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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: menamarco96 on May 10, 2014, 04:52:46 AM

Title: The Everyday Life - Chapter X (WMatsui) (12/8/14)
Post by: menamarco96 on May 10, 2014, 04:52:46 AM
I'm back with a new fic and this time it's gonna be the 'chapter' type  :lol:

The major otp is wmatsui but i'm also gonna potray a few pairings that i like too  :ptam-ok:

I don't have any plans yet, to do the other POV. So I'll just stick with only Jurina's  :)

This chapter is a little bit short, I think?  :depressed: The next chapt will be slightly longer  :hee:


Some people say, you don’t need a college degree to become one of the people who knew what was really going on. If you paid attention, you could pick things up on your own. I began my studies with eagerness but I soon discovered college wasn’t the stereotype thing you watched on television. Many of dreams that had delighted my young inexperience became beautifully less and faded into the light of common day. Sometimes I feel like advising people  to skip college and read Wikipedia for free instead.


       By the way, I’m Jurina. I’m just going to start my sophomore year in college. It’s not that I have a bad social skills or anything, it’s just that I’d rather kept a few company near me rather than a whole pack of people who you don’t even know you could trust. But even with a few friends, there could still be a disguised person hiding inside a mask. So the point is, trust no one. Ah, but my dad always tell me to trust people, even if they backstab you, you still need to trust them. Seriously dad, I don’t get you.

      After a three months break, now its time for me to go back to that lousy campus. Well, the campus isn’t so bad but the students. Most of the students there came from a good and rich family, since it’s a private college. So they’re bound to be groups of people who’ll be like, “My dad donated a huge sum for this” , “Your work is to teach me not to lecture me”. Some lecturers here are just like dolls. They don’t utter a word and just get on with it. But there are also the good ones. Lecturers and students. There’s  people who studied hard, and have sufficient time to have fun. I don’t really think I could be placed in any category. I do things on my own pace and I don’t really give a shit on anything sometimes.

      I stared at the foggy window in my car, while my dad drove beside me. A heavy rain occurred earlier but now it’s just a few drizzles. My dad beside me was a humming to the same tune for the past 10minutes and it was driving me nuts technically.

           “Dad? What song are you currently humming to?”

          “Oh, its just a new tune I created.”

          Should’ve have known. She thought her dad get the hint of her, getting annoyed on the same tune, but yeah, her dad continued humming and now, it’s getting louder. Jurina tilted her head on the window and it was a bad idea since the road their crossing now has a lot of bumps. Ah, its not that far from her campus now. She took out her phone from her pocket and see if some of her friends texted about their arrival at the campus. Nope, nothing. No text. Sometimes she always questions herself on why she actually have a phone.

         “Yosha ! We’re here!” Mr Matsui said happily, as they enter the campus entrance gate.

        “Just drop me off over there. I can go in by myself.”  Jurina pointed out at a walkside on their left just after the roundabout.

       “You sure you don’t want me to send you in to your hostel?”

      “No. Besides, I need to get my key first from the hostel warden at the office.”

       After her dad parked at the side, she unfastened her seatbelt and half sling her bag. Her dad went out of the car to the trunk, to take out her not so huge luggage. Well it was just one luggage. She doesn’t need much. Well most of her friends and her colleagues, be having like two or three huge luggage plus a couple of hand carry bags, as if they’re going to some vacation. Her dad then lifted the only luggage she has, beside the bag on her shoulder, and place it beside Jurina.

      “Thanks dad. You can go now. Bye.”

     “Not so fast ! Where’s my hug?”

      Her dad then open his arms wide and Jurina mentally face-palm and secretly hope no one saw this embarrassing  father-daughter scene. Jurina stiffly hugged her dad and her dad ruffled her hair after letting her go. Great, just great. How about greeting everyone with her hair in a sloppy mess like this. Sounds cool. Not.
“Be a good girl ne? And oh, your mom has been bugging me all day today to tell you that you should find a love interest or anything.”


        “You know… as you are my one and only daughter. If you have someone on your mind, you should tell me straight away okay ! I need to see whether that person is sufficient enough for  a person like you.”

       “Not interested.” Goodness why is her dad giving her a lecture about this kind of things. Like seriously how can this day be more embarrassing. Luckily there wasn’t anyone nearby them, not that she could spotted any.

      “Alright dad. You should go now.” Jurina gritted her teeth and she slowly turned her dad facing the car before pushing him.

     “….And don’t forget to call us if there’s any problem. Especially if there’s a boy trying to hook up with you or—”

    “Won’t happen.” She rolled her eyes. Ugh, she really don’t have time for this sort of thing.


          She walked along the corridors inside the building. Some students passing by looked unfamiliar which automatically makes her labeled them as freshman. But then, she didn’t even knew the whole student on the campus last semester, so they might be sophomores or seniors. Ugh whatever. Jurina reached her destination which is their warden, Oya-sama’s, office. The door was half open so she knocked twice before slowly peeking in inside to find her warden was stuffing on donuts in a hungry mode.


        “Oh! Jurina ! Tadaima !” that was what Jurina manage to interpret at her warden’s greet while her mouth was stuffed with donuts.

        As her warden finally swallowed her remaining donut in her mouth, the warden opened several drawers and search for keys. Seriously, how does she became a warden when her office and herself is such a mess. Someone knock the office door again and this time, one of Jurina’s senior, Sayaka, peeked in. Sayaka bid hello to Jurina before talking to the warden.

        “Eto there seems to be something wrong with the shower. Can you call someone to fix it?”

        “Yeah yeah I’ll call someone. You’re in the 2nd floor , room 25, isn’t it? Don’t worry someone will fixed it up soon” the warden said while still rummaging the drawers, searching for Jurina’s room key.

        “Yatta !! Found it Jurina!” the warden exclaimed in happy tone. “Your three roommates is already in their room. You’ve gotten the same roommate as the last semester but there’s a new person in. Try and make friends with her too ne?”

        “Hai. Arigatougozaimasu.”


        Jurina slowly climb up the stairs to the top floor, the fourth floor. Talk about private college where people contribute a lot of money, their elevator broke down and their college committee didn’t even bothered to quickly repair that one and only elevator. Not that her luggage is too heavy or anything, she just feel like lying on her new bed right now. And why does  this time she gets a room at the top floor. Last semester her room was on the first floor and now it drastically ascend to the first. Every floor has 20 rooms and each room has 2 units inside. Only 4 people are allowed in one room. Sometimes when they held  a party or anything, there tends to be more than 4 people in one room .

        Jurina finally reached the top floor and heaved a sigh before walking straight to her new room. The warden said her roommates are already there. Which means, Mayu and Paruru, her so called “best friends” is here, plus the new girl. Jurina looked at her key number before scanning the number 102 embedded on the door. She found her room and tried to twist the doorknob beforehand, seeing if the door is unlock. And it was, so she swing open the door and immediately face with Paruru who just came out from the small kitchen on her right side with a melonpan still wrap in the plastic on her hand.

       “Oii ! What took you so long!”

       “That was a nice greet,” Jurina shut the door behind her and walked in. Inside this room, there were two other rooms both located on the left side. And there was one bathroom just beside the walkway to the kitchen and a living room. It was not a really a spacious living room, but it was enough for the three of them back then. But now there’s four, but I don’t think it’ll change anything.       

      “So which is my room?” Jurina trying to swung the first room, but eventually it was lock.

     “Hey, that’s my room with the new girl. Wonder why she locked it? But she gave me these though.” Paruru  tear off the plastic and took out the whole melonpan bread.

       Jurina move on to the next room and swing it open violently. The left side of the bed is already preoccupied with a girl wearing a pastel color hoodie, with both of her ears plugged in with an earphone. Yeah, that’s Mayu. Watanabe Mayu. She was the first friend Jurina befriended on the “Get To Know Each Other” session during one of their first days as a freshman. Mayu and her are in different faculties but there are certain subjects that they have in common.

       “Sup Juju,” Mayu put out a “V” sign while her eyes still stare at her phone screen.
Jurina just grunted and nodded. She quickly put her luggage and her bag near her now, bed, before immediately jumping to it. Ah, the fluffyness of the pillow and the warmness of the bed sheets makes her desire to take a nap more deeper.

     “You saw the new girl ?”

     “No,” muffled Jurina, her face still buried in her pillow.

    “She has the same family name as you are. I thought you guys were related or something.”

    “Guess not.”

     Jurina finally swing her body and lay down properly. She turned her head to look at Mayu who has now plug off the earphones from her ears. Mayu was now playing some kind of game on her phone, judging by the sound emitting from it. Jurina noticed something different in Mayu’s phone. What would that b--?

     “Nice phone cover,” Jurina grin a little at Mayu

    “Un. Thanks,”

      Mayu’s face turned red crimson by Jurina’s compliment. Jurina noticed the phone cover was different than the last one she saw. This time, Mayu’s phone cover was decorated with some cute stickers and beads, plus, there were also two alphabets sticker on her phone cover which is, a “Y” and an “M”.  See, Mayu has a girlfriend which was one of the seniors in mass and communication department in their college. They started dating last semester. Jurina was happy that Mayu could finally date the person she likes, since Jurina noticed that Mayu had a huge crush on that senior, Yukirin, back then. But as for Jurina, she doesn’t really feel like being in a relationship that much. Sure there were a couple of students who ask her out  back in high school and even in college. But she gently shook them off.  Being in a relationship is too bothersome and a little burden for Jurina. Ugh, why am I even thinking of this?

      After taking a shower, Jurina thought they’d be eating outside since none of them really cooks that much. But then Paruru told her that the new girl offered to cook for them, so they all simply agreed. Jurina still hasn’t seen the new girl who shared the same last name as hers, not that she was curious or anything. As Jurina went out from her room to the tv couch outside, she could smell a nice aroma fill the surrounding.

      “Smells good doesn’t it?” Paruru said to her.

     “Yeah,”  Jurina sat on the couch with Paruru by her side.

     “Have you said Hello to her?” asked Paruru while her eyes still fixed on the TV screen.

     “Nope. I’ll say it later.”

      Paruru came closer to Jurina’s ear and whispered, “ She’s very pretty you know.”

      Jurina raised her eyebrows and looked at Paruru. What does the new girl being pretty got to do with me?

     “But she’s a little shy though,” Paruru shrug off and stare back at the screen.

        Jurina’s stomach starts to grumble after a few minutes. Maybe she should go help the new girl at the kitchen and took out the plates or something. At the same time, she could just say Hello and stuff. Jurina then stood up and head to the kitchen. She was already at the doorway of the kitchen but she suddenly stop in her tracks. The girl was facing  back from the doorway and scooping the rice to the plate carefully. The girl had a slightly long black hair and judging from her back, she had a pretty slender figure. Wait, why am I talking about this?

       But the girl almost drop the two plates she was holding as she turn back and saw Jurina staring at her.  Oh great, I must have look like a creeper. What a nice way of introducing yourself Jurina. Good job.

      “Sorry for shocking you. I..uh..can I help you with that?” Jurina started to walk forward towards the girl, while the girl, still holding the two plates with omurice, stood in a stiff position.

       Jurina walked past the girl and scoop out the balance rice to the other two plates. Jurina heard a movement behind her and she knew the girl left towards the dining table. Weird, Jurina thought. Something was weird about the girl but she just didn’t know what. Jurina did take a good look earlier on the girl’s face. The girl had a wide eye look when she saw Jurina. She also has a very white skin. Quite pale too.  Her eyes were also dark brown in color. Yeah, that’s how fast Jurina would notice the little exquisite things on people. The girl also did look like what Paruru said earlier. But there’s still this weird feeling about the girl inside Jurina. Ugh whatever.

      Later they all ate in silence and total graceness. No, actually they ate in a full hungry mode as if they’ve never eaten for years. The girl cooking was very good. Or maybe they’re all hungry and that’s why the food taste good. Ah whatever. Jurina sat besides Paruru but facing the girl. The girl seems to be eating a little for some reason. Jurina also noticed a worried look on the girl.

     “Oishii! Your omurice is so delicious,” Paruru said after her plate was squeaky clean.

     “A-Arigatou,” The girl bowed her head a little

    “My omurice always taste so bland if I cook it.” Mayu said after swallowing down her last remaining.

    “You cooked?” Jurina asked in a teasing tone. For all Jurina remembered, the last semester she only saw Mayu cooked twice. And one of that time, the food almost got burnt.

    “I do!” Mayu replied in an annoyed tone.

    “I think the last time you tried to cook that fried tempura, one side of the tempura has the color of a charcoal”

    “Shut up Jurina….”

      All of them laughed. Including the new girl who tugged a smile at the corner of her mouth. Later, Jurina volunteered to wash the dishes,  since the girl cooked and her other friends are too full to even wash dishes, lazy-ass. Jurina and the new girl put the plates and glasses at the sink. The girl seems to be still staying at the sink. Did she forget that Jurina was the one who volunteered to do the dishes.

     “Uh……Matsui-san..let me do the dishes.” It’s kind of weird to call the girl Matsui since she herself is a Matsui. The girl looked a little taken aback as Jurina stand beside her and started to wash the dishes too. Their hands accidentally brush each other while both of them took the plate inside the filled water, which makes the girl beside her blush. Is she sensitive to cold water or something or did I just shoot electric powers to her.

    “It’s okay. Let me do it.”

     The girl half nodded and she wipe her hands on a small towel. As she was about to go out from the kitchen, Jurina’s curiousity on the girl’s name was on point. Don’t get her wrong, its just that she felt awkward to call the girl by “Matsui”.

    “I’m Jurina. You?”

     Jurina heard the girl stopped in her steps. She took her time answering the simple question. Jurina almost thought the girl actually left the kitchen already, but then.

    “Rena,” the girl answered in a small, husky tone.

    “Thanks for the food. Your omurice taste good, Rena.”


      Rena left the kitchen slowly as she said thanks. Its just Jurina and the dishes now. Rena, that sounds like a nice name. The name suits her a lot. Wait, why is she thinking about the girl’s name. Its just a name after all. But really, Rena kind of has an undescribable weird vibe to Jurina. Ok, for the hundredth time, why is she thinking about other people names and stuff. This is so not her. She must have been tired the whole day to actually think about other people. Not that she doesn’t think of others, but she’s like…ugh whatever.

     After Jurina had done with the dishes, she walked out from the kitchen and saw all three of them sitting on the couch staring at the TV. They were watching that certain solving cases kind of drama again. If Jurina wasn’t mistaken, it was acted from a girl group or something.

      “You wanna sleep already?” Mayu asked while her eyes still fixed on the television.

     “Nah just wanna read something…” Jurina answered.

      Jurina’s eyes accidentally met with Rena, but then Rena looked back at the TV again while blushing madly. There goes that weird vibe again that Jurina felt. This Rena girl is sure one of a heck shy girl.

Title: Re: The Everyday Life (WMatsui)
Post by: River1721 on May 10, 2014, 05:10:32 AM
Yay new chapter type fanific!! :cow:
Hm~ what's this I smell  XD MaYuki ( clearly ) and YuiParu? :?
Lol! Jurina vows not to fall in love but looks like she's starting to break that! :P
Mou~ Rena at least talk more to Juju :mon yeah:
Hm~ is it possible that Rena fell in love with Jurina already? :mon huh: :bigdeal:
Wah~ Mayuyu is so cute by adding Y and M to her phone cover!  :mon lovelaff:
Wow! Jurina's parents sure are something! :mon sweat:
Menamarco - san! You never fail to surprise me with these Amazing fics!! :mon fyeah: :mon thumb:
Update soon~ :sashiko:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life (WMatsui)
Post by: Zhen on May 10, 2014, 05:27:38 AM
CAN"T wait for the next chapter~  :nya: :gmon nya:
MAYUKI~ YUIPARU~  :gmon hot:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life (WMatsui)
Post by: Haruko on May 10, 2014, 08:19:08 AM
yeah wMatsui! thanx for the fic
Title: Re: The Everyday Life (WMatsui)
Post by: RenshuChan on May 10, 2014, 11:30:46 PM
K-k-kawaii O.O
Continue please!
Title: Re: The Everyday Life (WMatsui)
Post by: Kirozoro on May 11, 2014, 03:04:28 AM
Omg Wmatsui!!!

Rena is so kawaiii >///<

Jurina XD realize ur feeling already
Title: Re: The Everyday Life (WMatsui)
Post by: DC2805 on May 11, 2014, 03:07:47 AM
Maybe Rena knows Jurina before that? Her secret admirer? haha.
Title: Re: The Everyday Life II (WMatsui)
Post by: menamarco96 on May 12, 2014, 12:14:12 PM
Was actually going to post earlier but something happened so  :err:

But enjoy the second chapter  :doh: :sweatdrop:


            “……All days are nights to see till I see thee,
                   And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me….”


            Jurina kept tapping her pen on the table while listening to her lecturer drowning over these long poems from one of Shakespeare’s work. Don’t get her wrong, but Shakespeare’s poems and plays are really a work of art but his poetries about love and such, sometimes just doesn’t make sense and it makes Jurina very, very, bored.
                “…Well the sentence shows one person who’s madly in love with their partner and their desire to meet and see their love every single day,” explained their lecturer, “Umm, need I explain the second stanza? I’m sure most of you understood what it means. Surely everyone must’ve experience this feeling by this age?”
                   Most of the students laugh and agreed to what their lecturer said. But Jurina just rolled her eyes at the sight of her colleagues being all work up and flustered by just thinking about the meaning behind the poetry. Minutes later, the literature class ended, much to her relief. Jurina couldn’t take more lovey dovey words in her brain right now, plus, her stomach is making some sort of a rock music, signaling her to inhale food as fast as she can.


                 Jurina was too lazy to have lunch outside, plus, her friends, Mayu and Paruru’s class isn’t over yet and she doesn’t feel like eating alone outside. So, she decided to eat at one of the college cafeterias, putting aside the rumors of the food there taste bad. Another crap thing is, the distance, between the Language Building and the cafeteria is so irritably long. Jurina needs to pass by the nursing building, medicinal building and so on. As she was on her way, she spotted a couple of “doctor wanna-be” students in their white lab coat shoveling the ground.
                Wait, does doctor wanna-be students needs to learn how to shovel the ground or something? Weird, thought Jurina. As she was making her way straight, a person walking from the left sidewalk was holding a medium sized aquarium in a troubling way.
               “Rena??” Jurina call out.
                Rena almost slip the aquarium when she call out her name, luckily Jurina rush and managed to hold it on one side. Their fingers had a slight contact, making Rena blush a little and Jurina receiving that weird vibe again.
             “Uh, where shall we put this thing?” Jurina looked downwards at the fish swimming in the aquarium in an odd kind of way.

            “Inside that lab..”

            Both of them carry the aquarium and placed it on a table provided. It really was a sunny day today and Jurina already feels like she’s bathing in sweat. Jurina crouch down to the golden fish eye level and stare as the fish starts to swim in backwards. Weird, is this fish hurt or something? As if Rena heard her unspeakable question.
           “The fish is hurt. It was involve in a fight with the other fish…” Rena explained.

           “Oh…so that’s why the other doctors are shoveling the ground? To bury the dead fish?” Jurina look up to Rena. But Rena seems to cover her laugh a little, making Jurina think of what the heck she says that makes this girl laughed.

          “Uh…..sorry did I said something..stupid?”

          “We’re not doctors. We’re the veterinary students,” Rena clarified.

         “People who wear those white lab coats all looked like a doctor to me. Sorry about that,” Jurina scratched her head.

        “I-It’s okay,” Rena then crouched down beside Jurina and stare at the fish in the aquarium. “Do you know why it’s swimming backwards?”

        “Umm…. I’m not that much of a fan of fishes. Care to explain?”

         Rena blush and bit her lips a little before explaining, “ The fish was badly bit at the pectoral fins and the ventral fins. Pectoral fins control the pitching of the fins causing it to swim upwards or downwards and the ventral fin controls rolling and the yawning of fish. That’s why the fish is moving that way since those 2 main fins are injured.”
         Jurina was set in a daze as soon as Rena starts to give out information over the fins. All Jurina could think of was, ‘this girl really loves animals or something’. “You sure know your stuff huh……..”
         Rena blushed as she sees Jurina’s dark black orbs staring deep at her and her mouth slightly gaped open in an odd kind of way. “T-Thank you.”
         Jurina then stood up and took a one last look at the fish. As if to remind her, that fish is also a type of food that people consume daily, her stomach starts to growl again. Loud enough for Rena to hear since she asked.
        “Are you h-hungry?”

        “Y-Yeah….. I was actually on my way to the cafeteria. Umm, w-wanna have lunch with me?”

         Rena look a little stunned before her cheeks tints red again. “Y-You want to have lunch..with me?” Jurina doesn’t quite know why Rena is questioning on why does she wants to have lunch with her. “Um..yeah…I mean, aren’t you hungry? It’s lunch time now.” “Um….okay. Can you wait for a second? I-I mean….just a second!”
         Jurina just stood at the same spot as she sees Rena hurrying over to another room while she undo the buttons on her lab coat. Jurina heard some boxes falling over to the floor inside the room Rena was in and questioned whether to see if there was something wrong. “Are you okay? Is anything wrong?” “N-No!” Ah, this girl, Jurina thought to herself, it’s been almost 2 weeks and a half since they stayed together as roommates, but Rena still isn’t that comfortable (?) with Jurina. Not in a bad way but, Rena seems a little clumsy sometimes when Jurina is around and it is really awfully cute. Matte….cute? Umm….not in ‘that’ that kind of way. You know, cute, as in cute? Ugh whatever.


        They ate lunch in an awkward silence and Jurina thanked God that Mayu and Paruru came over to their table because the silence was so unbearable and Jurina seems to be lost for words and questions at that time.

          “Hey can I take that pumpkin?” Mayu point out at the slice of pumpkin on Jurina’s tray.

          “Yeah yeah sure,” Jurina stuff the last bits of rice in her mouth.

         “Oh my gawdddd! Why is the egg so salty?” Paruru make a frown face while she munch on her eggs.

        “Too much soy sauce I suppose.” Rena muttered and offered Paruru a glass of water.

        “I guess the rumors about the cafeteria food here kinda sucks is true, huh”

        “I suppose so. By the way, Rena, are you just eating that, for lunch?”

         Jurina did noticed for the past 2.5 weeks, Jurina swore she’d always seen Rena eating that melonpan and wonder where she even got the supply. And melonpans are very sweet and contains a lot of sugar, and sugar can make people ‘high’. But Rena seems to be ‘high’ in a more clumsy way, thought Jurina and she tried to cover her smile.
        “What are you smirking about?” Mayu raised one eyebrow.
         Jurina flapped her arms, “Nothing. I just find it unique for her to consume a huge amount of sugar everyday.”
         Rena suddenly coughed and almost choked on her melonpan. She quickly drank the whole glass of water to make way for her food to be swallowed properly. They all chuckled at the small incident, making Rena’s cheeks turned pink.
         “Umm, guys,” Mayu slowly stood up from her chair, “I gotta go somewhere. See y’all later.”

        As Mayu walked away from the table, Paruru hit the table, making both Rena and Jurina flinched, “I bet 500Yen she’s off to meet Yukirin,” “Bet is off because we all are 100% sure she’s off to meet her,” Paruru shrugged her shoulders before finishing off her food.
        “So…..when are you going off to a secret meeting to see someone too?” Jurina asked Paruru.



      It was a lovely, lovely Sunday and all Jurina could think was is to sleep, sleep and sleep. Today is one of those days where she didn’t appreciate the birds chirping merrily over the branches and the sky being so crystal clear. Jurina slept late last night and it’s all thanks to Mayu. They rented one of their seniors PS3 and to sum up, they had a continuous Tekken battle which involves Paruru smuggling a couple tin of beer out of nowhere and Rena being the silent supporter on the couch.
         The most awkwardest and embarrassing thing is, Jurina didn’t woke up in her room. She quickly stood up from her bed, and become a little dizzy after that. Just how much beer she consume yesterday? She saw Paruru sprawling and sleeping soundlessly on her own bed, which means, the bed she was sleeping in was—
         The door slowly peeked opened and a wide eyed Rena jumped a little in shock as she saw Jurina looking a little wild and bewildered, not to mention, Jurina’s hair sticking out in all the wrong places.

         “O-Ohayo……” mumbled Rena


         “Mayu told me to wake b-both of you…..”

         “I’m sorry.”

         “……. ?”

         “Uh….where did you sleep last night?”

        “I-In your room….”

       “Oh…okay. Umm, sorry for… know….sleeping…”And Jurina rushed out of the room in a flash of light. Words like “what-the-heck-were-you-thinking-matsui-jurina” keeps popping in her mind.


        Despite they had become pretty crazy last night, they had agreed to go to their college library and do some of their assignments there today. But Paruru was somehow a bit reluctant to go to the library. Giving excuses that doesn’t really seems to make sense such as “the library is quite huge, don’t you think you’ll get lost in it”, “we can find a more smaller library somewhere outside you know”. Seriously what the heck is going on with Paruru. Most probably, the alcohol from last night didn’t completely wear off yet.



           Their college library is as huge as the states library, thought Jurina. Its architecture has a slight touch of Greek arts and somehow looked very majestic to her. They shuffled into the library and went into their separate ways. Some went and search for some research books while Jurina and Paruru stay at the empty table nearby the librarian. As Jurina was doing her phonetic writing exercise, she noticed Paruru was looking a little dishevel and kept glancing back and forth at the bespectacled librarian. Do they know each other or something, thought Jurina, but her thoughts were interrupted as she heard books thudded on the floor.


         Jurina look over behind her to see Rena picking up the books on the floor while holding her right foot. There goes this cute little clumsy girl. Jurina pushed her chair and went to help Rena picking up her books. There were two thick books and one of them was entitled “Vertebrates in The Earth”. This girl is sure digging the animal kingdom, thought Jurina.

         “T-Thank you.”

          Jurina just nodded and both of them went back to their table. Paruru who still looked a bit cautious somehow said in a loud tone, “You know Rena, you really are pretty clumsy. But it’s cute.” While Paruru said that, she kept glancing at the librarian, trying to catch her attention.


        “Yeah…very cu—“

        “Could you keep your voice down for heaven’s sake, we’re in the library!” hissed Mayu as she came to the table with her reference book.

         They all did their own work in silence after that. Well, not really. They did talk a little too loud sometimes which makes the librarian look at them quite a fair few times. As they’ve been at the library for almost 2 hours, they decided to leave. The three of them head to the librarian counter since Rena had a couple of books to lend, while Mayu waited outside and Paruru seems to be standing a little bit far from the counter.
         The librarian looks like the same age as them or maybe just a little older. Her eyes are quite slant behind those glasses, but she has a nice cheerful smile. Jurina notice her name was ‘Yokoyama Yui’ based on the golden embroided letters on the black nametag.

        “Do you have your student card?” she asked Rena. Rena rummaged her small bag and purse like crazy but then.

        “Here,” Jurina gave out her student card.

        “Thank you very much,” the librarian said with a smile. Jurina notice at the corner of her eye  that Rena was staring at her like she save the world or something. Well, you know, since Jurina is the kindest person on earth. A student card is nothing. Pfft.

        “You should bring back this book by 29th of May, Matsui-san,” the librarian said towards Rena.

       “You know her?” Jurina somehow blurted this question out of the blue and she was so regretting it because it sounds kinda stupid.

      “Umm ...yes. Your roommate did told me a lot about all of you.”

      “Roommate? Who? You mean, Parur—“

      “Guyssssss let’s goooooo…” Paruru dragged both Rena and her in the arm and out from the library.

          They went to an ice cream parlour after putting their books back at their apartment. And as they sat on a bench, under a shady oak tree, Jurina couldn’t help but to think, maybe, just maybe, Paruru might have something going on with that nice librarian, but for some reason she’s hiding it from all of them. Her ponder came to a halt as she felt someone tapping her shoulder.

        “Your student card,” Rena hold out to Jurina, “ T-Thank you..…again.”

        “It’s nothing,” said Jurina as she keep back her card in her purse.

       “Must be annoying……”


       “Must be annoying to y-you… that I’m always clumsy..” Rena bowed her head down a little while licking her ice cream.

          At that moment, Rena kinda look like a small puppy licking its treat in a sad kind of way, but whatever it is, its really cute, thought Jurina. Okay, she surrender. The ‘cute’ word really is starting to grow on Jurina, about Rena. “Annoying? You kidding me?”

         “Y-You’s….it’s more worse than annoying?” Rena asked in a horrified tone.

         For some reason, Jurina’s hands started to work on their own. Yes, someone is exorcising her body, help! Jurina gently put a hand on Rena’s shoulder and said, “Your cute clumsiness is actually your charm point to me.” And as Jurina realized what her lips had just spoke, both of them blushed and Jurina quickly ungrasp her hand from Rena’s shoulder and look sideways. Jurina visually slapped her mouth quite a few times. What the heck has got into her these days? This must be the blame of the literature class. Screw you Shakespeareeeeeeee!!! Jurina’s inner thoughts screamed. And after that they didn’t spoke towards each other at all that day.


       Jurina was heading back to her apartment that afternoon since she her literature class was cancelled, because the lecturer had a high fever, much to Jurina’s happiness. But as she reached her room, she found that the door is unlocked. Wait, I thought all of them have classes till mid noon, thought Jurina. She turned the doorknob and found someone was laughing. An unfamiliar girl’s voice. Jurina turned to the kitchen and saw Rena just finished brewing a coffee and handing out to this girl whose holding a drawing sketchbook. As soon as Rena met eyes with Jurina, she dropped the glass of coffee to the floor.


Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter II (WMatsui) UPDATED
Post by: Zhen on May 12, 2014, 01:22:14 PM
 :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :onioncheer:
AWESOME chapter~  :nya:
SOMEONE APPEARED. I guess that will be Airin?  :shock:
NEXT CHAPTER PLSSSSS~ :tantrum:  :on comhere:
GOOD JOB! :deco:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter II (WMatsui) UPDATED
Post by: River1721 on May 12, 2014, 10:33:32 PM
Update , YaY~ :cow:
Of course the person in the end is Airin!! :P Hm~ almost felt like calling her RinRin  XD
Lol~ imagining Rena doing that sad, but cute puppy move and Jurina comforting her just make me blush!!
Hahaha! Paruru come on and introduce Yuihan already :P2
Guessing Rena already developed feelings for Jurina, considering that she was blushing all the time and got pretty shocked seeing Jurina while with Airin!  :nervous  :catglare:
I'm expecting for Jurina to become jealous of Rena having fun with Airin :angry:
Love this chapter! Update soon~
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter II (WMatsui) UPDATED
Post by: menamarco96 on May 13, 2014, 03:41:37 AM
Update , YaY~ :cow:
Of course the person in the end is Airin!! :P Hm~ almost felt like calling her RinRin  XD
Lol~ imagining Rena doing that sad, but cute puppy move and Jurina comforting her just make me blush!!
Hahaha! Paruru come on and introduce Yuihan already :P2
Guessing Rena already developed feelings for Jurina, considering that she was blushing all the time and got pretty shocked seeing Jurina while with Airin!  :nervous  :catglare:
I'm expecting for Jurina to become jealous of Rena having fun with Airin :angry:
Love this chapter! Update soon~

I cant help but to imagine Rena in that cute puppy move too lol  :ptam-glow:
Paruru is still shy about it  :lol:
Thanks for liking this chapt  :heart: shall update soon :P
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter II (WMatsui) UPDATED
Post by: RenshuChan on May 13, 2014, 03:48:57 PM
Eeeh? That unbearable clumsiness of Rena-chan XD
Wait, wait, why Rena dropped the coffee (۳ ˚Д˚)۳

Update soon ! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ 
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter III (WMatsui) UPDATE !
Post by: menamarco96 on May 14, 2014, 02:35:39 AM


Why do we feel jealousy? Therapists often regard the demon as a scar of childhood trauma or a symptom of a psychological problem. And it's true that people who feel inadequate, insecure, or overly dependent tend to be more jealous than others. But this really got nothing to do with Jurina. Childhood trauma? The only thing she has a trauma is drinking the milk right from the bottle. Jurina had experience countless time of drinking spoilt milk and you don’t wanna know how it tasted like. Is she secure with her life? Umm yeah…because she just don’t give a what or anything sometimes, so what is it to be insecure about. Overly dependent? No. Jurina is a very independent person and everyone in her family knows that. Pfft.


   Jurina tied the black plastic bag in a knot before lifting it up from the bin. Shards of broken pieces of glass could be heard as Jurina headed out of the apartment. Holy crap it’s still raining, thought Jurina as she pressed the down button on the elevator. Yes, the elevator has already been repaired. The huge dustbin where the trash lorry comes and collect is located not that far from the apartment. Around 100 metres. But the thing is, it’s raining like crazy. Ah, whatever, I could just sprint there, thought Jurina. Back when Jurina was in high school, she’s also known as the fast sprinter, so…yeah.


   Their apartment door opened once again, but this time, a soaking wet Jurina enters the house followed by drips of water falling down from her hair and clothes.  Rena who was at the couch with that sketchbook girl stood up as they see Jurina in that wet condition. Not to mention that grim expression plastered on Jurina’s face as she walked to the apartment with her shoes soggy wet, plus the annoying squeaky sound.
         “You’re soaked!” the sketchbook girl said
         “Yeah yeah….. don’t mind me. Chat along with her will you,” Jurina shoo-ed her hand before entering her room.
        “……..she’s a little grumpy huh, Rena-chan…..”
           Grumpy? Yeah right, thought Jurina as she rolled her eyes. Who’s that girl anyway? And why is she in their apartment, thought Jurina as she undressed herself from her wet clothes and put it in a bucket. Jurina changed into her brown color sweater before tucking in her bed. It’s still noon but the sky out there looks like it’s almost nighttime already. Ah, this rain and the temperature around her makes her feel more drowsy and sleepy. She did feel a little hungry, and she could just cooked ramen at the kitchen, but Jurina doesn’t have the mood to have a conversation with the sketchbook girl nor Rena. And that is bound to happen if Jurina goes out from the room, because sketchbook girl looks like the talkative type. Whatever it is, all Jurina could remember before she slips away to dreamland, is the slight twinge of annoyance she felt as she saw Rena’s huge smile as she was giving the coffee to the sketchbook girl. Weird….

           Jurina’s eyes flutters open as she heard some movements in her room. Turns out Mayu was back and she just came in to their room while holding Jurina’s bucket.
          “What are you doing with my buc-- *a-a-achuuuu* bucket?” asked Jurina while she searched for some tissues to blow her nose.

          “I took it to the washing machine. And I also mopped the small puddle you made on the floor. Seriously Jurina, am I your maid or something?” Mayu joked

          “Ah….thank you for your kindness. How could I ever repay you?”

          “Ha Ha Ha,” Mayu said as she lay down in her bed while staring at her phone, “By the way, did you throw the rubbish just now?”


          “Why? I thought we replaced with a new one yesterday?”

          “There was something that I throw in there that needs to be thrown away to the big bin as soon as possible.”

          “Like what?”

          “Horse poop”



   Basically, it was almost 5pm and Jurina haven’t even had lunch and she’s almost at that point where she could turn into a cannibal or something. Plus, the irritating sneezing every once in a while, just makes things worst. She went out from her room to find Paruru eating a bag of chips on the couch, while her eyes plastered on her phone screen. Paruru seems to be indulged with her phone lately though. But whatever it is, Jurina headed to the kitchen and took out the instant chicken soup ramen flavor from the cupboard, pour some hot water, and waited a few minutes before slurping the whole thing off.

   It was around 8.30pm that night and Jurina suddenly remembered, right after she and her colleagues found the note sticking on their cancelled literature class, she was too un-excited to read the other details besides their lecturer says he isn’t going to come. But Jurina’s quite sure he did added something in the notes that are related with small assignments to do. Maybe she should just text Nao-chan, thought Jurina. As she sees the dark screen on her phone, holy crap….I forgot to charge my phone. Screw this smart phone with this dying A.S.A.P battery!

   Jurina walked outside in the chilly night. Passing door by door. Howling winds coud be heard. Wait, it’s not scary as you might think. There were a few passer bys here and there and sounds of slamming doors and sudden burst laugh coming out from several rooms. Mostly, that would be the seniors room, because, well, the seniors are the pharaoh here. I mean , not the evil pharaoh. The reason Jurina is out here is because, she’s heading to Nao-chan’s room to ask the goddamn assignment and luckily Nao-chan stays just one floor below, so Jurina just went down by the stairs.
   Knock knock

   The door swing open and a girl with deep dimples stood at the door. If Jurina isn’t mistaken, the girl’s name is Kanon or something. Jurina could hear loud music coming from the room somehow.


           “Uh….can I speak with Nao-chan?”

                “Ah……chotto matte ne,” The girl went back in while leaving her door open wide before running off to one of the room. Later, Nao came out from her room, wearing a white comfy shorts with a pink shirt.

           “Jurina…? What do you wanna talk about?” Nao asked with her twinkling, bright eyes. It shines more as they were talking under the door light.

           “Umm……is there any assignment that Tsubaki sensei gave to us earlier? I took off kinda fast earlier.”

           Nao chuckled a little before answering, “Yeah, there is. Sensei told us to write the full poem of Sonnets in our notebook and interpret the first and second stanza.”

            “Ah I see…” Jurina heaved a sigh as she imagined the long stanzas that she needs to write, “Thank you very much Nao-chan. By the way, your room is really lively.”

           “Lively? Well you can drop off here anytime you want,” Nao winked at her. Luckily Jurina has her heart shield with an armour so that she doesn’t fall for people easily. Because Nao is considered as one of the prettiest girl and pretty much the wink effect will hit you hard after 3 seconds and you’ll completely fall for her. But not Jurina. Although she has to admit, Nao really is pretty.

            “Haha thanks again. See you tomorrow. Goodnight,”Jurina bid goodbye before turning away.

           Jurina head back to the stairs again but she almost halted in her step as the girl who just came out from the room nearby was.

           “Thanks for the manga. I will read it as soon as possible!” said Rena cheerfully as she got out from the room. “Matane. Goodnight..”

        As Rena turned around, she froze at the spot as she saw Jurina walking at her direction. Its because the stairs were near the room Rena was standing infront with. Jurina doesn’t know why but she just didn’t even greet Rena and just walk off and climb the stairs but—

           “J-Jurina…!” Rena suddenly call out from behind.

           Jurina turned around and look at Rena with a puzzled look on her face.

           “Let’s w-walk together….”

        Their room is just one floor above and Rena called her just to walk with her. Well, Jurina did seem to be a little cold. Jurina doesn’t even know why she’s been acting a little cold to Rena since the broken glass incident earlier. “Sure..”

   Somehow, they climbed the stairs in a more slower pace. Technically, if Jurina did her fast sprint, they’ll be there in not more than 10 seconds. But this time, as Jurina walked side by side with Rena aka Cute Clumsy Girl, her feet seems to be a bit heavy somehow as she dragged her feet on the stairs. Jurina doesn’t know why, but she just wanted to break the awkward silence between both of them as they climb the seemingly never ending stairs.

           “You like to read mangas?”

           “Un. Do you?” Rena asked in a curious tone.

           “I prefer watching anime more than reading mangas…”

           “I like to watch anime too.”

           “Cool. Guess we have a mutual likings…..”

   Rena blushed and bit her lips before saying, “If you have any anime you wanted to see b-but you’ve never seen it yet, y-you can tell me. My friend likes to download a lot of animes and if…if…”

           “You mean the friend earlier? The one in our room?”

                 Rena nodded. “Her name is Airin…”


   And there goes that silence again but this time they’ve reached their apartment and as Jurina open the door, she could hear Paruru talking on her phone in the kitchen.

           “…..How long are you gonna work there? You rarely have time for me now….”

   Paruru ended her conversation abruptly as she heard the apartment door close. Jurina and Rena entered together and turned to look at the kitchen to find Paruru staring at them with a cover up blank expression kind of face.

           “Where did you two go?”

           “Friend’s room” both Jurina and Rena answered in unison

           “You mean the same person for both of you?”


           “Why don’t you just continue your conversation with the person who rarely have time for you, ne?” Jurina winked at Paruru and caught a heavy blush creeping in her face right before Jurina walks away. Jurina also caught Rena covering her snicker as she said that towards Paruru.


   As usual, Jurina’s stomach was playing that Linkin Park song kind of tune as she made her way, to the cafeteria, once again. She passed by the veterinary room but the door was close shut, either they’re having classes, or they’re not. Jurina took her tray from the cafeteria lady and sat at an empty table, alone. As she was ‘inhaling’ her rice, she heard that not-so-unfamiliar laugh once again, and turned around to see, not that far from her table, that ‘sketchbook’ girl or so called Airin, laughing to Jurina-don’t-even-know-what with this bird looking girl and…..Rena.

   Rena has a huge smiling face at that time. She also laughed till her gums could be seen while clapping her hands. This is definitely a rare sight of Rena that Jurina has never seen. How can she be so free and happy over there laughing at that sketchbook Airin girl jokes, maybe (?). For the past 1 month they had been roommates, Jurina never saw that kind of laugh and carefree Rena before. Maybe Paruru and Mayu did, but not her. Why can’t she laugh and smile like that in front of me? Wait……..why do I actually care? Jurina, this is so not you. Don’t get sidetrack Jurina, she reminded to herself in her mind.

           “Jurina-chan~~,” a melodious voice suddenly calls her, earning head turns from Rena and her friends. Turnsout it was Nao with her dimple roommate, Kanon. *KABOOMMM canon sound effect*


           “Can we sit with you?” Jurina haven’t even answered but both of them had already settled down.

           “Um…you already did.” Jurina point out.

   And later after that, for some odd reasons, Jurina keep cracking up some of her genius puns and earning laughters from both girls. Take that, sketchbook girl, you think you’re the only group who can laugh, Jurina thought in the back of her mind. Wait……..since when has Jurina been so competitive? But oh well, she shrugged off the thought in her mind. Jurina took a slight glance at Rena’s table and Rena seems to be stealing glances at her too at the same time, and their eyes met. Jurina just blankly stare at that dark brown orbs from afar while Rena shyly stared back. Jurina pulled away from the unofficial staring battle as she felt someone patted her shoulders.

           “Nee nee, see that girl.” Kanon nod off at the girl who just walked in inside the cafeteria. If Jurina wasn’t mistaken, isn’t that—

           “Yui-han?” said Nao

           “You know her name?” Kanon asked in a disbelief tone.

           “Duh, she’s the part-timer librarian at our college,”

           “Part-timer? I thought she’s always working there in the library..” Jurina asked as she eyed the librarian.

           “Nope, she works only on Saturday and Sunday. She’s a student here too. Majoring the same thing as us, except that she’s a senior,” Nao explained.

           “Oh I see….”

           “She looks kinda cool and cute at the same time,” Kanon clasped her hands together in a dreamy kind of look.

           “Cut your imaginations. She’s taken,” said Nao as she unwrap her onigiri.

           “Really??” Kanon and Jurina said in unison.

           “Wait….Jurina, don’t tell me you don’t know. She is dating your friend. Your roommate? Paruru?

   [inserts gossip girl’s narrator voice] Some secrets couldn’t be kept forever. Not even from your closest friend. What will happen as Jurina found out about her friend’s secret lover? And what will Jurina’s sudden competitive feelings turn upon to towards Airin the sketchbook girl? Tune in on “The Everyday Life Chapter III” coming soon. XOXO.

Title: The Everyday Life Chapter III (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: ainivel on May 14, 2014, 02:53:51 AM
you really got amazing writing skills author-san! :)

your opening chapter where you describe what jealousy is reminds me of a korean series titled 'you who came from the stars'. lol never mind what i'm saying hehe..

you never fail to make me smile as i read your story. looking forward to the next chapter! :)

Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter III (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: River1721 on May 14, 2014, 02:57:35 AM
Haha~ Paru no running away from the truth now! :P
I thought Jurina would have already guessed that YuiParu became a couple already. Well Jurina is sometimes clueless XD
Airin makes her appearance! And so does Churi!! :) Non - chan is here too~ :lol:
Come on Rena show that laugh and smile to Jurina too~ :nervous :sweatdrop:
When will Jurina open up from her cold like heart and open her eyes to see that she became jealous when Rena is with Airin! :angry: :smhid
These updates just make me so happy~ :D This chapter made my day after a long work from school!  :twothumbs  :cow:
Thank you Menamarco-san! :thumbsup
Update soon ~
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter III (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: embee5442 on May 14, 2014, 03:28:05 AM
Aaaah~ A relax, teenage life story ft WMatsui... There's nothing better than THIS! :thumbsup
Great work, Menamarco-san!

Someone gotta punch Jurina in the face to hit off her naivety and obliviousness XD
Looking forward for next! :kneelbow:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter III (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: yuuyu on May 14, 2014, 04:56:10 AM

Yuihan is a senior and she works part-time?! No wonder she barely has time to spend with Paruru!

How did they even get together? They better interrogate Paruru next chapter!

*coughs* ANYWAY, it seems that Jurina's secretly (and unconsciously) developed feelings for Rena...

On a similar note, Nao is either crushing on Jurina or is oblivious and adorable

Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter III (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: RenshuChan on May 14, 2014, 07:54:07 AM
Great story as always (∩_∩)
I love competition, especially when it comes to JuriRenAirin XD

Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IV (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: menamarco96 on May 16, 2014, 02:40:26 AM
  @ainivel : Thank you ainivel-san  :lol: you who came from the stars? that korean drama ? i like that drama though..

  @River1721 : River -san !! Hiiiii ! lol  :D Jurina is sometimes a little dense, that's why she still can't figure it out lol

  @embee5442 : I also have the urge to shake Jurina off some sense

  @yuuyu : Lmao at the gif  XD hellyeah yuiparu !!!  :heart:



            “Ouch ! You stepped on my foot !” Mayu whimpered in pain


            “S-Sorry…. I- I didn’t mean too…” Rena kept bowing towards Mayu.

            “You guys…….” Jurina turned to them and put a finger on her lips, signalling them to be quiet.

        All three of them continued to watch the scene in front of them behind the gaps of book shelves in the library. Acting like some pro stalker. Yes, they are stalking someone. Not some unknown someone. They’re stalking they’re roommate, Paruru, who told them earlier that she’s off to meet some friends for group work assignment, but ended up in this particular library. Paruru is seriously one of the worst liars, Jurina thought. She really couldn’t think up of a better lie sometimes. She needs to learn from the pro, whose hiding behind this bookshelves.
“Rena-chan, you keep an eye on the librarian okay?” Mayu commanded to Rena

           “Hai !”

       Because it was Friday. And Friday means Yui isn’t working that day. Thanks to Nao for the piece of information. Paruru and Yui were at the far corner of the table and they were talking or maybe explaining (?) Yui seems to be giving an explanation towards a displease-looking Paruru. Just then, they saw Yui stroke Paruru’s cheek. Wow, wow, didn’t knew Paruru was already at that level in terms of skinship, Jurina eye them in awed.
     “Pfft…. That’s normal,” Mayu smirked as she saw Jurina’s reaction.

     “I bet you did way more high level stuff than that, huh?” Jurina rolls eyes.

     “What? I’m not a perv—“

   #####ACHUUUUUUUUU!! ######

   Jurina quickly dodged down before both of the lovebirds saw them peeking in. But the crap thing is, not only that Rena sneezed loudly, she also managed to toppled off a couple of books from the shelf, on the floor. 10 points for CCG!! , Jurina mentally said in her head.

   “S-Sorry…the….the bookshelf…I-It was a little dusty..” apologized Rena as she picks up the book around her.

   Just then, they heard a chair pushing, either it was one of the lovebirds, or the librarian, Jurina don’t know but all she knew, is they have to crawl out from this shelf section before anyone thinks they’re some suspicious bomber or something. Jurina crawl ahead first before signalling those two to follow her. Luckily, the library was pretty much deserted. They kept crawling like they’re in some military training or something. They turned to another section of bookshelves before Jurina heard some footsteps and—

   “Eh? What are you guys doing there?” a puzzled looking Yui appeared.


   And here they are, all three of them, at the same table, in an awkward kind of silence. All three of them sat facing Paruru and Yuihan, while bowing their heads as if they had commited a crime or something.

   “Did you guys come and stalk us?” Yui asked sounding amused.

   “No.. not really. We..umm.. actually came to accompany, Rena—“


   Due to Rena, “Eh”-ing, the lie seems to be pretty obvious. So, it ended up with Jurina explaining the whole thing and somehow Yui doesn’t seems to be piss off but she finds it amusing. Paruru on the other hand seems to be blushing like mad.

   “Paruru must’ve not told you guys about us yet didn’t she?” Yui chuckled.

   “Mou………” mumbled Paruru.

   “Just tell us since when have you both started dating?” the impatient side of Mayu starts to arose, “Don’t tell me it was since last semester, because I swear Paruru is freaking single at that time.”


   “Lonelyyyyyy *hic I’m Mr Lone-- *hic lyyyy… I have nobodyyy…*hic out of my own…yeahhhhh!!”

   Jurina put a hand to cover Paruru’s drunk song cover of Akon before some of the people in their apartment will notice. Paruru was unsteady on her feet, so Jurina and Mayu both took Paruru’s arm on their shoulders and walk with her back to their apartment. It was a Saturday night and they decided to go and have a few sip of beer but Paruru went overboard and this is what happens in the end.

   “Mayuuuuu, you cutie little doll……..” Paruru really stank of beer the most between the three of them, “I’m so jealous *hic …of you….”

   “Why?” Jurina wish she never asked that question.

   “Why? WHYYY?” somehow Paruru seems to be a little bit aggressive now. Screw you alcohol! “She has a *hic ….perfect girlfriend? Whereas I?? We? What do we have *hic…. Jurina? WE’RE A BUNCH OF LONERS FOR THE REST OF OUR LI—

   “Shut up!!!!! Or you’ll get us into trouble later!!” hissed Mayu as she covers Paruru’s mouth with her hand. “We are seriously not gonna drink with you again.”

######END FLASHBACK######

   As Mayu finished telling her flashback story, Jurina felt a kick under the table, which was supposed to be made for Mayu, but in the end, Jurina’s the one who received it.

   “Ouch !! What’s that for??”

   “Eh? Sorry, wrong leg..” Paruru shrug off as if saying kicking Jurina’s leg is fine too.

   Why you salty little ponkotsu, Jurina mentally make a note to tell all Paruru’s drunken moments to Yui someday.

   “I can’t believe she got drunk to that level,” giggled Yui, “Well……it actually started on the last day before the 2 months holiday. Paru asked for my number.”


   “And then we started to contact each other during the holidays. We also became official during the holidays too,” Yui looked upwards with a thoughtful look, “Umm… what else to tell?”

   “How did you fall for this human?” Jurina points at Paruru.

   “She’s a sweet girl hahaha. How could not one fall for her?” Yui scratched her head, a little embarrass of the question.

   “SWEET??” Jurina and Mayu visually face palm.

   “…..Sugoii…..” mumbled someone furthest to the left.

   Jurina turned her head to see Rena having this sparkling look in her eyes. What is this girl on about, looking all dreamy? Is she fantasizing and hoping for a relationship like this or something?


   “See how she leans her cheek upon her hand.
         O that I were a glove upon that hand,
         That I might touch that cheek.”

         Jurina scribbled down one of Romeo and Juliet poems again on her note. From what Jurina could interpret from the three lines, this Romeo dude have a case of pervness inside of him. He wishes to be a glove, just so he can feel the girl’s cheek? What the heck. Serious case of lust indeed, thought Jurina, as she close her notes shut.

         It was the weekend and Jurina’s all alone, except maybe, Rena’s in her room too. Mayu and Paruru went out for a date with their partners and left Jurina with this pile of literature. Jurina looked outside the window and saw the green grass and trees, plus the wind blowing at a speed where she felt like she should take a walk or something. Jurina changed her clothes and went out from the apartment. Rena wasn’t there too, since Jurina slightly peeked in her room and saw that it’s empty.

         It was one of those perfect English spring days which occur more frequently in memory than in life. When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems except where to be happiest. The only thing that could spoil a day was people and if you could keep from making engagements, each day had no limits. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself.
Jurina sat on the thick and plush grass, like a brand new carpet after mowing, a smell so fresh you can almost taste the green. Ah, it’s great if she could sit and lay in this grass all day long. With this kind of weather, for sure the colleagues here will be spending their time outside rather than caving in their apartment. As Jurina sat comfortably on the grass, she saw a couple of lovebirds holding hands and being all giggly and stuff. Jurina realised her perception towards “dating” and “being in a relationship” starts to change recently. As she see most of her friends are in one of those happylands, she really couldn’t believe a small thought struck in her mind on when it’s her turn to date someone. This is completely ridiculous, thought Jurina. This is all your fault, weather.

       As Jurina was about to lay on the grass, she heard some movement nearby. Something like a stomped in the ground. Is someone exercising nearby or something? Jurina crooned up her neck to see whether there’s anyone nearby but to no avail.


      She heard it again, that thumping sound. As if someone was falling on the ground for numerous times. Jurina squinted her eyes to the bed of bushes not really far from her. Underneath those bushes gap, she saw some white thing floating along. Sometimes appear, sometimes disappear. What the heck? Jurina thought. Jurina then stood up and slowly walk towards the bushes. She looked over and saw her. Rena, crouching down on the ground, holding something in her hand.

      Rena turned around, “J-Jurina…What are you doing here?”

    “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?”

     Jurina took a distance before sprinting and jumped over the bushes. Rena was gawking at her over the jump. Jurina feeling slightly shy over the gawk, for some odd reason, decided to sit down on the grass beside the crouching Rena.

    “What’s that in your hand?”

     Rena slowly open her palms and revealed…

   “A cricket!?” Jurina back off a litte. Insects, pfft, one of those things Jurina don’t like.

    Rena giggled as she saw Jurina backing off a little. Maybe she didn’t expect the charismatic Jurina to be afraid of insects. “It’s a grasshopper.”

   “Eh?? What’s the difference between a cricket and a grasshopper?”

   “Grasshoppers are diurnal, they are active during the day, while crickets are nocturnal and active during the night. Besides, grasshopper is a symbol of good luck.”

    Again, Jurina was captivated for a moment when Rena starts to explain. When Rena starts to explain diligently towards her, something about this CCG began to shine in Jurina’s eyes suddenly. And this kind of feeling have been appearing quite often lately. Rena sure does have this weird vibe, thought Jurina.

   “Good Luck? So you wanna keep it?”

   “Umm…. I don’t think so,” Rena’s expression turns a little solemn, “I’ve seen people keeping insects as their pets and locking it in jars. I-I just don’t think it’s comfortable for them…to be in it. It’s better if they’re free in this wide nature.”


   “Ju-Jurina? Are you alright?”

  “Y-Yeah….” Jurina literally space out a little again as she saw the considerate side of Rena. And Jurina doesn’t know why, she felt very happy to see this side of her.

  “S-Sorry……” Rena looked at the ground.

  “Eh?? For what?”

  “I must have looked like a weird person explaining this kind of things to you. I get that a lot back then….”


   Rena slightly lifted her head in confusion.

  “It’s not weird to me. The weird person is the people thinking you’re weird when you’re explaining this kind of thing. They don’t have this kind of epic knowledge and enthusiasm like you. I think you’re…. I think you’re cool.”

   Rena blushed furiously at the coming compliments she just received from Jurina. “Me? Cool?”

  “Yeah… you… t-to me, you’re cool. And I won’t change my mind about that fact,” Jurina’s heartbeat started to beat louder and faster for some reason. Jurina also felt her cheeks flushed. Okay, this is not the first time her lips have spoken for itself, thought Jurina.

  “T-Thank you…..” Rena’s eyes seems to be glistening. Eh? Is she about to cry or something? Did Jurina just—Wait what did she said—“I haven’t heard…. of a genuine compliment…. from someone, regarding to my likings for a quite a long time.”
Jurina flashed a smile at Rena. “Then you should keep that compliment in mind, ne?”

   Rena nodded and starts to wipe her eyes. Yup, she’s tearing up and Jurina just stood and stare. Even seeing Rena crying seems somewhat… angelic (?) for odd reasons. Jurina hands also have this twitching kind of feel, where she wants to wipe Rena’s tear off her cheeks. Holy…..this is really…. Yabai..… Please blame Romeo and Juliet notes she just scribbled earlier. Your fault Romeo. This feelings are entirely your faut!

   “Hey…umm…you wanna go for a walk with me?”

    For the uptenth time, Jurina swore she needs to see some sort of priest or maybe people who specialize in exorcism or something. Because lately her lips are slipping out things that makes her heartache over the waiting of the answer. And the questions and words itself seems to be bold. Very bold.



Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IV (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: River1721 on May 16, 2014, 03:06:15 AM
I love love love this!!!! :luvluv1: :mon lovelaff: :mon crazyinlove:
Haha~ Mayu , Jurina, and Rena stalker much :hiakhiakhiak:
Yatta! YuiParu finally skinship!! :wriggly: :nya:
Pfft~ Paruru being drunk and starts to sing Akon's song, just made me laugh too much! :hiakhiakhiak: :on lol: But at least now she has Yui-han! :tama-lotsaluv: Now Jurina has to find the perfect person for her!! :mon misch: ( cough.... Rena....cough) :mon fyeah: :mon fan:
Lol~ Jurina .....sure blame Romeo for how you feel about Rena! :mon exhaust:   :kekeke:
Aw~ Jurina already having those thoughts about Rena! Wonder what else will she think about! :mon inluv: :mon innocent: :mon mischief:
Update soon! :mon thumb: :on GJ: :mon fu:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IV (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Kirozoro on May 16, 2014, 01:33:40 PM
Hahha Jurina gambatte!!...u realize ur feeling lol

Update soon
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IV (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: gek geki on May 17, 2014, 03:44:49 PM
I think rena also has a feeling for juju
I sense it from the first time rena meet jurina

Hmm juri chan realy romantic kekekke shakesphere effect!
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter V (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: menamarco96 on May 19, 2014, 03:07:30 AM
Hey guys, I'm not sure when I can post the next chapter because I'm going to register at a university this tuesday  :sweatdrop:

And i dont know whether there's wifi in my dorm apartment and stuff  :depressed:

Plus I have orientation thingy for 2 days  :fainted: :err:

But hopefully I can post the next chapt a.s.a.p  :on cloudeye:


Clouds come floating in, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to the sunset sky. As the time slowly passes by, the sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night. Jurina and her blissful looking roommate, leisurely walked back to their apartment after they had a stroll together. Rena seems to be walking in a slight happy skip, much to Jurina’s amusement. It was actually one of the first time she actually seen this side of cheerful Rena besides the shy part of her. Much thanks to the melon pan actually.


   As they were walking passing by some shops here and there, they passed by a convenience store. Jurina saw the slowing steps of Rena as they were nearing the convenience store.
   “You wanna go in?”

   “Ah… it’s okay…..” Rena answered but still has her eyes on the store.

   “Okay. Let’s go in.” Jurina pushed open the door before hearing Rena’s small objection.

   Jurina went to the drinks section and search for some energizer drink. She took a side glance and saw Rena lurking on the bread section. As Jurina finally chose some canned energizer drinks, Rena was still lurking at the same spot. Jurina ambled towards Rena and saw her holding two packets of melonpan in her hand, and somewhat having a thoughtful look on her face.
   “Uh….are you going to buy those?”
   “There’s only 1 melonpan left in my room…b-but…” Rena bit her lips while she open her palms and revealed two 100Yen coins , “I f-forgot to bring my purse. I didn’t thought I would be coming here earlier.”
   “It’s fine,” Jurina grabbed both of the melonpans on Rena’s hand and took another two melonpans on the stack and headed to the counter.
   When they get out from the store, Rena seems to be a little embarrassed and keeps falling behind as they walk back. Jurina turned around and saw Rena looking at the ground as she walk, unnoticed that Jurina stopped in her tracks, Rena bumped her which makes her in a more tomato state kind of way. Jurina sighs and took out one melonpan from the plastic bag and held out to Rena.
   “Hold this. The other three is also yours. Don’t worry,” Jurina simply said before turning back around and continue her walk.


   “Thank you..”

   Jurina was confused on why her lips suddenly curved a smile just by the thank you words.  Oh well, I guess I just have to accept the fact about this.


   They entered their college compound and headed back to their apartment but then, Jurina heard that irritable voice once again.

      “Rena~chan !!”

   Both of them looked behind to see Airin waving while jogging towards them. The same sketchbook and a plastic bag clutched in her hand.


       Airin heaved a deep breath before she talks. “Guess what I just bought?”

      Rena tried to take a peek in the plastic bag but Airin snatch it off before Rena sees it. “Mou…. I don’t know….”

      Airin pretended to be all frustrated at Rena’s answer by shooking her head vigorously. “Tch…obviously….. more mangas ! And…….”


           “I got a three movie voucher tickets from the owner of the manga store. He said since I was his avid customer, he gave me these.” Airin took out the tickets and flash it happily.

           “Waahhh…….. I haven’t been to the theatre for quite a time……”

           “That’s why I wanted you to go with me!” squealed Airin.

      Jurina is still wondering on why the hell is she still standing nearby these two while listening to their excitement which was frantically starting to get more annoying each time. Jurina shift a glance at Rena and saw her completely indulge in what Airin was saying. A certain twitching feeling starts to spread within her. Seems like I should just go th—


         “What?” That ‘what’ sounds kinda cold though, thought Jurina.

         “Um…there’s an extra ticket…I-I wonder if you……uh--,” Airin seems to have this pleading kind of glare towards Rena.

         “Can-you-come-with-us-for-a-movie-too?”  Rena asked in one breath.

     Seriously, why does Airin wants to invite her too. Jurina already knew by her gut feelings that Airin might have a love interest feelings towards Rena. And why is she offering this to her knowing she’ll just miss her chances on a ‘movie date’. This girl is weird. Nonetheless, if Jurina doesn’t accept the offer, she couldn’t bear in mind on any possible clumsiness accidents that might happen towards Rena and nobody’s gonna save her besides…..


      By the looks of it, Airin must have not expected Jurina to accept the offer by her reaction. Expect the unexpected please.

         “O-Okay…then…’s set. This Friday night then,” Airin said while giving one of the ticket to Jurina. “So….I guess I’ll see you around.”

     Both Jurina and Rena just stare off at the back of Airin as she leaves them. They stood in the same spot for a few seconds before snapping back into reality and headed to the elevator.  While waiting for the god-damn slow elevator to reach down, Jurina shift a glimpse at Rena once in a while. Rena was biting her lips and looking like she wanted to say something. The empty elevator finally arrived and both of them entered. Their fingers hit together as both of them pressed the 5th floor button, making the situation more awkward somehow.

         “Umm……….” Rena seems to find the words to say something, “D-Do you like…spiderman?”


         “The latest spiderman movie just came out and I t-thought maybe all 3 of us c-could…”

         “I’m okay with anything.” Lies. The last time she went to the movie teater, it was with her cousins and they force her to watch this horror theme movie and basically shit just got real in there because Jurina couldn’t sleep for a few days after that.

         “Okay,” Rena replied in a happy tone.

      As they reached their floor, they went out from the elevator. Usually, at this time around, the walkway will probably be filled with people rushing here and there, music being blast off from some speakers could be heard, but now, it’s pretty much deserted. Everyone seems to go for an outing outside and Jurina bets not even Mayu or Paruru is in their room.

     Jurina realized that she’s still holding her voucher ticket, so she folds it and was about to keep it in her wallet, but she spots Rena swinging the ticket in her hand, as she walks.



         “Can you give me your ticket?”

      Rena seems a little bit puzzled on Jurina’s request, but she held out the ticket to her. Jurina took Rena’s ticket, and her ticket, fold it and keep it inside her wallet. Safe and sound. Rena still has a questioning look upon Jurina’s action even after they reached their deserted room.
“Jurina….why did y—“

           “So you won’t lose it. It’s better if I keep your ticket at me.”

            Rena’s porcelain white cheeks starts turning red, “Sorry for b-burdening you…”

           “It’s not.” Jurina starts to walk away to her room, but before she shuts it close, “I actually find it happy to do this for you.”

BAMMMMMM , the door shuts.


       Jurina has never felt this level of anticipation in her life. The last time she felt this kind of anticipation is when she received a new PS3 game and couldn’t wait to play it. And she actually felt time moves a little too fast and booommmm it’s Friday. Since that day when Jurina suddenly slips her honest thoughts before slamming the door in front of Rena, both of them had been quite nervous against each other. Usually, it’ll just be Rena. But now, Jurina seems to be a little tongue tied too sometimes.

         “For the past 1.5 year I’ve been your friend, I’ve never seen you stutter before. And you just stutter while talking to Rena just now!” Mayu exclaimed while fixing her bangs on the mirror, “Don’t tell me you are in l—“

      The door snaps open and a hyper Paruru walks in, dressing in a fashionable blouse. Mayu also wore a mini white dress too. Both Mayu and Paruru are having a double date somewhere. Perks of being in a relationship. If Jurina was in a relationship, double date is definitely not a thing she’s keen of doing. How can you show your honest affections towards your partner while there’s someone else tagging along with you. Honest affections? That sounds gross, shivers Jurina.

        “Hope you’ll have a great time too Jurina~,” said Paruru, “I’ve already watched spiderman and I’m telling you, the ending scene is seriously f—“

        “No spoilers please.” Jurina walks outside from the room and sat on the couch.

    Just then, the other door opened and revealed an angel disguised as a human. That’s what she generally first thought to be honest. Rena wore a white long skirt and a cotton small flowery pattern blouse. Jurina didn’t realize she was staring at Rena until their eyes met suddenly, resulting Jurina to blush a little.


   They actually had to walked back to the convenience store area, since the bus stand is there. Jurina just sat in silence and plugged in her earphones. Even the music is blasting in her ears, she could still hear Airin and Rena conversing together regarding anime topics and stuff. The bus came and it was a little packed so all of them had to stand while grabbing the poles or anything that wont make them tumble.

   Since the road they’re using has quite a few bumps here and there, the people inside starts to push each other unintentionally and Rena, being the CCG, almost tumble forward, but Jurina who’s always alert, grabs her arm and pull Rena towards her. Realizing, they were in a too-close-awkward-situation, plus, the slight skinship, Jurina slowly lets go of the tomato-to-be Rena. Airin on the other hand, saw the incident and just seems to analyse the situation.

   They arrived at the mall and Jurina wasn’t surprised to see the mall was filled with their colleagues students itself. They went to the 3rd floor and towards the ticket counter.

           “Your voucher….” Airin said towards the both of them.

   Jurina took out the still, neatly folded 2 vouchers and gave it to a quizzical looking Airin. But Airin didn’t asked anything regarding to this but shrugs off and queued at the ticket counter line.

   Luckily they managed just in time to watched the earliest screening. Let me tell you, the level of awkwardness is pretty high when scenes of Mr Spidey and girlfriend starts to be all lovey dovey and kissy kissy. But the ending was pretty emotional. The girls sitting around them cried their eyes out, even Jurina who have a heart shield with armour, felt a little fragile at that time. Jurina was too focused to not cry, when she didn’t realize the person next to her, Rena, have tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. Should I comfort her? Just then, Jurina saw a hand snaked on Rena’s shoulder and Airin seems to be patting her, despite she, herself, was crying a little too. I guess not, thought Jurina.


   Jurina accompanied those two as they rushed towards the girl’s washroom to touch up their crying faces. Later than, they went to a certain restaurant inside the mall and settled down for some late dinner. Jurina have to admit, halfway during the movie, she already heard the sound of music coming from her stomach, that’s why her popcorn finished the fastest between those two. All three of them ordered their food, and boy Jurina was completely satisfied with her spaghetti.

   Jurina spotted a spike of black pepper sauce slightly above to the right from Rena’s lips. Rena placed down her chopsticks but the sauce was still there, unnoticed by her. Jurina’s fingers have this twitching feeling once again. To wipe, or not to wipe, thought Jurina. But her fingers starts to act on her own and Jurina took the napkin on the table and wipe the speck of sauce on Rena’s lips.

   Rena’s face turned crimson red and Jurina quickly let go of the napkin as she realised what she just did. “Uh…….there was a …. sauce…over there…..” Jurina then stood up and excuse herself to the washroom. She just wash her hands and stared at the mirror, re-igniting what she just did earlier, and thinking it was so stupid. Jurina open her palms and stared at it while muttering ‘bad hands’ under her breath.

   She heard a muffled of feets behind her and saw Airin came in and stood beside her, looking at another mirror. She seems to have some kind of expression on her. “Hey…….”


   “You have a thing for Rena don’t you?” Airin blurted the question out and looked at her straight in the eyes.

   The intensity of the nonchalant glare she received was just so intense. Jurina completely understood now. And she decides to go for it. Don’t know whether it
was a good decision or not.

   “I guess I do.”

   “Guess we’re on the same boat, huh?” said Airin and she gave a smirked smile before leaving Jurina, in a half dumbfounded state.

Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter V (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: River1721 on May 19, 2014, 03:37:44 AM
AIRIN!!!! You better not take Rena away from Jurina!  :mon zoom: :mon worklate:
Mou~ Jurina couldn't have you made your move and comforted Rena straight away! :mon mad:  :mon fierce:
I like how all throughout this chapter Rena kept on turning Tomato Red! :mon XD:
Ah~ for some reason Jurina is becoming more ikemen towards Rena  :mon squee: :mon inluv:
Eh~ looks like Jurina has to step up her game to win Rena's heart , or has she already won Rena's heart ? :mon mischief: :mon noprob:
This just popped into my head but has Rena ever blushed when she is together with Airin ?! :pig huh:
Rena always seems to be blushing when she is together with Jurina :mon crazyinlove: :mon fan:
Jurina better prepare to what's coming her way ~ :cool1:
Hope you can update sometime this week ~ :mon thumb: :hee:

Good Luck with your studies and starting your freshman life ~  :tama-lotsaluv:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter V (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Koneki on May 19, 2014, 04:38:44 AM
Sorry Airin but you don't have even one opportunity w/ Rena o(^▽^)o

All Hail WMatsui!
with this "war declaration" (?) I hope Jurina can stop being so insecure w/ her actions!
C'mon prince! I know you are there  8)  :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter V (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: embee5442 on May 19, 2014, 05:43:53 AM
Why do I keep seeing that Airin actually wanted to help Rena with Jurina...? :doh:
Soory I'm too innocent Nyahahahaha~
Come on Jurina make your moves!!! :angry: Don't let Airin take Rena-sama awaaaay!!! :panic:

Oh I think u'll have wifi.... but mostly in the library. :P That place sucks internet is slow in college builds :smhid
But hey on the good side plenty of new friends to meet so good luck with the new place~ :thumbsup
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter V (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Archer1992 on May 20, 2014, 03:06:19 AM
hahahahahaha what a embarrasing scene in the movies!!!

continue ASAP!!

Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter V (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: 48matama on May 20, 2014, 05:42:44 AM
Wait, Airin is also loves Rena?  :shocked:


By the way, good luck for your university!
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter V (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Haruko on May 20, 2014, 06:00:28 AM
declaration war!! come juriboy!
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter V (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: gek geki on May 20, 2014, 02:28:00 PM


Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter V (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Kirozoro on May 20, 2014, 06:46:52 PM
The war of love has found

Waiting for it to began

Update soon
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter V (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: RenshuChan on May 20, 2014, 08:02:46 PM
Wait!!! Airin likes Rena too???
Jurina, do something! Don't let Airin block your way (۳º̩̩́cº̩̩̀)۳
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter V (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Koneki on May 24, 2014, 03:59:00 PM
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter V (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Terragen on May 25, 2014, 03:19:34 PM
whoaa is already obvious that airin has some special feeling toward rena

guess when two person love same person, the way this one person loves back is because one of those two has the highest effect on her lived,different

not just same as you (meaning has a same hobbies ect) but she different in a way but it could make you feel safe,calm and comfort to be with everyday

P.S you know who i mean right? yeah the winner is............................................................... *****+*?
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: menamarco96 on May 27, 2014, 07:01:02 PM
Major Gomen to my late post  :depressed: :kneelbow:

I was a little busy with my orientation day thingy and some procrastinating thingy  :nervous

By the way, I bet y'all know about the slashing incident happened recently? Oh my Annin :pleeease:

Let's hope nothing like this would ever happened again


       Jurina slowly flutter her eyes open, the sunlight above her shine underneath the gaps of the trees and leaves surrounding her. Wait………where am I? Jurina stood up while brushing off the brown coloured leaves covering the earth? The scene right in front of her looks like something that came out from “Merlin”. Plus, Jurina was also wearing some type of old medieval clothes. Did she went back in time somehow, and got stuck in the woods. This must be a dream, thought Jurina. She saw a sling holder filled with bows on the ground and picked it up.

   A certain path formed in front of her eyes as she thought on which direction to go, since the wood was huge. Jurina walked on the path, eyes scanning every direction for something that can hint her where she is. A few meters ahead, she saw a fading colour, old tower, not far from where she’s standing. Maybe there’s someone near, that could explain exactly why she was here?

        As Jurina reached the old tower, weird…… the tower is the only tower. There’s no wrecked castle or anything, just a tower. Jurina squinted her eyes and look up at the small porch above, no Rapunzel sighted. As she was going to walk away, she heard someone calling her.

           “Romeo ! You came !”

           Romeo? Jurina thought, as she turned back again and stared above at the porch. Wait, isn’t that R—“

           “I knew you would have come for me,” said the girl who resembles Rena, “Quick! Think of a plan and let me out of here before she comes!”

           “Huh? Who?” Jurina still confused at the current situation.

   Jurina heard a snap twig and quickly turn around to find…Airin (?) in a battle armour suit, slowly approaching her with a sly smile. Airin drew out a sword and points it at Jurina.

           “So you came after all…..” Airin said with a slight arrogance in her tone, “Then, we shall waste no time. Let’s fight men to men. The winner shall have the princess as the prize.”

           “But……we’re girls………..” Jurina protested while staring at the tip of the sword, pointing at her.

           “Gender is just a label,” Airin muttered while circling Jurina like a predator, “Let’s fight now!”

    Jurina remembered Airin running towards her with the sword aiming at her chest, while Rena was screaming above. Jurina shield her hands infront of her, ready for the taste of stab plunging into h—

   “Oi,” Mayu shook Jurina’s shoulder frantically, trying to wake her up.

   Jurina felt a sudden heart clenching feeling and quickly open her eyes wide. A bead of sweat trickles down from her temples. Mayu was near her and still had her hands gripped on Jurina’s shoulder.

   “What kind of nightmares were you having? Which involve you, declaring yourself as a girl?” Mayu teased, “By the way, its 8am. Don’t you have classes at 9 today?”

   Jurina turned and buried her face on the pillows for a while before pulling herself up. As she was showering, she kept having flashbacks about the dream. What a weird dream, thought Jurina. It’s a little unfair since she has a sword and I have…a couple of bows? Like seriously. And why is she dreaming about those two. What an unusual dream…….


   Since the declaration in the toilet that particular night, things had become a little cut-throat. Well, Jurina wasn’t the one being all competitive but Airin seems to be drawing a lot of attention towards herself when Rena is around. She kept making frequent visits to their apartment and Rena herself went to Airin’s apartment quite often too. But Rena seems quite blunt to Airin’s actual motive, while Jurina just dramatically rolls her eyes as she sees Airin being all……..ugh I don’t know what to say.


   Although in high school there’s also club activities, but in college, those kind of things still existed. Jurina remembered back then when she was a freshman, they had this 3 days orientation thingy, and the seniors told them to enroll in any kind of clubs to gain more experience and stuff. Jurina wasn’t really into anything since back in high school, but she’s been pretty active in sports. Not because she wanted too, but the teachers saw her ‘athletic’ side that she’s not quite keen to reveal, and boom……she’s chosen to be in all kind of races and sports which ends her up in exhaustion in the end.

   A few days ago, when Jurina was doing some research on her group work assignment with Nao and Kanon, one of her senior, Sayaka came towards her in a blissful look while grabbing a chair and sat at their table.

   “Sup Juju,”

        “Hi, Sayaka senpai...What brings you here?” asked Non

         Sayaka points at Jurina. “Her.”

         Jurina raised an eyebrow, not really knowing what Sayaka meant? Is she asking for some favour? The last time Sayaka asked her, wasn’t it because of a –
“Jurina, we need you to be on the volleyball team again. The administration just spoke out about the Annual Volleyball Competition between colleges. And you know you’re one awesome serve.”


        Well its true, Jurina did sorta participated on their last year volleyball match. She did tried her best to kept a low profile regarding to her ‘athletic’ side. But it seems that someone took a look on her ‘athletic’ history and for all she knew, the seniors came chasing after her.

        “Will you join Jurina? I mean, c’mon….You remember last year don’t you? The crowds cheered for you like hell. Eventhough we’re in 2nd place,” Sayaka explains, trying to convince her, “But I’m sure we’ll win this year.”

       Beside her, Kanon and Nao kept trying to persuade her to join the match. Jurina just shrugged and ponder for a while. Just then, the library door opened, revealing Airin, following by Rena and birdie girl trudging in while they carry some books. Jurina eyes lay upon Rena as she walks to a table. Her presence still unnoticed. Jurina continues to stare, as Rena walk into a certain section, finding a book. And after she founds it, Rena walked out from the section just to lock eyes with Jurina staring at her.

       Well, you must know that certain feel. When your heart beats very fast and this certain tense kind of feeling. Ah, warui…. I don’t know how to explain it, Jurina thought. But Jurina pulled away as she saw Rena blush.

           “Jurina? Jurina? Heyy….??”Sayaka waved in front of her eyes.


           “You’re joining in or not?”

        Jurina took another glance at Rena who’s conversing with a too-enthusiastic Airin. Something struck in her mind.

          “Okay. I’ll join.”

       They got scolded from the librarian, which obviously wasn’t Yui, because the three people there cheered for her as if they’ve already won the match. What are you even thinking, Jurina thought to herself.



   The blocker position didn’t manage to block Jurina’s serve. For some weird reasons, Jurina heard a loud scream at the stands. She looked up and saw some seniors mixed with some freshies and uh....unknown people. This is definitely not what she wanted. She’s not very keen on people giving her this much of attention. It’s a little….uncomfortable?

   “Yappari…. Sugoi ne Jurina?” the leader of volleyball team, Yuko, patted her back.

   “Wow… have a pretty steady fanbase huh?” Sae stare at the stands in awe.

   Jurina just shrug off while wiping off her sweat as she headed back to her seat. She grabbed the small white towel on her seat and put it on her shoulders. Jurina heaved a sigh before slumping in her seat. She had been training with the volleyball team for a while now. People kept suggesting her to join the team and such, but really, she just joined the team as a favour for her senpai. She’s not the type who likes to commit in a ‘serious’ sports play kind of thing. Plus, with all the unknown people on the stands cheering for her, this distressing kind of feeling appears. Unless if the person was…


   Jurina took her vibrating phone and accept the call. “Hey there pretty boy,” Mayu’s smooth voice reached her, “Watched your volleyball practice earlier. Those serving though…”


   “Hey? Why aren’t you saying anything?” Mayu asked in an annoyed tone.

   “I’m here. What’s the reason you called?”

   “Just wanna check you out? Hahaha. If you’re done with the practice, let’s have dinner together. I mean together with Paruru and Rena.”

   “Oh okay. I’m done. Where are you guys?”

   “Look up.”

   Jurina quickly looked up at the stand in front of her. Squinting her eyes, searching between the crowds. “Can’t spot you.”

       “Not there. Up here. Behind you.”

    Jurina swung her head around and to see Mayu hanging up on the phone with her usual sly smile. Paruru waved at her cheerfully while Rena stood half hidden behind Paruru, giving a small smile towards Jurina.

      “Come here already!” Paruru yelled from above
Jurina stood up and rushed towards the volleyball team captain, Yuko, to inform her before leaving the hall. She looked up and ushered the three outside. The four of them later went outside in search for a good a place to eat. Again, some unknown girls, probably from their college greeted her while they walked on the streets. Jurina didn’t knew how to greet back, so she just give a slight nod. Hope it wasn’t so rude, she thought to herself.

      “Awww….our Juri-baby getting shy,” Mayu mock her in a provoking baby tone before running away from her.

      “This time of season is your time Jurina! Grab the chance to find some partner will you?” suggested Paruru

     “You guys are crazy,” Jurina retort back. She shifted a glance towards Rena and saw her lowering her head, biting her lips, looking a little unhappy (?) Or maybe it’s just what Jurina wanted Rena to feel.
They arrived at an okonomiyaki shop and all of them settled down. Since Jurina had some intense training earlier, her appetite grew. She stuffed as much rice and okonomiyaki that her mouth could be filled with.

     “Wow…. You better eat slowly or you’ll choke,” warned Paruru.

   As they had done eating to their heart content, they went to a music store nearby. Jurina went to the album racks and started searching for some songs that she has an affection for, recently. She grab a couple of albums and went to the cd player. She put on the earphones ready set at the player, and put the CD in. Ed Sheeran’s smooth and sentimental voice fills her ear, making oneself feel a little melancholic.

            “Give me love like her,
             'Cause lately I've been waking up alone,
              Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt,
              Told you I'd let them go”

      Jurina put both of her palms on the table, while she stare vaguely at the CD player. She turned her head to the left and found Rena and Paruru in some music section. Both of them shared the same earphone and laughing it off about something. And it hits her again. The image of Rena laughing in her mind. Everything seems to be moving in a slow process. The way Rena’s face changes into a huge grin and burst out laughing. Holy………

          “Give a little time to me or burn this out,
            We'll play hide and seek to turn this around,
            All I want is the taste that your lips allow,
            My, my, my, my, oh give me love”

      And Jurina wondered why Rena chose to turned and look at her at that time. But once those dark brown orbs lay upon hers, Jurina’s face had this radiant kind of feel, and her lips starts to twitch to form a smile. She was more than happy when Rena gave her a sincere and sweet smile back before she turned red. Jurina had to admit, she has been a little sappy on her thoughts and words recently. Thanks to the new emotions she’s been feeling lately. And not to forget, thanks to the bunch of overly romantic literature she read.


   “Ah……the night air feels so good!” Paruru stretch out her hand as they walked back to their apartment.

   “I cant wait for Yotaka Matsuri Festival!” said Mayu, ““Nee, Rena-chan, have you been to this kind of festival?”

   Rena bit her lips and had a brood expression, “Umm… I don’t think I’ve been to any paper lantern festival before…”

   “Then you should! We’ll all go together ne?” spoke Paruru cheerfully. But her cheerfulness didn’t lasted long when she suddenly remembered, “Iya !! Where’s my phone?”

   After Paruru searched her pockets frantically but to no avail, she dragged Mayu back to the music store and told Jurina and Rena to go back to the apartment first. And yes, since Mayu and Paruru left them, the awkward situation starts. They shuffled back together in silence. Jurina’s starts to make her rusty mind work. C’mon Jurina, think of a simple question. Oh kami-sama, please give me some inspirat—

   “Have you been to the Yotaka Matsuri too?” asked Rena timidly.

   “Y-Yeah……It’ll be my second time this year,” answered Jurina. Did she just switch the stutter thing with Rena.

   “Oh…was it fun?”

   “Well….yeah. The big colourful lanterns and the battle fight is really fun to watch,” replied Jurina, “Y-You’ve been to many festivals before?”

   Rena looks a little crestfallen upon the question. “I’ve only been twice throughout my high school years. My parents were very strict. They wouldn’t allow me to go out with my friends that often. They preferred me staying at home…”
Jurina sympathized over Rena’s lack of having fun throughout her life. Not that Jurina also did have that much fun back then. Jurina just follow with the flow and led a monotonous life. She doesn’t like to be involved with complicated things. But as she enters this particular college, things became a little muddled as she meddled with her friends. But not in a bad way.

   “Guess we could all go together this time huh….”

   “Y-Yeah….I’m really looking forward to it,”said Rena sounding delighted at the thought, “By the way, you played r-really well earlier…”

   “Eh?” Jurina scratched her head awkwardly, unsure whether to accept the compliment.

   “Why didn’t you just joined the volleyball club?”

   “Oh….umm… I’m not rea—“


    No. Not this girl again. Every single time when Jurina had an alone time with Rena, this ugh person would just appeared out of thin air.

   “Airin.…..” Jurina couldn’t be exact sure, but she heard a hint of discontent from Rena’s tone by the appearance of Airin right now.

   “Where did you guys came from?” asked Airin as she glance back and forth from Jurina and Rena eagerly.

   “A certain place,” answered Jurina. She saw at the corner of her eyes Rena was staring at her.

   “A certain place?,” A hint of jealousy could be heard from Airin, “Just the both of you?”

   “Actually, we were wi—“

   “Does it really matter who we were with?” Jurina started to get on the edge with her ‘suppose-to-be’ rival.

   Airin laughed it off as she took Jurina’s question as a joke. She then asked Rena about the upcoming festival and wondered if she would like to go with her.

   “Oh.. I’m actually going wi—“

   Jurina suddenly made a bold drastic action. Most probably one of the most boldest action she ever did in terms of ‘love’. Jurina grabbed Rena’s hand and pull her close.

   “She’s going with me.”
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Koneki on May 27, 2014, 08:18:48 PM
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: DC2805 on May 27, 2014, 10:12:25 PM
Rooting for Jurina! yeah!!!
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: River1721 on May 27, 2014, 11:07:09 PM
YES!! Jurina finally made her move!! :mon beam: :mon XD:
Couldn't someone have mentioned volleyball before! :mon speechless: :mon exhaust:
Eh~ So Rena was watching Jurina during practice :mon misch: :mon mischief:
Mou~ Why does Airin keep on ruining wmatsui moments!! :mon mad: :mon fire: :mon whine:
Hehe~ in your face Airin!! :mon blblbl: :mon evillaff: ( Gomen  :mon pray2:)
Wondering how Airin and Rena felt when Jurina made that huge bold statement?!! :pig huh: :mon star: :tama-uhh:
Lol ~ That Romeo and Juliet scene was just  :mon spit:
Wah ~ can't wait for the festival chapter/scene  :gmon hot:
Ganbatte Jurina!!!  :mon squee: :sashiko:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: gek geki on May 28, 2014, 01:22:26 AM
Ah i like jurina attack mode

Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Haruko on May 28, 2014, 03:04:37 AM
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: yuuyu on May 28, 2014, 03:39:08 AM
Funny thing, I didn't get to post this in response to last chapter, but this chapter deserves it more
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Kirozoro on May 28, 2014, 04:51:52 AM
Hell Yea Jurina made the move

*Imagine Rena face* Kyaaa kawaiii >///<!!!

Bless you author-san

Update soon
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Zita on May 28, 2014, 01:28:41 PM
 :sashiko: YES YES YES
Go for it Jurina :grin:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: teru_fi on May 29, 2014, 05:48:20 AM
I am glad that J made that move but, poor Airin..
Author-san, please add Furuyanagi as a pairing. Please!
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: River1721 on May 29, 2014, 05:52:05 AM
I am glad that J made that move but, poor Airin..
Author-san, please add Furuyanagi as a pairing. Please!
Please do, if Rena were to reject Airin, Churi would be there for her ~  :bow:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: 48matama on May 30, 2014, 03:22:15 PM




Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Rinca on June 01, 2014, 09:53:04 AM

It's like she drew a line between them and said "Your territory is right there while mine is right here and rena is with me"

Can't wait for the update. . .
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: menamarco96 on June 12, 2014, 06:45:22 PM
I'm very very sorry for the late post  :kneelbow:

Busy being a freshman in a university is kind of like a lame excuse isnt it  :depressed: :bigdeal:

Btw, enjoy this new chapt  :)


   The sound of the ball hitting the surface of the palm, echoed in the hall. It was their fifth and final round, and their points were neck to neck with the other college. The crowds from both side of the stands cheered and jeered towards the team. The ace from the other team, Sayanee, had a fiery gaze on her face. Jurina lost to her team by just 3 points on the 3rd set the last time she played, but she won’t lose it this time.

   Jurina’s inner competitive side is slowly revealing each day, and it does drive her nuts sometimes. The timer shows that they have 30 seconds left and it’s either if Jurina’s team score a point, or the other. The ‘pass’ from the other team hit the ball and was hit back again by the backcourt from Jurina’s team. Since she’s upholding the position of the serve, she needs to analyse quickly on when she should attack with her final technique.

           “15 seconds left ! Would it be a tie?” boomed the commentator.

           Yes, this is it. 3……… 2…… 1……….

   Jurina leaped off in the air, doing her final technique, “The Vertical Jump” and smash the ball hard to the ground. Even the attackers from the other team couldn’t afford to hit the ball in time. The whistle blew, marking the end of the game. The crowds roared and so does Jurina’s team member. Jurina’s heart leapt as sudden triumph feel reached her. Their team members rushed towards her and lift her up.

           “Wow wow guys…no, hey n—!” Ah, it’s no use telling them to stop carrying her around. After they had done circling the hall, they put her down back to the ground, while Jurina felt a little impure, as her buttocks were touched for numerous time while they carry her. She saw the others team ace, Sayanee, approaching her.

           “Hey, that was a good play,” Sayanee complimented, “Your techniques have improved from the last time we played huh?”

           “Nah….”denied Jurina, scratching her head, “You were awesome as usual.”

           “Iya. I haven’t been practiced that mu—“ Sayanee was cut off by a moe looking girl, who suddenly cling on Sayanee’s arm.

           “Milky…didn’t I told you to just wait over there?” fussed Sayanee, trying to loosen herself from Milky’s grip.

           “Yada~~ Those girls over there are staring at you. You know I don’t like it,”pouted Milky. “You know they all don’t mean a thing to me,” Sayanee replied while blushing furiously.

   Jurina seeing these two conversing in front of her, just stood there in an awkward state. “Err….”

           “Ah sorry about that,”Sayanee realized the awkward situation, “Umm…this is my girlfriend, Milky.” Milky cheerfully shook Jurina’s hand. “Wow, your arms are so strong! I can feel it by just shaking your hand! Do you go to the gym often?”

           “Umm….nope. Not really,” answered Jurina. Truthfully, the last time she went to the gym, it’s not because she wanted too, her high school friends sort of force her to go there, since there was a free trial.

      “So, are you going to the Matsuri Festival this weekend?” Sayanee asked.

      “Uh yeah, I’m going with my fr—“

      “With that girl over there, right?” Milky pointed out at Rena, who was talking casually with a few people at the stands.

      “H-How do y—?”

      “Oh, I sat beside her during the match just now. She told me a lot of things about you. So I figure out you guys must have been dating or something.” Milky explained her conclusion with a satisfied tone.

      “Uhh… actually we’re not ..umm… dat—“

      “Well, we gotta go now,” Milky gripped more tightly on Sayanee, “See you on the festival, ne?”

      “Uh..yeah….” Jurina then bid off to the couple. Her mind still thinking on what Milky said about Rena talking about her. What could Rena possibly tell
Milky about? thought Jurina as she racked her brains on frustration. As she set her mind to go straight to the shower room, it was a little impossible since a lot of people circled her and congratulate her and stuff. And the weird thing is, 90% of them are girls. Jurina almost got dizzy with the squealing girls here and there, luckily Mayu came to the rescue followed by YuiParu and Rena, and shooed them away.

   They all congratulate her for the winning and the gain of new ‘fangirls’ , according to what Mayu said. Mayu told her that she would treat her for a special dinner.

      “Wait…….you’re not going to cook are you?” Jurina’s mind wandered off again to the haunting memory of Mayu cooking them a burnt tempura.

      “Baka ! I won’t !” enraged Mayu as she punch Jurina’s arm. “ I said, treat you to food. Not cook for you.”

      “But I have to admit, Mayu’s cooking has been improving,” Paruru told them with an approving nod. Rena also agreed by adding, “Yeah, recently I also saw her reading some cooking books.”

      “Okay enough. Rena, you’re not getting on their bad side too, right?” questioned Mayu, and they all laughed.


   Jurina woke up with a sigh. She couldn’t slept that much that day. She decided to take a short nap during the mid evening, but it was no use. The festival was tonight and the streets were already bustled with stalls and lantern decorations. Mayu burst into her room with a neatly folded Yellow kimono in her hands.

      “Aren’t you going to change yet?” asked Mayu as she sees the lazy Jurina still laying on her bed.

      “Give me 60 seconds……” Jurina said before she dive her face in the pillows. She quickly changed into her kimono, which was already on her bedside desk. She rarely wore kimono, except on certain occasions where she really requires to wear it. Although kimono and yukata were their official traditional Japanese clothes, she finds it a little hard sometimes to move around while the front hem was tightly knotted on her waist.

   Jurina checked herself in the mirror. Her hair was tied in a not-so-big bun while strands of her hair still came upon loose on her face. The ball blue with small white pattern flowers on her kimono, makes her look a little stand out, much to her dissatisfaction.

      “Awww….Juritan is such a cutie,” Paruru came inside their room squealing. “Let’s put a little blusher on you.”

      Somehow Jurina managed to runaway with that kimono draped on her. With small running steps, she almost toppled over someone as she lost her balance. Luckily, she managed to grab that someone’s shoulder. She looked up and saw a pair of brown orbs staring at her in a suprising state.

      “E-Eh ! G-Gomen !,” Jurina quickly snatched away her hands from Rena’s shoulder. Bad hand, bad, bad hand, Jurina mentally face palmed in her mind. But her eyes immediately when to Rena’s attire. Her hair was also tied up like Jurina, but in a more neat way. Her cheeks were also in a pink shade. Jurina mentally pictured Paruru forcing over the blusher towards Rena earlier and stifled a small giggle.

      “It looks bad isn’t it?” Rena’s sudden question snapped Jurina’s mind to reality. “Paruru t-told me to put it…”

      “No, no. It’s really…r-really cute,” added Jurina. Seriously this girl, doesn’t she realize that everything she wears is cute. Rena blushed at the small compliment.

      “Jurina looks c-cute too,” Rena began to blush more harder as she slipped the compliment. “What….you call this cute. I can barely even move.” Jurina denied as she stared down at the front hem of her kimono.

      “Maybe you tied it too tight?” Rena approached behind Jurina and untie the bow behind Jurina. Even though they weren’t having some skinship or anything, but just by knowing Rena redoing her bow behind her makes everything so heart tightening.

      “All done. It isn’t too loose right?” asked Rena in a concerned tone.  “No, I like it this way. Thanks a lot.” Jurina slightly patted Rena’s shoulders to show her gratitude but she then heard a whistle coming from her right.

      “Aww you guys are sooooo cuteee,” mimicked Mayu while she high five Paruru. “You guys should go ahead together first. We’ll be going with our own partners later.”


      “What? I thought we’re going altogether?”

   Paruru pushed both of them forward and out from their apartment. “Well, see you guys around. Don’t come back home too late and look after Rena here properly. Make sure she doesn’t trip on anyth—“

      “I get it ! I get it ! Jeez ……”


   The streets were filled with every walks of life. Kimono of different colours burnt Jurina’s eyes as they walked in the streets. The roadside were crammed with food stalls and lantern decorations. Jurina’s eyes were blinded by the aroma of the food filling her nostrils. Her stomach did churned but she tried to cover it, since she doesn’t want to look like a total person in hunger.

   Jurina and Rena walked side by side. Neither starting a conversation, both kept averting eyes. Since the streets were bursting with people, some kept pushing here and there, rushing away. Jurina almost forgot how clumsy Rena could be, until she almost tumbled forward when some dude with his girlfriend bumped her. Luckily, Jurina managed to gripped Rena’s waist and pulled her by her side.

      “T-Thank you….” Rena exhaled in relief. She wasn’t aware of the waist-grip for a moment and they continued walk in that position until both of them realised and hastily stopped in their tracks, before distancing themselves a little between each other.

      As they were walking, some of the passer by kept greeting her and complementing her as usual. By now, Jurina has gotten a little used to all the overwhelming compliments and praises. She thought she’d reached her hundredth time of saying “Thank You” and “Thanks” tonight. Rena on the other hand, just keep quiet and merely nodded to all the people greeting them. They also came to an awkward situation when a few people asked whether they were an item.



      “Iya….Rena-san is so lucky to have Jurina senpai. She’s not just talented, she’s good looking too.” A junior said that right in their face. Both of them were lost for words and simply chose to respond nothing.

   Time went by and they heard sounds of the drums closing by. A hot tempered looking man with arms crammed with tattoos suddenly ordered the crowd to give way to the huge lantern parade. The scene was spellbinding. Wooden clappers echoing sharply, the young paraders on parade engage one another's paper lantern sculptures in a magnificent demolition derby. Gallant young voices echoed towards the crowd with cheers from the onlookers, following by the tan-tan-tan sound made by the taiko drums. It was truly amazing.

   Jurina looked sideways to her left and saw Rena’s gleaming face watching the parade. Seeing such a happy look on the person she likes, make one heart skips a beat. Nah, it wasn’t a beat. More like her heart pounding rapidly in her chest. At that time, seeing Rena’s beaming face is more fascinating than seeing the huge lanterns itself.

   But then Rena suddenly turned to face her. Their eyes met as if trying to reached an unexplainable message between each other. Jurina didn’t even blink an eye when those two brown orbs stared at her. But one thing she knew was her left hand suddenly reached out for Rena’s right hand and slowly, they interwined their fingers together. A genuine smile curved on Jurina’s lips.

      “Wanna grab something?”


   They went to some food stalls and bought a little bit of everything. They sat at one of the unoccupied benches which was a little further than the bustling streets. But at least, they’d found one. Because most of them were filled with couples, mostly students from their colleges. Jurina swear she saw a face which oddly looks similar to Mayu, but the thing is, she was in a position where her lips were completely eaten out by her partner. I soooo need to get that image off, thought Jurina.

   A comfortable silence fills the surrounding between Jurina and Rena. Their hands still interwining with each other. One doesn’t feel the need of letting go. Jurina was slightly confused on where this skinship is leading, because usually, in books, or movies, one of them is going to confess their love to the partners. Should I—



      “W-What…..What do you think of me?” Jurina could feel Rena’s grip on her hand tightens as she ask the question.

      “I-I…..” Jurina ungripped her hands from Rena. As soon as she released it, a solemn face could be seen in Rena’s face, even with the colourful lanterns decoration surrounding them.

      A painful smile shot at Rena’s face. “No, it’s okay. I-I underst—“

   It might not be one of the best confession like Jurina had ever read in books or saw in the TV. But oh well, a sudden hug wasn’t too bad, right? Wont it be to fast if they escalate into a kiss? Jurina thought to herself while her heart pounds like mad while she hugged a confused Rena.

      “Ju-Jurina….w-what are you….?”

      “You asked me what I think of you. And I… I don’t –“ Jurina released her hug and saw Rena’s questioning and anticipating look on her face. “I seriously don’t know how to explain this....but I…umm…. I… I wanna be with you.”

      Rena’s puzzled face seems to be like she was processing the words Jurina just said. “You….You want to be with me? As if, friends or as if—“

      “As if something like Paruru and Yui.” explained Jurina, recklessly trying to find the right words to say. “Do….do you want to?”

   Rena just stared at Jurina in silence. Probably thinking whether Jurina was serious. But she immediatly found a clear answer when Jurina grabbed hold of her hands firmly. With a nod and a sincere smile, Rena replied, “Yes.”


   It was already half past 1 in the morning and people were starting to head off back to their respective places. Students from the college, back to their dormitories. But some chose to head somewhere else though. And here was Jurina, hand in hand, with her roommate, who now turns to a something called a ‘lover’. A stupid plastic grin was plastered on Jurina’s face and she tried her best to wipe it off but it didn’t really work.

   As they were reaching the college compound, they suddenly came face to face with the birdie girl, Churi, eating a huge lollipop and… Airin.

   “Hey where have you guys…….been…..” Airin saw the two holding hands and a sudden crestfallen look showed on her face. The delicate fingers wrapping on Jurina’s also slowly slides away. Now what? thought Jurina.[/size][/font]
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: 48matama on June 12, 2014, 08:05:16 PM


Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: River1721 on June 12, 2014, 10:05:09 PM
YATTA!!! :mon XD: :mon star: :onioncheer:
Jurina finally confessed to Rena! and she said YES!!! :hiakhiakhiak: :on lol:
“As if something like Paruru and Yui.” explained Jurina, recklessly trying to find the right words to say
Haha! I love this part so much! :luvluv1: :wriggly: :wahaha: :mon lovelaff:
Eh! Why did Rena let go of Jurina's hand when they met with Airin and Churi ?!! :mon huh: :tama-uhh: :grr:
Airin better not do something that will hurt the newly formed WMatsui!! :mon wtfmm: :mon evil:
Update soon ~  :on gay: :byebye:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VI (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: yuuyu on June 12, 2014, 10:32:18 PM
With all the WMatsui this whole chapter
but then the end of the chapter happens and Airin and I'm like
I am really happy with all the WMatsui moments this chapter, especially with the teasing from Milky, Mayu, and Paru...
Rena gushing about Jurina to Milky, oh my god! On another note, I'm guessing Yuki is the more dominant one in her relationship...
My heart went from soaring high above the clouds to dropping into my chest with the mention of Airin at the end...
Something that's been on my mind for a while now, did Rena... with how she removed her hand from Jurina's when she saw Airin's face... did she know Airin liked her?
For that matter I've just been dying to find out about how Rena saw all this...
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Kirozoro on June 13, 2014, 02:51:59 AM
Yay Wmatsui moments

Wait y did Rena did that for the last moment when theysee Airin
Update soon
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: RenshuChan on June 13, 2014, 03:12:11 AM
Jurina's confessing was a bit oblivious, but she managed it! Yatta ! \(^o^)/

Rena, don't say that you like Airin there... You'll break your newly-made girlfriend for hand sake x_x

Please update soon author-san :bow:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Koneki on June 13, 2014, 04:41:31 AM
CUTEST confession evah!!!!!!!  :wub: :wub: :wub: :inlove:


and I don't think Rena likes Airin or something xD
I mean LOL
Maybe she knows that Airin likes her so with the look Airin gave to them when she saw JR hands, Rena should have felt uncomfortable

Damn you Airin (in this fic hahahha)
Rena belongs to J already  :shakeit: :shakeit:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: DC2805 on June 13, 2014, 06:00:03 AM
Rena did that in the end…maybe it is because the actual fact is: Airin also likes Jurina? haha, just extremely wild guessing…

Hope nothing bad turns out for the 2 silly (but adorable) lovebirds...
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Haruko on June 13, 2014, 06:30:31 AM
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: gek geki on June 13, 2014, 08:10:27 AM
Rena like....she felt sorry to airin,she must know that airin loved her before this festival happen or maybe something else? Like she also love airin? But i think is not and hope not

Somehow i want  small mayuki portion,we already had some yuiparu here,but never seen mayuki interaction
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: sastio13 on June 14, 2014, 10:45:57 AM
Mayu, Paru, and Yui, i think they knew between Jurina and Rena hihihihi
aaa finally, wMatsui, rena & juribaby become a couple!
the confessing part, i think it's cute and simple hehehe
like Haruko said, we need wMatsui kiss! :twisted:
am so happy when i read this fic :grin:
but crap, the ending of this chapter is....
why? oh why?! wrong time Airin... wth rena... :banghead:

oh yea, welcome to the college life Menamarco96 ! :welcome
hope you update this fic soon! :bow:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VIII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: menamarco96 on June 21, 2014, 06:30:31 PM
I saw some comments saying they want Airin to be paired up with Churi in the end (?)  ;)

Hahaha I'll think about it.  XD


       Jurina throw herself on her bed.  Somehow she managed to pull off the huge ribbon behind her and slip off from the kimono before chucking it into her cupboard. Her mind was processing the meaning behind the small incident earlier.


      “Hey where have you guys…….been…..” Airin said and she saw the two holding hands and a sudden crestfallen look showed on her face.

      “Ehhhhhh are you guys together now?” a curious Churi wandered between those two as they let go of their hands. “You guys don’t have to be shy. Hehehe. Omedetou to the newborn couple!”

   Both of them didn’t answered but Airin suddenly turned and runaway from them before Rena calls out for her and chase after Airin. Churi was left dumbfounded and so does Jurina. She don’t know whether she should chase after them or stay behind. But she decided to stay behind, although her heart was searing in pain.

   Jurina decided to just went back to the apartment alone , before Churi starts to speak. “I knew it. Airin likes her. She doesn’t see me more than just a friend, right?” Jurina cant make out words for console and just proceed to pat Churi’s shoulder for a while before walking away.

######END FLASHBACCK######

   Jurina heard the door to her room open. She couldn’t be bothered to look back, knowing it must be Mayu walking in with a gleam look on her face. But then, she felt someone sitting at the edge of her bed.

      “Why are you sitting on my bed? I saw you got eaten out earlier. Like seriously, you guys should really go get a room,”suggested Jurina while still burying her face in the pillow. But Mayu didn’t reply a thing. “Mayu? Oii—“

   Jurina unburied herself from the pillow and was shocked to see Rena sitting at the edge of her bed. She almost trampled of her bed, once she saw Rena with that innocent look on her face.

      “E-Eh…….When did you come back? Um……you haven’t c-change yet. You shoul—“

      “I’m sorry about earlier,” spoke Rena in a guilty tone, “It’s just that….Airin..…she..…sh—“

      “It’s okay,” Jurina shuffled closer towards Rena, “I know she likes you. She told me about it.” Rena’s eyes widen at what Jurina said. “I mean, isn’t it too obvious she likes you a lot? I understand if you want to reconsider about the whole thing of me and y—“

      “Jurina don’t say that!” That was the first time Jurina heard Rena raising her voice. There was a hurt tone while she said that. Oh boy, making Rena feel hurt is the last thing Jurina wants to do right now.

      “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry,” apologized Jurina as she reached for Rena’s hand, “I thought maybe…. maybe there’s a possibility you…m-might like Airin too…?”  Rena shooked her head on Jurina’s statement. “If I have feelings for Airin, why would I say ‘Yes’ to you?” A small smile  form on Rena’s lips as she reassure Jurina.

   Jurina stared at the pink lips. A sudden reflecting thought came to her mind. As if Shakespeare himself was talking to her.

          “If I profane with my unworthiest hand
                 This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
                 My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
                 To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.”

   Ah stop it, scolded Jurina at the imaginary Shakespeare voice. Jurina look back at Rena’s deep dark brown orbs. Those eyes, staring at her intently, as if waiting for something. C’mon Jurina, you can do this! Jurina slowly neared her face towards Rena, eyes staring straight at those beautiful pair of orbs. Their lips were just inches separate from each other. Jurina could feel her heartbeat thumping hardly. The heavy breath and the anticipation from both her, and Rena. As Jurina’s heart was screaming “Go For It!” and to close the gap between them, the freaking damn door opened.


   A half drunken looking Mayu  busted in. The drunken state look vanished completely when she witness the now-awkward scene in front of her.

      “Ehhhhhh! Sorry for interrupting! Gomen Gomen !”

   Mayu then proceed and shut the door quickly. An awkward air was hovering around these two. Should I just continue back on what I’m about to do or—“

      “Umm….. I think I should go back to my room. I-I have a group work discussion tomorrow. Thank you for today. I’m very……..very happy. Goodnight.”

   Jurina felt a soft, warm lips, pressed on the left side of her cheek, before looking back at the girl in front of her standing up and leaving the room, with a face as red as a tomato.


   Jurina lay at her bed in the dark for the past 15 minutes. Her left hand still touching the warm spot where Rena kissed her.  The door than slowly creaked opened and Mayu came in and looking expectantly at Jurina, wondering if she was asleep. Jurina close her eyes tight and pretended to be sleeping, as she don’t feel like answering any questions or anything. Her feigning sleeping seems to be working since Mayu herself change back to her pajamas and jump in to her bed.


   She was walking on a familiar park in a one fine day. A book held in her hand while she just lazily strolled around the freshly mown green grass. She landed with a ‘thump’ on the ground and flipped open the book she was holding. After a few minutes, she heard some laughter behind her. Ignoring the mirth behind her, she continued to read the book. But to her annoyance, the laughter became more louder, adding with some feet stomping on the ground.

   Jurina shut her book hard and turned her head to see to whom the laughter belongs too. Turns out she found a merry looking Rena, wearing some sort of white ancient Greek looking robes wrapped around her body. A flower crown on her head lay neatly on her shining hair. But the scenery spoilt when Airin was there too, holding on to Rena’s hand, wearing the same ancient greek looking robes. They seem to be looking a little too ‘lovey dovey’ at the moment.

   Airin suddenly move her face forward, trying to steal a kiss from those innocent lips. But hell no. Jurina stood up and rushed towards the couple before setting the pair apart. Jurina held Airin’s shoulder and shook it violently. A  bewildered looking Rena stood aside with hands covering her mouth.

      “WHY DO YOU ALWAYS APPEAR IN MY DREAM!?” half yelled Jurina, “She is mine!! Mine! Mine…..mine….m—“


      “Yeah she’s yours!! Jurina wake up!” Turns out Mayu was shooking her too. Ah great….why does it always have to be Mayu witnessing all these embarrassing thing Jurina said.

      “You really are an obsessive person, huh?” Mayu said with a smirk, before running away after a pillow flies straight to her in the room.


   Rena was nowhere to be seen in their apartment that morning. Jurina remembered about the group work meeting she said earlier and sighed. Group discussion on Sunday? Really? Right after the crazy festival last night.

      “Don’t worry, Jurina. Rena-chan wont cheat on you,” teased Paruru as she ate a bag of chips while staring at the telly.

   The problem about this morning was  Jurina is receiving endlessly teasing from these two maniacs in the house. They kept questioning her about how’s and when all this happened. The last question managed to get on her nerves.

      “So….. I heard you haven’t kiss her yet? When are you planning to do so?”

      “Tch… Enough already!” Jurina stood up and walk out from the apartment. Heading where her feet was taking.

   The topic of kiss was a little sensitive to her since, well, to be honest, she didn’t have her first kiss yet. Stupid right, but yeah. That’s the harsh truth. But Jurina didn’t care that much about these kind of things back then because, well, being in a relationship was completely out of her mind. It’s such a waste of time. Well that was what the ‘old’ Jurina thought. But now, everything seems to be a little different.

   She went down a flight of staircase to find Nao about to go down the stairs too. She noticed Jurina and greeted her.

      “Hi Jurina~ What’s with the grim look?” asked Nao

      “E-Eh? I’m fine.” Jurina switched on to a smile before they walked downstairs together.

      “Where’s Non? Isn’t she always tagging along with you?”

      “Ah….she’s still sleeping,” Nao replied with a knowing smile, “She got a little bit tipsy yesterday. Do you know Kuumin senpai ?” Jurina nodded. “I think so…why?”

      “She asked Non out yesterday. Isn’t it cute? Kuumin asked her out during the firework displays. How I wanted that kind of confession….”pouted Non.

      “I’m sure someone will confess to you someday,”assured Jurina to Nao with a smile.

   Jurina ended up following Nao to the vending machine since Jurina herself, don’t really have any motive direction to go. They went to sit at a nearby marble bench and chatted freely. Nao is one of those people whom Jurina treat and talked nicely to her. Jurina doesn’t even know why, but Nao seems to have this friendly and cheerful vibe. Jurina cant help but to talked kindly to her too.

      “I saw you with Rena-chan yesterday night,” blurted Nao all of a sudden. “You guys seems to be looking extremely happy.”

      “E-Eh? Where did you saw us?” Jurina knew she asked a stupid question  since well, it was obvious people would knew she walked with Rena last night. 90% of the college students went to the festival. And some even greeted her.

      Nao laughed a little before saying, “You’re blushing, Jurina,”  Nao poked Jurina in the cheeks, making Jurina drown in embarrassment. “There’s something going on between you and Rena-chan, right?”

    Jurina was about to answer when a group of girls walked towards the vending machine from the right wing building. All of them seems to be carrying like 4 -5 books. Wait, isn’t that…..Rena? Those aren’t the usual cliques Rena usually hang around with. Usually Rena would hang around with the veterinary students, but these people aren’t.

      “You’re wondering who they are?” Nao asked her as she saw a slight frown on Jurina’s face. “They’re the Anime Club Members.”

      “Oh…. I haven’t heard of that Club before. Is it one of the registered club?”

      “Yeah….it’s been here for quite a while I think. I heard the group is pretty active. Some did cosplays too at the AnimeCon.” told Nao.

      “I see……” Jurina tried to imagine Rena cosplaying. A princess sounds cool. How about a butler? Wow…….. a sudden image of a cool Rena standing in front of her.

      “Jurina-sama, what would you like to drink?”

   Jurina smiled to herself at her wild imaginations. She wasn’t the imaginative type of person, but these days, her thoughts seems to be a little uncontrollable.

   Jurina felt a nudged and saw Nao showing to her the groups are walking away already. Jurina felt like a  punctured tyre somehow. Rena didn’t notice her. Or maybe she noticed but she pretended not to. Ugh, why am I thinking too much.

      “Overthinking kills you,” answered Nao coolly, while chuckling at Jurina’s reaction.

      “Are you a psychic or something?” Jurina pretended to sound super terrified.

      “I guess I am. It runs in the blood.” Nao joked.


   Jurina later went back to her apartment and found Rena was already sitting at the couch with Paruru. Well, Paruru will always be at the spot. It’s her sacred spot, based on what she said back then. Jurina met eyes with Rena and both of them blushed a little.

      “Aww……….the lovebirds are blushing. How cuteeeee…”mocked Paruru in a baby voice.

   Jurina threw a death glare at Paruru to shut her up and awkwardly sat beside Rena at the couch. By just sitting beside Rena, all these electric kind of feels surged within her body altogether. Calm down now, told Jurina to herself.

      “So…umm….how was your meeting?” Jurina pretended to be dense about the whole Anime Club thingy.

      “It was…..good,” Rena bit her lips. She seems to have something else to say but she kept resisting. In the end, she walk away to her room, much to Jurina’s confuse. But a few minutes later, she came back outside with some sort of flyer in her hand. She sat down and gave the flyer at Jurina.

   The huge tittle says Anime Danso Competition and there were a  few pictures of people cosplaying it on the last event. It also states if there was  anyone who is interested, they could visit the Club’s Room itself or gave their name to the Secretary of the Club.

   Jurina looked at Rena and saw her gazing at Jurina keenly. Thinking that maybe Jurina would find it weird or something.

      “You’re a part of this Anime Club isn’t it?” Jurina raised one eyebrow to Rena. Rena answered the question with an excited smile. “So…you want me to go watched this competition or something?”

      Rena nodded. “Yes…. Because I’m participating in this competition.”








Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VIII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: DC2805 on June 21, 2014, 06:50:33 PM
Oh the lovebirds are too shy and they are progressing too slowly! faster faster faster! hehehe!
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VIII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: River1721 on June 21, 2014, 07:00:30 PM
EH!! Mayuyu!! :scolding: :mon duh: Couldn't you have stayed where you were a little bit longer!! :mon fierce: :depressed:
Ah~ Churi I feel bad for you :fainted:
Oh the lovebirds are too shy and they are progressing too slowly! faster faster faster!
Haha~ They are progressing slower, but it's cute how they are all shy when they meet each other. :hee: :nya:
Aw~ Rena kissed Jurina on the cheek! Kawaii~ :mon lovelaff: :mon fyeah:
Yah~ I'm so excited for Rena's Danso! :mon XD:
I wonder what she will cosplay as? :dunno: :mon mischief: :on bleed:
Hehe~ I can't wait for Jurina's reaction towards what Rena will look  :mon star:
Last question, will Airin be there? and Will she be participating also ? :pig huh:
Update soon ~ :byebye:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VIII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Haruko on June 21, 2014, 07:30:22 PM
Awww cute wmatsui.. its ok that they gonnab thake this slowly... about the kiss.. aww... but jurina makes a great danso too
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VIII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: 48matama on June 22, 2014, 02:56:46 AM
W- what?


Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VIII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Baekshim on June 26, 2014, 02:44:49 AM
I read and liked all your fanfics, even if they could be so sad that it hurted really bad argh XD (e.g. Ardor Memories  :cry:).
I also like the fact that your fics feel real.

In The Everyday Life, I especially enjoyed the humor. XD Ju's character is so relatable X) that "blasé side" of Jurina's refreshing and it now clashes with her growing mushiness for Rena~ that gap♥
There's a fluffy romance (diabetes~ I like it) but it still feels credible. You're great. X)
And yay Airi back off! XD open your eyes and go find Churi, you broke her little heart.
I've never imagined Nao as the seductive type but now that I am thinking about it, I remember her in EbiFriday Night with the chest of drawers :hiakhiakhiak:

Keep up the good work! Looking forward to next chapters!   :thumbsup
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VIII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Terragen on June 29, 2014, 04:53:39 AM
Chaptet IX please~

Kyaa rena chan kawaii~
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VIII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: gek geki on June 30, 2014, 02:48:12 AM
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VIII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Kirozoro on June 30, 2014, 04:24:15 AM
Rena it in the competition

Jurina need to go watch her danso...

*imagince cool Rena* YES!!

Update soon
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VIII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Siren on July 15, 2014, 11:15:47 PM
I miss this update  :cry:

Hope u update soon  :panic:

Need to see the progress of Jurina and Rena in the next chapter  8) :fap
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VIII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Koneki on July 15, 2014, 11:31:29 PM
conti pls  :( :( :(
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter VIII (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: wmxmy on July 16, 2014, 12:44:14 PM
Yeah we need an update [emoji24]
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IX (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: menamarco96 on July 27, 2014, 12:13:09 AM
Beforehand I would like to apologize for not updating for quite a while  :kneelbow:

I was busy with assignment related stuff so yeah  :nervous  :fainted:

And today is the most prettiest girl birthday, my kami-oshi, Rena-chan !!!  :heart:  :luvluv1:

Did y'all wish her "Happy Birthday" already ?  :D

Here goes nothing.

        The indoor hall was packed with eager looking faces. 95% of them were girls and the 5% were mostly boys who were force by their girlfriends to watch the Danso Competition. There was a stage infront of them and on the right side, there were three tables for the judge.

   Jurina was sitting among the huge crowd accompanied with Paruru and the others. Mayu wasn’t with them because………she herself took part on the competition. A lot of their colleagues encourage her since they told her she practically looks like someone coming out from an anime. And yeah, she signed up for it.

   A sudden screech from the mic could be heard and all the noises among the crowd toned down. Turns out Jurina’s fellow volleyball team member, Yuko, became the MC. Yuko was so excited  while giving them info’s about the competition and introducing them to the judges, till her voice sounded like an autotune squirrel.

   One of the judges were an expertise in Danso Fashion and the other two were famous for their Lolita concept clothes. All three of them stood up as their name was called. And after a few hasty “Good Luck” wish towards the contestants, the red curtain in front of the stage starts to close.

   The announcer boomed through the speaker of the first Danso contestant. The spotlight suddenly focus at the middle as the curtains open, revealing…..Sayanee’s girlfriend? Milly? Milky? Wearing a maid costume and frilly white hairband, that looks kinda cute with her bangs. A squeal came from the crowd as they saw Milky walking throughout the stage. Jurina have to admit, Milky does look cute in that outfit.

   Milky started to chant some sort of mantra later on. “Moe moe sugar, Moe moe sugar….” Something that’s got to do with sweetness. Jurina starts to wonder what kind of dialogue Rena is going to come up with. Jurina doesn’t even know what kind of Danso Rena’s going to do since she told Jurina it was a secret.

   The next contestant turns out to be Mayu. Jurina was in shock as she saw Mayu coming out behind the curtain, wearing a lab coat and a short white wig hair. She pushed her glasses at the crook of her nose as she walk down the stage. Jurina practically need to cover her ears since all of the crowd were fangirling. If there were a CGR, you could see a heart shaped blooming out of their eyes.

      “Can I be your…..personal doctor?”

   The whole crowd scream ‘Yes’ , minus Jurina, Paruru and Yui who just laugh it out at the scene. Jurina saw a little bit ahead from her seat, Yukirin, clasping her hands together, with huge hearts shooting out from her eyes.

   After a few other contestants, Jurina kept getting impatient on Rena’s appearance. Wondering what the latter would appear as, since….well, Jurina never saw this side of Rena before. So, she’s quite curious and anxious at the same time.

      “Don’t worry Juritan. Rena’s gonna be so cool !!” hinted Paruru, as she already seems to know what Rena’s going to appear as.

   After the 7th contestant was announced, another person came out behind the curtains. A mid-length black hair wig and a single left-swept red highlight on her bangs. The person wore a living navy blue sailor uniform. Her sailor-style collar with red stripes is tied by a multicolored scarf. The person walked with a furious look, scrunching her eyebrows. The person was holding some sort of a fake blade. And that person was none other than……..Matsui Rena.

      “This is a keepsake from my father. And this Scissor Blade was left behind by the person who murdered him. Now, you're going to tell me who this Scissor Blade belongs to!”

   The crowd wooed and cheered while Jurina just gape at the-cool-Rena in front of her. Is this really the timid Rena she knew? Jurina then join in with the crowd, cheering for Rena.

   After the final 10th contestant, the hyper MC told that they would take 15 minutes for the judges to decide the winner for the competition. Jurina and the others thought that Rena might have a slight chance to make it on the top 3. Jurina starts to wandered on how she would congratulate Rena if she made it to the top 3. But if she didn’t, Jurina would still be congratulating her, because really, that Danso was epic. And the hidden cool side of Rena is really an appeal to her.

   “Ehem…Ehem…Testing 1 2 3…..”Yuko tapped on the mic, “Alright. Welcome back everyone. It seems that the judges have made their decisions on deciding the winner. The winner will bring back home a trophy, 2 VIP Pass Ticket to the International Danso Contest this summer and 6000Yen. That’s quite a sum, thought Jurina. The 2nd and 3rd placing will just bring back home a trophy.

   Yuko called out the contestants and the judges to the stage. Jurina saw the now-timid-looking Rena on the stage. Her eyes staring down at the floor. Jurina wished Rena could just look up for a moment and see her so that Jurina could give her a smile. Wait, that sounds kinda mushy.

      “I bet  500Yen both Rena-chan and Mayu are gonna be in the top 3,” Paruru whispered to her.

      “I’m happy on whatever placing she’ll get,”Jurina whispered back, but to receive an “Awwww” look from Paruru.

   The announcement had been made and turns out Rena did won the first place and Mayu won second. This is some miraculous day indeed, thought Jurina. Rena’s cute shock face when they announce the winner is really cute, it made Jurina’s heart skip a thousand beat. Yes, Jurina has to admit, she’s been very, very mushy lately.

   After a few pictures were taken and the receiving award session, everyone slowly proceed and went out from the hall. Jurina’s eye darted towards Yukirin who immediately rushed towards Mayu’s side.

      “Oi, why are you just standing here? C’mon!” Paruru ushered her and they went towards Rena, who’s thanking several people here and there.

      “Rena-chaaaan~ Sugoii !!” Paruru hugged Rena, while Jurina just stood by Paruru’s side. Wanting to actually hug her, but yeah, they never did PDA that much in front of their friends. Because well….yeah……

      “Congratulation’s Rena,” Jurina said with a smile.  Rena blushed and thanked her with a nod.

      “Cmon Yui, someone need an alone time,” teased Paruru and they headed towards Mayu.


   Jurina waited outside the changing room while holding a small bag with a trophy and some stuff in it. A click sound from the door was heard and came out Rena, in a collar stripe shirt with a white skirt. Rena reached out for the bag Jurina was holding but halted when Jurina caressed her head.

   Well actually, Rena’s hair was sticking out at the back. But Rena must have thought Jurina was doing some PDA thingy since her cheeks turned red.

      “Let’s go,” said Jurina with a smile.


   They went and enjoy a few walks at the park. Holding hands while licking their strawberry flavoured ice creams. Jurina became an attentive listener at that moment, as she saw the talkative side of Rena which a lot of people rarely see. She explained about the preparations she made for the Danso and how excited and nervous she was behind the stage.
   Rena would then blushed as she wondered whether she had gave too much info to Jurina and will make her bored. Jurina would denied it and said that she likes listening to Rena talking, which earned another blush from her.

   Jurina, on the other hand, have been meaning to ask something at Rena. That “something” kept pestering in her mind recently and she already confronted it towards Mayu and Paruru. They totally agreed 100% about the thing and they themselves were joining in too.

   The summer vacation is about to start and so there would be no classes for almost 3 weeks. And Jurina wondered if………



      “Are you doing anything this summer holiday? I mean, do you have plans to go out with your family and stuff?”

   Rena thought for a moment before answering, “I don’t think so. I’ll usually just stay at home. I don’t go out often. Why?”

   Jurina kept thinking of the structure arrangements of words to say, “Uhh….you…umm…do you wanna come over to my house?”

   A slight surprise look came upon Rena’s face and Jurina quickly said, “But Mayu and Paruru will be hanging at my house too, so….umm yeah. You don’t need to worry.”

   Rena chuckled and replied, “Sure. B-But……..I need to ask permission from my parents beforehand.” A slightly worried tone could be heard. “But I really want to go! I want to know you more!”

   Jurina could feel her hand being gripped by Rena more tightened. Jurina’s heart went a mess as Rena spoke those words. The honesty is unyieldingly cute and heart tightening. Jurina  simply smiled at Rena and they continue enjoying their moment together.


      “I cant hear a thing…..” Paruru whispered as she pressed her right ear at the door.

      “I hear her voice….but I cant make out the words,” said Mayu as she, too, pressed her ear at the door.

      “Could you guys stopped eavesdropping!” hissed a tense Jurina from the couch as she saw her two roommates trying to nose around on Rena’s phone call with her dad.

   They waited for another couple of minutes before the door clicked open. All three of them looked at Rena expectantly. She wore an expressionless face and she sat down at the couch beside Jurina, still not uttering a word.

      “How was it?” asked Paruru, as all of them intensely stared at Rena.

   Rena had a small frown, and she seems to bit her lip, trying to come out with an answer. But  after a few seconds, a wide grin starts to spread on her face, including a thumbs up. And both Mayu and Paruru hugged each other, before realizing their actions, and push away. Jurina heaved out a relief sigh and smiled at the cute girl beside her.


   The sun shining bright above them reminds about the endearing summer season entering. And here, all 4 of them, standing beside the sidewalk with small luggage and a bag behind their back, waiting. Waiting for Mr Matsui.

   When Jurina told her parents that her friends are coming over, they were super excited, actually, more excited than Jurina was. Since it was Jurina’s first time asking a friend to come and sleep over. Back in high school, she doesn’t really have a lot of friends. Not because everyone dislike her or some sort, it’s because she prefers to be alone and spend time with her books, rather than gossiping about make up and boys with the other girls.

   Jurina planned to go back home with the train, but her dad kept insisting for him to come and pick them all up. Too lazy to argue, she agreed. And now, her dad was supposed to arrived like for 15 minutes ago, but here they are, still standing under the baking sun.

      “Are you sure your dad is near already?” asked Mayu, as she squint her eyes to look at Jurina under the blazing sun.

      “According to what he texted me 15 minutes ago, he said his already nearby,” Jurina rolls her eyes as she take a look again at the text.

      “Maybe there was a traffic jam,” suggested Rena, who was sitting on the ground, with her hands on her chin.

      “I doubt that,” muttered Jurina as she follow suit and sat beside Rena. She gently lay her head on top of Rena’s shoulder. She felt the girl shuddered but cool down after a few seconds. Jurina wasn’t gonna lie, but she did felt her heartbeat fast by her own actions, but hey. She felt a soft hand lay upon her head, lightly patting her.

   As for know, in terms of skinship, the furthest she and Rena would have done is these kind of skinship. Kiss ? Of course they’ve done that. But more than that, no. Plus, its hard to do some skinship infront of people, because well, both of them are kinda shy sometimes, and yeah, the non stop teasing from Mayu and Paruru.

   Jurina almost felt like taking a nap on Rena’s shoulder, when she heard a honking sound from the distance. The honking sound got louder and it started to annoys her so she look up and saw a familiar red car coming near. The car parked right in front of them and then came out a man with a Hawaiian type of shirt, khaki shorts, with a huge grin.


   Jurina stood up as her dad came to hug her tightly, in front of her friends, and Rena. This is such an embarrassing entrance, thought Jurina. She made a mental note to herself to make sure her dad won’t come and pick her up anymore.

      “Aww, my Juri-tan looking more prettier than before,” Mr Matsui ruffled her daughter’s hair. “Ah, Mayu and Haruka, good to see you two again.” All three of them, proceed to take turns and shook hands with the overjoyed dad. While Mr Matsui shook Rena’s hand, “And you, must be that special someone, isn’t it?”

      “Eh?” blushed Rena, not knowing how to answer, while she keep giving a nervous glance at Jurina.

      Mr Matsui laughed off before saying, “You know the use of internet is very useful. Especially to keep up with my daughter’s well being.”

      “Have you been stalking me dad?” Jurina sounded abashed at the information she just received.

      “Not you. You rarely update your social accounts. But your circle of friends does,” Mr Matsui nod towards Mayu and Paruru, who seems to try and avert eyes from Jurina. Jurina by then made another mental note to kill both of them once they reached their home.

      “Well what you guys are waiting for? Leave the luggage and hop on,” said Mr Matsui as he picked up their luggage. Jurina and Rena exchange glances, and at that moment, Jurina knew its gonna be one hella crazy summer vacation.

Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IX (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: River1721 on July 27, 2014, 01:34:02 AM
Danso!! :mon lovelaff:
Just imagining Milky, Mayu, and Rena in danso :mon crazyinlove:
The announcement had been made and turns out Rena did won the first place
Yay! Rena won first place ~ :mon fyeah:
Yes! Rena is going to hang out with Jurina and the others in summer!  :mon XD:
I wonder what they're going to do? :mon dunno:
I'm sure Paru and Mayu will do something to Jurina and Rena during the summer :mon lol:
Thanks for the update ~ :k-great:
Can't wait for next chapter :tama-bye:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IX (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: 48matama on July 27, 2014, 02:28:34 AM
I'm sure Paru and Mayu will do something to Jurina and Rena during the summer :mon lol:

agree with you :mon lol:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IX (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Haruko on July 27, 2014, 02:37:05 AM
Of course Ren sama gonna win
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IX (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Siren on July 27, 2014, 02:15:08 PM
Ahah!! Rena and Mayu won  :fap

Whoo its summer vacation  :peace:

Can't wait to find out what they are doing during their vacation  :w00t:

Thanks for the update after a long time   :deco:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IX (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: Kirozoro on July 27, 2014, 02:15:32 PM
Hoho cant wait for the summer vacation at Jurina house

Update soon
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IX (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: RenshuChan on July 27, 2014, 03:22:28 PM
LOL, Jurina's father is freaking funny! XD
Hope there will be some fluffy moment between the two (∩_∩)
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IX (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: samanthanista on August 03, 2014, 10:29:49 AM
Oh boy!  :panic:
we want more about wmatsui's time doing stuff!

yeah, WMatsui Summer Time!  :twothumbs

keep it up, menamarco-san  :D

let's take a look (!
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter IX (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: gek geki on August 03, 2014, 10:56:02 AM




marco san! X
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE!
Post by: menamarco96 on August 12, 2014, 07:41:03 AM
Update !!

Thanks for waiting and reading this lame fic  :sweatdrop:

Forgive me for my grammar mistakes and such  :nervous

        “…It's funny how, in this journey of life, even though we may begin at different times and places, our paths cross with others so that we may share our love, compassion, observations, and hope…”

   Jurina shut the random book that was inside the car and stare around her to see Mayu and Paruru sprawling at the back seat, sleeping.  A soft breathing sound could be heard as the girl beside her was sleeping soundlessly, her head resting on Jurina’s shoulder. Jurina have a huge urge to just stroke the latter’s head but she resisted it, afraid Rena would wake up from her sleep.

      “She’s pretty isn’t she?” Mr Matsui suddenly spoke up, while looking at Jurina from the front mirror.

   Jurina half shrugged and look away from her dad interrogative look. She muttered “Duh…” under her breath though. Mr Matsui chuckled at her daughter’s action before saying, “You should wake them all up now. We’re almost there.”


   Jurina’s dad was offered with a higher position in the software company when Jurina was 13, and due to that, her dad managed to buy a new 3-storey house at an exclusive residential area. So, Jurina is kinda well off though. But she doesn’t think she gave that type of vibe around people which makes her friends, now, gaping in awe.

   “Why didn’t you tell us you were this rich!” gaped Paruru as she got out from the car.

   Jurina ignored the question and proceed to carry the luggages out from the car. She wonders if her mom already prepared the guest room. By the looks of it, her mom isn’t even home yet, since her mom’s car isn’t there. But that’s typical since Mrs Matsui is an accountant, she usually comes back home around 6.30pm.

   Jurina heard a “Click Click” noise and turned to see where the sound was coming from. Turns out Mayu was taking pictures of her house for some weird reasons.

      “What are you doing?”

      “I’m sending these pictures to Yukirin to proof to her you came from a rich family..” Mayu simply answered without feeling sorry.

      “What the heck………” muttered Jurina under her breath.


   Jurina surprisingly felt a mixture of calm and delighted as she stepped into her house. Eventhough she was the only sole child in the family, she never felt lonely living in this big house. Well, maybe sometimes she does, but it’s always a pleasure to be at your own home isn’t it.

   They sat at the lush sofa’s for a while before Jurina went and made some blueberry flavour tea from them. Yes, Jurina does know how to do kitchen works and stuff. It’s just that she’s too lazy to do it while living at their college apartment.

      “The interior designs really look like the type I would find in a magazine…” stated Rena while sipping her tea.

      “My wife loves the European style design, so it really took a while for the house to be re-renovated with all the interior works….”answered Mr Matsui with a smile as he, too, sip the bluberry tea. “Well Jurina, why don’t you lead your friends to their rooms after this?”

   Jurina nodded and after a few chit chats here and there, they all haul up to the 3rd floor. There were only 2 rooms at the 3rd floor, one on the left side which is Jurina’s and one on the right side which is for guest. The middle space was the living room, where Jurina watch TV’s, play games and stuff.

      “You guys will be sleeping here,” Jurina twisted the door knob and revealed the already prepared room. The room was spacious, just like Jurina’s except this room looks more wider since there weren’t any much shelves and other things like in her room. But the problem is, the bed is a queen size bed and most probably it is only fitted for two. Unless, all three of them could cramp up together on one bed.

      “I suggest that Rena should sleep at your room,” Mayu stated boldly which earned a flinch from the two Matsui’s.

      “Yeah…….but we can sleep altogether in one bed….but…you know how me and Mayu sleep” Paruru scratched her head.

      “There’s an extra mattress……” mumbled Jurina.

      “Is that how you treat your guest at your house?” Mayu asked in a teasing tone, “Besides, isn’t it okay if Rena sleep at your room? Since you guys are dat—“

      “Ok. You guys go and freshen up or something. C’mon Rena,” Jurina hastily walk away from the room, not before she heard Paruru and Mayuyu “woo-ing” on her.

   She twisted open her room and she heaved a relief sigh. The last time she remembered, her room was pretty messy when she left them. Books spreading on her bed and at the floor. Yeah, Jurina practically even sleep with all the books surrounding her. She definitely is a bookworm. But Thank God her mom cleaned it up for her, or else it must be what a sight in Rena’s eyes.

      “Are you s-sure I should sleep here?” questioned Rena from behind, as she pulled her luggage into Jurina’s room.

      “Yeah, why not?” Jurina took the luggage at Rena’s hand and place it at a corner in her room. “Besides, don’t you want to spend some personal time with me too?”

   Those words slipped out of Jurina’s mouth earning a heavy blush from Rena. Jurina mentally face palmed as she thought how cheesy her words were but she just feel like saying it.

      “O-Of course I do!” stammered Rena, “I just thought maybe you’ll feel uncomfortable over me invading your personal surrounding.”

      Jurina smiled at the answer and head over towards Rena. Reaching for her hand, “You’ll never be an invader to me, but, you did invade one thing.”

      “Eh? What is it?”

      “You invade my heart,” teased Jurina. Really, she has been a little cheesy since she started this whole dating thing. Do other people being in a relationship becomes like this too?

      “Mou~~~~”Rena let go of Jurina’s hand and turned away, not before Jurina saw a smile escaping from the girl. “I need to unpack my stuff. You could just go ahead and shower or something.”

      “Why do I feel like this is your room and not mines?” asked Jurina as she immediately lay down on her bed, while watching Rena unpacking her stuff. For some reason, it feels like she is living with Rena. And it really sounds good to her.

   Jurina saw Rena tidiness side indeed. The clothes inside her two luggage were fully folded and arranged neatly. Compared to Jurina, she remembered back at their college apartment that night, she and Mayu made a competition on who can throw the most clothes inside the luggage at a far distance. And currently, by watching Rena’s neat side here, Jurina made a note to not unpacked her stuff in front of her.


   They had dinner later with Jurina’s parents at the dining room. Her mom cooked Jurina’s favourite spaghetti meatballs right after she came back from work. Jurina ate it whole-heartedly and she never felt so accomplish in eating her mom’s cook.

      “Look at our daughter eating honey,” Mr Matsui pointed out at Jurina’s fast pace eating. “Don’t you eat a lot over there Juritan?”

      “She use to don’t really have that much of an appetite though,”Paruru slip in, “but recently she’s been having a lot of appetite. I’m wondering why….”

   Jurina gave a what-the-actual-fuck glare at Paruru and all of them laugh at her. Yes, Jurina became the most humiliated person that night. After her parents kept telling stories about her childhood moments and stuff. Plus, Paruru and Mayu kept teasing Jurina and Rena about their relationship, which, her parents doesn’t know yet, or maybe does, but pretend not to.

      “Jurina has always been a shy person, but once she really has an admiration in something, she will really work hard on it,” explains Mrs Matsui. “Back when she was 11, she entered her first spelling competition and she kept repeating spelling the words 5 times until she got it correct.”

      “She even imagine and write the words in her palms!” Mr Matsui asserted happily.

      “Okay stop. Going through the memory lane is over,” muttered Jurina as she felt like covering herself in a mountain of blankets right now.

   Her parents just chuckled and they all stood up and cleared the table together. While Jurina was cleaning the table, she heard Rena offered to wash the dishes and Mrs Matsui gave her way. But as she was heading towards the sink, she passed her mom and heard a soft whisper, “Nice girl you got there”. Jurina spun her head around and see her mom winked at her. Yabai.   


      “Now, can we write the actual plans on what are we going to do this summer. I mean within this 2 and a half weeks together with you guys,” said Mayu as she uncapped her pen.

   All of them were at the third floor in the hall, laying down on the furry carpet, except for Rena, she was gaping at the fishes in the aquarium though.

      “It’s not summer if we don’t go to the beach,” suggested Paruru, “but I don’t want to get myself tan though.”

      “Then we should just go to a water park or something?” Mayu proposed but then shook her head on the idea, “Nah, we should go to the beach. I wanna do suikawari ( watermelon splitting )

      “I want to collect shells,” Rena said while still staring deeply at the fish aquarium.

      “Then, it’s settled then. We should go to the beach first,” pronounced Jurina, “but the thing is which beach do you guys wanna go?”

      “Ah ! Chidorigahama Beach !!” Rena rushed over to the spot where they’re all laying, “I’ve been there 2 years ago and the sand is so white and soft.”

      “Isn’t the beach shaped like a bow or something?” probed Mayu and she check in to google to search about the beach.

      “So y’all agree on this beach?” asked Jurina.

   They all nodded and Jurina could see an enthusiastic look on Rena’s face, Jurina managed to cover a smile starting to form on her face by just looking at her kawaii girlfriend.

[Later that night, in Jurina’s room]

   Jurina felt awkward to be the first person laying in the bed, so she excuse herself by sitting at her study table, looking on some few books. While Rena was washing her face. It’s her room, and its her bed, but it’s the first time Jurina will be sharing her bed with someone else. But that someone else was none other than her own girlfriend. Its not like they were going to do anything 18++ like in the movies or anything. Geez, why am I thinking too much, thought Jurina.

   Jurina heard the bathroom door shut close and she turned her head to see Rena wearing her cute pink hello kitty pyjamas, stretching her hands and heading to the bed. Should I go to the bed now too? Jurina thought furiously.

      “Aren’t you going to sleep yet?” Rena asked in a casual tone.

      “Uh—yeah,” Jurina stood up and re-stacked her books on the table before slipping in to the bed. Rena follow suit after that.

   They both lay side by side, somehow and awkward silence hung above them. Jurina’s heart was pounding so fast, she’d wondered if Rena could hear it.



      “Your parents….They’re really nice,” said Rena, as she shift her body to the right side to look at Jurina. “Your mom told me I’m always welcome to come here anytime. Your dad also said he could bring us to The Churaumi Aquarium someday.”

      “You mean the one at Okinawa?” asked Jurina as she, too, turned her body to the left to face Rena. “Sounds nice…”


   They stay at the same position for a few minutes, staring at each other face, never getting bored of it. Who’s gonna get bored staring at a pretty girl right under your eyes tho .  Jurina then felt the sudden urge inside her, to reach out her hand and stroke the girl’s cheeks. C’mon Jurina, you can do this, you’ve done this before, well, secretly.

   Rena flinched at the sudden contact of her skin with Jurina’s hand, softly caressing her cheeks. Jurina smiled as she saw Rena closing her eyes, as if she was being sung a lullaby to sleep.

      “Rena………” whispered Jurina

      Rena open her eyes, “Hmm?”

      “You forgot something……..”

      Rena gave her a quizzical look for a second, before she remembers what she forgotten. Rena snuggle close to her, making Jurina’s heartbeat grew faster. Rena whispers goodnight before Jurina’s lips was met with a pair of warm lips. It was soft and tender. Just like they’re memorable first kiss. They stayed like that for a few moments before both of them snuggled and went into the dreamland.


      “Yatta !!!” Paruru literally yelled, despite there were people around, “Finally we’re here!”

      The salty smell of the sea lingers as Jurina step on the white sandy beach. Mayu seems to be taking pictures of the surrounding before joining along with Paruru, running towards the sea. Jurina took out her Nikon Coolpix Camera and took a picture of the girls, already splashing each other in the sea. Yosh, they’re going to make a lot of good memories here.

Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: Siren on August 12, 2014, 09:03:14 AM
Yatta an update,

Jurina's parents are awesome  :D

Aww they kissed  :farofflook: so cute,

Can't wait for the next part and thanks for the update  :whistle:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: Baekshim on August 12, 2014, 01:01:06 PM
This fic isn't lame author-san! ^^

Cuteness overload >_<  they are too cute together
And poor Jurina, her whole life is exposed XD

Thanks for the update! Looking forward to next chapters!
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: 48matama on August 12, 2014, 03:46:56 PM
BEACH! :wigglypanda:

T-they kissed :shy2:

Please update soon! X3
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: Kirozoro on August 12, 2014, 03:59:30 PM
Wohoo, beach time

Jurina is so kawaii, and lol look like her parens figure about Wmatsui relationship

Update soon
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: gek geki on August 12, 2014, 04:10:57 PM

Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: kazutoryu on August 12, 2014, 05:05:43 PM
Jurina parent, good job!  :twothumbs
I wonder will yuki or yui show up in the beach too.  :D
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: River1721 on August 13, 2014, 02:13:46 AM
Update ~ :mon fyeah:
“I suggest that Rena should sleep at your room,” Mayu stated boldly which earned a flinch from the two Matsui’s.
Mayu you are brilliant!! :on lol:
Gosh, I love Jurina's parents! :mon lol:
Rena flinched at the sudden contact of her skin with Jurina’s hand, softly caressing her cheeks. Jurina smiled as she saw Rena closing her eyes, as if she was being sung a lullaby to sleep.
They are so adorable! :nya:
And the kiss :mon lovelaff:
Yay! Beach time!! :mon squee:
I wonder if they are going to do the test of courage or something :mon dunno:
Thanks for waiting and reading this lame fic  :sweatdrop:
It's not lame! :mon geek:
Can't wait for next chapter~ :tama-music:
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: gek geki on September 14, 2014, 02:21:57 PM
Marcoo san please update this

Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: gek geki on September 20, 2014, 08:19:38 AM
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: gek geki on October 09, 2014, 02:08:10 PM
me again oh gosh
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: teru_fi on October 10, 2014, 03:28:16 PM
me again oh gosh

Where's author-san?
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: key17 on July 16, 2015, 02:24:36 AM
it's really interesting :D i love it ♡♡♡♡♡♡
when will you update author-san??

i'm dying here!! x_x
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: Raizel on July 16, 2015, 05:46:06 AM
Marcoo san please update this

Yeah an update please..
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: Athena48 on July 16, 2015, 10:25:54 AM
omggg!! this fic is so good! i like Jurina character! she's so grumpy but cute! XD
hahaha.. well, are you gonna continue this fic?
i'll wait patiently for your update! :D
Title: Re: The Everyday Life Chapter X (WMatsui) UPDATE! (12/8/14)
Post by: iminlovewithakb on June 12, 2016, 05:26:27 PM
 aww it's been a while since this fic is updated. i enjoyed reading this story and often find myself squealing at the cheesy moments. keep up the good work!  :sashiko: