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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: fffff on November 01, 2012, 09:24:25 PM

Title: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: fffff on November 01, 2012, 09:24:25 PM
Hey, hey!
Sooooo... I actually started writing this last June but I didn't want to post it until I haven't written a decent amount of pages. Life has been busy so I didn't have that much time to write but I've been bored today... so I decided to post it. Besides, Kuumin announced her graduation  :cry: and I decided that I needed to take my mind off things.
Anyway, I wrote about one of the mainstream pairings because I had that story in mind and they seemed the most fitting for it. I'm not telling you which one though, not in the prologue at least. A lot of other pairings and girls will come in as the story continues. 

The prologue is somewhat short but the chapters are going to be longer. Tell me what you think about it?


A park, 4:00 AM

The park was empty as she arrived. She checked her watch and then sat on one of the benches by the playground, staring at the swings.
Things had gone smoothly, way too smoothly now that she thought about it. The guards that were ordered to protect her victim had proven themselves to be a lame joke, an insult to the skills of a professional killer. It had taken her exactly 7 minutes and 40 seconds from stepping into the building to firing three well- aimed bullets into the girl’s head. Well, one bullet would have been enough but she liked to make sure the job was really done. She had left the building in 4 minutes and 8 seconds, meaning there where still 8 minutes and 12 seconds left for her to get to the park. She was quite sure that the time had passed just like that and that her partner should have arrived by now.
Yet, the park was empty, causing the young woman to nervously fiddle with the phone in the pocket of her leather jacket. She knew that there was no point in calling.

Everyone is on their own in case something goes wrong.

Really, it was suspicious. If her partner wasn’t going to show up in the next five minutes she had to return to the head quarters immediately and report the other woman as missing.

Please, don’t make me cry for you, my love.

Suddenly her head jerked up as she heard noises coming from the bushes. Immediately she got up and called
No answer. The sixth sense she had developed after years of training sent a tingling sensation through her body, warning her that something was about to go terribly wrong. For a second she stood in front of the bench, listening into the darkness, only to dodge the fist that came swinging at her in the blink of an eye. She slipped through the man’s arms like an eel and started to run.

I may not be stronger, but I’m faster.

She couldn’t risk shooting her gun and wasting her last bullet like that. Instead she headed towards the street lights of a quiet living area. She counted the steps she took on the pavement. The men behind her were breathing heavily but controlled. There was no doubt that they were well trained and that there were more of them than she thought at first.
From the corners of her eyes, she spotted one of them coming from her right side to get her, so she turned sharp left, escaping into a smaller street. She threw herself into the next garden to the right, crawling into some blooming bushes. The houses shadowed her from the moonlight, making it easier for her to blend in with the darkness. She crawled through the flowers and jumped over some fences. She even got her jeans wet in some garden pond she had not seen in the dark.
The steps of her pursuers soon blended in with the sounds of the night.
Looking up she saw an open window, easy to reach by climbing up on a fire exit.

Title: Re: Killer Queen: Prologue
Post by: Crossing Crossroads on November 02, 2012, 05:24:26 AM
Well, well. That was quite interesting, but... Nakagawa? Nakagawa Haruka? (That was her full name was it not... OR IS HERE ANOTHER NAKAGAWA!?) +w+ Haru-san?~

Other than that, is there any other way to address you other than fffff-san? LOL. ^-^"
Title: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: fffff on November 05, 2012, 09:09:12 PM
Here's chapter 1! It's quite long and I fear that I won't be able to update too often because I'm somewhat slow at writing and I don't have that much time either, but I'll try! I checked the grammar and everything but I'm convinced that there will be some mistakes. I hope you'll still like it! (Italics are the thoughts of the protagonist of the chapter)
@ O r i g a m i: You're so kind! Thank you! ( I just hope I won't disappoint you)
@ Crossing Crossroads: Yep, that's her. Anyway, just call me Fiffi. I hope you'll like chapter 1...

Chapter 1

Takahashi Residence, 04:13 AM

Minami woke up because strange sounds came out of her closet. She blinked into the darkness of her room. A cool breeze sweeping in through the open window and the growing fear in her heart caused her to tremble.
“Hello?” she called out softly from the relative safety of her bed. The noises didn’t stop, but she didn’t get an answer either. “I-i-is someb…”
“Aah! Found something!” an unfamiliar voice interrupted her, causing her to scream and shoot up in her bed.
“Whaaaa! What… Who… Aaaah!” Minami stuttered and then decided to just scream without bothering to form words.
“Oh, shut it”
A dark figure stepped out of the closet, but Minami couldn’t make out any details because the person stayed in the shadows. Judging by the voice, the intruder happened to be female, a fact that calmed Minami down a bit, yet she still decided she would better follow the stranger’s orders.
“Better” the girl in the dark said as Minami stopped her screaming. “You wouldn’t want anyone to come in and catch us in action, right?”
 The tone of the girl was playful but Minami could tell that something actually bothered her. However she didn’t think about it too much as her mind tried to process the situation.
“I told you to be quiet! No talking, alright?” For a moment the girl stepped into a faint ray of moonlight. She was nothing outstanding, a slim figure dressed into a leather jacket with a black shirt underneath and dark jeans. Which were kind of wet. Her barely shoulder-length hair covered her face. In her left hand she held an old shirt of Minami.
“What are you doing?” Minami blushed bright red as the unknown girl suddenly started to strip her clothes off.
“You can’t possibly… eeks!” Absolutely overwhelmed by the strange and embarrassing situation she slid under the covers and buried her face in her mattress.

Don’t look and it’s gone.

The bed shifted underneath her, but Minami ignored it.
“Ne, how’s that?” she heard a voice close to her ear. A cold hand slid around her hips as the other girl pressed her body on hers.
“Nooooo!” desperately she tried to jump out of her bed as she realized that the stranger, this… this… pervert was laying next to her. She didn’t get far. Uncoordinated as she was her foot got caught in the covers, causing her to crash face forward onto the floor. This could only be a nightmare of the worst kind.
“I see your panties” the other girl announced dryly, causing Minami to wish she could just die on the spot. If she hit her head again, maybe she could pass out. But how should she defend herself in that case? She should just make a run for it.

One. Two. Th-

The girl in her bed had just grabbed her ankle.
“No. Screaming. Got that?”
“Y- yes” Minami uttered in defeat as the girl started to pull her towards her with almost inhuman strength.
“You’re my girlfriend if someone asks” the dark figure now wearing Minami’s shirt ordered.

I feel powerless.

“Sweet! Now come to bed!”
Psycho. Early in the morning nightmare. Perverted devil disturbing my dreams.
Minami stifled a scream. For a second she thought about alarming the neighbors but they wouldn’t hear her as they were sleeping, being the good citizens they were.

Other than this THING!

“Don’t you dare to touch my thighs!” she threatened and hoped to sound somewhat fearsome.
After all she couldn’t give in without a fight. She had her own pride after all.
“Shut the hell up!”
Minami already regretted speaking up as she heard the threatening voice. 
She went into escaping-reality-mode and closed her eyes. Hopefully her imagination wouldn’t bother her with horrid ideas about the identity of that stranger.

She’s kind. She’s not a criminal or a vampire or a rapist disguised as a female.

Takahashi Residence, 05:10 AM

Atsuko watched the sun climbing the sky behind the clouds. The worries about her partner made her stomach twist but she knew that there was nothing she could do other than returning to the head quarters. She had called Kumi after the girl next to her had fallen asleep. The little idiot had panicked causing Atsuko to almost throw her phone against the wall. She was worried and didn’t need people who weren’t able to save her girl. Only the steady heartbeat of the person next to her had kept her calm.
Finally, she had been able to talk to Mariko who had ordered her to stay hiding until dawn. Of course Mariko didn’t know about Atsuko’s special hiding places. There was no way she would have allowed to endanger people that didn’t have any relation to the job. Atsuko couldn’t care less. If she was able to stay in a comfortable bed with a warm body next to her to keep away the fears she didn’t mind.
She had done it before after all. The first time she had had no other choice but later on she always choose this method of hiding. Once she had snuck into an old lady’s bedroom who had confused her for her childhood friend who died back in 1957. She had talked to Atsuko the entire night and cried bitter tears when Atsuko told her that she had to leave again. Really, it had been a sad scene.
This time, Atsuko felt that she was lucky. In a situation like this with sorrows filling her heart this was just was she needed.

Really, this girl is quite something.

Normally the people into whose house she broke were scared and trembling in fear, but this idiot she stumbled across here was basically embarrassed. Yet she smelled nice. Strawberry shampoo if Atsuko was to guess. She snuggled closer to the unknown girl, feeling her twitch underneath her hands. Ah, she liked idiots way too much.

Haruka is a childish idiot after all. And still… I love her.
When I get back to the head quarters she will come running towards me and hug me and kiss me and ramble how the love of her life saved her. Surely she has a new love once more and I’ll just watch and smile my bitter, cold smile.

Atsuko sighed deeply. She had always been one to face the bitter reality. The years of killing had made her heart harden and her features frozen. Only Haruka, her childhood friend was able to make her smile secretly with her sweet kisses and hugs that annoyed Atsuko just as much as she loved them.
“Say, what’s on your mind?” Atsuko whispered into the ear of the girl next to her. She knew that she couldn’t be sleeping, who would sleep with an unknown person in the same bed?

C’mon, take my mind off things.

“Don’t talk to me. Don’t be real” The voice sounded sleepily. Atsuko had good chances to disappear without that girl ever knowing that she hadn’t been a dream. But somehow she wanted to stay present for her.
“But I am”
“No, you’re a nightmare”
Once again, Atsuko was impressed. Playfully, she pulled the girl’s ponytail making her whine in fear as she fully woke up.
“You’re stupid, prude and unfashionable. But I like you”, Atsuko said then she slipped out of the bed. “Thanks for letting me borrow your shirt and your bed”
Atsuko was aware that the ponytailed girl watched her carefully while she was getting dressed. She could almost feel the eyes burning into her skin.
“You enjoy seeing me like this?” she asked without turning around.
“Eh? Eeeehhh? I… I… NO!”
“Suuure. Anyway, see you!” Atsuko flashed the girl her trademark smile, then she jumped out of the window. Her knees and feet made painful contact with the lawn as she landed skillfully. She groaned quietly before she got up and looked around. The grass was still wet as the sun hadn’t yet risen fully. It was only sending some weak rays through the clouds. The night was still dominating.
“Uuuumh… are you alright? That’s quite a fall…”

Aah, she’s just too cute and caring. I hope she won’t cause a ruckus; I don’t have the time to deal with her.

Without looking back at the window, Atsuko made her way back to the street. She crawled through the same bushes as an hour ago and the farer away from her hideout she got, the heavier her heart became.
As soon as she arrived at the head quarters, the ponytailed girl was erased from her memory. Her partner was everything that mattered now.

Travel Agency Kuramochi Travels, 08:00 AM

Minami felt sick as she made her way into the building. She had gotten up right after her visitor left because there was no way she could rest afterwards. The incident had caused a throbbing headache that wouldn’t be silenced, not by water, fresh air or pills. It had bothered her from the moment she got up, while eating breakfast, on the train and as she arrived at work.
She hurried up the stairs and opened the door to the office. The windows of the room seemed to be freshly cleaned as the morning sun shone through; the expensive carpet underneath Minami’s feet was spotless as well, just like the white leather couches and the polished desk. Minami inhaled the scent of the sweet yet unobtrusive perfume that lingered in the air. It seemed that her co-worker, the customer consultant hadn’t arrived yet as her seat was still empty. Minami walked through the fancy room into the corridor behind it, which was a lot smaller and not quite as shiny. She didn’t work with the customer’s themselves as she didn’t fit the optic categories as Kuramochi-san said.
“Good Morning!”
She greeted her secretary as she finally arrived in her own office. After all there was no way she could drag her down with her mood.
“Good Morning!” Maeda Ami, Minami’s secretary answered.

I’m just glad she isn’t late again.

“So, what’s to do today?”
Minami tried to sound cheerful as she sat down to look at her paperwork. The small desk was covered with various folders and sheets. The poor tiny cactus located in the middle seemed to drown in an ocean of paper. She was currently dealing with some stuff regarding complaints of some customers. Her headache could only get worse.
“Seems like they filled a lawsuit?”
Ami scratched the back of her head as she passed Minami the papers and a cup of coffee. She wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box but she tried to do her job properly, something Minami definitely appreciated. For her, hard work had always paid of. Kuramochi Travels was a highly recommended travel agency in the upper levels of society since they only worked with expensive hotels all around the world. Minami was glad to have gotten a job at this place. Yet sometimes, the customers with their high expectations would complain about simply anything.
“Have you already informed Kuramochi- san about it?” Minami asked.
“No… I thought you would do it? I’m really sorry!”
“It’s alright Ami. I’ll just go and talk to her”

Aah, meetings with Kuramochi-san are always quite embarrassing. Really, it’s not my day. I’m surely dreaming just now.

Minami stepped out in the corridor, just to bump into someone.
“Oi, Takahashi! What are you doing?”
“Eh? Eh? Miyazaki- san! Show me some respect!”
Minami groaned as her younger co-worker’s rudeness increased the pain in her head, making it almost unbearable. Miho was doing paperwork, similar to Minami, but she managed to keep herself not quite as busy.
“You were the one who bumped into me” Miho clarified, her arms crossed.
“Yeah, I’m sorry…” Minami waved her hand.
“Eh? That’s not like you, to act like this”
“I’m really sorry, Miyazaki-san, I’m just a little troubled by some things”

Can’t she let go already? I’m not in the mood today but I don’t want to offend her either.

“I understand”
“Eh? Really?” Minami asked surprised and full of hope. Miho just gave a quick nod and started to hurry down the corridor into her office, leaving the older girl to stare after her in surprise. Standing in the doorframe she turned around.
“It’s obvious that you’re not well. You look like shit, Takahashi”
And with that she was gone.
Minami was left in the corridor, once more somewhat embarrassed by her co- worker’s behavior. But she couldn’t get rid of the feeling that she heard concern in the other girl’s voice.
“It hurts!” she whined and touched her aching head. “There’s no way that I will continue like this the entire day! It’s all because of that nightmare of a girl!”
Sighing she made her way towards her boss’ office and knocked.
“Come in!”
“Good Morning Kuramochi- san. May I bother you for a minute?” Minami asked as she stuck her head into the room.
“Yes, of course”
Kuramochi Asuka sat comfortably in a huge chair behind her desk and fiddled with her hair, obviously bored. Gracefully she motioned for Minami to sit down, a smirk on her lips.
“What is it, Takahashi-san?” she asked and leaned forward.
“I- it’s a lawsuit?” Minami stuttered. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but something about her boss made her feel uncertain.
“Mmh. Again? Let me see”
“Here” Minami handed over the paper and watched the other woman’s expression. She did not flinch. Kuramochi-san was the kind of person who was always at ease, never panicking or confused. Also, Minami had never seen her actually work, but somehow she did a great job with the business.

I’m sure she doesn’t have a headache. But she didn’t have creepy visitors last night and if she did she surely dealt with them differently. She would probably act the same way that woman did, sweet at one second and cold the other second.

“Takahashi- san?”
“Oh, I’m sorry” Minami lowered her head to apologize for not paying attention.
“It’s alright. I think you should be able to deal with this. Just contact our lawyers” Asuka passed the paper back at Minami, her hand resting on Minami’s arm for one second too long.
“Yes. I will do that” Quickly, Minami got up, blushing like mad.

Just like that stranger today, just like that stranger. Ah, headache.

“You’re cute when you’re flustered, you know that?”
“Eh?” Minami quickly flew the scene, she bowed at the door and muttered “Excuse me” and then she was gone.
Asuka’s laughter rang after her as she almost ran down the corridor.

CoF Headquarters, 08:26 AM

Atsuko played with the string attached to her cell phone. Mariko had ordered her to rest, something she really did not want to do when everyone was out looking for her partner. She felt like a child because they had put her on the couch in the meeting room, given her a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate. Then they were gone and she had nothing to do.
She could listen to the secretary and the cleaning lady chatting in the hallway but their talk didn’t keep her busy. Sure she cared about clothes but just not that much.

Really they should talk about something more challenging. Global warming or politics or something of that kind.

“Kumi!” Atsuko finally yelled as she couldn’t stand the heavy atmosphere surrounding her anymore.
“Oh, yes?”
Atsuko wondered how a girl this clumsy could be that fast as soon as one of her adored assassins called for her. Really, Kumi who happened to have the job of the secretary, cook and maid, stood next to her in the blink of an eye.
“Get me some rum into my hot chocolate”
“Rum” Kumi frowned in her adorable way.
“Exactly” Atsuko glared at the poor girl causing her to stumble because she hurried to the small kitchen. She then turned around to face the cleaning lady who had followed Kumi into the room. The girl flushed bright red even though she didn’t say a thing.
“I should get back to work” she finally announced as she slowly got frightened. Atsuko nodded and then sank back on the couch. She had had a headache ever since she stepped into the headquarters and a heavy feeling in her chest. The best medicine would have been fighting and the rush of adrenaline, the excitement she got out of her job. An illegal car race or sneaking into other people’s beds would have worked as well, but she was ordered to stay. And even Maeda Atsuko wasn’t dumb enough to disobey Shinoda Mariko.
“Where did Tomo~mi go?”
“You got my rum?”
Kumi nodded absent minded as she poured it into the hot chocolate. It was quite a lot she put in but Atsuko didn’t mind at all.
“Have you seen Tomo~mi?”

Of course I have seen the cleaning lady. I just sent her away. Idiot.

“Maeda- san?”
“Get lost” Atsuko turned to the wall behind the couch.

Nakagawa Haruka, get the hell back here!

Travel agency Kuramochi Travels, 12:00 AM

Minami looked up from her papers as Miho stuck her head into her office.
“Join us at lunch”
“It’s fine if you go, Ami” Minami offered to her secretary who looked at her questioningly.
“You too” Miho insisted and stepped into the office. Minami sighed and held up some paper, hoping to stop the girl from bothering her.
“Don’t worry. I’ll just continue a little with my work here. I didn’t get everything done yet”

Stupid headache. Stopped me from working today. 

“No way”
And before Minami was able to realize what happened to her, Miho had already grabbed her by the hand and pulled her up from her seat. Even worse, she had Ami take her other hand, something the secretary did while constantly giggling as she helped to drag Minami outside.

Really now?

Absolutely defeated Minami followed the two insisting girls into the small break room where she already saw Kashiwagi Yuki, the ever-perfect costumer consultant. Her dark hair was pinned up neatly and she wore a blazer in the same light pink as her pencil skirt. As usual at the beginning of the week she sported a new pair of heels, simple white ones this time. She was the one person who made Minami feel small even though she didn’t do anything at all. Yet she still appreciated her as a colleague, even as a friend.
As usual Yuki was accompanied by her secretary Watanabe Miyuki, another all-perfect girl, who she was busy talking to, obviously telling a story she illustrated with soft moves of her hand. Minami could definitely see why she was picked to talk to all of the high class customers.
“Oh, Takahashi-san” Yuki smiled as she looked up. “I haven’t seen you around all day, but Myao told me you were sick: How are you doing?”
“You told her what?” Minami looked up at the girl who was still holding her hand. Miho shrugged.
“You do look sick” Miyuki stated, getting an approving nod from the other three girls. Only Minami shook her head and waved her hand.
“No way, no way, no way. It’s just a headache”
“Kuramochi- san said so too, didn’t she Myao, Milky?” Yuki nodded at the girls.
“She did, she did”
“She said you ran away from her office in the morning and wondered if you suddenly had to puke or something of that kind” Miho elaborated.
“Oh, did you?” Ami stared at Minami with her eyes open. “Don’t tell me that Takahashi-san is married and starting an own family?”
“What?” Minami looked at her secretary without any clue what she might be talking about. Yuki was obviously having one of her big wide-eyed reactions, Miyuki smiled knowingly and Miho frowned. “Ooooh, oh, no, no, no” Minami finally caught on. “I’m not … having a child or anything of that kind, no, no, no way.
Seriously is that the only thing you guys think about?”

Oh gosh, how embarrassing.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Takahashi-san!” Ami bowed deeply as she apologized. “I really am. I just thought that that could be the reason why you were in such a bad mood all day, you know? Really, I’m sorry!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Let’s not talk about it anymore, ne?” Minami got even more embarrassed by the younger girl’s embarrassment. “Let’s eat!”
Much to Minami’s displeasure, Miho didn’t feel like dropping the topic anytime soon.
“If Takahashi…”
“… Takahashi really had a child that would be bad, wouldn’t it? Imagine it would be a boy and she would keep putting ribbons on his head”
“I wouldn’t do that!” Minami defended herself, carefully touching her ribbon, just to check if it still was in place.
“And if it was a girl she would be uncomfortable with you around when showering because she would see you as a father, not as a mother” Miyuki mused.
“It’s true, it’s true!” Ami exclaimed before covering her mouth when she realized what she had said. “I’m sorry, Takahashi-san”
“But there’s no need to worry. It’s not as if Takahashi will be in a relationship anytime soon”
Silence followed after Miho’s comment, before black-hearted Yuki couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
“Eeeeehhh?” Minami whined as she saw her colleagues almost drop to the floor. “You can’t be serious!”
“I’m sorry, Minami. But it’s just too funny, you know?” Yuki reached out to the other girl who frowned at the offered hand.
“You know, I’m in a relationship actually!”
Silence. Then hysteric laughter.
“Really now, Takahashi, really now?”
“No need to say it twice”

‘If someone asks, I’m your girlfriend’ Didn’t she say that? Didn’t she? Wait, what am I thinking? But… that’s what she said. Yet, I don’t know her… That’s stupid Minami, like your biggest fail yet

“I have a girlfriend you guys!”

Oh damn, I said it. Ah, headache.

“Okay, now that’s unexpected”
“Hell, you really are a dude, aren’t you?”
“Aaah, this is great, Takahashi-san!”
“Ah, y-yeah” Minami laughed nervously.
“You mind introducing us to her?” Miyuki asked mischievously and tilted her head to the side.

And that’s exactly the question I feared. Thanks a lot Watanabe-san.

“Why would I introduce you guys?”
“We’re your only friends. Duh” Miho sighed and shook her head in disbelief.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Minami sighed in defeat. “Ah, headache!”
“Again?” a worried look crossed Miho’s face.
“Guess your girl is grumpy then, right?” Yuki asked.
“What?” Minami looked at her confused before taking her chance. “Yes she’s been… bothersome and kind of… demanding, and clingy and greedy and in a bad mood! You really don’t want to meet her. You don’t want to meet her at all, right Ami?”
“Eh?” the poor secretary looked around for help as she was suddenly pulled into Minami’s attempt to escape the situation. “If Takahashi-san says so…”
“Exactly. See? Now let’s eat because otherwise lunch break will be over”
“This is so not over, Takahashi” Miho announced, making Minami shiver in fear.

CoF Headquarters, 02:08 PM

Atsuko woke up because someone was shaking her.
“Acchan… Acchan, wake up, please”
“Please… wake up”
Immediately, Atsuko was awake. There was something in Mariko’s voice that was unusual. She sounded shaken.


“I’m sorry, Acchan” Mariko rubbed Atsuko’s knees comfortingly. She knelt in front of the couch that Atsuko had slept on and looked at the other girl worryingly.
“Really, I’m sorry”

No way, no, no, no. Not happening. Never. How? Why? Who would? Oh dear Lord!

Atsuko’s thoughts were running wild in her head, her feelings completely numbed. Without her noticing her breathing got heavier and her heartbeat increased noticeably.
“Oshima, get me a plastic bag” Mariko ordered.

Weird. She only calls us by our last names when something bad is going on.

From that on everything was a blur for Atsuko.

Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: sakura_drop_ on November 05, 2012, 09:37:08 PM

I even don't know how or where to begin...

Of course, this
“Oshima, get me a plastic bag” Mariko ordered.

I like it the best! Not the context of it, but the name in it!!  :wub: :wub: :wub:

Yuko-sama, a doctor!!!  :wub: :wub: :wub:

Biased mode aside, I love your writing style. And Acchan's character here is just  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

I also love how you portrayed others. So Mochi likes Takamina, Myao is not respecting her seniors, Ami also likes Takamina, and MilkYuki?.. If only it happens... Well, ...  :wub: :inlove: :inlove: Never mind...  :nervous

I love how they made fun of Bakamina, I laughed so hard  :rofl:

And Atsumina scene was  :rofl: :rofl:

I wonder how they are going to meet... They have to, as Bakamina has to introduce her girlfriend  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Mariko-sama is awesome, I believe... Now I'm waiting for my Yuko-sama to make this story even more SLFHSEIGFAERFwFOVN AWESOME  :wub: :wub: :wub:

Thank you for this update!!  :bow: :bow:
Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: arrow27 on November 06, 2012, 02:31:42 AM
really awesome first chapter :D I love you're wiriting style :) Looking forward to what happens next & excited for Atsuko and minami's 2nd meeting ^^ Poor acchan though when she learned bout Haruka :(
Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: Haruko on November 06, 2012, 05:06:24 AM
poor acchann -_-..

but ilove the scene in mu mind was so smexy... yeah I add a few of details :D
Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: ikun1216 on November 06, 2012, 05:27:46 AM
This is my first time commenting, but this was amazing!
I can't wait to see more interactions from the girls, especially when Mocchi finds out about Takamina's "Girlfriend"

Thank you for writing this so well.

Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: ChoyShinhwa on November 06, 2012, 05:59:36 AM
It's Great

Your fic interest me ^.^

Hope you update soon.
Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: hidden_player on November 06, 2012, 06:40:15 AM
It's really awesome and has an interesting plot. I find it fun when you make Atsumina meet like that (poor Takamina) :wahaha:

Can't wait for the next chapter and thanks for your hard work :on GJ:
Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: Crossing Crossroads on November 06, 2012, 07:50:12 AM
MN? HARUKA? HARU-SAN? EKRJSLDMF? I don't want Haruka dead if she is... :cry: She... I mean... This is the only fic that I can recall has Haruka in it, and she ends up dead? *cue DiVA's Cry?*

OHTHEFEELSFORACCHAN. Nu, it's okay, Atsuko. Stahp. Don't cry. Go find your new favorite stranger to comfort you every night in bed. OKAY? DERN'T CRY ACCHAN.

Lol though. Takamina, how many 'fail' levels can she create? Acchan has successfully hypnotized Takabaka. :heart: Keep it that way, Takabaka. LOL.

But yay~ Aamin is in this. :P :heart:
Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: TakaminaBG on November 06, 2012, 09:28:30 AM
This is really interesting!!!
AtsuMina moment was so sweet and funny!!! Poor Minami having Kuramochi as her boss.. :d
Is Haruka dead??? Plastic bag?? Is she going to kill her??
Please update soon!!!!
Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: dark48 on November 06, 2012, 12:17:15 PM
Tnx for the update

Love It!!! :heart: So interesting


PLease Update Soon
Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: Pdpond on November 06, 2012, 01:21:38 PM
It's awesome.. :thumbup
But poor takamina poor acchan :banghead:
Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: miayaka on November 06, 2012, 07:03:35 PM
One word - SASUGA!!!!!
Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: Wmatsui22 on November 09, 2012, 11:33:25 AM




Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 1 (Atsumina)
Post by: Pdpond on November 09, 2012, 04:50:16 PM
Waiting for new update   :cow:
Title: Re: Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: fffff on November 10, 2012, 02:55:24 PM
@ sakura_drop: I'm happy that you liked it that much. Yuko is not a doctor though... I hope she'll turn out to be a cool character nevertheless!Yeah
@ arrow27: I'm glad that you like my writing style, I'm not always sure about the grammar and such but I try!
@ O r i g a m i: Still awesome? Then I have to try to live up to that expectation, huh?
@ Haruko: You're free to do so because I'm certainly not good at writing them. But it makes me glad if it works with your imagination  :P
@ ikun1216: Your first post?  :shocked I'm feeling honored...
@ ChoyShinhwa: I'll try to keep it interesting, I promise.
@ hidden_player: The meeting of those two was actally the first thing i had in mind and then it turned into a full-grown fic...
@ Crossing Crossroads: Yeah... sorry 'bout that but sacrifices are inevitable to keep this story going. Aamin just showed up in this fic while I was writing (at first the secretary was someone else) but then I thought: "Oh that's good, that's good!" and here she is.
@ TakaminaBG: She is, yes. And Mariko wants a plastic bag because Acchan is hyperventilating. She's one of the main characters, I need her pretty much alive, so fear nothing! (Okay, that sounded stupid)
@ dark48: Thank you! I'll try to keep it that way!
@ miayaka: Two words: Thank you!
@ Wmatsui22: Hello! Thank you so much!
@ Pdpond: And you get your new update! Here we go!

Chapter 2

In front of Kuramochi Travels, 06:05 PM

Minami’s headache hadn’t vanished as she had hoped. Sighing she looked up at the office building she just left. Work had literally been hell today, also because of those people who claimed to be her only friends.
“Takahashi! Takahashi!”
And here we go.
“Are you trying to ignore us or something?”

Kind of? Why so persistent Miyazaki-san?

“Oh hey. I didn’t see you there” Minami said, trying to sound cool.
“Isn’t that something the old creep says in that porn movie, you know which one I mean?” Miyuki questioned Yuki.
“What???? Honestly, Milky, I have no idea what you’re talking about”
Minami felt her face getting hot.
“You’re a man after all” Miho announced and put an arm around her surprised co-worker. “Where shall we go then? A restaurant? Bar? Club?”
“Well, you don’t want to go back to that greedy and clingy girlfriend of yours in an instance right?” Yuki explained as she saw Minami’s dumbfounded expression.

What have I gotten myself into now?

“Great! Let’s go then!” Miho smiled, grabbed Minami with one hand and Ami who just stood by awkwardly with the other and dragged them along.
“I’m just going to text my cousin. I promised to spend some time with her. Is it fine if she comes along?” Miyuki asked.
“Of course! The more the merrier!”
Miho sure was in high spirits. Ami was giggling out of some weird reason, Miyuki busy texting and Yuki was humming to herself. Minami was simply dragged along and she was not sure if she shouldn’t wish that there really was some annoying girlfriend who could save her from those people.

Restaurant The Old Coin, 06:50 PM

Minami was glad that her friends didn’t drag her to some weird pub. The restaurant they finally decided on was located not far away from Minami’s home, something she was certainly glad for, just in case she needed to escape quickly. It was a small smoke filled room that mainly served western food and although it tended to look a tiny little bit weird it was pretty tasty. Minami recommended it because nobody seemed to be able to come up with a better idea.
She greeted the owner as they walked in.

Don’t embarrass me old friend.

“Good evening, Miichan”
“Takamiiiina!” Minegishi Minami came out from behind the counter to give said girl a bear hug, resulting in the smaller girl’s feet being lifted off the ground.
“Who’re your friends?”

Maybe I shouldn’t have come here.

“Miyazaki Miho, Kashiwagi Yuki, Maeda Ami, Watanabe Miyuki and…” Minami stopped as she spotted a person clinging to Miyuki’s arm she had never seen before.

She wasn’t there a second ago, I swear…

“I’m Watanabe Mayu, Milky’s cousin, nice to meet you! Call me Mayuyu!” The girl bowed with a smile plastered on her face that would be described as sweet yet seemed somewhat emotionless to Minami. No, even dangerous.
“Oh, you’re cute!” Miichan grinned. “And Milky is cute as well” she quickly added as the other girl started pouting.
“Yay!” the two girls said, clapping their hands and smiling brightly.
 “Anyway, what can I get you? Cutlets? Steak? The pasta is good as well, oh and don’t get me started about the pizza! Or maybe fish? No, no wait! The specialty of the house: Shrimp Creole ” Miichan looked at everyone with a smile full of expectations. Yuki smiled politely before she asked:
“What about assigning us a table first? And you sure have a menu don’t you?”
“Eh? Oh, of course! Yeah, sure, sure, this way please, this way!”  Miichan happily ran through the restaurant, pushing chairs out of her way not caring if people sat on it. Minami could have sworn that a little boy dipped in his plate with his head as Miichan pushed him out of the way. However she decided that it was better not to look back to see if her eyes had deceived her or not. 
“Is this table fine with you?”
“It’s great” Minami smiled at Miichan and gave an approving nod before looking at the others “It’s alright, isn’t it?”
They nodded and sat down.
“So… it’s Takamina?” Mayu asked curiously. “Nice to meet you!”
“It’s actually Takahashi Minami. Minegishi Minami is a good friend since kindergarten, that’s why she’s calling me by that name” Minami quickly explained, feeling uncomfortable with all of her friends staring at her.
“Cute” Miho said with a smirk plastered on her face. “Guess you have friends after all, right Takahashi? But there’s no way, I’ll believe that story about a girlfriend”

Aaahhh, here we go again. Why? Why me?

“A girlfriend?” Mayu asked. Suddenly her curiousness was awoken. “Really?”
“Y- yeah” Minami muttered shyly. She was quite shocked at the younger girl’s bluntness; after all she just met her.
“Ah, that’s cool! You know, I’ve been thinking about getting a girlfriend as well!”
“Eeeeehhhhh?” Yuki stared at the girl in confusion. “Really?”
“Yeah! You interested Kashiwagi-san?”
“What? No! Not at all!” Yuki blushed deep red and for once Minami was quite satisfied to see her perfect co-worker totally flustered, although she didn’t like the whole awkward situation at all.

Seems like I won’t be the one who’s getting embarrassed tonight.

“Back to Takahashi then”

Someone save me?

Suddenly a loud voice rang through the restaurant.
“Raise your hands everyone! Police!”

That’s not exactly what I meant. Just my luck I guess.

Suddenly a troop of policemen appeared in the door. All of them were heavily armed and had raised their weapons. Customers jumped up from their tables, the waitress dropped the plates she was carrying and a drunk man threw his glass through the room. A small woman who had her head resting on the counter looked up and sighed annoyed before going back to her half-sleep. Ami, Miyuki and Yuki stared at the policemen wide-eyed, Miichan was nowhere to be seen, Miho was on the floor curled up as a ball and seemed to be screaming and Mayu… well, Mayu didn’t care at all. She barely flinched, making her seem even creepier than before to Minami.
“Everyone! Against the wall!”
Minami quickly pulled Miho up and shoved her against the wall closest to their seats. Miichan came crawling out from underneath the table were she had been hiding and Mayu took her chance to grab Yuki’s butt in the common confusion. Everything was even worse than Minami could have imagined. Miho was staining her shirt with tears of fear as she pressed her face into the smaller woman’s shoulder. She was a coward after all. Silently Minami patted her head while observing the policemen. They were obviously controlling the people closest to the door but didn’t find whatever they were looking for because they stepped farther into the room.
“What’s this?” Ami whispered.
“They are looking for something or someone” Mayu explained “Probably following an anonymous hint. That hasn’t been planned for long. See? They don’t know how to properly handle their guns, the way this guy is holding it is completely wrong. If this was planned they would have gotten well-trained people to do the job. Seems urgent.”
Everyone gaped at Mayu.
“Why do you know these things about guns?” Minami asked in a small voice. She earned a chuckle and a sugar-coated smile but didn’t get a proper answer.
“We should find out what they want, right?” Ami whispered as one of the men approached them. Yuki nodded.
“Milky and I will take care of that”
“Miss, could you empty your pockets please?” the officer addressed Miyuki who quickly obeyed. She handed him her huge purse as well.
“Don’t be surprised because of what you might find” she gave the man a beaming smile. “I have no idea what I put in there. Guess I’m a messy girl after all… But there’s nothing that could shock you, right? After all… an officer like you… young and strong… you’ve seen it all, haven’t you?” She tilted her head and fluttered with her eyelids.
“Uhm, I guess?” the man answered, not sure how to react to the obviously flirting girl.
“I knew it! Yay!” she clapped her hands as if she just won in a quiz show. “You’re so… I have no words” she sighed.
Minami was fascinated and disgusted at the same time by the interaction between the two people.

So that’s how you do it.

 The officer had even forgotten about the purse he still held in his hand. Instead his eyes were wandering up and down on Miyuki’s body.
“Oh. Thank you, I guess but I’m on duty now, so… But later I could…”
He blushed and started to roam through Miyuki’s bag.
“Was that an invitation? I’m so happy! Isn’t it great, Yuki?”
“It is, it is!” Yuki stepped forward and bowed in front of the officer, allowing him to get a great view at her cleavage. “I’m almost jealous” she said jokingly and startled the poor guy completely. He wasn’t able to comprehend that suddenly there were two hot girls flirting with him.
“Say, would you mind to tell us what’s going on?” Yuki asked and tilted her head to the side.
“I’m sorry, I’m not authorized to tell anything. Your bag is clean Miss. May I ask for the other bags too?”
“Oh thank you” Miyuki purred. “I’m glad you didn’t mind the mess”
“You can check my bag” Yuki offered. The man nodded and quickly took it accidentally brushing the woman’s hand. “Eh? Your hands are so cold!”
“Oh… that… yeah”
“It must be tiring to check all of the stuff” Miyuki mused. “Is it really necessary? I wonder what is going on here…”
“As I said, I’m not authorized…”
“Of course! We understand, we understand!” Yuki cut him off “I just wondered if it will be alright to walk home alone tonight”
“Do you live around here? If so it could be dangerous”
“Eeeeeehhhh?” Minami stared at the man. “Why?”
A sharp pain in her leg interrupted her.

That hurts!

“Aaah! What-“
 “Don’t interrupt their information-gathering” Mayu hissed into Minami’s ear and gave her a dark look that caused the midget-sized girl to close her mouth immediately.
 “A- Italian pizza, I want to order pizza, I mean that’s it. That’s what I just said. I wasn’t hurt or anything, so wasn’t. Yeah. That’s it… Miichan! Pizza!” Minami mumbled and tried to rub her leg without catching any attention.

Did this Cyborg-girl just kick me? What have I done?

“Anyway…” the officer looked at her and the crying Miho who was still clinging to her. “Seems like you guys are clean. I see you later?” he shyly asked Miyuki who gave him a beaming smile that changed into an angry expression as soon as he turned around.
“You messed up Takahashi- san!”
“I did?”

So that’s why they are the ones handling the customers and not me. Damn. I fail.

CoF Headquarters, 08:07 PM

Atsuko counted the cracks in the ceiling. Just to take her mind off things. Mariko had put her to bed rest after she had broken down and claimed that she needed time to mourn. To Atsuko this idea seemed really bad. Mourning meant drowning in sadness, in the waters of an endless ocean of tears that pressed on her chest and cut her breath. Hell, she hated it.
“78, 79, 80. Or did I count that one already? I wonder… 81, 82, 83… oh forget it!”

Can’t sit still, got to move, got to run, to fight and sweat, and to forget.

She massaged her temples and sat up in her bed. Her room looked like a luxurious prison cell; it was small, there were no windows and only a naked light bulb hanging from the ceiling, but the concrete floor was covered with a stylish black carpet and the furniture hadn’t been cheap either.
The CoF Headquarters were located on the third floor of an old factory. The lower floors were abandoned just in case somebody stumbled in by accident. It had been decided after an incident with a few teenagers who had come in as a test of courage that hadn’t gone well.
 Mariko-sama had put up the newspaper article that dealt with their deaths right across the toilet so everyone had the headline “Furukawa A. (18), Takayanagi A. (16) and Hata S. (19) found dead after claiming to have found proof of supernatural activity in old factory!” right in front of their eyes a few times each day. It was a constant reminder to keep a low profile and Mariko’s way of paying a tribute to her organization’s victims. Atsuko hadn’t been a part of the troupe at that point of time but she knew that it had caused a lot of problems and even brought her mentor Oshima Yuko to jail. She didn’t stay there for a long time though.
Afterwards the stairs to the third floor had been hidden and as the windows were bricked up, nobody was able to tell that a secret community had claimed the building. The occasional noises people could hear when the assassins were experimenting with grenades in the basement quickly earned the factory the reputation of being haunted, successfully keeping the neighbors out.
To Atsuko the place was the home she never had and even though she would never admit it she felt that the people living and working here were her family. Well, anyone but that new annoying girl who just knocked at the door of her room.
“Go away” Atsuko ordered.
“Mariko-sama sent me to bring you dinner” the voice sounded awfully cheerful regarding the situation and made Atsuko seriously think about getting up and landing a harsh punch on that blabbering mouth.
“Tell her to send anyone but you and maybe I’ll eat”
For a moment silence filled the air but then the steps hurried away.

Why didn’t you pick a fight? Haruka would’ve talked back at me in her adorable oblivious way and you are not even able to occupy my mind for a brief minute.

Sighing Atsuko went back to counting the cracks. When she arrived at 134 and couldn’t find anymore cracks to count and all she could do was thinking about getting a handyman to fix it she finally heard another voice calling her.
Surprised she raised an eyebrow.
“Didn’t you say something about drowning your mind in alcohol?” she asked.
“I did, but the police searched the entire restaurant. Don’t know who gave them the hint that I was there. Can I come in?”
“Yeah” Atsuko answered, knowing that this woman was much more persistent than anyone else around. She heard the door open and closed her eyes. Sometimes listening was better than seeing. The plate flapped as it was placed on the single table in the small room.
“I got you something from that restaurant. It looks disgusting but it’s good”
“It is?” Atsuko answered, her eyes still closed as she felt the other woman sit on the bed next to her.
“If you don’t eat it now, it’ll get cold. Come on, I’ll keep you company”
The woman patted Atsuko’s head and ran her fingers through her hair.
“Really? Are your underlings actually alright if you aren’t with them?”
“Oh, the Twin Towers will be fine by themselves. They actually need some private time to work some things out, trust me. Yeah, I can imagine what they are doing… together… alone…”
“You’re such a pervert Yuko”
“Of course I am. But you should really eat now”
“No” Atsuko opened her eyes to look at her friend. “I don’t feel like it. Just let me stay here and go back to your underlings. You don’t know how much time you’ll have left together” She smiled bitterly.
“You never know” Yuko said quietly, an unusual serious, even sad expression on her face. “After all that’s our job, right? Our victims… they too have people to mourn for them. It’s only fair if we experience the same pain”

It’s not. It’s not fair. It can’ be.

“But life has to go on. You’ll get a new partner in no time, Umechan isn’t that bad actually and then you’ll fight and you’ll forget and somehow the throbbing pain will become numb and you’ll bear with it and accept it as a part of yourself. Trust me; I know what I’m talking about”
“I don’t like the new girl” Atsuko answered, successfully ignoring Yuko’s other comments. “She’s small and way too lively”
“Sounds like me” Yuko got up from the bed and yawned. “Since I can’t get drunk, I might as well go to sleep. Or take a peek at my Twin Towers…. Tempting, tempting… Enjoy your meal, Acchan” she winked at the girl and disappeared into the corridor, silently and carefully closing the door. Once again everything was quiet.
Atsuko continued to stare at the door even after Yuko had already left for five minutes. There was no way she could eat now, but sleeping wasn’t an opinion either. She was restless and before she even realized what she was doing she was heading out. In the hallway she bumped into Kumi who gave her a worried look but for once was smart enough to keep her mouth shut.

Somewhere has to be a place where I can stop thinking, somewhere I’ll feel good.

Restaurant The Old Coin, 08: 44 PM

Minami ate another slice of pizza knowing very well that Miichan was watching her. Aside from some regulars she and her colleagues were the only customers to stay after the police incident. Miichan had begged them to stay because she wouldn’t have any business otherwise and since Minami couldn’t see her childhood friend sad she had convinced the others. Miho had not wanted to look like a coward as soon as she had wiped her tears away and Mayu seemed to be more than pleased and so they agreed.
“It’s tasty, isn’t it Takamina?” Miichan said enthusiastically.
“Great” Minami mumbled. It actually was but Miichan seemed to weird Miyuki out and made Ami giggle. Yuki was slightly embarrassed by the girl next to her, Mayu, who kept making suggestive offers that caused her to laugh into her pasta. Minami was even more embarrassed to listen to this conversation, sometimes with Miyuki butting in, making her cousin’s advances even worse. Miho still hadn’t fully recovered and picked up her pride. She sat silently and tried to look tough by glaring at Miichan who didn’t even notice her. Minami thought that was actually somewhat adorable.
Suddenly the door opened, making Miichan jump in surprise.
“Come in, come in!” she ran straight towards her new guest and knocked another customer, a woman who was just leaving, over. The poor woman on the floor grunted before putting her oversized hat back into place. She got up and snorted into the sleeve of her shirt that had stains all over it and Minami didn’t want to know where all these came from. Somehow, the woman caught Minami’s gaze and gave her a smile. Awkwardly she smiled back but then looked away. There were always some strange people in Miichan’s restaurant and that person was definitely one of them.
“If she came running at me like that, I’d probably leave right away” Miho commented, finally recovering. Ami and Yuki burst into laughter, causing Mayu who had just been talking to Yuki to glare at Miho because she had stolen the woman’s attention.

She’s scary. I better look away, I don’t want to see anyone die here.

Shifting her attention to the door, Minami found Miichan talking to an oddly familiar figure. A girl in a black leather jacket leaned on the counter and seemed to be off in her own world why the restaurant owner was probably advising her Shrimp Creole. As if she was sensing Minami’s gaze she suddenly looked up.
No way.
The dark haired girl’s lips curved into a weak smile as she found Minami looking at her. Quickly, Minami lowered her head. Just to pretend she didn’t see anything. Or maybe the stranger wouldn’t recognize her at all. After all the pizza was the most interesting thing in the world. She didn’t even look up as silence fell over the table and a familiar female voice behind her asked:
“Could I sit with you?”
“Sure?” Yuki questioned.
“And who would you be?” Mayu asked as the woman who sat down next to Minami who was still staring at her plate with the last slice of pizza. Really, it was the center of her cosmos because her confusion would have overwhelmed her if she tore her gaze away.
“Get me a glass of red wine and some bread” the woman ignored Mayu’s question.
“Of course”

She’s even able to make Miichan mumble…

Mayu’s question got ignored, but the girl was not going to give up that easily.
“I asked who you are” she repeated impatiently.
“A friend of hers”

She’s not pointing at me, is she?

“A friend of Takahashi-san? Really?” That was Ami.

Oh yes she is pointing at me.

“We are quite close”

Is it just me or does she sound down?

“Really?” Yuki exclaimed. “I mean that’s great! I’m surprised!”
“Sooo… you are the mysterious girlfriend, aren’t you?” Miho mischievously asked.
Silence full of expectations.

Oh, please no.

And before Minami realized what she was doing, she got up and grabbed Atsuko’s hand.
“Let’s go home” she ordered, dragged the stunned girl with her and left equally stunned friends behind while Miichan was dropping the wine bottle as they passed by. The last thing Minami heard before they left the restaurant was her childhood friend’s desperate call:
“Aren’t you going to pay?”

Takahashi Residence, 09: 20 PM

Atsuko was staring at a ceiling again but this time there were no cracks to count. Her original plan of getting drunk was ruined but this was just fine. The sadness was still almost unbearable, but the thoughts weren’t conquering her mind as cruelly as before. She looked up as the bedroom door opened. The midget came in with cookies and something that looked like tea. Still, wine would have been better.
“What’s your name?” Atsuko finally broke the silence.
“Takahashi Minami” the answer was almost not audible.
“Call me Acchan”
“Yes” Minami offered Atsuko a cookie.
“No” she shook her head.
“It’s good”

Really, what’s with this girl? Taking a stranger home to offer her cookies?

“Oh, alright” Minami stumbled, a scared look on her face. Atsuko almost felt guilty. Almost. She continued staring at the ceiling and wondered if she should make some stupid comment just to see that other woman blush, but couldn’t come up with anything. Instead she asked:
“Do you know what’s it like to feel like your dead?”
“Dead. Numb. With a head full of dark clouds. Like someone stole the sun from the sky”

What do I think I’m doing here?

“I guess”
“Really?” Atsuko asked harshly but this time she didn’t scare Minami.
And that was all she said but somehow it made Atsuko feel better. After a long break with both of them staring into different directions, Minami finally gathered her courage.
“You can tell me. Sometimes it’s easier to talk to strangers, you know?”
“How would you know?” Atsuko glanced at Minami and saw a painful look on her face, but she didn’t feel like regretting what she just said.
“I … had a younger brother. He was reckless, you know? Always going too fast with his motorbike, hanging with the wrong people. He died in an illegal car race. As an older sister I should have protected him, but I failed”

Why is she telling me?

“I should have seen that something was bound to happen. I could have realized where this was going to end, because people who live like that die young. Isn’t that true?”

It is. Oh, Minami, trust me I know a lot about early deaths. I’ve been the cause of some of those…

“Sometimes… innocents die too” Minami continued unaware of Atsuko’s sudden attention.  “Because of sickness or because there are people who just kill them. Because they are reckless and endanger others, or for their own pleasure… I really, really, hate those people, you know?”
“You do” Atsuko concluded, sighing deeply.

So you must hate me.

“Yesterday” she told Minami, “There was a murder in this neighbourhood. That’s why the police showed up at this restaurant earlier today” She smiled bitterly as she saw that all color drained from her opposite’s face. She continued in a soft voice knowing that she was giving of a scary aura. “She was shot. In the head. Three times, completely accurate. Her name was Sato Amina and she had the bad luck of serving the wrong person. Isn’t it cruel?” she inched closer to Minami and brought her own face to the other girl’s. “But at the same time her murderer’s partner who tried to kill Amina’s mistress was murdered. Is the murderer allowed to grieve? Or was it fate? Tell me Minami, is this world nothing but cruel for those who die as well as for those who survived?”
Atsuko watched as Minami licked her dry lips and tried to form words.
“Where you… the murderer?”
“Ah, I’m glad. Sorry for assuming… I wouldn’t think… Ah, you wanted to scare me with that story, right?” Minami finally said and chuckled nervously. “Are you sure you don’t want a cookie? You know, they are quite good! I’m not the greatest cook whatsoever, but Miichan helped me make them and even though she may be difficult to deal with, she’s actually nice! Trust me! And my friends are nice too. Most of the time. Well, we work together but everyone gets along just fine”
Atsuko stared blankly at Minami who tried her best to talk her nervousness away, while cleaning up the room. She was quite amused when the smaller woman almost slipped on her own drawings that scattered on the floor. But she just couldn’t seem to be able to smile.

I don’t want to hurt. I don’t want to feel.

“Y- yes?”
“Make me happy, alright?”
“Well, I’m your girlfriend after all” Atsuko smirked.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! No, no, no… they just thought… I told them…well…” Minami trailed of, searching for any kind of correct way to express what she meant. The familiar heat was already making its way to her face.
“Do you want a cookie?”
“Are you trying to change the topic?”
“No! I’m…” Minami blushed even redder if possible “… trying to make you happy”
Atsuko stared at the cookie.

This girl is TOO weird.

Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: dark48 on November 10, 2012, 03:21:35 PM
Nice Chapter!!!
hahah Takamina :D

Tnx for the Update!!!

Please Continue
Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: Haruko on November 10, 2012, 03:33:50 PM
This atsumina story is different.. i feel it different.. a good one of course :D.... aww minami is so sweet.. and the miho´s character love it!! :D... like always.. i miss her in the akb fandom.. :D
Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: TakaminaBG on November 10, 2012, 03:47:45 PM
Hmmmm... Takamina, what are you doing?
Yeah taking a stranger to your home is weird, but this..... she is..... I mean....
I'm glad they met again, and they are in Takamina's bedroom and Acchan wants Takamina to make her happy.... hm... :on bleed:
Please update SOON SOON!!!
Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: arrow27 on November 10, 2012, 04:10:50 PM
woah loved this chapter as well  :D Taka's friends r awesome lol. & really loving this relationship b/w Atsuko and Takamina and looking forward to see how it develops :) Takamina's so sweet as usual :D Really looking forward to your next update ^^ Thanks for writing this ^^
Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: Pdpond on November 10, 2012, 04:33:08 PM
Thanks for nice chapter!!
Minami so cutie :heart: :heart:
Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: hazwani on November 10, 2012, 04:35:15 PM
nice story... :drool:
love it
i like it  :inlove:

takamina so sweet..

yeah i really glad that u made this story :)

atsumina moment never fail to make me giggle  :wub: :panic:

please keep continue .. :yep:
thanks you for you hardwork  :D
Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: hidden_player on November 10, 2012, 04:50:35 PM
I don't know who is weirder between Atsumina :wahaha:

Good chapter after all :wub:

Thanks for update and please continue :shy1:
Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: yuukimoko on November 10, 2012, 04:59:59 PM
M-mayuki/...?! here?!

this story is complicated~ I like it! and Mayu is trying to hit on Yuki? good job Mayu!
Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: Crossing Crossroads on November 10, 2012, 05:21:11 PM
Mnnn...  :fainted: :mon POd: *sniffle*

5 of them... dead? :gmon tears: OHTHEFEELS.... (Yes, I understand the... consequences? of writing this fics. But, OHGODTHEFEELS.)


Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: sakura_drop_ on November 10, 2012, 07:41:07 PM
Oh, so Yuko-sama is Acchan's mentor...

Ah, Bakamina, you're too fast at jumping to conclusions, you know...  :smhid

I love MaYuki here, and I am waiting for continuation, as I want Bakamina to make Acchan HAPPY *wiggles eyebrows*  :twisted:
Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: yourockme on November 11, 2012, 12:23:07 AM
Wohh ATSUMINA  :nya:
CUTE CUTE CUTE  :farofflook:

Im so happy that i found this fic LOL
I wish I found it earlier so I can comment in every update
anyway Thanks for the update  :mon olympic:
waiting for more Atsumina  :mon olympics:  :mon devcandy:
Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: ikun1216 on November 11, 2012, 11:29:58 PM
 :wriggly: Ahhh~ Ume-chan :heart: might be in this story!! That makes it even better! Though I still love it wholeheartedly despite who's in it. All of the members interactions is just great.  :on GJ: Poor Takamina XD I can't wait for your next update!!
Title: Re: (Nov 10) Killer Queen: Chapter 2 (Atsumina)
Post by: fffff on November 17, 2012, 10:31:46 PM
I wanted to update earlier, really! But I didn't have the time all week, so I thought I'd update by Friday but then I went out with some people... But here's the update, finally!
And it turned out to be longer than I had planned.

@ Everyone: Thank you for your nice comments!
@ dark48: I'm glad you liked it!
@ Haruko: Different? Hmm... I don't know what I do differently but I'm happy if you think this way! Myao's one of my favorites, so I hope that more people would write aout her.
@ TakaminaBG: Ts, ts,ts... what are you thinking!  :P
@ arrow27: I'm working on the development of their relationship and I hope you'll ike it!
@ Pdpond: I'm trying to make Minami as sweet as I can, so I'm glad if you like it!
@ hazwani: I'm glad! I love to write so I'm happy if you like to read it!
@ hidden_player: I hope you'll enjoy this chapter as well!
@ yuukimoko: It's more fun with Mayuki, isn't it?
@ Crossing Crossroads: I guess we need more Atsumina cuteness to make the sad moments up?
@ sakura_drop: Yuko is one of the characters whose storyline I got completely mapped out but it's somewhat hard to write her completely the way I imagine her character to be...
@ O r i g a m i: Bother? Expectations fight my natural laziness, so it's good, right?
@ yourockme: Well, I'm glad that you did find it and I hope you'll enjoy it!
@ ikun1216: Yep, Ume-chan is in the story!

Chapter 3

Kuramochi Travels, 11:43 AM

Minami tried to work hard. Ever since the morning she had been the target of various dirty jokes coming from Miho and Miyuki and she was definitely tired of it. Yuki’s and Ami’s knowing glances weren’t helpful either.

The only one missing would be…

“Takahashi-san? Kuramochi-san wants to see you in her office”
“Thank you, Ami” Minami sighed and hoped that her boss would talk about something work-related and not about her private life. Quickly she gathered her papers and made her way to Asuka’s office. The door was wide open giving Minami a good view on her boss who was sitting on top of her desk, this time in a flawless and simple black dress.
“Come in Takahashi-san!”
“You wanted to talk to me?”
“Indeed. Close the door please”
Minami nodded and then made her way over to Asuka who was motioning with her finger for her to get closer. Somehow it really creeped her out.
“Clooooser… Clooooser” Asuka purred while Minami took hesitant steps.
“Ah! I can’t!” Minami finally yelled as she felt the other woman’s breath on her face. “I’m sorry!” she ran back to the door. Asuka pouted.
“Is it because you have a girlfriend now?”
“No! It’s just…” Minami almost caused a vase to fall because she was waving her hand furiously, “That’s not work-related!”
“It is”
“Well, I want my employees in high spirits. A satisfaction of several needs is absolutely necessary”
“N- n- needs?” Minami stumbled, her face as red as a tomato. A ripe tomato.
“Indeed” Asuka jumped off her desk and started looking through some papers. “That’s why I have a new kind of job for you”
“A job” Minami thought that sounded somewhat suspicious.
“A job” her boss agreed and nodded. “I want you to organize an event for the employees of my company. With good food and a little bit of music, so we can have a nice evening together. Everyone could bring their family or friends and we would get to know each other a little bit better. It could become a tradition, an annual event wouldn’t that be nice? You can plan whatever you want to plan”

Oh thank god, the other topic is through.

“I can do that” Minami quickly agreed. She finally dared to step closer to the other woman who had completely dropped her seductive attitude. Well, as far as she could drop it since she just couldn’t deny her natural grace.
“I know, Takahashi-san. That’s why I would choose you, right? I’ll take care of that pathetic lawsuit myself, while you go ahead and organize some kind of a nice fancy party next week”
“I can… Wait a second, did you say next week?”
“I did. Next Friday. But you said you can do it, right?”
“Y-yes” Minami sighed. Really, it would always be a mystery to her how her boss could expect things to be done properly in a short amount of time. However it was an even bigger mystery to her how these things worked out every time.
Asuka just gave her a knowing smile.
“Don’t underestimate yourself, Takahashi-san. You’re a hard worker and that pays off for you”

Can she read my thoughts now? That’s too scary!

“I will do my best” Minami promised and bowed. Her boss motioned for her to leave but stopped her at the door again.
“Takahashi- san?”
“Bring your girlfriend to that party; I’m sure everyone wants to meet her”

Yeah, me too. What do I do now?

“And… if I don’t bring her?” Minami dared to ask. Asuka sat in her chair and leaned back.
“Then…” she clicked her tongue. “I’ll have to fire you as a notorious liar”
“I’ll definitely bring her”
And as fast as she could she escaped to her own office. Ami looked up as she opened the door, sweatdrops on her forehead. Not from the running but from her inner tension.
“Takahashi-san? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, Ami, I’m just fine”

I’m not fine at all.

Minami stared blankly at her desk as she tried to come up with a plan. To be honest, she had no idea how to contact Acchan. The other woman had left her somewhere near midnight without any kind of statement if she would be back ever again. All Minami could do was to hope for her to come back, something she considered pretty messed up since she just couldn’t trust that stranger who broke into her house. Normally she would inform the police, especially after that creepy murder story, but something stopped her. Maybe the fact that she didn’t exactly trust the police that still hadn’t given any valuable reason for the sudden disturbance in Miichan’s restaurant, even after the owner had bothered them the entire morning. Well, Miichan bothered everyone, she had even called Minami’s office earlier, just to complain about the police.
“Lunch Break!” Miho successfully interrupted Minami’s thoughts.
“Coming” she mumbled, not exactly fond of the idea to spend some ‘quality time’ with her colleagues.
“I sure hope so Takahashi. You still haven’t told me everything I want to know about that girlfriend of yours”
“You’re going to meet her soon anyways”

Can’t be helped, right?

CoF Headquarters, 08:30 PM

Atsuko tapped the table impatiently. She wanted to do anything but take part in a meeting. Sure, everyone was extra-careful with their words, but it was just too obvious that they were discussing because of Haruka’s death. Thankfully, Atsuko didn’t have to take care of the funeral, she heard that Sayaka was handling that and that was good.
Sayaka was a responsible person, someone who could be trusted, other than her companion, Sae who tended to forget some things that were considered important. Even though they were different, they were always clinging to each other, or, when their mistress was around, to Yuko. Atsuko still didn’t know how they came to be Yuko’s underlings, but one day she brought them home from a job and since that time they followed her wherever she went. When it came to take out big gangs, Mariko used to pick the three of them to get the job done, but when the job was a silent kill, it was either Atsuko or Haruka who went there.

But Haruka is no more.

It had been a day, but Atsuko felt like she was missing her for years. Talking about it didn’t make it better, but neither did avoiding. The atmosphere in the room was suffocating because everyone knew that the strategy needed to be discussed, but nobody wanted to admit that they were only facing these problems because of Haruka’s failure that eventually led to her death.
The job wasn’t finished because only one of the preys was killed and the police was already messing around with them.
“Really, I wanted to get drunk and what do those male bitches? They show up at the restaurant and go through every customer’s purse!” Yuko yelled angrily.
Mariko, who sat at the upper end of the table, was quite good at keeping her pokerface while the shorter woman who sat closest to her was letting her anger out. Sayaka was listening to her mistress with obvious interest, while Sae had a dreamy look on her face. Ayaka was shooting nervous glances at Atsuko who she had to sit next to, even though everyone knew that the chemistry between those two was bad.
“I wonder how they knew that you were there” Sayaka said. “I think they had a spy observing the surrounding area of the crime scene and when that spy spotted you at the restaurant, he called reinforcement”
“Yes…” Yuko’s voice trailed of. “But you know,” she finally continued. “If they recognized me, why did they just let me go after they went through my purse and didn’t find anything? That makes no sense at all”
Everyone stared at the table. Atsuko couldn’t care less about the topic. She probably should, after all she had visited the restaurant shortly after Yuko left, but she had been there for a brief time and to everyone who observed her, it must have seemed like she met up with Minami. She must have seemed any other ordinary customer. Well, if it wasn’t for that crazy scene when she got dragged outside. But she didn’t get Minami in any kind of danger, did she? No… the police was after her and all they could do to Minami was making her tell them about the conversation she had with her. At the moment, given the situation, Atsuko didn’t care. She never got caught. Other than Yuko who had actually been to jail but somehow managed to break out. She was still on the wanted list, so of course they would recognize her at the restaurant.

The hell was she thinking? The hell was I thinking?

“So… what are we going to do about it?” Sayaka looked at Mariko who shrugged.
“We’ll deal with this later. Our unfinished job is more important”
Atsuko raised an eyebrow to show at least a slight sign of interest because when Mariko said ‘We’ll deal with that later’, then there was always a plan in the leader’s mind.
“Kumi, the file” Mariko ordered. The secretary, who had been positioned in the corner of the room, quickly stepped to the table and started to pass out papers. They were files of a girl, pale with emotionless eyes. She looked stiff and Atsuko thought that she would be no fun.
“That’s Yokoyama Yui” Mariko explained. “She’s the illegitimate daughter of a corrupt politician. Our client has been working with this politician for a longer time, but since he broke some business deal, the girl has to die. We can be absolutely sure that the police will not go public with this case because the politician’s image has to be protected under all circumstances. Our client has threatened him several times, but he didn’t react, that’s why we’re going for a clean kill. No leftovers this time. Atsuko has already taken care of one of the maids the other one, Shimazaki Haruka, will be killed as well. However, we can’t make our move immediately because our victim has gone into hiding. She is most likely heavily protected and probably not in the city anymore. Our informants are on the lookout all around the country. Any questions? ”
“Yes” Yuko raised her hand. “It was Acchan’s and Haruka’s job, but who will do it now?”
“Well I thought about Acchan and Ayaka” Mariko smiled her sadistic smile.
“NO” Atsuko said coldly, causing Ayaka to sink deeper into her seat. “No way. I’m not working with newbies”
“Give her a try”

Disgusting. She is seriously enjoying this isn’t she?

For the first time, Atsuko saw Mariko’s pokerface fall from her face in the blink of an eye. She had seen her boss with a worried face or stressed out, but she had never actually seen that emotion surface in the middle of a conversation.
“That’s not what I meant”
It was not really her intention to shout like that but she just couldn’t keep it inside anymore. Tears blurred in her eyes and she started to breathe heavily.
“I’m doing the job alone” she croaked out. “I’ll be fine. I can do it, you know? I don’t need anyone, I need ABSOLUTELY NOBODY, GOT THAT?” She knew that they were staring at her and that she looked pathetic. “Please” she begged. “Let me do it”
“Eh? Mariko-sama, you can’t…”
“It’s alright Yuko. She’ll do the job, while you and Ayaka will visit another person on my list”
“No, Yuko” Mariko was back in her boss-mode.
“Thank you” Atsuko nodded and stared at the table. She stared a lot that day anyway, but to her displeasure the surface was neat without any cracks.

Nothing to occupy my mind. Again.

“I’m going out” she announced. “The air will clear my head”
“Take care” Atsuko just knew that Sayaka was looking at her with a worried expression.
“I will” she promised, the first time she ever responded to those words. Then she left, heading to the only place were she was sure to forget about her troubles.

Takahashi Residence, 09:00 PM

Minami shrieked when she heard the doorbell. She quickly put down the baking tray she was holding and rushed to open. To be honest she had hoped for Atsuko to come over so she could invite her to the party. To properly convince her she had tried her very best to create a lovely atmosphere, but was so stressed after work that she messed up completely.
She did her very best to straighten her hair and to clean her flour-covered hands before she opened the door.
“Come in” she invited and stepped aside.

A little talking and then I’ll get straight to the point. Oh, yes, I will.

Atsuko nodded and followed her into the small kitchen. The entire house was not really big, but more than fitting for a single person. The furniture and decorations were old-fashioned and used.
“Do you live alone?” Atsuko asked and touched the kitchen counter. There were cracks and cuts from the kitchen knives for her to count.
“I used to live with my mother before she passed away. Cookies?” Minami had discovered that Atsuko could eat quite a lot of them when she finally felt like it. “They are still warm, I just made them”
“Did you expect visitors?”
“Oh, I, well, I” Minami scratched the back of her head nervously. Atsuko almost giggled when she noticed that the shorter woman was successfully covering herself with flour but she managed to maintain a straight face.
“There is a possibility that… we need to talk”
“So you’re breaking up with me”.
“Eh? What? No!”
“You’re not?”
“So we’re still a couple then?”
Minami felt like panicking. She just couldn’t handle teasing, especially not in a situation that was dead serious to her. She was glad that Atsuko had at least dropped her sadness, but now the other woman was successfully embarrassing her.
“Excuse me?”
“A party!” Minami explained. “At the Travel Agency where I work”
Atsuko raised an eyebrow and motioned for her to continue.
“Well, everyone wants to meet my girlfriend and my boss will fire me if I don’t bring you. Will you please come along? I’m the one organizing it, I can make sure that there’ll be your favorite food and the kind of music that you like! Really, I’ll take care of that!”
“There will be cookies?”
“Yes! Of course! There will be cookies and cake and sweets, whatever you want!” Minami pleaded.

Say yes, please, just say yes!

“Yes” Atsuko took the baking tray from the counter and started to head for Minami’s room, the shorter woman following her.

She saved me. Acchan, you’re a creep but I owe you one. Now that I think about it, this could be bad.

“Are you coming?”
“Yes! Of course Acchan, I’m always right behind you!”

CoF Headquarters, 07:12 AM

Atsuko walked into the old factory as silent as a shadow. She thought that everyone would be asleep, but Ayaka surprised her. The woman awaited her right behind the hidden door that led to the third floor. She had her arms crossed and stood on top of the stairs that Atsuko wanted to climb up. Her lips were pursed into a thin line.
“What is it?” Atsuko asked her. Ayaka didn’t answer. “Cat got your tongue?”
Silence engulfed the two people. Atsuko tapped the handrail impatiently but she knew that it would be stupid to make the first move. To be honest, she was surprised by Ayaka’s attitude.

I didn’t think she had the guts…

“Why do you hate me?”


“I don’t. I simply dislike you. You’re only you after all”
Ayaka nodded before she stepped aside to let Atsuko pass.
“Maeda-san… You shouldn’t leave like that. Everyone is worried about you because we don’t know were you go all the time”
“You’re not the person to talk to me about these things. It’s none of your business” Atsuko answered coldly.

Minami is MY secret.

Takahashi Residence, 06: 30 PM

Minami turned the key and pushed the door of her house open.
“I’m home!” she called out, thinking that her cat would come to jump at her because it sometimes thought it was a dog, but to her surprise a human voice answered her.
“Welcome back”
Minami blinked a few times to make sure that it was really Atsuko who stood in front of her.
“How…” she turned around to stare at the door.

It was definitely locked while I was at work.

“I have my ways” Atsuko answered.
“Ah” Minami nodded and tried to process the situation. “I don’t have cookies anymore. You ate all of them yesterday evening”
“I brought food”
“You did” Minami said flatly.
“I even fed your cat”
“You did” Minami nodded in amazement. “How did you know that I had a cat?”
“She thought I was you and came to beg for food when I got here” Atsuko chuckled and put a hand on the back of the frozen woman to lead her to the kitchen.
“Why are you so nice today?” Minami blurted out the next question that came to her mind.
“I feel like it” was the nonchalant answer.
“Is that so… Woah! Did you make that food all by yourself?” she exclaimed as she took in the sight of her table.
“But I plan on visiting you a lot, so I thought I’d get us something to eat for tonight. I need food, you know? Tomorrow I expect cookies for dessert. Or mousse au chocolat”


Minami stared at Atsuko who raised an eyebrow. She wondered if she should do something, like crying ‘Stalker’ and running away, but she knew that there was no use. Besides there was something about the other woman that made her believe that she needed her. And Minami had sworn to herself that she would always be there when someone needed her.
“I’ll make sure that there will be some” she finally promised.

A few days later, Monday, Takahashi Residence, 06:30 PM

Atsuko giggled to herself as she heard Minami enter the house. She had made sure to turn off all the lights, just so she could hide underneath the kitchen table. It was childish but she felt extremely happy today. Minami’s footsteps drew nearer and the light went on. Patiently, Atsuko waited until the girl had made her way to the sink and stood right in front of her, with her back facing her.
Silently, Atsuko crawled out. Thanks to her training as an assassin, she was quiet enough for Minami not to notice anything. She brought her mouth close to the unsuspecting victim’s ear and whispered:

Tuesday, Takahashi Residence, 06:32 PM

Minami was prepared for any kind of surprise as she opened the door.
“Acchan? I know you’re here! ” She called out confidently but nobody answered. “Acchan?”
She stepped into the kitchen and made sure to check everywhere for hidden visitors, but the girl was nowhere to be found.
Sighing she went upstairs and as much as she despised it she couldn’t help but feel disappointed. As she pushed the door to her bedroom open a smile made its way to her lips.
Atsuko lay on Minami’s bed, wearing one of the unfashionable girl’s t-shirts again and was fast asleep.

Wednesday, Takahashi Residence, 07:02 PM

Atsuko smirked.
“Feed me” she demanded.
“What?” Minami stared at the spoon she held in her hands. “W-with this?”
Atsuko nodded.
“B-but… it’s like, well, you know… It’s mine!”
“It’s like an indirect kiss, yes?” Atsuko tilted her head and smiled innocently. “C’mon Minami, sweetie, feed me!”

Thursday, Takahashi Residence, 08:23 PM

Minami fiddled with her hair and stared into the mirror.
“I don’t think it looks so good”
“It does” Atsuko looked at her creation with a satisfied look on her face. “It’s perfect. Way better than that ponytail-thing”
“But… my ribbon…”
Atsuko sighed.
“Fine. We put it on your head but we keep your hair down?”
Minami blushed when she felt Atsuko’s fingers in her hair again.
Minami nodded and Atsuko giggled. She wrapped her arms around the midget-sized girl’s torso and placed her chin on her shoulder.
“We look cute together, right?”
Minami blushed and wasn’t able to say anything smart, especially because she felt Atsuko’s hand on her thigh.
“What’s for dessert tonight, honey?”

Friday, CoF Headquarters, 05:00 PM

Atsuko checked her reflection for the last time. She was dressed in a silk top with a floral print and shorts, combined with high heeled sandals. It had been a long time since she had worn this kind of an outfit, because her usual attire was made for fighting. Yuko watched her from the corner of the room, her arms crossed.
“I’m glad you’re going to a party” she finally said and showed her trademark smile which made her dimples appear.
“Me too” Atsuko herself was surprised at how carefree she sounded. There had always been moments in the past week were she thought she couldn’t keep going, but somehow she was always brought back to her senses. Mariko and Yuko had been more than understanding and sometimes Atsuko got that impression that they had seen this before. She knew that both of them had been working in this business longer than her, so it was likely that they had lost someone important to them before. For the first time, Atsuko knew what it was like to be thankful. She was even thankful that she had Minami, whose antics caused her to smile. Sometimes she felt guilty because the woman could make her forget about Haruka that easily, but she couldn’t help it.
“Is it alright for me to have fun?” Atsuko wondered. Yuko smiled sadly and stepped behind her.
“Life must go on” she mumbled and placed a hand on Atsuko’s shoulder. “The world won’t stop spinning, just because we lost someone dear to us. Maybe it’s fate, isn’t it? You meet someone new, fall in love again…”
“What do you mean?” Atsuko turned around to look at Yuko.
“Well, it was kind of obvious that you liked her. But… you never told her, right?”
“No. I guess should have?”
Yuko shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not. She could’ve rejected you, but she could’ve accepted as well. I honestly don’t know what would have been worse. Losing your lover is the most painful thing after all”
“Is it?” Atsuko looked at Yuko intensely. Something told her that her friend was talking about own experiences.
“It is, it is! But you should go now, shouldn’t you? Ah, I hope you’ll have so much fun! And tomorrow you have to tell me who you’ve been seeing all this time, alright?”
Atsuko just knew that Yuko’s smile wasn’t real this time. It was pained, as if old memories were bothering her.
“I should leave, indeed” she answered, grabbed her purse and left the room with a hint of guilt.

I’m sorry Yuko. I didn’t want to mess with your memories.

Kuramochi Travels, 05:50 PM

Minami was undoubtedly nervous. She reached out to touch the doorknob but pulled her hand back quickly.
“You ready?” she asked Atsuko who stood behind her.
“Of course, Honey” The nickname made Minami shiver.
“Here we go!” She opened the door. The office was decorated with various kinds of flowers because Minami knew that Asuka liked this kind of atmosphere. She herself thought it looked like the decoration for a wedding, but her boss seemed pleased.
Kuramochi Asuka looked exceptionally elegant. She definitely stood out in her red cocktail dress and made Minami feel underdressed. It seemed that she had also brought a guest, maybe one of the clients, because that woman looked loaded. Not that Minami was that good at judging other people by their clothes, but she just gave out that kind of air. The dress she wore matched Asuka’s, only the color was a bit toned down, so it was safe to say that it had been expensive.

I hope I’m not too casual…

Minami glanced at her attire sadly. She wore a blouse Atsuko had picked out after calling her original choice ‘downright ugly’.
“I tell you, that’s a bitch” Unnoticed by Minami, Miho had stepped next to her and was now whispering into her ear. 
“Don’t say these kind of things. Someone could hear us” she hissed back nervously, but was glad to notice that Miho and her other colleagues were dressed in a style similar to her own.
“Who cares?”
“I do!”
“Don’t spoil the fun, Honey” Atsuko whispered from behind.
“Honey?” Miho grinned and examined Atsuko from head to toe before stating. “You look better now than with that leather jacket”
“I do? But my Minami-mouse likes me in leather and lace…”
“M-minami-mouse? Acchan! Why would you say that?” Unfortunately, Minami’s voice carried through the entire room, making everyone look at them.
“Aaah, you didn’t want me to tell them?” Atsuko whispered but it was so quiet that everyone could hear it. Really, Minami felt like dying. Or as if she was dead already and had just arrived at hell.
Ami and her companion, a girl who Minami didn’t know, broke into an awkward fit of giggles that they tried to muffle by eating a few snacks until they were choking. Sighing, Minami walked over and patted their backs since nobody else seemed interested in helping them.
“There, there” she mumbled, aware that everyone looked at her.
“Leather and lace, huh?” Asuka finally broke the silence, only to raise the tension.
“Indeed” Atsuko, seemingly unimpressed, strolled over to the table and took a glass of sparkling wine. She then looked at Asuka with a dazzling smile on her face. “You must be Minami’s boss” she said confidentially.
“That’s true” Asuka tilted her head. “Kuramochi Asuka. And you would be?”
“Maeda Atsuko. Pleasure to meet you”
Asuka’s companion raised an eyebrow when she heard that name.
“I’m Yamamoto Sayaka” she introduced herself. “I heard some interesting things about you Maeda-san. You could say… I work in a business related to yours”
“Is that so?” Atsuko took a sip from her glass.
Suddenly the atmosphere in the room had changed from downright embarrassing to scary. Sayanee and Atsuko where examining each other with an expression that was dangerous enough to make Minami shiver.

What’s going on?

“Well, that’s lovely” Asuka chimed, as calm as ever. “I’m sure we will all get along just fine then”.
“Of course” Sayanee and Atsuko answered and stepped away from each other. Sayanee quickly returned to Asuka’s side, while Atsuko walked over to Minami, who was still rubbing Ami’s back, just to keep herself busy and out of the possible danger zone.
“I think… you can stop now” the secretary finally said.
“What? Oh I’m sorry” Minami jumped back hastily and almost knocked Atsuko’s sparkling wine out of her hand.
“Careful” The woman placed an arm around her shoulder and successfully stopped her from moving, because the midget was frozen in shock. “And you would be?”

Small-talk? Why can’t I be that relaxed, it’s just not fair.

“I’m Maeda Ami, Takahashi-sans secretary. And that’s a friend of mine, Sato Sumire”
“Oh! We share the same name then! Minami didn’t tell me, she probably didn’t even notice, did you Honey?”

So you think it’s funny to embarrass me? I didn’t even know your full name until a minute ago!

“Actually… I told you, you must have forgotten” Minami answered, for once satisfied with her comeback.
“Oh you did?” Atsuko faked surprise. “I’m so sorry, Minami-mouse!”

Okay, maybe you win. Damn it.

“Who’s a mouse?”
“You are” Minami, who was definitely in a bad, bad mood now, growled at the girl who had just shown up next to her.
“That’s what people say, yes” Mayu answered and smiled brightly. “So, you’re name is Atsuko!”
“Maeda-san to you” Atsuko unwillingly answered. She had been busy with eyeing Sayanee who chatted with Yuki at the other side of the room.
“Oh” Mayu wasn’t impressed. “How comes you’re her girlfriend?” she asked and pointed at Minami.
“Hey, I have a name, you know?”
“Of course I would know it, I don’t forget things as fast as other people”
“Oh yeah? What is it?”
“Can you say it?” Minami crossed her arms and tried to stand on her toes to appear taller, but Atsuko who still had her arm around her pushed her back on the soles of her feet.
“Why would I want to say it?”
“Say it!”
Atsuko smacked Minami’s head. “Don’t allow her to provoke you. Bye Ami-chan, Sato-san” she ordered and started to drag her away from Mayu who seemed extremely displeased with the situation.

I know she hates me, I just know it.

“Have some sparkling wine” Atsuko handed Minami a glass. Then she started to put a little bit from everything on the buffet on her plate.
“I don’t drink”
“From now on you do, Honey. Who’s that, over there?”
“Huh?” Minami followed Atsuko’s gaze. “Watanabe Miyuki, she’s the secretary of our costumer advisor. And that man… I think he’s a police man. She flirted with him a few days ago to get some information why the police stormed into Miichan’s restaurant”
“Huh? The information gathering? No… I messed up somehow”
For once Atsuko didn’t go ahead and tease Minami, who was thankful for that. Even though she still felt uncomfortable, just standing around with her munching fake girlfriend was better than expected. She was even brave enough to take a sip from her glass.
Soon enough her illusion of a nice continuation of the party shattered, because Miho decided that she needed to investigate Atsuko further.
“For how long have you known Minami?”

She sounds almost protective.

“Let’s see… Minami how long has it been?”
“Eh? What?”
“She truly is like a man!” Atsuko giggled and pulled her close. “To forget something like that! You think so too, right?”
Miho nodded.
“Takahashi is manly, that’s true”
“You don’t call her Minami? You should! I’m sure she doesn’t mind!”
“Yeah” Minami chocked out. She knew very well that from now on her co-worker would be even less respectful. But she needed to please Atsuko because Asuka was watching them and she was still worried about getting fired.
“I’ll stay with Takahashi. It’s fine because it drives her crazy” Miho whispered and Atsuko giggled.
“I’m glad that the two of you get along that well” Minami grumbled and went off. She heard Atsuko say: “I think she’s jealous”, but then someone else caught her attention.
Yamamoto Sayaka had shown up right in front of her.
“Good evening, Takahashi-san”
“Good evening Yamamoto-san”
She really is scary…
“I heard you organized the entire thing? Congratulations, the party seems to be a success”
“Thank you” Minami replied politely, while wondering what exactly bothered her about the other person.

She is copying Asuka’s behavior down into every little detail, but she doesn’t give off the same air. If I met her on the street, I wouldn’t expect her to be some rich high society business beast. She seems more… down to earth?

“Isn’t it complicated to have her as a girlfriend?”
“Excuse me?”
“Well, she sure comes home late and works a lot during nighttime, doesn’t she? I know what the business is like…”

What are you getting at?

“That has not been the case, recently” Minami replied coldly because she somehow felt the urge to protect Atsuko from the woman’s curiosity.
“Ah, her last job has been close to your home, right? I remember now, I remember…“ Sayanee stared into the air thoughtfully but Minami could have sworn that she smiled a little.

Hold on a second. How would she know where I live? And with that expression… she looks familiar!

“Yamamoto-san, have we met before? I could swear I knew you”
“No” Sayanees face hardened. “I don’t think so. But I can guarantee you that we will meet again if you get yourself into trouble” With that she turned her back to Minami and walked away, leaving her dumbfounded.

This is not good at all.

Kuramochi Travels, 12:30 AM

Atsuko watched Minami, who locked the door to the office, carefully. She could tell that something was going on and she didn’t like it one bit. For her, it had been a fun evening and she had thought that Minami felt the same way, but now she noticed that something bothered the other woman.
“What is it?” she asked frowning.
“You seem tense? Your boss didn’t actually fire you, right?”
“No! No she didn’t. I’m really glad you came, thank you so much!” Minami rambled.
“What is it then?”
“Nothing… just. Ah, forget it!” Minami smiled at Atsuko and stepped on the sidewalk. “We should go now! Where… uhm… Do you live far away? I mean… should I walk you home?”
Atsuko smiled at the sight of the blushing woman who scratched her head sheepishly.
“It’s fine” she answered. “But what is it that bothers you?”
“Nothing! Really! Just that woman, that Yamamoto something, she was weird”
“Indeed” Atsuko answered dryly. In reality she considered it quite bothersome that this person seemed to know something about her while she had never seen her before. “I shall be going” she mumbled.
“Did I anger you?”
“No, of course not” Without turning around she left. Her mind was occupied by some questions she would love to have answered.

I wonder if she’s related to my mission. I can’t wait to get down to business and kill those people who took my Haruka away.

Title: Re: (Nov 17) Killer Queen: Chapter 3 (Atsumina)
Post by: Haruko on November 17, 2012, 11:10:09 PM
o_o is haruna dead?.....

T_T my kojiyuu...

Jejej atsumina.. i think that myao can ask more about atsumina couple... it weird but always i read a atsumina fic .. i always want a kiss.. but in you fic its ok if they dont kiss.. is weird right?
Title: Re: (Nov 17) Killer Queen: Chapter 3 (Atsumina)
Post by: ikun1216 on November 17, 2012, 11:42:50 PM
Ahh~ an update!!!
This has got to be one of my favorite stories now  :twothumbs
I loved how the week went by with Atsumina, especially how they interacted, Seems like Acchan enjoys her Minami-mouse  :lol:
Seeing Sayanee show up makes me wonder if she's from a rival company for Acchan Hmmm....
 :luvluv1: Ume-chan showed up again in this chapter!!!!  :luvluv1:
I think that's enough from me  :nervous

I can't wait for your next update :byebye:
Title: Re: (Nov 17) Killer Queen: Chapter 3 (Atsumina)
Post by: arrow27 on November 18, 2012, 03:59:06 AM
Thanks for the update :D I def liked the development of their relationship in this chapter :) It moves along smoothly :D Things def seem to be getting mysterious now with Sayaka in the pic, can't wait to find out what'll happen. Looking forward to your next update :)
Title: Re: (Nov 17) Killer Queen: Chapter 3 (Atsumina)
Post by: ChoyShinhwa on November 18, 2012, 04:16:36 AM
I like it  :hee:

Thanks for update

When Atsuko said Minami was her secret, i feel something wrong will happen.  :err:

It's will a big drama? But it will be a long time until drama begin, right??? I hope that  :smoke:

Waiting for your next update

Title: Re: (Nov 17) Killer Queen: Chapter 3 (Atsumina)
Post by: Pdpond on November 18, 2012, 04:36:39 AM
Thank for new update!
Atsumina so sweet :heart:
takamina wanna protect acchan like always :deco:
It's feel like something will happen...
Waiting for new update here!
Title: Re: (Nov 17) Killer Queen: Chapter 3 (Atsumina)
Post by: takamae on November 18, 2012, 05:13:12 AM
Why I got a feeling that sayaka is a cop, is it??
Minami always have a urge want to protect acchan no matter what  :inlove:
Thanx for the update ^^
Title: Re: (Nov 17) Killer Queen: Chapter 3 (Atsumina)
Post by: Tanchan on November 18, 2012, 05:58:48 AM
Acchan is granted free access to Takamina's house :lol:
Title: Re: (Nov 17) Killer Queen: Chapter 3 (Atsumina)
Post by: TakaminaBG on November 18, 2012, 01:59:13 PM
AtsuMina is so sweeeeeeet. but I'm still waiting for the KISS!!!
Sayaka is probably a cop... Watch out, Acchan!
Pleas update soon SOON!!
Title: Re: (Nov 17) Killer Queen: Chapter 3 (Atsumina)
Post by: cisda83 on November 19, 2012, 11:26:25 AM
Just Joining

Keep up the good work and looking forward to the next chapter

Thank you for the interesting fanfic

Atsuko as a Killer... great  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
Title: Re: (Nov 17) Killer Queen: Chapter 3 (Atsumina)
Post by: kahem on November 19, 2012, 04:55:08 PM
They are so cute~
I'm a bit sad for the assassin T_T
Title: Re: (Nov 17) Killer Queen: Chapter 3 (Atsumina)
Post by: miayaka on November 20, 2012, 03:29:03 PM
my ace is awesome!
taka so protective!
all and all im a bias atsumina shipper
forgive me if im too obvious  :lol:
Title: Re: (Nov 17) Killer Queen: Chapter 3 (Atsumina)
Post by: fffff on November 24, 2012, 03:41:59 PM
I'm not really satisfied with this chapter. The first part was originally the ending of chapter 3 but that would have been too long and now it doesn't fit that well. Also, there's a lot of time passing by in this chapter that I'm not particulalry talking about but if you read the headlines you shouldn't be confused.
Anyway, thank you for the comments on the previous chapter and I hope you'll like this one as well, even if some parts are a bit  -meh. Oh and watch out for swearing and such. And a bit of violence, not really bad though. 
@ Haruko: We'll get to know more about Kojiyuu's story in later chapters but your assumption may be correct... And about the Atsumina kiss: Stay patient!
@ ikun1216: I'm so happy that you like it that much! I'm actually working on Ume-chan's character, in the beginning she did not really have a big role but somehow she became more important as I wrote it... we'll see were this goes.
@ arrow27: Yep, she's a mysterious character...
@ ChoyShinhwa: Ah, the drama, the drama... I fear that we'll have a lot of drama here... But you'll read it nevertheless, right? Please?
@ Pdpond: A lot of things are going to happen.
@ O r i g a m i: I added a lot of Atsumina moments last minute because I felt that the fic needs them.
@ takamae: You'll find out soon.
@ Tanchan: She's too awesome to be bothered by a simple lock. And if it was for Minami she'd be able to get anywhere.
@ TakaminaBG: They aren't going to kiss... yet.
@ cisda83: Glad you like it!
@ kahem: Yeah, it's certainly not the greatest job in the world.
@ miayaka: Well, it's an Atsumina fanfic, so you're free to be as biased as you want!

Chapter 4

CoF Headquarters, 10:22 AM

Atsuko climbed the stairs to the top floor of the factory and pushed the door at their end open. She was greeted by the smell of expensive perfume lingering through the hallway. The floor was covered with a luxurious carpet and the wall was plastered with hand painted portraits of people she couldn’t identify. It had been a while since she climbed the steps for the last time. Most of the time Mariko could either be found in the conference room or she wasn’t in the building. However Kumi had told Atsuko that the boss hadn’t come downstairs for the entire morning and finally Atsuko had decided to go and see her in her office. Mariko’s rooms took up the entire top floor and Atsuko didn’t know half of them. She stayed downstairs, in her own room which was located one floor below, together with everyone else’s bedrooms, a kitchen and the conference room where they spend most of their free time which was quite a lot. Nobody knew what Mariko did upstairs in her quarters though.
“Come in” Mariko’s voice echoed in the hallway before Atsuko could raise her hand to knock.

Forgot about the security cameras. You can’t surprise a Shinoda Mariko.

Sighing she opened the door. Mariko’s office was the only used room that included a window. It was hidden behind a tree, so people from the outside barely noticed anything, but provided enough light for Mariko to work without turning the lights on all the time.
“What brings you here?” Mariko leant back in her chair. She sat on a little pedestal, behind a ridiculously big desk.
“Who is Yamamoto Sayaka?”
Mariko raised an eyebrow but replied promptly.
“A private investigator. Although people say that her record isn’t completely clean either. To get what she wants she won’t stop from anything. She is a master of disguise and I think that she is the one who stalked out the restaurant. Why?”
“I met her somewhere” Atsuko answered, wondering what Mariko was going to do about that woman. “Didn’t you already have a plan to get rid of her?”
“Did I?” Mariko asked vaguely and bent over to pick up a piece of paper from the floor.

I hate it when she does that. Makes me stand around and wait like an idiot.

“Yes” Atsuko said firmly. Mariko placed the paper on the table and stared at it for a minute. Atsuko was smart enough to keep her mouth shut for that amount of time. The boss seemed to be in deep thought.
“Wherever you met her” Mariko finally said. “Don’t go there again”
Atsuko shrugged.
“Whoever you were with” the boss continued. “Don’t see them again. Yamamoto will use every connection you have to other people against you”
It took a moment to sink in.

Don’t see Minami again. Don’t endanger Minami. She’ll be in danger if I see her. I’m going to kill that bitch who shows up and forces me to stay away.

Atsuko turned on her heel and went downstairs. She didn’t say a word and didn’t show any kind of emotions. But on the inside her thoughts were twirling and wandering round and round.

Let’s pretend I never met her, let’s pretend Haruka never existed, let’s pretend Umeda has been my partner for years and everything will be fine.

Mariko sighed.

Thursday, Kuramochi Travels, 12:04 PM

Minami played with her food while her colleagues were enjoying lunch break. The weather was nice and sunny, so everyone had decided to eat in front of the building. People were walking by, with their children, dogs or friends. Everybody seemed to be in a bright mood, but Minami was down. She hadn’t seen any trace of Atsuko for an entire week and she was really worried. Worried that something had happened to the other woman, but also that she would never see her again.

Did I anger her? Is it my fault?

“Girlfriend troubles?” someone asked mockingly.
Minami looked up and sighed inwardly. In front of her stood one of the people she definitely didn’t need right now.
“Hmm” she grumbled and hoped that Mayu would just go away. The other girl ignored her bad mood and sat down next to her. She was wearing her school uniform and carried a ton of books with her.
“I’m skipping” she announced happily when she met Minami’s curious gaze.
“Eeh? That’s no good Mayuyu!” Minami answered. “Does Yuki know?”
The girl shrugged. She had been around for the entire week, always showing up at the office sometime around noon. Minami had assumed that she was skipping but hearing it was still a shock to her. She had always been a model student and would never have skipped to go see her crush. It was obvious that Mayu was not coming to visit her cousin, but Yuki. She was always around the older woman, offering to do small jobs for her, such as greeting the visitors by the door and leading them into the office. Asuka generously ignored the presence of the school girl and Yuki seemed pleased.
“There’s nothing valuable at school” Mayu said and smiled at Minami.

Nothing valuable?

“What about your friends?”
“Don’t have any”

But… shouldn’t she be popular? With her attitude and looks and everything?

“There must be some people you like to hang out with” Minami said confidently.
“They’re boring”

No, you’re just arrogant.

“I’m sure they are nice. Besides, you will need your lessons to pass the exams, you should go to school”
“I have no problem with my exams. Classes are for dumb people. I don’t need them”
Minami could see that the girl was tense even though her smile pretended something else.

Ah, Mayuyu, what happened to you?

“If you want to talk about it, I’m here” she offered. The distrust she had felt earlier was replaced by a feeling of sympathy for the girl.
“No, thank you” Mayu said coldly. “Don’t transfer your self-pity on me”


“Hey! I’m fine” Minami lied, but she noticed herself that she sounded pathetic.

I barely know Acchan; she broke into my house and seems to have some nasty secrets. Why do I feel this way?

A dark alley, 03:22 AM

Atsuko’s foot landed exactly where she planned for it to hit. The man groaned as he fell on his knees, clutching his wounded side where Atsuko had just landed a kick after stabbing him. It was a little scratch, not deep enough to kill him but quite hurtful. Her fist connected with his unprotected jar, successfully making him crash on his back.
“The money” Atsuko demanded, already bored. She had decided to take some smaller jobs because Mariko didn’t allow her to go after Yokoyama, before Yamamoto wasn’t out of the way.
“No way, bitch” the man spat out. Atsuko stomped on his face, smirking as she heard his nose crack.
“You sure?” she asked sweetly.
Two minutes later she was on her way back to the headquarters to deliver the money to Mariko. He had handed her the entire purse, meaning she got a tip tonight.
However, she was not satisfied. It drove her crazy to do nothing at all. The fact that she was not allowed to see Minami had caused things to get worse than she ever expected. She missed Haruka like crazy, now that nobody could take her mind off things. In a way she missed Minami as well, even though she had only known her for a short time. Sometimes she had nightmares were both, Minami and Haruka, appeared and merged into one person and whispered sweet words that Atsuko had never heard them say in real life. But when she tried to reach for them they disappeared and she woke up, all alone in her room with nothing to do.

Please… I need to do something, let me kill, please!

Atsuko was desperate.

One week later, Kuramochi Travels, 09:04

Minami took a sip of coffee as she flipped the pages of the catalogue that offered luxurious hotel rooms all over the world.

Wellness in Turkey, Adventure in Brazil…

“It seems alright to print” she finally decided. “Ami, could you take one of the copies to the front desk so Yuki can already show it to the visitors, while I go and see Kuramochi-san?”
“Of course” Ami exited the room, while Minami leant back to enjoy the silence for a minute. She hadn’t allowed herself to take breaks for the past few days. She spent most of her evenings in The Old Coin, she even asked Miichan if she could work part-time. Her childhood friend didn’t agree though because she knew that Minami was already busy enough with her work at the travel agency. Still, Minami spent as much time with her as possible. Miichan was overjoyed to see that Minami finally dropped the slightly anti-social attitude she had for years now, but she knew that there was something going on.

I’m lonely without Acchan… How can I become addicted to having company just so fast?  Maybe I should really go somewhere, fly far away…

Minami rubbed her temples and got up from her seat. Everytime she tried to relax, Acchan wandered into her thoughts. Uninvited and with a smirk on her lips that Minami could not resist.
But there was no time for longing thoughts now, thankfully. Minami had to go and see Kuramochi-san because of the new catalogue for the winter season.

Winter already...Time is going by so fast, yet so slow…

However, in the hallway Minami bumped into someone.
“You’re too early, Mayuyu” she sighed.
“I’m not” the girl frowned and wanted to go, but the older woman blocked her way.
“Mayuyu, this has to stop. It’s not … healthy”
“Healthy you say?” Mayu smiled her fake smile. “Better than school”
“Please…” Minami begged. She had learned to appreciate the moments when she caught Mayu alone, because sometimes the girl would lower her guards then. There was something weird going on with her and she really wanted to help her, but whenever Yuki was around, she didn’t stand a chance. The other woman seemed completely oblivious towards Mayu’s feelings, which were, even for Minami, clear to see. 
“Naaahh, it’s fun here!” Mayu squealed, completely controlling her facial expressions. Her smile was bright and her eyes wide open to give her a cute look, but Minami was sure that the excitement was not real.
“If you get bullied or something, tell us”
“And what would you do, midget? Go to my school? Now that would be embarrassing for both of us” With that comment, presented in a sickly sweet voice, Mayu left.

I don’t know, but I want to help you. I can’t seem to make myself happy so let me help you at least. Ah, aren’t I a bad person to use you only to distract myself?

CoF Headquarters, 04:23 PM

Atsuko met Yuko in the hallway and knew that finally shit was going to go down. She could see it in Yuko’s determined eyes as the small woman put up her hair into a ponytail. She was wearing dark jeans and a loose black shirt to cover her munitions belt. Atsuko knew that she would take it off as soon as she was alone with her enemy to reveal a bullet proof vest; Atsuko knew that there was a knife in each of Yuko’s boots and a gun in her purse. And Atsuko knew that Yuko would succeed and then, finally she herself would get her orders.
“Do your best” she said as she passed by.
Yuko didn’t reply; she only called: “Sae! Sayaka! Ayaka! Let’s get moving” but Atsuko knew that she had heard her.

Never look after someone who is leaving for a mission, so it won’t be a final goodbye.

“Kumi, run to the bakery and get me some cake” she stuck her head into the kitchen and saw the secretary chatting with the cleaning lady as usual.
“Can I take Tomo~mi with me?”
“Just hurry, I have a job tonight” Atsuko answered and entered the conference room where Mariko and her revenge waited for her.

The Old Coin, 07:00 PM

Minami was drying some glasses. Miichan had finally allowed her to help in the restaurant since one of the waitresses was sick. She was glad that she had found something to occupy her mind, even Miichan’s constant talking was better than the loneliness at home. Only her cat would occasionally spend time with her - when it was hungry.
“Takamina, you should go home” Miichan ordered.
“What? No way!” Minami shook her head. “I’m fine with staying a little longer”
“But you’re drying this glass for the third time now” Miichan scratched her head. “And business is not good today, so…”
“It’s not even really evening yet. Come on, I jut came from work!” Minami begged.
“Takamina. I don’t like you’re behavior” Miichan put her hands on her hips and tried to look impressive. “You’re constantly sulking and do not tell me, that awesomely empathic friend of yours, what the heck is going on. It is no good, no good, you hear me?”
“It’s no good” Minami repeated.
“Exactly. Now tell me”
“What that?”
“That thing that bothers you”
“What thing?”

Maybe she’ll give up.

“Well, that thing I was just talking about”
“What thing were you talking about?”
“Goddamn, do you want me to call Myao?”
“Huh?” Minami blinked in confusion.
“You’re co-worker. Miho. I got her phone number now, you know? She would love to give you a piece of her mind, but left it to me since I’m the one who gets your mood. So, I shall say it straightforward: You broke up with your girlfriend, didn’t you?”
“You’re obviously lovesick”

No, I’m not. Hell, I don’t even know Acchan.

“Oh yes” Miichan grabbed Minami’s chin and stared into her eyes. “You can’t hide it from love expert Minegishi Minami”
“You don’t even have a boyfriend or girlfriend yourself”
“Because I’m Cupid, you idiot. Ever seen Cupid with his… Cupida? No? Yeah, I thought so”
Minami stared at her childhood-friend because she suddenly remembered her as a little chubby girl, only wearing a diaper.

Add a bow and arrows and wings and I totally get the picture. Ah, what am I thinking?

“Hey were do you think you’re going? You didn’t pay yet!” Miichan suddenly yelled angrily. It seemed that two women had started to drag one of the customer’s away, but Miichan had reached over the counter and started to pull said customer by her jacket to keep her in the restaurant. Minami recognized her as the weird woman with the oversized hat who had been around when she had eaten with her friends. The small woman struggled against Miichan’s iron grip but didn’t have any chance. Even the two tall women who were pulling her in the opposite direction were powerless
“Sae, pay that annoying woman” the boss who was watching the scene from the door ordered.
“Of course, Yuko-sama” the handsome kidnapper let go of her prey and walked over to Miichan who eyed her suspiciously.
“You didn’t steal that money you plan to pay me with, right?”
“Won it fair and square” Sae winked at Miichan who wasn’t impressed at all. Minami wondered if she should call the police because her friend didn’t seem like she understood the situation. Instead she started to list the things her customer had supposedly eaten. Her smile grew wider with every dish she listed while Sae’s smirk threatened to fall off her face. The tall woman started to roam her pockets for money before she turned around.
“Yuko- sama… I don’t think I have enough money with me. Sayaka you got some?”
“No…” the tall women who held her victim in a strong grip shook her head.
“Then Yamamoto will have to pay herself, right?”


Minami took a closer look at the kidnapper’s victim and held her breath. Even though she was in disguise... now that she looked closely and ignored the dirt-stained shirt and the uncombed hair, the head that was supposed to hide the face… it was Kuramochi Asuka’s friend.
“I know you!” Minami yelled and pointed at her. Immediately Yuko’s attention shifted to her.
“You do?” she stepped close to Minami and looked down on her even though the difference in height wasn’t actually severe.
“Y- yeah?” Minami shrunk under the other midget’s glance.
“Well… I don’t…” Minami could feel Yuko’s breath tickling her cheek and it freaked her out. For once even Miichan was frozen in action.
“We met briefly” Sayanee suddenly intervened. “It was…” Sayaka put her hand over her mouth successfully shutting her up.
“Yuko-sama wants to hear it from ribbon-girl, detective” Sayaka growled.

Detective? Just what mess did I get myself into?

“I… uhm… we…” Minami tried quite hard to think of a way to get herself out of this unharmed. “She’s an acquaintance of my boss. We met at a party at the office”
“What office?”
Much to Minami’s displeasure, Yuko didn’t seem to be interested in taking a single step back.

I can’t think when she’s that close.

“‘Kuramochi Travels.  The best address for a vacation of high standards’” she blurted out the office’s catchphrase.
“Nice” the killer said coldly and stepped back. She raised Sayanee’s head by grabbing her chin. “And why would you be there? I can’t recall that you would have made a lot of money, at least not enough to enter high society”
“Childhood friends?” Sayanee asked with her lips curving into an innocent smile.
“As if I would believe that. Anyway, sorry for the trouble” Yuko apologized and bowed to Miichan, Sayaka forced Sayanee’s head down as well while Sae didn’t even notice because she was still digging through the ridiculously huge pockets of her black sweat pants. Minami was not sure if she should consider the outfit stylish or not, but since she had never seen Yuki wear anything like that it probably wasn’t.
“Hey, Yuko-sama, do you think Ayaka got some money with her?”
“Where is she anyway?” Sayaka asked.
“Outside. Taking care of detective’s companion” the boss explained and nodded towards the entrance. “Let’s go”
They started towards the door, still dragging the detective with them. A regular threw an empty beer mug at them that barely missed.

Shouldn’t she struggle or anything? I mean, she’s just getting kidnapped by… kidnappers! Oh hell! I should call the police or something!

“Miichan? Miichan!” Minami turned around and found her best friend in an unusual quiet state.
“That was… weird”
“What should we do?” Minami freaked out.
Miichan stared at her, blinked… then threw her hands up in the air, yelled “Panic!” and disappeared into the kitchen.
“What are you doing!”
“Looking for arms! I’ve got some pretty impressive kitchen knives, you know?”

She’s not thinking what I think that she’s thinking, right?

“We’ll go after them, they didn’t pay!”

Oh, yes she is.

CoF Headquarters 07:48 PM

Atsuko got up as soon as she heard Yuko and her troops in the hallway. Grinning, she stepped out of her room, only to find a raging midget passing by.
“What happened?”

Don’t tell me that you made a mistake that could cause me to fail my mission.

Yuko stopped. Atsuko could here her sigh before she turned her head slowly.
“Yamamoto escaped” she said with a bitter smile. “Everything went just fine, we walked into the restaurant, fetched her and came back. And then she… she…” Yuko raised her arm and pointed downstairs. Her hand was shaking due to the rage. “Stabbed a fucking knife TROUGH Sayaka’s hand, broke Sae’s wrist with a single move and made a run for it before I could get to her, RIGHT AT OUR FUCKING FRONT DOOR!”

She must be kidding me, right? Oh hell, no.

“What?” Atsuko exclaimed, absolutely aware that she sounded like an idiot.
“Don’t make me repeat it” Yuko hissed.

My mission… my revenge… it can’t end like this! I won’t allow this, I just won’t! I want to do it now!

Fuming, Atsuko walked downstairs and into the conference room. Droplets of blood showed a trail to where Sayaka was sitting, cursing like crazy as Mariko bandaged her hand. Sae stood behind her with a white face and supported her injured wrist with her other hand, but Atsuko couldn’t care less. All she could focus on was the fact that she felt an overwhelming anger, not necessarily at her colleagues or at the detective, but at the entire situation.
“What’s going to happen now?” she demanded sharply.
“I’m going to take those two to the hospital” Mariko replied as calm as ever.
“No, to me!” Atsuko demanded and took one step forward and then two steps back because Sayaka had been overwhelmed by her pain and was releasing her tension by throwing up.
“There are many options” Mariko shrugged and got up without stepping into the remnants of Sayaka’s last meal. “You could find Tomo~mi to clean this mess, that’s an order by the way,” she pulled Sayaka up, “you might as well calm Yuko down, but that’s no order because it’s almost impossible, “ she grabbed Sae by her uninjured wrist “or you should maybe go and help Ayaka with our prisoner”
The door closed behind the three of them and Atsuko was alone in a room that smelled like blood and vomit. 

What prisoner?

Sighing, Atsuko exited the room and started to call for Tomo~mi and Ayaka, but didn’t get an answer.
“Kumi!” she yelled with growing impatience.
“Yes?” As expected the girl showed up right away with her usual naïve expression on her face.
“Where are Tomo~mi and Ayaka?”
“Umeda-san is in the basement with the prisoner”
“And Tomo~mi?”
A badly hidden look of guilt flashed over Kumi’s face.
“I don’t know” she lied.
Atsuko simply looked at her. The younger girl met her eyes for a brief moment and shuttered.
“She… she’s not here” Kumi mumbled with her gaze glued to her feet. “She’s on a date and asked me to cover for her, but please Maeda-san, I didn’t want to do it. I swear! I would never lie to you, really! I don’t think that it’s okay to leave during work, you know? Please Maeda-san!”
“You’re cleaning the conference room” Atsuko stated coldly and went downstairs.

What the hell do I care about that?

“Umeda!” she pushed the door to the old basement open. Ayaka was kneeling on the stone floor. In front of her, pressed against the wall sat a girl. Her hands were tied to the chains above her head and she was breathing hard. Tears were streaming down her face and Atsuko noticed a lighter in Ayaka’s hand and fresh burn mark’s on her victim’s skin.
“Maeda-san!” Ayaka got up quickly, relief painted on her face. She looked tired and if Atsuko would have been in a brighter mood she would have almost felt sorry for her. “She won’t talk”
“I see” Atsuko said and stepped closer.
“Are you the boss?” the girl asked in a cracking voice. “I swear, I do not know a thing. Not a thing, I tell you! Just don’t kill me, okay? Please?”
“You’ve been tickled by a pathetic lighter for what… 10 minutes? And you’re already begging? How pitiful”. Atsuko shook her head slowly and stepped closer to the girl who looked up at her with tears in her eyes.
“I know! I’m pathetic! I so am! Really, absolutely worthless, just let me go alright?”
“But… I…”
“Well, I guess we could talk about it”
“Letting you go without informing the boss” Atsuko signaled Ayaka who was a little shocked to keep her mouth shut.

Watch and learn, newbie.

“That’s a trap, isn’t it?” the victim muffled into Atsuko’s thigh because she had stepped so close that she left the girl no other choice but to get into body contact with her. She knew that it was immensely confusing to invade someone’s personal space like that.
“Well, of course I want the basic information on you and your relation to Yamamoto. Out of safety reasons when I let you go. And your cooperation. Nothing big, really. You don’t have to be my spy or anything”
“That… means?”
“Promise to behave and I’ll take you somewhere where we can talk in a civilized manner”
Silence filled the air and Atsuko see that Ayaka was getting impatient. To be honest she was quite impatient herself and had to resist the urge to punch someone, but for the sake of her mission…
Atsuko smirked and began to unchain the girl.
A couple of minutes later, her surprised victim found herself in the freshly cleaned conference room on the couch, with a cup of Atsuko’s beloved rum-chocolate and Kumi carefully treating her burn marks.

Well Umeda, looks like your careful interrogation work is going down the drain.

“I’m Maeda Atsuko and that’s Umeda Ayaka”
“Who’s that?” the girl asked looking at Kumi who seemed flattered that someone wanted to know her name.
“The maid” Atsuko answered coldly.
The girl nodded awkwardly and gazed into her cup.
“There’s no poison in there, is there?”
“No” Atsuko waited for a moment. “Who would you be, then?”
“I’m Sashihara Rino”
“Riiiino-chan” Atsuko smiled teasingly. “It’s quite a nice day to meet, isn’t it?”
Rino gazed at her burn marks in a sad manner. Then she finally dared to take a sip of her drink.
“It’s good!” she exclaimed wide-eyed. As she didn’t get any reaction from the assassin she turned to face Kumi. “It’s good”
“I always make it for Maeda-san. There are some… secret ingredients you know? Like milk, well that’s not a secret and rum and…”
“Kumi, if you tell her it’s not a secret anymore!”

Do not make me lose my patience, got that? Hell, why does she have to be here?

“Of course you’re right Maeda-san” Kumi seemed seriously shocked at her statement.
“Go and find Tomo~mi” Atsuko waved to dismiss her and she followed the command in an instance.

She is a well-trained idiot after all.

“Who is Tomo~mi?”

Sashihara has an interest in servants, huh?

“The boss” Atsuko threatened and enjoyed her reaction. Rino started to look around as if Tomo~mi was hiding somewhere in the corners of the room.
“But… you said… you tricked me!” she whined and jumped up from the couch as if she was trying to escape, but then she noticed Ayaka still standing at the door. Slowly she backed away and started to eye the window even though it was bricked up.
“It’ll take some time for Kumi to find her. As soon as she arrives I will tell her that you escaped. You unarmed me bare-handed!”
“But I never unarmed someone! I can’t even fight, you know? I’m just Sayaka-san’s underling because she didn’t turn me in for shoplifting. If I would have known that she knew people as dangerous as you and her and Tomo~mi” Rino shuttered at the name, “I wouldn’t have followed her! But she went to that restaurant and there was just so much great food, really great food, and she invited me if I promised to guard the door later on and then you guys suddenly appeared and tortured me, and kidnapped me and gave me poisoned chocolate!”
“We didn’t”
“We didn’t. There’s no poison in there”
“You can go. Umeda guide her outside” Atsuko ordered. She had gotten any information she needed. She stood up, Rino moved out of the way quite quickly and for a moment Atsuko enjoyed the feeling of being the boss. On her way out she touched Ayaka’s shoulder and whispered into her ear. “Follow her”
Then she went upstairs to take a shower and put on her outfit for tonight’s job.

Somewhere between The old Coin and the CoF Headquarters, 08:32 PM

Minami felt like the heroine of an old gangster movie and she somehow enjoyed and hated it at the same time. It had started to rain and she was soaked but that was obviously not the worst part about the entire excursion. She was following Miichan through the old and deserted industrial district of the town and since it was almost fall, the light had already faded into a wavering twilight. Miichan was trying to avoid the street lanterns and had stepped into some dog poop in the darkness. She was still wielding one of her kitchen knives although they had lost track of the kidnapper gang long time ago.
“Sssshhhh!” Miichan waved her left thankfully empty hand through the air and hit Minami right in the face without noticing. “I hear someone coming!” she hissed and grabbed Minami’s hair.
Minami gasped from the pain.
“What are you doing?”
“Where’s your arm, dammit?”

Just turn around Miichan, turn around!

“Why would you need my arm?”
“For safety reasons”
Minami decided that it would be better to shut up before Miichan started waving her knife.
“Alright” she mumbled and was once more surprised by the solid sound of her voice.
“There, there!” Miichan mumbled excitedly as a person appeared from around the corner. 
“It’s a girl” Minami whispered.
“A kidnapper, for sure” Miichan’s hand that held onto her friend’s arm tightly was trembling. “We need to…” she took a deep breath and then she yelled while leaving the shadows with a surprisingly big leap “ATTACK!”
She pulled Minami with her for three steps until the smaller girl couldn’t follow anymore and fell face first into a puddle on the street.

No way. That’s just too… Maybe I should just stay like this, huh?

Minami raised her head to see her companion chasing after some screaming passenger with the knife raised above her head. She would have facepalmed but given her current situation she settled for lowering her face into the puddle again.

We’re so getting into trouble. I’m going to lose my job and then I’ll lose my house because I can’t pay the water bill anymore and I’ll have to sell everything because I need money and Miichan’s restaurant won’t exist anymore because she’ll be locked up and then my cat will leave me and then…

Minami’s trail of thoughts was interrupted by a voice.
“Excuse me?”
Suddenly overwhelmed by the realization that she was laying flat on the wet street while it was raining and a stranger was talking to her, Minami jumped up.
“Y-yes!” she stuttered, barely keeping herself from yelling ‘To your service’.
“Have you seen a girl passing by a minute ago?”
“Y-yes!” Minami reported again, still embarrassed. The woman in front of her was somewhat beautiful, wavy hair of the color of caramel was framing her face and her lips where almost smiling. Almost.

Acchan is prettier. Wait, what?

“Could you tell me which direction she went?”

If I tell her, Miichan is in trouble. But if I don’t, that girl might be in serious danger. Not that Miichan will actually hurt her but she could trip and accidentally pierce her with the knife, at least that’s what I would do.

“She went…”, Minami chewed on her lower lip thinking very hard if she should at least try to lie even though she knew that she just couldn’t. Her lip tasted like mud and she realized that her hair was dripping with the dirty water she had fallen into. “Somewhere” she finally finished lamely.
“Is that so” the woman looked slightly confused and a little stressed.
“Indeed, yes” Minami nodded. “I tell you”

What am I thinking? I’m having a slightly embarrassing conversation with a stranger here!

The woman nodded. Minami knew that she was looking for a way to end this conversation that wouldn’t be embarrassing for both parties.

I already got the part of the idiot here, so…

“I should go” she offered. “It was nice to meet you”
“I guess” the other woman bowed her head politely. Minami stared at her until she realized that she said she would be the one to leave.
“Yeeees…” Minami gestured down the street. “Bye” Stiffly she walked away as she felt the stranger’s gaze burning into her back. She resisted the overwhelming urge to run away as fast as possible with her entire willpower, because she wanted to save the leftovers of her pride by any cost.
“Miichan?” she called out softly but didn’t get an answer. “Miichan?”

C’mon show up! Please don’t do anything stupid.

Miichan was nowhere to be found. Minami stared into the night with a growing fear taking over her heart. It was so quiet… too quiet. Not even the steps of the stranger she had just talked were to be heard anywhere. Minami risked to look back, only for a second, but couldn’t find anyone. The street behind her was deserted and to make things worse the street light above her head flickered and went out with a silent bzzzz. A sigh escaped Minami’s mouth. She pondered what to do but decided that going home without her friend was not an option. However, searching the entire area in the dark was not a possibility either.
“Stupid Miichan. Stupid me. Stupid kidnappers. Stupid stranger. Stupid…” Minami searched for a person to place the guilt on. Finally she settled for: “Stupid Acchan” out of whatever reasons. Somehow it felt good. “Oh yeah. Stupid, idiotic MAEDA ATSUKO!”
The name echoed through the street as she screamed top of her lungs. For a person as small as her, her voice was impressing. 

I have no idea why I’m so angry at her, it’s not like she was a trusted and close friend who just left me, right?

Minami’s lips curved into a sad smile as she realized that she was actually missing her scary companion.
Then something hit the back of her head and with her mouth open in surprise she fell into a mud puddle for the second time that day.

Title: Re: (Nov 24) Killer Queen: Chapter 4 (Atsumina)
Post by: arrow27 on November 24, 2012, 05:35:13 PM
Thanks for the update!! Amazing chapter as always :O & ahh! a cliffhanger ending! Now i'm really looking forward to your next chapter to see what happened!!!!
Title: Re: (Nov 24) Killer Queen: Chapter 4 (Atsumina)
Post by: TakaminaBG on November 24, 2012, 06:43:53 PM
Who the HECK would go after a kidnappers????
What happened to Miichan????? AND MINAMI!!?!?
Please update soon SOON!!!
Title: Re: (Nov 24) Killer Queen: Chapter 4 (Atsumina)
Post by: Pdpond on November 24, 2012, 07:30:24 PM
God! I wanna kwon more~
Look forward next chapter!!
Title: Re: (Nov 24) Killer Queen: Chapter 4 (Atsumina)
Post by: Haruko on November 25, 2012, 12:23:42 AM
yea another chapter... awww atsumina miss each other...

not kojiyuu T_T
Title: Re: (Nov 24) Killer Queen: Chapter 4 (Atsumina)
Post by: ikun1216 on November 25, 2012, 04:27:24 AM
 :mon squee: Yay a new chapter!!!  :on gay:
Even if you're not satisfied with this chapter, this reader is  :on woohoo: Seeing how Acchan and Takamina are acting since they haven't seen each other is cute. You can tell on some level they miss each other terribly.
I'm a bit worried for Mayuyu, it's never good to run away from your problems, or skip school despite being a cyborg I wonder what her story is  :?
Poor Twin towers. . .getting beat down but someone half their size :on beatup

Ume-can's character become more important?! That's great!!!  :on bleed: I definitely will keep looking forward to each and every chapter  :heart:
By any chance was that her who was talking to takamina near the end of the chapter? I don't want to assume anything but based on the description I can't help but feel it was. . . Hm I dwell on that later  :nervous

thank you for updating!!  :byebye:
Title: Re: (Nov 24) Killer Queen: Chapter 4 (Atsumina)
Post by: takamae on November 25, 2012, 08:58:39 AM
Acchan really got a bad temper and kinda creepy, need minami as medication  :P
I almost thought miichan and minami that help yamamoto get away, bad for minami and acchan if that what happen
Thanx for the update ^^
Title: Re: (Nov 24) Killer Queen: Chapter 4 (Atsumina)
Post by: KojiYuu44 on November 25, 2012, 09:06:08 AM
I just started reading this fic...
i like how atsumina met... the person from Yuko's past... who is it  :?
What's going to happen???
I need to know!! 
I want to know!!
Please update soon :)
Title: Re: (Nov 24) Killer Queen: Chapter 4 (Atsumina)
Post by: cisda83 on November 25, 2012, 11:15:02 AM
poor atsumina.... unable to see each other for the time being.

Thank you for the update...

Looking forward to the next one
Title: Re: (Nov 24) Killer Queen: Chapter 4 (Atsumina)
Post by: kahem on November 25, 2012, 11:56:42 AM
The WMinami are so funny. especially Miichan ^^
Title: Re: (Nov 24) Killer Queen: Chapter 4 (Atsumina)
Post by: Wmatsui22 on November 25, 2012, 12:25:05 PM
Thanks for making this VERY NICE chapter...

I already read it and saved it to my phone...

A very good chapter! hahaha!

I am serious about what I said..

Please do continue writing..

Update if you have time!

Good Luck!

thank You

Title: Re: (Nov 24) Killer Queen: Chapter 4 (Atsumina)
Post by: miayaka on November 26, 2012, 12:52:51 PM
i love the update!  :thumbsup
thank you..
you got me!
Title: Re: (Nov 24) Killer Queen: Chapter 4 (Atsumina)
Post by: fffff on December 01, 2012, 07:08:22 PM
I did it! I managed to finally finish this chapter! I try to post a chapter at least every saturday (if possible earlier but I never make it even though I've got a lot of pages written ahead that do only need to be reworked).
This chapter is a tiny little bit weird because it had a completely different storyline in the beginning. I also feel like Atsuko is a little bit out of character but let's just say she's stressed out, okay?
Also I've been wondering if I should post a list of the appearing characters including age and some backgound information because there are a lot of the girls making an appearance at some point. Where should I put it then?

Anyway, I actually just wanted to thank you for your nice comments.
@ arrow27: It needs a little bit more suspense, right? I hope I'll have a few cliffhanger chapters later on as well, so...
@ TakaminaBG: Miichan would! She'll get herself into some trouble at the end of this chaper as well!
@ Pdpond: I need to keep up the suspense! I'll try!
@ Haruko: Yeah... Kojiyuu... I'll deal with them later.
@ ikun1216: I'm really happy if you think so. Mayuyu's story? I'll deal with this somewhere around Chapter 7  :? I think? And Sayanee beating the Twin Towers: I love her too much to not try to make her superior! And yes, that was Ume in the end. She was after Sasshi (who Miichan ran after).
@ takamae: They only helped her indirectly because they kept Ume from following Sasshi. Miichan started to chase Sasshi and that caused Umechan to lose track.
@ KojiYuu44: Well, judging from your username you may already have an idea who that person could be, right? Also, I'm glad that you started to read my story!
@ cisda83: Yeah, I just had to have a bit drama and longing... They are going to be reunited!
@ kahem: Happy if you think so! A lot of people consider me humorless so I'm glad to hear that.
@ Wmatsui22: I'm glad that you liked it! I'll continue this story for sure until the end because I dislike to stop something I started. When I write a story, normally the beginning is nice, the middle part is not that great and the ending is nice again!  So we'll see how this will turn out...
@ miayaka: I'll do my best to keep you interested then.
@ O r i g a m i: Well... Mayu's school story will be linked to the main storyline somewhere in the future.

Chapter 5

CoF Headquarters, 08:50 PM

Atsuko glanced at the clock when she heard Ayaka calling her from downstairs. Immediately she knew that the other woman had failed. There was no way that she had already stalked out the detective’s position by following that stupid shop lifter. Angrily Atsuko bit her lower lip until she could taste her own blood on her tongue. She wondered if Ayaka knew that she had just destroyed her carefully prepared plan to get her revenge, to finally avenge her love’s death.
“UMEDA!” Atsuko stomped her foot on her carpet as she threw her head back and screamed in anger. She didn’t get a response which allowed her to take a deep breath before her anger was able to take over completely.
She stormed out of her room and down the stairs. Ayaka was kneeling in the hallway in front of a woman who seemed to be unconscious. Atsuko couldn’t get a proper look at her but from what she spotted she knew that it couldn’t be Rino.

Somehow she seems familiar.

“What did you do?” hissed Atsuko.
“She was standing on the street and screamed your name” Ayaka looked up and Atsuko noticed the stubborn look in her eyes. “That’s somewhat…suspicious”

Screaming my name? It couldn’t be… no.

Atsuko took a step back. The hairstyle, the kind of clothing, it was all too familiar. The small form on the floor could only be one person and she was too lifeless for Atsuko’s liking.
“Did you kill her?” she demanded to know and hated herself for the fact that her voice cracked.
“No” Ayaka slowly got up and for the first time she stood in front of Atsuko with a proud and smug expression. “Who is she?”

You see it, don’t you? You see that I care for her. But trust me Umeda you better don’t try to use this information for yourself.

“That’s a lie” Ayaka’s voice was low but her words were threatening.
“How would you tell?” Atsuko’s answer was as cold and sharp as ice. Her hand was reaching to the knife in her right sleeve. She examined Ayaka’s position carefully. The other killer didn’t seem to realize that she had gotten herself into a dangerous position. It would be easy for Atsuko to slice her throat in one swift move if Ayaka would dare to harm Minami in any kind of way.

If I hurt her I’ll be sure to be killed by Yuko or Mariko-sama. I hope Minami appreciates what I’m willing to do for her.

Ayaka didn’t answer but didn’t seem to be willing to back down either, even though the more experienced killer was already shaking from the rage that was boiling in her.
“Go to your room. You let Sashihara get away. Mariko-sama won’t be pleased” Atsuko growled.
“You let her go”
“I told you to follow her. You were the one who failed. First in interrogating her, then in finding Yamamoto’s hideout. It’s all your fault!” Without even noticing Atsuko raised her voice. Her chest started to heave and she was close to losing her composure.

My revenge! Haruka, Minami! This is all too much, it’s all too much, I cannot stand it anymore!

As Ayaka felt Atsuko’s eyes still on her she finally realized that she was in danger. Her senses kicked in and she gave in to the other girl’s request. Atsuko stared after her as she went upstairs.
Then she turned around to look at Minami. She was out cold but didn’t seem to be hurt badly. However, the sight of her on the floor was heart-wrenching. Atsuko sat down next to her and touched her forehead. It was cold but sweaty. She traced Minami’s jaw line deeply in thought.

She’s beautiful, isn’t she? She shouldn’t be here, that’s no place for her. She can’t stay. What will Mariko-sama do to her? She said that it’s dangerous that I’m forbidden to… And Minami, hasn’t she been sad enough when her brother died? Didn’t she lose a lot already? After all… After all… I’m an assassin.

Atsuko closed her eyes when she finished that thought.

And that’s why she HATES me.

For seconds she just stared at her ex-fake-girlfriend.

But… I could make her like me, couldn’t I? I get what I want, I always do!

She knew that she was only assuring herself but it made her stronger.

Screw you Shinoda! Fuck off Umeda, get lost Yuko. I’ll do what I want to do. For Minami.

Quickly Atsuko pulled her hand away from Minami’s face. She got up and lifted the body up with one arm around her hip.
“Kumi! I need help!” she yelled for the secretary who appeared as soon as she was called.
“Yes Maeda-san!”
“Help me get her to my room”
Kumi blinked.
“To your room?” she echoed with a confused expression. “Of course!”

At least someone I can rely on. Although she tends to be useless.

Kumi slipped on the stairs and almost caused the three of them to fall down. Only Atsuko’s reflexes prevented the accident.


CoF Headquarters, 09:13 PM

Minami groaned. For a second everything was dark and numb even when she opened her eyes, but then a throbbing pain appeared in the back of her head.

What happened? Am I blind? Am I kidnapped? Am I dreaming?

The thoughts were running wild in her head and her heart beat increased slightly before she realized that she didn’t see anything because she was in a dark room. There was a little bit of light coming from underneath the door and it was just enough to illuminate the furniture close to the entrance. From the shape of it Minami recognized a chair and something dark on the floor, a pillow or maybe clothing. However, this was certainly not her room at home and not Miichan’s place either. It was too quiet and too dark as if there were no windows.
Carefully Minami sat up, every move making her headache worse.

Someone hit me? I was walking and then… someone hit me and knocked me out!

“It’s fine Minami, just fine” she assured herself but her voice sounded lost and small. Sighing she set one foot on the floor. The carpet felt soft against her naked feet.

My shoes… my socks… jeans…

Minami squealed in shock as she realized that she was only in underwear, jumped back into the bed and got under the covers again. Also, someone seemed to have washed her face to get the mud off as well as her hair. She buried her head in the familiar smell of the pillow.
“Acchan” she whined as realization dawned. To be honest her mind was too clouded for her to be actually surprised because now everything made sense. She was calling Acchan’s name so she probably summoned her like, well, some kind of a ghost. That would also explain how Acchan was able to break into Minami’s house.

Oh Minami, get a grip. There’s no such things as ghosts. But still…

Minami took a deep breath to mentally prepare herself, even though she had no idea what she wanted to prepare herself for, and got up again. She stretched her arms out in order to keep her from running into something and made her way to the door taking really tiny steps. However she soon enough stepped into something soft. She bowed to the floor and touched it. It felt like a shirt and she pulled it over her head.

I don’t want walk around in my underwear when I don’t even know where I’m going.

The light that had been coming from beneath the door went out all of the sudden and left Minami in complete darkness. For a second she was tempted to make her way back to the bed but she was not sure if she would find it anymore so she continued her journey to where she had seen the door. Her hand made contact with the light switch but she didn’t use it in order to avoid to let anyone know about her presence.

Acchan… where am I? And more important, where are you?

The door creaked a little as Minami opened it and for a second she closed her eyes and expected some kind of monster attacking her. When nothing happened she let out a shaky laugh and dared to peer out into the corridor. It was just as dark as the room and for a moment she hesitated. But then one of the doors opened and the lights went on again. Quickly, Minami closed the door just so much that she could still peek out.
A woman walked out of one of the rooms, her brows furrowed and burning fury in her eyes. Minami felt as if her heart was going to stop as she realized that she had been the boss of the kidnappers. Trembling, she wanted to crawl away from the door but it seemed that she was frozen in her place. The woman, Yuko as Minami recalled, stood in the middle of the corridor and took a deep breath as if she was trying to calm herself down. Then she turned around and marched right towards the room that Minami was in.

No, way, no way… hell, no! What do I do? How do I escape? I’m done for.

Minami surrendered to the force of destiny as Yuko knocked on the door.
“Acchan? Are you there?” she called out. Minami who was only a few centimeters away struggled to hold her breath because she didn’t dare to make the slightest sound.
“C’mon Acchan! Don’t be a bitch!” Unable to tame her anger, Yuko kicked the door what caused Minami to squeal and fall back.
“Don’t hurt me!” she hid her face behind her arms as Yuko opened the door.
“What the…” Yuko grabbed her wrist tightly and started to pull her arm down. “Let me see your face!” she demanded.
“Please! I’m Minami! Takahashi Minami!” Minami whined with her eyes closed.
“You were… at the restaurant right?” Yuko sounded confused. “What are you doing here? How did you get here?”
“She’s my guest” another voice interfered that Minami knew really well.

Thank goodness.

“Acchan!” Minami opened her eyes and couldn’t help but smile as she saw the other girl standing behind Yuko.
Yuko raised an eyebrow, then looked at Atsuko who stared back with an emotionless expression on her face.
“So…” a smile appeared on Yuko’s face. “That’s your girl then? I’m glad that someone wears the shirt I gave you last Christmas. Wonder what you guys did to her own clothes though…” the expression on her face implied that she had some ideas Minami couldn’t even grasp. She looked down on the shirt she had put on in the dark and immediately blushed as she read what was written on it.
 “I give up” she whined.

CoF Headquarters, 09:20 PM

Atsuko rubbed her temples. She was trying to figure out just how she was supposed to explain to Minami why she was at this place together with Yuko and why she had left her alone for two weeks. Unsure what to do she glanced at the other girl who was sitting across her. She wore a confused expression on her face that made her look, well, ‘adorable’ was a fitting term.

Here we go.

The girl looked at her with so much trust in her eyes that Atsuko felt a pang in her chest. She knew that Minami hated assassins but she didn’t want to betray her trust, she just couldn’t.
“Do you like the hot chocolate Kumi made for you?” she asked instead. Minami stared at the cup.
“There’s alcohol in there, right?” she furrowed her brows.
“It’s just a little bit of rum, okay? Drink up honey, drink up” Atsuko sighed as she saw her opposite flinch at the word ‘honey’.

She knows…

“Why…” Minami blinked as if she held back tears. “You never…” Another attempt to speak failed and she went silent again.
Atsuko couldn’t tell how long she had to endure the silence before she heard someone’s steps in the corridor. 
“Maeda-san?” Kumi looked into the room. “Shinoda-sama is on the phone”
Atsuko nodded for her to give it to her.
“Acchan?” Mariko sounded tired and irritated. It was so much easier to read her when Atsuko could only hear her voice and wasn’t blinded by the confident air she used to give of. But with the sounds of the hospital in the background she sounded just like any other woman who had had a hard day.
“Yes. What is it?” To her own surprise, Atsuko’s tone was calm.
Mariko talked in a hushed and rushed manner as she continued to speak.
“Listen, we are still at the hospital and our usual doctor is not here, which means that they ask a lot of questions. Also, we do not know if Yamamoto talked to the police, so we did not give an explanation yet. In case they show up at the headquarters: Do not let them search my rooms before I’m not home. Tell Yuko to hide upstairs, her prison break did not exactly make her popular with those people. Kumi will inform me about everything that happens, am I clear? Do not allow her to make up any crazy stories or worse to spill the truth to the police as soon as they come knocking. Make sure Tomo~mi keeps her mouth shut and keep Ayaka by your side. If they ask, she’s your cousin”
“Got it” Atsuko hung up and tossed the phone at Kumi, who caught it surprisingly skillful.
“Who was it?” Minami tilted her head.
“My boss. You’ll meet her soon. Kumi?”
“Yes?” Kumi hurried at Atsuko’s side.
“You wouldn’t tell Mariko-sama about Minami, right?”
“I wouldn’t?” the secretary seemed unsure but willing to give in to Atsuko’s intense glare.
“You wouldn’t”

Goddamn, I’m not in the mood to play games tonight anymore. Give in already, just give in!

“Yes?” Atsuko quickly turned her attention to Minami as she spoke.
“Aren’t you scaring her?”
Atsuko clicked her tongue.
“You know Minami… There are many scary things about me. And I know that you wonder why you’re here and why that little you-know-what of an Umeda kidnapped you. And about Yuko, you know her, right?”
 Minami seemed confused. “I don’t really… wait, somebody kidnapped me?”
Atsuko had to resist the urge to hit her head on the table rapidly.
“Well… yeah!”
“That’s… that’s… Oh my god!”
With that being said, Minami jumped up from her chair and ran out of the conference room, knocking Kumi, who was still in the room and seemed to have been talking about something the entire time, over. “Sorry!” She disappeared and all Atsuko could do was stare after her.
“I like her” Kumi announced dreamingly from the floor.

Yeah, me too. But she drives me crazy.

In front of CoF Headquarters, 09:27 PM

Minami felt the chilly air hit her face as she stepped outside. Ahocked by the fact that she got actually kidnapped she had made a run for it and actually managed to find the exit at the first try. Now she should probably hurry and escape but she found herself in an unfamiliar street. The scenery was gloomy and actually creeping Minami out. She stood in front of an old factory building that was surrounded by equally shabby garages and factories. The street was completely empty and half of the streetlights didn’t work at all. However Minami was sure that this was not far from the street were she had been abducted and that was close to Miichan’s restaurant and her house.
She could hear sirens somewhere far away but they seemed to get closer. She stood still and just listened. As she saw the blue light flickering on the walls of the buildings nearby and the first car shot around the corner she straightened herself up and waited for them to arrive. Soon enough a total of 5 cars had arrived and cornered her.
To be honest she had no idea what she was doing but they seemed to be after the kidnappers and she as one of the victims…

I don’t feel like a victim though. I feel stupid for running anyway… they’re not even coming after me. Ah, Acchan must have been trying to make a joke and I just didn’t get it… Who am I kidding?! The police are right here! This is real!

“Takamina!” Miichan jumped out of one of the police cars, ignoring the officer who shouted for her to stay back. “Thank god! You okay?” she pulled her friend in a bone-crushing hug and started to touch her all over as if she was looking for injuries.
“Miichan” Takamina chocked, utterly embarrassed by the situation. “Stop feeling me up” she mumbled even though she had to admit that it was nice to know that her friend cared.
“Hell, you had me worrying” Miichan rambled and flared her arms. She didn’t even notice that she almost knocked out the approaching officer. “You know, I was running after that girl but didn’t catch her and then I came back and you were gone! Vanished! Nowhere to be found! Can you imagine how worried I was? How I blamed myself?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine” Minami mumbled while her thoughts were running wild.

It’s surreal. I was just sleeping, for a few minutes at Acchan’s place, who seems to be living with kidnappers, who seem to have kidnapped me, but I was just staying over at a friend’s! Okay, not planned, but not unwillingly.

“Excuse me?” A policewoman addressed Minami. “I am Inspector  Takajo Aki and I’d like to ask you a few urgent questions”
“Of course, Inspector” Minami freed herself from Miichan’s embrace to give off a composed impression.
“Judging from the reaction of Minegishi-san you are Takahashi Minami?”
“That’s me, yes”
“Right. Well, Minegishi-san stormed into our station 30 minutes ago and informed us that you had gone missing. She was… persistent” Aki furrowed her brows. “Normally we would not react to this kind of notification in a time frame as short as this but we had just gotten a hint from one of our informants that we should keep a close eye on this area. Takahashi-san, can you tell us what exactly happened to you?”
Minami gulped nervously. The entire situation was too messed up for her to fully grasp it.
“I’m not sure” she began.

I know that Yuko is a kidnapper, but she’s Acchan’s friend. And Acchan, well, I can’t possibly tell them about her although I don’t even know how she relates to this. I don’t even know who kidnapped me!

“I was unconscious”
“Could you be a little bit more specific? Did somebody knock you out? When? How?”
“I…” Minami chew on her bottom lip. She did not want to tell anybody about what happened, she didn’t understand.

Why are there so many policemen? What have Acchan and her friends done?

Suddenly a terrible thought struck Minami.
“The murder” she whispered. “Takajo-san, is this related to the recent murder on” she searched her mind for the name and suddenly she remembered Atsuko’s words crystal clear.

“She was shot. In the head. Three times, completely accurate. Her name was Sato Amina and she had the bad luck of serving the wrong person. Isn’t it cruel?”

“Is it related to the recent murder on Sato Amina?”
Aki’s brows shot up almost to her hairline.
“Takahashi-san, you seem to know a lot”
“Just answer me” a sudden anger overwhelmed Minami. She was sick and tired of all of this. She was sick and tired of the troubles and mysteries revolving around Acchan and she would just like to go back to bed and sleep through all of this.

I do not want it to be true!

“Takahashi-san, let’s keep calm, shall we?” Aki stretched her arms out as if she was trying to calm Minami down like some kind of an animal in a trap and suddenly Minami was aware of the fact that she was surrounded by policemen who seemed not only to aim at the factory but also at her.
“Oh gosh” she laughed bitterly. “That’s fucked up”
“Takamina!” Miichan exclaimed, shocked to hear her friend cursing what was so out of her usual character as one could imagine.
“You know what?” Minami looked at the people who surrounded her. “I’m going back to bed”
She was well aware that she sounded crazy. She was also well aware that she stood between a bunch of policemen and that she was still wearing that infamous t shirt.
“Takahashi-san. Where do you think you’re going?” Aki jogged after her as she turned around to go back to the factory entrance and grabbed her arm. “This is supposedly the hideout of a criminal organization!”
“No it’s not” Minami shook her head. “See, it’s just an abandoned factory. I fainted, low blood pressure, you know? And then my girlfriend who uses this building as rehearsal room with her band found me and took care of me. That’s it. Excuse me”
And with that she yanked her arm out of the inspector’s grip and made her way through the main entrance that opened for her.
On the inside she pressed her back to the cold metal of the door and allowed herself to take a deep breath. She slid down and sat on the floor. Yuko was standing next to her and fiddled with the lock above her head. Minami wondered if she had been right behind the door the entire time.
“Oi!” Minami heard someone bang against the door. “Oi! Takamina, open! What is wrong with you?”
“No! I swear inspector, that’s not like her! Takamina, open the door! It’s me!”
“Step back Minegishi-san! Please, do not interfere with the investigation. I’ll take care of this. Takahashi-san, it’s Inspector Takajo talking. Look we can ta- Minegishi-san! Don’t push me, please!”
“You do not understand! Something is wrong! Oi! Takamina! I swear she was lying, I know her! They are holding her hostage!”
Minami whimpered as she thought about Miichan who was probably getting herself into serious trouble with the police.
“Takahashi-san! Before you act rashly, please listen! I want to help you! You are getting yourself involved with one of the country’s main criminal organizations. We have reason to believe that Oshima Yuko is hiding in this building. She has been proven guilty for the murder of at least 13 people! Takahashi-san, please think about it!”
All Minami wanted was to cover her ears and forget everything she just heard. Looking up she saw said killer standing above her with a sympathetic look at her face. She was stretching out her hand and before Minami knew what she was doing she took it and allowed the other woman to lead her through the hall. As they arrived at the secret door, it opened to reveal Acchan who was wearing a blank look on her face.
“I’ll take care of those people until Mariko-sama arrives” she said to no one in particular.
“Don’t hurt them. My friend’s out there” Minami said and to everyone’s surprise it didn’t sound like a request but an order. Atsuko nodded, her dark bangs sweeping over her face.
“Come on” Yuko squeezed Minami’s hand. “Turning around won’t earn you anything anymore”
Minami nodded and followed her. She was too tired and her head hurt too much to think or worry about anything anymore.

CoF Headquarters, 09:47 PM

Atsuko heard someone banging at the door furiously.
“Takahashi-san? Anyone? This is the police, I repeat, this is the police! Open the door; otherwise we will have no choice but to storm the house! You have 15 minutes to surrender! I repeat: this is the police; you have 15 minutes to surrender. Ah thank you”
The person stepped away from the door, only to repeat her message over a megaphone.

Damn Yamamoto, what kind of trouble did you get us into? I’ll mess you up, I swear I’ll mess you up!

Atsuko turned away from the door, knowing that there was not much she could do. She stormed upstairs.
“Yuko, Kumi, Umeda, Minami!” she yelled.
“Yes?” Kumi appeared as prompt as ever, almost giving Atsuko a heart attack.
“Call Mariko-sama” Atsuko ordered. “The situation is critical”
“Tell her that we’re leaving right now” Yuko, who had just entered the hallway together with Minami, who was properly dressed now, ordered. “She should be able to meet us at the emergency meeting point. Atsuko, get the weapons from the basement. You” she pointed at Minami who looked like she was completely out of this world, “stay right here and don’t move no matter what. I’ll find Ayaka and save some of Mariko-sama’s files”
“Got it” Atsuko replied and turned around to walk downstairs again. However she stopped on the middle of the stairs.

Leaving Minami alone like this... What if something happens to her? No, Atsuko, no. Everybody on their own in case something goes wrong. Do your job and if the others don’t arrive as soon as necessary you got to escape with everything you got. 

She shook her head as if to get rid of her unprofessional thoughts.
As she arrived downstairs she could already see the shadows of policemen behind the windows that were not bricked up. Blue light flickered in the room. As fast as she could she made her way to the basement door that was secured with a bunch of extra locks. She knew the combinations by heart but she was still nervous that something could go wrong. It was unusual for her to worry as much as she did now, but something had changed with Haruka’s death. She had realized that she was not invulnerable and that was the scariest thing she had ever felt.
The basement was dark. Atsuko’s hand found the light switch by itself and the lamps illuminated the large hall that stretched underneath the factory. Different kinds of weapons were stored in chests or hung on the walls. Quickly Atsuko got herself the spacious backpack that lay in a corner next to the door and grabbed various things.
“Let’s see, my gun, Yuko’s assault rifle and her knives, Mariko-sama’s grenades and Kumi’s throwing knives, did I forget someone?” Atsuko mumbled to herself. “Well, I might as well get something for Umeda”
Carelessly he grabbed another gun. Then something caught her eyes. She approached the katana that rested on a pillow on a little table.
“Someone will use it” she decided and grabbed it when she heard noises from the door. She spun around and saw Ayaka stumble into the room.
“The police are already inside!”

I knew this wouldn’t end well.

Atsuko cursed, tossed Ayaka the backpack and grabbed her gun tightly.
As she arrived upstairs the sight of a total mess greeted her. Glass was shattered all over the floor as all of the windows were smashed by the forces. The police cornered Yuko who was standing in the middle of the room and pressed a knife against Minami’s neck. Kumi was nowhere to be seen but Atsuko was sure that she was around and hid in a dark corner. Miichan was trying to climb in through one of the windows with her mouth wide open and her eyes glued to Minami’s pale face. Miichan’s glance shifted and she noticed Atsuko who stood in the door to the basement.
Quickly Acchan pressed a finger to her lips to signal her that she was supposed to stay quiet and to her surprise it worked. She was not sure if it was out of worry for Minami or if she truly trusted her, but she didn’t care.
Yuko’s voice rang through the room.
“You’re 3 minutes early, motherfuckers! Look, you let me get to the basement and no one gets hurt. I’ll pick up some stuff and in 3 minutes you guys can come after us. Sounds like a deal? Good!”
And with that she dragged Minami towards the door were Atsuko was standing.

Please, Minami, don’t look at me like this. It breaks my heart. She won’t hurt you, trust me, she wouldn’t hurt you, because if she did she’d have to face me.

“Do something!” Miichan ordered as she had finally gotten through the window and fell on the floor. She raised something that looked dangerously like a kitchen knife and started to run towards Yuko with a war cry.
She didn’t get far.
Kumi, who had indeed been hiding in the shadows, started to run towards the basement entrance and simply overran the other girl as she passed her by. Miichan fell on the floor and let go of the knife that flew through the room and got almost stuck in Minami’s shoulder, but Yuko pulled her out of the way soon enough.

You better take care of her Yuko.

Kumi, Minami and Yuko disappeared downstairs and Atsuko followed them but not before giving a sincere warning to Miichan.
“You shouldn’t come after us. You better get the hell out of here, trust me”
Miichan looked up at her and Atsuko could only hope that she would take her seriously. Then she hurried to follow the others.
Okay Atsuko, you’re getting soft. There was no reason to spill that you’re up to something.

Downstairs, the basement was already deserted. Atsuko saw the hidden entrance to the secret tunnel that led to the neighboring building wide open and the little silver box already placed in the middle of the room. A red light was blinking and Atsuko knew that she was supposed to hurry. As fast as she could, she ran through the room and closed the heavy metal door behind her.
She heard the explosion when she surfaced in the building across the street.
Minami stood at one of the windows and looked at the factory. Black smoke was coming out of the windows, almost invisible in the night. The still blinking blue light on top of the police cars was not bright enough to shine this far and illuminate Minami’s face, so Atsuko could not tell what she was thinking or feeling.
Yuko and Ayaka were leaning against the wall and stared at their feet blankly while Kumi was rummaging through the bags.
“Miichan” Minami’s voice shook and Atsuko wanted nothing more than to comfort her. “She’s… she’s in there”
The room stayed silent and Atsuko knew that she was the one who was supposed to answer.
“I told her to stay away from the basement. If she wasn’t in there but upstairs she should be fine. The bomb was only meant to destroy the interior of the basement”
“And if she ignored you? If she didn’t trust you? She had every reason to, right?”
“I…” Atsuko bit her bottom lip.

All I could say… everything would hurt you, right Minami?

“And what about the policemen? They were normal people with families, friends and a right to live”
“I… I guess”
Minami nodded and leant her head against the window.
“Am I stupid because I came here? Could this be my fault? Or are you people the only ones to blame?”
A muffled cry escaped Atsuko’s lips as Minami accused her in a weak voice.

What is this? What is all of this that you make me feel? Is it… regret? Or am I hurt because you are?

Title: Re: (Dec 1) Killer Queen: Chapter 5 (Atsumina)
Post by: bimbo on December 01, 2012, 07:31:27 PM
Yay! An update!  XD

I hope Miichan is safe  :panic:

Minami, believe in Acchan!  :cow: :cow:
Title: Re: (Dec 1) Killer Queen: Chapter 5 (Atsumina)
Post by: ChoyShinhwa on December 01, 2012, 08:04:04 PM
Wow It's great

I like this chap

What the hell Minami will do now? >"<

Waiting for your next update  :byebye:
Title: Re: (Dec 1) Killer Queen: Chapter 5 (Atsumina)
Post by: TakaminaBG on December 01, 2012, 08:14:12 PM
Okay, now I'm officially scared!
Miichan, won't die, right??
Minami, don't be so harsh on Acchan, although, yeah she is an awful person, but she really cares about you!!
Please update SOON!
Title: Re: (Dec 1) Killer Queen: Chapter 5 (Atsumina)
Post by: KojiYuu44 on December 01, 2012, 08:48:20 PM
Oh no I hope Miichan is safe
Takamina have a little faith in Acchan
Thank you for the update :)
Title: Re: (Dec 1) Killer Queen: Chapter 5 (Atsumina)
Post by: arrow27 on December 01, 2012, 10:27:19 PM
thanks for the update!!!! :D Really intense and amazing chapter :) I really do love your writing style and the way the story is progressing! Seems like everyone is in a tight spot but I hope Atsuko and Minami can help each other :D Loved the other characters in this chap as well, Miichan is such a good friend, yuko is awesome and Kumi was funny :)
Thanks again, looking forward to your next update :D
Title: Re: (Dec 1) Killer Queen: Chapter 5 (Atsumina)
Post by: ikun1216 on December 02, 2012, 06:09:33 AM
I've had a terrible week so seeing your update definitely made me feel a whole lot better!  :onioncheer:
This chapter seemed really intense, I applaud your ability to write such a suspenseful scene  :twothumbs I'm glad the girls bought more time to escape but ahh...I'm worried about Miichan.
I think how you portrayed Acchan was pretty spot on, with everything going at the moment on her behavior seemed understandable.

The part where Acchan was gathering weapons made me chuckle a bit Mariko-sama uses grenades and Kumi throws knives?  :dunno: That would be a site to see. Glad she was "kind" enough to grab Ume-chan something too

Thank you for your reply! Ehh for once I'd have to disagree with Takamina I think Ume-chan's prettier  :shy2:
Have you seen the new NMB48 pv for HA! ? When I watched it I couldn't help but think of your story (Well the part of Sayanee being pretty badass, with the lead pipe and "connections")

I think it would be great if you could post up the characters information, especially their background info.
As for where will you put it. . Ah . .not quite sure?  :nervous

Thank you once again for updating! I await patiently for your next update.
Title: Re: (Dec 1) Killer Queen: Chapter 5 (Atsumina)
Post by: Pdpond on December 02, 2012, 07:39:59 AM
Finally you update~  :deco:
I hope miichan Alright!
Thanks for amazing fic!
Look forward next chapter..
Title: Re: (Dec 1) Killer Queen: Chapter 5 (Atsumina)
Post by: takamae on December 02, 2012, 11:17:28 AM
In just a few hours, minami life changed upside down
I hope miichan is fine
Thank you for the update ^^
Title: Re: (Dec 1) Killer Queen: Chapter 5 (Atsumina)
Post by: miayaka on December 02, 2012, 12:57:02 PM
Thank you for the update fffff!!
Its really getting more exciting!

Micchan please be alright  :cry:
Taka! please trust your ace!
Title: Re: (Dec 1) Killer Queen: Chapter 5 (Atsumina)
Post by: kahem on December 03, 2012, 02:08:59 AM
T_T I wanna cry Micchan!!!!
Title: Re: (Dec 1) Killer Queen: Chapter 5 (Atsumina)
Post by: Haruko on December 03, 2012, 02:23:45 AM
awww minami dont cry please
Title: Re: (Dec 1) Killer Queen: Chapter 5 (Atsumina)
Post by: fffff on December 09, 2012, 03:34:53 PM
Finally! You have no idea how much trouble I had when i was writing this chapter. I didn't take that long for any other chapter... It just didn't want to turn out the way I wanted... It is resisting every try to make it better, honestly.
Oh well. I seriously have no idea when i'll be able to finish chapter 7, but for now just enjoy this part, okay?

Oh by the way, thank you for your lovely comments as always.  :heart:
@ bimbo: She will, she will.
@ ChoyShinhwa: Well, there is not much she can do... the question is probably what the CoF members are going to do with her.
@ TakaminaBG: I'm not telling you!  8)
@ Kojiyuu44: Who knows, who knows.
@ arrow27: Really? Ah, I was absoultely not confident about it, thank you!
@ ikun1216: Now I'm relieved. I'm not really good at writing action and everything so I'm glad that you think it was suspenseful. Mmh, CoF action and fighting will come towards the end I think. I don't know, I just like to picture Mariko blowing things up like a boss. You know, the scenery around her goes BOOM and she'll just put on her sunglasses and walk away. Haha, now that you mention the HA! pv, I've watched i again, and yeah, there are similarities. Sayaka in this story is a little bit more like small-time crook though (That was at least what her role was supposed to be before I rewrote it and decided to make her an investigator).
@ Pdpond: I always take too long with my updates, huh? Sorry... :sweatdrop:
@ takamae: She'll have to get used to it, after all we all want her to end up with her assassin, right?   :yep:
@ miayaka: Yeah, it gotta pick up some pace before it turns out to be boring.
@ kahem: Don't cry! We don't know for sure that something bad happened to her! (although it's kind of likely... Nope, I'm not telling. I'm not yet telling. She could be fine after all)
@ Haruko: Tears are good to purify the soul... maybe they'll help her...

Chapter 6

CoF backup house, 07:44 AM

Minami was not sure where exactly she was. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in Mariko-samas car after a seemingly endless walk through the city that had resulted in meeting the boss and the other two women at a gas station. She knew that she had started to cry out of frustration on the way to the meeting point and that it seemed to have drained all of her energy.
Meeting Mariko-sama hadn’t helped either because Minami had turned out to be nothing more but an unwanted burden to the boss. If she recalled last night’s events correctly Atsuko and Ayaka had gotten quite a lecture for kidnapping her like that.
Sighing Minami looked around. She had to admit that this place was much nicer than the factory. She stood in the middle of a spacious living room. The furniture and the floor were made of a light brown kind of wood while the walls, curtains, table cloths and such were white. One of the walls was completely made up of huge glass windows and offered an amazing view over the city that was situated underneath them. On the other side of the room were a kitchen unit and three doors. One of them was slightly open and led to a bathroom and one of them probably outside. Minami did not know where the third door led, but she was not sure if she wanted to know after she had seen the secret weapon stock in the basement.
On the floor of the living room lay sleeping bags. Kumi was easy to recognize as she slept on her back, her arms up at the side of her head, like a baby. The person next to her was harder to make out because all that could be seen was hair, but if Minami was to guess it was either Ayaka or Yuko. Mariko had claimed the couch for herself. The two injured women that Minami had seen in Miichan’s restaurant had found themselves a corner where they had curled up together so tightly that it was impossible to tell whose limbs belonged to whom.

It seems like ages ago that I saw them for the first time but it was only yesterday. I should have known better than to play around with the bad girls.

Minami looked around but Atsuko was nowhere to be seen. Only a crumbled sleeping bag on the floor hinted that she had been there at some point of time.
“Acchan?” Minami whispered, unsure what she should do. The girl on the floor raised her head and Minami recognized her as Ayaka. She blinked sleepily.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you…” Minami backed away and stepped on something that felt awfully like human flash. As she looked down she noticed that she had indeed stepped on Kumi’s hand but the girl didn’t seem to have noticed. She was still breathing in and out peacefully. A smile graced her lips and Minami wished for nothing more than to possess this kind of innocence.

I lost my innocence when I lost my brother. I believed in him, but he sealed his own fate. I wonder if I’m not heading down the same road.

Minami pressed her lips together tightly. Yesterday she had been too confused to think straight, but now a cold anger had taken over her thoughts.
“Acchan” she mumbled as she made her way over to the doors. Her hand rested on the doorknob of the one on the right, but she wasn’t sure if it really led outside. She looked around to make sure that nobody was watching her while she was doing something that could probably considered escaping, and pushed it open.
Minami found herself staring into a bedroom. It was decorated in the same style as the living room. In the middle stood a huge bed, framed by white curtains that were swaying in a soft breeze. Two bedside tables stood at each of its side. On one of them stood a single white lily in a glass, while the other one was occupied by an ammunition belt and a picture, which was turned around so that it faced the wall.
Even though Minami knew that she was absolutely rude to burst in like that she couldn’t help but stare at the room. The entire scenery had an immensely sad feeling to it. The scent of the lily filled the room and clouded Minami’s thoughts. It was so bittersweet…
Minami turned her attention to the bed as she heard a noise. She gulped when she noticed Yuko fast asleep. Her outline was all that could be seen through the curtains but Minami could tell it was her. She stirred in her sleep and whimpered.
“Haruna” she breathed out and her voice was filled with so much pain that Minami felt bad out of the sudden. It seemed to her like she had just barged in to witness an incredibly intimate moment. As quiet as possible she closed the door once again. The smell of the lily still lingered in the air.
Minami jumped as the door next to her opened and startled her. A gust of wind swept inside and she found herself face to face with the person she had been looking for. Atsuko’s eyes were clouded and seemed darker than ever before.
“H-hi” Minami finally stumbled and raised her hand as if to greet the other girl. Atsuko raised an eyebrow.
“So” Minami felt like an idiot because she was basically talking to herself. “What have you been up to?”

You’re asking an assassin what she’s been up to? Stupid Minami, stupid!

Something flickered in Atsuko’s eyes but she replied in a semi-bored tone. “Nothing much, I guess”
Minami chew on her bottom lip. She did not know what to say. Yesterday she had been angry, disappointed and confused but in the morning light everything seemed surreal. Atsuko was still Atsuko and Minami could not hate her after all.

CoF backup House, 08:15 AM

Atsuko poked Kumi’s side with her toe.
“Stand up, I’m hungry” she demanded.
Kumi groaned and Atsuko poked her again. This time, Kumi’s eyelids fluttered and she shot up as she realized that Atsuko was hovering above her.
“I’m on my way” she got up and saluted. Atsuko nodded coldly. Ayaka stirred in her sleeping bag and sat up.
“Good morning” she greeted.

Don’t you dare to think that I’m going to talk to you.

Minami, who was sitting at the table and stared into empty space, replied absentmindedly. “Morning”
Sayaka and Sae started to move as well and Atsuko was convinced that Mariko had been awake for quite a while now.
Soon the smell of an American breakfast filled the room. Everyone gathered around the table, more or less awake and Atsuko slipped next to Minami quickly. She felt the girl shift away from her and put her arm around her shoulder.
“Remember Minami, you’re my honored guest. The others are not pleased about your presence” she whispered into the girl’s ear.
“W-what do you mean?” Minami moved her head so that she was looking at Atsuko. Because she was so close their noses touched for a brief moment and Atsuko felt her heart skip a beat. Minami’s cheeks turned red but she firmly held her gaze at Atsuko.
“Nothing much”
It almost felt like nothing had happened between them, like Minami was still getting teased by her and was enjoying it even though she would never admit it, but Atsuko knew that yesterday’s events bothered the other girl more than anything. Something between them had definitely changed, now that Minami had seen her dark side.
“I’m sorry”
The words slipped out before she even thought about it, but Minami’s eyes went wide and she could have sworn that a slight smile graced her lips.

Yesterday she was so angry, but she couldn’t have forgiven me already, right? No, even a few minutes ago she still seemed to hate me.

Suddenly Minami let out a cry and hugged the surprised Atsuko as tight as she could and started to sob into her leather jacket as if there was no tomorrow. Everyone stared at them. Kumi, who had been preparing the meal with her back to the table turned around and almost dropped the pan she was holding.
“Oh!” she squealed in delight while her cheeks turned light pink. Ayaka shot her a death glare to make her shut up.
Atsuko’s hand trembled slightly as she placed it on Minami’s hair. She closed her eyes and for a second she allowed herself to be just Atsuko, just the girl who was vulnerable somewhere deep inside.
“I’m sure… that you’re friend is fine” she looked at he companions helplessly as she had no experience in comforting people and she feared that she may make things worse. Sayaka gave an approving nod and Mariko inspected her nails and pretended not to pay attention. “Uuhm… You’ll be able to go home soon. Just stay with me a little bit? Even though you may”, Atsuko gulped, “hate me”

But I feel that you don’t, right Minami? You don’t hate me.

Suddenly a door opened and Yuko walked into the room. She had bags under her eyes but when she saw the scene in front of her she smirked.
“Oi, Atsuko, you’re pressing her face into your boobs”
Minami shot up and mumbled something to herself. Atsuko noticed that her ears were flaming red.
“Yuko-sama! Why did you interrupt their moment?” Sae sounded like she was not able to comprehend her mistress’ doing at all. “They were cute, weren’t they Sayaka?” 
“Hm” the woman who had one arm around Sae’s shoulder nodded. Both of them were still pale but they seemed to be doing well regarding their injuries.
“Of course we are” Atsuko grinned and pulled Minami closer to her again. Tears were still trickling down her face and she wanted to wipe them away. Atsuko raised her thumb to Minami’s left cheek and to her surprise the girl didn’t even flinch.

Minami… you’re too kind.

“Eeeks!” Kumi squealed at Atsuko’s movement and not even Ayaka could do anything against it. Sae broke into a grin and nudged Sayaka who smiled proudly.
“Okay, enough you guys” Mariko’s voice was quiet but everyone’s attention turned to her immediately. “This is serious”
Sayaka straightened in her seat and put both of her hands on the table in front of her. One of them was wrapped up tightly and she gazed at it sadly.
“I can’t fight properly” she said quietly.
“Me neither” Sae shot a look of guilt at Yuko. “I’m sorry”
“It’s alright” Yuko was serious. “It’s Yamamoto’s fault”
Atsuko played with a strand of Minami’s hair.
“What are we going to do now?” Ayaka looked at Mariko who leant back on her chair. The silence seemed to be dragged out eternally as everyone waited for the answer of the boss.

CoF backup House, 08:42 AM

Minami had been sent outside with Kumi. The CoF members had wanted to discuss their new strategy without any witnesses and Minami was almost thankful that she didn’t have to hear everything they said. Her entire stock of values had been turned upside down.

And all with one gentle touch. This can’t be healthy, really it isn’t.

Minami kicked a small stone that lay in the yard outside of the house and watched it roll towards the massive metal gate. After she had stepped outside she had found herself in a tiny yard, surrounded by flower beds and a wall. Everything was small but the neighborhood was exclusive from what she could see through the gate.
“Are you coming?”
“Hm?” Minami looked at Kumi who marched towards the gate. “What are you doing?”
“I need to go to the supermarket” Kumi shrugged as she reached for the metal poles of the gate.

She’s not going to climb, right?

The maid placed one foot between two poles. Then she stretched up to an intersection that formed a diamond-pattern and grabbed the gate with one hand. Minami watched with her mouth wide open as Kumi started to make her way up with an agility that she had not expected.
“B- be careful of those pointy thingies on top” she warned.
“Don’t worry” Kumi giggled. “It’s not that hard. Are you coming?”

She doesn’t really expect me to follow her, right?

“I think I’ll pass” Minami crossed her arms and nodded towards the house. “I’m kind of kidnapped so I shouldn’t, you know, escape or something. They may send the dogs after me or something. Wait, do they have dogs?”

I can imagine that boss to have dogs. She’s scary enough.

“I don’t know”
Minami laughed nervously as she suddenly noticed something around the corner of the house that looked suspiciously like a doghouse.

Something moved in there…

“I’m coming”

CoF backup House, 08:42 AM

Atsuko looked at Mariko expectedly. The leader sighed as she opened her mouth and started to speak.
“Acchan. Care to explain why we have a prisoner who you seem to be quite familiar with?”
“Ask Umeda” Atsuko smirked as the inexperienced assassin stared at her wide-eyed.
“Well…” Ayaka bit her lower lip. “I think the question is rather why said prisoner was standing on the street and screamed ‘Maeda Atsuko, I hate you’.  After she got out of that mud puddle, of course”

Mud puddle? That sounds like her.

“Mud puddle?” Yuko grinned. “She’s quite a catch, Acchan”
“I know” Atsuko smirked. “But it’s your fault that Yamamoto got away because of this, right Umeda? If you had just ignored Minami and went after that shoplifting girl we wouldn’t have had any of this trouble”

Yes Umeda, process it, this is all your fault.

“It was never the original plan to send that Rino chick away! I should have waited for the commands of someone who’s more competent than you!”

Okay, now you’re getting it.

“You were obviously not able to handle the situation on your own. How long have you been working with that pathetic lighter? Face it girl, you’re still a newbie in this business”
“Is that so? Somehow it seems to me that I’m more objective than you with your love-clouded mind!”
“Don’t you talk about love, alright? You got no fucking idea what it’s like to lose the one you love!”
“Oh? You’ve been over her soon, huh? After all that Minami is your new lover, right?”

“She’s n-“  Oh let that stupid girl think whatever she wants to think. “She is”

Ayaka smiled triumphantly as she heard Atsuko’s words.
“That’s your explanation Mariko-sama. Maeda-san is blinded by her affection for that girl! I had to take her! She knows too much about us, she’s seen everything at the factory and I’m convinced that Maeda-san told her a lot of things beforehand!”

When did that newbie become so cunning?

“Yeah, yeah, yeah” Atsuko smirked at Ayaka and lowered her voice. “Of course I did. But you know Ayaka… Minami is not what she appears to be. She’s a vampire!”
“Oh, stop kidding me! This is serious!” Ayaka jumped up from her seat. “Maeda-san! I’m only trying my best to keep CoF going!”
“Both of you, stop” Mariko ordered calmly. “I’ll discuss this with you separately. Let’s move on to more important points, shall we?”
“Yamamoto” hissed Yuko.
“Yamamoto” Mariko nodded. “At the moment she has highest priority, before Yokoyama, am I clear Acchan?”

Of course. I’ll get my revenge Mariko-sama, trust me.

“Good” Yuko smirked. “We want that skank dead, right Twin towers?”
“Yeah!” Sae started to bounce on her chair. “She hurt my Sayaka!”
Sayaka smiled and brushed Sae’s cheek with her lips, not without blushing.
“Don’t underestimate her” Mariko shook her head. “I hate to say that but I don’t know what she’s up to, now that she officially dragged the police into this and risked that they would end up with the glory of catching us. That doesn’t seem like her”
“Hmmm” Yuko tipped her chin with her fingers. “It’s impossible to figure out, right? We should have killed her right on the spot instead of kidnapping her like that. Mariko-sama?”
“I wonder… why did you tell me that it’s fine to abduct her in a public place like this?”
Mariko smiled.
“I’m not sure… I had a good feeling about this”
“Good feeling?” Atsuko chuckled. “Didn’t turn out the way you thought, huh?”
“Who knows… It might be fate after all.”
“Fate…” Yuko smiled bitterly. “All I know is that we can’t predict the ending of this”
“By the way” Sayaka furrowed her brows. “Has anyone informed Tomo~mi about yesterday’s events? She may only be the cleaning Lady but she knows a lot about us that shouldn’t end up in the police records”

A supermarket nearby, 09:10 AM

Minami pushed the cart through the aisles. She admired Kumi for being so carefree. The secretary hummed a melody and randomly threw things into the cart. Minami was not completely sure if she should tell her that there was no need to buy a Halloween costume but regarding the fact that Kumi was part of a criminal organization she decided to ignore it. The other customers were looking at them strangely and Minami felt that they did not really fit in. She would bet that half of the people were maids or cooks of important families who went shopping for their employers.
The supermarket was indeed located in an expensive neighborhood. On their way from the CoF house, they had seen a lot of huge mansions, protected by fences and dogs. It didn’t look really inviting and Minami was dying to know just why the CoF backup house was located in this part of the city.
“Uhm, Yagami-san?”
The girl didn’t react.
“Yagami-san? Yagami-san!”
“Oh me?” Kumi pointed at herself and smiled. “Sorry, for a minute I had forgotten that that’s my name. Just call me Kuumin, that’s something I can remember”
“Oh, okay. Uhm Kuumin-san, could you tell me what exactly CoF is?”
“CoF” Kumi tipped her chin with her finger. “Do you think we need more toilet paper? Or maybe pink toilet paper? Anyway CoF means Community of Females. It’s because of the factory”

I don’t get it.

“Well, the factory was owned by Shinoda-sama’s dad. He produced nursery bras and Shinoda- sama’s mother was a midwife who had a meeting room for her clients on the top floor. You know, they had like a secret mommy circle and that’s what they called Community of Females. After the factory shut down and Shinoda-sama established her business she kept the name”

That’s too weird. Really, that’s just… gross. Somehow, I mean…

Minami shook her head as she tried to silence her imagination, process the information she was just given and to figure out if the other girl was making fun of her. Then, suddenly, she spotted someone in the corner of her eyes. She almost ran into a shelf that held vegetables in cans, but Kumi yanked her back with surprisingly good reflexes, only to stumble herself and fall headfirst into the peas. Minami didn’t even notice because she was staring towards the exit. 

That’s not who I think that is, right?

A girl stood waiting in the queue to pay. She could only see her from behind but the school uniform was all too familiar to her.

Okay, maybe I’m seeing things.

“Kumi-san, do you see that girl? In the blue school uniform?”
“Huh?” Kumi blinked and rubbed her forehead. She picked up the six cans of peas she had knocked out of the shelf and placed them in the cart. Then she finally looked over to the queue. “She’s cute. But… you’re not into her right? Because… because…” Kumi made a fist and pouted cutely. “That would hurt Maeda-san!”
“WHAT? No, no, no, you got it wrong!” Minami shook her head furiously.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes” Minami whispered because people were staring at them already. Quickly she pulled Kumi around the corner to stare at the queue from a secret hiding position. “I’m totally not interested, I mean in neither, I mean…”

What am I saying anyway? This is not… Wait, the topic, back to the original topic… Mayu.

“Takahashi-san… your ears are red” 
Minami sighed and wondered what destiny was up to. If she talked to Mayu now she’d be in a tricky situation, after all she was kidnapped. But she wanted to ask about Miichan’s whereabouts so desperately… She shook her head and stared at her shoes. This whole situation was just stupid. And maybe she didn’t want to know what happened to Miichan, she just couldn’t.
“Hey! You! School girl!” Kumi jumped out of hiding, yelled and waved her arm.
“What are you doing?” hissed Minami.
“Didn’t you want to talk to her?”
“No! Well, yeah, but I need time to prepare myself!” Minami looked over to the queue and found Mayu staring back at her.

I should have stayed in the yard. Breaking the rules is no good after all.

She waved awkwardly. Mayu stared, then she turned around. Obviously she didn’t want to talk to her and for once Minami was glad.

She doesn’t know yet that I’m supposed to be missing, but as soon as she goes to the travel agency the others will tell her and then she’ll tell them that she saw me and then the… the police will come here.

“Kuumin-san, we’re in trouble” Minami grabbed Kumi’s arm. “I HAVE to talk to her”

I don’t want the police to catch Acchan because of me, I could not stand that.

“I knew it” Kumi nodded. “Hey! You girl!”
Mayu didn’t react and Minami was starting to panic. The younger girl was already paying and almost ready to leave.
“Kumi-san, is it alright if I leave the shopping to you and go after her?”
Without waiting for an answer, Minami pushed her way through the people who were waiting to pay and ran after the school girl. She caught her in front of the building and grabbed her arm.
“What do you want Takahashi?” Mayu spun around and yanked her arm out of Minami’s grip. “Do you want to ask me why I’m not at school once again?”
“Well, I… Why aren’t you at school?”
Mayu crossed her arms in front of her chest.  “Why aren’t you at work?”
“Oh” Minami searched for an answer. “I got kinda kidnapped. That’s why you can’t tell anyone that you saw me?”
Mayu just stared at her, unmoved except for the hair that the wind played with.
Okay, how do I put this…

“Uhm, have you ever heard of CoF? They are a criminal organization with their origins in a mommy circle and they are dangerous and they kidnapped me!”
“Yeah! You can ask the police!”
“How did you manage?” Mayu asked seriously.
“What? Why?”
“Well, when I was a kid, I wanted someone to kidnap me, but nobody did even though I was rich and cute. You’re neither but still they kidnap you. How?”
“Why would you want somebody to kidnap you?”
Mayu shrugged but Minami could see sadness in her eyes that she hadn’t noticed before.

Something is seriously wrong with her.

“Mayu” Minami sighed. “What’s the matter? Come on, let me help you!”
“I’m fine Takahashi-san. Besides shouldn’t you get back to your ‘kidnapper’?”
Mayu pointed at Kumi who had just exited the supermarket and was struggling with the shopping bags.
“She can wait. She’s the kidnapper’s secretary anyway. Mayu, why don’t you go to school?”
“Gosh, Takahashi-san if you don’t want me to tell anyone why you’re not at work why would you ask for my reasons then?”
“I’m an adult! I can take care of myself!”
Mayu scoffed and looked Minami up and down.
“You look like a kid though”

What’s that supposed to mean?

Mayu turned around.
“If you mind, I’m going back to school now. I’ve got an important test today but before noon I’ll be finished and then I’ll be on my way to the travel agency”
With that she walked away and left Minami behind. The older woman stared after her for a second than she turned around to look for Kumi. The secretary was still fighting with the bags and didn’t pay any attention.

If I follow her now… I can’t just let her go like that. And I didn’t ask about Miichan…

Once more Minami looked at Kumi. She felt kind of guilty. After all the poor girl would be in trouble if she let her escape. Still…

Acchan… You know that I wouldn’t escape, right? I just found you again and you’re living this kind of a life… I don’t want you to struggle alone. I’ll be back.

And then, Minami followed Mayu.

CoF backup house, 09:52 AM

Atsuko stared at Kumi.
“Where. Is. Minami.”
“I don’t know” Kumi glance was fixed firmly on her feet. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. “Maeda-san, I swear, I don’t know”
“Kumi” Mariko pushed Atsuko to the side and with a surprisingly soft voice she continued. “I know that you don’t always think about everything that happens around you but sometimes it’s important. Can you tell us what exactly happened at the supermarket?”
Kumi wiped her tears away and looked at the boss.
“There were a lot of people”

Idiot! That won’t help me find Minami!

Atsuko was just about to say something rude to the secretary when she felt Yuko’s small hand on her shoulder. Her mentor shook her head and gave her a warning glare.
“What else happened Kumi?”
“Well, Takahashi-san wanted to talk to another girl but she didn’t want to talk to her but then she went after her and then she was gone. She wore a blue school uniform”
“A school uniform?” Mariko furrowed her brows. “Ayaka, Atsuko, Yuko, go and check the surroundings. See if you can find a school”
“Of course” Ayaka looked at their leader. “What are we supposed to do when we find them?”
“Bring them back, what else?” Atsuko hissed. Ayaka just looked at her.

What else could we do with them? Ayaka you shouldn’t be thinking… Don’t dare to think…

Suddenly Atsuko was very well aware what she would have done a few weeks ago. She would have made sure to clean up this mess. She would have gotten rid of all witnesses once and for all. And it disgusted her. To know what she would have done, to know what she did do in so many situations… it disgusted her.

But… this is Minami!

“No!” Atsuko suddenly yelled and leaped towards Ayaka, but Yuko held her back. She twisted her arm on her back and kicked into the back of her knee, so she fell to the ground.
“Ayaka is not a bad person. Don’t worry Acchan”
“Let me go!” Atsuko struggled but Yuko was still more experienced than her and wouldn’t let go. Helplessly she had to watch as Ayaka exited the room and Mariko waved for Kumi and the Twin Towers to follow her outside.
“Can we talk calmly now?” Yuko asked. Atsuko forced herself to nod and seconds later she felt her mentor loosen her grip.

What if she hurts her?

“Yuko. I have to go after them”
“No you don’t” Yuko shook her head and sat on the couch. She pulled Atsuko next to her. “As I said, Ayaka is not as bad as you think. She’s passionate about CoF but she has her reasons”
“Reasons” Atsuko spat the word out. “We all thought we had reasons to do this, right?”
“When did you become so bitter?” Yuko sighed. “Look, you haven’t been yourself since Haruka’s death, I know that. And now that you’re worried about Minami things have gotten out of hand”
“What are you trying to imply? That we should get rid of her, yes?”
“Atsuko, no! I’m not a monster. I understand what you feel but I understand Ayaka’s worries as well. You put all the blame on her and she fears the entire time that she’s doing something wrong. CoF is all she has”
“CoF is everything to all of us, you know that”
“Yes. But we never knew anything else. You grew up in an orphanage, didn’t you?”

Oh come on Yuko, why are we taking a trip down memory lane?

“The life you lived was miserable before you got here. You had nothing to lose, nothing to give up. Ayaka however… She didn’t become an assassin because she wanted to. She had a family, a home, a job, friends… She’s stronger than you think”
“Oh really?” Atsuko looked at Yuko. “Are you sure you don’t want me to pity her so I will leave her alone?”
“Oh Atsuko, fuck this! You make me angry, you know that?” Yuko suddenly jumped up from the couch. “You turned out to be absolutely unbearable, you hear me? Always bitching! Girl, show your sweet side a little bit! I’m sure you’re midget hasn’t left you, can’t you see that she’s like the personification of kind and, moreover that she loves you?”

What? I thought this was about Umeda! What does Minami… why…

“I wouldn’t say that she loves me”
Yuko threw her hands up in the air.
“See?! Just an hour ago you said the complete opposite!”

Okay, yeah I guess I did.

“Ha! Gotcha! You’re smiling Acchan, you’re smiling!”
“No, I’m not”
“Yes, you are! Show me that beautiful smile, show me that smile!”
“No” Atsuko tried to control her face but unfortunately Yuko’s smile was addicting.
“That’s what I wanted to see. To be honest just thinking about her makes you smile, right? Right, right, right?”
“Stop hopping around like a squirrel on drugs” Atsuko mumbled.
“Ahaha! Nu-uh, no way! Come on! Get your ass up, go and look for her, go, go, go!”
“Yuko, what the heck did you eat?”

She’s so crazy sometimes! But she seems happy. She seems really happy.

“Go Acchan, go Acchan, go Aaaaacchan!”
Atsuko was still grinning as she left the house. She didn’t see that the smile disappeared from Yuko’s face and got replaced by a sad look.
“Maybe the two of you can accomplish what we didn’t”
Then as if all energy was drained from her, Yuko fell back on the couch and massaged her temples. She stared at the white wall in front of her and gave in to her memories.

Characters (will probably get updated when we know more about the girls)

Main Characters

Takahashi Minami (21)
Minami lives alone in a small house with a tiny garden. She’s been living with her mother until she died two years ago after Minami’s brother was killed in an illegal car race at age 15. Minami works at the luxurious agency Kuramochi Travels as a manager even though she did not graduate from university. However she has always been a hard worker. She is sometimes awkward around people but very kind. Her best friend is Minegishi Minami who has been on her heels ever since they went to Kindergarten together.

Maeda Atsuko (21)
Acchan is an assassin. She has been part of CoF for 3 years now and is one of Japan’s top killers. She used to work together with her partner Nakagawa Haruka who she was secretly in love with but didn’t confess to. After Haruka is killed she is broken and reckless but Minami is able to comfort her.


Yagami Kumi (18)
Kumi is the secretary (official title)/maid/cook of CoF. She has been around Shinoda Mariko ever since she was a baby and never finished highschool. She is extremely loyal but actually possesses advanced fighting skills.

Shinoda Mariko (30)
Mariko is the boss of CoF. She established the company together with Oshima Yuko 7 years ago in the old nursery-bra-factory of her father after she got into trouble with the Yakuza.

Nakagawa Haruka (21)

Haruka was an assassin. She grew up in an orphanage together with Maeda Atsuko. She died when she tried to kill Yokoyama Yui.

Kasai Tomomi (21)
Tomo~mi is the cleaning lady at CoF. She’s usually chatting with Yagami Kumi or on a date.

Oshima Yuko (24)
Yuko is an assassin. She has been part of CoF for 7 years and is Maeda Atsuko’s mentor. She is wanted by the police because she is proven guilty of the murder of at least 13 people. She has actually been to jail once but broke out. Kojima Haruna was the love of her life. 

Umeda Ayaka (22)
Ayaka an assassin. She’s new in CoF.

Kuramochi Travels

Kuramochi Asuka (22)

Asuka is the owner of Kuramochi Travels. She took over the company from her father as soon as she graduated highschool. She is extremely rich, organized and beautiful and she has a light crush on Takahashi Minami.

Maeda Ami (19)
Ami is the secretary of Takahashi Minami. 

Miyazaki Miho (19)
Myao is an employee at Kuramochi Travels. She does not come from a wealthy family and thus is the most comfortable around Takahashi Minami who she admires in secret.

Kashiwagi Yuki (22)
Yukirin is an employee at Kuramochi Travels. She comes from a wealthy family and is carefree. Her main occupation is shopping and she doesn’t seem to notice Watanabe Mayu’s feelings for her.

Watanabe Miyuki (19)

Milky is an employee at Kuramochi Travels. She comes from a wealthy family and her cousin is Watanabe Mayu.

Investigators & Police

Yamamoto Sayaka (22)
Sayanee is a private investigator. She is a specialist when it comes to disguises and known for usually not working with the police or completely legal measures.  She became an investigator even though her entire family consists of criminals.

Sashihara Rino (19)
Sasshi is Yamamoto Sayaka’s sidekick. She agreed to become the investigator’s assistant when she caught her shoplifting but didn’t inform anyone about it. Even though she is pretty useless and unmotivated she tries her best.

Takajo Aki (25)
Aki is a Detective and in charge of the CoF case.

The Yokoyama Organisation

Yokoyama Yui (19)
Yuihan is the illegitimate daughter of a corrupt politician. She is CoF’s current target.

Shimazaki Haruka (19)
Paruru is Yokoyama Yui’s maid.

Sato Amina (20)

Amina was Yokoyama Yui’s maid. She was killed by Maeda Atsuko.


Minegishi Minami (21)
Miichan is a restaurant owner. She is loud and crazy and even though her food at The Old Coin looks disgusting it’s actually great. Her best friend is Takahashi Minami who she would do anything for. As she tried to rescue her she got caught in an explosion, her current state is unknown.

Watanabe Mayu (17)
Mayuyu is a high school student. She skips school a lot because she gets bullied. She flirts with Kashiwagi Yuki who is oblivious to her feelings.

Kojima Haruna
Haruna was Oshima Yuko’s lover.

Furukawa Airi, Takyanagi Akane, Hata Sawako

Airi, Akane and Sawako snuck into the CoF headquarters a few years ago, thinking it was a haunted factory. The caught some of the assassin’s activity on tape, mistaking the noises from the arms for supernatural activity. In order to make sure that the factory stays out of the news they were killed by Oshima Yuko.

Appearing soon

Kitahara Rie
Matsui  Jurina
Matsui Rena
Itano Tomomi
Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: bimbo on December 09, 2012, 04:23:02 PM
Somehow I'm getting more scared to Yuko and Acchan after reading the character list  :scared:

I can smell more love love scene coming soon  :nya:

Atsumina! Atsumina! Atsumina!  :luvluv1:
Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: TakaminaBG on December 09, 2012, 04:23:37 PM
G,o, ACCHAN!!!!!! Find Minami and KISS HER!!!  :hiakhiakhiak:
Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: Pdpond on December 09, 2012, 04:24:54 PM
Oh! It more than week;thanks for new up date.
Acchan admitte minami is your lover :heart:
ahh! Poor minami,you made acchan worrie about you again.
I want to know a past of yuko.
still love this fic and waiting for new update.
Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: takamae on December 09, 2012, 04:38:34 PM
Of course I want minami together with her lady assassin

I kinda wish acchan just believe that minami will come back, that will be so sweet  :wub:
but going after the one she love ain't bad either  :w00t: need to focus
She will get in trouble if she keep running around like now, right??

Thanx for the update ^^
Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: arrow27 on December 09, 2012, 07:34:47 PM
Thanks for the update :D Really liked this chapter :3 Loving all the characters, each one is unique in their own way. & lol Minami ditched poor Kumi :P Hope all goes well though, she meant well when she followed Mayu.

Looking forward to ur next update as always :D
Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: ikun1216 on December 09, 2012, 10:31:21 PM
 :farofflook: fffff you're killing me here!  :farofflook:
The amount of Atsumina moments and Saeyaka moments. . .and Yuko. .oh Yuko. . .</3 I would love to hug her, but she might end me  :nervous
Kumi . . . I love what your character of her is, I'd love to buy groceries with her one day.  I wonder if her personality is because of Mariko-Sama since she's been with her for 12 years now.
Those parts were once again wonderfully written but that's not what killed me.

Oh no. :OMG: Ayaka's background! My curiosity will soon get the best of me before your next update. Heart.. What are your reasons for living this life? What made you do this? (I want to hold her too. . but I'm not so sure she'd end me. . .then again I might be alright with that)  :frustrated:

And now you're saying Tomochin is going to show up soon?

 :heart:  :inlove:  :heart:
there's already too many deadly/beautiful girls for my heart to handle, and you've done so much to it already!

I liked what you did with the Character explanations, from the looks of it Takamina is really popular with the ladies. No surprise there!
Though I wonder how she would react to Miho liking here.
I'm not sure how patient I can be now,  but I'll do my best to wait for your next update.
Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: Haruko on December 10, 2012, 03:32:11 AM
G,o, ACCHAN!!!!!! Find Minami and KISS HER!!!  :hiakhiakhiak:

yeah! why not :B
Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: KojiYuu44 on December 10, 2012, 04:13:16 AM
thank you for the update :)
I can feel the love coming  :wub:
I want to know more about Yuko's past  :bow:
Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: DC2805 on December 10, 2012, 01:49:49 PM
Can't wait for Rena and Jurina to appear! And i hope to see more interactions between mayuki!
Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: miayaka on December 10, 2012, 02:01:18 PM
ATSUMINA kyaaaaaaa so much!!!! Thank you!

acchan and yuko chara were cool!!!! nyahahahaha
yuko's past is interesting!
i cant wait
i cant wait
i cant wait!!!!

Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: kahem on December 10, 2012, 07:12:04 PM
I wanna know what happened to Kojiharu
lol Kuumin is so carefree xD
Can't wait for the new character to appear
Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: hazwani on December 14, 2012, 05:13:09 AM
lol...minami escape??
what happen??

atsuko go find you girl  XD
Title: Re: (Dec 9) Killer Queen: Chapter 6 (Atsumina) + Character list
Post by: fffff on December 15, 2012, 06:49:09 PM
I've been in a super lazy and bad mood today, but I still managed to write the last few sentences this chapter was still missing, so, yeah.
Anyway, tell me what you think!

I'm not sure when I'll be able to update, with Christmas coming up and the entire big family party and everything. I really can't promise anything... next saturday(my update day as you know) is the 22nd already and I still only got a present for my Mom and no one else! I'm done for. I'm so done.

Thank you for your comments last chapter!
@ bimbo: I've been actually trying my best to have many Atsumina scenes in this chapter so...
@ TakaminaBG: The long awaited kiss... no, no, I don't think so.
@ Pdpond: I'm on time with this update! (woohoo!) Yuko's past... we'll know soon.
@ takamae: I actually thought about that but then I was like 'naaah, that's too sweet for her'. Trouble? Takamina doesn't have to run around to get in trouble, it'll come to her.
@ arrow27: I'm a bit weak with character development so I'm glad if you like them.
@ ikun1216: Man, I love your long comments. I'm glad that you like my story that much! Ume has her own story, that's true. I'll reveal it eventually. Tomochin... she's going to show up pretty late I fear. But she'll be there, be patient! Oh, and call me Fiffi!
@ Haruko: 'Cause I'm the boss here and the Atsumina kiss will happen when I can't bear their longing anymore and just have to unite them as a couple.   :lol:
@ KojiYuu44: Yuko's past will be revealed at some point, trust me. It was actually a short side story at first but then I couldn't find the right place for it in the story and now we'll just have her tell them at some point, huh?
@ DC2805: I agree. I need to write more Mayuki but I only get the chance when one of my main characters is around the two of them... I'll see what I can do.
@ miayaka: I hope you'll like Atsumina in this chapter as well!
@ kahem: Kojiharu's story will be told somewhere in future chapters...
@ hazwani: Hehe, those two belong together.

Chapter 7

A school, 09:43 AM

Minami watched Mayu disappear through the gates. To be honest she hadn’t thought that the girl would actually go back to finish her test but she was glad that she had been wrong.

So I went after her for nothing, huh?

She walked closer to the gate. The bell rang and all of the students that had been outside in the yard started to go inside. Soon the area was deserted. Minami pondered if she should take a closer look, not that she was curious but her feelings told her that she should check this place out.
“Excuse me?”
Startled Minami squealed and spun around. She found a woman looking at her. She was relatively young and wore a dark green blazer and a matching pencil skirt. Her hair was tied up into a knot neatly and her glasses blinked in the morning sun.

Oh my gosh, that’s a teacher. She looks so strict… what do I do? She’ll think I’m some kind of a stalker! What if she thinks that I’m a pervert who disguised himself as a girl to take a peek at the students?

“Do you happen to be the nanny of Watanabe Mayu?”

Nanny? She’s like 17 and does still have a nanny?

“That is indeed me, yes”

Minami! You know you shouldn’t lie! Ah, it just slipped out. What do I do now?

“I’m Kitahara Rie, her homeroom teacher. Should we go inside?”
“Inside? Uhm, yes, yes, sure, of course!”
Minami bowed politely. She was not entirely sure what she had just gotten herself into and felt quite uneasy as she stepped into the building. The school was nice, freshly renovated and clean.
“What a nice place” Minami praised in order to start a conversation. She felt extremely awkward and guilty and couldn’t help but to look out of every window they passed, just to see if there wasn’t the real nanny waiting outside. However, the teacher seemed not to notice how fast Minami’s heart was pounding. Neither did she see that the other woman was tripping in the middle of the corridor without any clear reason.
 “We try our best. This way please” Rie opened a door and showed Minami into a small room with a desk and two chairs. “Take a seat”
“Thank you” Minami fiddled with them hem of her shirt.

I don’t look like the nanny of some rich kid at all. Can she see the sweat drops on my forehead? Does she suspect anything?

“I’m really glad that you finally came. I’ve been trying to get into contact with the Watanabe family for some time now. After you didn’t show up to the previous two dates I had almost given up hope”
“Oh” Minami scratched her head nervously but then she noticed that a well-behaved nanny wouldn’t do so. “I just started to work for the Watanabe family. I’m somewhat new at this”
“Oh” the teacher smiled sadly. “That makes you the third nanny this month then”

The third? Mayu, what have you done?!

“Yes, that’s …sad. So, what did you want to talk about Kitahara-sensei?”
“It’s about Watanabe-san’s problems at school”

I figured.

“Problems? I always got the impression that she was smart?”
“She is bright, yes, but…” the teacher placed a paper in front of Minami. “That’s her attendance record”

Mayu! That’s worse than I thought! You’re barely ever there!

“Yes. I think you understand why I’m a bit worried”
“Yes, absolutely. To be honest I’m worried myself. Mayu claims that she does not have any friends at school” Minami stated, remembering Mayu’s words. Rie sighed.
“I fear that this could be true”
“Really? But… I mean… the school has at least 300 students, right? Not all of them can hate her, can they?”

If that’s true…poor Mayu.

“Well” the teacher seemed to be uncomfortable. “Since you’re new to the family I should probably start at the beginning. You’re aware of the family conditions I assume?”
“Yes. I, I know her cousin!”

Ha! That’s not even a lie!

“Ah, yes, Watanabe Miyuki. I remember her. She attended this school as well. I guess you could say that Watanabe-san’s troubles started when her cousin graduated this year. You see, Watanabe-san was never a socially active person. A sheer contrast to her cousin I may add. She had a few friends though and was especially close to one girl. Did she talk to you about her?”

Mayu does not like to talk to me, I fear.

“No. As I said, I haven’t known her for a long period”
“Right” Rie put her fingertips together. “She was very close to Matsui Jurina. Matsui-san was really popular and had company the entire time but she preferred to spend time with Watanabe-san instead. It was really cute”
“Oh. So… what happened?”
“I’m afraid that it’s partly my fault” Rie lowered her head. “At the ending of last school year I took the class on a camping trip. It was probably a stupid idea, considering that all of these kids are high society and used to be surrounded by all kinds of luxury and… bodyguards… and… To take them into the woods just like that, I really…”
“It’s alright” Minami said softly. She couldn’t stand to see a person as sad as this woman. “You wanted to do something good, right?”
“Yes, but it went so terribly wrong. I separated the students in groups of three and sent them on small missions. They were 23 people, so in the end, Matsui-san and Watanabe-san were left as a group of two. I thought it was alright to send them out just like this, but they just didn’t come back!”
“What do you mean?”

If I imagine that… that’s creepy!

“Well, the sun sunk and they weren’t back to the camp. I knew that Matsui-san was really scared of the dark, so I got worried and went to look for them…” the teacher’s voice broke.
“And then?” Minami whispered.
“Watanabe-san… someone must have knocked her unconscious. And Matsui-san had disappeared”
“Disappeared…” Minami echoed. Rie nodded.
“It happens… That one of these rich kids gets kidnapped that’s not unusual. But the time went by and nobody demanded ransom. That’s when the rumors started”

This sounds like a ghost story. Like a real scary ghost story. Mayu... 

“Well, as I said, Matsui-san was really popular and girls as well as boys had been jealous of Watanabe-san’s bond with her. They started to say that she killed her”
“They did what?”

Who would say something this cruel?

“They called her murderer and left notes and stuff in her locker. And as the new school year started it got even worse. There were new students who had not known Matsui-san and therefore did have no respect for her. For them Watanabe-san was just the scary senior they could pull pranks on, not somebody who was suffering a great loss”

I think I understand now.

“Have you tried to talk to Mayu’s parents? About her changing schools maybe?”
Rie shrugged.
“They want to avoid the issue. It seems that the Matsui family was involved in some shady dealings. I personally believe that their daughter had to die as a result of these illegal dark deeds”
“You think that she’s…dead?”

Something like this would be the job of an assassin, right? And the main assassins around here are part of CoF.

“Are you crying? I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to… I don’t even know you’re name, I really am bad at this”
“It’s alright” Minami sniffled. “I’m bad as a nanny as well”

Should I say my real name? No… the police must be looking for me.

“I’m Minegishi Minami, but only Minami is fine”

Forgive me, Miichan

“Ah. Call me Rie then. Minami-san, do you think you can help Watanabe-san? Her previous nannys didn’t really have any connection to her, but you seem different”
I wish.
“I’ll try. I’ll definitely try”
“I’m glad” Rie smiled brightly.
“Do you” Minami sniffled. “By any chance have a picture of Matsui Jurina? I would just like to know what she looked like, just because…”
“A picture? No but I think there’s one in the yearbook of last year. Excuse me for a moment”
Minami nodded and fiddled with her fingers as Rie started to roam through her desk. Mayu’s story had left her speechless. She had known that something was wrong but she couldn’t have imagined that it was possibly that bad.

And if CoF, if Acchan is involved, what should I do?

“Here you go” Rie slipped the open book on the table in front of Minami. The picture on the page showed a class and in the front row, on the right side stood Mayu. She had a dazzling smile on her face and just looking at it made Minami’s mouth curve upwards. A tall girl stood next to Mayu. She had her arm around Mayu’s shoulders and looked into the camera with a challenging look.
“That’s Matsui Jurina” Rie stated. Minami nodded and found herself looking for anything in Jurina that resembled Yuki in any way. After all, Mayu was madly in love with the older woman, but from what she had just heard from the teacher she felt that Mayu’s heart originally belonged her friend from school.
“They are so different” she mumbled amazed.

The only thing they have in common is their height.

“Matsui-san and Watanabe-san? Yes, indeed” Rie nodded and closed the book. “Minami-san, I don’t want to kick you out but I got some tests to correct. If you don’t mind we could meet again another time” The teacher smiled apologizing.
“Of course” Minami nodded. “Just contact Ma-“ she bit her tongue. For a moment she had forgotten that she was not really Mayu’s nanny but instead still a person who was supposed to be missing. “I shall be going. Sorry, if Mayu caused trouble to you” Minami stood up and bowed. Rie nodded sadly.
Minami walked out of the room almost tripping on the folds of the carpet. Her hands were so sweaty that she feared she would leave marks on the doorknob.

Mayu… I did not know you had to go through so much.

Somewhere in the neighborhood, 10:19 AM

Atsuko saw a familiar figure.
“Minami!” she called out angrily. The small woman spun around as she heard Atsuko’s voice, a nervous smile on her face.
“H-hey Acchan… I was just looking for you” she stammered. Atsuko had to keep herself from running over to her and… well, she couldn’t decide between hugging and punching.
“Where have you bee?” she asked coolly with her hand in her pockets.
“Around… I. uhhmm…” Minami looked at her feet, at the sky, everywhere to avoid Atsuko’s
“Aha?” Atsuko fought with a smile. She was still somewhat angry, but looking at that girl who was just too bad at lying or at hiding things made her grin inwardly.
“ I… I wanted to ask about Miichan, but then I didn’t and…” Minami looked away and Atsuko noticed that her eyes were red from crying.
“I told you that she should be okay!” she said a bit impatient.
“I know but she’s Miichan! She won’t listen to anyone and… she’s too kind!”

The kind ones are always the ones to get themselves into trouble, huh Minami?

“It’s alright” Atsuko said as soft as she could muster and stepped closer. “Come on” she lay an arm around Minami’s shoulder and to her surprise the woman gave in to her embrace.

She fits into my arms just right…

“I… you… I would have come back. I wouldn’t leave just like, like that, you know?” Minami stammered with her cheeks heating up and finally Atsuko couldn’t hold back that smile.
“Of course you would have. But I don’t want it to happen anymore”
“I pro-“
“No” Atsuko put her hand on Minami’s mouth. Surprised by her own action she continued, not knowing where exactly her words came from. “Don’t promise. You’re the kind of person who would never break their promises so… don’t”

One day it would be better for you to leave, I know that.

CoF Backup House, 10:25 Am

Minami had not yet figured out what exactly she was supposed to feel. There were so many things that bothered her- Miichan’s well-being and of course Mayu’s problems. However she could not dare to ask Acchan if there was any involvement of CoF in Matsui Jurina’s case.
Minami felt her arm around her shoulder as they arrived in front of the CoF house. Everyone seemed to be waiting in the yard and Atsuko tensed up immediately.
“I found her” she announced dryly. Mariko nodded. Sae and Sayaka were standing behind her, Ayaka and Yuko leant on the wall of the house and Kumi peeked out of the door, a bright smile on her face. She mouthed something towards Minami who couldn’t understand what exactly the girl meant to say.
“Good” Not a single muscle in Mariko’s face twitched as she spoke and Minami couldn’t help but shutter. Immediately she felt Atsuko’s grasp tighten, a simple gesture that still made her blush and look down.
“It won’t happen again” Atsuko’s voice was clear, her words almost ordering.
“I know” was all that Mariko answered. She held up her hand and tossed something small at Atsuko. It blinked as it flew towards Atsuko who caught it single-handed.
“What is it?” Minami tried to whisper quietly, but of course everyone heard her question.
“Keys” was Atsuko’s short answer. “Come on”
Minami yelped as Atsuko turned her around and dragged her around the corner of the house, away from everyone’s gazes.
“What are you doing?” she mumbled confused.
“They want us to leave the city for a short amount of time” Atsuko opened her palm so Minami could see the car keys as well as the keys that seemed to belong to a house or an apartment. “Think of it as a honeymoon” Atsuko winked.

H-honeymoon? I, I, I…

Minami started to panic inwardly, unsure what to do or say now. Atsuko just grinned as she dragged her to the garage.

A small hut in the woods, 02:01 PM

Minami stepped out of the car with stiff legs. They hadn’t stopped for a break and after they had left the motorway and Minami hadn’t seen any sign of civilization she had those stupid little fears in her head, those voices that kept nagging and told her that maybe CoF wanted her out of the way.

If she kills me here they won’t have to fear that my body will be found any time soon. I’ll be out of their way they won’t have o worry about me anymore… one problem less.

Minami gulped as she watched Atsuko who seemed to be getting something from the trunk.

We didn’t bring any luggage… oh my god what if she makes me sleep naked because I didn’t bring my nightgown? No wait, she’s going to kill me first. This well thought out! She’s got a shovel and a plastic bag to bury me in there!

Frightened Minami looked around. If she made a run for it, right into the woods… if she ran straight north she would get to the larger street after a few kilometers. With her eyes fixed on Atsuko she took a few steps backwards, off the street and into the woods. A branch crackled as she stepped on it. She held her breath but still Atsuko didn’t react. Bracing herself for running, Minami turned around but somehow her feet wouldn’t want to move.

Oh snap out of it Minami. You’re being completely stupid here.

“Okay. Acchan. Do it” she announced.
Finally Atsuko looked up and raised an eyebrow.
“Here?” she asked teasingly.
Minami nodded and closed her eyes tightly.
“Do you think too much blood will splash?” she asked with her voice shaking.
Atsuko shrugged.
“Depends on your physical condition. Some people say that horse riding will make it tear earlier. And sometimes it doesn’t tear at all”

Doesn’t tear? Then the blade is going to be stuck?

“Ah, but… Make it quick. Just make it quick”
“Quick? But Minami-mouse, if I go to fast it will hurt you”
Minami kept her eyes closed so she couldn’t see the wide smile on the other woman’s face.
“No, no, you just have to…” Minami’s breath hitched as she felt Atsuko’s cold hand on her neck.

So this is Goodbye…

Atsuko’s hand traveled lower and as she tucked on Minami’s waistband the woman’s eyes snapped open.
“What are you doing?” she yelled as she blushed bright red and slapped Atsuko’s hand away. The assassin couldn’t hold back her laughter now while the midget stared at her and didn’t understand the situation at all.
“What are you doing?” she asked again and crossed her arms. “What?”
Atsuko finally managed to speak between her giggles. “You asked for that, didn’t you?”
Minami tilted her head still oblivious.

She’s cute when she’s laughing like that. Okay Minami, here goes noting. First she’s about to kill you and now she’s laughing? Yeah, yeah, yeah, she would never kill me… she would never kill me? Wait what was she th-

Finally Minami caught on.
“Wah!” she yelled in surprise and jumped back. “How could you…” she buried her face in her hands while Atsuko erupted into another fit of giggles.
“Oh, girl, you’re priceless”
Minami still didn’t look at her.
“Come on” Atsuko ordered. “Let’s go into that hut. I want to know if there’s something to eat there”
Minami nodded and followed obediently. Atsuko unlocked the old wooded door and made her way inside. The hut smelled old, like wood, herbs and maybe a little bit like mold. It was small, only a single room and a bathroom.
“Looks like we have to sleep in the same bed, ne?” Atsuko grinned. She walked over to the small kitchen counter and ran her hand over the dust covered surface. “Minamiiii~ I’m hungry”
Minami blinked, completely confused. Everything was so normal, so sweet. Atsuko stood by the kitchen counter, whining like usual and made Minami’s heart thumb. The city, everything that happened seemed so far away… Atsuko was the only thing that was real and present and suddenly Minami felt the overwhelming urge to walk over and hug her and…

Kiss her. I want to… I can’t.

“Honey, are you crying?”
“What?” Minami sniffled and quickly wiped her face. “It’s nothing”

What am I thinking? It’s because I’m overwhelmed, because she is just acting like she’s my girlfriend.

“Acchan? Are we back together? I mean, like pretend, like just for ourselves, uhm, you know right?” Minami stammered, unsure what to say. She could have sworn that she saw Atsuko’s eyes widen for a second, but then her usual blank expression appeared.
“Of course” Atsuko nodded and walked over. She stood behind Minami, who was frozen in shock and wrapped her arms around her. “I feel that we can live just for ourselves at this place… Only for a while, okay Minami? I know that you’re worried about your friend but I’ll do my best to find out. While we’re here… let’s just live”.
“Okay”  Minami’s voice sounded hoarse. “Okay. I’ll cook then” she tried to free herself to check the food Mariko had prepared for them.
“No” Atsuko held Minami tightly. “Let’s just stay like this for a while until my stomach growls for real”
Minami made one half-hearted attempt to free herself but the she gave in and sunk into Atsuko’s arms.

My defense is weakening.

The next day, the hut, 08:34 AM

Atsuko woke up earlier than Minami. They had agreed to share the single bed and even Minami didn’t seem to mind as much as she pretended. She had fallen asleep quickly and as soon as she did Atsuko had taken her chance to wrap her into her arms tightly. The night had reminded her about their first encounter and it had relaxed her. The trip to the hut had undoubtedly been Mariko’s kindest safety measure ever, even though Atsuko would bet that Yuko had something to do with it.
Minami whimpered in her sleep, she mumbled something about “Miichan” and “Gotta ask, gotta ask” and “Jurina” and so Atsuko buried her face in the smaller woman’s back, hoping to calm her down with her constant breathing. This time Minami needed comfort and it was actually the first time that Atsuko thought this about another person. It frightened her to see her selfishness fade away when she was enjoying her fake-girlfriend’s presence.

But yet… it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Or is this another feeling? The feeling that I always get when she smiles? I want to see her smile.

Silently Atsuko slipped out of the bed about to do something for someone the first time in years. She grabbed her cellphone from the pocket of her jacket that hung over a chair and went outside. The chilly air was cooling her body down but she didn’t mind as she dialed the familiar number.
Kumi answered immediately.
“This is CoF, Yagami Kumi speaking”
“It’s me”
“Oh Maeda-san!” Kumi cheered delighted. “How can I be of service?”
“Ask her what they did on their honeymoon” Yuko’s voice could be heard in the back.
“What did you do on your honeymoon?” Kumi asked obediently.
“Tell Yuko that she should use her imagination a bit. Kumi I got a favor to ask.” She didn’t get an answer. “Kumi?”
“Oh sorry. I forgot that you can’t see me nod” 
“Fine” Atsuko’s patience was wearing off. She glanced back to the hut to make sure that Minami wasn’t awake and watching her. “Kumi, I want you to find out what happened to Minami’s friend, the one that came with the police. Find out how she’s doing and everything”
“Okay! Oh, Oshima-san wants to talk to you, I’ll hand her the phone”
“Hey Acchan!” Yuko greeted energetically. “Mariko-sama was nice, huh? You know, couple time and everything”
“Yuko…” Atsuko sighed. “I doubt that Minami would consider us a couple. She kind of asked me to be her fake girlfriend again”
“Aaaahh. See, I told you that she likes you. C’mon girl, go for it. This is your chance you know?” Yuko giggled. “Hell, when did I become a relationship-advisor? Normally I’m the person who got knowledge about a bunch of other couple-topics. Well, one actually”
“And that would be?” Acchan grinned.
“Ah, you wanna go there? Let me see… Let’s start out with something simple. A first step. Have you examined her butt yet? The most important facts to define a good butt are of course shape and solidity.”
“Her… butt?” Atsuko raised an eyebrow. If Yuko would have been standing in front of her she would have seen Atsuko’s doubts but so she just kept talking.
“Yes, indeed. It’s an important criterion. Before mankind started to walk upright the butt was the main sexual focus. Like boobs are now, you know? Oh, boobs are good too by the way, but the butt is easier to touch “by accident””
“You want me to touch her butt?” Atsuko giggled.
“What?” someone yelled from behind her. Without turning around Atsuko said:
“You know, sneaking up to someone is no good”
“I- I wasn’t sneaking up to you, you were just gone when I woke up and I thought I’d see if you were fine”
Yuko, who was still on the phone laughed.
“Well then Atsuko, I shall hang up. You sort that out on your own”
“Bye” The assassin pressed the red button and turned around.  Minami was standing in the doorframe, her hands protectively covering her butt.

Adorable, adorable, adorable!

“Stay away!” she squeaked.
“Huh? A second ago you were all worried about me?”
“Well” Minami smiled nervously. “I thought that there could be bears in the woods or boars or other dangerous animals”
“You were worried that I might get eaten?”
The small woman tilted her head as if to avoid a nod. Atsuko shook her head in disbelief. They stood in awkward silence for a minute.
“Should…” Minami stuttered. “Should I see what I can make for breakfast?”
“Sure” the assassin cheered. Normally she didn’t even talk in the morning before she had something to eat.

The things I do for that girl… I’m breaking all of my habits here.

Said girl nodded in relief and went back into the hut, careful not to turn her back to the person who could possibly touch a certain body part inappropriately. Atsuko heard her bump into something and squeal in surprise.
“You could turn around now, I’m not going to do anything perverted here!” she yelled.
“Define pe-pe-per-… That word!” came the prompt reply from inside.
“In this case it means to perform sexual action on someone unprepared”
“And that means?” Minami sounded distrusting.
“That you can chill” Atsuko grinned and shook her head as she went inside the hut as well. “Miiiiiinami, I might eat you up though if you don’t make breakfast now!”

The hut, 09: 11 AM

Minami looked at Atsuko with a worried expression.
“Did it taste good? It’s all I could find”
Atsuko shoved the food around in her mouth.
“Yeah” she finally announced and a smile lit up her face. “It’s good. All of your food is good”
Minami blushed.

The hut, 02:00 PM

Atsuko wondered what Minami could possibly be thinking.
“What’s on your mind?” she blurted out all of the sudden.
“Nothing” Minami smiled in a pained way. “Nothing”

The hut, 05: 45 PM

Minami knew that Atsuko was bored. She was restless herself. Both of them were sitting on the table staring into the tea cups in front of them.
“Acchan” she said out of the blue. “Sometimes you like your job, don’t you?”
Atsuko blinked and hesitated, but only for a moment.
“Sometimes I do”
Minami nodded.

The hut, 05:55 PM

Atsuko took a sip from her cup. Then she leant her head on Minami’s shoulder and closed her eyes. A few minutes later she felt the other woman stroke her hair softly.

The hut, 06:05 PM

Minami pulled back her hand as Atsuko’s eyes snapped open.
“You’re awake?”
“Hmmh” Atsuko rubbed her cheek on Minami’s shoulder. “Keep patting my head”
“I did not…” Minami stared at her hand as if she saw it for the first time. “What are you doing?”
“I’m a cat. Nya”

The hut, 09:03 PM

Atsuko stepped outside and sighed. The night was already approaching and the woods stood dark and threatening around the hut. Only a small part of the sky could be seen covered by dark clouds that were chasing each other and predicted storm.
“What should I do?” she asked no one in particular. She could not even tell why she asked, she just felt like she knew nothing.
Her phone beeped, signaling that she got a message. She flipped it open.

Come back. Now. Honeymoon's over.

Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: bimbo on December 15, 2012, 07:19:39 PM
The situation has gotten more complicated here  :ding:

I swear I keep grinning through the whole chapter! Blame all those Atsumina cuteness  :luvluv1:
Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: TakaminaBG on December 15, 2012, 07:23:09 PM
What???? Honeymoon, already over?!?!?!!? I WANT MORE!!!!
Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: arrow27 on December 15, 2012, 08:00:28 PM
aw that was a seriously adorable chapter!! Loved Atsuko and Minami's interactions! & lol at Yuko's phone convo :P
Thanks so much for the update! Wish you the best with christmas coming up, hope you're able to find all the gifts you need! Don't stress yourself out too much and have fun! :D We'll patiently wait for your next update so take your time :)
Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: KojiYuu44 on December 15, 2012, 11:21:58 PM
Cute Atsumina moment in this chapter  :)
Wonder what happened to Jurina  :?
Yuko and her inappropriate suggestions are the best
What's about to happen??
Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: takamae on December 16, 2012, 02:09:46 AM
Poor mayu, what happen to jurina?
Any plan on making a side story?

Acchan said she will let go of takamina but can she do that?
I mean when acchan lost haruka, she got emotional

Sweet interaction between takamina and acchan
Just to short honeymoon  :cry:

Fffff san, you really a teaser
You manage suspend atsumina loveydovey but still I want more  :w00t:
Thank you for the update ^^
Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: kahem on December 16, 2012, 02:19:20 AM
“Okay. Acchan. Do it” she announced.
Finally Atsuko looked up and raised an eyebrow.
“Here?” she asked teasingly.
Minami nodded and closed her eyes tightly.
“Do you think too much blood will splash?” she asked with her voice shaking.
Atsuko shrugged.
“Depends on your physical condition. Some people say that horse riding will make it tear earlier. And sometimes it doesn’t tear at all”

Doesn’t tear? Then the blade is going to be stuck?

“Ah, but… Make it quick. Just make it quick”
“Quick? But Minami-mouse, if I go to fast it will hurt you”
Minami kept her eyes closed so she couldn’t see the wide smile on the other woman’s face.
“No, no, you just have to…” Minami’s breath hitched as she felt Atsuko’s cold hand on her neck.

So this is Goodbye…

Atsuko’s hand traveled lower and as she tucked on Minami’s waistband the woman’s eyes snapped open.
“What are you doing?” she yelled as she blushed bright red and slapped Atsuko’s hand away. The assassin couldn’t hold back her laughter now while the midget stared at her and didn’t understand the situation at all.
“What are you doing?” she asked again and crossed her arms. “What?”
Atsuko finally managed to speak between her giggles. “You asked for that, didn’t you?”
Minami tilted her head still oblivious.
This part was so funny xD
Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: Haruko on December 16, 2012, 03:05:27 AM
“Okay. Acchan. Do it” she announced.
Finally Atsuko looked up and raised an eyebrow.
“Here?” she asked teasingly.
Minami nodded and closed her eyes tightly.
“Do you think too much blood will splash?” she asked with her voice shaking.
Atsuko shrugged.
“Depends on your physical condition. Some people say that horse riding will make it tear earlier. And sometimes it doesn’t tear at all”

Doesn’t tear? Then the blade is going to be stuck?

“Ah, but… Make it quick. Just make it quick”
“Quick? But Minami-mouse, if I go to fast it will hurt you”
Minami kept her eyes closed so she couldn’t see the wide smile on the other woman’s face.
“No, no, you just have to…” Minami’s breath hitched as she felt Atsuko’s cold hand on her neck.

So this is Goodbye…

Atsuko’s hand traveled lower and as she tucked on Minami’s waistband the woman’s eyes snapped open.
“What are you doing?” she yelled as she blushed bright red and slapped Atsuko’s hand away. The assassin couldn’t hold back her laughter now while the midget stared at her and didn’t understand the situation at all.
“What are you doing?” she asked again and crossed her arms. “What?”
Atsuko finally managed to speak between her giggles. “You asked for that, didn’t you?”
Minami tilted her head still oblivious.
This part was so funny xD

yeah!! :B
Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: ikun1216 on December 16, 2012, 07:08:59 AM
I'm glad you like my long comments, sometimes I get worried that I just type too much  :nervous But ah...your story to me is really that good. :on GJ:

We finally get to learn Mayu's story  :badluck: poor girl, she lost her best friend AND has to take on a whole school of Jurina fans...that's pretty rough.
I'm really impressed with Takamina's new found improved level of lying.

On a brighter side. . . .chapter just might of given me diabetes, I just felt warm and fuzzy all over due to Atsumina's "Honeymoon"
Protect your butt Takamina!! :wahaha:
Acchan's small cat line definitely pulled on some heart strings, it was adorable.

And now the honeymoon's over? Aw Mariko-sama couldn't you give them one more day?  :sweatdrop:

Fiffi, I'll be as patient as I can be for your next update.
(I do hope though you catch up on your holiday shopping, I'd be at a loss of you were done for)
Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: miayaka on December 16, 2012, 11:57:10 AM
I don't know what to say
I can't explain my reaction on this chapter
You never failed me!!
When you said this

@ miayaka: I hope you'll like Atsumina in this chapter as well!


Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: cisda83 on December 21, 2012, 07:55:07 AM
Very very good... stories there.... I like the scenes with Atsumina the best.....

Thank you for the update.

Can't wait for the next chapters

Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: DC2805 on December 21, 2012, 03:38:03 PM
they basically did nothing the whole day...I'm really envious of them! haha!

Jurina please dun die and come back with an interesting story to tell us!
Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: chibiusa on December 21, 2012, 09:16:56 PM
when i saw the title i know it was acchan  :grin:
and the story is great! this is what i want the girls in action mode!!
Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: FlameHazeKatsu on January 14, 2013, 11:36:51 AM
Woooooo! Suge! XD looking forward to the next chapter xD
Title: Re: (Dec 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 7 (Atsumina)
Post by: fffff on January 15, 2013, 10:25:27 PM
Woah, it's been a month! I'm so sorry, you have no idea.  :bow: Soooooooo sorry!

Personal Rambling (You can ignore it): But I was sick around christmas and now I finally got to move to my new place. Busy times... Well, hopefully I'll be able to concentrate a bit more in my new room, now that I don't have to share a single room with my dad anymore... the TV was always on if he was at home. And I feel like a caged tiger in the city anyway. But now I actually got the city border right behind the house and there's a wood. I should be creative now (I hope)

Back to the real important things. I am not satisfied with this chapter. Something is off about the characters but that's what happens everytime after a longer period of being absent, so bear with me please.
Thank you for the comments!
@ bimbo: Yes the situation is going to be a bit messed up now...
@ TakaminaBG: They have to endure hardships before they will finally be together... I wanted to write some fluff on their way home, but then I made some slight chances to the storyline and had to drop that. Sorry.
@ arrow27: Yep, seems I took my time. Sorry.
@ KojiYuu44: Jurina, huh? her fate will be revealed later in the story... Even though it seems to be coming to an end alread, but no, there are still chapters left to write.  :yep:
@ takamae:Well, of course Jurina's fate is related to the current storyline in a way. Nope, Side story is sadly not in the works. Yeah, Atsumina time is limited... That's all I'll say...
@ kahem: My fingers typed on their own.
@ Haruko: So I have to write more dense midget moments.
@ O R I G A M I: Okay, you guys like that.
@ ikun1216: Well, Takamina has to go through some changes I guess. This chapter is not really fluffy at all I fear... Mariko had to call them back, something came up (And I'm not telling you what)  :P
@ miayaka: But sadly the Atsumina level will be drastically reduced in this chapter. They won't have to stay away from each other that long though. (And here I go spoiling for the next chapters. Why.)
@ cisda83: Well, it's an Atsumina story, so I'm giving my all when writing their scenes!
@ DC2805: Lazy girls... But hey, everyone needs a break! Well, i couldn't possibly write a fic with my kami oshi dying or disappearing without telling her story or anything, so yes, we'll learn about Jurina. (Okay, I probably could. But, no.)
@ chibiusa: Hehe, I just had the idea about Acchan being an assassin and then I had to write it. Somehow it fits her, right? But I need to work on my action scenes. I was planning on writing some later on and I'm not able to do it at all. Frustrating thing.
@ FlameHazeKatsu: Glad you like it! Next chapter: Here we go!

Chapter 8

The road, 09:23 PM

Atsuko looked into the mirror. Soon after they had left the hut, a car had appeared behind them causing a bad feeling to arise in Acchan. She trusted her senses enough to be convinced that she and Minami were about to get into some trouble. Testing the boundaries she pushed the gas a bit more, only to find that her pursuer kept up with her. The driver of the other car was not aggressive and neither trying to stay in hiding. Something was completely off.

Mariko-sama doesn’t make many words when she gives an order but I feel that she had an urgent reason to call us back.

“Acchan… Don’t you think your going a bit too fast?” Minami stared out of the window, watching the night fly by.
“No” Atsuko’s eyes wandered to the mirror again, locking onto the lights of the car that followed them. “Not quite fast enough”
“But…” Minami grabbed her seatbelt. Her knuckles were turning white as Acchan noticed. However, she sped up even more.
“Fuck this car!” she cursed. “C’mon!” Angrily she hit the steering wheel with one hand.
“I-it’s not the car’s fault!”
“Really now?” Atsuko chuckled dryly. “You’re defending a car?”
“Well… I don’t really…” Minami bit on her lower lip. “I don’t know”
“You’re quite something” the assassin was still distracted as she kept watching the car behind her. “Do me a favor”

The street is completely empty aside us…

“Call Mariko-sama for me while I get this lame piece of crap to go a bit faster!”
Minami sat silently.
“U-uhm… Your boss is kind of scary. A-and where’s your phone anyway?”
“My pocket. In my pants”
Minami gaped and Atsuko knew exactly what she was thinking.
“Come on, take it out” she said teasingly.
“I can’t possibly…” Minami shook her head rapidly. Acchan glared at her and she gulped visibly. Slowly she scooted over on her seat.
“Bow down a bit” Atsuko ordered coldly. “I shouldn’t let go of the steering wheel”
“Of course not” the innocent girl answered. Acchan would never understand how she could be this clueless.

She should know that I wouldn’t care if I let go. But if she bows down to get the phone from my pocket…

Minami’s shaking fingers brushed over Acchan’s thighs and for a moment she herself was stunned by the sensation. But then she gritted her teeth and checked the back of the car through the mirror. Grinning evilly she stepped onto the breaks with all her might. Minami screamed and lost her balance as the car spun on the road. The headlights of the car behind them illuminated the seats and the back of Atsuko’s head, but Minami was hidden as she was laying half under the other woman’s feet.

They can’t see her.

Acchan stepped on the gas again, but didn’t follow the road anymore. The wheels screeched as she made a sharp turn and changed the direction. However, the driver of the other car reacted fast, efficiently blocking the street with a turn of himself.
“What are you doing?” Minami screamed.
“Don’t look up. I don’t want them to see you”

If they didn’t stalk out the hut already.

“Them?” Minami asked in an unusual high voice.
“Shut up, I got to concentrate” They were still going fast, threatening to crash into the other car any second.


Atsuko stepped on the breaks.


The car was sliding as the wheels locked.


The screeching sound of metal crashing into metal filled Acchan’s ears. She was thrown forwards as the impact hit her with full force. However, the airbag caught her safely. Minami on the other hand hadn’t been that lucky.
“Are you okay?” Atsuko could curse herself for how she concerned she sounded that moment. She got a painful moan as an answer. To her relief she couldn't spot any obvious injuries.

I can’t check on her… not now.

“Here” she tossed the small girl her cell phone and kicked the door open. The collision had left it a bit bent, but her muscles were strong enough. “Stay right here” she hissed at the girl who was still laying in the footwell. Then, as if she did not give a care in the world, she excited the car and started to walk. The vehicle that had been following was damaged as well, one of the doors was ripped out where the cars had crashed into each other. All that could be seen from the driver was log blond hair, flowing over the steering wheel.

I’m not foolish enough to check if you’re alive. Don’t think you can get me with those weak tricks. I’m something else, trust me.

Without wasting another glance, Atsuko walked by, towards the far away light of a gas station. The asphalt beneath her feet was a bit wet as she noticed while looking down. Soon enough she heard the slamming of a car’s door and even though she heard no footsteps, she knew she was being followed. Keeping her pace she focused on the lights in front of her.

If she wanted to kill me she would have done it by now.

Finally, the sliding doors of the gas station opened in front of her. She stepped inside.
The girl behind the counter greeted her with a tired smile. Atsuko didn’t bother to look at her; she stepped into an aisle and examined the alcohol that was lined up neatly in front of her.  Her hand was twitching towards the vodka, but settling for something less mind-clouding was probably smarter. So she picked out a chocolate bar to buy.
The door slid open again. The girl who stepped inside wore dark leather pants, similar to the CoF assassin. Her blond bangs fell over a cut on her forehead she must have gotten during the crash. She was balancing a revolver in her right hand.
“Nice ring” Atsuko nodded at that hand. The other girl smiled darkly as she raised it.
“Silver with a tiny diamond. Cute, isn’t it?”
“Not my style” Acchan shrugged, well aware that there was a weapon pointed at the back of her head as she walked to the counter. She handed the poor salesgirl who was frozen in shock, the chocolate bar.
“You’re number 77” Blondie announced.
“Maeda 77? Sounds good” Atsuko was going through her pockets looking for some money to hand over to the terrified girl in front of her.
“I heard you like to know your victim’s names before you kill them”

Hell, her voice is annoying.

“That’s a fact”
The girl behind the counter had started to shake uncontrollably. Wide-eyed she stared at the person behind Atuko.
“What’s your name?”
In one swift motion, that Acchan had to admire, the other killer stood next to her, her hand in the salesgirl’s hair.
“M-matsui Rena”

Okay, maybe she is a decent opponent. She sounds like me after all. I just don’t like the fact that I have no idea what she’s up to, not at all.

“And here I thought you liked to number them” Atsuko clicked her tongue, signaling disappointment.
“I do. But if I kill her it’s your fault alone so I guess she counts as one of your victims”
The victim sniffled, obviously close to freaking out. Or fainting for the matter.
“Well, how considerate of you to tell me her name then. May I ask yours?”
The blond girl tilted her head, looking at Atsuko out of bright green eyes.

Contact lenses. Fashionable bitch.

“Itano Tomomi. Glad to meet you number 77”
“It’s Maeda Atsuko, even though I’m sure you know already. Is it hard for you to go ahead and try yourself on killing me you now that you know my name?”
“I could make an exception. You’ve been threatening my mistress after all”
“Your mistress, eh? Yokoyama Yui? I didn’t know she held lap dogs like you”
Tomomi hissed much like a snake, baring her teeth but stayed calm, adding to Atsuko’s displeasure.  She still held her revolver to the pale girl’s head.

If I make a run for it she’ll shoot her and consider me a coward. Besides Minami would be super pissed if I let an innocent die. Wait, why am I concerned about Minami? I should care about Mariko-sama and maybe Yuko’s opinions alone.

Throwing another glance at the silent victim of their little games she sighed. She was shaking really bad and seemed to suppress her fear with all of her might. 
“Okay, Itano let’s talk business” She leant against the counter. “If your mission was to kill me you would have done it. If you’re mission was to follow me you would have made sure to sty out of my sight. So what is? Scaring me off? Not working anyway. Does you’re mistress want us to know that she’s not only a victim of her father’s illegal business? That would have been a pretty stupid move. Are you supposed to buy time? It worked. Both of our cars are done for and we’re stranded in the middle of nowhere”
“Your fault” Tomomi tilted her head, a self-assured smile playing on her lips.
“Probably. I’m not a racer, you know?”
“I am”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re a wild girl. Well, since we’re stranded I’d normally advise a cup of tea but it seems we don’t got that here. Let’s talk about ourselves a bit. Rena-san, you wouldn’t be troubled if I opened one of these vodka bottles?”
The salesgirl was probably to troubled to say anything.

Let’s have a chat Itano. If Minami called Mariko-sama as I advised you’re in for trouble anyway. And I will do what I can to keep you away from the car and my Bakamidget friend. 

“Vodka… let’s mix it with coke, shall we. And plastic cups are here, I respect you, Rena-san. Nice gas station you got there”
Much to her surprise she found that Tomomi had settled in the seat behind the counter. The girl was kneeling on the floor next to her, still fully under her control.

So you’re willing to play my games. Let’s have fun then, shall we?

Atsuko opened the vodka bottle while Tomomi grabbed the coke. Then they filled three cups silently. Two of them with a tiny little bit of vodka and a lot of coke, the third one the other way around.
“Cheers” Tomomi handed the cup that contained the most vodka to the salesgirl on the floor.

She thinks like me… I don’t like it. Not at all.

“So… You said you were a racer. Tell me about it.

Let’s talk while I wait for reinforcement. And while you’re probably doing the same. Bitch.

The car, 09:45 PM

Minami dared to lift her head shortly after Atsuko had left her in the car. Her head hurt and her heart was beating fast. She was probably going to be bruised all over from the damage she had taken in the crash.
Everything around her was eerily quiet.

If someone drives down this road now and crashes into the cars, I might as well end up dead. But Acchan told me to stay here… And if she doesn’t come back? If she’s doing something outrageous? I cannot do nothing…

Minami lifted herself out of the footwell onto the driver’s seat. Her leg was twitching and it seemed to be bleeding. It didn’t hurt though.

She wouldn’t have left me behind when I’m hurt if she wasn’t doing something dangerous. Think Minami, think! What can I do? What can I do?

Minami was close to panic, as she remember that she had actually been told what she was supposed to do. Her fingers shook uncontrolled as she roamed through the footwell to find Atsuko’s phone. The gadget almost slipped from her hand due to her being nervous as she finally found it. She scrolled through the numbers until she found ‘CoF mobile’.
“Hello?” she asked in a shaking voice.
“You’re not Maeda-san” Kumi’s distrustful voice answered.
“It’s Minami”
“Oh! How was you’re mini-vacation? Are you on the way home? Did something happen?”
“That’s what you could say. Someone followed us and then Acchan crashed into that car and now she left me here and…”
“Oh” Kumi sounded like she was trying really hard to make any sense out of the words. “I’ll pass you to Shinoda-sama”
“What happened?” Mariko sounded unnaturally calm. Minami took a deep breath.
“We were being followed”
“I predicted that much. That’s why I called you back”
“You should have told us! Acchan decided to crash into the other car with all she got and now I don’t know where she is!” Minami was well aware that she was raising her voice against the dangerous head of an assassin organization, but she didn’t care.

Something might have happened to Atsuko and you did nothing to prevent it! If I was a boss I’d take care of the people working for me!

“I should have predicted that much as well, I huess. What do you mean, you don’t know where she is?”
“I don’t know! She exited the car more than 10 minutes ago and told me to stay and call you!”
The line stayed silent for a while. Finally the boss spoke up.
“Where are you? I’ll send Ayaka and Yuko out to get you; your car must be damaged. Are you hurt?”
Minami looked down on her leg. Her jeans were already soaked with blood without her noticing anything.
“I think… I’m hurt somehow bad” she whispered. “But I don’t know where we are”
“They’ll find you”
Mariko simply cut the line and Minami slumped into the seat. She was cold and the blood loss was slowly getting to her.

Acchan were are you? I need you… It’s so cold.

Minami stared out of the window of the car. Her eyelids were getting heavy. She wouldn’t have been able to tell if she was staying motionless for minutes or for hours. The time passed without her noticing.
“Acchan?” she whispered as someone opened the door. “Acchan?”
The hairstyle was somehow wrong and Atsuko’s eyes were bigger and darker than the ones staring down on her. However she was too weak to resist and gave in to the other person’s embrace. The face was familiar but she couldn’t place it.

The gas station, 03:12 AM

Atsuko was only slightly drunk when she heard the sirens. As if they had a secret understanding the other assassin and her had filled their cups equally, everytime they had opted for another drink. Only Rena was completely out, curled up on the floor. They had made sure to keep her a motionless drunk. This wouldn’t come in handy though now that there were actually police cars nearing.
Tomomi heard them too as her head perked up.
“Fuck” Atsuko cursed. She got up in a flash and was about to get her hands on the salesgirl, but Tomomi was faster.
“Oi, wake up! Does this place have another exit?” No reaction. Atsuko took a water bottle out of the freezer and poured it over the girl’s face. For a second nothing happened and Tomomi’s face was expressing the same thought as Atsuko’s.

Did we give her too much vodka?

But then, Rena coughed.
“Exit on the back?” Tomomi tried again, but no mentionable reaction other than fluttering eyelids occurred.
Atsuko shot a quick look towards the door. One of the cars had already arrived but it didn’t seem to have the gas station as its aim…

Of course. They are going to the place of accident. Someone must have driven by and reported to the police. They are simply checking what happened.

“Well then, see you!” Atsuko flashed Tomomi a dangerous smile and started to walk towards the front door. She was not sure if Minami would be able to make up a story that sounded actually true so she decided that disappearing was still the best option she had.
“Maeda” Tomomi’s voice stopped her. “Look at me. I got a scratch here and maybe some other wounds. If I damage the place a bit it’ll look like you came in and made us your hostages. You crashed into my car, then you pointed your revolver at me and took me here where you decided to play some sick games with me and that poor girl”


“What do you want?” Atsuko pressed out from behind her teeth.
“Help me to get rid of the trash” Tomomi grabbed one of Rena’s legs and raised it. “Take the other one”
“I don’t take orders from you” Atsuko pouted, only to show her opponents that she could look cute even though she did not have those stupid duck lips. She grabbed Rena’s other leg.
“Where to?” Itano asked as they dragged her outside.
“I don’t - Is she giggling?” The assassins turned around. The salesgirl’s head had been dragged over the floor over the entire time so her hair was dirty and tangled but she seemed to enjoy it.

Great. Now she’s lost her mind.

With a forceful pull Acchan dragged her over the curb. As soon as she hit the ground with the back of her head she was silent.


“Acchan!” A familiar voice called. A dark figure appeared out of the shadows, a bright smile on her face.
“Yuko, help me here” Atsuko ordered.
Tomomi gave a playful bow, let go of Rena and disappeared behind the building.

Retreating already? Too many enemies here? Don’t worry, we’ll meet again. And this time it’ll be the last time you’ll ever meet anyone.

“New friend? Minami’s booty no good?”
“New enemy. Yokoyama’s beauty squad I’d say”
“Yokoyama’s beauty squad? This girl too?”
“Nope, she’s the salesgirl and the witness of our little encounter”
“Salesgirl…” Someone echoed. Atsuko spun around to find Ayaka staring at the gas station.
“What are you doing, reminiscing old times?” She asked slightly annoyed. Something about Umeda made her dislike her as usual.
“Don’t” Yuko warned her, unusual seriously.
“That’s exactly what she is doing”
Atsuko threw a glance at the other woman. She was still in some kind of shock as if she was reliving memories she wanted to forget very badly.

I’ll let it slide tonight.

“Where’s your car? We better dispose her somewhere else” Atsuko gestured at the body they were dragging through the dirt.
“Right there” Yuko gestured around the corner.
“Umeda, take care of that for me, I gotta go look for Minami”

And then we’re going home and this unfortunate episode will be over for once.

“No” Yuko held Acchan back. “You can’t. There’s police all around”

I… can’t? But then… How could I not think this through? First I can’t find anything about that Itano-bitch and now I can’t even go and get my girl? Minami I mean. But I want to! I want, I want, I want!

Ignoring her innrer voices Atsuko started to walk into the direction of Yuko's car.
“Hey! Don’t go stomping away just like that! Ayaka and I are tiny people, you know? Not as tiny as your midget, but hey! I’m your sempai! Your mentor! Oh fuck this”
Acchan did not bother to give a reply to the woman. She herself could not tell why exactly she was as angry as she was. She knew Minami’s address, she could just go and see her… But maybe something changed between them. And she still had a feeling that something bad was going on.

A hospital, 07:39 AM

Minami woke up in an unknown room once again, but this time it was not Acchan’s smell that greeted her, but stinking disinfectant. She groaned as she tried to adjust to the light that was blinding her as soon as she opened her eyes.
“Minami! You woke up!”

This can’t be… Miichan? Miichan?

“Miichan!” Minami tried to shout the name in joy but all she could produce was a faint whisper. “Miichan…”
The light was still blinding her, stinging merciless into her eyes.
“I thought I lost you” Miichan’s voice was hoarse.
“And I thought I lost you” Tears where already streaming down her face as she responded. She blinked a few times to get rid of the water in her eyes that blocked her view. She seemed to be placed on a hospital bed, tugged in nicely. There was a window with mint green curtains and… another bed. Miichan was smiling at her, leaning onto the pillows to support her.
“You’re injured!” Minami shot up in her bed, but immediately forced her body down again by reaction. A sharp pain shot through her leg and her wrists.
“Well, that bomb exploded kinda close to me. Big shockwave! But don’t worry, I only got a few fractured ribs and a broken leg”
“Only” Minami breathed out, inwardly cursing Acchan and company.

Where is Acchan? Did she bring me here? Or did the police catch her? What, what happened anyway?

“Miichan… You look thin”
“’Ya know, I just arrived and all, but I can’t touch the food they give me here. No chance. ”

And I’m crying again, I don’t even know why. Miichan… I dragged you into this.

“Takamina, are you alright? I’ve been so worried” Miichan’s voice shook.
“Worried? About me? But… there was no reason. I was fine, I was just wondering if that bomb… if it… killed you!”
“If I could get up… I want to hug you. You idiotic Bakamina! Why would you get yourself an assassin as a girlfriend?”
“Miichan. She, well, I don’t really know. I just wanted…”

What was it I wanted? She made me her fake girlfriend and somehow threatened me, but I didn’t want to leave her and I don’t even understand why.    

“Wanted what? Takamina you’ve gone crazy, simply crazy” Miichan’s facial expression showed that she couldn’t decide between admiration and worry. “There was a serial killer, holding a knife to your neck! I saw it!”
“Yuko. Her name is Yuko”
“Yuko” Miichan leant back on her pillows, slightly shaking. “Normally, you wouldn’t talk about these people Takamina, you said you hated them! You…” Miichan’s words drowned in her sobs.
“Don’t. Please, don’t cry” Minami shook her head violently and tried to raise her hand, to calm her friend down, to stretch it out, but a sharp pain held her back again. As she looked down she noticed that both her wrists were tied tightly to the bed and that there was another strap running over her stomach.

Why? Why am I tied to the bed? Who did this? They can’t think that I’m a criminal! I’ve never done anything! To no one!

“You were on the wanted list” Miichan’s spoke up. “You were on the wanted list and normally you would have gone straight to the prison’s hospital wing but you lost so much blood that they brought you her first. I had to scream and yell the entire night to get them to bring you into my room”
“Scream and yell? Wait, no, wait a second, wait a second” Minami wanted to bury her head in her hands but couldn’t lift them, so she was having a slight panic attack, considering her thinking position. “Didn’t Acchan bring me in? Or Yuko? Ayaka? Kumi maybe?”
“No” Miichan stared at the triangle above her bed. “The police found you, in a crashed car, almost bleeding to death! If you would have died, I don’t know what I would have done!”
“I’m sorry”
“Oi, oi Takamina, don’t apologize for these things. You didn’t want to go with them, right? The police told me things about your girlfriend… I can’t even…”
“Miichan, I’m sorry I let you down”

I don’t mind anymore. I don’t mind her referring to Acchan as my girlfriend, as if I would actually, actually claim her.

“You’re serious about this, right?” The restaurant owner sounded as if she was surrendering. “So what’s the plan?”
“The plan?”
“Well, we’re making a run for it, aren’t we?”
Minami stared at her best friend speechlessly before the tears came running again. Miichan too started to bawl out loud, loud enough to make the nurse come to the room at last.
“Is everything alright? Oh, Takahashi-san, you woke up!” She came into the room, checking the monitor next to the bad which Minami hadn’t even noticed before. “How are you feeling? Light-headed? Dizzy?” While talking she pulled out a handkerchief from somewhere in her uniform and started to dry Minami’s cheeks. Miichan got ignored, probably due to the fact that she could move her hands freely and had actually a box of Kleenex in her lap. She had probably prepared for Minami’s tear-jerking awakening beforehand. 
“Well, Takahashi-san, it seems the blood transfusion worked well. If there are any problems, just call for me, my name is Oya Masana. Some of the other nurses may be a little bit afraid because of the whole police circus you were brought in with. If there’s nothing else… Excuse me”
And with that she was out as quick as she came.
“How refreshing” Miichan sobbed and Minami couldn’t help but smile. She was filled with joy to see her best friend alive; after all she had imagined the wildest scenes.
“Miichan, it’s good to see your face. It has been only three days? Two days? But…”

It felt like eternity. Like I fell out of my own time somehow and everything happened so fast, yet time didn’t seem to pass at all.

“The time didn’t pass at all”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“Huh?” Minami looked at her childhood friend with confusion written all over her face. Miichan sighed dramatically, still cleaning up her cheeks.
“Well, it’s obviously because you were with your lover. I still refuse to believe that you took part in any unlawful actions on your own though. That’s not you and, trust me, if there’s any one who knows all of your dirty little secrets it would be me”
“Eh? What kind of secrets are you talking about?”
Minami guilty thought back to the time when she accidentally ruined Miichan’s rubber duck in the bath and hid it from her. All she had wanted to do was to bite in it, just to check if the yellow material was really as tasty as it looked.
“Like how you peed your pants in fourth grade because you didn’t want to go out of class in the middle of a test!” Miichan smiled triumphantly, but then her expression softened. “And of course I know about your family and I thought I’d understand you… the way you think about people like that.”
“When you’re with them suddenly everything you ever thought to believe in becomes dark and torn and twisted”

And it scares me.

“And it scares you”
Minami looked up as she heard those words from her friend’s lips.
“Miichan” she whispered, as usual amazed by her friend’s ability to see through her as if she was made of glass.

My heart is a glass. She once said that my heart is a glass and there are cracks in there but it’s still to strong to break. Oh Miichan, if it wasn’t for you who would take care of me? I pamper you as much as I can, but in reality, I have to rely on you the most.

 “I’m so grateful to have you, Miichan. I’m so grateful and yet so ashamed that I didn’t find a way to contact you, that I opposed the police even though you begged me! I didn’t… I don’t deserve to be friends with someone as kind as you!”
“The heck are you saying? That’s snail poop, you hear me?”
“Snail poop?”
“Yes, absolute stinking tiny snail poop! If there’s anyone who is kind enough to be called an angel on earth, it would have to be Takamina, you get that? You shared your meal with me in kindergarten and introduced me to the joy of food! You cheered on me when I was cheerleading and supposed to cheer but super bad at it! You held my hand during graduation ceremony and cried like crazy because you feared that life would tear us apart! And you were the one who always encouraged me when I had trouble with the restaurant, so don’t you dare… Stop crying! Bee poop, this crying is hurting my ribs”
“Wouldn’t bee poop be honey?”
“Hey, I’m the restaurant owner here, you manager-work-doing-secretary!”
The women stared at each other for a second, than they broke into a fit of laughter. Laughter mixed with salty tears. They didn’t notice that someone opened the door, not until she stood in the middle of the room.
“Yamamoto Sayaka?"

Characters We met all of the characters now, so I updated this and reposted it.

Main Characters

Takahashi Minami (21)
Minami lives alone in a small house with a tiny garden. She’s been living with her mother until she died two years ago after Minami’s brother was killed in an illegal car race at age 15. Minami works at the luxurious agency Kuramochi Travels as a manager even though she did not graduate from university. However she has always been a hard worker. She is sometimes awkward around people but very kind. Her best friend is Minegishi Minami who has been on her heels ever since they went to Kindergarten together.

Maeda Atsuko (21)
Acchan is an assassin. She has been part of CoF for 3 years now and is one of Japan’s top killers. She used to work together with her partner Nakagawa Haruka who she was secretly in love with but didn’t confess to. After Haruka is killed she is broken and reckless but Minami is able to comfort her.


Yagami Kumi (18)
Kumi is the secretary (official title)/maid/cook of CoF. She has been around Shinoda Mariko ever since she was a baby and never finished highschool. She is extremely loyal but actually possesses advanced fighting skills.

Shinoda Mariko (30)
Mariko is the boss of CoF. She established the company together with Oshima Yuko 7 years ago in the old nursery-bra-factory of her father after she got into trouble with the Yakuza.

Nakagawa Haruka (21)
Haruka was an assassin. She grew up in an orphanage together with Maeda Atsuko. She died when she tried to kill Yokoyama Yui.

Kasai Tomomi (21)
Tomo~mi is the cleaning lady at CoF. She’s usually chatting with Yagami Kumi or on a date.

Oshima Yuko (24)
Yuko is an assassin. She has been part of CoF for 7 years and is Maeda Atsuko’s mentor. She is wanted by the police because she is proven guilty of the murder of at least 13 people. She has actually been to jail once but broke out. Kojima Haruna was the love of her life.

Umeda Ayaka (22)
Ayaka an assassin. She’s new in CoF. Gas stations awaken some troubled memories in her.

Kuramochi Travels

Kuramochi Asuka (22)
Asuka is the owner of Kuramochi Travels. She took over the company from her father as soon as she graduated highschool. She is extremely rich, organized and beautiful and she has a light crush on Takahashi Minami.

Maeda Ami (19)
Ami is the secretary of Takahashi Minami.

Miyazaki Miho (19)
Myao is an employee at Kuramochi Travels. She does not come from a wealthy family and thus is the most comfortable around Takahashi Minami who she admires in secret.

Kashiwagi Yuki (22)
Yukirin is an employee at Kuramochi Travels. She comes from a wealthy family and is carefree. Her main occupation is shopping and she doesn’t seem to notice Watanabe Mayu’s feelings for her.

Watanabe Miyuki (19)
Milky is an employee at Kuramochi Travels. She comes from a wealthy family and her cousin is Watanabe Mayu. They went to the same school were she used to be very popular.

Investigators & Police

Yamamoto Sayaka (22)
Sayanee is a private investigator. She is a specialist when it comes to disguises and known for usually not working with the police or completely legal measures.  She became an investigator even though her entire family consists of criminals.

Sashihara Rino (19)
Sasshi is Yamamoto Sayaka’s sidekick. She agreed to become the investigator’s assistant when she caught her shoplifting but didn’t inform anyone about it. Even though she is pretty useless and unmotivated she tries her best. However, she has recently gotten a new job.

Takajo Aki (25)
Aki is a Detective and in charge of the CoF case.

The Yokoyama Organisation

Yokoyama Yui (19)
Yuihan is the illegitimate daughter of a corrupt politician. She is CoF’s current target. She is not as passive as CoF expected and actually meddles in the business herself when she sees her life in danger.

Itano Tomomi (20)
Tomomi is Yui's persona bodyguard, but also accomplishes other missions if neccessary. She has not yet made herself a name in the business, but can be considered a serious threat to the members of CoF as she is (almost) fearless.

Shimazaki Haruka (19)
Paruru is Yokoyama Yui’s maid.

Sato Amina (20)
Amina was Yokoyama Yui’s maid. She was killed by Maeda Atsuko.


Minegishi Minami (21)
Miichan is a restaurant owner. She is loud and crazy and even though her food at The Old Coin looks disgusting it’s actually great. Her best friend is Takahashi Minami who she would do anything for. As she tried to rescue her she got caught in an explosion. Currently she is in the hospital with fractured ribs and a broken leg but is doing well so far.

Watanabe Mayu (17)
Mayuyu is a high school student. She skips school a lot because she gets bullied. A bit more than a yer ago she went on a class trip, where her best friend was abducted in her presence. Even though she remembers nothing, her classmates put the blame on her and called her a murderer. She is an outcast at school but can be pretty bold otherwise. She flirts with Kashiwagi Yuki who is oblivious to her feelings.

Kojima Haruna
Haruna was Oshima Yuko’s lover.

Matsui Jurina (17)
Jurina used to be Mayu's best friend. She was outgoing and very popular at school. Due to her family being involved with the mafia she was kidnapped or possibly killed, a year ago.

Matsui Rena (21)
Rena worked at a gas station. Currently she is laying in the trunk of Yuko's car, totally drunk.

Kitahara Rie (25)
Rie is Mayu's teacher and worries about her a lot.

Furukawa Airi, Takyanagi Akane, Hata Sawako
Airi, Akane and Sawako snuck into the CoF headquarters a few years ago, thinking it was a haunted factory. The caught some of the assassin’s activity on tape, mistaking the noises from the arms for supernatural activity. In order to make sure that the factory stays out of the news they were killed by Oshima Yuko.

Title: Re: (Jan 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 8 (Atsumina) + Character update
Post by: ikun1216 on January 16, 2013, 12:00:57 AM
I'm kinda in a sea of emotions at the moment so please bare with me.  :badluck:

It's great to see that you updated!! (Also I'm glad you're feeling better)  :on woohoo:

Miichan's Alive!! Oh thank goodness.
Tomochin shows up, and in a intense car chase scene too!
Though I'm confused on why she just didn't try to kill Acchan and Rena-chan.  :dunno:
I also kinda want to go to the gas station that sells vodka, lol I'd rather spend money of alcohol than gas.  :on lol:

Speaking of gas stations. . . you kinda killed my heart a bit Fiffi,
(you didn't do anything wrong!!!)
But...that small moment with Ume-Chan, something kinda clicked while I was reading.
I remembered hearing from the show Bimyo that Ume-Chan's dad works at a gas station.. is this a hint from her past? :gyaaah:
(This has to be one of the few times I wish I could make a character feel better...)

Maybe I'm reading too much into this.. Ah, I guess I'll just have to be patient for your next update.
Title: Re: (Jan 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 8 (Atsumina) + Character update
Post by: arrow27 on January 16, 2013, 12:35:02 AM
Thanks so much for the update :D It's always worth the wait so no worries about when you update :) Hope you're feeling better, getting sick is not fun, I'm starting to catch a cold :P

Anyways, thanks again for this awesome chapter :) I thought it was a nice development & it's always interesting to learn how Minami and Atsuko's thoughts/feelings are changing around one another. Glad miichan is okay, as well as Minami. Nice cliffhanger in the end, can't wait to find out what happens next! :)
Title: Re: (Jan 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 8 (Atsumina) + Character update
Post by: FlameHazeKatsu on January 16, 2013, 02:03:22 AM
Arigatou gozaimasu!!  :farofflook:  man...this is really so exciting!!!  :wriggly: freakin' awesome!!  :on GJ: keep up the good work!  :onioncheer: ganbatte~~~~
Title: Re: (Jan 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 8 (Atsumina) + Character update
Post by: takamae on January 16, 2013, 11:04:33 AM
Thank you for the update ^^

Acchan will be so mad if she find out that minami almost bleed to dead
Nice reunion wminami
Poor involve between tomomi and acchan
Title: Re: (Jan 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 8 (Atsumina) + Character update
Post by: KojiYuu44 on January 16, 2013, 11:13:38 PM
the reunion of the wminami  :twothumbs
miichan is alive!!
takamina and CoF got separated tho...
and sayanee just showed up :(
not good...
Title: Re: (Jan 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 8 (Atsumina) + Character update
Post by: Haruko on January 17, 2013, 05:36:06 AM
yeah wminami together.. but my atsumina -_-
Title: Re: (Jan 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 8 (Atsumina) + Character update
Post by: cisda83 on January 22, 2013, 12:17:16 PM
oh Minami got arrested.... well who will save her?

Miichan is very very good friend... willing to help Minami escape...

Well great update there... Thank you

Can't wait to see the next

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Title: Re: (Jan 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 8 (Atsumina) + Character update
Post by: chibiusa on January 22, 2013, 05:24:14 PM
wminami on the loose!
Title: Re: (Jan 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 8 (Atsumina) + Character update
Post by: miayaka on January 22, 2013, 08:04:52 PM
long time no comment!
but this is it!
the two minami's reunited!

@ miayaka: But sadly the Atsumina level will be drastically reduced in this chapter. They won't have to stay away from each other that long though. (And here I go spoiling for the next chapters. Why.)

and i hope the next chapter would be a level up to my atsumina fffff san!  XD
im really loving this work of yours  :thumbsup
Title: Re: (Jan 15) Killer Queen: Chapter 8 (Atsumina) + Character update
Post by: fffff on February 12, 2013, 10:48:23 PM
And once again I'm back. Waaah, I hate it when I'm gone for such a long time, but I had exams and stuff, so writing was sadly no option + inspration was lacking.

This chapter is talk, talk, talk. Means lots of crappy writing and rewriting. No real action but Sayanee teaches Minami some lessons on life and Atsuko and Mayu have some kind of a "deep" conversation and we get Umechan's background story! (she sounds kinda psycho though)
But I'm not satisfied with my work here. Something is just- meh. Sucks.

Ah, well. I got a wonderful long break now, tomorrow I'll be going home, maybe a 6-hour train ride will level up my creativity? There's so much snow, it inspires me (I still got an unfinished YukiRena OS about Snow laying around)

Anyway, hope you still read it after all I told you just now.

@ ikun1216: That was a sea of emotions? Please don't die after this chapter! Tomochin's motives are Tomochin's motives. 'nough said. They don't sell alcohol at gas stations where you're from? Ah, well as a german I'm probably spoiled when it comes to the accessibility of this kind of stuff. About Ume and gas stations... Read through this chapter!
@ arrow27: I still feel bad when I don't update. I have an ending and a basic storyline but it develops while I'm writing so I'm always really curious what is going to evolve while I write the next chapter.
@ FlameHazeKatsu: Glad you like it so far. I hope you still have the patience to keep reading.
@ takamae: Haha, that will tick her off as soon as she's not distracted by other people's problems anymore. But in this chapter she got other stuff to deal with...
@ KojiYuu44: Sayanee! I just noticed that my oshimen (Yuihan&Sayanee) are kind of the villains in this story or didn't really appear at all (Jurina). Huh, I wonder why...
@ Haruko: Ah, sorry. Not much Atsumina we got going on at the moment. But the feelings are strong, don't worry.
@ cisda83:Well, there is a bunch of people in this story who would risk a prison break for that midget, so...
@ chibiusa: The undefeated duo.
@ miayaka: Atsumina is drawn to each other. Just not in this chapter yet... But if we consider the timeline it's only a few hours, so it's okay, right?

Chapter 9

Takahashi Residence, 07:50 AM

Atsuko made her way through the basement window. She had discovered that Minami left it slightly open all the time and for someone as stretchy as her it was no problem to get into the house this way. Everything was quiet so Atsuko decided to sneak into Minami’s bedroom. Maybe she was still sleeping, after all the night surely took a toll on her as well.

Maybe I can sleep in her bed a bit, I’m just so tired… Or she’ll make breakfast for me. Pancakes. Maybe she can make pancakes.

Atsuko hummed inwardly as she opened the door.
“Miiiinami-mouse!” she whispered teasingly and tiptoed to the bed. “Let me cuddle with-“
She stopped abruptly as she found the blank white sheets staring at her. The bed was empty. She furrowed her brows as she hadn’t noticed Minami downstairs. If that clutz was walking around the house she would have heard her without doubt.

But… even she wouldn’t go to work after such a night. Maybe she went shopping? Ah, now that I think about it, she might have gone shopping. After all we left that cat of hers alone for quite a while… I’ll wait for her.

Atsuko sat on the bed and rested her head in her hands. After 3 minutes she got bored though.

Okay Atsuko this is not right. Something is… Am I worrying?

With a sigh, she stripped off her jeans and got under the covers. Staying awake all night was no problem for her but after the alcohol she had consumed with the other assassin she was indeed tired.  So she could as well rest a bit. The mattress at COF’s backup house was really not that comfortable.

Maybe I should just come here to sleep all the time…

“Not even that stupid cat is around to keep me company” she mumbled, nuzzled her head in Minami’s cold pillow and drifted to sleep.

A hospital, 07:52 AM

Minami stared at the unexpected visitor. She seemed to have another face everytime she appeared, at Kuramochi Travel’s she had been an elegant woman, at The old coin a sloppy, disheveled regular. Today she was wearing a plain t shirt and a simple leather jacket that reminded Minami way too much of Acchan.
“Takahashi-san” Sayanee smiled brightly. Then she nodded in Miichan’s direction. “Minegishi-san”.
“Detective Yamamoto!” Miichan’s voice sounded enthusiastic and Minami couldn’t help but gape at her. As far as she remembered they had met only once, when COF had been attacking Sayanee and back then Miichan had been close to do something outrageous because she hadn’t paid her meal.
“H-how do you… know… each other?” Minami laughed nervously.
Sayanee grinned, grabbed a chair and pulled it close to Minami’s bed. She sat down and stared at the bed-ridden woman intensely.
“She saved you!” boomed Miichan’s cheerful voice from the other side of the room.
“Saved me?” Minami exclaimed, desperately searching her memory.
“That’s a bit far-fetched. All I did was pulling you out of that car” Sayanee grinned sheepishly, still not taking her eyes off Minami who was a bit uncomfortable.
“Aaaah” the smaller girl stuttered. Sayanee’s face was way too close and the fact that she was tied to the bed made her feel even more cornered.
“Indeed” the investigator leant back in her chair. “You shouldn’t be too thankful though. I also happened to call police and ambulance which is basically the reason why you are tied up right now”
“B-but… you still saved me. I am very thankful. Besides you’re only doing your job as a protector of the law”

I think I remember now. She did really pull me out of that car I just thought she was Yuko or Ayaka.

Sayanee smiled sadly.
“Protector of the law… I wish my aims were this noble. I fear that I tend to be a bit selfish though”
“You’re not selfish!” Miichan protested from her bed. “You saved my best friend! You even ordered your co-worker to take care of my restaurant even though I chased her with a knife. You and Sashihara, you are truly good people!  Right, Takamina?”
“Of course” Minami could hear herself that she didn’t sound honest and she hated herself for it. Normally she would just thank her savior, but in this case…

Her relation to COF is certainly not good. I don’t want her to hurt them. Although this version of her seems so much more honest than her other faces.

“You flatter me too much” Sayanee lowered her voice and leant forward. “Takahashi-san, I know that you know some things I’d be desperate to find out. I’m not sure if you fully realize what this entire… game… is about”
“I… I” Minami blushed bright red. Her conscience didn’t allow her to lie to the person who had saved her but at the same time she couldn’t bring herself to say something that would be harmful towards Acchan.
“You’re tired. Of course” Sayanee said loudly. “It’s probably my fault for visiting so early. I was just a bit worried. After all there are so many problems you have to face. You ran off with a criminal who, in addition to all her unproven murders, caused a dangerous accident and killed a saleslady at a gas station”
“What?” Minami stared at Sayanee who shrugged. “Killed who?”
“Oh you didn’t know?” The investigator smiled mischievously. “Matsui Rena, a young woman has gone missing. The police found traces of her blood on the pavement in front of the gas station which Maeda Atsuko messed up. They are searching for her body right now”
“They won’t find her body!” Minami protested. “Acchan wouldn’t have done anything to her!”
“You shouldn’t get so worked up everytime someone accuses your lover of a crime or you will have bad chances in court. I guess you will need my advice”

She’s not my lover. She’s just a person I miss. A person who means so much to me that everytime I think of her something arises inside of me. It’s so painful and yet so warm… This is not love right?

“Takamina, think about it!” Minami could catch Miichan’s voice.
“NO!” she protested with all of her might. “No”
“Takahashi-san. I would be lying if I said that all want was to help you, but trust me it’s one of my aims”
“But… you are not helping”

Heck Minami, do not cry. No. Don’t cry.

“Then hear me out, alright?”
Minami nodded. She really wanted to trust Yamamoto but she just couldn’t. Not after knowing that Acchan wouldn’t trust her.

When did I turn out to be so depending? Ever since I lost my family I’ve been fine on my own. Why would I suddenly start questioning my own abilities when she’s not with me?

“Well, Takahashi-san, here’s the thing. I’ll get information out of you sooner or later anyways, so I’m not questioning you right now. I will not stop going after COF, but I’ll help bail you out. Do you want me to ask Asuka for help?”
“Your boss. She has excellent connections and the kind of money you and I can only dream of. I’m sure she’s willing if it’s for you”
“I couldn’t do that! That sounds like corruption!”
“It is corruption”
“But you’re part of the police! You shouldn’t do these kinds of things! It’s not right” Minami mumbled utterly confused.
“Technically I’m not. I’m a private investigator. My freedom is limited considering things like arresting or even stalking people. On the other hand hat means that nobody mirrors my activities too closely. I get them what they want and they don’t ask questions”

It would be wrong. If what I did was a crime… I have to pay for it. If it wasn’t I won’t need anyone’s help.

“I’m sure the judges will be fair”
“I’m not”
“It’s corruption. Trust me Takahashi-san, they won’t be nice. COF is after Yokoyama Yui after all. Her father has great influence and will do anything to get everybody who knows only about the existence of his illegitimate daughter to shut up. In that case that’s you. Oh, and Minegishi-san now”
“Me?” Miichan exclaimed. “Now that’s just not fair! Did you tell us to get us into trouble?” 
“Miichan! She wouldn’t…” Minami looked at the investigator. “Maybe… No”
“You’re learning not to trust me, right? That’s good. I may not be a bad person but I do what I do because I have reason to”
“Reason” Minami blinked and studied Syanee’s face intensely. And although her lips were still curved in this evil smile her eyes were undoubtedly honest.
“Reason, yes. It’s personal”

If it’s like this… I could understand. But I don’t want to… I don’t want her to hurt COF even though they are wrong in so many ways.

“Yamamoto-san, I am a weak person” she blurted out.
“Excuse me?”
“Weak. Even though… I lost my brother because of his illegal actions and even though what COF does is wrong, even though my friends are worried about me… I cannot give up on them. To be overwhelmed by those feelings is what makes me truly weak”
Sayanee smiled bitterly.
“If that’s the case we all are weak. I’d kill your beloved girlfriend for the sake of my aim, you know? To die for someone, wouldn’t that be easy? A heroic death with the confidence that you saved what you loved the most and no regrets afterwards. It is simple, really. But to kill for somebody Takahashi-san? Would you kill me right here right now if I threatened to kill Maeda Atsuko and there was no other way to stop me?”
“I…” Minami stared at the investigator with her eyes wide-open.
“Would you?” Sayanee smiled sadly. “You haven’t thought about it, right? That there would be a moment were you’ll have to turn everything you believe in upside down. It’s something you’ll have to learn Takahashi-san. You’re playing with fire”
“Let her be” Miichan butted in loudly as she had obviously gotten that something was wrong, even though she could only occasionally understand Sayanee’s low-spoken words.
The investigator turned round and gave her a sad smile.
“You would kill for Takahashi-san, wouldn’t you?”
“Of course I would” was the prompt reply.

She didn’t even hesitate. And I am nothing but a mere friend to her.

“Would you Detective Yamamoto?” Miichan asked cheerfully.
“I already am”
“What?” Minami shrieked but didn’t get a repetition of the words which she was somewhat thankful for.
“Well, excuse me then” Sayanee said cheerfully. “I’ll contact Asuka in your name, Takahashi-san, leave it to me”
And with that she was gone.
Minami stared at the door that had closed behind her.

What was this all about? I cannot comprehend… a single thing. I don’t understand anything at all.

“Oi, Takamina, don’t beat yourself up over this, okay?”
“I’m not beating myself up over anything”
“Yes, you are. It’s the same expression when you allowed me to steal your first kiss in a truth or dare back in seventh grade, you remember?”
“Miichan!” Minami blushed furiously. “That has nothing to do with that!”
“Sure not. I just wonder … I mean you stayed at your girlfriend’s place for quite a long time… and she doesn’t seem like the good girl type…”
“What are you implying?” Minami asked sharply.
“I knew it!”
“Well, that! If you were really as innocent as you’d like to be you wouldn’t get all my implications, right? But you get every dirty joke I make, every single time”
“No, I don’t”
“Oh yes? Let’s see… Okay, here we go. Three boys were walking into the woods. Soon enough they got lost and couldn’t find anything to eat-“
“Miichan! Shut it! That joke is not only dirty, it’s completely tasteless!”
“I didn’t even get to the point were this is anything else but innocent, yet you remember! I knew it!”
Minami blushed furiously. She tried to pull the blanket over her head, but her tied up hands wouldn’t allow it. So she just closed her eyes, trying to shut out her best friend’s teasing voice.

A friend that would kill for me and tries the next second to cheer me up by embarrassing me.

Takahashi Residence, 09:30 AM

Atsuko woke up and knew immediately that Minami hadn’t come home. A furry ball had made himself comfortable on her chest, purring as she automatically raised her hand to pat the cat’s head. She furrowed her brows and stared at the ceiling above Minami’s bed, trying to imagine it in different colors.

Midget, were the heck are you? You’re starting to get me worried.

“Okay, get off” Atsuko brushed the cat aside that protested with a loud ‘nya’ and disappeared under the bed, probably pouting. “I’m gonna look for your owner, you know? Gosh, where are my pants?”

Why would I be possibly talking to a cat?


And it replies. Wow, that’s messed up.

“Yes, whatever you say” The assassin put on her clothes and rushed downstairs. She saw Minami’s spare key hanging on a board next to the door and decided to leave the house in style. Without knowing the reason she started to run as soon as she left the house, as if something was pulling her towards an unknown destination. Panting she arrived at the train station.

I just ran… Without a specific place in mind, without saving any power for the fight as I usually do. I didn’t even clear my surroundings. If someone was to attack me now I would be completely defenseless.

Atsuko panted, wondering how a short distance like this could have cost her so much energy. She leant against a wall and tried to catch her breath as she noticed something wet trickle down her face.

I’m crying because I’m worried. How outstanding.

Her panting became worse. Atsuko buried her head in her arms, turning her back to the noisy station. A train came in, the doors opened and closed. People’s footsteps were heard, but no voices because they didn’t talk. They were alone, on their own. Everyone was always on their own.

No, Atsuko snap out of it. What are you worrying about? There’s nothing wrong, there’s nothing you should care about.

Atsuko spun around, her hand automatically flying to the knife she hid in her jacket. She came face-to-face with a girl in a school uniform.
“Watanabe Mayu” she said coldly. The name shot in her head without thinking first. “What a coincidence”
“I don’t think so” Mayu tilted her head. “You came to check on Takahashi’s house, right? Shouldn’t you be scared of getting caught?”
“Nobody could catch me” Atsuko stepped forward, closer to the tracks, signaling that the conversation was over. Mayu wasn’t going to give up this easily though. She grabbed the assassin by the arm.
“I wanted to see you. I was hoping to meet you” she whispered.
“What?” Atsuko tried to jerk her arm away, but the school girl held onto her jacket tightly.
“It’s not fair that she would get kidnapped by you, you know? I should be the one who gets hurt!”
A hint of desperation was swinging in her voice.
“You’re sick” the assassin sighed. Mayu shook her head furiously.
“You kill for money, right? I’m from a rich family, if I pay you, will you kill me?”
“There are the tracks. The next train will arrive in 3 minutes, your opportunity is right there” Atsuko answered dryly.
“Idiot” Mayu’s voice was dripping with disgust. “If I killed myself, they would know that they won. I want to disappear, but I want them to think that I was strong until the end”
“What should I say? I don’t have the guts to really do anything, neither do I have the passion”
“That’s sad but really effective. That attitude will get you far”
“Who cares?” Mayu sighed. “You wouldn’t want to live like that, right? You kill and you feel guilty yet you wouldn’t give up like that. Is it because you have friends? Because you love Takahashi and you know that she loves you back?”
“It’s not like that”
“Yes it is. You went to her house to feed the cat and do all the things a good girlfriend does when she almost let her lover die”


“What are you talking about?”
“What do you mean, ‘let her die’? She was never in real danger”
“Really? When Minegishi called Myao this morning it sounded different. Like your girl almost died in that car. After all she’s still in the hospital, right?”

What is she… she can’t…

Before Atsuko knew what she was doing she had freed herself from the fragile girl’s grip and instead taken her by her wrists, pressing her against the wall.
“You didn’t know?” For once Mayu seemed genuinely surprised but she regained her composure quite soon. “Ah, of course. The police are observing her so she couldn’t contact you in the end”
“This is…” Atsuko bit her lip.
“Your hands are shaking” Mayu observed.
“Shut it or your death wish will come true sooner than you think” Atsuko growled. She smirked as she saw the school girl’s eyes widen for a moment.

So you don’t want to die after all. You’re just a rich bored girl with an emotional problem.

“If you kill me now you’ll have to ask around in every hospital in town before you find were your girlfriend is. If you do so the police will get to you sooner or later. So it’s only logical to keep me as your informant” the school girl reasoned. Atsuko gritted her teeth.
“You really got some kind of a problem, don’t you?”
“Maybe” Mayu shrugged. “Otherwise I wouldn’t ask somebody like you for help, would I?”
“So this is a cry for attention” the assassin sighed. She had to resist the strong urge to just land a punch on the pretty face in front of her.

She’s not going to talk about Minami, I know it. She’s too sly for that. Still, Minami would want me to help her…

With a sigh she turned around and started to walk towards the train that had just stopped in the station.
“Where are you going?” Mayu took a hesitant step towards her.
She shrugged and left the school girl to decide whether she wanted to follow. 

CoF Backup house, 10:18 AM

Atsuko stepped into the house unwillingly. Not knowing where she was supposed to go her feet had dragged her back to CoF. Sayaka greeted her with a nod. She was sitting on the edge of the couch, seemingly cooling the head of the girl who Atsuko had picked up at the gas station.
“She’s still alive?”
“Mariko-sama doesn’t want to be in the position where she has to get rid of the body while Yamamoto is on our heels. Besides… If we did something to her we would have some serious trouble with Ayaka. You hit that poor girl’s head pretty hard and the alcohol and the night in the cramped trunk weren’t that nice on her either”
“She looks dead though” Atsuko stepped closer and examined the face of the salesgirl.
“I would have thought so too but Yuko thinks that she just has a really bright skin tone. One could get jealous, right?”
Atsuko shrugged as she watched the older woman place the ice bag softly on Rena’s forehead.
“Hey Sayaka…”
“Why are you so nice?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you’re always so caring and motherly towards everyone, how do you do it?”
Sayaka blinked.
“I don’t think I understand” she said slowly. “I just do what I think that should be done. It’s a cruel world and I’m not part of the good guys but I want to… I want everyone to leave this world in dignity”
“If some coward would want me to kill her because she’s afraid to commit suicide, would that be a dignified death?” Atsuko wondered. She had never tried to deal with any moral questions so she was not sure how to think about this kind of a problem.
“No. That’s selfish. Suicide is always selfish” Sayaka’s voice was firm.

Such a righteous person. It’s a miracle that she can live in this world.

“That’s not true”
Atsuko spun around to find Yuko standing in the doorframe of her sleeping room.
“It’s not?” Sayaka furrowed her brows.
“I once had someone die for me. Don’t you dare to taint her memory” Yuko strolled over to the fridge. She grabbed a carton of milk and placed it on her lips. Her hair was still ruffled from sleeping, her cheeks glowing.
Atsuko threw Sayaka a look who simply shrugged.

Not even her underlings know… I see.

“I’m sorry” Sayaka bowed her head. Yuko wiped the milk from her mouth.
“Where’s Sae?” she changed the topic.
“Went outside with Ayaka to calm her down”
“Calm her down?” Atsuko asked not believing her ears. “Why the fuck would she need somebody to calm her down? It’s my girlfriend who’s currently in the hospital!”
“Hospital?” Sayaka asked clueless.
“Girlfriend?” Yuko grinned. “Does she know about that?”
“What does it matter? Why does Umeda get special treatment?”
“Ask her” Yuko ordered carelessly. Sayaka pursed her lips into a thin line, obviously not approving.
“But do it gently” she addressed Atsuko.
“Sure not” grumbled the assassin. “They are in the backyard?”
Sayake threw Yuko a look who simply nodded.
“Sure go ahead”

Okay, that’s… weird.

Atsuko sighed and pulled back the curtains in front of the patio door. The backyard was small, more like a flower bed, a lawn and a tiny path to separate those two elements.
“Oi, Umeda!” she yelled out as she pushed open the door that was left ajar.
Ayaka spun around. She was standing on lawn, with Sae patting her head.
“Maeda-san!” she exclaimed, wearing this surprised yet defiant expression that Atsuko disliked so much.
“Indeed. Sae, leave us alone, will you?”
“Huh?” the tall girl’s gaze wandered to Atsuko’s face and back to Ayaka. “Will you be alright?”
“Sure” Ayaka straightened up. “If Maeda-san wants to talk to me, it’s no problem”
“Well then…” Atsuko waved her hand to shoo Yuko’s underling away. With her concerned gaze still focused on Ayaka, Sae disappeared inside the house. The door clicked as she closed it.
“Ah, we’ve been locked out” Ayaka laughed nervously.
“We are probably supposed to settle this once and for all” Atsuko raised an eyebrow, trying to predict Ayaka’s reaction to her threatening tone.
“Sure” the less-experienced assassin shrugged stiffly, yet she raised her head to make eye-contact. “Sure”

I’m not good with conversation when I’m not allowed to hurt my opponent verbally.

Ayaka nodded awkwardly.
“You got a problem with gas stations?” Atsuko finally asked, recalling Ayaka’s srange behaviour the night before.
“Quite the opposite I’d say” Ayaka smiled sadly. As she kept silent afterwards, Atsuko’s impatience started to grow.
“Well?” she urged but seeing that she still got no reaction she finally realized that the subject was obviously not as shallow as she thought at first. “It’s a touchy subject, right?”
“It is, yes. I’m glad that you understand Maeda-san”

So you can’t talk about it.

“Okay then” Atsuko said flatly and was about to turn around. “I’ll just…”
“Ah, no!” Ayaka grabbed onto her sleeve tightly but let go a second later as if she had burned her hand. “The others know and it wouldn’t be fair if you were the only not to”
Fairness, eh?
“When it’s about your feelings there’s o such things as fairness. If you can’t tell me, don’t bother”

I sound like Yuko in serious-mode, right?

“No, please stay Maeda-san. It’s just… I really want to do my best concerning CoF so I’m willing to talk back at you or to stop you if I think that you’re acting stupid. That’s why I didn’t approve of your… fling”
“It’s not a fling” The protest slipped out before Atsuko noticed.

Ah, stupid. Of course it’s a game Atsuko, just a game to comfort you.

Ayaka sighed and finally tore her gaze away from Atsuko.
“Yes, but that could be worse. You see… For me CoF should be a place for those who have nothing else. I believe that only those who have no other choice, that only those who have already been to hell can take lives without going crazy and making stupid decisions”
“I had no real choice” Atsuko protested against that accusation that was swinging in her opponents voice. “Haruka and I came from an orphanage. One of those gloomy and poor ones were they throw you out on the street once you’re suspected to be able care for yourself. I was afraid to sell myself like many girls did, neither did I believe that I was worthy to find a job, but I had to take care of Haruka who was so…” Atsuko rubbed her temples. “Naïve! She would just trust anyone who promised us a place to sleep or a meal and all I could do was rescue her. She managed to get us involved with some gang who were at that moment targeted by CoF and when Yuko showed up, ready to kill anyone who was not on her side… Argh!” Atsuko kicked a stone away out of pure frustration. “We had no choice”
“Yes you did” Ayaka spit out the words. “Do you think that’s pitiful? You had a friend by your side, the entire time. Coming from an orphanage, there’s nothing you really lost, is there? You had the freedom to go wherever you wanted to go, you could have done many things! That’s not hell, Maeda-san, that’s not hell!”

Is she crying? Is she really…

“Then… what is? What’s your personal hell, Umeda?”
“Hell is the loss of paradise. The total absence of anything that held your happiness. You know… I was married. I had… a son. I had a son once”
Atsuko stared at the woman in front of her. The picture of Ayaka, holding a bundle surfaced in her imagination. She could picture the bright smile that would light up her features whenever she was cooing to the baby.

It’s still there, that smile. I can still see it dancing on her lips but it’s been crooked by the tears she must have cried.

“He was…” Ayaka shook her head. “My father worked at a gas station and after my son was born I decided to work part-time because my husband didn’t earn that much. I took on the night shifts because the child’s crying would keep me up anyway. There were nights when I had nothing to do, nothing at all. It was just me and the baby, since my dad was my boss I was allowed to take my son to work with me. When my shift finished in the early morning my husband would always stop by when he was on his way to the construction side where he worked. As a family we would have breakfast, sometimes with my father joining when he was early for his shift. It was one of these mornings…”
Ayaka inched closer to Atsuko reflexive gripping her clothes as if she needed support for what was about to come.
“I can’t recall anything that happened but the sun was just about to rise. There were a few low-life robbers… god with the skills I have now I could have defeated them so easily, but back then I… I couldn’t. They wanted money and we gave them everything there was in the register but they were not satisfied. So my father told me to run home and get our savings. He kept them under his pillow, you know…”
Atsuko was not sure how to handle Ayaka who was shaking rapidly but still talking, talking even faster.
“I ran. I never ran that fast before because if I wasn’t back by sunrise, I, I made it in time, you know? I would have made it! And they would have been alive if those robbers… So dumb! So incredibly dumb! To smoke at a gas station! They knew that one should not do so, but they were dumb! I saw it explode, you know? I was back and I thought I made it and then all and everyone I had went up in crimson flames! Boom! Hell!”
“Hell” Atsuko agreed.

I bow to you, Umeda, but I won’t lose to you.

“And then they said I did it because the robbers blew up with the building and I was the last one standing. To know that my families ashes were mixed with those of their killers and that I was supposedly the one who was at fault… If I can’t trust the good guys, the judges and the policemen, what should I do? Those stupid people, they have to go! If I can’t get rid of them while I’m living as a faithful citizen, somewhere behind bars I had to choose this way, right? That’s why all my passion and all my motivation rest in CoF. For now this is my only way Maeda-san. I won’t let you become one of those careless people as long as you carry a gun or a knife. I won’t let you mess things up because of an affair that’s only distraction. If the loss of your secret love is your hell you won’t escape, you know?”
“I understand. But you know… you could team up with Minami. She’s experienced her personal hell because of careless people who killed her brother. Yet she’s so different from us with our base motives. She’s in the hospital at the moment and it’s my fault yet I don’t regret to have met her. I don’t regret. And if selfishness will save me as well as her from this pain of losing someone that you call hell… than it shall be. And if CoF gets taken out by Yamamoto, if the police locks all of us up, if Yokoyama’s lapdogs splash our blood on the walls of this lovely house… I’ll be sad and guilty, yet I could never defeat those innermost feelings that tell me that for her everything is alright. For her I’d kill”

I can pity you Umeda and I can actually feel ashamed. But if you want to stop me from doing what I do you have to try harder.
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: TakaminaBG on February 12, 2013, 11:26:29 PM
Yamamoto is kind of.... scary.
Mayu is just..... I can't even describe her.
About Ayaka's story.... That was so sad. I cried the whole time. How can you smoke in a gas station?!?!
But AtsuMina!!!!! Such strong feelings. Can't wait for the kiss and for the *you know*!! I think Atsuko would be really aggressive and good in bed...... What the heck am I?!?!
Please update SOON!!
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: FlameHazeKatsu on February 13, 2013, 12:15:49 AM
yeah update!  :on GJ: but hahahaha i had to go back to the last chapter and see what was the ending there...lololol  :on lol: and of course! patience is my middle name! :hehehe: and wow ummm........................... o.o as for Yuko I'm thinking that she's talking about Kojiharu? and maybe when they were on the job Yuko was almost gonna die but Kojiharu took the bullet or protected her.... (lol thinking but I'm expecting an explanation for that...hehehe..)
and Atsumina  :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :onioncheer: hehehehe
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: arrow27 on February 13, 2013, 01:13:23 AM
Thanks for the update!! & lol no worries, guess it's normal to feel bad but you're readers aren't worrying about it too much. Plus thats one of they fun things of writing, where you're story is developing & changing as you write it so it can be a surprise for the writer too :)

great chapter though. Very interesting with the Sayaka and Minami convo. Mayu is quite the interesting character as well :P & aw, Atsuko was def worrying & felt a little lonely. Nice development for the characters in this chap & i can't wait to find out what happens next :)
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: takamae on February 13, 2013, 02:15:33 AM
Mayu kinda desperate, but she meet yuki, that should change something, right?
Rena still knock out  :lol:

Maybe minami and ayaka got the same lost feeling
And its true the result is different
Maybe because minami got miichan

Thank you for the update ^^
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: Haruko on February 13, 2013, 05:51:41 AM
yey!! omg acchan!! umeda T_T
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: KojiYuu44 on February 13, 2013, 07:10:35 AM
omg Sayanee as much as I love her in real life in this fic she just sends chills down my back
Mayu is freaking crazy and a lot desperate  :smhid
Ume-chan's past made me cry :cry:
I love Acchan's determination tho  :twothumbs
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: ikun1216 on February 13, 2013, 07:59:21 AM
Soooooo, yeah...when I said I was in a sea of emotions last chapter...I've come to the realization I wasn't.
It's been about 20 minutes since I finished reading this chapter and my heart still kinda...stings.

Ume-Chan's back story...that was a roller coaster for me to read too.  :badluck:  :fainted:  :on blackhole:
She doesn't sound psycho though....I hope she gets happiness soon/in the future/whenever/everyday.'ve gotten me emotional Fiffi!!!!  :on speedy:

Hooray for Atsumina realizing that on some deep level they care for one another!!!
I wonder how far Kuramochi would really go for Takamina  :dunno:
Mayuyu....what are you thinking?!

I'm sorry if my reply to you seems a bit off...I think I'm still a shock

*crawls back into a corner and sobs because of Umeda Ayaka*
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: cisda83 on February 13, 2013, 02:06:19 PM
Ah.. Umeda's past... is hell... :cry:

Great.. Miichan willing to kill to protect Minami.... but Minami seems to hesitate to do anything illegal for anything...

I don;t know whether she's smart or silly....

Anyhow, Thank you for the update

Can't wait to see the next

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: miayaka on February 13, 2013, 04:30:00 PM
 :on lol: YAY an update!!!

Atsumina  :heart: :heart: :heart: their making my heart going crazy
hmmm Mayu i having hard time to understand
Umeda's past T_T
LURVE the update!
sasuga author san!  :on GJ:

Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: Elo on April 24, 2013, 06:48:35 PM
please update soon I want to know what will happen
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: Kamo99 on June 10, 2013, 03:35:04 PM
yayy! just found this fic yesterday woaa  :drool:
Aw..umedas past.. :cry:
will atsuko make a secret visit to taka ;)
lol anyway, awesome fic! :D  :heart:
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: cisda83 on June 11, 2013, 01:47:39 AM

Update the story please...

I have already forgotten about the story

But this story is one of my fav.

Can't wait to see the next chapter

Thank you

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: AshuraX on June 12, 2013, 12:56:53 PM
This is cool... O.O
It really shows how perceptive Atsuko is and how she's actually a closet pervert XD
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: Archer1992 on June 14, 2013, 12:09:57 AM
finally i read all


Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: POPCAT on June 15, 2013, 05:07:11 PM
omg u have to update, i need to know what happen to Jurina lols
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: lezperv on September 10, 2013, 06:43:49 AM
HOLY SH*T!!! This story is sooo f*cking GOOD!!!   :on GJ:

Gah the love between Miinami and Atsuko is sooo admirable  :farofflook:

Please update soon!!!  :kneelbow: I want more Atsumina love  :luvluv2:
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: FoxKing on September 10, 2013, 07:17:29 AM
really hope you update soon fffff-san  :mon santa4:
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: bimbo on September 11, 2013, 06:38:17 AM
This story is pure awesome! Where are you athor-san? Missing this story already...  :banghead:
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: saiyukire on December 22, 2013, 04:28:40 PM
Love this awesome story!!! :)
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: triela on December 22, 2013, 07:01:03 PM
update soon please
more atsumina XD  :heart:
Title: Re: (Feb 12) Killer Queen: Chapter 9 (Atsumina)
Post by: deguchi on December 24, 2013, 11:13:11 AM
A cool story here!!
Would you continue this fic please...want more atsumina~