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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: Sayuki on February 24, 2013, 08:25:43 AM

Title: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] (multipairing)
Post by: Sayuki on February 24, 2013, 08:25:43 AM
I found a long lost fic that I wrote long time ago but not actually completed or posted. I'm having a bad flu so I can't write anything. I feel quite bad that it's been awhile I haven't updated any of my fics and now I'm sick so I decided to post this story.

It's a (very long) one-shot so I'll split it into many parts. It's like a series so I hope you guys will enjoy it while waiting for me to recover. Thank you.

Kako no Cafe [Part 1]

In Tokyo, the most developed city of Japan, a crowd lined up before a store. You wouldn’t fine it strange to see that scene in the Akibahara, the most famous downtown of Tokyo. But what I want to show you here is the house next door. It was just a small coffee shop, painted in light red and pink which made it eye-catching. Located in one of the best area for business and cafe but the shop barely had any customers.

Going inside, at the bar, there was a short girl cleaning an empty glass with a white towel on her hand. She had high brown pony tail, dressing in a white shirt with a bow, black pants and a white apron wrap around her waist. While both of her handing were doing their task, cleaning the glass even though it wasn’t dirty at all, she looked at the empty chairs in front of her.

A heavy sigh escape from her pink lips.

Right at that time, a soft ring from the bell hanging on the entrance door broke the cold silence. The short girl, or as known as the owner of this lonely cafe, gazed at the door. At first, she was surprised to see someone would ever walk into her cafe. But then her gaze changed to relieved one when she noticed who was stepping in. A tall girl with long raven hair that lay neatly on both of her shoulders, setting off her milky white skin and her beautiful princess-like face. Her creamy white short dress made her perfect body shine in its beauty. Dragging a black luggage behind, the newcomer took off her shades then greeted the owner.

“Hello Takamina. Long time no see.”


Takahashi Minami, or Takamina for short, put down the glass and hastily ran to the tall girl, gave the girl a big hug.

“Yukirin! Finally you’ve come. I miss you!”

“Miss you too.” The tall girl hugged her back. “It’s been 3 years after I went back to my hometown, right?”

“Yeah it is. A long time indeed. How is your business in Kagoshima?”

“Very good. My cafe is getting its fame. I’ve started getting some profits last month.”

“Good to hear that.” Takamina smiled. But then she immediately lowered her head and twisted her fingers together. “I’m sorry for asking you to help me... Leaving your work behind and all...”

“Don’t worry about that.” The tall girl patted the shorter one softly. “I’m your friend and friends help each other, right? Besides, Sakura is taking care of the cafe for me so I have no worry about it.”

“Sakura? You mean your cousin, Miyawaki Sakura?” Takamina raised an eyebrow.

“Yes it’s her. Maybe she’s clumsy but I have trained her from the time i opened my cafe so now she can take my place very well.”

“Well... Good to hear that... And I thank you for coming a long way here to help me.”

“Again, Takamina. It’s really nothing. Besides...” The tall girl took a look around before continued. “It’s worse than my imagination...”

“I know...” Takamina sighed.

“OK then. Let’s get start to renew this cafe.” The tall girl placed her luggage behind the bar and stepped out with a ladder that stored in the closet. “First thing, we need to repaint your cafe and change the name of it.

“Ehh???” Takamina stared at the tall girl in shock. “Why do we have to change the name?”

“Oh please, Takamina. The name is too old-fashioned while your decoration is too modern and young. It’s a weird mixture you know. “Takamina’s cafe”? Really old style. Just use other name or at least replace your decoration.”

“... OK since you’re the pro then I’ll listen to you... I guess I’ll go with changing the name since I don’t have much money left to reconstruct the whole cafe.”

“Don’t need for that. We just need to change the color, the name, the arrangement and the menu. Not gonna worth a lot of money.”

The tall girl turned the “Open” sigh into “Close” then took out a notebook from her handbag along with a pen. She motioned Takamina to sit with her in one of the empty table.

“You’re the owner. Give me your idea and I’ll fix it if necessary. What’s your business target here?”

“Hmm... Anyone. But I guess I’ll focus on teenagers and young adults.”

“Nice one. And what is your theme for the cafe?”

“A relaxing place after school and work with nice cakes and coffee.”

“Get it.” The raven girl noted down the main ideas on her notebook. After that, she read the menu on the table and thought for awile. “Your ideas are good. I haven’t seen any problem with your menu yet. So i guess only your decoration is the problem in here.”

“... I should have taken a design class.” Takamina slammed her head onto the table.

“Well...” The raven girl smiled awkwardly. “OK. Let’s start bringing a new spirit to this cafe.”

Taking the shorter’s hand, the raven girl dragged her friend out of the cafe.

“Wait. Where are we going, Yukirin?”

“Buying some paints. Come on.”


A week later.

In the same Tokyo, at the same location of the most empty coffee shop in Akibahara, a brand new cafe was opened. With the main colors are white and brown of wood, no one could ever resist its simpleness but heart-warming. Several wooden chairs and tables were placed perfectly next to each other, not too far but not too close, giving the customers a comfortable area. The warm yellow round-shaped lights gave everyone the most relaxation they could find.

A new promising cafe was born in the name of Kako no Cafe.

Inside, standing behind the bar, two figures, one short and tall, dressing in white shirt, black pants and tie bow, and a white apron, cleaned the glasses to prepare for the opening. While the taller one was doing the cleaning task, the shorter one read over the menu and finally found something strange in her menu. She looked at her friend in surprise.

“Wait, Yukirin. Is this menu wrong? Why do I see your secret recipe in it?”

“Nope. It’s right. I added it into the menu yesterday.” The taller girl answered without looking at her friend.

“Ehh? Hontou ni? That’s your secret weapon! I can’t borrow that for my cafe. And besides, I can’t make it! I’m only good at baking cakes.”

“I don’t mind sharing it with my friend. And I’ll stay here to work for you as a barista for awhile. At least until you don’t need my help to run this cafe anymore. I’ll teach you how to make good coffee.”

“Yukirin... Arigatou”

Takamina’s eyes were watery. Tears were forming and ready to roll down. Seeing that, Yukirin smiled and patted the shorter’s head.

“Don’t mention it. You helped me a lot back then so this is something that I can repay you. Forever friends, right?”

“Um.” Takamina nodded then hugged the taller girl.

Takahashi Minami, 21 years old, owner and baker of Kako no Cafe.

Kashiwagi Yuki, 21 years old, barista of Kako no Cafe.

In a beautiful day of 2013, a new cafe had been opened. Many lonely souls had found a place to cure their pains.

Please read review what you think about this story.
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: bimbo on February 24, 2013, 08:53:11 AM
I like this! No, I LOVE THIS!

The plot is very interesting. Please please please continue this!
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS on February 24, 2013, 09:07:37 AM
This is sooo AWESOME!!!!
Update soon!
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Lost Heaven on February 24, 2013, 09:14:06 AM
First chapter promise a wonderful fanfiction story.  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs  :w00t:
In anticipation of waiting for the next part!   :inlove: :inlove:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: cisda83 on February 24, 2013, 09:22:12 AM
Ah.... Takamina as a baker of a coffee shop...

Takamina is very unsuccessful owner... old fashion and no taste...

Eh... Coffee shop... but Takamina unable to make coffee...

what was she supposed to serve the customers for coffee menu...? Instant?

Ah... Yukirin such a kind girl... leaving behind her business and helping a friend...even giving her secret weapon....

Well... nice intro of the Kako no Cafe....

Who are the customers?

Who are the pairings? I hope for Atsumina and Mayuki for now.

I can't wait to find out how the story going to develop into...

Anyhow, Thank you for the intro (part 1)

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Seigus on February 24, 2013, 10:00:28 AM
I have a soft spot for stories with a cafe setting so this really perked my interest. Takamina and Yukirin's close friendship is a refreshing take on their relationship and their characters complement each other with Takamina being the conservative and discouraged soul burdened with lots of self-doubts while Yukirin is an up-and-coming business professional with a heart of gold. Although the real Takamina tends to channel a confident image as she is the General Manager of AKB48, she constantly questions herself and her actions in private; therefore, your portrayal of our tiny leader is believable. That's the amazing thing about fanfiction - it allows us to take liberties with the girls' personalities as long as we've captured the essence of their characters.

Anyway, Part 1 proves to be an interesting start and I can imagine all the possibilities this renewed cafe will bring about. Random customers who stumble upon this cozy haven - how will they affect the short and sincere owner and the beautiful barista? You tend to write MaYuki so I'm hoping for that but even if the pairing turns out otherwise, this story will still be on my to-read list. Thank you for this and I look forward to the next update :thumbsup However, please take care and regain your health first. Don't feel pressured to rush it (or updates for your other stories) out.
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kuro808 on February 24, 2013, 10:08:54 AM
I find it quite interesting reading through it

Thinking that Yukirin is an advisor for cafes hehe

Posted by the Hawaiian

Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: arrow27 on February 24, 2013, 03:26:26 PM
Wow this is great :D Loved the first chapter :)
Interesting plot so far & I love the friendship b/w Yuki and Minami alraedy :)

Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: DC2805 on February 24, 2013, 03:46:38 PM
Nice setting! Hope to see the lonely souls having their hearts warmed with the delicious cakes and cuppa!  :)2
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Chanaline on February 24, 2013, 04:38:25 PM
I'll look for it!! It seems really interesting! I wanted a fanfic like that (I wrote something like that..) and you do it yay!!

Thank you!
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Haruko on February 24, 2013, 06:05:37 PM
It´s new to see yukirin and takamina friendship  inte beginning but i like it, many things can happen in a coffe right?, about the pairs,, well you know i love atsumina and kojiyuu so.. mm.. could be.. :B
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Yuki88 on February 24, 2013, 06:14:52 PM
Oh wow, I can actually picture your story as if it's a tv drama in my mind! This is really interesting 1st chapter and I expect some heart-warming stories in the future, hehe.

Keep up the good work! :D
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: LoyalFlutist on February 24, 2013, 06:42:23 PM
A cafe with both Yuki and Takamina! This is going to get interesting~ :ding:

Oh Takamina. You and your bad taste in terms of decorating the place. Even Yuki knows how to!  :bigdeal:

I can't wait for further updates on this! Really love the idea and get well, Sayuki! *tissue boxes for... whatever reason if that even helps, LOL*  :byebye:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Tanchan on February 25, 2013, 03:58:29 AM
Even though I don't drink coffee due to its bitterness, I love its smell and a cafe setting somehow always interests me. It actually reminds me of an Atsumina fic in a cafe setting. I like Takamina and Yuki's friendship already. So please continue
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: hikari_043083 on February 25, 2013, 11:03:10 AM
Hey! Hey! Hey! A new fic from you! I'm totally and utterly excited for this. The first part is really nice. A very nice portrayal of Takamina and Yuki's friendship. I'm looking forward to all the people who will be visiting the cafe. Will there be AtsuMina and MaYuki?
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Sayuki on February 25, 2013, 12:28:00 PM
@bimbo: Thanks for your comment ^^ Glad you love it.

@K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS: Thank you <3

@Lost Heaven: Thanks for reading my story ^^

@cisda83: I bet you will have some ideas which OTPs are in this story if you read other ones of mine cuz i'm a loyal shipper ^^ Thanks for reading my fic.

@seigus: Yo seigus~ You gave me a very long comment xD It took me awhile to read all of it but i really like it <3 Thanks for your comment and for reading my story ^^

@kurosawa87: Thanks for reading ;3

@arrow27: Glad you love it ^^ Thanks for reading.

@DC2805: Hahaha hope so too ^^ Thanks for reading.

@Chanaline: LOl You wrote it? Why didn't you post it? xDDD Thanks for reading~

@Haruko: Don't worry ;3 Many OTPs will be in this story. Cuz cafe setting is a wise plot xD Thanks for reading <3

@Yuki88: TV drama? LOL xD never imagine that before. Thanks for reading <3

@LoyalFlutist: LOL Thanks for the tissue xD And also thanks for reading <3 I'm still waiting for your stories too :P Update soon~

@Tanchan: There is an Atsumina cafe setting before? I haven't read that o.O Oh well, hope you like it. Thanks for reading <3

@hikari_042083: You can guess the OTP via my other stories xD Hint is I'm a loyal shipper <3 Thanks for reading~

So here comes part 2. Each part is very short, even though the one-shot is very long (LOL!) xD I hope you guys find this story interesting enough to stay with me until the end. Thanks a lot <3

Kako no Cafe [Part 2]

Day 1, the first day after a whole week under mainternance, the wood wing-shaped sign of “Close” turned to the other side, eagerly welcoming its first customer. Yuki, the girl with a low pony tail, was cleaning a table next to a window with a soft white towel. Behind the bar, on the counter, Takamina, the short girl with a high pony tail, was kneading dough to bake some cakes.

After finish cleaning, Yuki carried a black board and placed it outside the entrance. “Free order for the first customer” was written in red chalk on it with many yellow sparkles decorated around. It was Takamina’s idea to attract some customers. She knew she couldn’t get any profit at the first month but at least she would get some acknowledgement for her cafe.

“The preparation are all done, Takamina. Ready to welcome the first customer?”

Yuki winked at the shorter girl.

“Yes, Yukirin. Thanks for the help.” Takamina replied with a smile.

“Just pay me one of your cake every weekend for my wage is fine.”

“You’re smart, Yukirin.”

“Hahaha whatever you say, Takamina.”

Yuki went behind the bar then cleaned one of the glass with her back facing the other girl.

“By the way, Takamina. Did you say before that you can’t make coffee?”

“Yes. I don’t know how to make coffee.”

“Seriously?” Yuki turned around and looked at Takamina with her eyes look like an owl. “This is a cafe. How can you serve coffee when you don’t know how to make it?”

“Ermm.... Instant coffee? It’s coffee right? And it’s easy to make too.”

“...” Yuki for the first time was left dumbfounded by her friend’s innocent reply. A poker face of an owl could be seen from the barista.

Yuki mentally facepalmed and let out a defeat sigh.

“Coming here is the best decision that I have ever made.”

She mumbled to herself then went back to clean the glasses, leaving a confused Takamina.


7pm, the cafe was still silent. Its usual emptiness still remained. The sun had gone but no one had any sign to visit the cafe. Takamina sat on a bar chair and stared at the entrance boringly while Yuki cleaned a glass on the shelf. Looking at the empty chairs, the short girl let out a sigh then lay on the bar dispiritedly. Her arms stretched out while her face kissed the wooden bar.

“Yukirin~ This is not working...”

“There there Takamina. Don’t give up yet.” Yukirin patted the girl’s head to soothe her.

“It’s already 7pm, Yukirin. A bad start for us.” Takamina sighed again.

“... Hmm... I wonder why the cafe next door is so successful...” Yukirin scartched her chin while thinking.

“Can’t be helped. I guess I’ll close the cafe now and think for a new plan. We’ll start again tomorrow.”

Takamina got off the bar then walked to the entrance to change the sign.

“That’s the spirit, Takamina...”

Yuki trailed down at the end of her sentence. Flicking her fingers, her eyes sparkled when she had found the problem.

“Takamina, come here”, called Yuki.

“Ehh? For what?” Finishing changing the sign, Takamina walked to the bar even though she had no idea what Yuki was planning to do.

“Sit down.”

Yuki motioned Takamina to sit on the bar chair then she went to the coffee machine to make a special cup for her friend. From the other side of the bar, Takamina couldn’t see what Yuki was doing so she just waited patiently. After five minutes, she placed a cup of cappucino with a red cheery in the middle on the bar. While Takamina was still staring at the cup inquisitively, Yuki smiled and start to explain.

“This is for you. I call it ‘Spirit cappucino’.”

“Ehh? Why do you make coffee for me?”

“Because you need it. It’s one of my five secret recipes for special occasions only. It will help you later.”

“Hmm...” Takamina looked at the cup then grabbed the cup. “Ok then... Thank you.”

“Oh wait a minute.” Yuki quickly stopped the girl. “Before you drink it, you have to follow some steps so it can work perfectly.”

“OK? What are the steps?”

“Use the cherry to stir the coffee.” Takamina did what she was told. She stirred her coffee gently and in a stable speed. “Keep doing until the milk is mixed into the coffee. Then eat the whole cherry while taking a gulp of the cappucino. You’ll find the difference there.”

Doing what Yuki said without doubt, Takamina put the whole cherry into her mouth and bit it slowly. Then, she took a mouthful of the coffee and waited for the taste. At first, she didn’t believe that something strange would ever happen. But after a few seconds, she started to taste the sweetness from the cherry on her tongue, followed by the bitter of coffee and greasiness of milk. Slowly closing her eyes, Takamina felt all the tastes mixed together, forming a  new aromatic flavour that she had never tasted before. She felt so refresh and suddenly energetic.

“So, Takamina. How do you feel now?”

The warm voice of Yuki woke her up from her daydream. She looked at Yuki in awe while kept chewing the cherry,

“I feel... So good! It’s like I can’t give up. Ideas keep coming out from my head like waterfall. This cafe will never go down again!” She exclaimed excitedly when Yuki just smiled at her.

“Good to hear that. Now I sense that tomorrow will be a good day.”

“Yukirin, your coffee is amazing! How did you do that?”

“It’s a secret.”

Yuki put her right point finger on her lips and winked at Takamina. She then suggested Takamina to drink the whole cup and made new plan for tomorrow.

Yuki’s first secret recipe was a success.

Please read and review~
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS on February 25, 2013, 12:48:05 PM
Wow! Yuki' coffee is really something  :lol:

Takamina do never EVER give up! Thank you for the update Sayuki-senpai  :mon ignore:

P.S I also want 1,48's cakes  XD
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: korin48 on February 25, 2013, 12:54:52 PM
Nice fanfic! Lol! Somehow i saw the conversation in fb that Rhin forced you to update lol...
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: rhin12 on February 25, 2013, 01:05:51 PM
Another amazing fic from you!  :thumbsup You are really something.  ;)

Now, where can I get that coffee?  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: chichay12 on February 25, 2013, 01:31:18 PM
ohmygod :on gay:
I LOVE ur fic...
Update more!!!XD
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: hikari_043083 on February 25, 2013, 03:09:40 PM
Sayuki-sama! Nice. You know, I am not a coffee drinker. I only come to Starbucks if a friend drags me in there, but I do not buy any of their products. Maybe if Yukirin would make me coffee like the way you described it here, then I may just drink it. It's Yukirin after all hehe! Have you actually tried/drank/made/tasted the coffee that you just described here?

Imagining Yukirin working the bar counter is quite easy because of Mielino. I wonder who the first customer will be? Hehe! How about a guesting of Sano-san and Konno? hehe!
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Pwety on February 25, 2013, 03:24:34 PM
I want this coffee!

thank you for this fanfic!!!! Sayuki-san!! :heart:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: DC2805 on February 25, 2013, 04:03:30 PM
I suspect Yuki added some drugs into the coffee - those drugs called Energy and Hope. hehehe!
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kuro808 on February 25, 2013, 05:14:21 PM
Yuki has an incredible touch with coffee :lol:

Although it seems one side of the equation atm
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Yuki88 on February 25, 2013, 06:53:19 PM
Oh Takamina you're so useless, it's practically Yukirin who did all the job XD
I wonder who's the cafe next door.... 8D

Anyway, I like how you describe the taste of the coffee, kind of makes me curious how it actually tastes (I'm not really fond of coffee, though) :3
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Chanaline on February 25, 2013, 06:57:57 PM
Aaaaah! continue! It is really interesting!

What is  the coffee tastes? :?
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: fuu_kun on February 25, 2013, 08:06:44 PM
Somekind this fic remind me of some imortal_k fanfic, coz have cafe as the theme.. And me really love it :heart: >w< yukirin! Aaa me surely will marry her already! (?) she's so smart and adorable.. <3 Please do continue.. :bow:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: mo-chan on February 25, 2013, 08:32:37 PM
mmmm I wanna drink Yukirin's cofee :D
glad to see you again Sayuki-san ^^
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: cisda83 on February 25, 2013, 10:35:05 PM
Interesting coffee there...

I don't think any cafes in my town serve that kind of coffee

Ah.. so the 1st day of new opening is not going well enough

What's going to happen on the next day

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the fic

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Haruko on February 26, 2013, 04:42:50 AM
I wannatry that recipe too :B sounds delicious
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Sayuki on February 26, 2013, 03:18:04 PM
@K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS: me too~ xD I wanna try too~ Thanks for reading <3

@correnereyes: LOl she is not forcing me ... literally xP Anyway, thanks for reading <3

@rhin_rhin: What is something? LOL Thanks for reading <3

@Chichay12: Thanks for the comment and thanks for reading ^^

@hikari_043083: LOL. Actually, all Yuki's secret recipe in this fic are my domestic coffee recipes ^^ I love coffee and making coffee so I created some of my own recipes xD I don't mind sharing them but I don't know if you like them or not lol. Thanks for reading <3

@Pwety: Me too~ Thanks for reading ;3

@DC2805: LOLOL!!!! xD Nice guess~ Thanks for reading~

@kurosawa87: What do to mean by one side equation? xD Thanks for reading.

@Yuki88: LOL Takamina is not useless you know. She hasn't showed her talents yet :P Yeha the detail of the cafe next door is important too. xD Telling you the truth, my recipes are not for everyone. It's good to some people but it's not to others xP Thanks for reading my fic~

@Chanaline: xD Taste like coffee hahaha. Thanks for reading~

@fuu_kun: LOL really I haven't read the other cafe's fic. xD Maybe I will read it later. Thanks for reading~

@mo-chan: Thanks for the welcome :3 Everyone wanna taste it xD Thanks for reading <3

@cisda83: You're right cuz it's my personal recipe xD Yukirin's borrowing them from me 8D Thanks for reading ~

@Haruko: xDDD Too bad can't tell my recipe in public though. Thanks for reading~

So here is the next part. Like the previous warning, each part is very short :P So be patient. Thanks for reading again~

Kako no Cafe [Part 3]

Day 2, everything seemed to be normal. Well, normal means that Kako no Cafe still didn’t have any customer yet. But it couldn’t be helped since it was only 7am, not many people would ever go to a cafe at this time. Inside the cafe, the tall barista was sweeping the floor, ready for a new day. Yuki was humming a melody of a song she listened to recently while swept away the dust. On the other hand, the short owner was cleaning a glass rectangular cabinet placed near the entrance, which displayed  many random things.

When Yuki finished her task, she looked at the kneeling girl, who still concentrated on her cleaning work. Putting away the broom, the barista then slowly approached Takamina and stood behind the girl. Looking inside the cabinet, she saw many different things could be used as souvernir, such as rings, necklaces, notebooks, etc.

“Ne, Takamina. What are you planning to do with this? This is a cafe, not a souvenir shop you know.”

“I know but this is my plan to attract customers. Beside, our name is Kako no Cafe (Cafe of the Past) so we have to do something that matches the name.”

Takamina calmly answered then continued whatever she was doing.

“OK... Then what is the idea?” Yuki raised an eyebrow, trying to analyze Takamina’s idea.

“Everyone has the most precious memory in their past right? And usually, those memories are connected to something that remind the person about them. Even when it’s bad or good memory, I want the customers see our cafe as a place to relax their souls and also a palce to find their long-lost precious moments.”

Impressed by Takamina’s extraordinary idea, Yuki gave her friend a supportive pat on the shoulder and smiled warmly.

“Very nice idea, Takamina. Even I would never think of something so thoughtful and amazing like that. You’re still a great leader and owner after all.”

“Mou... Don’t praise me.” A light blush appeared on the short girl’s cheek.

“By the way, where do you get those things from?”

“A friend of mine has a souvenir shop and she has some extra old stock. So she gave them to me.”

“What a nice friend. Do I know her?”

“No but I’ll introduce you to her soon. She said she will visit our cafe when she has time.”

“I’m eager to meet her then. And also it’s your cafe, not our. I’m just working here.”

“Well, you’re my adviser. And until you go back to Kagoshima, this is ours. Now back to work! We have to give the first customer the warmest welcome!”

Takamina threw her fists up in the air then walked to the kitchen behind the bar. Yuki soon later joined her friend and prepared for a new day of working. Unconsciously, Yuki knew that they would have at least one customer for today. At least one to warm this cold and lonely cafe up. She prayed that for her friend. Takamina is her only best friend so she couldn’t stand watching the short girl’s business going down without helping.

*Ring Ring*

Her pray had been heard by the God. At around 9am, the doorbell rang for the first time after a long period of waiting in emptiness. The bell rang in a soft melody but to both Takamina and Yuki, it sounded like angels had come to save their business.

“Irasaimase!” Yuki quickly walked out of the bar and greeted the customer with a bow. On the other hand, Takamina, in the kitchen, started baking cakes.

Rising up from the bow, Yuki had a chance to observe their very first customer. It was a young girl, look like still in her teen years, dressed in a white shirt and a pair of black shorts. Her black hair was let down behind of her ears and lay down on both shoulders. Her white and light make-up face, to Yuki, was like a cute doll that could give to anyone a good impression. Seeing the girl was carrying a white-blue backpack,  Yuki guessed the girl was a student. Walking closer to the girl, Yuki smiled warmly and tilted her head forward a little bit, due to the girl was shorter than her, properly about 155cm.

“Good morning, miss. Welcome to Kako no Cafe.”

“Table for one, please.”

Reply Yuki’s warm welcome was a cold answer from the girl, which startled Yuki a bit.

“Never mind. I’ll find my seat.”

Yuki was now more shocked by the cold attitude of the girl. The girl just ignored her and sat down on a seat next to the window, which had a clear view of the street and any people that passed by. Quietly cleaned her throat, Yuki then gently placed the menu on the girl’s table and waited for the order. The girl read the wooden menu for a minute then said to Yuki without  taking her look away from the object in her hand.

“One hot chocolate and strawberry cake, please.”

Yuki quickly noted it down.

“Anything else, miss?”

“No thanks.”

The girl replied coldly then gave Yuki back the menu.

“Right away, miss.” Yuki received it and went back to the bar, preparing the hot chocolate while telling Takamina to make the strawberry cake.

Yuki had met many kinds of customers: aggressive, arrogant, kind, quiet, noisy or even violent one. But she never met such a cold attitude from such a young girl like that. This was definitely a new experience for her.

After 10 minutes, both chocolate and cake had been done. Yuki carired them all on a black tray with one hand and walked to the table. The girl was now looking at something like a sketchbook with her pencil leaned on her lips. She seemed to be focusing on her sketchbook, so much that she didn’t even notice her chocolate and cake were in front of her on the table.

“Here is your chocolate and cake. Please enjoy.”

“Thank you.”

A short and fast reply from the girl which made Yuki think that this girl was somekind of cyborg. The girl answered constantly like she was programmed to say a sentence if anyone said to her when she was working. Yuki let out a quiet sigh then went back to the bar.

She leaned on the bar, placed her head on top of her arm, and watched the girl in silent. Exiting from the kitchen, Takamina peaked out over Yuki’s shoulder and looked at the girl also.

“Ne, Yukirin~ It’s our first customer! What do you thing about her?”

Takamina asked excitedly.

“A cyborg.”


Yuki gave her friend a short reply, leaving Takamina dumbfounded and confused. Ignoring the questioning look of Takamina, Yuki kept staring at the girl, not fearing that the girl would get annoyed and discomfortable by the stare since she was too busy with her own world.

Time passed. Until Yuki realised how long she had been staring at the girl, only to see with she would ever doing anything else beside drawing on her sketchbook, it was already 2pm. At that time, the girl had already finished her chocolate and cake too. After looking at her watch, she put away her sketchbook and grabbed her backpack while standing up. Walking past the bar, she placed the money for her bill on it and walked to the entrance.

“Arigatou gozaimasu!” Yuki quickly said but the girl seemed not to listen her.

As the girl exited, Yuki noticed something about their first customer. Hanging on her backpack, there was a teru teru bouzu (Japanese sun doll), not an ordinary white doll but a black one. The smile was white and from Yuki’s view, it was like the doll was smiling at her.

Another thing that when the girl walked past the glass cabinet, Yuki was sure that the girl glanced at one thing displaying in the cabinet for a second.

“Well, our very first customer. Hopefully we will get another customer for today.”

“I just hope it’s not another cyborg.”

Replied to Takamina’s words, Yuki gave her another confusing answer.

But to their disappointment, that “cyborg” girl was the only customer on that day.

However, their hopes still remained.

Please read and review~
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: korin48 on February 26, 2013, 03:24:57 PM
Wow! So the first customer is Mayu huh.... Interesting! Update soon!
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Amajailbait on February 26, 2013, 03:35:13 PM
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kurogumi on February 26, 2013, 03:39:50 PM
Its mayu!

Its mayu~ mayuuu yeah finaly the first customer!

Thank sayuki-san,this one awesome too~
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: mayuki_daisuki on February 26, 2013, 04:33:18 PM
haha mayu is a cyborg  :lol:
poor takamina confused with what yuki said but im glad mayu was there first customer :yep:
thanx for the update and Sayuki-san, I am begging you to update let me be your heart fanfic  :cry: :bow: :bow: sorry i know your busy but even just a little update?  :nervous :twothumbs :bow: :bow:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kuro808 on February 26, 2013, 05:09:23 PM
A cyborg as the first customer although a lonely cyborg :lol:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Elo on February 26, 2013, 05:12:59 PM
yeyyy Mayuki  :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:  :D

I am hopefully waiting what happens next  :thumbsup

please update sooon :bow:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: DC2805 on February 26, 2013, 05:14:12 PM
Tada! Revealing the 1st customer! Who's next?  :P
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Chanaline on February 26, 2013, 05:23:08 PM
yay First customer!!!! isn't that Mayu! Of course it is her... The only who known as the cyborg...

Yuki don't like it eheheheheh!
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Yuki88 on February 26, 2013, 08:28:10 PM
Aha, finally Takamina shows her worth  :w00t:

And Cold Mayuyu... I wonder what she's drawing  XD
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: LoyalFlutist on February 27, 2013, 03:42:01 AM
I apologize about not commenting on your second part of this fiction! You update quite fast with this one and though they are short, they are quite interesting and makes me want to read more and more.  :luvluv2:

I just have to agree with what Yuki88 said. Takamina is finally showing that she really isn't quite as useless as she is in the previous two chapters.  :on lol:

First customer is Mayu! Hm... I wonder who the next customer is? Will it be her again or someone new?  :dunno:

Great chapter/part and definitely looking forward to your next one!  :ding:

(Side note: Then you'll either have my updates right away like a hot dish from a restaurant [or shall I say cafe here. xD] or painfully wait for them~ Kukukuku~ xD;)
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: cisda83 on February 27, 2013, 08:56:55 AM
Ah... so the coffee is your own recipe... well that's why I can't find that type of coffee at any of the coffee shop that I go to.

Takamina is so passionate person...

the first customer is Mayu... as a cyborg.... what was it  that Mayu glanced on at displayed in the cabinet before she left the cafe?

Who is the second customer? I hope it's Atsuko....

There is another cafe beside Minami's cafe.... ah they have a rival...

Ah... just one customer on the second day... such a poor business at least better....

I hope it's getting better soon...

I can't wait to find out what's going to happen next

Thank you for the update

 :wub: :inlove: :love: :heart:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: hikari_043083 on February 27, 2013, 12:16:13 PM
Yay a new chapter! Mayu as the first customer. Very much a cyborg. It was cute that Mayu had a black teru teru bouzu hanging on her bag. That's technically an allusion to our black-hearted weathergirl! How cute! I wonder what Mayu was staring at?

On a side note, there was a little mistake on the chapter. You wrote that Mayu came in the cafe at 9pm and she got out at 2 pm. Maybe you meant 9 am.
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: gek geki on February 28, 2013, 12:21:30 PM
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: fuu_kun on February 28, 2013, 07:38:28 PM
Me curious who will be the next customer.. Somekind this fic tell you about people character, me love it <3
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part3][2/26/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Sayuki on March 03, 2013, 08:35:49 AM
Thanks for all the comments and sorry that my lazy mode is on so I couldn't update earlier ^^; And also sorry that I couldn't reply your comments cuz I have to study for the test tomorrow. I'll try to reply your comments on next update. Now enjoy~

Kako no Cafe [4]

On the next day, the Kako no Cafe was opened as usual and waiting for its customers. At 9am, the doorbell rang again, and stepping in was no one else beside their first customer, the “cyborg” girl. Hearing the bell, Yuki had a big smile on her face. But then she saw who it was, her smile turned into a frown. Quickly dried her hands with a towel, she stepped out of the bar and greeted.


The girl this time ignored her and went to the table that she sat yesterday. Yuki let out an annoying sigh and gave the menu to the girl. As if the girl was teasing her, she refused to take it and just simply said in a mono tone.

“Yesterday order, please.”

Yuki’s eyebrow rose as she walked back to the bar and told Takamina to make another strawberry cake while she made hot chocolate. In her thought, she started hating this girl as if the girl was mocking them by saying that. This was only her second time coming here so she couldn’t be a regular customer if this was a normal cafe. Yes normal cafe. So that girl was telling Yuki that their cafe was so unpopular that they could remember her yesterday order even when she just came here for the 2nd time. Too few customers.

The barista bit her lower lip to soothe her own anger. A few minutes later, she brought the chocolate and cake to the girl table.

“Enjoy, please.” She said reluctantly with an awkward smile.

But the girl didn’t listen to her when she kept looking at her sketchbook, again. Yuki hurried back to the bar and watched the girl again. She was expecting the girl to eat her cake while drawing something on her sketchbook. But this time, she was wrong. The girl put her sketchbook back to her backpack and ate the cake quickly. Finishing her meal, she sat up, paid for her order then left the cafe exactly at 10am, not to forget to shortly glare at the glass cabinet when she was walking out.

Yuki stared at the door for a minute then went away to clean the empty cup and plate with a sigh escaping her throat.

“This girl is in a hurry, isn’t she?” Takamina said, leaning on the bar.

“Seems so.” Yuki replied coldly. She brought the dirty things to the kitchen and started washing them.

“Are you OK, Yukirin? You sounds... angry.”

“I’m fine.”

Another cold and short reply, which sent a chill down on Takamina’s spinal cord. The owner just shut her mouth and went back to her baking task later on.

Around 7pm, Kako no Cafe was still empty as usual, despite the fact it was Sunday night, the time that people go out the most. The dark color of night made it even more desperate.Takamina was sitting on a bar chair, playing with her coin by tossing it rapidly. The barista was standing behind the bar but right next to Takamina and stared at the entrance door boringly.

“Seriously, Takamina. You’re some sore of unforturnate people or something. This is so strange that your cafe only has one customer after how many? 3 days!”

“Maybe I’m not destined to be in cafe business.” Takamina sighed while looking at the coin in her hand. “I guess I will close the cafe early again.”

Putting her coin back to her pocket, she walked to the door.

Reaching out for the wooden sign, Takamina was about to change the side of it before...

“Finally we’re here!!!!”

Suddenly, the door busted out quickly and violently along with an energetic voice. As the door flew open, it met Takamina’s hand in the way and pressed that little soft thing onto the wall beside, making a loud thud and a painful scream.


Takamina held her red hand and jumped around while blowing at the sore.

“Oi! Yuu-chan! Watch out! You hurt her!”

From the street, a tall girl with cat-like ears and brown long soft hair knocked on the shorter one, who had given the pain to Takamina’s poor hand.

“Gomen, Nyan.”

“Don’t apologize me. Her!”

Since the scene happened too fast, Yuki couldn’t react, except for her owl eyes. But now she had finally analyzed the situation, she instantly approached Takamina and checked the girl.

“Are you alright, Takamina?”

“Yes I’m fine. My hand is just red but no bones broke.”

Takamina replied but still caressed her hand. Yuki sighed then turned to the two new people.

“Irasaimase.” She bowed at them and received back another bow from them.

“Arigatou. Sorry for hurting your hand. Are you OK?” The shorter girl asked concernly.

“Yeah yeah I’m fine. Don’t worry about that.”

“So table for two?” Yuki asked.

“Yes please.” The short girl answered with a smile.

Yuki then guided them to a table next to the window and gave them the menu while Takamina went to the kitchen to grab some ice.

“A cold latte and a vanilla cake, please.” The taller girl said calmly.

“Cold mocha and chocolate cake~” The other girl quickly said.

“Right away.” Yuki smiled to them then walked away to prepare the order.

Later, Yuki brought the drinks and cakes to the girl and placed them down on the table gently.

“Please enjoy.”

Yuki stood there and watched the two customers taking their first bites and gulps. Both of their eyes went wide. Couldn’t hold back, the shorter one exclaimed.

“This is DELICIOUS!”

“And the coffee too.” The taller one nodded.

“Ne ne~ Your coffee and cake is so dlicious, really!”

The shorter complimented Yuki. The barista jsut gave a smile and a light bow.

“Thank you for your compliment. We’re glad that you enjoy it.”

“Can I ask you who makes these?” The taller one asked politely.

“I’m the barista here while the other girl you met is the owner and the baker.”

“Cool~ Both of you look so young but already able to make such good cake and coffee like this. I’m very impressed.” The shorter one said and took another bite of her chocolate cake.

“I wonder why here is so empty despite the quality of the service.” The taller girl said after taking a look around the cafe.

Yuki was still wondering that herself so she didn’t know what to reply the customer.

“I guess we’re just unlucky.” She said wakwardly.

“Hmm... I didn’t expect that it was worse than my imagination when I first heard about it.”

“Ehh?” Surprised by what she heard from the taller girl, Yuki stared at the girl in disbelief. “You heard about us? How?”

“A friend told us about an empty cafe in Akibahara and asked us to come here and help. So here we are, tasting the food and drink. We have to say that it’s such a pity that this cafe isn’t well-known.” The tall girl slowly answered.

“We decided to help you guys! It’s a big waste to let this excellent cafe go down!” The shorter girl continued.

“Really?” Takamina, who was listening to the conversation , ran from the kitchen and asked in disbelief.

“Yes.” Both of the customers nodded.

“Arigatou!” Yuki and Takamina happily thanked them and bowed at then.

“Don’t mention it. By the way, I’m Oshima Yuko, 23 years old, currently working at AY Entertainment, choreography instructor.” The shorter introduced herself.

“I’m Kojima Haruna, also 23, owner of NyanNyan fashion brand.”

“Wow.” Both the barista and the midget owner were surprised by their customer’s information. They were famous people. And they were wasking to help them. It was a their biggest fortune ever.

“I’m Kashiwagi Yuki, 21 years old, owner of Mielino Cafe in Kagoshima but currently working as barista here. Yoroshiku.”

“I’m Takahashi Minami, 21 too, owner and baker of this cafe. Thanks for your help.”

“We haven’t done anything yet so don’t thank us so early.” Haruna smiled.

“Mielino Cafe? No wonder why your coffee is so good, Kashiwagi-san. I’ve heard from my co-workers that Mielino is the best cafe in Kagoshima.” Yuko praised.

“Hahaha... I don’t think mine is the best... I still have a lot of things to learn.”

Yuki scratched her cheek in embarrassment.

“We’ll introduce this awesome place to our friends and co-workers. We promise that your cafe will get famous in no time, right Nyan?”


Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kuro808 on March 03, 2013, 08:42:37 AM
Yuko and KojiHaru become the next set of customers and they create an interesting atmosphere :nervous
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Haruko on March 03, 2013, 09:25:03 AM
yeah kojiyuu!! :B.. you made my day :B
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Chanaline on March 03, 2013, 09:55:14 AM
OOOhhh! Kojiyuu!!

And their friend isn't it Mayu??? :?  :)

Thank you
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: cisda83 on March 03, 2013, 09:59:25 AM
Ah... I guess they should 'Thank's' Mayu for the coming of the other two customers (Yuko and Haruna)

She was the one that tell the news about the cafe that Minami's open in Akihabara

Yeah at last they have 3 people coming at the 3rd day....

And even a promising recommendation to others to come and help (visit) the cafe....

Why was she always glaring at the cabinet... before she leave the cafe...?

I can't wait to see what's going to happen next to the cafe...

Thank you for the lovely update

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kurogumi on March 03, 2013, 10:05:52 AM
Who's the friends that told about the cafe?

Well if its yuko friends then maybe...maybe "Oshiri sister?" LOL its must be mayu!
She's the one customer beside yuko and kojiharu.yeah!

Be careful yuki,dont hate that cyborg girl too much or you will love her too much LOL

You know hate and love,
the different just like 1 step, so small...i
ts happen to me before,im really hate something and BANG! Now i love it! LOL

Thank for the update sayuki-san! Hope the best for you!
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Yuki88 on March 03, 2013, 10:46:34 AM
Aaahh, I bet Mayuyu is that friend of KojiYuu XD

And Yukirin hating Mayuyu for looking like a cold cyborg outside 8D

I still wonder who Mayuyu is actually. A well-knoen illustrator or something? XD
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: hikari_043083 on March 03, 2013, 12:43:18 PM
Yay! KojiYuu! Based on the context, it sounds like Mayu was the one who told KojiYuu about the cafe. More visitors to come! I wonder who's next?
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: jell_o_jello on March 03, 2013, 01:36:17 PM
I can see a hate->love thing going on here ;)
Who's Mayuyu? I wanna read more and see how the story will unfold.
Thanks for writing this  :bow:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: mayuki_daisuki on March 03, 2013, 04:24:24 PM
mayuyu stop being so cold to yuki  :nervous :(
wow kojiharu's a fashion designer, i liked how you named it the nyan-nyan brand, and yuko's a choreography instructor  :twothumbs
thanx for the update  :cow: :bow:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: arrow27 on March 03, 2013, 06:01:26 PM
thanks for the update!!!! Kojiyuu saves the day :D Seems Minami and Yuki are finally getting some good luck :)

Looking forward to seeing some of their future customers :D

thanks again :D
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: LoyalFlutist on March 07, 2013, 03:36:20 AM
Another update!  :luvluv1:

I agree with what arrow27 said. Looks like business is starting to thrive! (Sort of at the time-being. xD)  :farofflook:

Kojiyuu! Oh Yuko. You accidentally hurt Takamina with that reckless action of yours.  :on lol:

I somewhat wonder if Mayu recommended them this cafe or if it was a passerby? And what's the next update going to have?  :dunno:

Looking forward to your next chapter as always.  :luvluv2:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Kimcoton on March 10, 2013, 04:42:25 AM
Lol mayu is being mayu xD acting cold ehhh tsundere much? xD
And kojiyuu (≧∇≦)sounds like mayu's friends lol since yuko is mayu's oshiri sister xD
I'll be patiently waiting for your update :)
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: gek geki on March 13, 2013, 06:20:10 AM
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kurogumi on March 30, 2013, 12:57:18 PM

Please dont mad at me cause i comment twice already


Please comeback and haunt me with your great fic! LOL

ah i think im too much again LOL

Im just say hello...

Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: chichay12 on April 02, 2013, 08:36:12 AM
Where's my coffee and cake!XD
Pls update soon!
:on gay:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part4][3/3/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: gek geki on April 06, 2013, 08:36:09 AM
FIGHTING SAYUKI CHAAAN   :otomerika: :yossi: :otomerika: :yossi: :otomerika: :yossi:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Sayuki on June 21, 2013, 09:02:46 AM
A/N: I'm sorry for my absence in 3 months >.< Many things happened that I lost my inspiration to continue writing. But fortunately, .... I'm back!!!! Finally!!!

My sincere apology for making you guys wait for me T^T I'm really sorry! I'll update all my fic ASAP. I promise!!! Cross my heart!

And here is the new part for this sweet story.

Kako no Cafe [Part 5]

After a few days, Kako no Cafe got some more customers. First, a day after Yuki and Takamina met the weird duo, Yuko and Haruna, as they had promised, a few customers visited their cafe, and all were the duo’s friends and co-workers. The cafe received good feedbacks and after that, more and more customers came. Takamina had never closed the cafe earlier than 9pm. And if the number of customers kept increasing, she would delay the closing time to 11pm.

A month had passed, Kako no Cafe finally gained some fame for itself. Takamina was really happy to see her lonely cafe now had some regular customers, especially the two saviors, Yuko and Haruna. Besides them, Takamina and Yuki met Shinoda Mariko, who was a fashion designer, owner of ‘ricori’, and close friend of Haruna. The woman soon became a regular of the cafe after she heard from Haruna together with her fiancé, Mii-chan. Minegishi Minami, MC of NHK television, along with Mariko, became the troll duo of Kako no Cafe. Every time they visited, the atmosphere immediately changed into a hilarious, funny, and friendly with their non-stop jokes. Those soon-to-be-married couple became friends with Takamina and Yuki.

Although, if we are mentioning about regular customers. We can’t forget about the cyborg, according to what Yuki calls her. The young cold girl, who always picks the table in a corner and sits there alone. She never orders anything else besides hot chocolate and strawberry cake or never says anything to Yuki besides four “magical words”: “Same as usual, please”. This is a reason why Yuki didn’t like her so much. Her cold attitude, despite her cute look and voice, gave her a chill and nuisance. The girl came to the cafe around nine in the morning and left at two in the afternoon every day. No matter if Yuki likes her or not, the young girl is the most regular customer of the cafe. This explained for the cup of hot chocolate and a plate of strawberry cake always found on the counter every 9 am.

But for some reasons, today, the hot chocolate turned cold; the strawberry cake was eaten by other customers. The cyborg didn’t show up.

At 8 pm, the cafe was still crowded. Even though there were lots of work, Yuki sometimes had her gaze on the entrance, looking for the small cold figure. But every time she did that, disappointment was the only thing she found. She sighed heavily while leaning on the counter with her head placing on her hand boringly.

Suddenly, the doorbell went off. Like an instinct, Yuki immediately looked at the doorway but right away was disappointed. It was not the cyborg, but someone else that was familiar to her. Hearing the doorbell, Takamina came from the kitchen and stood beside Yuki. The midget saw the new customer and greeted in joy.

“Sae-chan! You’ve come.”

“Yo, Takamina.” The short-hair, boyish girl greeted back. She smiled to the midget and gave her a hug when Takamina approached her.

“It took you quite a long time to finally visit me, Sae-chan.”

“Gomen ne. I’ve been busy lately so even I want to, I don’t have much spare time to pay you a visit.” The boyish girl scratched her head.

“Hahaha, it’s OK. Don’t worry. At least you’ve come now.” Takamina laughed and then turned to look at the barista, who had been looking at them in surprise. “Ah, Yukirin, I almost forgot. Sae-chan, this is Kashiwagi Yuki, my best friend in high school. And Yukirin, this is Miyazawa Sae, the one that I told you about before. She’s the one who gave us all the old things in the cabinet.”

The boyish girl, who is called Sae, happily shook Yuki’s hand with a big smile.

“Nice to meet you, Kashiwagi-san.”

“Etou… Nice to meet you too, Miyazawa-san. And thank you for helping us.” Yuki shook back with a warm smile.

“It’s nothing. Being able to help such a beautiful woman like you is my honor.”

Yuki blushed a little by the sweet compliment of Sae. She quickly turned around and continued to do her task to hide her face.

“Oi, Sae-chan. No flirting with my employee, especially my best friend.”

Takamina hit Sae on her shoulder and glared at the boyish girl. Sae raised her hands up to make a defeated sign and then went to an empty table. The midget sighed, shook her head slowly and gave Sae the menu.

“Ah right, Takamina, are you recruiting more people for your café?” Sae looked up to talk to Takamina after looking at the menu.

“Yeah. It’s getting more crowed here. I and Yukirin can’t handle everything by ourselves now so we need more help. Plus, Yukirin isn’t staying here for long.”

“Ehh? Why not?”

“Because she has her own business in her hometown. She just works here for a while to help me.”

“Oh… I see.” Sae scratched her cheek. “If so then I can help you guys sometimes, when I have my free time.”

“Really?” Takamina’s eyes suddenly became so sparkling.

“Yeah. I’ll pass by sometimes and give you a hand. Of course without paid.”

“Wow, thanks a lot, Sae-chan. You’ve already helped me with my idea for the old souvenir. This is too much to ask from you.”

“It’s no biggie, Takamina. We’re friends, ain’t we? It’s normal for friends to help each other.”

“You’re a real gentleman, my friend. I wonder why you’re still single now.” Takamina giggled and pat Sae’s shoulder.

“Shut up. You’re no different than me, Takamina. Anyway, an iced espresso for me, please.”

“Right away.”


About 8.30pm, the doorbell rang again. From the other side of the counter, Yuki and Takamina looked over to see who was coming in. Yuki wasn’t hoping the cyborg girl to come anymore since it was late already. But anywho, both she and Takamina were surprised by the newcomers. There were two girls, both looked quite young but the long-hair looked younger than the short-hair. The short-hair one was more energetic than the other, when she immediately approached Yuki at the counter after opening the door.

“Excuse me, is here recruiting waitresses?”

“Ehhh… Yes…” Yuki felt a little uncomfortable when the new girl’s face was too close to hers, and stared at her like threatening.

“Oi, Jurina, it’s rude. Stop that.” The long-hair girl said and grabbed the other girl at her collar. She pulled the girl, who was called Jurina,  back and pat her head hard.

“Itai, Rena-chan. Mou… That hurts.”

Jurina massaged her head slowly and looked at the later girl with teary eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that. You’re the rude one here.”


Jurina looked down and now she looked almost like a guilty puppy. Suddenly, screams came from all the young female customers in the café. Whispers were everywhere about how cool and cute Jurina was. The male customers were also whispering about how beautiful and cute Rena was. However, there was one person that was pissed off by the energetic girl. It was no one but Sae. Her forehead furrowed and she wore a bored expression on her face.

Yuki and Takamina watched the customers’ reactions and they both gave a look to each other. Then they looked at the duo.

“No wonder…” Takamina mumbled.

Jurina had a boyish look but she was still girly, not like Sae. The girl was energetic and cute like a little girl. But she could be cool and charming like a prince with her short hair from an angle.  On the other hand, Rena looked more like a princess due to her long black silky hair and pale pretty face. She was more skinny and mature than Jurina. They almost completely contrast each other.

“Anou…” Rena approached Takamina and Yuki in a shy way. “My apology for the rudeness… We saw your recruitment sign outside and we would like to ask for more information about that.”

“It’s alright.” Takamina smiled to the duo. “Welcome to our café, how may I help you?”

“Well… We would like to know about your requirements for recruitment.”

“We don’t ask much from our staff. We just need them to be hard-working and on time. No experience required, of course. We can teach new employees during working.”

“OK… But how about students? Do you recruit students to work part time?”

“Well, in that case, we will have to consider their schedule first, for the best of the café. Are you two students?”

“Well yes.This girl over here is studying at Akibahara high school while I’m studying at Tokyo University. We can work after 5pm every day and all day during weekend.”

“Hmm…” Takamina scratched her cheek and thought for a while. “Here is most crowed during evenings and weekends, so I guess I really need some people to help us. You guys can work for us then.”

“Really?” Rena said happily.

“Um.” Takamina nodded and smiled to her. “I’ll need to talk to you guys more later on and make a contact. But anyway, both of you are hired.”

“Hai~ Arigatou!” The duo said at the same time.

“By the way, my name is Takahashi Minami, the owner. But you can just call me Takamina.” Then the midget pointed at the tall girl next to her, who was greeting them with a smile. “And this is Kashiwagi Yuki, the barista. Both of us are 21. We’re looking forward to work with you guys.”

“We’re glad to work with you two, too. My name is Matsui Rena, 21 years old.” The long hair girl introduced herself.

“And I’m Matsui Jurina, 15!” The short-hair girl exclaimed over Rena’s shoulder.


Both Takamina’s and Yuki’s jaws dropped.

“You’re 15? Unbelievable! You look… more mature than that!” Yuki said in surprise.

“Haha. I know, right? I got that quite often.” Jurina smiled while scratching her head.

“Both of you are Matsui… Are you two related? Sisters maybe?” Takamina questioned.

“Oh no, we’re not blood-related. I’m just her childhood friend.” Rena immediately shook her head.

“6 years of age gap is a big number for a childhood friendship. I’m amazed.” Takamina nodded. “OK then you two come with me to the office to sign some more paper. Then you can start working here tomorrow.”


Please read and review
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: clubhappy on June 21, 2013, 09:07:00 AM
Ehem =w= anyway, new update =w=
Where the hell is my PJ48 new chapter!!?!?!?! XD
Mayu~ where are you Mayu~ Don't let Sae take Yuki~

Sorry too much spam. Anyway glad to see you update your fic. Or else...  :twisted:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kenjoy12 on June 21, 2013, 09:39:46 AM
You're back Sayuki-san! :twothumbs Okaeri! :fap

Uwaa~ Where's Mayu? What happened to her? Yuki felt empty without seeing her cyborg.. Hehehe Ohno! Love-triangle? Hohoho Can't wait :twisted:

What will happen next? Kyaaa~ I can't wait! XD

Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup :twothumbs

NICE~ :twothumbs
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: jell_o_jello on June 21, 2013, 09:47:39 AM
You're back !! :cow:

Aw, Yuki is getting lonely without the cyborg at her usual spot. That's so cute.
When will they get to really talk?

Thanks for the update :deco:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kuro808 on June 21, 2013, 10:33:39 AM
Welcome back

Takamina now can have a good crew to cover Yukirin
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: mayuki_daisuki on June 21, 2013, 10:47:37 AM
Sayuki-san!!. Okaeri!! :welcome
Sae-chan flirting as usual :P
YAY!! Wmatsui has appeared! :cathappy: :deco: lol jurina gor scolded :lol:
thanx for the update :cow:  :love:
P.S. please update let me be your soon! it's favourite! :bow: :bow:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kurogumi on June 21, 2013, 01:23:45 PM
thank sayuki san....i cant comment a lot im too happy seeing you back!! yes!!
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: cisda83 on June 21, 2013, 01:28:06 PM
Good for Minami that her cafe was getting more and more popular...

Thank's to Yuko and Haruna... but somehow I think Mayu had a hand in this too...

Why did Mayu always come to the cafe?

Yeah... Yuki starting to look for Mayu when she did not show up...

Ah... Jurina and Rena already so popular...And they are going to contribute to make the cafe even more popular...

When Yuki is going to go?

Who would be in charge of the Batista section if Yuki was not around anymore?

What's going to happen to Minami's cafe next?

Can't wait to find out more

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: gek geki on June 21, 2013, 01:59:15 PM
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: LoyalFlutist on June 21, 2013, 05:31:25 PM
Praise the lord, you're back! :panic: You don't know how happy I am to see an update from you! :cow:

Okay, excuse me for my sudden fangirling, but great (comeback) chapter! I'm glad that both Yuki and Minami got a few individuals willing to help them out in the cafe. Especially when it's getting busier and more customers are being attracted. :cathappy: I wonder where Mayu went though? She's not visiting the cafe often anymore... :?

Anyway, welcome back, Sayuki-san! Looking forward to more of your future work and updates! :deco:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Shinoki on June 21, 2013, 05:40:53 PM
...mayuyu not there....
wmatsui enter!
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: DC2805 on June 21, 2013, 06:25:43 PM
Thanks for returning with a great chapter! Woohoo! more characters appearing!  :cow:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Yu_oshi on June 21, 2013, 11:40:42 PM
I love wmatsui in here *fangirling* but there's a tiny mistake here "21-16=6" :D
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: DiVAGal2458 on June 22, 2013, 12:23:56 AM
I love your Fic, It's very interesting.  :twothumbs
Yay! Sae-chan  :wub: & Jurina-chan  :cathappy:
I can see this being WMatsui & MaYuki but I wonder who Sae will be paired with...Sayaka?  :?
The Recipes sound interesting does the cafe have a selection of Tea? I'm more of a tea drinker... :nervous
Due to the brewing Rival status of Sae & Jurina do you think she will serve Sae the bitter as hell tea from shukan akb as a prank  :twisted: :lol:
I'm also guessing the the rival shop is owned by Acchan as she did say that she wanted to own a cake shop when she was little  :huhuh
BTW I honestly thought the Antique shop woulda been owned by Sayaka not Sae, it seem to suit her more,and coz of her connection with Takamina from Infinity  O0
I can't wait for the next installment!  :panic:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Haruko on June 22, 2013, 03:11:20 AM
OMG!! Wmatsui!.. I want saeyuki instead mayuki..
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: karenchan on June 23, 2013, 06:55:40 PM
Your idea is FRESH !  :on gay: :on gay:
Fresher than lemon LOL
Thank you, i am delighted  :kneelbow: :kneelbow:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Kamen Knight on June 23, 2013, 08:32:25 PM
You took WMatsui in this fic!! Man, I can't wait to read the next chapter! Hopefully it won't take 3 months like before lol
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part5][6/21/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Sayuki on August 14, 2013, 05:47:36 PM
Sorry about the long waiting xP And also for the short update. But this is just the opening for the comeback of one of my fics~ Guess which one it will be~ Anyways, thanks for your patience and again I'm sorry for making you wait for so long. I'll try to organize my time again, and also my mood to write faster~

Kako no Cafe [Part6]

A week later, the two new employees had started their jobs quite well. Jurina became a waitress and she got a lot of attention from the customers, especially from girls. On the other hand, Rena was also a waitress and student of Yuki. She attracted many male customers with her kind attitude and cute appearance. She was also hard-working when learning from Yuki how to make good coffee. Although, Rena was quite clumsy so her coffee was usually either too bitter or too sweet. However, most of the male customers would tell her that her coffee was good with a forced smile, except for the “white mouse”. Jurina always got herself to be the first victim who tasted Rena’s coffee after she had learned a recipe from Yuki. Each time, she would either have a sleepless night or a tireless marathon around the park near the café, or spend more than an hour in the toilet. Despite of how many times the younger Matsui told her to quit being a barista, Rena would refuse to giving up and she kept trying until Jurina had to thank her for the drink. That was her goal in this café.

Besides from the fact that the café was getting more crowded because of the two new employees, there was something new but also expecting. As usual, at 9 am, the doorbell rang and coming inside was a little figure with black twin tails and cute red ribbon.

“Irassaimase~” Yuki called out as a habit without turning around, when she was so busy with her morning coffee.

“Usual order please, if you still remember it.”

Like a waking up call, Yuki immediately recognized the voice. The barista turned around to face the cold small cyborg wearing her white hoodie and carrying her black backpack. Somehow, she was very glad to see the girl after a week of absence.

“Of course I do. Please take a seat.” This time, not like the time before, Yuki smiled to the girl, which gave the girl a small surprise. But the girl just shrugged it off and walked to her favorite seat.

At that time, Yuki went to tell Takamina to make a strawberry cake for the girl. The midget was also glad to hear that their common customer had come back and quickly made the best cake with her best skill as a welcoming back gift. As for Yuki, she went away to prepare a hot chocolate. But then she heard some soft cough. It was from the cyborg girl. It seemed that she was having a cold. Yuki thought for a while, and then she decided to make something else, something special for the cyborg.

With a smile on her face, Yuki quickly prepared the special drink.

Few minutes later, Yuki went to the cyborg’s seat with a piece of strawberry cake and a cup of hot drink.

“Sorry for the long wait~” Yuki said to the girl and set up everything on the table gently.

The girl put down her book and took a look at the things on her table. A furrow formed between her eyebrows. She slowly looked up at Yuki and said in a cold tone.

“Excuse me. I don’t think I can’t drink coffee, especially black coffee.”

“This is not just black coffee. It’s called “Recopresso”, as in recovering espresso.”

“Well, no matter what its name is, it’s still black coffee.” The girl replied with a series of soft cough.

“But it will help you with that coughing. Drink it and you’ll feel better.”

Yuki convinced the girl to drink her secret recipe. But it seemed that the girl still hesitated to drink it. She sure did not like coffee at all.

“Trust me, please. If your cough doesn’t go away, I’ll charge your order free.”

The girl looked at Yuki one last time before she sighed in defeat and held the cup up to her lips. She slowly took a small sip of coffee, and closed her eyes to wait for the bitterness. However, she tasted something like coffee but also salty and sour. Her forehead furrowed because of the weird taste in her mouth. She looked at Yuki, asking why she made her drink this thing. But to her disappointment, the older girl just shook her head and gestured to continue. The younger girl did not know why she had to listen to the other girl, but she still did it. She drank almost half of the cup in one sip. Paying for that, her throat hurt badly because of the saltiness and sourness. She put down the coffee and received a glass of fresh water from Yuki. The water helped to soothe the pain in her throat quickly. However, it did not soothe her anger at the barista.

“What did you just make me drink, for God’s sake?”

“Espresso with a little salt and lemon. Do you like it? Is it good?” Yuki answered innocently with a smile on her face.

“No I don’t like it. It tastes so weird that…” The girl’s lips moved, like she was trying to taste the remaining coffee on her tongue again. Suddenly, her eyes opened widely like she just discovered something surprising. “… But it’s good. And my throat doesn’t hurt anymore…”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Yuki smiled to the girl.

“… How did you do that?” The girl asked with doubt. She still hadn’t believed that a cup of coffee could cure her cough.

“It’s a secret. I won’t tell you unless you give me something back.” Yuki placed a finger on her lips and smirked at the girl evilly.

“Something like what?”

“Like… your name and your attitude right now. I like you when you talked to me more than just the four usual words you say to me every time you come here.”

“Well then. I won’t do what you want me to do since you just told me what is in the coffee just a few minutes ago. And I’m not so stupid to know lemon and salt are medication for treating cough.”

To her surprise, the girl gave Yuki a smirk. Immediately, she facepalmed herself. She just failed on her intend to get close to the girl because of her fish brain. As for the younger girl, she sat there and watched the older girl hitting herself with the tray in amusement. Somehow, she was having fun when watching the barista. She took another sip of the coffee and continued reading her book. Seeing that, Yuki excused herself and left.

But right after she turned her back away, a cold but angelic voice said an unexpected thing to her.

“My name is Watanabe Mayu. Thanks for the drink.”

Hearing this, Yuki felt very comfortable and pleased. Almost all of the bad expression she had about this girl before had gone. She knew, for now, that this girl was not so rude and cold inside.

“I’m Kashiwagi Yuki. It’s my pleasure to help you. It’s nice to meet you, Watanabe-san.”

She gave Mayu a warm smile, even though she knew the girl wouldn’t see that when Mayu was so focusing on her book. But she did not mind at all. She walked back to the counter to work. Little did she know, behind that book, a smile, happy and relaxing, bloomed on the lips of whom given a nickname by “cyborg”.
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Shinoki on August 14, 2013, 05:55:57 PM
( <- Tears of Happiness
(I might be exaggerating a tiny tiny bit) Your fic is so awesome~~
Hehe~ yeah~ so wonderful~~
...Yosha!! Hehe~ Yuki finally got Mayu's name~~
Rena-chan's mission... somehow, I got the urge to cheer her on
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: DC2805 on August 14, 2013, 06:10:40 PM
Been waiting for the new update! Thanks!  :)
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kuro808 on August 14, 2013, 07:38:50 PM
Yes Mayu that was the key and yet played her cards perfectly XD
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: mayuki_daisuki on August 14, 2013, 08:29:24 PM
omg thanx so much for the update!!!!!! :heart:
missed this fic!!!! :cow: :bow:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: rochilu on August 14, 2013, 09:45:52 PM
yatta!! you came back  :w00t: and with some Mayuki >u<
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kurogumi on August 14, 2013, 10:20:29 PM
They start talk more than before ,

Well “little” but at least they know each other name nòw

Thank for the update sayuki-san
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: itamana on August 15, 2013, 12:27:27 AM
YAY !!!! you came back :onioncheer: :onioncheer:

Mayuki getting know each other... :hehehe:

i hope you can update more... :P :P

Thanks for the update....  :thumbup :twothumbs
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: olive29 on August 15, 2013, 04:00:01 AM
An update...yay!!!  :shakeit:

Mayuki moment...  :inlove:

Can't wait for the next chapter...
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: cisda83 on August 15, 2013, 07:00:28 AM
Ah... First conversation Mayuki has with each other..

Interesting interaction...

Great update... Thank you

Can't wait to see the next

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: LoyalFlutist on August 15, 2013, 06:29:09 PM
An update once more from my favorite author! You never fail to amaze me with each update no matter how long or short it is~ :cathappy:

Anyway, it seems that the reason for Mayu's absence was due to her illness? Poor girl! But thankfully Yuki came up and served her something that would soothe her sick self even for a little bit. But... It was simply just salt and lemon. Mayu just had to blow Yuki's little 'secret' that technically really isn't much of a secret... XD Mayu did tell her name to Yuki though and isn't as cold as before! Mayuki relationship level up! :cathappy:

For Jurina... Poor girl! She has to suffer the consequences from drinking the coffee that was either too bitter or too sweet. Don't kill her with your drinks, Rena! :nervous

Thank you so much for the update and looking forward to more of your work! :deco:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: gek geki on August 17, 2013, 04:23:15 AM

Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Terragen on September 05, 2013, 05:31:57 PM
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: diamond kirara on September 06, 2013, 05:45:14 PM
Yayyyy mayuyu is back  :hip smile: :deco: :deco:  wating for next update
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kurogumi on September 07, 2013, 12:22:02 PM
I accidentally opened the first page again
and guess what I found?


I found a long lost fic that I wrote long time ago but not actually completed or posted. I'm having a bad flu so I can't write anything. I feel quite bad that it's been awhile I haven't updated any of my fics and now I'm sick so I decided to post this story.

It's a (very long) one-shot so I'll split it into many parts. It's like a series so I hope you guys will enjoy it while waiting for me to recover. Thank you.

how many parts actually sayuki-san? LOL (i think i'm start want to know ho many...LOL) :lol: :lol:

I forgot that you said that this is a one shot fic (repeated: one shot)....and now that i already remember it....i will....wait....again.....LOL because...all...i is...just...wait...LOL
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: gek geki on September 13, 2013, 09:31:20 AM
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Terragen on October 29, 2013, 12:57:19 PM
please i want that strawberry cake and hot choclate
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: gek geki on December 02, 2013, 03:55:22 PM

Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Kirozoro on December 03, 2013, 03:39:58 AM
Finally i been waiting for the update

And sorry i didnt reply for others ch

Wah thx to Wmatsui the shoo has become more popular

And I can sense that the Mayuki is comming soon

Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: triela on December 03, 2013, 05:00:20 AM
i want yukirin secret coffee
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: karenchan on December 03, 2013, 01:30:42 PM
Thanks you as always. Continue writing :)
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: gek geki on January 13, 2014, 05:10:08 AM
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: yuuyu on January 13, 2014, 12:42:11 PM
Reading this makes me feel like I'm visiting a cafe.. -v-)
It's such a nice feeling, like coming home after a long time...
Please continue this when you find the time! o.o
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: cisda83 on January 13, 2014, 11:42:09 PM
Update please...

Still waiting to see what happen with the story

Thank you

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: deguchi on January 14, 2014, 01:14:01 AM
So nice feeling I got here...the flow of this story are good..
Please continue..
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part6][8/14/13] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Sayuki on February 24, 2014, 08:59:09 AM
A/N: Sorry for the late update of this fic ^^; I have no excuses. Yeah I'm being lazy ^^; I can't get my butt to work so ... my apologize for making you guys wait. Please enjoy this part and I hope I'll see you guys again on my next update. Not sure with one I will update next but I'll try my best.

Thank you for your time here <3

Kako no Cafe [Part 7]

Several days later, on a sunny day, very beautiful Thursday, when the Matsui duo was sweeping the floor, Yuki was cleaning her cups and Takamina was checking the income book of the café. The place was quite empty even though it was already 9 am since it was a national holiday. Therefore, most people were out of the city. This explained why Jurina and Rena were here during weekdays.


“Irasaimase~” All the four staff said cheerfully at the same time when the doorbell rang. Walking in was no other than the usual cold cyborg with her backpack, Mayu.

“Mayu-chan~” Immediately, Jurina jumped on the little girl and snuggled her, trying to kiss her cheek. But of course, Mayu dodged the kiss, ignored the kissing monster and walked to her favorite table while dragging along the puppy.

“Oi! Jurina! What are you doing?!?” Yuki shouted from the counter and gestured Rena to get the young girl off Mayu. The pale girl was quite mad and annoyed about what she was seeing so Rena obediently did what Yuki told her to do. She took the collar of Jurina’s shirt and pulled the girl away from their customer.

“No! Let me go, Rena-chan!!!” Jurina struggled.

“Stop it Jurina. You’re disturbing her.”

“What’s wrong with that? I missed her. I haven’t seen her for quite a long time now!” The puppy protested.

“OK what’s going on here?” Both Yuki and Takamina walked to Mayu’s table and placed down a piece of strawberry cake and a cup of hot chocolate. Then both of them turned to the Matsui duo.

“I just want to greet my best friend but Rena scolded me.”

“Oi! I wasn’t scolding you!” The pale girl slapped the younger girl at the back of her head.

“Best friend? What do you mean by that, Jurina?” Yuki raised an eyebrow while glaring at Jurina in disbelief.

“Oh so Mayu-chan hasn’t told you that huh? She’s a senior in my school. We usually hang out in the campus every day. About a week ago, she was sick so I haven’t seen her since then.”

“You two are studying in a same school huh?” Takamina smiled in interest.

“Yeah! And best friend we are too! Right, Mayu-chan?”

Jurina said happily and tried to kiss the cyborg again, who was busy reading her book, but then she ended up getting her face pushed away by the girl, making her face look like an octopus.

“OK… This is a weird combination… How comes someone serious like Watanabe-san hanging out with someone flirty like Jurina?” Yuki scratched her chin.

“Mou! I’m not flirty!” The aforementioned girl pouted.

“More like clingy to me.” The cyborg replied in a mono tone without taking her eyes off her book. “That puppy always clings on me when we’re at school, causing her girlfriend to get jealous of me for no reason.”

“Oi! I‘m not her girlfriend, Mayu!” Without noticing, Rena’s face turned red. She defended herself by shouting at Mayu.

“I didn’t say your name, Rena-san.” Rena finally realized that she just fell in a trap. The pale girl said nothing but her flushed cheeks told everything. She quickly went back to the kitchen to work, avoiding any questions from her bosses.

“Ne, Rena-chan! Wait for me!” The puppy chased after the pale princess, leaving behind a dumbfound midget and a confused barista.

“What was that?” Finally, Yuki was able to say something.

“I don’t know. Something is happening between those two.” Takamina answered.

“You just met a real tsundere lolicon and a dense puppy.” To answer Yuki’s question, the cyborg took a sip of her chocolate and replied softly.

“Oh… So that means something is really happening between those two. More like it’s coming from Rena.” The midget scratched her chin amusingly.

However, Yuki remained silence. She didn’t go along with Takamina since something was bothering her mind more than the love problem between the Matsui duo. The fact was that she was more curious about the cyborg. Knowing the girl was studying in a same school with one of her employees made her mind work harder. She remembered the time when they recruited Jurina and Rena, she and Takamina just thought about hiring more people but not yet posted a notice outside the café. She thought about it a little more and she found it strange. How comes the Matsui duo knew they wanted to hire employees before the notice was posted? Yuki took a look at the reading girl and asked herself: What if the Matsui duo knew because the cyborg told them about the issue? But then she quickly shook it off her mind.

“No way. She was sick for a whole week. How comes she knew that?” Yuki mumbled to herself. However, Takamina, who was standing beside her, heard her voice.

“Did you say something, Yukirin?”

“No. Nothing.” The barista shook her head. “Let’s go back to work, Takamina.” She changed the topic, hopefully wouldn’t get any more questions from her friend.

“Sure.” The midget smiled. “Watanabe-san, please excuse us.”

The young customer just nodded silently and went back to read her book, leaving the two older girls with their work. The café was filled with silence again when no one was making a single sound. The Kojiyuu duo wouldn’t come until evening while the troll duo was on their honeymoon trip. Therefore, the café went back to its old time, during the first few days of its re-opening. However, the current quiet atmosphere didn’t last for long when the doorbell rang again.


And stepping inside was a fine young girl, brown wavy long hair, soft pink lips, wearing style clothes and a pair of black glasses that made her look so mysterious.

“Irasaimase” Yuki said and bowed to the girl. She was curious and surprised to see such a girl would come to their café at this time.

The girl nodded at her shortly and then looked around to choose for herself a nice seat. After a few minutes, she walked to a table in the middle of the room. At that time, Jurina approached her and gave her the menu. The girl was sitting in a good place that Mayu could have a clear view of her. The young girl took a quick glance at the newcomer and then went back to her book with a smirk blooming on her lips.

“A hot cappuccino and a chocolate cupcake, please.” After a minute of reading the menu, the girl said to Jurina, who quickly wrote down the order into her notebook and then gently took the menu from the girl.

“Yes, ma’am. Please wait for a few minutes.”

Jurina quickly went to the counter and gave the order to Yuki and Takamina. Then the puppy looked at the girl doubtfully. While the barista and the baker were doing their jobs, only Rena, who was cleaning the cups, noticed the strange expression of the youngest girl. Following the gaze of Jurina, Rena could see her friend was staring at the new girl, who was observing the café carefully while waiting.

“Jurina, why are you staring at the girl like that?” Rena asked with a hint of jealousy in her voice. But Jurina didn’t notice that so she answered innocently without breaking her gaze on the stranger.

“She looks familiar to me. I think I’ve seen her somewhere…”

“Well you have many fan girls at school. I bet she could be one of them and decide to stalk you here.”

“No. Not at school for sure… I think I saw her on TV or in a magazine…”

“Hmmm?” Rena looked at the girl again, observing her more carefully. Now she realized that she have seen the girl somewhere before too. “Now that you mention about it, I think I’ve seen her too.”

“Of course you have. You have read all of my magazines and watched TV with me for more than ten years already.”

“Back to the topic, are you thinking what I am thinking, Jurina?” Rena asked while smiling at the puppy. Hearing the question, Jurina turned her head around to meet up with Rena’s gaze and smiled.

“Are you thinking what I am thinking, Rena?”

“OK, both of you, cut it out. Your smiles are creepy.” Yuki sighed and placed the cup of cappuccino and the chocolate cupcake onto Jurina’s tray. “The order is done, Jurina. Do your work.”

“Right away, Black-sama.” Jurina saluted the barista in military way and quickly went away with the tray placing firmly on her hand.

At that time, Yuki sighed again and leaned on the counter, standing next to Rena, who was giggling.

“When will that flirty puppy stop calling me as Black-sama?”

“Well, you scared her to death with your black aura when she was trying to kiss you so I guess you’ll have to live with that name from now on.” Rena replied in amusement.

“Oh well, at least she would stop stealing my first kiss then.”

“Wait, you haven’t had your first kiss?” Rena opened her mouth in shock.

“What’s so surprising about that?”

“Honestly, you’re beautiful. I thought you would have had many boyfriends in your past.”

“My appearance has nothing to do with my love life.” Yuki pouted. At the same time, Jurina went back with an empty tray so the conversation ended.

“Seriously, I can’t remember where I saw that girl or who she is. But she is awfully familiar. Damned my fish brain.” Jurina knocked her head several times with the tray, trying to make herself remember the identity of the new customer. However, it didn’t work even though she felt dizzy after that. She couldn’t even stand straight and had to let Rena support her. Seeing that, both Yuki and the sitting cyborg shook their head in defeat and mumbled the same word quietly, “Baka”.

The question still remained for a while until the mysterious girl finished her drink and cake. She stood up and walked to the counter in order to pay her order. However, as she was walking, an object caught her attention, the glass cabinet placing next to the counter. Yuki noticed the girl was staring at the cabinet. She silently praised the midget again for the great idea of the souvenir. Few customers asked them for some old things in the cabinet, took them away and visited the café on the next day with a big smile on their faces. The midget sure had no fortune, but she did know how to please her customers very well.

“Your order is 560 yen, miss.” Yuki typed on the cash register to get the bill and gave it to the girl. Without looking, the girl took out a 1000 yen banknote from her black leather purse and gave it to Yuki. While waiting for the change, the girl asked Yuki about the cabinet.

“Excuse me, what are those inside the cabinet? And why do you leave the cabinet there?”

“The cabinet is for displaying the souvenir that we’ll always be pleased to give it to our customers when they ask for it. As you know, our place’s name is Kako no café. Everyone has a past and an object that reminds them of their past memory. Some memories are very precious to people but because of their busy lives, they tend to forget about it until something can help them to recall those lose memories. Of course we don’t suggest the customers to live in the past but we don’t want them to forget it. Even it’s good or bad, their past always has an important role to create their current lives. The past can only exist in their memory.”

Yuki finished her explanation. It was actually what Takamina told her about the idea. The customer now wore the same amazed expression that Yuki had on her face when she listened to the midget. It was truly an amazing idea.

“Really impressive. I’ve never thought of a better idea than that.” The girl nodded slowly.

“Thank you for the compliment. The owner of our place would be glad to hear that.”

“So this is the owner’s idea? May I know who is the owner?”

“It’s our baker. Do you want me to call her for you?”

“No thanks. I don’t want to interrupt your work. Besides, I don’t have much time left. I have to go now. I’ll come back when I have a chance. Tell the owner that I’m impressed by her talent.” The girl smiled gently to Yuki and left the café. “Keep the change. See it as a reward for your brilliant idea.”

“Eh?... Etou… Thank you and see you later miss…” The girl quickly disappeared behind the door, leaving a confused barista with some coins on her hand. At the same time, the midget came out of the kitchen and stood beside Yuki.

“What’s wrong, Yukirin?”

“Well, nothing wrong besides that strange customer. She asked me about your idea of the souvenir and left without taking her change. She said we could keep it as her reward for the idea. And she also wanted to tell you that she was impressed by your talent, Takamina.”

“Wow… Did she say she would come back?”

“Yes when she had a chance.”

“In that case I’ll have to note myself that I’ll thank her next time.” The midget smiled happily.

At the same time, Jurina came back with the empty cup and disk on her tray from the table and gave them to Rena, who would clean them later on. “Black-sama, Takamina-san, I got a news.” The young girl called out, which made the two aforementioned girls standing on the other side of the counter to look at her.

“What news, Jurina?” Takamina asked.

“The mysterious customer. I saw her enter our rival’s place, the next door café.”

“Wait, what? Really?” Takamina gasped in surprise.

“Yes really. I saw her with my own eyes. It’s true.”

“Does that mean she’s a journalist?” Rena, who got interested into the conversation, stood next to the midget and asked.

“Maybe. Or she’s a spy of our rival. I think they want to know our secret and try to steal it of us.” Jurina said quietly.

“I don’t think so. She looks luxurious and well-mannered. I don’t think she would have that kind of job.” Yuki shook her head.

“I agree with Yuki. She didn’t act so suspicious. I’d guess she’s some sort of journalist.” The midget nodded in agreement.

“Now I understand why this café was so empty at the beginning.” Suddenly, a voice interrupted the staff’s conversation. The four of them turned around and looked at the source of the voice.

The cyborg, who was still sitting comfortably in her seat and reading her novel, said in a monotone without looking at the dumbfounded people. “You build a café next to a popular one and yet you don’t even know your rival’s face.”

“Get to the point already, Mayu-chan.” The puppy pouted.

“Fine. The girl you just met is the owner of the next door café, you baka people. Her name is Maeda Atsuko, a famous actress and singer. I’m surprised that no one recognized her, except for that fish brain puppy.”

“Damned it! Now I remember her. I’ve watched all of her movies and have her photo books at my house. I’ve read on a magazine about her having a bakery café in Akibahara. Damn, I’m so stupid.” Jurina smacked her head.

“What? So our rival just visited us without us realizing it?” Yuki’s face turned into an owl. “What the hell, Takamina? Why didn’t you know her face? She’s your rival?!?!” She grabbed the midget’s shoulders and shook the girl violently.

“C-Calm down, Y-Yukirin…” The poor midget tried to speak in difficulty. “I-I never… left my café… s-so how… c-can I… k-know her?”

“Takamina-san is right. You have to calm down, Yukirin.” Rena put a hand on Yuki’s shoulder to stop the raged girl. “Besides, I don’t think she intends to do something bad to us. She’s an idol, a public person. If she tries to do something bad to our business in purpose, she will have her fame damaged too. I think she just wanted to know her rival better.”

Hearing that, Yuki relaxed a bit and finally released the midget, letting out a heavy sigh. “OK… What should we do now?”

“Maybe we should try to do something to promote our café? I don’t think we have done enough.” The midget suggested.

“Good idea but do what?”

The four girls scratched her chin and thought. A few moments passed but no one could come up with anything. Therefore, they all gave up and asked for help.

“Ne, Mayu-chan, do you have any idea?” Jurina smiled and approached the cyborg girl.

“You’re the staff. I’m a customer. It’s your problem so deal with it by yourself. Why do I have to help you?” Mayu said in nuisance.

“Come on, Mayu-chan~ Help your friend, please~ I’m begging you.” Jurina put up her infamous puppy eyes, imaginary ears and tails.

“Get away from me you clingy puppy.” Mayu quickly shoved her hand into her black backpack and took out a piece of paper, only then smacked it violently onto the puppy’s face. “Bring it back to your owner.”

The cyborg ordered and Jurina just held the paper in her hand and gave it to Rena.

“What is this?” Rena asked confusingly as she received the paper from Jurina.

“Mayu gave it to me. She told me to bring it to you.”

“For what?” Rena quickly read the paper and realized that it was a poster for an upcoming event. Her facial expression brightened when she knew what the girl was telling her. “Now I know why Mayu is the top student. She’s really smart.” Rena smiled and gave the poster to Yuki and Takamina. “Mayu came up with an idea for us. Take a look.”

The barista and the baker looked at the poster in a brief moment and then turned to the side to look at each other with a big smile. The midget grinned happily and then spoke to the WMatsui.

“OK, listen up. We’re going to have a big event next week so I’d like to ask for your help. So are you with us?”

“Of course! We’re your employees. How could you leave us out of this?” Rena smiled.

“Great! Then Kako no Café will have a musical show on next Sunday. A live concert right here!”

“A WHAT?!?!” The Wmatsui duo shouted in union, staring at the midget confusingly. The barista just shrugged and shook her head lightly. Only the midget, who came up with a crazy idea, grinned like a maniac, satisfied with her decision.

[To be continued]
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] - Multiple Couple
Post by: olive29 on February 24, 2014, 09:40:45 AM

An update !!!!!

Thank you very much !!!

Jurina is so dense...  :smhid

Yuki's first kiss only for Mayu  :lol:
And Mayu better get it quickly before someone else stole it...  :grin:

Oh, Acchan as their rival...
Well, is she going to steal Takamina's idea with the souvenir thingy???
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] - Multiple Couple
Post by: kurogumi on February 24, 2014, 10:13:03 AM
arigatou sayuki-sama~

Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] - Multiple Couple
Post by: deguchi on February 24, 2014, 10:40:26 AM
Another crazy yet amazing idea from the owner cafe XD
so its acchan, and that puppy so cute!!
Great one! Waiting for nex~
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] - Multiple Couple
Post by: cisda83 on February 24, 2014, 11:48:16 AM
Been a while...

But great update as usual...

Eh... musical concert?

Would Kako no Cafe be able to perform well?

Would Atsuko be there or would she also perform?

Can't wait to see the next chapter

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] - Multiple Couple
Post by: yuuyu on February 24, 2014, 06:39:34 PM
This update made my life. ( ;v; )
I was thinking the same thing about Mayu as Yuki was, that it's thanks to her that they've had such good fortune with Kako no Café. However, that was more along the lines of Yuko and Haruna's appearance.
Now that I think about it though, that would mean WMatsui would have known the couple from the start and acted more familiarly than they did.
I'm starting to look at Acchan in regards to this...
Why the random visit?
Why bother checking out the cafe that can barely touch yours at the moment?
And the question bothering me the most: Why did Mayu decide to help in the first place?
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Kirozoro on February 24, 2014, 09:59:42 PM
Ohh they goong to have a live concert

Can't wait for the next ch

Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] - Multiple Couple
Post by: AshuraX on February 25, 2014, 02:03:41 AM
WUT o.o''
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] - Multiple Couple
Post by: Haruko on February 25, 2014, 03:52:44 AM
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] - Multiple Couple
Post by: gek geki on April 03, 2014, 10:44:36 AM
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] - Multiple Couple
Post by: vivinardisa on April 05, 2014, 03:05:39 AM
I'm just finish reading it and it was so cool  :thumbsup

Please update soon  :cow:
Title: Re: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] - Multiple Couple
Post by: keijuna on August 20, 2017, 05:21:55 PM
I know it's been like three years since the last update but this fic is very interesting. (^ν^)

It's as light as a cake and as inviting as the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning haha. Also I really want to know how the story progresses in later chapters (⌒▽⌒)