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The AKBar48 => AKB48 News & Releases => Topic started by: 55Cyanides on November 30, 2012, 08:40:33 AM

Title: [News] Sato Natsuki Graduating
Post by: 55Cyanides on November 30, 2012, 08:40:33 AM
Someone linked this to me and I think it needs to be confirmed. Best of luck to all of AKB fans out there, these are tough times: (

Mod edit: it's confirmed, hence I removed the (?)
Title: Re: [News] Sato Natsuki Graduating(?)
Post by: pastil on November 30, 2012, 08:53:38 AM
Translation of the blog entry.

From the official AKB48 blog - Sato Natsuki announced her graduation. (

We are letting you know that on November 30th, Sato Natsuki graduated from AKB48.

We are sorry about the sudden announcement.

However she reached this conclusion after thinking about this thoroughly, so we have accepted it.

We have reproduced her message to fans below:

Sorry about the sudden news.

I, Sato Natsuki, will graduate from AKB48.

As a second generation member, I have really accumulated a lot of experiences during my time in AKB.  I have met and said goodbye to a lot of people during my exciting times here.

After 6.5 years here, the Tokyo Dome concert this summer was an eye-opening experience for me.

Being able to perform on the stage of Tokyo Dome, even though I was definitely not the focus of the concert, was definitely proof that I have accomplished my dream.  I will treasure this experience for the rest of my life.

I joined AKB I was 15, and when I realized it, I am 22...and because I am already 22...

I've been thinking about that, but realized I have been looking at the world as if I have seen a lot, and thought "wait, I am just 22."

Maybe there are things I have overlooked.

I realized there are still a lot of challenges, and a lot of things that need to be done diligently.

That's why now I want to go to an University, study hard, and graduate.

I want to be recognized as an able individual and I have to work hard for that.

I am going to focus on my studies and put the entertainment industry behind me.

I am sorry that I have come to this conclusion selfishly and caused trouble.

To fans that have supported me...

Thank you for all the smiles and all the love.
All my fans have great smiles that cheered me up and gave me courage all the time, but I've always been on the receiving end.
I have shown you my weaknesses as well, but you guys have become my support, which made me stronger.
Thank you for supporting someone like me.
I am grateful.

To my family...
Thank you for always being on my side.
I am sorry about all the trouble and tears I caused.
I will return the love you gave me many times more.
Thank you so much.

To staff and members -

To all the staff, who have always been serious to me when I asked for advice.
To all the members that have laughed, cried and went through everything with me.

Because you were here all along with me
I was able to enjoy everything from the bottom of my heart.
The ability to laugh from the bottom of my heart until I start crying, I think that doesn't happen all the time.

The times I was able to spend with everyone during our extremely busy days, when we have to give everything every single day, is my life-long treasure, and it will serve me well for the rest of my life.

Thank you for the extremely happy times.

Sato Natsuki
Credit: (
Title: Re: [News] Sato Natsuki Graduating
Post by: SomethingWild on November 30, 2012, 10:23:40 AM
Woah, second gen are all leaving the hive.  :O2

It really shows the impact of Tokyo Dome. Dreams have been fulfilled and it's time for a new challenge, either in or outside AKB48.

Sato Natsuki's been overlooked ever since 0ji59fun turned into AKBingo. Everybody recognizes her vocal talent (once again confirmed during the karaoke concerts), yet she never managed to really step in the spotlight, like she mentions in her entry. With that in mind I can totally understand her decision. On the other hand, I'd be a loss if she leaves the entertainment industry forever, but I guess she doesn't have the back-up/following to pursue a solo singing career.

So yeah, best of luck to Natsuki in her future career.

edit: With Yuka and Nacchi gone, and Sae to China, the number of 2nd gen members is down to six...
Title: Re: [News] Sato Natsuki Graduating
Post by: marikojiyuu on November 30, 2012, 01:14:03 PM
Oh no....not again! What with this mass graduation!? Suddenly everybody graduates one by one.  :O2
Overlooked since the long time. I feel it could apply to Nattsumi too. Looking at her in last Sousenkyo was just sad :cry:

I don't know if Nacchi would back to entertainment industry. But she's a smart girl (she's studying in Waseda IIRC), maybe there's a better opportunity for her from another field, not the entertainment field. Well, it's her decision and....yeah, good luck Nacchi. We'll miss your 1+2 = N-Nacchi trademark.
Title: Re: [News] Sato Natsuki Graduating
Post by: Delur on November 30, 2012, 01:35:38 PM
Yuka and Nachii were best friends, from 2nd gen Team K to Team B, always joking with each other on stage at the theatre too

Kind of happy she's leaving as there is no future for her in AKB and so that she can accompany Yuka in the non-idol world  :twothumbs

Always liked her but so anonymous thanks to management since i became a fan
Title: Re: [News] Sato Natsuki Graduating
Post by: Datalanche on November 30, 2012, 03:18:46 PM
I totally understand her decision. Not counting on-demand and DVD stage shows I can easily tell you the times I've seen her: the wtf'ish Nacchinon owarai stunt that didn't go to well :lol: , Nacchinon hosting the very early episodes of AKB 0ji59fun, and when she got to perform on the street for money in Gachichare not too long ago. That's... pretty much it. And for someone so talented that's just a sucky low amount of work. I know the spotlight doesn't shine equally on everyone but her very low status in AKB has always bothered me. Pretty much the same feeling I had about Masuda Yuka until she started to get some work in the past year or two. Way too much talent to be in the back.

Bummer news. Original Team K was what got me into AKB48, but it's not hard to understand her choice. Sure is a sudden announcement, though. It's obviously related to Yuka's departure, those two were quite close.

I kind of expected this to happen post-Tokyo Dome. I'm sure such a monumental event made them think about the future and stuff.
Title: Re: [News] Sato Natsuki Graduating
Post by: kingku3 on November 30, 2012, 05:03:44 PM
She never really seemed to care all that much about her popularity though. She has always struck me as the prime example of someone who basically sees AKB as nothing more than a glorified part-time job. With Tokyo Dome achieved, and her being in her final year of university (I think?), that she decided to focus on completing her studies at this point is a sound move for her.

And I'm sure she's not the only one of the Old Guards who's contemplating quitting after Tokyo Dome.
Title: Re: [News] Sato Natsuki Graduating
Post by: Joe on November 30, 2012, 08:24:37 PM
For a second I thought Sato Sumire...
Title: Re: [News] Sato Natsuki Graduating
Post by: THUNDERDUCK on December 01, 2012, 04:49:08 PM
Definitely one of the more talented, yet not as popular members departing.  I'm happy to say that I got to see her in person back in July.