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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: daydreamerzz on June 16, 2013, 12:00:49 PM

Title: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: daydreamerzz on June 16, 2013, 12:00:49 PM
Well yeah, since it's the holidays, and I have nothing to do, so i'm gonna write a fanfic !! This is my first fanfic, btw. And the idea just came out of the blue so yeah. This is a JKT48 fanfic. The setting may be cliche or whatever but there aren't a lot of jkt fanfics so i hope you guys don't mind.

Here's the prologue. Guess who the main character is. It's pretty clear who it is actually.


"Hmm... Are you sure about this ?", asked my dad.
"Yes", I answered for the thousandth time.

Me and my parents were having this "serious" conversation about my future. Serious for my dad at least. I just kept nodding to whatever he was saying. All I heard was blah blah blah... Even mom looked like she was about to doze off.

"Hey... hey ! Are you even listening ? This is serious you know ! Just listen at least.", shouted my father, waking me up from my half-asleep state caused by the very long speach he just gave me.

"With your brain, you can get into any university and faculty you want ! Why are you choosing this ?", continued my father.

"Daaaad ! It's not like it's a bad university or something !", I answered.

"Well, it's not really the university itself that is the problem. It's the professor."

Why would the professor be a problem you ask ? It's a long story actually. Well, to put it simply. One of the professors that teach in that particular university is my dad's eternal rival. Ever since grade school. The guy's name is Vikry by the way.

"Why do you even care, dad ?", I asked.

"Because if you go there, that Vikry idiot will corrupt your mind !"

Paranoid, much ?

Mom finally decided to step in, "Look honey, she doesn't want to change her mind, anyway the RKJ university is one of the best in the country, it's a blessing for our daughter to be accepted there, she even got a scholarship ! ", mom said to dad.

"Fine, do whatever you want. When you fail in class because of that guy, don't come crying to me !" said dad. He stood up from the sofa in front of me, then went marching up stairs. Geez, I thought parents were supposed to act... mature. I can't believe my dad can act like such a kid.

"Be patient with your father okay dear ? Anyway, I personally think that RKJ is perfect for you. And anyway you've always loved japanese culture right ? Japanese litterature is perfect for you !".

"Yeah, I know."

My mom let out a deep sigh.

"I remember it as if it was just yesterday. When you were little, you used to sit infront of the TV whenever there was you're favorite show. What was it again... Power Rangers ?"

"Kamen Rider !", I intervened.

"Yes that's what I meant. Well the point is, kids grow up so fast... You're moving to the dorm in 2 weeks right ?"


"I'll miss you"


I can sense that my mom is waiting for a reply.


"Yeah, sure I'll miss you too, mom. "


Yeah so that's the beginning. Should i continue this story ?
Title: Re: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: Yuichii on June 16, 2013, 01:07:05 PM
kamen rider!!!!! does this mean ghaida?  :w00t:  :w00t:
omg! please let this be ghaida and diasta!! :panic: :panic: I ship them so much!! :heart: :heart:
but I also ship ghaida with everyone! lol  :lol: :lol:
 :bow: :bow: Please continue this daydreamerzz-san.....
Title: Re: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: daydreamerzz on June 16, 2013, 01:12:55 PM
Yes, correct ! Well who else in JKT likes kamen rider, right ?  :lol:

TBH, Ghaida can be paired with anyone so the pairing will be a surprise  :P

Actually I haven't really decided who she will be paired with  :nervous

Thank you for the reply~
Title: Re: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: IntanLakz on June 16, 2013, 01:51:19 PM
Finally JKT48 Fic  :cow:

Put VeNal (ve x kinal) pairing. I love them so much :D
Title: Re: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: Yuichii on June 16, 2013, 01:56:32 PM
I can't wait for the first chapter!!  :cow:
I wanna see how you portray ghaida character in this fic~  :yep:
and yes! VeNal!! :deco: I ship them as well~ :heart:
Title: Re: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: Cometerz48 on June 16, 2013, 06:56:56 PM
Please let it be GhaidaNyash!!

Onegai, senpai!!! :bow: :bow:

Title: Re: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: daydreamerzz on June 17, 2013, 05:45:29 AM
@IntanLakz and Yuichii yeah, i'm a big fan of VeNal too actually so i'll try and put them in too.

@Cometerz48, senpai...? I don't know what you're talking about  :roll: :roll:



"So, you're really going, aren't you ?", my mom asks me.

"Well, yeah, why would I pack up my stuff if i wasn't gonna move ?"

"What I mean is that it's hard to believe that my little girl is already grown up... " *sniff*

Uh oh, here comes the waterworks. I better say something comforting.

"Well, everybody grows up eventually. And...  anyway, if you miss taking care of a kid, you can always take care of dad, he's still practically a kid, right ?"

"Hahaha ! Don't say that about your dad ! Although you're right about him sometimes being a kid, he can also be very mature. "

"Where is dad by the way ? Don't tell me he's still mad about the professor thing."

"I won't be surprised if he still is...  Ah, here he comes".

"Hey, Ghaida !", my dad says to me.

"Hi dad... You're not gonna lecture me about uncle Vikry again, right ?"

"No, no, no ! And don't call him uncle, he's not you're uncle."

"But wouldn't it be rude to call him by his first name ?"

"Let's just skip that subject now. I have a surprise for you. "

He suddenly takes out a small box out of his pocket.

"For you. "

I take the small box out of my father's hand. It felt pretty light. Hmm, what could it be ?

"Well don't just stare at it, open it !"

I open the small box and become stunned at what's inside of it.

"Is that what I think it is...?"  I murmur to myself.

"Go on, take it out."

"Is... are these car keys ??", I ask.

"Well of course they are, dear !"

I instantly give a huge bear hug to my father.

"Why ?"
"Well there aren't a lot of means of transportation around the campus. And it's a really big place. And I'm getting too old to drive you to places. Since you already have your driver's licence, well why not ? "

"Wow, I really didn't expect this dad, I've been begging you to let me drive your car, but now you actually gave me my own car..."

"Well, mom will really miss you. If you have your own car, you can come home often."

"Thanks, thanks a lot dad. "

"The car is parked in the garage, pack up you're stuff and go kiddo. A new life is waiting for you. "

A new life huh ?

As I leave the driveway with my brand new black sedan, I could see my parents waving goodbye to me while shedding some tears. When I think about it, mom's right, dad can be mature too.

The campus isn't that far from my house, only a half an hour drive. After a while, I finally see the entrance gate.

As I enter the campus, I just noticed how right my dad was.  The place is huge.

"Hmmm... So where are the dorms ?", I ask myself.

It was then that I realized I had no idea where the dorms were. After driving around the campus for half an hour, I finally found the dorms. No I wasn't lost, if that's what you're thinking. I was merely trying to get to know the campus better, hence the half hour drive.

I could see a huge sign in front of the dorm.


So, this is where I'm going to live for the next couple years, eh ?

My room is on the second floor. When I started taking out my stuff from the car, i started to regret letting my mom help me pack. She even packed up all my action figures. Seriously now ? Having action figures in my room totally screams otaku. I didn't have a lot of friends in high school because they didn't like the fact that I was an otaku, I don't want that to happen again...

As I open the door to my room, I could faintly here someone calling out my name. I was probably just imagining things,  I thought to myself. The calling started to become louder and louder, I could here someone running towards me. As I turned around, that person literally jumped into my arms, making me drop the box I was holding.

"Ghaida !! I missed you so much~", the person said.

In the position I was, I couldn't really see the person's face, but that voice, I recognized it immediately, it was the annoying voice of my best friend from high school.

"I-Ikey ?", I asked.
"Whaaa you remember me ? I thought you already forgot about me ?"

"It's hard to forget a crazy person like you, you know ?"

"Hey, Ikey, can you let go of me, it' getting hard to breath, you know ?"


Dhike, or Ikey, as I like to call her, is a really close friend of mine, she was practically my only friend during high school. But she moved to China after 10th grade because of her parent's job. When she left,

"Thanks for helping me move my stuff to my room." I told Ikey.

"No problem ! I just finished moving in too and it's really been a long time since we talked with each other."

She gave me this really huge smile. That reminded me how much I missed her. She maybe be crazy but she really brightened up my days during high school. After she left, to be honest, my school life felt really... empty.

We sat on the floor, exhausted from going up and down the stairs.

"What are you doing here anyway, Ikey ?"

"What, you don't want me here ?", she teased me.

"No, not at all. It's just that, I thought I would never see you again ever since you moved to China. So i'm kinda still in shock mode i guess."

"Yeah well, I guess I couldn't really adjust with life over there, so I asked my parents if I could continue my studies here in Jakarta. "

"You could have told me you were coming ! We could've met up or something, you know !"

"Well, I thought that after the years we haven't seen each other, you would've forgotten about me."

"It's only been two years."

"I know, but I thought you would've gotten yourself new friends, and I didn't really wanna disturb you or anything. And I didn't know how to contact you anyway."

What new friends ? You were my only friend Ikey. I let out a sigh.

"Fine, but, does that mean you're taking classes here ?", I asked.

"Yeah, I'm taking up design classes."

"Really ? I never knew you were into that."

"Well I am, …and let me guess, you're taking japanese litterature, right ?"

"How did you know ?"

"You've always loved japanese stuff, so it's pretty obvious actually. Are you still into that otaku stuff  ?"

"Of course I am, why ask ?"

"Because back in China, I saw some guys cosplaying, and there was this really Ikemen guy cosplaying as a butler, and I thought to myself, Ghaida would look better with the butler costume than that guy..."

"You know i'm a girl right ?"

"Really ? All this time, I thought you were a guy.~" she said, giving me a teasing grin.

"Veeerry funny..."

We both laughed.

"I really missed hanging out with you.", I said.

"Me too", she said as she smiled at me. It kinda looked like a sad smile, or maybe I was imagining things..?


Sorry if it's too short  :nervous
Title: Re: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: fuu_kun on June 17, 2013, 08:16:20 AM
Ghaikey or ghainyash? Me choose ghaikey :on gay: ikey so cute~~
Title: Re: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: Yuichii on June 17, 2013, 08:17:56 AM
ohhhhhhh!!! her roomy is dhike~~~ :heart: :heart: I love these two so much  :heart:
ghaida still taking japanese literature! nice :thumbsup
hoping that she will meet nyash because of the otaku stuff and become best friends as well~~
XD *still hoping for ghainyash*
Title: Re: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: Dieyg48 on June 17, 2013, 09:22:31 AM
-Waa...I miss the comment on the prologue~
-But yeah~JKT fanfics is really rare in here~
-Oh yeah...Pls update it soon, like how the story flowing!~!~
-Jya...I'll be looking forward to da' next one!~!~
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :bow:
Title: Re: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: IntanLakz on June 17, 2013, 12:55:36 PM
Finally 1st chapter  :cow:

Ghaida x Dhike huh? ...   i think that should be good pair  :oops:

please update soon ------♥

Title: Re: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: daydreamerzz on June 18, 2013, 06:43:07 PM
Just wanna say I won't be able to post the next chapter cause my house's wifi isn't working, so i can only come here on my phone. Gomen ne~

And anyway, because if the recent announcement i'm not really in the mood to write ...
Title: Re: RKJ University - A JKT48 fanfic !!
Post by: Dieyg48 on June 19, 2013, 12:32:34 PM
Ouuuuu~~That must be a heartbreaking situation...if it is me!! Wifi didn't work..
-Maaa..well, i can wait for the next update!~!~!~
-So no worry author-san...Take your time on making it through your phone..
-I'll still looking forward to the next one!~!~
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :bow: :bow: