JPHiP Forum

The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Topic started by: Estrea on January 03, 2013, 07:56:59 PM

Title: HarunanQuest [5/1 - A Chihuahua in Saitama]
Post by: Estrea on January 03, 2013, 07:56:59 PM
Well if anyone has been following the discussion thread, I did promise to write a novelization of the game. XD This will mostly be following game events, plus additional scenes based on information given by people you meet along the way.

For the uninitiated, HarunanQuest was a fanmade RPG game made by Japanese fans, and it's one of the more hilarious things games I've ever played in my life. XD The story's not half bad either! It does feel like something I would have written. :lol:

Without further ado, let us begin!



"Look, it's The Wine Glass by Johannes Vermeer!"

I point at the famous painting excitedly, gesturing with my other hand at my best friend and companion-in-art, Wada Ayaka. Managing to get the same days off was nothing short of a miracle considering our busy schedules, and we planned to spend the day touring museums and going stargazing later in the evening. My perfect kind of day, if you ask me.

Who am I? Why, my name is Iikubo Haruna, 17 years old and part of the 10th generation in Morning Musume. My best friend, Wada Ayaka, is the leader of S/mileage, and we have been inseparable ever since the discovery of our shared interests. I could never have asked for a more perfect friend than her, who shares not only my hobbies, but was also my senpai in the idol world.

"Wow, his grasp of light and shading is amazing! Look at the effect of that stained glass!"

I nod eagerly, happy that Wada-san noticed. It's gratifying to talk to someone who gets it, rather than someone who doesn't. We chatter on about the techniques used, even as we continue admiring the various artworks hung on the walls.

"Oh, what's this?"

We stop in front of a new painting. So far, we've come across only famous pieces done by artists familiar to either one of us. This though, looked new. Abstract splotches of bright paints formed a crude silhouette of a human being, and while there was nothing particularly compelling about the picture itself, it was strangely mesmerizing.

"You're right, I've never seen this before..."

Wada-san steps up behind me, and I belatedly notice that I've gone all the way up to the painting. Since when did I move so close? The painting seemed to call to me, and if I'm not wrong, did the figure in the portrait just beckon to me?


Wada-san's voice seemed particularly distant. My world swirled, and I stumble forward, touching the gilded edge of the painting. My head throbbed painfully, and I press my temples, feeling a burst of cold sweat form on the back of my neck. What's going on?

Forcing the vertigo back by sheer force of will, I muster up a smile and turned back to reassure Wada-san. Never mind that my vision seems a little wonky at the moment.

"I'm...fine?" Pause. "Wada-san?"

Why am I alone? Where was Wada-san? For that matter, where is everyone else in the museum? The silence reverberated like a gong in my head, and I stumble backwards, pressing up against the wall behind me...and that painting.

Something resembling an electric shock buzzed through me, turning my vision white for one second, then leeching all colour from my sight. The world spun, I shut my eyes, and everything went black.


That's the opening sequence. XD I'll flesh out scenes and paraphrase where I can (although Tsunku's monologue later is too epic to change XD), but events will eventually play out as in the game. XD Hope everyone has fun reading even if you can't read the Japanese in the game (or can't be arsed to play it!) :lol:
Title: Re: HarunanQuest [4/1 - Prologue]
Post by: kitaoji on January 03, 2013, 08:16:44 PM
spot claiming, hhiiiiiiiiiii.  XD

Listening to you talk about it over the past few days is certainly piquing my interest, but not yet enough to actually play it.  I'm not going to expect it to be a walkthrough or anything extremely epic, but it'll be nice to pick up on all of the in-jokes.  And the tanks. And the twirling.  And all the crazy hi-jinks in between.  :rofl:
Title: Re: HarunanQuest [4/1 - Prologue]
Post by: Estrea on January 03, 2013, 08:55:10 PM
@kitaoji: Hehe knowing me I'll make it even more awesome than it actually is. XD It's not that hard, the jokes are pretty epic on their own!

Note for last chapter, Harunan mentions Vermeer's paintings in the museum scene, but I had to go find out which painting she was referring to, and all I had to go on was "stained glass" in Ayaka's reply. Turns out that IS enough to find the picture. XD Just bonus information cos me research too much. :lol:

Chapters will be short because of the nature of the game~



Wake up, wake precious little Harunan...

I stir slightly, my head heavy. A dream? Was it all just a dream? I clearly remembered making plans with Wada-san to go to the museum today, so maybe I got too excited and started dreaming of the trip itself? That could happen, right?

I open my eyes as the voice next to me got insistent. Blinking vaguely, I push the covers off my body and sat up, rubbing at my eyes. The sheets felt scratchy. Wait a minute, this doesn't seem right...

"Ehhhhhh? Why am I in my Renai Hunter outfit????"

My voice bounced off the high wooden rafters with no visible effect. High wooden rafters? Last I checked, my room did not have high wooden rafters. Nor did anywhere else in my house. Or my grandmother's house. What is going on?

As if my outburst meant nothing, my mother -- that is my mother, right...? -- continued speaking.

"You better get up soon. Don't you remember? Today is the first time you're going to visit the Karifuwa restaurant run by Tsunku. Hurry up, you don't want to keep him waiting! Ah I'm so proud to have raised you to this day!"

She looked like my mother. She sounded like my mother...if my mother spoke in a monotone not unlike that of a robot. I eye my not-mother suspiciously. Her smile did not quite reach her eyes, and the enthusiasm in her voice seemed hollow. It was as if someone had replaced my mother with a shell of who she was supposed to be. My heart twisted inside; what had happened to my real mother?

Deciding to play it cautious, I edge out of bed, pinching myself in the arm as I did to make sure that this wasn't the dream. Unfortunately, the pain was quite real. Darn!

"Uh, I'll be going then?" My mother, if she really was my mother, smiled again in that falsely cheerful way and bid me to hurry up, again, because Tsunku-san was waiting for me. How odd. I shuffle sideways past her, careful not to leave my back open -- I've played enough video games to have a healthy sense of paranoia in this case -- and opened my wardrobe. I might be dressed, but I couldn't just go out like that. Girls needed to accessorize too!

There was a messenger bag in the wardrobe, which I took. Actually, it was the only thing in there of notice...what was that tucked in a corner? I reached in, and pulled out a 10,000 yen note. My eyes went wide, and I looked around furtively. This place didn't look much like my room, and I wasn't sure if I was allowed to just take things like that, but this couldn't hurt, right? Mind made up, I tucked the note into the bag, slinging it over my shoulders as I slipped out of the room. My not-mother did not even turn to see me leave, simply standing by the bed where I had woken earlier. Creepy...

I wander out, and there were elements at once similar and different from my real house. More different than similar, to be honest, but there was just enough familiarity to disorient me even more. Have I fallen into some kind of weird alternate reality, like in those manga I read? Could it even be possible? Speaking of which, where is my manga collection? I didn't see it in my room earlier, which was what made me sure that it wasn't really my room.

Where am I? I made it to the main living area. A big red diary lay on the table, and I wandered over to take a look. There were some incomprehensible notes about Songs and Skills and what-not. I lose interest quickly and headed over to my cats. At least I think they are my cats. I call to them, and all I got was a meow in response. Right...

A pot of flowers in a corner drew my attention, and I strode over to take a look. The scent was familiar, eerily so. When I leaned in close to sniff at it, I blinked. These flowers...were the exact ones I helped Grandma to arrange just yesterday! The arrangement was even the same! They smelled the same too. I rub my thumb against one of the petals. Soft, and real. What is going on here? First I was convinced that I was in some weird alternate dimension or something, and now here was something I clearly recalled doing, down to the last detail. It was starting to confuse me...especially when every step of the flower arrangement process started rearranging themselves in my head to form a lethal art. Involuntarily I had the image of stabbing a plant in creative ways...

I shake my head, backing away as I backtracked towards the exit. I don't remember my house being quite this small, but I was starting to lean in favour of the fact that I was in a strange alternate dimension, so the dissimiliarities might just make sense. Kind of. As long as I don't think too hard about them.

I open the door and step out into the sunshine, wincing at the obnoxiously bright rays as I shielded my eyes. Fluffy white clouds skipped across an endlessly blue sky, and the air was balmy against my skin. How odd for the summer. Then again, this wasn't a bad thing, so I shrugged and got a move on.

The city was quiet. Too quiet, I realized after a few steps. That was never a good sign. Looking around, I realized that I could not see a single person on the streets. No sounds of birds or crickets or anything else. The air even smelled way too fresh to be somewhere in Tokyo. A signboard at the junction identified the place as Hachioji, my neighbourhood, but it looked nothing like the Hachioji I know. Silence aside, everything was too clean and bright and disgustingly cheerful. The real Hachioji was a bit greyer, and city air was never as sweet as country the kind I was breathing right now. I walked down the street and saw alien signs and different kinds of houses from what I was used to seeing. That merely reaffirmed the fact that I had been thrown into some kind of alternate dimension. Which wasn't very comforting, but it was something to know at least.

I made a circuit of the district to get my bearings, realizing almost immediately that this really couldn't be my Hachioji. Too small, too clean, too perfect. There was even a park and a pond so clear you could see the sand at the bottom! All it was missing was some carp in there and it would be picture perfect. No signs of life at all anywhere, save me.

Tsunku-san is waiting. Something tugs at me, and I remember that my not-mother had wanted me to go see Tsunku-san. I was getting more and more confused as I went, and if anyone were to know anything, it had to be Tsunku-san, right? He was such an amazing person! He has to know something.

My mind made up, I decided to exit this all-too-perfect Hachioji in search of Tsunku-san, in the hope that he could clear up the mystery of what has happened to me, and just what in the world was wrong with this place...


Harunan wakes up in an alternate reality! Good thing her otaku skills are helping her to adapt. Yoink the money from the wardrobe! I added the bag because I wanted her to have a way to carry things around later. Gameplay and story segregation, I thumb my nose at you!

The Ikebana, or Flower Arrangement skill, can be learned from examining the flowers in the sitting room. I referenced that of course, because lulz.

Random H!P callbacks spotted in-game: the red diary that explains your stats and skills...akai nikkichou. XD The cats in the corner are named after the cats that Harunan does own irl, Silky and Rai (thunder). Karifuwa actually does exist in the real world. It's a restaurant chain opened by Tsunku.

And time to go see the man himself! Will he enlighten Harunan about her role in all this? What will happen? Stay tuned. XD

EDIT: Changed the way Harunan refers to Ayaka because I just remembered that she didn't start calling her "Aya-chan" until somewhere after Ayaka's birthday, a bit fuzzy about the date though. And this is set before that, but after the Stacy's musical. Have to keep some kind of reality continuity here!
Title: Re: HarunanQuest [4/1 - Prologue, Awakenings]
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 04, 2013, 02:38:34 AM
Can I count the ways I love you? They are many and varied. This simply adds another reason for me to heart you so good.

The fact that I'm also sort of getting a walk through out of it helps too. XD XD
Title: Re: HarunanQuest [4/1 - Prologue, Awakenings]
Post by: Dreamcato on January 04, 2013, 04:52:52 AM
WHOA!!! This will be epic!!!  :w00t:

Estrea, you're amazing! I love this premise and all references too.
Sayusuke appears in the story, isn't? I'll be waiting for my oshimen's participation.  :P

And now I want play the game.  :lol:
Title: Re: HarunanQuest [4/1 - Prologue, Awakenings]
Post by: Estrea on January 04, 2013, 06:06:05 AM
@rndy: Hehe, I am pretty awesome that way. :P
@Dreamcato: I love this game too. I've cleared it 3 times already, twice on the 1.03 version and once on the 1.15 complete version. Well, I haven't beat the bonus bosses in the 1.15 but hey XD I know enough to start! And yes, Sayu makes an epic appearance later. :lol: I won't spoil it, but it was very Sayu-esque and I now fear Leader more than anything else. :lol: Yes you should play the game too!


The Reason For This World?! Slime Attack!

Things have gotten really screwed up, now that I think about it. Just this morning all I had to worry about was what to wear and where to go and what to do. Those things I could handle...but it seems like my life has just gotten way more complicated in an instant...


"Tsunku-san, what is going on here? I don't understand anything at all!"

"It's a complete solar eclipse. Because of that, everything has gone wrong. The sun showers us with positive energy each day, so when that's gone, only negative energy is left, and it all just added up to a really bad day. I wonder why no one was informed. But it's not a complete loss, Iikubo, because you are here as well."

"Eh, how could have anything to do with this? I remember being out with Wada-san...then the next thing I know I was waking up here. Where is this place anyway?"

"This seems to be a dream reality. I'm not sure how many of us got sucked into this dream world by the negative energy, but we're all lost in it."

"A...dream world? How could this even happen?"

"That's right. It's a paradise~ ...or so I would like to say. I was happy at home before I got sucked into this world as well. This world takes in and absorbs things and people from the real world. I only just received a message from Makoto earlier, after he got sucked in as well."

"Even Makoto-san..."

"Dreams are a fragile thing, you know? If we were to let this unstable reality go on as it were, it might even replace what we knew as the real world. We can't possibly let that happen, so we have to break it somehow."

"Break it? How?"

"Listen up, Iikubo. The only ones who can free our minds and bodies from this dimension without being corrupted by it, are only those who are under 18...that's you and the other members."

"That means...the 9th generation and my fellow 10th generation members?"

"That's right. But in this dream world, you children cannot be considered as members of Morning Musume..."

"Eh?! What do you mean by that???"

"It's because you are not in possession of your member colours. Someone must have stolen them when you kids were absorbed by this dimension. Because of this, you must retrieve the corresponding colour cyalumes from fans who are holding on to them. Iikubo, I'm counting on you. You kids must retrieve your member colours before anything can happen. If you kids were to be corrupted by this dimension before that...then we're all finished. There's only one thing left to do. You must become Morning Musume members once again!"

"Uhhh....Tsunku-san, I must first ask this: how are you able to know so much about this world?"

"You must do your best."


"You must do your best. You must do your best. You must do your best..."


Tsunku-san's cryptic words haunted me as I left him standing amidst the wreckage of Karifuwa. He would no longer respond to any of my questions, nor any tentative prodding. If I were to assume that what he said was true, then he too must have been taken in by this dream world...

"A dream reality..." I said out loud to myself, holding one hand out in front of me. I flexed my fingers. They moved. I touched a grimy, blackened wall. It felt gritty, but when I pulled my hand away, there was nothing there. How odd...but then, if this really was some kind of dream, there would be some discrepancies. It certainly would explain why everything was so picture perfect in Hachioji, and why the edge of the horizon seemed so hazy, as if my mind refused to register the absolute distance. If this was a dream...

I hit my head experimentally against a broken wall.


Right. I could get hurt. I touched a hand to my forehead. It felt tender and sore. Alright, physical pain was present, and it did nothing to bring me back to the real world. This must be some dream...

I looked around the ruins of Karifuwa. I have never been there in the real world, but I have seen pictures and even ruined like this it shouldn't look so...well, different. Yet, it felt familiar somehow...

"I guess I should look around..." I said aloud, if only to break the silence. It was really eerie to have nothing but the wind whistling around your ears. Tsunku-san was about as responsive as a doll, so it really wasn't helping. Maybe I would find something of use around here? Isn't that what they always do in manga and games? Always explore every nook and cranny!

Picking my way past ruined signs and broken fences, I take cursory glances at the broken chairs and shattered tables, as well as the inpromptu swamps of goo that were all over the place. I had to step into some to get to Tsunku earlier, to my disgust, but when I stepped out again the goo just slid off as if they had never been there. Yet I still felt the exhaustion from slogging through it, and I panted as I took the long way round a pile of rubble.

I must really be out of shape... I thought ruefully, shading my eyes against the afternoon sun. Wait, was that a glint in the corner? I perk up. Maybe it's something I could use!

I stop at the edge of the purple swamp. Yes, purple. If this hadn't confirmed for me that it was a dream, nothing else would. Hmm, purple swamps, why do you seem so familiar?

I stand on my tiptoes to catch sight of that glint again. Ah! It looked like an ornate chest! My mind flitted back to my favourite video games, and a little rush of glee ran through me. Treasure chest equals loot equals something I could use! Who knew video game logic could serve me so well in this dream world?

Seeing no two ways about it, I sighed and started slogging through the swamp again. Every step was agony, but I had no choice. Well, I did have a choice, but...shiny treasure chest! I must have it. Teeth ground together, I made it through, grateful that the goo didn't cling on to any of my clothes. That was one saving grace at least.

As I got closer, I did a little jump of glee. It really was a treasure chest! Finders keepers, or so the logic goes. It's not like Tsunku-san has any use for it, and if I'm going on a grand quest, I should have better equipment right? All I had now was my clothes, my backpack, and...right! I reached into my bag and pulled out a brown cyalume, swishing it about experimentally. This could double as a walking stick, and I could probably hit someone over the head in a pinch.

Kneeling by the treasure chest, I engaged the mechanism to unlock it. It was simple enough, and I found myself wondering what might lay within. Money? Equipment? Items? A clue even?

Empty. The glaring blank insides of the chest mocked me, and I felt offended despite myself.

"Empty? You can't have empty treasure chests! It doesn't work like that in video games! Ah, mou!"

I kicked the empty chest, then winced. I forgot that pain still applied. Limping pathetically, I noted the progress of the "sun" as it moved obviously and dramatically across the sky. Hm, time seems to progress on a different scale here. Either that or I had spent more time crossing that swamp than I thought.

Well, in any case I was exhausted. I needed rest, and even the thought of the scratchy bed I woke up in was tempting. As I headed towards the southern exit, I spotted another treasure chest, and determined not leave empty handed, I waded across as well to unlock it.

Oooh, 3 Pie Mixes! Except...I don't have any other ingredients to make pie with? Well, it was something at least, so I stuffed them into my bag. At least I got something out of this trip...

The walk across Akabane Bridge was uneventful, and I found myself observing the unnatural movement of the waves beneath the bridge. I hadn't noticed before, but after Tsunku-san's revelation, more and more details stood out to me. This really was some kind of alternate reality...

And then there was something at the end of the bridge. When I stepped closer, they twitched, hopping on the spot almost menacingly. Slimes? Actual moving slimes? My jaw dropped. This was beyond familiar. Monsters from Dragon Quest?!

"Houston, we have a problem." I joked nervously to myself, clutching my brown cyalume with shaking fingers. The treasure chests should have tipped me off earlier, but now that I think about it, the whole setting certainly felt like a bastardised version of Dragon Quest. Now, I've played Dragon Quest. Of course I have! Every Japanese person would at least know about Dragon Quest. And if I'm not wrong...I lick my suddenly parched lips tentatively. Slimes are the weakest monsters there are in Dragon Quest, right? Starter monsters. Even a rookie could beat them. A rookie like me, even?

I didn't want to fight, but they were in the way and I don't think I dare to jump into that unnatural looking water and try to swim across. Well, besides, if monsters are a reality in this dimension, I have to learn how to fight them somehow, right? What best to start on but slimes?

"I can do this..." I sounded nervous, even to myself. Hitching my bag more closely, I stepped up close...

...and WHAM!

The slime burst into the air and slammed into me, knocking the breath out of me and sending me crashing to the pavement. My vision swam. This was a basic monster? There's no way I could win!

Not to mention, I just lost to a slime, of all things. How embarrassing!

As I thought, there is no way you could do this alone. Now stand up, and use my power!

A voice? Where was it coming from? I shook my head blearily, trying to figure out the source. Suddenly there was a pressure in my head, and I clutched it, dropping my cyalume into my lap in the process. This...this is...?

Knowledge I grant you. Now, make a stand!

Gritting my teeth, I pull myself to my feet using the cyalume as a crutch. Do I have to face those slimes again? As if in response, the slimes edged closer. Oh well, it doesn't look like I have a choice...

And then there was that voice, so familiar yet so distant...

This is a dream world. Your strength here is dependent on what makes YOU. Songs are magic, and your determination is what counts here!

That...makes sense? My head started to clear. I can do this, no, I have to do this!

So go forth, my beautiful Love Berry! Find the strength you used to have!

This voice is...myself? So close, so familiar...the name on my old stage name when I was with Love Berry?


The words came effortlessly to my lips as I straightened to face the slimes. Confidence I didn't know I had came to me, and the command came spilling out.

"Think I'm an imp? No, I'm the devil herself!"

A wave of pure energy came from my outstretched fingers, slamming into the pair of slimes with great force. The energy rippled through the slimes, and they shuddered, then vanished with a shimmer in the air. My mouth felt dry as I leaned heavily on my cyalume. I did it! I beat the slimes!

A couple of coins shone on the floor where the slimes where. 10 yen huh...well, they are only just slimes. But that does mean that I can earn money from beating things up, just like in the games!

Feeling suddenly more exhausted by the prospect, I pick up the coins and pocket them. I guess I should return to my house. The thought of that alien place and my, she might really be my mother, just...consumed by the dream. The thought made me shudder. I was hearing voices earlier too. What if I too get devoured by this reality? What would happen to me? Would I become a shell of myself?

I couldn't let that happen. But first, I guess I should head back...geez, that fight with the slimes really took a lot out of me. I need to get better, fast!

With that in mind I crossed the bridge, ready to face this strange new world. I am Iikubo Haruna, and I won't let myself fall until I finish this!


Cyalume is the Japanese term for lightsticks. The longer, baton-like type.
Love Berry is the name of the agency Harunan was in prior to joining MM. She was a model with them. Her stage name was Hau-tan. This will be relevant.
Also, I basically transliterated the entire Tsunku-Harunan dialogue in the middle section. He actually does say all those things. Tsunku, still a troll in the dream world. I mean, becoming Morning Musume again? Seriously? Lmao.

Took a couple of liberties with some dialogue options to make it more realistic. And yes, the empty chest past the northern swamps in Karifuwa is in the game, and Harunan's reaction when you opened it was...well, what I wrote there. Kinda. XD You can also find 3 Pie Mixes in a chest in the southeast side, also with much swamp wading. XD

Title: Re: HarunanQuest [4/1 - The Reason For This World?! Slime Attack!]
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 04, 2013, 10:01:59 AM
I'm already having so much fun reading this! I can't wait for more.
Title: Re: HarunanQuest [4/1 - The Reason For This World?! Slime Attack!]
Post by: Estrea on January 04, 2013, 10:13:30 AM
@rndy: Hee, writing is easy when you have base material to work with. :lol:


Eripon Happens!

When I first stepped back into Hachioji, the first thing that struck me was the noise. There were people in the streets now! Where did they all come from? Where were they earlier? This is one weird dream world...

Brushing past an old man who was muttering to himself about orichalcum, I wound my way past a store and up the street back to my home. I really wanted to check on my mother. If she had been devoured by this dream world too...

The door creaked open as I stepped in, and I made my way to where I last saw my mother: my room. She was still there in the middle, exactly where I left her. My heart dropped to the pits of my stomach as I tried talking to her. Even worse than earlier...there was no response. I wanted to cry. I want my mother back! This dream world...I have to break it somehow...

And then suddenly the front door slammed open.

"Excuse my intrusion!"

I jumped and turned as a familiar figure swathed in lime green came close.


She was the first other Morning Musume member I have seen in this world. I was so grateful to see a familiar face (Tsunku-san doesn't really count, not really), that I went up to her and hugged her. She returned it briefly, then pushed me away gently as she asked.

"Harunan, have you seen Niigaki-san anywhere?"

Of course, that would be the first thing she asks. I eye her. She was dressed in Niigaki-san's member t-shirt, complete with bandana and the member towel which she held like a lasso in one hand. She looked pretty grim, quite unlike her usual easygoing self. I stuttered a response.

"Eh? Um no, I haven't seen her."

Her face falls at my reply. "Is that so..." She turns on her heel, ready to leave. Startled, I run up to her, clapping a hand onto her shoulder.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go look for Niigaki-san. She's over 18 years old, so there's a chance she can't resist being taken over by this world. I have to go help her if that's the case!"

Ikuta-san sounded determined, though I couldn't help but detect the traces of worry underlying her tone. She must really love Niigaki-san...but I couldn't just let her walk off like this. I didn't want to be alone in this strange new world.

"You've met Tsunku-san? Then you know that we have to gather our member colours again?"

She nods. "I did. But Niigaki-san's more important to me. I'm leaving the task to Mizuki."

She said it so nonchalantly, her trust in Fukumura-san implicit. My eyes widened at the information.

"Fukumura-san is nearby!? We should meet up and work together! There are monsters in this world, so it's better to be in a group. It's too dangerous to be on your own!" I tried again. It really was too dangerous. Who knew what kind of terrors lurked beyond? There would be safety in numbers, and capable as Ikuta-san was, I'm not sure if she should be acting alone.

Ikuta-san shrugged in all confidence, waving one hand dismissively. "Oh if it's Mizuki she'll be fine. She's already gone in search of Kanon-chan and Riho."

She seemed well informed. More than I did at any rate.

"Do you know where everyone is then?"

Ikuta-san sighed, putting a hand on her hip.

"Well it seems like we all start in our hometowns in this dream world. I woke up in Fukuoka, and you're here in Hachioji. I just met up with Mizuki in Tokyo earlier."

"But Hachioji is part of Tokyo?"

"Whatever. Anyway by that logic, Kanon-chan should be around Nagoya, and Riho should be in Hiroshima somewhere."

I seize upon the information as my mind sped up to process it.

"If that's the case, Kuduu should be in Saitama now. Ayumi-chan is from Miyagi, and Maa-chan...should be all the way in Hokkaido." I pause. "The rest of 10th gen is all in the north..." While the rest of 9th gen was off in the west, where I had no doubt that Fukumura-san was headed to gather the rest of her generation-mates. Ikuta-san nodded in affirmation, patting me on the shoulder comfortingly.

"You should go meet up with Kuduu in Saitama then, if you're looking to gather the members together." Her lips pressed into a firm line. "As for me, I'm going to Yokohama to look for Niigaki-san. I couldn't find Tanaka-san in Fukuoka when I first woke, and there's no way to know what has happened to our senpai...I have to find her." There was no concealing the worried frown on her face now. I wonder what has happened to Tanaka-san? Surely she hasn't...

"I wonder what happens to us in the real world if we get devoured by this dream reality...?" I voiced my thoughts out loud, my gaze shifting involuntarily to my statue-like mother behind me. Ikuta-san followed my gaze and grimaced. Her face took on a determined cast as she released my shoulder and turned her back on me.

"We should hurry then."

Without turning back or wasting any words of farewell, Ikuta-san left as abruptly as she had entered. The dying rays of the evening sun (it was already evening?) shone in the wake of her departure. Overloaded by all the information I just received, I stumble back to my bed and sat heavily, wondering at the weight of the task ahead of me.

Saitama, Miyagi and Hokkaido. The distances stretched ahead of me. How much more do I have to go through to get back to the normal world? This wasn't going to be easy. Flopping backwards onto the bed, I let my eyes flutter close for a moment. It was getting dark outside, and I wasn't going to travel at night, not with monsters and what-not lurking around outside.

If I was going to be stuck here anyway, I guess I should keep my strength up before heading to Saitama to find Kuduu. I hope she's alright. I know Kuduu is tough, but she's still just a kid, and I can't help but worry, you know? And Maa-chan! All the way in Hokkaido...I hope she hasn't gotten into any trouble. At least Ayumi-chan should be smart enough to stay safe. I hope. There's just so much I didn't know...

"Rest first, then find Kuduu in Saitama..." I whisper myself, before closing my eyes again.

This was going to be a long journey...


Eripon! Still happening even in a game! :lol:

Just so everyone knows, I never remove her Niigaki-based equipment from her even after I get her. The stat boosts were better anyway. :lol: Plus can you imagine me putting her in anything else? Right? XD

Short interlude. Duu in the next chapter! Harunan can't fight to save her arse, I kid you not. She needs someone who can do the actual front-line work. :lol:
Title: Re: HarunanQuest [4/1 - The Reason For This World?! Slime Attack!、Eripon Happens]
Post by: Slack on January 04, 2013, 12:21:49 PM
I'm going to have to find some time to read this and play the game!
Title: Re: HarunanQuest [4/1 - The Reason For This World?! Slime Attack!、Eripon Happens]
Post by: Shiawase_Honoo on January 04, 2013, 08:01:54 PM
I cleared this game so many times (ver 1.15). XD
As fiction, I like it. d(>w<

P.s. You should go back to Tsunku and talk to him more couple times. lol I love to use Mizuki, Kanon-chan and Duu, but don't use Ayumin to fight with the water-based monster. XD
P.sss. I'm waiting for Henshujou (this game's maker) to complete the Harunan Quest 2. I hope it would be fun like the first work. >w<)
Title: Re: HarunanQuest [4/1 - The Reason For This World?! Slime Attack!、Eripon Happens]
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 04, 2013, 09:22:20 PM
The first thing I said when Eripon came up in game was, "What?" Then her dialogue that I couldn't read happened, then she left. I was like, "What? Did, Did Eripon just happen?" XD XD
Title: Re: HarunanQuest [4/1 - The Reason For This World?! Slime Attack!、Eripon Happens]
Post by: Estrea on January 05, 2013, 08:30:16 AM
@Slack: Haha this game is fun! Tons of in-jokes lol.
@Shiawase_Honoo: Haha yeah I've cleared the game several times too. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. And thanks for the tip about Tsunku! My favorite team for normal battles is Riho, Duu, Daishi and either Fukuchan or Eripon. For boss battles I usually keep Riho and Duu and I change the team depending on my strategy for the boss. XD I still haven't beat Berryz :X Need to level up some more before I try haha.
@rndy: Hehe well as we said on the podcast's fun even when we don't know what's going on, but it's funnier when we do. :lol: Hopefully my fic will fill in the gaps in the story!


A Chihuahua in Saitama

Tsunku-san has contacted us about the situation. This has gotten really bad, hasn't it, Harunan? I really want to rush over to see you right now, but I have a responsibility as leader of S/mileage to gather all of them first. When I'm done I'll definitely come to your side! Be safe until then! Bye bye!

I snap my phone shut, a feeling of warmth and gratitude bubbling up within my heart. Thank you, Wada-san. I had needed the courage to move on. Knowing that I wasn't wholly alone gave me the strength to keep walking, even in this unfamiliar place.

"Right! On to Saitama then!"


Gurgle gurgle... "Ah! A glass after work, that's the life! Master, one more of the same!"

"That's a great attitude you have, little miss!" The grizzled bartender behind the bar chuckled. "With your looks, you will surely become a fine woman in the future!"

The boyish-looking girl grinned impudently, lifting her glass in salute. "Hehe, thanks for that!"

Smiling indulgently at his young patron, the bartender wiped down the counter as he continued making small talk.

"Do you know of the black eggs they make on Mt. Takao? There's a rumor that eating one will extend your life by another 7 years, and guard you against disease. It apparently even has beautifying effects!"

The girl at the bar smirked. "As if I care about that. I rather have another one of the eggs in the oden you make, Master! That, I can confirm, tastes heavenly!"

The bartender laughs, the sound coming deep from his belly. "Of course! You're still young, so your appetite comes before your looks, eh?"

The girl grins. "Obviously! Speaking of which, I'll have another serving!"

"Coming right up!"


I thought Saitama would be further. Well, not that I'm complaining. But it was also far enough on the road that I had gotten ambushed more than once by those pesky slimes, which I had to dispatch with that skill I had learned yesterday. At least I think it was yesterday.

Time seemed to pass differently here, was the first thing I observed. I was certain that I had closed my eyes for no longer than a few moments, but when I woke up it was already morning, and I felt completely refreshed. The watch I had on me had stopped, and my cell phone, which had miraculously survived the transition, wasn't displaying the time right either. It obviously wasn't broken, since Wada-san had been able to send me a message through it, but time seemed to be working on a different level here entirely. Trying to think about it only gave me a headache, and I abandoned the thought as I trekked across the wide open space, focusing only on the dark blob in the distance that had to be Saitama, according to the nice people I asked back in Hachioji.

My mouth grew drier every time I cast that spell, and I quickly learned to ration my usage of it, saving it for larger groups of slimes, rather than single ones that I could fend off with my cyalume. Surprisingly, it was still sturdy despite all the abuse I was putting it through. I guess things worked somewhat differently in this reality...

By the time I reached Saitama, it was in the early evening, and my throat was worse than parched. Oddly enough, I wasn't actually sweating. I felt tired and sore and thirsty, but not sweaty. What a strange world. My stomach rumbled. Oh, so it seems like I would have to eat in this world too?

Pausing at the entrance to Saitama, which, of course, looked nothing like the real place, I wondered where in the world I would find Kuduu in this city. Granted, dream-Hachioji had been much smaller than the real thing, and I expected dream-Saitama to be the same, but I had to start somewhere...and my stomach was leading me towards the nearest establishment.

The Whitewood Bar. Looks respectable enough, and it was the nearest place. I finger the 10,000 yen note as well as the pocket change I had collected from fighting those slimes on the way. It should be enough for a meal, right?

I push my way into the establishment quietly. There were several patrons around, lounging at tables scattered in front of a stage. A few others sat at the long bar directly ahead from the entrance, and my gaze was immediately drawn to a very familiar back view.

"That's....Kuduu?" It looked like her. It laughed like her, from what little I could hear from here. But what was Kuduu doing in a bar? She is underage! And was she drinking? Oh gods, what if someone saw her! What if she got Friday'd?

Wait, calm down, Iikubo. We aren't in the real world. This is a dream reality. We aren't actually idols here and I don't think Friday would be here. At least I hope not. Tabloids were bad enough back home. I don't think I could deal with a dream version of it on top of what we have to do here.

That said, Kuduu really shouldn't be drinking, scandal or not. She was too young! I march up to the bar, hoping that she hadn't gotten herself into trouble. Steeling myself, I tap her on the shoulder as she was downing another glass of...something.

"Oh, Iikubo-chan! How nice to se--"

"Are you drinking?" I blurt out, still staring in shock at the glass in her hand. Kuduu stares at me for a long moment, then bursts out laughing.

"Of course not!" She swishes the pale liquid in her glass, angling it to show me the contents. "See, it's just milk! Only milk!" She downs it quickly, giving herself a milk mustache when she took the glass away, and I could not help but giggle at her face. Kuduu grins.

"There are rules in this world too, you know? Even if it's all just a dream." She pushes the glass away. Ah, so she has spoken to Tsunku-san as well. At my expression, she nods.

"Yes, I've spoken to Tsunku-san. We have to get our colours back, right?" She thumps her chest, jumping off her seat. "Just leave it to me!"

"Thank you. I knew I could count on you." I say with sincere gratitude. Kuduu might be the youngest in Morning Musume, say what you will, but she was reliable and more responsible than others around her, including someone I shall not name...

"Oh, are you leaving already? Here, take this." The friendly old bartender smiles and hands Kuduu a few bottles of mineral water. I thank him, and my younger companion cheekily promises to return as soon as she can. I smile. Kuduu has always been the outgoing and social type.

As we approach the exit to the bar, Kuduu slows her steps. I slow too, matching her, and we stop right before the exit.

"What's wrong?"

The younger girl shifts, scratching at her messy mop of hair.

"Well, when I first came to, a really nice old man helped me out and gave me some money in return for helping out around the house. That's how I could afford to come by here in the first place." She jabs over her shoulder with a thumb.

"I was thinking...if we're going to leave on a journey soon, I should at least thank him for his care if nothing else." She shifts uncertainly on her feet, and I find myself smiling at her. Kuduu was a good kid, even if she was a brat half the time.

"You don't even need to ask."

"Yay, you're the best! Come on, Gramps' house is to the north!"


"Gramps! I brought a friend! Gramps? It's me, Haru!"

Kuduu barrels in through the fancy entrance like a chihuahua on steroids, and I follow with more decorum. I stop still the moment I enter though, because something was seriously wrong with this place. It was all falling to ruin, just like the way I found Karifuwa when I went to speak to Tsunku-san. Speaking of which, where was my young friend?

"Gramps! Are you ok? Come on, speak to me! Gramps!"

I follow Kuduu's panicked cries and found her next to an old man who was clearly in failing health, slumped on the floor. I kneel beside them, trying to see what was wrong with him, but other than the fact that he was barely breathing and clearly not in good health, I couldn't do a thing to help. I lay a hand on Kuduu's shoulder, and felt it as she set them, obviously making a decision.

"The old guy at Whitewood said that the black egg on Mt.Takeo has restorative effects. I have to get it. It might help Gramps here..."

"I understand." I nod. We might have a duty to retrieve our colours, but we couldn't just abandon this poor old man either. Besides, Kuduu would never forgive me, and I know I wouldn't forgive myself either.

"Mt.Takeo is to the west of Hachioji." I found myself saying, and Kuduu got up, face grim.

"Just let me get something from my room, and then let's go!"


The chihuahua references came from Kuduu's status screen in game, in which her title is "Military-use Chihuahua".  I kid you not. XD Quite a few of her naturally learned skills has something to with that title, like Bite, or Lick...or just related to her playful tomboy character, like Skirt Flip (lowers enemy defense XD).

Remember to talk to the bartender before you leave, he gives 5 bottles of mineral water (restores 1 MP). Of course, I referenced that in the story by letting Harunan note that every time she casts a spell, her mouth gets dry. XD Incidentally, all the MP restoring items are drinks (cider, Red Bull, Momoiro Sparkling :lol: ).

Also get the box of clips in Gramps' house, located in the upper left of the house, in the room. Using the item in the Special (the double stars tab) Items screen gives you a Clip Infinite item....basically a whip made out of paper clips. It can be combined with 2 bat fangs (drops from the blue bat enemies)  to make a better weapon for Duu, or combined with Iron from a Metal Slime drop for an even stronger weapon. XD

There's also a hidden area in Saitama that I'm not referencing in the story since there's no reason for them to go there story-wise, even if loot-wise it's a good idea. Just go to the exit of Saitama, hug the wall to the right and loop back upwards to get to the area, beat the slime, then you get 10000 yen, a new helmet for Harunan, and 10 Apples in the 3 treasure chests there. XD

Anyway, yup. Hope you guys enjoy!
Title: Re: HarunanQuest [5/1 - A Chihuahua in Saitama]
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 05, 2013, 10:32:51 AM
I'm learning so much from this story, XD chihuahua.... Geez XD
Title: Re: HarunanQuest [5/1 - A Chihuahua in Saitama]
Post by: Shiawase_Honoo on January 05, 2013, 12:39:11 PM
When I first played this game, I laughed so hard about Duu's title.
'Is it for REAL?!' :rofl:
Anyway, it also makes me want to take her home. Kawaii~~~ :wub:
Your writing style always makes me a stomachache because of over laughing :rofl:

P.s. I'm looking for the battle in East Hiroshima. :thumbsup The Berryz team, you should use Mizuki (her level must over 35). Don't let Kanon-chan and the member who can use full-scale attacking die.
(Maasa's attacking is so painful XD)
P.sss. The all-gold is needed. Don't forget to retrive it. :lol:

Thanks again for your hard work. :bow: