Mayuyu though.

“No, not this time….I’m going to study a little for my next class” actually they have two block but the next day they would have other two different classes; blocks.

“Ok” Mayuyu sounded disappointed.

“Yuki come with us” Mayuyu grabbed Yuki’s hand drag her along with her other friends.

Sae was left sitting in her chair, the day was okay, but all of the sudden changes and problem was throwing her over the edge. Then she remembered her dream that she had last night. The dream that show her future with each of her friends and Yuki.

‘Why did I dream that……I like my future with Mayuyu and Yuki, but still….i can’t believe that I had sex with them, its just so weird. And how come I knew Yuki in my dream. Do I find them attracted?’ Sae asked herself.

‘No….or do I? I mean Sayaka has a good body and she is my other best friend, I know since middle school. Kasai…well she is pretty, but she is my friend. Mayuyu….well she is pretty and innocent…well that’s the image I have of her’ Sae blush at fragment of her dream where she was on top of Mayuyu.

“Why are blushing”

“Because I was on top of May-“Sae saw who was this person and immediately blush

“Mayuyu” Sae gulped.

“You were on top of me….was this dream” Mayuyu move closer toward Sae’s face.

“Sae, I never thought you thought of me that way” Mayuyu move even closer to her

“It’s not what you think is ju-“Sae was cut off by Mayuyu’s lips, her eyes were wide and they were even wider when she felt Mayuyu’s tongue in her lips.

“You girls cut it off” Miss.Shinoda shouted.

Sae push away Mayuyu, and was looking at her like’ why you did that’. Apparently, Mayuyu just smile to her and handed her a key.

“Sae, when I’m with you I feel so different and I just can’t stand seeing you talking to other girls or holding hands with them. I realize that I love you”

“Mayuyu….I…” Mayuyu put her index finger between her lips and said.

“Don’t worry….you don’t have to choose right now. When the time comes, you will know who to choose”

“What do you mean choose?” was the only thing that Sae could say.

“You will know soon”

With that Mayuyu left the classroom. “Is she your girlfriend, Sae” Miss.Shinoda asked as she got up and walked towards a desk that was near Sae.

“She is my friend” Sae said. Still those words that Mayuyu said hunted her.  Now she knows how Minami fells.  Was her dream becoming real or something. As the
days went by, she got confessed by Sayaka and Kasai, which both gave her key to something. This threw her thought completely out of her mind; she didn’t knew that people that she kind of grew up with, were in love with her.  But she did felt different with Mayuyu, Kasai, and Sayaka. Was she in love with the three of them, but what about Yuki? As the days past, she became more interesting in Yuki, that she spend more time with her that her other friends. Was she falling in love with her, was Yuki falling in love with Sae….well she was. Every time they spend together was a great time, like if they knew each other for a long time. But she hadn’t received any keys. To Sae’s surprise Minami had also received two keys: one from Atsuko and one from Haruna. Sae was more confuse than ever. Why did they give her keys? But one day she would learn about it.

OMG...this is too long, this is 12 pages in microsoft word....

i hope you guys like it and tell me if something is wrong or.....paring, but i already got the real parings, so please comment.

thank you.....tomorrow i have my last final exam and i'm finish for the first semester.

.......until the day comes......
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 1 what paring do you think it is??
Post by: fuu_kun on January 17, 2013, 04:25:35 PM
umichaaaan~! uwooohh gomene.. i dunno if imposible had finish already xd

and this new long fic is SO OH DAMN GREAT! NO, I MEAN EXCELENT!! XD XD I LOVE IT VERY VERY MUCCH! :heart: :heart:

me is a hug fan saeyuki shipper.. but i dunno why ._. this time me want saemayuuu >.< they moment are so cuteee~~ gahhh i want the next part nauu! xd xd

ganbarre for your last exam umichan o(>.<)/*
sankyuuu <3 :cow: :bow:
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 1 what paring do you think it is??
Post by: Hii_chan on January 17, 2013, 05:25:57 PM
thank for your new fic
It's so great
when Yuko dragged Minami I thought she would confess to Minami but it maybe seem that Haruna in love with Minami
Urg... can't wait for your next chapter :w00t: :w00t:
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 1 what paring do you think it is??
Post by: mayuyuXlyukirinlover13 on January 19, 2013, 10:57:25 AM
update...uh...update just update please~~ SaeYuki~~
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 1 (Saeyaka, KasaiSae, Saemayu, or Saey
Post by: fuu_kun on January 30, 2013, 03:54:12 AM
Yeah ><)/ please update! :bow: and how about your last test? I hope you get excellent score.. XDb
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 1 (Saeyaka, KasaiSae, Saemayu, or Saeyuki)
Post by: Kazan on March 13, 2013, 07:45:46 AM
 XD update...update....
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 1 (Saeyaka, KasaiSae, Saemayu, or Saey
Post by: fuu_kun on March 13, 2013, 04:45:35 PM
Update.. Pwease TwT
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 1 (Saeyaka, KasaiSae, Saemayu, or Saeyuki)
Post by: umichan on May 20, 2013, 03:48:15 AM
I apologize for taking a long time to update but right now i'm in that type of situation in which you don't know if your hobby is more important than you studies. I don't want to disappoint my parents so I choose my studies. I got so stress with it and now i'm near my exam time, so yeah I need to study.
i'm sorry fuu_kun.

Sae’s keys: keys and acceptance


“Hey how you been?”  Sae asked as she got out of the bathroom. With the events that had happen to her that day she was tired and took a hot shower. Today had been the last confession that was from Kasai.

“well….if you consider alright as If I have two people who say that love me, and me ignoring them because I don’t know who am I in love with; then yeah, I’m alright” Minami said sarcastically.

“Well… got problems, but I think my problems are the worst” Sae said as she sat in her bed, which was across from Minami’s bed.

“What problems….you got confess again?” Minami asked sarcastically.

“As a matter of fact I did” Sae nodded. She didn’t felt good about it; it was actually more confusing than kissing Mayuyu for the second time by accident.

“By whom?”


“Oh….well at least she didn’t gave you a key like Mayuyu and Sayaka” Minami got up and get to the kitchen to get some water and then came back.

“Well, she did gav- be careful when you swallow water”

After a few seconds Sae got up to help Minami clean the mess she just did. When they finish, they sat again in their Minami’s bed this time.

“You got 3 keys, you are….I can’t even say it” Minami look at Sae. Sae was confused as why they had given her keys, but she notice that Minami was getting closer to

“Why are you gett-“she did have time to finish her question as she felt Minami pushing her down, so now Minami was on top and Sae was on bottom. Sae blush.

“Okay…..why” Sae that only thing that Sae could ask.

“Do you tha-“Minami was interrupted when she felt Sae’s hand on her cheek. She moved her hand that was in Minami’s cheeks so they could be closer.

“I never thought you like me, I know I’m a pretty and all, but.”

Minami was looking at her like ‘are you crazy or something’. Then she burst out laughing.

“stupid I wasn’t going to say that….i was going to say that did you knew that in this town when you give someone a key that means that they love you and they are
able to wait for your choose. That something that the people of Akihabara have been doing years ago” Minami move away her face from Sae’s.

“Then why did you do this” Sae looked at her. This was new to her; she had never had a girl do that.

“because the only reason they all gave you their keys was because they planned it out, and because people kind of get into shock or faint, so I didn’t wanted you to fal-

“ Minami stop talking as she saw her friend with her close.

“Sae, are you okay?.....SAE!”

“Uhm” Sae open her eyes and look at her friend on top of her.

“I need air” Sae push away Minami. “What do you mean by that, did they plan it” Sae sat up. She was now more confused than ever. Did they know that each other loved Sae? Was this even possible?

“That’s probably like it seems” Minami sat up in her bed, and look to the side.

“Remember when you came in the beginning of middle school, well that’s probably why you don’t know about the keys; you are not from here” Minami continue

“So you are telling me that they knew that the tree of them loved me!” Sae sat up and look at her friend with confused eyes.

“yeah pretty much, just like Haruna and Atsuko, they both knew that they were in love with each other; Yuko told me that they once meet up, and they got into a fight
because of that, so they decided to confess to me, and use the keys” Minami said.

“But Atsuko confess to me first; and Yuko told me that they saw that in the classroom, so Haruna had to tell me that they. That’s why Yuko dragged me that day” Minami added.

“But…..wait, you got me confused. You are telling me that they are both in love with you and they knew it…..wait, isn’t Yuko in love with Haruna” Sae turn to her friend. Now this was very interesting; after all those years……well 2 years…..Sae thought that Yuko was in love with Haruna.

“Well, Yuko told me that in fact they were dating, but she realize that Haruna was in love with me, so….yeah” Minami look to the side.

“Ahh….so what am I supposed to do?”Sae got up and went to her bed. She didn’t knew what she was supposed to do now.

“Well, how do you love the most?” Minami asked

“I don’t know……”

“What about you?” Sae added.

 “What do you mean?” Minami got up and undid her bed.  She kind of got the question, but she wasn’t sure if it was that question.

“Yeah, do you love Atsuko or Haruna?”

Then Minami stop what she was doing. She didn’t have an idea of who she like or love. When she was with Atsuko, she felt warm, safe, and calm. Now, with Haruna she felt nervous, happy, and calm.

“I don’t know….I’m going ask them on a date then if I’ll know who is the right for me……I guess I fell in love with both of the” Minami finish what she was doing and went to bed.

‘I guess I’ll do the same’

-End of flashback-

-2 weeks later-

“Are you ready” Sae asked the person in the other line. She was having an phone conversation with Sayaka. Sae decided to ask them out, so she would figure out
what she wanted.

“Yeah I’ll be there…..give me a minute” and with that their conversation stop. This was new to both of them, so neither of them knew what to do or how to act.

“Hey….wow…you look beautiful” Sae look at Sayaka, who to her she look beautiful. Sayaka blush a little with the comment that Sae had made. Then she walk toward
Sae and hugged her

“Well….I got reservations for a restaurant at 8, but its 5p.m, so do you want to go to the movies” Sae said as she pushed away Sayaka.

“Yeah if it is okay”

“What movie do you want to see”

“I want to see….Fantastic Mr. Fox” (I know this movie is old, but its my favorite)

“Really, I wanted to see that movie”

“Okay lets go see that movie” Sayaka and Sae started walking to the theatre. Sae turned a little her head just to see how Sayaka was. She felt normal. ‘I still feel normal, my heart beat is normal, my hands aren’t sweating….and well I think I should do something because, well we are on a date’ Sae thought to herself.
Without Sayaka noting that Sae was moving closer to her, Sae got hold of her hand and Sayaka stop when she realize what Sae had done.

“Uh..” she look at her hand that was hold by Sae.

“What….” Was the only thing that said Sae before she started walking again. Then she felt…..nothing. Right now she didn’t know if Sayaka was her friend or her girlfriend, so she just put that thought away and continuing walking. They got to the movies and as a gentleman, Sae paid for the ticket and snacks.

“Hey, did you did your homework for Miss. Shinoda” Sae awkwardly asked

“Yeah, did you. Hey did you know that Miichan kissed Miss. Shinoda?”  Saeyaka said. The other girl stopped walking and looked at Sayaka.

“Really I didn’t had an idea that she already did that, when was it”

“In lunch, when you were talking to Minami”

“Aahhh, why did I had to miss that”

“I took a picture of it without them noticing, I could sent it to you” Sayaka took her phone out and she sent the picture to Sae. When Sae saw the picture, she
chuckled. The picture was cute because both of them were closing their eyes and it also seems… like they were in pain.

“they look like they are in pain, well…I hope the principal doesn’t find out” Sae put her cell phone back. They heard a loud noise and it came from inside the cinema room, this meant the movie was about to start and so they look at the screen.

They were laughing and looking sad throughout the movie, but aver all they were having a great time. Sometimes they would look at each other, and smile to each other. But there was this time when Sayaka got closer to Sae and kiss her on the lips. This surprise Sae, but not that much.
When the movie finish, they decided to go for a walk. They end up in a random park; there was a ice cream cart going around. Sae ask Sayaka if she wanted some ice cream and she respond with a nod.

When she was going to get the ice cream, she saw Kasai talking to some other girl in shop that was in front of where she was buying the ice cream.

“What is she doing there, and who that girl is” Sae just keep on walking and bought the ice cream. When she came back, she found Sayaka on her phone.

“What are you doing?” ask Sae.

“I’m going to take a photo of us” Sae gave Sayaka her ice cream and she said thank you.

“No you are not” Sae frown.

“Please, I want to keep this moment” Sayaka pleaded.

“Ok but later, we should eat our ice cream” Sae told her while she started to eat her ice cream. Minutes pass and they were almost finish with their ice cream. Then someone shouted, “Hey Minami don’t run”.

The voice sounded familiar. Both Sae and Sayaka turn to see who it was. It was….

“Is that Yuko chasing Minami?” Sae asked herself. You could see how Minami was running away from her like if dogs were chasing her.

“Help me” Minami pointed where Sae and Sayaka were. Sae got up and when Minami got to her she hugged her.

“What’s wrong?” Sae sounded worry.

“She is chasing me, so I could just choose Haruna, so she can have Atsuko,, but Atsuko is my friend” Minami was breathing heavily.

“But she likes you” Sae pushed away Minami and suddenly Yuko tackle Minami.

“Choose….Haruna……so I could….have …..Atsuko…”Yuko tried to “attack”(tickle) Minami.

“No let me choose” Minami tried to push Yuko away. Sae and Sayaka were laughing hard, but that didn’t matter to Minami and Yuko until people were starting to look at them weirdly.

“okay , now stop people are looking at us weirdly” Sayaka said as she grabbed Yuko by her shit and pull her up. She was really strong.

“Sayaka is right, we are leaving you two” Sae grabbed Sayaka’s hand and walked to a different direction, they threw their ice cream in a nearby trash can and left
Minami and Yuko to their “battle”.

Hours had passed and it was dinner time. Sae took Sayaka to a New Mexican restaurant that was near, and they had a very fantastic dinner. Everything went smoothly and convenient. When they left Sae decided to take Sayaka a park, so they would admire the starts, and….

“You really want to lay in the grass” Sae asked confused. She didn’t knew that Sayaka was that type of girl that likes laying in the grass, but what kind of girl it that. Are they even alive?

“Yes, for me is the perfect date” Sayaka said as she sat down in the grass and pated the grass so Sae could sit next to her.

“Well, now what” Sae said as she looked around the park. Then out of nowhere Sayaka was on top of Sae. Sae blush.

“Well I always wanted to kiss you, so can I” Sayaka raised an eyebrow. Sae look to her side and there was no escape from her, she thought that this would betray her

“No, I don’t want to kiss anybody until I know who I really love” Sae looked into Sayaka’s eyes whose at this moment were a little disappointed.

“But we kiss in the cinema room” Sayaka pouted.

“but you did it in surprise, so I didn’t knew how to react” Sae  said. After a few moment Sayaka went to her normal position, and then Sae put her arm around her
shoulders as they watch the stars. The night flew away.

It was time to go home and as predicted of Sae, she walked Sayaka home and dropped her there.

“well good night see tomorrow at school” said Sae. she was about to turn around when Sayaka turned her around and kiss her. This took Sae by surprise but she respond to the kiss and then flashback of her dreams came. when they meet in the park and how they broke up.

'I don't her to be unhappy with me' Sae thought. she lightly pushed her away and told her that she needed to got, but once again Sayak stopped her.
"what about my picture" Sayaka pouted. Sae sigh and took a picture with her. That was the first date out of the 4.

Let the dreams continue.

there are other parts.

wait for me.

..until the day comes.......
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 2 Update!!!!!(Saeyaka Date)
Post by: Kazan on June 03, 2013, 05:43:41 PM
 :twothumbs i had long been forward to this, i hope the continuation of the story is not too long anymore
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 2 Update!!!!!(Saeyaka Date)
Post by: fuu_kun on June 03, 2013, 07:41:10 PM
Sayaka so agressive O w O saee, keep hanging for your yuki! Okhay? XD Umiichaaaaan Dx where are you. TwT)/ it has been a long time :cry: good luck for your exam..
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 2 Update!!!!!(Saeyaka Date)
Post by: AshuraX on July 16, 2013, 06:31:08 PM
So Yuko's in love with Atsuko...
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 2 Update!!!!!(Saeyaka Date)
Post by: fuu_kun on July 16, 2013, 07:06:12 PM
Umiichaaaan.. Im still waiting >w< whenever you update, I will there.. Please do continue when u have free time :bow:  :twothumbs
Title: Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 2 Update!!!!!(Saeyaka Date)
Post by: Kazan on July 14, 2014, 11:15:49 PM
i had long been forward to this, i hope the continuation of the story is not too long anymore